Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 25 May 1841, p. 2

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te atu nei isy thei and fa V bien bec ee asi ost lai bar cat ceý eri te fat rec da! e. 191 pi lat Pr fic fal tir t-i thi th. ad Ju ou Tt hi te rai il th Ti ev ha ho un G, a iu,îiei hte PoIrthioqgi sot ciltisnvigot igh aOsîl10O harnails, i, tisas.mot Conversant 'ah tagstt ciàaCrieitise Principal experti iilh lie auiosa aiai ii s spp45d expert, ei ULIas ( .t55iY. The nulactof Caêaa M" tha,4 « jiag Im iam-I b I5-ue .Rigiwr tosthbe ameat wigla backwsr-I as.iIbis ime cf Ti.r M j siiupCro redlattive la tie fiai.- of 'year . -A È fw leda hat vire favoaahy situ- ies c E roL~i.rfereita; tram bic.b lu 'd,;saai cf ligitSéi souhat hetn snovainla Iis il appena, liaI tihe inteicourss vith Foteigairs lu- na .igiboarboo, lait ieei, butalmoluai al ie votis re.s oui Fiseries ou tignes grounis; anal ibat thse ai yet le do. Tieetcasltfn ov ixiasitidou ht a aval forci, employed fortihe protection of itrise d isngercmWitb.fora vancéealtes sceau; fseisebe, ilatoc iîmeed ta Sucete aviolant efec- tl id plaaing yull b. fiistal. Tus s vei-y ou- tve siaperiulendance. Captain Misais taetisbaI, - vouable ta tise fariner. becasîs it doer net illaird as only one vend ila cuploye isntise Nzwîcane. 1i ai Sollicnt lime t10 c«ule tbls vont eil anti LAND55Fsseroesat mut lb.ebvions, iasa Ovast a ecausa Ieopa lue ut s gre.1 niisu tneh eenaging range of coast camnot jmiosbly lb. elleitutly ton.-lh peaet matuily luniis climate. l ms3yboy- troleti, or even vistîti by Rer Msjesty'a sips c.Ta-' ver,'toiraesot taeli a bellereaso tn ie etan ployeti on thistsi asriceThii a tatta1bave s ricipat. froin pesent appecttauC. lacenth ie cause, ln a great escasure, cf lise bolinea. Catblchave aut!eic uts nc, Ibis est,; hisongis cf Fieoigaers n lransg-reasing tise conveoticual t il tis coaailry generaltys toailte ceriof tlinits ou aur rshortsl. By bie sanie report, il gel- lu ravender, àmai many hâte lieii fat vaut ffocil. peurs. that iliit itradte pievails between tlie fc in haiteial opportaliaibiLof aetiug ieOy uany Faercii Islands anti NEFouND"NID, th ishsier- rus sbrppeal cf thir covering cf straxv, ho feeti men ofthls ater txcissugang hait for spiritsa n a] ilte, anal il may b.e sepposed wvisa nutiatut ottrer merchimondze, naichis h consumet itahaul tuti b. obtained<rim Stratus that liait bien cci- cntrbssing ltlise rtvenue. Faiegging ta aiso ring barnsa fer many yuas, anal expaoeil ta aill te carietion out a meiy grialt etigent stong theS. outh soignerbt.sts ct Canada. Fresis fromeintishrash-sh tore cf LAimInDoNs, hy remais trountise UxrrTus tg fler, tiers is net mach nument Ïusaime as ST.er Es reuorting te usaI rosatfor lise Fisetiy. To Il oti for cattleabtintu athila tere cati seaiceiy nid lu hrealtiig op Ibis systena, itii. ecauamendcd e sny. Tise grata is uoc lo.'kinf, grecs, antigritl ta emptoy Colonial fast saWaing veus fs mal fard sanie foodi for catile. It viii, hoviver, lie bthetv, ,niich eana irroseis hesvilatîrs efthbie le avanced ila lie seasion, bîere lb.>- vil bave luta. euh gm-aler facilibv, sud flice them iso1 codeiiath teir condaition suffitauty bDylttd itsc'ishoalvaber, or chasseicsm is bseas. SurLia ai-y produe, or flesfort lb btcher. ils>- is statual la have beeu ti, resaIt aftie employtaient tiremuly bigla in ail parts oftbt e etit. Gran of sinilair croîtt lutie Province cf NOVA SceTIA; s stil al trodatap rtes. Petalis ae iai aen lu but ti5l i ceuid he lu vain toalterpt lte total ýrice, anal are likely t10 isreli consi-quence ofth, suppression o ugt cidestructive sud contaasanting rge iqeastities given te caille. Or.lima wiole, itarouee, %citiotît lie vigourcas interpostion cf lie liraient prospects of lis (armer aie ot veny tise Home Govrmnît; fer wcilai Nova Scotia p hecaiiia, but Ihe>- are attise dis1aoua f a gootd iai! titablisbeatcuatIers bu proet ils fisheies, the c, 'roviulrnet, viseray glîtaus 3-tm abondasnt adjiuing Provinces appiareat indit!arent t tisa- as-veat. girat abject ; anti on liseit sisores. anti in tir v a-- Wx.. VAIsg. teisA en drivea frein those of Nova Sccii, thlise i 14*>- 15, lmI. Farrigu ishbenan iwbIvillte exising treatues Tht Comuittereports liaI h xer ffs frein Nova Scotia, fùr bise yean endiig theb itsof January iass, atacunteal to 327,026 quintals Of dry 1 Tuana Dvrirs.