Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 6 Jul 1841, p. 1

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CANADIAN JOUJRNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICTJLTIJRAL & CoMMERCI'L C&,, Copan bytise 2 Vict. C. jol III~ , c'oth ilas.'of Jais. 1940 in. jle i he)îlile"DatGrand à,hi, u'i rs. hannard & lien- ,rt opeclied 'lBible Chris- 'erre r lerred to Nlesrm. Srnall, IViI- ~.. 1 oiC fctu-riorr o rc ili s" oieotie rb altaet i e. fiH runah iii a bIl tu enable Itio it yfir places in LT. C. -jticrancalles, anti ~ eco readsgon ariSit 1reented tepetitionI 1 M Ilait. aid others of ILialiton, piiol'an1Of the divers libhabit- di-iri t forlas ateraiiot iIn Ir Iucî u!cadloi.i cd rîads. P iwl la -fdvr ihabtants of he afil texinvijo f tht tawn- ri ie hilhi repcal cf certain ii c ,t lSiccOl uaeil cf Lover halrt: SiltrOf i. meKenzie ais, nri-.fed.rcprayinatgfur relitu- tfor cetain Houe n'ai) alt i itocomsitteil on aier Genert's _speeelîi sasdi Mr. lrrrted tivIlale iionze aihe re-sohtitiotas, a. Da k lie.eiaîi, rritt anti 'r cr' îiîuîr:, s iu aaiaîttee tadraf't k of'1 edîii te Gspc Fis- Iu!. ind te iiig's dependent ,ie îî,ýrîiiud tali tcàmorrow. Ai- Wedivsdesy, 23J lune. Sueâor reirie tilat tIse Clerk liat tîd (;. B. b-'al.ui, Esq. to Uc tise ai Ltient; scIehdappjoîitient was in uv ufic leîtîs. tipiArrreported i iait tIesergeaut loli p1inetcdMr. Johns ROY tua ec- K-f;ýer oliaine-i leave oh absence' pc cut re,'tiied a ,etiion fiat» Wae d uf îd ireîiai l'or regula- F '1fe I [ie Ic aîprovmrssoltcf itllrui ioi the tic îacom int-i >iraJ airie ralitcf an atdress ta eeiici i a [vîvirils speech, sand -if oiînurr-ec on eci pa ra- ia îîî.îedfn. Ihi aiaiti -aiit. lar. 1Ili 'cd aicitur adlicar,. 'Tilie hivse o u ic ta d nenst. -týrnirre2, At iwîn, Btaldwin, Barthe, S&11iîe, 'liîr-ili, Des Rivieres, Dn- ai. llincks. lHoikin, Kiaîber, Morno, Ne-I1. luIrent, lrre, Qtesiel, Ranymondl, c..iiilîrraiTi nad Vier-25. Bu icicli hisiananî, Barnei, . Cc'l.(ari crigia, Chc.tce-, Coote, 'ii. D " DIr, Derbysiavhire, De Sala. râ1'ý b ina, Dal,'a-ibc, Ducgga, ton- coi. I ilie liolint,, ohnson, Jones, Ni l Illn Iei iCullocli, Meflon- êl, 31'liuiiiJ Juin S., MeLean, Mier- tu.Mcii,LlMrri., tjtden, Powell, ubeaie,RIob;in, impos, Smiths Iten- FtteeeSio han Iopson, Watts, ilrn mol.id 'a nlr4a Tatle, and Thlrir-5. .S'eui -Km-in lJcli.-x2.Doia- lu-cý [llenadoîi lise tmaîimtioin t n-nian.iCapltn rvrre agreedt t 011c.ii tithie Stn bein,- pro- ll1i iiuv tied i a ieiadnent 10 lu ch- tVri, -oa-l-rhie Conti- 1 utîîe idaaa.'aaiLie. nualiiers ll i i n, il u Baldwini, BarIne, i lcilO, iheicl)s Rivieres, -tMLb rMini, Nýeibon, Nor], Oe[u-uIfa itoal, Rîsel, Tise- etrau 1)io,1111 nseotbe, Dug- ri. irr-hle, tmîes, jobuston, Uiînl, Dnald IDonald, LeiMetît, Molfati, eno I>dn.Pllrince, IRobert. Ilituic Sta i t ileiry, Smniths t'~ ~~ ~I 'brcJSrlSrchan, 'nîomp- nwîii-, Wiuaas aoodis, Yule- St îarhwas Liten aggreîî to, "eî'tue-i lietIse I3tb. t. )en tutiîno.e'î ir. Osaicron I ci, IIdI i0lu ave ouI tise ;ntcIL 1 lIcIiruicrd","-rd tu subail- ~ita-i~ rt ttiil lcraafier point ~ lccu dîîeiannBin Lcfic[dr (hrlc-~Clîjît, Crane, YsC l j"lDîn 1h-.eD Saiaisrrry, ei'rtbc Ose C itîlî Ocltc ~ ~ Killîlv, Mt- ~Ill o i-Dciii1ieonald JO ln S. , pt liiii - rea, Oir.prince, in~1 51 105,SaîiliIeryr, sLeele, 'A;Iciircucielsil hdmin, BarIbe, Cncip~ il ('in-v, rak, Des]Ri- ;QC. N 1 Il, imîetcJunes, Kimber, Nic', 1 i oei.ai - t bat bon. Bouse, and with an act t0 alher for a limited lame thse place orthtie sittings or I-. commission of thse laie Province of lUpper Canada relative io the Hrirs and Devisees, andi for other purposes Uerein mentimeal. Thsaaad bill was read thse lirat lime--second read ing t-morro.. Mr. Prince presentedth Ie peiion of cer- tain freeholdera cof Frontenac aitainat the return for that eounty. Thse Speaker ini- timated tb the House.uhat Edward Noble and Win. Ferguson bail enta.red imb reco;.