Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 4 May 1841, p. 3

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~I'H KIQSTN HRAUl-.TURnAVM AVI -- ,4. 4, 1048.. -o of jeis 9,501. le b6ouyti-imli d b#' ae , biut sal <il 7Ad tojgFatuem~m 5m 2M co 9wd lm .BTAFOUM LièTB W .. fat ou Yer CUP lst« Iy untubepelaum ug lie echod .tIi m *us tw*laile dutioeeftc eqoiwlunbebemmlhs TO CONI'RACTORS & BTIIEIJ. ErNDERS villi ha rect'od tramm comps<st -I ermnlil hiie5th May met, for buildlg Quarry sreet,,aecrn'la po sud ajecifica. tiss tre meo*b l-fl u Kr- am "mc Mch- relative le the ctir, of the. nid bu!uiug. be. cunty vill he reqoired1ow Id eperTuwmsoc. of the. "mne. liaa" 2 Apit li.WM. WILSON. 'place ai 'bai le, ~l Juions) -4h -iamIc 1 1 ýod sky th, loger iad th ord eu lt G Lea.-1,,i. l5si1S. 1) lies 9'b and col.~ ThéIn. fart of.. rsu hfaut aU tr nelsn rIli0 l'lbiaisî 6f 'Ï_ as 5a tt-1 lit of the firt 'w 'wbjth re Idu la, Celuiled siRt tlld by teMao vas not only t, of every S,,,.. Capitil OfC, la Ioaaîdf tr. lier. Onsr'f1 re. Samraor ,Ài 1 thanksron.bj Fair fr Cana31&rA deed tia. tomg #0 by tITI. e Sbeit MrDau r Ioulo vert de rm and ecqqar iled >r'auwlî 1 vert, ï0o[lei dyl r lb. Town ofi !ôl. Hughea m de, COI. cm iRegt. oaa isn e illil f ora 1e t uth. a aerly lr, )Y host bii~au ' satrof utIhe gard 29th Olt. L. a.OCIFTY, ML. ae-ing oft III. ia at br.ea terI .rd ni ! I'drtti MI : irw £ li. und,, illUd :.«ieee bi ai ygaty Èrbas9e1.a rded aur'rlgtiZi Ao<r & ArIrllrr'te ire 1'oh (ktilse ýhoty D-ta, ' a.c ib I uaaiaE.asw ra. -jue-qi0 is,yjoutes igt. WOLVIL 1) rirea rtAi *amtourn, q. (vIe m'dispecauîLrnrg of the Members of Sd .ti, foratthe rpuosle ainlu milo. ICOuzCoRS FOKNGTON. gjariok. Ea,.Agena MDsdU q. SKriz. ati.Eq.,aessded I ait aT.erafîrara ta Aisast g arkru la boseaIWtelo, Slte alli gjoi, su dtthe bsQ-u ewl aseai eat- sai0sada stilaKiaptes, os Ihe Fint D*i by Aies. C«'i, % ecuat: r Bi ussm Iba euDsricrl.d e Show. forli184Lu (hm uana es aeta u smo p heb' lu ofiel.na darstttio,but rss m, d- -'osu ués iW w u ita te ravar Seru, T. A. C 4 I. a.. (f bis, a"dÀ hi 17sertorieua servicea s nbhlsf lém,. aibw oîaitros ver. pintai.bt osusara ,wuia, ia duronltig the Pay.cent u(sssdry ,*i a ufaseparatea. Jan9, th reRev. IL Pifrirp,, oum' tah t t. ýmw nwbo.<Ldirihborrrgh, o M.. Araiaoronaor dom gm iniiflrinirrttonuofutKr..A. UIbodo, «ti. F.,,i rouo.eo.r ta . IS eL ~.id.r, lin Apel, M..Johsn Dqpoî. a.S un.... 5eMrril. mid ma o the. aw~, Dae, btai hawutherab tut, .. Riati TeujH, vi la --P- ui... h.d u q nm a. h -,1.u.Ctt,Lr1.j. no, .« rtthsHa hcàdtrp therrn.5rh iriasa, M;. Tyler Pahr, 'ar <i eoir rthrie Sgreintorte. wOaePerCrir rÇortRett.t C.iY, id Pr( -II Iccfo.eey rt h.t pa-. 11t1,. rrt hrtaramEti- Beri rif. ofa *iaprr trrd n rre<PleFebru.ey butKre.. 1m.lo So Johri irek.rr, Esq, aud sime t racllIurn f Nor oa aN OOYTILY iMEETING O F THE 41111! 