12,~S TUE KINGSTON iIERALD--TUE&SDAY, JUNE 1, 1841. luitt. 4 u«, Ist tesa ýgin:, tar 'ion has 10 luit of thjeS. l, until h stable Il IlleC bid"e t àt ( eConfuise in rition » in 'ewy il es pl,, e in avoratle 10 l, ,ai lies th ~,c -une f suily îlo ol, r god'" of rî5 liltuedil b Ir W;ni'..- en 'the ftl at, lj1 gond îium a ,, tbo l sel oIuull il o i thei îetL it tochn ncîte l10 Oy, and a Vr the Cdê ru'1oru or 9,Os liman and tweni> shi1î5 tise, about 5,»W glsh bM. mlis",i derin 15otaitming refûue to atcrtm A i5, thýt blonir,4 y and appîrenti, , 1- luite laber olrl -javernor uîns stord Sposnor i i the lMon. l'cle thce lads of r.~ r baptisesinfinit à conferred us cGiii Coilep, s 1, Canada. do. ly, de. 1 thut-"l We ?tst 0f the aessîy au ir o' eY t fi Boston tu Ilîliun, )n tlhe Saînliio irAk allter Poil, cra ateuîail iiijitfy s le las. %car iI Itl As ini Pes keripa,l appoinîte,! .l.!* lits feur Ille TaleS on hard the calr E. G. We-kckr 'r. ûof Lady CIC"' uted uoîinl I*, ais top OrjnJ2 was blli] ill ingateo, eo .ins .Pni#I -a tcr~~b menthal tise cateru nt C.e touodary blwen tise =tfei on~0, W51 also ise es* Tsar-imiers os a true ansi Pei- ,,,rjne with the Orîgi- au in1, vyDepetY SufvteYer tv t11s.bh easterii bound ar>' re '1çe t touap will be canirmesi and i~4G<n~îei e x eeclui of ftise 9,1, tla tOo'ansi enti ru lo 1 uitllIitil uesenta j IC o u u igratitude utot Lmgislatoscftise .111,lî i1îîtCuantil ecceeuted p 1nil lt,,tuc5 of 179 andi 1818 ýhe Inisi,,s5of thoeelaws the ssoesare enbldsi W,-, thCIle ,mPOta' rs ,ýd10 l. - - ,errrsandl defects in j, ,trec'in . ,Irr u troC andi perariatectt "15or judgmcnt reiev- iOf th rC e pn. bing in- icn aO,,llapplication * E rOlC'osin f the townshlip jr, 1 0ldîty ; and have 1 t %V o lwand] cquity, ansi oeC'iSirces.hav givenaa ruead rprliJltY. And t aa rOCa;ase a pPlira- t c4rethon the>' will con- 'hso t laimolanailut îîîCerod Cp7 V 5miO l udi bal -0sto the Court cf Quetn's nirpsrdovPhloI in bis commu- 1 ~iî idefeltive Suoves, tte r, pIr S.ject to b e rfr- r î ". e f il e $ î o e c . r G e n- p r r (1,ad . iucety Upîîcr rrthre icfolincueluamy be p.l! reîrvsrlts thprm to e mrte- *' se.l' in accordanc<e iît h h riical Survey iin 1783, by à, , ' LasC iiuuisioners, (11eCtefd djlcesi on a truie andi MENTOR. ',nuIof aIttos wbsm il May con- te: orêt ilait 0t eto 3th ilual. Ductor ",ydr1rdtie titisb Wlig,fon] Corn- re rrnarliOud irt - towu" i! ! The in"11 0abIita b t is Finter, pub. tremaurfis peto, tisaI bugot ýuRiîoerIl.; an le re, about tien rpta.og jt Ienu arives! by stage ulifSLadua,, on is asa>'tg Montres! iOgoli(al tu rail apoa fa ien], bu Yeun- nia, :e owa ouithbte belpofia geai] Iamp, s,;r ail his rare te îctualy waliowed in -udrin taest>'fart teyloni bis septis f, r eoad iltI, and] il was cal>' witi tise and y oi brouglu real gpoil iuch tiat inj li, oat agair. WIoe ko t wietiser . Le l.iard af Police frteir inattention eifthe nrcts or OIDosaugi iruevorthy -toI fancrvt e dlor o a publie journal 'oz ri tteo oire, acînsly fhundring te- -epthil wtr, sUd, andul tti, andi aler- to dry hus cltIes h> tise cabiti fie, rsi îrr r ulesiv r esumjîOOe) tetailsu. 'il ourýps iea Isgihrioue elistîe ta tise le 5ec saîjri c ouî f a Crikshanh --ýeriuo-lrue staulll have imagines! the ne ; atel e- taoax laed sec noltareu ilin cIf« t p-)- r't; 000canualconceive. v ' ', ot qIliIuuul'Of rir-, seeler, nuil I 'q candul t'îiuruliisg in, couis! -u t îuîIsilice tiue dry weather r rc'cr lfe siroIse oraucis amuse-- i. u t if ut in ru 51h15out af'Ithe way te Dr tru,w7er tai t-en pretis li> rîocudr1lI lilugl iupois tieSt. Lawe- niâi h ru rîîaîriely oh luvirg il apeedilyr. .,, , il n rt Iierelcre imurobaie thaI in, 'e- l r y tare uniknowilely dvr- filtire r ainulirgarrosa il b tise et' tejufiaeIte trer, nu s, & Mire, C i i Iotec utrai is tison-abouta -t S rýu-I lave I Cii te rase an] ve S ' "!'.re-caluI, wy olui bu1hocompis- ir r, A, leeblail, tîlat it> ptiasin 'r' tic a ,iirfao r pas, înay * 'I !' il- lut ,cr %Wateri ustea if a a~t r , in ltiJînd ilmie as flite t'.' . 