CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICLJLTIJRAL & COMMEIICL,' ~~;iII KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAY, JULY là, sïk amy paitttlrn "ilir por- wil! rece,ve, a tile Agent ini tbie ,libler. JOSEIi lot)s! tecutar of i tokb Jlu>, 1840. ýEi PROPERIî 'WN. OF KINCfî t. SALE. lralt of hIirurr on the' î'rrnim. WILLunh c.l 1841. Coi! Tar, !là X 9h, Brandy. du. coud cli',! sirety, *mog irapcra !tarcu, gage, ME ANVD lIAIU tEnousEr Di-uggai Shtp, Im resjreitrully ssum d Iits rata iuitlit Is Tdi!or Shrtî, un-1i I)rrtst Sor, ni of SADDi.EY,ý t of Ladies' asdiGu lspo1rts, &C. d PortmnItelus' ga aider, every den rtire utlotît dorac aIf Lumirer Mdentia particuliti>' isrIIn 50c5 y Double lii .1840. FED ANI>D FORSh rabacc 16s. ilo. I8S. disa e2s do. 32s. Raisin', do nll Coffe aspisce, tet ino ae, au .Il f«in p5Plint Id lai ExcisasSe, frs a lesauL and e0 rimis >,1841. r. Imir& ii sentb ewfi émU e padiautoiof (anaba. SSor ASEMLY. -MoNDAY, Jo!>' 5. ,oWeIoballot for a cer- obth rae o hcntroeried elec- ty iad dire were certain for- Tiric 33s l Jospiewith, ln il aetfled upon, a t inener imb b>'thre for thepl et of ail cota e î.Tire suttetOwu5plain j,amitrefor esIy a edjrnu edidt!cithink, hOw- aainst upon light mmIi ~aiis.le hon. riem ber f« aia ad ireetioffiviatel IlLe bel. (611V erpetent (0u iae une of tise A 'I t ont,!at the Worts of the wý eiedarta that no ipersan peti. joshli serve UpOn a ConflitIe *tfïvn~ rtrorerted election-. The ria bon. house bat!decidedth ie buh' nperson go situated covid .a ,,,nriee of that deseriin, uasidee bitwiiclî the bon., dte- jj re ihe quespiomi would beryq te bous~Ie froua iat t!ecisien. esJeired t0 know whenher it ýnMr dri ' f pper or Lower Cana- ,bar paral wa eriactet. ,imsated ibat le Lal!fOvnadeti upu the upper Canada Stature. a, a peltiote was dependimir againat ,alsier tiat uemnier m'as incomPe. Ioirg getienien were selccted and Srç rpoe %lee nmmttee .-Meaers. et,L, lrbertse, Christie, Bumneti, kRoi Morris, Maore. 'l'ieuno- ther prt af tie peCtioiDiflcandidate . lienotoi e ithe itting mess- ,uRiýts mred iat a commttee on 1retpens es cappontet! inaorder Io ni, a wokniite ai the Leg-islatire ÎLWIN "isd jtlrouid ie remarket! as ir n îîestihe liivtrytInf this hO at cuiritCce af prîvlege, illerd.Jofilcrrestdence with tise àdune eipature adl as yet been Htra s sary the lion, gentleman r ÊtriraniJ las motion at a marnet iwrevs erches were deserteil. mesuire iiclihld as yt been pro- thir buse all originaiet! wîtjm pi -whercas thre hanse haI& Iý bt vliisters were prcpared ta ni &Il arewry mensures, lHe-_ rienrîrt'Srast iliat house ý1Iirflrmndau he was iclinet! to 1r fe rire ere tIo uait raîtil Iiaisters lpr irg fos'rrrd tieir prrrriîSet -;ktr tho' 'raîirlirrîs Us'u l ire fui- ,. L'r er. Itwrrs a ti'rare ai,,hrr."rîrt ofgsuod cor- mm' r e, r1,in Irerbrandi ut'Ire Le- ýb2lix,'r11pprrrel. lie Lped!tit àr rr' nid api h' alti nes! Iopass 1Irr ý,r. ei at nt oîh hat! nuL l r et i Pper *tri,îla. As re. Mrrnrrrre of privllege lire helieti l eirf n îipiajas ol' ireacir of pla- flirt ça o nu at tral a great iis- nld h,, it iirrîre neîjir tbey râe i'n' t til Illeapls iitnent of a 'l rlt rnii rînnncies of that i) [htrlaie raie oilo'e tIinga r, nr hrrr longetr deia>et!. aI'r iurdnhrt a elrn.a le [ir ituber, as' tire at!allsts li. rîîranrîrIl frnl'ort Neuf i t riP ' ePrier Illit Le (Mr. Day) Q"r ritllsnaiîo'rot n iareply. 