Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 10 Sep 1839, p. 2

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si tusenm oellu b oM4iI 4wbi I mui. Oum* =-eg àu a a 'f uteà« qawy lletdl lui 1 *pI- Oà@N m'ttusausuiI--Oit I aa da ivf1 610 iba i b mnfexulloebadme :=p ni b' b.terf, La wsti le sae. me.1 IGSW WA,8l~.W 0 es t dsu " 04840a11 O i..m a npÈamlit, lvet*a l e pe n d asg, htLord Dur- Ie* St 6. auppwee l*t eCepaet'samm..,' ' r4my -ab &iesA884t tu res- es Pffoiie lyalM4in-iipUW& li us Id ibisC, i*U g»A> "£M î aet Ocm iM hWel, 50d te h'su faim and-u was bat,' I dauwsam6uSeee*5 esisueiif Muses n as W s,'mpiesvu eus lva. JIUe taàeO em lm «*ut weegui ule inondaet Lera uAsolà apaIt soaitl "o dt.ç ge#eiued lofpalet SehIhh*VaSe' feth é ttlpe mit have sa oemule ii ~ --- 'l a. ut e baht l tatu be ataamta. seu lu Im aanbtue lieM atm d u FbIpus sla . .-u»"of tba.LZsI bu o. ln lIaI vtî aIm pascba,'g l d "tua,' ues ouéeacal. eallt 3MOIuds,' ab9' * , o,' evot el0tlael Il el nft.,al4gI aM eaifuull*w,1b *" Vwwtw no5tual io4c iiihsuaj a. Ms U*uLw.d ïg nitet s-iuaoei, Ime Sa-S t~ maui. l.aIaiprdtu amc eIl ele lepaei <wiqsIbo Sm.splme.. Uiâmam obu in àfd7et avesll,,a eM" a@lie Md à su.. i lb. l immé, pgeet sei.tat vu.11 astifvlIu' us uauet o v a p m m s ~ u- -I m m « j sulu% i alu - uî<guin buspa,4lamembu lieuleas,'etmimeb- ve,ii;àwmà a a.g etl msmsl'ma s tsts fa vIol. gvua sue gea in.ilallepeu if ~ h~ 1i~eea,' i aiterseia9e à sm- «l ueaîb pus was. istIu*Iai: ,'ssullottiug the elulucet wm;a gels.m eae"klon tgl Ilisaméeitnd vrbutade- I et tâM lqUM uud se Uh.mi*< A. M*IteNw g eoIlI at tis.Ta iielue6 1%0 #00 iédo cibvashe 4u dtmmw. ~~cuma'a FAendaset ta.Lgaeihibe îlu , in lb t**«M bIs I aub. - it'ge .s . Dataat, said a Cbsoiamse ibàeunhWhmav apmelesa" aie .'m l vimo ahos it £a tbâ ~ev«ep4wwika or a, *41.germser. mif lc eeoeadmalu- imbais InpIoot bcialiwt stsmV lquhalb sait ~ . Bul tuit'lI.ge1 ssiac6 aaamiah ~~L7!804eowlie ise bit tsnu, haD b. usagusluil dslol.ka- lieutluiulgA lmmin àkAs l i ms.ts * ~ ~ ~ ~ m e ala~sdns Aa fl np ume. Edisami ls isrd, S tà AN6»t zMre > lisp~'4op8le gi.4sp J'tuatle ~hi. w.a eO' IessassulTasuz[ysmlmS tsa ma maiiu Ofhasv.dmenesevs sett lemo *et, sa b, ut 0:u*utempule t UaeIbStu. al Msila - lu~~~~~~~~~ bi*Wtvba anduu ,ul msbuù~lC~.lb>v eebmId" ilues'wu tu eemeptlpcva.l'mtb ba ,tm le m ala.- ? NLwni' giiass.ui p a" mmenen*ese 1$ cshii Io& l <Muti<faidtulflouldiaisdascl'as tu *&o!te4tq Ms zelis Ca mio. Tii ougaomItaeuvbaebflno by be Oillae- gIlet sjepeede uftah stf*l egisîus.