Ma - w ~ ____________________________________________________________ Ktumft1u WAU ]HOUSE. W Iu bc baujar eeii, ien roi. 1udi d lneaetraetielc assomt cf Vermey & Stgele ry Gocd,triable fer tite.pMeq. ut gu.AmuaV vhbyuwli ( onSAIu< rRe£Nl uiadENGLISH FJG;V85 Il :M PLAIN SATINS, sany icia; FIGUR PL4IN GROS DE NAPLEâSwced9A ?1 of sarloud shides ;-FAMONABLD PIL- t<>LS; fR'ENCII SHAPER; ce-d LONDOI( SnR t KW ad lICE BONNETSq;-GPnt-eu1a mgd yoth'i faney CLOTH méd SILK VELVET VAPS cf vaioinpatters; a ice oettaimnt cf .(NDUN CHNTZ and PREN TED C'ALI- COES; beanttilFRESCU MUSLINS cf in- gran clers;a ncbseotrtit 4 WVOIA GAEJsE SATIN LIITSTRING RIBB UNS; a qood saricty of GLU VES ass HOSIERY; flcTOBIA VER TINGS. AIai. agda etiof (&Dey udI vhite DRILLS; toge=la nba sgenenal assment cf GOODS, teeosaumercas boe.te mention. H iiug receiid telbavue Good4 direct ftrnm *ia.mauufaciutrns cf Great Britain, Tuas. Wilson fiaItersbiaisîftiha i in ahîrd t Io el hem ai very Rteduced Pricesiberefore hi fiels confdaent lu p.iciting the patronage of the tnading ommunuit- hi voold espreffally direct Ihegu te1 cal ai bis Weil haewu ctahllahniesnt is Stute-sireeti kaown as tleb IIciaiesri W as.aoua-l'ltsse take ciice, mathitag te do ,itb theIstablsbmenat nov ttquming thal naine lately vacalcd by Meuars. Collins & liajins. Buntingr for fiag, and Sssil CansosS. The I.araaers of thés Midîand District to whnim Im suai orally kuemn.,&re Uept respuCSLuly - ,iiiie 10take pplici cftlIhe above ayviga0 FOR SALE, T ~WO ACRES ot LAND frnting'the Bath RoLad sud joiutug the laqt Une cf the Pv ni' tcn#ary LaSit. Apply et Ibis Office, or te CHABLE$ WARDI Ner factoeit ce. Eluagieu, Juais It, 1841. 10. STORE HO USE TO LE 74. S ITUATEI) on Ives wharf, being 2 1 2 stories K7hi-b dimensions 40 by 50 fet, suitable for a BailLft or a flotirin establishment. Apply to IJEORGE 1'ES;. tisigaton, Ist Jane, 1811.. I3ROAD CLOTHS. W OOL dyed Black; Indigo Blues, Oli ves, Claret, Browns, Mixtures 4c. with Black and coored Kersemere, a GEORGE Il. HAINES & Co. Kingston, A1prU 7îM, 1841. - TO LEASE. T WO or THRRE gcod BUILDING LOTS on Batcci STIMIaT> in the Town of Kingston, lsuie c OHANNA BROWN. My11, 1841. TO LET, IL-OR a te,. cf y ar on a BUILDING LEASE, 1:aï Valuable Prcperty in Kington, situlte at thsin,citiSe ad Retr Stricts, comprisin a front of 67 by a d.ptb of 72 fret, and beng ccu- poSe6 f part of Town Lot No. 290-Aply <o the Stîbcibr. Ringtes, May 11, 1841. H. SMITH, h. 4 1841. TBUPEIRANCE HOTZEL, S. MEACHAM, Coibone, New Casile District. Gooul Tu'd & S.Ul.W &UMb. THE LATST AND MOST 1MPORTANT NEWS. 4 Wall of Quewe. nEgSkg. 1. à R. HUTTON, direct frois MMancheer, England, beg ta acquaint the rbc enralyflt hey hbar otf t hewtII $t' 1ui1 ,Lambon.Boildinoi 8Stoe-treet, and the; hope by atict attention-Iotebusness, together withk other adrantages they possess, te neit a toeatisntci of that patronage the lais oceapiers MOeMr. . & PL H. espectflly initrtIN aIs oMiutof lb. i aabitants et Kington andalils vaeoWty, 1 hirextensive assotaent, coasiaeing e<every dêéeiption cf Ba'Uish Mîimjaaaired Goods suitable foi lb sinn. Tiair Stock bas bein laiâ in undir -mny favorable circumotances, havi.;- bien bwgtfM -Csh, snd at a ligne wb« t Le machetls wei r*iy-ach depessed. Ais, ihey &te in comnuets wih scrne of the malt exedýv ]lamfatredEatgablisbmenla in Maicbeates;, 16 one cf wbicb Mr. James ilu'ton bas fer gt4e Ias ten yiars hein actively engageaI. It la unmiëces. sary tn enatuerate tbe various aticles comprised in their assortmnt, suffice il Iu say, that they wiul have esîry ar'ticle usually kept ini a Dy Gonds store. ,. & IL . aise cfer tuperedenteid low pi aos arIe Stock 0f READY MADE CLU Ti M1(, Suialhe for ail ages, adapted cubher for Su.,- mer or Wiutir. Aise, a large assotuaint