_________________ ______________THE KINGlSTOJN hlEICAIlD---TU!E:SJAYlUSE 29, 18i41. couisd u&I eevIse tlitaisvoe agalasi; the ail.r doo.Z . -n iI 'spe s bhlaWadbeet pr.-pared. ilà woold mora.ow iessp'teu tresisf, enua; ver. ils.costents. il ttraI de issanibess rebut et 1WuRuuealâtdi. Re cel¶ait;ly muen *ccuse is lm. fricad of bste in tic rawa.ap cet tist 1 milites..Wlaîbo lataI ios. to de wth lb. ot-1 fair ofM MeIodà itspisonmientTil cetttl ia t- c 1 ed lîke s dcsiii te rouse our-palliW -te inueI a ait tearepare for mn ezpedition seins ite tireri latalle, barn, sink sId destmo>-ail vom iese 1 mig i mc, ountil McLeod siaîuld b. nu.eased. Wu it net in the power of GetI ritain ta @ternie1 tbis abject vithoil Ilh. interf. reeof fêlat bouse? H. for one.wu net diajioseilta consent lisai bis attentis ion eod b. dîverteé trontunsasuNe~cts w whald a reeýere thaic i sdermtioa. Asceh. or prosainent tapiece;Oitained l ite adles wus tb. sibjeel of a lasse-or a million oui s balf trr- lI&.in. H(Mr. Aylmoh) aicclilb. as ready as 12àoeif tIse>'balitbe mone>- liati l *bouilil be Scaeuety e;pedilfor lhe palirse«alhudeJ la, alW8l. .ip=dw, badil ipreseol; but athen b. ecuadert hai Il ail depeads on the minibtry et hem.,il a$nlo a me promnise orflaui. enc*, mci a pronsie as ever>- man in poivrr ve ta ever>- coutier: end even suppose liemne>- Io bn ben obtainedt the>- bail alrcsy seaLie Mrité of usnstsaa t ncof "Mbiecmassiles in the Province ofCanada, tiat Province havn»1 faIm bats da-lte e a usent wvîcii I!uceil hirn ta lie- liev tIsaI flbcmennorbe hl e b.nanagenitot cf aLia uer. Cothlnt MM. (Hises er.) But pehprthe object ls a 10bcrow a millionnsd a bu epsy n0plb.debtas whicIs bave been aresil>- imerredtftese vere lb. tesusnskly ha filît it bis daty te volne agalnasthe addiesa. lie . *I nov cocinde b>' begging pardon eftIhe lions. if lie boit apolleaItoeu et Itegl. H. bopilsaii ebervations vould ntclle cons!dered as tavitii beesi mode lei a rons andlsectli" alvew: be lie& emdeaveed le vie,% lb. vbole subject upcn tle Irsil reunds cf naioal benehi ; andl in ibis liglisIbe atobughlt at-iuslcsd ct oblaining s lmo f amillion andl s baf lse> vere fri-ey cifur- ed tb. wbole treassuiry cf Englanti, viti tie na- tional deiadiloilta it, in rier t10 mdcc. lientte assume the Union bill in ils present foim, lbe ab leut for one veulul sporslhe offer-(hear, bear.) Thé eld mil truc libertien of Englishmsen alrent] tae b Istereil away. In conclusion ave vonld say ibal Oe member voulu bc more disposeil Iban himulf tu 0affoua a fain trial le tie operation of lb. Union bill, and lo enter mb esaIl feaisible plans for local imptuvemeul, but naihe LassMe ime no ea i coutil convince[fis (Mr. Aylvin] thal an>- one mase&lasse conlil gavera Ibis lauge ]Province in bbc vs>- lu ebich it ought ta le govcraed, unaýsiàteil by a tesosible Executive Counscil. «ri. BÀs.owao.asld le vesl dt have trespas- ste upc. thc dane cf th. cosnmilleo hall il nul beunsitalb bai b..siagde u ei. tise course or the debea be bion. snemler. It iiglal hbcof impe-etaice tial le sboulad pacet wilh liose cx- pîslais los wieli b. ballpromised Ihat bouse, IL vai s lire y stî own liat bc bail accepteil Ofee. ampsio theiegovennamett vaisadmin- le ed bilb.h present Governor Genctal. The viens oriiclver. entetained Vqon l the Bjecî cf resposaile gc!etmmehby b>hebcGovernorc encerai, vies vilci veto containeil ilutbbcid< spaci ta chIaI the bon..gentleman bs! lalludeil, andl ahich alor, aise .xpressed in Lord Durbamsreport tb wblch tint despalai mludeà:t home vicrs ae,. ian Pmatlc application fr. lihe limne cf bis ta - inq offie. op te lb. commencement cf the present selies.. It ld lieb.seiorigilte tate lbat-of elicbit0 lit.palie ave..avare, tbat baviîîg -accrp- lad elie. b*baWhfomed u» coalition taiub thos eaie ses. thon composeil lt.he ctcil of b:s à" îlea lie bail always acleil vii a part>- wchaorne enlirel>- opposcilta themn. Wien the a"cof thbbcprovinces having been declareil be va.1111, *@MWOn le take bis sent in th. Executive Ceusa, b. bhuit eiterateil ta those geilein L ils aexpreateoetval;on o! bis original opiations, andl #hât lieboad net changes[falis ,positiona -ticbha blli in teapee le ieras. AI Ibis insee. as me parliamselit et Canada wich migil gîte ex- Pfeesaoate tb. aonlDicecfttae people ; hait aven tÏ".roueh tci b. eloetions b«4eqene owseu aio lb vainimirertaied cf abat mater laist.o oufs etc Assmly'socomposei, iltisais beenê *hs dut>- le infiorm t4oheai cOf lie govetnninet Iat lhe ail. taiitrati*On vOW6at mtpssese the confidence cf thi e sutecf Aucmbit, andl le tender tb hie te. il-eenative cf bis auvereigis lb. reusignalien of thse ofce ineuuch ie le do bavsig fini, as according lu th. dutffl cf bis ociclie vans bouilld ta db, cf. fereil bis advice ta bis Excelhency bbat the ail- Insinsirtsion of the