..om-- roi nissai riow fiét of è;guklmigî u iZan qf t jmudiail tmgwe ar Mr - ase ad eodewse gt&idpt QsM*- tes, Of Md HMU Of c < -M s s îPer 'Dui. derisgiMe lotit 8eusinirf Pf 49V IsA guoing importance -ff iaing suif net. ast emiégeit markets ion Ibm -sale. ai ur predae- tiqua 44 su tisa iete b.nsofcisusitisce le Ibis hig&Utàs cocieeuniy, mod supplj a profi-. ai ofiempoauietiloOra pitalstel i admasti te in thefiReporttla tlinaAnuual etn of *a Chemiser ladt jean.-This question bui inet ae a . 'alarga obsueof tise tteaties od tise Board; a thtie publication la Augus let of tht rl.sible aepott ait évisdence tlisonbe«ethe Cannte of nthis.Houa.of Ceusions, Mcu10lopet DotitoaS pésente suhisàabcdy.ef fatelsrlfnitmig *0 oiets s fe queniy expresseil by 41 is hm - fas, nalexiistDg, IhaOnc-Otron.* ahig9tai- ussefiiecs of ule ona traite, tbist te ýoard Omo de toupitu tioh ieir Muy, te eslî hie chal Il a cI lin.heChastrbo a aa sa , 90anteply 4"ietcgthe fiJuae calfate cuiromm eeand *mfoep puoceedmug le ttc consideratision o u «st.masl.r'ouerbl yslen, ebicin have «Or bemeeetimIn te efuîtlaltvelopoment et 'sonmdtlsaltes lt<simay liiottaetdtô ethe Çhiser, sud aitiafacterv -<o ,tiassoeWho bave te y il hu e h ea y inl mi autgo'.ibiI Dow 5r "o4i*kn tption id cei" "dsr iconragWitdV e turilt e fate ia ulestuxIaai ThestYimirc'f commercial re- àm n aice liostI184, vil tise mosucply of eel sma of ciMadras, 'Clcutt, slt Bomba lb.theport of Peaang (tiese oey cith tiIr.d lhChnntinued t » A*Eutlàdt Con- 4imetatid tWé'elc ftn imsfsn~b~~ugof tlin b theoVU ailldin Coin- punys uèlte'*~en by lth llnvng ascoaré- aira e atàom tni m in astease eofeportétsrem Great B" Ai'le ladisnmod China:- Immy. .. . bd Campai>' arde Mobepit'wu es-. le IIn4bamlinrti vu as utpon ont fi- Mass, n apngtctlae, bici, Ion neanty Ivo hou. droit jegi tbainrefemuitetoas noeuments of bonisfeistand uttisa founlailon ofiour naval ad cope rcagreautoua. Ijteise eus, as fflon uieotusimport iuhle. stalBritaiin> ex- eeîgi ii s hip mannitu la' i na or ty os Bd" w'eseo us subechtte igb in tcrSna- Ga l 4s isl upon hein lht foeig Sblp asu tisa euje TeUnitdîtates cf Aminci, i-qualI 1ynlsu te foter Amuicîn navigation, inal s- dsalt imoilar lay. The effeci cf these mutual iemlnlctUans upo thIti tetmof' the te ceuntriei vas, thit it bacame nicessny te hbava twe sites o sips al edIcjal -Iblas le hav, Bitib vasuel to lishtaOmue. meicn procuce, andI Ameies 4Wlps e convel ou prodcce tisat counry, nec binigr olige to te tare its ce. portin ballat. Tino ou auietsding such a sjstem produced ir boh ceptries as i*taaandon tmine.misciiev ou testletioaus, aidhàtrti trcîin.1iSU, ibm ship 49 bath iounriierere placisl rîciprocaily uponai .eslOns of out restrictive systesu, ou the psr .0<fnuhu-eiitaies,.1 isuglhnalae euegovern iseal; bail in 1823,-tie recctpoctyof!dtutes til bring sabextenioan Ioehaitouatties incline t lea. dpitAt *tihe nciprocity Ire h vilstht Unitsi 948l5, asbewu sLfv4byMe'H le.Tiss lmnjrsioq cas venosy ppoe 60 ppvaer., vis.preiîtx hat il veut :1190W -itcarrying traite inte tht hauts oifeo egerL The employaientof Briishn slippng i ou a t~.î raite bocever, insteat Of bing di *iiniset'b iis meaunre, bas aiready more mhi doubile,5 as chU le itruaby bthe ioltsing offiel etomemt nillhetna-aeoai iesb nesustsentere msile iti rom the pots -f hé te litrit KingiteÉ 1 Iwtsoa. curwnans. iim'the 1815,san. ltuia., ,fat tou la $24, Mr, Husisision rou gt fenvarsi a bi te iastntion f htise oavlating toteisel lue, ~y _vhich tis a bscIutlproinibitieu, of ail ti Gailofnifoei.-umanufaciured aikg, wosiremovit aid saitadvacrem duty of 30 tien cent. cen tin Importation suhtituet. Tte. dcly on raters wu redlucat fncm.fi. 6d.tulId pet l. ; suda Oum, silk, £rom 14s. 8d. to-.natos. varying frns le. li. t 3. 66. pt lh. 11w- sosp as tongly oppcntd-hy the in@ tciaty <Ibêilimanufactourer, asuitierergsi on Pa elIp upectesi taI(t1b>'YAthe endo f VO yers n4 kw 1 il turosait 49 llew 1.fore Il peoibiÎ84omabou fiay ipoee, thtenik -Irai etulit edishoe."1 Acu apîi poarpessolthlins is traite sn, ÎI Eeaverage consmpticu of av ai lb çg plE, in« thi. *su yu'usprccediug 182, no der lthe potecti va systen, nsu 1,940,902 lb.