Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 4 May 1841, p. 2

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THE KINGSTON flEI~ALD-TUESliÀY, MAY 4, 1841. commesu mm amfmctur-a bndeadmn f« i I e dacthns-tumme ofilliitshbe eu- omm4 w te a jaesrios, kahil, amd PIS8~UW .,ul1dr#tIuw.0d, "kng jute pug Tbmiupomibiity a(Siing proit abm eimcmýt fr Iwiepuepiýe,' oOg esMeB bâfuf y el Poiit ticm. fteW firiry-ttiong llie e Cdurta cf iboir lmdmsls - --r-a---in f lu _-cher aeines, l ocellets; a staedy fat the evi. .4*aepllseim , oge bc taoe- Tb* veadlag et lioepttmma fuicemi 1 lie marlal pplnu. am pi Ae te am u ieret- lug discussins>àtebui sny genteen usaitc pa. AJethi-mcugg -a h.ttly taolbela 1fer the ~lgPunlimet en the uni.- PMU &0 Bd" TORY LOYALTY. Tt U eusîu mqss" b o ir = isI mun th s CUPfi4nMA n u owv er _« = uc=Itanta tfilsgaues, but lia u !tiey eau maieof il. Oopiionctieet s ai mliii n ged, md .orn oercpeo * Piml'rq1at ialebis mlmte,-t bt lît îxmeâdce-ès dnig *pam.voted fr t t. efemMCaat*dal. Werrta is Wlatter.lh."coserqatiqus" lu b lenàddai cmm. their Pnctturias :%"Ibeer act meo M ln= ,-but thty hcu i teic cm eâot ta la tienm!usuopea ta mch 44foui P. iug u ileliîr lfelly that inducedtine te insu finir Ireo.able uJpea ta du lie Eoerg Ir" 41 "msed < *« evuiw"A qoumt, Il1.11 =îes, iL theunrivél mf -t acely fedgeu Ue. -Ud suad Tootpý ýè«2ful almmai the me>e aii e -M li 4mneeeljniwc Colonies cf Amea." Andin a *IMabsequen pnarpi vo fut the folcvwing: % tberefie eoen tble ehu«te tenod*npiie lt. P#rlmcnt, lot île!, telpata ted qualificalios .1. chat tbeyniay,,, lutne byplelge tbemmeivoî tio adkocate a repeal cf ticeUseS. Thé e m- or Gemd MOI rat dw o> i fa day of trial 61 m.e M"S eofesail eu *k dcournl lmt r.colmc.but Ludt saupport inuCa",edma-teu iouu-ooid lie prses couccou- -a in sduc -tinaslm oNucistafb ctimmr ,»eateli, pared ul a Xt«Nchuzie iTak cf E.ÀiO?;jBdndeW 11W» aides, lin 'vicb the bm u iecopiec, sltouqi dae&. fous West Ostmbmy,'mu.evevriteub any one resi- -Usthne3e--W lul vu cisculated fr tht dlec- ta ,4oserve lUn. W.B. "ouiesn eSinico, anti Ut. nia uellinjeYonk. Tbey have bth beu deaMamd thon.uasenov utrnai, ia leS mmcc tios. ie "bU "'llssa aodyof meu- hon te pudsamt* fvebs elou unanal Oi et e tc 0mmenc. KA =nAxAulld -Metbauwi. pCatustophe. -onMs 1804hate vey mehelby casroh lcerre ai Mmgass'4 ale-les cdà c &-Rig ir. Jobs confms, vers bartte destl, e.- tghlieabsonce of tthi, uutar eho bai gens go tirer for Waler. 1Ise Iremises cf Ur. Cils., vere entirely conotmemd-beUd des, . l7 in aeh, sMd la isft perfeeoiifdestitule. 1xau-Favt Lîves .Mcs-ne apromises oM Mr. G.0Sooe.01iTam,. . S.vers burned ta the ir«od élitWedeoeAy lut, *ad, slmuchoiy tae-- lut, es c f bhs chlidren anti au apprutice anti a servat girl penimed je lie Ue,. * t elsonuan d Mefbasely escspsd parueticg je the "stof their unforinate off.priag and servant. mmn-OpMê.ne. .1 CeMmoelu Adreotsu. MUIDER AND IOBUY. ýý Tric ity us ibis uonsairag le b.uttest Émue cf mtieetglialI oes u a ý 4ou abbeatslest %it elaud ticstore cf Mme siummmoncd tem, sind murdered.tees cis, »aller viich t vytok mhtt ley cola!lii&sd set lira ta the imd"0lgi ibis monie1 that elegant store lies a baep.cfsmoking reins. Collier & PelW alsshni- in Domna, being in the Mme building, làalaIm con- The tw. yoeeg me i ver. si lie grealest re- uoptelabiity, ani their M.um n em ed b,' mil. Se- vutai lomud poeu.ae ai ilis eait standing xernd the nna, bo* ng te fied tie remenus cf Mr. Staler; the Other,.M. Weaver, vas louai ejli lfebe mach cul by a Bowhe inife,- md *pitio "Meoves lhe sys. Tue7 ver. both, Ibe1 ee *rm Nov York. Aneter mme vu kiled by tht fallingcof Ibe vallu. TNt tilinens met tuis morniieg anti clereti a revend cf $M.00 Eeily boatileavi.; lie port ilu edilb tue police oicers ; ou bas just te- tweed viii a uespocted mmc .SBlcs li, aboie vms ini type ve bave received the Cincinnati Gazelle of i6U 2, fimul: w me copy lie fdlloéig:-h W. ae indeblai ta Illes.Bovin & Hibhusd <et a emlYofe Sllh lie 4clvn proclaatcion, brongil a lirmiai, jWsin ain u St.