iileot. i should haie boon botter sc.0 che bon. gentleman hall pocodcod polirions wbieb wouid justify à& in cubiez upc. u selves en important a atep. ML. Hias mid lho concoolrrod almooeu- sirely in what bed bees advaacodl by ihe ho gentleman the SecrerM of bis IEzue"ysc snd *a bih. g entlemen ovie> hall iust p> kem lh e blievedci h. proper course vas te apply in the bu eat anée me cthe ezeoctve but *ben lie boaid 4h. hon. gontlenmu rom Gaspe stand capandi deeismotheh.bad te peatodilyap iied to the executve gvera- Scra%, and lChat lie 6d receivoti ooly insult e etthat there wu smre xplanation taý eemury front thie bon. gentlemen on te Irea sry bouches. Hou. gentlemen muet recol leet bat the uymem of goveroiment lias heem alteted, and consequently tbey would moe' lie entitlod te expect more ready accua i I the heud cf the govemrment with ail wattsn of compisint, and a more peedy andi ceataiu redrescf ail abuses. Upon chose grounoâ 'be wouid ho very mucl i nclime te coon moud ltcoltbe bon. gentleman from Oaa; abould vithdruv his motion snd tako it course which had boon euggesced by cit bon. gentleman tron ctlie th ird ridin of th( couty of York, snd amore for an addres$ ti 'bis Exeeilency for the froduccion cf ail pu pers connecteti vicia the cas. The hcn gentlemen voald thlen corne before te boust as ere d te 2gepst sncb further steel a ZtT fkôund eees" Ie o ctalo. I te popers are botcoi on. gentiomer viilhmWe en op=cuit to e seiving et a cer 'poiat a stop as that Py tmd he ben gentleman . Witb .regsr te thé. observe. tiomm maie by the kn. fnnfreinBD avtuit ls te bo 1i hstbt h& netani cnncet iihie ni&d ha m oom debmfrrm inài indalgedtiî4 aêd I ope ivil nov be'at'u eand. I canet at présete for the me Mr. Banwnm nid lie *ecainil chougltit preat deal vhicb hadllaIlen (rom cth. hou gentleman offono e M. Ogden) deservet attentuen. , any eservauons which ho (Mr. Baldwin) lid intemded te mahe bhc been anticipéteti by thte bhugentleman trou tOxfôrd. But inscead ocivthefrwiug cii uttitieh thouglit tbe *ouse wonld agri will bine i. pcstpoinj ch. consideratiola the question untîlFn s ynext. It uppeua che mattle hbeuudr theeconiderutim or a fumer Govorom and a former coicil 'ced lithm t cheingc*puavery greà xleplnceotIo hebon, gentlemen oppesit Whe ternu part of the poncent ceuncî4lm would say hie, chat lie voolti hobotter.u iieffl chat the motter shonit comne beon CIhou; for hoevoniti net liesitate tcosay, che he was net entirely mtisffleti i the man nein which cheoaffairsetfthe executive de partmonc et tie ggverneaent hald been ad manmtered 0 o fece cMions. Vlear,beu,. With regard te the uopessicy or petitioni heiug brecrght belere thé bouse ,lie would el srve chat Ibis is net the Btst comnplain which cbey liadteard r speotigcbe admin 4ucwtatiou -ofjlatice in clq district of U"pe therel.ad been petitions bfebre the Hou"a. Assemblyof Uower Canada Cliat lie concei yod was*quîce suifficien I Tbey cI oull» hoveer rec5d to cliefully, sud lhe trust 'eI,'ciereffire, the conidqtaiin o euec i;oiltie psponed. , - . Mc. DàLy observeil Oint lie lelievéd tci hou. gentleman (rom G , s himseif vas ii possession f ali te documents reiacing t »r. BoewLL.-My pwn opinion is the, the. soonuer the House tukes action upoqn ci macler cie better, and I amn utteriy appasei teaypestponement. 