Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 15 Jun 1841, p. 4

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ta.- loti. NEW FOIWARDING LINL- iatme Rieura. L48101900100 TIM J mmR JIONTREAL, BROVEVILLE, KINGSTON ROS-q MATIF. & Co. ai Mcuerael W ITU mou »d immpreel larges, ulUL e pic- paredl ai thre epsemimg of t*aeN*viqa"taot give Passage te Em.gra.i. sud ta transport Pro- etty et ail descripions yuitucreasde.lsa "' d dispateb. Fragi il mnb ecd durged 'br lg WEIOiT fg et raeaureadèced bebowt e 'le assgcts txoctrd for peiaPoS t. The Subudriera, (rommo.s fýcitiies ubieh iL.y psand ai heir determinatiou to do tise besites mnoU e ld hdem saiisfactatiiy trust tLai ibey wl commumi d Jmeriiia sha:c alofylie support. (Signai,) .ATTH lpE, KASTON,& Cc. JAMES ROSS, IIFNRY EASTON. .laauary 1b 1841. 38 NEW AND SPLENDID CABINET FURITURE, Aà Ctcap ms the CAaput and as gruod a th*best. Tr H E Subsciber begg Ira,. to ialiem thceîpub- JLlic gealati,at Le bustremili bis Fur- Biture .ar Bom i. is new building, racenil>' Preeted in Menireai Street, tbird deor turanutîe corner cf S!or. Sutec, and tIe Mleri. Thi,da'a Grorery Soe--whcre viii always Le toond as g- neatssxtnetof READY MADlE FURNI- TUn o f the bit queuiteamil laelt patteras, and prie« te sui iaending porchasora.Persons dai- rocis cf purcbaslng are respecttelly invitcd te make a cal. As tLe Sgboceiber la contbàtiy marîufac- intîng for sale and te order, they cma apeedily le opçlla yuLany atcl >e 'y.& ir Kingston, Jan. 1841. WAInra-A Varisheansd Polisher. T. O. B. £1000 WANTrEn. T 0 )BORROW fer a tini tfyearf tele Legreed @Mc. Secorit>' ferthîe paymceut cf the pia- fripai viliiLe tiven on unncommbroid ProErty in the Tevn et Kington AppI>' ai ibis 0 fce. Chront. & C.Oice Kingston, loîL Fo., 1841. W ILLbIAIK 5OUNSON, BARBER and w B PUR DRESSER,ftespecifali>' intimates to hiLiiuis sud the public that LhoLba removfd te thc Ciroicle Building, second deer ftrm the cerner on Brock Street, North aide ofthîe Marke' $quare, uher. h vlie L e happy ta vait scn ail Whvil eaSpn hi,. -Kingston, Sept. 19, 1340. NEW HAT FACTORY. cimit, that îe bvcommencealth m»afctuting et BATS, ina Quart> Stvst, inthe noir building opposite the Fer Shop ot Mr. M. L. Green. They wyul keap ou baud ei a&l times, an extensive aametaeoft(he Lest Bea- ver, Neutre, and conWwn,,Fur Hais; Plain Soin- mer Mat%, white and ine, and coarse and fine WOOL IIATS, cheap taut cash. Ail t lers eiimer cash or approved caedt, frm country' Marchants, tbaikIulIy received, and puncluabi>' executed. Cgi- C-sh pcd for Sh"pkg F-t- -Cl A quanlit>' ef LANBWe o. uaated. TWEDDELL & WRIGHT. Kingso, bMatch 22, 18-11. rfflE publice[s respec(fuity intermed tuat PIG JL IlON .ay t ailimes Le adtthe lias ok frai- Wrl, andai ut (er depueiorios, vi: Moristova, oppouite Brckville, Oaogo, on Lake Ontario, Icester, on <leneseu River, Upen (thels reasonabie kras, by appiying le E. W. White, Enq., at Morrisicun, Mese. Fixzbgh, & C., Oswego, Meurs. Child ai Sible>, Itbohester, And at Moristeun and Ogdensbrgh ma>' aise lie ladt. te lioing articles, vs: PeisLKottes, Cauliron Kettles, Ceckiag Steves, BokZtovea, lic. Orduesfor Casings cf ail kinos, theL.ton, a-d parlcolari y Cooking $lave Plates, Potach and Casidron Keties, Sleigh-Shoes, Waggen Boxes, Aneirons, l&c., eilLer ater tLe patiermas in ose ai Le.osor afier an> patarns îrbich ma>' Le fun thdfo sbt prpose- viilraceive due allen. lies, heing dimet(ed te th. Agent in charge efthîe wotks, or te the aubseiber. JOSEPH ROSSEEL, ExecreUt fGEOaa PLaRIrs. Ogdensburgh, 9tb Jul>, 1840. A. HIJRD N NONCESte(ho ichabitamts of Kngston, A thathliebuapened a SCHOOL in REAR STREET CHAFEL, amd Legs leasyste solicil a shure of publie patronage. Branches taugli Mth- emntjcs, NoMr"iPh;le , oj4k epeqiw. tory, Eng. Gran ssrgserapAy anal P. nmann Bd1 Aptil, 1841. VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE TOMWN 0F KINGS TON FOU SA LE. TRFAT premin:nt part of Kingston, the ras, T comreSto aid Montreai Siret&. Ap- pi>'t te .subsciber on tihe premirs. WILLIAM CARRELL. Kingston, 2U< Feb. 1841. L"OR SALE by tbe Subscriber, chesp for cash, F 20 tbia. reinedal s Tar, 100 Boes GIM, 8à X9à, 20 Baies Sait Twine, Il Hdii. Cognac Brandy. 