ceuntr>- abonlil- h. econsrnc- led. This mvice u baving behesn autpteil, my reignaticis followeil, vhidli waas cca'pted. Sit, >-ou sali a gentleman propsed 1e friltihie Spjask. ci'. chair uhmseopîasiénaamisrespecttethle ai- mnistrations yen beand denamineil because cha ll tou confidence ia the adoiltratitn, I ut lie ai- niaislma iet!i net proposie anotlunr. lion. g41etmm maigbt 1"aI*porn tIIas a t.iging mst- IîibW lsb. <r-Bahuiwia>consiseredilitvery dif- femail inggiven ibis e>plsnat on lie vvosshd nektrespsu farîber onlb.eUie cf the housse, bul would isauk tbleui for bvigbeard hissawith attention.hais Col. Pisucx ail, lie debîte hlalien a Cen>' exftaar4Unarytuti. The remaia of lie learneil genleman fron lastings ver. sîogrîbîhtr f raign ta tie subjecttblfore the Commibuce. Thse epeeci of the bon, gentleman tram Port Neuaf his. been delivere lulaithe muicct genthenfatatssail iasu- er, enini.eplying 1teiaI gellern n a eliolueil b.s" alcal.guailed] b>-lie ane epu rit. Sut withî regard ta tie leseil Ex Solicitor, it was resl>- eXtrtoo»smy tUaI lie committre ahoutîhhave W» .inborupteil for baîf n bu ictisliailuxîlaria. tion cf lie tessons for lis resigisatiosi. Tite bea. en learneilgentleman aboulil bav-e îrnuired lie corteipeasience, if Ibe>- existai, up)onIs e auiject cf is rtelgiaion, if be coasadenedi i îfsoritucls com"qene; lut b. Çcel. Prince] avoul lit ad- misit lia tlb.realigsatien of tisai bm). and leaineil g«eMeusu euNbave heen cf se nue t onsg.. 1%@è e0 tlb. cOuntr>- as be seemseilto imagiane. 1 WM m au ea m I l.speech of Lis Ex.-lency, b.e for cme Itaprlecofcit ; and Mlie.wasoeepsitt of te bou.genleman's [Mr. A>'Iwinil ..dires Io te eomnittee waisia le apprcved of,"sai]th<-t rss th" tise Speech vall a meinentous one ;for neyer ise. Caisada bas bail a Constiutioan, was tIere debivereil se pouenful a speechinesoLius throne; ami ave bave col>- toi ookailt tise oye 0(fecle vWhoaissies aelta1bis coty, ta lc coasvitaced lIaI il il tlee carnestdilaie 4is E x-ellency thse Governor-Gene-al, te put ia pra l- hoe ft resse aports these dires.-ft is extremel>- bandat muet consent fiat bisaactioens ehoblhb. crai- nents, andl bis prelieniled trienda, avIo opeisl> andil teccmrteas t laia H-is Excelleisey ta fauve cally Joilgeil. (Hleur.) lie vvculd eo*ti procemil palil>r maactaineei tisaIbc neyer inlendeil, not- couuter îesatitc a upiefurenca te reoluliensao- ta -aveua sketch as ropidl>- us iIe ottial cen- witataniag lthe derlaratioiis made front lime lu riisilintroucif; it fvas nt scorng tb par- llemsu's peliical carer, »sforas n e (Mr. Day) Lime, te scre ta Ibeir presser spirit ami mesmng. liameeîary peactice. TflImmo. gentlemnan aitiliai been ci a aectei vithiii. TIse cffice uhich 1 'flacappointaient ofîlie learoed gentleman vas an bIaIe yreu ta els t c t thpeeliar tte iusavohi ne cu bli, cas ronferreil opens me gay lbe prereot tridencscuf bis sinreit>-, and gave a ccntiuence le bav ye hobele,.lia ie ialml es abic -Graverace Geaeral, in May cf 1840. Long belotie1 bis admninistration, whi<1a ne cîber man in Canada ver. senountwl In7 pa" agote Gat.verontr etthat potina i ai icceteut a tequisitioom thebocouli ai fiat moment bote enauiai, te an equa Georgie ver, snobs. v.a iouhi nov f"wo. Ne, canal>- ctidi 1 epresieol, ta e boee a candidiate citent. lise oesrl cf the EMettios iaticbesl tir, lb. iatu ta tc l loce t are bte.amIt fr tIb caltI>. 1 came eut cti se bairetsa hicis evidesce dilie calent ofgtisal týeling in lJUp. cul ta tseGovarnar Gernftal. The, boi. gentlc- I inbe.edsbo" ulcontain ais expression oint>-lpo- Canada. Bail the tsignaaion et the ion. and imon shuke a in boand, but I1la,. Dot jet bearil liical seetintcnts; 1 mention thi a 1showectisai te lesrned gentlemnan taken place al an>-agcter period, lint shake notélone seunilmaiguaient le provoegliat boa. gentleman munit bave laer»areirschat tis if woîîhd bave cîsteriaDy w eakeneil Ihat confi- 'the insîtrurtioas lti e Governur cof Georgieara p- senlimetiats cere. On lie Iileenti cf Febeusi>- dene- bot ir, 1 ans one cf aim hos i neyer feed plicalule litet lte prescrnt day. One objection folowieg, chen the Governot Gesetal cummani- diapcaeui tc look aetlihe iark saieof aontent, bit i lti e speech vas attateilta le b sa wnt cf reference catiaite tbe bon, gentleman bis intentioan ifcalI- abat ilmay. Il is eutdut>- luai-calwbal ae sup- ta thse srt jecto i f seepueble goveiiàmi et. If cet- ing blaiste bis Executite Couneil, It i on. gem - pose an evil, but vien if arises, il is equahi>- eut ltainl>- ould bave let a ver>- singilar if bis Ex- tieman declarei liaI vilà segard tate ic. sie d ut>- lu takre the Most favcrable viev cf it, and celleiucy laidalîndeilta if. IL isthoronghly mm- bell offize s at aItine-myself andilalire.cgier«, hurn it tate eest accoun-at first 1 con.fetsi1 ias- draloil, and b>- nocone is itbeltteaetuu.uu, homn le coulailbave neoonidence in, lieus(bear, Ieat,) prebendeil tbe motI isasîrous co.seqceuaes frais b>- île bon. gentleman bauself. Heoseysc otint ial iste irat £ep of imc nsislency, aili lie resignatien cf liehe n. and learasci mendler thraI lhe election rnota aolntihave bhron noîlceil; v ililappeais le me the conducl ct lic bun. -bul on mature refiectio, 1 believe ilb euh tend but hou is [his Excellene>- la kuca- gliat dota have gentleman vas makeil.Wben lies effet cf ta more tlia an> lier fmessure, 10 esiabhici the pria- occuireil? Tic>- aîwasbave happoncl, a igl 1ba »boîter as thc cffice oft S er tGeneral, asrile vithout bis hein.