'Sir, I arn wiiling i adillatquestions oeýt hia kind oust ariae attul'Chat it sometimes ecomes- necessai fisc -a hody liaving the* tigli paver whick clii. lon. body im inveited witit, bouid en. quiro auto the courseuetaitheadminisatiot cet justice; but 1 trust illet en aIl eccasioni the Hoase vig exerqis. choir power viti becominco dignéty; aq4 1 do udt -heituce ic *IRY chat mIlsacidbe e'zcoodingly undignible te enter lame the cousidolracion eftchia suitjeci 'Upon IL motion aunob as that viticli hati be made. The bon. gentleman frein, Goe edmes down te ch. flouse sud telle us cM administration ofjustice n che district which he represents is exeediîcglt bad; that au emine.ct.ild,ge who presidea in chat Distriel is in cie habit if .g ' * n-a ce Court inà ilateofetinccaioni, sd îibat fthepeuple oc libat District ar indignant te an e'kterit al mont imupossible co pîpress. fJ.ow jeh berne ouc in chia assertion?1 Have te peo. pie sent a single petitien?7 Wititout impoli VIDE te che-u. n.gentleman any' îhiug u ppeir, 1 would asaliwhee is aur informacion Ifolà which to founti a proceeding whic] venul contribute te bring tie administration if jusicejut dierepute? The more grave sdserions the accusation thte more noces. sorry i» iltchat the Houa. slaould bc veîî ici formed befote chey cake the fBrut stop in the cteU. I shall decidetily vote gainst the motion. Mor. Cnaaeris mud the bouite musc certain- IS seguit him toianymiucencien of forting u.pou Ihbo iuse ch. conaideration of the subject. Ria Object vas now in parc accompliahed by hscving dravcte attention cibthe euclemer 0f hise xcellency's (Jeuncil te ch. matter. l'eHo oldtherefore readily anove for leave «le withtiraw bis motion. Me. Muasivesaid h.c houghcthle bon. gentleman waa correct in withurswiug his »mcteHob.dad a grave aceusation, hehut boSe uesd net 4rejec sedesci. coge of founducion, as il musc bc aupposed '&nt: the hon. gentleman ha* h. confidonce Oftche coMyicy iiahocreproslenca. But the Que$"i& was 1huw breugbt under the notice of he admniiaraqi,n wbose bounden dut y ic vas 'te inquire into ail abuses in ch.eI miniaccacion ofjPtite (hoar, heur1) sud lie tcoet it should ho le~ in their bande. This hch1.ouglit vms ch. correct osrue obepur- .Awerey.Ga.eali~pgsmat, if bce un- lui nov ta exittence. If Chheius holZ cou=cer v ick m i n thiskin chat "mne amenduneot wun ecouar, th. coosidera. tion of chose.&,his l5 uhiaamly anse ntc .futuredsy; ail choc h. vas desirouà out alwngat peMIal as toeatabliala che position if ahu chose courit, vre capable os' imprvo. drawnu, namvî0tePraei oi mont. Ho would firbt mention chtaittis 1rcduntv ine1~ 8% question bail beau hrought under ch. notice favu voi old «D btti" s - of the Goverument IWO or three yesrs aigo, wvi) Ilbougtdieu, b, b - in consequence of su hundred compisit. a ensnf ae mi fromt different sections of the county.Te daot een ereque>ti li y, on..snd erned gentleman opposite (Mr. o anec . tes mo- pr*ejudiciar t'btheI% o- Bsldvin) coolti bear iwitnessItebisprielpsc- amnistation of - % oe lar - lehoomiego fercisr bacli citanthe pe. of the slr ces ul Juý ttî14' ; iod ef chat hon. gentleman's connecti on in thj0respect-i me with the Gorerumont extendu, snd h. (Mr. cf al others, I n i,0b e- Druper)hadhod at chat early perioti of ch. fer ironsproposin, amt ina a-. estaishment of the court, as mauy as tiair.. cure 1 beliee tb'1> ï It appliation subnictcd te bimatsMone