-p aMmna-'whiltie s vorage oouenslionouf I tcaiva jaous follcyhng 1824, under the partial fr traie s 1 v, as 4,164,444 lthe. Mpa ennoun.T' lag ts rau andt tivasis -bat -increaset, N~1.,0O,6S4lin.,eni thmeexperts cf si isufttttts, lu ibat jea, amoeuteil to £86%11 itecheeivalue, cf ehicin £56,(MGnla vlu woa exmporela, mFranc@. U. Huiissen faloet up tise altelîticu, 68a ilStritde,the unitI ytsr, (182,) blala b&si aIP&rameat bis celnbrtoed exposition of' esiMiotcommerceial, et siez 5ipqolcj o! mwgry, endI bingiog foridt Ue. imparti veu"$. Thne llrt-Ielating te a furtintu exîe "of aibtet"-tin thse syshenu cf out comance pelb ç~ espect lterccoles; eecod-1 u obuê'ci duites for prellilammos an f"r nuaiuuclees.t tt rec otoscf ieis payk -Eief te"elai ibnaa" ar"%ime Mmie alliaof tise ailarations inu-thi previauî stlclve syslcan may bl'ie mstd.ad o sfeu-el las dy e Woallls dfouff-n 5.0 te W per ctnt.i vedets lào itent, ad-val. D1. ,P«stomuof (ros 50mwî7 - ,sdaued ta 25 pet oaut« Iac'Llssef »- tefi 'I1HE XINGSTrON UE'RA'D--TU'ESDAY. MNAY il, 181. Thini Unesi traileasremsaaleexemople tisai la l1h11. doubt the mc cption andtheia. evomua1 tie nl eutesnsd effectuai légluatva cacotuage- voulit bot ias s orltmna hi douabim. The cone- ment vhicb heIbMaonufacturr bu aseceiveit, ins soantionnef Colete in 1824, vinen tine uty wuaisi bien the rituuctian nW the import dciii en flux fer lb., eu qioe,041 b., tint felowin eulf. aud hemni; sedthé e lioqouisin ocf thse absent ai- 1 Hsshssonuroduced lb. duty ta 6J. pertl., md in tticcpbrte forcm the gtitov f ineétariiductsett 1831thetreomcîanlà cLad ncreusedIo 02.7 1, berna,' I., yieldicg ai ttlowl rati of daty à grater - P iaben tel 5tis hsa: n manufaeclu eus jmeue by 40 pet cent, pitnmsotisai ithe iIi prol*glet by dotia aumetiag ta, troin 40 te 180> raie of ty. 'ipr cant, ad ferupeiris ef a century béontiez 1 Tire texstpoiml onsthe conuamqzs, blaj ingi onea b.exportaionsofftinste f6reiga emqotries 1olligei tategive atoecdouble Iboinpricos for Sogari 'ytrea ra gte, ichicin enty e'pined in 1TM. blt ianti Cfeta te coclonies that tines 'soticles cas, 1809 tise bourty, lilncogb tes vauy aucinme- li purcloset atfroin other countrit.. amouints tae ducdiumourorci teaboot £300,O ori ta early iposards cf £6,00000 per annum5 leit fer tint one sevraM art tpetS efIi alor declaed value -of esinvo ieneit cf tielntliels, u b*hin u feo thfines hnae'pteul th* ycar. AltbtgL ht houa- IyeW â go Uic Britishn people paid £hOu!OiO0OOOfer ty afojrddt la-antans cf ampplyhug foreiga t cnte tAcboition cf lavery.* Il ts vutin ens ;er liuai Iistbey -cnolt, tailI Tht total vaue cf British andItlib preuce suit >'*ther meuepolira, it rendeet Ibose ingaguil in tine manufactures exponteil ta tht British West ladies manufacture irdiffertot te improemens and thtt in 1839, umosanleitat £3,986,M9, of wviicin about ts"a.tinoue te4lntt"l. Mar. lisniisson re-1 oe-fnutb s re-axporteil te the South Asuetican dscedtheinailtiea wblch nua dresitil Lz vas -£10 anal nefghbourngstates, se Ibat ai tint préent gase, 11s. «6d. per cvi., andeon tredreellax 54. ta 4d. inçltdlng the intenest en the save compensation ta cet. épris both, aidthIis tas laes subséqentu- menej, the British people are paying £7,000/l00 ty nduce ta10tisa nominal dty ofI d krer.,Per asnum te onr WestInldia Colonies for thé pr- No méer nor ilse truite unabackhd iri ainter- i lege of selling tem protucti *te tise value of £3, prise andiskilI ver. iirictedta the i s bdeane'cfl 000,000 ajeur! tht Unesî manufacture in Daudet ias ties e in Tht pies set up iny the colonies fort claimiug tise moe rapidt itan in. increase of the Cotton main-! nonopoty cf tht British market is tinat Uiey are te- facture et Mancheter; sait in 1833 thet experts cf stricted i um eltaiing thieir suppliés of foo3t in- liuen from tmat pot tvers as gréeat as tinait [rom a' . ber, andi other prooluetisraenu tisa cieapelit markets, Irelanol. cfand iba hey aisé pay ImapeM aie r s t dl. fih Tbe'aîticle ofWaal affuras itue cf thne trolgest i ns but ressorabte, that aI the samne limé tisai arguomentste Ceprove thtéyiidm ai Mr. Huskiau'ia &11protection ih removeit on thena putce cI tise fpoicy. A duty cf 6d, petrIl. ui.oanfrpgn Woalcr~ejali e,1inat tisey aboutit aiseétom retiedfromaI osas imposait hy M. Varsittart in 1819, yhicb nesmtFicions ta a fret irsercoursi ykWit i aercu amuontei tateabout 50 per cent o",4 tine puct cf tmuuAsThot thty mi>'lie reliewedit fI bo'n.pay-ý s .m..rta u.tiij r a s c îoUnportit, tise Ment c1 Impetiat douies yithcstI onstaotite.méeaories, edfect 4nihs as ta deatcja y a O ftia o e iomoîber country appears frain thlis. aulà-diag cor mnunfacinret, ohicin rquirita d a ixour f a c at -t ihese dctiiiare lmusct entlrely absuzit fonilfia anal Britishn Waal, bait te liviog gseat dis- in the -expersis cf colection. Frea ibth accectis lress analrui oputhe Woelen maasifactcrri. it'ilai b'tfore parliametroino 1832slit apptans thal the icia mot remurksinle ftct, tinatf>se prke eof Brit ish peedouae cf thc Impéialîl tles iu the Weà indie IfWcot nladtof ncacinrefuteoelA Ag a oropre- Yves£75,M4, anal hat the charg",icf mamgemenh, hiltop doiy aanaeed'aPoreigno Wool, coauiniaed ta undtthe pajment cf Ctom fl otises, amoud tat r iectnuntl t u ane lqperprioe Lhisnhc ad bus-themsas cf £68,02J8, lemving coiy £7,812 for 1h.