Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 11 May 1841, p. 1

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lu. tela n id si~ r h A D£e p0 1 testa~ le of 'ire ii (arde, 'n ii 4- A ilt ar n.j lave he r', 840 .9 pg prevaoust v y'Cad k.d gloi and ~Lîn fli.,rn aid" CLOTIII %6 It. H. & T.' Milsî of bleîîî adydtitdg.to I-' IL. t& T R 0. N eS, t.% Io r.-spe îteî1 jîf tln.t lie bas le serofit amer fina 1tb sjde ot det appy tb liit NTED. M oftyetrsthk le payaient tof& cumbered p 'Ply 51 ibis OUc. ItY TUESD SIENTLEV, et, rieariNy tipold I, Kingsoni,C iaankfuliy recei 8 per anour'.(el vanices and asil -nI lv mail. spgInible for à~ eCelre oile m deri nurrbet. i unifil amTsant Pubti-ler- ne addreosed ei t'rs on bîîillt9l tC>, PIroprietoe ar llir Tln lise i loai. esci o 4ci. lier lile lor r every uwme wriltf ji dirs' irged acvotdîîlo'1 lion ho be Jelivr day ef pibhîrati Wrager, lit- . B. ILVuia, am MarhJ Mos-, E aq- t' at, -'q P. duw cc, ip. P ~. jolie <i ,RomyalSDoriTa£ PMATS OP loolail ssub - 1h t,,1 ".preww od u the 06, e MM, e ha" tonale fob,* apui as l init' .(k' h l&iadiail ,s 11ÀJi<<Y'ihd iy " - lls- <ie OWW tin tgloy aboedvs lu elm ite 1 h àso oie in a; SPas'. musa0 Il hvicly un;i hshadisepîl.i5huihar adeuW h' buk wê tare, LINES 0i1 TgS DiATIt 0F TflOrANT 60,g r a. ,,ND MNU. IC-A 15W Lm TCI BnER DEPITUAS, BY - Ibm simighapipy enrote; yam oqI t pbus< si With hliy Pay; 00 uhead if kyeery future. %q b t. ttii i-Wf ta Ile, 4m il lut tby sffel'o ' 0,er; à* dl im. leci ens-lly trouble, nom MMspet happy irl1h hoe " 1. *5351 iOW 5YCherCom Thm a& boin "cicr bMent amud yu be irl daîzling Tirais- gw à haW agelr sets lbe, Fme iperial ofihe aly; %W, mtoh w ed, siy W, 4.1 sur Sud brenavsmeu. r.,bralhwu, fialz, a; k te tel ol u rn coo duast. Bdtamb st hy spirit riai. o aasq r narobe gin. tpmad (ce ta 111ev les; Sea lt aalais te louave, Aidtr tlae lr etf1.15 yul île ali. 3, 10il. aIRLi %Ç'O'> AND iWOU! E- Sks.AiiY. aiwsd, .d arly WOU, muetv 'Poeed rder the atu. Goermon Pree.,b. i. aicIrîetfu(ir yosest bride Aimlau, d d tr Iid, ay Inb.hes! brisi diys 9ltirb ph dose lils baMaiaeua repays '01YhUa aud ms.. ,Wai "raI1 lu Puce aW more MW olvuaI liebrsstr Fdf 9dubi, ai erut On haulési 01worldly étlee sailw a msaimai n aYnnu d gih.Jcu bourt - oé,a&ad stau vhe wbomeidi Tuosut, <'feu &hé aI.bath muaI pisai, sical rememaoce. bs *f ao aid WU.. au W Ms hv, ceiadtle grfee b61laiih, "é, 'diIellibg placé mnf (Sat ai a C A N1 C; or gg~MARra Tim& M fb1 RUCI5ac Y MISS £UZA CRATEE il[. e ' c dapi ince tue events renr- 'Clai, U Ai lh.Mecianje ana 4w M ln sen .ttu is nof k,,' 'ttcbed (Or tli eceniOsf Sbat bai8h. don.hb Mà t Conieuabe50 inqneemi < t Mal, t îby Mi> no n né aiaCwil h dreadfiai crim i trs 1-gbedbeavy on ben beart the0 cort. l1 insal tber et tedetion nigbl 1 lCis net the on u of ii but muruaag bahimlmmouts.L vstbg Lm lac. Tarta Tii. jaier pauw.. ' Here jeu are, amy tlady, vberu e sinaime be comet eu. Tiure are tbbctien domtacf tb dungconsjasmauioned. Nov, my ladythe ru- Corr, frendlaie Iis,' siait$b, quu gaapo beclt Of ;;;e0valee ftou ber ara and b.mdaiag it 80 lic mm, vian ces gialenci an b. recelyci & 1 1,a ur Lédysbip. TeVIM net betraj me?1 V« oce it k»»ovu g ymber, ivould sa bard wîîb me.' Jane e meeahdaid thc jailor bu-. lcei avtay ;Ollé anmaosty gazai opa. lb.dom, ofîtbe celautoucfvihiclaa. ev Gilbert tube «'Gracions Providence!1 aulat se boy tati For me bevas cedmo.d. By me lac M114 b m#ai.& Bot boyIlOue venirvcsau aaieuta 110t Of 4eneMieS. Hate pity on an. jout beavan; serve me viliH ercutean sregi, .ov me bul the vaY taSave him,anoeilii ov-witu u tientoyfture fat@. Toiienap e bs 1 Obonro! Avy wil tenura!gosacin le ab, An" liai instant <ho Queeia avoiee vu hourd givimg orders vithoul. Jane alarted fromt beirlues and bilyivconetaiai erseît beini on.etfthe aasive gpissou lbglcal.Qe. advsuced vili au agiltei stops fllovus! by &am Renard, vie ppear.d tb b. expostulatlng wvllbera. Il Yu ae atouldah Our change off purpuos ha il ne. l ifoui picaan. t oiaib.aoulive. W. bave cnsidmid veithob. smui cldie P «'Your uajesly oa"uulive igifii Yeur pes- aur. ere tba5--'ia ov thie. veeks aine.sentence vas prononnced.