Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 27 Jul 1841, p. 1

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KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAYY JKJLY *7, 1841. No. 15.] Fir i h , elYtî pI il, ' ,ri Li 4î,, i . t r. Q r,,l glt> liv', j' rw.,, pil oroj h:,e. l,;,,Ir ù:f IIIé finr.r.f, 14 1 'î 0 d3 i l'yr riexiiil;>, n .0:th art r nUý1 h, apot. IIH:, r. Ide thecahrere;, cir tefll in ai ta, p i l'yn lier reii outs~ Matia whr fies. fpenp t.'. r.h gla ty og, 1 bcwasiesio etlea upph 1He lio. ge >0loe W, 1 h l ilai i. felile Wirair forean iiir hbrio a ta sefenuld emor Hur e liede irîdn LtCourts aia whî fsing esi'popie ( reh at they pabiulW 9 be as deqsirtîs tuti ire. lil he lion àe iis liel cin Rohet Court liedele t bn tred Cand vîere Io.,nl te emi, ta amur bt mrePB hon.Curts èr e w 1 r bel liel Iettlr cetinly i satisfai peut t is iOl thei geoult balsha abuon Caeiais io th i ni e, !s? eref oett o 0 900 the hon. anla nmd obeton tht AW1S heliev d cany gis'.y pautlie tbstge the bisi wenl eman b 147 OF ASSEMBLY- the IrlW at à 'clOcl sdt&tteth ra c on tatex 'a1h. So Sroted ibehieth L XIII'. la mia%-id oppose th ii iuiam- nvr,,,ew tiserevivaefa0< He %àà W te questacnwhich he Jt certain privilegns 0c «10 le hp7 bettheouit1t lot .Jd tbeeer oppose lhe n Ir,, ilesabligh a geners] -iel WWM oetiO pettlmersilin d'islame it5OS toght il mnjut ta the jr uio eeuu lcrpetits. wW deMore thoesauiuu Ot ru . tey sol nov ho cale plsuado efore the biflcould tI it litbho Ithatet b.lIons. ni ud attendjustice ta tues roai dijoirsui, tic anutin vas gwn i.ittaue1 for leave ta bnîng in rn rt port-aieof the privaie au t, fanal. Leave wai for a i I 'e, scîed that an humble mdir Wo î,s EoceIleneth le Goverror( q4 in.r Ii c oe lent-y steuli cai 1 e is oise a mtaentuo f the in CAbooLPhrt Hope and Oi Wnr, and what attelle have bhan re t paaoiet. 0111I 'rira motion, las thighti l ,,W a o f £MO<>hal bo.sta a émit ilarier LCempas, butisolas Wtr mo the pssession of tho Cm al by 0D rinasor thor minotil. didoil raemier, %10 gave per'f te, lu repayenht, and tins axerrd merle 'Oýupn. Naw stockva soi T dividenils of atout 12 Per n«ta i sbllng ofeitier the prir iWa no pad to the. Gaverannea eir anai lalf (Iear, hea.) È, n. & irward a second tlme anti1 ré.ýâ arobtainesl il under tlb. mi ail ie UIc . duces &c. collectedl 1,slj uer defrrtyrug tue expense ris' C,IOrtfl4be pari ita tise ha eicr Certrao lftie Prosinca unti Iail andier'.> rad en refiandeti. e bng hpp o'ce,îpliîOd ils, noni we, r, l i* Ileceiver General,, là fine linparidUp tli ilasI yar, un ,pcî iern, ia i kuouledge, t10e W 1ef ltia l)r isîany wuiasnt mme .iucof£»)5hadbeenfr. upar, andid lijeAe amed lut ni ar ,,li tTii. "Iiabat mariner i qeni-L. le sas rot preparedt lea' ir nen. whirctbliicost the Prosi as i tior ed tees eiployeti in th sw 'f tint' larbur, thte charges for re einr antîntcd t uture thon itse r to oinjcriii prsing Itie moîtion eo~ 'hoîlýItuldb hi rîrued oflthe fi f ilottv.i. 1 HÀitsl rin ubjetuiomi Ilat ilIL en iCin fli ilfthe Governimeuif tete bro)rsou ieolholaud bhoa ol. Jieb fouîd ursatio§factory,; Mretîllet .>forthin eut-b cases vas vf kl ken iexpeiîded in the li ieorli. 'he tact, citer] proveo tii re,c.riur for a &lard oi tVorl F 'I! 4les'. tig pubie vonks te'Oittik.nre cilipiuire (hoar, hemr L iffler, tu the Comipany tegamy,t iV peru r lte country na uUchifac bdeiwrarrvn'ug on jcientiic lttit id ocre i toueot fr îdîvdumi enter lusîe bccrr detitute ofil umproe [n 'il Nuonias afraidthle reineil t! à Iloinenier lfr K iton wvi int required for tue maînteni ud oniVrk nonid ho greter ti sitil te Wbrout privte compani *&t MtrmPet to the oion bef 4 loite hui. gentleman vi, a.on,,letd thcernqury toevery îohi lid r"ceîîd lons out ini h le biniafer sîtolti ho t Thsue. i best iode.of prom( Iiail. ýIs ,aIicrpd that there had "I Cie part outte Goe. bia, 't t'ibetore the bous.. hî %% as f îopinion tisatthi 1i rtrl'lUre. Altthgh connecte 4'4 rfiotry iliidei tO, h. vould irr i " ntît the retumne yere 141 m.non mrracd te h.inqu Dr , a r te loions, anti aler a f '~age" I0 aid the uter iroppi, bOW McBletf thce tab.".intc P* aid said that te ohjec %'" cle ur ~al of tisee, adtesnbstitutionm in tii shouhi orlond U"nreat enlibrace the entire '~ctwa, eue f the great 'dlt tes a gat moral i 'al inadttu'0 support t 'A't.itci lsthe s uiject vel 'int icarewx, but on. pa Ste of nat Ionalludcatioaa lotlieel1%tht establiset L'as[0but Oloo 4 nel, am niu 0>Otû 'rai chiots whîci veuld tC ~teachergs m iii m rit lceeta lis ointoa i tIr ffundtoun upan vi -et ad If ponce waso, ?ceh thorw n o rem Coull0thodue ontuabasl eutrre subjc eeri tere u-ce, lit vas neces 1 oî-c huld hoample,.