ý kntn-o a ttdry. Ic revente. The:trival and sîutaecqount prerssc is lhte h iperinîpeno0 enopnlr tÏwich lacalculs- 'WWolitoi oifachare afler fis. netcionof tishie teoite' excite se mucin surprise as tisaIcf Timbe. - tty e "no atéraiieil trouf6t. taeIci Pen li. by It vouild maarally ha expaciedthtthme gpeatest' 'a M. Hukism elà MiW, ixteededtie muean- ~manihn. cou ntry î in tewr om touit use speMf pig pusexpectations.1 cane te procure, ai tlina' cltoi me,'v ans the ts "Eh.dm'.~ tfaeguW o ¶l.theLsAebeel-qualities, vupplies-dfun aiidle meemy AT tnI o twok.ed i M stnkginhceiimairha w.ibatch tsyin;a 9> té tsa tu uu y iocsma.ul, i E NVÉ tewsti Of the ceustirjbuet itiSosie eatod y ti t isa rl." ' ' t egislatoune, isa allrded by thnce e* sg lau, vbocin The maef itis4edtcon cf tise tnly ce for imposes a dty ni 5U.. a lest upai tiné Oaiant su- 76 eign Waaliwfvite un inea tths e o unnu- flote ior'Ioer cf foreign countrie, viitfor Ibm *fature, isrIitis Waal grever equally sisared 9.5ef ibm h Timber moneplisl,tnd a certain tinh. tvatie. Notlitsadîng Iiseenrmona aI of cihipovoiers, tht infetier 'Minbar ci eutF a"incrtie. n taé imparti 'f fortigro Woal, tise puice. ntis Amencan colonies only paye a dtîy ni 10s, cf f Britishn Wael eoortd fronotheir previenus dt- a laid, Sptessiten mateodaealaomilmiini ligisovides -Si robent Sopings, oeeofithe Cenàblioners ot (bua turing Mr. Vatsittaot'. prtective syshenu. Ris Majesîj'sl' avy, itatedinl hii évidenuce bie- f -Wbste-vendoulte ana lfears ay hava bien érM- reà«aCommi!tiecof the Hautcf Lesit, a iTinal agnslly entetilet cffline rescîts cf thne gtat Canada Timbar is peculiarly subjecIt. dry rot. id issouges erecteit hy Mr. Ilsaissen, luaour retrec- Tisai figaies built of Fl, tht gncvth cf Mrts A- L tive commercial policy the ccmplétéi occesa. mrica, dit sot average hall the durability cf cliner w yieb, oittoout a sin"le exception, tas attenddt Ttmbr ; anal thaitishe Royal Navy bait mnerit au a-is measures, li décisive f th intvidem of tint mach fira theb.use cf Canada er Nerti Aiericau a]courso paouse. The foins cf alarmissunit me- Tinbr, thatits =cwes nooootogthetrdiicos<inud, es nepoliste havaeleeedissipsted t he htfalsification exceptUen demis suit mast."e of cf ait tinir prédictions. Trmde ts proneit bejonit-'Tht; evitence cf eminent 'imber Mercisants, ou0 the pstiiliity cf ccntncversy te have dectinea lu Builers, ad Carpeniers, lu le i similar eifect as te. ah ven y case yhere proectd, andtat hait increasedit is purposes Ian lbuiding."linestvd<co andl flouiahret, in prcportieu-te iiispprcximation te Mn. Copiland) te lae uîed in Goverument buildings, lu perfect freedoni. ura la it even use& lu the tost buildings in Londoro m.lt stalter cf astoDiahmeonh, oitin suci finis lbc- htishiontly speculis tsiret use 1il, fronu the pimcetf Pofont us, andl in an age cf t'easted intelligence that il being machs looselqmit consequececaof ils exempi Sthere shoulol témoin ouncur statute bock s single thon frcm dty) ihnutlié Batic lamnbi." ou remut cfte menepoly syste., sich eprine Mn Poter, 'in S33,tsimat e a nialesm bas ptv ta e a einjuini tate natosal wel- te tht- Publie, Olrcugh illatinence IotheC_~u~ utfr ,ytprotections stilîlexist, osticis monopalietes slienu, mt £ld000, hil5% usîhe m *W,, 4 cf tht pirisent day mautain yitbqual teuarty, ast peceniary sacrifice we consent ta jpige, tun $er mrthte saie prcgriosticactions, ofrtain frointbeïr (bt a ourtalaîpsanal bousesoMayiy -çla ýe aboitiontiraivirerautterd by te monpcdi.s in roII, triilt th(l bie dcaeVleooii s- citetîys cf Mar. Huainsiso. sdIrish MÏte eandt mauofactourh extrted ta 0cOr commercial legislaloon appeursbu .feau- Ie colonies lé 1"3, amoniteit nnly I1 9» td ed on ne recognie, generat, on équitable pmi- 4574' wnc- r. pIeu. The. naît lait clown in regard tea uiqao7 r- Ta.mon ly ihstands ai thse beiset aia in tares is, that thse publie iterrat requires that lne othitre,'is thé o epoly.