Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 25 May 1841, p. 3

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ÎEKINGSTON ilÉIALD--.TUIESDAY. MAI' 25, 4t i'CIock en CIs gini kuea S era', Iil C o ft & edef Cer rahich a, bthi ilis5j tIsai al, to T. Id Lie" dud v i 'Il ,e , n "nfatu "Ce 1);Iii in, SliceI'ri th ~ior oia !on, to 5ft liaClO afler the ton- iL fnleai 11 rrcnu3 it 5agiaain ri e Seliligrts. ,aruniîer010 i lalate seaiî0 a! it Point Fei, pilai bas lies5 es thar " elhit .Toronto starirmd lit P'ori' ýrai in es polais. ber et the 271k tuiber," Coulaitu t hé Laissa Bu of queseia fer tares 5 lgifimif, ýl-ddY lorn- e prescot time from the rapidl>' incr-asiug im- - Î" 11à~ to Toronto Ins tie af.1 potance Ani! population cf this lave. 'ER çr* Apooiesi Agent for I. H. Tcvnien!, Plamber, Bras Founder, &c. &c. Dît ~ ouis Lndjcs. MNanufscturer of Hvdrmnlic Pampa, Wmber Clos- (il 9 t1 et4,Hot an! tel! Bails, Beer Engines, Pipes, &c. rL* ý S - ..ui>deenh.c.nzo reqiiig atcles et tise I 'cack ens Lave dencripîna, ailI plemi s !secV, leaase (r !fi rlait fut tthlie saule ttalicieo eders wun liho ismdiately xa 'ail tS,tilet. Pir5I referIetbinlasTloman Jones, Kiog Street, "RS Kingt.ton- or tb1.H. Town sco!, Montres!. h i Kingkrtreet, near Stota Street, u- es> la>' , 18- 1. ir ~ii'iackMoring, JIJST teccivedi, an! for sale la>'tîe Subcihots, .l ri NMontes» 76 Kego SpaîsisiaBroyssPain, ,1 1 % i. i d isd 123 d . do. W hite d . S t c i a t, , i s e ae e m a'd .5 0 d o . B l a c k d o . Ori~ tcy0Bat ouas 21 d. Oeen d. et'lOntreal an! 4 hhda. Bet Vinega, es oî iheafieosua 60 Kegi Cet Nails, r n je, .0a r ozlivilll'es 'au; &s ai; reele e 'et .i T. BAFL wavj.ti rgi aaid an! Kingsten, 1811 May', 1841. et of ow u'n- COMMERCIAL JIANK, ]IL D. r Nrih. OTICY.ls reygvthat the ÂNN UAL cei Nî,,GENERU L M RE!. ofet4isabIrOCK- Ian! District, cli le Sel! it*@. Suel, ci anl > rrsi CI Illle, A. B. the sevenîl day.et Igaa t ts>e e cak 11 ls PP ue InA. M-, ferc theapu rpcsof leeilmg D lrectessfeafon e theN bIY thse Tîuste.aîo geosingic telve eenth. mes 1,1 of s!ndisitSeiso 8>' oruer etthe Board, 1<' e ,bega la infoorm F. A. HARPZR, 'mdIeliaiofth .piî, osîe-. _ ab lha Ring"tn, Si! May', 1841. r A. TUD.fibII, i~~O RA0FSTORES BrIBE?, la. lu. T. IR AE, à o iflmFAJX 1ÈIOD TIRS orF IANCY faXyI'jNTURE, CBOCk.EY, STAPLE DRY GOO2>S, e y ccIle., FONT STAS ET, KMIGSTON. ai iesuscrbelsAucion rT ESubscribers ame now reaiving pesai l it~5ihe folloviOng ,eloeging 5 Ihrir New GoWes fur fils Sassa, endi!ara ,,W tiYwrleldaiy exportng ex "Mohawk" id &mtaerjomy" B.rae, piowa aod Bol- ment of Fsncy mand1tai Dry Goeod, btubijci Gesst.Fatm ""BlaI-els, Qulî,thfe attention of thletlaide ha re4qe£. es Carpels u Caise &c. die. A litiaral credî iyl ho given, m the @cuaî dis. .Io taa1 i ai!GMasaes, Sat icoanot llowed for cash. rash eand Liquor Stands, R. H. & T. RAI. j.Sores, do. Pans and! Pipes, Kigtn 25th May, 1841. Fr5Irns ~lisua 1 TO TIIE GENTBRY, COMMERCIAL. & gut fBs ira 1Te ar; AGRICULTUR.AL PUBLIC. ,otiliieinnr,,,, a ais JONES legs ta inform tise Gentry, pub-. China and wîe e ~lJLlie, (sai! more paîticularly tlie Farmers) ot ~ .5L0O ~ Kngstoandmilsn vicinit>', tiat fer theïr accommo. dation and benefit, eso i clsa view et meeting tise b,ý' DigY jlrri51 -j ncreasing demsrnd attendant on thc influ ef tise 5ir"C. JAS. LINTON, manY dsinguàW ePerans csssaredwu ii heGo- A. 13. & C. M. eimeaitt anda Provrincial POrkfisent, l8 purpose hoding on Satiarda>' tise 2%h day et Ma>', (and an cari1s.ce-slmsgSaturda>,) aistise premisesiotMr. NoIICE. Bamford, knewn asiftha Faimet'a Bouse, in Store puER NDpROPRIETOR>' Street-aFsaMac Sile baj Auction, of Hcrsna nd OF HOUSES. sucis otiser Stock as in tise interimn ma>' le confidai! msmqoulip orTw LiHou- to hFo care. Sale at Il e1clock, A. M. 5 b - or (attier particulaîs, aphly (if by letter, plaids) .a,,1 ahe S r berà as in- at. a ,, ali Notice, informing bis'. wisoa.lt Office, Kinsg Street near Store Street. I'RTYF01SALE, or tb RENT, a , 81 TeatCulie tecomesenda! TO GENTLEMEN, F7.ARMERS, ~ italtie bir Lan~d R;s(ry' F OR SALE, areal Canadiia STVD HfORSE, ~ Casmadyô Burising 6 years oh!, varranteil coln;"~oba f .