~trIrLr ta itir1jif i j -,s te. tu c lttrrl 'i :iex )[tr tt' ,ig,fit ttrt t i e r - lt Mit ('r; y cri-ty T uir. tt leu tilt tir",, f thier, ftc lart tr reh--4.nu tae 10, ho att-rli un ilStit i meureso ta! fe.srr lit iirir te prupirc tirole ttttis i n sigrne( is tit 5i utlie oficel, of ru lit tie elieti rwe ti ciM tipred bfrtr 1 nvrof gril eIt îlriy. l it- mnsiurer, endti nunal. lu aiy d r lui atta iîiîr e retatis lis i.sle irs net th rur irs td sra su belam *aal e, Mrr if Ar.anahua 1 cyu ori alla 11 t, eaor crstn011 i ii utur rJ 1fr. <tory the air milte, s ilr ostuetWhoieu rNew, r0 br atreie ti* vas iatelY canfiseul in Toronto jail tof Drrt, t tlitrelot h le lec- i Iict aid acqirleti. Ite iatn great ahaîdanca lu lha urikt su Thuardn.. last. Tic dcli- Pr In ecT neat quintitier ini lie "Otrdi, terire Clinicla, naît loads ter ba.ut'alYas Iam>-as taor dirasiraie aoIl inhua sin-lîe norning. 41 in tirat iri-1libutîsel adiabout i-l eaon e eut on Isnm ti sers ouik hm, luplei,(i- ltareli e irat t B vtry Tensonahla i g of10o 12 cents Prnquai. éorW rrûtil Adreia er sa,, .flu th b Digt t itct Attorney tthi 'daii t L, tire Canadian rfug.., ailtli ha astocquick. audsb»«.d the ar 5 ~,OO snbabaaIts*as ier te in tdii liouse, as othera, , oeef hicli mai. 15 ti 25,000, e on . . l ep a o f j u s i e a nd reBo n elfecI desttt)inffii pC 1iyo ieepie- lie duthiir- nur 'tJ 1 iaper un regard 10 is ~~ùnpe sbcct Of RsrsPOtisi- n d î 1sigted that Ue on. roii coll lOredt auy tlling iii ;j iegve tic other day. Hoe IL ""~h fri ait oumentS and , ,apport -of1lis ri lit, u «i~~~ eerld ILi rdctta the ral- lieo i %Vc tuwSeart, Atty. Cindi I r A. tien r .r -aCCi* .tI f nsited, that t'b: s.Oit she siet of MeLecd, ~ l a t s ut b iea tih e I a il. ii n à ur.as t oaa wjtlu whach .nin, e.ro d, atiln ieia wici 5,t i,t wrr ilany aywhatev- 1 1n , a offutts, bthof corn- in ~ùrthe rImnechi from ne naetrd that luis E-ecelency luat ~~~~~ ta'rre h su cet of the tim- IL~ vrs a aubjuet onu w~hudu the Cà. .M bs.etiU" oftheicprovince an1 iehathoug, I WVs oneGeveny mreS entCain As regards ofii 1l an sd a haf of money ole f tre rial Partia- ~.ntCfud iot sec svhat bs'rueft h, . ar itagftit would bc filrrose anrd ciaîced iea a isi îa conduIt irn resigtiog lbig lauta V 1e h essn hy lhe r r uite rcadilris td as at ro lu. iliîd in brrgt la Col. CI e.nGr. ay.n is u 1 ortofa ariitt n rMr. ni s, Mnr.c jI or n r tuao tirs, in defenco ,aaiut ar pitiOion Mi. Bualdwin.J !)ietbe trailau toaiary niatrs rr-1 the t inject theri lie nuse,1 àetOi Irle ire cf aorne of the miat ari jourrrrrietlvas caled for;9 a t- asce i ilkeonit i, was wr<aî 'ir 'uijet is tb ei tedjav. liaVlo )ratasa lr frrtliencommnnt maecltratIitesul)Pjctt gaiua tien WC li asi4 r Illait alli Puy Hall on yeri , t, tor tire purpose of rlioosing ij tpo~il relireeltt lie towO un lie WParlimet.l. The urayor was calleal o10 tad D0.Balreç piemted te art ai Se- tAnet tire dltreriig of crIe or to id- rtrty sitn, luin. &q, seconalea by r îl mOrner1 ha1tirslion. S. B. Han- al hIniiprpel etits 15 reprpennt tic Lie prvinciailariament. 'tie criar rnde, acrînîtsied tire nomination by a( chu M iosplartoaieiartnomiee. aler-1 r]ieauon, terra tel tty Alderman Berneili,0 hit JoAi R. Forty' , Esq., lie a it and 1 raiontrl ttstit theitiwu. Poilia ihese e fi:erltie rneains-, ai dii alto lia Sriitîtf tie ir ce, tiraquited him. bousurl eri-tic epiri. Mr. Harrison t] ,n Ine t eairra is rimas of, and oi~ r u retant, amu, afer ago lii ad aie hiaç permîltei ta al- lu tretratg.; bt le ts i nlurut ui]y i far, se revet utenderi se upoarin ilSa ,ia Kigstnr. Afberallit a ad beeneaitl Mu r !ni btir cai!idates, ire îmeeinug t riai rcs~ti.itgasyting. L3st rair rmeetng fia thlre stepros i. Wit terialai nattendance ; bnIut acruietforjtrst theame kitdlcf tr ir ttctt'irtIhis, ab dirii lat cf Sil- arir-i-r.ronfision, irreggruIuity and la- lit, latrr,c if lily rpreceuenteti in lie