ime acuendments Wh ilte K- ordtlieffonslae impreper decif-ions vhich bave the offcc t l ali adsiepl c haintietcourt, show teoliais ruinâcct 11*1 ù- lumoente cases the Contmiuaioneru had se- ucre thenbu ' en ted in te teeth oetch.esattte; somnetimes Wiîî scaeI,rom" ýw ontrary te e rvbprinciple ef justice; orne- s u.en 0f f rthe.0 bib ce limes taking on t emuelves te decide points ceeded £10000. -h i rua vhich courte cfa bigherjurimdictiou wou!d pose ,s 10 îtabljth e t in e itate e decide pen. Th oy onstitu ed ILec g 0th rn dctî j ds tiaemselves asort orgriereai court for legis. for; lotathelle fers l i . d s- lotion, and not for te administration of th, stance anu thea bauds émlsi melav. Such vas the nature et the comPlaints placea in ciao îres0 ~Pibli mewbich the country prefered againsc teop- te .udge Who a of t ie operation- of Cotfts et Request. He would aide in each cour '« hmotne do the Comuissioners of abt tcourt, ch. (rom ciaotreasury ltb te injustice te suppose chat chose comPlants duce a Barcîster car a- were in ail cases veli foended; becnvouid Iy cempeteutto a c re o titei . lie orry e have il; supposei chasclho vould n v o d a o rta l e e ut once, endorme. ail complainte. They ver. explanctotis,,cori,, I &a aiWeil avare that au unmuecessfulsenter ils induced me ce Mieît.,, lbvery spla tco iid cause of compisint, net in the absained froru ent *riti. n veelineof tbis own case, but iunaoc (as lho only mcao tecocuttanT'aOt r- msy immagine) vroug dcision cf te court«. Chey coDeur iwith me t 0J, à- But ut theame ime si t ould h. righc tcOboh-per thore sîtoulai be sa~ u. serve chat vhen the very constitution of te prosetonl aw upon u sn a a- court is conidiered, andible reat number cf MtuM lem t no- persons who mu c necoaur bceongsged in made out a dtite hocb IR;attecrit k as almosatimpossible te expert Ibis c mmitte . Iodoal ei ai chat liegermiient coulditnd pareons au attlcougitc requimre<g Wý hibe le. th. reutate sections of lSe Pwmce h aie Iudigeî Of ti n vere pecfeecly qualified fer proiding oeer y muireeuofh. ,là courts et chat description, tor wviain ch. Gov- (Mr. M.) vouil cestantr Tm l - t ra n ue n t c u ld e n v rsa ge e v e n s e fin i e d a u e s l ci n t li i m t rissdiction. lu the year 1838alhegro vore oeecouncry Ciao operainsîi01 l s udre.!ansueveuty tiree courts, uud One replases Courts f it4 m . tousad sd saty eigic Commisuo er .- mT~a po eufRequest 1% ed Ho hoiieved chat bou. geentan would It vas calieaitheiouonel lie agrce. vide unetacatil vould lh. a difficuit plaint.s migiat ju ittîta d matter telned nesrly elovens hundreti persoascourcs et a bigher ctadi . uns who migiat properIy ho outruatedti v the h, cOIS e svro exesiv, rsiii ie administration et justice in chose court.- tien a case lusissetîid ee Reseuing upots pueraI prnciplea, even £150 of bees lhibeI'~ ot wereere tbc a horlaet numh.rof vacaucies (Itear, hieur. Wto Wa lite dai id ettitimoment. ch. filling chassm up vould ho vas net m self. 1Iva icedil on foonud te b a maccer et serions difficuity,and in whieh 1I vubil fur a ma0 i; eue involviug a serions reapoissibilitv. Il the Welland Canal. Th e" .t b.dl heen a stter et cousidecmble difllculty ferred ce vas not my ovit.1 ce te flnd persons cefil[ te sicuation et Jutuges bad peidupuricular<eti.,t te oftche District Courts, choagli (eer iauuni- oethCe systens, apon whichthsi