270 in L LEcure fur BIuc a ise Ccirs, Eilc1 Dis Aibt.it JetnicS a s. 0xc"est Nort !r twvai Cl an7 lint. station;i it instanlt, Wmmch; CCd if tlibon lenb , tient Uppalîlu ta n thek pLuinIs ile afecta arne al sont« êflen s tull dic lus t relief as ,btied'u ;il la suhciçent. but vithen th, rWe tliat, il imuit lisr ara, til- b. Tuetthsu ecite; a do., aiii t* ittfancy. il al, be irl e &DY @go Or Constitution. et le tis Mrttcie Me l'u, 1 dîm e s ,i Caru l, ai ai t viii b. sufficient. tiniptian of lthe PatiJcîa lieicinaao ulul reqitr macs tiave occurred , et"Isl Gentleman tu ta uculdeom ta"e tait., moi the Restoraîis B.6. 1 e cm lise cure vis e Te raey- aà enirallbu i slettual dsoaaea. especuîî,y »is Sprat,,., Cotnt atîoli %V parsons <Opcially ci t; vitici pmocem neI t'is, bt Satanes cuticular ttion, viitout vltict Ilitai inot ; in thusa y il la tan w Rieumaîti Alffcîtona. th lb ogion ofet l.su, rgess intel. Thtis Medici ening the titan. disttas« offertz la lthe Public:, sudt a, muet citespir. l1ail di ;ie diseaites meniioneil abo t boulie. Fitteen part, of a, suance ointes a lotion of ire la. 4d.L oi aoatresl lte prugrebu es»e titan aay plat ai ireat ilttey are puriy allerali, iry. anti insitire il, conflue duel ; tityanoiîî i ,cicin ttctlnate ,'dachig lit tuleee Ir ovutiliatg the formaton ail t Mti if inette atiesereil stages tltrady tnmeti, ltreiy Pt ore. Thyare equally eci. im U 7~I& 3d. anti 2. 6d. PILLS. laare contpoutiied trou ve tati are an admirnablei cure f ,ivenesa, Liaogîton, Nervuut a, Liver Complaluta, Catir ilcitacta, Dimai@ua of Sig aplicus. Feniale Complaitis Lrengib.n tiie sitisiclib; and i sty, îthey teep the bannis I t ut, te ortier tn iBIdec a bave couopiaieii. 0i. ltae imificient leagth of lte mui! b. amee"sul. WODYNIE LOTION, ire l.' ilaet %ore E ' e, go. Outr igets areaiîi iuiacy, citen deamadel, i iii e je nal effctti. lmricl iid. UtroduCa Mr. IlUTHRTmi, te iltrîtits, la lthe conidence f ,quaistltt wiith im, bY @tait îmalely knovo bité loi a a, ati lta hl@ etateumenlm a .ybetiirai.. dkesmarsiUe ly heen attenit]u wititaute liavel Comoplainte. F ýbige«4l) E. LESSLIE & 50tî LESSILIE BR01'lll ani BOit ity JAmES liTàt la1 Y Julini BLT'cIIART, .lia ,cenia , hl's Age & soa.4, Diteits lIr;FRT eth Suuarc STOVES elttly R.aducd 'r îtbscrtbtt has JUS1receihcd, the Fouiadrlta, imiade ta i ary large aassowienl of st, un part of eeeinICW d Casmi. Vbî tvOstand, anmd Dont and ptî(ce.1 île Staors Stree. Nov. 14, 1844.ýv 1 NKS FOR L tanti MEMORlLSA v ssta,î bar LA S tralee ii a *l %0 g A do U @Ile kW Miad lie W bs utien grae.d ileMa*kiWib diS ais, ei"lb. eveet Mes 1,61 Md a rouatp un0.din ahibMa lItspe a . ensopits tie a" linm e etala~sma0 ei ai 1t the C ie atl amvo esilb. stysieille owwrw raq% aie &la'uaa :1 m.n iLts dta ofs eis m 1104t, elle bit aiss. m b.u litai w4w te " h se f Mvefieme ils tlùO h rad uavarnte Il. leamiss iptecoud toucit otiathit vila ibruail tae div heitls astatusa m Wm saish autstlibe.nd lt the i papa i clttr, etih ime IaU tlb. ivp houta. ,ailu ty mix dt ltb. titrami titi tillis rhyagagie miai lsun Irnter s r'nithteir pold v itere li intiv im r he §pot whffl theonutien. 8NOUR TO THE PLOUGH. IWO Cluetlî'rcsal eutnaliVa Sty, dmidain te iuthne sun, bes! net da.n nhnguar lie, 01Im ete dîya iarens: mai orti erevert 'eet faom Ni m, seli cierîit nov ,t lita.. ' btaqut ucf Yens, er 4airitei t llugi.f bïee fait fields, choie peacetul @poil ?0 âd ad ltope r givem, >'tt h prze vîit bolsaItoile la te te test ta heaven. k, r i ai tght la vert lite men 4im à ahoup rtc, i i r'! we tet&aite, fat larelau te i'bagb. n iti nagir paver. ,V,! Lîlhoui ami thaad, Jet, a,!