~os.dark bas, of th istaishape sait vvps spesiot se..f JAS C. i' ODI'VN, N. P. lion, AISa, a tondon buislt STANHIOPE Glu, F, H. HALL, geai! as r.ew, wiils an excellent Stt modemn ,rsr & C aao5Metchasti. Brass Mnisnted Harneas i ogether saillitbyoecapi- e*~ itcuer of bise above ta[ fFAGGON.S, mnadbe tatrdr, suitable for fer. ,,0 J,îrfr<oià i4he cou i'yt mers or teamoters, viih a capilol Set af Doubla "tsticttentioii. iHarnesa coniplete. AppI>' le bma, 18. 6 kneo > 8THO %IAS 9NES. \*LV,ý uOODS KnsoMýit,14. cv .etrn Britain nt EXCELLENT INVESTME 2' G. H. HAINES & Co'a ýl~son, aald eai unr wholesale, FARM FOR SALE, sl,,~re, ti c!jI DMIRABLY situated on Wolf Island, -L-IL ai a very short distance froin thes FetC ry, consstirrg ofl100 acres, 40 of whÎch are ~?'ACTIO...~cleared and urider cultivation, with an excel. I141l e sl lent Dwelliung Houssa, Banisan sd every ne- thîext iae6h Ma>' instant, a cessary outbuildingtisereon; aiso, a constantc l~.i~Lot, cesiising et one firth spl usmnge,&Lc TiPrpr fnn le South East crner of Ch er-t. oessuppîy Olocald ater, ta c. anisroer- in oeofthemos plit- poese s oanylocal amdatesndfrhors et i[,i(i i Town-emoultp e )f~ ~ oi faie or mort pri- hood bavinmg recently soldaet greatiy increisseti _« i pricea, it cannct fai! te be as attractive ta tise 'Ck !cýpj-siccuiator ns teAgriculturalist. Fr ur iý: araow nlte dat' of Sa!e. tIser ariculars app]y t i. BA RTLIF, Cgtnl h THOMAS JONES. Auti-er Kigson 1thMay, 1841. FOR SALE, NOTIC'E givre, that pivations by letter wil '> R IV A.TE CON TRAC T, ,T,, atis (hi, 01huîtil Monday the 711a ITUATED in one of tise most desirable « ,e, ran ssci P-iooîis as are drsrons So parts of Kinstmon, TEN BUILD- the o eofSTREET SURVEYOR ING LOTS, forming a corner front- « 'i kwe~lcn, wriirh ni W vacant- age te Store Street, immediaeiy opposite thse le oqicdt gi,, referencen as residerace of A. Marsaiax, Esq. ha *ng a- .nt ciroli'r.Tbs alar> yulnother ina thesarnar te Grave Street, with tise 1 L! th'. Plyer aud Caorrn rCea ncilof Col. .u.osres anad ....rougzugood FRAS. NI. IlÎCtl, lstîserecan, and containing ofie-fifth of ai Acre " Atin,- Clis C. C. eacis, admirabiy adapted for the Building f le Cmm¶,rn Coantit,' Sites ofsuch gentlemen as may bas about te o0i 25hii1Pq, 184 . 6we2 becomec resdents cf tissa Seat ofGoverrimient. i T LT.It requirca no practised eye te discover tise cn SI', 'T ni:E ycev r~ sen tas beigone of thebestaseulatioris lit , ",i"hla r ý frocs tissalocal ativantagea witis which lit à brlote ,theStock acraurrouxadet, and tise patiscular epocis of ils tt îqa fi alu!tion, or at being cfrered for sale, lit cunfistfe pidî>' te .oriiA 'ýe prchasvr. . ncrease in value. Tisese Lots are weIi r1d Ceidli e ives for tIhe puclase worthy tise attention of persons about ta builti; t;il-atlli0l!ce.as suc i an opportuirity may net scoutaa n 21, 1,14l. cLur.ga FR S.AL1, A pliaisi my bc seen ansd tonnas kno\vn on suî.roLOSon Store Sreî-, application aitishe Auction Rorna of tise sub- 'cjîent th am,. )RTTN .g sil criber, two doors soutis cf the Banks Of tise . VrNAgn.People, Kin- Street. y 6,t 6 TROMAS JOýrE8, Auct'r. lho Ki gton, Ill May, 841. wlt del 100 VOLS. BOOKS Oft F OR SALE, ineludimsg a complote set cf eut ~L MIL TEA~ERSthe Loadoo Encyde dia, thse worka cf fect 030lOi Bier t. aiccssc.Shakspeare, Scott, and otiser suandard wri- per ,ri atilRirr t. airene.ters. As aise a superioc Londais madee Rifle 1 Li1c ae korîed Ousi ithe folca ing and aCoek Guns. Tite wisobecf whichm maY l lirreeafor this Seasîo 4h seen on appliicationatte the aubscribea". val I.OrIF NTAIIib) THOMAS JONES. Lak !, ijhsand Trent0 Kingson, iStis May, 1841. teri ,-dy 0bTOR' a1.NO T ICE.T IDl O TOcapt. HE sveral ariicles cf FURNITURE, adrer. at I K iNG C TO N d 1in1aI nismier, ant te b. !mposed of b>'Ma STOiclckî LOTitRy, ili now lc sols!ti>' Priwe Ccssire, ;"", el o4 ~p~SSidy nlbgtsre epatate, am ie s>'auen et tise RoosaNoe E1e1flý' 'tisci tfthse Subscriber. '.Yad FriJa', bise THOMAS, JONES. t Ecir¼ w itsddV anid Salurda>,- Kini-srpee, May 17, 1841.