- nizances to cootest thse election fur Fron- tenac. The Houss resolved tu forai jiseif into Committee of thse Whohozt take ino con- sideration the orders of the late Bouse of As- aembly of Lower Canada regulating pro- The second- readîng of thse Heir and De- viaee ameadmeot aci, (Mr. J. S. McDonald's) was postponed to thse 25iUs July. The order of the day for balloting for a nominaîing cons ritee wa postponed tilitut- nhorrow, aud then bo forai tthe iràt order of thse day. Thse Gaspie Visberies bill was read a recoud time, andi referre IotaMeaurs. Ham- ilton, Christie, Burnet, Moffat esaiDuons- comb. Thli Judgeý' Independence Bill vas read a second tle, andi referred t0 Measrs. Ayl- win, Draper, Black, Baildwin, and Price. Adjourned. Tisrssay, 24t1î Jonc. Mr. Cameron, andtihie other mnessengers, reportedt hsat bis Excelhency woulti receive tisebloue titis their atidressaibisaday at 3 o'clock. Mr. MolTait presentedth ie pétition cf tise minuster sand members of theehurcis of Eng- landi t Si. Armandi Wesr, praying for aid tu scisoolg, andt iat tise Bible lie usedt ierein. Mr. Black presentedth ie petitian of tise Canada Fire Insurance company, praying tA.be incorporateti, vhicis vas referret Io1 Meîs 3ak, Moffatt, VigeBli rcat Dannatomb. Tise petitian of Jacobs Grass anti otiser Me- nonistî, pre.senteti an use 15tli imat., vas re- ferredtat Messrs. Merritt, MeNais, Prince, Baldwvin, anti Boswehl. Tise bouse proceetieta Governmenîbouse witIs ticr ddress, anti an resumitig, tise Speaker reportet i;bisExcellency5a reply. Tishetion of R. J. Turner, of Kingston, vas rehr""ri ta Messrs. Price, Prince, BÉalti-. innCarîsenig-lalanti Sanaîl. 'rise petitian cf the inisabitants of tise Gore di.irint, presenieti on tite h6h insr. Iras re- ferredtu l Messrs. Duranti, Merrstt, Price, Hlopkins andt i'srburn. Mr. Simpson inîroduceti a bill for thec es- tablishsment cf Anatomical scisools andthie encouragement of Anatomical science. 2d reading lst July. Tise petlîlon cof G. Rykert and otisers of tise Niagara District, presenleti on tise ltis, - as refeuici tu Messrs.-MritBln, Jobai,-ton, Thiorburoa and Moffaît. Mr. Prince movedt tisatue dent b.et!îrec- led ta subscribc for 500 copie% of tise Mirror of Parhianmnt for one mentis for lise use ot niembers. Negaliveti: Mr. Simpsoan movedt t ties ubject cf tisesubacription of lisehouse totise public ttevspapers of Ibm Province b. referreti teaa coin mit tee of five ta reporitlisereon. Afiera udivisioni Messrs. Simpson, Aylwin, Parenr, Prinsce anti Hincks were nameti. Sir A. MeNais presenteti the pétition cf Alphseas Total, late deputy librarian te tise Legishature tsf U.C. pnaying.for ersploymcnt an tise hanse or reilauneration, wbereupon Mr. Draper statedt ta lie hati been commun deti by bis Excelency tise Governor Genersl 10 acqtainitishe bouse thiat lis Excelency %voulti concur in sucis mensures for tise ap- proprating monies ta their coningent ex- penses as tise bous. ntay durin; lise présent tension deet» necesssry. NIr. MEaRIRr.T fro-n tise Commitîlse, on lb. Petitiona aIf Jacob Cross, Daniel Higis, anti causera of ibé Menonlî istîrce, repintet, pre- sarnteti a teporlt itis a Bill te amendthe lb.faii- lia Law cf U. Canada, ursis van reat lut lime. .Mr. Dtaascosua presented tise pétition cf John Atkinson, cf Hemmingfori. Tise House resolvtrd an go mbt Commiblee on WIV-dnesday, lt a ke itto considmratioun tise laws cf Lowmr Cana la regsrding tis eteroe lands cnnaîony knosvn as Frudahl Tenure; anti to consider tie expediemacy of alterin; or a- meniling tie sanie, andt ta Fast ant i nn eqaîi- ltale moîde of efecting tise altérations tisât m îy he deemeti ne-cessary. A Cernmittee, consiting cf Messrs. Durand, llerrn. Smith, Tberburn, Mamnais andi Prie., vas tamnedta report on tise Turaspike Trusts in tise Gare Districts Mn. BAMILTON moveti, fer tise addition cf cric menaber te tise Spécial Conimitîe on tise Gaspe.Notaries Bill. Negativeti. Min. IVÂTT presenledth iptip'iinn cf <ivers inhalitants cf Dubhantin L. C., in relation ta certain disputeti boundary lines in Ibat towa- ship, referredta l Messrs. Watts, Kilmly, Ciilt, Mouff.attanti ahore. Mfr. Cuuan.opresctîd lise pétition cf tii- habitante cf Chsareston, in Haley, (L. C.> Sir A. McN,&s moreti balIthe orhnary rou- tine cf lise taity proreedingi of lise leuse in thm transaction of businesIt abeulti b.as folleva, étier tise readi n; cf lise minutes: binging up petilions; biird reading of Ville an-] atdresss; rmsdiag pétitions ; relerring péitioins 2 notices te lie given ; presenling repoits by standing or select coenittees; orders of Ihm day. Tise Clark was directi taoay on lise Speais- e'e table every mornnng prviens la tise meet- ing of tise Bouse, tiseentier ef prereedinga for Use day, and a copy cf lise sanne bun; op la tise haisiy for lb. information cf membe8s. On molien of Mr. Jonss-roiutishe considéré- tien cf tise