ît wiipeti's haut lOtti , a glandî. S:I uervethie artno 'Jr ',' prt av ; - l' ,îe id crntasciai- barn rpreý,atheîreatoc ttainii exp:'î m lopre, Id.le ;u.a i, "îî r,'store: irebs, res te irnuv tiep '%eF h tIl mre..olmî pou coap, nt liluar tu îÈît llugi. ei. ,al! Hesit y pasures gresu in ioda:î lrvomsi mrrat, '- bewailier rastar ,cremo kýlrre iAila hoime ll.I heir baver te niuses huilti sohthe teighboutiirg boglik es@ meufa nighttaleatiy tegan te te per. tli deep bloc otblie ioavena bai JtOpaecr ithe auu emietiuit hil tri. ~ 'rtighe Ii avea of tie nI WOI5O~~g oatarsleciig on r! Ilaovteab.ng, ingo te iolfty tei'aîlst rayeas ifi n ltben ai a telmltnràd ithi tieval. "«ea aideir as abe taità ala«t %t ar a il os bY ca, fsdet ant l allnea y oe ae n v e 1e a "' c o c t he i i d e o t s d telvn m~t t.nalden. bneeing titn, tustiti b itIsoie beat m oa s; 16. tee" mlti uba, vre clitilu inti, èeafiPalsuesa cvespread ber ""a tin<ied tlb.c vm wkrew %SW "718u04,anuiltd pillr s ibge ,do" fI ut durcI.'A alnue et thejillaraoftthe n"Plit nas reauiaci.]i, loieti nel bis filauus tles osas; -hi len, tilveat bt .vsa ltna' la 0Ii. cU f liiiGera« Osermvoie Ibo tW-îî% an Wy1Jn ffrdIv. VOL. XIV. aegwb um teNoheur. t mat li, i ur lte iaite 0m «»& biIseaitea mile r to depimue aal~ a aeat leurla bed al,e immi eeiqlldeuè. lea. Lb. si.uiy au bakp4gliiiell dei ss. ad te @bu* 4" ie ie" «oeetBet* ni, W.ih tb un tîkt . dlbaruerte ui it évoly avil leérte .pleuge asis n b. fr. Wby i. tiey, ame sud an@% » Jouwil lit z tmgap»mï Mbem im b mai 04 Iusa n-l aisplb ieu s n Oum Muand si altai asi e iuge" 1l it mli tafiillesae; jet a *mel cig -ihtt. a1.aia ic bave et as h lumetncetry. trasnple oee titi rsi herilse of vln.araai inressa temati n eab . i sta d Mfitié icimsa silffly Comies.. Tbe 0"seinitiM lie brie of bit e.m e.ha'ee<aaiMdipeg ju tete vue b"st-eCallitl1 brne.ma my twéar ulu is m ieli l aa t lte ad Wb.m ,bla imailt piieuiel ra mei i- lte fflissatita wbb V» 8at,1 litMtânonln aion he sou. ion, sa" pet in a 1ev voise il apupa cf b.lovit ia. S&«." » Mim aeibis ba"ai]lad; ce. aalAva bondane.Kiltai4 saI,, vhiii JaulIe ballsanusasti amy. Tb niai va e.lougarer ttie reaifldemiefet lie mcralinquisition. Ceitage1Ivu mmrTrei; tia oeag'cu el hlega te fDub" Jagele, vWho bas fute"mut goa aGerma tnuae. Titan 1 =mmi y htrua; -tea.seettoinded hy My salit vaincm1- Id Iimeu1 ltruack- ory. ThetelertIgentWhvin::baig t itae exceptio te itisaine.my irnvetati itiati guI titan loce. al trace cf a, roule, Mdmm lO il: follcviug me into .y belosiLitauen. Ga in my. alai slit 1I nevahmaitranoul dan. fLial ite làesof aur atir-lglor{ a1baalle and sirili, but I1flyan.glcviouî port -Il thl.igr, listIaltitaugitentier tbi'ite. pithle oaMd f rlendlitîp, asay, ivualettieaide cf M yblovedaoil yrse q tir antiproecat bie coonioa. Tien lnrning ope iualook, et thne M ime, full cf tae. drcne.santi imesi, bggedtirebathobinlighu stigitl BDtcli miptiteir steeds mts.h, andti sept1 oser te vii. possessioes cf Lid'@ Dells. The rtsing amn vasjust gilding tae laflytueaes ef li ta . amtle ii.thé.forete antittie naigitiour- ie plin ver@ jet in theopliad; nature avoe tre sud ani mlaatl ;de cmli fui*hb titir moranengo xa mdr i'vriai ëoandmO deve. rs ibati tart h ir rstatie fragrnce; but te tue fugitives insensibla teathlbeaut atound tems.urgol! on lb. paeo f Ibair aa= Lîdaranisheti train toir eigbt, lite anuncar- tain tiot, &ant aalo inte7evepi over plainl,1 grae, anti fouest. At lengh the lsis usnt 10bititaaeirling bile fWjllis, anti nigitt aprast ber noble mondle oser iteven anti etit, te keigitt, gentl