[Amis--- sriiE TBUcS ePofas za» 'Wbonom, lith e lioning bousm cf William G. petseIb iatly oM si. Leaa, weastluinigit usuel soi1é an set Ira te, aud Ivo youeg men mer. ddsal17 trrgiujthue ove revend oM ire thona- MMade" *fuil liepad bythe cil,'of Si. Louis One &aeappdele-f tle perpetral«of Mthe t, «t Ew msudialluition mas shandbsa!ta their de- tetioamad convicuions or a prcpoeional pari cf lie MWsaI u »aY mc n more of lieue. JOHN 0. DAGGETT, Mayas Of the Cty cf St. Lois. We boaslaitliai thce ardered uenverse %«d Scier and Woaver - thâaker uie a foueti am Ile àe«ou, liing sàot &Mb helb.lsaitand &euug uehàuaiest d;tbe lady MWeatr ad ut leu. bond clanthe b*azhl tared -aeu u b vw*meuonat fm"eéy 1ud l cerried mbtseeAlit eo the rab- Tic .11 aveehlestesmMr o eat Watne, Cape, pihomcOs btum, ,th# oemed DEMr uloaims b, lb. chinois, vili p ru am..t; ami tiat lic next anivabi fioge the F.UBWalconfina.s themsiactory concleusi- e dseàPlv regret liaI vu lave ne inteligence -etthe arrivai cf le steaneipP nicideut. wrmamr pPRUfOaep. Aà bote iver npool Mslu thtttcreport et tle- LMu"s= 88 e,.c t e alaf are mmsuse huvimg b tsmue e it.g4-freayàb(or enc e heWestern liandu,). q aveme li ai.mn deisel bcn ee Suday, l in it à* founation. 580, P. M.- 'Tâtre lu ecacemu aitever ef lhe President (or an,' vian *Npep q d tateb ber) swae e b, dlt m mmm u ieGeia ey oarly en Io moriaguf tic lu21hml. Metien tuis te ebvisto lier mmm,'abord raesra at." Lvnioee, Tuesday.-Tbe alatemseel pu"le- ad! intbe second @di"icd thle *"mSges eltie te ed~Pd tu8tuue bovleg bt -oa 7leCr i tai fle Lynx, rou St. Mi- ebeP, s.bolyeime, sel mui hurebecu fer- -iabheal by-e mpersan eso.Lierpool, Whom inl- "m fomat. pt awda mattera lu eîideutiy ci a bisyqcstec hieolrter. elherl themer tbas p etops&ymi, retire- eti te Ncw York, or met vitb a menumuelucly daglny, 5 icettue moment vsenrte, enlistby a molter cf iisienary spcUaatis-jLetter oclous C«Morespnt.l Cm, Twéce c'doL-Tia P.eident ia4uer bas oct ba uiad 4 adlihe go&"ae t upre.- raile rtgantiing ber; yeslenda,' lUMarmces "m nnwtyce ted se igh ms 20 per cecntyemin, and! menu ili roabyledeuaîied to-say. Be- y the lmiesamaisOa lie c -194 va cehave s. tirs(ge amiale, sud astinglie mhape of RYene kniwmrOs. jetti e b-e eau pai -MAl cf d4b 09 lt -.Prsd sia~nu ob '*isliar *Dy"leé'tua gemair uroulalib. accetai!in he Z -P in mt aLlerais. Sic -vu frat inspred t'5 puq cent. né ff4*ulitato ffnt of the yeade and-quarterhs revenue -*Me publisW din iaghl. Il ombibits, apon thieviola yeér, làiecreutMi 3»9,M8; mm upon the qemzladieg -yestroy lie decrease copred with the quarter eediug Apfil 5,31840, Thc principal soures cf revene ehicl mice a àecruhare Ithecumanas andthle punt once,lie former am.uetnt 801,042 potis, andihl.th- ternta nieeelita, £98,M bo i inreas e tl foeincî W te eexcise, ehici exceeth le bd eur=b299po"na . Te alape ah.o havitincreameti£16%2% anmd lbe taxes £275,019. Tb. probable amtof Ex- chiquer bilbs eqeired ta ouestel lie lmahe i consolidatea! fend, amonts for the quarter endtd Apil 5 1841, ta £4,917,73&. le l4nlilae;t nothine eciay ngisly of mo. lice boaiocccrred uxcept lie folleieg: BOUSE or COMMONs. APitL 6 CAsM or ma. WIten.