lis CAiNADIAN JOUJRNAL, POLITICAL.., AGRIICJL TTRAL & COMMERCIAL.é Rad a ' Iloe, thî~ i' heet T maintriele flirt d ms and r, Col. an, tf. de' l ae itt le lied m t'Fm D t e, @1. eý le. .l ll.&It Jart r ,ON SIN-, ru, j 1)> (l'ail :D PATE.NT Y ý.t MOlRLE.Y rta h ly 1,~ :RY TUESI et nLy awil- ilt, inl art, 30 tcul[yr«eiir Lraeç ai uni ( f 1t rIIF>tit' or ý l . mTn filtttt'il t,.ir llra le" dI'r Tar>ii tire %1lo0, , 'r r. etc daUt Yi<< 0pli. e boabewt5 ,là 0berbile o< we d ,gti oo bt; th bi ot!, MW Wein à W' air -, utr1 ,ccid, Pl, OiedUe*US cite la n th blond, chumeilt fineI . oomù' 1utbeal bie, .m Shwi ga. .il the yf '.oie u dé, pSpriSt! [hoomm, d WMrt art; llemOts Vilah ffatal dm, .Mk âbitaIof Ie. THE IME CHRAN IC; OF qCEF IARY'S TIML- FeORtTIE FRSiCIV MISS XEUZA ,HELIDAN. citiAPTER Il. ýEûcà,nloc wtt with agtated tMepm e aje t.etIJ jtiîrrit o berp- tnty benwltbrwitthéteffvtr ofhigh IL Çibcfl Renard atood (ta thet' litude y ,enwiih lois .yes ixed owi 14 qt ahUr et cd'aCI-U. bec& fare in e oiCourt, lu pi- * l venaostntl f ! Ry uMy clown, ka de,gd In ligli. Tr.oson and fout ,bai miel ta just rrware. Sedbtjbes faballe, we mili arself, Oî*ituemcaa ibhttaiondstitonor. Yýt stand you . onc rvoire, tectgl ta Ille eye maeAtea.' len be et atittoeraie ota irhrc. laty pansed as ifstrugglarmg rrho.Sir e vied fot toibelmevar taire ebal jus;t bead. ta r eful eremira about the Court,' vrad to hesif-' vet anone eould tare Io a lae ta rejlete witc apparent trut.- lemttlogJ a ith a iove 1 should ai once aterr. iPe coen. The woman and rt ,ror viri m, ced I fituate*le bide t lcent? l thoras.' an tfil 'r shLpcue ascended bel e, P.Lori Fabtrcc, tsttt'itdldly array. ertlý' rd! of thetalerreiaorate.iy m,n .ri Abrt i kcee, itastemed to1 ti % z- rie r band respecfui) , raile? il aIrer rrt l',t me cal. 1. ru L rbtjoe CdilCaexpress. Your :tia î rrl OSrora', but affection- 't. ererore OterFabttrato.'Tis te Quecta 0dry-DOt ier grgeons tille, Ibat claimt Mtyreriet. P-Our loyal moud la rlttOhbld ute'lteve tttee %wothy couer QQ Qted 1Itreyrj s scrutinizinglv 'tutenatiCe as te lit 1 att eplic- ' ilui; Ier da Lv fortet t ht regard, or 1'ielit esrotets of bMary Tftli Itr" matred te Qreen :Ie. :an let trou rry Lord ti 'tc fear the ime 4z tee oorlic I tr aseni brit Reslrt ai ht-reai,'saidthlb Gr a vinictiveepesmu fm n ', ,rnY car majetyls plea. ena te *!ý astiMary anatcbed a4LDI fora relad ht-. ' Look àaI M, lta fi", r Itita al iret bnc eof pussion, sand Fee flets ' 1d eff-clican prompteit me II h iir frtter, te Queem raid im e lat lrd. Ya'eSay pou love PasseIn a iot rien kmurInw t.t4 sonirbianad matit gire aï iflanti crirove tbecotrary.- 1 e. I fni,1 naeh candor, loyalty, e sb ae Ult ittOure turkcd eehl tit anre. Fabimno! l, 0tilQe05 butty devoted lave. a, drîig t futiy in cetrolin. ber utl lr Prase im e ttrhe, aIbe art- ly"'ran-, ltOeeead ofthe madt- Ile eI rlis In ute. There ate Itire ort-nay snt C $orn1 lyaixste of' rie 10 je [ltyaffecton-. ertsored o ther...ap te a IltCofeîiou 0, il, ete ut, 8loo l, ly anoîer IC~lnà east l% etar8fate-t ailiI!il a a l eim rc a1t t ou Loc i moleapeg el -JI t the m e ' ni tr ac an, od tire !frr b lai' iad hl 8pLea rue babci ike a criu. idQIPa Pbîeanto ike Iis' O amc, onaaIastu s dd le r e.' ru adfatr tCiethee Fi f&W lu fair, tae ~a' adar t ib. iiint dl ase SuPtnte vvliyl aCiries Diarea towpm ed eugoar*te leitei amsd punawui, ikpsatu r>'w1ue- thy fki s iette Pélbot srl,691aN r sov. .,tiraslu i-r em , l " es ouu &4* *ee 'aef f W ait i te e saelà ýipasuerj aor a midith ae. Tbu the bdair s tese pars etf<haitui.4ha h, ai passeit-le blé lu. tarnt sud cemls".ph- sure, te bete4eb bor QmmmýIa epget. But