71r tempo ient "FaitePay-"diE tersted intentionof charg ngheDstrit emtCourt of this Stater m b w in t eof ey gi maur.1 nkit hes ots e untw tot01eea oeve the we ebut ieh Kt sfie that no suinwi 1"t wt ppetncato i orernum- late election, White he only paid one half that error, to the Supremne Court of the United the grounds and reasons of the concluions t ,,On(aini oi u Mr. McDonell Wal remmaedhaanus f II ual itthe b lnfuiea nevtb heg ,:91com ,d '"-A IReformer -" I feel sum. This is really a most ingentious falsehood States. in this decision, Mr. Fox has acquie- wihte rie;adi ol u l gteet a e a tfrhmta leaehshome ee P ",Urrect the assertions con- disguised lketrthIam glad thtat he has men. cedl, at least as far as his silence goesl, and hie tsreputation by admaitting the r ltofte wln n thvselascpudndndisbiesfr3or4nth'ridn t r ý-l'fhehas d(isproved no>thing. tioned this circumstance as it affrds me an >p- further interference canot be expected until cil to demnand thseL roudsan reasont&.T enlami mgt gbenaprtcpto n the aoditaerom tmt aoruo iith uines o ,bW:tatmntt yu1 exprsepotntofsoigtepbchwteRtu- the decisrion of the Supreme Court of the United proper way of procturing inforaliation, I apprechend Mifr. HoNs»TN-The hmn. Bile |th cutr. t a eouhsariic ha te , 1 met -ý y namneWhen require.- ing Officer has been tratedlby the Magistrates States is known, and that decision should lbe a- is by asking for a committee of conference. I charitable ind" ee yte bnan isvery i hrad to lea vth fndes.i OUM eya 0ý,f a, systen b rueans of of the District. Mr. Benjamin Ketcheson, the gainst delivering up McIeod. throw out these remarks not in a spirit of oppo- mmat have refused to ackSwiedge the cagemnywrhadsleenoldh e,1i the leturing O cer for the carpenter employed! to erec the hueting, is one ition, as a member taking ar on one ide of therefore we ought ta admi it ! The bill i the Un hd ad tha the ii trcoutepu el e n u ur w e-b)ou provincial gariautti.ny ,snorgrrEenadam ls mneI h: ,'-.' ae taken lthe trouble to no. tory magistracy. The Returnimg Officer agreedl sons which involve principles of political consid- elMul[rom it what description of lunses are to be wouw lal check heh lna and vulga, r letter, but for to pay him £5 for the husting, findmng that in H O U SE O F AS SE MSLY , eration, would place that branch of the legila- nogemted i whethe it b.tehrewhc a-mntuo hZrihs Ti ay er# - yu wil a 1mi-statemlenits consequence of the deep maowlhe would not do -- taile i anu and unpleasant situation :. they riatemnto the battle, or which enables bmHim e gpa"o of the peqpis l tettoma bthrepet it fur les&. The Retutrnt Officr made is FroAtD, 3JatyJ& adght tralysay we asked for bread and you gave toa rmtebtl.Iwudlk oha h po t e h ,I h, :1 lt for u;n the Occasion charg ering on the 1- riet -utasthe Sir A L.AN McNAn MOVed that the message etfl . a--'e.hm On. Men state whmbth tdPeel is nmcf rqtr w ýke re si Ipes0Brà a fsp il e f pecltingthe conduct oftheMgitatsthX ttat h lcinmgthv h o.teLegislative Council open the sub- 1 r. IcNlsadh rgete ha hth o which are tobie comprehendedwith- -this u m Ho trusi4 #n [A J h lregadt h ksns been held mn the Court House, te would only ject of the bilfretnngheimfo er- learnd and hmn Attorney General for the west, in its provisions. w e ni a (t pp.eair, eatmdtae allow £2 Ille. whicha was accord y paid to al of certain controverted elections, bie referred had nt been 'a his Place in the house the Other o.PIe adwihpriso fte ossn on e oie fteg h ,à,,, nf.,,the first place, with re. Mr. Ketcheson,--the Rtrnn ËOcrben toaeeccmmtetoositfcrangnt- day ; and fromt is high regard fur the privileges as hie had boeencallieuon hoa. gentleman, Executive, paid out of the p asde s. r uie character 4f the Commis- still personally responsible for the remnainder.