Frontenac coniesteti élection, vas lixed for lise 2M July. Mr. BA.owaa moveti, tisaIlise lime for tise pettoners araînst tise &eection sot! returas for tbm town cf Ni.agara, ta enter iraséo recegaixan- ces r. quireti by law, h. entargetiountilt Ité7tis 1July. Oas division tise votes steeti, yetis, 32; ay, 14. Yecs -Messrs. Arsrong, Aylwin, Baldwna, Bertismhc, Boutillier, Buchanan, CisattiCbras- lie, Cuohi, Dei3le, Dunscombe, Distend, GiI- ebitisî, Htamilton, Blocks, Bolmes, Jasnteln, MeNab, Mcfloisaht, (D namat) Merrit, Mollît, Morris, Neilson, NoelIPaint Poosl, Simili, <Haranos) Stracisan, Thesip aTorlm ap Turcolle, Wiliams. Napa-Nem Blacis, Boivef, Cirtwiighsl, Day, Derbsisie, Ds~fa, Fo ter lhy, Cg- dien, Priuce, Simpson, Sailli, <-nry's Steele, Vijcer Tii Niagara eletien conteet vws, os moin of 1Mr. Bi.durmn, <lacd for tise 7îis JoIy. 7h. Hastlacconlsted eleclien as, onmo- tion of Mti. Nc)iais5 led fer tise '1h Joly. Tise coutested eélecion fer lthe 2J1 Rilidt; cf KINGSTON, CANADA, T1JESDAY, JULY 6, 1841. conaideteti on tbe l9tb July. lMr. SUALL, On leave, i*rougbt op a Bill Ioas-I thorise the vuting by ballot-2d reading, Wed- sesday week.1 FimtiA, 25th lune, 1841. Mr. Neilson presenteti Use petition of divers inisabitants of St. Eustachue for relief, in couse- quence of Use destruction of Use Cisurcis ani oiier buildings by Use troops in 1837 ; anti ah- sa a petitian of divers inhabitanîs cf Loer Canada, fQr tise repeal of certain ordinances of Use Special Counei. Mr. Morris lad before the eiBouseUse Re- port ofise commssoners app.ine t a deter- mine tise sites of Use LigisI Boussta b. erert- e St aud tiScatterie Ilands, soi ta temance. '*- " --- ' eu imain- Ur. Morris move t iat Use officers , juý-,, - md vith Use several chariereti Banisa cf Use Province b. resped'uly directeti to lmy belore ibis Boume Use sitement of Use affairs of tise saiti Bans, as requirci by Use Acts of lncor- poration. Mr. Morris, fronthtie standing committee oiuthlie prinîing of tise Bouse iuring Use ses- Sion, rsetet its first report, recommendiig tisat tise Joumals shouli b. prinei in Use foa» adoptai by tise laie Bouse of Assmnbhy c( TJpper Canuada, and UsaI tenders for Use print- mng of Use Bouse vouhd ieb.receiveti fronthtie Nin ston jrinters. Tise Report vas concur- reti in. Mr. Moffat presente th Ue petition of die members cf tise Montreal Ladises' Benevclenl Institution, for su set of Incorportion. Mr. DeSalaiserry presîentedth Ue petition of divers iathahitanis of Forreault, praying for in- demnification for loses sustaineti fronthtie in- vasion of brigands fronthtie Unitedi States; also, tisat of Abrahsam Vosburg anti odiers, of Caldwvell manor, to tise saine eeet. Mr. Parent presmotedth ie poitisa of divers iitamen anti oUser inisamianta of Use can- ty of Sagueay, prmying foir Use opeoing f tise vaste lantis ctise crown. in tisaI connîy, Use division f Use King's posta lato tavushipsanti tiseir being ofereti for sale; also, of divers in- habitants of the county o a~uny, pm7n for tise repeal of certain Or iancesa otUe Special Councl; anti of Michel Desgagnes anti otiser inisabtants of Saguenoay, for an al- teration of tise placée of election for dhat caa- tMr. BlacI brougis utUepetition of Use masters andi ovuers of Bidis slips trading ta Quclime, and cf tise Pilote of Use River St. Laivrence, prayiog for s L*itsî ouse on Bic- quel Islandi; anti cfA. Wells, Etq. complain- ingof the rturo for tise County of Shefford. la.J. IL Du.o, by commnanid0ofisis Ex. cellency laid betore Use lbouse a schedtile of Grovemmeot Debentures redeemeti anti oui- standing issueti untier authority of acta of tise *Provincial Legislature, anti exiibiting tise public debt of Unitedi Canais. 200) cope to Accordinq 10 notice, Sir A. MeNais movid k&,,comrbittee of neveus --ebers ta moq"sr wisatf asmistnacenoil vilI b. e memsê là &fardi th Usleerk, asoi visai oncs anti imparients it is expetient la establisis for Use effective anti orderly condusct of tise business of Ibis hanse ; visat remnueration ougisb ta be gives u 1thUe officers anti persans la b. employadinm lie saii offices anti tepartents, saidvisat rules andti reuhatious îî may b. desirable Io aaopl for dheir govemment ; tisat Use naid commit- tee have pover 10 recommeni by vhin thUe offices wviicitisey nay tiecra ecessary, sisouhi ibe respcctivehy illei, anti in no timg îisey b. direcîti ta ILit consideration Use