isalit megithé asitli sace oft dem meu3el umiwita mmdptvae e= blos 10 "yjie o eD4nieam RIbr' eg vh i ili'alImm tlie e o tte .b a sir 4 * *bla, b e r m u i m a m a i 1 ic z o r isi' tenched rt t lbe ut thelie (o Etel 64 m mu, a d r i e . , i m i r r s u . i m L e m î e r s --. Ton year bavi tsua bt «Iy bti- aigh be theélb p M.te in ber aie * a'e easeel votée, a if pieusleteWW m eret cf heî barp aan e i s oi tgo t q Ws lady ;w hite a ramllty ferma Ia behdl_î ,, 1mataitc Fe tlabide Olime 1ai OF bupl~~ taiempr ibat apîimgufie a s aeiiri'es 1 i ecoutemplale. ir the tiog Îgreap. 1 icurersmLA-0ilntr UeavsOseday, previmi. iW srmaçmlw=mgbis g ssh s eeo tearie qpmei. 18 IWIa.mtsse.e dei cabis, s sd taluitthm tuva ofbsae<r. emTed. Sletu" ilobuteimsbo» dm, la me mudtm&plsw tei = awe .M Daseos - -1 0 my. a chmuamt Os r. dnW lra0=211~ ts siftemi dadire body h eo's' lamie sar"ooedbvthe the a, mat~1rm stram uia of adIsis MME1Laai 5itus ,de sof.6sa siieM!II oOiiej Decref4S acubliai. Os =e "IMMsugud ho siepi mos sdl s o ee. -ud Ule i a lt dmwaaitd, le are mda ldoiaeesp[aeoi mm souk *hcb e ihorsai, r, ut.e mmm I hfO ie . Im ino M e as . m il d u O re4 . la t w 18 aa ouf $o i aI . mm te.. W qqum é chatId bsmatmmlat sa t11 a eposibi, ws irummmmly and mii, q' dm te. 50lb otber, mid ba, -&ectoderml.'e oncwit em bhoea. led. s ba!baî it Mer mm mmlila rm.he m 4 basrd av moera ~ 1 it . taeaem1 utsbe aUm a i .; ues.Iseo.d te bauete o.l siiolisec bW Ibsth. steela luthestr uem*l aqma fer. a uemaitsl astam1«rbie à, WMO s «»mult.ssisgattLtld by elle md ha am r tre"amiai' fro bistee, et#. bis aheefe tha I aci bv s i s a i . 6 .eeanet tel 0oebs>u lota" M md,m = Ckie~I,,~m Mau Oaim Yom705 peali bus irenatistemr,ta Dtm Ideltgét.e he r le lorgir., or teulisir de. Giibert1 atars Tite lep" wu vs molj raised andtGilbert ad- vantai.. Jeea's arme fr11 1.11cm hy bar aida, md, bcr beaud inppeittrati su ber has., the seî-, Iber spolie nr trrei. Gilberit poh o tee Queuea. 'ler confession " eai bcompact. My lita il atyjormiajeaip'acommsnit. Nom minii joai a- jet eiear mi>'«conditiensIl 1'Sçeali! Y«ebava ourpromsise lte itslamllbu granted.' 'Tre is a cealler etf jeer Mjcatlmwho bal - i0 neciet iritercou, Ars ilea jouai' mssa ho lii n battured lu ob.esrtly, ilatire .lpdaugbtec ami heireus cf the laIe Lord T&Ibot, whoOmsbe- lieud iezrthertoit% ofH"aty UL 4 Wbmîd 1 eai?'Ils»Wlthe Qaie.m»Ct ro cealita aiof. ot aItire. t et l * Ti twgeut Catiqala, uito4 rt Àemimd"Y if d% be tre, thât chil i? 68mirc waI " &MMll.tdid for te fltbea et Ir ,Mary of FMMd ii do fer lire daMbla et JabaTZaIS. àid Mary's face hemmeit tiltiaciff, as sire Cootianeit. 'liI thon lthe pro t hat bis ircboaseuistl' 1I bave, your 0 " ty. Adutslild.bey lev satwuot Tiemme he da etr o lon Talbottaleetranli, ami raume lb.proecation r ils wed ber tlis lordeof bumtmct sUpu lies. tond iions, joq sujesîy »>' command my lite.' Sy promise,' sai thlie Queeu. Glirrt advanceit sut cmpirslhcally cetrostlrin ber mjaty, raid- 1'ThéQumcoof Englasd mears te M% riihqI tire Meciruit, ley ber creva, hbe on <b ep booki, (bat she ii leep ber word. Tire Qumen rose, and Iyig ber bandt opon lb. bol' oaci vhicir stosi epua s'1 Pare Dieu,,mmi- ' On Ibis divine boh, ersoae te restr. thm dalgirter te ber riîbls.' 0 Tbecompact is cosclat,'saidtlbe Mecîma- lc,-4 Ncm le! t ar.eb.epad W e nmd a nuptial coach ferIm glr thatJobI m TaIelsudi Puienas, Cauml Cîsabeaoat' janedstnd ftmber iilerte status-liko a&M. f eMatea. exclamatien. ,bQeeas pokut*auriedi 'Wbal masathi,,Sirr.a". bav IhaMrpiy. itag ialbsamadmsie. raa lina? bathle' 'siyeu ana~~~~ ~~~ imiiln *til 'l orQea Tour hem,siriahi yeurhcad! Loch toit, et b> us> creva, il makies a booîtfl for unm. base li*d ert a" otn Sun shiana t'- Glibert remaimeit esmovet b>' the 1 suý- - gmt, amd cooly anaswrt-d-- , '" My beaa s our m.tle's,1 av«eeaeoaophel-bep.. 