- subjec ac 0 5i>-rputallon lie>- always aili happenanaslongnas e freadom of wudt as Execeite Concillot, viraitoféeelhlil itwalever. Tic hon. gent:emnnats on ail oc- eleîtousabzisîrp. .Beaides the comme» laiir isi. vas blair ai> acertain wvbê cere bis colleagues casions hus hltm bel cfglaitIbis Excehlency' Lord es ample aneans fer pnisbing outrages cf tUs gai an d avetier liebail coidience islIent or oct; Sydueaham, ever bas, sud iilldoJts, imitai ta car- arlîbou l asteinlerferencecf lthe Execatite. %Suci£ iei.bai nef, llace 1 an>-es a public malenan eisir>- lit ana, Iis vital pincipte mb luprclîcal sre tie principal abject"o aleei b>- Usaibon. ne igbt ta accept ocftce vili thora. (Hear, lear.) cperain-and il is flot lhitintention te embarras genutlemoan ta thse speech., Wictbenlibas.elsjc-Ibldacteil c» lie prmeciphe avilci lie bon. the rccedings cf governameistas at fru sent con- tions avoulul have »Y>- eaght urwith glaiaIconsmillegetlteman secana ta bave adaptaeif, ail frmed rny atiliued creffer feacn>- yfaclieu' chîpooaltlou; simd I it Ivas nul forbhtm le ay ; bai lh.ied ii bl a t 'I dgabnttfhils cIaracter frnthe publicpriaIs, feel asourci this course will cobale bim te tie coni- tie commlthea voulut upoit relectionsauicever I vould oner bave cet cf Ibis rigii banalUtais tinued confidence cf lie people cf Utileil Canada. thit tie cananot debetlor ian te *gree1taltse e- te have fiehl ofice taiilbahica. But I vouli flot 'ihe hou, gentleman is no more lhable foc censure, s«,uuicns. JB. Ibougît lhe centrnttlee waol dis- test ni> judgment cf bis character uponfiace in taking cilfice than lhe prisent adîministration fur covr abtthNes. vasouccstaleb.hoped lifuse M groanitais-. ata 1donc sa I navet veuld bava ber»aa t s hici tIi.> have ne knowlcilge. He is liose mt-es centaiaed ais lie speech, and ltint bis cd1eaguýand lie sîraigbl frcard sud matul>- nor left ba pansue bis own course wiîbout emba,- biýs Eclh li- ail plilged hlimstehf le do Mes courtse would bave bean for Ihat gentleman le rasbtnenb. W. wihh judge hlm beseafler b>- bis na. ibs cM.>thlias as ceter don. before, and Ibae refusait le accept office viti Ibose in vient sets, andil ie cîlginates, matures and proposes pledgstad bincîblf upon sud tere, le, liaI bbcl--le profseil 10 bave ne confidencc. <Hear, hear.) measures avhich tend tu promote the bit neeats lieved b. macuîlirais arrt vint ie.hlidpromsil. Ris colleagneis atterwanda avent belote tepeople, cf the country, lhe aill regain eut confidence ; if net, Anil as le had scmuidbetore, il vu du. te the Ex- lb.y iront bbefere respectable costauencic, nt-'ha. aili mot ilescive il ;andl commetexpecl il. ective liaI tle acertate se peeci h otalie b. ithiaaniling viat baid been scali b>- ltieo. A. lit. Btcisaruasi licugit liaI vie» . eexact cariei foithibab andil t as daie t0 the conIryt> ieuse f roua Pert Neuf, constituencies pobcti> position ef paeies is kept in view, the mûlrementl tint Ibere abolaui lb.ne dissenaîcas amons lieu,. capable cf juling in wurne.lteir cofidence conhd truie» office cf Mr. Bahdivin aill i i ta hhea 'flac voeoupen tliiiquestion avuli doubîleas b. a b.e satlly plced. TIse>-ver. reburneil lePaia- muccimore lupotbiant ircumslanca in lie discus- Iiael attengl, butlihe iraI>- believeil tic ongi. ment taililasehe sncf bing gorenament fcrs sion cf lie aidres linainoe boss. nembers aterri mal adairesavuli b.e caried b>- a large majorit>, eopuglatir head--(beat, bea,)-the ath e i raI villing le aîhow. It coulailmotllia pretendeilgliaI sud air> Juing-ae liey waveli give sahifir- step goureails respeisble goveramont. i bai lIe lie addtess, or indeei an>- fuIte measure of gcy- lin ho i country. satisfaetion cf mteetinsg lie hon. gentleman lu eroment, coinld potsa lbs bous.eaitbout the assis- Mr. HaecEs scali e ssocl ot liste adilesseil Montreal on business, but mot a voci e saoib>- lance ofut1he lilserai menuieut front Upper Canada. l. Cournilîce ai this stage of the debale, bai ifl bitt respecting poitical opnions, Sel a step vas Tial large portion cf tIse bouse, wiatever mighl net heen fur soins obervations m-icb ftlI ttc. the.fatken baards iscovering lie vlgua cof bis col- bie teir varices vit-vs as le lie propriel>-, under hu. meoiher f.