-We bave iiserted su extract i soi; 71,676 bat te Lu, anti 1,137 dteres, anti 3,6-43t *rn tise 3onlrea.l CÔrer, ccontaining a julileu- kita 1iciled fsab ; 27,755 boxes of imoiset inish; 2, rebion cfthie vice3 if Latd Stydenhamau sith se- 553 barrets, sud 4,661 castre;cffcil ; anal 17,135 era-ce le i e renievi cf lhe preecife gltiesîoncusentsi t.,tise value cf cisicis exceedi 4£500,000, me, te,chwth il uarticle fions lise Quebeand thle Isiing cf avilcb ia îpoyel apwards cf 601 rtte, adverse teathe messait,-ana anoiber frein ON1 tons of aliling. The Coaramittee theu gavea 1.e Kingstona He-ald, lin ts ati. ~e observe astaatiaicaltble, shoving lise exlent cf tise fishisig et St. Johis papatma lo'lt poù il e.-cil rainons te inierestinl Massachusetts, the Sîste piaciîially1 ute iîtenîebtftisai ciy.- We cannot see il lu engaget inluii. branci cf commerce; anti atlet bat ligisI. Whatîver promaîles the 'ageicetural tial Ibis business is inenpeaiug yearly, ln erose- avancement of the Prcvince, munt besseil lSt. queure oh beiut cheraised by tise Government, as obu;~~~ aniieeercs .pertuaseotiy preeper- leaaing ta advance the commerce cf the Repubfc neç, vilicut an iclîprovel coutry linliarear.- aud faînias sellogen for ils defeuce, wites lie Bril- 'bat st. John lu coun.oa Witt. tiser placs, chich li s issities mceive no peccniany encouragement,1 ive rspialy eacreascil oin; 1talthe timiet rite, ana lebt littie protection, are lefItutirely 1a indu- ocIlib. depresseal by its abolition. musi bslueadit- vidual eterpigie, sabject ta fluctuation, andl depri-« ra. Seci aepresien lowevec ooli leentmpo.ved the blocal Legislare cf ohlaioang provisions 7ay, vitie ils sabscquetiua mvncetltut, alliscan sd supplies duty fret, a heuon intendeti by lise Im- i coulai he more gradttal, mustilb. permianenr t ad petial Govemnmeul. The Commîlîse, therefore, ntiuring. strongly urge thie ailvantage cf exbeuding a toiler- Thot îhe atiopti n et a nec systet, vWit b tn ing banal te a chas.. of subjtcts, excecdiog len thon- in a vsy tual saslnolt prame rmonsa t hostebo sscnd namber, ebese emipioyneni surlengihiena have etribarkrd large capit2l in lie ercetiots cf maffly vigea-tie mine cf wesitb lu chicS tbey umîî, ce caino na!eîrlaia a douLt. Tuat bio; labour bi.ng inexabastibl-lying couligueus ta irvideat for, teouiy objection bts b. rtmovtti is, titir boues for ueaiuiy liv hunîreti aailes cfocrean bfai the reduction of the tutu tetade viii prives.-slforaing a nurseri for seamen, vithoat wbom ijturiols ta. secolonies. Tht poslion le it owv lese Provinces ceaki neyer lbe elevaleil 0taton- 'eny generally dspaleal; it is intme pimer boy- ai impotance as donminions cf tihe Empire. ver cf tise gevernmcent ta obtitin salficielit Staisti- Tise Committes furtiser reprt tiasubth encroaschuen, au 1information ta set the question at test; said tise cf Aerctac seme tisenateait fusita giaîd-i pteset G ernt inPChi f lihse.Colonies mot Nova sentias, continue$, tiauglirialiy ebecisal by theceitertiensofuthinlucommun o f tie revenue eut- ave heurt mors remusissuan esaperthendp if listtaas-; aidt ttForcign rîmch el ngagealSi. Oe ais fii- tas not oblaineti uufficient tu salisfy ber Majesty's cry, grenneS te lhe Ilas asaores ofthes Guf ta rs ministers ripon tht suject.-îSentînel.] e,: t ie, swes tiey dg clamae, anss eep stanse,1 in Cleat aers, in vioiation ib ittee o e tetey. S-r. eune (N. .), sy 4is.- ui lIe L et. te tprejudice cf the..inaibiisub., anald t thetnjnry et ST. oii, (N B.s Ma 4t.- Or lgteLiet hise atry -lu cenctusion, the Comittees eceoiin Bsd,1 Ggivernor, Major General Sur John Harvey, Lady shat bier Mki'îit ' ee-metaotthuraioae Hlarvey-, famity anad sulle, atnhîtil lu ibis ciy trou rer.Ruinu Regulatious. for the proper germars- -ead Qaittera lait evening. in lise steamer Fd- ment of abs ilaiertes of tht Brillis North Aneisaa Frd Proivnces. partculazl i thte Msgdaicn Islands ; bisb ericios, analtaok loalginga ailie St. Johni Hatci. thte ttintretie, anal ti. righta uf tie inihitatis et ~His Excellemy ititia Leve. at teeo dock tai tht Provances noer tht.. sheulitbc mors isbaacîy loy, vihiisas very amerousiy sîtentiet. defincit; tiat i Excttteucy the Lieutenant Guveanor W. unerîlmil ns I II.. xcetencf -aviiyof !NovaiScorieabsocutit bha uthortisedt teniaisthse opin- Vireundrstnd h t[li Excllecyami ionofHerc Mjetby's Law Oficer. in Rugianit coa ae -ai - -ineW.P.,Idbis eveing 1a Windsor,sttesi, rising aolithe sece.ssvqhin.attc gb n iis temerAc-taArertea, on theivau a o tfoihes7 vbici tht people ottit. Ctntpcau illia, ire lBi Encellency wild itusin in suit tiait thn isa. te bioutabit he bc rcabeteit uthi. emmfadftif ieIrOap M u tise arrivai o itisi la i (irersent wicm :oua:tbe,,electdb hecrc lau> successor, Major Central Sir Jercuiels Dis-.tcs ofe t i atie, Mauiltisaes Il lu staheti by soinite foua Cuîtýnpwatlcs d'ittiTUE SPEAKE1l5HIP. w hic is v ..eicere h hpe may prove correct, liai T ienuages oetlire gentlemen have be ru poke n Sic Janh . h. se leaing prospetcf eaighiy bran- cf as etigîtale candidates. for the Spîaiset's chair, o.rabît. anal .ucaive appointaient lu tie East Iu- viz.