5 rcî ow a iu r eliw f , i(r) je nîluta is co)gna- l'i r D uuui. P. orîht havre bee-î in-.- !cçrîlcul!-v o certain ad-- %rir I cr lIiîu lejîcia are restlec.r r ' "ghtrul D--k, tiside,,to'o- r S-1i o4er.1t, 1l'ut il lits Bac I.r WaY7 u u'li arbu- -lurcit cannae ho de- 'iil5ùi-l-c attlie %vas pretty le i';: ' uu trltîuîltise Bod. tlîuîuuking Iiiir)fo ru td -ll ,arodl oishing ru'r.-'U ruoal O'ae- - ~ r.. ruî tr.'- lItluon te ý31-i 4 li Or tf lie, ur,- lue gb11 .11l buicdyct- I'Velir ultiî,, librîris ruug ru uti-ry s -t 7". C"~ ioc e t-, ae " Li rb'\o,1 tahets inu-o GC-'J N îeî Àiunqu CuOL,uRCoU.F " "I t r ais u î.in tli g a lo f n e it or'olc Ia liue t'e r ee F r7e lu i'!lucreai iry have uC S1 .L rEEbfrNE an&, ais] 'r oruer r ' an t he&c.& c e' ~ll e t'lirr tt uro ibas - lut s id " I u lu a o ti '.î Il . REE a ro t ita.tîei an tn,. g i 9s Stue7 rect, as il, -sC.eURlebusin... caf7î EQWW.5u AriJCiON sALE 0F VALUABLE FURNITURE.. 0 N SaTURAnÂv ,il, the.51h lest., ssil b. eMd, in the Brick Houa. at the Heasi of Store Sîreet, al thse sluabie Fsuniure, 4rc. f4-c. beiang. îng t. Caplain Hissas, 241h Regt, uonsistiusgin ingBreakfast, Centre ansi Cars! Tables, Maisogan>' Sofa, ailieStools, hao[ stulfesi snd rassied, 1 Maisogan> Dressing Case, wîlh drmwers, Mabagan>' and Common Chiairs, A ver>' auperior London made Piano Forte,1 nesla c e, oaiexqu4ieSe lre-coe 15 Brselatýar Peit, ansi Hearcis Ruggi, Stair Roi],, and Carpets, Daiaask ansi Common Table Covers, lVindow Curtaine, &:. Fondera and] Fire Irons, Kilcisen, Parleur and Passage Slaves & Pipes, -Kitchen Fuririture sud utensihs complete, Breakfast ansi Desert Daner Sets, cuiisting ai co isundred andi ten pieces, Cul Oint Decanters, Wine Glasse,, Tuintiera ansi Wster Classes, Wine Coasters ansi Table Mats, Bronze Candîcoticles an] Passage Lamps, 1 Silver mountesi 7 bottle Crue-t Stand, *- b Plieil. ai] silver moanted Buessi Basket, Cinrey Ounanients &c. &c. 1 Iron Bedirteas! and Curled blair Mattrasses, Washing Tubs, Water Barreis, &c. &c. &c. Wilis a variel>' of uïeful articles of Furniture nol enuuneraled. Sale atIil o'ciork punctually. I. ALLEN. Kin.-olon, lune 1, 1841. A T tise houoe ni Mr. Douglas Prentias, Store- tSreet, on Tuesday 81he lune, a quantit>' ai JIOUSEJIOLD FUI/NITURId, tise prajuerl>' c Alr. Marra>', 2ltio Rgt, cansistinue cf Mabogany, Loo, Diningý, aonu er Tables; gofas, Couçises, Chuis, Carpe-to, lindow Curtains, Bedseaad4,j Featiuer lieds, Maitîrases, linrer ansi Breakfast Wari', Glass Table Limpg, Fonder and! Fire-Iroas, Slave ant] Stove Pipeos, Meal Sae ; a Leasin- Lilrary, coairticg of about 118 voi., nitis a sai- et>' cf tier articles. Aiso, an excellent Grey Ilorse, ans! a remark- ably ramfiale four wiseeleil Carriage, Single Haram, &-c. f81c. Tise Sale ta ccinience at Il o'clork, A. M.,. ans! tise Boise ansi Carniage wsiIibue fferesi for sale at I 'rlock precisel>-. ~ AL Kingoton, 29tb May', 1841. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, 0~ N Thursday, 10tb June, ai the boue~ occupi. '7ed b>' Major Stuyte,24th RqgimgnliiiGrave tret, <oPPOsite Montreal Stret -sÎ.quujtiItr Of and Breakfast Tables; Bràsseliskas i Kddïsminster Carpeta, Hearth Raga, Cortaina, Sofas,'Couches and Easy Chairs,-Fancy drawing Rooun and other Stoyés newest pattern, Oji and Czndle Lampe, a handsosme transparent French Chiming Clack, lied- steada, a superior ;remium Cooking Stae, and a variety of other artic!e5. Also, a London but Phaeton, with beasi, pole, abaft, and moveable Dckey Seat in perfect order, single anid double Harnesa, a handeome leigh built bv '1horîton, Montreal, robes of Bear, Buffa- loa bnd Lamb skina ; s vainable family Horse, per- fectly traineel for ssiddle and hamneas, and to stand tire. R. ALLAN. N. B.Alil persans bavin.