- mon whom hie named. ea of the house, hie (Sir Allan) was quite sure, hie he would state for the i tion of the hon. isi the oinion ofthe people a irepredentMites. :,i 'ý1 I' , IJI must di-sclaim iany M y igemious friend "Fair Play," who well M. AwTRGH mvldnamndetahtvte reted any errote which they teman, that although he was the one who bd ell . u he amn uh o enseOto ',"f.. ,1ý'hUt before the public, what. knows that the Returning Officer's character be resolved that the petitions and aother docu- rm ght have falen in pressin- the bill. Tt woulnnu h9il:ytwe1 ilws dpe ytepb ad;i ayistne thdbe : em._rà ierits ma;y be. It je wih his sian lefar above such på 1ry roguery as h b puesmonts and evidence upon this subject in the ppa ercllceshthe(- la)ha rpsdth.os twa olne hebl fte ebramstipsil---banteamutfo h have, ,I,,ý.todo ; anldif h wpub- to hinmis agam manccurate in statmng the law. ssino hi osmetrnmteeo h e.t nr in the preamble a more full andexplicit who hadl drafted it, but the a of the hoe. It District T reaurers. a shade r a doubit on his Itsnt nced"tat not moreI" than £5 @hall gsaieCucl statement of the grounds anid reasons for passingwas the act of the Province t large. He (COL. r o adfrqetyhd ta. s , . ý,a connleCt 1ionfor which 1Ilbe allowed for humtings at parliamentary elec- Sir AL.r, McNAII objected to the amendment teblad-thdbe bjceMob telan rnc)wssrythat the intellect of"thu mire the candout of the hmn. mmber MOxfEd. ,dlyeIIehins atsom tions ; but 1 quote the words:,l"Fair hugting, which woulId cast on the Counicil the necesity of ed colleagues of that genteman. (No, no.) gentleman did not enable him to underBtand a Hie was glai to e him declarw, og a rgIrggr th atOf "-Reformer " (wvhen necessary) five pounds. Th's yrjcig h il h eso hc a u-Well, there is ne understanding thosehn.g-paieacet-opinhthewornmy of Upper Ca that he w6nld tep aUl ' la. e. the1" Returning Ofi- opinmon, is a fixed soin allowed by statute *e-ddtehue npsigta esuewstetee.(Mr. Ogden : it wasto go with al'Lit read, andhie who read, if posessed of commentiennountil such II' message would bie séma terested objec, he should pressterme, and which the Magistrates hda eifta h eitoeshdlbrdudradeformitie.) It cannot beisaid to bie very de- sense, may undersitand.(Mr. Hineks, ye*, yes) I apleasdto hearit uh1ati I 11itrest ws--n hylttergh o ulfy s hywol aasto misconce petioner lwsndta ti rrrhd omd.Toe o.geteenafthydd o r Sa.reakd hthehddrw p h ndIhpei il otht hapbo steres ooe.Wihthsrduce Ille daily allowvance of the Returning be norgdb cso h ei·ltr tef attempt to correct its imperfections, ought, ait motion fer the hmn gentleman (Mr. Johnston) Ur. Moni-li elyed dma the Witen for tees- , i %,1shoul bwIe watched the Officer or thePl3 CleIrk. There was an attempt Was it, not right to put the Council imposessionlat oedao oscueispsaeih ith a view oftryigthe senseof thehouse upon bers could a; welllbe plid from the #iMic chent e no,' j*,Iit,.f req. ests' in question, made by the Tory Candidate and several Tony of these facto ! otherwise they wouMdol send other branch of the legilature.it and as hie found tht the house were against it, as the sa"ries of the offcare of the goïetrment. -', ,h f æt%:.-;Iteared inariyof Mgsrtsmhsitrst itt oteR- half the evidence, and put that honorable body in M.Cawmrsi tapae ohmi etutdtehn etea ol o ih r AETwssrrsdt ert0 h ', -0r !i ..,ýL!Iinanýother pl]ace, turniæg ,Officer as to where lhe should hold the a position to reject the bill. wàas the ut f this house to send an answer to draw it. (Hear, hear.) paymen of wages to members was ralmanris.- ., *,A,.Ile ofthle (ourt lyimg on elect ion!-which te huh hudb h r GE adteecudb oduto themsao the Counila;oadtitlwsewit this Mr. OGOHNsTON movedèrfor leavee to withdrfao the tionl. fg cnteded hitit as moro cnstitu ri 1 s' u1 ý1-1.Li kliýed a;dvice to the Court 1 bouse. This hie'"lvery properly "I refus- the right of the Council to makre this request, viw that e (Mr. Cartwright) had prop- this motion. tional to pay mnembers out of the publi chant ," -ýý,-Le,, 3rdly. Ili aisrtis that ed, in the ;-1pprehiension that a rioit on the part Of and referred to numerous precedents which could amsendmnent. The mont ready mnethd of comn--- than filom the flfuide of thei constiuente. tlin " Les bûeen rai.,e,,,]a- the Oringe faction wsV tede ad ls ie efound ou the books; whereas lhe denied the pyngwt .terquest of the Council was by Col. PaicEro se for the purpose of bri They were the representaives of the Wheprs- i-"ý_ ,I,,ýto1%wI, !by-his condutct im Cause, m lcase .of a riot