cf CLOTH CAPS. ý 4 . R. solicit au ,arly intspection cf Iheir urment feeling confident that qu.lity andîrices wll be sorch es te affrd thasoebo anay avanr liai. vidtteir support ivery as tifatîn. The mtteoupc. which they linIte seat is that cf le" e, qiý*Belunsand ne Crcdi*. . N. "1B. ~e'Lrs. Collina& Haines eWae CelIis opportuntty cf introdacing ta their formatn Cusom- e the abose aentinnîd Gentlemnen, sud beg ta secoinmemi thein tate hi e.pccial favor, heing a- bl eo.deuly teasasert, thttthotaghi hey,, wber lu th. eti business, sold as ler, if tnt lower thas iay otb..Home ia Town, tbe abiave ,entieîd gsoteme~, roa ibir erysuperi' r advitages, elîl e~ eabledta sl ti!chcaper. Elguon !è Una14. 8 FORWARDlNG-1841. T lHgu"nersipsea, vitItne, andl j15cient U.ummaj,bave made prepinations to'carry en lb. FORWARDING BUSINESS betaiat KIGsTO*, PancoTr,.inierçuediate places, ana d s>iit"ar, hy viaoy of lhe ST. LAWRENCE, udcrthe Firma f FERGUSON & M'GIBBON, MulsTC.. M'G[BBON & FERGUSON, Ksisasaoz. Freegit f Gooeda mpard, cbs geaI allorether se- emdiaug to eigmht, anda airates e neasuuableîaua tisfas.cmy hcin i te trado. ALEX. FEItGUîI()N. JOHN M'GIBBON. Mnnlreal, Apil 26,1841. N&W GarOCEET STQmE. T fi Suhucnibeas beg leare ta itîfonan thrin iituglansd the publie lu gneral cf Kingten aimd ils %iiiiy, tIat tibhase cemanenced bqi. seraj inlial Sior aaxtdeor ta M. Bmfrd's Ho- tel, Se.a Mre.t, v ien tbcyy wl comtae.Iy h.. p c. baud a ebici aslet ot f Grocenues, Tea, Wis, Lipuars, &c. &ç. which thr.y viti seil as Iler a n auotbered.jalishmput li ton n tbev h.g altc te 01er Oneadaga Sat, Plastuef P, is, Wates lime «d Whiakuy by tia. barcel a et p srdeuecd piceuforecah. A abat. of public patronage ilare- qmeelîy slicit. IDANIEL O'COsiùuLL&,é,o. KiegetmIn, )Ay 1 .7 AM -»ST saluabérom> rIa thse village "tPaum<aasrh, nY ou . ale b..Io tiseCio f ti ,s4M«wjIoi fs .1. e e G.vpils t Pasiua. 06 is.aubleWA 4T4- Kiston, 7th Joft, 1841.8 SUMMER 'ARRANGEMENT - BAY-OP QUINTE; s. timm 5a ee'e& MM Away. ROM di lai c May sansd dornug the F somermouhi, ue siiStalge vilI leave Belleville fr Toronto immediately after lthemri- val or the Bay Sieameias, ui.; braugb Port Tregt, 13igiton, Coîbomne, Gratte, Coboug, Port Hupe, Clarke, tarlington, W bitby snd ichuing. GOOD) FOUR BOiSE COACHES (Eutirely rieur.) 'itia steaaly ixpenienced divers, goîug tbrougb front Bellville te Toronto in Iven. ty four boars, and fron Cobourg te Toronto by day b8ght. IBDUCBD FÀIB. "etieIo Toronto,. ie. £100 C" do .. 0100 o Port I(opcto Torono.. 65 do.0. 00j The above lin. ef StAges ailI lesso the Gene. rai Stage Office, Torouto, for Belleville, every Saasday at 10 o'clock, A. M. aId uvcry Mosday, TaesdY, %Weduusday, Tbuisay and Fridy ai 5 oclock, P. Mb aftîr tb. arrivai of ther Steam "tgal fioan Niagara and Hamiltan. 1Blramgeis sel lsdna àteat alvntage ln taking liis toite; by leasing Kinçaten (the Capital> lu a Stearn Beat, tliy hase a fini 5ev of the country fonaulu; the Bay of Quirite, fast nisig lin impor- tance sauce the fte allenalion cf the Seat -of Go- ,einaient, and taing lte Stage ai Bellevillvilii to, non. in the province, th"s reacbing itecity cf Torontoeat 8 o'c!och P. M. Wua. WELLER, Cober, Apil 28, 1841.Popef. N. B.-A Stesef Bat leaves Kingston gclu; UN, sud Belleville going demu ibe Bay, esery moîning, (Pondains excepted.) 