-I The. Qacon frvmed nt ibis.4Weil, our,*aM vhrnl then : Fabiano muti .01die! The beillliai lieuls bis icatbi naIlh y te.freveil But teave us, leavo us lest vesasy forlber!, Simon, noohing iaanalei, continued, 1'Pabiano se halai and despiaed by every beart abut lic Cout; IL. citizen, haie tale.nop lhe Mechanicl Caml, sud paricipale in bbe Cour'e s aredof Fabiaua.; moi abauli heoct sufer accoîding ihesentence thare it i no inuiet be an uproar cf lb. populace.' 'Wei" aaid Mary, 4'ou soldions shahl quelitsncb disturbance.' -Yo., majesty bu avoe-c lte b ane fa- Tic Que. répiei, 4<H. has sent us oui blank Signature by wvhmlh vs bait vovred iy oui impe- rial rava te grant viat b h iounti imad.9 ' TuI cf lb. gnon deception tb joui majesl.' &'There are thosu about the Court no deceptave as imseif!'moand rnajesy'a lok estci mii bar1 audilor, vho poeded-' Mine is but lb. v.ietiro th. peuple.' Mar's cyco glialcasi. 'By any crova 1 vuat are the voacea of lb. multtde le us ? Are vemnistrema ber,eii, or re va not P Simon1 boved, but remaiued sileal. Mbay eommauded biS fros beu prononc, as ho retirai b. mtterti te himacît, 9'Nov ho try lic peeple's voice!' 1 Mary gaW daloi him..4 1 lie no liaIsman's t fa'. -& 16-- ..-pt. crteei"tieni Ini, T.1vers 01 u.al.et a daugitori tbien1 Wbalttv o vaits Ibeme sud Joseau t moi th. jailor iaststliy olcyci ber sommons. lie adalicedth ltatr- Master Enu.,ibouaid Ibis man must aid me iu lhe esape of Lord ia la no,' Eneas tamoierei fcnli-o Your majesy--I Tise Qteen perceiriulg his emiarrassenl, sais 1 iii fange, thon mrt asa et us enemieç. By ro> ercyn, muis Siaon Renrd h more King be bis eaini rQueeo. He bas rasie a bout ef one- mies viere v. hai toolei hirfriandhs. 18 lier. ne ene te aid us in lieecupe of aa imprioauc A voicet rpIieil' Yes, jour mijesly, 1 villIl1 aid a figure encîgei (rom i e glootnansd sîcai b>' he aide et Mary. ' Jan@ Tlbdot!Il exclai ic heQueco, as o b- Cas th. ON tIurney, sarnnedin aazemcnt eahlier audien appearance. ilbav cotiolthlonubers?' iamanici Mary -Ani tor vial pespoc? mlbutthona us'I ot an. lissr; yon lave, andi voliaid in bis escape. You Patiosait jour vrongs ms vo do ours. Buh whal b eoduon.?' Joue r.plt d -9 'Thc rivor wrahes lic Tover on Ibis aide, fhem uhici fis-n. h an oullet; a boat migli casai. bbisfel.' Ebeas teppi forîard-' 1 ieg pardon uy lady, but a boat calanol aproaclu tall the tii. acivss, andi thai moIiti ot be ton au boun ys-î, '<vîrs battes- vril tillt p . tlo . 'Trune, lrue,l snid tie Queens lurabng ta Jone, 'isbItter tu vait lb. gluonsa cf vi liti.Wei Maot iegooe,noir preneseis demanddacver -reanemier, Jane Talbot, suitoct frmeitu un-1 iermming, th. escape of an imprismei mm l honm sdiesaing leetf ta lihe Ivo mes,@aeprocetiei.1 1'W. charge you liAlb b ubey tlii.lady u'Ivere ourseil, or liy hoUa sihail ansves-feu itl t aiMsr r ith a bodty stop pouari lirougb lic arcbvajr ami vas euh of smgbt.Joubua de bas oasracns aeze, la vipe avaj a lear s ie mutrei b baiu.- self,'1 pans-Gilberti! îbey think uel cftUic..' à Joue sddreascd irelf te Enes,' jon bat e uajs'a ment!? la an heur nes utataboutb ba t E le foote btower ;bave Ituee tsof il th. several cllets msu mruiandi maie-evsy? Lois promisei bar comman&da sdho s b tridliyp obtysi ranidopartosl. Jae.vitu an expres" cf joy, anudan accentl boriami agitasi temed te id Juesa6 Speal Joaliué, vbich isim ugons fs V The oid man scaucel>' digiatiatok s b. repliadi panting, 'This ite durr of Lord Fsbianols ion- get , lady.' «'No, rosnos, gooi losba ; 1vautnt mcibl, butà Giiber'ss Gilbî's! O I opa bis ingeen te me, 1I implon ee.' Justiceagazed tb.rvvibjoy au ho pieparoitaho obej baur oumiai, s nig, 4God iMe. thee, lady, i <thoe didisi-amtfoigt hi Pa The lige ieytarauedain hélok, Uthe awu h ,villairv, ani Gilbert cauesSaoul in anavet te lic taele'aIati ne ?