5 do. White do. 80 dci msparior gold coirId, Sherry, 400 reemes urapping palper, 20 boxes Loadoi sstrch, &0 do. digby herringe, Rinrg"t, Aril 13<, 1841. A. B. liC. tat WANTED & SITUÀTW< A SCL&XOr lVaasOîsE, , b0 ovm MANh.o tan b etall ecouameded, hbu beaumm »MeaRTSn the Province, amidails. voala maie iam.flgen.rally usefal. Latr«taaddieed (pout pat) 1t A. B care o! Dr. Biar, elugaitio, ooudb haponctualy ailendeal (o. Kiraomic, Match 12, 1841. D R. BIR THOLOME IS PINK EXPEC- TORANT SYRVP.-The casas or con- bumptaon are se ,Ramerons mi Ucntiherolatitudes, that iome roustI, as i preventive ahouLi.i hakept o>' evea; fmiy contat'y ou bandl, ta administer on tisa fint app"tance ote. dire i a disetse. This Epsi-ctSpa-up viii inmevpry case preeni th. conan.Il le quit rmpfeirle fu My>'pewcc ever (o hava eoauusptlm vho wulli uW bil te- medy e n tho inta pjroacis cf eughaid p ain.'t (bau@de, sud la manjimântances ibée erivirhca phy'cans bai gires op îLe caes as incurable. liboleule uid retail b>' Comsaîceir&lCe-, WbbuealeDnmugilts. 2 Mtebeot ireet, B. Y, aMi by nosel>'ever>' stop Keeper l e 0Prov- KEG8 WaITELUD OW uate by T. & j 3. lgys Kigam~ ipa1~i~~c a.,aue rmi 'ME KIGSTION IIERALD--TJEDAY, JUNE l5, 1841. NE W WHOLESALE AND RETAZ, EXT DOOR Teo Tue rAammRs nMuse, &a n.vI j~jOM EY& EI'liNSluvrm, have CIplk4theiv Steck et liardware, ronmongury,&.. lImportai direct tfront land, pe« Shipo ilCer- de " Ib A l ls , < B p ff, l'ru p su " Y 0"n QUenW"-amogam uLih ivsl Le fourn, in adition te (home meationoal elov, alnîost IEVZaY ARIECE 19vTM AUovE iNE. The vibote Las Leco selected ilith îe greateat cane ttem îLhe soverai manefectories in Rogiami, and ii Le tonn voelt vortby the ateteninofo country store- keepens, catpenteri, .ecbaic, tarm- crs,aud othen,. Having potuai-bas i hmtocison lbe mosi favorable tarnu, ibey are combli te cnci- paie viib amy liouaa iî the tritde, and ara doter- minci te endeavor, by strict attention te ail orlesi go menit a shana of public patronage. 100 tons Engliab, Baakia hast ami Suedes Item, assorted, 5 teus Blister, livediab aidCastSteeli, ;5 Sheet Ziuc, 5 " ueetan d bar Leait, 20m boxesiiXI C, D C Tin, 400 Il Canada Plates, 500 Door Locka, sssotted, Boe ernVi biglI>fin- taLai, auperior t. an>' bfrebrougii (o ibis market, 10 tons Holcuw Ware, 1000 dox. table Cuiler>', et varions patterns, À superior asssortment oet Issia caspsPen- muies, Dask Kaives, zc, Pýtent Veruyolvers, or Roasting Jacks, Sheel Cepper and Bran, A ver>' large and choie soloctien oof PLA TED-GOODS, 1 elegant Epergne, ilver mounied vith ix brances, and cul glass centre torfleuera, Platei Cndlesti lis, wiih or withoasi branches, Bronzed do wiLh gluis drape, do lakstands and Chimne> Ornements, Plaici ani silver montdi Cake Baskets, Tea Pois, Egg Standb, Waiters, Coatets, cham - ber Candlesticks, Souffer andi Trays, do do Cruel msud Liquor Stands, eut glass Bot- lias, (ver>' superien,) Brus Polos for vindov curtains, ver>' ricis, Very' hardaomc lacquerci Candelabra, 38 cs, Gerr:an table, bal, sbep ami bracket Lampa, Blci lin andl impea isi u eas, Bîltannia matai Tom and Coffec Pots, Table anad Tes Spo-ns, lic. Scale Beams, Counier Machine, Steebyarda mpaIlitod. F ingPieces, tvisted, double V~ i gebaa do witL revolving changes, ,do in valkimg sticks, PuubIs, lic. Patent Gun Wadding, Fisbing Rels and Tachie, Braisa andl vire Fenders, steel amd branesiee Irans and Dog Irons, copper Tes Ketlios andl Ccci Scutiies, Brasa Ketties, Tom Urus, riding mnd iniving Wbips, larce coffe à cern Mils, Frying Pans, Gdiross:md $aucepansýGunpcwder in cannisters or kega dbatn odr A large assorîment ot Carpeniters & Shoeumke" S 1o. Englisb ami Americau Augeros Goagiug Rodis sud Raies, 100 dcx. Stiades and Shoveis, Biackmmiîba' Anvils, Vices soi Bellow%, A superior ossortrnent of Loeks, Boit, wreugàt oand eut Butts, f&c. 5 tons Scotch T and book anal eye Hingas, asserted, 3 d2 Sadirlm" do 200 comis TAsui oPi mon1 I -o 5 mic, Pckin, Oakunî, Mope, liroomi, Traces, deg and uebl Chaise, Black Leaid, Shoe Tiead, Gsil net1 ami Shep Turme, patent Pumpe, vindw is Gu d Paty, paient Paits mmd Tube, jaannea Cash Boxes and a iatiet>' cf Japaneal Vare, 200 Coeking, Parlor sud Laundry Dunîb Stoves, Steve Pipes, and (Le usuel assor. ment cf TIN