'Ther In r tde l'on Ii. inemsler agrinst Z*eIirn otint tire iusi. r,a irrdutren drîet! k' harait- 'J't',r ft ars"ures wiell * r 'edj brn, rvars!. lie S.arI'rrIrhiiîr"eif rut! is hii, erai d rirsfor the r ir h,' idt encelvs US arrasr elatlestothse crdi. r ý kte IV' jwS asmuei tire 1 . lorri'rrin Poarr1rt Neuf iv dr, t Or.rwart! ail 1-0,.treh'. ltureber frout ci L, rdrrrra,,n epon iblj dia rrrrniîrit reasnabir l i1l I lit 1iisid fsilre. wi Y. "(,r%'a ov n ement mutes Srh lia t Ire ttention of 'r ~ in and il ma- ~as rit sWere nasaary ta ire Ilse: an, i ; would put ~esof thItousewiretber un- '.M tances, placet! a tise> 4 osutgeillernove!, the>'clI lem red ilt oc: bides, lrhed that qestino q ttiUaiready be iese Uhtsr, threattendance a l'iai aduiratIian sheir Siee a Hu roa, uwevrbal> Ii , 1~ Il ue tirat in thse ttt wat -sanenSthoseal i dý le d roulit for. t ail rten nitbir buni', I aaefraCni IIu d 1, i a tire thnt i t wam I bn d 1 urantiacatch tire "enerai ir. eiitn's 0bervauçrmis. y tuisar tie taot f tirhen- t Pte esurr> hrshe, for t bvitUlfrlZ itee fr varion ~Inru viattiat liane or ince 5 tiýyte Sias the place t ,v leitMsIN _. relhrl , a tie o - i tiSes; a bc thought they'hai cvery reason "eie * enrristere veula double non È oilcers ( the'Crownh adonis!. nimber 0< Seciretaries, ire. Sir ALLAit McNÂLt-Âs tiser.e were tiro lelection comattes;w ,le strucis un Wedwisiiy oex t, he would mote tisat tiser. hbc a MI of tise Huna. on tisai day. Mr. Jostrooee ail hW' cald se. no uecessty for a cal! of tie House. Mr. Duitàmewas of ide opiasum ,lat tIere slsould lheaa MI of the Hans, otheriae it -wogd'le ditult tuprocure a isul l is- ber 0< incubers In liepreaerat, espociaily ps t j eisr ii eqrhaoru an>' ond ritt <rom it. Mr. VaGtit, remariset! that a cal! of thse Houa. shôsililon!>' talis e rloteincases of or- gent necessit>', anil 'pan questions& tite 'Ut- moat'sinportance, (Irear, hear,) andi wien pot in ra te tencdaisce 0ofienbirs shotih Mr. A TLWM naiihblieved it vas a mat- ter of absolute necesait>' that a cal! of tire Meuse uliauld taise place, lest tise Hanse shoulti 'ba leit ithot a t'urt.. Mr. CAmzRonSq accordet! iitis the hon. gen-. ieum, (Mr. Aylwin,) tirat tiser. shoulie aa Cali. Mr. observeti that tise lnig thsenmotion sisouiti ha smeviat differet-ig slaould ha a ci of tis e a.Hanse. Mr. Mrati',rT saiti it muast clea'!>' bcusder. atond that a cal! af tie Hanse menat a MIl!of the visole Hanse. He thsoglt, isoweyer, tisat caIlSof tire Hanse shound hovoided on ail occasions visere it vas passible ta avoiti theon. t was utteri>' uselesa tiai!.s tire cali were enforceti, andth ie attempt ta enforce a cal was soasetimes atteraset! vith ti' bic conscquessces. On one occasion U!ea Canada ceIrtain membets vere bronght se.S bar aofaise Hanse, and! reqsired ta smiearti apology for their absence. Tise>' did no, bat in a way wisicli was net ver>' creditable 4o theonselves or tire Hanse. Mr. BLMK reniarisot that a caI was earely made an thre House of Communs, and wheu made a remnote period vas invariabi>' lxed for tire cal! ta takre place; for upon a cMl beng orderet! it becomes tise dut> of tise Speaher bu cause tire proper officer ta nodtfr absent raem- biers. He didt! nsider tirat tire isiness of Wct!nest!ay ncxt was of tirat importance that a cal of the Hanse would hae reqiiret!; it soult! an!>'taire place upen tise determina- taon of sanie great Consitunooel iuesen- Tire bon. maTer of this propoitien hati ne r .hlt ta sume thatmemberswouldbieguilty af a dereliction of dut>' un tise present case. Col Parecu smi4 hewas arrytu diffr ont tire hou,.gntl Who biljust spiscéa. l. (Col.>?hfltl support the motiot4 bncatise'he1d i kialli acat tha A Ad attendanc 0 ci 0 ta ~u.hiI ihe huai W..dy .a" il- mm&' m concur in tire view wisicls vas taken b>' tie hou. gentleman fron Qebe, (Mr. Blck that ther was an>' necessit>' for semig ta Montres!, Quebec or Sandwich for absent menabers when a cal 0oftire hause taises place. Members- were pres=iaed tabedtriag thre curlinuance of tire session luatasendance attise place wriere tise Parliamentisspmîamp- edt ta e iolden. Theintention of acali waswI secure the attendaisce of thoseoieviaere vith- n a reasonable distance, saut!nat of those vira irad ubtainet! eamee of absence. go Scrtain!