bemng contemplated, the existence of any precedlent for the course recuem-trnutg the dlocumnents which they had in under the notice of the house a paragraph iwi vince-it followed that the whole ProvinceShatold "Il',- ,Re airmner '"1 he imeants th;e Court lUonsie would be a strong hold which eithermne ySrAln ca.Terqet =a hi ossion. If it was necessary, however, had been publishied in a certain newepr. pay thaem. Sma] and pour condit ' vodil al1aekmostigenuo party could easily maintamn, and thug obtain an foieevbyie nceoMhch .the ill w sae&to dame a Committee at al, the learned knight (" Cries of name, name."l) TeMoteH-feliter hard to pay the amut."'a als no,- t perfýectly awvare of the unifair advantage over their opponients. Ini act- where was that evidence to bie obtained if not in was perfectly correct in paming those who were oUld.ie desired to ask if a omttee of pr ivais to bie added travel' xess a tv,>ll i.siiy, and anl implacable one mng as hie did hie used the power which the law facts before thiehouse ? It could notbe suppos most favorable to the mueasure. lege hadll been @truck, if not hie tihh t it question also not altoget r mdpenand of the w;IýrMIedi ith isfirst appoint- has intrusted to the Returnmng Officer, who is ed that the house had beeon influenced i n r ucrssok nfvro rgina hud lednthtteel'ha ea rbnl olbrY of the people, whether the "Y. ißl s.,,,,hr aby o%'f thlis istrict ; and that alone held responisible for the discretion he exer- this bill by mere opinions, but that the r-mto.H wsopsdt h mndet aecgiaceo ujcso sntue hnb ae ro h hi hs r by the hercived from the Court of cises in the chmre ofa place for 'the husti .hedduo acs n hr ere hsactsro- Mr. NE.mwas nof opinioh that no preceent the publisher of a nèwspaper allows hiimet be constituenies, Å rich eenwtgàfto e ý"i.eiltobe regardled as a link in the To put this hustigs affir i, its true ligZ I recorded if not on documents in the possession of Could bie found either in the practice of the Housne guilty of a contempt such as the one to which heheebuastoewoerinprr is- p',uyleý,ecut In and mosentoe annloy- have subjomned Mr. Ketcheson a certificate. As the house 1 of ILoni in England, or in 1tbat of the Legi-salirno referred, (and hie would takre the liberty of stances couk not well beut the expense, terop- , h le has been honored eveir since, to, the other accusations agamnst the Returning Mr. MoRix said the house hadl been inclinaito tive Council of any of the Provinces, for a pro. reading the article to the house,) it should not be reotatien would pass iutothe hands of the for- ý, na!,enl ,If(1aal the liberal and loy. Officer they hardly deserve notice, but as the mn- pass the bill on high public considerations and ceeding of this kind. In the case of public bille, permitted to pass unnoticed by tht house. There mer. ,% ý,:,be Dltrict. 4hy W*hre iatosofalw rvllnin ocar . -teeoeadcarto, acmite for of matters relating to the privilege of the was no man in this Province Who was a more Mr. Bar.Dwu would make mne mm orrmar1. ,1ý,'éJý_lerance a ,the evidencle on tic of "l Fair Pllay,"' who well knows that ifaDr the motives by which they ba been guided was IIouse of Common, it s highly improper that staunch supporter of the liberty of the Press than Honorable mnembers should go further, andsmake I dysayrha Iadhre o m ad Cr. accouint of mutual civdlities and kindniess- by no mans singular. it should bie done ; and the mlatter in question himaself, butle would mont decidedfly set hie fac thosealone py whoWhdvoteUs thm. V,,, hi', %lieh 1 can easily prove if es had been kept "oeso"teblnewad Mr. Cour: objected to the expanneenrequired ceryfiswtmtelttrcas oeeaas teauep htlbr Telcniu i.Cnsnzcudntsemc ol c_, -1.r:iin andIlconitradic tion be cer:ainly against hun; and I therefore dis- as initerfering with the privileges of the bumwhits phe ut of ta ouse to deerthng podrtinyf the r e essud afiuinm a et i the eakof the aon. emberafrm , e a sid.11,h ouhi h ere mi" th e se accu ation s w ith co n tem p t. If the C o u nil req u ire d in fo r m o n th ey h o u ld i w ich i p r o her bm rna n ae g od u de rstioan- n n n g em y . r t h W h en h e r a u li e w spa p e t i e o