taucbing ie cmpagian'. ahoulder, poinle t te valle of a casm hying, - Ses, jonder ia Kaylut'a cash., antbiis pB esaios extenti a. tar asute oye eau lancit. Titatiigi tlover in a heatiten temple, vb.re lb. Perkuaca. Ry andi nigit, offer up sacrifices tao their grode; tem ay vo vîthaut fotrepose a leur taure. Andte es ycu.' b. coninuai il tretnulous acents, l"yen broati azure saceeie te distance 1 Titat iste laie cf Troki; titore wez ni d ret anti bapne&" Ti.cooyent of Marianb.rg, nourithhtaading ils fonbdting apperacca, va. lotsaglocn i taon te antiquateti culle cf Keyalut. No extasiar tiecorations concealed tc greant ge-M.o ciining ics, reffecing iacktheb.bragitt rayetftie emin, vers there ta b. focfnd adorning lb. pavemet; me suft carpetB, no tpetry veladthelb.nateti valle. TbqWge hall vas like C dreary'pcn; theu wiot pffraed tuany a vide openiag. anti revaterateti round te valus, i. nrfulsaunda; numieteaueeslurennt supported! lb. Vaulttd arch- es, anti te tiousanti colaurati vintic panes acrcely permitte theltaligit of day tu, penelata vithin. Titese vindous wvicit sugrutigiglY admitleei litelightl et houssen, babute areeta once no many branches, titrougit viicit a Patit uas matie for dealt. Tb. name. of a"yOf lb. cruel comisîla re amtill preuaerved. A soitary !amp dimly lîgitîs the apaOaeu hall; teetiless cftbe laIe*bhur, tvre traVellera kept vigil vititin il; te ihorsmeaviog arn,- md vithie a tev banratram Prenais. One cf tenra vers a ceaI cf mail, &ambatent cf @aloi; a brtm leiaornatuenled iglita c.oa,*MI-l opatiddsWpnSon, sati trc-dgedsd aeiihune byM '~sde.This joung krt wgit vsq nge b grau%=isr othlie Garmncrier. Hie filimu travaller vote me sputs cf tnigbtitomd o&c i. lot cavveed i.ssaoeb.o vabitedinluàit simple gant ct a page; i huadilful c«Matou- auo abadoveti b *elascholy rmairanes. Hie guides loch,ecapiug endussiah t . al vêt cap.oeilsa a"citluxurissnoser iimiebod ava anti hie @eje.aler au tb.brio"tl61». .1 b. ven mre uei pm. Bige, WU ia m ag eian pressefa mstbmead ie. bebvai one -di-go l - a- lte--i W" imm- aeury t eate elyavuÊ-Wm ad ieationa lta Y«u ham ui Ab-lit am'.baid le- lb. " am sude Gaid «oalleosy aàullu iieI s wvietuctjer patenftaobtigai Y#&* hitimuli ba» sa ýbra eadhy lb. haie eiiisssMtl vi à M"tkUiw éjus. asYAW ,ym sepiest-14 e, vuemie Md lisp . be Sd. da;lUs ot.mw m e am Ae oa bqgV$' im.aiihsn etla.x: us,* t1 n e li sum à=mas a.le IOia haaey I las e w p Iad gîgmalietature aie iotabel. Dia@bu Won ouef@4 j cmi, IM & - allait i et w h. leve h~alen. ,, 09.O ae" KINGUTON, CANADA, TU>ÂY, JANqUARYr 12, 1847. e thmn tsiamsien b peur lroe cfUc.vias.' '"t'so. 21. Mr LT ATZIKIIlm, &C. S&C., ANDIW D Tb* bkoepit tlt abis «Mcm r.dretmsud IrjOSp AIUA aidrn lrieinIm c.( dbfimatim. ams ELWMP 5PWIULU cofi! 6e(81.hall, tcocihl un a me-ttrieu ; RUgohate aà msb tiereêaMd .. àM i te1 Av lieubers alons. Heawvaautroundedt, lta* b. ep« he «M ih t isero, iy living heinga, living vegetablia,1 ou bremilt, b he i»silecelimew« sersmn; buthb. us a otii.ueer.1 sait tarni tb. lever, sud1 , I16 m giisce Y" t&lriug trein, lb.elth" AM is A ni i tto-e pu«d o~er il-dnature. lie vaavih tIhetît, yet »Mo MWufisf, a déablibe p-isosara-_ t Iem; moliy aà11:1e louer tita"lte angela, bis " zi î~a luar in minéwu ane fr &ave ltai of lb. brute prufof Wb tirestia; tme b. centme. , as le preclude mil syntpahy cf thougtt. a&, vititîn a' naletil rtP, Uêl'5tiamti tulWttées ay titi; bul b. 'Tal I 'tn tttautito.ricitiWbm.ere oinienad aly vit bamelt. Tie Supretop lt7y bIstta Inbrem ubel race art lta. d e- ite hogave lafe lu ail, e&&Whthe situation ef 1 aoeffl 1« i&alle Whovawutbisienasaand a tat1 mA flounda epd a m is mu.ieof visa a- isi.viesonefUrnamgltse io.