r[Ktrtgrîa. l irtielIs seîtarated wtll i titraof et iîirg tirîrstrentb aI lire pcl. 5e crlimi foîlein ireîsenl aîiteararccs, Air. tl ratt rrtr-rLIll lt io,. li.d Mun V iluirtroa ipearer aI lire bastingsi, in irubiti5 :eadJ, i itit e leeleclion, lbe >i0ri eflc l' y alarger-*oity -, ni t t!4- di,leisraIleraGivrrurnGen--ral i lua1.ir acIrrlii i.xcullcy tu renmore itGeerrneitt frarlialn sto nAir. Ilar- '- 70(S 1 taPrtijrrrî-tr it Lirctit Olrosi ion. ir rt e rartet ni la Portonsuîof ts atil, rat, Illeta01iitory toitîtof Kigton, lýeIt utatar ir pntteteucf Ar. Hagermtin tt à p, iicr0: t trislrn p, suri0ef hem ýrrt liiit, nail nec-1totifon. e onu in taId-tst, hrît t . ioe Priaciules hue>- vetrtar) crterrly Ébtiîu lureimuolltlie a.aiPrirsi, le rt I riee lowevet, r il eaIl titlt inga ser. If bis Ex- t ttlri ia Enomlai lut intie trl, ue la ne l-rp11wqet cf ga-nýrà t ht-e, ina ui0 mI t uiè. sî.etuttieolt tentamu- nt Pirl PeOilaerf Ile tInefor thte lois ef i4htîainit? rigi h nnis guanan- i~itthe Ca.itirtion-the freedoin If , dirginit tire seulnteni cf tuire 'ne ct eri aill.welfnud ruY tu rr&i eirtrir tiraI geîteman, tri,.1trflaic Olarri rig îutrgrapi, dr', td Ciroiiiele, th saunci b' r-tesrang trirt, nseiec'.iur-g il a te 1, ndlt-.arc e trtiadedt tait viltiiitli ri att11,1graleful en- S tta irirlii or General, i -iL li dn r -,r t ,îli-etocn it Lecks, Boît, Btta, tîinzes, Sctems; i. ds Sinilis' Wardisug, Cabinet Makera' ana llI Sait,2 îound and al sf round; Pomade, latting anal Sport- i£; Shot of aIl sizes; Brackel anal oier Lauaps; Leading Lins, Hâter anal Trace 1tope ;lIed Cord anal Itanulro Linru. <Rorlger's) Table Koliren anal Forks; Biitciets", Slaemaker', Sautal Irs' Jack anal PaiKivea;i Scisrs, Rators; Brtannia Metal Trà idioya; Brilaumiia, Plateal aid German Siiver Te&., Dessert anal Table Sacexa; Biaen anal Japaôneal Ctàuorsi STICKS; Criaa1ing Machiines, &c. &c. PAlITS AND PAIN~T STUFFS. Best White Lead, dry anal lu cil. Best Redl Leal ditle. Venetian Redl. Spanisi Broien, Bine, Green, \'elloie grotual id cil. Yellow Ocire.. Lamb Biak. Raie anal boiter! Linseal Oit. Turpentineu. MineraI sina Vegelalule Tir. P.Ici. Pull,. Coppetuse. Wlndow (dlau 6f al sizes. Pdint and oîbar Brushes. Catels bair pan cls. Au asqorîment cf Brasa anal Woodeo CLOCXS, eigil day anal 24 boeuts. STOYES of ail desciu1,ions. Store pipas. A large assotient cf Plain, Japanneal andl Bloc k TIN WARE kept ou bitnd, or marle ta or- dier et short notice. JA "1 S POWELL. Store St., Kianan, Jisîe 22iui, 1811. 10 TJVO SUPERJOR P,(4NO FOR TEî. JI3ST OPENIN ANq» FOIL SAZIE, AT tie Calom House, [Mr. J. H. Grir's A Wareiouae,] tlir e lidid Pianos, one cf maicli in net aquaslleel in toua or tonci, madeo in the mail recent stle anal warranted te stand tic clirate; the ollier Piano, made lu lhe olal Englini style, mtuogany case, round cornes iiti massive legs anal melallie plate. The above Planes bave beaun elected wmili great care in New York liy an emineut professer cf tie l'iann Forte, andI tili h. nolulcherp. Thae Publie oerespectfoli>- inviteal te culi anal examinetelave. 1Kingston, lune 2-2J. 1811. J. P. WIND.1 10 FOR SALE, j ~ CES ef LAND frofnting tbe 1iatb TN '.c. R Rothnt ongle Eaqt Liai!cf tie1'eni- tentiary Land. Appi>-el tuis office, or ta CHARLES WARD, Near the ToZl Gale. Kingston, Jatu, 21M,1841. 10 WATER STREET. T IIE Sulsicibar continucs te keep au baud a ganersi a,. 'tmeîît in the aboya lina, among whlici itilI be fourir, a lîeavy stock of Tatreti and Manilla Flaser, anal aven>- description cf Cord - age, ssbirili e wil eildIta tlieredudoraicer. f 9da. per lb. by Ujhe toit. 1Kingston, 22d âmae, 1841. JOHN IVES. 10 T [IF Suacbiiera baving removeal Ibeir stock cff Comubs andt Fane>- goods, to lie pramises lately ocra pied b>- J. lVatkind3 & C., aï, noie o- pcning an addilionai supply, amcug wiici mn>- be founl: SlaesiSlae pncis, eaala, Neck laces, Souaf oxe ,air sal, Indeliblelir, btleel Penr, Qulil, Wafern, Seliu& Wax, Fiai Hnek& Lia.,, lu get cariaI>-, Naedlas, Pins, IVaci Ringa, Printer'î' anal visiting Cartin, New Manie, Flottes, Viui , anal Violin Boita anal Strings, Accordusu, Ruzors, Sizzors, Pen anal PocItl nives, Razr stra1s, Waliats, Pocluet Bs'ok, Kidi anal Silk para-, es, &c.