271 l 9114 idiav nn 'lne,- Sfr. Edîto, te &dit a "Mintag ilitev, uAilch tri fPrintIng to a's rndW y servie* in, tfIe r' rater Of the aboie jette,- bd ahuri«Ms éimmater et 69 ChIula,1 sud bigimi, a hé-. Whisam i u re, 1111 hm mai tbe ba ada Mmus. ht debit «ada1a: a mm asabeo el. ilv ew wben 1 firmit emere.j t y.Mr. Miles'scr-, 'raMPrietar sud Editinro ut W. D., Whmo mearmi bis .iansd principal Ppri titne. on Lake Oni~ 'aic.e boy@,, are no utady, 3d 1 baie cla douki waî pi ar mev profesio.. "«e cWenyam Meîlaodit if%, gMConféence, and ahe I rto utiai 9 shall relier la a cd a be Nsma an lb.s Cl ronnmccîd wtt tte înAulry mitt gise, taseu, raria b. trsogn iicestds of 4 P fam iaar ep.uatle, prit e Limat i allesvys laik lea oren hpy palli -and 1 amn sua tiat no et of rset auentertains mho have iala pas Us SÙr Yoor's. yen truly, A.,1847. img a-star of thme tast pubie for mcvsmongers to speCulaie ai duil-ll ad uaauîpiru iaaer. Ttc offly salaiect L tîte cogitationsa of the pro id that, mc malt coufcsi t tod degree-is thme nagîcuie mus et liait t a stat a litai ,and dama ansti-but te ion, thora bave been na si. ,aId Kingston wiii mare b a, Au dos#, ste Wiii, no douta, g kt may. Tloe is plenty af buit îlreqaires to te aroaiioi, e proper channel ; liccat, b aer beau reanariable fori a chasse, or entering ixta mcii sa tte Lake buperior %lu carae4 'on lus liea anal front ubble. Tmey chante, rater~ r ca*y. umasîaamiag. tut AI rrommy-making votia-av. Tîcrl orL a ulçee buuit,c, eoe SI îimought uiientirprrig.g 1 -îog imb Op.uais wiil iting, andi by a faduire of i uligai te elua mp stlop, 94, The Kîaagotoniasao lu li footing; thuone imnproveiacitt, me of stability and wefuiilieiO Dtimer saatj ct, lan-cva-ê, whio le conversationl. iiaueiy. tie mg Up qoogratullto-y aiutrce- i bis arrivai attLthe out el (»i s bave no doutt tcy miii be ptgd thaout mime ProviuCE in mrbicm ail eau anti otigi maie seen noa specufleal tune lis Excelteficy mas te leaue in expected in ttc parici 0a y. ui if lie cornte an lier, trI oBn abtoa the 21h tas<. We jutb or six vents tu bock1 e imagine te miii imle l'h' the iastial of Parlaant. a noatice muet b. <iven te thee ,poltimg off the aasemblifl< a viados" unti-e Witt gay the opeming o1 BAYiae . 1 Wiii doit the. Pr. sea aiml ,ag they miii conatinue1 te a , onu1 lime laut "* an of Ibo Mt bhuOg *xacl1y, but sent t i the ctlls' me thl iri Bilet. We b"ae nu a""m boit, boge in order, aaticiP'tle rtJit. by teir ou peter. lu ,r,«>Mi, le at faut, the sali îrrafigint *Tory tbiaig lu 'pl ipimg the dutl off ta thousa , fais patronage. asblcb bail$, las Prenant . liess <jr Office'1. îeiîed theif pay.-O ali aen, foran ye ili be W001 tu r elerha imnou mure sa1 do a- Mf thuir chefis tgala he ctt liii.~~~ asn my e e thit la cleeuillg ouit c". ,a putl satouisti the -st"lnli 1 th. <edi Lord Elgià tsi' ligadty. Jfactmby-se OU&e wu hav etel ai 0" lIaI evetflIf« le iliA .le Ue* h ave Poe -et 7e ,ia a mono niolaof%,aie Lrd H Mmabe, a, laS de 0 4in&elervy hosa #wu Pt, taiie sod 'b amP,5osymp- ~écu0I1~ îcakadho i sllten hla 1 bi let a id le d ; and la the ilrr adtai&Wfuhi sou ;rrs10obraag ap s otaleet mimie h dis-e w. miim tpe- betltta tl country. or ta 0! ia a iretthat discusio g o b i e b lb b le d upset aim111111Ito 0 liicm iile h reepabil;Ly. dit of l" c ii m-a :C'W . of Ya maasmi. iwu boitesi- wotouillas of Lower Canada anti cae. tCanda lui bave acted ucumeitu- Ire(.iieaasd bet...Heum cin a pot, leaîeeiaîfirmona people Imo- Il