Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 4 May 1841, p. 4

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copt r Oà vusATOf U ONLORD EIDM .pasagetu,'Ac 8 ln muai, se f~aiss tluregadmul lux TO LeRD JOB UX UrLL. ste férfer imi tation aiflimeaumbe r eapasen eue l 1 ovaumuvBous, iu prop>rmeele teaaqw, tMe peelihition 0 f icosaie Lai k ateala.26,1841. of ardent %suo ite teemfetemet. cf lb.penalties bei Mr LOm,-I have the boq? vtaInstallait te ila a emmsry Way Mefl the. local usaiuîutei cou ya.r Leeds beeili, 9c"Or thUe Annul]R- auh le extru aoi te A teaiaUvesaitcaicg or put of ste .Agent Ifor Eaiiats at Qeec, »d cf usrage paiscteu, tirely cancur. 0f the im- tr a geahnfironstthe Agent t iTercsts, ce the subeci passitqeof tiselaot teseprovisiis e Repoît ty, et th.e taigratuon te thuge provinces datiag tIse blote me ardu fjol rocE, h sppeaing that la the md, Jear 184t. Appendte bthmiaReparti arie ccm-- cae o et hé 44- ---» theclearest eïidauce as1 muo"ctose (raltics b-seals, andalille ts- of a.icondact au tise part ofaitbmcaptait and sthe res muets, cestiilg the m ot dntaded ll5tO-ia e nsea*oahlei cf lsit bp gasIl a mcavaililie- oai whicts il buibeom paisible ta celleet in regard te causetîlenumanhr iPaseageru lmifrib v tr iCM the nembers aaid desçipi@a e(t Lieeigrants, their tian stets,îloweai by ste .P.mngem2 let. 1 ver conduci, tIse capital mhacb Usai brouelt et, ami iut prescriethbat it vai fromiIbis circmistnce me lbi'e s i% gimai thay bave aStflle only tisat the vesse! iWu alloweal by lhoe aigrant al wîigeenai ua rem tiss hureprti 1 coaider saiagent ai Gtl!asgcw tuai poced te ses in 1setnsea:Z.frit bigbly satlatactury. TIs euigstaa daring thc ponti a stait. din pais spasc, ai 1 hoit eticipated, bus grealy cx- The abrd aud rourd imauest ofthe Pasioan- tail cetedalisatait fthse la est i eam stheisaemigranti ii omtedrdi o i appear te bave boom muivesally geil! cdlcteai, ger s Ant, if f ful oml ie . , w uld sud se eral of lshomn are pomeslsi .1c"asderabe ppaisufficiently ta regasiate dia provision- q popety. The greattalt bava s.ttled in theme ing of emigrunt vessaIs, ant fprovinces,,and there il every resan te expedt ibat The fifth clause imposes on the officers of gI bhey guIldo seuil.dousteras thea duty of seeiitg itas;thetlsc eal la 1 avail mysif slW of Usa Prsent eppatenty te clatses are obayeci, but 1 regret te atut tat pet eurLordbipin poseision af th ie daa gicbks 1 bae ben ed feorn apoi s e quesfion of cmi- titis dut7 la notoriousi egeced; a1aiiun vid gStion te ihese provinces,flt aware thllt ariy censure bas aier followed the Very eruonemu ideas apspeau te pruvailanEeg- that xscglect. lu erder, itowever, te ensuro a landl ou Use aolject. litcsee w a esuppouc a 111greater vigilance in future, I would suggest a 1 overy indîviduas in te station cr a daj-lahoarer, thut ail ports where an enigrant agent in sta.- mu wlse coa succeed in reaching the riotiOf Northb tioned thc custois offluer shoasid Le direct eC Asseica, lu at once amply vie for, anal tlit netse give a clearance te an y vouaSccnin ula evw pa on, wsitis a le. handreal pounda wvitin thse purview cf thse Faisan r'A i cose ot mi purchaffs land, miitiier tic, havea . aay revosi noweulg cigu uir, 0auemt,b. wrîlsouî Iliarpreviously recesveu&mte s caisses t once a veéaliby fermer. agent a ceri ae t a iaProvia0ai f luai~ Tisase extravagant idots an ra r ouru disap. Act bava been corniplied withscm poisntad great distrais aa misry bavelalols- 1I&ldfuriher empue s at beide the ~vit ed. li appontalete s,. Iieretpw,.e141iiM.,aalmper- amount of fmo pccfied iste Act c tance tIsai 40 ulsiosaujaexpectlies qk0" naÏ*e hould he rqired te bring on bC">sv t ulsoulai b. aiscrateal. aein cîa hoddi g înd a icentcilotes an se Engation te America isolaisontulinoaitiese l brllimtr prospects e! rapi affluence; bt t ticthmee cdavse sol ori samos treit la aecurce, ander propor management, ppie for keepingîh daciscl ean snd for frnhe U s n of cqualy rapti faiuhre. Il ll ao Iscathy during tbie ayage. dei lotery, pilai fewe exorbtsnt prises, andi a large But no lkw vrilNe~ effeci.al tee protect the ti majority of bias, ha st eccora andl certain in- emnigrart during thse voyage, unlesi se alai Isesttlent ln gish a îrodeut'aid oueabale man peronclted witit sufficient authority te en- g may sa!ly