Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 13 Jul 1841, p. 4

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fatê TUE KINGSTUN IIERALD---TUESDAV. JUl2s 13, 1541. W. ~~-~---. _____________________________________ __________________ Tilt VIS aLAiES 19 OLO ENOLAs. -*letd aimsball't factory. An sesvntem ljean *IL. Fmher dead. SBistrMd alf did wbat vie ceuld te support metie. Rave cricai sta u bheur in thie fitory. Coulal scS'cey grt hom-aoie- titic aseil Iote 1 traled 9 home. 1 hare an ùoa 'on m lç i, ad synee iioirated. Wrk- cd ias gieat piusud uisery. 1 vas stiagbt he- fwe. Sistercmried me s itep bcd many a liime. Thse surgeonsaays il la wih long standing ai the il, andt th le usrreme i galcir"d up, anti cili never lhe foimet açain."1 No. 2.-«' Stepheis Binas stateti, 1 have wcahed in Mr. MarsImli's fantey. Tie work prolunes deformiîy. It lames tbe chiliren. Thse wol et-- .acteti Irom tiec cialdîeftis al that ram possiblv hie 'done. [t cannot he doue vithout reaosiiag te. dog- gim. It is an cfifrace ton amy one t e îah b man- cther. Tht wteî oued foiricotapiening mu hesitd Io 110cor 1'20 tigres,. Tic children haie simeai n.nt ineallyta piange their lbad st cm n»itA W.tIti. Tic bot of lihermoins ad the %tram Ai- mortI macermie ticir bodies, and thicio*bo are teamicl andIwet. If Oefaîl iel, Oey mielt'.n oti*drift iirecty-vtiout wages-w.theut pie- 'Visien. Ifls girl Complain otial usage, se i. dis- ýcharged imuaedutaiy, wilbamaay redîcas.%e pmeiolsysteanm r igls un ecu ion t sas scrificin9 tiec eildeu foca polr>' ouidernton!' N _.3.a'SammuIlD3vue. I wasteeyeacolti visen I beau te coîl air. M tais'. liat Shrewsbury. We beaSi.et 5ite noraewsMd w«edtilt 8ai aig". Tbe-eim. eic atppeti, exeept 40minau tuidluetimt. TiseciWtUeu were leptmawaeby a bewsrmse e. Veiy on- siderable seveity vpwe4 si W . 1 Ivms etrmplied Most seudy rcly1.1C" lmnetboe te sit open a chair vclouat FEg ica s;asd I wu foccctelie open , oerl lM'itAi-mcdue, sud tirujhist W. ea svaPe..11tIy loge, and tes 1 casputupsua m» abock. si<atp. poil, and t itcl'w u saa iekma , y twe spsteau Ian mpillerai'd &IUed.-Altr tu tise overloclir to* s pieceo ettoc and twista Il in the shapef a tordsuMd pot ih ln mmenti, sud tied l sil; abind >' hbod. ho Ibos gagoal, me. 1V. ver. Ibtboston, W. e eenover allowed *ott dae. Young voecu vert hosto. as vel as Yongeen . e No. t-«' .UTho ev.rloor xaMimeý aay, ho culs areunal the roem vils a sic in i. hanal, and if l iiid 11dovsy oer is vork, ho touch- es tbai cbilal outise sIelder, anal caudacte iteaan ion cisetrawchichi.IW hl ith coter. Ile thon tale. tieChcii!a(hocalluseoftsex) ob thlb se, mnd dips it eveuhdinhe ccisteru, iseud calit te ils cul, la tisai dslug eudition ths child htboue forer emawinden U tIe',dmy . Tisat là (ic punisis- meut fer drevsuesin as*a'4 W have- a wt nu.heroeipples. Seos ave cripple trou tang tisir lianUe-mmu>' I ncaieadngUs loag. It fret boges vils a pain je tic ankil & stru bat Oiey cilîl ulOthe oiedooe te oit dovai-bmt theyI Most et. Thon. tlisaitog Io tetbvenir inthe, lmec-tba mn hck-kned-Ifter tiat ricin fot tuasou-tlb hocmme sla,-roato, ted tisirau- Mles accu as bi; as My fiais." We ha" ehipgud tiseuefoarful pictures lis tho Cohour; Stan, but Ii.y vers probabi>' extrcceal y tbat et es o&«spqpclfromaureportby on@ of Local Asiley's Cemmdt<es cf Inquiry luteOie Biais et Masufactuig Estalirhm.tn. Thsde- toile givue are ti'lyfigbiftulbut lot us tal lie question cwhit li. lia c ussten sufllingoird eruelties t te Iuuappy chijdre n lu lisEnglieh tucteies. WtW e, lIse nutictils paeleof Engisald, and especiall>' the restriction on for.gn -Coc. Courltes cé a uouii lau, sieeegg tbit ugrunsturai piodoce for 11Oieanfame, 1o En;land, boing dsniel a market lit higkiog" for thi eitaÇ oflenamle orolaliaite by peeb- inth@ Ouliaonrf ber cottons; tise>' dete tiir enerÉitas 0th* establishment of manufactures, Ir" !e suppli tiemlees, but unumtoîy for expert; yngluaI Muai nodenseil lrieu bleige sachets on lue theotraite ;and coquenty cepu or produci18onsmtiho stisineal, thoagh chiltiren lbe- came cripples, andl tisir 1110.trous«e ho wastoalb y uniniorrupted labuons 5cea istise mecaing tit 8 t igt. t u th agrlulturajitersat oE m- tanti la potected-or nti«s eppeseil te ho proice- bcd, fer va Ibick;in naueha shava ttilIsad owmers coulal net sufler by free trade lu cen-at tise expeese et miser, thiegis Dl. anal a piematêre doa e" tla ands apon thousanals. Niramue .Taàxàsmacc.