'lar beires. ta Lerd Talbot,' autenmelt filibmte lle. proots I the proota 1l alimoit mliew ee 6'Tb.j arehb ejurnmajetty,'aeld itrestI, pr.- »aa spcirel. 1 &iolat sIbo 1 wil glterdit t.ebâbêle fi2m IlWlialiftwe cosignummead,.t i fwhel te lie mmes?1 bus Wini peerie m&U pceetet os con- ýýUofflp et remasauepur maoalvin berWy lerda, tiraI ai Iat dthe lbcreulior et-i' tend11v ma 00 abY a u b' of à abrtdge wmincir siiou edtir*e 014tu gain acem go the rabas; sud a bq.ra'eiich-preventei thlb.rebesiag actag.. loal.The britg,uaMyLordsi.liai et Lon- héritl. aner, my &Dgeet b n searat hý1ew' tLord Cihelei.' Ibb Mue>-secetî hy 4ttarpto gain tb. p. probilion' er urteliers te the setaeoeau abaut lb* -W; sutiaçarng Simca Renard te admit lb. Ceu IÀt mrian sd piepare Ibe joumi' girl for »s 8$dim% da d i cendithe b. iem, a lin opsb D he s b slay rag igogreoethde. Jtmlàs.Filaa piuei-M nou esbut ae- uireuesî; Ibm Quen ton vs taling amide te SmReérard-msbm susleit! tbat wus a bai emcm. liseI igeciaiy te ail preesl ani approaci- et biarajl>' 0 di ,d ire Italien t b s- < M y L o tit P bis. bt bis lest1 in acliaovieitgnetOU pubisa mati cftapas. lary cetiaasd-' lOae!àne irmravbea liihing .iq e&votaitiy tel> tbyins, doulmes mva have auMr- palte sur- pdea.fer téeihu (Lod. A t.egIhot wiU if- foui f» ru >anc a.' - sobiuge emrem Daot mt ueauig. a. -rtpWId~M e ety m mut- thoc a Idey ismry ar a-l Ibes* P B<~eot~a te mimd atirar tran ber in miru. 1u #eCoiaad, aud <e vil tillasï. Thale w aira lier band, sud lUmes Rem- 1-i pld;mduQ&-Ctei am9e0 ite &0ie peme MW- Il Ia. vu"bfose p.ers usai e pos IdMy aapsDose be n.a*:-Ber mcal>'y titrusei hi.uj-- T.mItvajo us>' Lor de'poietimgin usthe di- reoltmnte aitere the girl aloot timidiv. iMbhano fdtn-and Jarr, 1liimi'l, o yez, an- 'coannaer0"taegzoetEtbi Italian. Db. stanterî u'itb surprae-but Fabléko remainea ommoet, "«0 pIa isltbIqaivetiug ot bis fuamai,wmincewvu gulied 67aut, betloneontspoba ra rtirred. ITha Que. iMfqreptcd the silence by aiieess'ai' lbe 4e- omrU ibis Youn Mi 'sal,napM ?'1 -dix oen usajesty ' h. irarlyreplici. ;Ph. dLse bnahressed heutf te Jaâj CAd- "dae* ~ It knew jeu thal genlema -reprdit laac tapiftty gazait upenoaU aisa, eho re-j m4coesi anei, and rpiei- 4.Tuuliuheltre imy lits; t te hac hlmr, joui IsLthe man et whorsm e apoeiere vhiist' li. 5, our majemiy,' mumerei Jaftz Slpsface vasli te op wthidign'ation as aji. a d eaiber desItat couerier. 4Aue hui e hecmot upLord tt Pas sic,i aun orrtait <rr. «" k~ 1wmmaila legudeit vili lb tele w ent re~g0esteea., 1 , a nd mmi ses-utav e i s> Ami4a Patineur r~smAsCo- 1 tend ume, dmd1 I des requhaib the isimeesoftmy Qmeen. Lool esme See%'t liu ugit te semp me trattrIl «Tlb.oulai, 'as uell esuogi. eaibthal viii eaum" tnu a close a scuatmy. Lause me cou, Faamm; mmd insà heur thon mpp'aIetus.' Sirm vavet hiufnes br; b. haut *er ut baud but toetcheaticot. Tire Qumes ept bet e>'. aledfastly upos hîmiâuth i i ,ag duors bld him tram ber miia sitighed. 'IU h. h. haie, miecr, oh, wber. atll irtate del. But u steaileee; meumira1tse. 1 Wltmlu tieret.- Andi ber fot vas petalatly .beakig mi thelb.fir. la au instant SiamaRenard atmi lbeoeber. 4 yeu baemeard ail?' 1I bare, peur IMjeet,.' 