-Isne, Lms!y Talblit,1meau t' Jane rahat! p te bis, ie Sang bemeît pmn b.er unet bis 'eet. c'Gilbert,déGisaQlbert 1tura ot (am me' 1 bavei comate am thec. 1 Imov Iliat 1 ileh y. vcud ny-ngratefnl, tala.ca - bt, oh fcigive me h11 camitbeunrepMoeeh trm i yasr sitce-anosMy>'lire bat yogisma1'braud i M ail4am.. Gilber, i a hm @Urilalbu pre- V pcmr£=ouue= . .0bh Ila pity blnis ne the bappy re a ieu< vlag avei my hetactor'. 3 lirefl7ena>'u irPa", but kt me Utyin Giboie ai tg Ë&rml>rilla,-' 0f wWV"lvan insmlM iteuie1lm n a egr belovre by tbuc Jiaeuted a ahike et Mdfr&* à vends have nimmovred a eigbt rao-pf 'a, hart tua b.oiseeance vold bae rere. Toud. net eussée»mad 1 daiem e mort akils hasaid im mise umeiied ;i am inseceulin d but a ae- mentl>'demoictimo f i. Io lbee-'sss put long aice, sud M? t's peas mai tuiEt h U.. Ob, Gilbet dureae.1 bm omrdi est «ut le âme.' Tlshéleubaulerahmed ber <ota his at. SIe Wuesose, b ic t, AWai5tyPallier '-the loves ne, .*eubgÉhi.fxm intant, Illea tu desprm tues4, edïmi,1 Dy Hesven, if thon can'lli ae va Y tb ave hlm, tbon abalbe gagge i te bina, sud lallty jnlace beloaththeUiccloti tablaiebtets bis tub the place of ezecuttien tp Ams b or meaîy,' nid lb. jailo r,' baie Iil 0 ca way te savo iim t1th. Mectianie as 1yboml>' leize, the mesnetaianmeniayl ikecp tié crov i e# ibout ithe sembflaIeau vae ot âsaei- Itte bitenhLthtItalien?', Mary ulterci an byteriieat larek,-i Saved, mcii I Batt ilicu oal suavifor bis safeîy iti Uiy hoa&. te. laI U"isxcbange bo mde,asit thon abats bai. wealthh, Veaith P _MurmuÎl& bouts ver. beard Vilhoaal, bleuici 'HarVP id Mary,'&tuey tuirst for binai, -for lbod Waa'a ood. £nets, ncl vel l hy a, or lokloti7 besi. Tiay oaal baye blond;chaha ha! lhey siali bave blod!»,ba Tb Ti.aappy Quen basteanai roustahescenaïf nuc aacb nsid agitation 10 <iumpi I ei aercheta. of.uaaurlng satety forutue unvî tiy Italien. 'Wbore arc e nove, Jutas P iuquiuei Jmie, s the caulioeily foitoved <be aid lurniey trougi as ercoe , coverai tay black bngings.A brou emvu asýsdedgbtue vallvhicb w reits ra pusoathe clsickrapery about anal- tai upi hcbehrnei Ivo wax tanches. JeSlua ' On l theecaitd ng oof thOie pai shair-case, Mdaci he b.processinfsicecoseateut p;g I. enecuion.'p 'Deemoit 'sutlîsu..<Amdih is lie ont> way te escape vwi* aecrocy trou the touer!' 4'116. Every eegres is mrocemiby lie r"bI, vaiting le vitacm Uic processisn issue troun lb. tovor te the place cf ozecaisa' '4Oh, Juahea, thaï feual proclamation still ' Ah, lady, habilthas maie suecb minds long famiier 1t eeeoh cas' 'Tuik on, Iobua, v. can effeci Gilieri'a cs- cap@ Il t 41 hoptesolady, cii tbeo.ma n. 'le h exfctiodi, viili e cmvdi hiapening, vili b. Oi âlmrlo maIe the sîlempt. 4 To,*orrov 5 appointei for bis deatu '-amid laaesdddercai1'Oh, loshua, my bocut beath uni i> si inmbase10 hhini of i.' 6 Iârk Ilsnid Juchs.a A murms"&ng auni vas eari ieacesdig lie atainé sas if msuy fEstve.a1ipoaeiuag. Jane caç e ae liman. tâasclne;shu;ey come thàaieya.' 'Wc mut toceataiourielvea, lady,' nid the li mm-sud tadiag ian. bebilqi tbe altar, baite beri ateuaoidovo iti tue proculia làisipased, and ho senti nor placi rccelmeut farlitu s-J v as bauhud t lve a ie ep toues as foI- k @Te w i ýDfullova in Ibis trai, covce i rsgain alb. 1.11 bibi. a. pp«,d s i w..hhi 'TboÏ deëp-tosueimondter, puace 1 i 4iii t- lins on b.ot oe bMay she puceedil.6'Mer- CY9 nrc finQeea; it aot tlooasic tev bih iesu.,Gi beiVvbo 1 Ilove!Ilad sb.e lnng te lb mc' a% rieals. ' Tier. is jtlime, de thl.eecutau. Qe but jour royal osdur and * Ia b. foot Of Sw viiftdéer Win 1 tty.' lml a ppearei uamoviei;; ber Bnptnt beli bar reMn tovards ber. 1'ageMy Zcea, lok on"!