ý 'u'atld t ! huli ie utefé tIi fOr v11oe honefit th8tO dr to 0ft tu gy for Canadla attlteral. , moi tav ti -a- u suoue ieplace "eilau n b opinuou tue affect of the. ittassros, that they - ad proved insufficient and lied (alai toeafct tue imprtant abject beld out. By reference toata- tistica it vould iehomen d'at the total number cf children educatei et the. district scinda vwer. l 2a. M06and et commnsaschoals 8@0, living eut of L. d'e tatal nuniber an average of one only ont of<18 of the vbo receuved tii bonedit of edotcatin. If., d'on, aune 0 mesea»for d'e encouragement of educatia. vas p gotas mach roqnired in Upper Canada, boy mach ou 0mmr were thoy required in Laver Canada. holsali Thora, tn> legal establishsment existed, no provi- sion of the 1ev by vhich the. people cooli ubtain -T eccionta education. Witl thde exception of a aque.- tv institutions sstppoted by privata benevolenco andis mai sntenace b the exortians of a clama cf .rb. m to vhn ie h. Day) could natpay tçochigh on the a tinbute of juise-he alluded ta the Roman CZd'- aât tue cic lergy-mno ens for pubeam timavr. 00" e.estimmata eit 60006 1OUS1 out Oi ( acbmm for tls ane-fiftb, or 1%»000 m, ver.vithbm the aisne itiflof 0ecAcataon, and tuis yu poplation vas oe peti. rovngUmP ota d'e eerlseJieta daliles in thé ttU imomt Of the natwe flsdotles. He uent of (Mr. Da) onli fot join in the censure which i %mp. ba been me abundantly déalt eut on the Legisla- n a.tara: the trutu vas, d'et thr. bai been a great ouideel cf I. ilation an d'e subject,' extending hck n. te the 41st George 2d, which attempthed' Tantai founiation of a raya] institution, but vas produc- s a bill tive cf ne effeet. Since thon several acta hied ;tochof beon passed, in 1814, 1818, adlastly in It23 lie bill vhiebilest art vas cf great importance and muet secon have producedth le mont honeficiai resulte. Its eluict %vas ta divie the country imta districts; ami maslho se impartant vas it considered that it bidbeen Gene. extenied by subsequçut statutes davn ta the 2d use te Wni. 4, . 28, vbich existei up ta d'e time cf d'e e ea suspension of tihe constitution, ince viien no pro- nkville visien for tii. mainteansc c f o.ls abahen mof cfnado. Theso acte alone-venomuSclfwen te se- i ak« cuire thesunumenaaupput of tL hmoand ieh voud meraly mi, dtien. elibavemmd great Z t aenLM uffl e matmiala necensary fer the hMama n., . rier te renier ih vortiiy cf support. mi ci Basides his own labors, lb.leba om Inshhifor om,, uucii of the. information le pueed ta a value- Sba" hie report furnished by Dr. Dunscombnho thei Le- adi se- gislatureocf Upper Canada on the. subject of cdu. î edacatienin the provnce, aals tuothe labars f a ,gcra gentleman namied Dukin, and toae pamphlet ,r cent.' pialisiied b y Mr. Mondelet, the. tenor aidspirit 7iipe.l ef vhich reflected the highost credit on tie vni- su frtei. After passing a trong euiogy on thii pain- lThe p=aIMr. Day moved the reception of d'e order aske- ieday. prova- Mr. Nxu.om said that tiiero ceuld o! cours, bc by heneobjetion on hi@ part ta any alteration vhicii ss ne.- night lie consiiereti necesary in tiie lav relating nMa cf ta comimua choin tashie part oft ha prov ince. tlu the But vit, respect t te i.astere poin cf vhich Tbis lha hail the.honor to representrlhe couli stata roui monies is own parsonial knoviedge that ret efforts bail viile been maie by the people thie ecve--ani tua., air lieai efforts, lie vas happy ta say ver. uccesful eoforce -toe esucate the. rising generatian. Ho (Mn. Neilsen) bai visited bundreds cf ichoois in Low. a simn- er Canada, and le neve .inn part of thevwoni r» Md va greater proposa mate tn vas maie in tc the thune scisils. <Hein, ier.)-Tbe dimsensions t lied betvean diffirent branches cf tiie Legislture ay. A mftarvmris unbeppily put an end ta the ysteni of ince a education thon in prectice, moi left that province th im- vithout amy provision for commun schoolà, and epianad'ing remained but vhat ceult iehodoivai (ramn r tia hle efforts cf tic peeple tinmelves ; sud lhe o- sn vas, lieveditil as nov goiog on in sncb a wmy that aca f heir assistance vere given to them or not, tiey weuld hoe oducatei. (Hear, hiein.) This the itn- vas the universel feeling throughcut Laver ,rela- Canada. Notwitlitaniing tbis, lihoul enlha hp- ne tihe py ta sme tue vork facilitatei by soen. rganizei as, the ytom,hy vbhich the people siight ho fully eue- i, tisat b lt to educate thoir children arcordiug to tueir rprove- visies and feelings ;aid, above aIlltueir religions id two oinoseuli net hoe interfereti vit,. 