'ýOTIL ABsTIEjvC1SOCITY *ILL. be beWiJn Rear Sireet Chapel, ou Fr. dyE~i1the 71h irstant, mien ad- 'rlii be delivrrod.Th, thi, air ta .kcu Itr rr i5ciock irciselv. , ALEX MACALSTER, 'Mn V. aA. Secy Pro Ttu. NOTICE. I - 1....bon tra intotru lie publie baiaiburan~eitîrrutbi frienas, he bas Patced bîniress'.' u suN&Rad5 aLAGo T, andi Mros poctfally ao- rad " ID bis teri t. ai: t us elln,1s0 t rtetheir interrts. partcu!dllvten(Ier, isrt ices Iothe Me- 4 trea onand Qulebe, 'obo 1515bave itu 5fClriawib ngton, or the UP. nfllf t h - - . poalsugta luie overy ei~f510 ter Intuctions, sud upon S ioerattelms. Lli talîy arailîs maiteu of permis- rerl hef vDing gentlemen e- ?.Amto,& ceeJohn 0,.. u .. . - ài May 4,1841.Appi7 t. Mm. hlttnomt.a 4eOFFICE TO LET.40 B .uiquàairMts.Ojr. My41841. EXTENSIVE CREDIT SALE. ATTH.STORES OFHUGH IRASER 4. C06 Fsour Ssamr, K5U5To, Oni 77urs4ay, tfi 611of May muezfst, adfo8Wa.ag dapa, dm t nresove SUGARS. 15 hbas. rigbt twsovado, 40 biis do. da. 30 baga Chryatalixcd Kait' ea, 10 tierces Relned Crudc, 5 bide. Loadon PsrWla;stdo*raaer0àad Imf TEA. 30 bal! dhemis Taon1'%aoi 10 cstly boxea Olido0. SOAP. 150 boxes Slec!'s best Liverpool, 70 haIt boxea do. do.. 40 boxesa Montreal, 25 boxes Landau Spetm Candies, 80 caaes LandaunStrb, 20 cases Fig Bue, 15 if boxes do.. 50 legs Plag, 18'4. 30 s « 0', ToIA1CC. 18.bx sods, 5,j Principe Cigars, 1,000 egalli i.. 5 tierces Molasses, 5 do Frestu flice, 10 barrels do, do. 10 hagi East lidado. 70 pockets do do do. 5 barrels Pearl Barlepe 10 lisp, Grer 3 iI. RassIed, jrCOFFEEÈ. 30 boxes Grounai, 3 bale, Clovi,, 20 bags Black Pepper, 50 boxera Grouud do. 12 16 Grounal Ginger, (pure,> 30 martts Casia, 20 legs Smyrns Ralunis, 8 bariola barrd aheli Afutonda, 5 Il Wsla as, 50 boxes digby 11uiigs, 20 legs Lochfiuae do,. 4 hhais. Table Cod Fuoti, 5 'sBath rick, 8" do..do. 4 tierces Wbiting, 37 boxes T. D. Papes, 10 <raie, 18" do do '5 do. 20" faccd andi tippcd do. 5 grues, 2a OissfUr muâttai, 10 cases best Duaharu do., 6 timcàsl 2 canas Sauces, Keîci ped Auhovaus. SýPIR TS. 2 unds. Ol Jamaîca, 1Iac21, 9 qr. caiko do do. '35'£ do 1a 2 IS qr. casîs Rigett's a igt,> 5 hiai,. Bordeaux, BRANDT. 1 1 pipe Spani, (mille.>) 2 laids, pure HoIl ui 94 " SciieauGN 19 cases do do Soi', amI Anthony Manahau Esqnâ. 18 r. ashPort !5Sret, one deoraneth of the Il i ort 10 Il 'sSicily Bed, a m, 184 1.3 5 bIs. ciGe% Madeirs, 25 Ili. ce4a 0Fcon" do. NTRy, COMIERCLL & 14 Il Duff, Gordonu & C.',." Sieury, LTt']tAL PUBLIC. là octaves dodo beiitO inflrruthle Gouh. Pub. 3eas Smeeb Malag, "Ile Pricélinltheb. r.afy . P. ibf a us'Port, heW«d jne NNIià ~ t1.& hi hetr u vi.11 culs Sherr la botlie-4 doz..ac, n,'Id wih aviw of eebgth lscam m ickrleChampagne, In iîlendpnt ou the W inlthe 25 lisskrb l sirlS'."do. 8 PToi cneied ifi G. 10 tnsla iuter stralSad Spenu ior' mrjaent, h.b oes Il baskets bordieaux Olive, OI. 'd' the 29th day fe sy, sinu 25 kegs Breep, 88 the y>051eh.prcmisee of Mmr.13« bte mt.Farmeris House, nStr 2 ak Spinals efTOIrie5bIi Si byl'ction, of Hiorsts sud 6 uba,, double c'anila, UIthlb ifleriaimay bu co;fideai 9 tierces, d do da VàiEAIL at l oclckýA.b, 130 qr. ce s do. riesiairi, 2PrIIY (if bh., îtry pd. 10bblil. Lando; i'orler, 1 treet noir Store Street. 