- Whibttthetemoi cas ee shahl tht dusly on icreigu manufactures exceed of retrir.iîeon traie hs tain unatteadet ly te ls 30 per cent, for the purposas cf poection; (the emcvat of U4lMiiors. on ccno anal povisiena, til ai duty on fleigo eoton geod i h 10 pet cent. the 7erking clisses cf ibis ceouuty bave ebisluà ral avooseti aject osas te stimulato native arodhutry, by just groouut cf compîint, tntt they are cheehy ex- Stbroing it opse te tht ivminy cf then natircs-thi poreil le su uneqeal compétition weuh foeiga la- seunit saut] vbcesome doctrine valcalI euttate inteur. To cait upee out r atianus laenter ie orivaley manufactures-"l that if 30 per cent. duty oili nct vith finetigo manufactures in mui home and lu for aufficientIy proteci jeu mher s ince iisdin blul- aigu aket, tut aI inhesanttime ho campai lîacn ibi sterinwm jour iudutry by biginer dotis."2 But the te psy s mouepoly pnce for their fecal, is se oorie lis producios ci Suga, Collée, Timiner aundCorn, rtse festiy isufair, thet-tbis Chambtor 'yl stanut excasi' r- exempjuet franc the woulesome stimuls of. forchgn in thte ee3 f evtry easunatole and jeot mnd, i ta, competiin ; their producions are fcuced reud h havo ivinreitsaime impatieaiceonder the conta. tir oith proiiatory itoties, atc.oustitig tefnin 100 te a snne cf sncb a partial system of logisiation. Tii ülîk 450 per cent. opinions on this qoupahie bave hosever ieso on Tht abject analentrof ail juai gvertument leing ftequentty expreasidandsu are soeil knwn,,iIa sou te place ailou tht sane fe,ting ; il lais icorssteot the Beact vli oly nov lefer, in ccefirametion oitin Iis objec t h legisature sinoulal impose tmur ciient efibe magnitude of t linatesrodous ci-I taxation for auj other hain purposes cf revenue, ty cur com aut provisien Isys, tc thse 5qalmeuya ana IL ain vemmai tht Corn, Suq?.n, Cffe, mond Tom- men cf officiai station andt gecal xpeisece, mih rive, ber daches are' impose, nol t atntevitie te taiet ere examineil belote tint Cemmittieni lb. Hato te' revenue for public purposre, hum for tmsie aject o Commons en import demies in Jtqiy lait.IT ile of enaling paticctsn ntenets ta obtaîl ur tnhieir evidence eflinesi gtutlemin,ubiasueit by inter.a nemmoditues a pice beyoeuit Ibir réel value, etioal hsvinsis ccesa to tht béat sources ofinfracri is ta te t moonni cf the duty impsed-a nystem fandnut lerefora tht béalmeans of feemig a déliter ace legislation opjsosei tat every princIplé cf eqity, in- aie anal crmtcjeilgme ef miimportent ques an asmucin us tiseincren-se 'f price ee 6piAan in- tianu is tmtilatoin o- iieitxtc oponiusumerr, mJiminishea. Mr. Jamecs Dtaccn Ucae,%wE, fer 38 e an ptrtirir meaus cf psying thne taxation requineit ty tire. held an ffciel situation un tise imsteus, and, for1 tise sîate. Mn, J. D. ume saj, 41 baveiiaji jseans, veus Secretany dtttua Boardl of 1Tide, (th fre cousidcereit tht increase cf pice, lu conséuenoce cfi Oitleman chose assistance i.u prepanug bis fir The protectiatn, urmisnta1 a litS. If I1ohamimoeta piy trade mensures, M. Husisn sa*.nui entitldt h inta Io. 6d.,Jforsn article, ehich, in the absence of tis a tethse ce lsting gratitude cf the countr,") in i silk law,1 icoulal boy for 1., I consitie *atd.ft. axiévidence belone this Coututice, says-0« 1 conid 18 sund Ipay il oits regret, Urcatise il décamoi g-o te er uejself that fend is the lust ting miran wicl lothe f/er~-s-csoa o!theet rti,' (11320 ioecicattempi any potecion, unit is the fiI titin Tht enormous amuoumt lerota opunthne cemmu- spcn oshacih 1ooult nemove ibm pr:ahibotioneai ,in nity tay bing oligeo a epsy fon their Sugar, Col- protective duties., We vaut more foodt tissa in& inbfluer, andI Cernither ptices tinan the saine eau produce, the exclusioon cf aupply, in snch amca 'lht articles may ba punchased it Imin t markets cf tisa is cruel privation." (1192. 11U3) «& I concei tint oorît ai1« ,texceeda belief. every limitation i;n the imprtationa of focam tant By tine évidente taises befona'he Comiuitta of every nse iu tisa price of food, pinces us aithtintu ten- thtflouse of Commons on ciImport duties," (Au.- bing surpase by tise maroafacturete in oth chi al , 1840) il appoint thît voe couit supply or-. counes, anal if ever tino day sineait arrive ih -ise selves witli foeige Sugar ant Coffet altites thonet aboutit loe P"t-eassenti-e tralIes te oua maxi »iga inuithlie juica ceé psy for tinese article rinre c "Oung paer, h cas baraliy deubi tthebapro aisto West[Iaiae Colonies. Braxiliain Muecaade Su- perity cf tris country vil! ettde mueS fisterli tbird gar, cocldlie b.porchaset an bondsit a20ls. ta 2Ue.pair il bas gopa fonemut. 1198.) 1 caidhelp belihu ew-' CWtailllt simila qualities fritheisBd" laipu. sng Ibaro nain b ne cber cause fin aastoclone isu e- sessions stero ostts tetM56. pYtt'- i- pseep«iil "se "or *wnukW a sv*ma< cis minhe anywhte Boxers vent 24à; ho 26, riteal iftquslly foodi. <4199.) Theno rn Iavs cripplo tacli hiti' te Britishn white Su grsuet 62s. tea6. e uL S.indutry ni the-couty. (1230.