ýts asofmm. be ltcemandate, Miry *bd soed te imacugage bernait trou ber lup.t Ibe distrattei girl foiloved upon ber a 9Uhappy girl ybu plead in vain.- An stiempt, 4 re*ue voud detcc Uic faud, ciuidbbotv omli Tu. linge bell again vouaici. Jane astood creci -« Souni nu, soeum It ~'is -iSc 10ny ear, for nov 1 betbink me il vas ont Gilbiert in liaI dai procsio wvpana tbis vay. Tihe figure vas eohoddw intai borîid veit, botlt'ias nt Git- iertl'streai. Youi M.jesty isa itcn eceived and Fahiano las lh.viclia.' Nov vusil Mary% titre b aladier vitu ai. frigbt. $Gais! couli 1 Uink as.Env. playme taise, whal bol quick. Wl. vaita hbert V Two mi sle aioiey.d ber haalyommons.- Mary iisv trou bar fluger a ring aida?eïking viti l theanmot rapiiity. 6'Taire thisui r agsielpeut baste 10tbe market leiiituI r].olalieeecuion,- quic-pausunmt foi brealvhme thon MUse as coupe aI tbe acafld'aa foot, aay.' heu tufio- iog to tie uain waiting asoentincd-' and butetlieu fellov la lb.,dusigeous of thc tva con- d.mned, ini on. oft hem tfiou'ît tamin a priacuer, bing hlte biler ; pause onl for reply, but fi.' A gain the bell Mandali. Mary prenci bier ban dubehr brov. &(31,,liaI hall.' Tell me- &ona. hisparing sngeb talla il fur Gilbert, or Fab. IUiQ., Ier, vas a inomentary silence betu-cun these Iwa exciti limaI.., 'Lisebrolen byJoe. TIl. belt has conesi ta aound. Thecpuocesaion bas reccei the place ofe xelfliion. My mesen- ger vîll b. îoo lie.' Tb. tond report af a eau non ishviird. Tlhe Queen appoerstratfixcd. 4 He mogiala the acaiEld.' A aboi pause, mai a second report la beari. Ho. lays bis beai upori lb. block.' A second more-sad a tbird report came eîeiierating turougulb.heair.- Dciii sbrlulci ai the. nusi. «MI Queens' sai lau,. "Tia dons.' Mary's eyes teed burst. .ifinrm thtir socIal. s abuhexctalmnd :-Which il$ 110 Gai, hic islaIL' Simon Renard puec aside the black hanging ami àdrmic.d f(rom a door Iesdig froanvithout, Mary ruShdlàho hi,, sud maily aeiÉiag film by bis mmm, exclatmoi «'Speal, and tell me quicki>,wvisn f1r"i*as IbMt beneatllthliatalipol i eut ta icali. But ?ija il Do*W bqia ag ceàlâtiii bis ui(if exuma. rion laifteDugalal made bis appoarance viâ lb. wedier, feil a çnacikiil1h. nuis salng os lhe lomaotm the ceerre of the cinrel-yard, vhben nosaof the.cders of lic parlala iappauned te bh v.nding lis uay loue thal va anb ede, uIc ba i fit eta i> jeu 1e cousiice lia pana ef tue tricks cf glisas andi speclreib sad primates. reurecimsthougil tbis a sai faivoduahe ep- portuaity ta bring raun tesatigiat aiiMal vsy cf ihi.hing. Off Ite ueama.be rn; ,bai anuaudience vithlthe parson ln bis lid-riom1 bld bina thaï Degahi M. Taggmt'ao Mt etvu ai a moment cracking lb. nau al pirlLai, el la vail tieii rWIies afelctioi, if lbs'une voeud carry lus, on bis -bckithlb.ebgreh-yjss ha voold icihm ot badouuio. Thu vu no nouner ssiab ls.donc. By Bis ime liey rece e bgale la iiâ *11 ithfeliingboua aad heari sctlnay the cracling off tic 1i =e by this iae, the gdqdiau of theajuidclq mi "Ing tât th Sièr <11hc bac ved mto could stni il mcéhoiie. l"By &alhahi% i exclammed be, 4% b jitler ein, hbe" - lte yeu," tiîou-ing cdown telic r ei caiepasae viia Uiuinpmios lb.bardmroi lTc7% e "Cre Iug t i a ts as e n i g is be li v i mg ) le m i n* s n t il was etier lIte or deati, op b. gaI, sltmpted tb tnn and fournibis limbe ltaaver bis purpo. an weli, liaI be was eomhled ta ieep poetty cro.un lh oie osl f bis ,aticg eider, Viesupponod biea te, b. thc spactre. .1gany a living vuine. eau bo foaai1te lify thIlbo trtot f isinci4aml, sud mlin lti, facie, th b.puornevurlme* rien-. matie affections aftri Ihat moumabb, mit.