- Aise, aachoice nsaoulineofssu Perfumer>- of ail kinda. Plain anal Fine goa linger Rings anal Broaciai, Ear rings, suver Tbimbies, a-al a variaI>- cf char articles suilable for Trocu anal Contry dealers. Jane 22nd, 1811. T. & J. J[IGNEY. aO VERNMENT SALE. B>- AUCTION. W IJLL ba soin ai e Auctien Roc., cf tie VSnbscriber, on Weluesday, SOî instant a quantit>- of senclceable maIlera stores, conssting of BrosalAxas, Mai echi,- Raies, Carpanlet' Drawing Knivep, r Pilclifois, SCytbes compîcte mili Suah, Garden Bora, Gietrîcta, Reiping Haoke, Weed aooe, Bill do. [landl Sama. âi£LO, Laisu ipenlot quelity-lroi lia, andl Stockteà Plate, varions sixes. Liicwlse a fewu unszciea- hi. Plandeta Tenta. Semples of lie aboyaartilcl au s ee«au>- day peecim Iothe le l,ltier aI th. Ortaeee OrficePointHerys , etsîthe Au«m eUmm of Ibm Sabsenuben. Conditions vujela he ,al t*9 l.ietsale. Sleat ilIc1ock A.M. bii. QA.ly lia*b Mait., 1Kiogston, jonc 218at, 1841. N. J. COONS.1 101 NEW BEAIhY lUADE CLOTHING. BROAD CLOTII, CA8SSMERE, & TVEED WAREHOUSE. Norh aideaBrhoekStreet, dfraty opposItte tii m. R CONS& CO., itolalvety tepctfally abglave ta iiiform lha Citizens of King- sten, and tie public genetally liaItihy bave juil apaeal a n exttnaiva Raady made Ctothaog Es. tablisuaeat in the new atone building erecleal for the. palpai, on Brock Street, opposite the Market, and ntxt ta Maessrs. Coltina & Haine' Commi- sion Store, maître liey bave noie on baud a very extensive aunoiment of ready made Clotiing of ail kiiid-, manufactareal under tlii own superin- tendance, by tia besl cf iorbuien during thiadrill lime, lait winter anal sprig, auJ wiich inui h iclai unusually lotir.. Thy are noit prepareal ta manufacture le order, any deqcription cf Clcliing, on lie ubortest buice, anal iaving ou baud a goad Stock cf Brcad Cîloho, iasamanci Doeikins, Tweed, Drill iaud Salin Vetings. . apiteal iy themselveb, reIconfident liai they' eau hr- nisla Clolhing cf an>- description on as gond! termo as an>- allier estabishment an lia Province, and as the attention cf one cf lie Firmn w;ll ha exclusively anal dligently devoled al thle business, theb. uhiribers hope te giva sncb satin- faction as will menit a thare cf publie paînonaga. Having becured the services cf an experianceal al faibionalule cufter, aIl Fils wiil b.emarranlad. Tlseir Stock aI preve nt rocalsts iii part of lb. fPt. icming, vizs-Black,,inuviibleagrea ueuesdfiroman Frock and Dreas Coat, assoitedl, Braver andl Pilet Coats, Pilot Pea, Monite>, Babocu andl Sailor Jackets, Tweed shoetitag Coata, Tweed Pea Jack- ets, Mackintosh Cccli witi capes, Black camimere, Cloti, Tweed, Moleskin, Gamniront., Drill, Brigh- ton anal Duek Panlaloons; vests in great variely, Imilleal Regatta Shirts, aentlemen's fine SirIs, witi Linen Fronts andl lristbands, lium Shirt Fronts anal Collars, Cravat Stiffeners, a great va- niet y cf ver>- superior Stocks, black BrussaIs anal Reliait Silk Cravata, silk Packet Handkerciiefs, Susenders, 'gentlemen's Pumpa, Walleti anal For ket Bockq, poekel Combs, carpat Bags, Uma- brelUas, ik Bals, (Ciristy'î liest London,) Leg- horn, Wilew, Tusdan, Palufl -leaf andal Tbetir MATS. Cdton annd Merino Skirti anad Drarcerg, Togetier witb almica avery article conuaecteal miti an estabishmcnt cf tuakind. Gentlemen's Linen cf evcry description manrafaclunad on the s.liorlest notice; anda being tlir commnaeenst in bu.înes&, andl hy strict attention ta business aeid exei liens te plaise Iliose wmaay favor tianu ititta a rail, hope tu receive as sara cf public patronage. N. B. Gewn enessSersau, frsusld on thse oet reaicalil terni. Kington, Jaoue 21, 1841. 