- uusetled accouaIs wiîh Major Stuyte, are requcatstot furniah Ihein on the 12th June. Kingston, 29th Masy, 1841. THIOMAS JONES, AucitoiO1UERi, ApielAISEIR,. cOMMISSION XUjC4riT, ANiD GtNerRAL AGENT, l)ESPÈÉCTFUL'LY oAra bis services ta the N.publicii the abQvercapacity, asuring îhein that 'a bis hopes cf sncres, are restei on their Stppnr, hh détermination as ta use every etergy ta mnent it, andi prove himseli wortby their patrn- age. It is his intention ta continue a Weekly Sale of IIORSES, FARAI1NG STOCK, 4re. at Mr. BÀAbsoan'ls IN every SATVRDAY at Iba'rlock. [le trusts that as its permanent etablshment rmust be benebcial ta the commuoity, hie may finsi in- creasing encouragtmeiît in bis endeavors. FOR SALE, Several valuable Farms, Aa excellent Tavern Stand, wîth 4 acres cf land attaclied, ta bie let an Building Lesses, Maiiy plots of land, in eligible situations, andi on advantageous ternis. AISO, POP. SALE, An elegant Black WInut Sdeboard, l'air of do. (1',- Sofas, 12 Grecian Pattern 1aiogany Chairs, sectsof iField l3eisteais, Ilof Freh do. About 100 vo!s, of Books, A London (Reit) mîadle Ititi, A id Fowling Piece, A iglit Wagon in god arder, A Canadian Horse and keverat goosi Harkneys, &c. &r; For terrrns, apply to HM SJNS Kiig Sti rot, Store Stiett, Jue 6, 18,11. 1 7 SALý BY A UCT1ON, BY Ml]. JONVES, 4- 0ON FRIDaiy lise itisa> cf Jane, on be prom- sec, at 12 a'lock, noon, aoftavo ver>' SUIENTANTIAL STONE HOUSES, WtTII STArLES & ver>' necesnar>' outtîuiiirg tisereto, ini the cru- pition of Govemment as a Muilitar>' 1-Jspital, ansi et Mis. Trotter as i% esidenre, situ.sled at the West corner of Brewery Street; an] prostucîug at aslow rentai the respective auma ai £50 sud £25 lier 5r- îuum. The Buildings are in excellent repair, ne- cupying a suonre ai two lufths ni an acre. andi hein., S TORE 110 USE TO LET. QITUATED on Ires whaif, being 2 1-2 tories kChigh dimensions 40 b>' 50 fetl, suitabie fora Sait Loft, or a louring establishment. Apply ta tGEORGE IVES. Iring ton, lot Jane, 1841. po KI N.23 neec t--%.ise mort respebe.' NOTICE B &rarioli> impeovrcg palrta of Kingsloon.tbAn inds- S ereby given, Ibid applicationis b>' lelter twii! Lia puitue tille o'il ibe given, an n> an the.r iir .rrie!a beOfc nilfaa et7 eoulicuo mu>' te haiton application at the (>11. i qnu-Abfltse nocdet tren ais e nil ous . retei ous éi Ille Aictioncer, or ta H.- SM ITM, Eq., Solicitor. dai c OWIstinngtie cIinc einonEsuR, elveyO Kung Street, StoreStOf t, ain thew oficgse of $18ana Vcnt- as luneb, iii.Applicants W"ilIbc relliires! lé gise trerencesias Me POSTPONEMENT. ta qulhficatiOns asid character. Tne salar>'vil, b. £100 pur annuin. S of Esaea Mi. OIcot's propert>', in Store B>- order of lthe Mayor sud Commoc Caunril, Clu ~K îe,(Ciaik's Taveon) adrertises! ta Lakei FRAS. M. H'ILL, plac.a ta daY, isls PoaasNEa taSATURDAY, the 'AisgCekC . T i2tii . 84. Office ofibe Cemmen Conrul, lun, ot î 4î l Kingston, 25tis Mis>, 1,941. 6w2 Dei NEIW GIROCEIRT STORE. j OTCEi< T 'r ?EStciresbgIaelium eir } YOUNG LA 1y (ust arcivsd frutinLande:,) Gl an] ilst icirual>', tisaitisy luave commences! busi- pabilil>'au] .DLîsîscler, desires te engageasa dai>' Lu ncesito1tisai Store rext door ta Mr. Bainfrd's Ho- Teaciser cf MUl' asAFECIl daormr tel, Store Street, mArre tc>'Wili constantl>' keep ropcate aIians. RfeNC as t nres ebid- T an isani a chire, assarîmont of Groccries, Tean, rstable., ns>'bu ms. Rta tise a es.W M ecis ans! I lwia nes, Liqur, e. &c., whîchtie>' w11 eil as mer, Kiagsfon, ans! J. R. J.- Fourre, Esq., Miili aa. a as ay ter eslabl,ent in. town tise>'beg Creek. AppI>' at tiseoafice ai the Kingston Bar- aliato icr iuodag'a Salt, Plater ef.Paris, Water ais.'A Lime sud W'biske>- b>' tie barrel aty er>' reduced Kingston, Ms>' 2tl, 1841.6 prices for cash. A share 0f Public Patronage is re- 6chasu $pecîluli>' soliciles!. NOTICE.- chi DA NI EL O'CONNELL & Ca. TO LANDOWNER8,0ND PROPP.IETORS En Kîngalon, Ma>' 1841. 7 IFlUR' '-. KINVGS TON MARINE RAIL WA Y, C/sarièred b>' art of Parliasseu. TN coosequence of theisencreancoi businessat Athis establishment, tbe comn pany bave reaolved to empia> more capital. Notice is bereby gives tha t tie books aiflise Institution wilt be open fer subacription entil lthe 1,5th luDne oei, shousid the. amnst reqeiresi sot b. akec previaus ta that date CHAS, W- .IFNKINS, King"ta, May', 1841. »t$OFFI CE TO LET.4- Ex2u ri'c 'ne- et fi cc. eue I* aNui u.isai tewaLoI, Bhe Ibat Purcebend aalteauni4 cee uj ta lodsead ta lise. nppication eadI land L ed l>, Aoctiae & C.am m oom% aou adrsl su, Store Streut, Kingston. JA3. C. GO DWIN, NP F. B N LL A tkUcl e. e, 'B ek ea & Co A mi m en ~ s he t. N. B. Ail edues ia eiticeof thelb. hw. branches, reesiansdfrosather frinM ae-mutr' Shan1 bas. lhizurmet u lattention. iKingston, 24th May', 1841. 