1He (Mr. as, sudNelsa) ouId cheerfully concur lu the resolu- ta tue tien, sud lh ouenuaIse endeavor ta aid ta tiie ut- f.) ît mot cf his pwer any praceeding upan thie eu. tiit in Wet; but hoe vouli et tue saine tume, vatch vith hilities gret enzinetness anyliing vhich iei hought aprove- vas calculatei ta interfere vith tue religions pre- Bprise, judices cf thie people. ornment. CapI. STKELE vouli observe that d'et part of dy pn- the speech of bie Excellency the Goveruor Ge n- ,ouii ho oral vhich referr.i te the subject cf education thogit bai heen received vith immense satisfaction lace of lirougbcut the vhole western part cf ti.z prov- hanth mic, andtieho as happy te perceiva that e similar ies put spirit seeinod te pieail in Laver Canada. He forethe opedthehoua. veuld umite in proiucin as per- o nt fctasy ce f oducatian as possible ; d't each ry cern- denaminatien cf christians may ciucate d'air chil- y. He iren acceniiug te the principles of their ove irmght faith. île tlîought there shoudliehomane plan edti ievised by wiich tbey vould ho savedth ie liece- ag ity of ernploytîsg ini tue education cf their chil- Id been iren ever edenturer vbo chooses tu corne ,rinent arrosa tisenesanma propegate their pltical doc- trines. Mr.ua-ha MaaRTr sii lit asa equestion vhich dscuv ie bnuai hoartidiacusi for e number of years te it i nd up to thepressattime, lh. vas "ao tsey, Zi maie. without anv honeficiel rmoult. lHe d'ought bc- luirY h ie neti, or set aside. they ought taovle ll am- few oh- suredt tethdey has thte means of esteblisibiug a ied. btter. Tiiey migbt look vit, great mivantage teoliter countrios for exaniplos on the subject of It cern- education. In d'e State of Cennecticut a (uni of coin- vas provided by d'e goverumient equal ta d'e suai vhlch tise peole Iver. villing ta raies.vol. tt fthe antaiily, aidbeViLiby les.menuau aggre exsgagtecfou millions cf dollars annuallv for tue lin fsupport cfeocumonachools. Tho resait 0f.sncb rn pla & systemi4sthat accordng ta returna vhick itotho might lierlied upon, thr.was but ou. perses papsla- in lia whole State vbo vas unable tlarnanmd test li- write. Ha hopai ii.hon.getlemnvuepId t dutyo out snime ueans for provulîng a permanent fond rtn t. for the. maintenance of schools, whicii, up to tii rt cf d'e tuough as far hack as 1798 a lange appropriationr n, whlcb cf lania liai beau mai. for the support cf grain. hSnt cf amar chocla, yet that appropriation lid aller. sen eswarda been iivertei ta othcr purposea. train up Hon. M. HÂARScO Said hoevas excoctiingly ructora happy ta hein the observations of the.lion. gem. common demain, fr it fortunataly bappeniedt tthde plu luch al vhich lho reconiaendsisnlatuavery oee vh ish 01n1Y oh- intenedi talbe purened. The (undisi providel i vhby the. Legilture, With regard ta an spitte. si &%i = p of leu&sai an investigation hbas han goang InSier, onmiehotrusted tuat hfore the end of thieson. éry tiit alan a very satisfactory report vouM ieh laid bu. effective fore d'e Leialature. ere vitb 1Mr. Boawxa. mii the hon. ami lerned gin. St it vau teman Wh. ntoice da ealuIu ai e 1Sir, I have board d'e l syoteni condeinuci frein oe at 0 iepoc te the othier. That it i. necesseryto aMop soiechange tiere cen hoe ne ilut in snediffrence of opinion upon thii po nt; mi1Itrust hhat wh.n the plan of the heu. amilmnai gent.%um is brougit hofore tie hanse itllieo found ta bae olihral inits ne. ture d'et they vili (cal iltiiheir tluty ta gis', il d'air entre support. Mr. MEsNrIr Tobservaidet ho vieas very hap.- py tu, findt ta a permanent (uni vas inteniei ta hapropriateti. Unier those circusstancaa hoe bai neides, cf oppsiuthe measuro. Mr. H.. Eidhiived maci satisfaction (romn d'e anounicement cf hie hou. aai leamnai gentlemaen, flot enly vit, regard te the snject tseof but viti the mode in vhich hie proposi ta conduct i He s as happy tu finid'ai tue ana., sure vas 10 bave sedorence ta the vari'onssec. tiomm of thne povltm Ho coufess.d b.o vas. usanevhat* atleti et the. expressionemai. us. of by tic hon. gentlenian fran télia coty of Qie 1 bac, (Mr. Neilsan,) d'ai he weuld wetoih id serupulous car. tue introduction cf a aystonOf education viaci mhoulti have niference tu LOvRer Canais. lic (Mn. Haie) vas inincai te oes'. (rom thii expression, that d'o ban. gentlemian biai a lurking désire that the union ef liese provinces should ont lho full3 causumniatai. (Hleer, hear.) Mr. Viu ER aidtue ion, gentleman seemedi b ho union a misepprehiension vit regard te d'e dasire of the bon. ieercr om Quahoc. Wiat tluey desired vas, tiat liera slculd ieho distinc- tion in religions mattars. He (Mn. Viger) coutle not see any great barni ln tuis. They tiesireti that ne monopoiy sheuli hoe establisici; sucli tiga vere destructive cf thie peace a! society. lie7 had exemples bth in Germany anti France o! goverument menepalies lu tise cunductiisg cf educatien, and they bai hoon attenied viti tisej greatest minces. We vish t te hoe particularlyi uuierstaoat sIail classeas hault iehoequel lu the1 cye of the lev, as regards civil aid reliions lib-1 