-Sir Allait MçNab, Hrin. Cee. Mofftalb lien. ieu. John Neilson, Han. F. A. Quesnel, sud Austin Al "eiste, nasmerouty aaîd reupeclably sigueti, Cuviller, Esq. Tht poltical chanater cf Sir A. tet preeuted a His Excellency train tht Ma- McNab is et course celI isowu taear restitu.- gistates; Fraiholier,, sud nofiers of uhe City anti Mi- Multt isl a muechant tn Moureai oftvcry olil Couuty of St. John,- Fom tise Meelasuica'Insti- sadnsadbse a-gsaieadFcu ute cf St. Join,-Aud au Adalies.freinQnen5 tir. Councillor. Ho bas neyer beeu a memiter cf Eonty ; tleaitl cîci s Excleeey retrnirneth.tseBoua.etfAssembhy, aud cannot liseittore b. utaiste anti feeling repies. vony connversant cilla lU raies. Ih la saidti ial Au AdIress froutheli Commen Coanicîl cas prs- Mi Moflétl bhmmatf posiîhveiy declinis sccepting senteal le Sir John al Frederie ton, Lst vwecis by lie isonour. Mr. Neilson la a very aid iniahitani His Worip tise Mayory u lèitic an aaýs'ea' uts of Canada, anal Sas been long enigagea inl publie subuequetiy rctied. . lite. His qualifications ae vccy s»petiots bat lbe Nutrons adaress have icen piesenteal taebisa siso isaoposiivtly ticcismedat lihaecaul not accept Exccllency frenvarlous dilstrict& oattisa Province,. ieofc i bvr ffia aam.M.Qisc the office if B il is er ealull lu hm.Mr Qese [obsrve-] s a Brst e5dng iMbooteli. hroiber ta tise We iavecopiti ionuSt.Juis'e eper b i on. Jules Quesel, formarrl>- a merciant lu ibis ii bnsavleRpe&Sot.a uas.puttsin Coetyciîy in paîtlerip ethtsMr. Juin S. Baldwin. -Meeting ftra a ion cf thse Provinces cf Nova Sca- LMwi Carsel a for and >-as as ebeie- is. anal New Brunswick. Tise public mind lunlb.he et C aanadaf ihameprnt sites tilshesytiatefu Norsh unsetca.Poic.tBeiscu a sing mûh. aldla- inishipart> orn tbe vote on lise 92 itacluticus, mounettm NcsSceotiNen al rg abistnneoduceil by bis presit Juge Retismd. Mr. unitd frin Nva $olis Ne« ndfad canotQueluel vas sabsequenlly vce ie lieve appointe! by gel ou výils ils preseni Constttion , andthie Cna- Lr otribIeIgaaieCucl h îles are slte ultti hie cf experimeut. We sonîti biacla btweas Mi-. Quiesneil snd lias, cfbils belge more f rom gond administration efthie esising- friends miebwom lbe duleied en the occasion re- Constitutions aud Lanas h. tram mcv Legislètive ferted ta, bats ahace been healeal, sud tisaBon.. Acts, chics usuaiiy fait iu Ihuir execatian,maiing getleman hans hein cecteci suanimously for lie ctafusion wdoue conatounteal. Tisey sre. ai=Y Covnly cf Montmorcyt> costiliaig a largseuma- adtiti, bowever, as algologies for nis;,ovetemtt, jqrily tif refbs- nies. Mi. Quesnel i. a sqparter et ana biey asaally ceau h.emal. profitable th onget5tRespousible Goverasmeut as recomuendet inle jed pesns.-[Qutbc Gazelle. Dsrbam'a Report, sud is in favoour cf an amenal- Frome In t ic itad ccisd actda . um~nent cf lise Union Act. He speai thle irw* 91 Loss OF A VESSEL aN Ibot. -The hatstu Sad- aaEn_,îtn hceague hieistly, andiha. eoiâee- enRobinson, masier, trein Liverpool, bounti a ta Me.Pavllm e ll xpneucnc. rCaad Muntreai, cibis a valuabie cargcoetfttes anal dry alishe trsadof ose otatot euinent mercantile goodtr, sortt among theisels bergs off Caps Ra.y, boums.il Motrei. Ile vas fer esauy yars a (Nectaourgiland,) on lise 24tb Aprit, (ai lulaluiglt) member ef the Lotter Canada legi"mtar,amslvau -lhe Caplain ant i crew, 17 ile munir, tenir 1a examU" eailutorte hgomamâi ofhet nsIis, e o itîa ir boats anal sacceteat in i ssciinCape.Ray, Couasa l88. M..nli,.vM~a hueun ebenca they cere taben on ç lia. 28 h i emt, ant isiopinionseos ail abjee .comekctd Asnerican brigantine Franklin, astI aniveaiat.lPic- vili trade anal cenamt« have been Icked oup ta lt'is, N. S. an tise Smti Mai." il ac efrueissl oniye. c Tue bai aP ose utls. ~ liies Mr. Cuvuila al elly' liheglaWho.gis lae bave occsrred ofcaei £Dre" Dam Hase ofArtiseaMmetoficoet Canaaajil t lie at an the Siedacosa, mnd Ieopresteat "oage tvrs ber os Aaeb>.fLwsCndaIie au I dca of obteining richies 5ud coufort vitisoot isbea a large nauser, vise peended te b. poerwrt e8'red 2".9L .1 . sPe.dayfC. téi iLb, b: refnsed lu verk. They eoeraly spemis 4pl t 1 he vea*suiMates. YTIIL îST N IIERAILD--1 of ahipping required wiIl b. 80,00 tonsi equiva- nit ta soins 170 vesels of the imensli.aonsthat sualty visit this port. Muaveage; vail.eviii h. abouta six dollars pet beml,0t a tota f .750.0M0 So extcriave a .commeee wui t .ilt iMiience the Excihanges-the foiçitameu i a1udreiIt -and ail those intéresh eased ina*0 e ryiag trtde. WW.