6 ]EXTENSIVE Cff EDIT MCAE B Y cITON, Liq-#rsW-es, T-asF-us, &--ria ,4c I theSem-oiiflu« pull& à c&' FRONT sTRE, KIMOSToN, ., f NWEDNESDAY the 9th day of Joue aut, a.7nd following isys, wtbout reielle: SUGARS. 10 bhd3. bigbt MUBCOVado, 30 bbts. do 10 do East India Chrystaized,« 6 blods. Landau patent double selined Loaf. TEAS. 25 cheats superior Twankay, 10 half chestq do do 50 do do Young Hyson, 75 ratty boxes do 10 hali chests Icupetial, 12 do (lenpiwder, 5 do Souchong. TOBACCO. 40 kegs Piug, 15'5, 18 do do 20's9 10 boxes Cavendish., Ib0 o oes steero best Liverpool Soap, 70 hall do do do 50 boxes Mautreal do 30 baga Javatifliee, 5 lbis. Roastesi do 50 boxes Grounil do 10 boxes London Sperm Candles, 30 cases London Starcb, 30 cases Fig Blue, Mt;04uncoi)%Cigars, ;0,000 Repalia do 2w0jare flour NMutd, 2 baies Cîcres, 15 bags Black Pepper, 80 boxes grouansido lot andi 2e1quaity, 2 ca;ka Mel'aones, 5 bbis. Pot Batley, 1 do Pearl do 3 Tierces Carolina Rire, j 15 blls. do do 30 hags East India do SPIRITS. 10 hhds. Olsi Jamaica, 1 lt, 2j, 5 qe. cashs do do 30 do dol1tuo2, BRANDY. .1 hhd. Ott&rdDtusy à Co.' 18q.cashs Ra1at, GIÉ~. 5 bhds. pureflollansiu, 3 do'Schefdam do 21 cases do *do WINES. 10 balh pipes Olsi Port, 5qrâcasks do 14 andtau barrais do 25 qr. cash@ Sicil>' Red, 10 qr. cashs «Goarie's»Madeti, 12 qr. caass C Facouel do, Z5 qr. cawsc otabml??do 9 qr. catissDus; <Goardon & Co.'s Sherry, 3 octaves do 2 caçhs Sweet Maagi, 4 cashs Sandunan's Part, bottied iaaJdon, 10 cases Nickarla Champagne, 20 baskets Girafre do 4 casks Sperm Oil, 8 baaktts Brdeaux Olive do ,5 casts Spirits Turpectine, 1! tierces double reined Bardeaux Vinegar, 17 qr. cashs do 12 hegs Lochfina Herriego, 4 cash Nutme5s (in lots> 5 hhds. Table Coddahb, 75 doL Corn Broomoe,. 140 rma Wrapping Pdpers 20 kegs Grecn Paànt 15 hep Selertus, -3 hegs Sult Patre, ?i0kegsAlum, 5 boxe&Ground Ginger, 50 mattsaCasia5 20 heps Zante Currants, 50 boxes BlGoam iis, 12 hep Smyrna do 10 boxes Pantelena do 200 jars Bordeaux Prunes, 200 crums Figs, 25 boxes Oranges, 10 do Lemons, 4 barrels Walnuts, 2 bbis. Rail Brimtone, 1 5 kegs Copperas, 12 boxles do 8 Lhia. Bath Brick, 4 tierces Wbiting, 10 boxes T. D. Pipes 10 graea, 15 46 do. 6 grues, 40 boxes lf. boxes Windsor Glass, 4 casks Warren's Blacking, 5 asake Bryant & James ditto, Il cases pltenti. R. Oji do. With a variai->y. f other <cods expected i t, arrive- Sale ecri day St 12 o'cloch noao, precisel>'. JOHN PATTERSON, kingstoti, lai lune, 1841. 31O VINVG B UILDINGS. TBE Subscriher haxing furpisbed.himseK with iinpleusents for moving buildings, ti. uow pro- pîareil ta ila an>' jobs ofi hat hindon outhe ahorteat s.otice toa ayr. quired distanceÉ. Enquire at Wm. Wrigls'r, near George H. MeLpan's, ~Stuartrille. Z. BALLARD. Kingston, lune lati, 1841. 3qwp. Kingston, May' 31, 18i1. A BILL for raising, levying and coliecting s Rate orTex ai Six Pence je the Paod upn the real and ersanaI property in the Towen of Kingston, for ti general purposus of the naid Town, for lb, Jear of ont Lord Onu Thausand Eight Hun- -<fred smdlFort>' One. Be il enscted b>' the Mayor, Aldermen snd Coeesnaity of the Town of Kînganton, in Coin- mon Couacs! sssensbled. L That a rate of Six Pence in tbe Poundi upun ail tise teat andi personal propeet>' in the saisi Toiin, subject sud fiable tlob. tated, taxesi ansi psesod b>' thie Maoyar and Caýmmon tauncil Ihereof, uoder ansi la>' virtue efttlaeArt bf th'Piovincial Pirlia- mfe1hi-pasoesi in 'tliè first Year e>i thie réign ai ber presesî Mlajesi>', entitlesi "Ad Act to.Incarporate tise Tete r;b stn-oh«-ta ami ot- i"f. Maitoi andi Common Council of tha'ýowlof King. sta? alali esud the si rate, tlior