-Im-the hagioning et Chie teti et A1>91, a eossa i seed tie Motreal1 PuelelCons"l i> Va$:in Stesitandl cueal' by a M. Corse, saffl at fwo)ubuinfog Nev yorl, iavimg on hourd 16 psiesua, euud cferut-( ler place&. Thes. pasencad&Issl ipd .fm.M4 ta £4 10s., bedca 45. .for a doctor, <ailji vs umdsiuansalties u cont.rcm.hourd ths esfa) PreviOouly te leasing theo hanhoor cf Dubia. Tise Mcetreal Pachet wca iedaitiheCaïtinsHouas for New Yoé, nMdl the puer emicraittu aisecm- haikla behr anxieaaly aaticited their arival in tuit City, in Use hope of rejoinia; Iieuýs and telu-c tions. frem whoan they bail bee long sepaisteal. W. haie mestiometitue0fet he peiscais hy viss. iopiescntalion ties. ne ,e le wve. nunedt t #moit themuelves, mdati emtc prcpcrty, on hord, lieavessel. Anmethinagent luthseoeoo, eus Mr. James Millie, cf 1Dubin, tise Broker lorthtIe vessel. Bythie joint efforts cf tIse. men Iso pu- sengersve .epreur, andt teîe Ise oomuni res- au te suspect, liaI tIse', ieted i (rm lie begin- ingto oviolati tic confi donne elich uns-les pUit- 1>' betewetioen ticanby lie Emigrslniioi e veasel vas Iept mach lotie noîbvard .1 tIe course us«U ali et by vessels pnceeting to New York- fra ln, andt tere seemaedto te b a 6Imai id aesign unneceUarily te lengthen h-' voyage. By1 tieclime lie ieasel van efi'George!s 'Bcnk, the Provision& Of manycf thie pasaengers vira ex- hausteti, andthti master then assa1dmblt any of them, anti toldt em thut a. that vs' tic cage, in- steuti of taking tic vessel tl ewsvYrc, ha vulii 'aid fer Boston as qtaîaelîy as pssible. Ta , tii 1h' y eguy coisenet, andt te' -ere câjolet lnoo Oie beilief thul tbey Isere proeeaing te B stop, mn- tiiliaheMetitisal Packeirreaiched PalîhigoIlandi, ofF Oubi arbotai, on the 26th ail., sel vas there brouglt te ancis. 'On lhe du y of ber arriviA. Wcdterle*Mr, EN- Lie indefaligabl. Emigrat Agent in St. J41W. made hinacIf acq"sieî'd viti paitanulais vs bave just M«nne 4jcp~ stidresseti a Inter te IbmMayr31 rl àa*eie lie naseocI le peor Enauratah at becs ins due. lued te visit Ouir ios. ait Werdltp ap tl, atiendoal te Iis nammunication; thse Erllust Se- couisuus t la ae e Ciamnt uy not il of dieu on board th. vemansd thea Mise- r, inflcttd by th.e l MI md .efriens agents by cheut Uese,Enirs»oabave boss dupeal, may ha eatimnateul ; and are hepe, lu Ibis cil> , wid hae deep. cmi4eiated, andisas munihuspossible relieveai. -t. John (N. B.) Mloîing News.] 1841. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT DETWMEN KIXUSgTOX .4XD ToRoAttT %y Talc BAY 0F QUINTE, ,Six time* a week cacit «". FROM thte lst cf May net and dering the suanmner inenths, Uic Mal Stage wili tros Belleville for Torejto imaediately after the aru- val of the Bay Steamers, passig througb Port Trent, Brighton,'ClbemeteGraftuqoboug;, Port Hoe, Clarke, Ïbaîlingteo,-Wbitby and Pickering. qSOD FOUR 9HOR5EVOAC'UES (Eutirely new,) with steady experiemcad driveu, gemug threagh fre. Beleville te Tarent. ilu twe.n- 1) fo., boutsasd frnt Cobesrgte Twert by dat lidit. BE1>tCED ]PARE$. [Be&-& lteTcrmo, l ..12D mil..£1 0OS C"bsrt cTbofe,.. 72 do ... 0100 Port Hep.lo Tcnbo,. . 65 doe...0100 The. abore lime cf Stages wilîl les,. the Gene. rai Stage OAfce, Toronto, for 43elleville, Vesp Saady et 10 e'clocl, A. M. sud sve l momdsp, Tuesdil WedntsdayTltusdy &AidieyMAi 0elocl, 1k. M. iiainthe srivaltoet tic SiaBerm fican Niagurianmd Raiiho.. Strentema yu lafid àa~vean atage in .a1"8 thii rente; by leaving Legato.