- .p4s. Vla outceoepltely aec*cpmst in £et- ut. lieu the lmit b iC4" ilfveîlm N0g pàii- uftD-tshWasEssIie toip-l âast eut«pepte Ibave »er isrd ofmilsu4 e me b4tdy uenaqtti.Wxa tai lbue biase,' sd cee Ti. extpass.a4b ï(su . ii,'lai m pd$,& elin csIlale hulet the maltr" l'P a lu manum fl Mleat reuitultuth la qaeba laiaiitBue4ayb pass avagdt Wtem du. Vain mmd * ta uibr Coultymat 011", dsjem 8 *1M,11-114 ste Bis a-Mtg ..lu iite e . «te' *lm,' upIltus 6 tygutvàw*i&-if wibu Sa,lbateeualm tib4 eiuo gllIdsê:eeoo hésu" u ban lfa Ie mlb ahlugthugusiiisce*" batou. Tbeeomîeieatup.sse ie"cv "8a iatIatrolllu lscae tt OUMs! Il ilhdil, leth Swaw 'lmvaet mim uditlb. eMa.: pruelpise of suc gemuseot valitbu subvtestai Au ws imi gtua ildm là*lle*eibeeof b si"Is empiuare d au mtue Cravub bd@& 60- in td a be démie. cf ailtisn aBEgW4e- Olu , cm*yitur',le Creva hbuta esu*$mm" fer IUOmasaod l laa cus 0-i a bem tam ad b é* mt,'psmeyh u Ulai t-. ouusim.ietvnu Se ea.mut-à *eMil .uedlletseells u spe r.T.. hei iumasm4, t.isld 1 1 in bo va, 14" a iCL4 aacy legVle mti.r IMM il, tés pueleiece.obsams.W. u .11 sse set6 p e, eit h 4met# n e Iau l.a lEMpit mahbu .a ndrell Rad 4"oWà km e .sami gelitd. w. uigb&sanl tv iSect assalaCamdlmvluev ahus b is ties -4 m ps' ub , agt> '0 , luit emiupmp Il - e*9 utJ 's, li lIsaahHe sr"Mn lad ai,' y le , . D lataor mi laa e Unli Aau #fauisu ast *&et$, d &J .Wasà :IaiI pz flU 8300 I ua'ryseyccuo. Wbsct laiu l$ b the ewmat a ud~S un 0_4wmm is a saee oyasduag1,u iettl i lperimeal d pueisgpea ai vetse dkyis e.1.euaa d intismhilleavalalee b,'*Mb.iur ds tob lieethtin a dallebrins uvufle ay be, i gmb bombels cf ult,, adtnut cxwoe6.et mx»l Cu"isul,' aawtmy. Ail movn .vcissbuv bom*imd bumte uam% ieuit lu sialsit ille m i tFia l. Fa"l. ThSrine6.u alda;= t te thlbJl ma, sudMue " «MI aemavl--,yl emB pete of 1 pe f , - leh rwpeeInlty qpveui te mb. g»eew-t'sdvio*05 Idbat betwr a dIeu à le,» £aisMI000lepdd ml a du*4m -, t e tmm us. sua vbshee ils pois,'dem MIt suaset Sun . vidb. IL A*imebrihensj- ma.in,»MmdUmm ÎW âeeans ltuoh J90110010 ldite 2«q , tmivus' 1b hUmpet- Myal j. Ib. itiýff *a MtvI buai ho elie fevant laintg uet.t -ma Constitution, ïbey muttub lb.heusqee 11Y swîing us lb. peve of etlbnLg the tupplm eaï ai ble pvoue( cessovak M-linaldas eyabmit v. cs.,tau 'ho, l tesomd'ýeyy m ,'nvget WWtb euhbeistaiarid. flnmw ii ca-ste ii iw at OMet, lmaIthe people via am lpay Défli"ee ssêvalawb. a eu. suOefepehry esalua,'le alemMÉ ia.If Irauuit *ste.isesIbo Tew camr uobhoa lfuavptlelmmuer c m liii lcam b e l ..y 6 u u -.g mièeerem,lu peamtrmsi6 puls uIeo',erWld MMilit e ty,' hhe AMU femaie lAok uefmwoIf Sesa Ew tmuuYom gevbe Wal ezi. bita 1%bugivu <av"w lms.o wt âeW e l u m.Iuuec uetha Imibe. mallet.111mater. (t le polg - le ias.me,' fet b.petitieus .b..lI benes 1 mylmdAi sud Mmm».%W t * y 6.Es. i leu vu *MotleufaveuoreaiMad Malibevu j bhugI Il peffleedit 'b lu lobt mien be bu epemurastv Uni altemeut ecudanuthfa ,iM Teselua *àlu6&~guefeefmemess a1 &J O aunt oî; siMt betui»IMad si ' d v Ma n uch pellilamd fer t ibsâit mus bt lisa eoullued.tuasas-bat là tbe C et th~e ai àà it-'a 1 mféa u mivsuite f.uve5i1Pis 1Il p» M utdei e hls .