assémi- meut Ihereby'la ratesi, taxeïchrged aiena dn impapud oinsucb ruai sad persan"., prperty as aforoi4id. 11. That it *hall b. lawfui for the Cohiector or Collectant appoinelsi r to be appointesi for the said Toa , y lbe saisi Mayor ansi Commoil Cacil ;, audits. or Ihe>' are hereby ssslhorized sud reSuir&'d ta ruqiqu levy sud collect the said rate alSx Pane. in the Pouund on such reaI and poentieal propeet>' ne Ofotesad, f thelb.oviers, occupiemsot othec.per- sansi h able ta tise payaient thewdo, snd alio - ta raise lem,' sd collect of sud rus eatb..aud .eviry u -b41*bi -1. lcf th -lad Tas e dfiiiheàgaof twet~-ae usr, sd nl 'b.v ~. of i sity y ars, Doa t tcr *ieated undeir Ue s.tbarity ai lh. said Art ai lb. ProvincialParlian nt5sd who by the laws noi* ii farce woufil b. hiable ta perforin statute labor theu sain cf Ten ýShilliiigo each ; sud the said Collector or Coliectars is and are Isereby fequàiresi freu in int ta lime, as hie or they sil! cal- luct and rcctive snch rates, taxes or aase.eenta, le pa>' ovet.Usàe saine ta the Treasurer ai the naid ?rown, ta be appiiesi by ties id Mayor ansi Coin- Mou'touncil for the generai purposea tisercof; and in case any persan or persans saoli ueget or re- fue t he s e m or soins assessesi, ratesi or ii poies ihm, ber or then, tuader aud by virtde of tboe aid Ad aifthe- Provincial Patrai4'nm*;ta the ime therein limitedlthen -andTlasicch crsii sas! b liebhedty of, add the said Colltctor or Col- leton is aud aveh ereby autlîitzeditalevyasud secure the naid rate or rates frein the person or persans neglecting or reiusiusg ta psy the sine as afoeesaid b>' oucti awiul ways and mmas as b>' th. naid Art are preseribesi. BONNETS. D~ UNSTABLE, Devon sud biroasi Platt, Wjth al great vaiety of Mualin andi other Dresses, fresis for the Scason ansi at very Ions Prices, at G. H. HAINES & Co. Kington, April 7, 1841. NOTICE. SEVERAL BUILDING LOTS on LEA SE, ta buc btained hy application tate aSubscraber, 'and situatesi or lying on Block C, the Glebe cf St. Gearge's Churrh. GEORGE OKILL STUART, Rertor. Kingston-, 1tiMay, 1841. VrARIETY STORE. No~. 4. GaertraBuslelegz MARiE? aQYAI. ROAD CLOTH, Cass..mere, Worçted Plaid .U.Csssne1tt Cambleteens, Tweeds, Ch.ntona, MoleekingsVestingie. y thce Piere or Yard, a fine assertoent cf irgai SILKS. .ih an! Frenchs Gros s!. Naples, figures! DRESSES. susliue de Laine Dreeses, Camttick do. .WLS AND DRESS IIANDKERCHIEFS. bmlx, Peints, andi Muain. Collars of ail Dcsetsplions. ureas!, Nett Caps, ans! Caltera, anal Culb. BONNETS. unstabie, Strass, ansi Tisas. luleet fashiens. adeu ans! Cbils!ea% Parasols, jaslt receives!. antiemen', atsosas!Caps, Boys Cape. GLOVES. adieu long ans! short Is! Gloses, do. do. do. Lace Mat, la. Siik Glovesfai aUclora, tiliesi Regattd, ans! grass biecied Sioartiueg Union, ulmasi ever> alter jrdicle in the Cotton là.,p assartmeut ai tise.abs. atticiga leyt ooh "'and, nmade in the buaI manner, snd ip or cash. . - . 3 'gilis, French ansi American Stocks, o(al iios Sai,,,Plain andtigouiesi, Fîech t ailus, rukne!!, Silk ansi Valencia, ansi ai Lissa Couàr.as mmBoium& COLLAIS. - sies Coilransid Caps, Tireasi, Lace, BehiielI MSi", .oflthe lateot style*s"ifbesa qsualily a - ' 1 1TEAS. Id ver>' 1ev lot Cain. 9 lice ahove atteles cas b. basi a. wbeonde ail su I» au eau be purehdumii n esaL e ciall, andssi uo r yolnselve,-quality andi eama mach oblige- 9. W. 1IIAUY. Bornai ia -Au Kiapm, l7th Ms>', 1641. GOVERNMF-T NOTICE. S EALEI) ENDERS xll enieeeived it ite FsoiAîv, thre -1/e of lune, nex!, troanau>' persan or pers desirous cf enterinz intoas cnntract faraup.. ffiying surisquantities cf FUEL WOOD. ma me>' te requires! far Her blajesly's Forces ai 'he P;~ts. ai Kingston, Foit Heur>-, Foint Frederirle aud Kingston MilI,, (romn lb. Ist Oclober, 1841,. ta 30(h SePtembe, 1S424. Tise ssaod Isa oiSist oSf£air proportions cf baud mercisanlable h-ard IMap:e, Hickory, Black cr Yel- iaw llireb andi Beecii,*arih stick ta-*be- four fret lon kram srarp ta point, and trnuelmas b dismeter tissa tiue acbes aithlie s.nall end], snd ever>' cord tr contain 12S crbir leet. Tise Contractor to hase the ors of tise Govern- ment Fuel Yard, aithetc everal Post.