- hebanlrecord il; ber l40shavaeuouaced. lb. charmai! vous vbhieb estoie t. e ntl og o 5hE. hou bost peepari edfrml escape, qulu 0quick,-lfe soir l dear, ah boy den%mi:. vaWstthe.fine, cool air of Asalelit.aa ige i.i bouing ,«* Ju. explaitteiibim Îi atlloàîi t>iii QaeBoý &uppouois3gber inteested fer Fasanej bd «ieaodelà; to t". & bout lb. prison taoli.y lié É.b, Uic boat mand a disi.. vwoeuldiela t"a"ret valua inan hmai-' sd dot, tb.r4thé bcohliÏmed4 arbe thon art (re . éaboil i sb. bappy. Foi astisses, tb dehm .fashone aitsksuaangel, olu- 0I.d ins>bisvining on" dogalunSa y echuli îfu-,net my bot. Glubert, Ibat 1i do belle,. 11e,nail thait vMaeab8ltsoCs mygriefs, we villquit London tlbiauighl. Vesice 1 cam toit for ou support Y«u vinli tmine. No. os 1baW forgoggen. The. Lady Taub- bot la olonger lhe mechamie, varn,andi Gi- b- rl's treur as elouded ieb.l pd lb. bud le heud in bhW.Jane comprebeadZMaiSud lahiug 1bis band, said-4 te a till derer te any Î-49114 the. anlthe rank of courbs.9 Gilbert gazed aâgs ber fae, di. aproa aer 1 liecen<thia aboiez, nidv 11117,ay 'Ny vife my gvif.,' exolaime s N Mebal,1 îad prme àr ibasss, aunau ecslacy of joy. vl J h" ies sood soms pacu la lb.heat it~ > hétnuof*faut mouoting gtobâtoye,su tiking il beuhb a turckeyls dipâte bi! n lbissab.ho Um ose baudt ni.ls doubletsralliaithé Irais vQllu aother, sud viskiog,anad bliulumg bis ejes 15 preveat the valory ii*uicta, b. bagae t. vhil-a t ian mt a leur .urmusmngsom" vas beari viimout ; Jobua bsatened teonaie of Uic gratci wiado. ' here h a crvi stom. shoit distance bans. 1 se lb. torchecs glare upon armed mentand citi- zeau, amedw ith pies sd matockia. Haui, Oey advasce ibis wvsth.yabot.' Enas rubed i in Îtelemand saik Jlubis bond, m and eaiag lovards Gilbert tbrev th. for- met over hlms, exci"ng, 4'quick, quicla, my Lord, loi.ot a moment, 'tis rumoroi lb.Quien visbcs t10 ami. our lite. The. cilizeu arce ma- gris andcalisloud fori4 death te Fabiano.' iHante, Ettas' sali Jane-c' buto il gain fur. lier tidiags.' Joshua bastl tol Githeit'. um, m Ue cMu sud &bouts dieu- nearers aii urgeil bitsforvard. Jane vas about 10toto, gJoibus preventeid bar. 1'No, lady, lie muat go m"a.; you vould ie b. oh ved la the. bot-come vila me by amolier passge titi th. peril oh escape baW pasac-via Yom $hall joie hlm-ah ! w, ar@ ta. ltl, tha crovi surmuadl lb. lover. 1 hear foolatepa approschiD tbtis wsy. la, Giert, lu.' And the oh man bad aearcely lime tao Ibrut m Atechais bacla loto bis duo.,Mdi mSt draggng lit. vretcbed sue ale hm, vbïn tb. Queea, folloved by Bossai ented by the m"e bs-ocatb s piller y vbica tu acres. Ui appea "Y off lb. Tower; Sie aeized the juiloeaaa-' Slaesk Mkicl bubasib.oseail 1 11 *bich becs.. toudr sdud rsboliu 'Deal to F&alaio Iland 9dosjvtthelb.ItaliaIl Imameiiatety ou thc gatlery ahove aplmrd M. mon Rcnad, fuilowed by a Herali beaniDS the Royal Banner-mb.o Lotdi Ctuo. Gentlemen and Pages tbronged lb. gallansd ball. Si...t Renard adiîeaaed ber maijesly- 1Thc people héroïne impatient for lb. exécution et tunems. Thc Taver is surrouuded- lits par. lins cf Elizabetihlhrong the as-trt rou Guildhall te tihe Tover. Wbat arc your mojesty' to. mania V The cries vithout bccame tender. 'Hear thtir cries,' exctaia.ed Mary. <Tii.y tirigt for blood. Shail vo burt a mu rtrohe battlemenm te appease ht bouta? w 1By .y amui, my Lords, you stand lreoubling.uIt aboni me. To bise! la horst t Dora Ibis vile msinimidmte you r To boise ! Iamy, or exhebthelb. vords yon vent for cadgets P i'Down vitu Uie traiter !-Dclh te Fabiono t' was toudty sbouleti, aSutmissleas voie tlis»,, <h violence sgaiast the viadova. «'Aîresdy Uicy pasn Uic iarrieî.sanmd Simon in a lae momentlib.l test.' 1 Lotds, Gesilleanca,' ,outed lb. Qucon-Done i if youatis-vali eu fDot fdchiéjor gênea ? 