fismira deciaddy advent@se th~le 1 aee,,Iofîle individoal shose 10ý, to ebo red? The. Ciaon- tecf rm ripin. ca, uesuppuose that rm,,eesif .ithpe"le muetI calter have Ilsopinins,,or sM ilting te fasell Wfor tlunpurpue Ot reveveacaiig MIW-The late~rsentîienlt " pre- 5'gaer enot b canimtetlyt expected. ma calub dt ogter; a party may inge for the aaconplicmtaiof Ma *bal Maitl'a Amoulitaneomas Mospommt am tbu t disio l eiO us.Rcsu. , L4 ltiu lubirs the partiesiar re*- aieMaet obalu eener-Is tte Pf liMf5#?The Chuaiele«as,, iteîvr btter dceid a public demnon. aii ki§d-U' do Dot s»y sa potti. t almce Il of tam ass ma lu :51e ; sdle muss gonId uma." Cek l e rmib tle iadmmlIng Lord , "Pnoiaaas memyt" uOIn ue be leritmuate-Masniaés (Mrncasen. sI,,,aitIbobeaseofLord Met. 'jdr,ocîi,wt.1jai P-e On ilatteiiiigiy ut wb, ,rêsi , afliit s obu bi le'bas naa i gweriion. As lu thit laaaentei mnpiaiita,-tis lineiolemre. lis ut heir, ti mananmimfity bu nuble ai eoi, aill'i itilai 3aaciuovlndged le uuueia-e imul lontille the d tour i e oe a mred a distiactonm as dîuo.nIt m;e tav uraiany,ri'rdivi(itl y o vale, mail le cqually tenevo- acç to triLord Utcsfe'o piuie ajlewhît ho hue doue for Canada. P'as. swle equota-ci sttbis ministry. ttc cf. imuh hil he rovnce iasot yet recur. .,.fdaifrtha-leimenUrcv, the gaest ,ma-la ie Province bu vcceavedl frin lorapa diriratiofl !Wiacre are lthe ro Lir hci arecv.ta record our rate. mrîrarrer Muccl mai promiîci, but vi etryperfrmea. lHc scqmies$edin ali th.8Soit of Goverum u iIm. ,ipmmred i Uriveraitll'ili, mwh mai Iugit forard; te appointed tu bueCab. etnioneo s«hotbec âme a standing et for Iii rutry, anti îct a Coumicil tan lett pliaanoiasiitace of tiioccecsor. lu oli'a!ali aîm in of ian ndividaual rmrarly deervoi scue ainlaguaimh. .îuber grttudel Truty if ever a man a nainuali n)eni and >imure portaio. :llre ind n ileta, peuple outintoagn, tliut k. ]:A vYent-uM-wla ut ot 17 cr.- 5,fr n tle service ca oua- c'itry, tut rtý i., ii muler in the ouut of St. l0irn ie "uud thie aouatry, en hon m'pr., indra PlaiealOotatuoluîe îtiaoe.; oheiangedanimotes, te "rcdfilii.he joiravi ttela-o- Wape Kiýgtîri hie Seat of Gnoverm- s art' cnoipiîhi every uty au- i i hie (Qîeerr, aidjuit at ttc close . rlametary session, te Irinoec iea e valunie lts amuîst ie nieriai v. a"'j W ep e .auytobu amnes o ct lPce." rae i ougrred, nom, liat mc soe in- 10 lImeret nitsamonument 1tate ruit àaninrti Metcalfe. Amy person Plvo'rlia a perfect a ight ta do se, lia-,' ýiPat objectiona relte moa-id. "lrtio utr o n ri t maeun ty ai! "I'c-mc upiexroai,-..ai Gemerai 14' Oeiorai colinot te calieti a I. Mo triÀL 'ro Tuo To.g lu liaer, uh ave eaionup îhe aubject out itaràri 'Ge or romaa biCmiroulis tu tOn-O rp aésing ttrough Kingst. aIioon te roule. A compa- luurrne,] uad ail te stock i ibte et:t deire. li a fct ttey have ad.1 rtnrfr b te construiction of mie To u vil teabaout 4110 mites lu * o Ona..o " oue irnn ine, ta bthon- * 1oune iu>aoa pproveti maornoen, Semabau3W)>Ibo. wecglut la lie mile,i eto, fii, lche. tiuimemea t the k.)oIo ire are in st six ftest n-a-excoP01t where rock OXulas, vien ID be oeaiei by subsutatiltramnes ""' Pria-rable dept. Ttc tenders1 tnil te batteries anal ter apparat»s - unr aOýt.on:.sand the mbole.tb te lidie.Y ir operatuon by lieBita of t% e preatiane tlae Peope of King. -nthave ja ir pporlui.ty ot îaling s ;,~ uaaîumof n hob.e Canrjj~ oada Webt. r'- riberr icanpleteal (rom Tu- t4i r lr.eujo-, ;o nd in a few daye I~" reouffaltlo iii bu ready a, :,ie'euameetinug elf lan 'unoparoy iorri lu o aluc 1ý- n frrr * llt "o hat i at laHaliax. I - 'a- nsvilii teconvejeal 1,on0 ji Of Canada ja tiae îai -er t uconugauate tPe ietopn te impmuavemnt 5gtfi~a cns anti dunduct of t-l rile aai spit ot canduairtime e'uruof aniîuiverîîrîg upom lima ,J . the « aag, ceaio t cAdimeus, - 1 1à it,of t e Carrierlante pt- l0Ocois ridcal. h in moll 9purpotam to conte trota IOler alaîuinan îsname, mu "prin. , oint- n ce othetilla i. tnl 0 ILc ue oublide. 