5 cashe 1. R. Oili ____________ 14 «- War hî'1 >BLAClriNG. 25 s tsert s'ihoef 0ethle cslieutu~ 1d aaBons i rfr sriendansd thb. sepCor.. 5ms eh: fo r~ 1 i t r ceive e t it 10 W i u g Pork$, t)f i or nI.àSale, 100boiessud baif WaieowGlu%, PtRSONÀ8 le ge Sali Pete, PRopsey, 4 hartole Alu, il>. of iiggesting la thoso havin05<! ý0 u F, te a1 vanta e. ta o d~ t, 0boe ~il, B G eH*tmae t& n* e p of àeJm_. lati Finit *- , 115 a leors . < p- il. wy Vi Fs ti et, mes bt.Hi ui stock 17 STATrIOoAY sud BOS Isvlog belesictrd viti muci cmt-re ring lie po violer by Mr. Ramsay, vicef in Xugismi, viii b.eued moderato lu pic. bmouheti, lut Ney. 1841. 3w4 '1IO)ISE FOR SALE.' A FIE yonjçBlack HORSElire pars oI, Mden otr uent r3 rsecond lu le. lu tie ispIon, Ut May, 1841. Nq. JCO TEND= Swîll ho received by 1h. uodemuga. cd alle Office of the PEOYIMUL PfuI- Tmiuir, outil 12 o'dock et nomu, ou Setwq Me. 8(à1 day tifMa, nnad, fm sucb per m uay b. vihRu5Ioafuruash for the service 0et 6 nid là- âk'ito'n, ii.qantiy of BUILDING SANDI> 11. k» -be required duriug ibe present jear. Za 1 'ender couadcoulauin aes ofima etieas viiliug b hbecome, bound villalb. Cmu. ItMtorla.the- sui of oe ebundred potod, ferlis due petornasuce ni tii. Commret., The. déliverit-s ot the Saud must ho madj la prprtions of Dot les. Ian 2M0 buabls per awsti, sIt may h ourd H. SMT,~ GLOBE HOTEU. T RE nderigesuh rbebasth Publie ingeraueM raLi out incere thanltfr the liberal encouragement lie ba rceive ince lis commencemâent inibu iabM idbe o htSpociou bldgad dj i "gbetuibe thè*odtesbingjoinediuoae, ilarge commodious snd elegantly 5.arsishêrl, 1 - commnending the finest view ini liii Citye of the harbour, and the splendid scenery ofiQtae bec. The subscriber keeps always on haud the claoioeat Wines aud L quors of superbor quei- itsd pledges hiniuelîhat every exertiob eoi be ade tu render the IlGlobe Hotel" every Way worthy the patronage of the pub- fie. ADAN. SCHILUEP, Gké obe bte No. 11, St. Louatreet, Quebec, 2W4 .4« 1841, THE MONTREAL P1'lent Cordage Maufmtery B JN no nfl prto.b StauaPower, soles .< any size, cao ho ozecuci ounh tabo1é< normce. A largo sud wvcll sruosd stock of Wbite, Tir- rod. sud Nasilla Cordage, vii bc kept comUtoty rou ýhaad. &E z g ,4M. Si. fK.iStmie'e lo,1841. 2m'sp Montre]; Apri? 21o 1841. srzAiU DOA'T EPE CAPT. B. N. THEOOP, U ILL PLY, duruug th. assa fuu~to lebvnt O sugo vry m aring at S A. À lxiagstoiaevery ovouang, ounlth. arfr .ii té, Boals treou Preocotl. For !rigbt or paage, appi, lu FITZHUGH & Co., Owego. EAýSTON, ROSS & Co., Kingstou.. April 27, 1841. CAPS. T HE Suocriber bas an baud a chie. a mont of lashionablo CLOTH AND OIL CLOTR CAPS, suilable for sommer wear-sapo. riar ta au, importer!into Ibis Country; sud etIlo*s prices, et bis Cap Faciory, Broek :Street. J. A. McDOWALL. kingsfàr April 20, 1841. 