erty. Ibisnis e prnicple which wvo imire toe- sert, and vhich ve desir. te, see pet in practice.i The bon. gentleman tieclarea tiat notuilg bas haen dan 10 remeve the extrame ignorance, vbich iehonre ente as pres'ilinq ini Lover Can-i ada. HaeMn Viger wu afr Iroini aying thati tisey ver. in neouedoaflistruction, but ihis munch he vouli Bey, d'e.t thoy were net altegether in lie stat vich tLe han. gentlemen vouli have the. bouge te hlievo. Hoe veu amy furtiser,i that tic efforts maie by tise House of Assemhlyj te promote oducation bd ai en extremely anc. cessful. Education Leieupragrtiîing viîh axtreme repidity. Mn. Hox.aass aiilie baieari viii greit sat-j isfaction the announcemant whliit edhn madeie le lhiiibouge by tue hon. inember fan Otawa., (Mr. Day,) of hie determînatton to brîng forvani a systono et general educetie,- te hoe pros' ideti fori hy a grant from tie Legialature. le coulti as. sure tuai hou. gentleman, tuaI lie couli net bring forvard a measure wiich vouli hoe receiveti viii more approbation tien lits eue. (Hear, hma.) There liai heen several petiticuas presentoti ta liai lieuse prmying thaI the holy ecripturas nigt hoe introduceti as a text-buok in scioîs eH (Mr. HL) ocui not hnuug hia@uind tu acquiesce iu Ibisproposition. Eveiy mmm is emaerabla for his roI' ions iclief ccoding ta bis cyn con- science amiesGuti, aidevory man shauli hoie t liberty tu instruct bia chuireu lu liaI fait vilci his conscience dictatea. 1fr. Ivcxs a it ihe vouli support tue reselu. lion vid' great satisfaction, as le perceived tuaI a (uni for tua purposesof 0< perai ethuction vas te lie crcated frani tic lande origînally set pat for d'e support cf achools vithin ltha Upper Pro- vince, mnd (ram viat vas calléid'e Jesuits' estates in Lover Caais. WîIh regard ta tic school lande, lie (Mn. IHincke) vas avare tuet tiiere bai han a great misapplication of d'e (unie proceediig therefroni.He vonli regret exceeiingly that a simler grant sionldlieh again maie te seo lithoe purpose (heer, hers.) hey bai experienceti trouble enough vith those grants.-. Tise Clergy Reserves vas another exemple (hoar, icar). It vas knavu tliat great complainte arae regarding such grauts, (roui d'e circumatance that tiey obstruct the setulement cf th.eauntry. This vas an important point. For d'es. reasons ho vas averse ta, having ny lande, mare than hai 7been alreedy granteti for liaI purpase, eppropni. atedi; amd ieh. rustai tuaItuahse alreaiy grented vonhd ieh disposai cf as speeclly as poasihe.- It vas impossible te enter into a discussion cf tue subject vithont hving tue details heoare the,, but no far as lebilian appotunt'- of judging of thse measure (rom what lho hail ready îeeo, lho lied ne heitation Iu giving it hi@ cordial support. Mn. DuÂRKNo saii he shonllieh extrenieiy hip- py ho support d'e resalutuen. The subject of educetion vas ana vbieh vas viewva .:hLçx- traordinery interest by lie vIsule country. 'Vier. iiad been a magnificerit grant offhlai a million cf dollars, if ou. A enficient foui onli thugs have icen secureti fan tue purpase of.endoving scisoohe hhrougisaut d'e viiole Province. The question is nov, viet are ve ging te get lu lieu of t,,s (uni. I thiuk tho people of tii. province are t al avents entîtled te an equivalent. Colonel PiicE a amti s vas a mnat importent subjet; ne subject brought heore tha bouge coulti lie more se.le, however, *ouli maie objections la hon. menihors goiug into d'e detail. of d'e bill upon thie proment occasion, lb. sim- ple question is, vholieor noltue bill ougit ta li ho ltroduceti. lie in. and alvayn ha.n been, s 1 traug aivocate for comman socis. If proper. - ly condutai, thiey wyil ho productive of immense gond ta tue country ami becanue tue gret bais of liberty. Under ai circunusances sani aI ail tiesScutileni Sas han celebnmteorciits odu- caia ystem ; and therefere ho vould ieho il- ling ta pay the greeteat iceèrence talte opinione of<th hon. meuihor for lhe county of Quebec, ou a questian cf d'us iiidâlb.ehua. manber teck bis @eat abter paying a high tribale of respect te CoL Bnna'ell, late mendier (or Loudani, for hie exortions on this subject. 