*.&r-S la a cou~idemu~.e @~ bave been mnade eat. L lis. 1149 Imm tebooms Th lattr pretiras paid for *Imciàrilpjy lâne aemple dfObîo-reaarkýbIy dvisà. POT Asnzo.-Lar1.e parcei commnîd909. with eadinesa. Single, bis raun e obtained a shade lower by attending atlt*ao tires. Lite enquiry for Pesal Ases- price 29s. a 28,3. 6.. Poax.-We do liot alter oui queuations for this article. Pine,ti1 ; Prime Mca., $12 a 0124i Mlen', $13 1-2 a $14. Belrut-'7 1-2d1. a 8J., and in demond. At a sale of groceriea held this day, Fridsj, 2lst iast., st the stores of Meurs. Tobin and -%Jrnsons, b.e following prices were realized, viz:- 4 cheafs Cuou Tesa, 29. 4. Fer IL 25 do Younag 113son Tes, 2s. Bd. ao2..9 1-2d. 14 do Imperial Tea, 39. 4d. a 3rn. 5.. 25 do Supetioî do Tes, 3e.. 6d. a 3s. 6 1-2.. 2 do Old Hy4on Tesa, 3... 5 do Coopowder Tes, 3s.. 3.. 10} hbds. Muscovado Sugar 40s. 3d1. a 429. 20) boxes Starch 7d. 35 kegs Gunpowdeî 17... a 189. 9.. ExcHsÂsE.-The Montreal Bank tiretteat 9 per ceiit on London. New York Drafth, 1 1-2 per cent. Frein the Ne- Yek IIf:or.,oMty 14 IM1ORTAqT TROU HÂVASNA-ASSIVAL 0OU0T OF" CLAXION IÎTEAMEA AAND THE TWO WAR 5TE*M- ERS, LION AND EAOLE-.IMLASTEAN MXvt. By the an ivail yesterdsy of the Christopher Ce- Ion, we bave riceivedl accounts front Ravana t4o the 4th instant. The principal intelligence !a the arrivai et Ha- vana cf tbe Iwo large stea.mers, Lion and Esgle, buit in Ibis city for the Spaniah Govetument, in eight days-and aise the sait airivalof the Claion steamer aitheb saine port. These arrivais are bigbly important avertis in tb. progreas of American Ocean Sica. Naviga- tion. The ateam hbarts Carionhail a meat atoîmy, bat succesfal passage-bel oothtug couid have betn more satisfactory. The. elllcacy and efficieucy of the propellera are no* acttled heyoud ait doubt.- Net a acteur waa lo.eued. KSINGSTON, 'FUESDAY, MAY 25, 1841. To resume the subject of Land graat- ing. If grants have iu many instances beeu mnade, through partiality, la particular indiii- duals: if anme have beeu made in violation oftae laws enacted for the purpose of dispos- ing of the public lands: if somne have boen made throsagh ignorance of the injurious of- fect of such a system, and which would sot have been made with better knowledge of the saabject : if somne parties have taken pos- session of more lands thon were granted:. if some have acquired gM.nts by mens evident- ly frauduleut, and ir others have obtairaed grants as a reward for services, and wbieia grant.. have neot from. the nature of the systenu operatcd as a benefit-these are ail so many conclusive reseons for urging an immediate remnedy. If ilbe true iugeneral ruaithe hold- crs of lands thus veriously acquired, bave net hitherto received that beuefit they expected, aaay rernedial measures which will be advan. lageoua to the couantry geinerally, will bc so ta ~e sal not cularge fariler on tuis sub- ject at present, nor suggest auy plan of re- forra. We believe it i.. sufticiently brought jute public notice, and it will flot be neglect- cd in tihe proper quarter.. We have now performcd the. promise made te oue readers a few weeks ago, and bave briefly replied te the qucstion-What due8 thre Province expect from. the approaching mneeting of Parliamenti Oui objeci has been merely te awaken attention geaeratly, aiud ta remiud members of Parlîanaenîtireat it is ex. pected cvery mis will do Ais <July. We have therefore been conteuîedl with bringing int< notice only a few, and ttsose the mostimirpor- tant subjects for immediate leiilation. These are, thse establisirment tfPublic C redit by the instrumentality of a Public Baunk, the. promotion of Imigr0a th e execution nf Public Works, tse es.tabl ishonent of a systen of Education, and a Reform of the Abuses in the Land Granting Deparmnert However moderateovsec aay bc disposed to bc in Ou expectations, wc insiat-that unless sonne de- grec ef business be actually accompiisbed iii these essentiel pointe, tisere eau bo no pros. perity lu the country; and the affect of the. Unionwill bc noth n oethm a echange the position ot oui rden for a shor.t time. haut not te afrord us thaeleast relief from à But we hope beiter things, and wouid fait read a few menthe hence something like the foliowing ina the varioua public papers ;-Ta useasure lb.f thc Union hies in a short ým wrought a bcr.ellcial, change in the circunu stances andI prospects of Canada. AIL par. ties bave muet in Parliament, and, waivine ai] muiner difference.., have usobly committeu theraselves te thse most necessary and desirý- hie aseasures ef improvûernn. The exeat. tive andI represeutative powers of gevers ment vork in prctre n7;aithe caps, biýides of the Provine froroy improvemeur nm Pe- h S47 fOFMOR 9 10V9 G Pm a mm ms 2 Amy3 o Pu m m * U z4~, MAI 1-8_tb . _____ - Fr.ai s te Montrlaent out f S..ialY the 2M. F'.. . trent omr ..X.e.gee or Mta 19. cir, andl the lamnal FIFIZZI BATS ULTEZ 11101ENGLAND. 