(the Capital) jusa Sia. Bot, tbey bar*ea fine view of the country fomnuthUicBeay oI'Quiuta, fust rising jute lape,- tance stucs the laie altermition eUh.e Seat cf Go- vermuent, suditahiug the âbtge ut Ielloeille,wili puas through the above umed 4uah4%s whîcb fer fertility of *oilmsd doiy of fpulaioi wil yield to e eunlutheProvince, thua reaching the (lt7 of Toronto a 8 o'cl.ck P. If. Wu. WELLER, Cobourg, April 28, lut iQPfeo N. 9.A Stea, 'Bot luves &imgtou ega op, snd Belleve gis g;domn Mu .Bay, cvii', oimg, (Saoda .excepted.> le VARHETY STORE. No. 4. Garrrs Bawslings IBRo.AI) CLOTH, Casaluere, Worstedl Plaid, JFCasunell, Cambleteema, Tweeds, Cugous, Mueouins, Vestiaga J>ly .héPieceorYard, a fUns asonlmmt of hui r6u g liai and Frenchi Gro de Napieff, dgured and planTabimeit. DRESSES. bionsiime de Laine Dresses, CambincI do. SUA WLS Ai» DI1ESS BANDKERCHIEFS. Cbiutz, Puis, sud Mulin. Cffamn<fau Dcsc,*aous. Tbrcsd, Neit Caps, sud Collais, 8"ud as ÏBONNETS. flunstublo, tase ud Tissue, le" "asions. Ladies anal ChiliLen% Parasl, just receiveal. Gcrglcmeejat a a Cap, Boys Cap@. LadesIo ad LOVES. Ladis horMd t Kial Gloves, do. dole do. Lace Malltis, d. 81 lovles etfiai cler,. Twilied 5egattds, andl gras.nhlsncbid Sbuaig sud U"io, shooetrvoy otier articlite t a A largessortment of tUsesa rticles lepI conti',on hmmd maude linteb st manuer, and cbesp fer cash. STOCKS. Englii, French snd American Stocks, of ail descripiions; Satin, idain and Egared, French Boutb.simes, Prumelia, Siek ad Valencia, andali met sl oier indi. Lamxme Cou*as s AxBosonas. COLLARS. -Ladies Coclars andi Cap@, Thread, Lace, Il1ohasett andl Mulin, ofthOe lateal style and haut qeality. MEAS. A few ciesta et ycmmg Hyson Tes, chici ciii ha seNti ver, Iow for Oai. Ail the &boeearticles cao he a sMl I viesule or relit, as lec us can ha parchased in Momiesi. Please caît, andt ee for f cuisalves,-qaaity mnd prie-and ois '-oblige Xingstots, l7ti May, 1841.'SW.BAY TE LATEST AND MOST IMPORTANT NEWS.. PROU 1ENGLA1ID. By w03 f Qurbem. M ESSURS. J. & R. HUTTON, direct fie. Manchesten, Eitglant, ieg 10 arqeaint lie pubîlic generally that tbey have remîti thc weil kiîcwn prernsses lalely ocrepiet by M'osr. ColUam 4 Haines , Lambton Builtings, Storc--stret, sud lhey hope hy sticlt attention le business, togither viti other utivanhages lhcy potacas, In meriiia continuanne cf liaI patronage lise laIe occupieia enjo>ed. Messrsa. J. & R . I. rsprchfaly invite ithelan- spection cf tie inhabitants cf Kingston anti ita vinînily, la thei extensive assortnent, censiting ef ever>- description of B;ilish àManuiajauredoî isi,, suihable fortlieseusoin. Titeir Stock bus beulidit n mdi very fu-oraile circamtannes, baving bison boughltafor Cash, anal et alime chen Use mtarkets verc vcry matIh depiesset. Alan, lhcy are lunemonectien ciithsoeof lie mut cteaive Manefattured Estahliglhmrtuts in Maocbeeteg-l eue ef vih Mr. James BIlteihbasfer tie - les ten yeans bee atiîely enguget.i nua unes- sr, t enemmerato lie varioes articles cempiseal lu lhiu asseilment, saline il ho say, tUsaI tlr vilie vr asv irâ m uid nallytept in a Di>' a" J. & I. R. aLan sen aIetunprece&edlla m ces., al&rge Sock of RELDY MADE -CL. 7 ,Salthobkfer ail agea, dspted ctier for Boa- user or Mi'sitar. Aise, s large ussaulueni et CLOTU 'CAPS. J. 4-. H. soilict aueesly imupsctie fthobir usmetoit ent hce cofdentlisslquslîty antji pre. wdli homs anale affd tisse Who May laveur lhêeu id ieu aq e ry sslitcio. Tlu emoqeup .1*cj lismi-te sti. iaI of '~>k U.M . end ro Onodbf. db ctanesembcace Ii tus *4iquiccé meona olenevi, anal beg 40 cu0emmM«esund i.t hisopecual faver, bo.1 a- bIc tsaj1deiiy It. asst tttboufls îhey, 'choc lauth. nmal busimess, sid Mas loy, if otle ter auy etrn Hou e Teysthelie m. se *e--ei vatmco, fus.e icir Vepr ssupermur aaiiangess viii ho enubleil te ssI# ti geleapei. Klego, laid Jues, 1841. 