- '1 FO1R SALE. ~~o.rl lco dy.Tse abeve 10 Setîn Frenchs Beadsteads, io a-ya of t'ie s Menreal Mail 2 Seta Field do TOIîITOAply I THOMAS JONESq. t tolyand Thursila>'thse King Street, Ma, 21sf. T'u R.dpndFrdyts JONES avaiha hisief cf thse- iarlest op-. <i yodFidyte3 uotuoitg 1lisîform bis fîienad th îe puis. 'l rils,' an! Saturds>' lie la general, tisai le is prepare! to receive et lis BaIonae in King Street, for Publie or prf vlea Sol e 'y t\tm ,Tn rT@eery. descriptiaon et ýu7;andl'ot Hpe. ach REA ORPER5ONA.L PROPE5iTY, f il r0.a*5w T arat.an! telles tiseliberty e of~. - ssaaesn tg hn.ivng~5rrrce- io,,o.uwuspose arhO svmssjal a Sriv! GOVýERNMENT SA *LE. BY PUBLIC AUCTION. EILtee Sol! aitie Ordoance Depet, Point ýv lent>', on Wedncsdsay ite 261h in, thc Iatsnentioased articles: .NIiW SETTLERS' STORES. 1013 Bread Axe, ("7 Pitelfecis, 23 Gardea Hors, .579 Draviug Koives, <Crpsotersb) 017 Han! Saws, 3018 Bsn! Balla, (HaOkj0) 3i2 G"lets, of 555e, 451 Bruash Hooks, .280Beaping édo. 154W MalIces,, or Pikaxes, 4Scythses, vush Snaiths muid Stones. coospse. 9bDer Leoka et auperior qualit>', varients anzs, ix: Iran Rim Drawback, d.mIe, alSBrasa Enoba, do. ciîb Dca! Boits, and! Stand e!PlaIe. ALBO. 7Ueserviceable FMndera Tenta, tde. Seita Artiller>' Cloiising, Zdo. Gre-at Ceas, Regular Pattera, &Obeelebe do. Mililia, de. Samples ofthUicaboya articles cauo ho nc su> psavtaua le the Sale, ailler eithlie Ordnacce s.,# Pount Bami', cr ailthe Auctios Boofethie isctimar, Market Square. enidities smade knooceaillae imcetofSalo. i te esismenie ai hait pst 10 c'cleck, A. M., cisely.JAS. iJiNTON 3 Q. A. ns"a, Ma>' 4, 1841. 794 10 si fic 794b cc9 Sal P" FORNWARDING-1841, T 1HZ 41sierigacd, euh mew sud effict FOLWARDINQ ms 3>ljntui*KMuz. PafacTwr, intermediate p Ïi,ba tp.y w y f beR G S O N E N'G JÇ B N, g w1I om 4 Freigist cf Goods padlagad ofgtth c- ceigta weight, d atfiratesa esoat îio.<a>'millerî lat±e tratl. ALEXFETO. M au ie i. .& p ii ~ , JO H N M I ES B O N . 10OVERNM'%ENT Co "RAb OAK TIMBER. N TICÊ is liereby> given tisai Seale! Tendi will b. received ai lthe Stoiekeepei'b Offit Kingston Dock yard, uni Tuea> 181 Judia, 18, trocs such pensans ns dO>' be willui- to enter ii s Coatraci ta deliver thse ussdermenltione! Timi moi! building esatesialç, viz: No. I. 120 pieces of Oais Timber, la sql".re1 8 ha., in Iength tram 30 ta 45 ft. le 2. 30 pitres of Oak Tsimrber, te square 1 fi. in., lengf b tram 35 la 45 fi. ci 3. 30,piecesoi Oak tnmhor, bomqaara IRf. in.,, in lenglis front 30to 48 (t. "4 60 jaecea of Oak Tituber, btasqusae fi. in., in lesgttrain46 50 fi. ~5. 18 hieces of Oak lamiser ta square fi. ho., in leoggîs rain 45 te 55 fi. le 6. 10 pite s e to Oak Timber, ta square 1ft. un., in leogiis (toto 45 ta 55 il. le 7. 12 pieces of Rock ll, ta square 1 1. 4 in in leoth (romn 45 te 55 1. '8 White Oak, ta iii!. 1 (t.3 in., cleadroetsa tu Mouid I fi. 6 in., as per mou!! No. 1. 1. 11 l A sis ide;10lin., tu imouli! I ft. 6 in., i iesgdh cf fro..i5 ta 19 fl.s pet meuh! No. 9- 1 1W Oakn, tea ide tram 10 lue8 ho., mouId 18 in te 12 10., in lengtn trom 12 tb 16tee-t, saper mote No. 10. Ta be cf ils natural growtl. "Il. Oaks, la aidJe 1 fi. 2. in., clear cf uep, mec! IL.atbthetfore end,1 fi. 4 in. etithImA send, a pet saoul! No. 1. "12. Oak to aide 10 in., aîould 13 ia., as pe mould!Nu. Il Toalac of natuiral growth. " 13. 