10 NEW WHOLESA.LE COJIMSSIO.N AND) AUCTI[ONEEI1RIJNG E STABLISHMENT. C OLLINS& HAINES bereby aunounce 10 liair ftiends andi the public genenali>', that tbey bave commeracealin liaé abovehUe, aId are prepaned le eueve Conigemeutasand set as Agente &c. Their Store Houa, ncw lu couru cf eredian, wilI hi large, comasodicus sud soecurs. Il is aisated on Water Stleet, opposite ta Messrs. Wu. Dace aisoNs & Co.'a Forinediaag Est ebt sh- mensd a fa,, ulos soulh f Mr. Juo. lvxs' Slmp ChandferuiStore. - Froin Ibeir vii kuowu chanac- tirs and bsiness babils, together, with tiseir long sandig lu tbe Ton, Cos.aaas & HAtrsbhole te obtPin a cogtinuance of that faveur sud soppoit, vbich tbey bave hitherto efjoyed as a Fient in the Dry Goods Business. ?hey mlso Ambraci this oppetunil>' cf exprsin; their gratitude 1e thase fienda wbo base op ta the peesent tume, so liber- al>' suppomicd tIbm.. CcLs.Ns & Hàltaxa are alloved ta gise the nauuca cf the folloing Gentlemen, as Rtorsnes, ishose viii huown epeciabilily yl, tbey haie lue doubt, prove bighl1y satiafactor>. John Counter Ecq........... Kingston. Douglas Prnulsi Eaq ............ Richard Scobelhq .... ......... " William Wilson Eaq.............s laivard B. Hardy Eq ............« Messrs. John Mcviia & Cc .........a Vasc. Boswell Eq.........Coburg. Thot. D. Harris Esq......... Tornot. Osain Phcîju Esq ........... St Catharines: Abrbam Truax"............ Rocbeter. J. . Isaac ............ Davege. Edwsin Cankt ........ Ogdenaburgh. George Sanderson Esq. ..Brckvile. Messrs. BebtArmucn& Ca...Mtreal. Meus. . Forster & Ca . Motneia. Meuve. Scott, T y e & "c Win. Bradbury eq. 66 N. B. C. & H. beg te emind Ibeir fdns ibat athangh their ovn Store is net quile io"aed) thîy brc sote rnzdi. te eeve Consipments, set as Agenls, or obirwiai ofaIl the aimaié.,of lbcir uew caüln, basing lunte ieanuusue preeurid Store mmcu in other îremise. Kingston, April 12(b, 1841. VARIETY STORE. No. 4. Garrras a meiiagg B~ ROAD CLOTH, Cisimee, Worsted Plaid, .LCssanelt, Camblteens, Tweeds, Cmnicces, Moleakins, Vestingt. ALan. B>'thl ai Pjce or tard, a i assistucent cf Irish Linen. Inglisia sua French Gros de Naples, figsncd sud plain Tabuett.DRSE Mouline de Laine Drisses, Cambrick do. SHAWLS AND DRESS HANDKERCH1EFS. Chintz, Pfnt, ad Maslin. Collera f aitDrui ipf ons. Tbnead, Nett Cape, and Colars, sud Cue BONNET. Dausiable, Bia,,enuaissluea, lateat faaliowa. Ladiei' sud Cbildren'a Parasols, jos at reda. Getlemens Hais sud.iCCs, Bqys Caps GLOYES. Ladies long anal sls.4%d Gloses, do. do. de. 4aèe -Mitts, do. ilk Glaça @tt.I Icoos. Tvilled Regatias, suad grass bleached Shifing aud Union, aImait eesy otber rticle ilte aicelles va>'. CL"TIMNO. A large asotaiat o e isabovp articles hipt coual utî nbana, made ln ibe besi namuer, andI cbeup fr cash. lrlu EngraleFrench anal Amins. BIsesof ail descriptions; Satin, plan snd figureal, Trtec Bonb;slues, Prnelle, SiIk and Valencia anSd ail mast ait other hinals. as» nomes. COLLARS. Lacea Colars sud Cap, Tbead,Lacer5Bolinett and Moe,,af tbe latesl style aid best qtaratv. TEAS. -A 1ev chias 01 Toug Hysoâ Té%, uii Wini bu iclaI set>' l" tMCasm. Ail te aboie amtices cas bu bai a wlaohlel us etails ev i cau, b. pmaosd in NMntiel. Peut cmli, aid set foryoaraliel,qmally assa Prce,-ma"muIoblige Q m ntl Ries, 111h May, lm1. FOR SALEBt TU-E SUBSCRIBERS. A LAEKQE quatiiy cf bleaceea Cuvai% 1 to7; S La fev -coprs cf Cbisiy's bhua iser and <los.mmp fiais, of i4uevexi tre ab oa, Clch Cape, sud a la"e usiment of OiavUlmsaeti mis, m9leqkia% eans d a4 Uis of-varIce-c «a ea m bovin bues purcbasenluta. tegi.à Manhets ai a time ibis they w..muc depemsd, cienetly >1y voie b vma s bey mhwii .eu&at" sl. t i fer tht.. i"lte their mtenrat iu e à-pesas. Lngk% el.8,111. W. WILSON. Joa aciea aIl&ebmdcebe4 Sine.Sùtr G. là. HIMNES &aCo. JUST RI1CE1VED ANIQ ROR SALE, 300 IS uasVlsr>ed reAIP a4*aedvala Jmd eal lm' 4um1 100 « *00pairs Pehsi"s Traie Chais*, Steve Street, Kgingstobi. ROYAL MAIL STEAMRRS. Lakte Onftario and River Si. Lawsrence. T HE Publie are informeaiflint tIti fllowing are the arrangements tor this Beassn: LAKE ONTARIO. Betweev kisgstonan ad Toaet. St. GEORGE, C ttTuury,-NIAGARA, Capi. Suiherland,-CITY 0p TORONTO, Capt. Dich. PROM KINGSTON