>Tbey havesate 1a __ omiage Ce .nt h n vs veris .;t'iedency tae o t he batponie ot ni cou5, andta te ~~pu est titis. so édàia-Mes ezpihteP- ehIhfeitm Imiova5daa5te dam ou» bolsaumi Ie 7 8"e Umvto ne a" Ma - ar-e.as faMM la @R,3' 138,* tey will no doube lie pal; tlssyar «@bý Lkes.Tara NL - 1.558 exceptionýaie fonr Joineii's vient, snd for mn m&&R Caüm aTwirS = 0,8"82 ê î,ui o jPuspes prefemrbla; consequantly tisai-o id 'y Ubebbm& muz7 NUno ground for alartuswlis respect t te lm' , KukeS ZefmrdL fitabe mployrnent of' aur saw mfla. AhB BI Te on . eetBlW51s r-o- eIl uvin TOuaCTb5Ma7 .1, 1MuootealonFtiday 0«001- 17115-9i OF ft»UM 1 Y "m1-t ai kboae, im lié I ~-mon ~ t & a sili , ý, =il whereaautlandse inanot te removel. Thl ents atteutica ot thet mufntrîansd commercial eoun- in oûtho»a lids, 'ibong*unusfactoures, vouit de. - j.Atready ha.sht alasipotant quetitonbelous tai dîisasifdin thte UnitdSIttm.inathe p a oif thir b ,cJim af a nviaeprs a f-Gerany, leblshenm tsitarif, comiag jio aptite labouy, 82 h h M a net aenUipart duset thir ellOrm onu- dQtY Ob forig eam tueistwil chiquatted a mai- i dmccl' eu ale, occeoamd t itily by ibm reime- lanua of 20Par tern. ~¶1Jaua4vt.4q, Anaorg, tise tirauirdis Il as eacmrtytixpictid ihathiem tsriWDg vle . elglnaptpciyofIa!sdmaouac fiAmineswhieh cemprise ihrei-fourtb f thtu ge*olhe m ae or o amted, or turneitdates fian alrersmortll, vithamu euatiîig hy the pro- j~ hunscinsoraresthsiab btitte, or the imposition f ellisy ditiemi. a mie, a inte tatoes r inp o baretts orhosital; ufactures , but fille the Germais, they may forthaer fît- ,sehc iislinoin tienu of thoDaima et famly -cf ter a mmeàfae~g Mt~r for th. coso.mptle ion T * ltanestn couéroucie hem eau. sainme Msy bc phed pribsue la theor osaiscoutry. s-ai of every tewn arice manufactures once fleur- Oiurtcommteialt rety vith Baait exporteia 184.n sdgoverane reuil admita att Britista produire and um=ufatres eta a libllasudwhih bd lws nd ad . 8ditsa( 15 par tait, vhutat v. impose «u tht ataple hve latn inKtrmmental in daatroyiug ;-dsolatotu praducts af Berni, Suge aid Colon., umhbilitr, dues hua leat the ceSfequence of the withdsawai -of amoaitins ta 150 pir ceai, mort tisauits tdoues that fluuriaiug indasiry ; unit the samneils a te na teaino ae artelle, front tht Wsitt ladies. Mr. fouei in eveoy country in every pieO the im bs-Wireger says « That Ilahillansao are @allions te tas sbekathi inatv ;anoutStabreaiùg if uavis g in t tory of oankind undcr abimar circumstas.a ca." ,,t« *405 S I pal jcdibiimOU tar msanufacets ena- i (145.>) iael ( f w00o1t nUirret.iet Segtti." (545.) Thteatng-c o heGvmnrotan ht Ocexpert$ ta theBi lia aunnt ta £5,Ot),000 i gislat in netftheiG oth comercad re- abnuly" (fin,) and ahi t prient tal.sbth auget leilaueinntfolwi hecmeril e meatofCton manufacurs, ran aa et a"y nation fri commenced lay Mr. Elualisron, bas bien libm vori. Onr tradi ithBrazil i. tapi!of gant frauglat with evil conequences,-capttal bas hean extenaien. Mr. MeGreger lays, "Tht ggoert'i optn-a diverteit nuteuncattral chanouels, bath in cor oun ion ixpreied liy oh. mercantie parts tradinig vith satfog u annteoïand an indisposition created tfliceBattuil t, t ocurtrais drng the Itest ie. 'Inyears vatitithave he.umarit aedoue, bath io le y.ieé op monopeis, ateuded wlh thteoest avigationsudmtila gond., if lve bai tena.c etaru thet latinpruy looveniescea-manufscurts bavte protce ihîtBimait hadti g . .(908.) Pei72rodnouforeiga.coentrnes,-compe:ioos havi Itmueit hi ividmatloc ivery riuiectiag mind Ca hein sistl oupvrhem ut heousi otirwi crha atil O sadvaoiuag, vhlîh utaspreventeid by niudom beenraieil li heiiwe hood oterwàe bve Ditpromptitude, msy prodsce inextricable dofutt.es.t baa costomens,--oou trasue bas latte crippled hy Mr.. Huskis.a, vitthas aecuatamiti sagarily, freîîv cour tefumal te take in exehange for our prottuctesand pridictell the i egqamorî cf pmnmveeaacm la Or thse prodoucis ofoier nationansd jcalooosy and anabVS1tit. 'uitppty>rtsnot bt uufrindllvfeelings bave ben izecitdtay ourtex- Uhtened miasures of w iholadte cndatOhm closions, in lhe plaace'If indoeu .1 -nit iCto ba s. cf winbisltch eechidon ai fesadatina 1 'the Impolicy cf our restrictive lavs an triking- wrvmiontt, vbithl hi o iiet Jte %riflathetce- '*lemplified in thtceoe ntdmn lu fecor= 0ttmnab0 mvthi h. h tlt--m vndau. t icOm merceillah or nîaret asiglâtours, thetiocb 't convctintat r annot piod s ti dm (otm sudl civilizeit inhahitanta of Europe. Notwth ,titagibr vith tiés prient taxation and ut the mata. tirem iding Illtegreatimcenait in iveait sand popla. iroae naioneal proopenit, and prisirvi publiecoeu- 1 ton snce thc peacea,46tht average annual experts fouent.» Rifinag ta lou gvth af manufacuris te ii t'boe c Erep ere en in'vle l amiis c1'0* ies mmsiii,-Theiari vatc eviry ie rthewol o Eroe er es n vlupb a Xwim or.formotmhte,istàl. iho -«it în yMpin cetithe in"' e sfrom 1832ta = mdmtsye and shl havi ta cesimoit. If wetmen it 183 b'thaiUy ere ln tht fiue ytmrs tbat follow coller snme