6 in. Oak Plank, in icogli ran t 30 ta , (<et, and breadîl tramt 9 to 10 iodhes. Ne acýf (e t, ',50 cc 14. 5 in. Osi Pink, in Irogts rom 301t 4 (et, breadiis (rom 9 le 10 ini. Noeacfte-el 5,000. 94 1&. 4 in. Oak PlamaI, biengtl tramt 35 (e 4'1 feet, Ireadît, frora 9 te 10 in. No of (<ai 10,000. de !IL 3 in. Oak Plank, in Iengfh tram 35 te 49 feati bread!îifltma 9 te 10 in. No. cf Pie- cesi 1000. "417.3 in. Oak Plaul, in Iength cf 36 (t, breadtl et sinclus, c!ear ctîap.No.oetpieces, 80 «18 8 ioch Rock !Pim Plamain lengibth mn31 le 45 teeb, bresadtis(frnt 12 la 13 inches Nio. cf feeu, 1,500, '19.7 ioch Rock EIm Plank, ilu Iengfh tram 31 ba 45 teet, hrcai!îis(rom 12 ta 13 incises, Nu. et fcet, 1,500e <20. 6 inchs Rock F.tm Plankin o ength trom 3ý1 te 45 (oct, Ireadth (rosis 9 tge1Ilhoches, No. et teet, 1,500. Ce21. 5 incI Back Elm Pîslanin lengli ttem à.0 te 45 feet, breadth train 9 te Il isoles, No.o e tc, 4,k0. "e22. 4 loch Rock Elm Plack, in lengIltraidm 3à ta 45 teet, Ireasiit fiam 9 ta Il ioules. No. oet let, 4,000. le23. 3 loch Yellow Pine Deals, clearcofsap,à loches vide, in lengtl front45 t 60 eat Na. ocfteet, 9,000. le 24. 60 pieces Yeîhow Pane, ta square 1 fi. 2 in., lengîl 30 to 40 tedt. 9425.-40 pieces Yeliow Pine, te square 1 ft. l6 in., ieegbh 45 ta 50 feet. et 26. Beai Oak, WYiite, ta aila l iet fap, 10 loches, ho Iength of il test, as pet mail! No. 8U et27. Besi Oak, Wisite, ta aida clear of top tram 10 te Il incises, ta moillet 9 te 10 inhes, in langth fr..m 10 ta Il (et, aspr etnacit! Ne. 84. a95, Best 04k, White, tea ide cIcar of cap trans 9Sta 10 nnches, ta moul 10 incises, ln leegtl from 10 tae1Il test, s pet moulit Ne. 60. Ci29. Besl OakIr'Witie, t0a ide clear cf sap, trom 7 to 8 inishes, 1 meuI! 7 ta 8 incIses, in longlis (rom 9 lu10 (cet, spet moisi! No. 40. 30. Erst Oak, Whsite, tea ida Il ineihef, cîcar cf sapi, mou!! 13 le 15 leclea, in Iength tront 7 ta 8 (t, as prr mouslt! No. 16.. Tisa whoIe ta be djeliaete! at ingasston Dock surd, draco .ip in aach cauvenieot places as sai a afci! oul, aosor belbta the lit et july>'next, bthseexception et tise CVioietlTitili, for fisc elvretof vise16 days longer cul b. givemiai fWhich Timber se! materisls amit bave leen ut aring the jsat vimster, an! of sous>! i! ilpei- -et copisttion, smjtait o l lue inspectionaffluhe Se- erirteudiog Buildet. Tise Tenders ta express in vwordo i leoigtl the stepet fooit lu Halifait Curreficy. Unexceptiena- lSec " ' cl l e requirci!, suabjel lea theapprot- Iai o te Vammmsidiog Naval Officer oni tIc kies, soi!tise naires cf 1w! persans withsig te en- ýinbu a Bondl for tise bathtlperformance cf thse ottact mat le iven in the Teniders. risc mouldi tuethe creoke! Timser May' le accu tise Dock Yard, an!daseSh oller iefornatiosi as yallic re-quirci!. 1eTender cul l e recrel ci afler 12 o5clock dit onu, on the day asentione!. Kingston Dock Yard, CiB!a, 131h May, 1841. RLinga» to 1d May', 1841. ASULKY an!dIL4RNESS FOR SALE, AEuquire at the Heral.11 1841. OLD E8TABLISHED St VALUABLE TAVEUN STAND EN TEIE TOWN 0F KINOSTONV FOR SALE. T BAT valuahble propert>'in Store Street, f r- me-t!. Suave as Oicoîf's Ion, laiîmg a part et Ivo Lots, i0f6 (cet an Store Strect 1>' 132 fcet deep,66 testfrodng Muotreal Street. nTiseae tisa bomen re uthe premiaes, nae a auhtantimi stona building, andi tie otblat s sameal boume, cils ex- teisive shedsansd sn excellent wcli. Tisa wbole pperty"b e iilcsels! b>'Auctions e 1he M ef Ap 1 .e,if ot prevmeusîy dispose! of >' private sa e -erms of payimentwcili b. lihrl-Appi>' fo BENJAMIN OLCOTT. Kingston; Msrcis 30111841. 1hcý-s7le44MSale nt poapossd nntil Sottraa VARIETY STORE. No~. 