ç, in ecrisoa wbîeislibumvili bie requrrei] ta have ai ahi tienes a eupphy eqical ca four moulus' consomption, suis wbirt shili bave bora cul i least tavo montbs previausi>'. No decayesi or rollon wooi] wili bu parinitterl in lise Yards. Tise Tenders ta express un wori]s at leugs, tise .fste per cari], in Halufax crrene>', including the delivery ai tiesamne aI tise. repective Baiîrackes anud Quarter,. rPayaicnt wili bc made b>' checke on a Cisarteresi Banks. Uoexceplionabie securit>' suject la Use appro- e&'~*e.-,cesm, isii, ,gjuirdand tise fortbathfasiipprformance tuaie %"to a Bond lie giveis on lise Tender. Terieas of Tender aud conditians of conîract can be ainesi attise Commissariat Office, where sus> furtiser information will lbe affardes!.' The abave vilI be exempt frai oua buvec lise Cataraqisi Bridge. Commissarist, Kingston, 17ts April, 1841. Commona1 or hie Town et [ingîtoll. Ato aCourt cfftue ConîmnsomCooueil, held t/4ùsday, the foloslig Bill mos read aJlrit lime, and or- déred ta be puUis/aed, preparaiory ta ts beronig a Lawo. Bp order afl1/u Mayor and! Camn mm oIc, FRAS. M.,HILL;, RIOYAL NMILSTEAMERS. Lake Ontar-io and Rider Si. Laencce. H E Pýlic are infante] jit bi. .fphlossing iE re ts-arragemnents foi lbip 1!in: St BEtO E,e t wsensd2bt4Mt, cp .%thrtap,-CitJe ORONO, pt. PROM KINGSTÔN à- lf pe4 7 olclock *Vieuing, Suasie, ah Tlksday, t4l. 21. týie AI s 'o'ioctr Kvening, Tuesas>andsiFridatm, <h Niagara, AI 7 o'clock Eveiung, Wednceday. an] Salur.e!>, lise City of Toro, ans! arrive at Toarnto carl>' nextsdey. Tise ah., Steamers assaut lihe anisai of the Montrent Mail aI Kingston. PROM TORONTO At 12 n'cincle Nomn, Monda>' ansi Thursesy lise At 12 1cl~oeir Noan, Tucada>' ana Fridth ie City f Toronto,- At 12 o'clock-lhon- West4aY qnISt9ia Ans! arrive ah Kingslon usel>' ueît maiuing. Tise shote honte cail!at Cobour& ans! Port Hope, earis Ms>'. 1 ...- .- - And the «Cîiec Toronto",will lesse Toronto for Nisaaans i sous' oe'éý 9Pitnufy born- ing at 8 o'clack3 an.il reýrn fa Toronto in lb. ai. -ternoon. - RIVER>Se. LAWRENCE. Bceeu Eui..gson & ilkIinsoc's Landiig. BRtOCKItË;_Capt. Maxweell, Frein Kolqt a t b . <cilck Morning- Suday, Wms!nesday uns!Frida>', Frain Dichinson', Land iug st 4 o'clock Morning, (or en 1he artivai ai the Mail ioua Montreal> -TeWs!y,.Tbursdsy and Bat-ardgy. ý H. GILDERSLEEVE, - Capt'. Ba.er', Froin Kingston aetB9eclock Morning-Tessimy, Tisrda>' sud Salurats>', - Fronc Dickinsoule Landîag ah 4 u'chack -Maraing, <or an lise arrivai ai tise Mail Iroin Montreal> -Veiiesday, Fritta> and! Sonda>.-'..*1 Fromt arragementas whicb have buen msièwit the Upper Canada Stage ansi SlesinBoat Compa.. ny ai Montreai, Passengers bctsreen Monîroal ansi Kingston, arrive el Usose placeà on the afleencon ai tise second day. Tic. above Boats ceau et Garianuque, Brockuille, Mlaitlans!, Preeroti, Ogdeneburgtî, aNatilsia snd Wiliamsburgh ech aris :s.. Bagg gaeandi Parecds authe/ucrisk ofthue aonerun- Irsbscrd and setited for as frcigNe. Lake auss River Steain Boat Office, Kingston, lot May', 1811. la -in-& T - ERA i, WH0LESLEIMPORTER.q 0F FANcyfi 8 TÂPLE DRY GOODS, PROËT STRE?, KINGSTO>'. T IE Subscribers are nov receiving part cf Iheir New Gooda for tisis Seuso,-aa] are dail>' expecling ext "cg hawlgfl " Sonter jobuia>'e sud "Rainbu,12 te reuassnder ?flieir suippiqici whiic VIII compris. a comýplet. ansi che ié assor- tarulf iFne>' andI Stspie Dry Gooîs, ta sbicbi the attention af the Iras!. is requ ested. ý. A literai credil wiii be giveua, ansi the usas! dis- rount all asses! for rcs. . & - A' Kinga-tocD, 251h Mal', 184 1. FORWARDING..1841. meesap bave miadecrptoste carry on lthe Paxacotrin.termesljse places, sMd MOIT#rIixry ssai U te ST. LiIWBENCE, undetjsm.Fig'saor FERGUSON & M'GIBBON, MouiTaaaz. MGIBBON S& FERUSON, Kau9qgffl ét ghof ledsuvrlags aI ahts cusitbtweigbt, andal at'etu4 eeqe.,autm m thonaent f Y tdin ! e . rade. ALEX. 7EGUSO(I. UMetreal, April 26,1841. L. USTrm% ad buteb>'tlé Soeibees, Wblte do. 01, ow eec do. A4 d. &«ulVinegar, 60 Koe Cnt Nailup-, A Bue ChestTveBk ~T .T. KAe Kiaton, le*h Ma>, 18u1 Kiirpt'us, May 11, 1841. H.SIH a41f FARM FOR SALE.