cinark..fi may hbcitiinanea, sitîtout force it,,lho plmced by Her Mjest's Goveru- Pr' feur o! contradiction, liai no indestrioais *eli le- mn nbadteeigatvses r lut sb baveal man ever failcai ou thia continent te maie ma etuuhar ieemgameesls ru easy livelibooml b, bis isbor,-tIsat no capitalat icast en hourd of aboie witich carry the larger th, Who, gili s fain ahart o! agieulteral laogledgc, numbe r of erigraits. Once ai cea, thse crus- sel Or ili tire dipositon te po ythe experience ga'nts are necessarïly ut thse bauds of the cap- lec o! cthers, bas choesn kin) is rmney le tic tain. Whatever exortatiors or oppression hoe et puchas..of laind bas ever isai raisont te complain rnay exorcise toisds dtai îhey have ne h cf lie icsufficiency of bis teter. Alotuany l&i Fywcr te resist, and froin the difficlîycf en- I bcntéer git gocai conduit and persevenance mnay or ee a lnas few yeana hacame a lamai bider. Abitait eny orcing tIse >sataltiés witen tlsey arrivet farmner posuesseal cf rmoderato capital my, vl their destination, fron t ise indisposition cf ihe iaj se n eri eom vaureei 'ol.mC ternîgrauts te lbe detained te prosecute blin, and he %sable landeal property, ana liee lad t place' iiifeu ier go ce cf their own rigitt, ite Pin fsmily in Il eatte o! itiepantlence. Btt Use.re- may Le=tlrhyeoufideni cf escspinwith Cc asits are nt te bu unatcheal ai the prize or a fortu- impuniîy. A Geverninent a gent un board, su ate speculation, riey arc ta Le attiined asithe te- ishornigit very propeiy comerin lis per a ward of a cocas, o! perseveranc, ibestry, snud son the duties of modical attendant, wculd steadines. Tbisf~icure maappeartotaBonadis-tts vl u omssas ca- mi Scarng, temy minai i iqiWt icreverse. Dy peettee vladli -to bhcar-b abdiaglia ecrymin. ortne setas on gaiwiîls the custedy cf thse aigrants' a*n balde ualta gocal condut auccess is certain, mnd provisionsi, se as te pravent thte waste ivnicit tia aacl anytling Le ieft te chance, il boils le said now te preval; and ho armed with ca ont, 1 thl.l, tie trongel inducernents ta ail thse autit.rity te enforca personal cleanliness Pri botter description of ensgrante. 1 have no fear amoug-tiee. I would earnestly requccitsi lis general publication wiii have any other thin a whatever sum may ho grantedby Parliament t i I bigowrcca entc lIa dIectmcs.stowards emigratlon, a portion ofit may ho do- ta by wàîéh emigration miaula ibe encouragea udi,nlu voted te titis important abject. ding se 1I absil toi occasien te advruloeta e- , The next ebjeci te ivnicit I %vouid proposa C ports made ta ycur Loeaship hy thie Calon:s Land! te devete a portien of any Parliamntary ac anal £migratuon Commasiornera, oailhe gutura enmi n'r grat, weuid ho te aid thse fusuds efatese preir- s o! wiici 1 have mreaaly hua!tise satisfaction of ex. lcsl rcvidlusg relief sud medicul ate asB pressg:anapproval. . dswce fer diese wvsa arive deuitutae riln~ la th Vep..t adreetata joar Loralabpon sicluness on thre shores, and in assisting die av thue Mes April and 5h Anuast last, the Commis- a- k sclmers enter on the question of granting as3stanca able-bedicai te preced -to tite districts where q fremttic imilpeiai treeasry, loweais the uigea ai their labour may ho available. et enigrants, anad in the ltter Repoert they tirew oui I 1bad expecteai hefore titis tirna te have la- ae considerable aiotsasaa te aespedienry of appiy- ferrned your Lcrdship cf tdie exact salacis; log in iil gay an scai that mightbchagtunedb pended inudis service duringtbeyayerffl, fa ParIlamient tor emiguation. Iltee a o = aImebut difficulîles havaocccurred in thse settia- Di than cesent. i bave n htitatioa la Pron Ounclng ment cf some ofîhe acceuts whicisiave made te sechs a mesure iaexpedent. The soin that coutl . .a b.e obtaineal front Parliament must, unaier an, cii- ties mpossble. 