1fr. NEiLsata-Tho hu member for Sien- brook. seema tuutnk suspiciauisl of0<me. 1Im e Sceteman, aid'ink tuai d'a c Scotchgay. ing, " evil thiniarsa re always il doors," vil app1 very jnsty ta tuat ion. gotenan. U M . aman, atit tiaevaw.aducatiS Wl Lover Canada, but ne gond bai resultoi bue iI, as tha Gaverninmi as mot nesponibWe a Mn. TnatuRan sai tint tuis vas one.ofith dgramoaures dt ho iebai supportai muconmmon viti the union. il vua a mre tpnveet the scioulmester vas abromi. Iftle peplo bave no oducation, td.y cmnbave se motion oelthedà- lugz ottioerm nt, ama i ici a case lidom. just asit plasos.A despat&l bai been semâtut tiI. caly te change tue lande Set spart Mrhilod- rmt catiomrpisfor botter lands. Hem tei 17/59 IWJ C» oW rmocum Um 10 fnm c u FO OMB U 150 OOD ma. AMY 70 X TO C At 0 î - iii - i - ai 1'"~1~TFT' E1u90t0u CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AG1IULLTTJÀL& COMMERCIALIj Itm m regret ta hlm d'et bitiierto ml etteelpta et wla biis aolie 4Uil r e hadi omi. t w aS tlima th, la"io upon the. subject cf aitication in duis pnov- " orto aneste ahould o blie IL=, quenI luesbail been maie vith a viev te proselyte d'e tMg. BA-ILDv iMtt ugSamicaoplajula exisi.. que yout, of d'o country ta une favorte idoinant ai ta bus pari of the comwry fagait th-. pausent for OB church, anti vaineble andmi rcii entioveuts of ytaim.TItougItlu in e cd the courts campe. ta d'o lande bave bhan divertai train thoir legitimate tom ja enu retabe toui. yet dthaenlet the the, ses appropriation, tain l, (roui cemmon chaolse.nm idnu..One o heevile groving Ont etthe con- pavesz applictita hu ile up ecterian collg pe-stant comnicaion htveàsnuit- anadijudges liho - did eviience cf tdus leisletive folly may nov h. l tu e cenrts wva s ain« eesc* elyissg upon te sos mmet aironta; a large piece cf ground u hata mmy opinons ver. requeatiy tç>taed He (Xl liomo set apaanduat an enemmous expense or- beote band, vint eilb.re or -ae oasp-mata nameuted amid decorateti as pleasun reoi, for - dindthe cM ami vint teoie4ta wekonproxim au intenieti University conuectei vitu tue public cofdencmby eenainthe. 1.pression ame Church of Engîai, but nu building buba a.tjuIcvas not aiin te dtitsi" eraci, ald'ouqii large salarias have bhan palâid ia etov tallet'osasb.c sprepa.dhouas.' ta csnbqo diguitaries et Toronto, msud others, ta in support the hhi as a vie., =bm aptat i ter tke hgep-u the i.soemu mockery. If the bill rnov veule obviate tue difficulties vIticli et pieelt od't lobe a homtodnoed, ouli.-te (r.frofm sec. xist.*a ils mrgiosaidohiierwuse h ie eally intemiou if * U. I[Ias mppore wuflsud «ProsW càulihérbuif rt were tu e otram. eridinulovnoI t ytee o ipnaa y religions prejodices anti nsctments, teh"cul i M at leih nUeruecai-, 1brough meet hie.mueot deterrnined apposition. 0 Mn. CauLn.xx ouli Docr amy strong eppo- Ho (Ci The oincetas of e ministny andth de paperity itian thoagi b. vws Of Opinion tint sains cf theOnut lie ofa ecountry, depeai very much "ar u :od'=mral .Wi«iarequirai ilteratio. te instruction of d'e people; anti if lie executive Mr. MxtLmrr opposedthed' bill. Ho baihan rof- th governimento xpect taootaindttPopulenityvwhich e commisieaiin lie District vhore hi iv.d for goca s every frieni cf civil ami religions iberty aluli twonty years, aid b ai alefull cppotunity uf vas ae am ai, tii.y muet give d'e country theaIvantsge juiging cf tuaeva.hng cf tue Preffent ssei l, cf a gooti, liheral, aid extensive systeni af edu. This axperience Wealhlm ta helieve dt atuV hot Werks cation, aud thon e geai govenrnent wiII have anbitens for cases in tues. courts vore tuose who tlemas' mater"el ta aperate upan, which, vile it contèeadwclu d' te district, whore tihe disputants Iived. vhit isonuo aid cr.dit an the executive. yl on lie The. total expenseocf tue.aminlistratien efjustice cing iaý ather bani gîve moral influenca and paver ta lie in tic Unitedi Province exceoici £4Z0,OMo-ihoispa people-a pover whlch yl ho a fornmidable tie prescrit Bill voli aid sono 5000 or <1000iP tde check opan e bai geveriment anti a streng sup- more. He tharefere objected on tuis gr(;und pz vell why th, port ta e gond one. as on several tuens ta vhich hoe referraji. Tho e nmnl Mg hou. frieul (romn Nord' Linc-In (conttnued Hon. menîhor reati an emenunuent lho inteudedtu t hie o? Mfr. ,rice) bas stated that e great demi bai han proposa, ta tie affect that il vas cxpedie.nt ta (ÇcI.. sai in former parlianiente ou ths important mub. amendtihle lastng law se fax as relaea ta tie ju- Loýnior ject, anid'eht lava bai han set epant for t,. pur- risdiction viiich is extended ta £50, and giving hîlity n paie of education, but seanieloualy iiverted ta paverta appoint a*ur t the discretion pf the týe PI soine favorite abject otior tisata a1vil l ate, vien d'aeum.diputai oxceoda Là ; Minmât' vas ibted. That is net nov d'e question; 1Mr. WILLIAMS tiirew mnch Of the evils resuit- public.I tisa question l, shah ea lihoral and extensive sys- if roi lie cii systenu an tue Execuhive vhichIi i. Ir tam cf educatien hoe introincei into the country dintawy apitdema poe esn aucha or iuo(. My rooteti and settii opinion is, tiet as jips nthe courts.taki ail go4i govorninents arc honni te provide for the. Mn. DUaxzonthought the bill veuli requin. cf nom adocatien of d'e youli of tho coutry; mad alteribon. Prince: shouli tiare ho no meens vithin the r.a'ch cf tii. lar. Tuomanax vas decii.dly