WJARE, Ila tons cf Posis, ossorted, WLite Lem, (<a *up rfiarice) Chrome Yelow, Venetian Red Eng. h Um.ber,, yeiivwOchreSpau. Brao, Pros. Bine, Bruns.Green, Vandyke Broumn Ven. Binue, Venmilian, Minerai Greer, Emorali Green, lic. lic. Oila, Tan, Resi-î,Turpentlné,PFitch, Glue, Pntp Curici flair, aid* vaneiy cf oiber articles. The whole ferma eue ofth(e largeaI and est aortmoaia over brought te tLis market. MORLEY l& JENKINS. Kingston, Sept. 28, 8lm JFURTER ENLARGEMET4 or i-n 111NTR1ÉAL TRANSCRIPT INOTICE is bereby guven (Lai ibis papet, vhieb bas nov ectablimb a circulation ncequiring an additienal prose, viii, on tLe Ist May, b. an- larged t. tLe ize or tLe Montreai HeroId anal Courier. The. price wiii net Le advanced. The Pioprietor La, long regretied the impomsi- iity ef giving bis icaders ailthîe information sud literar>' matter that ho desiri, manLad genormly prepari for theun more (han bis proeont alacet veudboli. Il lu by (Lir generons support (Lit h. s at once cerapalleal and empovored te make tLe altaration nov contempimici, and t. suppilirte aumbes et copies required. ' lr 00K OUT !1 -" Caution as the parerat of JUSaféty." An attacir of the Piles ma>' ha pestivel>' prevauted b>' uaLg <hen (Le premon- ion; s ympiemc uie feiltire pcelehratei MAYS LINIMENT. Thare are more ibm oe uhadrec people lin tiscil>,adinluthe United butas an ammense numrbeit, ho bave molféed i hyond en- durance b>' ihis dreadtai compiaini, vIse keep tlieoaacvem vbl fe, fro i..attacha by applying this Liniment vhen (Le>' feel un>' symptoinis ot ul approah:- cf (Lus tier. [s (ho Most perfect pro£ gj- Nonse gemine vitiosat tLe iiame cf Cc.- stock r Co. vrit. on the vrappers. .SOLOMON RATS. Solal b>' eani>' ever> Sirop Keeper in tire Ptuv. es,araiwZbolesalaanal Ielai > .HEATH, WA*Afflwsàs, Oppm te r. BSl'aDnigmt $4, Siae eStriai. JfONN BAMY eY pe tfally mmoucea idut W hbujusi epee bit «* building diraety oppasie Mr. Dawsuc' Taier Shop, and neaely or- pailtM. ileatls Druggist Store, viser, ho ie mev revevinjg, sud wyl keep cocsiaaty c an ad a gemetaluostmeni of SADDLEIRY, &c. cou. asing in paut of Double and single Haraiasspla(ad, brus soi blucismoented. À choice. asotmcnl of Ladies'and Gentlemen's Ridiog Wbips, Carriage and Teamaicra' Whips, Curry Combe, Bnsbes, Spots, lic. Ttenks, Valises and Portmàateaus. Re wyllnantaluio io der, every description cf "ikr ini bis line yuitthe nimost deapatch and on very- ressonable ierm&. qg> Tic attention of Luber Merchants, Farm-. cia and Teamsters is particulsrty invitad te a few scla cf very superior beavy Double Harnes whicb Le bas novt on hand. Kingston, 171b Nov. 180. ,à VER Y extensive asacument of Piano MU- SIC81, aniongot wbicb may ha found, Gîea, Duets, Sacred Socog Marchas, Waitxes, and a great variety of Quadrilles. The aboyi alilnov, and hu beau seiected With ca. Piano Preceptors, by Francois Humion; Muéic Pap"r;Almanack, Te '. -.1udFarme[@m; Cam".ir Prayer Bocks, lie. Just ,eceived, and for Sale at T. & J. RIGNEY'S Comb and Fancy Stroe. Kingston, 23d DNovi, 180. N. B. A few ro!. cf prepared PARCHMEI for Decds, &c. jost received and for cale. IREMO VAL. 7~HESuberibts avaremovod from the Stics, pie byMesrs.W &s Wlco, i Font Srcet. . I l .&T. RAB. Kingston, 14th Oct., 1840. PRESlE GARDEN SEEDS. A GENERAL issortment receivedl sud for sale wbolrsalecamd rtait, by JUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID usonimemi cf Git, Ridiog and Driviag WHIPS; .lVbip Luss a igroat varity; Raw Hides, kTeanictez$ 4do'BCIIOOL BOOKS, Fooiscp sud Latter PAPER. -ALSO- Cotton Bating, very fine,) Cotton Yaom, Thuead, liC. li. A few Boucheites MAPSoI Upper ad Lover Canada, msy ais. lie found ai T. & J. RIGNEY's Consb 4r oney Store. Kimgsion. lot Sept., 1840. NOTICE. CASH rl'R]FUIR$. 011cr, Miuk, Racoon, Beau, Fiber, Muskrat, Lynx-aise, Red, Black, Crca, sud Silver Fox, S INS, %tbheB" cStore, Quary Street, fings- ton, Uppa? Ocnada. N. B. Skîs Ahoild eer erpu e o e l.Si or Pire sabile dr;p.Bear, Cocamnd Oier Skia ubouli Le vA mbi tsoit, time rsaietAeoie driaa.i's t. "od. Jflsgston, 1840. Kingston Conîb & Fancy sMores CORNER Or MearaxAL AND 5i-OMi uimmi-. - ear Mr HealIc' Drssggiat Store. HE SobscriLers beg tu intimate ihat they .Lbave commenced business at the abeve stand in tise COMB sud FANCY GOODS lime- uhero ihey auecnuv teceivinfg an *eXtensive as. soitimemt of articles in ibeir lie, amn g wlich may Le fomaitd Ladies' icilat and work Boxes, dieuing Cases mahogany and uon woed wrtiting Deolk%, .lk anJ beed Reicles sud Puios eis [ver md mn- ibeco card Cu.