> tbougist that a cal! shanîti taire place ta pre- vent tise possibility ai tire bussines oftise house beiag delayet!, of vhich coinlaitad ai aireat!>' oufln; and while taon ibisject ire ironît taise occasion ta adverita a letter wiricir Le noticedlin anc of tire newsppers publisiset!ira tis Towns, eonta~tiaag i iangtsake toirards that Louse, for wirich tise publisher sirould lLe brougirt ta tise bar. Mec iroult! SUpport tire motion of tha hon. andtd- lant gentleman from tire Town o Hamilbn. Mr. CnariLEy said lire certaimly aprelsend- od tisat ti e) rtacteil t!ebatte§ vant bave a tendecnryta remote, or ta silence tise compla rits usuh eLce gong abroat! of tie procrastinaticin of the real business of thse lieouse, and! oi tie coîuntry'. Woult! it net Le Ltter tsat tihe speaker sîrruit direct sirepo per officer toeirait tapo)n th ifr erent snm lacs miro are in T'own anrd reque'rt their attend- ance;* ire th'îugt tisat a cal! of tire bouse sisouit!1 -ol r "retu taon tire tost mu- mentons ,rasio.; lie mould ntot vote agnint tise motion. Mr. Ayt.wx..-Iion. Gentlemen seem ver>' much alarîsed at tire idea of iaing a cal! of tire house. Tire hon gentlemxan<(Mr.Cbesley) woult!onlyihave acali taise place tapon nia- mentons oemeaions; ia ibis flot a momentous occasion ? Usjust charges hrave been preferret! that members of tisat bouse were willing to protract tire business tf tire country. It rer- tainl>' appeard ta hirr (Mr. Aylwin) tisat tisere vas a msat urgent necessit> for tihe adoaption of the resolution. Tire mation was grunteti. SfrAx.INMcNsu Trvmaaa, lai>6. Sir zLjLi Mcà t!edreita kew fboni one of tise gentient on tise ttemay bonuches, tise gentleman visa bat! chauge of the Bond of WoeSn1 visether à wvastise intentin 0< ah. goveennent ta reenomend Ioth ie bonne tise liassage of an>' measure relétng ta tise Bur- iogton Bm>' Canal. Mr. LAMTO.N brougrt op, the Report of tise select committee on tire isheries of G(= se Mr. Cati-T'rm objectet! tantise report .en receive!. lie bail mm . osulteà s 'ha snlject, altisougla l iec ne of tise select commatteetauvisanttise matter lied4been re- Mr.'l.%stL'rOr raid it was tire rprt Of a mmjority ofthe comijttee ==.rnimausgreed ta4 ant i e truste the tirâase woulti mt reject tire r st mu seqasence of thse objection of a stgeindividmaL Mr i.GYretasaid!he thonght II vau ramer- stand, viien tire hon. niembor Lad i itirava ahe repart )esterda>r, it vas vus thseensier- standinmg "at tise report "Idtltieh re-cousanit- .'~ EwtJ ~lr.Saea*ob vl d e4lmim à. t~hi-oguboâl biouspapers, sud hoe(MrJ.) tention Lad boom utahédisrpotshsauli lie rip- llIi thée<eedasvoi *psreMwald lha * on. thsetaisb tle otte-dzy = hmd l..mena- a mesel. idtu- r fmono>-. He dîd cot ber tfionsGuipe 'msigt %'ia* sctieprlity ofdrsting mvmv five bundred t>' et eeamiahsg il; ;and hëLa Qdoll' aamontli toïm litti purpose. lieideshe ample oppmmrtty of elpmag. biw. l"id mo altugetmer believe la tire correctusess vises tisebouse vent inte, onomttes, if ch.e f the report costaithe bc Mirer," ise visa!. uponthe report. j ouiti metion ait instance vhen exact!>' ah. Mr. Joatam somi bis tadorstmmiag u the relurse 0<vhat ho (ML. Jolimaten> isad àm matter vas chat tire report vas ta bc re.eAxicir vu s sted; lhe vau oprecente t t have dé.- Tiseniotion fur r.ceivimg tie report'wam me- bonehes, viseoisr the>' vol roi theïr pop. gstsve& muanity Mtponthose meastares visici tise>' - ;- 1themuslves latroduceti; nov viat lho iait as- MéusXKaa.movrei chat tise céderof " admi et hantvas visether tise>' wult!reàt thire day fur, seaeiving thse repece th ie saleet con- Po aitraavc.e mmeasures as tire hmn. mitées te wirom+" d.besi mbo'4 , mbje4 e r .'- - WeatHis.(Mr. Durait!