Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 11 May 1841, p. 3

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THE KINGBTON HERigALb-TUESUJAY, MAYr il, 1841 wkoccasion to notice FIRE AT TORONTO.. the plea that they Mréi about to reside wVith si BB00ÏD PimuemICi, %A" EnCÈ seaber e .nswhich This *mornaing, betweeh the bours of tire ind fied for a short time. W e sw al alm S§AVALBIDN LOTS È.A ,t fasa : theseera noc leteinhabkiats of ftllei!otweese d fromtakren with them 60ed i skiàseleotn keys, T thexx inensom àâ nnudesona, tSEYo iERAL RUplicanGLtS teLE ASE, t li s litended te be gut op, i e hi lebers by an alarm*ofrie, to writneassone most scientifie instr e het-1uments for hobeakng Ad Ttheeto i re oflae a ,Jaer Fon t be tfobain bplkCat, iothe GSob ocrier ad GeDeral on hit arrival at of the Most fearful confiagrations-as tregards te e nngiron doors. One of the a, sa m Stret, il8takàpac wih elaitpàne ent wndstu a ling lckC h eeo t ,IIe GeneL We thten staed it number of buildings destoyd-ric Trnt hsWeti e ee d onit roEay-ORGEda 8 atwiclwlbesSdaTUrAGerg'TCurh o d Goe"' etntive elasi"lcationsevr x nced. The fire origianted, én far as Get praise is eto Captain Co8uu i e ment of F RsGrO ,consiingar TaGOREOIL TAT tist sechdip d be beter for we canu rI,.mthe Foundar7àtoated on Yeng&@ e nssIn arrsing these brarsWhosis ap-M Engt&am Wies, iwUors, a d roceriesMyas8per cat. Rector.ICE 'h' jecasionect on this mat- Messrs. Ridoant li Co.-; consming nearly &allthe the banks in the city.-iL ont. Herad.] Sanesadceaenfrhod. csoer n heae SUL-KY and HARNESS FOR SLEÏAÏ.RD TE )ER ilreceile tÅ ør w Nor rs mpeb ouse in resr of King Street, in the square which . eeaytoatn.Enq ia the Herlid OfficCei.pa i iinono Scontirmedan-l, Orf thatpspa-halfor its saides King Street, Newgate Street, John King Griswell, swh or enfor so»me bas ey uerirUsSao GARogiIbMy S ea c. Fur, fde t qf , akt, anypen e b ut feel e avistncthtsinlofYonge Street, and the production of Up rGogtm aorn ihgetscesi n fthe, 5bds erilprorMscdo, in StoALEt. ay 81. pernsu dsirua fntifes IntOcODtrtmse ay, d" "eing ndington Or Street in a direct fine. It was a proviÏential cir- snburba of Cincinnati, having baptized sone sixty 10 ics doF RS AL E- ling ucine o e antati s tI? OO, as m0 uare out of pain o ne al ets emstance that the weather was perfectly calas ; or seventy converts, twas kafled recently bai 0teres e ne t exON ILIBoRg h." OfReired ,fo Heryjent W rce a te alosy wrongth ia e orefor, hadl it happened otherwise, the destruto fproflligate young man awhoebecame enraged, lbe- 10 tierces Refued CrashedL.ARDS.T ofKing nit,fot herylit frderick4,î ,thegennaoo.rlaIaons many valuable buildings on King Street would cause hie bad bee a subject of special prayer, byTEA 10su()rMboxB.eADs-YKoungn ByssOdberus ,r.,nte g a alnbch suse-bave been inevitable. The Fire Companies acted, a compangion. e thre w a stone at the man Who 10boe Yug yon Le E wTh I aCans ar, e n &c.&c.m-3hSetb,14. 