at- ber, and where tie Judge is nec pemaitted to qguest vert fouaedselana1 ce anu edio dmcro onary povecu, but im u illuitu 183 2, miuu hoir iis nit. ado ut dowu by positive miea of law. Ho believed h.daimee caienfpains t Se it5 s- che expecience ofE ion. gentlemen, speaking ltinoe simular courts a m as ms matter of general reflectien, would bear [The hou. gentlemnmnitnj td- binesang;ian ariug chat in stoe cases chose letters viaich ie h all reived , r.) appeintmenta have net beec succeaful. We jeet.] Ho diai noc thilis il tas are nov actug mener a Isv ihic i mses styset Iàouli h.e ondene Oh ed et a perioti vie. il vas more diffeuitteowuls a che&p metimialof oh'a in- flnd peraonsof experieo an sd shilicy te pro- sud lho (Mr. Merritt) beiev"j in- sidue cover tbe courcu ;, lsud ohn. gentlemen veli fouuded comnplaimt,,bsité e:ý roboet ho marny thoussuti cases there are tient go justify aibabume . m et; in vitici people gne insu chose court e seoli ratoerial altocation in the 1lot i- for justice, sud lche sisuoch iug more iikely and learneai gentleman sit~. t, te errata a disco tented feeling thon vie n car t h.seo ,td I neias t-pelflnd chat in astribousal jute vhich chey 0>1 vicith trsagemesf et are obltged sue Wfo justice, there are met corne vichia h. jurwicrnd partions qulalifled te tragnescccihu uiness-cf He .(Mr. Mecritc) vooli caj c the courts. iis-be svoumtac à saisit'b iu 'One. etthe arguments lu favor cf chese Ilts ntmuatwia uikth te courts basaivays been, sund I admit iltis one lane en ci. i t which bhsumuch veigiat, chat whuie abhisai casting Dclpon the ouraui,- mct tord aunexpeditious remedy tn cases oftsrilmli court. Jnstgeutu f conîBiagîia, ie debtey are et tho samne ime acteudeo< et-i courc te £10 I>e vouidea esd l vih ttle experte. But. il musc h.e rocol- if ctho bou. undilearmel ia t0 lected tbat il is net simytiy theo cheupues propose a plan terarsslgmaîmg e, und oxpedîcion et obcaiuiug jutugment chat Court vith the Court ofRneq initeolhe regurdetu, bot ycu ïhold ho Weil roadily gire il bis support. Hc<il hasuurred chat ch. judigzasent il a proper one, feit every dispoo-iciaatogsiàim e- d suthoc pou bave sncb -sideisien as nia> learucd genUeman in estaiai Dn ho relieti %pen. Ir, lherlfore, I fan ostub. ual vitacever, providei thces as lish chat cth. compismats agass t thés.Corn- creused andu proridet he uimà chi missrioners have beaunweoi fouuctied, I shail cers eofctho Court waro in allist te *tien have made out amy Sau. 1 viliistase tees. Otiterwiso chose tee. i cd eue or tva leading testqrse» ftchose cocis. colleccetu; they vould i el Mt plaints. I recollect one abat, and cacher au insufficieut tu reinîhurse tie Tg en arnusiug nue. There badl beer cemmitted the oxpense efthcIe Courts Nlim e oneofe chose breaches cf moral sud social tu doterueine thonns a. I f~ tertghts vhicli somecimos eccur ce tie dis- Ie go ce 1mw it ils right ttht ligrâce ot chose vine are coucreed in abras- law expenses, sud lims.Czwu nr a case eftraeduction. One vould have sup. penses vere feasc weroiinlail et posed chat tbis vas oeeoe chose cases whici ferred. a could net ho tried under che head et debt or Mr. Jt)om i axeid le irw td 'fcontract. Tie commaissioners oftche courte Court cf Requests Lsw shoékl W l- howevery theught differentl>'. Thei t rted ;but lhe coula nec agree vich ch a ie h. e u n wo *shupe-one u onheai