> megt * 0thepontid(e lcbouse, visick kbiWbuJ mtrWce =a=> ssa Xnoen on mFridmy ls hUeé-u. . Dutasn iu it appeare riumhe hou. viveti,@adi that the repart ha reeiveil. gentleman's observations, that hoe feareil «be Ix naSking iis motion ire vas avare, bie w oulil benefit b>'tise laisors of t4 uebi. slatit!, chat hoesisould lha opposed b>'tise bon. ltue 0< ah. Mirant of Parliamneno Hone tU member frcLincoln. Tsee ommtitec bat! Dumud) bojietiit votaltibchaie casés; it gui given nroticeotaailt iseprinters in tov ta mat- tise ver>' thing visfciwuvas.att'eirale rtiso tend and! give information beibro the commit- mometise>'coolt diffusé d&àaMý tiou the better, tee; bbc>' mlt ated chiat the price.visich hmd anti ai thise !Pth tia>'*M about ta gave aniti been deternineti on vas a romionable mre; havb tise èduct etllléiamg atl nevippem i buttlho believe t iat au nidividual <rom tise tisi Nas ofn0<théreports, lho thougisitiser. cat>' of Toccnta bail ince tated tha«he woulti e",Ubeii raelemoble abjection offeredtu! taa bce vallaig twdo tise va or urlu,;hmS ethe bup dsat eore.Tt was expoctoti chat ver>' orostion of the hon. mousser. W iy e 4mget vould iehaopenet!, anticdacis 'lCIy Tatoatrmmit i e aoh"iioppas.a i t'ouM tenlha abasidat matons! baoth for th. motion as th. hon. gentleman bat! ver7 cor- emplyliet cf bon. motiers la that Hanse, reeti>' upposet!; but bis apposition4M -q« a4 'for tis s it voult ieh rest exacti>' on the gronnst prediai uy *6 i b 'u" tu tire country' information of tise bon. gentleman. Iis objecion bai '... - pestedgs of the Hous. lMe thougir tise forelire saw tise penun mluisi w b>' de hon. arpubiti e<t M hm. asiseber tendedt t member. It Waticame ta iis imowlot!ge chat trempis the proposition. Hoe voulti cheer- a combina"ionhan bsta place oongtise fui5 t2pothtsenution. printers of ibis toun: choeai Ima meet- &o =uuca ie more!>' rose for tise pur. mag of al "timtrie, aulsicimeeting h wvas se cauticning hon. memsbera aginat Don- agmed tcsat ume lad>' mioul i m n a litier smmq tise timeof0<thecHanse unneceuaeily for -doing tire voiS, vida ah. raderatam i gognsinti$tI ehate tpou tais sub*cct. tira it shotald b. divideti asnngst thein. Me Tise mo.lutionu sdtibooeena a riei b' (Mr. Theehéen) vws ol! avare that ahe taoesi4rable majolit> in couinmees0 tis vois comM habctdoue at a aaving tw that huai siné ot Moieu. n te poct".i of at leasîtiahes thouaM idollars; it Secam. Mr CuLstmia ObserVduandlnp iseretibte a importanat considermte iti is w ewr 0utha perenen WvirWovsrinla faoc th the bous wonl llow a bawt of indivi"us pop4aa a groat .1bar ut entering lata an>' to conspire togetier, and ta abtain front.theC fhte discssion tapon dacestibjeci. For his hanse a large amm of mono>' over andi sbore mm l art ho hait heard subjects of £dâ lèsi dme- wbat thevnork asreaâl>worth. Hedaought sequesce discussetiandmdàh *as r uolIl>' it sanuli Le dromu open incompetition, at! desiroïs of<ieatsng anti nterstanding ie fu tlaat tenders sirould hae receivet! mmcv. Ana- monta 0< tire case. Ho (Mr. Cisle>') vas tirer point vas, that as the toper vas futoisis- porfecti>' avare thmt tire are amogtise Can- ot! b>'the hanse, lhe tirouglt it vould iehaas scituetofaion. membors mmm>y wisa omit! wel! tirat it absout!t h paper manufacturet!inlaiae tremol>' gladt t obtain inforation vida- imisProvince,.lie desiret! that it niight ha ont éx"e eta tiremselvos; but lho vouit! mat refetret! bock ta aire committee, vida instrtuc- ta gmtufy thc selfisismesof an>' one, consent ta tionis Io receave mcv»o large a sun of mone>'. Mr. Motasmid boe voult! mcv. fblaIele y&s amd atnya were then tison tapon ao witbdeaw due uotion vi iehohat matle. h.estion, and! stond a ou<lla*s 4YEU 30, And it vus vitlttravu accact!ualy. navsr3l. Tise division "ma.itis question will lie Mr. Hhncxs Smaret hat tise cton etofteday foun inla ur moItumaber. fo eaiing.M repot of ah. cammate.ta Mî. A jian, Col- Priocti, Mr. whom e en boo lèrdac d tet ... ai cammuttee appoint- bwmu i ibi das motion a division occurred-yeaiis waventa boom piumd etitâtinis 26, ms 21, e Vrs.irle Mr. hvatisain ovedt tthe iscsaiti report b mgt5 Mr. Ilkstn BQ laiue siionlt appose tahe an0nnecisat>' on motion; mont tih t tieir cotatleota<omu thre ouse asgtnDot to Leb ntiema ~ed witt1t40 , aa eswre proceedinga of chat le ,fk cpit hive. asefscAi MW* ai egtutoe.. 