1 inrmaw, usi prlri peaitmg. Ontsrtte pa 'l preciîag jeun, snd slvaym auraim, tia say or princliala r cha ta ioéacl en .rlien l ev r vaae a toeh rgrd tb Chaacter or uar, û lmîsfi alb.aeditrbla-m tI 'n flla ite ulittlc "domniLl' lhe Adutlesf1ut tte Vlbelriryl i,> va dont taEi.i auletaior ; perbapa tar t 1,1t Wb,à in ig Prleding front dtier Mlo "Y'a Gaofrhies. tet t ~ IOamgihexhibtd ail g~ W 1Ui Pul MaIq w uéte e <a liam 06 timthelb m 'mr LhIb enulAcmine.Nom, . are MaOee. VOLL'MTU IIox & LAMOSI Ceary, No. ",' aiuemcibeomms eeauale; but mu do lms ta smm at«nd giig s Sale ute e Si.mi sitt imuo rn eenyia lste menagement aof Wre.'eeeieeveaumg auriez te enueingtmasi. As srtable sàji*afnal ai 1h. orga f ohei.W-Mbyas Uis Conmpany me cocaposetiofan amitaus. a Miboit Cbqe*in luCausés. Pareiomeverresmpectalele ais of perans, me basena o éutt jear the edi* Mmmer»&hinaélt hidifasom. evéry exertion mibi ta taaten 10 roer e, ex"cir mg te uhihiith ag Wvu ent telisrises of the occe Ua n.nsbie méand uat. sutcrber.,se smaeaing lra Ise efface.,Mhh.r»eCoomeaitée.muet tu.naght tomeuh.arange- is resposib'e<1W IL mente., abn ferthernoice mil i e iras. The Pa-sidot OfaIth.Untd Statun ba s senta We<obere a srequisilion laeilh. Vsye o spcciat Message ta Corgevurecaemeatiing the Mnîtest, tu m-ait apublie mmeing6furte Pur. raisaing MfIen add'iîiota regimnati of ttc nugular pose oftcooideriaoçthe pripvmeîy of adagting a service. A4Ieboh.imreaiimg t6e officese. (onziSuhiUat iu to hlm âwwelhejLoo cp o-Euesms mou b"is seampti-ma Mtii. Govsmiacit et pecasty of the bigla« grade, and IliPO«itif &Camada. Tie. Raqumue u tbeamdd hiMr. L*. <encri offie-r Ioataale cemiesmd of li te force. fot&ae, Mmd signai by Ibhesut resectlaule dering th. msn mth Mexico- A eOoaitleuOf citizen» of aIH parties. The meelnin aleet the H.e M a d W bea am Mtesl l reprt uVqfor to-day. tae noject; imy h ave do.. seu, decdedly mgss-i the gppailotaisment lie gMoeral cilcer, it DesrEsA-axATTAc.-Au Berrr Driesbaclu, the vau autamcipatd, ubat Cangre» ulai o a&pinot eelaised lion lainer, va. an th. cage uofaà1ew thae rasangf utah. ton reqgisnt'. 4 ime mner lio.. uadrenge t aiag proces. e, wu skt- recommeaded lji timelrestmient. tce ytesvg na4adJs ota mOnvernor Yemaog, the msely îleti Chiot tss.rie@tondet9( m heag animal, amimu dockaim .taeote a oce Yrcnvudueai for aaclu uccasionas, torta bs lahi. person, tse.gi.i*à is a., et Alan. n hebui thutrac.iviig boity ijar.-[Cncitau 51b jeant.W. an nothin th Spech o my but v.m gpecial licremita limhe Caîadanmmnaser, excapt v it bu theiuig reI.ting to thimbe jct of cdu. cation. Faorr BITTEr -A Miss Fby, of mosamche- mtte, taî recovared M165dollars of Mnr. PFmI, -ThemouoofaIcapital, andthie annOal rai- fea n tnac f pramaaof marrige lB orteti caue, outhe c serns! tnd. a&pprarlatoth ie iberajaur, sandUie.ary stall.W:i ber ne dolar puapose. of educat i b mj e tated es follow>v- per day. Once in asamiae cvie ea f hlbiler Them capital of tie Cu=i gotting bt. Sa-imaol Fond is @82.o39010 ________ Timu U. Otsas De-poil u fnd le 4,0114M0071 The Lianture Fundiaa mm.