'Ca term b. fi.umd a mm- peuhdluuspara ean ussArt sure, giadi" , tirmî b.bu u 0r- ed #»V« &0lam chatonmg fesnati .plq? Pose .r. e'1su, yoatî Mjesty.9 repliait 5". em bol eily mymoîf, bul Cieaada Clisie., Montagnes anditiers bave beasuviam ta bis nuiats te ar U Qoen tartr il front ber chair, 4Air t la it tsamt buteur, se public? Thirs muainoltenanat paaupisaed. You su>' pou iad tbe ~Riti Wza.a dtetaiaiai ber bouse, and breughtt lhhier 1- la ol ttiitafliient peoftal warrant cntor odeinrg bis be;.it &trutckoff? Arsit etlpausate makeas- sarance onre. la iheMichaiie re?' & Hoela,- yonr Majuat>', sud vilde literci you reqaire., 9 'Tas wmcli, h i ntiielit bis lits, if il be nette- aauy, iaidtsIio.?, 1lHeseceka rereege, atd mut >1cM dbaslite te eletmim i, joue Majest>.' 'n Simon Renard, aned bit hlm enter, sud de bid myLard Chanadosa yira the autle-eem, with twlemea i rs a hl. t oe Slip- g ir mId la appear hefore me. wyI tOnce more atone, JMary pacei thle cbambet vutI clan .d bandse amdruiffet brou'. 1 e is terrible! yet il muai b. toue ! and 1 'love bien! lov, bit t 1 aa I aveir!tmaie betore P and tessprang ta ber qee. Haslîly iusbimr, Ihema a'm, aie coninuet. 9'Great yl be tha sacrifice! Pride! Pride vili sustain me in lb. tonflit; su',,!1u'ilb love snd veaboum, aid Lt me act su becomea arr>'fatherle tangleetandi Eg- isnt's Quarfta! Brushing aIl traces oftulaitesiream bu ceatte nce, and ber hast praemir] iaI>'for amomael 10h beer as if tea till its violent tbrohbing, e asceeter threna, asd appearet aborber! i ome ofthIe many détumemls whicb ley eiterainte abll covered it mitb is.oa tsaud golit thal sltad bemade ber, as lime. approch- cd îeiloiret by Gilbert the Macbmaic: tlb latter of wbom spolie &fliera lirt pausme> e Daefoebata mm 1VI Simon replici, 'Btfaçe ib. tQu,ae! Ant Gibert het bis irmet w v the lb.Qt en 'apke- cS 'Arise and listaleus. Ifmer bilbtg, Pa ara onuGibert, a meciemie, mata ih Mriueau'itee- et Thames ili s a uni' u'emam mar n me te vbhon ou vaealiiecit. Sirebtaieirsi dL. and loves aise wu'hlas decqivet ame. Youe mc reronge-se tdo Il mudtalegrify lb t revae thou'aitmiiug ta sacrmlcc lb>' lite, la ilemaiuse 4 VovreblM4e i4l lutri'ifeitmesL- , e The Quee cortiuei. 6Yen onâet say liaI which me chalI commandt, cîher for goit or fon ev'i, trotte or talseboit. O!tey, maidlthon irait bave ample vengeance. Nana. thy re mrd : if glis ta mîb e s gmd motier v.mlIly, omi cafe alsl h. cpemee ta be.- Demand t elthon yl; re- amember, 'lis tby lite'. the price, mot il sah ailb paiti, upon natu royal word.' & Yonr M.* ety,1sait Gilber,« 'am jet mitir. t'ut peouftai ionîidllty. Bleu mestors tomn oatderellimi' re Icoult ques" iie er. Trte, I bebeti a mai e ousiaaer! et .: lvres. I mu'a imy u'bit.h irimred me wuaelm, io"n. I nu' a tIer, iene, be mmd, b>' er ae tra ie viL It vas aight 1 wuma aitaec;i I uiî t tbate teeca ber band witiag t 1a pt amueaitf0nm- tbimg. I mai ec er beloteIcas amei. «'He lovecsen1 de,' tirugîl Mary, 'sand i. in- credaln oIuaedmrght ofet meil in berlbu lovte' 4'Oh. passion, passions 1cm doal thou vera îbhy. self imtotebe huai at, te pace 6, casher <been wntere il bai bean sepeacefut ! 1'Sbeutt'ai <hou teibis girl and hatber are*' ber guilt,'ht ibon teotuesas I commuai tbee l ' yen, jour Misty, on one cnito. . *Rme il eme ciber limte. Simon Regard,: conitatt Ihe puaug girl tlbontureesest, ins4boy.' htti-u rn tramte et mIby aà"d '!or.-'fbe (Qtwena jaintothoampjfthe. lapes_ lu, ad s-id ; 1 Cotacr al thyseif bebtin t Iat tapas- try, bati tir ol l tthon has beard ber çaatea- sian, Gibert bowe'd te ber Majemly, eftraated Iote e spot deignalet, sand lifting a partlcf t iime vieug tap,slry, hid imsîf front sigl, s Jau eanImai by tht ide dour ush rci n ey Sinm, vie retreat- cal a feu' pacea, lest-mg lb. ie, domaietmsa trenhiling girl, costrotei vitli-ber Mejasiy. 1 Advasee, poui; omn. Ye orh'ytatîteitred hetimut girL 'Sa, 4 oeer0peurs, passait himseît off as s gentlemans meeitPaule ?' 