- A. VALUABLE Faris r fers ale, econ- -- tamuaag ONE HUNDRED ACRES aithie ver>' best land.,.iu.tbg taçip of Lougbborougb; ahoât.80 Acres voiler a bîgli stat,. ai caltivation, ,with à gýod Log Hanse, ccd a Fraih e B*ans(e largest aise ; a fine Creeh ruuuing tbroagb it, bay- ing a auflriency ai wuter in apring sMd failita !999 a Aliii. The a bave property will bear examipa- tien. Il la siluated on thc margin of s beentiful lake, ansi is distant from Kingston about 17 miles. For furtber partirulars, apply etBtheb.offce of Ibo Kosgsion lierakW. mach 30, 1841. SHOP TOU LET. N n o0f the beît bisinies iîaitu"ps .a'Ks< Late,#e~v.rylow Tent, a very convc'.ie.t SHOP infiiltrade, mi4oWe- f« uitiser a& Dhy. Gooda, Clotii, or Ghsceiy Store;- the stock now on bsand mout le tatenaut A lakiealiataon, or at colt' aetlus aptiou ai Lb. paerchser. A liberal ciedit viIf le givyen for the purchas. of 1h. Stock. Appi> at tis Office. Kingiton, Mai' 24, 18U1, ~ GEORGE BI E, S UR VE YOR . & c&0 ,'- WEETFULLY requesta tisat aIl orde,. for miPmay bc lftut the iffice of - THOMAS -JONIES. Kiaplena, May l8lb, 1841. e- NOTICE. New Wholegale Wareisou.' T R sbscrb er hegs toar acqumt bis Custameis audth Puli .pn ndly, tatvith. s ,iew of exteudlag hi$ f,ç.s, b -busleasesi miDavidi loba Stnilh 4 the 'minsu iuPreuisttSroI fomer occup*iedb>'Mi. Alexaaser5gN&b. LIUR Sw liNIS,'TÉ uîT GRGcCIUlà; CBERYM, _l5euIIjf, 1 1a1 m ue1, o . Plu ."tâtr. wglî,1M&y24,~ jiiI/ NEW WliOLESiALE COAMISSION AND E STAB LISHlME NT. C OLLINS& HAINES hereby announce to ttieir friends and the publie genetallv, that Ihey bave cmmeened in tb. ahove Ue, ntd are prepared ta receie Consignunents, ad açt as Agents &c. Theit Store Hanse naw mn course of ereetuon, sein b. large, cosmodeous andsi ecure. It les it1ated o 'Water ýtreet oppositt te P4&leurs. Wu. DicrîsEo<SOZ& C.'s Forwoarding EsiaUsh- mnd, sud a tjrx doossçotb.cf Mr.Jso. Ivas' Shs'p Ckantdkr.u Store. Frcrq ibeir.weil knco charar. tels and business habits, together, with their lonîg stancidig in, the Towix, COLLINSs & iliass hope ta Obt4in 4 £autinuance of thal favour and suppoit, which ttcY bhi" hitherto o.njoyed as a Far t5 in the Dry GoSds Business. Ttsey aiço embrace this opportunity cf expressing their gratitude ta those fsiends who have up ta the present Lime, so libtr- ally.ouppaîted thejn. COLLINS & HINEîaS are allowed ta pire the nasses of the faillwing Gentlemen, as Releree-, whose weII known respectahility will, they have 11o daubt, prove higbly satisfactary. John Counter Eaq........... Kingston. Douglas Prentis s _q ............. c Richard Scebell Esq ............. c liliam Wilson Esq............. m Edovard H. Hardv Lsq .......... c Mess=. Jaon Mourat & Cc.. ý......c vance Boswell Esçq ........ Cobourg. Thou. D. Harris Esq .......... Toronto.. Ossian Phelps Esq. ...ý....... Si Catharines; Abham Truax"............Rchester. J. S. Isaac >...... .Oswéga. Edwia Clark " - O.-densburgh. Messrs. S.Forster & Co.-..Montes!. Mcssrs.Scit, Tvre &CVo. & WiL Bradbury ksq. %--' c N. B. C. & H. 'beg fo remind théir fiends that (althOugh tbeiFo*ü Store is not quite tlnished) they être riow ready te receive Conigninenîs, act as Agents, or otherwim lulbl the dbties of their uPw dalhug, bhavî,sg in the mîeauýtime procured Store rooîà in other pTetnhss. Kingston, APril 12th 1841. - .TO BE LET, SSTORE in Drock Street, in a very.elisible Ioca1it, mi suitable either for a Wholesale or Rutail Bunes. Apply to Mrs. Batiterworth. Msay 4, 1841. MUTU4t FlE INSURANCE COM. PANrOF TRE MIDLAND iISTRiCdt. N (ITICE is bereby givam,-thW ïus an u1 .LÇMastic8 etthesaisi opny for the ptoroa af FIl*ecting by ballot a Board of Directons for the te 9uingsle will be bold at the Court Hanse, in t We Tocf Kingtn, on Mauday, 79h day of June next, ai 12a'elocir, non. Authorities te v"te by proxy muet ha ini writ-. ing. BY Order or the Presideat and i Drectors, W. T