10 'StirrAav'e3OMCJE4 CHIRAPER TuANfEVE. t iégtru, lSth Jue, 1841. J. COlIN:4, ipurrcf Britii Day GuOulr, Ria Excellen>-thse Goeruor Genanal bias beenN orner of Brerk & Quarry trer, Kruir- plesseal te appoint Athony ManaianOfKingaitm, st MVsboiesiale & Retoli, touil ver>- rcspectfuatty Esqlre taha oilcle o Cabce utticPar cf bg larve te preseul bis tearmest lianuks tr the Toronto.i Ciiizens rut Kingtoenda vicinil>-, Tst part fàyota, Ccmmu:onalalal leh Jne, 841.anal la say>- liaI blas jual rectiveil di ert from Glasgowt, Manchuaster anad London, pet slips S na - LOT TauS MouRNKr, r Brouwn, Malte anti Donglass, a ver>- large anal fai- ut TWEEX lhe office cf A. lIrD n blaiesacartinent cf Fan>- andl Slaîulc Dy Goua. Fort e nd. biMs.Fernra'ce uer, a BLACK'Anal iavius utIrerI thiem igielf direct, ferla VELVET BAG vrith a siver claap anal cluaiqg! coîfi deirt, on exaîninalien, wilt hae founti equi t uatuing about $15,8à sîlk iînknîu.hief, anda au>- lntuis maîka t in pritre, description anal qu.alltyq lest, r, cortahamj;r pperua cf importance. anti b>- rnewcd axerluiaa ouù bit part, together fiybliner, un ,etunîhng iltale liaiOffie, o lgo milttc egreal>-increaseti faciires, iaving ace. ticCieuire Bnk tor ma11 a inulomay idirect le lise Briishi Markets, bope to-ire trIs reýCard e Bcl.oewille adogey customgeri andti fiendes Atisfaction, analgo rendrae Tuwadîy Jnd. s~.aconlinoance cf lie favori illierlo ne liberait>- ex- Tuesay, ame e, 141.tendeal te hlmng inca in buinesq. KINGS TON Arfewaof bit Gaoda just rareiveal are asîolioms- OTAL DSTKN NCE S CRET A ver>- irh assoitent or cfLadies' embroddered- ljIHE Montil>- meeting cf tiis Institution, wmai1Sinli>- Pusbfrsere Cnape, Tblet, Merlin, fi'lcal, JLtaie place in th. Union Ciurci, ou Frnday eolI'rAFllet, Blond, Lace anal salin Siateis anal acunX lie 251h instant. Handker.chietl, of lie ceiveil anal uoal fashioluable e;Tic meeting-ailI haesaidresseal b>-membara of :syls lia Legasiatiru-. Agreat vusiety of Ladies Nacalle terougit Col- Tiechrait inlie laken et balf part 7 oclock. ijars sud Cail, l, arin anal figuteal Parasols, a fe i ALEX MACALISTER. superl i Rcc Strate Bonnete, a iun asnoulm.ent cf Secet ary. llg.ured anal embroudened Bonnet Satins, and s ver>- Juste 22, 1811. lange endl chice. assorîent ef Bonanalr NEWRibluens of tLe latea ty>los. Figuareal satin Vent- NEW I i.s Pociret Handkiciief,, gentlemen's satin anal HgaRDnWaRB TbEJlmobain Stocka. a-ile irUST RECEIVED b>- tic Subscnîber anal iili B GîiýTas e Bo Bs Fec e> hao<ld laie-for Cmli, a geuerul assortienct cf ain rticsheli Siale, Twist anal Peie IROMÙNER, CTLE YCOmis, Rcaa tçbe n d suitoitaoise sabeil ban fai IRONM NGERY, CTLER, fi., i-Brtuieru, faur>- PachelBoouks, siven Pencil Cases, Casnp'iuulug Emglis, Steedea, Rusian, snd Thrc- soea ver>- un Fetiacrs ana lurmets Bread Rali-. t1 RiveasBàa. lacin,,Banko naie ie n, Round and, culer, pranteal Saxônàies, Scal Slips, a very nire an- t Square Ritoal [on, ltoop anal Band [non, Blute tiele, Vbinelle Vend anal Tirnming, fine mi Lin- i anal CAS? Stza; Sleat ion and Tin Plates,4 euei, lIhac Poriet lanierniiefe, a lange asot- i Sheet taupper, Brasn, Zinc, anal Leati; l'e, liek ment of ROSIER Y, plan ard erliesseal black anal Fih Kelîles, Saucepana, Stepanu, Betled Silk Handk'fs, Caîpel figs, Pranclle Bots sud Pot#, anti Heritue WAaEcf ail sorts; Greceltanal Slips, chluaren's Boutsa analSbocs, a largoeast- Gra si Siovels, Cats Steel Spades andl Shocals, meut of bloc black Prisnalla. Comaon Stadea; Scythies and Scythe Stones; Furnire bMoreens anit Asiorteai Cairas, Ladies Manura ana llAay Forks; Log, Coii, Trace ad Versets anal a great variaI>- cf Infant', needie olier Ciains; ;miths' Anvila, Blle,, anal Vices; mrougit Waurts, Caps, &c. A carycnotre assot- Fine ]rones, Dog Irons, Pickaxeri; Cnt Nails cf a ment cf FURNITURE PAPER of lia lateat saparior qualiiîy Rose, Cla>p ana l Plut Naila, B. patternus; gn.aamaer, Tascan, Leghorn, willow. anal B. Horse Nails, Croise ol, P t ana llll Sàws. palm leaf Mals, togetier mii a large auonîrmentI flaince Teetb, Hors. Sicest, Cast anal Waggon of Gonds usuali> founal in a Dry Gods esabrils- Boxes, &r. &c. ment, al cf '.vhich ili b.eadisposat of, Wioltei JoiNrs', CARP555TERS' AND Ceop?