At baîf plut 7 o'cloch Eveuing, Sonday, andi Thuisday the St. George. At 8 o'cloch Esvecing, Tueslay and Friaay the Niagara, At 8 o'clock Eveanig, Wedocsdsy and kSalmrday, th? Ciy of Toroito, sud arrive ai Toronto ealy next day. The above Steamers avait the anivaI of the Mostreal Mail -R vineEton yo-oowrt-'t: .r At 12 o'cloch Noon, Moeday and Tharsvsy the Ai 12 à5clocir Noon, Tuesday aad Fridsy.tbe Ci/y of Tcooto, At 12 o'clocchNoec, Weduesay andl Satunday the St. George, Anal arrive ai Kingston csrîy nexi nacrulu;. The above boats rail at Cobourg and Pori Hope, ench way. Anal ibe"44Ciy o Toronto" vwililias. Toronte for Nisiana sud Lewistea ivery Mcnday lo- mng at 8 o'cloch, andI eturu ta Téronte in lbe af. ternon. RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. DetreeeaKingsa/cu & DiclinsastLmedg. BROCKVILLE, CapI. Maxwell& From Kangston at 9 utclock Morsig-dunday, Wcdnesdsy sud Fiday,i Froui Dickinso's Laudie; et 4 o'clock 1iomaing, (or ou the anrisai cf the Mlail froua Moiteal) -Taisas, Thursday and Sat-indey, H. GILDERSLEEVE, Capi. Dein, From Kingston at 9 o'clock Morniug-Taaea«day, Tbunsday and Saturas>, Froua Dickinson'% Lauding ai 4 e'cloch Moing, (or ou lb. arrivaI cf the Mail fren Montreal) -Wednesday, FitIay snd Sanda>'. From mrangmentâ which havi been md. uitb lb. Uppîr Canada Stage sud team BoaCompe- ny cf Montreal, Passengera btwen Mouttnial aud Kigtn nive at Ibose places ou thealaternns cf 1ht scodday. The abose Boats cal t Gataoqai, Brockviîle, Maitîsaid, Prescot, Ogdiuibangb, Matillasasd Wiltiamsburgh each va>'. Rqgae an cd Parccls at the risk f/the oao'er5 un- leu iokcd andl se/fied forcai fregl, Lakte aud River Siam Boat Office, Kingston, lît May, 1841. t ON SALE, At the, Sabsriber's W7alae WarcA orne, ]PROUT STREET, CIIOICE IVINES. 10 QR. cashs Blackburn's Mad1eira, ~75 bhds. Osboeues Port1 3 qr. css 10 bbds. Suenr laet 5 qr. cashs, S1 enceCI 25 baskets Champagne, « Victoria Brand." ALEÇO-FRESH FRUITS, Now in transita frein New York. 100 boxes fresh Oranges, 50 do do Limons, 10 bbli. do Pine Apples, 100 boxes Muscatel Raisins, W0 balf' boxes do 25 imatis palier shell Aluzend, 50 druans Figs, 50 fancy boxes Prunes, 10 hegs Currants. A1re, dail1i eaxpeted direct from iteLaxdon DocLs, 10 hhda. sup crier Cognac Brandy, 10 do do Holulauds, 10 do Campbleton Whisky, 50 cases Scheidana Gin, 25 qr. caahs Sherry, 50 cases Clinet, 50 thls. Poltenà 50 do AIe. - JAMES BROWN, J nitor. Kingston, 7ih Jane, 1841. THE MONTREAL Patent Cordage Manufactory BEING. Dow in fuît operatlon. hy Stear power, ondins for compete Saits cf lRigging, for Via. sels ci amy sixe, tan bd executed onu tiaishrts, notice A large and welI aesorted stock cf Wbite, Tan. ned, and Mailla Cerdage, will hi hepi ccnstantly on baud. IL H. PERRINS, Agsat, St.1rani Sireet. MotriApriL 219t, 1841. W8 JUST eceised, ad for sale by the Sahacribens 76 Keg'S pish Browu Paint, 123 do. "de. White do. 50 do. Black d. 21 do. Grecs do. 4 hsti. Besi Vinegar, 60 Kega Cet Nails, A fîv Chests Twsky Tes, IL . & T. RAE. Kingetos. 18th May, 1841 A SULItY and HAI<NESS FOi SALE; Enquire et the Herald Office.. Kingston, 111h bMsy, 1841. T HE subscriber wilI hi foribîd in semao with s supply cf Fresh Garden, Grass sud Field SciaIs. DuJ. W. BRENT, «W dsS4 Apotecq. King Stneet, Dec. 2%, 180. FRESU GM.DEN 1SEEDS. A GENERAL amssoct receise an sd for sale wholesale aud retal,by 3. W. BREST, Woeaeaid RetaiGroe, HEà» OFBTORKUSTREET, BLANKS FOR SALE. I) lEMS sud MEMORIALS, Law,, tirusiof J"Requeet,audo**et B LA N KS,sin eat -aric<y fer sale at the Hîrald Jl0 e CLOVER SEED. LUS. ldueniti ua, for sleby 12M -011-J.,W. BRERR?, - MOVING BUILDING&8 HI Su pes r &Wvisg fum tudhe* susev laae.Es'"veai *m. HeI. meL*a!sa'., SlosrtiUe. Z. BALLARI>. Kbngtoo, June lt, 184. 