Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 21 Jan 1840, p. 2

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Iwo b qu. su,ýý r tRop vo n~ or,~ -a-. aur, sera liituG Oum dbc .1, 4s u~4 a1ai.,BadnoL- vb4.ld the yeaoty jttrest cisuh j 11110 6d am senot OCrb7 tet g 11(*, thitletwo chrinces Accuastoiliraspart of the div;Jend ot', ~~Sj, 5 ~ ~ ""< g( em-oj or 4 f tot ..ý '* h1 wmht uro ineudiq -the Uîud :ynd lt will bcseen the% this amenîlnent "d Cea___ tr ?ft Vt t uhofScotland woold p methar ~~*mti~w ~~qt I.ah à3 -mnt interest af thtoe of e un M, thirmiîi»ters woýîtd tibpe d dfor ijrt f2 u csattsd A bc ", ontait n"mi a.n.~ n «W on y7 îitt ahu b te hy nutvoi or net. Ht *asaisetoopésa- the original claut rstored. t i îis ,; mmand S&ottand. WDwoeU lited bec abiguit>' beertaiv- ombodied the naI, principles e %' 111» Arl aen oS dpèeo-rt-On of lad .le eb LàCWAWJç0.%- m 4 Wg us iis 49the uua Ilonltpae , ,, - --t--- unuw illt n thtdo tboeged notewoimlainhthe valise etlande hrtîofu,~1.1 se-siles -4e b IbfS vs d ot bon l an d b. f e W providd fustetbr t ei s v«flnothe future. uW~ieI ute,~t.a atts-4 tto r of imnRd Wwt of fChqLb of £ogtand. The aAssodme,îî .1,, W m "o f lt h u gy60,OOOenibeaormUS.n atlte demmnatîi ,Vded for the deftct,01 t ie unsus, iv ~r k v H ISNrmro b .pst totether, thek]i= Coudoies,of course,ex ' bo Dt n onexin oih ll chuccli t lim 1t* MTHOMSONbteinds hild hies luld .......,y eugb4 whiteq ainountpl 'at denî,ination ahould have thei r upit li ýf f l S r t o p p i e ad h ibt & e S al o g ra jia t b tpiu I y d m df t et g e e v S u c e i t h e p orp o s e s f t t e A t , a n d * u s, a il p a rti e , Iw l=co: asbm j di&tathe ideaLtini. mn4 lad clJuEe. dé wLibu jdged hy a common rqLeapplicableIto1j. u4s ~ sg as way rte fr toe~te ap Ia mtob. ans b. lste tanyjrMOcuDg sWnw would As this fair i an anitas edment gras ,v ë -i - mujan de lb.>' t do a theplsmoebelleathe qtui i*@ lb.Malusofthe Cherch of Engtsnd »M . ws~Ibitos ethon, te comide irettatisncounutry'.The Rmurvets, ho coocerd,Wt58'.Ca gan.htterlnoc, sela. ItL neu hadm d of for tliait ntebrns wprt set apart Worthe support of* protetnt t . a n>' aitdiviuimn ,f the Reaervu mnig thlIi dis.-ho oty. 1 Is d ot think a bill dluplo ý îsc trtigmlihed fom a s omlan Ctholie tut dameno ations. On tht. atcott, thrfo, .s~med 1~ le. r nfsi . .i tico woould puai mu l. c 'ny adj aintieb er e oint n stick We,imaion ,cesse of t'-e general voire "'tj, DOS l lattire Cemrit; but if lit vu rord . ka jhucon&fitionalnet lt Mthoutdeo n, but if t eth pie, b ul'ytheeeve iol dr tu o. tft ju Mr l sol *m*vote lo r illierricgthat il wuathebr but gping t lreb e g o moo, m the lawytrasay, temaeo nt o fIO thRme blic ert. lititsoi k, o Wal supS i IlBorne prrrd on theo grnai of aqul !WU" 10ta b paaint ccetMaypublc debt. Wt ,v ,U otbOdevetilt Ilthe next bat garison. ddc jajljona. Bo cassinotvote for *0 t uiDIji u5*'slie leUS i. Mo. cDOULL tf Unçrn>'w l ta of, lit lie vu intayaut a<ttîe bihl peed lut81 ot S4 iI ilWl i overtiaromu, sai equai v ab. pb C 1, 9uni vus te aWin b it u ji. afai>'ImCea oNiudpvlgu istvlon tii. raine of aobb ~sê. f tia tuMd Slow eums tomwh hesow euu moolot. The rsaat b Ootlyo ~ ~U ut bsteu ta epru, hfl Ne SREIWOOD Nrhlfathlb. ctiou of lb boitalutSai 6 