opposedl ta the o ne gre preseat Exeentive, 1. as an independent menihor qspfure whiclî vas ual lu eccordance vith theianmmi I. of this ions., ain villing te prevido tise necesse- "'vol expreaaed vuanmil ishes" cf tue pe- for Mi, ry Inans by taxation; as ne tex cOuli ho More pIe, vlio if thora ver. grievences in lies. courte, Mr. juat Wn equitable tien amie judiciously levieti dii not aveu tieauaalves cf heur right of patillon vho lha andi fily laid eut for tisa moral educetion cf d'a ta comiaiu cf liem-In hlm ovu District h.e gavera people; aid I m nsatisfled tiat my constttuentswuvasstiiladet1itcompetant persons ould iehosibility vill hoar me eut in mY vote uPOn sucli e mes. feuni ta preside in ýhase courts et e much leu. teith, ti sur.. I trust d'et th, hon. aid learnua Soici- 1e thai by the appointaient of a district c-untr, tan (qeneril, viien lic hrings lu tue bill, vilnojsl id' a 1111erare ind attention hoho-faibc disappint tais houseami the country h y intro- lîeved thia vould lho the case in cther parts cf infuse incing amy illibenal enactaicats ha mar tic pro- tho pravince, ani tuat po neceesity vonli exisir Parke) sent unIversel satisfaction tise prospect cf tue for changec; et fb. marn e re havas wiîling ta lia oV nicanure bas given. support d'e ameiimeute cf Mn. Nerritt, ha a pcnejl hoe vas awara tiat a duaite iii oxist tea r i~t Secsi reoa"o te RiPfor esoenin(tie laus ne- d'e jnnimdictien . Warka on iotig te Courts of Reqmiss. Mr. Boas.e mieseMM observations onhlb.il yen TiclIes.lu onuuhce f ti iio.. billaid r.viewei tue objections brughl forvani hous Mr. Ds.Ràpxa ntroducintg the second reading of by previena speakers butor. recodilng his voe intisv tsbiU, sai tuat lho bai beec tortuneeeoii faveur cf it Tie E: ta h r (oaiaupar-t e oprovince ttat Aller smmneremarias pro and cou (rouin vet mlv measure bua beau approîrei of. Aioong the veny memben. Mr. Draper raplbei mmi citai several vouli numerons commente cf lie learuci member tnp- emaluviib b dci o f vn vlb. écu the vul outopoisions cf the bill, the following r..-lbai hanirectlin ltdoheelaIueav eth o marksmev ue.paticuilarly bh ot eda. He e anu--i l s intention ta liait te. ýr .tracta] proposen ta divide Upper Canada i ii .am ls0<ii.t ohieeotoreasncentaAr o iens, vhich vonli sllow of sucli a dispenamîe cbyi l w.onkei. cen eu cf justice vit, regard ti e courte fer vhich tu, Thc firat pari of tue clause vas le s~mi et bill vas introducei as veule hoe generaîly hoe.-carniei, vit, an ameniment : miidthocemttee Mr. ficial. line present 1ev, praviding ihiat fory n d ,pre ceit te agsiiertc cfncarvns. 2 e h pit imys muet expire bhore an axecution couldisue . anis, whh ynagreithee.ploaain g ade- itII, affer juigmut, cperating ta the disativantage c ln.6 wihaov hoecmn f e ty. * clamiaît,lieol nrouemc an alteratin puty unier certain cireu sae, an exception taonký wit rspctto hepeio ofexcuiOls eig u ake bMr Bldwo ndona amionped isauei, as be diiinot ieubh vauli nicet vit, gen- the cammittee. .it nilesre t a ris ami rport iravo era stisacio. H asedecdalyreceuimend- progre, and it agenou Thuiy next. japon ai tuat tic aZintment of amy ieputy in due BUtil < ilâà W .r,, ard b o parofaj,c,t ulihbegivendue notice Ofta the EssexIIg aalfosu sird~mJ o xcutivel~ proper preceution mgit ho adepi. l.Gav Eer ai ta sectone an officient persan. In the appoint. Mn. DAY vent tbicugi t ha seeral clauses *cfon)t ment cf clenksanadle ailiffs, d'e leeruci gentleman the bil,aid offée a fev renaias on each serri a.- vas ime of epinion that lb. Cleni cf tho District liseH. calei upu. the housa pue the.bill Éwang Court ahoulti ho ex officie Clenk of d'e Cout of as vas pesenei; aidit vas needlesa 9Ù' ui fom t] Requeste. Upan lie sulject cfféees, lie also re- te enter luto aarguet . 4ohuecoéësai- f commandedai liI liy vonlliehoresaivet inoea ty ofsuci e bil , for aa cknoiledgedi it COfLh rgler fée (uni eigconvluc t latin nsoienS i5r ALLN i.McNen vas vwilig ta admit that, mton c districts they veule exci the demanda fer but iiopei the. hon. gentlemen woili net press e otics., wisich d'ey ver. levicti, ami vauli admitof s bil a i llate bout cf thé Cveniug. It was ene veulti surplus tuaI mgit ho honeiciefly eppliai. Ihin o f 1h. muet inmprtanimeasuroa ef tue session, Bsi within tan years, sai lie learuci gentleman, amai ugbl ntlta hoeimrriedt hruugli lb.bonne, epu that the business cf tiese couirts ba i iicieU5il and il vu ather tae mach te requirb us te go î tee avery greet oxtent ; ho vas desirona tea ntre. mil let -nlglit. H. (Sir Allait) unieratais a ita duce, tîerefre, such a revision o! d'e 1ev as has no doubit tIsaitue gontiomaus vho presities ecli wouli deter tic plaintiff (roi cong forws.s'i ven duis establshment id every vey qnalifiei, mnd ta vils a dlaim whicislhe