@s9 Cigar 4% oi., i- a, lroat- folioe, elastic and .11k Broc.. md Sttape, fancy Pipes, twig sud driving Whiyu; baie, cloih, ioih, nait, and etber BRU:SHES; WiIIow Waggons, cradies, sud travelling Baskets ;friction Matches, Accerdians; piano JUSIC, and Music Boxes; Cheas Men, Lsck ganîmea Board, Scaig WaX sud Waters, lek sud Ink povaler; Pins, Needies Dlis; Germait silver, plaied, sud fritasania moti Ware; ime and commea ZxW=iT AZ» ODTZmiNAY Pxair 3 vPaper Hsmgings andl Bouaers, pv- ousione Cape ami Powder; LOOKING GLASSES, RibLons, &c. lic. lic. OfI/ tlwir .memfacture, a large amcntment et BUE"L, IVORY, AND» HORN COUES, Al of ubieb (bey cicr, ahokWesanud retail, et p teoas r vas îLe>' can be purchased eain aMon- trou or (Le United States. 6:> Country Mercbsuis ame particularly invite&l te cai. TËas WLiaxuz T. & 1. RIGNEY. Kingston, July 6, 1840. - - - - a JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, 3000LBS. Frerh Clover Seei, Freah Garden Seeis, vbolesase anal relail, 100 Piought, superior patternîs, 60 doz. polisai dCast Steel Hees, 100 " Manuro Foui, 400 tegs Vie,Gretc, Bue& Red Paints, 500 gallons Lest Boitea Ouf, 50 Sugar Ketles, 200 paiEs Poliairai Trace Mins. BRIGGS & LAISHER., Store Street, Kingston, FoL. 23, 1841. CLOVER SEED. LBS. lio* fresh Secal, for cale b>' 2MO J.-W. RIENT, BLAKSFOR SALE. I) EDS aal MMORILS, Law, Court of Requstsand the ELA N K S, lu gret aivneifoaaietir Me<alOffxe. S. -PALMER, ani G. BAKEà, lUngatook.- - MéGeMtWestern- Cooklng L ooK rTaBis- cOVER rSàBA LiicfL!PE. <>ve, CURE for Ccnsanption airaitlidiseuses cfA.C ATSPAE, 1&tlaigc andtiaaaidbbeau osuewitb A NEWandsuPario~r article for mIl ceulnir> oas of debilil>' of mn>' und. Tic propriator, Boardiiug Rouses. For Sieob>'Jas. Powell, Store baviag vitucaseal the msbeadliciai moi aven as.tre. ionishini elaecta frot the ose e! (bis medicina [n Kinton, 3tb April, 1841. the Unitedl Statcs, bus ae introducedi h intc Ci. RAWING PAPEIR, Drauing Peni-sBras nais, where ima>' Le Lsd ofth(e Diqggists gene. D.ltlLard, Plain, Ciii a Fine>' Noie PKM. ral>' thaougbout the Province, and ishera mai ha cof mpsior quaiy ; for sale ai sean, and accampanying each botte, i large nom- T. & 3. RIGNEY'S ber of cerificatea trou physacians anal ciber per- Coa.dEt PF-7jSt o-. sons, of lire most unqnetionable cbaracter, or ce- ipo.lnay4 81 pyang public stations in lite, axi man>' compellea ana> 4 81 te abadonail buiness for ycar, hakveresontod te lsOACH AND DIB UG DAllE (is medicine as (Soir lWaiboe, uni been mode ecO -c»voOsaR aiga A» MaIUnS . wbolc. Yen (Lai auc affcted, maire the trial fere .l »br3mh frELUus ee n h olthe.Pro~ é ctA .o.r l frmays m il ls Sdi b>' Agent, N. PALMliR, cartain andiumm=LeYemi=y i a Chemst andi Dntapio4Mariret Square, RintuWoi, aUuiiani bus tflst.d, uthlie 8 oiciti- uha Lasjusl -amtvd b>'te lia bp Jerdiaca troulion of bits ilôies, te btail 9«et ntis public Lendugs adimo opuiaag ln aidhllos to bisMee4-, mer. De nov u haisbapouitivre affmatimocfa cil DasA11mm eu endri aieboice s imgamlpetmber etcitixen, fa"s.c? mc.arc the ofF C OMON bSTATIONEI.- mmmi vaihryaidd sromale ldies in Chicana âmelqwviabau aresar Cle., md SIavbsmof c? a MqiUet, iniisL iera las ees a aur-e mnd aluouas-y desme-Ceimad Oupou -,Qom -usipis e #ad m aeeMe s-e lu the Mmd S=le, rCideingGe Bals, Mi béloil etis A88114 bqe Mysepo u> oa icuag cm asa emdileseu y aGelaenumelsjlie etmne "bo e i"e ofs t teurimdlaim.this Cad aiir, mti eeetm mbeéqaiItem.