ibmOiul tht>' have boa w ~ ~ i l 1 Imb* b>' hlabour of Al; andl u, Thebon SQM alahmn IL 80*10Wblm he bmbait of ail. .Troi ler Enci" M Mr "bot terme le D0w mnli gA.gd"te quma. bq. t Provinco, mith refernt. ta tism Mon5i*, 186.a idia4he priatipel of mbch are, îlot the in. t ih tt loettyo!duelerîutth> w Mt~ r. CarwrlIat'sAUdr,. te the Que n lb.thecoatdssau te ho uveatein 0provincial uvé, W jIl" aBdm.M t vtorllmte in>'this rvsat*l yeteUiceo peradLwe a l theivision amng tht e derot dewnAn4 lm Viais."nim aan somlt tinnehnsdat oo5vbh 0 t 4W ofjeuNt ate uo am aeqWm»amats proposd. hal teausW d b>'Coannrîuloneua. Luth édeo sudbuusdgbs dmlmu Chamreaof Englao iemd Sou n tb utu.M tabuttli Ol5 b~~i l. uubMdt-urhaam ullnld. i~ t êmiS iîiu butmmeott" ouTaemala htll finaît>'passtd the Aueu !bdId~> ieg~ MrSHERWODSadthsmuuipsUieb>Assotthe seveasluta.4'He. noDMlk thz 'S touêi0~Bîlat y theIauowing vote, gvia apji 51,~mii.u.m MY6 gv aRODie, h>'a-e ame vilia o distribution uAcrdcg t ra u idb>' L[.SWand " nt ie hkqË -the ym(h 1--faveur ailthe Bi:- 21l6* aI me . danc wia h vu* oar ne Zut ii>'; Ith"iliétstof aamut y4 - oi.4ftog uiC .1011> 111 .ed 4 " a .ln o, &Wti.bW lm -A, t te d ta Bar H thiaProvicesmrs gestowfly poor. Tbs erof cf ilh" ultht peuisat boar> cfu the HY4,M ur.4rCh"" oîjtCu~i ~ _ lie*" Mi"it . t.ibmoncane dot fron theaoid cctry, mhsn ti.'C t, lailas Nsln aitanb4h. FrrHo Chiu otte riarty, Ceaui, l ob 'ue.IV<Iwz iwi Pa.pampt 1QLMkbai ern d&»iYs loger 1te o hite gre ans lunth tea noliucerche, hisidea s.as is b'lvht FrlIoaMuuJrikure, du6 ta th Lie m au doser i 0 ceMin a id 30 diiotalote ujiem.rMrevnt. ofGy icmseirctlbn liedtî o .Thliesno i. aisdami liai t as be .~ shoolloch, Màmuhan, MithbemsonMcCrat, 'Mg ha i -m a. muag4inmioeesthoof mGria ,McDonell of Stormont, llciq in 1 voim «v«m ndtedkWgk U ialiroeo iesZwmf . ichurcba,-their moulait. voi t uit>'crar icanbak 0 le SOiu, Ibols ___ do illt mtas l i m y»ids>' edv aand ab e oWé tes btwo, aoctr vtdaqie t aîholi ber sment. tLuhh se H oh ai olcb ttîtys in tho Proices, mm ibswt"teon.: eLin ui, îCror licaalwa k c ili'is __«W oatribute lurgely for the Sap"ot o Irth ii ltr.dhsmil nlasCeg . SudSaeiazod ooao ~ ~~~,ns VI id,, @sommeilCahotes &ah tolimo cethe reainUtof the Aa ,b-Ma uAkaBck&i ols ho ta is .. .. big , l umy n olea i io t so i th v . H a fait th en t ? o g v n o t f r in i d m-a i a 8 m i l i t lb , W c sA.r - 28. i n e sB o k i mmi it ateIhurhua . ~ doa cf ierMtt.h v. BULTN rgrmleth-sttesmutIt>'i. s"stclign aat er vma .W05esdterhe- U T pou " rDUilar ai .10j Elui ai mtetthy o io ns t.îde t'in th a rp ud eu b l, artpremo '1' mu ~~~~nj t e na gmat ieisb u.f rpr Oimg f0 r e t tb il o lt a h i nis ta- l i" a n o ia ri5It W"lis b te ~ h htlatn Ë dte4 meuw tp aaRTi" *"à bulb. tin thd *n;bo , aer o f l t m2 t ib., u 1'mb ta teBlle !p stl eat us u folasutss-hing ut> Eb l h ilof in t t mi" citMl. ue stsrg b'a istan afh er îliaiso allé F lit 1 bot m~0<en;luai ;thu ahidmciet daterhrat. ing = t esUObu . «dA b h = .M * maiisa. t>' bm ehi65 I; . iem. R uty. Em .7 hm. sailuer dMif tw theiaora,, mmehl s-,w w t bu ceno d amum th th lbe.d pri ItWhase isâ, , insinuai t.o Oum ut tcf l it. ss bam hiu * te l fliti m theleme.soide Wb-vu t inhs'y ca b ,s>* ia .W e ope they io tmg~~~~= -u hauç s.na'~ao . e tii miI ilt if jamy hing ms m coigiat bu glus 'l etos.ssqmnat coamil dton lb. question miti be referred bey ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ il WUa . s. ytr saibue hs p-t4--nditist1»Qu ' pupmoscf IbisAt;il u sid ai eb> lb. Lugtlattore of tie IL.n , : ; - au k ~ u, otaioe e 5i au s udaihoreoelons mode ta or P e.m otalbviltmane a ver>' difféut yom¶~ bis e a<8uLm.