1ennedwnftr ulco hi iatosocsowihtercaatrsi hdpae o ia eassed out of the churh. " OId Hyso, yee heCohad Cashonsae erl e w. hie ' ord onsit offair «r , ' ouey nationalnumaber e ) igt rmptitude, courage, and perseverance. -[Toron- The stone straek the lhea fM.Gi land TTOankayNApplybao *nmer‡t.d:blethr aestickory, kior Y och fi'd naturallyd 0 ve t r- toCburch.] frac tured his seul. He died in afew hoers. The 10 Ichstns THOMAS JONEilS• u "lm bcatr Becta ch stick tolUr beitPl" 0foessccu o tin utcnyDoung man has been committed to Pris-,.'10 " SonkhinsonMy 1,t8Molng from satopite aand oeîlesand aaiet y mn. ' f particular origin FrteKn1tnHrl.00 brioP COMMER'GAL ÚANKril tha n tee 1chsa te smfret d vr bed that per adjcentto1jinMte:r E nrr1,-- In the case of Winfield Hantford, ce Catharine 25 gabr g Co OTICEi% bereby e'ti that the ÃNI UAL cr ocna 2 ui et ein""rott y se l theirnm In your paper of the 27th of A pril, two ques. Hanford, (au application for a divorce, made on 2N C sGEm XMh G of the STOCK- TeCnrco ohv h s fteNvr .own, and theu nentin asexst tiens aie proposed to bie solved, for the information the grougnd ofD adultery,) in New York the only 25a- Mcab nuaOLDERS öf ithe Commercial Bank of the Mid- mn elfrsa'hsvrlPes nec s o thse herropseditofthe Public and the gratification of a "l Nobscr. poitive testimony to sustain the allegation being 200bokes Feresh BunchRaisi.s, and DiitM , tellibe hld at the Bank, on. Menday which heqe wllbe requred ntoshv ta i Ir oTr lea fthenmore gdreadber,' expressed in these words-" What is the 1thatetof Dr. Caulkin, Mrs. Hanford's physician, 50 c" "cPantilarado. Nt sid»enthayiof June next, at cleven o'clock, E.ply eqalofi.abrsmothasIl' eesqlo, bctempered bytha cause of the diference between the Boundary Lino Vice Chancellor MceCoon ruled catit is testimony, 25 Ice"laria; o. A. M4á for the purp of ellecting Directors for the prwhich hll y. e IM*uda lat w thrmmbr'of the Township of Kingston en the Government on the groundl·lailst the statute expressly forbids the 2doa.ans"ing Ivwelve menth.r e pmitti te & d à M Map and the Boundary Line on the Map of Pub- disclosure of such matters by a physician, when 5 IdSfýlelAiod By order of the BoardTermTedestxrs in the yiardse la eorrespected contemporaies, lino Y. Elmore, printed and published at Halle- they come to his knowledge white profesionally 5 o te ranesAonsbF. A. H ARPER rte T erins to x s ineDwor d n e sa d Examiner of Toronto, that they well, U. C., in 1836 ; and which one of the -two is employed by the de fendant. r5l anges, Cad aeprordhei niHthecòrencspee.ng1 n mgadtotelakofa-the truc Boundary ?"101e ington, 3d May, 1841. er. dliverofte:neahrepciear bes fPalamnt nd Te rte sgedMntr neraes-o ole Aixrna c=oeWese0t tte n gs Ground Ginger, adQuarters. the Mem Townf K.ng-these questions, in the decision of which the righ t ome of the morning papers that McLeodwasgyes- 50 bxesTale aatus ne, UTA L FIRHEMINSUAN ISCTCM-Bamntibiad yeeNadka aard, inur god' no ng. !ndinterests of the Inhabitantse of the Township of tesday in Albany, dn lins way to this cityltoap.al Slm ae, AYOFTEMILNeDSRCT ak iial baie been made to secure Kingston are involved to a great extent ad pau er, it ir ietimaed, before th2Spr'eCoutatOTCE r vn4hatth anu..Uexepioa.i g th t e rtnd $4 per week and for the settlemtent of the Boundary agreeably th-prertMsy termn,1whie his counEt.:vefr etigdo.ai an orte r amdesf te . • an e adathebsitcabetthorgnlS eyComiiners have been a ar co rpu#s-but swith what tope or obei 0 oe ron •UfEectiog by ballet a.Bosed of Ditrtours the nmso w esn spctbl huss.Povsinsapoite o ho aplcaineut be made for not precisely mentionied.na * es-ag year, will