- - Viconl;Pmmuas-oxnidelaiai fie sMM tion o0 thc palies vume te..MB. on. mu,ý'Isr uMt. heume,,Muating f th difbnreeces ai preshul ex- istisg latweun Iis coutry' mm the îgéverumeuti Mflle Unitedi Status, andl te the arma o f M'ltei. [Ut licti ht olis honcrable friendi ehler etiti. hot Inomlatini e cessa pta or bis ast lhodid net ueco*lie%:,eei- c,' ettrin e. urud'tiquestieon aithe preutelt Hlneted ta liese tiui, -matie.part bih cf lie govecuient of lie Unitedi State.s and liaI et Iis conùte,' sm axiocu deio le beng Ibis matles o i.aamicablo mmd smtifactcty tesuiea*oc. (Heur, b.let)Tiren maltera ici excllai a siong feeling bth atthip ide cf thc Atantie c'dalte li.,, mad vlslt lIeue mateien li teukiec of communication latente .te. govtelmc suytiing rik. a discussion * fl'helr delaW cocili enby tend to doay, peshaputa. diea-i1 ojts amt oniy et his honorable <hhedI but 1t cihe- BEa#ï.1 govemmont sud .oflt.egobrmbtoet &M UnitdState.(Hean,lae.) .9 egere- foe i ofriand would poulpoe lisaotm (Hucer- s) Mr. nom£ mat.!Doepersan vau moem uionu t ec relations cf frieidsiip usintainci hulveen tlis couetry and lie Unitedi States. Hec,' opposi là vwn of «y hinti, but a car vih the Uited States wcoeU b.ea mont unnatane!ve. (Heur, hear.) Ater chat boai buta tadt he nobl lord, ho imiaonoObjection te postpose buima"ioe. Taz Ganti, Wzsvm.-Tisnoble rosie eanes Kingromi le-morroe, April thte M, the an- niveuuary day f ber slartieg ce ber mka trip- Sic crdescalnt tweçn fbrty sud ffty passoges anti bas neaxi-afeu m*ai a very vau"ilecargo, part cf tihiel lu a lange qusutit,' of dclaeture r rudsc Si. leares Kirgroai t 12 eok ich le ltpket from Cumberlnd !Batin leares at imif peut tn. Palus, Apil 5-Il uemns certain liai IM. Gui- zot bas cfféred lie mediationeoM France là termi-' nat tic différences existing lalceon Gret Bru'. ri anmd lie United! States. We cannol, oeaers bidev tht . orist, Dot content e olening bis serices oas ciatar, bas liromteued lie Uni- ted lSttesl as a journal affirmi liai le lan, cili me armed intevetion. Franco iuradiug lie Uni- ted State in faus cf Engiami! Xislaiides Ion ridicuicus talac tutentainet, trucby ihue eho abandonea Egypttu e marc; oM lic povres. [Li Courrier deFrancais, Apil 6.1 This repo Mmediation ues ta have be fountii oiy pon s Paris bttein lic London Globe. Tam armeal intervention spoien of hthle Courrier Frmaca wu a hure invention of lIc Frech edior. The lettesinethie Globe intimalca! mm mci liieg. OFm". W. (Dubia Ewmmg lai> are enabloal, ta au- nonece, "upotloehy-and do ma urcluively- tial Loti lestoi, bae lin Joie Coibrne, is m- tuaby appotad Governr- Gecoral oM ldia. At asceeur possesuions ii. Euit n are lat by ocuatean a teue, and vIcia eu verut er- rie"in 04quarter cf tle glçobem ar fhltcee 17 brelu Igrson andto i tt u'inleel fonde, t lm becs ceniddb tho hbe gof*a ason u se,. .Thtt folois or(batmthe seaicoal we ls 1 . -10gNU- <ordbli l àÉ" 'Ajiio thii.ipeuvecoentsue eu prcnstof the. outryh cfa'I'U.Bank zmaY bliouoect.lwm ofthettunve acç T.~ which ffmms ens. mnay b. cafl.uiie-ë> $Ùtituinsare al truly pnivate; thiiew opera- tions ame limited, aie porlianientary interfer- tence il, with regard te itih a proteet than to corifer a benéfit. A Publc inukt entirely different from asuch, institu. tions as tiese, and the. qualifyine word,.pub- lie ia sufllcieutly clear and défimtea 0 ivey the imcating unphied mit--txa it thould b. osserttall or te bnefit of the public. 