-1 W5.7rice.;ibenoee ir tih a m . ess e6 aooitmilgv u on vaq ai My aMordi la,611110 Lm lit e b" pan = a v; andthetime& a, hiber, itavieg1 lu t.e Oty a di««rmicit bb tina faihW& , tomt i . eI aauclalbcmvlltA-oi Ny &ami« Connuema ai Wseqiitlt. laethie in" te»ct&51 iiotbIle~b a Mtuin rtho the wMIl ci ofte. Îuiitinaisalti ie vanta, but nctbimal mer. Mae -t. gimeluieut.n lits vaith mminfelb.blnofuiaal « n.eu Iity n ria. it eleh icoeeaniite 4dwt ta ..iall fmti."iO duat vii ov@tdw w' m lte- unis e, dieo f ua.ils, killoie nagwi.1 dealt vlI oeutite ie ,AM tamu, le part- rlneaci aalee oa ilslar »Mef ifbis gl, it INjela&"ae.burrauedhitalad tail relgicasp"eofimntoroisestim1 J"i icapsfri,=teé b* 01y e.ylthonlitiilt wu itsmofî&Iledno etie taennor pi mips. relavaltiSa teh@asse sd punielimeut wtt*maor oiuCM ii ue avrait; dam"ir peunrs, anti precurig mas. of subisteuc t Titus a . eUtc bisetaigit atroeaa!aly in a mer cqatally procarioliavi itthatof atoe cet fUb lsat« olprey-ve Inuit dace vith pily an their Dis-c ga"miumleuet theidtr ttrant condtion or tturetrreuxI vîit itorror. Bat 'bu eIakafrtmW bielg Uuoiiu lte utter -t cullivaiteil saciely, He ualt ah paiis al iapar etopite. P zàanticonaier eut institutions, actsand Mnnuer Sa"fage sitdmiestislSpie lita pame bail Jm aiumeroarupattor vistosa and tappi. with le ui b& ai. «&" Iylsaar emy bsagà a vrtler on socîety ia lb. En. alâmeaanti d'eiiur' veuidinulaeti ha my -y pell., vl ibs lmelyle almuamy 1fr e 0 1 rg amasaaeciatin or Caompany Wa wer 1 éni taolyw itur m lit t tjtsalabaebfrthte, tito alg ai amoument Istlipesti of. A tourtimys aise, si a ttld vcoutil ielt eaa-t ovsrt t 7" «0 -a00.IlWasly but la-day. nhonl BaieL IT4t association cf matn, autiag met. ilr un iebs isi rems tho regai hojaige vere daservat o f, vas "uIclynlg aoutis hie haltait. mentis, anti îratcn upand diserwoil iy the nespeciat inter. "Mcuardiectiaucil " Awàai e bare, Bianca ; terencu <ta ,Almagity, vitecoefusiog ther tas-I na tie 11m i dbUitpadamMe 'incombat, languq% mortterat themsincapable oatier. tt.bOlmmi, ltaIsjetofboa0 riule tempar, antid aaegacioer a4sutpvs o at Ibi suentr, ubicbin holai lybIfor snob a doaItiy é uic t he, dje a top wprit tothai sItrie, viii!1 leave hev.. 1 ola bl.o. Cu atr ,wihtei tepieo arm at » m uspa cas panetrat., le laisbo labitot upat Ftai gtnd 8*0 M hm iaseaveu lte Polis Bcombatioa. the letmltufcts etlrac; iie.sevu aui i; ani,@iltfit 1feu, rit C y7aeioouca ite Carhagenisas tocame greal- liai efnl U ]l&edsalP. Andti m e i.rnut gre uai eIi tchiseccle-great ilu oSNe,"b. inmti, "laitetiti. tiamnd tices rta ,ui-aa n tthR...Ilci. titiaî my e.si I.rumiai y u Cam cant tresa otflthe orlul; Greece tinuitoptcd. miliu fe«Uy evai yoi.I-il in gypt pyramides vase bult. lnlater liuv4 ly lovw jel" > iedvsp yts, Napoiec aeepl lied wybltcool.!lbe dune §4"alannmet, my belaveulb siat soitin clago rvt aiemige Sumed "lat@W] liq*, 1 euti loveitin Wlluunpovi glve mielite anti hope. Tb.re i la It I asit in lm .Paicauts anti a& Waterloo. naaue of escepe loft us, Théi euiteranann uaitigon uapertul in anulmiteti vila i sholla ut lb temple uay afeoriunsa place o ue. wacI e a padnt uygaodr baga; 1ii uitt.mexPlearaeti. lua0.the n mposst et signe, aulpitar, andi ebacecl-- leu ime tors,1 nf aPcstiulretaru. In otiem maay are cungagaeist oilaen Hugoawu eabout te dopaittesit Banca datis. p~ttlecue.uisd hasîe tl clvr asmtbe r eclqtibo « tb ita omil ucietus. Tbey ftrneilhet Club. fori Io. rhe ti iugha"telbncite PImiMgpleaure, esocialim ifor vemlt, socialiefori