1M2 FURS. T HIE Sulieruher wvill p:y teRIGIEST M« tai Cap Factory, Brock Street. J. A. McDOWALL. Kingston, 20h April, 1841. lad BROAn CLOTHS. lTOOL dycd Bac; Indigo Blues, Olives, VYClaret, enras, Mixtures 4c. vii Back sud coiorcd KerscmIenr;et GEORb9 H. HAINES & Ce. Kingsto, April 71h, 1841. SPRING GOODS. l iT aiTË 4rColorcai Linen Drils; vlaji wV coloarela Moleskins and Cantoonne; Psncy Cbeked sud prirtil Moieskins sud Jeans; Do- skias sud Fancy Sattiuots; <Test vsriîet of Vest Pattlaus. GEORGE H. HAINES à Co. Stoe Sree, King"ta, April 7tb, 1841. BONNETS. U TALDevou sud BroaaiPlatt, '.111 j"4Tttvaricty of Musiiu and other lresso4 fulfrthe Besson sd t very lmvPrimet G. B. HAINES & Ce. Kilagito April 7,1841. INFORMATION WANTED. <F-ANN sud JANE HUNTU ..w sle* Çmcfty cf Armagi, Ireland, t IS sr w.cc,lvboe Ilmtbosrd frontan 1817, Ai Quhc Aey i fertio esptiug liera, vini ho t ak-.f fy rectivedby t ir sister, Eiza NRuslarp hfl Ka o, Cacada. XM gtb. , Qué r dN.i pswa26,184L miaru vU .~r mvoe y' pbUéag (h.abov. R OCUING ACCIDENT.-Au loquet vu h.ld hoforo Job. C. W. Daly, rwq.,Crnr Ilà e tovusip of North -Essthopn, <itit WeMalgto,) oda.the Wi., oulie bdy et Wil- li Jociw, wu v. 11Ud lu 1h.amsener exprea- sud hy Il. faovia; verdict of tbc je :. Ilat deespdcptbudeî = ofth 0 a lIupu blé sic, wich wau frced mle Ibi ead, rsldllmhhbavfnglei dlgoded ly the last Iro decteusdd WcOldo»o.» weuasa lati, et Seotlsd, Md busiahrotur daoscd toi bu i.g lu Klugsto or ils biclolIy. Ii bd ft cousd- omle pro"y rl bs lavfl loi. Siralfod, 4t1 April, 1860.. T#J NEWSPAPER PÉOPIJETOIIS, 19pc. a Nevup fpeiaur elt'er su« Ediorislsutediteror reporter. LAimoal me7 IEm t5LT eu«Mr Rouruài, #~me 1 rmN d àZk N. 8.» fla h ccuSi l21Ëli. N;. J. COONS. Kiastia lihA i4. BULDNGLO$IN ONE BLOCK. lovu. SoLe b7 Auio., m faidq lfi 21 a ,.. mlte premises, se:.. siqlntusted in th. Town. <etnutXi ..~umaed s Lteo: hy LliIge blet on t=eb yM-- R I rr'q ý ppity -mls e st , oby.cul- "ý8St ree« e lNet,-sd lv Grave lirreetim te* 8euIl, agretWile t0the ielezed plan. M 3 feet. 'M3 jee. - 1 i È6 reet.1 33 3feeL 33 fret. COLaoNsmx sx. Thé ah.:. e mcml0ligibiy silcateai for ia.he . lieu af Pauvava Dvzu.aaro Bousts, ieiog tie MW lealhby part of the Tovn, sud baviug asuost opipattiaivie. of the River mnd aouanding Ceun- trj;eag on the gosa sdcapaleocf bavmg texcellent C1 Ktceusri tu expeas.of draiuilag. Pcrscmisilxfisg lutel Dv.igs, viliinfluais iavl! vortby tlcirdjun. " eS. B eue o ougiieau qunled on esqh W lcw eel Ieluidl4s-For fuor rpurtieulm sinî quke o!lhe sabueiie. Çaodtianaadc kovu aitSala. Sale tl12 olock. L LINTO , A.B. àc. m. 