1[le didijour Majutj.' 1 ntBuipeno h inamsotabeabansCOMA, ClI*rtmsa Io 1'1 de, jour Majesîy.' Tte Quers toniuet. '[aut siai, mteseuty u'erm aizeit epoa in jour aoma boume, peu bai bhem traitini ie aimval 1ta utît sunappoitient ubiabh he badimai. vilb ym by leterz Sir ir tb-si amswrtme il.' rial fiàM sWmadamu, urcy?'.xcisimei lie tavi- led Janp. The Qumen spoie more s idy tI7 omeasimeu' &'Il muas - jur ilajesa'sj.' 4 Yeu are ara sidMary, ' the is mothim te~~~ moecbr o i or fo i t If t' ' jBut dealir; that ih mpylahpe,'samd lb.e vrecbed girl. 4 Relata ta me the circuemstaces ofet y tir -e quaieitama. ile ibis mana; wbe sudsai mse, idtti tire set him for thefinsi tirs. V. Jane lot the iai Lime rahasit ber ee a etire Que«c.-« Tbai 1 atioeeitmysti e ule bd away biya gltt.riug enlideis i 1il'Ibave a lell. Oh, Nadan, each vert I muter là lorte teas>' achia heurt, beus>' beaithoa i iseift th e. castimemesl je.-, 4 Chaslhsement for thet 1 vretched girl,' inter- rupat the Queu. 1'Thick lirae<aMeor KEngiai isnterteres vltb lb. atle wmo ~~~iÉsdiuse* G. sp.goi&The à" &i» e jwwemren-he th - su t.. oouivsme b.0tl s aMvrm 4 eWy su?.7 aie damde l "se C.uupaiptale lired ëï W UMWit bu scme de iJNBToNq, CANADA, TIEJAY, hMAY 4, 18416 t'eut. xti', &J 0 b. dmaimiU 01Vs = seitueen ha dni a Isaierd fins h etris U maimoed itai ebr royal Wef. W. " is "tae anmd arremst, te lia.blu' Who@ aMY Lord Chab umd &wmeBoald cm tate e amasstanceenui- red Ibm lmini ,Who 4oo<ssmeafleW' u lled 18tacésimit Ibe crime b, Lord VlsbmamaL- Tm1bti eteAlued, 4 ly me? By mmre n '%i fai. Prt' The Que- made a moatioun villa ber habit, the gligda ibtte bath peisuit lroku mwsy, and Cii- bell lb. e çbhnic adéraacest. '[ta as bce,' ýsiLr en.cs. lacoO$tlemce <lib. êclmati« cdet Ii la a m lm pa.7 J, Eae- Iab, de alltacbSignear Pabiaehaofa ieIlem, si m aittuaitou the l4(e o arroyal ad -3 GlbtaMit d itb folidamias, and bis lise a- vérted Itées the italoia. 4 MbO UP ezetas.ed lbse t i etueAnrll ate eh me miable I~ ~ ~ ~~1 Mbi o a .Ts imesoaccucse me of implicateq Ibyseft. Tlaiub, then tabg e b et atabca-wircie erces tiiy beaàtu l' es misse; perbaps pro bm et ot th or ftliia 11 have, and ans PrePar.4 gota"edu aIle,'caïd Gilbert, hie hm .OUI] avertied. 1 IlM]Y Lords' uMid ablem, aIbis uman mt fbave bleu peud-'- TMe Mecbs*i iatsly t<mmmil d dcomfromts! Ille Italien, ezelamg. 1 fly ju ; ben lite mPutie, « weighty witbxotd tire. Posai;mes te coenteem .crime of merde, 1 Sec, my larde, Lis armeand cypirer mre emtaWsi deua ie«ite And d 4ilbrt soit badeed prdeduce apuise uhichs Fans.. lemboiriea bira ta seul biesmilence lie re- gardJI thelbmurder of<hede .u, mad drmwiaag lam the poniard wu'hleihait ben ses! dfor tb. fatal deer!, lie caatimopd. an live.lthe pisrd, his pomiard ; b;s mnaii e h bilt.' Fabiaso uttered as exclamation or despir la ho re0eguieit lert, sud heheld bis pars. mnd pas. iard ; &Il brontog ta bis mind that h u a Mir- dorer. li' MY Lurd,Ibukowîibis mame; 'lis in vatn te sruggle with MY fate,' saidthle wretbed Italimu. L-OtitChanampproacleed I1 eebsul sui saidr-a UeoNorma.lau'1 BItai.'th. 151e, en- prouiytes tbmi caarfesam"o. atm empt lie sceemplie* of cuieme trou mjasipuaishusut; re- Ilclt t si belote jeu take th@.iasIewleh allait confirm the crime.'1 4 1 m PreParait tu de the. oatie,'aiiilbîtert, anmd am prepared ta dia.' Jase ccvered ber fa« witb bath ber à"maed soblard aredibly, as tbm Lord Chaudos, pplmtineta the ape boel, prepertd ilqminiater-4he math la the Meclamaic, embe lrmly advaamcd sud iaying bis "D.enPalue upou Itmeaarid roisea, spolie dme jel a distinct mmd cier tome et