'ut 'n a country wbere tiere -i. no publie Banki in existence, its nature and -it. ativautges canant ho so well underatocd es iwbenfrcmn besee<:nct*&lwù3dpenauaim Xtisthon-. fore - - apta _t out thtpu- ciples and leedinirehmZao L oi f a Piblic Bma.la. I&iigmUI, lrimt-proteide tlstt tieu. which au r SVlDazide iypsne- pieu on which a ublic Bank -9 -.te es.u tablled; tlzoy se.merely oebuuu. s e whih iMay lac capableof favirng jmaI ii n sttton, m ii. 'teobjecî cd prem.ntig tbem ed ait ___p o uce -ich dulî.ut To proceed, tliown ,.;adwZrt w, tat -aL Publie Bank sbould lie much a aarporate bjoly as alould stad tothe i7itom nd di.e b& heCapac"i o rutnç.I zho l*b, a Cons u iu pescr1od y Panhmrn* mâdualterabée bttl7 Ome atb",rity. fe ic. tmentoe pirinciple woMUL .a"way erouind h mg body thathq' ai'. fot wn mm lyfôc 'tiiemu.les, but fo1 ir suýced!ng*poee -tors, and fbr the public in gemerd, çh se- coud, tbat-tboir duîy.îs sunpIy dfmu miiicVt'v Te obtain the. retlt 0'two objects ofien in opposition io'each aNviz the public benefit and the. privat. advatitl a Oftbe popi the tilatter siiotdc Inlitt- ed, and all adiantages. beyoed di# lirait almauld, bc for the benefit of the public. The. West ladin. DocI. Ca. in Londoa affords an instance of tls kind of liataim. On the dividenda amounting to more" a certain fixad per coulage, the. charges aýe te hoe te- du.cd.It rmigbt ot; ho so easy téadapt itis pricile to a Public Banking< mpi; te:ore it lu proposedin " amcu smlale to the tate or the country ta eu*thte x 6 Cal ompieany forth. eneceirafSeet If eý3" bymeans of which itopapi- ticu .exnployed ln lanse ta im-mIgats 40e enaible 6ti<o irerniguse. and in lbans to peruem-u~»d lu agriculture and aeanu&c- ro='nce, wxtb suit" lelimitations and exceptions. la ils capscity sa mu Immigration lociely, it would taire the management of mil immigration businessun e tPovince, antd, relievang lie Ger- crinent je thia depastmont, ,uigbt be mitillci là the relief cf indigent immiugranes by a smi direct char$e cq ovesj poison iaking the bentfit oM ils operatiotié ly recïli-iig a c-tins reloieag thons wbose limited muses ut ea be m b.t. putis, $..&Moiment. icithe ona~a" omLy tain ie.. beh. výwie mble te on 'tht ordinuy 'beinigvilega e it io;uiey pqyalein #pecie, mi Mofimomg sdock boïlg~e tercet ; ut .bould piovide cut cf' its pwât*séfety rand;i he mubjecî aita&H limes ta pédslauutary conîsol, and its otierations and ih, circonstances suffcieetiy made keownetea ho efetted.. 17 publie opinion. la addition Io ils ordiny .vileges, hàmuit bo proposeti, Ibat it shculd b.cI e Agent of bce Go- morment la every way consistent with tht apena- 1lions ofambasi. Il sboldkeprecuiree, i - lec( the public revenue, standing ie the Îdtiafen cf Tremurter, iteceirer General sud C.ollectluby ehich means ne defalcatioNld ugy c.ur, sui theme daties 1 lm rmtItuexpoie tb the country Ihan by1mhyn "eprd*' #eu-es Il mi t. bcpropssd, aima, that il eltoul have the exclusive privilege cf rai"lg tht required boans ie Eoglaad or efeehbere, for thc execulioa of public wvans. Las ggoormnt 9s cldlachouses bain moog tht ropietrs e eTn of a Bourd cf Dirocts. Bel isScprialemdont m.d Auuiula*osld le appoiabti&gonmn% ce ma be advisaibe tiat ils oriinaty b with regard tb privai. creditecomnlsoi a the priecipie oM mecurit Uiklr ta tb*< the &elnrb banks, of ebicb Lmuha il . vstlpyof sa- ticetbt in180l, tbat yeo f rnpserd de&. tractine oteui l aad in eae mdai.