£R,1 'eoLs in an Retaîl, as tom asala any cther 'establishmnent in 5reitt vaii>-. Enlisi anal AmerleaAngers; Canada. A GREEABY *6oië, à meeting - cf the 'in a .o n T u r f C l b ta n h e l a l e a , D a le y ' s Joh a rs., Vice Preideut lu the Chair, malen ilwsreuva that the Raceshâail take place on Wedneuaday anal Thorada>- the 4tb anal t' Au- guist next ;-and furîber ilesolved ,tiat b> thie prescrit arrangements, liberal purses andl gocal sportj ma- a expecteut, due notice cf wihciililibe sanoved alse, liaI liii meeting do adjourn un- 111 3 o'c lot k, P. M. on Wednesday lbe l6tîi mt., maien a meeting mil1 eha eld at Daley'î Hôtel. Mrt. Prier liaving reaigneal tia Saciétatyahip, il la unanimnousl>-Reinîveal tiat Capi. Camarci. ha re4uesled le perforn i at office. J. MARKS, V.oe PresivieI. A. CAMERON, Secretary. FAUX FOIR SALE. W ILL riz Sex b>- public Aucîlon, if no! pro- vlouai>- disposeal off, at lia Subacriliers Auclien RLau,, an Wednesday, lia I4th dey of A LotCcf goul LAND1 sitlated in the meil kuo*n.old country actlement cf Seymour, ou the River Trent Newcastle District. Contxining 122 Acres tiough i hl a neyer failing stream cof vrter pauses. A plan mill particulata me>- ha had b>- applying ta Ricn&nauHILL, ESq., SFey- mourEas, o ta j. LINTON, A. É. & C. M. Sale at 12 o'clock. Kingston, Jane 14ti, 1841. TO -BE SOLD) BY AUCTION ËY MIL. JONES. 0' N IVÉDNESDAY, lhe 23d Joue pracisely et a 12 o'clock, and ou tie spot, a liaautiful Loi cf Landl, containing oeafourtli cf an Acre, aadmusliy situateal an lie rigit banal aida cf lie Belleville Road, %vulhin one bundreal yards cf tha Toll Gate, neaBl Mr. Waddingtnn'a Cottage. For father parlicularsapaply te tic Auctioneet, King-Street. FOR SALE, A ANING CIR, stipe toi Horse, H:rnesa tir ou-tie property of a gentleman;1 solal onty bocauase ha bas no fartie use for il. Apply ta THIOMAS JONES. KiugstôruiMay- 15, 1841. THOMAS JONES, AUCTIONZEER, APPIEAISER, COXMMISON JIERCHANTr. AND GENERAL AGENT R ESPECTFULLY offert lula services ta lia X ipublic'iat the aboira capacit>-, asacring them tiaI as bis liopes of surce are resteal ou tiair support, bis deterinioioa s te use every energy te merltitilanal prove blasaI! worlby 'tberh tro lige. Itla is intention ta continue a Week y Sale~ cf ORSES, PARMING STOCK, &r, Mr 1 84 1. ÉBeORS c»alisi, aven>- SATURDAY il 11oclock. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT He trusts tuatas ils eranent etablnhmenutmunt BETWEEN lbe benebnciaileulieecomuauil>-, lhoma>-final in- cnaasing encouragement ia bis enderavors. FOR SALE, - several ceoule Farme, KfXG TOJ~.a.N TOR XTO Building Properties in Kingston vîcinit>-, KI.V sTO AND TOR AT0 Au exelalent Tavenn Stand, miti 4 acres et aT tuE landa atarbeal, te ha let on Building Leases, B A1Y 0F QUINTE, Many plots cf lsad, lu eligible iluattons, anal Six times a toeek eacl ay. o n advanlageoui terme. A Poet in tic Episcopal Cinrci. F ROM tha lat cf >day neut anal durnug tic Fer termes, apply le Fuiinenrn:onths, lie Mail Stage i:lave Kn teeSoe 'IHO:NAS jONES. val of lie Bay- Steamers, paaing lixaagi PuaM June 6, 1841. 7 Trent, Brighteu, Colbernc, Graflea, Cabourg, Port Hope, Clarke, Darliugen, Wbitlay anal Pickernug. WEST OSWEGO GOOD FOUR HORISE COACHESria, C ietadCarW eR.m Estirel>- nem,) milistea y e xp.rieuced daive, CbntadCarW r k gag lirougli frein Belleville tu Tontits*vrwei- 0 DOORS souti cf lia Wellandl Bouse. 