1)1STRESSINI11, OCCUURENCE-A Hi.. fanerai tsace ai C LARGE MASS 0F CAPE DIAMOND Ib37h tedalh h u t l'hé 4teau.ip fliicorisatfived on Tisursday FALLEN, &c. lie ball buongce,. -lea ~R î tn 5 ut Mommut iltré~e, t0leck la the. aller- Ontefthtie met distresâing& accidents the recital respectable body of ctils-- s weo, wthe till m % ywit froit ENGLANo, bY of which bins cier shed a gloom o vec the comn- toi.a ete eiose'l a lL ttae le tthe 4th cntents inclusive. We muniîy, tot; pisce at Queber, on the morniug etosne I<togh e .o ellRnr6!s ft e rsIa nibIManda>- test, ait aboiuteleven o'clock, vicu iuath iIpoa nê et, Ille tiseugi ti. pirt blentcuOf Mr- JAMEs PORTE large mss cf Cap* Diamoud, weu he wb. tcii re, Lieut. Wnne 5 %as l lItOj ,acte, lb. Postmasteî, sud milace frosat, tsasas con- ftlcGoveinors ,Gi-dru ltIthebuseetfthe Citadel, sud bavirtg beetta h510a0j % îl:e l pIe. eaumaeyaslim nilI ermt.gave way, aud t asied under masses cfaloite sudlias aq,,aiiitauce, bisfl Ontlis26tho f A1iii, the House cf Commons, earih a taumbiî cf bouses an Champlain Slrei aud be deeply deplureai. 'Y.t wveasî int Cornilîce ou Lord Morpetb's Iishi te Cul de ac. Registration Bill, cita. an enendirent cees by A gentleman Wbo witresae-l the dreadfal occi-- Lord Hîswickt u thetitrst clause, was cairied * dent lias furnisheil as witb full paiticaltaz, hich Il iii Otierril hy île .%X'jatàf For the ameudinent ............291 asicofthlb.metl hearlrending descriptiona,frot lesl; lhai ail Letttra Ofr Ietints i 1~ A.-ainsl il .....t............... 270 titu about icrent>- four bodies having bers taken partinent, arc, in utlare, to i. - froua the ruinsaai lbe lime of the steamboat'..$ait- I Majority against Minisiers ..-. . 21 ing. 0f these four or five were dreadfully evonn. Adjutarit teiieralofl;f kil Tht fariher consideratioîî cf the question was deal, lbosgli alot3-ildeail, anti cie isitye rer i n4g L.ea a 5* libens postponed Io the 2&hb April, ounwhsch sud 1veyed 1telb.. hospalal, chers cvery care cas lt-- .. tie tollowiug day a lon.- debate tCoik place on thes' ediatel>- given Ciben. The..Rey.I aîSttert second clause, whicb %as hnally uegaived by aj lu Chamopsin Street, wbich aufferd most se- Blifa 'x fo Etilnoth nuajorily ut leven, the nunîbers leing- verely, ouly four or five bodies tiall been tounal, 88ou tht z For the clause...............28 9 sud as litre houses bave bien complclely trusheal, _Maser.c. Againet il ........... anti coiereal op weh the fallen earth anal rockl, llie Quebtercu, a Lor JhnRassli Lc cthre tie ih aici esides ..everal othera oni>' partially coveneal, il as NrWy ta Lors aJohnmiasusull, for Colonel Sithoipll, put impossible te aurive aetsy concluasion as le the Isat, tilirty-taaa 'ed hies ltai e husa srignal sry usion, Cooelser b Mniry tupueanuber cf laves claiclihave heen lot. the rteinsa Pt Cape Diantonal. bit rdiaryquesion whthertheMinstryintrs- The immense masses %vhijch bave talles dvli e- ded te eigssan sd aiso wluesher lhe Civil Contin- quire dsys te be removeal, a tasit which cii l. geucies were te be procesded wilb that eveuiug. tien more dificuit of accompiiitlunt from the The port of Qiiebe Ec ayh, Ti0 Noble Secîelary, amaidst mach laugiter, re-tact Chat large bloc ks of rock andl earth 3-el bar,, preseteta a siglit eîrutliirt prlcd, ta the fist, Chat Her Majesty's servants laddrover tihe place chere the train bas been greateit, ntlldraav the puliic tciti'i m no srfspresent intention. Taoftltesecound, liaIon Chat the danger te those tnrpioyed las tilil is- dtstiuictioia f lite u citl h hc sbould not bring forward th. contiiugncica that iiin nteetem.tese ire ans a-, ,r TlhtC clo fl.Echqe nrtael The racette during Ibis da) cas moat ajrpaliu,. aseathrr, atluite ci!,ýt er .Th Canelorofth Exheue itrduedThe wratheî waa raiansdupieasant, elàa s. tbe budget on the Mil, of 'Apil. Ha estiraastd grçater nubser of pelertassere lu tht bhouss tlbt ana.bth short, of the 5t. 1I11%rte. tis total expeunditule ait4£50,7319000; of secoue,, la asuat daring the day, anal the destruction of fle Orléans. b. expecled oniy £48,310,000; but of tise dtfic.t vas.consequenîl>- greater than woulîl otheicise At noon, w cu te thus cnaled, only 4:1,800,000 would, lu ths meurt- baA been the case. d1er siil, toaîîirrg itîttu î (!It Cimes, afftct tlt