-om Port Neuf. Ho resîl>- ii leaguses in cilie. The Parliamtent cas caleil te- lia citnuntances, cf 10.r. Baldîin's resigaallî, Ibiiik that hen. gentleman, bail atîcupteil le mys- gether ainder extraordisty circumtances-enler- sti11 rebois full confience in Mr. Badvin'@ tciti- tfrs tili ciore lbheauabject cf responsible gavera- ai; auwtir ii aipon a ncir era, ahicIs aill ieb.tlb.cai inte.-ary, undi all continue t le h îtdrli awva nuient, ia» tic learneil AbI>-. ienerai lîlmacif. He commnencement of a chais cf eventa, lie nature cf only en iberal prinaciples thal Cclonial governmcnî Ih.ouil il of bhe bigiest passible importance liaI ubici ailI matrishl>- iepenil Open tiecffait stepueaucaltbepctlesuccecil. Mr. Baldwvin anil lhe eIcr ne Aissentioasa aboul ai te place. Be b.icv- vhilc are takir. Unier titra. crcummîancos, ne iberat meubets fromt (te western part of lie Pro- ed flite.could lb. noidifféence ef opinion inigliai man vIe bail arceptei office, and wovieldbis vince crirrîiedgltieicerlins becaus. ibe>- declareil bouse, ailIsregard ta respouaible govemrnent. resantista brnit iis coîheagutes vien heoilid aceept theiselves supporters of lie Union andi in favun et (Hear, hear.) Tfis vas bis belief, and li. regret- if, lien 10hd bis Excelhency tiat h. oust break aip lie polillcs outhebaGevernor General; andinv led exceediugl>- liat lb. earisei AIl>. lGciterai bis adnmistration' IHear, beau.] Tue days Ibal responsible government ia graniteil, here la bai mal ststeil bis viocs in sncb a manner as before lie ameein otParIiamen arcommunication surel>- a sUilI trenger cbligation im;îosi on lieut aouflaibave admuited cf ne miscensttuctiou. Heleismade ta lie Governor Genesral tIb intvitli ta view i wh a frienil>- eye the acîs of lie Exe- (Mr. Elsusci) aveulib>- reading a fev oxtiacts retire fr0. office, in ronsequence cf viat? net cutive. But bie (Mr. Buchanan) dililnet coissider frontmililudocumnaishow equally ta the bons. Ibat lie bai discoveai a différence cf opinion lb as ai ail neceasan> taoglatir giving an indepcn- sud atcocuntr>, tie ilFereace belveen lIe pi- bolîveen bilrself and bis colleagues, for lie bail dent support ta Lard Sy-denham, liaI Ibe>- Muai cilîle as iflis houn receirail, and îthab iche vas nottlatenthelb trouble ta ascerlain their opinions- coîtiemn or mot continue la counltenance lie ex- advecabed iite admiaistrtina etSur Frais- Lieut, her)-no; bt batcause e bha! tue!b>- Selicilot General. That ion. and lejrned mcm- cia Bond Head soese >ess aga. Tic truc hrlci- secret enquir>-, b>- allcuding secret meetings, Ibatlier'# bahiusg mffice ai finit Itas cf nfinite service lu ples cf responaible guevrimeni bave myesa h... b. cotaifermn a part>- îa eterturithle Cotera- gevernment, an secnsing for Lord Sydenhiamuan carrie-to mbu-Lt lu itber Province, andl if »ase ment. [flear, hcar, berj Imagei of bulgi; ppertunil>- of ilvelopiliog laapoîcy ; andl lie (Mr. ion, gtentleman fbi stàtedIL, ib.neo nvirptlasciphe, his parI> te tise support oesttntGoveimemt ubose Buchanant) blieved thiat in Mr. Baldwtain&eretire- il la ieciileily an improvement in pracire. Be servant bcefvas, b.ie t cai'otsa lemite il the las- ment frocia office fIat gentleman bai donc faiât le preaumeil lie brn, gentlemen vie are membena cf bsîrumest of bils cavns pucpose@. And t avoulpet cotait! t avait! an>- iemonstraicun of opposition tu lie goea'enct aers prepareil ta scl lu accordance i111a the lbart andl uuierabanding of cvi>-meuher lieebeailofethle GovernmeMê-Tlere coulai lie ne tei lie admissions lie>- lad nmade. He (Mr. cftîita iourses, ibetier Ihe bai net placeil bimctisJouhl liat Mr. Baldain's esignallonai-as mmml>' Hincks) cas perfecîl>- stislled wiUs those admis- in a predicanent-upeur ltsebenas 'taa ilemua. intrumeilal in bringing lte presenit Executiv;e siens. BeH e wsasort>- liaI lie bon. gentleanas1I aouti sal, abetber lb.eimore farta bbemselves Council teaileclare theuselvea as tbey hai on trou Esçsex, (Col. Pince) bail ticugil ilareosta- ould Dat justif>- lie supposition ttli boli eu- watal lecalleil esponsible gevernment. Is Ibis r>- la moitereniails i. bai! viii regard tate e ereil lie administration aii lia intention of ncav position et meni and partita slha bas sîreail> learneil gentleman tromn Habisgs. Tic nacîssit>- commibllng a deliberat. aet of perfady! tlear, seen a fresi argument in faver cf allon.