voice& -% I hars mlats eattalte bprupect et dsmlh [satire my eiels Ibits mmnsilan amesaia; that lbu. Penserdaprrad go porp.trai s abrisi crime liIiseui lrs ires me tecemeesi lb. crime titsistb Ubm Iii, madmolhimgbill;bthinitia, go beip me Got.' As hysîunicialesk kwn abritmmdsame'a rop' parI ut. P Alce mand mmm o selau atietn rc. The u'retcbed gIrl wemmo lerne go bei spantosnt, sSiuamuRemar! approach il the Quecu and saii1'raut majecy deaircdi th preacece of Ibm rxerutilrmer, ei7e. Lot'bim appaaach,' ad ber Majesly. The cramit gare way mmd a ressermtblo bard le&- lurcit iadividual catie foremard, mkiing su ebel- rancmas te Qumes. Mary t ros einber al;tand raid]: tCMy Lord Somerset, commit Ihea. twe men le b.t.wçr, me. jud ment b. passoit re»ostb.omby tbe lemmvp Plats et aur sari cambera wbicb doue, w. leait for Ecliford weboe w.e haU eopes lhe pur- liameut and ltbasproceci toeWidmor.' T hem teurngde Ibe cxccutioueriabc eoaelimnd. c'Ap- promcb, thion hast becs s (imihu& mevilor e b rIaIs, thenarmt eid snd hal. ocre tbrec digèerent reigma W. hmnse il if au s ashisbed cesfiet tbm severeiga of Ouar riasm, on accession ta the [broite,te tarentretdaa sgil. Our faiher, Henry thre VIII, bstwed spe. Ibee 1he brusit dissonsd nlaap ot bis mastic ; eur brother Edwhrd Ihe V4, preeculc tiae e ités his magmificelit drnkha.g cOa oaf pure and chaamd gold ;-Il mou' becomes ou r lote re uwmrd lby leng Iniait servie,' asud bMary drcu' to ber firager a rmnby ot value. _ 'Ibis il but à trille te wbat 1 bave In reacrïe for the@s he pmaedgtden poimllajg ta Fabisso, coattiieei, 6Looli et tbal bead,' and mitb oss and sue graspetirmnly the amrsof techair hy webla aodw hile the raiier mm. wu extenal.d amd tire fort llmgcr oftheb jewetled baud pointes!ote e.Italiena, se ah.sei> spoke 6t Execeioner ballelt my gift, tiraI bemd *ma thse!Thiegift ad bary Que.. ofBEngmmit' b.e iroppeil iloeber senti as ail blon te Iemd mes> thre prisoreucran d lcaletoVir. partmet.-M auj had coudemucd demI bcad ta the bieck,-emhemiê abe onace Waivaloee abmir did bar crows go price- leu dîd alec (lin iil THE TRUANT HIJSAND. T'e pank vs mo 1»r a s. R~Isud &md aX gber oaf the yWlaieleck tirse tasgob.0pua bha. uey-pIete; miiever ma"damne.lifting h V emry cyle iWï'dIoe mrkheblapseetof a& ýàQr. lt was pSt, alduigwe, &ad jetlihe cefemed A«il She erosela"m Imaiaggup (Vi amp, mboae polo raya aiome ilroaat*d lb aolitaqr »amber, pros- ceoded it I Muot ela. e te m. aaeal m épart- ment. Tir sbe <l o ia. Otte b.dtvoe mdrswm avide badtbygt "fer gazed onber slÉ"- li Co 1d Wirmi&a. iulid cétréat <did Ileel gl6[- ig "kem suai smîtlgimw russat, atgbhotsy in MaY 9m, yet bemqtital toc. "a bang or iaislatsrs 1 a Wiie resemle jl tm.'P u'u lb. lbali t br itteil bma4 amit asigts uls boesy awer!' "fa is U' el haeqwu bdba mamtlb eaet i lMe drowey parler debei tbiqt e l loUphmllas euh a murmer o ur6 hp, ne drtur lb. mm. boita*à siladmtied ists hocîblic.m masters et o m'clak10 Wilm, isl itmXIV Md b e PrMm op lbe ilsibesm-emtirr. ih sae hmb. Ne repreasches m t be Iainthuasbei, mana-- tIiee taro mge o e adinfuormatMr. obeWm taILs Bitish govermmual lad itestruction et the Carori:m. TheT Ihal Mr. Steveàmsou ad ires Ibe poitive dciai. The tiohfth etb.masîler, bo*er e dolathêl Au4o Iumpehsionsharluag bea en eftly ptddms.dl LodPal meritqo'î la t ieurs imu aolamit bc husit cdmmaeiètted te the Aumerfc utulstrai an eatly Oeriod1 Ibm debïüâeaeo ie bu W govredmenttle asimsm hereapeusluit' dia«. trayi Ibm soiue, Mf. Blereuss mêle a a" te LadËalm*eratoaiaquing et bien whamen u -0 mmiem !n b befonude. imqelry Lord P"aietea mssyd WÀ. oe Ihat be b.d lludcd tb a convenu imwllcb hac!tae absplae.betweeu hlm andiMr. 