varrireuru, sb. gazisn ienA, a.exila "to itrry inuuila. acintife tellavulumpa, or bo-1 omtheland o b utrnte q" foreve ; ason 50eelmlbme r604 jea a ot, utarte eticiécuel go eMb uu « he bvtns-*Tbe Auticiaieti Win* Trade"- couisiset letisIt s lta tiveus b. in -_lTh iw GIsveCu.tpeay"--u The Tailot's neyer @me le bio" Ititamp.aig im pllyFraiere~g~T.MsomLtg""Tt viittirs u ily, a" tisng « Vtllooi>iticml â i y"'e-"The Royal1 biuniihi. fotinsla nmoar. eYIZ 1 mtei. seatla inte sbteras. a ults of lime t.npl% âaIlrbaliiperaies; th ell tnd Ihoir eniemaleu entil dmyhuanit. Dut . ivn u tto etme uits en ut. i aiter vasulan'ast; for, by ltae ligit cf Ua usthan rinaicom amempoer.ciy etli beruing b.feii tb. tisities of ta tP4 devivci..Wu huse aquatit clube-gsming c"ai b.e hebelt muancrous ligures euveopatincule-Gsotngclb"atiso.n manîlas; eviry avenu, vas guardest. liu cl"s; n uvs ave iea clubahtnd t.> eut ahiteitereti; bie noensa ere heviltiet, and il "ea" ite hlm as if lb. vM ymauitte s tal a Iuins-ucas".o... surrouaieiUta alirgasiaethlm vitbliving .mmpo clie o al-ni eMer ajos ; or for informatio-.ia-4Ch asu -à -b - atiois.9 Tbitieuaici riepite, icit te vie wu en-bha.. bieu etaiselit otheor truandti iti lb. cnecutio. ofthbftal a setons.c ' as-ai lb.St. George's Sa- liat gnltid, vws xplroi. Hoeoe@ mae.aIraite C' Il Paricb's Society, andti l 8.An- into te hall, and bealt by lime fiant glinmmer trlu e y--« for taepromotion eraon- ai laer a teiitrssiti Ol i5 CCti, tolre se lb. Literary Society, ltae mamentoftheGrand Muter bang train bis , ' a. Fbreesouyatitt sitoatimr; thb hlae it Utl*e ving plumes, f et oeti e a an esen crandote sithue hteu; îl te croiftheflb.Gurmin cidet ps t n mny etUw hve .b at a nbut glittetoti cis lire",Bis attitude, itevee, de. geotip )lam « mau 'e,h u Pport of tb. afflict- natei nsuso arthAWi eCue t ia .d80 Wesy il O. ti uicv amidlte crpitse,ua xtseasionof soinmatdHe.go; is laariug ws ol ite une frinéipasti titicultivalicocf trati.1 ytaltiing ~te ie fate; lb. uintainiia deep sai- Il;moy bte atid tha ry gocti mt nullcul- lec.Teblu acibt approucitati bita. tivanifri.mi.-th. oeviry nightl.inued ise -ArItmhoniatiy, Bop 11, saïtilte; 1.tbon Crt viliilove hisnoigbbo.r s.unsetandti iaI ailet Dia, thon, ant i oay Guti have tnercy an ~ngt. tnvi bratIui.S îhy moul!" Titi tnlilalii t si itIi td"Onkm~,o eveCnt isdtiaammly li oriesis uh. to antidi lb thagger piepsotilbis bieant, te ex.- im41hs hly lh noQtobasil,'l pir.! itt aag n. Tie onulilinatro- anlatit mette lth hma-ea ofutbees mai ne llog y lb.ecof thie violant; b.hote lma co Wam.îaogtte 1eft the steel linlb.he ont, ami deparltd Immiteal litemples . 1 vi W* ay trou anti lhb tlaaiied ball. Pmet ui NUtPllomethip in a congrogalbo. lmWeinly lie icour vwsviolenlly ttove u a, ut idilelovluq ce ambotet. asti a hulgil armadotiait otlcfont. taill bitbas beun itagamiat Secret locielies: entened. Il js HUgit, vIcie jua apebtsi vii tl bsh nosal1«ft hum. Il le boeea animtion sud bep.. Il iaoca. deant RiaWN" c b iti iiccanant miet tbe public eye ln bu criat, I1have retuuneti4felig ltbm nv triampit vvb-4bit t i semethlng donsetavesri- is certain." lesm rsixt;b oe ah. vit ltb. Iae ofrigin ultlcitreqires lb. il ietle marlle fsstu ofiset1hbelovauf, lbhe O~ fai ro.Ti sUrmoe elb.lm- helotet dsep.tiw nv oser beautitul brouat. ae u.Aandlie veioklaq0sthe basurtbka" ths manioe rappwým ff bers lai lo kr#. es A l boOituInt dfuiaeBlit il oe. ilti hi. iwitb msleeh ti fb. itdtanca o brans uoa t.assi, body? Havoeu jour Pacuia W«lie uigut alite iA-- rlefin tbIbý = W=& eeste thiielaloot lat au Üisa W 0. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ko Wlelgvsistm~blh.pmniemlb. m o b"ai e disie-vIat1 linfl doi t itlb.itbuse nueghi t. aecduiW* maui de 111iei1bNet ose tb.ghta sulievuavitikte tWbu ; tasgave aurltein*purt seer* ;,.mV k bua te l mIe Mb ieisf weaivgd te*iaa A .imb.it Zr-ho mlemelnt. ULAmil Il ih rigit " it I1 "an Sage Md iui diau"liekmi iis o ut ý-à W'lbaiu h bave lhem ginliel . u seaiba#W. TCO W ml moudte isalaje *mie muanlieitsW : vsgas.l'eOtqet.ab. as M 1 te ula -aileOu th"a litatta «Où ILMýî dO iliait MIueg naisule". geboat uss' ma net caamu»see mmaBop- lebulia la (<ihWlemeg ure; «0 aeibarpaits.r't" = a vvg ai;,l*8e aih lap dOt ie uag h, he ltsliittggi~i~Oy .éman àliedsaimeitu ee bte c "M u, qaieal0esslijee 0"llIe I U Il NO ïMiV ob naIfW 1a6_lfmsi -kmàiis iaqsei --bue";a No. 39.1 aitovaor ivtlisattan a. if b.hoaà fae trou tb. amfofrtle ibai l eivomîrtO inrthern ahanes idt thte bay, endbal but bodniti itiedthe lb. n îrasng etttliatutaÉ. He td o'ilvlar.t apreqiga.iet IAbtait. Mesînon. IMoreau ud fbuntae, lte Roman oCatii,lîc u.anris~ a#outou et Ranian C.mtrlic parent«t, lii fimsre ing latehie s ,îter Irisht. Butlite lied pare of.1t te vo, .oitar lte lie lintse viltis, nultonba »»vr eute'.a prie»<ehuai "prie&. 11evttange muaot hanebaosolte mui- tin oua te bimeait itliîs y'uincman on Çiodio" itilf tis ddeuly clusI ino tmi tt'. tIis lagtoue,. as ou vot t eow a bilef tors -- le expresatti bis feelîigm aI it th linae as -partait. ing tnn"ataumr tita niutadmiaratiorn. Wo itsie lslrecaoe rýtitaîth Ie emîoituitocf bis~ ~~~à iaetaeinlupouatih.e noelty wtiaiamt- e.l- asb itiioalaop'î nesîesa.. ac- =Zgo onb.sthtcioc. ai bii.ati.,,sud ttiC langt fouet bimet unove aItoas., toiuetdet.. slaoîlliîg hua aluguuir postntlt. dlitas, ho tra no.atet toli ssteati itt u cîllet thi.esurstereti tbuigbLt.la &asier ltelitequestions stitirm- e a tau(ie e(. peaite Eagli*u eauroaa andi vraI.> b.n repliLitai teu"coun consenI ta ito. in euct a place; "lita ltie. i»dealeneil bit, vitile lb. crovîls of peuple, ratiug tun li l4UFetiuasi, eIr .adetiami astieitilain aa mow be .o .co eplan f. . epmiee.d a sensiojncf jauSolcalion confiutting iumef tituW esouoiiasa t vetoin etret af iafly hounes; lh. ssv anti admite t nalaîe,b. uvery momtscalin tire.ad ofaalttg ii 10 in bmi laîbyrinth tet sa, mae iffi.,ultfor himute - = gtt h ian the scarcoly amarkt] ipatliwayse o le. naiv tr rts. Hcvasualotaiurions ta se. a.tytittpantitait oeil the tiatrs4o il et onc e. and i te n ate, i lYi. aray train vit bu fo11 laonb.resîraitl i t lîzalicu. HeePcas talion ta te cattodrai, vimraha.aa lb. pictaboa, lte panting$ an tcé n«.-M all lie atiammnta of tb. cituola: -tieýdreeex.. platurd taut; santite prayeit. He e hltveti ail the instructions of the cituici and vai anlil. cienîîy inforneil la receise teptisto. »mring bais viait tethelb.ciurcithe argntgao vasmd. andI lui unplanalio vasugisen l te it of ita airN mony. I tiiadut o et l nit»t but sur. pisifna velîlea, te va. abtidvha vrais the preioqtianant animsatio in bis mimd 1 le mn- seenreti, teer, andt Itlbis otier feelings bfinva. ainablo'lutexpiain. Titis simuple chut cof nature, lte ra caitof vbcoelanguaga. emetifsre, Ced babils, sa alnonly cmutateu vîit te ianuimnu. uug anificiai civilizatian, sfurdeti a msioguiar atu. dt 10ltaos.preeent . llieurn huilmting ta Dur self-lave, ltse condticof Itis Young inur muniautly provedt ltI te civlizitton of witich tuvrense prond, ont builtutge, our vealt, eut iotustry, all aur activity anti noise, do notl611 vîit the admirtin woe pect thitee mImaère brouglul up ffr fcn eut opulentt cilesand sue artîfictal amrs Nature, j inteaitinense solitude., in tiase prilbilive toantens, bal, %bon,, charme alonta ta ua, le b. preteroete thaie niicit, tuiturex. itming iate, vs I-t Saifcuipaatle. 