8 fflRWARDING-îsaIî. réces&dqmti sew saltillaient T ouezm ae sudimpanlatios te Mouvmesa, h 1v11auum.5 ti 8?. llLA Vb Ne la . Mdme""% r. b.u 40u16108 î. celgitb mIL et rais sre aie it *ffiseeJters M thb rade.- ALEL PUUO «lMN GM'GS8, MntI ,APsU % M JUST RECEl VED AND FOR SALE, 3000 LBS. Fesb Claver Seed, eal .10 uMisoeor patterai, 60 des. pléd Cnt steel lices, 100 "cM8flure FoIks, 400 legs Wh4rren, Blue'& RdMParisb, M00gallons bM DoBiled OL', 30 Suger Kettica, 00 pairs Poliahed Tiate Chains. 1 BRIGGS & LAMHER. Store Street, Kmngston, MOAL MAI TEAMER8. Lakre Ontario and River Si. Lawrene. T HE Publie are informeai that the following LkKE ONTAMI. .Betwem aKingac*m Tleronge. St. GEORG,-C si Tuay,-NIAC.ARA, Calât. SUlherlandr-CLTtQV TORONTO, capt. Dicl. VPROM 1K114GSTON At half pat 7 e'elock Eveni& Susdy, auud Tbmsday, the. t. G.nge ,mis 'chel Eveulag, Taesduy md Priday, Uie At B 'crol veaiig, Weddesduy and Sturday,, the City f Teruuto, sMd adeeut Toronto carlywMouday. mTi. uee 'Stesuse. sit Iohiletvaortbs Meteeim al ut R4100I PROM TOROINTO At 42 o'clock NeoceMonday sud Thuisy the At 127M. LNaue, lluedy a»d Frduy th. A; 12<l f 2bvemt 2eecat Noce, Weduosd.ay sud Saturday thoeSM. George, Au uive ut Kingstoun mly mcxt moring. Th. above thsaisCobourg sed Plie,'estHoenb a"nd 'à,«Cjiy T.9.- 4,M llesvuToreot. for NÏiratund Lwjs«u.e,VeryMoay Hein. lu; et 8o61clock, and retuin tea Muli I teruocu. RIVER Er. LAWREPJE. Bdtoes, Klgsom, & DIckiuuss'aLmdmg. BROCKVILL, Capt Maxwell, 'Frcu Kingston et 9 o'clocl Moeing-sday,; Wedmesda asud Findu>' Frmicki ls 1wingaIl dcIoo MO* M*a F ren h ri' andof he ail frmceonma> .-luedsy, Thaisds, cedUStntda. H. -ILDERSLEgVE, Capt. Doyen, Font Kingston ai 9 elacl Moreig-Tuosdy, Tbursdoy and Saturds', Prom Dlckimsen'sLanding st 4 e'elocl Morin (or on tIi. anival of the mai trm Motrel) -Wedneaay, Frilay sud Sueda>. Pro. airangemnuto wbihbave ben iade wilb Uic Upper Canada Stage sudblesse Bout Cempa.. ucyoetMuakeal, Pmsemgeis letuocu Montreul and Krisoç, sud,. aet heeplaces on lhe ufteueo of the eed de>. The âwoe Boatseafl t naoootiIe Maîtland, ?resccttOgdenurgb, JMatilda and Wiliaumsrh esch wuy. Bhggae aid P h i M e rAcnueof the orner, im. lilmeoicul and edulefor afKik Lake sud River Stes. But OUice,~ th Kingston, lot May, 1841. ON SALE, AIte vioci? aâance, ~ cHioICE WiNies. 10 QR. cuir l Dbiae'a Madeira, à " sorme'aPort, 10 Abdu. 1 5 qv. cuire, Spnrlx 26 hualeta Champagnes«'VcWÔia r&nd." ALEO-FRESH FRUITS, New in trunsitu frein Nec YoI. 100 boxes freai Oîangeor, 50 do do Lemons, 10bhiis. de Pine Apples, 100 boxes Muescatel Raisins, 50 half boxes do 29 mails paper sail Alutontis, 50 diurne lip, 50 faucy boxe m IneC, 10 hep Currants. Alis, da ily oioîed direct fronst L4 Lonsdon « Docks, 10 histi. superior Cognac Brandy, 10 do de Huliands, 10 do Cm"ble Ion Whiary, 50 cases Scheidam Gins, 25 i. calhs Sherry, 50 casesCiaiel, 50 bols. Petter, 50 do Aie. Kingston, 7tis Joue, 1841. THE MONTREAL iPatent Cordage Manufactery BEINC. nov im fullIepeTation. hy Stoami Power, -Bordera for comploie Seita of Rigging, for Ves- sels of sau site, tan be executed on the ahante., notice. A large mid weii a'sored steck of White, Tai-'. rasl sud Manulla Cordage, yl hbe epI costantl>' on hanti. P. H. PERKINS, Agent, St. Pasul Street.. Montre], Apii 21st, 184. W8 UST rf cev ad, endfor sale hy lie Sehacrihars 76legs Spinisît Brown Paint, 123 do. do. White do. 50 de. Black do. 21 do. Green do. 4 hhtis. Bcdt Viegai, 60 lega Cet Nuils, A ev Uhesta Twén1#a Tes, - polt May, m1 ASULKY end HI<NESS *FOIR SALE. E£nquiru at tise Bercid OEe. lKingaho, 111h Ma>', 1841. Plaidbe incds -1. W. BRENT, King Strect, 1 .t r Mciseri FRESH GARDEN S-EDS. A ICMERAL assommet receive an sd for sais na l W retail, by J. W. BRENT, WIumIead II ai4rmcr, 41EAD OPFSTOItKBTREUT. DLANKS FOR SALE.t UlEKS s»d UMOMALS, Law, Court ci J" lequakutad et4bq1 LA N XS, in Cote valety Ont odeut ths e orddOffic.. CLOVER 8EED. LDS. le <ush5«4 ec ad a W'Is 2M J. W. Bac"<,à MOVJNG BUILDING&. sTilmt o> Meuqr d distng . Equve it W . b iîsnaOEW R.mtL aa'iam turtmle. &.BALLAD. iajstoeu .la, 118. Sv.l SALT, &c.