4. GarrgiBmildngg MAIXET sgUfa>. b BOAI> CLOTH,1 Cassimere, Worstei! Plaid, Casibett, Camblettens, Tweeds, Ci2ntoons, B' tise Piece or Yard, a ci mmn f Irish SILKS. Esgl andSm Frenchs Gras de ]Naiàir, gured aid plaid Tglsiott. 1 DRESSES. Monsine"de Laine Dresses, Cambrick de, SHAWLS*&DDBESS HANDKEBCHIFS.L Ciinz, Plina, and Masîho. Colassof ali Descslptions. Tisrrad, Nett caps, sud Collers, an! CuES. BONINETS. Dastfmile, SIaw, an! Tisite, lateat albions. Ladies an! Chiiitenti Parasols, juat rmotive!. Gentiemenes Bats aui!Caps, :I3 o>aCps. - GLOVES. - Ladies long ani! short Kid Glovas, do. duo. do. Lace Matts, de. Sili lesoetal cooa TvihIid Regatusi, an!dgCrasa bîcebest ting an! Union, alaseove r> aile-r allicle lnthe col.to CILOTIRlV. A large nomment cftlimabaioyaa tce Ir ept ccusantly an hin!, madi Ie Uaest manar,, ami ceep for cash. - STOCKS. Baguai, Frstandss !Amerlos, Stocks, ef aIl descriptios -Y Sais, plais aid figated, Frearjà Bombasias, Pruieila, SUS soi! Vslneis, ail- mneut ail aller kiois. Luncs CoLLusasisBoroies COLLAiS. PsMies CoUses au! Capo, Thrisce ,Laces, Dotinetf Mud Mu4jsils, .1*latest st yle an! hem qualît>'. A &evegq i oà'«g Nyas.Tus, talicis c x, sai*eyboguforcashb. 'AIl Z à= aboi iiles en le lad ai uholesuls orretaë i, se lac ap n biesse u oaica. Piec. oli, an! oe. for yumegus...quit51 pac,-àam mck Oblige l"o S. W. 13RADY. giagifuis, l'ilMal y 4I GOVWERNMENT NOTICE: T FiJOA Y, flic4M1 of June,'ocxt, frcia âoy persan lieisons OIfl aaeenterin2 mto a ronîracti ip sling such quantities of FUEL WOOD, as mij si, requirci! for Her Majesty'a Forces at «ba Foq e; of Kini.eton, Fait Henry', Point Frederck et ~'Kingston Mils, frein theo la October, 1841, t Sr Stete nist.of fair proportio~ns of sonni merchantable bard Maple, Hickory, Black or Ye. f.lest Birch end !leech, each stick ta b. four fee lo-g front scarp ta point, and noue less in diameti th.. thiee joches ai the s aatiend, sand overs ccii!ta contain 128 cubic lret. 6 Tht Contracter te have the use of the Gavera- ment Fusel Yaudsa t the severai Posts, in each e 3which ho will ho reqlsredltabhave ai al l imesa suplyeqnlta( four months' consimmption, and 1 sc hall have been eut at least two menti5 previently. Nc decayed or ration wood will te 0 permitteii in the yards. Thse Tenders Io express iii words at length, the rate pet ceci!, in Halifaxc currency, incluàing the *9 delive:>' of tbe saine aithte. resýpective Baracks and Quarter,. pP moent will bc mai!e ny check on a Chaitered 'amlexteptignable sacmrit>' subjecit titaeappro- val of tkm Commissariat wàll b. reqîired, aond tis d- imes a, two persans silling ta enter ioto, a Bond forithe faithfsjl performance oftha Cootract must ho 9l vedon the Tt nder. Terjsof Tend~er and conditions of cootract eau bobtained aItishe Commissariat Office, where any r aetier, inîformation wil be afforded. Thaiabove wyul be exempt fiera fol! over the 5Cataraqai Bidge. 17, Ari, 8-l 5 1841. STEAlIM BOAT EXPRLESS, CAPT. B. M. TUROOP, IIILL PLY, i!nring the season of navigationi 1 W DAILY between Oswasuo and KINaauors, leaving Oswego ever>' morning et 8 A.am. ; and Kfingston every ýevening, en thea arriva! cf ihe BoJlà tiqhumPrescott. (Vor froight or passage, apply te FITZHUGH & Co., Oswego. EASTON, ROSS & Ca., Kingston. Aptil 27, 184 1. CAPS. T lBltSnacliber has on band a choices uort- ment of lashionabla CLOTH AND 01L CLOTH CAPS, suitabla for summner waar-enpe. ilo taU afiv imported ito tbis Conry ; and at low puices, at big a Cp .Faory, Btock Street. Kingston, .4 prî l20, M1D41.LIM.2 I3ROAD CLOTHS. WI OOL dyed Black; Indigo Bnes, Olives, VClaret, Browns, Mvixtures 4e. wvus Black aoi! colorfi! Kersemete e, ai GzEORGE R. FHAIES & co. Kingsto., April 7th, 1841. - SPRING GOOD$. RI ITE e. Colored Linen Drils; white ad WV colosred lolosklns and Cantoona; Eancy Cbecked and ptinted Moleakinsansoi!Jeans; be- ski an d Fancy Sattineta; great