'Klngeton, April 26, 1841. I. EXTENSIVE AND IMPORITÀNT AUCTION SALE, 7b e &Uaini SteStreet, et Me Stes e COL LINS 4r HAINES, 0* PElaly 7M g ay, 1841. Scie fa commence"-re j9COLL1NS4& RAMNS adate frihe lausas- ~tiou of lihe. vhsrm Ot sequaimleaitIlàq jh bict, that Iheir resue*r lthug elltag 9 et 'Au- 1o, lIeir mîlaiwotseuvls.01% ly r MIÎU1r "M sgtmb"deuàb otirA,~ itneouocuaq fe ute aemerite ail the articles * eeusiaigtlaer VerY lario, sMd valItibI.stock in trude. -Tbey de.. Il stElemI th mie thit iproseuaus a grest variaI>, sud gvithbe addition of sovural mau- elgumeuis, sllogethbr présenteaeau ss.ortmest, vel! worlby lie attention of Merchants snd thé public keueealy. Ibc foilowaug articles are ucrely eau- gumed oes a a sort of golfe b iutending puebssema Aj persan deiromet aeiug theiu piegions to lie su" art luivited t. do so. 1-1 Ir. Cottos Dalle, M0 lb. Linesu reads, 450 "o.M Oyfs. buat Spool Cotton, 200 Muan sd Camnbsic Dresses, 50 pu. 4-4 fiue Iris taene 50 6' elcacbel Cattana, l16 £Tact" eeyUtont, 100 c Moleia * BOSIO Clthoit 80 U"Zébrs Strlpes anai Checîl, 60) 41Salin tacs Strlpeai Mleskins, -IS0 il Apm .Checkas Md tliogiaus, -39B64 SlarliugSteipeà &Chraba1, 50 sa = el iclicoei, 1010 Thihet, Silk, Filicai & Worsled Siiavia 100 Sl, Gafte & Volili Dasduelbich, 15 pu. Urne Black Boab&atluw, -' plain sud- figuireai Gros de Naples, IlgWydir. plein and figureai Persiant. - M 44Blsck Sîlk o-. *2& ps. Red, Telwle,, White sud Crcéen flaÉaêi Maklrge lolt iboe 100 Enda Broad Cotolbs& Cabalare, 10) doRicb Veetiuags, 20do. pir lunciis Boots & Shoenj »11 dom. Wadeing, 400 îtrvirBoncets, 2501%. Caw&ieik) M.0I1o. Baltiug, 75h emoa sud grees Psrsab logUs, .viu S betet ý- 1k sMd Wioleu Rosii, 11Ctton meMda Qv' tek%àbMcssns, Cauoimpaa.s, uilt% Mad .à5 vuWy , leides, teon mgu ee. 1,5 Bexpe Wiudlov Gis., 00B"la Cuva.Bleacledan d Unllesclac trou Ne.. 3 t. r K b .0s c , a ui te 8 4 . Lý c t t o b Eopirt etCIamcery, md.e hto tfrWr1., an- aa.etlbft & PlOns, V. Ciceno Msdis.p Iv« i sud Ilidoot &oliers, v Ngthaniel Jlie,.. hesî mInth Ilssaaià= liof Jolr Paaitrey Sr îe bq l e 0 th.sj e I sai C ert, a a- ilu a.e .11,a il. To.. 0« Brautor, ile ont. Die srito. ira l. he b cf dmer »mX4 o evilcido. ootitte *vii.giron,,certala bu" M" hus sd premises, bels àpéof lotlies. Wb@ 0& 11Cer. as eToiagôipew,foç» d lamw e. the Mai. Rosnd, la tIe Vilig~fDr ir,aboum i,"s Wou r. theselione!O Boali, muthe Grand Rtiver, laie lIe prcpsry oflJe Ocd CJLIussrndN.J. Ivc.-Paitlculsr viasu My a in as soIl ime b ond <gratis> atithe Musslsg's Cu ing treel; et le Ofice of ia Gule 3emelu;tJF SOHN G. SPEAOGE. ~4EOIÇE uM-INI, l tlete leeI rblée, ville dW4b Is~ l. BAom Zn*%louApril7, MUI. 11 ïFt m n'ai- A SALE 0F A bRASE. k w on the Prmiosue, a IZASIavtug -r- 13~U LNGf «u pcoiby Mr. T IrAs., J.,.esed b 3.50-Cuit- noms yul fire4,lislac,&veejrle.- wthe ~ Rprss;aved.-CrWrt5i r occupici mas levers, Ie rr * waivuthea rosaibY fi alaisolo by o" directs.*am e frieeolior nt the T1j -tw ef Lar«te esusg amias-réout ot 6d. perseuu viia-s c"eeusit wdô. L- aitetrasst. lindiugthie .freboider teumère theB.sfml. itRICT OFicFIC5OR18 J ulMay, 3,16M1. t~~4~emu A. o* UT Hq~ ANTEDsa mai tive Lad &bus 118,1 ~lTY0ao~rE~c. f y parsof age, o etoi Moral"habis&1 ~4Coritv hl.Haq. ler,t10 ss.isl lu s Dry Good fitore? »d iatievus. A,9n sabir iseif useful as su sppreataco b leIks., 1C4recWs (1u ~ Ilrua or for >eeqs, eurt il &Wraarêl T *~'~ ~ Oli, gcod,Îouducf. A4 lye NJ.C(?m& j1lileDOmul, iaq.. U itA lotoMay, Kingstoun emay 81 ~ otmrTOF LEtI1 A DWELLING BOUSE ÉO oLt.