&c.* FOR SALE. rrHY Subacriber cl heep censtauati> on bsad IL darinK;hie seuson cf Navigation, Pluater cf Paia B>'tise B.rinl. Oondaga Salt,& Whisky,J Ail cf souch i yl ha scîti nusally loi for Cash or short ppreved credit. "T"CT Comelil Wharf, NIEW GROCEUT STrOur. T RI S Sbsiilibeg icave ta inforim heir lriende, end tie public in general cf Kingston suad ita îicimity, that they hbore cemmeaceai busi- ness in that Store nemt dec, te Mr.Bi. auorPaHo- tel, S o. a Street, uhere ibey yl omstatly keep on band a choace aussoitent of Grocertes, Tests, Wines, Liquors &c. &c.9 which tbey wil selI as [l« ansnay echer estaitisiment in town they hi8 aise te o.1er Ouîcdaga SaIt, Plater cf Paris, Waler Lime end Whishey by the barrelut very ieduced prices foi cash. A share cf public patronage is re- spectfully soliciteti. DANIEL O'CONNELL & Co. Kingston, May 1841. 7 A. H U RD ANNOUNCES to the inhabita mi. cf Kingston, A1that be has pmed a SCHOOL in REAR STREET CILIPEL, andi begs leave toefsourit a share cf public patronage. Branches taugltMoM- ematins, Natural Phdlosoplap, uB ookE ing, Uis. 'or y, E g Gram m ar, Geora py a . n wm. - Tcnsc,3d Apil, 1841. SPRING GOODS. HI -ITE 4- Coicred iLnen Drills; whiteandii WV oloured bMoleskine andi Canteon ; Fane', Ciecketl and printed Meleskins andi Jeans; Uer- slles andi Fancy Satilmetts i great vaiiety cf Vnt Patterns. - GEORGE H. HAINEK& Co. Store Street, Kingston, April 7(b, 1841. CAM .9. M. TURt>P, VILL PYderneg th. eonetofnavigation, W DAIY bete« 4 mmad Ktcsvu, leaving Osaiege evorymecing at 8 à. ta.; and Ziagoton cvii>' eveuiug, on the arrivai cf tbe Doa lieut Prenauit. Fei fieigbl or pacae, saply te FIWEHUGII & Ce., Oswego. EASTON, ROSS & Co., King"le. April 27, 1841. TO £AND OWNERS IND PROPRIETORS 0F FLOUSES. I I E a v i e r n s n q i t i -s f o r T ow n L a i s , H e u - dmced theut te issue a Notice, infiraing <haie wbc; bave PROPERTY FOR SALE, orte ET that Purchasois and Tenant, "m ha recommaendet te theut on appliralien sai heu .and Reg;stry ,Aaction & C.namiemRoom,Cassdy'sDaildaas, $to re liee, Kingsten. -JAS. C. GODWIN, N.P. P.H. HAL, Aueieec,~ ichra&VeZmmaie Marchants. X. B. ADgi oders jen'suber-erthOe ahovre branche%, nreaivfein .Uherfrseub i me kcaMi isl bave theïr mut strict attenuion. Klestes 1h My, 184L. 61' liUGHil ALDSIL 1841. NEIV FORWARDING UNE. Via lthe Piver St. Ltnnreasce. TOA.N1) iIOM MONTREAL, BROCKVILL, KINGSTON AND THEITEtNLD5ATE PUACES. ROSS, MATTHIE & Co. ai Monireel. £ASTON, -ROSS & Co. ai Brockv:lLe 4 Kikgsfos 1J3TH n"y uad improeîVBrgcc., viilbar pie. .yv pared t alle opening cf ahe Navigation, tn gîte Passage tn Eargit», anti ho-lranspcrg Piop. erty cf ait descriptions di increaseti salety at diqpach. Preighis ,aprarda. charged 4or by WEIGIIT ls ai rates rosiaacetibelot e M arif ric. s oz'ected for puerapout. The Suhitrr, flicusttoi failities chici lhey posiss, andtheir dcteramation to do the -business astrit e tao eat c~r trut that they wil ,command anti menit a sha.e of Public suppoîlt. <Signeti,> MATTHIE, EASTON,-&Co. JAMES ROSS, HENRY EASTON. W110LESALE IMPFORTER$ OP BRITISU AND FOR- EI<G< FA CY AD STAPLE DRY GOODS, FRONT STRIEET. 