81ena.., lu Feltim>',1 aea lir e MM oriti th eive- tiene ofsteaer va*»rsseiyed tbroitgb lb me*$a- [lu th Ie "l eR Mr. Stevenson u "tvO, Goiversiuemt in thé ereul of a demamid néa il by4ir. Usited States, bot bp dii a JleI~ iRtilseate tirat leconétiereit Mn éte te ld Ameiatca m.-for reb*mrtl-e tVe have lirliaccei of te matteÏl" m.a - tectty arribeutie source, The e.lbmutlras btieé« tbe Américsm mimtistet mmddlire Dritimb pus vus altogmiber in(*"sa, Wahi toml » ".enaIhaa efthIe ist eatm per acomeof thIe uwu e If mmy eirch mean4 te siet ev7ed b, L.ed Palmrmusw vumdas ulbi e*p lieedla basMé Mir& suebe hdad Dotgh to trganm .s. imi' tihe echlstoatde DeLishiL miaj:- =1 Lard Pdlmerals IimslfadmiIbis mu. llth <it am e ulct ifslorli hem sue rslo.i W ever, dheceete, sghl be fiee tenm tu e. É aon, l mwu a natter et no momens isumeb iad dhe. demad of the Amentema getarmemi <me we parution wunemt prescte oustilt Mmg tauihig Te Ibis demm..)te Brillai stary bave'. puVef $eu* te Pq»u .mmît apon baremi';â, aoiea-Mi B yp- ne trepiio4 u îà. aMoi Mtt.a2â ftc,te amq bm* Ierema bai <elimi' u. livecons sd L'alalmek»iun. i~~ see the Anariema aiteeft ë '$ Car e openom U a ple tamatiu' cue rtrimphav-L"-p. Yr àtisUi= fiser.1 e the xmereof J of e lgu lms *da kReport tram <ha DiteetorsofC datteatrete'mremdu nInsnue , , - luceh commerib' al o>'Éuly it. hoa» . icacee(a embie ete lmlel 16M QuCm«éé@ (alsý fa " en umie "th ll t )uelVemaaaM tuqp kW*sd f.eqeak Ise urtes, qaurai. ee qamedthe pmési kaSl tset dident l1me b8 "il amcrsi inoeden ut e- by, Wositusamdptmo b4 uném my ei trac" leihacta.. Ui. Ea g hstwwgw cestm a.esltko* igitpmdc4tw tàe. bt habu bequmaallflg ià hSent l mmmlbeca"mig*Umm@* idgre ila 11110 megbu M seheeusi sa,«. eiaà U vstaut"I.Teb. uu. . - prumtmg < un tlmauimb rals fà 10 have ebtsineit <mdi. .Lod. tiMr. 81.- 'Yotr oaih P" saiti Gilbert, iopresevelp c whicle ie ,'er ti regWiered aboe. 1 It mai tee b.revegeit ona Falepo,' ssld the Qitees, ' IbaI 1 proposeitlte coitract. Yen taibeai of vengeance I-cmlt jeu lhim vengeancet Ko, mari me ; thie beartis ul fui thae-I fte.losd- beatiai of it ow' bmnasb my bandi. l'irs Ihob- b'aeg msut e e.tilet hby'dire vemgeu1.!asd lbon meaI aid me deo PNe abiana lobkbtab p self.' The Ques opeate.putiet ulvae bar àptde. Mecbsic, and apidly glauceit orer Ia contents, wbîcir scemed ta la eiai>'ber do" e.f«ornrisg le lb. tetror-stricbem gisi, ' Retire-Jase TaI-tireu aal be semmeouai ubAwnsaet me cmerd lb>presence.' A"d ber uma- jealy torang img tboo bMecbamic, amaed tde. perusaofethde. clit. Jase hmiaidt e re Gilbert steoit viîE fediarvasatdey Miaprmie, ms hiough i irb "sw teavrad te agbeof aut ha- iew, liadtseizing irit am, axclid.-* *ý,,! Gilbert, wbat bar. pou doeu,-maiethat I&ear t-peur iite do bl . jeenmit1r ut omeedieu' ruI com4t» . 140W Ies a tasu 4 '-'"', liraI scarce date UR my ejeflo tieah 1 for- gins ae% fer My haut in breml4g.ý lite jiechismifelt bis cit oa"mme tbllste *On& mosomti uergtue, asdthle uacle. of hi. stroa -Y reat r " .ed vidh e gmy of $uppresue faiiJarrme cauget bas; bond lu ben, $h 11o &l ais dlme cesvatiaireseraea( ~i, eau hemdintii'berbemd itraIe impriateil a hies epoa ltae band Ibat gaveit, agitbastcmed trom tie spart- ment. Gilbert trew onîý long deep bread,-« I çorM Dot utter oaa. mord of represcb for my sa' salvation l' The Quecir appoieri 0l I toqgirl, mli. as di.Ymhaig hemr best te accoent for th-pnse et Gilbrert ta <ha Lordasetftir. Court. At [st glosai t fsatisfaction tsufias el sItorer lber fus- ltie s sahetitassorisiatr ait çeu.ceved mand matenspi a plot, meesy a statemas: sb addieas- sait tIt Uechanic--.' l