1 trust, Ioweveî, titat tha n cunancs, lieinconsiide, ables anal adeqataisthere- smm ici! flt mucit exced lte arounî Placed inj ftn te tic ianspo t ofa very telle; ils application by your Lerdaitip aitxny disposaI. ni wold lhaattendra i miiigreat difficoif, andi gaula! TIsenumber îvhe hava been assistem to pq bactaile a bject o! eveny desciption ofjotiing, proceed Id the Upper Province will appear and i lait il gaoulai prohabiy bue impossible tei secue te your Lordsitip vmry large, and ne doubit 1 its appropriation I t,) leeglimate purpode. Bot if auany persans ohtainèd sucb assistance, who 9' sot se apprapiated, il vould in reality be a boon, were well aLles te puy for iheir passage. Bat e att te thse enigraut, bt ta Use lanillord or pmrish, ieiei tcfwe e i vbicb, but fle eprant, muet %avse borne theesc- i h lt h tIleseios, nper si pente. it vuld beaides, bave a mrail itmjasrlus moierai tit..andiemigrants arriva in i effect, since, by raine extravagant expeclations, course of a fcw days, it la impossible fer thse f es to thc future inlertans o! Gverament,ait woisid emgrant agent te ascertatu accuratety thec ch- t paralyse ail indiviutuai exertiin. cumstances cf cachin ldividuel; and it la mai; le Pet tiee mamtns t am oftopinion tht ne atlempt important that emigrans huld nosote aflev- shosiallho made by Paliamcntaî grant toayilii d ta romain uneanpiayed in tise tcwns. Thse passages cf erigranta. % n7tocame tepr - blic gnr. et Montreal 'wieu once coin- ies andl landiord i ae aMienfy trong te malre P eN tlem asmaertale the hrtica, duit îhey immesibetter meuced,a.rorded the rneanilc f testiugte p boti te apply tbir mcms i th e Gorernrnent plications for relief cf tisese wha reached titis eoula poaill do. But 1 ail net lheelirs of opi- ity ; and 1 trust titat heore ncxt spring marna i Ion tstsau aieaiet my ver firly ie b expecteai similar works niay ho in pregress indihe vi- r te contrihote tavards tIsa expenses of emigratica, cinity cf Quebec. StilI mucit expesem uemail ana! 1 shail novirpoint out thè saveral Objecta ta ho incurred ta forwsrd the stream cf eami-' vlsicb t1thumsk sncb a contribution abouliha pinci- grnts 1ttose places wviere dicir laboura pIl ydirectei. I aromnibe weekly' repots fim time te lime may Le mcml useful and productive, sud transmultteal te yoasr Lordahip, tousMn. Bucian- witere they may heoeme permanent settlers. al's preseut reolis andl mare tha iss l,(rein lie e- liarnt aiittvil probably Le rnuèh raduceai in port of the meficmal saperinteudant at Grosse Ile, future yearm hy lte caetiie on lte St. wickIs acccmpsnied mn Deîpaci aftise 26tb nti- Lavrence of the uew stoar t , witich aret m, your Lordelaip avili peicie thet aectssity o! naw building fer the Goverrnaent, sud tise talîng itepstue nsureto0ensIgrantameample pr ouenryance of tise mails, snd by the formsation section ansaiassistance, hoti bfor@ anal doring tei cfnwfr rdgcopuisntteOa a passage. Tissm!yto a certain citent, bu accen-ofm- ovrigcmpne ntecs liedca by amneediag the proes Pasienger' At, and Rideau. Heretofore dia firwardng ou anal maoklmg nmore effectua i priion for is futaie doervt u Ioreuasbsbe o enfocement; but mUer saellites yuil lilegise he nopoly, die lack et St. Asme's Rapi beiug màecmar, te whici 1 shail ptesently calyoun t- in thse baud of a, pRiaeoS punMy; but hofere1 tention. sitasssn eof i savigation s aaprine, Youngilobserve, ibst ci lb.emuigrant h gise- ro. rlo il ecislt4 ttepbi ceud ta Cana, a large prcportion, even trisae, oerJeayv b.cMplta, iapbi embale, aresfficiently prcviae ieml dmÏ,expenme, aund dia fot.aaring buîsinass vil L e vith bealding or Provisions ; tiges in hIsi, dastlrovuo te geasetal outerprze. Thea bhy ave aboutthos es ede4casie Win aisqitrUStput an ami te thin-u *0o l "lesottion mmoi l1 cYIO5O5 uero evii 1gsi bec lvig Pe iu . tsoi, 11111as g uta are nOW espoeed su diair pesse«ad'v i ucceear consequence greatsrcaeam lMOtIlAty MontreisBytovu sud Kegstos sid millI oesecne ts th i Use . ora r em iist u i y:_ esA-±.i e "Mamce'c=ua:e*.icbtvuu Laim usi ý r. Bge, m uaa , l I pedxt i mgn ilca cge ii bm Rpotsegeid Radriutute . h, ~ sdh.eelgtmi.m TIIEINGSTON IiEMÀLD-.-TIJJSI>AY ?IMAY 4,18 l41. tWýcotlon beigeen bmsmoui 84yma" the i. . ita, thug. giving us a bette? communieatioaa witb a Champlamnaam 01 national imnportaaeM, au og Dueeusy ta the. M"itrv defeece <*tilt motey in th.e eest of a war. "Thbe eotbluMoMc ,*oa..simmr barbants ou the aliota aIetLake ie mu amher w4r<k af them mt prmsingaeeu, r, @W me wbthe province cannai blieximet. i iuta. saietake. flac. met ethçta,"Ch ibh W41iasd Canal, in ehach the Clown a)- eady pustes aalarge atake, anoi tbhecompletion wieh urne leis-.aseîtial in à pottcal tta a imnercisil peint of view. 1 more tspecially aid- er te the. Welland Canal, because it ia at tibis