1-JILL bave lor sale on the. arrivai cf iii fiat vY spring vesspe fronm London, Liverpool, Clyde, r. and Dnde, a .,hcîce sud cemplete assoit- ment of Fancy andi Stapte Dry Gouds, &c. censiet. ing cf Blue, Buel, Brown, Bottie, and Claret S. F. Claths; Siinetia; Fanuy Vaemias; Plain and Printed Quillings anet Osuthns; Plàus, Black and Fancy Casîtaps; Rach Delàainesanmd Printfrd Saxonys; Brussela Curpeing; Gr. en andGeraffe Moreenel; Blute andi Engraimed Crimison Dumus; Amber Frngeq tîimmned vrKh Crimisen'reps; Dîab Melekina Printeti Satin Tops and Famcy Can- Irons ; T uled Cettn and Swandes- Plain snd Fancy Selcas; Cotton Velvetsanmd Velve- teens; Black, Brosen, Avanturine, i>rab, Grass, Orange, Myrtie, Puce, Waterloo, Pnk, SI-y, Crimson, Cinanton, Paîple, Yellow and Claiet Rolled Jacconettes; Pontes ie grent vaiel!, ; Jean Stripos; Regatta; 3-4 amnd 6 4Cotton and linen 1Tic la; Grey and White Cotton; Shepprds Plaid ; Bemgs.l Cord ; Blue Deries ; AÀrU hcs ; Tor. bey Stripes; Cetton Yarn; Cite sud Browm Union Draper; 6 & 10-12 Bieached Clti..; 6 te 10-4 Cotten Cevers; Bieached 'lànen Miaier; W. B. (Taion 'Dire'Clothoe; Piainm sud li&goua Limen Drills*, Wiie sud Broun Delse- Hocha-. hacks, Dowlus; t)abargls; Twilled àachings; Imperili Canvas; Tweed@î Wudding; Paste- board- Faucy Drillsa; Calico Otting - a qquati. ty ef h.esdy Made Cehu;SILIL ÏBRAVER BAUS; Devon, Plain and Coloed LanmSerlin, Rstilnd, Plain snd Stçiped Tosan, Uaaic mmd[ Dico Straw IONWRS; Wiliew Shapes; Raur Card Di.ity; Plaiok, Cbecled and Spotted Cain- brics; Brocades, Black, White, Plé sund Slîy Biue Boocc l uauaa Plaie Tmhored; Vaetai and Sjotted Jaccietti ; Tambourd %unir Mouins; Bisions Luwn - Suina andmd bliu Mlins; Pilut- ed C'ioade ; Plain, Grecian, Fancy and Figmed Nett; Droad Black, snd Whits londe; Wire Gioumd mmd Thread Edgicg and Feeting; Imita- tion Valencia Edgimgs; Blonde Edging; Wiîe Grocad Lae black Paris Blonde Quiltin; Plain and Graciait d.; Lace and Mulin Caps, frulleil and trimmed; Primted Combric; Chiots mid Cet- ,co Dremea; Fumnitare Chitsç Ladies' Plain, White, Dru, and Corded Sisys Sç damon ans d Foundatice Mulins j Verosa Iiaudkermietr Plain and Figured Gauz, de; Scais ansd Veila, Blacgrceiona, Druesssd ucapo RamIer- chiefs; -Cbecked, China, Crimson, and Priuted Bandannasq, Cm"p HUmdkevoliit; Ylled Shawla sund Hsudlerchiefs ; Cotton lMudlerbisfs, ia- îiety; Famcy Rihimai Plain and Tigased Gros de Naples; -Coicied Satmebïs Whit, French White, glc,'Sky, and fi*~ Satins; Plain, En- grained and Emnbossed 'PeMmi4 omhuuem. Artifcial 'Floera, (in great vaity0, Cotu-, S5lk1 sud Satin PARASOLS; Childrecu Grey', ,Vhitc sud Scîliet, Woeated and Votten Sodai; meula Brown, White, Blue, Striped amd Faucy Cotton Socls; Whilte, Grey, MarbIe, Blue sud Vamicy Rase; White and BflaeI 8111 de. (ctîc 1op); White mmd Black SilI de; Men'. Cetton, Woraled and India Rabber Braces; Boys' de; Blody Beta; Patent &bd Fancy Leather Balte; Laaiug Sbees; Weband Girth de; Cbildren's Plain sud Cclored do; White amd Black Babin and gibhon Wiîe ; Kitinx iuqF8a NeedIes i final Books aud Lyca; letton.; Tapes; Cetten lipo; de Balla; MasingoCttcn; Linon Thiead; 9ev. lu; Silla; Twists; 'Round é111 Cout Edalg;; Lumb's Won[ and Ru; Werstsd; Prumajan Olnd- mng; Bohhina.; Cotton Ferreta; Gafloons; Cottcn sud Silk Stay and Beot Laces; &ocls; Stiffmers sud Glazed Thiashera; Nidi, Cottea, Lise and OuIk Gloves, (in great varity;) 25 CRATES ASS 'TUCROCKFRY 200 Boito Bleached SaiI Canisse, Ne. 1 teE, le wbich the-y requceit the attention af Ship Owneis and Capiine of Vesseis. ~-Alibers I Credit yl liegiven hy furmising eudorud papier, and Oie usual discount alicowod for Cesli. Kingston, Oth May, 1841. FOR SALE. BY tise sis.ciiburs, t thair stores in Frai Bstrict : 20 bials. brigiat Mescovado $ugan, 30 bbis. do do do 40 baga E. 1. etvatalized do 5 hitis. reineetiLUEl de 40 hall nieste YoangHyms$nTa 10 de Tvsnhsy sud Itysen. IRUO FIL&SE R & Co. FORP SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS~ 1bPuntcheos Jumaicu Spirits, 10 40 quarter casks de 28 do Cognac Brandy, & hids. Bordeaux do 7 do Hollands Gin, 20 cases Schiedamn do. 1 doz. eaci, 80 culks Bordeaux Vinegar. RUGII FRASER & Co. K-Iingston, April, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRU3ERS bd.