-jisai C imidatsOr a5Msîaer. gven fiat oa!MMuy. a. -. TO BE LET, ~~~~a D us.,oa vy. Ais TOEl SokSret, lunsavery eflghe D" xx U0 ADNTXf 1.locatiïy, asai otabla cimi,.raW111lole, o0VNTy ....aa..O.. D u,. sn. :Or Retail Bsalues.. A T lie aunual meeting of thae Stockbol- ders of Île Kingamo Marine Railwa>a, beld nI their office this day, the fellowirrg gentlemen were elleced Directors for thaesn- susng year, vix: HENEt GILDEE5LEV, JOHNyrS. CÀAeTwtu'r, iDouen.A* Pacaursas, Jotut CoulkNTEE, and IV. W. J£xzam.. A nuaement ofthe pat years busines 1kv. ÇIg bsaesa iubmitted t10 lie ttocklio1ders, _ài wab forsnd tirîy satisfactory, and bhowed à ste ndysd profitable inc't-ase of busicia roui the commencement ; aud it *up. ê' ririi evident bisat the amount of capital iitheato deeme d sufficient was Do longr adequale 10c"r out lie vieve o tise cmpa no exhntkd a acale as the pre n:flourihngcniono the voiles would s 4 uit vas uasimous- ty resolved, that in order 10 give grester la- ctliy 0 le ioperanions, snd. ho enable them t0 pi4è [1e estiblishrnmin sa te tomeet ~vesry êxogeucy, the capital a" ckof thaeCom-. beuy ecxtendd 0the hfluitarnffl iàsited ty echarter, sud liai atocle Loch be ore- id hili o alce er l e sixhday'of May hît; For 'the Pusr'[of eh ubsàrbiug the xamei ofthlis.washisg to becoase purchusers, Where evec7 informaiu raj eauLeobtairaed. At a meeting of the, Directors laeld imme- ditely afier liehsaoe, H. GiLDEE8LEEVE, as.vs re.elected Presidenit anxdMr. C. W. blecuu¶mted Secretary & Tresure. - EX w;JENIC1NS. j5c neTma;ur, IL x.IL W. Stis, 1841. Il"toqctfltyis(med lIat IC Mrriotovno p 'sie Brolis, Ouvego, au Lake Outario, ncèbesittou GemeeacRivet, Upon li. esi ramablu leruas, hy sp1diyag le stRischustor lsle follvirg srt ll IIl, Cauldm uKettl..,Cook i Sv s,~xtoev, ac. Amb.,&c., ellthe ii. mple"un -ai Qien vaisor after ac a ý patter a " pl s.bu .ihieieWaiu #0 the À gent la charge of the lee rhe a.subscruber. Isyu;teMr-omFaass.. lu PIAADIAS ALi ceTge» 3,esa4 le e a--àu ieltej M u M4 , spysTV»" ba ICagdum TAplrnrtiiuf..,Erlami NEW WOtLECOMMISSIOxND ýESTABLISýHMENT. c OLLINS & AINES barbaq oume&t ilaeir frieodesud île Public geouy, mi lIbey bave commecd lq h. aboyé E,m&ai aM prepated lte .rnceive Couigàmaan sd set sa Agsala &- Tbeir Store Bous. e, ovase ours eo -Mutyn, iilho large, conaru s u»d secer. Il itaituated on Wnior Street, oWoslte te, Mefl. Wm. Dexzusoa & ce.%s For ùgEStOU ah MouS, soi a leowdoor sstiiofMr. Jg. jvu, S&P Chaudk LO tor. to;u teirvoli koovu ciarac- tère sad ualuos. abitltogether, vili Ileir long standingl inaheTo'woCiLiXs a Raimus hope le oblalu a conlinuauce of that la"eur andsuppot vhccla ley bava bitberlo sujoyedif a F"inl lit Dr osBusness... Tèibc"àsoembraceibis quty egprei4àaetr gratiude te ais k&* s Is i9I. g th e presant imê, su liber- auj Baus "0poued lIeu. t ive the s*mes of lie fo iOig Geuillîsen, as Refereeca viiosu vol! iso - pectlslll ilite7 bave. u dout ire bigily sstisfsctorY. Jolin ConuterEa« ... .Kingston. Routai ScéeliEcq ... ........1 Williau m iso q... ... BiEcf B MHarIdy Esq :. -. .