- . ia lial a c boummt]fatisossaid uninoi mmml mu ImBe Mol8enmý, PMUsma ià a debsale vw"crthea Wrigumlla syei-Banm oboiWisW atf ftis . ami otite bcowWEONMua aia ouevsj-mI lb2- 5 - 9esamhase *Bhiirsai .Y.bWP'. ~ Mucli.ees ub a saU"Simuîâ ufeabrSoOlT ah ler0ag .thgevsae« e tic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f .1, m raEl~UIW1U1&e~ ,PL 5m PUBLIeHINO àA VAlEZ, i c a VfTLRD, THE CANADIA4N FARMER. lM UCH cf (ha vealtîhgreaineu sud promperit>' o7 f a nation, depends on the etcenfe.1col- tme cf the soil. Feu couninies havs Lien meurs te floensit during a long- lime,-liviricis the ugri- cuitera i iteremts Lbave Lien negiecical. Ihmay le truc, t îL te commercial interesofet me ni- tions are se gresi, as for a ture te overshado the iniereats of agriculture, yei, as an occupation for men in gental, it Con beau ne cempacison vitL agriculture. [ndeed, amnog alil 1occupato f lita, howver polit. or nacessar>, none con stand in ccmpetitîom yuL agireuiiure. And, il la ight that it should Le se; foar, il is tLe former vbo op- bolds îLe bauds iDf commuit, uni strengtbeaa ,le pillis oftthLe sta.; noitibsianding the 6"po- lite prefrasions,'1 and 6"delicato employments,'" ,,, which mca are engsgcd. Wbere agriculture fourishes, tLe conntry greva ricb;; Lut vhera il ià nagieciai, tho conatry9s proeperhly declines. Agriculture Las Lean vieucd, Lilberto, in an un- favourable iigbt, and tbooght, by man>', te Le-a- tber a second raie cmpiôymenu; Lot, il il nov Le- ing rgded aton. cf tLe tbrai, amd mort-boueur- .hi .teployments. This last view cf it, is sanctioned by tLe vealthy ofet îe lsnd, uhe are contributing ibeir influence te facilitale ils pre- gicl.- Pailiamentaty and Legisla(sve Acts bave lieen, sud are hein,& passod, in amd et h ;-chemists, Gelogists, Naluralists, and Btaniste, ire addiung mueb te tLe ,cientiiic departiments et agriculture. Firînuig, in theor>', is noe bcLe rcommended, unoiera il is connerted witL cxpetience. Te ba- cm. suecessful, Iberefore, un îLe business ot farm- ing, il is raquisite tbat science and practice ubouli re-operato wilL il, and aid cach e(ber. There are bundreds et pracicil Latiers in the Provinca, wbo bave no lbeoretic kno*leige efth(e business. Tbare are mai'> wbo arc seientific ft- mers, but wbo bave rio practical eaperierce. The bondfit of ail, reqoiras, ibat (bore Le sone CCme. dium"Iltbrough wbich (Le varient knewledge posseseal ta>eacb and mii, may le eommuaicaîed te (ho former. lu Ibis va>', moi onlthîe experi- menti (hil are nom goîng on, but tLe espesience anda irnowicdge et ail lime past, cf ibings apper- taiaing (e (Le colure of! (h oiouandl tLe tîimer's .int.crest, mu>' Le poessed b>' ieeta trifllng ex- pense. Sucb a medium ie urovproposad to îhe Canadian public, vi.-the CANADias FàAiER; vhich, sbouli it roceive patronage te vantant the under. ain, vifiiLe pubisbei on tLe irai of June next, et Ki.grte.. Il yul Lc ievo(ed entirel>' (e the farm e trea ;-ta scientificil and practical ag- riculture i-te lbe different offices o! hiîandry. Il wiii centain arlisles on borticulture, sud the ,Çulte cf fruit trocs, b y tLe Lest authora in Eu- tepe. On the Lest Moeofetmanaging sud impnoi- iog stock, vix : catlla, herses, sbeep ami ain,- tLe varien;seasses le vbich îLe>' are lhable, sud tLe Lest mode cf trealaeno-by the moit .xperi. enced grever.. Essaya on the varions sous, man their edapiatio)n te tLe digèetotindi of grain, grain or seeis. Ou the moat apprcved methoda cf managimg dairies ; as praçtiâed su Engiani uni tire UniediStales. On (ho Plan Of ba>ing eut gartions ami fortes. On (ho naisiaig of bec.t, and tLe mon- gment cf poulîr>'. 1 vilii totain accounts et aIl th@ CattlieSLous uni Faits in, tLe Province, (Le United States andl Englound. The Markai prices vii Lle correc(edl mouihLI>; and particular pas viii Le taken te. ivo thLe amliest, accountd cftho improvemeuta ofthie implainents et A.-ri- culture, domestic uad teueignt. CONDITIONS. The CANADaAN Fàueax yl Lecpublishcd on the loi et each moth,-iu Double Quarto formi on gond pm r ad ituLfait type, ntth(e 1ev prico of ho eshltan1s par year. Payable in ail cases on (Lhe receipi o9fnt lSe N. Ail Peut Masiers are requestail te ici au Aeenîs fer the Canéa"imFormer. Amy porson obtalong Jeu sUkrlbesami sending pz for tiresaine, in advaace, inesof îpostage, ahaibchaentitici te ne- ceive elevesa Copiea cf the Foasu-. W. visir alileut Canadien Faumers, lauetc- itr, le fiieur me yuL communicaions cmtsu>' on ail, cf (Le suîbjects menticîseal aboie; ani give us tbe results et thiri experience. Aise, vo expect, tirai the Fermer vill use bis endeavors te aid the prcgress of a papar, publiabeal in bis owa land, and dovoici, partîculaul>y te Lis ovo