adrantageai, le have isemIlatand geow- cd the close cf lb. war.' Anihelt striking fietlog% didvatmges taeneiéener. Dcoct lit as loge ceuctial othcou inîrcirs wih Erop la~ sileg e dibm fauil inasiqoecte.vbich munt enlie a, vnneiedvrila cr itereure vrllaEurpe s t e ts aret distacent in th.res..Thm griatisi of aIl change uibic bu taises pace in Ibo nature ofeour telle., an sunl a ccsasinvoolati taIoshbtcaur eyes expoitr, Vi, tise costant dimanution of minettae- te itimulti.., vhie italien la timi vru msY Pichupi étirai Uema, mod 1h. hcrease Of afficles on vbich Ote.., Pb atch. MM.)iisata w muo tlittia labser hau ben betaoted.t JMc. Porter, in 'fi tit e b uvriv it esanghsmdiffitonltilsmnta 1'bis ovidence ioehrmlb. Comsmittoe on-Import du- h. ially anal seitu.ly meC, la il laU ti tat w e iens Jily 31, 180)meniers ino lat.orate sasie- bul goau sacfariiintaur groilaist nacianàP'teresh.e mentialhmiag Uie valua of our exporte, sdth the loaibu nr gtving protmction ta the petocfr la- Sdogmei of llabourbestoweit on tie., hy ohich i s loal a1cmpmra tek a ioma paU..ai te a u- .a onpeau thal ineu- experts te Northere Europe, lb*sieru amumay cf a contry prontc% the ge- on t toast important part of tha enrd is reardetou te* ihWadma iaaa fTo itimrsdcnals-h àfnreiloicommerce, w'tb the exception cf tbe uni- lue-à nîal u l upfoat i li s. meut ioas- 'ted iStaes, the propohticons were- tiese, akilfemaiud ttepetming population inith eri lm 7 138 olklaagtata laupeion 1 Tt mpssiility cf findialt Mach Laheur 10,78 8elleitahle employaient foc the peepteomclong as the ,Lttae Labour 88» W8,841lar.unîsty pbilait tht, ma rom ily exelacipoi - - Ibe noea i t iribeiatry, for tho produits aila 00- 100 .- iher camtri, at once inditates a resaiiy for the evit. - - Manopetana eau nooger hi telomed. f Il l nPour be shewr, fromt evideneocf an cf- By ardur,,mmd en tachatiof the. .ficial character, ibat theat disastunous consequences Board of Diretoire. tte orite in Europe, asa weU fui thona wbich 'J. B. SMITHI, lPreidial. have attendlil our commerce. dît the Unitedl Chamber of Comnerie. Manchester, States cf Amiricu, have bien eetirely cwing te Match Ilth, 1841. our cwn ounoe andl restrictive regtoiatiooia. The recent puliantion, lyaidner of Parliament, tn srab o f the corespondence beivee the British oi andtngeab Prussian Govenmeiti, relating ho commercial in- trcourue heiveen tht two ccunies, sbews the xUçasraNi, TL'.tbhAY, MAY 1t, 1841. visle andl tnlightened vievvt enierta«Ened by tht latter, suit tht dsîrc lhey bave salwasevonceda W aenohn terfo Egae affiarsi c.ry possible facility for freecit ocf trade. W aentigltrfeuEuln' le 1823, wben urglng us te coacedetat Proutsa a reciproiiy trety sirilarte ta a viehal mate lu another part of tdais number wtt have in- rf with tht Unitedi States, the principle laid down by serted the «IReport ofthe Iircctors tai a ope- tishe Prussian Miniter, iu bis note, waa, 14 ibai ce- tial General Meetin g ofthe Cliasber of Coum- ciprecul commencial restrictions yen .ricipreal merce and Manufactucona at Manchaester, on nousatci, pejoical e al atins 9avng ccp- tise itjurieus effocta of Restrictions an Trade ~ai iatresn, at pauicoalriy e Ihe oen a nsd the secessiîy of immediate changes iu i a htnaïve commerce, andt tath lb.pliy 0[%&vatiws ta subtitute, se thse plact cf recipro- our commercial policy ; arising out of tise h roaburi ' iioiracipracel faciliie.." Report and Evidence of thse Select Commit- h¶'hriejectimoofef ail equitull overtues,-the. tee of tihe House ofCommons on ImportDas- tc deiecmlntd exclusicon et htomrn td Toaster of ties, daning thse laut Session of Parbiameat," ~,Prossim,-aud tho-adopticu cf the lise pcicy te-. to wiich-we refer our ronderse, as deserviaag vière th- a. thenations ocf Etom -Il. a j te aoctalattenlion ut the present turne. zR--.,, Jl proibitery tarima ut Ituati ra orpe, IMeach"a (rcnemoaisserat b ral ,I hidttne affect cf pemiiurely focinsg matnufac-aou cnt pcass emtab getl Sturps in thonse contrie, andl cf repiacing the ex. alarmed at tise proposssd equalization of du- eports i; c r mnuufactures by those ocfleransd des ont (anadian aoad Baltie Timber;, but we a paitially mînufactoureil mateiis. think 'oithout sufficient reason. Woe readily r- The Tîstîmony of M. McGregor, Secretary of admit tîsat a reduction of our exporti, eape. a-the Boardt ef Trnde ilu conctuiove on ihis point. cially lu thon presetat state of then counrry, la ry ci The argument says lac) they made ase of te mea tiselest tri-nt we should wish tao ce; but lr- upen iveîy occasion ut Benlioit, luSaxony, 'analIn evisy one muent perceivc tlsat s'rhen an lood.ivi- tino Rhenisis Statex, and paiulina i Ibttheîwe ulmrhnooe n