cimse talents anti capacîly of Use different of- fierra anti servants of tise former Bouses of 'Assembly of Lover anti Upper Canda, visa msy b.ctiesirous of enîmring ito the service of Ibis hause, andta report witu ahI convexient speed. Sir A, MeNab anti Messrs. Morin, Small, Tasiserau, Duano, Duraod anti Bhack were nu- med of tise cosumiee.. The bouse agreedta 1 adjoura over fronu Ibis du:Mond ay. hepetiotio cfP. F. Verliocf sodilotiers presntedion Use lSd vas referre ta10Mesurs. rin.ce, Baldwvin, Ogden, Boswell anti Thor- but». Tise ptition ofJ. C. Malcomt vas te- ferredta10tiesanme commutte. Tise Clerit vas direeteti to affiz in a suite- bIc place liste cf the commillees of the bouse as nameti frostin tie ta tinfe. Mr. Bolmes presente th Ue polilion of tise Mantreal Auxiliary Bible Society. Tise ortier of thue day for tise Bouse pro- ceeding othUe baUto f a aominating commit- tee ta ame tise Permanent Committees of lise Houe., belsug rend, Mr. Ogti en move tUat tise sai order b. discisarget!.e On division, Yens, 44, Nays 25 Tise West Gwilflintbury Ruai Act ameni- ment bill vas rend a 2d tme. Committeti for Monda>'. Tise order cf tise day for considering Mr. Neihson's resolutions in regard to cootestei elections frot Lover Canada, vas postpooeti to Monday. Tise Beir andi Devisee Commission ameui- ment Act, from, Use Council, vus passedt dra' commitîme, repotawitisout amenimcnlread a tffiti lme, psetanti orderedta th e Can- cil. Atjoumneti Salurday, 26th June. Tise Speaker reporte t iat tise recognianoces for tise lowvof0 Niagara contestoti election liai been enteret inlto. Mr. Neilson presentedth Ue peiition of L. M. Viger, Esq., anti of certain eetors of Use eounty of Csantbhy, against Use returo for tisaI coonly. Mr. Marris presenimi a rliion of B. P. Smith, for an Act cof naturalization. Ahsc a pelilion fronthde Commercial Bank of ing- ston, for an extension of capital Mr. Durasut presentedthelb petilion oteertan Menonisis anti Tunkers of de Wellington anti Gcre Districts, for amessiments of Ibm Militia lava. Pifr. Neilson presete the petition ofL. K Peinerlale Clerl of Committees of Use As- semtbby of Lover Canaia, prayingIo be phaceti onUse retireti uaL Referredttlle contitee on die officers of theIbméu. Sir A. MeNais preseutei tis e ptition of IL SierooiEs.,ainat the rettrD for, the dî~ofTro0atc Tob. er 15 h Jul. it -TÊ t-ipresenlcIbthetito f Madieson, against Use vessa forFroolsome. To b. cooiiereti 22d July. hati beeis eotered soto. Mr.Prnce moved Ibat tsegrmsanad reasons of complani set fortis in tie said petition are sfficien, if tuce, to sustain se payer tiererTise motiondefer- red to Wednesday. . . Mr. Prince moved tisat tise petition of W. McDooald and otisers, against the return for Yovoire, bc discharged. Deferrcd ta :ensa. 3fr.Blac reported on tise petition of tise Canada Pire Instirance Company for "oPO- ration, by Bill, whicb vas read a first Ume- second reading on Thuriday. Mr. Carneron brpught in a bill to regulate the irapection and measurement of timber, masts, spars, andi slaves, in Quebec and Mon- treul, snd other mattera concerning the same. Second rcading l2IM Muy. dion of spectal committeca by tdisanoe., visen tde crjtntttee te b.e nantetib. cff ive memibera or less, Use member proposing Use saime shall osme tise persans toi compose Use naid committee, eubj*et to changes to b. matie by Use ibouise, and ti iswhen Use commilîe labto b. composi cf more than lve membiera, it abali first b. tietemminet ns ta tise nuiober cf vhicis it saoil b composeti, andt ien escis member sisalb ivrite on s slip of paper thse namies of as many members as are requisite toi fra tise saine, anti iandtheUsene tatise cherk, viso vii dien examine tise lista anti re- rt to Use Speaker, for Use information of Use I0ouse, tise namnes of Usose isavingtise most voles in Ibeir tavor; anti if an ff'culty a- rise, tvo or more members hsavin a qaity of votes, the opinion of tise bouse sha eOcta- ken on Use choice.to b. matie bel een dhim. Consideration0ofLise nmotion tieferreti. Mr. -Durandi, fromth Ue cammilîe snthise.e illico ci divers inhabitants of the Gore Dis- ticet, bruit up a report vitisa bill 10, estais- lii tise.Sytienbam Mountain Ra Company. 