ail t"éea meapas et de- fane! uai hy persn IN et, 'I'W'MUcbanic drois lu h11lie 'nsard vide W"r n Fblmue hait ma altea ire= Je«., sMd re- pll.d* 6 this,,pourmaet>,la tr ea sd et Lord O0f falb a i ,Wat b QuMe. 4 M ! lia reill m ée àev - ot, aSséimmiy fer hid te dm 0o" u"dmo S'timt.mendLorw i»MM ausia lly aamcud-ft4èe Qnm'olsMW th Gim, 4 sierbis* assahob.uirasmepmgus> lite i mutuaca bism»us ne aau.' Gilbri aac lt waiasl MýW Weihu emd ex- td W<TurM*Wy I1-' but lb e m ils-W imrsnetsrThéCampeanmd ho tekhe urioil vu te *stn inggle i d ho m "d ba»"eee ia@att leleseit; i eaiyadree elbpase. lu a- Getlmen, ju scee.irm tit «eti. b epS injite blàd; MyLaidChidas, an cbe h pi- at se cloe sume t-.ê etapfe the pset pl0ebas ui'jan lM1h9rbvam alll hav, ecsua vhm abettj.' Gibert telieanmd lr ai.cmetihm tram rieu'. &latde. Lord Citabmmuvidehu lbe pals.. V "raded tire Quei. +àMuV" altmlb sume.Yjsar me"t' emmalu,'ml el d lieti ad. 4 Laithim le maees.dle wut »W bI leaia, t<bu Lrds Câablemut'u, sms u4 Demr and lb. Lord Chasçmlh.r àamigivi De- te v~rtaeiii liteaU7drs bqut*d te#mele I, àiO siuted in ber presra", asmo mud amusa tae Ib i a a c'oéentiité, ma*um éie- mmeu l*m e G.Emparer en oset. '99a . W. ltz seu- [tue B(rY mêi ber géefon «I- n da.gil achoe. bis face, musiimeit, &O adlt To dcccirm one and abjure Ibe othen!1 Yoaro?.# ber mot?1 From atm then leamn ber titi.. -ii. is Jane Taibot, daaigbter -and beiress ta JobITjbot, am ay pcousin, Coumote. ot Shrews- bi,V Peenest of Engimnit. You bnow ber m0o,-jeum efr i mu'ber tg jour recoliectiem. Per- haga.rmemeoy serves jeu botter ou', mey LmrYMy Lot* Pagel jou t ae commissioner oft eur '- seat ; mte mdll our mords :-The Queeo Of~ e soteaaaly recagizes tbim Young 'peemon as .t b hireïm tg thm estatem of the lte Jobns Tal t.' jsd op tep tircet aire cestinuce Wce m t <~ d-r zàfs a whb iYom w ill J mEi.lbseai l.'Then tursing 1n Fabiaree ' toeméess ot Shrewsbunry i1mait f iroe reflrp -niuiug tu tire sid titIe, jeanaira mut reoi otamabeard whbsl, IDow listes tu *outlms rt.-À maie witirt a suli, spirit oet eom I mmpstert10th. e rti, mnd traitor le tbyi QUO, f*atlemen sud Lords, 1 craie .y cet par- doni*a - e tetd bim k4ank equeli tajour-1 ne M tamot enlaI he retînitebo imgeif t10 te,W*tewoiin. How's Ibis irtab? Toux Md iemcm Oickes Italian bent bis lie., jour Majaut>', wbite i smur muitrmptdkim. Cites, nyma .o *ie, i tgr elutik wvebavej fererm hm ReH.dore set rais. bis eyes <oi emcsser Megasce of bau wrnaged and iajrred misâms 1, Modea ed rmlegon r obad '7,., jaimea, ienecouter il. -My desth, 1 sisi*tied manmd 1I elilmot ebrinb from It; aus lj:'hatmemnas jeu wil-poismrd, poison, rimpe4 bien hy lb.he mesad hmrried bits fa spare lar two, and lu a tuer voice, tender- edLby agittionie hm. do-pog t tamismtrair, so! Thm Ilmtuiloua 'M u butelber reven " baJ QIýte1 r MV& evewte, t ,amy- edç rI geti a jewelà, whieb ont u'.al behb e br.-we "sti ec tbeetremittg hin esffcl mtdirestit e tiis billisacp, tag ses'te exc ami h"ee by tire populace. TiraI ne" wb là a gIdem xdltar bas beca plmccd lm e Çi m atcc tarueed. We bave secsn mill rowkebi Ios eu 1.4a Chaireor mamte; w. weto ae lPhal t fest jYom iii fin a seaSad I-iaI tâucli emssb ttrmTowerdammdeîtWIa.lii lmaudrae.It fat* mmd gare il im. lhertord Ceu t et merMWy commad, bât de- 'Prof 1 aam. olliiu"ta *a Worsu beemmea a smum& Wbe' *e o&iacb crime i' deaim iMs- k1i>fwa <hft am 1accuel'?mmauFile». Mâle mbJet to»O Kiag i 1Napim an me Îas b MeMM .Plag-AgaaM, ef wh9op 1 moanc- w"l the qlbsqmt? Y.. almou e« the gOZZ NyLoed Cises m anmlbth e- mdnomY m îteuI' The lelag 'doesmverss »d emaimtWfon,%8a m md hais et IpUBUI$Mi y, I. hu &AUe n il 7.