cauli net subtntita- but finis hlm heromis»10n th. capacity of an Ex. loe Anether provision tliaIlh. contemplateti vas, ta ecutive Cauncillor. Thée bill grants taed'e Preos-_la enaisia any one claiming formana muacnt nulget aident £800 per year, a mditional Bogincer got , an or tien tan pounds frein several Parties, ta have £50,M d a Secreaey £406,Xai ach ta have mm such claim ansvered upon provmng d'e debt sa. leur traveling expenses peud. The bill readmis "net ane cul of lie number, vithant givlug un vry vellbut cananot(n souteof ite malerialfuth tt trouble taesuc al; and ise, ta allow tmiora pointa lie actai upon. Ha Sir Aiatahould tuini ho bel taesue for vages due. Ne aisn ecmend en ipridilng gentlemenouli ta exorcise nu h i that the juiges shouli have' tii regulating cf the otlter celling. lu aclause <tIre bilit vaspo-miâcon fees, ami of any oflie Iiner arrangement»sof<Of- pst taiepol' rprt ygltne r ib fice vhîii d'heu tixpenîcuce muet renier thoin etamauppmevalue hogt tam an arbitnary foiu censpetent te manage.:bThere vas enotuer point, mesour. Wouli nove an smeouMrnt and i h ai omtteadil r F lytuat ihe Inigiit Mr. PàzKx-ýHewdo th e es u tr o. M nov hrie i1hmorepomLtdly nier the notice of gentlemen cuom ri vitu d'oe b. clvn thlb in (xvt tue conuaitte.d'ai in lIse Court of Riqsetsother eveiglHlm condt n 'e ecain ff Oaie juigment la in al cases finaLli Te allerutin Wua.vei ry n lnla hcih o ih ief propueti tehoe itroduci l l itsbill, vas, ltai es t"sbume ta fiolle. Heobjecta tu.1 th voold in case etuer prgare iissaiisfilimd'the jtng- pudMg and neMide et Kisigtoaacting in Hinel ment b. bo= ih.ntitiei ho appeai fhum lt. heter ompacitisuandihave bis duty ta ba by uimm5 decision, adinlunecase shoule tii. cite 0ofd'tw idpuiy. Ho<Mn. Parie) aboule lieta cvthe pa appumi lh onate cbargi lu lie case, but must bc lsavaug sud important moi nummbrousi mue. t t bl paiby theperan app an, in tiler toduoevay po.form, ovh.icoul stlawitot aidepeylHeo ! W& vi, 'a ug Inr hchs.emat.teinitg icmma ouli have ta upeente w hole aib. rM- MiCM bon. gienlm , viz. lav cuits. snshfble tor ahi. Il vas a maiter of coursestint ta "v' I have tinsug i.voured ta givé a uninal out- t ula" enmdsetainom J "pace é in tt lin. cf tie detail Of 1h. meaure. mi lu eider te ha" sb-a.nmi unts. Thebas.m oten" lu 8 ksing tue mesoras beoire the. cammiltee, I viii for vli. objecta ta traellin expenseo. u-ndiiU nov, mcove(or tie adoption of the final nasolutinc. Îmg P" hoWi.y m au mmi, he ale a- ho anmi Mr. J.18. McDonAn.n sai b. tlougmst ilhighly rie.sador epthedb.eq=udi la tb.' desirabla duel saine measure shoaldlie hodptd in tint 1 Agama thie 'ru ai I ojectOICaIOaUssO Mr. arien ta silence tue compainte vhich v. aih-ei oiks nay raoi mretLa eatimat f. or . masil univananlly made vith regard tatei.Pr- AUl hm.gnd..... coRme imi ilipublic varks The p ceedngs of tuoe. courts; a. fhr asu hm 0*ndia- muet mv ltai sacbaad'ung emght bippea, butvas tj trici is concernsi, lucWiy tboe vera commis- oSocbmosue y Io bon- savi n omsted ta eMnv alovens of intelligence andicitmgrity preaiiig, ha" whovde i. t mOUm.simi thbasbsinoeacmb-i lth but tuis ho va.s erry ,ta sa un ltthecase imly. lion. b.d hem ineo uplaino ese n- ituai throtigheut the pioi'iùm.-T --wume r-i tb.ghutm enisse, "lb u.mrup vay b getinwvichi ho vouli laie lb. liberty of - savb" àt* publicu* lad bis. carii .«L Exec t ig n iltvasthai seunl peras intvhmHemsth. e smioq da ausd a Woris, Fu-vb.en juiguients versmireml, p so <node or » thblwde eoary. TWS a" bu si. àhie echatide o tig lam Isi »dh herefgelgamm ta es mutWtinkten &Mvoil dame e nutic IhiaugIl re dmu be a PMU givea Io partiis ly.A] e t d le hib i »wbofoâe usbute1 teoe'smum surch ass alo the 11gh courts,. M wu mb eeste dchmp.... OUperm. dmieà x adr teobtain exacoluonuagaussi thasle ais. or fpublic 4" Vl asi- moswlds.- Mn Mr. Josas$soie siib.ho ssbltaie d'e liberty dho.bCoe of mahiu~g s favrsalis ucmtiis asmi UrM. Faim lin Lýe a s il l, OU viâ gie a b 1 bat am st b. doue by deputs'. ani t but a. tlya sysemiof tdeputies au abeolutely r.- 14 bu the darocti 1gEuginear tenreeponsible a buta dom3-Tbe eIlant Kuiglt objecta Pevemsgated but ho mnuet know that mpfflibllîty for the. proper exercis. of thugs a in auaictly heut. Appropriations Ganoeil1 leby tbe ius n&l caseé, and t in for it tLn tii..om n iare well applieti. [r. *lIay> p"eetend that the. sti- tn bo alwayo borne out, but a near sp- ut. M b. arrivait at. Before any work iraet sUdllestimalsa wjll bomde b7 !aeu eas and laid boïasdtmsbon. 