2d1 rangon Friiay. Tise pelition of . . XT *ailates, presenleti on Use 1"U, vas reerti Messrs. Moffaît, Hlmea, V#r, Paeanti bin. Tise cmnsieration of Use Huron Electian vas ied for Use Sdi July. Tise orier of the day for taking 1fr. Neil- sons resolutians relating ta contesti elections in Lover Canada into consitieration in coin- utee vas posîpsnedtot Wednesday ut 10. Tise secoond rading of tise bi for aise relief of infirm anti disabîi persans, postponeti ta Wednesday. Tise ortier for goini am comnittee sn Use Usury Law, vas postponeti te Wminmsday. Tise second reatilng of dhe bill10Iomble members cf (U. C.) 10 vacale dimir seate in certain cases vas posîpouet In1 Fridmy. Tise order for goisug loto Commitîce ou tise West Guilliambury rami net, vas posîpsnet to Wednesday. Adjoumnedt t Weduestisy, (Tumstiay b.ing a isoly day.) LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. BasoLtrtrs sabiulîsitl a Coratti th e b *lu&, aumoto te b.Bea. P.B. tDE Ba- Quta,*i g le 5.iota conaieral ion lise mes- sures iiecesaary le b. adoptai for the promo- lion anti protection cf Agrriculture in tis Pro- ince,"1 Resclued I.-TishaIlise prospe rity of Ibis Pro- since is essenlially baatei on tise promotion anti protection cflils agriculture. Resolvet 2-Tbat lise graciaiu% intimation in lise Speech from thse Tistone, of Ber Majesly's intention ta recommendta btlie Imperial Parhia- ment lei afferd Ibm memos necessary for guaran- temeing anti aheviaing tlbiuri ien cf tisePublic debt, and for tise deveopemenl cf the Comm- nicatons cf Ibis Province, bots by water anti by landI under a wise, hberal, andi prudent ad- ministration cf sueob resources,isoltis out Ibe fairest propects anti alrongest inducen.ents for tise future setîlement of Ibis Province, and tise enlerprize of ils inbisaitet. Resolved &.-Tisai Ibis Houa. is of opinion finat lb. proposei facifitica cetcommunication, isesever general in Ibsir application, or in visatever dgae msenîmalhy ncessery to secondi dhe inuttry of tise Province, requare ai lb. saa-e lime, lu se fair astis. agrtculturist is con- cerneti, a certain anti remuneralive market, in aier te reaize ibe conlemplalet! great hencits cf sucb undcrtakings. Resolei4-Tlisl Ibis Province, but more particuharhy tisaI sectien of it inelueti wilbin lie limita cf Ibm former province of Ugper Cana- da, is a vias, anti fertile regien peculiarlyatiap- ted to tisegrowtis cf' vieat andstd ler grain, utf- fordîng tu tise clearer cf tise soil the meit cer- tain anti prompti relurn fer bis abrious occupa- tien. Resolvet 5.-TissI Use anomlfertile part oalibis bigbly favoredi portion of tise globe is nclwitb- standing in jexta position vils an extensive territory comprising tise Western portion oftlb. Unitedi States, wbicis, front varicns causes, anti aaengst otb.xs, tise grealer facili.ies anti cheap- amas in dhearang landi, andth Ue acînal existence of ex!acoive andti el combinet! ueanu cf comn- munication, efficlei ciielly tIiough Britishs capitlIis enabled uader existng arrangemtens ta cofpete vils succeu.fu.y, suoanterseilllb. Canadian farmer bots in tise arksets cf Ibis poicant in dbose of Great Britain. p alu rd6.-That sncb a otite cf tIigs re- quire 55proleclive linterposition of Great Bdi- tain inafer of tise Eanadian Farmer, nom cili tise vis ; cf interfering wieii, or et retricting tise introduction cf grain or flour lb. greurth ef thse Uniteti Statesa mb Great B itain upon sncb ternis as dhe Isuperial Legisiature may aIes prer but for tise perpose cf sssuring leatthe in- habtante cf an extensive asti atbuJgli' ngco, visese entire prospecta are iiavohved lis.eissue, a cetainiv cf fRadin; s remuneratian for Lieu lbeurs in tise Hloe markedt, andi fo wb ehlini- estimable soo tiey can effet btiste Meliser Country tise cbee"ig assurance cf ltas Secam- ing Ilaltacbed anti loyal suhjeets ef ber Mitjea- ty," as wehl as lb. condition of 61a proipereut anti greafamh peepe"; tise cotisumers of Britiis Manufactures tu au intiebuite and inicsaalihse calent, Rescleet 7.-Tisa iIbis Bouse i. decihetily cf ::1p9.1. tisaI Use osly mode by wbicb 5satiri- r1i1h anieent cad h.iecontirmatsd, sud in Province are stroaglyideatical, iy UseIres admission lie Great Britais of agricaltuarai peu- ducs cf evere description, teuaitaie glowtb et Ibis Prottace. Aismi 8.