- tally unmfseedlauin diuutsor times s * by puzmd *tic aieti aa"l iftim to, uer 0* liue a Bak could hoe etahbu"e, il erould traietsua public beachi; il eould embrcai l = :inea teis operations, aoi! il voeudbu the Mier- est of &iH to support il. Il vould Si". tuaïead- vantages 10 the coupinry web it peally eoluime. Il çould ho the chief ieiunenitaje «sylig on publie cons, vwhich vonis are requlrud te ur play the ihousantis of irnuigran thlai meuh asin as a tros-abmelic home. [t vou oidote miur- 1graiion, mot merelly i fle um las 9i eg puss bici moueappear taouplai- . bo t itlm on stumvoibti iford aceoomu.io b lismods mdes s.eeamortemm = = tir wicheveiÎ oe CiidIM te be geeemdludesemble. -It voeUs(omad >efcby~c investuent for eonwigo p1ruvide foltitin faies by mimanmli S. Oaetnu.P. WWîOk-M mçàIltsl qmrn e kOe Umr tlimmy Pui- mtAClNocoviction roeuruci;tlicpro lifceIn.William Webb-ma aguiut a conictioam aer tie Sumuar, Pt omt Act by A. McDccolI, Esq. - Cvcaic M4 ci cum. Prove -la -te is ichargeone Irm4 J~nm ury malle Ibo ssIm uitluReportorcf The Gema!d Jury orthfe Iliiul D"il boaIVo espectfili,' te report, liai Ibm,' bais i tic fiel anti impe'ovemînta laIe, maie tl -sied ciel macih eauie in baeg te*ila Be Orset sivautages liai vini ul ie à*Di ati s te-the unfont amateaorch.mi coninié tbereie. * IboGradur fa ebehg ta Blte, liaI hae examiud ihe utenalalmaiagsment e X#61 ant wi esth'le sererai poisonrseau1 tresimeel neceireand mai thnîe geceal icu lieur ancer,-the Grand Jut,' ucfepMuo -rerl greai pruise lu due tea ,Sieif Mc smealsaubordinate olcera.', JAMES W. UEO WI OrGmedti or,' Boom, April 2%,18«1. Fooaix Psvxoumtzr, tz t ims PAiLsuuxs.--1 Pnoclanistica uis Wood Pl mng tue moef-ng cf Paglamene the icr Montgomery' and Jubn Yengofprlztrliled Astti]. îiiaily, have late,, meau et chatsemipeecu, propr aselqula W"i pet repor t o lasbuthae efecioLresistimA the tie cf lire. W. haie seen a emaU L p the shape of a Bouse, chici mifter bing j oser vil ltiii liquicas cxpceudta a te i' ferle spasce of on. hoor sud teent,' mUAs The reanlt vus, liai lue destructive eh..,n -net polemotcro. e haI af au 'Whi ie boulés . neilgoos iuvesloum, vo mier. :iWd le-be'l pbicy,,tle merits of lbis iqet Taurda,"venaignex4,et 7 o9clock, oc 'cemmoeaus stabl lte Town.. 'Il wnlîbo mie by a rferemce ta onturl cdluns, lhai lis Worsip the Mayor, huac a public meeting, ta la beldi ut lb.lova-Hal monreai-O ociok, P. M., tenmle aransge- for «éf propen reception cof Dis Excelldnc[ Gcveinor'Genormi,-oebis ariva! ut Ibluplace, saiue ee may appear iogule-re ýr -iewu ce ciii eeverthebess recodiounopinimoati people coli tife on tie ccasion afludotile recin RBis Excellency me do lakoWditis q. am, anda!esot auspete éclamo, urrayoid difeérent henners, lis Lordsiip wvouluhi bitter plesset. Peduhbovever, wvo aa ken; for U«lea aulitude cf ceenselc ml lq0m Bous Svca.-As lie lpriag mldve anti trnsport becoues cussy, os, to*eSW<a ilsenuueil -ln auteand importance. A sciera! n»v estalalimeuit & Iremyi,' iopen and on ibie poielcfbeicg openei, cva'Mig tiat ofM.uu. Armour & Ramsay, of Mon via inLtend3in lthle courue cf tsliScli, bo e rusî a traech of tleir extensive Stutioneey enos jeIis tocia. We lare iefsmei thaï. ceSuciay tle 2M lie Boéagc oven lic Gamoque Rivpe aOuI lag e a ième, wus carrii es,' yb,'-t crtued violence cf lb. stremm, occaion Indien rien cf lic River, . he ' -t the Brige (M8Outre ti lhe eetion bonts at ellion oui, vu deslo,'ti. .Foi!a ne persuvsitajunet. Thc deoitictlos bIridge, for mame lUme ei teast, viiil e sea" convenience. lia iniabilmetscf Gaeanoqite a praisevonthy lieraity aid public spirt,,e doaîcing ta îhrcc aelite streamu, as a te fut, relief 10 tbm public, a filoatieg ituge, aid cautlie obiinei.te ereci anotier. Sevoral ctier bridges je lie CotIof]1 bave likevise lae desicyei, aid the mo, repreuentule in« alut imputsable. A Cemmile cas grantea! ithe Houas of mensatle lmquirm e thîe state of th. Goven of Nsvfondbaud. Il appeara tilt pelitiane presenela from lie Colon,', as ing for the abc s nal a Fn rAm eadime Colo,' Me.