3p SALT, &c. &c. FOR SALE. T 'HP Subsciber will keep constautly on baud during the seasota cf Navigation, Watern Lime, 3 Plaster of Paris, Onondaga Salt, & By the B àrrel. Whisky, Al of wbich will be sciaI unusuaîly kow for Cash or short apprcved credit. HG ADR Cein cial Wharf, WHOLESAL FUl STORE, MEAT AN!> CAIP A4JTORY. Quarry Street, Kingston, Canada. T HE Subscribers iu acknowledging their grat- Liue te the Merobania cf Upper Canada snd their patrons generlly-would give notice that theit enime Fur EstabhbeDt bas hein nemoved frin Moutreal leoi Maglcu; viaiethiy havi greatly extended their btsinisa bath in the manu- factory aud by imporfilîtg direct froua London, and other fEsige. ,r1, FuU 0 OEVIY UISCIPTION, vis. FUR CAPS, GLOYBO GAUNTLETS, cOLLAIs, CUFFS, MVJI'5, BAS5 SuIte, TI.3NISG, &C. &C. Anda re new prepared ta execute ail ondens upon as reasuable terissas any establishmnent in tIhe Unitedl Province. N. B. The highest prices paI for ail hauda cf SHLPPING FURS. M. L. GREENE & Co. ]ýngston, 1841. A. HURD ANNOUNCES te the inhabitanta of Kingstona, Athat i bas openeà a SCHOOL in REAR STREET CHAPEL, and begi heave te solicît a aiar of pablic patronsîre. Brnucbes tanght Matha- enolzcs, Naturel Philosoplay, Book Koeic, Bis. tory, Eaag. Gi'ammar, Geograph andF..umani- kingsten, 3d Apil, 1841. SPRINCG 000)S. W R ITE 5r Colored Lice. Drilla; vbite snd Ycoloned Mloleshiais sud Cantecs; Faaîy Ctïeche4 sud pintçd Molcahkins and- Jeans;- Ddi- skinsbaFancy Sattinetis; great varîety cfvw> Patterns. GEORGE H. HAINES & Ce. Store Street, Kingston, Aprl 7th, 1841. STECAR BOAT EXIPIRESS, CAPT. IL. N. TIlOOP, W ILLPLYdarn.; the seasoscof navigation, DIYbetweera Oswasoo and KXisoicu, leaving Oswego esery mornir.; ai 8 à. m.; sud Kingston esery cvening, ntearvIc b Bords troni Prracctt. ethari.alo(b Fi Fr4 IÉ Ha &CoOawego. EASTON, BOSS Co., Kngston. Apil 27, 1841. NOTICE. TO LAJND OWNERS .AND PROPRIETORS 0F 1VOUSES. baced PBem t Y à-aNotice, infrin; those wvlo ý.hve ROPRTYFOR SALE, et te DENT, tbt Puncheqursit BdTiuaus, mbc hiecousmended te tej ci. neapplication mi ibir Landi Bugiale>, Aeetias &Coain tis n ns, Cauady'a Builng#, Ste r. laei ,Kingston. JAS C. GODWIN, 1.P. y. H. KAL, Auctimo es'Broers & CoommIssioMréhaofs. N. B.MAï,rlePsin éthier cW - tIse is branchees, neeiedfnom therfrimà *àmustAc co-ra/ey, ahall have huim mmst Lct atention. Kingbton, 241h May, 1911. 1 6 1841. NE W FORWARDING LINE. Via the River SC. Laws'ie. TO A" > iiOX MONTREAL, BROCK VILLE, KINGSTON AND!>TUE INTBSBtaIAUTE PLACES. ljOSSMA1T.HR&> Ça. ai Meaareal, *ASTON, ROU 4ce.ut Bssehsl4r npimfo tITIWov~alimiusî8args, ili hua pie- pare$ at lia.0lpeulag cf Ibo Navigation, te jeve Pasage Mà Raigrautîr, sud te ttsnspcnt Pnop.- erty cf afitdescripiona uitls increased ssfety sud diajtcb.1 Frees /d a perdç chargeaI 'or fiy WR/GHT &- et roies redued beoav'he Tee JfPricts exacicd for yeass past. The Sabscribens, from ncua fcilities which ibey posss, sud thein detenginaticu te doItea businiess intrusted to them salîafactarily, timasi that they will iommand sud menit a sha.:e oa Public support. (Siguced,) MATTIIIE, EASTON, & Co. JAMES BOSS, HEURY EASTON. Jauesry 1, 1811. 38 1 i F OR SALE BY TUE SUBSCRH3ERS ~>lBags Java Coffee, 25 bbls. Roasted do 30 boxes Ground do 10 baga Black Pepper, 28 boxes Ground do 50 mnatts Casis,, 1 cash Nutmega, 80 jars Mutard fresh), 20 kegs Sun Raisins, 2 kegs Zinte Curr;ants, 2 bales Cloves i.I1F AE &C. Kingston, April, 1841., 00 Boxes Steel's beat Liverpool Soap, for 2005ae by UGU FRASER & Co. Kingston, Aptil, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, TiresNols,, 1 20bi.Rice, 10 bils. llanley, 100 remna Wrappiug .Paper, O h - pped aud faced Pipes, W2 bhla. Blackiug, asrted, 5 do Walnuts <fesh>, 3 do bard sheil Ainondi. HUGH FRASER & Co. Kinp-fon, Atail, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, 4 Bbls Sandemau'as Port Wine, 3 dcx. .chd, '6 caska Sherry Wine, 3 dcx. each, (,op. qu.) 2 hbds. ' Gooie',i' Madeira, do. 10 qr. cashs 1'Facoja" Madeira, do. 8 do Sherry, 12 de Port, 10 cases Champagne, 40 baskets, do. Leitb Ae and Porter. HUGH FRASER &Co. Kingston, April, 1841. OILS & PAINTS. Hbdo double boiled Linseed Oil, ý- R-air -- -40. 