interoat. WC (Limk tvo &alltlioLe disappoinici. N. B. Al ubci nl ames, as far as posi- bic, are reqoested te le sent teithe 46Editen efth(e ComacialaFrmer," Kingston, lceors the 12th day of May' nexi-tLai the necosary arrangements for publishing, ma>' bc made ,nl that va ma>' know tire numaber requirei. Ediiqrs et papera ubo viii give ibis Prospectus an insertion, shahL e cotitbai te a volume eft(ha Conodian Far-mer. Post Masters, if ibe>' visirte aïd us, vili frank (bain Communications. Names of Pouf Offices and tho Ceuaiy, sireuld Le gise., lu ail cases, Io prevoat mietakes. Kingston, April 5, 1841. NEW GOOBS. T l£E ubsriber respeelfull>' informe bis frienda Tandl tLe public in generai that Le stil co. tinues le (ranomet busness ai is old stand, direcly opposile the Hardware Store o et sr. J. WAT- KINS, & Cc., andth (e ibird bouse below lIt. Bain- fard'. (formeri>' Mr. Mîyo's) listai, vbere viiiai ail tiames La founi, A GIN CIlAL ASSORTM CNT OF' Dry GooS, Grocrie@, ad u J kery, Ail cf which Las been laid in uncommoul>' 1ev und il iiihasoli CHEAF for CASH, aitLer wbole.$ sie r etil -WILLIAM THIRKELL. Kingston, Nov. 23d,1840. 31 FOR SALIE 1 TRIE SUBSCIR1BERS. A LARGE quantity l>'c mbeal Cnvas, 1 ta7; C.afeu casas of Cbristy's best Beaver sui Gossamer Bats, of the neveal fmsiions; aise, ClotL Cape, and a large Maieent fStiw Bo uets;, abs, Meleakins, Jeans moi Drls of varions de- acrition. eh aboie goodei baving beau purciaseal lu tb. Enghls Markt eta mime vshen 1h.>'vero muet ilrase, cnemn(ly (bey ver. bonglit ver>' 1ev,~~~ vhc aabehem te ofet (Lace geook t. itit asone toauvr>' vpicea. W. WILSON. Kingston, FoL. 3, 1841. ~INE sud tommen Principe Cigars, FuBoit Havana do. Superior Porte Rica Smoking Tebacco, in quar- ter lb. papers, -ALSO- Londonmamde liair sai ClotS BRUSHfES, ia great vaniti>, toi Sale at T. & J. RIoqNEy,$ Conb an.d Pone Stor-e, Nean Mr. Hna(l% ,Druggist. Kingston, 23d Nev., 180. A ver>'splendid pair of Gold EPAULETTES, mulei b> J"otrsPier, CLarie5 Crus, for 8.l. at T. & J. l'a. ]PUBLIC NOTICE. MN' I -lm of ib t (e Aihhae Flue & ijte .8. Asaurmuce Compas>' cf Lodon,, aviag de- terminea Opern Lavang ne -icha on (Lit Bks aet tilts 0Oeuc F« en- s vieisare »neth (e Bi ClaI ir en-eL>' et>'ail poinons coucerua iraium POW e ljqu feena<yel r mev ritaire,,ONpOa- "Ch W bocbsae ava tire e»cùi iereol Moveedvtireidr.c lia c ai tItou, MiW io. visab au0tetedufrima exteraianger cf idu. Auiom JOUNXMILGUraz, TE abes-lise il L q, ifaralailan e vwifsaaupi>'cof Y" irGarden, Gcs Md rau d is FOR SALE flY THE SUBSCRIBERS '>lBaga Java Coffce, 25 bbis. Rnasmilc do 30 boxes Grouni do 10 Laga Black Pepper, 28 boxas Grounal do W0 matis Cassis,, 1 casi Nulmega, 801 jars Muatard <resh), 20 Icags Soaisnas, 2 kags Z.mtei.Curromis, 2 ae lysHUGH FRASERI & C.o Kingson, April, 1841. SOAP. Boxes Steel&a Lest Liverpool Soap, for HIJGH FRASER & Co. Kings(on, April, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, laIiecMlasses, 1 0 be Rice, 10 bLis. Bale>', 100 remaWrapping Paper, 5 Laies Cosks, 20 lboxes tappeandaifaced Pipes, 20 bLai. Blacking, assor(ad, 5 do Wainuts <traia>, 3 de bîrd-uhei Alintanals. HUGH FRASER& Co. ginga(ton,-A1aril, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, ABbls 5andeman'a Port.. Wine, 3 dcx. escb, l4 6cai Sherry Wime, 3 dex. eacb, <sop. qu.) 2 bas. 1'Goaria's' Madeira, do. 10 qr. ceaka 4'Facon's' Madeira, de. 8 i. Sherry, p 12 do Port, à 10 ceu« Champagne, 40 baskets, do. LaitS Aie sud Porter. HUGH FRASER& Co. Kingston, Apral. 1841. OILS & PAINTS. 0 bà double boilei Lianaed Oul, lu d Rau do. 10 ass Sîiit TurpeMine, 90 kg WiePaint, 25 do Green do. 5 bbis. sprm Ohi, 3 de caldo. fer sale b>' HUGH FRASER & Co. Kimgston, April, 1841. OROUND PLASTER WÂTJEÀR LIKFE, T HE subacri bLas nov on, Laudl, mit o&er for sale aI the Stone Milein lu aysburgb, NS tus of Ptriadmd M u ania of lit ia LWhic eiraua. uuiab te hic cutoaners, eseefolj egroednd nirendy -for ue.