variet>' ofVea Patteras. .1 GEORGE H. RAINES & Ce. Store Street, Kingston, April 7b, 1841. BONNETS. UNSTABLE, Devon and! Bread Platt, witb D a' a et variai>' of Muslin anmd other Dresses, freash for the SSassiasoi! at ver>' bu Prices, ai G. Hl. HAINES & Ca. Kingston, Apuîl 7, 1841. . NOTICE. Q VRLBUILDING LOTS on LEASE, te " leVERtALed b>' application to the Subacriber, sond atatd or lying on Block C, the Gilee f SI. George's Chsrch. DE09IGE OKILL STUART, May 4,1841. -... - --. w vtu MUTUAL FIRE INSUflA.uÇE CQ?4- PANY OP THE M1DLAND DISTRICT. IVJOTICE ia bereby given that theonqal -L 1 Meeting of tisa said Company' for the purposa cf Eleeling b>' ballot a Board cf Directorg for the ensung yesm, l hbe l! et thc Courtf Bouse, in fis Te_.. f Kingstoo, on Mpmdsy, 7t5 day cf J.t it 2olclockrmo. Acbrtilàvota by ptox>' muai le in writ- By order or fthc Preaident aoi! Diractorî, 4 W.'TWIGG, Iarepz. AIREOUIR L R& U T> EG te infimate, that in tii. cours of>h. re; I-F gent month they inteni! conmeàçidg a IrsocI of their busacs in Kingston.TiseÎ bave leasai! the &hop sn Front straul, next dopp te tise Cusfom House, wlhere th,3r*111 have a ndai. a large steck cf S TATI04VER Y sond m>GE8, uîis laving been selected vith mach cote dnrini lbe pasi winter b> lMr. Ramsay>, wbea ho Englani!, will ho faasqd suoderaba in price. Monslaal, lot mal', 1B4. 3w4 TUE MONTREAL Patent JordageManuafactory B EI o ils ful etone z rrusPoe sels et caimesu, cao 1* miecotai! a. ti;se slst notice. A largi ant! weilf asete! stock of White, Toi- ied, bo ,and . age, wit ho kept coosfaned> i. H. PERRINS, Aga, Iloobrel, Apil 21sf, 1841. S .P u tet tail Cdp Factor, Biocki Street. J. A. McDOWÀLt. Kiogaicf, 20d April, 18IL 1M2 RICIIARD BREWER, BOOKBIN'%DER, Kiig.ut. oma.to oand Bnclc-a .Kmguen. ~LLd~mf Bidng ncdy exe. A e»ed.--PewmmlgIÀ&rare flued up an tpui 3.u -lPe"cdj on ore. Baks of ail descriptions, madte ~ Î5j? MdMg doue for Libransid Bmook Istu.oaSociei., &-c, on thse uxot ad. vautagacua ternis FOR SALE. Ononitga Sai, &à tis te iSu'rel. Whimi, Ail e binll ot ceaI'luIe r oishi applffl redi. ac A cmmeeeIs RGI CL ma.7 111% 1leu. ascrior, IIL SMITH.,in., "&yste, a>1, 1841. 41f PARI! FOR SALE. A VALU:Lg rla&rere, U% siseul 80 Acres iv'-et a5r récoaf avilis agod Lag Homse, astd a Fràe. Parsia tise largesi i,. ; a lina VraiS 'midagtinmoqgIm i5 Se a i ll11., T ishme o aV a R!I >' cw iiilé "erex asi m a. inq, It is st3ataie a Marioi ofa esomf liSe, an! la diabasrmIpstantu ahub 17 ablas Mach 30, 1841, WANTEP AT did BACH!, 20,000 MUSIRAT SEINIt, laex, uhs plceï foi ait th er r i h .. iOqao, Apri, 6tb 1841, GEORGN E IWCI% S U R V yr , & C. &C, T>ESPELTFULLy requcas tisaai al ordiefs -&L U hm msjl ett ftis afwec f THOMAS JONES, Kingit% ay, i, 181,leu. Kng80 6 NOTICE. New Wh.1J9 »Wma"b.uoe salueuber bogs le àaeMg aseo~s Tmaz &W ubic e8li 'gs . e*.~ - - M pWk-i, & =W el'~s cehia ae ts tiaoy* wam . .ev>voed 0,R a 0)81. e Kingston, l9tls Apii, 1841. G~LOBE HOTEL. T 1-IE undersiped subscriber, bas tiha isnor te tender ta lus fricosis amnd thse public an gensis-p, hss mcii incere tiienka for thnce beral encouragement ise bas received snehis commuencemtssei irbusiness, sud begs Most respecîfuily te aciquaisit tise genstry, isai in addition ta bis bouge, bu bas talion a lease rcf tisat Spacicus buiidusg adjoining.tise Globo', tise t- ousses, beingjoined iu n e, ilarge commodiaus sand elégassily furniisea, sud cemmassding tise flhest ve san tis City, cf tise harbou-, mand tise splendid seenèr>' cf que. bec. Tise sussribes- keepa alvaya on baud tise cisoicesi IVines aud tLueura of supsesior quai. Ity anti pledgei inSlef tisai t r~eeto shah be ýatie tu râÈeide is G1tsb. Hotel" oves-y way wortby tise patronage cf tise pub- lic. A A C LEP I&Hd Ne.11AS.M usCHLeeýueP, 2w4 H aici N.1,t.April, 1841, 1 TO COeNTRACTORS & BUILDERS.e qlg ND)ERe vil! ha teceived frea eom"etn -9. p=ae util the 2$th Ma>' mxt, (et building FourSe. Heulsu en ic cimerif Break ed Quarry atteete, according te plana an!..spifca. tionb te ho sean 1>' applying tsi Mr.Brevne;Arebi.: iteetf-rom vhem ailinstormuation vill b. oltaîssea l relative teth etise olith1e sai! buildings. Se" curiy vilI ho teqîire! for die dme performancet tise se. Wl!d. WILSON. Kingston, 28th April, 1841. - TO BE LET, A STORE iu Break Steet, le a ver>' eligillo pi .t.localil>',andd acitable aillerfora Wlolsile et Retail Baer". tm osua a tha (iiaraOFs1 rit plsce. la daml Mrs. Lia.,., eq I.ary lui e Wb&, mesinis, ri ibiO 17t5hihert i " ceauireato Of1 Oamk. ci.ei the, 4aaflifli COs'f cey oui the gratin goa. lie§a] mia , 2w &aui 3A C. il. os the î;oîa a bose, Wo Ns. lioni dirsetli ia le tovDahlij ,audwhiOîs ,iI rer thal(.s ',e vs nt 59 V: bat dsia ael m n b el ip ,lrs 9 s. jaie AieUS"de .090uuliP I ha uieml r0ie *s iamtaie by M, ami! N ,lle ali eli ce.s5 baia yi 0e tbl5 Ibo C Wbs in :s ofa thu ptz NEW WHOLESMLE COKMISSION A"D AUCW:ZNFEE=G E STABLI1SH1ME NT. C tOLLINS& HAINES isareti>' aence lu ite bnir fieali!aand! the public geueralîr, tisat Lisey have commence! i heabiovyalUne, an! lire preparaII !t veonsgiei*;an! set as Agen& &e TIir Snre ans; wë Incoirse cf erectuon, i il! belarge, ceanmoisandi!acue r it mu iitai! osn Witer Sret, oppoite te Masb Wu. DscKsoxs & C'.'s Fariirlig falt! il- monifa, an! a teni doomasoatis of Mr. Jies. Ivas' Slip Cssnaad tore. Prom theit Weil kioco charme. tets and ut oin-ahabile, togetlner, wibli their long staninin hesaTow,,CoLuis L, &ilàrmia hose te bain a cosuinuance of lIa! faveur an! sappoit, 1 chich tbey>'bava lithaîettu e yed as a Fr i i tle Dry Go.!, Busis.TIse> aloaoemistaco iis opporanit>'ofe xptessing bleir gratitude tau hos fricadi vise bave op to the prlseot lime, so limber- al>' sappote! l hcm. CoLU.iSa& BUsses ste asUowed! îo eive fisc naisses efthîe fehowiog Gentlemen, as Iterees, wlusa caiknootysreeeclaiulut>'yuit, Lise>'bave smo doult, prove higbl>' soliefactor>'. John Canoter &q........... Kingsaton. 1 Douagla Prentiss Eêq ............. Rachat! Scobehl Esq.........a William Wilson Esq............. 4, Edwatd H. Hardy Esq .....li Mesmr. John Nlowal; & Co......g Vausce BeevehilEaq., ........Cobourg. I Tises. D. Hlarris Esq.... ....Tronto. t Ossian Pbelps Esq ........... St Calisaxînas. Abriten Truax" ........... Bocbester. 1 J. S. Isaac "......Oswego. 1 Eliin Clsck ........ Ogdesaiurgm. (.eerge Sauderson, E..sjBrckville. Mesm pd4àAmer C..Monl. Messrs. S. Forster & ce...Mostreal. a Moer. Secli, Tyra & Ce. Wm. Bradbury E.q. 5 N. B. C. li H. bfg to temmni! their frianis 1 tisat çalthogi tiseir cen Store is flotqsite finiisei!> tise>' tire notil raady te recuiva Cosigrimeols, act t as Agents, or atiserwise tulhî lise dalles cf tiseirG nec calliuig, havieg ho fhe meantima precQUtai Store monm in otler preminea. a Kingefon, April 12th, 1841,.S FRESII GARDEN SEEDÉ I TUST receive!, by île sssutcro,a quasssity or f ePFRESH GARDEN SEEDS, warrante, sod i! ter sai.eaetbis Fancy Toy Shbep, corner ef Broetisci Grass Steets, opposite fie Roaai Store et Mr.B W.. Wilson. 1e WIOLsALE ImPOs'ea to »R. riUmAr avpot& ESGN I'ANOY AàtO iTAUu.B Dar GOODS. .F*aM? S8TREE?. WI ILL bava lot sale on the arrivaI .111.ira 6V ri~j~ e Sà hta m LomalatsLiverpol oI'. e dc.e' dscs an!dcé: *fte amen me,-ut et b anat! Éapie Dry de; u &. casalat .Biue, EIseS, Brava, Boitie, qui! Cavet S. F. Viellas; Satanetts; Fans>' Vaieecies; Plin ani Primled Quiîtings anti Gambrounsih Plain, BIseS snd Paacy asîtmn,; chl »eîuiuaes an! Ptield Sao>',Bru"ls Carpeting; Green an! GerWK ~oen;BIu nd ii!Es, steaige! CrimacitU amasks 2 s."o':ingaies irinriiieme tn Crim»"n1'ejms; Dm1! Maelkis 1 Peinte! Satin Tops ani FammV i>CAré- trions, Tseilled