10 cashs Spirits Tarpentine, 90 hep White paint, 25 do Green do. 5 bbls. sernt 0, 3 do cddo. for salea by HUC1H FRASER & Co. Kingston, Apnril, 1841. QROUND PLASTER AND 'WATI E IL ET ME. T HE subsciber bas now ou band, and offiers for sale ai. the Stone Milian lu aryshurgia, 50 teof P1 lasteraud W00badaS rWaler lime, 'Which hîe* au furuisia te bis cistemers, crefully ground sud neady for 09e. -Aiso, constantîy on band, TBRASiIING MACHINES itfibherucat approved hinda. He will guaramitie te tell Groand Plaster at lowen rates than cao bu iinported, heing the prcpitor cf su extensive quarny ia thc U. State. DAVID M. LAKL. Ftone IMisl, Ist februany, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER. ")Y£WOOD1)8cf thse besi quality, Wholesale J. W.BRENT, Druggùisf4 A4potweary. King Stret, Dee. 22, 1840. 36 FOR SALE, 29 >PCS,feut t iaa »Dock,fc a Iiag Sommer Trîvas x. AIseToi- sait Dock. W ISN King ton, May 6, 1841. ENV A-D SPLI,ý1û CABINET PUIX .&s Chctap as Ihe Cej J..lic Knta ojtht eiftted i rntro e5a , IS e 1'ï cerner of S-r Sîeet ad Groneny Store. -,%,here d w!' t, nous 0 lilrhai e a ie îc ai iuppl led wie at , wir TUR, r t, ia RES4. T> IV 4E.. stîe alt t IR. M. & T. ]RAIE, w4Omara tm55OITElSor cffuMis AND>roi- 1 91 ?~-~t AD STAPLE DITY GOODS, 19DN SR-T sale u the arivaI cf tht fini 19-lafreon London, Làrerpool, î a choice andI conaplete aset- aêtpIe DPryoueds, &. coqa"i't- cmbetlw; Satlei; Fi ~asi. audYau;y Castiama; ItIciDellaines and Pggtd Saxinys; BrusseIs Carpetiug; Green and Gersifur Mothena; Blue and Engraisacd Cigsu Dareasks; Amt*nFfinges Iinascd vjth Crimqpn Tops; Drab 'Moeins; Pinted Satin Toposud Faury Cars- tous; T. ilieaI Collons ansd Saadowns; Plain aud Fancy Seliciasq; Cotton Velvets sud Velve- teins; Bilack, Bnowsn, Avatorise, Drab, Cruss, Ogange, Myrtle, Puce, Waterloo, Pink, Sky, Ctimson, Ciagamone Punle, YellOw sud Clat Bellud Jaccouietisa;i Prissis in gseat vaieiy ; Jean Stipes; Reattas; 34 sud 6-4 Cotton ad Lirain Ticks; Grey aud White Cotton; Sheipanda Plaid; ,lua od; Blue Derties; Aprosa Chicha; Tian- kely rps Coton Yaru; Witt sud Brown Union Draper; 6 & 10-12 Biecaced Clotha ; 6 te 10-4 Cotton Cove s; Blcacbîd Lînien Diaper; W. B. Union Dice Clothe; M'ain suid Diagonal Lines Drille; White snd Brown Docks; Bucka- backs, DeIasa; 0Osusbugbs; TwilleaI Sachinga; Impetial Cauvas; Tweedsi Waddug; Peste- board ; Fancy Drill; Calico Cuttngs; a quanti- ty of Resdy MUade Cloihing; SILK8 &PEVER BATS ; Devon, Plair ansd Colored Luton, Berlin, RatIssaI, Plain sud Siuiped Tuscans> Ratic aud Rice Stnaw BONNETS; Wîllow Sibapeai; Hain CotaI Ditiy; Plain, Chechvd and Spotted Canm- hica jrocadis; Black, Wbi&i Pink a4St .ieuBa.ue.5glais. sud Spotid Jacconeits ; TamboardBock Mualins; Bishopas Lava; Swiss and Zluli Muslins; Pint- cd Cloiadi ; Plain, Grec iain, Fancy sud Figuned Nett; Bruit Black, sud White Blonde; Wire Ground sud TIneaI Edgiug and Footing; Imnita- ic. Valencia Edgings; Blonde Edgin; Wire Gmüund Lace; Black Parla Blonde Quilting; Plain aud Graiasade.; Lace and Mualigi Cas, frilled sud trimmed ; Printeai Canbric; Ch*tntx and Cal- icio Dresses; Furuitune Chintz; Laies' Plain, Wbite, Drab, su Condeai Stîys; Bacranis andi Fonncdtion hMulins; Verona Handherchiefs, Plain aud Figurcd Gatsxe, dq; Scaifs and Veils, Blach RanceIons, Brussels anîd Ducape Haîther- chets; Cbecked, China, Cimson, snd Pintcd