'On 1-four tueuts, inl froua Cobourg te Torotto b>- dey 0 huito, a gencral assortneut ef CabinetWare, sigt Alaiogany eCurlird Jeiple, Pîîg and lCane Scat l a"eImtEUFAIES iundsor anal Collage CHAIRS. Belltrile Io Torono, .... 120*omiles*.£1 0 O Alo,-Cane SeraIs, Cunleafi na Pin Mapla Va- Cobou 9 tcTorouto,..72 do .. O.. 100O neers, &c. 0:- OrderS prompl>-allamndeato1. 9 Potil~l Trul,.65 do . O.. 10 0;r J. B1CKÉORDa Tic aboya line cf Stages mi11 leaca tie Gene- Juna 5, 1841. 8m3p rat Stage Office,'Toronto, fer Belleville, ever>- Sonida;- aI10 o'clock, A. M. anal eci>- Monday, SEIIIINABV FOR tôUVw LA]D[iEB- Taus>-, tAednesay, Tirda>-anal Frlalay aIt 5iI, SSGILi., just arriveltanLnomr a'clock, P. M. aller the arrival cf tie StatutBoata i.rapcfalyhg mve fein Lnone lmut frean Niagara andl Hamilton.. M GI anall bes s getanal ils Iiriuii SîrangGentryia1dfinal ataree of Kingsaon andtatiagieiai7 Ibs route ; b> leavn a gadvn <Ibmneptl a , tat, ausialeal b> her Motion, nia bas openedal thi rote;by eaingKinsto (hè apial)in a 1LLy SEMINARy for the instruction of Yoea Steam Boat, the>- bave a fine view f co ntry 1Ladies je lb. cathous bronches of Enclisir Rames-i foning the Bay of Quinte, fut viiisotia maunpe- tioa;,tsgedr vili Music anal lie FretnhLars- tance ointe the laIe alteralion cf the. Seat of Gi- goe vemmeut, anal takibg tle Stage aI Beleville, wilt guge.-pi pa tireegi tic aicca tiaunealtombsips, teiri for Readiug, Wtiiing, Gramman anal GeegraplthY s. fettitt>-of "sou a ic nity etfpapalatiea a i11 yieid à, .............. to none la tie Province, tins reachiug lie City 0< Fbo11GI.. bas.for.. ie. pr..... ta.... spai...c3t TorcoSo 'eock P. M.F «..............2 Wu. WELLER, ha i labickfo h se ntrocienIeet, rcpeub IMa Pnopnsdoe. say Mn. aReesei, Bookailie Sret ccp Côliotrg, Aptil 28, 1411 y Rrxxuanucz-Rev. Mfr. Hercha.r. N; .- Stesa Bout teavas KE StaO" f,009 Kingus, SU gfray, 1841L upt, nor l leveille giug alomn lia Dayet __________________ rmenng, <Puadays eepteal.) 1 11?R C IR I'ALIABLE NVESUNT. NU FOR SALE at T. &- J. IMNEY',a Tii. propIi.or of lbe Kimpton Iterb#d A 1.freà spply cf Dcbtra's MA» fS eCa-. be ug brous of netirin &à tsèpnb- mals, indleing the llia1atei Termboey. for -1010 An.s-Franithe* it éFeey, a full sai- lisabluofa uewepapesf, g n ment cf CON BS of autde"e pia*,uilch thé> thew o id V" le rùvùýgBrýaw are aabled la Bell11ba1s1»usaietonn e t a. Ijshuent, tôp6eir wi t i. e opy ,rght of<,Té IMwalth&oain fw ckye g' y~lfqsa Si- the papers orne .OfIthe asi estemavey eGoeds, th", =lê cfàtst icnlo..a thre Provimc.i ude.. &Wiw'aetc 4- j.a L C o-Se Kingston, 1&h lune, 1841. -- IL tîuglvé, M une, I1811.11 I1MANCHBSTER WARB MNOUSL. JUST RECEl VED AND FOR SALE, mv TISE sissicaszia. 20 kaga Plug Tebacco 16s. !W0 kagi do. 180. 16 boxesCavendiha 328. 10 bîf. aIe. -32s. sejsamaoeoey Sau 60 boxes; BitciIisise 30 baif boxes do t-O Tkrcas IRire, 40 Mats Casia, 6 kega binger, 6 kega Nuleegs, 10 baites Grounti Cdffees 16 boxes de Pepper, 16 boxaes do Ausopice, 10 l'agi Lmgira Coffee, 10 hage Si.DaeiunCeffe 10 qn. caska Siteel Wiua, 10 haies Faiberta, 10 is. Ateande, 5 kegs Cornants, 16 baxes Lenuona, 29 baskets Chamspagne, 10 dz. Tumbleri, -40 raesiWraplnt paânr. . . 'È t.ILA. Kingston, St Jouae, 1841. VARIEIrY STOIkE; No. 4.Garrest's Buoldinga, I~ROAD bLOtll, Camaimmre, Wersted Plaid, tafnlCabileteeni. Tweeds, Osulecs, lekn Vesthogr. ALÈO. B>- the Piaceoer Yard, a fln u asotusent cf Irishi Liens. Englisi snd French Gros de Niples, 9--dred anal plain Tabinett. DESS Mouslina ai. Laine Dresses, Cambici aie. SHAWLS AND DRESS H-IANbKERtCMiÉFS. Chintz, Priul'tyanal Mesîhu. 1 toUara ëf éliDcecipt ions. Trhraad, NeIt Caps, anal Collars, anal Couf. BONNÉTS. DrlablIe, Sicav,'aal 1Tise, lalea baions. Lais nal ChMdrenia Pdrasols, juil neceiceai. Geatlemen's Hats anal Caps, Boys Caps. GLOVES. Ladies long sand ahart KIA Gloves, do. uda. do. Lice Mutta, do. -tSilk Gloras of ail coloa. 