~avms tbO M,&o gt thai ,, ill, maaolit a im ill Of Haas "«- bT thorroina idl. tlso ou lasm ati ete 1101 "Iglaý Veffl 8« 60 hll. &Umm à bmwe unt ute ile ir gOtas ir m M sa cillerNiaioho, ibs abUl Mtheai 801<Id *f lc n uli*opiy wo is " a t ue i sMo uas,.. t, lmai>gl >Mt te-e y., mwoudigve boit @ml t5lacb li lSt . àeitelBtaiu i ngperagraph fronthe PWNt -bu IVlaid eMgres.. ut 4 1M i wt Doft eiiCh RO- tutiturY: f i. d. bey gostlb.ma diiint jil' t ebmai ti wlsl I ..mnuua usccJrsu4.p iwin C tira l .eusl ,. âtya>,mionmteb.Inrsl ta il.u 1. itaJ hib i.isul. PM1h >' i ro %lemustsamuiim i " m va véb Ibieriséd ta tua Men, md r1 Ttar of EALIs~ au t isaitb> pa vuia b M eBaunr, tcusqllsm Ihuesate>' lds.., Iwuessi MOIandt5Pot,5<andst»Mulie5 - t uirl>b as . . Hsse.-(mmDBon.o toit 4 ~ MUMMW t 2 an taiti , aw!iuZ, Ii t ituia icmmlae if b. u6s>' iftai ai ai. tt be dhajetth u itias l4'q -h. b.1.-i, ol.X t dclsi vTh.oliInU ororl odaim à mr e4 e s r m ,-m *léasu pse*Mte u rl u$41 , auCss.tit ho wowAtt bfomuaigabilalM6te f- o jmtluaimssoasM i4o, ludf, o ;6u s* blepm bn clui tenuid. ThePmrlm" longib m~ 4 eO5l~e .la haS.he, fi - Mtp utIf6hlul.b" BSGh ot rvt els i'la t g 55'5&asut dm65 tai nghio. ,,, ~ hou COAWmiaf -t l.e .i ~go it mt Ib>'ba m ata ins.mu mmisibsita ~ h x. l. iouraGmit5 bi bec*F lier 11111 "1MLNds motm' hm t e midcta TgàrOR aàdbUiAW.P44 iamdadey 111as(thei ta iii bis nplnio~~~~ on lb. bON. s lt te t liia m al iI'bis auvt 05MnsfetttBu lu mijBagageMe Ht. bt Ii hEmmma ta l .m t b ivu 565b dit'iailt .enotuat 'W aauaugia bib e perqiir lud 1 But àtlmuai le = haéw Botte shhut g tuaat pièce et the a bisse aon ano mig Ir axüw the Govema Ganteraia bsâtia dieuv.C. udaf~Ute dva biaminwon Ibo bmilia simasla uga .Saot l Q~- amUnIm teaMlMBis 5Jliut ataiN.ott i lr IMORBeirUM reuehl, inminciub.<A O.nba mma> s<s lamema jte utantf tainthéaesylmd TtCifl a <a en dér rourd, land rmmai osibl MeaBsma.iit h Î bcutbuoh ot cmaea Jug>'. teu B proviie *te lle of thepaRmteint, W tele(of usa-so te iil D 65loui bta9 agin ~ veou dst e d '5 .. in aifttqpartiesu bo s v , mferii houabus ifB. Am$ e le .0front .1Ahot' iisl» -Wyn n bisté .n vii asuett.ta.? Euam la65 b . And afn >' t Pal s b Idtw aoutinei eva 65 the pp piellof blbsinter b.t ad- i e tion oi rum . eai al "s t h ha"5muit a b - hot f U .. tl iAie.> imis. Wbias i 0 . ie* 1% IIu «M boa«W poix tnilgui eAsaii lt6émt. r e ig t h 'i e teat o BtdI4~t ieO ell e " 5tut< 15 imspaa ble ~ ~ ~ ~ & .45> the busteisliasguisifa u bu m W <hytuif lu aoutuiseraa iNeiaaj4uibe. - f-~ 4~a.uMitt to at lb. ingm ti t i h«Mt oiPt4eiar e Miic 8 in tetadW"w theaGolo Neb. 'ul- me trBielimie buelleoi a obfs omsa 6 rui s lwd ' o th - 1 1 vam W Io o a l "j a éoirÎýîiw rtiie 6 d s, ie M & Al aid of W bia pro mmq 1 of Mbsl> i % ssliomfm tq ' - up my il e. .54 Iorn m oÇes -ai ib 44-

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