country, as a part chaigeable a- The .niiaiy are engaga inlurernuoving Ithe rocstk gainât tht China expédition <.1400,000), sud loi- and caitIs sud earclsiug the inti. In the Que- ntl'ti ai anchoi il: îl.e Canada (£108,000O), woud bc prouideil by tempo- bec Ga'zette ce fSud tht foilowing naeet o sonse Whrvcs, givinotri.j," raof meth fle proprielars sud occupants of tise bouses mtaof eveîy sort ûr j ttjv aItet Sir Ratant D.nLin, Surveyor General cf tht destîoyed :- rtft ofa s Ordnanace, M. P. for Sandwich, committtd suicide 1 Mri. Willi.ams, riggetr, (fayint he b loue.) r e X wutnl a' ai: at Soutbaniptoar, on the lot instant, %bile labour- 2 A Store nexl te Wiiliaiv'. Tt ing lieder a fit oft empoary derausîemeut. The 3 Do. next le Bliaickslune. TEAàiks hc Ccloncey of tihe llth legimnt Of Font as tsu COU- 4 >Isa. cidov Bircb, occupical by Mia. Con - lanI, asili 1ît.iblly tcrniitate t~ii,'~ squence vatent. ners. civil suitsethave ii î.e Initos1s0nu Lord Watdegiave sud Captain Dat!, for thetlte 5 Mr. Gatifin and Store occapieal by himocît, bave Leen trinioursu d l~ire1 OutrageonDsasat upon tht Police Constable, et Mis. Gaulin taken taisospil. woedy.Tecirml Hamopton7 vere, hy tise Court cf Qaeen's Beach, 6 Mr. J. Young, hoso.cecapled by himueîf. coeasy.TetIWOîncta ii la on . ;b d instant, seutcunced le he imprisonedl for 7 Mr. Lemos, bouse occupled by Vital Roy mas kal ligbî, bult o Cnvitons tie perical cf six mroutiansd bis Lordship ta Pa7 anal family (savat.) -liken place, vin : tOiat a fin. f £200, and Caplain Dut!, f £20. 8 Hotusse occapied by M. Lewis. Daidl Cot, Horst SteOins. E. G. Waksefield, Eaq., vas cutertainei at a Souse cf the bodies have beau recognizeil. A- Mary Buchieseti, trtlitadg public dinner lu London, by the. Ntv Zealanat mong these la the daughler cf Mr. Yoang, osmeil Com-any, proviens ta) bis deparlare for Canarisa, ilinhe lisI cf occupants sud proprietoirs, a fine Tiue bis havs been fornI suit las cýhich thit gentleman was baghly compliuented young girl, wbo dital in a ttc minutes afin ahle Peabottyj anal Franci eAi-itlaf by Lords Howicts andi Elliot, sud aother dislir.guisb. v as ,xtricaledl front the ruina, having becs dreal. rnuy, ana letsIRa, Ioa ed persans, upon the saccîsa wbichbouad atteitdd tulîy mangiei by the. rocks. Mltri C atianrs hie aysiem etofarigration. Cote, Cisaitlersud a policemant named M'Kibabon, tt dybvig teitt ra1 Colonel Fox, late Secretar>- trthe Muster G. have aseo bien reco.-nizeti. eLrahvii;bcte utral cf the Orduance,s la appointeil Ssrveyor A îemarkaisie escape vas made by a shisemaiker, Qtaeen's birth-dey, i Royal Salaie sai o% GeneralafIbe Ordance, sud tua acandidate forsIvn ettaprary fonoflerie CtitJcsn'Coîaya tct4 itht represeulation of Sandwich, Fluth vacant by buidins. inn liarstoyohoofag tvhe a uin ery sptat ti ai hon' Comanand leue r Sir Rafans D)unkiia's decease.bulig.O idn-tebuegvn a li eystodai:spsadI, Tfbe Rari cf Belfast ls a gzeled as Lord Lita.isa- itrabttayiltau letit u ica ~ulr ad rtttap11 tenant ofîthe Couuly of Antiim. came devra grsdsnally wilb the fai, aigbting i( n______ Mi-. Walter, th. principal propritor aftie flw s filtel cîbut eeiîiag,-injisry, vache,,le llt me- h ete o ofi asfs i ý sisewapaper, la electeal loi Nottiugbam, ln rocie of diately tan beyoud tise reacb cf lihs fafling masses. Th siîrfrendap.ha thetal Si oadFruoCroas cf people cire rapiaily aftracle u thelastrenilIY a l o the bc oeson; tit ccint, laitSiJohnald eiasth on. uliosotnu eigishoarhood, ameng wisom a number cf sliglt ftriag fur carl nt rais. -ceai Chat is wouid movres on au early day la Jane, ac cidents occa-i-ed, il beiug imîaee.ibio te prevet ftisailise House aboulai resolve iota aComuite, tht nifronts pushing ftia-scb itain rescb efthIe Ttu.rijhCo;a.învstn *for lb. parpose cf considering the Acts relalin orocks, weiih ere stili occaaionally t.tllin, Tr eula rin pr ore'sa l:grîtorr tb. trade lus coi-n. His Loudship expresaci .. osl fragments. About ous bundrtd fetdin 1self in fa veur cf a m'adîerate fixeti duty, instea.1 of leoghsasd cf corcsponaing deplht bas talleu. gos." le titure iol public siiiriteoq, tht present fluctuating one, snd atatedat atlie Froni the Qiabain ercuvay. metropolis tu follow tire e\ariple l Cabinet vere unileai in faveur cf thal priocipie. FURTHER PARTICULARS,A e pairlsbentrdag CA publie difnguva givîn, fat Manchester, ta The religinous ladies of tht Hofel Dieu, wilh Anwpîerla.res arcla Commodre NapierTht Company couansiel ci heu cibaracttristic btnevoienaee, bave teceiveal uju. Ilis ststed lobe liberalinits -about one hadr=laad tv.uty gentlemen, luti seves cftlie ijured persoa n iotatsaistabliie- vera