lmreut one of the m<'.t important irorksinw Ca. da. D-uring the lest samn the revende detrd. ms ;t wau on.thiird greater than lnaby lpsese- img year; and then. is everv prospect of out ob- "ing the passage through it ef ait the western . But if this canal lase allowed ta o e in- decay, tbe Amerians m uld renew their fa. eurite project of a canal on their side of the river, nd wonld hae encomrsged ta proceed in tb. wonka rich they have alteady comnmencait for the en- gemnent of the Erie Canal. Tbe seillement ni emigrants on wild lande, ta- en in connexion with the exeitions whicb if iuai landowners are now prepared ta matte folr ai sarne putpose, and the prosecution ni the great abli gouista which 1 have alluded, vill &buosa rery consimlerable number of emagrants. Tii. sanicipal bodies also gbich, under the arditaae reptly passed by the ,pecial Ceuncil, gui ut ma ay date hae cslled l ie existence in Lowuc C&«- se, may truonably lha expected, b? uadextaini ublic gorks, tog eais a conside-able descendfer aourera la this province; and 1 trust that- thm lopovemanots ghich, in Upper Canada, have b"t omcaced by individuel entorpaize, or front pre,- lociaI resources, may toaà great exteat lie reM«.Ml l le apring. . i There lu, moreover, a spirit of renewed activli *i enterprmzaamoucn& the wbolc British poptléa bath provincme% gbich afformla ample secuaty bat no difficulty wil arise in findlmg employmémt or ell-conduct emigrants; anad itlHS mb ry en-. avort t tuinthmsafactanate circumitances t10 le best edvantige. WitubMibisyeg 1 allaitltaite JI the cotant in rny pager, tbrougb the. landa- uts dhatributediin the dillerent sections of thel ovines, and tbroug buharuanncls, toascertain e gants and capabilities of each, the bdace- nenta wbicb they hold oui ta them cmigraàt, suit e facilitice tlsey may atffrd for his permettent ettlement. AU the information whicb 1 cascal- et on tiiese points giihai commnnicatedl te the. uirat agents ai Qoeboc and Montres!, ae thst e emigrant on bis arrivaI may et once haien >edi ta ido to what point itl ha iemont aUvan- ageous to hlm to pnoceed. 1 bave already directe l tant, ta prevent dt de. ay anid capons. ta %whicb puebaerm of land bave lretolmem beeu expceid, mvery land agent iu the ivince slautitlfor the futareelie fumisbe&by the 'mmmissionens of Crown Lands wmth diagijama 'Bd "iocmcations of ail Cncwn L.ands for mâle uith. nbis district. ,To guard"againit double sales, the land agent ust of couru cummunnicate gith the central office efore conatoding a sale; but the delay tbmus s- I will ha compatatively asimportant. 1 amn convinceal that tua alteration, vil! biere- rived as s great booin 1-y the inhabitants cf tiiese o.Ivinei. With a violet aise to facilitatee lseuleuwnt of 'le ProlPinces, 1 faîther propose ta inville indivial- mil proprietora wbo mn, desire to »Il their lands, à end in descriptions of thcrn, with ail necessary larticalars, to the offces ofthle several Cravn unda agents. Those officers gilnet, however, lit inany way as privait agents, or undertace to il1 Privai.e).ande; they inU erely aibid the ama o ilcunng the pulic t ecient of nds ta beiactai in cac ildistrict, the mne" o! the Dw0cr, and the puice demanded. Proprietors ta- kiig advantage of ibis arrangement aeould lie re- quireai ta psy a salailtefe for the custody o! their charts andl papers, the amount of! hich 1Isuitî ettle witb the Coummissioneus et Croga Lands. Il usay lbe olected that mach an arrangement miii, r the present ut leust, tend tn dlminiib tbe sale@ of imai tbe properi, ofithe Çmcsvn, and ta soins ex. leat tlîis gil prahably ha BM came; haut tIsete.o ment of! lhe cautry in thic t advantageis manner is so mach more important for ths publie iterests than the present arnoant of the landl reve- ne, thai 1Ilook upon ibis objection as of noi potance. Your Lordahip gillai swme ta siggestthat ave. ry meanshoutlitlihate teurge on latending, tes. grants the necessity of mrriving in this cousntry as eanly is posible sfter tie apeaing cf the navimga- on. Tie seabon la se short, that entais a satai i on bis laid y h b hginning of Jone, therre i no chance of bis being ahl. to maIre a y proviie for bis suiheisience hafore the e»îa . iter wbile duîing ilhe minter tbe aeverityi&i wb er preclades almostm&IF out cf dooir labour. It il like gise impjortanit te the health cf tha-migrsf bhat tbey aboutit arrive before the gieti eat à bhe summer commences. 