-Laàsorcua; Presiiont oftlichB Traie, gare cotice ce li e jach, th seoue mbo., e Mnd. ,th Aprii. Lr oti eaxReuxas.stateti in tl i ousar cm"cson lie smm.de,,t ho heoulai mal leaucial maemeet on 199 2B.April - m e li'mg f the Titube Dulies cl beu &iela TuBil h uiincg tle Jees teobel au odieuspassairlte flouse oPCDommoo.as. t Agil, lesta8s.- EtuMaàvuioa.-Fron e UbeàCorrespon~dent miv. ta Emigratiq u aCuaai," puulisix atbent,' of Pariameet, il appears -lia the number of £migrants arrivi et Qusbec ftou le S, bahti,'e. uincusire, vas 298,1n vhmIa MS76 or more by two-Ibini caue Irelanti. Tae cftuber cf Emnigrants hou EEurope lb trivetmiNew thursgle «me polilli 313,..Witiis-the bu t ielve year%, Sl enimba of lie Ntti A»««»cs commeact mm b.e renllaitah.ezes MmotoeIbmauf by BeropeunEmigrumalmeon. Do»ra sNo»v-Tb Sa.Cls dm mhu» t go" 4"18 ».I.îEtoei mcmmn. dutaubImmpddw-e ailb.sle tR c-l e---- aoet1- niid-a,,dul, sg -lic ~ ~ ~ mi lm sg u egsi, licite~~~~~~~~~~~t li u ust ttmts ste.. rséam< boume. Us ~ e a s. suci mn oea- . otéuFi juudm u(ê L - Ptrdmê M . Seity liemHotu J abs ieIde, Np h ysle dm, ccei- The important letton chicbo we lately pub-upilt lishea!, fromn Mr. Buchianan te Mr. Shenif sriks oieyD.SeP LIuPe a- Jarv, onthe subject of Orungisn, lias no h > r. Sbu im uir- doubt aurted g rlnotice: butnoct sabr cI. [Vw'sk lb 'ty t -. thant db thesubject nequires. Lt je one of -te a aElit viaje V fnoa ac P ijéi te uohicli d"pulii*, àt ne aimi!i egree 10 eh îlè' d tue " î» i. adernunrded a ibdceoexejucei en ofafainu m-tAie Province;-,and! iris undouabot-auLuremuerai Of the, t- ue frein Cu0 ,t kr beredlytdi.dut,'o! thatportion of the. _%blic Prpiihîe rmth.no air rusiltid -Pneus.which Professes te support die Go- nor Generail-," 'i,15 e boèrate) vereameut of Lord Sydeunsam, sud te pro-: Canada," were, ifpci,- a,' ta mot. dia permanence of our colonial connec- cet ved. ii minlet, tien with Great Britain, aud th, peaee and! 1- The Day , eîeu, yb.unity of the vast Province o! Canada, îo bringil.'Roast Beef of Oid p!-j this subject coutinually befire the b c il - ur..- 1 letitp ; 3The Qlleen.D.d ae If ti ever,'individua s afal,' pýs aýe e Qutheen ý olic b existence of Orange Societies la incompatible _'. kana" p1 %or cf thi oclgovesunient. Tii! dieu, bhosau-. ie royli.h , ritra I 15 Td -whatever go prospects nia, ajipear for1 5. '1e rn Icold~proapriltyof the Cotativ ansi front and itihArnads, y u, 4 r tea'hiittcd vise and - judicuoaa aruiastra-1 6.CUti Eni.-la_ , lion ofttiie Governôr Geen suad 7. Hi@ ng * sniHue aetblnk tiiereis reson tedo,:diaî he il! s rO.-'Littie cry have the concirrerce of-a large majontyof the 'Th lb; ing of eahi ma vopeA: say, notulitlistnnding diis-with 9. Our ]aie Worh irj. mp of'Cacadaim addition, samti Orangurn tù ab- 10- Our farier Lieitenat <iîty up.me, waî, i o er WStasealndtiSir Franciled.=C.kè - il1. Sir Joiehn 'ile. ~The party ia tue contry. wbo, imceccil eBusiktr~ ïndI4 iveben ava 2'OusSister Ocie±ieL, -ani eve o~ ays sadvrsiecto efom antiBroc tir,. -nequcfly opposed le lier Majesty's Go- 1 .TtFar'- ép3n eëuew4tvir'ulnce il lbuaborsute -edeuig- il gon.d Lamese'~ !6tice, ionm'ôf a ReÉdrn Governùet-Tlia par- Ci iLcbnrlfi, vit 2~aDe'1t, FiÀily d..pactcompriaing andi Lieut. Hl.. Ï1,.hr,, î - Clergy of diat 1Lllurcii, catch vcoula 'K. men of the.. ierv'iceq ~ ealedticEstblisaca Cbrchhere, ns weil Captib Sandon, R . , asdrt! -e m101 n gband; aud with few -exceptions t1 -ere Pneveiitu i fan bein lie a âmli ofice holders of tic Pr*reinccen.T Ie That" i [.