«lisi ui 1, 1mo, e MljraKtu uslui*f a*" stu,' isaed tir , i 6e« * totaslugm*aismia. Ant tai^uy 1 ï ubeucg. elneit b,'83 suibve ,v.sase ujessauèume nI sba.ud*etamdtes W" dom 15St7 5i *li. MraI., nu"Ib ~e .*mll pl m 6m us 4emm* tige lelm*flete pSnà , bo t Bthbw Ibou m*s4iui e k etlu Nev eme l eui, mo;i ma 'buist Camý*asitd ai m c n.UeyAbt u bu iw -al li lb., s l.,'la altit, nîud ute etlatl diretlma sud l m atese)all tatis enuskuie an l.Egle~t. -&vem amuIe m àdied ulb,' the gaset lun IMI va,, mülthit 5 s"itlg, n iGthéômelaca, iedîgthe. Ce.- uU"Mouea ouh d INtauc 0 Me o c arr.,except tl nepanss vIaatual,'dit île vork, alon- seumithesCoueR.Nou tfacns.pemsn pm tyw a la a ll bth Coalcutt, motmw hbU th*.Cow.msemARh1taMr- Bothua bviag ctailueay meakm Mre. c.Si- del' m ucceui ofeta d»duei.,thie latbar te Mr. 14, intmicl 'mut Mr- B.-atle% butt bu bau simahb.Couct vuw raered* nla, psud masISUhtaa F.'1 unt Kxtcutoibring pot ln Usih itelashob.basu oiai!*iport eftii,.s 1 homdl wibea&.bmlilaI. thicitit ut~ ~~tb *g.P# t l.Ite t f aIevertbiegO .aIu*. -be u dahas ha rne, if mecusuar,, lAnS. Faume, sEa JIuIOI,~~1 o' dam le 6,taglue »=.IL lii, mi. gr u, 1sstapuhW biloauua'ed, faim the cames eftbaC .nssmoena, ne @Put bhouithey wouhd bav" ho thlb la te vimia at il. Mr. Bnoltaa gales bhe mCammisasoers hav" lcvaatiu ted the matters Open tue cemptint of Meu. Ccgie mi Gluver, sud timiaaoa *ha had retaluel s,m ut, icnlb Culstc'uson cc- ci al ta.d u l IaSu a, eyvas salis- fcetiysfuteald. M.%dla, ere,-hsa s£- esuut ais pauer tlbo gIcle vmney me- ctit, .zr*pia ver,' simAanum, a&out£2w3, ai Mr.DI..BWtbluis, undit (m asshaiog mplayed no .*laut pmm siu ep thtr acmosta t is pot laipsuble 11.1amumrms m u bu ae enplace le 681 a-oMa Ibe Celauvt imasqueutl e m.s-afi stice le mi. ta ïkïe gi exeplèb "--lam bietit,' Tbé. N.. Totm pos.ivu e meosfglu.cap- tur muarLegis it ieta ves.l OH ldii il laW ete <IuPa. Tbue ait-m it 'uclsaeed tbm la their estate s t mer parIt4bedi. 0& B * agetbd dvueai mm med the xup$lm d taie. subi, lt theu facced oo f lie aumes 4a ebud e *oumliit ser cbl Tei §@tu las at tial fothe.tweed«r. Thtdiii eha *tult*« gem ve«U e et sive Io receper a.11.sq ouf 11bh.,' bai bee e latyenU' 1. I.Laiute Wasmm as 11ev imdu, Aupmmsu13. WhWul vasa vuwu o"ug ibis du,' ho. lv... Gardins sumd N*uimk VoaI.,a cboo vu sma ylm lu*5t~*U eioe. out,çimuer tiselmts e supse a 6 tierxee1.1. Cea. leds.,'te diileI.sce wnIaivs lber f., lteusamsau suof P0400 t authe u6cé, tblgi'ber. imm <eavmiulWt 'k __ we t rWijl more wpý mte ub.h j*iawmscamiE fur- f zPI efrmed 6lb.pikmie asa b. edfccc.- Tw I. 4hlbe 5 Ariditd.» Ci.e 3D«neulaus, i aithe Davaumbnalsoate CGuna. ~spé~~aiw urý«b usaItwa pesea- im; ,JMa aller tiey vote o&m, eeS.u-, miseutd atcs Paj451l m t. *vesal 111 b a tallmuof sslaring tele s godet »J4l. 1.6. m amIes, pea».