îas51 CITY ELS61tiONS. k" 'sVole amnno, The annuat remous trainthe SCuomao Sa-total Puai là 06,413.56026 Fa-os» U. S. Depoeit rand 276,00 61 Lteraturs rand 17,M5393 Wbolc revenues, 0411 M2 14' Dyj the saedidCoustitutio% U26<NX»le. quire t etb akecm anesallj trom tlb raicoue of the Uniterd Stsges depast en(sd,.&adaed te lie capitalré thlie coimnrac mlf ond. Ttc Stste N,ranal sibool continues t'asance. ia public estimastion taud public usefulmr.a. île only o ojcl au ta laproie thae Teaçters ut cnmn. mon sehauls, eanay prWgese in thme aitrauce. ment out liat otje, k us qiti*eappanuolt, muet exet a msutaiy umltenace on the cau" .oaI&du- caation thruacumt the slato. flua-ag lie jear emdimg onathe tirei day of lu, ly, IS46. acacia buanei anti otri tmsnti a. en luim.roed nwrmiaytbee cimalren bave boom iaogtt o inOrranumî,r @chote. This riligber Pxcer, iy 40,M43the mbolc numben of chiliren n the itac bitwecmi teacs of iesimd ixe.a vearl,, inclusive. Theemajonant of publie monîeu talthas teen recirai fray il Hmsures by the lomno eupeinteiieuts. in 0760,24 66. Exclu. sire outhlimapublic .ouney. 10460,M0768 hs an paialun rate tilte fon teaciers' mages. Thme district libMrries comaain 1201,088 volume. This mboie sobjet milIdonbtem recois t jour ibamaetisIat cin.iderataoa tobichil@ tg<vet Imprtance detuamads. Afler anntb* tod&s r m raifi, mic t oulaplace ttc1 latter partf tlat meuh, île meather tuslte. Coule sa.Uly culS. Niglit butane lait lbe rver in front of li. tovo troxu ta Wolfe Island., ami yesrstay persona Craaeed ou the ile.. 'hea steiglmaog la mt jet <mai; but th. attinopter. denates th immedilate aettiag la cf mit-witer meatter. If beuîy intie do oal rime socs, ad lthe present culaI c'îuîinuc a short tinte. thora milI bu'gMo craseimug u thae Ameniaan@sore i a fow days. Trs Lîrvaînu- GÂLAÇDMoMnnrl -Thie Jîmuaa-y ouater (teinîf Ilecommnement of ttc nt vlille.) of tiis lîgaly rimevcaf2In sud mcll condueit umbonhty pavlcélicat, tsb euu s ecaîcat. Tii. prnient nufmrobs wje ly s splen. idl oes; cntaining as .eeem agrailug of Tiai iag," aid ftytma pagehsiatter of al him itberary omiion. The Garland tai aom iad an existeoa-c ot ighttjeas ; sud, nowatl. staniug tIeccuiiualaioaaa anti derangemeutu in miit Lte affaireoultime Province hcbav en sun- jeceeti n tlimerofvr-u that pcniod, sil tendiog tan uonsti. aoiety, sud ta destvoy the laite for liierany enjojaientu. this vert bumas nrsoed its course quieuly sand stmdfeatiy-imer.asimg in menit andl paputarily cvc-y jeani, outil it noa stenadu marcely second la amy simiar publicatiomi am tIccontinent. las pages are gi-scatiwhb th. productions ot somme of th e ot iteraryvy mnters n Britishim oiva ; amoag vimaamm 1h.tsianteé Mals. Mouaru sîjaîls conspicuomaaiy. M a y the GARLAND recelue faoaa a gennromiana. ilglal ened people tat increased patronage mhach is ierorna u stty cdais. In oxonenatioufthetccharge. broght alaienst Mr. Gum, Asistnt Engîner fer the Fine De. partment, by ttc Capîsin of Company No. 1. for derclictian of doty, ave publiafl lime tollowimmg certalcates : TiaFiase Ds,.Aarvsw.-A emmupîintl har. ing ten.=og lbelone lte City Coacit. t.v M. WJ.M tiCaptai. af No. 1ifrire Con. pane, reepecting Iba cootiucî ut Mn. Willim Cun, assistant engineen l e c ity, I conerimer tl niy dt, fajusice to Mv. Gaina. tae trty lan l bave sîs-sys teen fulalj mtufieeti ml!i118 actuity, zeal, anti punctualimy, in lima dirdlasage uf lis dutie4 in unir. de auimt. 