si îs aytioer hy lhe Mayor. Tht Commo- ment, sitiacugis lier.e were nu vacant beda le lie Ferit-" K.aieqta ,tik Z.ie's descriptions of ils recent operalion tuere lus- regular carda ai the lime cf tht calamity. Il is Mat. Enî,Tost,-- leasedal b itti matisinttrest, sud be tvars rep.ated- aimait auecessaîy le aay tuai every caret akili Baving ebouivua es i sen a tSi f !y inierrupteil hy enthsiaastie.cbeetring. sudt attention i. showu te lhe untortur.ates ounltse sC$rauniaactim sfrein a -1'e.liber," id;.Q-t. A.6- » pt»utd t lie Maes-part eftheMedîcal attendants as clit as lhe Nuinsrestions, relutnrt htpr f'a à analth L tisaIth 21h.ltieonoisretrtiiiftefaT'iownship of % aIbis erevon tht 2 are1îh anllm n isre t ad Ca h le cf litesiecases promiaes le do thie Western Boasilry Le ttc'ii fliine is tvroaet e rergl atiBaonetînoliaIhe, i hi aaePtrCoosicilue, ageil and believing ubat thititting of quansl - i laineudtile rese ir eoge Baontofheabout 1-2 pearo, injury cf head fate aud artcle ; Mi- icapetbon and discaussi, t.lai al qi epo auslei Kandom.cisael Considine,aged 3 pear.., nuch braiaedan sd Dot ssfreqnentiy an effecbsal siada aIofei rThe taleet. Cooune in t iAm Neîl Har- barrit abutftht usaiandl uek ; Mbadlame Colin in- and as yeur Cerrespondent Il lene"bW. rilt Lesuoonli heAmad foimeily juyof seadana lufet, aged S30 peais, couain a.th sen ireg.hmie'uî0,or s aoano Deputy Adjutaut General iu Canada, received lieCh onidines; a gliqut Guilmiet, ijuryoft bise p; to indulg e tpul..ttt ,h * i.irjai, l " onour o a gtodou lie 2&hul imean. An ilvn 5yasiýüyote;which1I ereit tirheny tanw Her mSuilivobas15eetarauia.jaayaopoietsMajor; Mary iderati. nPd s e t isdamnaIrM. Sa majslyba hen peaed o 5poul ajo Cuaitits., ageil 18 moulhs, ijtiaîy et tht huait sud cutiîaoetin iti, i[reaaitheistronbod*i ý3Gentiat Sir John Harvey, Grivernot sud Cemmase-aria, anal fuaclureal Ibigis. INr,. Couaidine chan- Mi. 25 nltis bal oce,.is i t ice toviaitil der in-Ciiet cfflise Islandlof Newfoudisn-i anal ced'tebehaabsent front berne chen lise disther oc- itOu,. de..ottcorresond esdci ith heGarani 9 ils dependeucias. Tise appointaient la daleal, Day- cated, cmdi .tise cuty meaber of ibia fauiy an- "fitht saine int-I b-g, ihliet ii.ieé ning Street, April 29.- iîjaîreî. tatittr. ewmr a.crtacaii 0 ..e are îorry te find tha...the tngsu papes I is t.uOgtht bodies ofàMr. Colin %nit Jones, And fSet-Iflhe ilii examina -de. Elaisa couli. n nec et isesieasbipPreskst afalloir, lu Mr. Bircb'a bouse, occupied Il avh. sili iod flno4ýt ii , e 1,rei.I",d.rai lce li * Mach anxitly coollnuta te be teit iespectiug ber, yes u .art vraeucelfes. tr tiu îiginally tic Townoh.e iogac sudase many speculatieus cire induigedtinl ai ta by a parly unuter t direction ut Mi. W etIs, chose ied t,îight insa; whitaithe i.. t.vnm ber fate, as ou Ibis ide et theAAliatic. zeal lunlb..ecastetfbaisanity il a no cci itrowuto Mr Aitken, d.ied bMarri. 251hiti.iInaC srihens uinisai aih Liverponothlisenhabitants oethIis ciiy, Ianalby choc about in shatltre ut the ecaraiftan .th,,lOta, e v et ivepoo ohth 2%ult L u.,tiares iiiairedacesera ta.t, 1 asi, iiiaOia lookhem lb nes onlis 28is it.Ths Qvseeaone haifthlie bodies touant yeslirday cure duisne-r- eneudd ueils f tie Mal'$, isqacS'in y Tokhotehe urscf Preaitieul Harrison'. dealis. retianti removeil. The>- aiereurnov toing up thei taien'ereit sita.the aoriginali ivae, on (bcai e T e cau lias, w iehletIBoston on Clic 151h, relâchait labours lu sesîci et tise bodies of Lonnasis sud Witt -Menaor" an-wee ilisi1 efLiverpool on tht 2d lit. Cisarier, ciso vire in Goliu'a boisei, sud have ,,tnd Ie. avisexmile. ii, il5 r LiuteantCoinel is ou.1-1 Dunascf ii.arriveti at traces of blood. Oui irte xtraortina- ionscf tht Taiwnship oa i Cigatiat S83d1 Regiment, v'es prîsenîsd al a etr Majealy, on ay case of escape is Cht aof Vital Roy anti firity, reetlinrear ofi1't No. 17- in the 2Wadti urbisuelauru troutsCanada, and his appointim a leb.bis houscaireirlîdti othie slîeet and pety lau- aion eftbisaine tows.bip;'.whileuiiIcte s Compeuie cf the Order oftie Bath, by Viscouul ied heimethstlie raina, together vith s ldit,, apla bearing thie date mentioncd a&bove kt" Melville ; anad Captaiu A. C. Sterling, of the 73d1 tharf i ifasran at ua i~ e t . th n dlI6i.h essionsd its ct l Fatzroye ou bis, iislamefaroervCanmaiaabyaitord-tic ltiN. i1.9sinti. cod ndeiersedta Regimnu, o Asrtutiserac.C.nadve., La siprenlice boy, ecas .1 eulirely aciut, anad bis l ai- hosghil ttheîtcauaeiias inisithae t- FtoySomest. A h ui Afaut tvas extracbeta froctlis, maies outfle fAlet nsoisayis, ii, macoItia differescea hc s-Geaerul Sir JtremsabDickaun vas preaenco iiae tot i.art t aar sot un- mape in question. à themaire carnt aetad4' e bis appointaient te tise command etCfhb.trops l ain il.survy it3 atll aaietr" answar ahi iL aNova Scetia and NeBrunswick. sa h hrisI i lex amuine ila, . Ita" OasModa, lme20h utieRisGie.h. The Coroner beld an inqnîst on tht bodes o f wili itat ot Noý 12 as tir cocscii'-" On Mnday th 26t ulimeBit rac, th ith foliocing person previoaa ta oue o'eiock Ibis a ide of tht Great River Catasui, ifO damwlI Dae .of Wellington, sola Grai.of $pain and day, analfour or fliremoesbodies bave hein a.