ýfr, »u jei çýi w utibe es i es MW a ut ib-t the E. éadmim a, ed tge PealeactrIe ml. e . muette iý m u e va tiseb luet tr d .o ï ix » liteit u. mPre4c, thm an P- zr16. by és aluLuaiulbot Ne uv. veuit ot.bmvac, fssmi a lter iet hpeut Ied *%~~aa"d ehf,'tte ttisa W46u a et is uga u usuEstg fksmu ýaere lIee baala.IatW W~em .lia v eampud Lle champ Sthemue tg lielb. seul 14 $ tr es dlwbiba erlb, im buerIb do n6 #4 W b" tbe bu lg t qo dbtad# * lb r rmuL*sd M 1'rovdast e w7R1Ch Io.the guralv.menth h5r a idMe oetagemili n ieg te thteuFAmnd'd, ut :Iwbfler u aes e uIil »W"the wbuti 1 geofve,or Iiotbled tesoi le ssietuhea f'vele tnsved t w se oaum eum e*" *0xlivaset et dbk 'Wr -i-r---. 60. cargo. 0»or athem, jom all i ~mt1msnI 50'jtigput Yong îtri, g~gi~ tlamenllie sa..the acr vz sassu av ,taahic e e, n blis esttte ou the Ltand a ua. o".P The. other, 1d Msefrslfi ~ k sgt, "id la the Oi0rO t Irl!c yr fusil ya mbil aste, ailliar, slace heaezurehy tise bl ç , f. ess y hc ostsrail liq ppsedlar nil tbumkful fattheirdcliver.glrf. :stflwr the. ment tiking instance of col1a,1 oulloyed delght we have etr M$m.uge, itree m1v ,yeaîer1ay j",,. prosaaoced by the chiel et Illt., desth sanog chante-1 hv the tgrienl etrid with oplifted sabres a, uiis . sehicla, usn eil as hiI aria, iadr he eral voands iniicted ntt ie lime 01cl, the ill-lated certain amidçri . He ntt smoking bis Havia ,ilt!ý judge front theniartyr Ji -C sertIl t Renoue,bis Crirtions are u-I sut « heurt of ,ren. Wl an Mr. 1I1 ter, e Y ter, ameredi am lt ' meth amcend i hî ecli, shile pîslmn. dowi ubis fuiroede ee ', h1L tranqwtpofaibis sonîl Eery te Ille Holy Virg 1 %v 0 as ad led Il bis tranlîle*. Sesser Ru" eh.i.- tvo vli., lerç,, gents, kMesia. îhel"n, freîhes~ ton, 4»d ipeller A. lsarnont & Uo. ,'faf ij aàMPMe that the 'late, thl. grtarî., vinsveretlais, Prie Cary i. &dbId sud hsdl detessmrd a"ter cearia1tbe r Aliles, t.eshow um tien e el bsisssaime e i.mcelia"d *t brig W aise an sli lion,. lh sholtess tce 25 et26 yeuusof aee, oftcree t fi.Ute. , ,,a trai very activer. lie s s'ýil b r1 amy t» amen on boiard th" "schoIne. , boucle, foras nive Atrican, is eta vith s comaspesure c h.îrnctterjsîc ef t,, end nothing to mark tain amîc,,, ls anegra o bu aIl ;Is ,. ateler the homme,a t tenst u. Hle has soidte avîet llled the cr1rr.js n.. with bis ovu hondi, l'y ciîî.ag lit., *,, *Isu bas, metrai linies attem1.tI,l ~tQj k., SetoterdNobles, sudalthe backl( f"'Versi Px, grosn are rrcd aiith the #arsacf blowu,q bY bis l1" te keePP tm il, subsiibaw, il, Imets -ta bc expruted, but ceveitbeleç, sua, lnmg froid vnîthy ot a Stoic upder smi, aobe. With Capt. Gedney, theasuergeon dcIllv Mud othue, aievisiteal the salIccit.r, ar cinoteal vthio u«s-ket siet cf the 14 ashegi, tber.etire »wmch a biglaîas lae cesernus <leand ai vwirah to ste again.l'i lit maides ofm.. tis avteelare ce'erI.l il th i sand ses-grass, wilbe ber rijîgînzifc%,ias, au appeaiermnce voithy ei the FI) iîtijNi~ alte lye lbled cruisa..She is sa Ütguie vesl, cfatchles. anodoi for speec, airat -loetebutthuutendl about Isuc yarb clii, .