bub elld atthe Court House, in frtefih ast .Uàal at(tis season, rents, we the establishment of the Eastern Bounday Line In the lmeantimne, if ou rprivae advices from 25se As oP" thJe Tout, of 12nston, nonda, t dy oes fen diron oniiosait benormousl igh since the fact of thie Townsbip and Town -of Kingston, upon a Washington do not millead os-and tis they 25 m"Saletteuenxa 1ocok on ra fTne n oniin fenr isTownlwas the favored true and.permanent footing, and from whom au have never yet done-a decitsion of smeim r- 50fibiLdoncilAehrtistst b.rxyms b n rtfb an a me Co lun" tnumbr of buildings are in course appeai lies te the Coutof QueotsBeach. lanehsbe êen coma to there,lin reference butâtte o() ciL CanrpoldSg.eflTher ifbatinwidl e femptkmd. f c:ertainly cannet remainso long. la bringing threse questions before the publie, tiéease and the boundary-quetion10é Vieaedd. . *F 4B rero hPeietd IrectoS,,WTeabove w Big e eep e o e .r o nius tu behieve any Mentor is enicouraged to hope tat if his statemenét If we are rightly infored it has been gagmrgate.rW.aGG e CtarauBidge.N§ t,,,he rejudiceof Kingston. The should not. provo satisacty and concluive, someie t«ceen Mr. Fox and the Goverment df the Uni. WINES. KinstomFMayort, 1841. . . Cannum uKigts Scaryshould be willinw 4o bear admybe epet ted and derived ifma Govern- tedl States, that no farter o 'tien shaillbe made 5 usFn a,1t pi,81 forbyresoingthssatomnt Sureyran s-eterinheTwhp by the former to the trial= . That tril 20 " Madeira, FARZM FOlt 'SALE. l Ll i ¡,api',on, the irigh Tory clique at who are able from ënowledge in their profesi s togounetjrsdionond ewYr, 10 goctauves She A VALUaisAgOBU T rmis AfREdofale, con lmpletely blorken p; and this is to contribute to the remoteai of litigation and the wiathout interference either by the British -Minis. 10 gr. askS Bs r'*MdeaMaiugOEHNDE CE o h L WGLT NOem ead ,t importance. suppression of contention. ter or the national Government. Ifacuittedt!as 2 cae herry, arbot0es and n t he thipof oghoaraogh W ;IIA salor. by0%ctin,1 e 1,£ ln the year 1783 the Township of Kingston was in most probable, McLeod will bed rilo 10 " Sweet bMounttain, bug0Arsudrahg tt feiiain 1Mpas, ev ete S rnngast t- laid out and asuereedby Depty Serveyo ee.camus, and the matter thls be is sdo.I ot siha &el Ho ouse and a Frame Bar thebo idnLt iutdi h ono gr MoThuraiy ' itepafcon 'l Collins, gunder the authority of the Executive cod¥ieted, the national Gaverenwithntk 10sktViorahapg, ret irnmghoghih-bodeaflos:ykdgStetoth Ir Mngoey eproco-Governiment of Quebec, and constituted qaethd hecessay steps ta ford him that mesure of 5 hbdés. ConaeBrandy, mng a c' lofater in sprng and faln to tara by Mr. R. Seller'se y n eWest, by cul- hoe was formed about t·wo in extent six miles, having boundaies or monU. justice and protection which al the circumstaces 25 gr casks Bordeaux deà a Mill. Thle alerue property sillbeartexspiNa-...bre tetonteothXn.b1rv Sise d dubed orei %withathe ingredient ; tments 6xed and planted at its four concert. Iloa hecaemay require. 