f etman vho hatu laits pathe, ihit W ~-the Doctor fer bis. bih, a«nai tie ocher on te able Io have chenilmlw. He bd t-part et the facher for tZh.Josaetfcite tisouh- the plry"contf sitsC.it l aletc' services. And -1 vilIlumnion ..ocher cause et crec!ing a hundriai mati t>case, vhere a man hatillest certain prepeccy dercibtler ciccuriata cnonet bunder surfia circusscsancon as veufs] nacurully becu intttuted. He (Mr. Johm egive ia. (c an action et Trever. The ceint-deeire chat ciao costs simula Inha9 ,e missicueru et the court, hevever, in choir th.y are ai present. Hei lad i 5- wiedom, deterrnud chat it vasa rase which hsbic et atceuding thetle Cous canme under cheir jurisdicciou, sud chey gave montien somne arioimg de"i judigmenc accoraimugl>'. Bellialeail cuis ilt cheuo. gentlemnan relateSl the Md ve as strongl>' conteudeti tbat the Court et sevoral trials viaicit hai crine Requesca migiat hold 4urisdicion in -cases et observation.] c ytises. 1 could mulcoply cases upon cases, Mit. ROBL.IZi-i tily MW adid I -mlt now chat cher. are mana'hou. bon. gentleman Wih ljiust l entlemen iniis ihousee orche logal protes- paida hiitcmplnt taebisen rsion, vho eau hoar tstimeuy te chatextra. dcrcinydalexpert that thtl iordiinar>' procoodingu eftmorn f the com- leod a cy.Gnl aldhr *missioners et those courtes. 1 do not visit Chat morne glariug shoots lun e te be understood us ohsrging upun chres a Courte o Request; note it il 1111 desire et doirmg wrong ; sud 1 vould not de chat no-eront gogte law 1at110% 1justice to m>' ovufeelings e ot ute add dimagreeneent becceen ctro il 1 8 chat there are man> cases aies wbreethe botit parties sre dissatiafia i stht 1,gentlemen presidingover chose courts have it is not surprising sherefozi ih"0 given great satisfaction. I could mention sicultu h. mode; but te bot, Id mun>' instances (vere il met invidueus t o te uiman stages as au objection cs3) uch au I bave last ulludaed te. Tie are suci a vaet numbor of dn , rea mena ot7this i, abac in a mbchc esa te g ov- Courts. Il mm uc t e reatl secumnent biave heesa forenate ine dndiug per- contmiuaiouera et chose Cotaud mena oftupuiglicnesa andi intelligence, vhici Judges but jonces aise. I behais il is imeposuihle should ieh the c«es ea e Courts goueruli>' peakinîgisiM'I gareatextrait, in a sysceus et jurisprudence, indeed 1 aa cerinceai ct ittil vhich requices a housanti or more commmiia The hos. .ani lesmeeigetliIUl sinera; chia is vhat we ahould fi&at strike ced buCt w cases wiereme peopi ai- *Do uwuy vicia the ueceascy of seulOy- have been gavons, andmi im5C iug se largesa number, asd vuashal i ave er (ronst isuuderasdis< tha ch et. __te _or ani e-jt mr- vti.i.e. on o-h.prte cm i , "t0 a t ra i ns m y . hia is ene to B ook Institutions, SO0C ter> wiich My' i tiu a be patticultclY meet sdrantageffott l'g 1 Ordtva rccieiçtd ut P*& hord I cirm mm coruGff OF "=m m a MM I TO FWUC IS O MMasa q 1 1 a 31a I l-F ý ~CA bltet>'resu ~~in the marier tOf Un ia mputet iG n ch.e xeeti toc mSqn the iudsp Hoanse et Amombn witaal bteft heig ~emmte reite ai cata>mpetr se Sofr te uder utnintaet. v>ea at cie oveenci M su risaaaae go he s t ca7 on teas., in uepie thea prssgpor tse fve heieve it vas tath ou:nf= ane assitanctof tifationt t cu@d, chng. .r no saeaot tet usa prapotaioo wu blieve it as 1g syteni ofc7,vasni th Cueir el so uise cue apitaie n 0( # f i