-n Cana- cf msking lic exîléatnsli e bail maie, vas lua- bear, iear.l Let il not lie suppeseil liaI 1 jesine dhans public îîîinice, as represenlei b>- lie majuni- pomeil upen liaI ion. geia'eman firam Port Neuf. Ibat Ibis ii'crencc sboulai rest upon the bcn. gen- b>-ofethte House, ta have a direct centrel ever eut le (Mr. Hîncica) believedi lat lie leanneil gen- tleman. i de Dot believe b.oavaul have Wbeca- local effislaliuan, fur ave se liaIittenan Execuhive tleman &'cm Hastings la foîl>- convincei fliaIte- tbateil b>-a isbonorahhe motive; but lie justifi- composeJ ofet c»wbese pusaIcarcan voulil net con- spensibte goverument is tulI>- conceied;lthe dit- catios et public men must test on lie Ircai tac. mani for tiem majerilita of lie Assembl>- as coni- f rente helvreen himzelf ani bis collcagues ia iu cf tacts. Afler bis acceptânce af office, lie most sîituted, ns>- relain office b>- framing tlatir meas- lhe applicable» cf liaI priciple. fie vouhl eaun rentarkable circumatance cf inconslslemc>- is, bis urts 1a suit tie mjority, and cai» regaai fice in reveil lu tiat hi ich urss mr. partielrly lie conlhuning te bolai office ailieul makiag an>- cf- ne ollar au>. Uniler tic nent syslem bbc pniasci- subjet of Use prescrit dbicate. He bail no eseue fort te discover waiawavre thi- polilical vîcars et pIes cf lie isjoity become the ruis of Govera- te ofr an>-tibian- ile a factionsaepposition, butbils clleagues. lTie vortI faute of alli t.,fat mnt las ftas a egisaaien is coucemreil; sud un tact lie îiould fakte occasion ta sa>, liai lie oljecleil iaving Ici lbe Goveruer GenaI sud bis col- lIse majriy sic in powter cvcn if nul un place. te lie speech mot on acrcuil t fan>- hing coulai»- leaguts in office b>- bis ilence, optte i imecf Upon motion lImaI lie ciairman eave lie chair eil lu il, but for actin. lHe fouianine fartâtaiti t.emeeting of Paniament, lu bille t haI te aveuli cf cemmittea, liaI tie lieuse mugit adjoursa. lie speech for alludiing le the aubject ot McLeod'a aet iu concert aili bUe amniistation cr the Gov-- Mr. HALE observeil tial lie business before ipis ninent, fo e .falbtIset il wu impot.anh. ernueni, aller bovin.- csitsu!ted vîit is part>-, therabouli lbie ceedeil %vilia. Tieir conailc- ý.euc corred i'iitlhe hou. and iemned minmber sud listing toanil tiat lbe coulailembarrsaite ail- tclalhai Dotl seul Iham lui Ihat Bouse merel>- liaI fcr Fiscs, in tinleisg II %vas not impruper fer lb. mimistatio, lbe (ben reignei lubs office. -NOecx- lhey mgîl eat, drink, andllbe ment>-. executite ta assure lie peep!e of Ibis country-, ot plication wulci be bas gvean, otcri gîve, viii Mr. Jomusua saud tliaIlhe thougit Ihene sbouhl bier Maîesly'l protection. But lie voulut connect alter my opinion gibal bils conduel vas an outrage bie icas speecb-making. Each member sbouhillie lie Speech villamanglier ilcument-the Union epen lihe representabives of the Province, ILb ias limniteil be lite minutes. The Repuorters avouhl Biti, mildavien lie foui4llangcagr, mcli as Ibat a pgainjustice also lu lis coileagues. I iiItalc tien blàave loh a 0de. andl the business OethIe coun- centaine&ith I.epeech trout lie beai efthle go- apenmyseîf lean>, a l ns'>- ryopinions are as tuberaI try- aoulil lcefacililateil. verntaient, ia liouglisI ilbis dot faie caners a asbismine. lHiear, lbear.] 1 do uot heiave liat Tic commilîce rose, reporer! progress, and aile- blieddmol sanction wvtlbbis vole tb. detaila oftle Ibis VCony ailI bu secrta te IiBlial Eroe d ileave tesit aga*Ln le-ciotrowa. LSsc Suppalenent. bill. lie e stu>keep hiunelfonttereil upen liaI unIes, ae go on exleniing blase liberai plascf ____________________ pont.-De vas cotrvigiceah tht a majell- t li tait Govettiment aviicb are so anxictssl>- deireil. The bous.e uppesed tleaalie provios o f lie Union oinonailci Ilisve formi bave not been drawn - l'ih, mndai i b a malle,- et nolonhel> liaI tIse cpi. tt= hIbooks orjournmis, iselUser froua tb. report îî~~n~tab ions cf tie peoplee fLmwer Canada avare mtlta- of Lordi Duriam, ta ir front the massages toalIse As- ken opon flic suljeel (heai, bear.) lise ootsub- semmbi>- of Nova Scotia-bul lie>- are concusiona >LNGTON, ?lti8AY, JUtfNE29,4M. fact t h chele avuli ainfi>-ailvernthe b sia- at wvin lbebail arrivtil L>-heexercis. cf reseor jecIaf libe ivlliuî. Ne refemer caiith" o f andl reffection. Alîbongit lias.e opinions do cacr- To enable us le publssh full proceeuiugs of Par- vro!ing for il as IL stands ai la esen, v aile ifl a- Fsaond i aviltliadocuments 1 bave reterreil tu, moils tic ightfthei.lapial Lepilaure t eteh e>st olbaseil open îhern. (ltar, lear.]1 isient avc are necesaril>- obligeai tecurlail eut cut menr>- aiuîocur utconsens. Tii. ea apria- su notare tle ibevty cf efferlng a tec ne- mimaI vatiel>- of eaiiorial andiagcter matter. c iple whici ne oe avculd have te peesempticu, marIs tapon tic immediale sulject ofthbie debste, Io stand opon the Ilion cf tl bs. snd sîlemlpt 1a namnet>--îbc amcîdir enteavihcitic boin. goutte- Judigfini ra Use cbaracter andl disposition cf a ust>-. Boltihecivil lii s peeufmiei ta Le jbii- mais fiente Qu-bec lias proposed1taltse enave ta1 âiut 'hie eseltions cf lie ast hbois. tAiment- lhe address. For uîy ôan part, &fietr arefulh - .majoril>-f et bpresent Bouse cf Asaccil>-, usare hi>- cf Upper Canada. Nor veulil h.oesosent mmiuimg thse contents cf liaI *&uiss, 1 carifbail Ici ta believe liaI inan>-meurtres important in hiat pensions rioullie b.grahitail vitinllictoie-- *ebing lui iwilcb abouaidexcie in tuhi olase lier nature, aud heneicialluingltir ope-albon, ailI seit et Paiiainent. An indivhlmal tWho bail re.