'uVo mut bore cloeour reflecliese, ofaetfetfallinjl ita paradaxea difficeuIt l ie asulda inluquaiso f tiisnate. Tiiyoungman bis tepariedw Oit out regret, za anti ta. gahe b tatawkp cf Ramico, worbeeho b.ubaselationas. Thornlis milr*U@Mala fld tsas, e*Cill buabl e te ema freelp,,va itflfearlng ltatâlte loftI, ilvliga Of the eoity vini stercep lisiavev etflita bime aty aimaithlb bigial sué hicitlie lovs.-[Bom. ttpcalotla'sCanada. - INDIASconti. AI a*meinrlta eAgrieitirmi Ansnlaien ini NeW York,,Mn. Pna readte fidoiîvtg aay on Indien Con: Mr. Prraidonm-Aa Indien cureiinh dstinedti a beceme ene atteut mont valuable corsai grains far exporation te toueign couatriea, 1 vealti b. gralificti if the aaciety wvaitlo itotecousid. ctio t pr .nityOcf farnting a c"Mnles, le tecîps.dutagicuturial teieodgtag ta ont asiocinla, v ho shahi, turing thé aaaïg seu. '*%iââpitet a seet fexperimeals anthe rmail ý*jiVîefee lied of cultivsliou; aftt. baviog oblainedIl canets analyssofet b.stirustanti grain, t.esabi. Ibetu ta apenaleascaemillcal!y Caid usee .pnrr ansrcacocntaining te requisita cbmmiclsl ngîcoits cakilabte in- dues rapit gretvt. I sau evcilted taIltere in fraqoentlipmati tha uIwtita et a cern crap lut hy iiuprmapon planliog. If plantedtioc duap, erlans lots ywil inesiteit. ly autoa. Numerous axpraieeavae &brandiy be uati l teicoverliteptecmetieptb reiquimilu. Naine wlie amuetvaluiabla protuctionsPri bave, bAing for moesprolile lta. any etciar %,a.,%and amollin oud po Uoreis"r uia uis. lesaul u ottAmnorica mas teirti barse iteb.country va. tiacaver. ed, and tieuat tirougiot iAmenicea and exie as itresi. The lie, Idt. Piejident, le net fet distant wbil.hoiiib.n lie ment laportasintat. cle etfe«poratfrutittis la ail ulbu# natho.; titunifure it la tbat I meuh lurge tin emnosty of sueiscI"«in limt ble tti. s acliéaui trmueit h hfer U&W expiaipompiste cf te. fitiag agruWtua. Citentisiitoei ns.bat foweimi.stuly"aepniioly l7coeccrnaiu lb. poucîlon of thc foot of animaIs, casno, byree, ngNa, sti nilege. A i tale mo pb timon.yget ls a ha ba. kitil ie rentu b ieb Ictsm lamoim uay 5 l i eng tàmassi banweb a. i mraéSea t l.. tereuaeie mm emit.- asiapU -& hb. u~naea e. liu - i h25i. Cl m r iha ipti a s se lu Nkcies 14u 4. uqt me sc tel..m tuto mia 1,7fu saI aOnt.e118 1 Y h - r- <~a 's' 'r- pq tq »!.ýl auder, te. Oi §rat inaertio,oand ii7j4 aeuh . uolet mieftm&O- Ten lin". andi ude , &L 4d. titn..Oser ton fine% 4d. pftsla lanst oute anti Id. perlâme assit sbeenl ac mevlluas Advertinements, uilIou "meeise divaettIN11I ansetet otil eonmatei.mb4Md cargaeor Alil binifaof iLer.prosa %iq-.owl Lawyers' Bleuta, lIanti-billa, P*ellg.billu, Cir. cnfersa eai lCarda, Pampitiua, bp- Cards, Bail Ticket@, &c. . c. tiw"e~..ii b »neue, depalct4and iomch bbu tii. ardlmry Pries. lly strict Attein ta business,. Pbiey. sud carefouae u nvork.u*nahip. lte Preprielor tepu in ntt a ofiire or puble support. the. i itelletal andi socialpuv.. val! seur. Tihe ainti muet have fondi wit ls .arnueelnt, or *las it becoinea tOorbid and eeii..leae-and abUa never faing foinutain for its improveaent inproi. radnd in uao elapapet. A Mogur erisrst col.ctalions fdlth Mingl r r lte poètnîder w' abig wee.e set ieuar heurt beat wtlx$ as vis hoabr4 tlq uhoriinuod lnlits ditande. heraldutlg tas ppmeibdflwhthe .Prim drairitfrocs fMgrvel atoretd "le.b~ titrown inte lb, door ytrd of eut yethfur vitas seob Ennemi moMlte juvemile chatigei cÉme titmnywand LlgWlemg, lRail. rn»do, Stose, os, ezz&c. deitribut tite newa îhrouthoet lb. length antd brumAtl f tit country. VTe aurit in arite vith ea- ltoete a. oe-esetiw- frW *&tt ut elfil~g aul *hors igrurgoucty.