rmr fbsbs er Constats, bltiahtMunich suitdrmenlwa da ecatlssoeo oeo isbs ,al this, yen cempelical ne te toîcome manufacture; customers, iwhile he regrets tise fact, there if we have net mines of gelit andal ille,anal yenu say be renins whicln muet reconnle fhlm tc a- yull net inke whni ose bavm te giv. you; but il tieseas. If t ahould occur on thse simple cor- ir yenhait taken whtt e have te give, vie should cumatance of findiasà a beter market, know- un have cortinueil te produce il ; but as yenoou ni ing that bhc would ao tise thae as thony do to t net takeit1, our people yeenelmligent eueOugh, b hlm, lis objections art silenced, conseqaently of lure their attention extensivety te manufacture.1 he will repair tise deflciency in.-the beat way id (312.) Of Dr. BvWiug's ril Report te Lord Palmerslon on h cmti ho the Prussien Commercial Union," lis teatine same T4ie sorte oling may happen on a larger m,ý effcc. fi W. hava rejecteit(gasje h) tht puy- sculen, as le indeed tue case in question. The ha mentei tbey have olersd,-ve have forceal then people of Great Britain coin obtain tirnher hoatemanoufuet viat îiney we -maeule abuy.e ohey gready prefer ta North Annecican tire ma "We aboulioe have coanplaine<i,00 157 a dis- ber. Itis useless for us, therefore, ta contenu r- tîsgansised German vritcn4 Ibat ail or markets tisat tdus prefecence doca fnot arise -fcom a su- s- ver. cverfloving vith %Eglisaimnufacturs,- filet ginmausy receivet hou British Cotten Gouda -rfli qsalty of timiser, but mecely fcom pirc- n, al.oe iUset ibisthe bondrîd milionsaamof British Jadic. It is a fact that tlsey do prefer it; et 'l sutjectsinl tht Eash Indis,-bad net Englannia is>smetiame a profereoice of the I3rtics tint hé oshile she vuesa intrndtiug as vith bet productions, ber, wbiether arising from actuoel 1roof o& ils 'e hossteit on clesing ber murkets lu ours. The ss.cborty onflt, is not tise oly inducemert ýim Euglash Cern liv cf 1815, bat in fact exclouded ta tise adoption ol tsa mnue pooe bis car Cern froin tht porte cf Great Britinu: ah. tOlal Too extremely important causes are now i- us vie wera'to bey but net te ei.Wm ernt 1 i oltiug te aiotp reprisas; osa vainly WL erst hh vigorously in operation: One,tise recesityoi igss onf ber ovro nteret wvola leail te eciVp- secaring a revenueo; and evory on.e seqaaint adrot hy. But wa vira disppoined, and vertc. ,ce. d with tise financial statle of Great Britein va pelleilte t tie cane cf ouselvs."-(Dr. Bceig'i %vill admlit tise operution oattis irnperative asa Repot.) necessity. Tise most important items in t il: ,Vih tefèence ta tht UnîitdStates cf Amerles, detaill cf ways and menus ara attackradI for fa. eni îvc bave equally s!rcng evidance le prove tisaI duction or repeal every pmrliamentary ses las bel hostile tatili wa pasetiin retîliatlmot f, PUt. sion ; and thon only grotmd nlezed for contiîl àer prcbilitory itulies upen tiseCorn asduitubi ir f reis htteantn antti r [bat that country. Mr. Adtingtes, lbe Britiosh UWlingsm a ta ieamnn aatb p Rq- tan et Washinogton, in bis dispatcb te Mc. Canningmid, . mens being apparent for supl u- on Iis sohnect says -I have caly te atd idltha Ile deficiency thoit would ho made by redue sale hiait no restrictions ou the impoutation cf foaceiga -tion or repeal of tihe existing customs and ex ýë# Cern exisiet li Great licie,, tise tarif vWd aise duties. or ouer h ane passtel trougis aitlsat-Houae.1cfCui-- N.w in. onatlnwith tisis nccnssity,i >geiancte ugrculturâl ShaCcusunit cPaiai- isbas-been saùafaetorly pcoved tiat eeya ~gy peusylvanut., ecehi bave baetà oppoiti t 1* roximatian te iseprinciplesai ofFe rati en ecie." ,f- Wilite sllu' isuwtdsatyCha.xeteetiat isas been tried bas perfectly succeed ~~ vUlIh.y atlllporaiserm la a ajattea mndoýD b uonatsudi.a ierpr eerdt ilso. W in formit of mnaste ced spý _ leroBaltir tillàber,," ~ " Price and i 'tsaîAoy e 'vo sty otimbe hns eell 50 Our Provinces, whiî ii tationte theti t 1o~"~ ove have no ose t(,,a~j yosot of'tle titub er l!loces lias i~i ' The flaitic îniiUlcr tiriis'ea mnarket i ais t'Sqr: . sizes Of scaItligareu u It is, very far fmm in iirber, and thiaao. ~e prefercoce to thiainl 1:e.