îîce fr.efb nat;wht e h talt mngt cf tis Qusen of.Spai, ateIdhcknghaby appont-dhinlter :-lien date referred a, ilie mit. laid t ie menit f tse Gdenfleecet uckinghaPale trapezid, firou.tasg usion Cither te u nstdHsRyl iie.Pic ieI Robt. M'Kibbon, Mary Counerse Margaret Con- again, ces his iii dreeae, a d a dlitis bagna o lii nbleeidr.ou the lot ners, Dominique Grealey, Pahk. Duheithy, Mary mapsuis lhe more esrreil Wi >e ne tifMay, bis Grâce enteitti bis seveul-.econd talgbr3ae rvodJh oaidn on îati..g i.efin t e îOqocresdois, tan c-yar hici tient ocas celebraleal vithjii - - - Fisher, Pat. Hayes, Mary Williams, Emansal efyonr correspondenat toe na ifiiih dfro in varion rertoicfitengsdm.Wiliiarra, Rose An Wiltiama, EllIen Fiait, elfe tac between .an rtfichit ecopY of tIiit oir A A rbuke bas been admiciateti i7 Lord Hill, te GfRohI Resal, Margaret Young, HltisyC.ute, Joseph tai', isualmie Toiwnsha i Of 1009-ai. W b tise Bali cf Cardigan, for orderiug corporal punisis- oli, Julie Galle anal Marie Golin. ta cutibis attentits ta the n1tccaiut aiti men tebeadmniterd e atrope ofbi Rei- DenisFitzpatr&aàk, Gîcige Joues, Mîadetine truemente t overaimect mist uii"5iý teit bhe deinltertito hrope c bi Rei-Jones bis elfe, Mialsline Joues aud infant, Lion Anlri-c iiaanieS. mie, o li Lod'aday li sae bits cebta>-Leobdas, Lutine Il. Lauret, Francois Chaîî,Vaneishia Arcidestosiof li ti sfri te tisatraies of liseservice. hrie.Generar, office lat Queite. hieaviiWu'I A vscancy lu th. Irish R-peatutativa Peerage Hofpar 3 o'clock, P. M. ahip of "itaos as rriginallia..tO& il- bau beenreatbed by lb. dtsth of lise Eau cof Btl- They are nov reimoviug the lodies cf Cia' lier 'iene sare ; Ist tie 1lai a coco - le-ns.e,1his al culi b 5canidle ~ ys4 ~ trm oin cscprees t ate le bout Se-cias.nsli uore.,Iormerly Governot cf Jausica. Lord Cu-- sud Lanais-ciic makes six le day. Tcia analljIe~e rsbtarete ery vaeauey Ils,'-~~ne f dhabees tedoit *mt frintis lrtue. acs7iii .se ie itf5ahn h bc ]eeo bi oe icova e and" s-body altblotu, simoesienîirely coveical vith Tieeee nalflet" ra"Goî,bythe Great B Mo.aon LP= O la saud. It was taken inteonOdon,~e an uiauest retabl fmiice 1f e 10 he ivr. aisisbigly avrabe t te pomp- ld, hihreaisuted nlu verdict of IlAccidenela- ty ,m ..j J.R. J- so u anal abiftby euh wmurs Messrs. MeGdbboaa 4- i ldro-evuil" ItilasupIosedatt infouiite Cneet. Apply .twOfieo ig fertussea <bY hoseehe a.Gooda cee .forai-il- officir bad besu endeavouing t ordthie River aid. -cd) centiuet ticir busineas. pu ontrsbacis, ehen tise horset mail bais e bcîcut iogstoe >Msy 24--b, 184, - caoDigby Henriog D 'doeck. JAS. NOTICE. OS FLOUSES. ,,,,oC enuialaiefr 1t licol., matie toîbhe Sui asssNotice, inter gRTY FOR SALE ,es andl TceanlsOan Aplicatioaietheir misaitun Rocea, Cass jA.C. GOD F. H. HALL, a' Hikis & VOtnmioà Ail ofein uitimer it-eafreali iheirfrindl rla. sict Uet ttettio --EW GOODS ral datre1tfr-.ina Brilaie G. H. BAI luitigstof, and ti i1 vis1 ti;ir, Mealreanl. saa> itext, tise 901 hi3aila; gLot, consim timna; teSouth Rai stret-beti; in ontce ilyt panlsof et hicToi lot bbc tet;on of cs 'dlock prtti5tIY. mîade kuteenocutise di H. BA May l9ta, 1841. NOTICE vms, ldAppication di et lisOffice urbil - t, tram lact s ioase lie sIice cf STREEI f[Kingstoa, viaichis Il tc rquaifeal give lira Pat i i-acter. the Mayer analCeas FRAS. M. Arting Cosmos Courcil,1 e5h May, 1841. WNiltIl' TO LE.IT e 5eiit Issiseasi. Ver- lestcroît, a W. -traite, saitabhe for o, cit'recery Stre; taisenuetiatfair ri ion otthr pureisier. dit stiilieh given foi u'aî'îIY et ibis Office, a>- 2,,1841. FOR SALE, st spfior LoTs ou est [0thti§am,. D. RU' on oniJrer Si c Ara lîfeumed t hat raugemienha lort bus AKE ONT'ARJI(- s KilWilonr ad 7 Cîlt. TtaehY,-Nîd CITY OF TOOIo Drs. QtM ItINGSTI s'ctocis Eveuipg; the $1. George. rests1, Tîaraaiîy sn( onsevo tari7 sea dl altva amm'lof lb. 1, OM TO0RO0NjTI "Di, Mendi..7anal Ns05, Tutoda>- ar Nses, ielda>. au -r1i oy next iol g CsuuantiPori Lersi'oenevery m Mi rtOt5u5 ho Tai-ne SAX

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