WIGG, Bcredary. Kingston, May lI, -1841. WitOL5tS.ALI SNORTERS eîî usaRasU AND> FOR- EaluN FAR-CICt AND isTAP1. gay <0905, WIIL4. emveor sala On the arrivai Of ice tirtt sVpriag vesselg fin tLoqdýoi l, Liwcpoet. Clyde, ard fDundee, a eboiCO as* COunheteîlsar meut ai ïancy andl SispIe Dry Gooeb, &c. toolft - Blue, Black, Bros, Batile, sud Claret -S. F. Ciattîs; Saticiptt; Faary Vaicacias; Plain smi Printed Qacillings and Gaibleons; Piain, Blacke andi Fancy C.telians; Mach Delsines andi Pîatou Saxonya; Brssi Carpeting; GrPean d Geraji' Moreejuf; lueInd ai Egraintsi Cricesoa Damasks; Amber Ftinges triainmesi wth Cri Tops;y De'h Moleskin.; Prîî.teel.Sa!jnaTeis as an e>' Cap taons; Twileui Cotait- an . tSw dawssn Plain andi Fancy Selicias; Cotton yaaMVl- teena; Btack, Brossa, Avantorian Drb, , ps Oange, MrlPuce, IVaterica, Pnr Sy Crimoi, cinaniua, Prpie, Vellars nsiCAaret liolle] Jaccoa ites; Priuts jun great variety; Jean $tripis; Regatîs; 3.4 an! 6 4 Cottoan d Liot Tic ks; Grey> and] Wbite Cotton; Shepparis P!aU lengai Cord,;:Blue.Dernies; Apreas Checks; Tur. le si Cotton Yarn; White ansi Brown Uiu - la St In- 12 ImearbesiCw» S 66là 10-4 .rtlan - Calra ;' gte ced Li nn .B.UinDicO Chotis; Plain ansi Diago'ns Linen -um~ White and! Biown Dochsi; Ho.h*- isacks blowtas; .in*burghs;.Twiliesi Sachiaga; lunjîcii Canea i t 'weeds ;.Wadding 'Ps'p' board;- axI'yD.in.9 '.câiiee Cutting ; aqan à- ty oif b;àdy 3 dlace 4lisîc1. è LK 4e1 HATS; Devaon, Ptan-ani 0'ordLutus, Ugrija Rousi]d, Plaip sud Si l >scan, -Resut and Rire Sura w Ù -! . T; IaV 1inhapes Hqr Cord Piaiy lain, Cisorcked snd 8potesi Caap ~ . ~ Çïo W ie, Pik ad Sb ansi Spotted Jarcsne;tts; Tambour] Bo csla Bishops Lawn; 8wis and Meil Media .bj, ed Coloade; Plain, Grerian, FancaU - gnld Nett; Bread Black, san] bitb;l1*tf.Wr. Gran nitsd Thresd Edgissg andsiFootij aIiilar lion Valencia Edgiogs; iBlonde Ejn; rGrouni] Lace; Biach Paris Blonde Quii tg;PJf ani! Grocian 4e.; Lacs ansiMuahin Ceps friliqd sas! triim md PIh. 1CmriChintz sud Cal- ica Dresss;'Furnitetre- Chinitz; LadiW a' in; White; Drfabisnd - dordes i>' o rssandi 'Founduijien Ilsisl eea ad.rih Plait% sud Figure! aRited '~ an sdVel Black Barcelea,n, qspi il uaeHuq cisiefs; Checiccd,.lbia, tlimsoo, and Puictei .Bansiannas; Crape Ilandhtercisiefs; D"alled Shawbi 'and Hauderebiefs ; CeltasHaadkerebiehio e M»a de Naples; Cileed! ~Wh rs., Vise" W.Iite, BW4 ky, ',.1alfik Satin; PlainBal. g-aned ans i eabeset Perans; Bewzaa.a Artificiel Flowen4sin.great varnez,;) ColIn, Silh sud Sa.in-PARASOLS; Cies Gw.pý %Vite andiScarietWesaled sud CattuSu cks; Men's Br.un,uWhîte, Bine, Stripesi and F.ncy Cotton, Soces; Wite, Gre>', MarMse, Blue aonl Fanc>' Hase;:Wisite ansi Blas Sîllr de o "Mm laps); ;White andi Black S51k do;- Megi's Worsteul ansi- Indtia. Bnbber; Bracea; B«ys de .;- Basfy Befla; 'Patent aaid Fonoy -Leausor Belle;, Laating Shevel,'V4»ond>lurGirt. do; Childmss' Plain sud Celoresi do; Whit*46ad Blac Bo"*% ansi Ribboe Witt ; KulUing !14oi; Neesiles; P~lase Hooke sud Eyes; Uutbmo-; Tapes; Volesaoon do Balla; Maring Cstta.; ia.eu TbreaeVl- igSilhs; Twists; Rousi. kFilk Coat Edaing; Lamb'aWoo I adsiRug Worahod ; Prues simnBd- ing; Robbisss; CelIc.u rets; Galloons e; Co snd Sillr Stay and Bopt.Lu«e; Stocks; Stierners andi Glizcd. Tkyaalegr-,..Kid, Cotton, Lido andl t3i1k Gloveij (in greaeyar.icy;> 25. CiATEÉ .Aq4OETED CROCKERY, ' * e1fts Bec u4. t$i Cuant, Wb. Ho Ç, te W it1 Xe a aqnâ t lepticnof $ himOssuers Q~-A 1~orai tiyllbe given b>' fiarmisM Cuisco-ut= 2 W k i -a i "0 Dock, for a- 6al u g Suamw e o w#ess. *lnTop-, ~~~ai1 ~Wff Dul. ,,- W WILSON.- for dx " ir itis- articàe Mt tô Royal Exchsange$ Frod Sînet. 9:E> 7Tie aliove-is a plaesnt ansi wholesme W.. verage for sumioro drink. Kingston, l8tb Ms'1841. TO LEASEk, T!WO or THREE gond BUILDI.NG LOTS oi TE Baaçg STRX, in thse Tassa or Kiegaten, Eluire of JOHANI4A BROWN-. TOLEBT, OR a terre af yetis on a EUIDINGLF.ASl Fts:t VoialbePr.perty inKrton, jitaitig a frontnt the cor and lh u et, éd bisigs posesi roipart of Tcwn Lot Ne..$9O)ý-4ppil Sq lise C. 1 i