-- I Tek. ea evspiser, sud yrudo DoM"ego Up. ce lime ator at4u4 b4at sima tein Mrfuture isefulues, ulétit boied thon hy ove.'ltis tbtiaep st U1 themn li t ml otite, WU. W 4tM 7WU eai, futer evete bfa fmEIy nd iseoéunry, lu toi* a oevra"aper. Il cift vateaà sete fer Poading, ant iorade tefore tihe mi6& id à E'Uut. ing generationt a chart ofthlie pualg events of -te &,-e., which t le~ml icommit, et,vill %y s =&it dddaily or wkeetlytotheitsletefiev.. lig.No pacsn. aiho rende.a nevapeper Vu. gularly andt arere.l.., gKiloito Chia vend mii. 0cul a tnowledge of its âoirilgothal secres for unm intelligence.andi respect, W.e iy te moi a mose, anti er montabsioutt&ey ta hie naightiet " r Ai zwpra"adpsy for it in adticee. V. lba tise C ituma, o. se,. L'is ITEST eO TE FlUE. LýOSC Ct THE LU. 0. IIO 90nn-O)Vtm U MNC »nOWiim-CAMRyZsOFVAitUià*xt » THE IrCia-.lrlT OF 0TUE U. 8. W. este ho.rosPasser Warrington, lt" lue U. 8. brig.cf.var Samora wua apeàmati si sep in a feu minute., a in eur aeppli tomwb North on thie 8tbi»4 sL.1î9 elok$0 4 qff. o whcn, il wi&@ upoedalelte tu. D~ portshetiand amng Limoui ere PaaeMi!d tffn H. A. Cieaveti John RIqmJ>i4a.n mince lteon fl i te 0 hmvdrafa sabote, on. cfrvient dieti front expoeette.£bci tuta vent mshore ont ben.copeur ent apCrt., arter having beeki in lte vater 30 boutsasd Grel cefî . de ti.officersand !creva tofM à .gieiakti retch veasels O ourvet au"nc. ne Cth ti.Soes lthe tlrime; ee:?assisaea 7 ssble i herprivas routiere6. Ou b.1ho 0,1. MdaipsR. Clay 8mer Ce Dcior J. ,l Wrighît, wtthuit'. crevr train te bBornera, uot for ihe tirpao f te. eonuoilecing below Vor. (rui. e~itsa Dr. Wrightamial àseabn au d ý silO train lte beat, lley vere Esau savon Iduxican a&"ders. Mr. lopeaandthei séea sns eMed* Prisron..s uIf s@obi tolas Casl, cf perele. Coin. Cooner arrivui l tAuff Un#& nie. l lSth i¶.< ci heuartlite Priacitoo.,niai vett. boar the Rarfan au bis Isgblp Tit @loup Job. ai. wve sakédiug Ver Crun. Fuigate Poemimuuc Cffiveti et Green laMai 33Mir malt. Frigate Ciutbetlamd mai lot Norfolkt on thei 8Ih. lait ai the anetoragi t aIAuton Liiertie the a lowing vessa. isva:-Frgt Rulafai, aeta.- Relief, andti e. BouetsunitiPotrel.Aluni, brigi Oaioe. Chmncbilla sidGaenel loadod miii cooi ;Abrasia, krm Naileoioe, viiiproisae. anti etores fer lte padott. Extracl froma Cvoit informidsufoe et ve Cruz :-" Tbe reoat lutelâgenea bres Tos- ou if, that tit" jlae ua b iemdtat unilb negleel cf lte septante Goverrneut of Maeâ inte mo id g Um.ie u,,kv hUmgbt a quume of tihe Mexacan Conre.ecouti nel b. g«et e. W. ave iudu.bletteeuriaonds of lteé Tumpt fur tbe feinig intere.ling latter fioes lb.fr incelligio u rsotin ou. cf the ouesta10,1t.mg oiaàhes of Sit var occurreato =as .i à..esetf telel Soueauicitfa mmGriaIle vau ite uesm ofPsa*d M Idaitip.ee iiey à. Cloamsseandtlobe Riagolti Hyraeen aad tbau » et âb. 41év. mation Ipaditeru city osewBrtish. u. lyeg tSsertfties. vlie neigboWtate b.fmade itoigfittai ltae..«a4 laand top ofte u. semm aevvW lbtsmcit f(inmlte pi saÎpùl alip t@ ltae reveu, Tvelybouse sal" tu bey, lie. litM oam.dcsof ùlb. SoUeatj *dow . . ::« eduSetsrn. mi bis oUeVM e~um mie s t ake. telte dEootéie i. la litdaaus *8ag% Wb" iesliter spa favta s id Lhti rLnluuel Titi Je *iam., WtUh a pOo4 ftu ag rib. d ania àb. %,av Mdel i " "al m t um- tuémmoo lb. l oui ir 4«gsué aoi e edA04> parig.ae een s.Ai. M rmm é84lh - -r