Baudannas; Crape Hianaiere iefs; FilIed Shavris snd Handherchiefs; Cotton Handkenchiefs, in va- riety; Faucy Ribhens; Plain anal Figaned Gras de Naples; Colored Sarsnets; White, Frnch White, Blach, Sky. sud Pinh Satins; Plaiu, En- grainaid sud Embosseal Penians; Bombazeans; Artiicial Flowers, (iu riai va, iety;) Cotton, Sitk sud Satin PARASOLS; Cbildteu'a Grays îYhite sud Scarlci, Wonsted sud Cotton, Socks ; bieu'ais rown, White, Bloc, Siiped sud Fsncy Cotton Socks; Whiite, Grae MarbhlBlue sud uacy Hosi; White and Black Sitk do. (cotten lop); White sud Back Sdk ado; Mi n'a Cotton, 3Wonsted asd India Bubber Bracîs; Boys' do; -Body Belis; Patent agd Faucy Leathen Bllia; Lasling Shoes; Webb sud Girlb do; Cildni's Plain sud ColoriaI do; White sud Black Boblain andlibhou IVixe ; Knitting Pins; NoadlIra; Pins; Hocks aud Eyea; Bttoi-s; Tapes; Cotton, Speels; do Ball; Maning Cotton; Liners Thesd; Sev. ingSilks; Twislà; Romnd 811k Coul EaIgie.; Lb'a Woc.l sud Rug Wersted ; Prusseniart- ing . obbies; Couesu Ferrets ; Cablona ; Calice and Silk Siay sud Boût Laces; Stocks; SÇtiffiera sud GlaxeaI Thrashens; Nid, -Cotton, Lisle sud Mi1k Gloves, (iu gneat variety ;) 25 CRATEB ASSORTED CROCKERY 200 Botte Bleached Ssit Canvan, No. 1ltc 6, tu twhicb they ne q uni the attention cf SLip Owners adCtains cf Vendes. '.Albersl Credit wili bu given by faruishing :esdpapir, aud the msual discoaunt alloveai tor Kingston, 6tb May, 1841. Kingston, Aprill3tb, 1811. - LA NEW SADDLE AND 5A WAREBOSe, Oppos« te 111r. Ieulaa Di-ugitstâhà J OH N HARVEY neesliefl lai bau s jsetid tis eti opposite Mn Daweîa's Tit- sji1Wd poulte Mr. fHat', )tetSs ne. rereiving, ut an il L1- îmwt a e n aI assortoîentt of SADDLElI siçlgu,. ita part or Double ana d n lîarltrsg 111 hick maiuted. A (,hnici assoiuenat ofi tt'ai Riding Whijte, Canniage and Teasttr uil M VI , Curry Coiabo, Braýt.î lun, i,. Trunakç ' Valises att! lortmcle's lie ',il mena"facturn e oerder,eaet!S wvar h i lie eîwitl' th tc srtli vinry nessonable erms. 0-1>» The attention o! Lumbin lIe ers and Teamten ia paniicularll i~ sets of ve ieanoreaif Double i he bas cow on an ,rd- Kingston, 1 lib Nec. 1840. j USTr RECEL !VED fAD FUÎI 210 hegs Plu, Tohacce ia 20 kegï to. l- 016 itoxes Careladiat 2' 10 hir. ads 3. 30 Jas Maccebe).s1f, 10boxes Bosc iis 30 hait iaboxe atd 10 Titces ier, 40 Mats Caslja, 6 kega Ginger, 6 hegs Nutmeli, 10 boxes (inoucid Cclii, 16 boxe dua Pippen, 16 boxes do Allapice, 10) baga Laguirs Cvfiet 10 baga SI. Doaîi&li CefIr1 10 tir. cathi Sueet Wias, »0 bales Fihînts, 10 bIs. Alinoade, 5 kîgo Currnsti 16 boxes Laeras 20 baskets Champ8aîi 120 dz. Tazablirs, 40 resus WrpiangPlÉ Kingston, 8:h Julie1811 LCELEBRA7'ED CLORI' A P RIME article fer bsiC"- lebubit; for sale ty tht â Sti aheanoe is ea "Isad virage for Sumcmn adink. Kinagsonu, l8th May,18. PUB LIS Il E DE V E Br THOs0' At bis offic, in Store Sttmi Mansion HOusi ete*1 wlaene ail onder inS amlhI ,nuutually atteniled tc. CIRCULAIt. T IlIE Subacn.ber bega lisse taj eluaute bis nu- menous cuslomers ibroaucitishe Province, those atknouedgmients wbicb their liberal sap- port during the asat seassn se juoly Calîs for, and lu aling so i avails himsaIt cf the oppcriunily to st1th that hla nuw conpletin; bis arangemnil te continue hia PERlODICAL SALES lu Ringslon, Toronlo, and Hamilton, on s stl more extendeai acale, in ordin toennaure te bus pe- seul customersansd le lbe Trade aI large, licreased facilities and a certain maiael for the suapl o f "M 04L m tlaç duuminatton ci Tiese, Aud ho begs leave 10 asure them ihait ie>' ma3 confidenliy rely upon tiiese Salis for iheir gencraI -supplies ai the lowest market talcs sud on the uaost f.ivaràble.terms. TÉe Suhacriher begsata the sane ie me te intro- duc. te bis cutomers Mn. R. A. Geodeusough, te whomehe