4 by pmm- rnu loca? interest. Ai- h ouse bu MU lrcoaaadered the. neosssty w«%4, adi apprate unds fertdm amne ç~~h. aller he i.buard. % ý ha nabjection ta d'a principle of it or#rd . ti.occasion su prommientiy. nil. Pridcè) would vote for the paasciple, but Kcaumie thora wu wmre respousibilty novy ever tiiere wue. 114 bould like ta kfflw te hon. meinher trou! i MddIefle why ho Io iustily for thia bill uhen lut session hi La etrongly oppose te am ns introduqad by (Col. Prince.) k vau a bill for a Board Of w not unsimilar tath". But the ha, pn s' conduc ilii very diffirciat tu-nighit te it was vb ie ail. the honor of introdu- abifllfor a Board of Warka. Ilaere muet îpeculiar influence at wurk, nmsn change atrptapJiere; aie h. couli flot coniprebeni le hon. gentleman should start up ad i mu dy. support this bill, wben ho imuet recollect position taonme of a stinilar charactar. Ho Prince) would ask the hon. inmee for a and Middlesex wliere was the responet- nowý that did not exist bofore 1 Supps Presidant (ails, what thon?1 Wouidthe iry bebrokcn up 1No, cer"y n fotThe. money would ho .acrificed, and that was The bill intioducod, if supportd (rom tuas id roepoumibl.ty *hich or' gentlemen a.eg m!uch about, he muet say it vas a pack ene-a clap-trap ta guli fools. He (Col. e) wosnid reiterate tiie fact that lier. vas Maer. reponeibility titan liad always e"itod. 7 bergé vas; ho wuuld soir the hon. member lidlesez tte 011hlm *bat it amountad tel1 PÂZEX would reply te the hon. member ad just takenus satin a few words. The mment Waiconceded 4.princilie of respon- 'inond faith; and if ît fails tekeep thia thon it was for the ultimata action cf the. y tommay what it wouid do. But if gond ras to ho kept te principl, cdncadad muet e telf intý,,.every department Ho (Mr. i. l notamare that any govanoment bfors mor pledged atâ faith te a pranciple of re- 4biiity such & as iv1ith au intentinte car- out Supposé voestaeli foard of lm iwa Aniisiibill proposes, the , llicers of Id b. responsible te the country and ti 3ýPormit bim ýMr«. Parke) ta aék if aver was the case héfore 1 Most aÉsureilynet. Ezecutivo appointed whem ho plead u usjobbintgAnd rspeculatign ; but nov tuas beomltely done aivay witb. Thora hlli nosuùcb thinhastakdng tii. monay of b ,e "nt BI iiti.poctéta cf the.com- o, aid gettin- the.work half don. for debt. cat réspongslilt* *ould rent upon thb. oS.. of hm Bard cf Warks, ani upon goveru- wiio piacUt thein in office., rPEicL-The question was not wvhei )a.rtiçVlar msur. in ri .ht or wonbut oe govern nt ti.couMere cf ti n. auppoing taIany pvticulardepmmm Id hop:oofai.t a tiurao n vi nlec, ifit eistoL oh.ulibe viti- iLThat wouli lie the conseuen of0<the. i oîiyftiUir measuma, amitepmr- t ii. yevinci AL Mr. lHAajsOee.-Tbehem..itember fur x i exoeedingly (aceous on Responsibi. eriment. It appeared te hlm (Mfr. Harris- tat it vms unfertunate ta conte out in Ibis The saine responsibhity which b.oliai uch fauit vith la tii.bbs o f every desaec the om enovernuienti anthe .foudatia. presant provincial on. >L PiticÉ -If the bon. gentlerman for King- cermet iutroduce stronger arguments tItau Nho bai botter bave remainedfsiles, and 4. 4 oi satiislad that tespousibility aMi lb.. c f Warks vonld (il]togethçr.M H b@ Ledly asked hon, gentlemen what rompon. meatbut no smtlsfactory mnswer bas yet given. Ho agmîn mska wha it meanus, andi mflsweris vbat 1 toponsubliîy am hat, vo hom 1 The mendier for Landma .ab. ad in tiie Western rmilroad for instance; 89. is skiill ails, and the. viole thing bec4mna luir ofl nullit.Tur him out, maya o. ne u. bar, but for aispat hriicues h knd 0 rîsubility. HO (Col. Prince) la ari advocat ie measeure, but Dlot because parti«s voge t. Id responsiblo, fer thora in inone attacb.ito ffico, more d'aansuiothe iraividual vii onducta himeelf li n-Y publice I ta lio indictail if ho ace 8w7 Hthp rHnecxse-1f d'e hxn. imainier 5cr Eanot. vor of the uieasî..re ho tabac. a ettroua wver éi~i.A re agreed as tedthe principi., w pr a a in n pos tinttii Magsnm 71à- « tDh itb. He(Xr. *s)Parft0 unersoatint gevernnuet "re. ware to b. haogh beore dus bon» usent voek. am if L ent lean..Cboup »eut tuamsevOsn nan occasion of tdus hlM, as mot te b. told liai the houss a. ngit s4ouu mosqueus e <e(r. H.) bas nom objection rermjft cla iuses. For instance, ho tuals the Preaideni oughnt.te sole ne oIto OMM -re wath the member for Usmditn "0is tbogt d'e Prenid.nt of Buad enginaitu aExeculive Comnlor, Mrn eveu have a seai es boum. f.MorfÂr? comsd- thde opacooti menmf rocs 1ilsezumlshcer. priaiciple vascentaînly thise m eV s et hie. ym-r âge. Witàrefore. etthe bmc. atien Wh"ciibail ensmaie d'at tbeProisi li Bard ofWoe h huld hou neoliia dis, h. coucurred in ltheopinion lbaêl -Presidect shQuld neither h. a iembermofibm elive CoumaiMWot dai bous. b8.o M poqtiuns for public mifffvemouts emse. te MoMs.am govenient, Md tins au. faied, the w "Wpris m qu, d.b lae11I*e QàPdâidbbeuu U5I6 hm. gem:essagan~fbs ï e ibsmaUu D hn i il

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