(ag)Table Codfils, 10 20kegsLeclalie Honrings, 10 bbls. No. 1 Nouth Shore d 49 te" â4by de. -KUG« FRASER & Co. King"te. Apitl, 184 1. FOR SALE BY TUlE SUBSCRIBE M 20Bags Java Coffre, 30 boxesa ontded 10) hags Black Peppen, 28 boxres Greaintde 50 malts Cassis, 1 ta* Nartregil, 80 jais Mai.taîd finih), 20 legs Sain Raisins, 2 legs Zante CurrAuls, 2 bales Claies. HUGU FRAER &CO. SOAr. Boes FtreeI' best Live'rpool soap, for t00ale hy IIUGII FRASER & Co. Kinjst in, A'pril, 1841. FO AEBY TUIE SUBSCIIiBERS 1 0 Tereslassue, 10 bis. Iimrley, 100 moams Wrappng Papri, 50 bale,,Ce1,a BI bertppeti snd fnced Pipe%, 20 hii. Baknassorleti, 5 do Waln.ta (fresu, 3 do bard-sheilîAlmeonds. RUGI! FRASER kC<o- Kimgçtou, April, 1841. FOR SALE 1W TUE SUBSCRIBUIIS, 4 'Bi adman'îl'ort Wine, 3 doz. each, 6 caaica Sherry Wine, 3 doz. each, (sur. qu.) 2 bbdç. «'Gourie's' Madeira, do. 10 qr. casks 1 Fscu's' Matiara, do. 8 do Sherry, 12 do port, 10 rase, Cliampagnep, 40 basketo, do.- Leith Aie and Perter. IUUGII FRASER & Co. Kiegston, April, 1841. OILS & PAINTS. 1 Md&. doubb i hcied Linseel 0ni ti7 de Raw do. 10 culs Sj.irils Turpeutime, 90 legs White peint, 25 do Green de. 5 hhis. iperieOil, 3 do ccd do. for sale hy HUGI! FRASER & Co. Kingrten, April, 1841. GROUND PLASITERt T HE subscriher bu new on hond,, sudoffers for esaleai the Stone Milliba iubergh, M Steo ag Iuer aid NO barniàofs abir iln, Wiicb hecannmbItebis custamsers, rarefssliy grecud aend repdy for mse. -AIse, conslautly on band, TLR4SING MVACINES ofthte utosi> approvedl indi. Be ciiiguarantee toe sIGreund Plaster ai louer ratas than eau ha isspeted, bcng. thse propri*t«of etau extenuicu uasry in thse U.' States DAV'ID M. LAE. Lctoue Mill%, liieasq, 1s"1. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCIUBR. eY OO fth.e btmqWaity, Wlaecum" musau Duck, oW me- .rowors. AI.., Tep- Wu WILSON. CA P8. n &ebeA^l BJE Smlreibevbabau d a eboice. assn ae teee.-, T unt a( uauiai CLOTH AND OIL FOR SÀ imte say imposted inbto bis Ceunir,; andl et lac 2W0Obj Summcv 'i poce% s, Cap Feciry, Breel S tiet. salI Doel. J. A. MeDOWALL. langston, Apal2D, 18LL 1mul Kiug tan, M 6,1841. l.ondt, thas he ha Faliny and l " Pr. orRl(J PNr O! vastouR lhade, . S oi.s Es c 1 -Su agooti vauittu DRILLS; lg GOODs, to s.' Baving recel, tie manaifaelura filtter. hisseif i CIRCULAit. THE Subscriber bop ]@la tu retuo te his ma- Tmessus ciulceie thrcugécut tbe Provinre, port dering the Jast-senano se jmsly talle for, and in doing se be aveils bimaelf cf the oppertunity te stal that bel is nets rompletia; bis arrangements t* continue bas PERIODICAL SALÊS in Kir'Ote., Toronto, sud Hamilto, onmasatili IIMM extceded seule, in eider te ensure te bis pre- aint Obutea sud te tic Tîssde ut larges iecvem1 fIek sci i & udscertain mmlet for the suPply cf eVVew eeumodity sundar the deusuilutm ue!toues, Sog24Win.s, Liqueit a»4Groceries. Abd [ha bep les,. te usure th. ihat tbey mia) Omeldebt]y rely upen dtaeim Sales fer their general s,"les et tie lowe6t mnailc rates sud on the mosi favorable terme. The Sabscriber baga ut the saute tisse te lotie- disco te bis custeimers Mr. IL A. Gaodenough, tp '"ais ho ha entrustedl thu e erai management et fis Sales as Agent snd conldenîial Assistat. JAMES BROWN, JuNios Kingsto, sth Febeus,,, 1841. FOR SALE. B Y he ubscibaet tbeir tores sa Front. 60 legs PI.g Tobacco, 18'%, sup. quality, 50 legs do de 16%, de 10 boxes Cavendrith de. 100 *a1Waccaboy Sont, le irAssu ad Regallila iiuw% IHGEFRASER & Co. *Kisgston,'YbA pril, 1841. Royal Echsr,' -Tie aboe is a PIeSila&'d irage for sumaner drink. Kiogit1ten Su MeyP 81 PIBLifSIIED EV £ I u al m ,oi. a- D5i<TL At bis oiUceein Stm eetwy0 Nam Boue ltKit' wbere al eiders ciii a iaht1Y pneally attenalet ta ceil iamown estabishm,,t" (s el notice, flhtling te d ithO sssm10ng thal name'aiyY Destin. foirliug, a,, - The 1 nr, a! Ofthe-ic ttutisd 'I amn genc:uIly truc il m ar viteal la tale notice et' the bm 11 Janie, 1841. e T OCIIES fOs t erai a y l e n d. , 1 , a U .