Collono and! Swandoavis y Plaii soi! FancY $Selicias lVotbponVelvetsanssii 1Vlve. tirent; iBlack, Browii, Avanlerine, DraI, Gres Orange' Myria, Purte, lYnbertiaa PPmki S"~, Criso, Cinuamnos, Parpiet YeIlm,* and VInrai Rolle! Jaccenettes; Pritin ti en af v!Yj ';Joadi $tripes; Regattas; 3 4 and 6 4 Cottfon ais! Linenl Tic li; Gruey an! W hite Cottn; Sheppards Pli-4; ilengai Cor!; Blue Deries Aptan Chocha;T t le>' Steipes; Cantosi Yarn&; 'White au! Brolui Union Draper; 6 & 10- 12 SieacIned (lottis Ç W 10-4 Cotton Cuvra;. Bleanie! Liea Diaper W. B."Union Dire. Clibns Plaid. aud Diagemi Linen Drimia; %tsitç sud Brown Ddal s~Hacha. iaacks, DevIs; Olnahtrgtý. tis Sl J a ga lipartial-Vanvai; Twes admIjM; PouteJ boardt; Faute> Drilla ; Calice tnîtisngs; i questi. 1>' of Rea4 .M!.Vothing; BIÉ!Lt fi IIEVEt BATS; eenPlin soi! Colcred Ldti; Serti.; Ratils, tainsq Stiped Toscan, Rusflc uont Bic. Straw BONNET-N; %Willoc iSiapua; HUt Cord D..,ityr.g.lailbCbeckeî and SpjiamtCama bries; loçades; BlarkîiWhite, Pinks an! 8k>' Blue Book Masuo'&PatrtIimTaunlauned; Vriua mn! Sçatted Jaccaimetîs; Tamiaq oss! ok slu,ls Bsos Lawp.î wiandmuid ult Miîlel Priât- N t B os tB l e dk, adi! W hite m otde ; amr Grunalan! tinrea! Edffing sait Footing; T1'si: tien VAslencia .£dgi ;sBlonde Eslging *ire Grua! Lace IBlièciT arià loende Qui = a l an! Grecaio .; Laceq o a ç]W 9im a~f11 an! trimme!,; Pninte~ i &ir;ic; CI;nt* ami Cal- ice 1Dreeses; Fuaolttre Chial«;, a d«9 Plai, Whsite, Drals, soi!Corde! Slis -,'.-Bioclrsand mi b1POndation ÏMustiis à' çroa ., iUadkerchiefosi eliîiq and! FAmared Guz S e ca n d Veib, Blacks Barcealo nup.I sjmiDqcaS Himite'. chiisfe;Choai; Cliia' tramse., an! Printe! Ban!aooés1 Crape lla;e4Lsrqhieh Pilai!Shaule mn! .Has!karchîefc ý C.ottn.IiaÉke ciefa, in va- ret>; Fane>' R alabes; Plaiüns 1a ti ce! C rm de Naples; Voler.! Satiii t ftFo1ereocî WhstetBa, Sky; an! Piulý $i4bmn8; Plama,eu- grain.! an! Embosse!Pessiaàa;' Pombiceemas Psriflcial Floyers, (i0 grat varaqi>-;) Vounsa tiIk sai! Satin PARASOLS;, sîlldreut m5ry, bViib an! Scatlet, Woested aiid.1at« a e! Bfen's Browyn, Whsite, Blue, Strupsi! and Fane> Coftaon Soci, iVite, QCiel, Ma-Ne!, Aïd s Fancy ioue ; W!iite anid ,B aci tsIk do. îcàllee Opa; White mas! Blck Silis do,* en!. Catie, &orsesl soi!ladin RuIe. eliriea; flop!do; Bo. eltai; ateiisýtk4. d,ç liber.àeti Listing BInese We>li an!,Gil dol i re> Plain sn! Coiorei! doe f " te sud BliidS. aM and tilon *ire i Kaif t>jàgPlus; Nec!!..; Pie Hcokoal nEyap; Pattcim, Tapas Caotton Spcis;s o Balla; ?4arkini Cotoîs; Linesi Tbteai!; Sac- sSiiks -'Tiots'.' und-5il& CqiîtEs&Wm Wa'bs We4 an! dug Worsta! uPr'muian Ma.- ig B ohlaina ;*Collai Pýets la1. W; Caftan o!Sli tay ouni! 1ot Laces ;Scq %, Iini ni! Glamacd Tbtaisef rixi. Cotton, Liado amd Iilk.Gloes (in greait varies>yu 2 RTSASS0BTEp) CROCKRBY »O Bolle Bleacisa! 8$&à Canea., Nu. I go 6,te 'hich tise>'xeqnet flie attasen i ofi04Oc.. an! Çaptains et Y.es indmdi!p.m, an! Limusal daui sDece! f. Kiagbon, 6dm May, 1841. N'eW ARR! VALS. 'IHIP ATe, Wulow 8".n~Crde, k ait, l'raveîîioii dPi Bseî4Wotk è. sic. &tc. juaf i'ecetitâand fer Sala at -. Cc4 4. F4acy Sores Mérâ irli Kingston, May' 17, O84!. FOR &4LJ, ff o PCS, of atout RUMI84m9 Doc'ek" iÏÏna. ingto, Ma>' 6.18U. - ~ K~fSTER' PR!IME article 6r;, ilg-m asile.amote b bat f urtsai byfthe gaion or arrali by S . A. IRONS, -Royal Exchane, Prout Streeat tb Ta beve as a pleaffand amuctlant ele- r a e f r s m n t d r i n kr . Ki10enl d ay, 1841. ':TO LEAMQlg 'vé W o bj~ god BUILDINb 14>TS o. r Buaoci Tiaggviastisa Tocn ofmst aise Of T4I BEDWN. TO LET OR a tjirm oatsomsa BUILDiNG LEASE, absat Valoable Proper>' ie Kinumq sle tqta tisa qu t tStore ais! R estrStucts, com prlis im rio.r by67> a depth et-'?! test, and bing cas- 126 « 1 et

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