- Jlemm iebu 5lpt& Ca r'....9 *Vsace Esvel 1_4-, .........Coourg. Ossiec Pbelp5e zi4 ........... Stcithariftes:. & 1sf! T a'..........uvéeo. Bderlo clack "91, ... .Odusuga ; ýè .-(b rÏ iadtei rientds tharcSei.~tI "elevoSice st quit. tisied), Lhejy am nomrec4, te roc" ^eCeesgumeuis, sct- ese Agents, or olbsvlsc <ifi lie dot&r of Iheir new calliïg, having la. lie meautime tpocurea Store roin ina other preisubs. c M.*~iî L. GREEiN MFAil Ébthehoiir, cbeap Foircal, ' eQ Baie. JkIiqe 8 lIdIdiý'co-uallrauty. fido-wvtpg . 3n 4oz'sjýria, r aïd. rJSherryi 50do. AI4Ï iiinv, 184IBb, 1. A. B. &C.M.. TE?1>ES~FR CORD WOOD. rpEIw>Ef . Inrceiveaieallie Office <cf A ptlil t PisL >ITR2tTLAav.u% l12 df on a t ttltdu g d g £o fM àj- y mzt, (rom s-Ch pei*s n ay lbe M4àig de fiurq- CODS JAID w»Ou, f or thc servîCe.! léie s d Utiou. r ThNe Bad Wsd In Constat -f.;Maple, fBe »l i:Birc dI d l lj.Wl-f lteh,, Wood srai>.ne»W o, b oth nlles. Ilaufour f&et - bh olcarf. * l4 P6»,y5J ae1vaiha on lie peur. ilttitail-W1ý11f*r'islb. ard, as m'y sait lie *eave h!ep Ce 0<ta, contracrteor. 'one fiitf~f 1 àPiao Wood nmtl 11u delivereà h.freliel td&X of August next, aud the rs- irahlder b b* liathe% ay of Ocloherfflowug., l'h. [kil IVootabtlobe furnhbied at fa.rate aftOne Hsaie5'! Coda pet monti, flom thbe fit dat etMsyexV,, WVith 'acb l'eiaer lb. narnos.of <vo Suratice lmuai ho gieu. Who *» wiiliug la.'hucme .bonni ila lias Cnireçlor in lbe sam cf lIre. huadred pouidmfoWr the duc pèrformaïceoÉsuEireceê as my be-nalteed juta. - Pro ai Pof .Ierlary, jOLD, ESICAfIsieiD &VALUABLE ~r~IP~q TANI> T Xreet, fjr - ip, 1 aet ouîi6g l rirt. .Thera su on te . p uremj ,acssilsi l an building, euai lteei«bersa -4med bouse ith ex- lensithva-, il ud i cl ent mcl. 0-bciol. paetî *11i&od by Alpetiono ti 5ha ApaL* t #fuif ed ~ié-flY private Inn lilaeaL-Apply Kingston, Mairdi 301i 1841. 0::5- nteabmooetale s PasPORned ttla Qurday theylrfd c ie e! -NEW HATFAÇTOUY.- A TIrlE uhacribers be ouat.anince la -»7 in*àbtant$ af Kingalqe auJ Vi- cunrty, IbsI liey, bave commencri lis rnoualuoa f BATr ,--'Quarry Sfl'a hebne. boildiugowos4ite,.Lr Shop ail tiwtrs, tu eitepiet saOrtmeutof ta. ittBu-. .w, Nerird> ur cumonJ'r ltts;. JIgmp Bei- nierRata whitusuai biesud care sud fiua. WOOL RATS, chm> for t ah. Ait otiers either cash or appraved edit, frout country Merebmuts, thauluiy rcel~dandi punctually eiicitcd. r.Cýauhf au for Shfppîag*Pur. .. A qaïsulily cf7Lixn«s Woo arMg atd. -.TWEIDEZ, ~&WRIGHT. Kiusto~ Mrci ~41841. NIWFiàRWARDING LUNE. TO AN» unio MONTEAL, BROKVILU:, £IMTON i tano 4m - Kigsoa Irt .41 lithiiind. s - dcià dfor posta peU. ne. sutow **e m tue as CiaIBd., #iô da pouss,Aw d lIe emuiba-toido ttil us. lutnumd l.le suIlu.ily, trust listjaèyi wil coiUasati dmeedi as.