7L'ESTAGE, Kingston, Jan. 6, 1847. Ck nier Tii, ie lu vcnifj timt 1 hivembeu a mcmten ut No. à Fige Coimpany for abmàasix jars, Md sateiy euy, 1ibat it mai imer in botter oriatan whl tal t ss irie tamis ut Mr. WilliamOGiai, a» Aisialtt Engimeer . sud thas;I1taliere lie aie-ny. hat ili lu u ooriel se il mus possible for il lu lie in. THO&S. O.BUTLER, mlait aLfiérot. KingstoaJ».. 0,1847. Kingston, Jaunua-y 01847. Tisi te cLeilîji hat %"ittom egneu w.. Gnon. blattemded t inej ryinstance mhep va- quird, te mie wvsoIoa ime K msgs Veimeter Uoock sud Ladiar Csmpaaay au. an as8laini. us paver te doi0. WMd. BOYLE, Csp L K.V. IL dà 1.C. Thie iu tae etifj libai air.W. Gai., Aasst- Rat Engiese. luse in al an s sjouie la thie Ccunmaa, imabis cP&Z un ;&r Cars, G. W. P. C. Tut Ceueuuu & oaa o-W. m ee" e hy a aset n ies mbe 's.U"et iBumiqu u104&, that ie ol . respeeteimle uWliobmem ainha. au verte&, bj au rder etlb ColtCbwMvy,'iuîo Ille bandes ef lis oldproprieller1ImmaNcu.c- NitE, lIsp., ba inmlt"st hm tceetimeus the butmes&t Wu aeed lesél$ 1W 1111r. Mac- fariane and ael commeeté ~ China. lele ," bsaveOur yanuieut mw rim- A S bpla hu se« md leMonand or 6 On 00mcpaoeaipçet île-fet mt1W* « beioagine iw :ç-à e--a C 0 1 , -P ,,~ m~ GBus ~ Wu lave oly tins ta aotce he retavue fer t4m Warde to.dsy. C'aimrai dWer-Dr. Roaiensad Mv. lJet. Umagh.r, 5cm.- for Aldermen, Mamuss.e.LAtgliu sud Joba Psttevsn for Caacmee. FSmcce Wa.-Un. John Plempegan sd Mn. Jubo Bncdcu for Alenias,; Mr-. Joli.Hr- vey aimd Mr. John Cramloré for Cunctîrea. Spd euh..Wàrit-Tios. tlrlqiarick. 1!,q, and -B LHuit, Rssifor Aldersea, ami Masure. &sMael Soyhaju adfeorge ideNation, fur Cous. SLLa..arenre Waari-J. Coaluas Bsq. mi.,J. Novai., KLq. fan Aldermien, an suer. Wiley, ad Allen fur Co'ancilmen. Onaio Wart-McesmsBaker uoil Ford fer Alaleraneai, and&leurs. Limion, andi Cbaauon- lanuae, lot Cauncltos. A repart boins agbeau circse l isous Fea-- sons, for vimat trasn ve cennmtOIthat o l .l lent iandiill refiecting mpon lime private cbarac- ter n mnme aofte ottimembunu ofthel,.Councîl miacllba bar-m poated atout tbe atreets, va@ "q Op and pnicmcéat aiOr Oses, me have tu staie la mre iaminothog ta do wvttbit. Wu duisp. prova i o!il thec Momemt me smam it. IV erttaa onauce hal aMn.vus drovu. ca i ORn. Il appeare h. jospped tra off a Balaeune the e sud broie tlarmumgb AxteoRaxuDaaaava Ru-mioa.-Tt louit.- loag parsgraph laexetrated frouiaaaiigingtuo tetter lu th. Baimar Pat-iot of yerdsy. Thera e a noas ante thal île frigste Con- gres.ulai en blUic hePacilean, and ai! un besrd of ber. 1I boomnot steace h. uor came. No on suieme te kuov. It in therefor.e ment liicbj talteanmtr.. FIt milli e rememnbereal tiis the figauCon. gresa maithe gag ship of Commodore Siackton, soi mas oo ahet. mevorty.four ase, pe. SiamTitearaOFFcE, Monrel, Oh!. J«"aa-, 1847. Hias EXCZLtLgNCYT aGosaRNu ~GENusAL hau luen pleuatdIola ppuint JsAAc Fs£sgaof Emauet Tnmn. Esquira, ta lo Registran of the Cumuiles ut Lemox and Addimgten, la theplc ut Allsn Melcan, Eîqar. A tam IÇago &aa eztr ars fs aitwupar- tormed at Plymoutb. (Raglad,> by s men nain. ed Insane. A rapa mwu aretch.id tranlthelsup ai BtoneimooeeBridge tasà pale ce the appaeile sie, a distace 4D etvThe rapemvabout 80 faut troanthe mater, sud lhe enggedta to ali &crit nil, exscuicg hie tuitasoldat Uic cimne af su leuut 2,M00 pectstars. WooaaaTOUax EL5RMcN.