20 0 Hlland Gin, siondItis dstanatedronthei gnfa beaut iult. Snb geai t h nee ln fioaho r for the space of an the first concession the respective lots or farms As to the boundary, lie legarnt that a convention 25 cases Shea Giblkadi isatfo nsonaot1 ie..1 1 Oeail waar ese ed oà btininte eatfrom No. 1 to Nu. 25, inclusive, bhad their limite hai been signed on the pari of Great Britain and laoaves Molassee, FulrfurdermUclarsapply at the oftice of the 33 3 wa h o ige retainits vir- assigned, and monuments were plantaid. A Maps the United States, whicl provides for the appoint.- 20 bbis.aRice,0Kagsto. Inl the nd whether the oa-of the To%% nship, according to the survey in 1783,met10 sx cmmssines, hre fr achpaty o i LS Mrc 0,18 antre atatna ofit wll esrowas deposited in the Surveyor General's Odfice in the dispute. Thesue six, if they can agree are t 0hèBie ise'ARM . dff b -n. fit il egto Quebec, accompanied by a specific re .rt front gave a fthal decision on the question. ïf theé 5saRase .de. Me, matobetetey pra®nd Deputy Surveyor General Collins to o Hl cannot agree, they are te appoint thiree otheresand 10bbs.odM ent ointimt tht in the cousen of the re-l piio crtino t etrirae tsna- lanidthe Surveyor General of the Province of a decision by the majority of he nine is to bie tcof "Whalseoth4 in tencmencnbranhesai ao, the weather d nt 9 Qlaeit ue uebec. clusive. 10 Pae Seal, otheir bsinertS m fgoton.Tehaeesd p na y e oe ;tlrti ibtis map are delineated the boundaries oflot Such twe understand to bee the arrangement IL- 5octaves Terpenine, Bthe s hierot tewlae en dornto he Cuaoge tg aggoIhbet er t ap ears tobe the'wsternade line of Niet ;te western ouand-retly &alaed, but werehave e eyreaunte belieor- 20 c White ie Vinegar H ngese, sl dih ucand urng te ltnjýled os the board it becomes coin- ry line of the Township of Kingston;i and this fine that the general fact, of a convention being signed, 20 dos. B merd, s enslce ihmc aedrn h ; to xpsue o ioen hat onstituted the eastern boundary linre of the Town- will prote authentic.-[Com. Ade.l w100" ConiBromsnd bcru atiche in Engiand ýhicha it form ship and Town of Kingston fromss the year 1783 toe0ble ating, MnraltMy 81 w ân thou , hat cru3t Ithe fire cano 1785 or 1787. la the year 1785 or 1787, in don- 81,282 Indiana have been removed by the Un¡. 25 dos.aetPis nral tMy 81 w umcaaltteu i wl nt lz, sequience of a contract by the Government withl ted States' Goilement to the Western ide of the 15 di opMbais, HORSÉ FOR SÍE of the , eatr a l o o N.2,a lneo"'e 0 iTobos L-eL' "" """" nd-i° A MNsE agnc mORSE, an yu ge to l a etereceipt of the May w rastn with an intention to divide the lot diago- BIRTH-This mmring,'mrs.C.watc, Ofa5son. =o t "lid ari n d anex66ntTraei eco th d n, h 'Ldisoma-was run by Mr. Toly in 1785 or 1787, and is er- ebN.Sae tJneo'lok.outr. pl.t roneous and defective, dividing the lot into two Smm nrGwa dessaMx.mtm. Kingston, 6th May,1J84 RWN1. Knson s My141 .J.COS em nd", forNMay hlas been duly unequal part, and at variance with 'the patent I h e ttosrngyrcomn ti rante by the Government to Captain Grass, in ÎSALE OF A LIEASE. grork tid ele fonage Of the Canadian pub- the -year 1798. No map of the survey otf fy OTIC. ILL BE SOLD on S5 aarth 2 is, was deposited in the Surveyor GeneraPs Ofice in »W W»lesaeO Warebooge.W on the Premies, a LEASE having -Quebee, and consequentlyo - scientific report of BE solseibep baga to acquaint his Containers BearsNGto rme r otth ed1st in . Te STuONE .la sli t six convicts for the Peniten. suirvey is to bie found there. T and the 146He teneralll