-On laedeuil;vsotegromajacî, àsou raie p. ;msd appât, thetrefuant of ber Ethîrr awe, teck inu tht mtnt astic rmenner ii ii the i.i iaetyphlhcY fruitsthe camgo, vtlîsoîhra4g u.abl iemdty, emmacae t ar mre akebî.s,ý4 eeit sman te docks. Ilere conitli e ien ai gras sil white.pantalools nd it ticsale a vobiela smttait gove hbmensedal anli l, id brime"l batipohtab hendiaiî a st'eug.-f Ileriblnt rend laise ck;nd aouler wmica ctillne ic hlt, vambus.icIsont Wb&m ss'crhla rhud*eu41.tedaughtîof St, rbis soit JO pn< " eu weie . i rled la a of gagas m± clara. Aroui.-Ithet%,.à ;rwet Wt heg 4rc t li. ee.. 1.11e girls, ram 181111 :thrtft e ans 4-f nI ge, the svry ausageS i d là Ope tii tts"wet re in 1re, iitht ie tarasisd diporedsy pretesues, r i4,s, 5,c a btasad, rite, pli, sud £c.lieSo s.ln 15 u a siM heu saiutliesmarks lit th,. sarse wal-ir attrauction. Hec cargo amqwarsIl, ofr t Il craples, calicotes, cllto aiiLe. yvAies"f alseripions, glass tard Ihardware, %4ii, i bulmers, picturc, hîokng glaia, lsaLi,fIl *clivillamnd slive o. otlî r thiri awd liaes ta mecntiocn s ic r a i op~ lia àsatui ad Laitaic :sedlty. Ofi nIathe (ax tard hstch lie aîcclnscipoi'y p frusî oua cdi aiject, which sta e fl l t1tle ta Dup eak ilcori se, enrcl.aped la a se binkb,,bine ý'qrtmoTntis Jils hse lactii therie& aussiazond ew *peur a.gro oanht ied lasi utIgit. a;.' L qelatid @WsuaI4 veethe dorst eptum béeI.at"oauggte. Nem, hybhier,1 ýstncva ing Ofierté 6 Vanamti liirihie crenterarets »Vun l ua" dapeuabiject ai terriote bilbeià, vWasoisai"t ho.vswua a mus&L1 tetb pejac ted I lusotright aongles fin crala b, itlebils 'y"adtia Mtut# ga l t mffe e xprlot. We ver. gedloasleave t!- if îul,m0ill btblhmis als, baild sied deck tvert flleb «* S but M gleus ted ser theaàwd COl 4lalai. rsnibua r&ey " su tapai-la Uaied tem eu ai t Nw 147csllaiit W ad" lb.ead huasse arsigautis lu uein awucartof the pdloar% , 5lit 9 tutm 0< dbpize. Theme are ua bataid1 , y»o tssmuotin em gile;a ont lo ied= Tbey bave been #ac&.a3days. à ,Tii. va imé udcaute r cth 4O "bY'.loftRuisa, eAclolice tifIll rhcegie Mefi. presidentTai Buren u uIady ai Oe in t*8 eamatis oraibis pocéero ter. île la alaisnla asuadahesnt that lae, Ve.ik cr Malewln -g«bria.t hearia; en thI"r asug u9« seigbbcus. l isaî .t LWtbtIl r O lOi t % br W suait in the Patrut W auPaler ltdmaia Ow Psu seupelt.a fur en, élloàed e,7 ah sa0 65mchb u07~

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