-NOtmitbotaMmdiuthe deup.nsme effors mode by the Bluca$0ialicss te paevenu J. W. Pemeli, Eeq., M4. P. P. lortfiov- M4b troun leiugreturned to the Municipal Con- cil of thre District, le mue triuuphantly elected en Moaiay lhm. bj a me.ping amjorlîy.tht argest liat bas ever been obtaimtidia the Tome. alip, 172 vaies boving beau poiait for hlu.and 104 for Henryi Waters, Euq.- [Long Point Ai. MUSîcr BuL-At the arsealb,fleur B. Loufis. îh.y hase a a schine hy mbicim tlay maire or. ta odred sud eigiîy Wse aminute. %ie tmo meulas trise thoughtwIo Million Mfballe mer. aiipped traontidmatpoint te the lset far. It iu mot oflen that va fiad ainoagi the Medi. cal Faculty sufficisat eandor tu accord auj muent whatever to " Psient Medicineaî uas it conficas wtth their intereut no ta do-but baînie se gise an exception. OPINION Off A EGUILAR PUT. 811CIAN. Emuer, Me., sept 30, 184&. Thie certifies that 1 bave rsroeueddthe une of W nstar'u Bales,. of Wild Cherry ferdis. émm o f tlimaogs, for tva yeans pusu sudom- my borti., ta my knomledge have beso musé 17 may patienta, aill ith e immreultu. la twa camed wbere it vas tmnigmi confirnsé coemip. %ion bai talien place the. Wifd Cherry effacled s cae. L. BOYDEN, Phmysicien ai Exeter Corner. Nomenurie, jasetsigned 1. BUJIS o. time vrapper. 13 The. abuse article.s my b had of NOBLE PALlIERDroggiar Market Iâaae, Kinutrn. un ".*j. lA s i h t e t. CGuqa'. uel, Iluptuabj b. "Vs.. Lahéseasug uo, s. *rhrside*e t MWs u u5sd ffl Vb*IeâsuW*lisus usquisile u- »fleutfl( Wo*usiAa) metSae*,amok. taba» aueu*49va0a i»s 1 M ie Bsam 4 the tee 4Us& en os Wf~~lex~ Iyf~u Tie . p ~A~E aaw»0lSMe thnsdtbare aubmimel Cueas~'7uam> C"gta Jce~IM s- .1 ETO!? UNDEDTHOU&II'WbACRS9 OrLAND ln TUE HURON TRACT.~* NOTICE M ~OLD SEVrLERS, ZUGRANTS AND #l'IIERS.' TU Oum89* COMPAIM Iave againtlrown arien aj,i ir Lands in Uthe 'iURON TRACýr for dispoa, l'y wvav oi LEASE fur TEN TýeARS-NO MONEY BEING REQUIREL) DOWN. 'e Rent payable on the 1sf February in each yeer, is not ntuch nmure ilian thre Inter- lat upon the upset price of the Lan-4lie right te, purchme..tm Freehold at any tinle vithin the ten yeurs, at a ixed price nermed in Lesse, in secured to the Settier, Who Votirld thus save ail further puyments of Rents.' The Huron District is known to be one of the mont Iealtlmv and] fertile Tracts of tand in Canada-it bas more than doubed its population witiiinitiur)e ar a. The Hu- van T*.in the yeur 1842, contained 7101 *mila-in June last year, the tron Dis- tict numhre 14,983 ouls, uccording to the Oglcial Retura. The above lands are in Bloekg, theregire, i. loing facility fur the undiirided settde- lient of Families, of Old Sçttlers and their Frieuds. Maps, Printed partieutars, and every requisite informnation upon the Huron and! the (anuda Comi>any's other Lands in the Protince, will b. furnished rama or ciunac, ln,' application (if Iy latter poet..pid) to the Canada C*mpany'mOffice, ut To'ronto, aid Goderich and Stratfi>rd, in the Huron District. CANADA CoMPUVSwr'e (mc Frederick St., Toronto, Ist iunuary, 1847. AUCTION SALE or r'eriu Tese, Lîluore, 6e, ARUSTRONG'8 AucTioM ROOMS,, atms eauu. O N Weduemdy &leho MhJsmny, mOll bu sc ié, tout reserve, the tailomimag Con-1 iganeats - 200 Paars Men'a Hesvj Tm.'ed anti Saîinet- Pants, 100 do do Couls, 1Pieci esvtay Gnvy Twieead, do 'Drsb ditBluu bFlushing. 2 do Greena Bais., 20> do tîejs M da - Csbaame, 15 do -Huij Moleukine, 100 Pairdîsîge Tmlcd COUtOn Blees, ~tOLaW oRugi, B3 oàcd Y. llysan Tam Io w 5 iocar Twa;'nkey, 4 dÏF4'ý do Gumpommiar d& mperial, à î" Crc5mi Sugan, lu rigt àttlado. 