'ouit! ire hat tirent>'- . e C isit ~Le a b ~ hauts notice lhe ven the intetion o fitience ai the t a W iicb aped tire Bouse ta appî>' r sacis information, or money in ahouisar »s Is-ul sm tti- forn the productionms oan>' particulan document. <trmying the contingent expetaescfik us, Tren iren ah. addtes s ta sset! tire pr~ to expendt iat'mono>' la tire va>'piOloet. oficer vullihaeparet Lai bis place p te' He ou nestow ov rge the §amm oti Hanse ta fumisirtire repl>'. Thirs nestiitieh wiilieh did on a former occasion, that it believet! voulti greatly facilitai. the business iras Dot ini accardance vitir the practice in of tise Hanse. Mr. Harison daermail tic Etslant!; he votait set aside tirat argment, anivet to tise at!drese ma oppose it tapon the grondatchiat it wasun- 1 Mr. Vmc.ahimâ ja iis mode af pro- constitutional-tuat tise>'bati mo rigt oapl seuî ý t aljr>' igh to terl- the mone Io such a-prpose. Itvw " -I I beyl ad noligfht0< i - ,PPIY aol' iis nane>' for the p"t of O*'aaagquer to their atidressa utions ta a revspaper, bise>'bail a eqal rughb to app1>'Iti othe teÀwmatse e!à OoGne raid, iperisapas t ovn expenses. Sucis nprartice ibaibom zc- 'miWtub. Y'vw thre bon. gentleman, but on n~ev ertses W igr*i!eedhperfect! tmnob- sorbet! In nneor t'wo occasions inla owOt ti e.shis.1: tot necessary t tits' Canada, but tchat vas no ressors vihr ~ ~ clm e the ansurer to thiess- alsnlt intit Htu.adpi smulrprcee- ers, holding a hrgh office ing. cames iriSa anti says. here as tire 'Sir ALLAN MCNÂn raid ire iouit!, before ansmer of bis.a (Mlr.Ogdei) tise question vas put,takse thse liberty' iof ' oait! l scentii ular or r proper in tias ma a esv îvords upon it. He dit! nat siew iL methosi0<acf atng ivati thre ilouse. irtie light of peying Reporters; it wa leue tirecramzComamnication Jr tdrect Merel>' facii tating tire publication af tise de- between the G qr Gengral ant! tie house debates ai tîrat bouse, an order tirat tire cou- q Assembl', thetiseluse requiret! bu stituentu i orso. members migirt tise btter khov vas tisi femaa jresentang tire understant! what vas raid tirere. It sîver of litabety Wau offscr of tise vas veRt kuato v eer> anc in that hanse Wem n that a vast majorut>' of thc pubhlsic evspaper r . Yaoa.M -IWO' if data mode of pro. wore t!eiderlly ira favour of one parcarpar- cein ie& ay, Isoirar e veta t>': and tiresp irces of han. membens viao lut!mng hat!ol#amyb tepd ver. favorale tirat part>' votait! t!at- Dou stha$ x t e aDtemen- lessi>' Le vell reportedin latiose papers; virile ga s e ..u.wu , = sa niue men tiose 0< others voult ie ha ioli>'omttai aogrrsethe H an s. t*w voulmeossaea. imeerfecti>' givon. But %*re vas a paper lu an>r hon. p-t!edais'cmmunàcatmo, oute!>' snconsaceteti vilspart>'lpmites,. a.bas e n. " 'is b t visi c pn <ssed t a give, and ie h atno dou i - apphmrea u lé thb on. gesn e- voult! give, adi impmrtm4ofaibiss Excel-or reet reposho t iso. l ie hrfoc téhale léic>'b s. ibi o i 1 ----s Sge itmolie t it wuduein*6 imus asitis, Hnse micion. Tbe " oWateam thotigistIse>'didt! MsaU&omaaesmid vida a&U due ti<e&enceae lm to!erated tepeactace "hais moitidioaomed tmber o hadjmtmspoliez, vi>' dthis>'do ou 111 vas iat te pulie ho cumicovedt t bt on. Gentleman, vas ont mightlie kput in possession no hat 0<iGfdet'i.. I l. Dtieésermainsholisait! i edg whclîitvas so esirabl h.