-eid PliitauPpor <Sigued,> NAWlhp,,& a Oppuid 1. W111Store of-Mr: Mlgn, 111 ApI 86. skm IlleD- elee<pMIaesstu5e me.aa55. ]lit ~10,, 8&,~L VêANs~PIOPRIT?~ plytst~séserbcuistiapoam<s~e. Kla4steu, mai i.i,. ~VILLlAM CASRELL~ GOVERNMENT NOTICIE. S EALED TENDERS wiii hoe received et th. Comimissariat Office, Kingston, tltiiacon âm. FEIDAT, flac 4th of hFue, =,aoe, roin.any eno pos os rous of erisint ae a coen tor a. pliu.g inch quantities otfIPEL WÔOO a s ay b.requie fer Ber Majedy5ra orces l~.1e.r .g! KingdlonPpit Henry, Point Frodukari iptiraMillo, froua lb. lot October, -1841>1o~ »Lb pemer, IM2 oLsnni gurhmotalle bard1 Mapie, Hickory, Biuek or 'Yei. loir Bireh sud Beach, «ccastick lalhe four ftet e100< foascdrp làpelit, sud fnoia lestinadismeter' l ao li einch «e t a b . am a «iseud i very' çeord t0ýoDtRh% 128 cobieleet. -, 'i .TI., Contracter ta bave tho aue thlb. Gvor-ý amont luel Yards at tliselverai Posta, in each of whicb ho Wvll iiiii red o0 bave aetal l imes aq suppmr qual i fur mouthi> cousubi'ptioa, -sud whie mâa bav b n t et icutwIo montlu frewloualy. :No duursyed èrroton wflod lviil e ore0permitt.d là <ho yards. Th. T4hdens te elirobsi.ircaoa le , th , th rate par corin ju limfqx trrecy, th'e.dn I. audciivery of tho imesmo lerespectveBas-racks àud Qutwrs. i Tsy lait 'OAII bc.ahi check on a Cbaitererl pe Uieoptiomubbusecurity sabWote bsapro fo I. aufî efrmneo lieCotu ma ho gioues1h. Tnder Termes aiTeaier sud conditions cf contract eau1 b. obtkinod .1t the Commaissariat Office, viiere any Cuther iuaarmatioowilibe sll'rded. ,Theabovo viii b.ie eempt fr=ou buo'er (lie:: Ulataraqhl Mgé. Commisssriat, Kingston, r, le as CRCBeEY SALE. I T eh pegemgit.W~od. Puituant go Decreïr. Of t4-He Gh Ortiof Crsanccry, ruade in turc tta.a ogu" O.f R"d siedotheri vrsus Ciceio Ma .-o vasu id-9 Zaudersefversu" Na- t ' U" Je5Ub je 11,4mib heappkiohin Ofîoiýh p M'd'y % the -mbsî#r (f theni d 'CIttMDuma oua, ffHotet in th- t ftmttford au the. Gore Dit,édoda the Icb *W »q oot sImelsoe OcIoek, ie no. irn LMtbài~ouW1c UrefoId Lands Pin Premiers georaUy;bom*o salie - hIe inu the pes "&r Ot: piidC M . e§&r N. J. IeýBaSf1dý Tesse Rtïtcout O aaRosd W, tiween Bl'aàtfoîd an-dLondon; sud about ten mile: W.etfra. te said. TMwo s(Brasuiord.> P.rituias-myirel~gratsis, aI the snid Mas. Gic&le boou1 SàitIo#, lit; >dddock, Bo- JOHN G. SPRAGGE..ý - FARM4 FOR SALÈ1.. ~ermh oereforSaIeoü'- QNË UNDRED, ACM O f t4 voj' bu tisrl he lowathiji cfLUýghhoff.gh:; aut 30Acre. ur*ç 8hstale ,ofaul i tio, giaa~odt Uou3c,a , afjrnieBam Of hc laguaz;--aie Cruek lIS.ig h»Ough li, bav1- lit a a en Of valter lpting sud faIo tetoUa s .iii., bar xifj tien. I i it<Oljho mrga aestf lai, u# onis<uqou1pq a abut 17 miq iifut f(l t,. A- ,4. 1. - 1 : r 1 1 . 1 - April. 1841. YÈE iGIqGSTON HZ*RAL'I)--Tb-ESDAY. . %ÜY 4- 'l". l 28

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