has nrusteai the <eneraI Imanagement cf Lis Salis as Agent sud confidential Assistan.t. JAMES BROWN, Juzaîca. Kingston, 15th Febraay, 1841. riOR SALE. B Y lthi aabscruhers, ai tbein storcs an Front. steeii: 60 hega Plug Tohacco, 18s. sup. quality, 50 hega do do 16s, doc 10 boxes Cavendish do. 100 jars Maccabo) Sauff, 10 M Principe anal Rateallia Cigare, H-UGH FIRASER & Co. Kiagston, 7th April, 18U1. heM M-ut s t s MIMO en ilevo iDYOUMr M 0 -z 1~~~ ,i . - iot je ,0 mouo mm à 1 FOR SALE. B Y the sabacibers, at their stores in Fron street: 20 biada. brîght Muscavado :ugar, 30 bbs. do do de 40 baga E. 1. ciastalmxed do 5 hbds. refined Loaf do 40 baîf chcîts Young Ilyson Tee, 10 do Twsrahay anal Hyeou. HUGH F1IA$ER & Co. Kingston, Aprîl 7th, 1841. iat. FOR SALE DY TUIE SUBSCÎI-BERS 1OPuncheons Jamaira Spirits, 10 40 quarter caks do 28 do Cognac Brandy, 5 hhdo. Bordeax do 7 do ilcliands Gin, 20 cases Schiedam do. 1 dcx. eacb, 30 cashs Bordeaux Vinegar. HUGH FRASER & Co. Kingston, April, 1811. FOR SALE IIY TUIE SUBSORIBERS 1 hd.(large) Table Codfiab, 010 egs LochfilosHerrings, 10 bbls. No. 1 North Shore do 40 toxes Digby do. HUQH F RASIER & Co. Kingston, Apil, 1841. . 1 T te iiit~îaotiý iz . Inalai'tlul t ib i se in te nsvttuii~s uf Mn. M. L. Gr-it b a ' ail Ues, an eNteni v tl l'e Tir, lGaira, a, 1n! esati 4 maer Hais, witandtllusud ts: NVOOL BATS, cia1, f t% Cash on apîtneved Cedi, tom0RL thakfully reeated, atd ealclai A qiauàntal>'of Lm- Kimaganu, marc!' -L), îijs i. T IIE usu5cler lias on b"" CLOTH CAPS, Sitiohifor nion te ay iupoiteilto u U prudes,rat Ilii,0C1) Fuit Cy, irUE's Kingston, ApîI 20, 1-Il. ROSIE lto.% aie fron lI'frrs, aad ut tier i , Mot itowvn, ltPsie Brockij Ossaîgo , on Lake Ontldtto, Rochester, on Gele5te River, Upon the guost reaa'anatile l,5itniiit E. W. NWhite, £bq., ai l i Misers. Fitzlcagh, & Ceo. Owre Messrs. Child e Sale',, Rcicint Andl at laorristoAn andOînur. hll ihe tollowing artciv, ue l CaulaîronKetailes,Cout îes Orders for Castiî's cf ai L ir,, prticalarly Cookaing Steve lié Andirons,,&c., cUItler aflibe , fthose wrk,- r fier aay lais mt funn isfrth aI iîsrpese-',iîlia, tien,1 hein.- darected '0te ita >aja ~ works, or '-o the subscliber. .lOSEIII Ris Execut r! iCi Gs Oîrdensburgh, !)th JuIy, 184. VALUABI.E 1>llOPER IN THE .,Toicl F K/get l'OR tSALE. T HAT proQilit it pxîLif wX Ily te the sutaciiber on ei ienîin WILLIAM Ci Kingston, 23J Fet. 1811. FOR SALE hy te Ssh.viibiih F20 bills. et nid Ceai Tai, 100 Baxes Glaçs, 8j X 9ý 20 Bales SsiI Twine, 8 Hdds. Cognac Brandy. 5 do. wite doi. 30 doz selr oeltivoi'd hrl W )boesLidosn!taith, b0 do. dighy berrna1,, 1 CNOM OU lie t a usy e elatoe a hall bhifol Om ite u theu~ ca 1shmai seentera tbon l~ ismt h e aoaibi.pSi 1eb thesiscine tamt ojtuOs T ocia &peutsed aasaie sircha eber el coa ne o ti rh noiite ofth abalx mote upOO sc ectte 1 il aba t o.ouai bu bcpate esath e .ha n calmmi f ls HVas ode b>'hht t oraid ibisquetiov hi asasroua liait esurdes wned te hui taîsauhallf Upin s t, p rovas *ë ns ai etiuucaras m tah eretomeaher airig erilietilesw ,vut lIse copasiau deust n) c uititie! wilIlIe ucaainecfbru be lrm. . B5ull.%umoved ti clice ila h ppointa ean 0 pai ntsola rnuuicind an it sp tllyi n couaniti wlie aralaonute 0 ilnt ows n),ahs loge $ai ued aIinta tO th viarers oitil abat aniniserra wes le iw servatos'aul Iiaae at d bedea l"litan fil frwud i ex io.ecimpla) binis slîesrat ar.)hogih L i, iliued lertbai auc'f aahcie thli 1e, n"e csatns pla 0 fe anse dooi L i idbr',leit udut the drni,, at laeap t gaie an un' lng tla mrber st tIu he mean eutfrei ues as oberatlun tde bI tlio. f f rraalrthws tig lied r Ia Ofecethe uingr at, 4 HaalboWh t!un whie tuy a e as fr u rei tf IheboaeilW ,bati. he. r 'lgeî han eh c triti tler*&ytan t the <t-.e.- 1 1 S. W. BRADY.