-Thal Ibis beon* e d-py sensible 0.1 lisvital imortace of" cis esmin le the prssperilîy oCana, foels ittsehf emiet! te declre tisItise possessioneof disi. iv ab pilege ertlise eauh.fuwlilm et Bei mqje- ty.gracieeas sd hoiga ei es. fer tlise si iace, Mihl provo of 111e aveu là acceat ib prm"prity, if tie duel.aI peeealexiatlu< t Geat Btais, 'pou the labreduals»Ii umm er deu, tise goss0 b .tuas oe are se fat cbsaged oret sed tur epnleritUybe affect tise prescrit arditary pricerietIboea nus- medilesn te m arket of Great lBr"t.t No. L a 1, frunm O'5 cO g9ulamuns, f, rti, port. j 4 Irpsented ill àt Il~e '<'A 'i-ItL, Mr5init anovel frt il tend Pntue rithe~ sinand ohenr, 'h Maal-i- i i Di atteniz i ffee. tiraducti n(i elaihit rreiedr 1Katg sudle titI polin ytaiafr po a t tiy fat, re.-Of cetin fri hBonaventure, Cn -tisat county nu accord ing to uni "Ian," comnitte i .iie cfie 1i01 Tisor'aurn tihe ho 1 cnasnittee io(rmic aloveti fuc a ,ipc*ti ranuidrîiiî il de Footi, Ev- la, ce cisuniy of Ken,1 in ratiOcI i la we'nt ilinonva ;ulations, Mni. De -pOrleil lrittîvs i ana iiu'ttaorrnn-. w.etnt, ita *cfitn[ apeecis, MnI. Mmflti pregresi aid ubal 'r coirnmuaaiaic E-n1. resîin; hîti af hn lait. D. Ddu1 il Kinagston aviî ai Naies ilu i mi fe rreai te a speci or Mesrs. bItant ns ant in.,r. Adý Salerda, I r anionceei tit Forayth liail cntar gn iza nies ii conte andm thial James Sa a-ail donc lthe naai election. rouý-,bt up thc peici Ehýizsbehtow Po of tise alhetrauc presc!sîrd- Iai pe Plwdn Kill tisa lise wiaei l ta eviugratioi mi, ihbat of E. MI. Tri of D. Cahi'er.of n,& for possession 1 ita townshtip- 'cf ihie day for h 'ami a nominiin :mmitteei waas 08 stpaned toi the 2L reportrd fruit ldu an tise ruhes aid ru tit oaf tIe Bouse, at lie wisahe tilt tIcS' r. blrri't Moirtd igei, inostusuch sl ry restriction,iS Um appvitig lie' nprovmet 01 ,b 'ds, dC., and vil i cocent~~ no ses. Tie Ilote lit was 1ai, 24 te inder of tie roIe aonil by Mfr. N '. CO coies in 0n reading of thae i %VsM pnd tli ,wUhiasbn liS ti me on Friahi!-.l )resented te pe,à Monîreal, Pîtrtil htiaï ho Se adi ,,,Ltei alter fouer lirnt inte Minil speeh, sîeloi ay. mond&Y preas . 10 id anti iferu butor havera qta lif 7- IteIved ..Tb . ais a coniimmplètet changlettcEoet b. viewed in ibis Province, but ôiM feelings et thlMostanatiense sud -a-iou. 4pgreno.n. the memau7. in quesion, ife 'ac out, mu t nteriv anniilaIe ePmo- Motald ape of rit. Canadian Fa.re; Who, eve initder .xislng arrangementsit now un- able te ceapet. witb lb. western porton of lb. United Sîtsi;ither witbin tbis rovince, or in 4eHo -ome Mrarkets; fur il is <vident tisaI "u a mesaure wil operate as a direct bounty in favor cf Uie United Staes-as againqs thia Province; i touit rentier inoperative Uic pas- aig so.r waters, bowever imsprovced, as the VMedia.kfor ransporting western Ansericani peodcos l e Great Britaio, turning ifs enrrent tbrgb heb.Unitedi States lu New Turk. Andi fouilineit wilt ras up a formidable - ed suc- pond l Ibis P rovince, à d Wiis no will aoier offr t10 lie Noliser Country lb. re- cipecl advanlagea presented te ber, boUs byl ibis Province snd the Unled States, in the progressive end indeinite consumption of lber Manufactures. Reslid 1 .-That tbis Bouse assumes Ibis data, upon Weil autbenticated and pcontro- vertible ground-Ihe table of the exporta antd importa of tise Unitedl Kingdont; and is Ibus called! upon le brio; mb oconspicuous notire lise exporta frisa Greal Britain into Her Mafes. ly's North American possessions end the Uni- led States, comnparer! witb lb. capoils cf Greai Britainltulb.he ntineni of Europe ; wbilil Ibe m4bect derives vasst dIional impurtance front a view of lise extensive tI)nnage of British Sbirping engaged in suribcomnmette, witlî re- «eronce te tbe maritime resonîcea of Great Bitain. Resoleed 12.-Tbat for lMe.f, regoiug rea- sons, Ibis Bouse is of opinion tisaI lb. deareat mnd bst interests or Gieal Britain and cftitisa Province, are involvedl in tise presiervalioi cf amicable relations, witb Ibe United States ; for Ibis House 01117 smrs.as sn refercnr.e le tbe latter Country, a prolective admibsion for lb. industry of Ibis Plrine, a s a Brtish posses- sien in Ibe Home Markset, and il îbinks Ibis mq lie attained even by lbe continuance of existing regulalionse providedtihIbeidentity of Am1* an prouce is tstablished; and il is c*n- ceiv his eau be dene by levying lb. duties now in operalion as respecting suth produce primarily in Ibis country, upon sucb hparts cr sucb produce es may paso ibrorig i bis Pro- vince in Ironsilu le Great Hitain. Rtesoeed 13.