>' mbWd matis. W]hat coulli h ie âifeèrenct lehed- posesnaioyofthe etasiet mai ,roeed or th -the semreai 'ta bis inga of thons r presenatmei.* W'doèlimt mace il S iai the ro ehome for a montent admit ttr ma rth e lmt he nsthe mességeof<bis Excel- an, tchat it vas a misapplicatianomn ",blety, or h dlie ever lasiinis place or chat bse>' hati no rroht ta appi> themuse.>' iastire boum sTise ev pructice arises lien Ian tiis pnnpose. The ssmeobjectioa voold sp - te nov srisent ic is imunovta ho put inop- py ta the ordering 0<5 nesespepers ie s 0 -ý eration, ant ieho(Mr. Simnp@oes>was Ducha Io tinei. R 15 necse. tisemme mio quarre! vut it. t vas ver>' veil known irat the omi' Mr. Vietnid lSe diti M'object in ah. lisketi fur infomtion et tbeir banda, sadidn. mmaebngnish oýt y thehciete visat va>'voud tuat iniberats. haie g . mmvisha!ironghit it, ho cUtI>' ised ctha thmfa, if it ver. leta in sprt'thesp- bcmessage itself aba i e = asait ogcit Cu hmr m)Tise anotntsq oO expeded wu a oe atruc itie t s ougis Mr. Cammu aca mil ie hurntertond tbis. ifit vote s.pposeti chat the vote vouldi- go-UmsiDg C£ theu.- gentleman (Mr. Viger)b Z:m m wvisa er. th* fleuera 0 ah. ad. Mr. VtGEaasait if it ver. posseta viev it i iat ligis, e ertaitily isat no obWetido. Mr. HM om ,j -"hat-aselect cmuitttb. ha sipojusse to tSequise m ick teoperiumn or' thee xwm stu mi>'lavair. Md in mailg iWs»a<s.he olaserve t tat hé blikg bea rwaàeuin.dlahie aira mimaidais tise sur>' Mava.8atmpresent la force, * asjrodtve ut vos>' serions injiur>' tu ah. ti nteréats of ta. camas:>. t'vas a qousta t f ry gréat isop ec, atiod e diff that the Stbbjeet uhp.l hof:disaumsoti;sud tisis endl h. vàd Mo*V tht iatumet 0( a cam- nimeWo isa e i icule tuth bce maur. ishjea be iegist nenter thee nsetm ut' Mnr. Jmuame mil he ouomit! o t'iers lationupc. tisis prnmiple, thai ahe commit- named bbathe onereac, consisteti Zhe vey last pess won ouglita habcap- pointed upc. it, baides inoret that a coin.- mittee sisoulti ha namnot by ah. hon. memashr itvas necesmr> thmt a rul. of tise hanse sisotalti Serescindt atiif a precodent verè once set fon dispensitig vuti ahe cuales. hanse, the>' migirt expeet ahat it vouiti ha foioveti'up aumocoemons. tvwuajust as veli that tise C mitte. maabolt!b. balloteti Mr. Hà.aa said tiat un thiastaubjeet ii bhangist it usea>' ta inform ithe hoiai that te he Goensent hati it la conitemuplatiat ta anait a general meomet l a"t bouse, virici s Sieltiembrace the oabjwenEBsn.. ing; o<rhe ro iqla of<the tiriyandaet usan'(heur , itis * sè "u es eo la dosie!cnnotedt tat it vas cousidereti adyls- ablie w incluide the vigaleils oreaaÀ4110r.) Ho liai no *W kte lêeroe eritii.dmumotion of the hon. gentleidan otiservuse tisan b> la- foing ah. bouse ut tae intention of the <0*- Mr. Hursm itM Se canîi aI>'1 ha bal iseard vuti stutsafacti'n cantie- nment vlmicb faoheui. antiieurned gentleman Lsd maie, and i e wvoldi ti ramuci plas. ttié, vtih.hepermission of tte hous,vida- draw his motion. The motion vas vitisdrna acsrdiigl>'. Mr. Nimaseux sait! hLd LWdbbhe I.. of presenting tuathbbosumça petition, a feir ta>' mgo, oplas thé proposéd ulteration of the' titr- ber dotes in Great Brilsain. A pressaof airer matters bad preventeil him, frant moving tise adatan ni an>' proceeditgs rlatiag a te t itl2tt It *ài nov tinitetisait itisy Id bWaniemmattention tapon the subjeet, mati bo voultthe efore niae tw t tiA lbon" r, solvc itarlf intua a écmittea et the visa!. on ria'ne2ltbat thé mmof0<ttÀ might boa* ea . hma aie baniaeti Pua>' è lthèn. vau ne iundt 0<ip.atsas.aponb ath n n&that day. tss b icla ho'ri"e&"0 éïr a .u î u ; v as id a reère m è t d Election contsfur that part ocibsi Povince boretalbre emlel Lover Canada. lua àmm»i- ter wmiels go mcii>' oncernai the pci'rileges1, tise honor sud cisaracter aida. houm., it vas. certaini>' tabeconin tit emcrel> aboulit taise place. erc Lsd boom a differ- ecscofaiopinion as ta virether th a iaofaiLov- er Canada relarin* ta trial of cattrol'crtet! clectonsvas s iI! ifarce. He dit!onot thinis it oeces.r>'ta enter into a.