-mn>- oh lihais raspectl attention Io tie sabjecla hie adopelei-casres for ichicl theglcal body' ot ceubh>- coma te Ibis province, sud cIme liai! bec. on viiel itI treal- oîling avicb catii n lts> y lte people bave fer me-ny ycara conlamailei; and ampi>- pelifer ahi aie serviceswvitleb.bai rem- isnraalbcoitIithe gis oet Iis Houae.. 1finil il 'icrel, be-J nevertticlis sa ie (Mn. Mincks) vas uetlslagut avarianceaili litai spiril t fbannony tire ttisk lier. is a disposition on lie part eft tas. iîitorisci, a pension 0ffL£200 a year granlel ed a el clai b y evet>- maistale b.prornoleil l inta is have always resiateil lissalutar>- referma, baim : bhocernll>-iimonet liol tal Ibis vsancas. Bouse and in tie country.1 i bn e lsrticular mec leteacquiesce in andl support tlieu, W. donel v0iaci juslified lie grant, ai ait an'enta bie avouaIldefect on tic face of tliseaaais. 1 ouast.>-lisai &ioh Usat inopinioasa of tieprinriples alluici no h. l. a pleolate tise power et graaing il la utterl>- imposm:le in uam One. t 11 ei t iaa>-cane la epdis pensions in mie banda of tie Executite ier ne-s e tameel lieprecide wislwu ofet et n>- iitduai t bv.etmdergone n chgebu ea y raremstantee. lHe cou!il net fin liaI sue-bY. archer; but I1aili put il la, liiBosse, villier Mien forces tapon cuscrupulos politicisnssprucde stsemu ad Ici» adoptedin luaâ>-alliez colon>. lIaI aillent kisnet maitcl vi li a spirit uf con- ta ubicb uejuuico ad niiclinsation are averse- Hoan bagi fare as a Cénadiait, as lie reptueeta. ciliatien ; andl lie opedanil believeil ift veuli e-Soaie ofour conlemporaries are blen!inUglair e-ah-. live cf-«analiaina, and lie coul!d secene teannmein »a similar spirt-tad I de eufireat tibia Heuse ltinliaIthe Reformerisnlise lions. tueditideul vi>- le aleiA lsdi in uinfeior situation te net te graver beycni the mattr u-iIis nov lie- liaI of bis felli u scjaci inhbiing agiter colonies, fore us. A goondeal fia been sai about thcepe- -si lie>- bave acbaiall>- disceverci UsaI a certain <Ihutar.> Ne vas deironi ect supportinglUin ration of lie Union bll. 1- do net stand bers ta de- portion Of t tesiare c"souni constituiionaiisls J»- bisi fortaas b. poasily cumul, hat le u gw""Uain"st fend Ihaf bilI; il is net ni>-smt; il is net lb.haet fand ailI ie useful memuets I-Nov, wvo donet pledgi ii iaîf le tasupport thc ictails CEtheUs.i-.thishaiuse;",IL in lIaI lats vildilas been sent ne thiel ltatOns Inoun Reformesrlas,.deserici hi& -iin hi. in endet ta r,gtoe thIis country- ctalsîatste of etce liniples; If a coalition lh. formne4andaeunien cf Capt. SrEEs<x deted le s> a liteeavendsfailli aet lranqaihlite absence et elici batsulieense ouane p9àse *dpisOb, wae> ce nemmmlhm.asmb. iltantfe iueud. iSurIfd eba in ve -i ihnum c s ~ ~ e eeumn ae i ai Ic.plepea u iuli paoup- auliremmles eattpists enw po. ee boe~ 41 . ati. Smw.O m u sponsiblity t Verily officehbathbrharms, iiîsiatiLUc. aide eo01,ed There lias 3-et been no qîeston lSere the the lead iiil,, 'noie flouse of any poltical imnpotancte; and the divi- ty anid 1'.Atî,~ siens dont bave t4ken place upon mineor natteis, poljtjcal <ii t i Ui- do not give thse tentl of parties, ne a decitled question. B,-~ character ta tbe bouse, further hhauthelb expression ideus. lie ,,an of a wHi.agnee te give »be Union a fair trial ; ad avould, shal,ý. . loohoulaoi, oe bon. meâbers wbo voted forthie otîub l . "Echo e thlbSpeech" are not saaisfied withbthe polîtîr-lial aid uî,'ai deltails cf the Union Bmtyet tse o til ue m.Io Ibe tautiiî i t m or General every possible advantage te milie il f, ou '. l-' hecoune a blessing to the country, they are deter- com Nir . Il.îioas mnd té throw nothing in the. wayntif the lthIl a lsplrlars a ilow measures of foie Exceilency have become fully ILotî...and it a i, developed. The Governor General knows very anv- d,,,.e 'i wcll tbat the character of the bouse la liberal, thlik s. W'lu eonsequently every 99 cabinet measure" tu ensure -treiîtli, .îîîd e,,, rit, ira successful passage tbrongb Parli3ment, must cliîîcd to vener.ate <"ro bear a like construction, cisc lIhe administration recOnliîîetiîl it. wilfbc lésrvedy usetarce inblodied in tl,,, wil~ be &-sevedly upset.English tllnail'î, The monabîy meein&of the Kingston Total Ah - ovcr tlîcrn, tro,1 stincoce Society leva.