'flefeai your majeaytIye&-bal Fabim e vci,' r wus the gseel cr7. t Tii. sai about becomliae r and amore lu-J rearet aindiug no soirs taire, of hboii mois- r mentlcridcul viti vehemeace, <Fibiane! te deah ît'1Elizabeth, foreverIlt imon Renard bastly deçcendedifiii. the galle c 17, sdapproatbiîig thc Queen aidicasciber Ibm, E ..' er yen Oies. cries, mssa"? The bemi of rabsaot. Unepeople, or your crova te Elizabethb1I h roui eidens, madami joyur oricra! bcfore il bo ltasii A lara igtcone vas uri i rogu a viado, sudl a fl t Oeteekt cf Mary. lie glaned vithBbcoeye v <jjaaalisk OPOD imoR, sud boaaIsel Wi- ip cr~ueaure of ilb. Cardinal t1do histl th".a i&to sppcee bis lumult.Gi,. thon ltb. rabbi sai Mursaeof lbe execution, vieu sud vicielion c tilt-I canuot a"ak itl'And Msry overcome ay 'n ber emotama lesuiefs uppit againal eecrftelb. , pilais vbicL aupported the nallery, a Simon 1cm- nd ainubotthe b.Viedov u d doie. êe b . lathemama ef lie Qu., Tih. Hicairopealci tb. vorn,, and Siama. 9ou oueOd,-' Cilizea, Uic Qum et il agianrse- Ma" illtobc knova telouthat ibis niM -m oui sfteî CuresfcIabiuo, Cornsi Cimbra, l b.e exoculsd.-I H. wu uuterrvu»id vitu t abouts and clopaing of bauds ben mpec.do-i3 rutl val lu procesion te tb. place c fteulicu corerei vith a ilacit Poil fneRond huaii fue, buti- JU lg is uband s lighledltorb; hb.aville cou- dacteil frou Oie Tosterthrough Vhariag-euta l M oid Market place,> lb.. ta espiato bia crim. of hi a b sgin aus h Yi matai- iy Ibis pmolsanaic% ud mivoies ce th Losg liv. Quêeo May.' Wbeu "Du 7":vJho rocrud, Si... c etionm*. eu 'And tbt i"liel.u ttb Ctyf Leu- bi bu, h eu ety decroes bM duiqg lb. e vi sfIduposaus lb.hegrea b.di et<bu Testraba" at dais M m arriving et ihr place c e --!--there musslae " ib ad:mpm li.bhekma 8".edsi ie e4Msmutlb. c mmdcthe Ie galbu "ahuib u bnde h. b .àe.nà servante vers plac.d bu allen u.ug.tbasc miua hue leftr paatei uponbMs eton aa bd baey sol hidi àaà"es, e asOt ioal cil Ibe, by their leu«e ;Waha vamtti heu serv cet, w iinldue limnegave Mmi.rasequa e greceOt literaînlo for tauc xerclse et tie royal , faie lions. Tiik.lixa Ona.-If arcbitels aettepIany- tbing original, tbey are ridiculai for tbeipis and dcsir.d 10 aici tW the fic reodie, Tea a the si.ztb crier of the public. Ali Excusx.-A miter ini a poslcri Pl bopeig corespondent voulexcma. faullaetfspellin, If any, as hheeu d os Imifte mini bis peas. A METAT it ELanrs.-Kuocling off a la"j5 bcnnetl lii b a mev balh ÇaasîstxAx UIL5AUTY.-Sbaking binis vIll jou'r antagouist hefore bioviug bis içaim «et. Lkoi-r READONO.-A trestiseou halbhera.- Tih. origina.e .py cf the tolsvlng lbtter b,,, becs hanici b os; t mmd v caoasuru aera it id a càîiosilj net alien met vili. Wae,"aIt reaiing if, eau doubt tId the cbolaolmatr er iIoL oorblbroilier s&Wd Sater SIai :Dy Pearinabond tein f-MueyenouiMr hethmy uelt, je etty Bai eI prenai jqgamy. £&MIy h lin a gond 8101 of Hcth a oase sb" lbe Wîye of leavieà as rarvila l e i jlet man 1 mua tel jon ib4 satvabof .1mv e a Junia iusband la marcent sam it. readain lbi. ii 20 Msb ramioReesud lb. oau a geai hus is rame Villigo Harrison and James anud W#llWm mî anlima iRe outls in the 0ev york sud oblo lia t ahslgS. caPts dud baycvea out 4g. undollars a yem-e mni et yoa vasteb@ne Son Wood thine hhat liay vas young ibues~t ef Y« vas ta coin t il iCOuntryou W h en ielitea o taeethe. camand 185itrcg voril- roi got.e clu os, my bouee ba iîlr* Uhdm Ibis l'ail sni Wh.n the ralod la dous e c eag. toMAbany te bmaLlow a eue day 3" m" d,m lie itaciriver canal cem@elotivoau, amiud . cousine diginglg Bng ugdm huyoftj=c Bu will Be a peut SitI> in bye yeas lIbis lu & pub contîrysud a goplas fer laber 1 mak yFM te tell Richard JCI e e edid by sseut et the 01. liame as tulivt l as o a a~ivc vii- ouI tuaI lhe acn»lsg ave éis e cor thesty dellots ami I vsted 5fi jcaudmbh"ePad h5do%"er sud that hall sud 1 Sent Ile aots, -Qhim ami . Wili not pay lhe reg But busesoli bits t itei s Jcnddi1ibave mot iin, enAyhingtucm yon ft"a1 CotYtom jour meuet y<É îaula(gK ibi lalarp teea *lb tasao seas loggit lb.alete msiupe. b nure-ritband - ier je hsadipu- Obaula la soi vare ije- Dtene le 1 Waishoua y"e Wood cOuORa su e ueo 1 Ihial Liai loue daNgbter vend déa *ell le cm.