1 shali taire an early epporlunity of Irarsmittine to yur Loîdsbip the animera ta the questions pie. pîard by the Colonial Lanai and Eigration (Coui nissioaers.i 1bave, causitinta tie distrubulaa very generaliy throusgbcuî mai tit. provincs, ant orine delay bus occarreil ici my receiving tbo-mn. imers ;-aueaml, Injecter, bavealso, reachi el andl ai delay cognat but lie inconvems"t, L abat prefer sending the inâ>rmation I have alreadjre taineal Io waiting 1MIlit èshah hacoare peri4. You il observe tisatin the precedm i bave net referrcad t. tibt par te b@repT ii Cornmisiauera of Usa 21«1 Apml lust ivhictotelte te the aisialauca e olgrants oui t dflnda reue in the coloy. As the vhole revenues of th Uià lied Province, ivhchersarlsing frous Use saleaif lani Or amy other source, aie, aller ceutaia dealaction, placeal by tbf Uniaon Act at the disposal of ltae Le gtIratone, analthase revenues msi' uobbi1 t saine years . e not more tIsait sWeat ta defta: Ibm bunthens aow imposeal on lhiu and te paovid for the public -wcrks, gbicb mest h lienn"eai bai appereaito nie unnceesary to enter on a sub . >ccs gici coislallead 1h nô practicai resait. Bc r muet cbserve, ln respect te tha Canada andl Us BritishNorth Americaa Companie a l;thUe hbu -gain wbc1he or riginally made guisthe Crn, lIud,lir puoipar management, have bacs.à advangeous that theL appear touse ta have à cli aany pcolmar dulgencelail. eautes e emigraiio' !respect ta theetsAmeincu Colonial Amociation of Ireland. 1 nI cmiv- stal JUST RECEL VED AND) FOR SALE, 3M00Las. FiesicloverTýsei, rt 100 Piougim, muperriorpaittnur .opd & itnW3 00L&n*bcfri, ERGSMOI&y ài EN KfIMM. Kaupten, Amri 2M, lm0 m CONDITIONS. 3 Thc CuAuN Plà aux mz iii ho publasical an litheAsot oa! cimontb,-in Double Quarta faun ; ýfon gond piper aundl gi tair type,,at tic 1ev price e i Ofve shillings pet ycar. Payable la mit cases on .tic receipi cf Use filt No. - Ail Pont Masters are requesteai te act as Agente rfoc Use Canadian Former. Amy pensas obtamninig Jlm mabsrfiers suai aendieg pay for the ame, la avauce, Irteeo! ilostagel sabhoentitied, te ro- citiei*eevn c *o f iticFormer. 1W$ Wiisba211mur Canadienca amers, in paufco- tir, ho faveur es viti coauinicatuons on an, or ail, cf the stubjects meatiamcdl aboya ; anal give us ithe remus cf tunr experieuce. AIse, v. aspect, 0thîl tic Farmer wiii use uis endeavauni le aid the progressaf a pa per, publisied in bis own !and, anal m tevoleai, particularly te bis este interest. W. thik e shah not ha dimappointed. N. B. Ail ubcrbe snamas, m asmosai blare requata t e sent ta ticIl Ediltor ai tic CemCmadian , Kungston, hefone the lUti day cf May next-iist the neceesany arrngern es tati publieIting, may lie mdc;ianal tiat v. ray le v li te anmb.r neqoireal. a Edutors af paliers vie vill give tliiProspectus au inseriinabsatlihe entillea te a volume ai tic Canadian Former. as Pott Masters, if tbey triai :0 aid asvifua tà hum Communicaioens. !wl rn âf Narnes o! Pont Offices ana! tic Cmunty, bouid hae gises, in ait ca@ss, o preveut mistakes. qKingston, Apil 5,, 1841. 1. - NEW Goons. suiDEscuiber reipectfolly informe btis iricias ai id ho public in gencral tIat ihe ahili con- theeà e tansct usiessnt is ldstidndireti C.., anal lie thid lboas. hao laM. Baus- ford'i <iorecly Mr. Maya'» Hotel, iviera gilai a&à tinses be founad, A GEM mAL ASSORTMENT 0F %ly Goos, G;rocries, and Jrockey, 41A1 o!vici bas heem laid lan ncommoaly 1ev, aw usiwill ha salai CHEAP for CASH, atier giiole- Mos-le or tai. WILLIAIM TIIfRR L 'or Kigstont, Nov. 23d, 1840. de SPIRIN(f GOO)s, it FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCR1BICRS. b- AL LARGE quîantity ai biracheut Ceriv, è% A sicav ewcases ci Chisty's hast Beaverý d ei Gassaier HaIs, ai the ne meut lasuions ia, Clatb f-Caps, said a large assoilmetil o! Stiav Bo unehi; vu aie, Moleikins, Jeans anal Drills o! vaiios de- se teiptlemi. O Theubove poals bavimg been purciea la lihe rwiâ&KMirt a a tim %ben tbey wea ire i eepeeeaW, moles etly tbey vere boagisl very l ev, mimai maaica tbem ho, d'eu lieeftgtet hi eil usteuica aivety lier pnices. W. WILSON. ,ru Kingston, Pcb. 8, 1841. F INE anal Common Principe Cigars, Best Hava ns do. Supaior Porto Ritco Smoking