-Ats., coutant'on . and, TIIJISMXIG MACHINES of Mbis.ct 1 pptod iuas. Ha vOl gaus b.te seilGona Placer ai lover r"stes( a ehaimporiei, Leing lire pe ofatrmca extensive quim 'lain t. U. DAVID ML LAEL FEc Mliila Fearm, 1841. POIL SALE BY THfE SUBSCEIBR. KIn Irei, J. W.IRENT5 J. W. IENT,j 45K,] BE9VILLEVILLE JLOITRING MILL. THE abovo Mil i ie .LEASEI) for One or LTbra e Yaa, ai iheAnical Rami cf £100 Carrency, payable by Quarterly emialaens- Thc blitii ndeiweat a jeuirepair isai Fait, and gare g«earal saiisfactioo. ALa,-Te LEASE fo r me or mom Years, the TRIP HAMNIER WORKS, for mmaofscturing Axes, l&C., ai the Anurial leut of £65-itogeibcr si i b l e ul * r p art o f th e B u ild in g , c entiainin 9 14tbe. and ber Machinet,, suitable for a CaLi-. net blaket, Cooper or Torrie, wth couvenience for a Family, ai the Arnual Rami et £30, and ire- mediate possession given. The Trip Hamnser Works on tLe First day of Aagoci Dcxi. The new SAW MILL oit tbe West aide cf the River wil be LEASED for One or more Yeatse ai the Annual Remt cf £50, te mbicb are expecied ta le delivered-now contractid for-upwards of Two thousaud Loge. For fuLer particulars, enquire of ihe Subsrix- bier- if by ltter, post pild IOBÏT. F. COLEMAN. BtiIev1iIe, FcLr. 18, 1841. N. B. Two god SAuVERa of stoady hahits, vanted fiom the Ist day et Apili nexi-can t,. accomodutej witb a cenvenient Dwelling House if required. CIRCULAR. T HE Subacriber Legs beave W s eiorn te bis nu- matrous customera throughsxui the Province, those arknowledgmnents wbicb iheir libaral sup- port during the last ceason se justly calis for, and in doing se le avait, imcf of the opporiuniîy Io state ihat hie is now compleiiogl; isaraennt te continue bis PERIODICAL SALES In Kingston, Tarot, and Hiamilton, on a sil more exirndcd seita, in ciderte( ensure to Lis pre. sont enstomnars and te tLe Trade ai large, increaseci fscilitius and a certain market for tLe aoppiy of evezy comnîediiy under tLe denuminaion ai Teas,, Sugars, IViaes, *q uors nui Groceries. And lhe Legs leave te assure tbem ibat ihcy maj conidenily raly open the"o Sales for ibeir geocral supplies ai tha loweai market talc$ and on tLe mosi favor..Lle terres. Tls Subacriber Legs ai the camne lima te intrn- due te bis cusiomers Mr. R. A. Goodenough, te wbom le bas entruated (th. gencral managemntn cf Lis Sales as Agent and confidentiel Assistant. JAMES BROWN, JuxiefL Kinîgston, lbih Fbruary, 1841. FOR SALE. Y the subCibers, ai (Lir niercs in Front- J..street: 60 kegs Plug Tobacco, 181s, sup. qualiy, 50 kegs <de de 16s" do 10 boxes Cavendish do. 100 jars Maccaboy Soul,. 10 M P'rincipe and L1alt1ia Cigams IIUG H F RASER & Co. Kinigton, 7tb Aptil, 1841. FOR SALE. Y îLe subscribers, at iheir storea in Front- 0bâi.briglit Muscovado N.ugar, 30 blls. do do d 40 baga E. 1. civstalized do 5 bLds. sediordLoat do 40 balf chesia Young Hyson Tes, 10 do Twai.kay and Ilycon. HUGH FRASER & Co. Kingston, Apri 7iL, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS iiPuncbeons Jamaica Spiriis, 10 40 quarter casks de 28 do Cognac Brandy, 5 bLds. Bordeaux do 7 do Hollands Gin, 20 cases Schiedam du. 1 dox. each, 30 casks Bordeaux Vinegar. RJUGH FRASER & Co. Kingston, Apil, 1841. FOR SALE 1W THE SUBSCRIBERS 'bds.large) Tabla Codfisb, 10 20 egs Locbtlne Herrings, 10 bbLs. Nu. 1 North Shore do 40 Loxes Digby do. HUGII FRASER & Co. Kingpion, Aprli, 1811. ail_ýîi. S l, eue& cith-7 heu sevee 0 b exrlî ont Who p y>'hrt e u f ame, e dil th t i.< biagevar used, a For thereifo Miay Le elia! 1 lif Who knuv 11 na Judge for tht ,sê Maubhev J . Wa. r Dhel Greea, laIe fttý (hSe gentlemen lioCf 11eCD r mii aler renedies r les V,' min>' yeuns, (baiha.e I red'01 th. genusue Usys'Lîisrj)t pcr~iiaknev ianîar ralrs. w li is but a diii , ' Uofet Seings tu let ibis great temeir ef t th (b aiml 3your rendU mucb Pain a.rbare it,,ne, or vbere readers area 'serraIt li vorthaies, articles are adreîîs. prse. To buyers à e sa., if d 1î dont say iaias itt!ond a a I rip~,,~ it. The propriieor s<'iî o Le paid fan tiliasa l itues, ara fuit5 îollosvad. Wili a. , nov o uv il? If Lte don - more for Èiii aŽbtinacy ia Mr. Ha Vs mld ne ver ce"tt ticle, vert lae noi co -of 1eligieia du[Vtc do ail ia victims of disirensan.J niait b. venu sajoier 4tect dollar for any wOttlt, LOX UT.