'rillieu Regattuas, anad gras bleacee*-Slaittibig anarOione almaittreu>- etiar stirle lu tie Cotoen . . HIWO. A large aucilman cf lthe abova articles kept coatly o ands adeue in tIse hast mànrrahu rliaap for cash. STOCKS. LEgis, lr.aeti anal Amerie3a Stocks, af ail descriptions Satin, plain and figareal, Freunch Boimiauinem, Prunella, S11k andI Vilabirs, andal al "iot alerr ihai. LsuuuCosLA*s i"DBoseses. COLL.ARS. Laffies toliol*d CapsTirant, Lace, elintl ad MUainl of lia latesl style anal bang qualit>'. A few cheala I ofeng H>rsm Tee, wbh iRmi o a lea lou ea u hapistebumalino itei. = 1ee4rl, amu i oeafie ymmisele,-tuîlly ana pket-and m ael t ~ l TUE KINGSTON IIERALD-TUESDAY, JUNE -22, 1841. NEW WHOLESALE COMIMSSION ANI E STABLISHIMENT. c OLLIN-S& HAINES bereby ulucoïsaca tô lhiscr friands anal the publi'e nearaIly, liat lie>- hae comimenced a t b. aboie tifié, anal ne prepaud thlbreceiva Conii>guasaala, andal ct as Agents &c. Tiair Store Houen, a c ocf mrettons will ha linge, c.muodsoui* aal »cure. It as nituatealob Water Street, appoMe.lo btaMamas. Wst. Dihnaài & Cosa '...£r.g EsIaUh- ment, and a fuma dooraouti of Mr'Jsro.Icxa' Shp Cfaeedlfru Si'ne. , Fn,. thair caîl kieeu cisvac- tll anal bt*iieia habils, togalluer, maiir ltreir long ilaudlug lu lhe Townm, Coa.um & Hi" stu bps la elhtaldi a eogloilaisc, aofliraIfaveur anil support, uhbîithtç, a4 bitherlo enjoyad as a F"u, im t L ar ~bd Business. Tbey " esambrace ibis 'ppo l et ~ expscsaing Ihiir graIlla.le tics. friand, mWho bava op te lhe Present lima., on liber- ailly îsppoited then,. CeOuat*a &HÂsmsa axe allowed te Jià" lh. nagues cf lie- followîiag G"htle u s Relaesî whoaa Watt bnoa .respect btt$ywilý1hey havi lia doRw! ,prove hiably stsuia.- 'JaonÇ0a*enEaq ......... A aegin Dougelas Pnieulsseq... Richard Sobei Eq. Mepsses, obaMoat &c.o........ Venace iheceil IEau ;. ...... Cobourg. Tscm D. Harns EB4 ........Tenante. JS. hase sc Edwisn Clark le............Ogesaslsngb (terga Sanalersa. Bq.Es.a.tkbville:. meures. ROM Mener & Co...MosiWtreat. Mee. S. Paner & Co ...montral M.mnre, 2eli, Tgv.LCo. If. C..&IHL leg 10a w ùiwl binrimés : at (silbe<a% ti"r Oa Stsxe hla W*a imqi.bIss ehy areaiMuiêI o a"ie P tnis, aet ta Agentsm aiIM .-teih oiif tbeit lieu tralidgpi,làld$ Ib l. o uaa pe uteil Se.rpsh la .lI* prmbes No twliabl * "bli*e Citvy of Pi- 0mee'b m4h Ct - Beauero<aandacasm 111WaadIluas P»n.aeýèév*4 t* te UV.L As GOVFERNMENT NOTICE. s EALED TlENDERS mail1 be receiveal at lthe *c~omnluariat Oifice, Kiltzst,)n, titi noon, 0* Monday the s3îth Jul>- nexl, froin any persan or peâon~rs, desirous ci eiuteri itola eaContradt, f0« Building two Rarizeb of Bo!rup-preôf Caseatîcini Mlasunt>, near Port He nrr-, cf whicli Speeteactions andl Conuditionus toy ue seen everu- da. Sunulsys eIcepte>, et (lie Royai l Emgneer'a Office, aller the 2tst imtrunl. Unexceptionable secuti'ty, subject le lie appro. Val cf tîle Comnmissatiait, mai11 ha requireal. Commuimsriat, kingsLon, 15tb June, 18411. NFW -BO0K BI ND ER Y KING.STON. A L L descriptions of Birrding neatly exe- L..criîed.- Uctlce-izt', Lilrarics fluted up anud repaired. Murric and I>eriodtcal# bound ,0 tîtern. Ladit.'Sre' BoAlbuims and Povrtfohios, and Blanl; Boouks, of all de- criptioiia, mode tu order. Binding done for Lihrary anud Book 1nst:i- *tuflmons, Smvivries, &c., on thse mnost ndvanta- geous terms. Oý Orders received at H. & W. Row- sell's Book Store. RIH D FW R Kingston, June 15, 1841. 8 UHOMAS WILSON reipettrelly inlormuathe A- lhabitants né the Cîty e iLagiasi an i Vsiiilythit hhoaujeat nieceaveal, 4lrrct tram Lonidon and Mauchester, à ebofra spiluient 0 F..ncy & Staple Dry Goual, oaihble lo t Ieopie'- esat aseason.