<te mem ad Scha -acoolet euay of y«. abaSdcou te roaue et $DRY Off lim about oinbey vblhailor by AI,y J hat in pcv for empt Et JacuoaortceptiJams I au wrep lacos i ai imprmt sud eai «M VU b ,m escnase .ou e <103B a bs- MYaen'* ouest of 1 WMymlî(tulipeu.f sau 1eo oieenfufai Iasa rie bfaim.1eapte ,ufbM la9vt sa u.7.ou u entoins Jae@o s's te le hd"cd Wb.a oh* Place M rit se uemorct benasbtdut0Moste- My mia is m t e« uuligsela.su agàeV* WANTED A SITUATIM NMi Mis «gbuerljwonu. rsdre mccli I. tbb e r alim J 2agsoo Ma*ch;2 13 I I 121 GANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAIL, AGRICLJLTTJRAL & COMMIERCIALè KINSTNCANAD, "tVezDAY, MAT 11, 1841. <11h a ~ L blemsm , tSgeMrkpabeo, oat eCla- braisI, e bsve otercy n i l.' Afouex.u ilà me a Mmibuutingwhite bauera, with £oasis viti black demi sod white vend. POU Yeomen of lie, pards, ieating balberds. 7ii. executisuer, Mirang a biigbl axe upc. hlm aleuiier. The crimiasl, eovcei dentirely vitb blaci- futtel- ai-sboimnade in thc black coieriug &seb bic i tvas liabis right sn, baning ies. in full robes, tollo-qed by Ivo boys la vomabeas»ugwyilebannera, wyile crapa. vou ame% dsing iightei toches. be hemaliiting lie tonner of Englanul. cmutic0pessien reacii the Iandang, lbe trl m h o n vas de iiîere ini. tlic sa ie d ep t nai iroac; Ih# lover beU Itolid t onterval,,ssiandlb. wb.ie preeecnpaad on. Jeihua appeare iont us iidiog place, ui Jane ade op be meet bis. fa in-jOh, loabuaI ainiak viti termor. TuaI iread- ' Huai, lady; vo must not be beau Icigetuer. lYsit bers vii.Ise an outleltratm vici vs auj P pan isfety,' I *u mpored jus uoVli>leavo iei in thal ici- ridpiace : but Joilu asned ber if lbey nougut theliberatio o Glber o ime vas te be test. And laie consmnted 10 uîai, ui;ig bis quicî damer. Wien alone ai. gaxci vill round ber. -' Tuai dreaifal procession 1 Oh, Ibhis place is lice somne vent mausoleumn; the air as cmii sud hbeerem : alIbis allai, 1I mli offer prajens for Gbtlirls afelty' Aid JaneTalot beol bar kmes belo. lie aI- tai end restaibiciforliupon ber claspeJ ads ia fervent piye Part of 9. tCl=kirapery vith vbich Uic vall' vers bang, vas alovlj raiusiansd a female ad- vaeed. Sic moved aaieaty-ber cheek vas pae-her bande preeitegether. lie pauati, appeared*aaed, lica sighad ieeply. Jan- malaid, mad i ming (nos vbeucc lie aonipro- eioi beleli lb. Queaee.-Mary heard tic mée- meals and Il re-led ber tb hervelf.-Sbo demsu- id auiclyp 4'Wh gees Ibere?' Il-ra 1, My QUsen, tern t eplici tue Ires.I Hg joue.$ filam tho iretunate girl? tie Quie h h<bte maitee, for thu u at vcced te berouin UWIemo-Faliao busno friande bui lion sud L Al. OUlablerhier. Tbey crowi Oic atreets, mi villaone em eecry Oie> abot W deati. a@te taM OUbbsmu t ae, th jUi. vg 'y et aigit of bra. Ta bebal an exzecuitionui they Uuinste ecil> sien to tire aflhd'a eet.' Ami Mary ruab.d leta v, v Wirabe âWock Athmipointa vitdly. 1 I atiopqauhee, delighaIye sa in bleud that Feluthseusebe rmsotpleaueMaio maity uihin l a filsat eenlca destu T Ob, Ihat 1111 * * et Vw>' lèberawhabited My v.sam's0 warIt 1I1vuliPour"sncbastorrent cf vengeance a Ibis accumoicil>' thetLond"uorabes aouhi bc cevai by ha W@l e sItb.lu4en daset.' Jut thon lla-gn.ta eltoilai; lJu.shddtnc Imm apoe imma " et ielloaie. lOh,My, é.ma t suds alGme.' Mary isev B.évsammccloe.,'4'oui of My tt, Uch-laMaI cti>. Tesace Tailb i aaié Hliieta , %ha P udnn eiaelaug. 