that with a vitew, of U.IGfrel cuidb r .Mso iedom inTOm0to, under the c:harbe of In the period of time between the years 1794 extending his baineihle has leased from David a lcsit hnwWttdu nfu Jué. , and 1797, Depuity Surveyor Aitkenreidlent a h aihEs ten n rnt i rons awit;h Mleseirach, #tose grateen- - Kngston, was authorised and commiessioned by fomr cuidyM lxneMcNb trances 1aatavelles one a esa: mei.crce.. Governor Simcoe to re-survey the Township of NEtholds b lease rettfthetfreebviider at the • a L-tne e, ,-, lgin im Kingston, confining and regulating his lines of re- vcgste asrfist arvasofmEtoe nominalrent of 6d. per anum vith à colenaent -Ia h eis , s an h sur vey by the monuments fixred and plantled byryg binding the freiholder to instare the Boutse isonme&o a urveyor General Collins in 1783, an making GÓVERNMENT8ALE. LQURS IET ,F IS em nw tSe emm o rnn oraongthm te ovrnngpoitsofth resu ry.ByBY PUBLIC AUCT10N. GROCECIES, CROCKERY, Sale at 12 oelock: dadno .j reference to the Government Malp gunder Ilhe Exec. ILL bie Sold at the Ordnance Depot, Point D RY G OO D S,& c.J.LNOA .C.. e h oto sutive Government of Upper Canada, the diagonalWY Henry, on WVednesday the 261hAsàtani, the May, 3, 1841.rcuin ïT s aun pace a ei-linie of survey dividing lut No.-25 into two equal undefimme ticls : Hisfaciities foprcain-aesuch aisvwilla, he " "ur s uret;"ii parts, and e xtending to the rear of the first concts- NEW -SE T2 LE2R STORES. thnseshehm osasy l homy ao THE MONTREAL ,tiga-e them . bis sion, constituting the eastern limit or boundary of 1013 Broad Axes, lumwih tei orer, othasregrd prcean enh ugtlot Eo 25, and aise of the Township anTonf 737 Pitchforks, qualty. P tn o g a atr ris1 mend t- 1 Kingston, was run in accordance with the contract 2523 GadenHoes -aiJOEPH . HLL.ENG fori llopetieon, by Steafo er, ene hn by Government with Captain Grasu, the possessor 579 Drawing Knives, (Carpenters,) Kinsiot 1sfMUy.i nixore orcompleetis onRIging, ortVes d-th of entire lot No. 25, in Ihe survey ei 1783, and in 1017 Hand Sales, si fayszcnb xctdo h.sots lowmor co onsad agreement with the course and dstance expressedl 3018 HRand Bills, (Houlks,) H USRBRmsinn hnst oae LUI. ede e nth9 aetof19,grne oCati rasb 32 Gimblets, of sizes, thle Publie for the very liberlai encourgement A large and well aorted stock of White, Tar.3feet.8%t the Government. 451 Brusht Hooks, they have met With, during the paeut eason, beg readMnlaCraewl ekp osaty bxbas m¾ Comtte n an sen a history of the lies of surey and tfeauor- 15»Matths, rPickazes, la le eEs h, nhad .H REN gn, 'ion bo e yautdfrtm cileivre it thir edut arcmm lity for the samne, Mentor is enabled to selle te9 the heor wthor nitsaadftoesnodlee. , e rtof lydnan D , aver fal S. PaulStret.mos helth artof ieeâ6si) Cï. .malmeeting, tat the slan r " questions whch are the suject of enquiry.