Tabacco, ln quar- t~ er lb. piperai London c±ade Blain sud ClatIs BRUSHU, la great varety, flesSaleetaI- T. & J. RrqNEY'S corb nd u %uc 9e Near Mr. Heath%,=Dugst Kingqton, 23d Nov,1840. A yen, epienalialpain ai Galet EPAIJLETIES, msade by Jobs Paser, Cbmring Cross, for Sale at T. &J. R's. AT TUIE VARIETY STORE. No 4à Garratl's Buoa iag. T HE Subscriber bu» juil eceivii and uwnovf- tansforale, vielaale or rstsil, on et tbe best ocko cf CletiCape aud alboys,*v~a e kWain isisMaket Chtlrs Londone patent giaxea Rats & Tbusuia, IA" 'sre onean hL Plai»analigurat Si & Tablacit, Lace aa poumezVab, Plaue & fane7 tcm, mtaatm" *M Article oued inasrelaul Itàbluh.l A large aaueluniedt y mate Cbgti<g, kept edtl on iaad, a# w" mseimnie el ias S. W. BRADY.1 Kigso, pl13, 1841.1 BELLE&VIIIE FI5OMIG MILL. WN, T 8abc" Mill viii ha LEASED for One cri CABINET Plt -T te. Yeats, ai tic Aouad RetaiofA£1(» Ccp th, ima s Carrency, payable by Quateiy enstaaents.- et, u4 Thii mIIIuneent a god repaun lait PaI, ad5 US"E S-Isinlerbega 1, <mvi genersallsitw ee. Ii Ai.a,-Te LEASE fer ee or mareYeats, thie .nita gsu e ral, tiat he TRIP HAMMER WORKS, ftre euuiçturlng .eeta uMnra ts Axes, Rc., ete A miRatâto! £65-tcgetler icOrt adin Stural ,it"e anti~~~~~~~~~ of S'oretfli sldaeotimmgE~ t Ste t,"l là"tis»adiOthe[ ar, uitible forsa Caba- -ie i bci Maier Coupeir ai Turner, aili couveienc al far& utaattaofREAý for -i Pausify, ut Use Aoauad Reat oci £3, andl im- 1TUJRF, a! tic beet quality modiate possession givea. Tbe Trip Hammenrest ui dtna.gp Warks en Use Viral alay cf Augut nexi. TOS fmusa!pnring atrsp Tii. nev SAW MILL on lie West aide oaih àle 5 cli.Ai Use Subscrîibea River wvil ha I.EASED icr One or more Yeus, t tatiDgt formaIe anal taorder the Aonniai Rentaif £50, ta mbleb artexectad upidslbayrtceh ha bu delivenda-mow cantiactei ici-pu-uraiof KingtonJan. 1841. Tavo Ibosunal Lo1s. NTDAVrie For foarther particulaia, enquire of tic Subsci- WnL-. anse ber-ithby lettar, poi staid XIOB. V. COLEMAN.P.G IT Brtilevilie, Pebe. 183 184LP.G I N. B. Tva gond l àas ofaisleady habits, Men4ier cf ftie Royasl Coni4 manteal otham l lt lay of AprilInext-en haobeuT N iccomnodated gLUs a convenient Dvelling Heuse ~ ~ xisk if requimal. WPPALB suat MSvaUaa.ao A S'AEI, TO lit EnTIED, TEE CANADLAN FARMER. eCI fthUe eatti, grcemmandami ity cé a feie*nu, depemids ce .icc:aCul-. Mte fthoir ew vcountnuep bave boe itoga W souaisI, durg a lng tl, in icb the agli- cett iet g.tithave been neglcteaL.It nsay ho lim, tfiatthUe commercial setersâahof aine na- ions aegsegreat, ai ter a time tae vemiaule Us. intemcts ai agrculture, yet, gs an occupationi for ae" in geseti, il casn haisnoucousparisoce glUs aglcuiure. I1aieal, aasosg ait the occupations et lie meverplilte or necenauy,atoneeau sanad ntom caephuten aiti agriculture. Andai hlàu aht tuatt Iaboalaiues; fa, it la Use farmer suop- bolals tise banals o! cammunity, anal streegtbcas the. pillaes of the tate ; noeiihitanding Use Il po- ice proftssions, Ilandlde"lilcte employments,"s la avicii mcnarme cagageai. Wlere agriculture l1ouribhes, the comanty gravs ici; bal veru il la geglecleal, the coutry'i prosperiiy aeclinai. Agriculture bas been viemeal, hitIterto, la an oua- bvourable ligit, anal thaugit, by many, tm bo ra- lier a second rate empoyaient; bt, it lu nov b.- ing regarledas aincacf! thee Oral, aid mut bouur- sabe af cmployments. Thisilait vicv cfii, là sanctioncal by the vealthy cf th. lana!, via ae conlulhuting thiri influence te faicliltate ita pio- IPasllasomaty anal Leglalatîvo Acts a"vebeen, anal are hiag pesseal, in nia!ofciti;-Cbemmsts, Geelogils, Naturaliste, anal Baniti, are adding buecI te the acientific departments et agricultutre. Firming, ia tbeory, la mot te bu reçomimendeal, ' miesi; l la cannecteal aili expeicace. To bc- »e, osccenal, lierefore, i. Use businuesdaiam- log, 1h in requisite Uhsiaruce anal prucliceabaiute Sce-eprate wiUs it, snd aid eacis ciben. T ie are landueda o! prectical lfnmera lathIe Prov'ince, who bave no tbeoretic iaowledge o! Use businss. Tien. are maity avba are oree at e- mert, but tube, bave no practiaioleopeice. The. b.eOft-o! al, yqoires, tiat tbere bc sotie 94me--, dînes"ltiroug i ue ar~ions lnawtedge posseyealta ea& pdal almay hacammumicatedl gte sfariner. -la tuis may, net oly tie sîperi- mect. tisaI are te gaing m, but 1h. cxperiencc ald inomîcage cf ail rime past, cf thingi apper- taieieg te lie culture a! the sali anal Use fariner'. interest, rmy ho pwsesseai yhiirt a atrifling ex- pense. Suci a msedium is now proposei ta tic Canadian public, viz.