-bad in tb. Union Cburcli of adîe utterlV li"r l,!! tîfise 'aitil suiilki l li i i tbis taswn, on Friday evening laser. The mneeting t' aras ably addressed b# the Bev. Mr. Carol athOti<1< silootli aindii. Parolcleur<c-t retptoi t J Methodist Minislert, J. P. hobrIn, IEq.,M. vol>vîes a subjeet, aisolle1 Malcolms Canseron, Esq., M. P. P., and a Mr. found et, <ornet leàs tlî t, Nicholl. The large and very respectable audi- iL'hton ii. 1Probailî0v , , ence appeared bighly gratifid with thte services fronta the l'ase < ,< Ir ofîthele vening. Ths.-fve individuafe enrollcd ti>J lilithie cha scr ' their natea vrilthe ihe itty,-wbicb, wiîthose polib or education l;i, wbo hadl previoualy jined, makre lbe Regiiment Les tu nclî fr loin, as ,tli cfITectotallers in Kingston 293altrong.. A clle- gard ta o is Iolitic;tl nte tien amoaanting ta Lt£1 l,1 was taken up, for thesOi'trcd. rî purpette of parcbaing 7-racts, &c. for gratuitous, M l HNcKs...lli1, tjit.z dustiibutioas, and paying,for necessary printing. tliean waili lie allt toî dm, ,, observer. ihereis outii We lesan by the N. Y. Commsercial Advertiser about bien, anîd it sîik e l t ibat the steamer Britis'Qneen will not corne te bc ainytlii< af inittlleotuaI ia' Ill suclit - dasl(!sjivsj tbis continent again tibis aseouleiii Coisequence Of bhislwCdoncluin i ;1(11c", the great excitenîenl iuýEngland occasiuneLd b>-Y tiiCiciSUiN;îî~1 the oa-pperane o th Prsidnt.the îrutli. Stijli, aaN- non tIse no-appearnce of he Presdeni.irejidice by firsttîparr, inciýlka, there is e\iiîleiîtl\.r~.~ Thc steamer Great Western took cut 82 passen- of cilaracter, chari1,,vss gers for England on ber lasIt trp. AireNvd cnhcntratinOf if . p)oulers lie doues l<îs, 110 lia$~j 0 <)-c Tu iiax AuE.1-testis cal)- make the aot<il fthin alitl] îiî< tion our madletts will fiadisan article on out last ry talent. vitlliot fin lîî., page wortby an attentive perusal. We nele- single spark of'fli t tiîIîî ta stand that in a few ddeys a subscriplion lisI aili lbe whîch throwvs a charit ecl teleent for sthe support of a Bethel M14ister eat liais , lie is ta cOnt iiisensir place, a copy of wlich list, willble ftaet trioePin-. very tliilig ie wlite. <'r(or, o cipal lVareb!ieing & Fcrwarding estîhb!idhincnts. oncegtthe unde. aiît cf of liglitenedi NVant o Wc learsafrcin Montreal, ibat Wolford Nelfcn, enl)eeaed n lusrs 'y~îr teropirainc-îî, antieti poverr uîi'c one cf the Canadien insuigents, wbo welle banisfi- ni thoulits. Sjlri-aad, sîie ed te Bermuda by Lord Durham, and afteewsrds flot to bc 'iiiislcd l<v îlausibiilin; oru liberated, has relurned ta that cil>-. Bc lias been ý-eý lgtlîings :hlîîgil alra.ct residing for torn.eie in the United Stat 5a. lierMay bc ealleid a utilitania i way, but lie lias net thai foireî The foundation atonee cf a new Roman Caliolir grasp cf' conîceptiin i, oll1oeilu Cathedra]lvoas laid near St. John', Ncwfound- conclusions, whirli ha oins Pra land, on Ascension Day. The buni cf £2000 htincipics w'uuld somc-nin,.$ nail waa subscriibcd, towards ils cadcien, on the spot. tint Orgaîli7izhOîî aa'liîrl<l lai, aith thec-Peopîlle, nid lis ian or The printersof Ntw York have fermed an asso- forum, ad li iîhel, th lol ciation ta lie caîled thea Il Franklini Temîcrance as lit- stickis by thieir*iiîtu-rest, lu~ Society." Fifty-six merchers j,,ined eat ire fitat . i[l case, and lie fit, and < th rwhio iier onier cire ns,as meeting. hu alitoa tdeitvai lus il.a lias shreavdness cenoîgi slîîw17 The Nès York ieraid annotmes tb. des lb cf and %we tlink aeidle by il; alod cîe Vice AdmiraiSir Thomas Harvey on the Bermu- opinions or givor of tl rlit, dla station. great, lie wiii court tirat ofir. nvl ot ovoee lis popuhiiîr, ho ini The Lorsville Advertiser bltates tilal, Corn bas addrcaaing- himaeltu the pasiommd been sold ilt auclion, inDMissomri as low as LhrtPIC. If he reachaca ilani et lak t cents a bus/ici hroughi ait aray cf' tacts, apIiah %v'y, as to rouse indignation aid i The following art, lie characteristics of a new To spcak cot once ta Ihelue hasluma steamboat. The inîventer is a Mr. Richardson~- cioquence aînd liigli conîiaî,d of~ A New York cotemporar>- îaya: and lîe lias flot tlhe reîsîots IlThis invention bas already> received the ap te n, anid scar<iy dli>' i, the a probation cf man>- eminenîl>- scientiie nmen. he dels iunbmatle-rs of fart, lieailloi 4&The plan cf tbe invention ns te have two ehuille t te case in poiait, saiid t h oh cf say 3W fiet un length, 12 feet boemand cf thet tivme heing hlaîudliîîg. Il iia vu r> lighb, sbaltow touîld witb Inees of 3 te 5 feet nisnudi-rstaild wiat lie ainesiaai, e ia wîidtb,,tuaining the wiviele n.