-TisaI tbii;Houses lcf, opinin tht lb. fetegoing rcelutioni be eu'oied liia respcfi addres le er Gracions MaJesty . tbrougis lb. Medium cf Hia Excellency lb. Governor General, preying Heu Majesly Ibat She ii lieb gracioushly pleaaed lei recommenti the subject ltiste favonrable conideralion cf lb. Inlierial ParliamerI, witb a view le tbm adsotion of sncb acasurma Ibereon as ini Ibeir wisdom may b.e deemed uecessary le give ful au4tomplete .ffirct tb l'e beoigo andi graciLnî intentions cf Ber Maesty, as airesdy ex. res- sed lowsardu Ibis Province. RI'eW 14.-In ecfr t o gle grs ester weigis tlu Ibm,. Résolutions, il as biî1hly dcsii table and expedient ti-4thle Legia.itive A-- seunbly h. invited b omtentr Iberein, se as te Ueaenl an Addreaa let lb. Tbrone, fronà the nited Legislalur. cf Canada; anti for Ibis purpose Ibitl a confurence b. aougbl îvtb tise Legislative Assembly accordingly. BJOUSE 0F ASSEMBLY. WffNESsAY, Jue 30. Tiseldet committe la visant was referred thse subject of Reporting Ibe Debates, brought up their report. Mr. SuspioN, the chairiman of tsaI commit- tee, movedt ta the Repor tércommrending ihat 5M0 copies of thse Mirror o? Farliments ould se ordered triciefùrnishedi o tisat bouse forthse use of members, &c. beaotd Mr. Ttoasuiase suygetise popiety Of going into coummitic of tise visoleousit up- on il, as a vote of money vas recosomeodeti. Mr. HAmmaTox desied rot iSow if thse mo- tsuwerc in ogjo. A few dayssgo au appi. cation, imuIle wthée reseuttonee wasmatie to tirat Bouse Io subscnhce for a certain number of copies of th. irof Parliament. Thsat motion vas ngatived (no, nq.) I tnaintai tisat Ibm applicaintvas neganved, si 1co- lot inthlredaya' tinteforget wlabol lace thou. Be vould refer la the unaiasojtiz boàse fur thse ceemn oa f wa be hâtfassia- ted. Bis principal ojectio n gest the ap- pliaton hiisladdichemba atis ewua sat be cosiercdItil oultib. an acf.of injustice towards ail otier papiers ubishds tis e town ofKingston. Anoîher lbcinicis waa Ibat tie repota contained in tiseïMirroi vere- par- tial repotshma, heaïr], aid w erep ut in Ibm moutassof hon. membrawbich they neyer uttereti [Lear, hear]. It vould lb. a perfçci:waste oftse publisi mey; and asthse Mîrrot of Parliameot vas publisheti only ini the Éngliis language, ir would b.e giving an undue prfèreoee to Englisis members; îith% would h ave tiseir speeches reporteti anti r.b mnemisers would not bave tisir-s; consequently the Frenchs portion of Ibm Hoase would b. payng fur tise contrentiene of tise Enhiispor- tion. Tise ditri grounti of objection vws diat there was no oecesity whattever fur tIbMeica- mtire. If hon. menuiera dcsired iseir constitu- cols to b. maie avare of visat Ibey say, Ibey migist put tiseir banda in tiseir pcsets and pay for tise rcporting. Thiawoiltihe msch hetter Iban iovolving Ibai hosee in an expense of Ibis hind. AtlY. Grt. OGDEN observer! tisat the oliec- tion wbic iis eo aisen agaistis e imime- diate adoption of the report vas perfscdy cor- rect. Whén an applicationi for Moiney vwa maie the bouse ougist to go into oemmiltee. Be voWdi tare ibis opportssniiy e(tating Ibat sebLad been alîaigeher murepréeneiin tise language visicsh adi béen inipteil ait in tdi pafn ttiog Usat be Lad dcelari himsdfthsermtntôama ocf Ibt boumé int«a of -rhâta ct sd mhjtdile certainly a very vide dustimeion. (Hoastr, bear.) Mr. Titcusxaz »W it vas a subject for coosiertio vietier r nî lse oùse voolId octbyahlow*ng propoîtof citbis liaite md upS theselcto the lb. tale., pd svus drawn ap i accordlance wi4i tise vi4bevu f te comminIe appoinied i i %iesitgaste m@ç jeÉ Tber with regard in asn o4pcum au.- ted b y tise hon. member front Bonaventure; (Mr. Hailton), il could ehoehardssip aq tise Frenchs population uf ite cuuqtr>*, becus the semi part of thse report jdca . ueq tisat ti he rs of tise bouse sahttUb.dtn= i la, asmer"asfront Usé jîroricuors et pers pintidin thie Frenchs lone ,e mode of bavmg¶tlseuedebittes troasla3i7 pubhissed, ao tisaIl tt pont hsid ot be overlookeil. Mr. JcitKp'bt i e lad 9padthe Mie, lion the oîhoday, a"i he - ~la bâil ausa", iwas vheslclautb thlenhmeoouI ise, sesiton.jHr h t f. (r. Johastam biai lv fi muisdw eopsea <ofltu àdabsÉs h. tisat Useir représentatives coula fi n ohli 10 do lbit um seit a»Ifritter away tinteîne die session msslessly. Mr. HALE could not conésent that Use Houo. shonld conesir ini the Report. T haowne" piepers isicis furossiei tise beat repiorts lie lie. leetwoshlbave Use bespatronage, uni ho vould leave thse malter entirely lotihs pub lisisers. Another reason, peaum, Vihieis ii, luenceti some hon. menthers, niidmode dioss saodesimous that whatUsheyrsav abtoui hupub- isheti-tisere migi possibly be nueeesmionImt a future dey ai iWhich thase hon. geilemiua would bc ecandidates; tnd.thsey usere sheiia. fore desirous of creauine a feeling of muni- tienre in thsuir favor. lie would move mo ameodmeot that Use Report b. adoptai ce tdis da i - otis Mr. ffso£BsU'Xsdesiredt ie . ,asd by the Chair w'hether Ibe original miotion frethse adoption cof. bqi Report t*as ini order. 