>' disaon tapon teabajecîhvoltimerci>' mm&etaidaé prcoings la cases of caàtesté Wti éeiin t part of Cqj»ftUa, eretofore conatittiing the province o( Lovor Canada hé conductiti acortiing ta tise provisoa thc Statute 4 G eo. 4 ci p 31. ROUTINE BUSRNESS. Tista>', Ju!>' . Mr. Cook got lomir, of absence ta tas l2mh Tihne ugahen admtaned ta 2 o1clocis;'ohnie ah.>' veto sent for ta attend bis Excellene>' Ois Geavornor Gererai alà tir.Legistative CoumicilChamSer, smat tbear tire r I a seot Èave. te Hein »M dDevise. CommunsioA- merimient Ad. Tire bouse tisen, ueordrng tua nsmnt, enteret! tpon tire cositieration e ieLenox & Addingteo contesteti lection. Tisenamis of tvent>'-tbcee mombers were drasvn oni a ccamote liai of tis e aers, wlaich,' b>' sti- king ont on tihejfa"tof the petitionerm sui- ting webr ere rederci] aieirisa more imeitel 'swannin ta tr>' thce e1ctionw Tise CanadaFirInaaeCopa>I- corporation Act vas tend a second tinté, ansi canamitteti for Wednesia>'. The. second imoding of R. J. Turors bill vas pesonoti tili to-momro. Tise Aaiatomicam sebsui ll as reat!a sec- ont! time, and relerai ta a apecial comasmits.. The aideraif the day iur tac coniderat'ion of Mi, Neilson's reslutacs. oit elections vas pomaed ta ta-maor. Tise Speakser vas directedtiss ain r- monses g te fte ume roqoireti beforo thsé commitbee on te Leriox & Mtiigtaia 'ec- tin The houa. vent ita commtas. on bbthe- Fmr an PAnmgaid cocurreti tbe'm-to ha cmSsidered b b>'ts ome -morv. 41 ne. loq 0 hu M Os ,iè & t v e r e u> n vs23U peti time or bbeo ni co 1r. Sui " gave not e. that u 0 d6 ht i4 qioul T* muve amthe hose go ii. ecuasitf 10 consuls, thlb,) 'certain -M pa rs cf the la v aCi . C. réha i .gwe "go of msem0<ofteAssemuly; sati W'" ir Le voulim M ar esdt trejomula Qf U. CQ inm refaroe.ta tise petiions ef L F. Teylet asud C. OQ Stai], en ah. suijetotei iisos m for perrices et apecial Sessions oet Qyer anà Ttrrmise"for tvi*emu'hgiwe icala I1bu8. è3ir A. MeNaI gave notice tirai.n tisé 5<5 Se vould nivo lIa: la futum rb ies moe"n are made la bheu vp pontons mat!for second -ue lutie boe ,ccettbopsi Mr Mc,»aam notice flu tise SMlorfam> tien iona 1.ubiExesllene fur a statenment etth tnnl e tà Cirasir>'cunaliMatidteprits at. 0<etisas Mr. Stoc!. move otitefIel.... Turada> ta. aideraifire day..n the Simm 0"..!Bili Mn. Prince asoveti »the h.boese go labos ommiuittee on Toisa> taIo esides tire exp.. dioe>' of aumading theoctetd U. C. "eatu ta bosses suteis br the rebeisa, by na- * 9 the time of the autiing oft ti tam&4eiou e apomedunder end iy tirtïafefa *C;RWa s eti edthat thb » ass n Tues' day go labo consmittee teeonsider thse exjiis ilof 0ameuding tise Gaino Ast b>' mtornm tise tme 0 sof tsmsg vodtcco iu iro s Sbpto"brtoa tis Jul>'. Mr. Deymowved tirai the houns gQ latocca- mnmittee un Tueetc>'ta cousider thé cepoiome ofirepealing tir enlrinance cEE.. U. aating ta à Board of Wosks, mati fo an amig ravis for is Me tablisim a e ut If 1aSmoRd the Mioince; anti sasWeduesdekr tecccidos tire tipedi"ofanuatirs. te bis HsZbeamr. cy, prnisg bis Excellene>'tu appelai* cou- biisiitfor th.e M cefe<rytm&* et ati ardinances off C. $ir A. MèNair, roui ah. bis. 8115ceurs blathahornte, obtained lente ta report froin tio~t ti dne, andi madtie h.itXeoro* vhich temtmended acoç«"is ndoier ellià modt dair salaies--toe b.considoeil ean Mon- doit, antile thisn it eniofcthebcday. )Àrr. Parent, (roin bbc co"m ante . LAt- Tailhstis' petition, sotetlasbillta naturel-. iie ahat goaten.. Scd roadiqgos Wed- oesday;, dThre IsoëMsagr'edt tadjanen arta Mou- kiM - JEduii; irasthecoasajuscons thé p .etiion of G. Rykéit anti others1 teporta bil! ta incorporute tire Baat i fagaSe coud re.n Wegnésda>'. Mr. D_ e- Mmnaovith iat the orties etflà.day for cansmigth. lava in farce in Upper' Canada reI&ing t ouis et Sesqucag tbouS the adjournnent latW uid119 horeutimo bec no bthe fitst *ei der , e te1 ed m vutness .ta, Se exciged r. sekbeetaSthe! Hira. eeocon. Mr. Smmpoos vas dRd tu tise cemM nies Mâisi Taheudanti ra e rs gu Widj to tié conamittee on theO ds"ieNaio i Mr. Tirorbturtn noveil fora flvè amuSe conti muitltee Mr. Kifil lai a frber. bereai ii taé Cisambb>' Canal C0mIus.e SMr. Merrâtt movet! for a eçumitt«o ieve teoèÀiale ino thtacprices - id u ë*me"it *dart ti tamigart efi ro"tcta on tise Ufendlcatinncattons viti this Provincè. Is éham Roati Bil! te Se rcad-uem pimeounTtaeatiayand tire Bil! ta allovr ment- bers bis tacate their acatswvu pactiponexl la sause dat- Tise i iibs iais!. JL . J.Turner ta pecit ààasnm #tinee>Md tSolicitr,,wuvas f i sècon tuniae. MsAnsendtinsomi veti 'Mr. Baldin anti Nirièd, >eas 35, ms'alMmd orderedto b aentod,>eass 30, gays.13.- Tire Speaker iaid iserane the Han'se a staté-. Muent ai the affair of tise City' fl, BankSof British Nmch America, Queeandt!f f ah. Mhe Plain anti St. Lawrence mil remnd. Meras. Steele, Neilsa, IRcherteon, Curiatie Burner, Holmes, Ra>'mond, Marris anti Mmoes vere mamet! ant!appointidtu Ir>' ah.eHnirm enniesset! lection. Tiey ver. avam ntl, ai niso Mr. Slterwoo!, nanimnee for ah. s&taini member, anti Mr. Prince for the petitoàér; Comrutissionets vere namdcti tareceivi Mv. elence vutmin tire cotant>'; tisy e>' m cae John Rl. Haggerty, A. FergumatiGeargi Bloomar, vith paver to sit t varions plseea Tbe rtp"aier mau directetu tisse numsrsaum tus tire milmesses. Tire followmg petitionu menrofWentaiý; Z B r. Robenison, ahaso acena r»*pugmi Tva Mountains anti Terreà ;-à"o4- saions la the M.tual Inanrasco19t xi Viger. one fraoithe coeuies of Verchea"ad Riciselieu, bte eMunc offse. Neison, *in the Coammn Caner! of Qs.be5 Io nid. elMetive b> Isebo mbksatu, ce euulmm s POM rsc impo evixe Umsr. . fic m ,thet of0< 07geoe f tDavidN., re ='n 7ma,0<J. OB«W.IIT =Oaml MdU. fût natamralization. NM r aaou~ Marnai ssuranclAcof *. M"iteL Collerfla nata Brzthia. ierasUt te u:zmbia1t= 1 Houtatiusd, for a ebaag labMutsallnanace Act. >'M i. 0(HILm , ahat of ttc Nature!lhMa 'Soda 0,foacae. logical survey of theprvn Mr. art. Wrighrt, of certasuin iraltants of Maancis. a"t its vidait>', an the sutajeet of edoiai"n Mr. BuMet, tia. <ram River de Loe«N Beu*- ianis, andi Melbsourne, to.te mm purpsis Mci osnv <onsLeeds ati Lansidomne, fatea bride tae tciGmanoue. 11Y Mr. fJvel6, <matiEpum ta Le entridta th.esmunty cl Nodlis; the lame front Walpole, sendamao" boaut tise District cf Talbat, Exa Ms mnge, ment of tisi District. B>'Mr.nn.f uimouts«( iertia hbiats Ucf Beaacid làsa W u- sO>' br lhues insaineti laise th é lior c l N.- Bonthelier, <ram 13t. Hyacstb, *e siminthe mutusliJammaibs Act. ISL , oftise Ener. asdti <awa -M t etittho o trie mpu*ft= tefd bte oa es a -a M. Vuejfréumad thepetition of certin Winimm the eont>'dU Camml>, con. mkininfmao the lamminswicis the binuo Îêmrsele ed @Tumnikr nouiiroam- a otise.little river ontreal, ntioda .4Vie, e. 16. Mn. DeSelere>' bioogbt uap the peIbiaoa 0< . RHertel deRouville, ivfo os. lmsamitibthe rebelimo in 18317 am I&. Mr. Cnr.presntmi 'b. he o of W. BIlamote e , Io the a,- ?scMr.Et mthai ermdesser orQeepra>'ing w bU restured ttoe me- asmtissl rghts, 0<cfâh oioje eem de- 7th sgue a( é. efsis se 'boi Gàmd xvinlem . aoNare, orf ierocbsmmd ifera m cf0<asy te Thie mureepRndM . S a tbird "ae Maid' i Tise pOtSinu sia Co the Wiitb' a Conp~& eau ésaebontn a m Cma&ais Eni. cf Mm i Dm ianituomsj dams the77lI mie efteà*baume hbaeai 'n safass.. a Is dMoea. Crimi;>o