-froni i.Legislative Counclor down tute Lowî.r anaa,» iH ix ifh t ,iO ounon Crier-aH i iidiadmirable unrty, haif or the constitrôi,,,. in lie woirtu> of a'bhouer cause, are undoubtedi,' Canada, luat l., ere rstata, resotxng vigoroualy to tise instrumentaliîy of bune of lie Unaion a fair and ira itii ce1 Orangisuai, for the accornplishament of tIxeir respet tu the selionrlitn M he n? tataobc suelfish purpoqes. Their poinilGovernrnerî, b oefbetasaprelimiuery uxeasure, scema Cta loei iew h tbe liii~ -b w nepeal of tue union. ld îirt ne elîien,; , 1 rail One o! their preparato mensures is to Oh- le clbIupal rrangeeta , . p r'begrti"reaeontrhu. tiiniaclx * eepûtion for loyale,';anud tuehe d cf raupeae rntinu di, toi- san kind of distinction as supporters of the lieetnieothlbibbilr 1, hmsBritiiiCoumttudton. Tnuly îhey hsve rieed roîcbniei by prnpaainag nu a îîuv Vy lie. tif a o-large -appu'opnlmel o ut-byalty, 1by ity <t Kiqnslo, the Seat of theinir w.Toey-of teputation, l*ho hav'e noue ofit -in ne-Leulur fCad"ahu ri, u aiy For bow s lail possible that uteubears ca-hehtiiv respande i, la xi lot soit7: ledge ef th; facl as ata i by i If Bu adfa&ciety can lbe loyal who cre bourià t10-,uia btlitoast, Ibat il nasa an getuer by afcret ostlis and %whilcas Degal, cf tis firsE Session,,but of es lb K iag n the fiaut of its existence ouly withoult'refet- ien-lte Metropolitar Cipatlai unies iring'lau Is nature unà «orki lu îýthe cent, «,.ir Joh liravey"Vi astt mach munit,'. rower go it Tonles.-to the sPondaei abile nner0.9p mita- Hustinga cidibludqeons, wieh 200 of you n binci ,,D.Sampm srleagaiuat 2000 Caxiadians, who bave the mar John cll it i5 unaumit,' te--- ryou for fue sake ofthe puub. Soni ts. e nassure le"aradi lic pence, and to urefer the loi, of an 'elec- ver noct forzte te,"paîîi ftass locs ion te a i m aeeed inycur b ; b i.ghtY lronooed ht§no daaffy callya'rselves ElBitish P5arty and diagee a11hemrsedtia ,t kogtui x'enovsua namne ; aioo'eaiiadiauî Aor eorciir be hi;ÉmtI ritn, o ie oBritiasa subjects-ýtdough the lakpètial A cDcl.E'q. tioGoverumeut declares dieux so. This, of A nuber of voIitterr tillî cationcori laky TuInolent pe - listo(ai of "AdirirîSir R-it-rt pretnder 10b r. Mark@, in a wâm,m ai streal, ~ -an csrvtm- in ea disciplealupeo Weliug- Mr. ltamillon, lthe piriled tiài catch-' ton, who affirma diat haviug %v itcesed var in cas aima t rtin, e t r ~Ir huai- al l ia accumnlated iseries, hie knows noîh- Canard Of the, Laks,-rt ,ýf1o<,w - iug so destructive and! ao rnuch in ho depre- ati Comme. Cotiocil of tht Tm catea! as a civil war. Tiiet celebatea! man lte "Mechuantilaic,". i t., poeesses te oo smen d the. boyalt,' lie Lake b ri idu,- -é . Ï ii nl.oo, tt u himou the completion of the Rtgep "ur Marien. cL xi l is- WPassageo! the Refom uBill, te avoe uhM t ilTac Batxd cof l thbthRegt. va' b,' a haiughcorn.e elew oft lie.ébould -ma,' mexncellent otp qeàof otou0 acuiescc but uas m u avyngit do eh (0bthe pleuranted.lis 9 tîo ioto, Eft 0somjosiai u um~Peol an>-ene a ametfl erat Se gde, aad odir hnoale co.c-cuaes. liti'ucu ee naît bave w. i aalaly Treat <aclaw for dia nion of the l>rciviucou sentlia liathe aicb xi9prt of tie su o oti rtn ucnevtsn uhad w the ixce(aaaIut us in- u onSpeea ccuevts1 nc tui~ ealmen ait aye less to loyaity. Or,'Doc Popery, wthan in- iidibeacî alher, tentidutu, ,viti funiated zeal, as if you wore the faire to disco- ner in ebich thlir %wruly hbut ba re en- ver the. mouater. Because a Catbolic candi- ing honor 1e the aiivef%âry oaikh tmpo- date stands up for tue choie of bis fellowv ci- SE. George.