- 969 DorLoks fsupeior quality, vrioiest aies, adcec sotato ote;Arl1t 81 wpsplendid view of the Nié isi Eyaaae ytheaEdtr ofheit- "asWqbattios the c ase o h ifrebtethe heutviz: Iron Rire Drawback, dg. with BrmassKob, STAP12tAND FANCY try 4; being on the risinnig*sndaNid n teceoui Scet, eas pb bound aiy ine of the Township of Kingston on do. with Dead Bolts, and Sitock and Plate. hvn ex elledrant Cellar u ana. Iy,ýC tu nalh oi eniali te charge the Government Map, and the bounry line of AI.sO. - And trust that by attetion ito business, and pne-Depensof ra&Mnib 4sn is hi lVm6 to l nt u nitionldlil fte1a the Township on the Map of Pubhius V. Mre, 107 Unserviceable FManderle Tente,. tualit - thely will stillt continue to Merit that s Deling, illan tis eà esbyer "wb'esoluitions were (lhen mraveil and printed and publishicdl at Hallowell, U. C.,in 24 d.SitArieClbng port Zay have hritherto exprienced. "tio.oe e noughth e b equiled3 r. (On.- 1836?f" The answer is obvi.us : Tbt6 ineof sur- 542 do. Great Coats, Rglar Pattern, B .& .RE 8 E 3 OAr]XII t, ulofec te*a il ftbe aht the at tention of this meeting vey, delineated on the Maoip of Publics V. Elmore 774 Obsolete de., litia do Kingston, 4th May 18tU . H. &T. RA.. TEN.RBoATBE X PRE0: qieo h ds deted tIo an articeulised Ioserçoneous and defective, because the linoe was $amples of the aboeve articles canrt be seen any as •cr.H .TaosConditions made isolée at a de g lityled Ille Ilish Whbig, in whjich it is run by the magantnedle, whose variation and dy previosto the Sale,eciher at the Ordngance S A LT, c& c.W DA""""n ' wmoand-st'•••••Ji """ "C. •'-'• til " Imdarrental la% ws or the Institu- attrac tion %resnot corirectedl by Mr. Tolly : but. Offce, Point Henry, or at the Auction Room oehe a C. & • DILYeitweeniswai Ao ;and K iNGgstn, À L 26,au.éW ."% vintfi , and that political and re- flio°'ving the aberration thereof, lot No. 256vias Subscriber, Market Square. FOR SALE. Keaingswevery mgponin t a. 1and Kingstt;eApril26,0841 slhAve Eeen discussed and proose divated into two unequal parts, and instead of ex- Conditions made kaown at the - time of ESde• F HEH Subscriber ni lisait ostanat on hand Kintee ryee ng, on the arnvalid the i e n these roomis ,by Members of the tending the line of survey to the rear of the fs ae omnea afps 0 'lcA . uigtsao f Forgaion! ent torseest. POLDtESTABIS TE A LUDA, Ri -lCnnot alwsc setost assccession, it termninatedr about the middle of lot preciselIy. Water Lime, Frfegto asgapyt AE TN yar éýelilated toafect1he1N. 24 on Tuify's course. ln the re-survey of , AS ITON, Q. A. Platter of Paris, FTHG oOwg.I H O NO E Eggn 'hos51ciiIn %with thosewom the Township of Kingston by Deputy Surveyor Kingston, May 4, 18411· Onondaga Sait, D y the Blârrel. EASTON, ROSS& Co., Emgpto. MR SAL. d lhi r ihtecharacter of Aitken, under the authority of the EecUtive of AL Whisky, Arl2,14.ATauble r ry in Stre Street, hece these charges have raa- Upper Canada, the line o survey delineated mn O *Al of wich wililibe sold tunusualylefrChmrly knwnascots fn, biò a the Government Map was run correctly, dividing B Y P RI VA TE C O NT RA CT, orsor ppoeCceitA P S two L.ots, 106 fret en Store Sreet M la Tt this Society, estab)lishied for the lot No. 25 into twoe equal parts, extending to the ITUATED in une of the most desigrable HUGH CAI.DER. T usde a n Hand ANchIceasr.dep6)etfoigMnra ubTher at 4;hlp id f"te lecanitear of the tilst concession, and in accordance with pTsoKnsonawnysvnlUL- CmecilWaf ent of isabionable CLOTHADOIL talohohnsentbe, ilssoesusttilse i t h fnor depauted ftromnthe contract by Governmnent with Captain CGrtes. ING LOTS, fourteen forming a corner front- Myfite84. LtH CA iPStbe ifhi oummr we-sope-lin sathesdhéexcellftme sewih e . Il its establishmenIt; and that A3d1the