-b of thibe blats. singîhejiadgmenît flc-avilI ceiii>' These leulls are te hae placedllis a paral oul posrtin, 1oithtue itation of by-gone el about 60 beet aparte, saa te lbe con tgt liidso.wihisp aet.c be eib>a codino'facts. iii support of lisi trillh a Igit 40 herse povoier engiue on the aler,- ue apply tifieu-liuwgcVcr,a part, froua wbicb Ilie roj "oin ierlaa, ZI<ed along, l'or lie lias nt theicaltyd dtect o h wt : ai et w.een lWtb. ti ot.hciisivcly suitmning tl)the slîl, But tbe priancipal noveI tenture cf tue. inavention deusoiîtrartioîî, Q E. D.lV consiste in a large elhiplieigas-holdar cf sufi-. whe-t nfr.id lie aailh apcak toi cient dimensions and buoyamscy ta railaletebo bdy- dcrcby iveakeis lois positiciilii cf lhe buste cntirely cul t aaer, lsaving the cxrceiteo ra ant keels oaly isamerseilte to adand ilguide lth e tas. caatrsi fagetlid B>- lb a niellosathseresistance cf tbe vater( ic APortua<îv, and dien u coe <hve is tbe greatest impediment 'le rlopld navigation> is force. To speak on ail scu1all0 ainoa entircly avoiddi, tha realastance e0 air - îg evidouriceon u aeahohuess. TO suria onh>- as ekigl-huadredtb part as mach as Ibal cf Hinck's taletsaarenmorc usefaiil 1 waler. The ioda are perfoUy gusnded from any -More practical thon p4ctical; i danger cf npaetliog or siff.!ar accident, as may b. y;cjysc roi sii sfltÙ secte, as tiet'. as a more e'aborale account cf tbe M- ioch, a intalia asoscfu]tsl plan, lbyrreterence. In tbeNçw York Machanîrc, cf iaoatars i eU caSeltiri0 lthe 81b asilExtra cf the 21 ,tot lue:.' tIoe paot1 f uîîy iniait-Orl t i auteat illegul jpower, or the abriý Uouvxas,&L EsnAeTiox-Tbe gtopulalion cf thl2ii i-ghis. Connecticut il; aboaut 30,000, andl of the w Iole il was escecîaineil by th.elut.malns, iist ht ePrlhste qu,i<eo C.kI M vars but ontctitnaswbo coul4not lrcad aud write. 1 send yon,&rve-a teLtile l'or ise Lsg<îoa IlrsLtise past week. rvc fîeLae Fer he ingeA lert&-(Yài.-Tere bas boers ce5:deni NO >. doune i. Ibis article since cetarei, C/âaactriatea fpro~iueaee31~~r. e,- prices. 9d. tlàl. 4<1. Rm> PiNt.-Sevetal parels haie al Asecna~ul>~'. lb. aeek, and prices baie matehi5O Un. DiRAPER-Ma. Htr.cs. 9id ta10 Idi s ncw effolled. This firat named ge !ea th WuLiE pni.-A lstesdy de~si plausibe caf oitaIs '~3ieîydtead ail tged oi as are ralidl) Ie 9 pasb e -n oasewhla tisinag, 4d. le bld. We have iuweveis e pIersuasie a-dc, wwa cloquent w1hcr primo parce at 6d1. speakng, one would supapose,.lie wasAoet//ELS.-Du; 1 ; d. tlufief. of int.*tion peraoifie- .If v d onét kaett -- ....awau.a.a~l l. deept regrct, ail avila il.u t Ï ta etfihle a houa ,iadriOng siècbeiat. ,M .of Wsrship. 'I svran olicto 1t li ,din plilipsbairgtle wmet, int nel 1 ie b iing, on lie freaia oe irost uisgrac, ed ahucul i i rovret' ýil iii isith le voti dlt iet i licredit 'ni us the contry. lit1 av Leisarnastedu an leet, luicuigiluta tg vis asa ubçir înal.-l tias liais eiscalte' ai lerteuul Xisutig e Jthaeese!$sin 110 r uoin aid. Nuthuuig iockiuig tlim tic cri ivnr calit-atuIS out tîi tir salIons. Alten a gig Wi h hase r ltin vives andl ci a, lIsais thé aage je ite ilavoraeal gida sa telis ra rd iln loseec, e an tu conaict tiens1 tIi bnisumiaril>- m y sre set l ilmeil ta 1 te euuomifiiic aricli i> ulareanctoclt1il ale chsnsctcrtet i5 sois jicires, but If ont, genertlly speak t"e,eitt, îikîîîuslb lahIy, Lîghithataclet lu snet tlie iuiucdertb belne is en effecIt to îisiî helaiwenisCalil mat basIt o ationgl>- e nos e! g cd itiactc i ihuwi ly living flt Poliuce la brui tu 1h î< ps<s osei by their iii is cf theIl v- imIta-I :e without tie <ez oil Witltie-îelaiîîfy ywene nut se hetoce.' Shiiri;&meu lIse Nt 'his1 relative tu lb. lisens. .- .peil v b>- ug ofe lsqcuitas, s la bi dorlas eda i Q teen Viii ina hus 311 ler aIltb li gîls I iuiîn; c iny of LIta 0e is tUet ojîf a tri he :Orner provine.e t) aud thtbis terlil es on elle<'ariit il . he Engliai vi but alisndoitei aiin 1 ersisud liat arrange anornrisin., andl OrK4,t icter4a Comîîsuîiela service in canai!ut ed uaitgarriscri du.t> i ail and ilhe, ilci egimetiti aipresent ai siclîl-uci as are -luJ. Sera'. Gaz.] iq L[o biaithse spirit of uhe ae-g, yul to gain is onfe'a utr, i lu muda l l ievem ape hiberality of sentmentle-tioe. the Tl5tCPro1ase flit, whiever libeait -le eypsuets!kî ebcm.l iî itrucaen~ irnaelifu, Po=itic lbcnaliey lie Ititi nions-, inste-mC, a s i ira'l>- CverC su i ouid onl>- eencu&, wlsen, te Wits- jSate, but kil, isnulh> tise forc'-É hiuIe, wuld cerniel, mo- f"en aa'ould otiser- settluients on the Labirad Oe5 viaL5 ecesny. A trai disciple of ts the unhe yLtU eh .m old tory scl- ei c a e-fclpt initates: of ir' of thesl, and fllhorgIliî1 Robent Peel. AMliugli mot po&seasd of peuper aendl the onteuts0ftbe gree-t loeso ic 1 be m veriarspecta- tait b> tise speculatinO ftOe ,Y~ speker-ain she Rouse of Asucus- Ipnae nteet, and tise 1y-> ne lasalonsg ave>-a Wadof any of is pesuvm tttsYhl colleagues; ansd tisougs tlie-e arc mom logi- e-Ih l od crazy timbOr. vend, ca i5til M", an mets Of faom trme i hirbonan i-ddt asI sgesacrous a-nd jusl, sentiment la ce»- paranenta more hike caIle eend; lie lias <cr cu1emipeîura in debate.' îhing cisc. and fitter fur betvi tih i a tiea 1 ri