'b - e 1 Pauimo'. »fti The lioi vilel 7 dor va sm-mt Ib. kg heta.execlbuer, lidct el Wh"msay Q*uee5p 'te-410 mmaily barautb uer lhsbeom Jane ~ ~ ~ A inmuimft>. m a tber P Muiie P ai M'liq, adllmQe"i 'u yitoiaesl.h.v? 0 boa laai 'Idespm tjt,'Ii Mary; 6'Ofamibu ta mllaVm Ou"ar- it beiai algI, Mmd bh h IUont utc, the i mtr b. dateota, mmi I - , sImdc 0li, sui domo ashMi sbatl humlb7 yqni- vening carcasfront onder b,<tlcmentas fur cariou telb theVotres. Dotet rad me vili Ibal fiz- ed, 51cm gaze; but apeal, speai. Il is 1h> Defere Simion coulaI reply, thie maanivbo bai bats displici 1 o ecella, uelnnued, leaiing in lhe Mechauîc, Gilbert. Jane ullerei a cry of jciy. The Qaseen fianti. caliy criei. 1And Pabiano-' 1 o «scntai t'Pnid Simon Renard. Mary icari no moue; vith a viii cry, sud o- vel-come hy ber alrojng emolion, th. faint. Si- mon suaimaci heualten-danla, vin bore ber 10 s couci sd oinef every art for ber r.covary. Du- ring the confusiona mcasoned b>' tic Queeu'a in- seuabbilily, 3Jouawvasennby Iv au"ou pe- sons, molioabagtiena ta juminbina. Union cover of the isuineas, a amii boat vas Iecscsid, trouin itsmeeting, mand lîo malesandi a femahe, laated away (rotelia sll cf lie Tourer. M a ry . nd tyit la teil foin long a peric, vhla it re rutetitaineil for her recovery. AI leogli sbe ieovereisud tha day folbouiag gave orderas foc lie instant cz.cioo of GilbertthUic la- cianie, ami Euse. Somrcb vas mai. in every direction, but the Mechasie, Ene«and oiJans ~albot, vere neyer ban onnuore in the vicinity off Quncem harv'a Court, AGR[CULTUTIIL ST~-ATnTCS OF IMaU. S- Tu. Pbiladelphaie North American coulaine a valn- sal tab. la ihlb.easore itle, compilei (ram lb.e ratures of the aixti eenans, mn-I coalainialg à aSaît. ment of the agricuturat producla of auttheb.ottes but itrea ; viz. North Caroline, Michian, ud m Kentucky. Fmo-uwbicb w veer. hal Ue largest vbesl grovu sMao ite Union in Ohio; the a- ment i6,MI,000 busho la; lhe nexl largeul, Pen- usyl1184vaia vIti 3j00W,Uthe nexi New-York 1 l,00,00, amithe fou-tii, Vuiginia, 10,090,M0. Tue targest amont cf hunaiecomaraiaed iin omu sIaI., is iu Teonsssao-4l,00,00 uchets; Tir- giai,-SlsOGO0; Obio-33,O00,0Inldians, -. ; lllinois-22m,O(i,00;Alabama, ElB Gmgcs-i4-17PWMt0; Missouri, N m i. tkh fe greateal potaton growingStat amuait 000,000, basbeis, Maine comts tint vîlbh)000llU0,asud nexl Penumytaua, illa th8,_ The= p eietten groviag Sti arc Missai. 51pi ?S0,OW Ibo, Alaises BtOOOM; Geoial48001100 h.Ciroimi, i34,UW0OWO Teaasee 2,000 ouliaa, 87p»0,000; Arkanas, 27loOOIO0M Virginia# 10,000,00. Louisas of.ceurse t lara Rwt-uer ot *$ar.a ntu,2,100 a,9New.YànI s-oes neztvitlb 1,00,00Un.; the pric etof ui Tenties, o a inh ira is con,, lea*m it la New-York aabs i nt for vool;-,mert Obi., V.'ish,Peunslhiasam »d la Temie agmua, al m fwbuhitohai.. A. nsl 29 M ti.! Masyi 4 ,0D vàgw%=,AmW.canm<bat ve tlu,. @M1 Uic retenu trou Kentucky. la«amn d te. macc., W# lhlak ans viiikau h he onsc - loi adera. Nov-Yaik aas to6er hi mbei. Valis. SV 71111g&NiÀtXr'%$IAeô- -Vormat rnexetESRp Ya>' ile.aim GtIsore Y "te>. mavn olthe «g bulIe oc alo# *" l ".sontc Î l ivuhr moiame, aikl iaauta tue li cin <amy s ehu aboe. Faifau chta athuuqe < jdeal pumbMd liert aihis so e lsys8ovlou NoT LBà.-A iadyes dreajkahtdintall7hugal lure in une ofthb.Pilbaikailvay cars tb. otber daya sud o ouilg lto tIt iy sne of th. conduciora, the ver>' cnlly repiied, lhaï 'ahé vu quite deligintth ie a fetcLlteng a apw* tu.e n X1of Catami Who bore nu gond vin tbut in cas-y arwpmff tte th otrrçptsd, ",i defj»Loot My Ia bs lie viîly Oeut, "fo- iey are aU : 1" Il bcbng provei, os a triai atI uiihathïint mns na ine vas meatly lus-kWhieprelred ia ht il vas Linch;- "I1sec," .çaid the Judge, u"<h. oh "yern s miiestsdiu Ibmma, vho bein~a @à kwdan lucs, bus lakeï an L.» WoMÂne-,As lhe de* lies langent <ni praduei. ces most tertiiti ya i huhde, se voanan lla lb. Mhai. of domplic redrememl <bais aroni bei path riFber sudi thore permanent i * dm man, Whaois qn6ri iposid i<tc lre obeci- ration of p&UbiEtIic. -1 -l et Fil ýj LI---- ffe. 4.1

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