20 40Herriugr 5 BrrIs laanty,& 2 do Gin, 2 SarroIs Part, &i 2 Barralis Sherry Wimmg0 ALmO, 40 Darrle Hevringm, ta primeo mdc, a Omiîs Creekery, 50 Russe Wvspping Paper. 10 Beperion Coiing &i 2 Box âtaves-Neao. -ALBSO- A lot of open Crocchay,-Gresn Coffee, To-1 bacen, Javs MaitardlBolîe & penny ltlacking, Saga Giigev, Cigare, d&c. d&. Sais at Ona 'r.lei. 7'erm, Liber- WM. ARMSTRONG, Amctiomerr. Kimgtén. Jan. 11, 1847. Bs rettpectfully to ratura hie ancare thanks for thme j t tonage ho bas recuuusd since is comme*olt an business, snd hope. by strict ge olu. sand Puactuashtyto 411 orders entuntai tq 41ýjerit s coatinuane of tiheBam FOR SALE EV TME -SBCRIBER JN G Lî1I PATENT STILAW cirr- .*TEES. CHIARLES WENKINS. COMMERCIAL SALE IOOU. W 11,1 b. old by aaactiom by time sateuuers,- hPiursay tb. 14th instant, st une .a- clou, the follomimg STAPIJE GRO C ERIES, F1811, FR(IT, AND LIQLOR,VIZ: 2 CaUseWhitle Clayad lissana Sugar, 1 HhiB5eflaed Loaf do 9 5 B SdBright Muaacovado do 30 ý Mfbou@FineYoung Hyson leé, 20 Cadnhs do do 25 Boue mperi an d Guapowd.r do à LsWf Cbaste Tvohay do 5 do Superir Old Hyoude 30 Caddie.s ooclmung &k Pomchong do 1) Doms.BloM"insm, 10 Dma Tunhe; Fbgm 30 Ilampes isaiched WimtsrApples, Green.- tige, Soitabwpg,. uute aud l'ippioe 2 rosrcs Caielima Itie. 23 boxe Tobacce(Houeydem. #aifrod snd ava.dub) 30 Jars and Kega Ruese cted sang là Boxes Augel d& Coa'epaint Ne. 1 tareh, S Ca-aes Ausailed Crochery, 8 ensd Hait Bores Plipe., 10 Xnu. comnignn Tmblera. Java aunotie. fluutsrdCors Broatag, d&. d&e. : AL0- 20 Jarrle No. I Nova de"tisHerriage,, là ltaiWia 11W 1 Tabla lodâbrt 2 dis. -Corna.c BadTauu o 2 lhbda. iuasrry Wîme 2 - Nadotra" 30pm P e sbguaiRome Pager. AUesle i. »wt. OLIPHAMT IL WA. Sagaies, 11h laa=s, 1847 BOOKS. rom Acei ib u jmss. e mar s a &aiwue. Ludaili le o " a arA . 1 oetii viola se Worbe u ibvtua pi 4o , e-, SerePy H Angt V1re m a SHERIFF'S SALE. O N TUESDAY. thebutaidey of i- CEMBER next, mili he sali! d îsv' Wharf. by rma. of surerali muiuof rmi Facias issuci! out tif -Ber Majesîju Court at le rtloct, aman. T. A. COETT. Sheritmm OsSewi Kinguaco. NSaermbea- 13. 1846. W. MeMdILLAN. Auc'-riotuu. POSTPON 2 MENT. The aboie Sale ii Pouiponea until Manu- da7. tSe P4th day oi Deember mmcx, etUi same tiour and! Place. THOMÂS A. CÔRBET r. Sheriff'slae()EH",b Kinagston, Nov. 28, 1846. Ttc aboie Sale ta forther POSTP CS D tubl uhe 6th jannary, 1847, at the @-insut end place. T. A. OORBETT, Bhoeif . D. ýSbmril's Ofice, Kingston, 14eh Dec., 1846. The stove Sale le potpma d ntil t.ATTR- DAY * the lôth dey o auary iost, et tihe mmn boar and place. THOMAS A. ItOREET'T SterfloeuOffice, isJnuary 7mb 1847. MACCOBOY SNUFF. T liu ecrubur u e@extenuively sppRnIed 'the manufacture of G. Daihu of Watertowmî, im jars of one sot tyfi galloma, whiah they are au tborased to sali nt rdsed Prmces. OLIPHANT & WATT. WM. ARMSTRONG, A ucftc.eo'.Commbam Merrnhau, L ancd tUera1 Agesf. Ki"4 STRZET, KINOSTON, R MWCTYULLY iciimte thîe Public Rtht h. bus tchenm the.prcfAas ately c cupiad 1T. Nom e& " c,<einoved aext dace,> mIera h.' hueentered upou the. abue Buis, and hopas be pucctuality snd atteution, go menât a hr sbr e l aile support. The Simbacriher landuade ote payticulan EUuie; sud vith ibis viem haota madean rs Wamnukih esseral iîlusntia4,Social and ComrI emilmea i n tlaod ud Eog- land, tirourh whmimonstemi lviap ner tiei.o ticet Of CaPitalise, iatding Enigrmutsidliha public X :2li. IngrVmed Parmis, Wild Lands, Hou.adT. udotiierR«lest ate, Frferty jr, CauWN subeitied tu bini for sale, sudl thruugb wimie . ii transmet other Legs I ud lComme,. ciel Buaiumuin &Dy par Ot Great Britain or Ireland-îz, Colactnmg ÇCluini aàing out Lettersa(M Ad.