-the C&Nàanux FPaaRxai; vilci, ubeulai it necive patronage t0vwrant the anden- tuig, mlii he puhlsicalou tie first a! Joncecîet, et iMgton. Il vill ha devoteal emtircly te Use fanereinheîemt i-ta scientifical and practical ag- riculturo ;-ta tise different offices of bumhanary. fi ii coutain articles an iortictslture, andi tie culture c! inuit trees, iy tic hast utiors in Eu- !opa. On the hast mode ai rnaaging anal impncv- i ng stock, viz : cattile, berses, abeep anal ime- the varions diacases ta vhicb tic, anc hiable, anal the hast maoie of treatmenea-by ticenalà expeel. enea1ravers. P.esays on tise varices salIs, anal liuaaptatio taoihe digèrent iadacf grain, grassor secal. On tie moat approveai methoali cf managIl 'aies;aspractiàeai nKenglanai anal thc United States. On tic plan cf laying mut garadens andl firme. On tic raiaing cf becs, anal Use main- agemeuini ofpoultry. It arml cantale accaunts ai ail tise CuIda Shows anal Fairs i heicPravince, tia UnitedI Siates ad Englanal. Tic Mariket ptuces miii ha corractei ontl ; anal paticular pains gili ha taien 10 give tie carlical mecoatt of Use apavmnta cf the implementa o! Agri- cultur, oesicsaidforeiga. CICLA. T HE rubscriben will le îliw HiE Suber;ber hep hamit areltu t is u-f it î s.~p7riFn i T m m mecscustomiea.iroegboat. the Proince, ii eea tison askoidget hici hirJassiJlV part durlag ithe lisieusann o justly cRingfo, ad treei, Dec. 4 80 iu deing s. le avasi bituseli of Use opportuiy teuin miel@ Usat s lmie Dwcoinpleting bis larranagemients PUBLIC NOTICL P.ERIODIC4L SALES u I ietrofheAl.%î liai4touiTorntno, and almuilton, onan s tîl OLCAssurance aiompatyîa temadopen saing as10sis»ofa *escexeal cale, la eider te enga o ~tais lire. t ttiOte upo asent elusiouicus aad ta tic Trsadeeatlarge, increased clan, heieiy ne:i(Y ait puaýos,0 fàcilhleda alacertain maiet far tih""P 1 f riOisj h enwe every couioity uenth a enomîin a cs, e<> u h ensr i r 1 la i sas, upon suchbhousfs , hgbav li SmacWines,,Llquoiq ai tGocenies. covereai vith ruthn Tin r her1 Aal hbegepleavetlessure lattbc hal tbey mi>le t y enl, ely opcn tien. Sales fia hein generaigs fayIrttrfamantrI aupplic# at the Iawcst market rates andl on the mout (LNil favorbble terni.Alaceof The Suhucriber hagi et theesmmmc time ta intun- Kingsten, 4ti Aiigu,Yt, 18. dime toubs cuatamehi Mr. R. A. Goodcenoagil, ta E PL wiom haebas entrusteai the general management T l IE W h~TileAiLL aGcmin of bisi Saies as Agent anal conflentiai Assistant. TWîe lesahe Stoire, in Fo Kiamio, itisJAMES BROWN, Juidasoa. occuiiieai by Xiessas. W.&v Vcbrasary, 1841.fer .[Oho""frain Liverpoo l d FOR SALE. mrain Glasgow, tic f0owin B ~ Y the sohacaihara, mt thein atotes mn Froat. & (1i , J>Street A n addition 10 tbcir St, i prevmmyal 60 irga Ptug Tabacca, 18's, sup. qualit,riz,: 50 kegs do do 16's, do Palet and Buavt C othe, (bis 10 boxes Caveatrsb sdc. mixeal,) Enghish Plaaling-oý, cia 1(00 jarse Maccaha> Sobf, ding, Flennels, Metisoes, !)umiý 10 M Pincipe anal Regsliai Cigaru. Janes, Pillow, Foîtan, Grey T%%tiid HUGH FRASER & Co. clown Cottons, Selicisa, lau> Rîti Kinagston, Tti Aprl, 1841. Jicconett, bhiaci, trui itri . - Houe, Croypdon SdLoas,, PaintS, arai FOR SALE. Cottan,, Dia et, rtuga, Cuouterd 13Y the subscnihers, at uder stores in Front- amas baie Wint.n Va-is, s a . B oi ureet . Tweeds, REtDY .îDE CL1ll>j. 20 ihala. briglit Muscovado Paugar, R . lkt. 30 ibis. do do du 0~7'.Tisose wti re ucdeumias ai- 40 baga E. I. ciystmlized do mt..pa.Geais, voulut iid il draîrrqm 5 bde. reIlneti,oat do asud examinte tie store. 40 hait chesta Young Hyson Tes,R.1. 10 do Twakmy maid iysan. Kingtols, 161h Octu., 1840. HUGH FRASER & Co,. .OlI! Kinsagton, Apniltii, 1841. 'I L H II DRESSEH , îeîi FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS te i5 fniead, mandthe publc tsâ5 bais i bPuncbeonm Jamaica Spirit, te, thUe Ciranicie Builingsa, secndldu 1 40quartier asss dai corner on Broci 1treet, North aide mii 28 do Cognac Brandy, Square, vinhe r i ilte happy toru 5 lbie. Bardeaux do stieocml uponaii. 7 do Hoiads Gin, Kingston, Sept. 19, 1840. 