- ue'_~ de feilnd itia article, and ,ti u,. v4 vices. Do flot Le -mîuoed viii Iîrût"e( >OU- itis tîh Co. ; hast nainae ei l eaiSyof ur>1 are cheateal . D siý direcýOwtioyu r rd ttiîy aima, b>' soy y SOLOMI ueny rry ýbpK, incas, aiatan oir aie rstaiî te N. P'ALMER, sai G A FRESJI GAIîE q PUST reeire ,hy the Satucfitir J FIESH <GARDNSE for sale mi bis FaneV,-loy bs Grass Streei$, oppothePllti Wn., Wilson. iete1ltj Kingson, 9h A, 181. . Rï1IHA RD B R1:E BOOKBIDE&~ King-si. Toroilto axii Brol.i A LL descr*il)iois afilii, and repaîred. MAusic and Ptral le parler-ns. Lad iiroplJ and Blink fBooks cf ail dcerip6 order. 0?» Biîditag done for ili, Institutions., bOCIetiesa &c.,50Oni vantagaoîis terms. AIRMOUn & ]ilts £0 to intimsta, thasin he brcms Bsen( montb (bey intend coms, cf their businiess in Kinagsto. h,y l obp la Faonai streel, Iarxt dit i fose , bera tbey wili i',rc ntiw ivint Leen seetri villa mach ns past winten b>' Mr. Ramaï, %%belis nibl ie Leouai iorxae in puice. MontreaIât i ii, 1841. A. THIbO Wholesale and &1âl ILEAD OF STORE STI PUBLIS lIEIU EVEILY Il'I At bis ofilca., ia Stone Street, rearly Manision Ilousa Hotel, Kinplas, wiarre al crders ii le (iaaoktil puinctualt>' attendral to. Txmisas.-Fifteen sbilfinn perasawý ofmssage) paabîleia5vidane, Wa Shillinags and six parnce i f sent to sAà Aaay person becoming t'es nsîklef ment ef six paliers, shalh recru au lu li ke propoi $;un iî u r a etrrrikL ...No l.-p:rs discontiurd uitu il exce p iti (Le option cf thr Paiilari. Al Cemmunications, (o bla ddrmcl te the Edîtor. Advertisemenis amd Lettis on adiremscite Tbea. H. Brniicy, ProPéa Vrict cf ttrIi. Six limas and under, 2s. 6, finit id each subsquiuL(insertion. Tex houste S. 4dI. iratiunsertion, sud 101. roch insertion: aireatan lines, 4d. lieru o insertion, and Id per liai for evtil sertion. Aivertisements wit(ut itittefnI insertai (iii forbid,' andlehiargcd a« dars for dusconliiimg advert5rnibel~ Adventaieazunts for insehtioni tae the morning prrceding tLe day 0t 1 AGENTS. Wilton .........idney W5IV5t,i Napance,. ..Air. Ji. B. INiw BathL........... W. J. b1<54,1* F~redericksburgh, -. J. W. Andtr' Hillier & Wellingtonmi. E. W. Comn, a. Ab.a..... l Adolpbustovm .. "iGris, EqFM' iailoveil, .. Va. Rourkial Aliem's Milo,* .JeL Aien,, Bloomfield,..John TLlreiir Demoretvilla, T. Dem50j Sepbiasbh L' -- J. McmumyJ4-, Saonvill, . ..J H. Bacier, Belleville,..... Flint~,E-Il Trent Ports.. --,Wi- 3Cf'Oi Port Hope...D. SmiatL'< PeterborougL,. --Mr- Larel CA&N. cm ba sUaN t1lae b>'its >'j!« .laiasera a( Wel *Deb l~o' #d t vmim baeu k C on1vus tiaelia ý - wyrentS, Ilbs *iSie tracis u bopr 1<~ i «nsi uais qale t .Mi Jus..Dat 81. THE tIREAT W. IN PARLIAME t debate en tLe i £se ean the nigiiI 5t~satial, in the <d îy agaimt them vasl bel di," ; ort mat .wass6t. We giî clever araal>'iii o ah. Laudesap-aiio te on tlb. sori.-deti cedent, lts beau hi Tb tiare basai emablo i-ies or il W l21 in a aiolbc adverser MI the discussion mier 1 ide intarvaila>' es Iling speeh, centime oùllt. On ihitailu if armes, but feu ta, left the bleodien IIme fins on tie otter si dgate speai. The Il on Tuiay ti>' 11, Sin the liis te 0 lie .oeil mue tan il$ ef .inualiiily if crota soeaRiodextritcs o0lai c a u'ast 1 LaUc af-cie elasil ted in their f.vcur. iil a la s aing eiency sLystensocfl iel maer reqponoah l; lacatiop the tPei estion. Ere Sir Pain v oa ivred Ies ulle t' $ P a l io argumuents. Thira i-er- a-rsin, lis Mr. listingfo! e liait Pari! 15;f Rob as tanai mn ini, te t naghts' cbulfetil hae riy explicib; ai q1la-..ttiat il, in rat Vith ts.'atdthn edisllussion, the su intint e axistîng i1 WIVa-i es ore in ici (beay are nmirpila %.a messit or coeer and se lent a Le1 y orfagalfur ithea- Ilretsonable ptr-c.I il saiiicontinu. ib rhum, t ontinu. le a eteil ectis oe! cm te oae cb; fuitillin, iaeep op the siapply aie-.naia uttbe Bm ii lhe conlitioa faili edge s "vid. on Il eia-al; lhe hectre i cf à iiing $cati sas Lord aerstn nol daine lhe lin an' thimg t(hq smai n froIra one degree à aS., dou evra a ge tILreaor., à lr hal iaf t(o mm, je ut aini herealterasec lat..li e tveulal liail lotniabai nocil dak us te the fuels. altissSir Rehaut diao a!confi dencs- ai eiplicit sas eu ise ruofce ant, seul apel ta, i lthe isi ct er 'bal migat e or lai ail*>a publ <iOt5te 4 o ac a levus ea lit deman -il, pu 'ssi, hilie. laid ferofcem r id Le àrh e O idtas r I c l sar , ate lehtctrvi bi Otmryt e.n Il m uîait th e o n- 1 1 51

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