ùiitr&îonPumucha" udSale Of Prapiertp, "dr-a WU. AIUTRONG. Kingston, ianury 4,1847. CITY TIN, SHELT IRON, COPPER IVARE NUNUFACTORW. JAXES DICKINSON, l'h, Sh e m~sud t>PO-"- u II.Vi lhie b"*. os un Prenaient usheouth aide of Pria. ceas Street. Boe Idom teb Mcamach'm Grocc, a". exacly ape.uie Mr. =easg adWtln take. who *ls ill coae at aucebbcd1 laige aumaof M eydoiarjiceort edo ie hie lime, asifm outheadditionscovaee of hie »Wev geanes. ho le pruphu- tea ucsut. Periatqadaac; ly mhicii .5ehao uee.c ment a cohatuace aotf"tsopportwhi a b lithertb huftaibarded hi.. Ho k-s s- -onad au seeest of Caddngrq Porie on, su ad AI& TîGHT STOVES, Of the uese«smm âesiso SURT IlION STOTUE. Md ueuutslDunEs 0VîS% sa of vhicii b.iI al U fer esaio, o gr . r P~RRIT d"Vam lma s Cmm m a Mm uzaaPesn.l W. OSce e Diewb Oeéï" bluesea 'x.IL AK& a 140 sas. BisIcé ~eae OS ~ dmpsa f md UlamiM7 Hme m àmmeler#ot &foe m MW *11 imcum i eh nom, &. l j u xibi iputua hs Sial thtpointul affetio;is k ffuqe, kasud ie onthe rilh -J f taein te ais » 0W le yomplete Mfo la Ià4r ie. Vla aclt.t Cam oe d ose is ufA5ciea. 3budie. them dure. no anessnc.I givsureiaefi otu eedal avr tea.apo outl t e cu am.. dsspai Bilen rngtee tome o~f takea thii.ses-e ing, to valaveble einaitd o i b l. l ail Dol CnpisWiAta i".ls ectmauealbbl - oahî sfe mre r nu or ateafou d meîlise bela -Pnolets et AwJflu oted;l tei cawsloa doemtu fficiemî.but auea ha1d agm flot og mt pa0gs lte Le u I49 Wverv .igbthutiltlimCe r 0 e la laoet e Cden rm limetrneM ehn Ie oiMig sujed thî uemdicine a idose mai. l rauitl aice fh mme anaul f'.11eSelue i' t"o mgreea kW&Wete fminInaernLe e et ictedb pta e d l CSe m utoroite"Ipu Auae Mrta yUmbedaigtwlad cred y etho tena dimnue.uér1hftsvae A de Wober a cas. lpins e moccarredd t urti ad: v ice uheiùmdies eurmsria tUtadeace pie, siu amuioulé Nceraew. aku Phs;' &c.: bases. arnmLhtleebodyus eS le' Au~~~~l se t*ut rusd, tW?'aldrlu lIo trastuet et stredstr eipe,.spam ava, no b aits, d ' nW N a i l uem1 lent eude. y frduumte cdy mliii evey oirnimthe villas vo e sot tie»rà sIn$,r. weay ersns c ?epialweden t bu oo es naprtea u elstospmei Pull scre. tco" teuit fotn mihottarts à(eatid u uneomsîolane " amlle*syit e, su esce.0 Bado Mm'*bi n ctagthéab «di ï-s&as&a omlaetl ov oeh-rayfl ii ulia Det vl yet fiod tbel fci ce psi. Fuit rrtiue&m tan o .teiIi memq ue mueauaoms e- teate bd. soein rt the umpfràth lucet »aaldiseuse ba gMfa ph oftint e bet dpsoveand ifithe dia ulyslest , a tais ~ TM aoamcry feqaîuu eaemto A d 7gutKn prdcad,aecîmi.d saui blTaasl pdii elleeMadvsad sMtge hae s celam reu ai"r" am je«Ue u Autus Ple 7 ..la B., ud"u N tosIien. Csaehi ?MO,~~8,U en$ ista h im 7 ~ lb-, IuIw7,4 e =1-t- ta3 g~ u de 31 7 it*t 14211à 2 .1 Io j4liAl - * - I I, i-'--- - ! 1 i 31 7 90 I L 7 13 12 3 14 1 2 1443l r19 1!2,a.112 1 W, 1G!t I :2 24 fis M R~?hg uaac i »Sr 3 ieBileplu amgaeatch ba -1osfntuSO* ç1.P*liI e 1ape21, . 3' 41a WnlS gNst6 &a-et coleiell . 11W14115:1&sae ~ia 6. 71 C-.1 --M C AME 4 inohe'leiel - 1617 bus'hc lss Spimg, îm aiseséi 2 12i2GU.- culotrosimitias mli . 29.'u o arl . quete, t p.iepa-aprly py caress6d1t- e Ksing ionMri.,A»fe1 r-, --- W - -.