- [Nevs of 290 olî es Outil tizeus, den,' diat equal rights exiat ln the Province, and unciinistianize over,' Protes- Telia.mGenUt i UC1T Leeds> tant who does oct vote ut your direction ! tîon wus bld:raitheCourt u.0., adu ate There la nothing 111w the infatuation of day 1-it. AIii2lt,and a largutt you, tries; ia intis yenfolbce exuctly yoaxr The t'u-cide, J. BilaMrk ii:t M predeceasors in the strugele linBaigiana!! rend lthe fuliewing rom Thanud yen diink of notiîng and se. uotli- Onmeein tha, REOiT. g g ev' Oi Mmiira f 1, i rment in ut viietor-,, caomog 1 ues 'ttb ictutural Society. î t-il f O' thora enndcdlu deÉcai, as it wvilie b. ith yru. Jeari beg Icae inattRelit ou î 1 * t o B ut y en cill bave de gra ification of t ue y«,r 13,1. hlued l athe ' ili , "ne OnDistrict Si.w tffii, t-I hO m~iplemaourable excitemnent wiiich such visionas al i- MII W.C, the 23d Jun. IRA OO"l wa eys afford; your cil! go into batt it i.bo ere awàienrrd.-W," 4wo our eca mcut manful,' sixoutin No Pope. N oslboh.jdî wi le t',Cxrch and State, &c., and vten yen are h2, mtb:,l4r0h. u.adràa"i si gas- L outn, you will neiticer know Vrten. nos c.euddaiouotiàgto *%ore, nonr hec! on.e fflty Show for Fitm,uuaha f itas But tu lho more serions on them&mtte.' The the Kintd, fair, as 1thMOWw sm- u+~ct of Ott"gini aillfît thoresenttîne, wtueh lremtsussvweéiwadeduà excite su ae;m thtie loes on a view of its 0O eeSht iow (r Leix & AlItaS ipal cliaructen écousequencea, but et irs con- »br a Pipen sroof the I5dt tht.ý ~e li tieue d exis t e and incrense ett h . prese t msI" preinil u vers, w aded a~ u4 moment. Ita continuedl existence aiisr al the usualproceuses of etire suppression ou T.ru e kézuhdileei~~ Ce tel-' te parkp 'leu .nai Gverument, reflecîs lsd nmei"aerii te iied51 mi bY sori&uaiy pon jthe audiortie of the Govers-u «g éidandcedah nela rth total meut -ini ibis Province. From the open that if the Yemouary n(l o'the u' 31Ofaowlof imembrsbilson tle Port Of tdi iw otui de . teadicifuu ad lui, 0etf tefon cho beiong te it-froni nucouccaee exist- ssd'ueutetleaal reUlte w.uid h once of ils enfire orgamiziac, consstng of a louhita i.1. u i onw" sir. Grand Master, and ail tdei.suhordalites sud laenes 01 iemtue s e r.nu- «t casu lodges cf the socieey in the. Province-fron matie for eng.t teiolatiu,1iaho oueddinaafuture liaatci Zs t-h- detender andl delicate manner lu ebicix Surucogmechet Coontylu7 gIahgiaî ai aGeorge Ârdiur'mProclamation iateiy ora,' re- < inu ail rompeiutiic.mtia, esa Scommonded tdiux 10suspend t tix lcs he nah batNô,.. lut siocse-mnd fren te.coutinuauoe of Orang eohsdmte 0perchei u Lodges in the Regirnus sationea Inlu ieseo<,u o)i .Pjflý.tca-. on!,' lie aIdd & hl tue soulha heen denounEil ro écnher ; ahsg ptYt aa -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~r. £M..um oeuen o okIl t l ziadlr Visibleu il ase 0(11,l.ai, ceh. Seek 9 INONTHLY MERTI LL be helal in Rear Sîr ~' Eeeniag the 71h i, il las dlenred. The il areea e'cleckrej b, 1841. RY, col rURAL t te w be c.utiYaci -t -l RCOtF WWMOF Li C'*rt Vomir , T vito Btal .2 84' ,. tw ti g WOLV I&LAIt CoLroiS 1à1 gahtald.for.puri gapWatithlbmtu soi T. Km i at38 0,te i Dmst( 6.AM thanpeetbel tht mou Ceut U flt Cusuftuiu - th.uaflaowe à xatih]b!mavu dea, giais uotu vèeop ro.id ta da t y mtti 3d li. Kéntea, kW..sli.LUFans", akk MUWeo4oU- - - à -M:

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