20 cases Schsiedamn do. 1 doL eacb, £00WNEJ 30 casis Bandeaux Vinegan. £00TATD HUGH FRASER &Co.<, s) BORROW lfrnamtel ifyul Kingston, Apnil, 1841. T epa,& Secuity f6rm hie pmyaua c pal liteguvee on unis . i FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS tbOeagnofK'lngtas. AppYlsb hhds (Irgp Tale odfshChnu. & Gaz. 015e, 10 2 e) Taobln erCri, Kingston, lOti Feh., 1841. 10 ibis. Na. 1 Nanti Sione do 40 laies Dighy do. IIUGH FRASER & Ca. Kingston, Apnl, 1841. PUBLIS HED EVERY TitE __________________________ BrrTHos. a. axENas,, F OR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBE RS Ai bis office, lu Stmre Streetsemiy fBags Java CoffceeMansion House Hotel, Kinit 20 5 his. Roimted do vîsere mil eiders will ýte isafl 30 baxes Grounai de puscctuully atteidel te. 10 iagm Black Popper, Tuuuî..-Ffeesiling pet a 28 boxes Grouail do o! paatage)payale in advrance, mi 50 inîtta Cassis, sh&]smgaana six pence if sent bviLi 1 casi Nutrnegs, Any persan becemuig eeporm a 80 jars Mantard «nremi), mente!f six papemrs, ali reciisease 20 kega Sun Raisunet, o ile pic rportion for a gitatut rrta.d 2 kega Zanste Cura4nts, *.*No papiers;adiscontinuedti 2 hales Cleves. exceApieaithe option o! tirhu.sit HUGH FRASER & Co. AIl Comnmunications, taille tddraU Kingston, Apuil, 1841. te the Edîlor. ___________________________________________ Advertiemmsand etLtta-n os S OA P. maireasei te Tios. H. Brndy, pmOP* Boxes Steeli hst Liverpool Sap, for 20 salehy prtet f MbitrthilW HUGH FRASER & Co. Six liaes W under, 2s. 6, fiiSOJ Kiogm, Apîl, 1841. click subalqurent insertion.' Telaims _____________________ U6d. fimttinsertin, mend ld. emi FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERs, insaetiasa- aboie ttc fines, 4di. peut5ais aire llaises, lisseahieuianal Id purfine for ermYI 10 20 bis. Rice, avrtiern natiictg l 10 lbido. Batley, insertee 1fnts ai, analcaue 100 reamsWrapp~ing Paper, aler ltfor iicondiituingenduaJ~~ 5 bles ColidnfdsotuigaerI 30 boxeil happed anal faceai Pipes, vuiting. 20 itisl. Biaciing, aimiotd, Adveiimeents for imsertts te i 5 de Wainata s-aies), thb. rmiag precediag tic day o 3 do bard-ashiAfmin". _____________ HUJGR FRASER &Co. AGENTS. Kinggon, Aril, 841.Wiltonu......... Sidney W5alltii~ Kigao, pil 84.Napaure, .:. . ....Mr H BWtt OR SALE BY TUE SUBS<JRIBERS, Bath,........... W. J.MIdlýymi14 4 Bha Sada mn'e eetWiae 3 da. mci'Fredenicishurgi, - -J. W. -Audeor BZ6is Sherry iaPot Wneala cir.ea cHu Iler & Wellingtoi,mr. E. W 2 bik,. aGounc'ma' Madleira, qo.> Coiecotn, . .Abrifa lu ai 10 qr. assisa 'FaconO 'Madeira, aie. Adlelst,. .Gifi 8 de Sherry, d. BllJei . m oAe, * d2ie Pee,. Ale'rMii.JbA 10 cases Champagne, eoetil, TDsnel 1 40hbaskets, de. Sopltiabohugi J.Meilam k Lcith Aie sud Perter. Sbancuvilie J ~ . B5ct5raU* HUGO FRASEL k & e«. Belleville, . ... .. B. Flint, Eth- Kingston, Apusi,18 . Tret art Wm QILS k PÂlNTS. Petort oupg h,. -SMa1.Love flHi.double bo i me" l, teBrigh....P. o ve,,51, 10 7 e aw do. Cothurne,....J. A. Keeler,F~ 10cutSprt Tuipeatime, Graflaa ......... J. Tsylor,,,., 90 kegs White paint, - 5* .I1 P 25 de Green do. Clarkei, ... .. Hvà 5 biai. sea'MIti, Clt.........B-earu', 3 do cdoai. Daringlan.....» L fer sala by TWbiUsy........ . r CiU'y HUGH FRASER & Co. Richmnondl Bill, ..5.Sinclairr~ Kingston, Aprhl, 1841. OWm. Chi....... WIl GROUND PLATE R IL Jvui',eEn AND Dimalés .... J.-Larkài1 W ATEB 2I I)f E.mgtS .....J e HE sbcasris tebic o n asuderg ally f« T " etaiami %m Millue. -ie, csa.tl c huiin Jo Btl5 50 11M tf nil Gdr Grimsby, .. . . .. demUi »AVID M. N.09910-s...........se lstacMe 011 A MS of, uthé meut , 841. y. .- -- --T jliH. ra" t=in assat ,ioie oak EMr.Y ]COCOgI tdppàoa zuv-q r a o lusY. au> .... v~uuaussO. ~A&* 1S~J~ ui~ ~ met ha ;mtas ~a-"~ Lt~,uissaas tu vu« 01 fa or xg& eiciu *cit plu» mlw l tia Bkleo Hi v atut bimuR ot M* tmcis - - " i e ilae abut aM, by mibsd m aktbpu"hd tae i aid, ave dhhe à i mty evlse - se tylwaleheslB- du"li 11aiJ" vuh sisal juiluu asl a & th ale m 1 'ab "@maIn - . u, unes wbellveU, udfaets(uUsetb 4ui iciàm rmeiNa Weiw uir .aaeMd i Nsy 3ltI aavbe o M by 5 sr à@ d. Ulg, buPe jomai'dsi qit qpls ia ai *wai u ,n â aeebu u.me l-Wau Iboi'e tSmau e.Mr 1 and ID 1 i - -«Mm M ýT*WW - . - m et;e" ý 1 17il :, fi ; ýl=wwt on

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