-Acmg whith eUt haiefemad aprri- or FRENCIl sadENGLISII FIGYJRED vol PLAIN SATINS. vt&y ricIt, PIGVJrED and PLAIN GROS DE NAPL ES and SA 7TNET of ,arioc. araue-jf'ASIE>NÀBLE PARA- SOLS; PRENd! SHAPE.?; endl LONDOY STR.IIV*WdRIVE BONNETS;-,Genutipncn' eau Yosuth'a fatcy CLOTHand SILK VELVE2' CAPS cf vaiespateros; a Rite *asorturent of LONDON ICEINTZ and PRINTED CALI- COES; beaulifut FRENCII AIUSLINS off lu- train coladr; à rich as-ortment cf VICTORIA GAUSE, SATIN LUTSTRJNG RIBBONÇ ;' a i4oed vaiety af GLOVES and HIOSIERY; VICTORIA VESTINGS. AIea. gcod inleno f fane>- andl white DRLS;lgehr ih a general asaortaucnt et GOODS, ton uarmalitre le mention. Having rceiva laabuya Goodi direct (rom the manufacturera cf Great Britain, Thos. Wilsonî flattem inmlf uasc liini.erabled tu soli them at ver>- Reduced Frices,, hherefora h.e féelaconfident in soliciting the patronage cf lb. tradhig cbmdauty- lie wculalrespeclfaully direct t ibaro l ai tbis well knoman estabîllihment in Stoie-street, known auiha IlaNcirEaTEa Wàitt u tr-Plese take notice, uatbng tado 3itbi b esabliaiuent uce aaauming lt D ame !ately viicateal by bebsis. Collinsa & liaineoi. t Buling for fiaî>l anal Seuil Canvas. Thêfrmars cf tha Midlend District 4t. maum Tam geparali>- kuown, are mon e PMclfillly ini- vileil ta tete notice of tbe above adverltiefmcn June, 1841 8 HÔt'iNG BUILDINGS. ruf8Subscribar laving furmisheal huasal t i T.ilnpleients for meving buildings, is noie pro- paraidtet, b au), jobs cf tht kitua on tbe shartest noice ta any required distance. Enquit. et Win. Wiight's, near George H. McLean's, Stuatrille. Z. BALLARTI. Kingston, Jane lit, 184t. 3wp. NEW OOdJEET STOIRE. T BE Subscribers be5 leave ta infurain thir ALfriends, andl lb. public in gencral of King-slen anal ils icinit, lihai lbey have ccmmenced tbsi- nes in iaI Sioe next doot ta Mr. Bimférd'a tic- tel5 Stbre Stret, malen. tic>- eli constatly keep on banal a "hoce asortirent cf GroceiabTeao, Wines, Liquors, &c. &c.9 'ahici lb.y mili ias lcie as any cther establishument in ttiwiliey leg aise ta oller Onondaga Sait, Plaster cf -Paris, Waler Lime and Wbxakey by thlb brrel st ver>- reduceal prices for cash. A sbire of publie pationage is te - apeîfui>- S lic iEç L O0CONNELL & Co. Kingston, May 1841. 7 X. M. &T.aRA E, WHOLESALE INFjOR TERS 0F FANC Y STAPLE DRY GOODS, F100? STREECT, KINGSTON. T OF. Sabscribers are noie receicii; part cf tbeir N4ew Cood& for thii Seautun, andl are dait7 expccting ea i «Mna*kt' id Souter Iobnuy"e and 16Linboit," the ramfainderof tbeir suppliei, wlicb mil1 comirlire a coiliplete and chioien aasort- ment 0etFaacy andlSta Dry GoodsJta wbich tia attention of the Inde la requesteal.. A liberal eredit wililiea given, uid the.uualtis,- couGd allowed for cash. IL H. & . AE. Kingston, 25h May, 1841. ITATÀ o itsy alie beàg!à 1-3 dIer et Ivaq ". 1 iB Joue, 18 11 Suait Lft, r owe rieP4 T 0'1,r lt E, E,1 Bàc -«Lrin thleTon of. im teuk ORT tereof - i% pa!u1BUILDING LOTS m byoca mu, a th eeTonofKrm5 do wtoonfyei4.ii a AWy*.ÂSIb a~~~~~*.M ntT7ydpt'f¶ ace4blw*,femi taitd Cappart cf Towi fk't f.2Ieet l t b Kingaen, tMr il, 184L J1 IMPTURSNWS Suacrbrl1 pà-1h ,o*¶mnc Fic",Egani beluteWtlmiate th,* ~ile Cap Farry Brck te aiertdMle eKl n gittél À oiî, I d bLlia uit1 [ett rd . '.- & R. , U' .. N. - énÎ ho. viown preci Yalély. ,o tme at'.i Wa o~famà Li <uMmuibnlW Gelait, wibi7o otbe vagcse aso..Tesss.d klsebid ben bodgÉt fur Cash, awd mtewb.. Maanfartured ahpilLiuMpbqal tan yeati beauatAn ap.ill"0eaa- Ior t euam 1111. v -o -. ,"aa lu i uiaitbîeà4 il. p~~&k. bel . 4 i a im foral gsalaE aUr hh ror'Wt.r. otalrg tma f L4rLILol 14 early of ti> heIbir assrtusoTellg cofidç#et atq Md !çieé taIl b..IÎLa tg a&ord tIbm.. .v4mmq M iheib with tiseir migQort eavery sEfi oua. TMe cute wba*teb.rlbq tVid ed lathat if sud ~ ~ qý bat tdt, cgaw M4 on s.eq tw, . tât .t ilh f y7,be ikeÀl"Seot. roiçme " i ..l.ahviislo Viti à@ eèaled. te sel, stil ba . Kibguom;2nd lia,i184c. "e* PaMTace ger eaige laces,audt MicRUL, by wsy ftiS.'LA4W MNE, utiariha Firmi c f m"GBBON &àFtRGUSwKspou Preight c ocdè ~*ari eliaîged.lturetberase c&kmidg Io *eiîb1 4laaid Jrales as reasonabla aa tics. cf any oai ln ie. tri& .&LIX. FERGUSON. 1