'ilhie Sp)eaker decideti that il vas net in or. deas it wua sig for ajtma0 cf maney. majority of Use Bouse vas in fakur et "U lise.repqrtago Iu tise country. Be (BitA"i was in -ivor etgivlng publicit te therr.- ceedinga, oAbe v le rasn ied bhem iroelyaJid t. ya o.medeta the constitueilîs Qbon. meinisera aiglit-have astopportutiycjgio<de udat- He belieynetitie isiroan of il-aiet.. mitsce, bovever, hllibecoesnavahUmgy ing for tise adoption of the Bpvt1Ilh bc as vell tonhlow ilto rentaià ùpundthe Ue,, unsil tl-anQrW. SMr. SIstot rentarked Usat il vas exWtme- hy discourtcous towards Use corâuautîe hirà !iave been appoioteti by the bouse tu enquis toto Ibis malter sund eport upon il, tisaItthe> bouse shoulti refuse tu receive Ibeir report. Sir ALLAN McNà.-Tiss 8 -sisr bua ei readtecitiedthattise original mot1*8n* ire%4. ula, Use antenuinent is dierefure inregnias xçmotion anti tise aahmenî isav been witisdravi,. : ;r. Sauroa tbeu moedibiitat thb.boums go -to tbijtq.u!Uevi.w e M M , te taise mb o Siduer ttièmeuOs*l le. igin nitte. Mr. HàmLToN sid beosouidaIeopos tisai motion, anti in oder tube verybdé= b wotsdi aionce osove Usat the Report b. tjkut into cosideratian Ibis day fitre mondés, as »4g monthiliscoce Ibere msigisl b. asoder ses"e. of aiment. Mr. Hîse a id lie hsop ed i ose vooh flot emeur in Use ameodment; i vas tm#l~g tise committe. vitisvery litlhe courlesy. ne [Mr. Ifitslsjouli b. prepred eaI lisop«Vo tinte to diseu'sthe qpqie desitts reuet vas quite disoriely, iltfot* àti Ion. mesobers bai paid no atlestias intpropriety. Il vas a question upcp bi. great deel of interestis lakeil.isy ts omls Mr. AyLvaiçn id lie ibaidith~etune Io differ with thse lon. gentlea userrei in Ibe séma"rks îviicli liad bem learneei- Attorney General ai l . et penui" tehUat tise measure whiielithse cem- ild«M I ecomenddvas comipletely et variance with evcry constitutienal 1insel, and lie vou go âIber and s»Y il Clri~dt- Britishs. As mof<the memiLers of tisatcoin- mittee lie bad hemn obligeIlp o -opecatevaiti taI eornnitiee inprocarnnç infîr"mo,-bwf lie vascporge % là tise principle of teppq silice vicis.bai been iroducei siteo port,asu elisedhesinotisiras yet wà voulti induce. itoalmter las determaaio in asy vay. Be voulti support tise asoa ment. Mr. Titonasasii b. thfouglit tedis i ongist at all evenîs tu alov Ibe Report tu b. considerei in committre ef, ils.wwW It wouhi bc a direct inault upothéléi0t cf biouse itslt to refuse to conider llia report. Mr. Baxavnq '"nieb. ertginly sois; currcd essirely in vb.t baiMeafrom "is hon gme-emanvio liaiitut sp.., sud dis-' meotti front the bon. memiber fron it wtf Il vas a subje«i upon visicli tise eadn of di< country tîé à uldep it >ea, cd cooceiveti ila ob. tb. dit 'ctevM ybon. tinesoier tasamalt in affrgi Ibew in b e io. formation in tuir pave: ai Ust mim 4,1sre atpesnt*amtiuttis panpremmitei by tise :=smtteembàou"db. ccmssPlan the gqUse çt andi isecer"tinIa lit eonrIiwi' tion vas due lt.thusitesusl .Mr. Bwtcx-u esies compdafa tesy, 1 Iik iltintreaingdi"aboosvith s'ee 'ittle tourtesy tulwing-fol'ai a >pod"tc a second lime ivicisbai ec ises - jecteti.1 A tty Gen. Cosmm ii tisaIt m ef&*emé te tise comnsitt.e, b. for jine vouli b. duspès. e tUaItishe report dciii b.e ii«efdýbist bis mini tas fil7 maie up beiébumL 1 is mlot by repcetmsg ntcréctly tisai infor- mnation is affiwe te the éntitumnc or tise coluntry. Ho vouhi radlier tisé toLtUy sisosihi inge from thte reit efthie session ti" trosk Usehepo th ie ebmtes a e tse efaitS- fîsinesa sidinustry vîtis vb"éls tby eaiei on Use pbi ans.[êr in]H tusted ho. mem evedqoe on w iOi purent il WBII te rsrr inibt h e privi. 0<tbeiof the Weme *utfôs Le tp istlMoVr.e. wasnotdisos i rfs. pan of thb cnade Mdsts rloft et tise' utuMèiltee= bo- b=C!ggfiho.. usuber

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