answerro theesecond question: Whichite t rior to anybiunporle F tah"C, tr n tlw eet hd ada ::len rt.Ne embs, ofrsandfrindeoneofthetwoestheurceBoudar," s f ,agetD ore. teet e nedatly p tetrOeLEtT, piceaaihs Cp fctoy, rocuiteet ery illbe ols Aucionon hehe t "I nlelboife deme sufiien ouin Teei o uhrt tspotT 'y% resideace of A. Manaban, Esq.an thirteen O tr fer naBIDN Ese" J. A. -McDOWAL L. Atni neit, if not prerî dcr mensntrosy sligfo ieo ureaiigfo h ata a fto the continuation of Grave Street, in their thttValuable Property in Kingston, site KinslonsAipni 0, 1841. IM2m2 -Term of puiysant i hevenge.Surveyv and report thereon, as they are amotutobe rear, admirabl adapted for the Building Sites at the coaeo Store and Bellr Streets, comprisig 9O a ~ ~ ~ ~ fudl Csr.--ea trisaauorytoprtthefil iie gr. ofentchsgenlemnasOf e at s e aiobe - Kiafrngs uay11 4.Roe S .cOW L. XI SA RDLGMBR", c o f d' a o ourg orpot f eptSurveor GerColinin183 roeth dvnagswihwhc7i s W JUNY EN CdBI TM km ad enVNGbewapidg Crttwu u .-On Sonday eveing, CaptainComeau ofthe Po- 1. 1 sofa, £8 W Vber' •°"-"""'"NP.0098 HOSE sd upJurera t. jo gie nthe he throng lice, succeeded in appreheading six inividusals 2. 1 dd. 28 oliwhee e Fumeent cm lbe Ob.- Ingdtc1t gai ienf f% acptinsainaustnc, ut bloging to the gan of basglars who recendyar- 3. 1 Sieboar, 20 tae sd. epable sa e iteta l a r erdsbefurniture. rived in the United tfr om England. re 4 Car, 14 bZetr n ;th psomweld eROIEY,&. le Ae om thelacMr- ey Výb te store were arreted at Dub"i' Hotel, Carnant St.mary, 5.6 do. 14 f;r 0 ea7rF C aasrie an ONS'dMi&kMGloves, Suuek"Wu lt - Te loss is one at M..Englisk's Hotel, one t IMr sword's - es pn)drse .C .E hs ac ote ht s Sa&.a e Hotel, andone in the street, lb hadptevios- Amonting to £IN ilateddt G. B. HAINES & Co's. Ap D ybuenliving at bMr Baker's Nte, bt t under At a very moderate ;relato. 1Kingston, 5h moly, Mi1. Kingste,,Apri 1, a 41 itwillbe .h by P a b a ie but ure enters theE cone out wt tirbr 6 Isear as e t ve are n in ths ourtirnbei, is crtain of Erop, t3 ow el her, and trn rnerl re certantlI tl.- t w lire osa et e c. tha >twet the si wen the a "iiPring enlp ely advent p 't5eM log, im re, astheyv Lav his day. , 1joEdi expeci fo h ment 7) W ng; int no this subjct W ne, sonnething a wlaaay, andas t thr Sentii, t h ne ttu ut lualififd, th1 I tot qualifiation ¡ 1 otepresenty 1evat nn oth hoe no" mn the mb-er ; Wsen prtant agi', 1, that thiere il nos oj n thP lem tu eneMfolle go Cali puWlic aia rtely retatle . is in a vetry il >ughout theFrn particular ailest their system 0f4 he hormanrireg the J-uvenil6 at f not in t act) «i t, 0, tell it nett 1te, of trb comlptagem ltP g:1anér scUük 1îthele Commointn or el r- ap aba 1 the unistsilia no0 one twill e AY rLvemoent. The a ý[t- ra fltd .du.qtion in th tould og he àtla Triese àwue le Mhat is - a thb 11 g s: a tile na 0. y as t he beti vd la int d esrt nust bie ptid 1exactly suita k nt. There is Phar t day en Ilhe ea agi very Weil little said adlM is sunitaide te a nimust be silul rest propriety, M bienthly Re' mrerely a;sche Why 61h001 all classe .nit lit is supeneo l onlly to the W id intdeed, if " ing, the ait O Prns. The romn the iow à edocation ridutal parebt i ,g any publie ,a sort Otate' gelister last and /

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