~ L ~ KinKstmJon 21uî, 84 N . SXarthk Ci S ATOE 0î 1,,qTL ATE) o 1,e, hatlit agi duimensbons 44 Sal ot c a houris1 mtalh..,u Kireg êsolie, 1841.G May (1 , 11,EA E" TO LE T F OR t'aleru I r i n lit 60iernoer Of St ansd lresr s liet cf 67 by s de;,lh (o! 7 & Kmngston, May 11, 1841. FOit SALE, T falSTuanbie T ltN LUTlà 1>.oPo.ttucuti, cli one aildeu gatn, mud tt'aaacr of s mile fils~ H ma s ; a n t in g e n s e f th é Province. OneMsot valotitie itvàl joinamg Messis. Maîphenffe & Cat .Warf ait Captain Gildemîle,,',i ply te .I Kingston, 7ti Jane, 181. NEW ANI) SPLENDID CABINET UNT .à$ Clcap ais 1eCiepu1~ rr RE ae til -I le ganIasly, ieal t teiced in Monrra, Ztrept, 11,iritas cerner efS!oie Street, anti Ccir feiL Gieey Store- -wheie viii lmeata meral isosortanent cf RFADY MtI. Aî TURE, of thée best qoalilo sadti îlig pinea ho sait iatewydng prrhsutr. t ruas cf purchasing. sict!- ]îtivlîuai a cali. Aa theSasrlr arnre turing fersaile saii le order, (bey tu q suppiieti wilh as>- article t o Kingçton, Jan. 184 1. WANTED-A Varnishri aid Polâer NE %V AT FACTOIT. iiEnstas emlf' o a utaîuolacttatiag of IIATS, à, Street, in thé meus bildia1 npo4edr1 aI Mu. M. L. ît-en. Tht-y irtîl Dcii ver, Neutre, an-I <o-toemFur li; il mier &fais, wh-tie ,od tlup, aico4frs1 IVOOL IIATS, cheap fr cash.'Allées cash tr approvet rît-dit, (rom -urM » tisutfially rt-ct-i relfil, ai ;tirall i it C4'- Catti paid for .thifiimo lut A qraaotily n est~ TWEDDELI-& 1 KgtaIlarcit'Ž,lt-Il. NiE1i AIDLE AND 10-11 Oppcî te 31r. IIeoth"s Drvggail àShoP,- 011 HINIARVEY respecillYIO80 mi heinb~as ut o1oseti his w ual opit(t5lPMi. Dawsoa'- Tdilor Shoî½J5im peielii leath's Priott Pl b -,aov-iecetving, asd vili ïlep op o5t a gemeral amottent s Aor LEJTt sisEng au part oaIý Doohie and single Ilarîeiait, A tiice ussortnseniofLaie5'Id Riding Wiips,, Carnage aidTeasters' Wlai5, cawe>'C àasU&s, mi.n ,"p~e Traule, Valises and PsaiemntN Ile yul 1maufactaure t.mjei er evcl trork in bis lina viitis tUilI very reamsable lerols t The sttemtinc illiear t5 en Md Icaimstce la partadlilldU sete o!ver, sepeii Seuvl Dahl 0 lie has roc onibandl. ingston, 171b NOv.180 WEDSTU%' jCLEBB.1!i'ED CLARIED~ adduessd te h. 471 ~~~~~~V~ ~ ~ v' Ae9a504T OU~W 0~SCMII 1A MR mm10 o M 1 0 oMuC oi ow&,SS boEa$e B 1 t*i he At flaw t 1 t sgicou » aescuer e uta. iestcea ms 0a émiaI i nejuduimg I th ala--c e itai> psii la:c iemecs nq etensibaiyai the oe couva mioniofficia, setsvoseaha t suhold Mt tie h@ laits. Cels veuoldua aowisetber tiers I tedate ibu q would ho jusd sng. mule Ouheasubject t in the district sigu s abheci ij) iita Y o te cms e calied apen la desite ab uaI a ce ,hb woold do * istrict te lte othei balon oethtie e ho apretides oser mn Wie i$ tetal Iltaifiunpantu hbo mie caileal a Saida. <Heur, fcIduty-pioc ithtie euecus 'nwinh devoive heethe jarial * auantably i avîag been taieti onpanilIied inane 'à dominions: Ihet peepareal tu prove, hemb raias cullic Id visit hlm viti Be laba ec u xio theseeaaementa 'tet for produnin; fi; but ai bal altibefore thb.lh te declare, andhii uailit, et maki t thse indvduellS aotie district eor(0 habita cf lite weue 1 ;ibcvu amom à t iftio and droult ioiua cf listhe iCanada il veoul, f impeaciment So lmn; lbcerho lSud i Ow: becamoie ho ithc *adminiatroti ri st'ce. Depoi ibereal vith Oie r te do«i, anal h e gentleman lidni -r lie jutige drii miebs tcant, eut,i n hlm cniy thre , *le noulal mot cc Ibis kimal sio Idi ha $igatiunof the laci racîer o cfaihlgis j Stehe; ho vas a se (Mi. Ajlim) Ï, aaag hia prafem le (mirAyIyin), bem..'ncmber f ions in tispt bo ai, ue et ho adu aunus Mijla ~5eion bale I5 e lO amie ba lie hoal Si 1 a amisec -%.Meretic esac< 'aliai ateatami.Aj "lài eiit w ofhe heunidic on eliabaeio the 14 iaa st thle V oy ntha oe hiehm eae îi-sj Et Fi- (V d MIE KLNGSTON JULI 13, 1841. 1 ýF ý -ý, &7159 73L &J . 1 mmm 1 1 t

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