î~ of tire former edîaiauJ ini niany cases. Before wc assume tliat %VejI not hastily c0nelude tlit ()Ur t1n an the lialie tiiher. I probable tilat tuie N urtil or E timber hetter suite( , to n0 the NotHa Americ:sîtirîirnJ~ moisit ttohces ards the groN-tii oftîi.: \î the people st Eiila , r judgts. Let us senktirec 34 ISCToss tlo Atlantic, aujitisul to, soit the markçet, and sliere Ieuaobserve, achu, tuai ~i own hcnelht, she iu ah,) %ijltý for our bersŽiit, ad iîh gation to do so l'Y tle p roos anid the comnpensiati,-'îepi ,c abundant. It may ,also be oiîsel>'eJ tla:i tion thart seemns to suhsisntew of Immirtion auj tire siiip~ the lm e trade, i8 mere aiî we did flot expe rt a inle ' g nvould find itheir %way ler atlie to the U'nited States to ouis dil In a former nuinher ove proro,4i CIWhatdlies the Country te155c, 4 prnacioing Session of Pîrlo*arnent?»nt W ifer to h w;tb a vieor of tiisng oto aoubject cf Education. on titis phe importance is inferior to noné, sooiii doet. One generation pnossth Raboi cometh-is n serions and rmphaej' calculated tu remind oil thht the non i shoould bu qoualified ta fl the pacdtb ing one, anîd thot if it bie flt qualie,î opporiunmty for acquittag tuti compietely Iost, with ri*gard tec existence as a similar de.tcjr.e nrt n b ireneration muçt bc 'aitb regard' tu il The future degradation or eievanbsM try depends entirely upso those novi transition from you'h to a nish suds ils, ibousanda tt ire liauber; ign Otre face, tu te impii-e-ssid itit'5U inn'ellite action iii s lroanu not wiiiit ta e ndbc îod haî6~ sien for tiartlier Woudrtni ntch of eduptien ta lie adtlutd, or oii uew of giving efficint olueratli ouIosoChiei n% tel jeve there la muich yult to lic u when ih may bt e oe's.,ry toit nie the question, ovesail do sc. Out se present occasion s chily to call psi eto the stdtject, andl oe mrely remt* well knowa.-tnat educutitu ilain a it andt depraded cnodition thieuhoît iés Ail nations who have pajut particuler the soubject, have nutaîtr their systesi etibn ite t tree staies of the hias y i - pt - inant,îe, the jua, adout .Agreenalytil, 'tus dIVisai t- this Province-thteireu., e for the finit clasb; the graminaî *second ; andl (iu intention if not inar& tacs for ttcthirJ ris. PîtetlIIîî isIn theelementary scicadt, thw~eo ovho are aiso iii pi l e ga i tU *only t tsigîidtite rrses, stiary, by- the teactîra iiv:ogn lalàrtr -e fromn thn Got eroment ; alid the uit tc sot in optration. Suorel). os0ont viliîu -net piot), of ieas for i!eiiivoot. lit try want thrre thiîîgs. FIr.-rls 1u tothot la, that tte meanse or edu 'tORmil m orders befere înrntioiii'i, n51i1ui W IY heyond thi' otach of.o),. Tnieésuda Ly passable tsrrier Wheen wchat i llé aildoshat in calltir i btttrci% cr one of moderate ex;.ieltIure kton 1i le formet have apiing the lrightitsi!c'O er tory, ii n Mins nd li mt ii egt: W n ofbenefit ihat thteovoiut tas lsit h ficle ib incalcetatîr, rel.tin ttc he ed id of Gry- - pu kullM-,a 9iof s aoM en mauo. ,àw «. l mc àam n- Secondly "atioC n imositeb rd iswe, morte jattii men, eoaeily WA t clairs of persnnosuoIte tîngt. Titrir il I.fine writing in thetprtesnt day op tic ew suitatie te mas, u dis ilait eery 0 of eniy te man ; bout there i10itRatid Md rit- with regard te that whicb o aitto iTo effect toit, th eaeschers oaat hi S5i ofieut. Ji:sa-si rted os'ith giaiptPMII ve cie tapon educatien in the bow e ibis usontt, that it on net merci), §C11 teacher, itiat la rrquird. Wh SSi es profeionocf a tenacierfrai lt, i- the hi-hest jrnfrassns? Il1 iiT or- medicine, niti hrëettooniy tat ng net inferiar to d . iîîity ; andI l~deed'it ~ ini lon teathi ite 'd stande firot of ail professiOnS quires quaiified tractera trOmamti n it T5d~lyn biegnou!ednCItot ~)witb gard te thé individnal M ,bu' ewell piid. ed, lu tntimating the ceetof rsny ttl< "-.r asa __do canl, wehave lie, T 1 -9r- eil ou Tinesdb aeîni td d Me. Montgc»mayý s'a!isa v usfi and sideit .0avie i lxrostal te a bot line 14 aW mine Wood*it ilo net Ibe cempa is 'lrnDgth ofottouse, aut peint cver*St15g nI esneamain Ote lSte" tion cerlajouîjhislltas te ethîr de not tel acovcny ba nLouabise it ' pot on the botter. for Ibm ousidî cf biilit et ippliait gotht bond rie; hat on expoaflo ut te the suoface, upen and through tiet enta tl Mny char a littlt, tou a lte siI. l0 ackroosiedge lbé rai exrceîllent vork, tisi tenuf auany for M Wî manort 10n strongli tk t Ilise patronage oft tesday lait aix convicts d frots Toronte, oumsde ti- ha, the ethfrOy .eilr i h. Sunn Ua' Wapitteh bête .0 « t itegina iisé"ha -'i trigi in c ., Pa. *L 15 I. . 'mir' ecnme mmilus tht o ule..beu ft o 'nO. ur tas euK, kct.t 06~ »-"-.t. cîpesacot h th i le. »Ws el.filt Or e nom r -Cto tti. MW kat ao %'filet il.too e n0as d4 tntd t drsiet a.9ais. 4v 'r.- . - sosrlyto. mie 'mOust aloteeut,,.oatthe e eAUt f hý àin M mmm.Oelv. ilt el, dutj nsailIn ting, Ibst the 0 'ly crcouitnte.t hjIlle 1 ta 9renî ce hstict dotîfit theiInstution. eug Resoluionvie l Thai tb. attention sn diierd te an irticti tyled thte itiiüsinWb il thse fondamemmal lai 4en via!atet, and that aInsi have thein tues ain (bleuaeOMSi, y -Ctnetiatlo'wsu" thtey ars calculai thi Asociation Vils iet tlolu, or ioh fO xhnetOilhci