s opin g th e sut l e s nt l mý:it*: ar 1',, "11-, te cmissoer] -s uro'tSrvnl ape fr cnnthed ith es mtten fr.prsn adture, in order to carry on the buiness of the a porion of the hoïuse stigmiatized an r les utive. lHe thought that someamahretofthe p¡œujý maa,ý,'-Ip.fteCiiiien osablie the r. MorFA Tesaid th atternel nmaigcountry with perfect harmony. Who carried thought it was time that thie house shol assert kind will bie due to the house. V: 1*"1 ý'. ad In t only).decidinlg that Belleville, July 20, 1841. tbis application was not requiring the dreanp out is it aoptsuh acoseasthey ay isrigan ohr the aluthor of hvsuc ie n. Mr. Swawoon rlearktied thatstorth s,,, to Th,,,riu, avimoning, but (Copy.) which induced the IHanse to page the measlure, demhroerwihCrgal.o t.Pwrable ratthe neuencee fhiser endue. plis oudbea utlemesue ýýl" qJi5L r:I ie pto 'lThursday nightbut merely exercising a cntttoa ih o Mr. Tmonnunx said he alie conidered te [o.Prnera heatcerferdt im, rnent had provided forielf.(ear, hea n4c1;v,ýf'iot denly !lil tthe plain- 1 hereby certify that in the mont h of March call for evidence. mte0a9n wihcnend h rvlgs h edn riceih tulIeadH wsi ao fpa'ng'member.Ait numý ý, ýý5 ý .1!.lmý .çigý ; , as lj the ev i- Ilast, I was employed by J. W. Dunbar 'Moodie, ,Sir ALLAS McNAn said that as gteaadfthsouHebvdthat i wa aogeh1 f 0thinsan. bso ths whole _ e t-- y _ , 1. t *; must IhIereereT, ac- Esquire, the Returning Officer for the Co"nt been said on the core hch ti Council might er'nunniufor petitions to bepreento t the m Prince *d>h -kahdoÞ hi Ml h We d-- T bur",c i I1lIIýýjy ifrom of flastings, to erect a fHustings for holding the think proper to pursue with regard to tis mei Legelative Council, concermnmg contested seats would lbe nmw passle oshmwthat lhe (Col. Mr.,Dianenoan-TM Wbs noneW lqestio. ù1i ,i.ý,:,,. ,I ,to the eveni;g :!-.. election fio r the said county ; and for which he sure, but in his opinion they would elevate rath- in the Hoe of Assembly. Prnce) had ever mnoved for the introduction of a He kai! eardl it discusseimikether, m«ss ha ý, - dý.liý,ý1en wouvmldi rest tlhe agreed to pay me the sumn of five poundé, being er than lower their character in the eyes of the Mr, BoswELL mid before the quesion was bill to pardon universally and indiscrinhnatWy. this, and it hadl engaged the attention of the ab.. tà:.J ýii;i iany (,1(nd I erson1, il, the sum ,allowed by statute. I further certit country by passding it. utie felt bound to make a few Observations, lHe never even gaver notice of such a bill. sent writers He never had heaud Wbuoe auge- ý, a 1111P 1ý;ý:à!y here ! W hy, 1t a aferwards received from the said J. . Mr. SMitt doubted the expediency of entrust- godrae fltif laeding ,o aitatioofcon- a[oonofel Prinewea ate:utrtlin.whichmentrinufavor of the meer, andhe eWalsilemged 1 ,. p 1,I,' My 'iý, bul !t it is lhold.DPunhbar Moodie, Esquire, the sum of tWO pounds ing the original documents in the hande of the i iealeoifnicultyhe votein pn therathe ri-aprtnof" theshouse wasn.tgmtied s en ylu.") teoducionofanyoe r, aindtha qt s hito mrenma to 1_-1sobediem otnshillitgs on accouant, for the etrection o h eilaieCucoadtogtth rcd tgahoenorteaedet.I h ist ClnlPinesi o.geteea4ltngv hepol ie ag nte slcino ý ý o n abs tdino esi utns; h adls'etindsi en old bie C d an houe.The grund, -place, he thought every mnember was bound lo, at this-i do not. tand ere toassert andto their representatives. p e ,- .,I : rJi lt, \ wose iaul ihlirity all thiat the Magistrates in General Quarter Ses- sai, on which hle said the bill had passedttrle athe meattrfitotrefercaince t any ve r otect therights nd prilees of itthishe and M- eabr n1NcEs agEith d athe se«gter r& sui> (.r IboýrdmIiae 'icer to) sup: sionis would alk>w for the trection of the samne. house were well known ito the publi, and thoi h aie nafre cain haha. o yef;Iwntgltysbi oha ta- euani hti ol aeteeetsaet un, ý ,,,q'lrpet thlat the "plaintiltT wvas (Signed) BENJi. K ETenEs4o,Ji. P. the Council might honestly believe that vol n-The question now is altogether difgerent ; it as- serted t theUm*are rabais amtong the rs n Mr. Manarrr was in favor of the Mouture ;dbt K* .i,ýýý,ýc..:it w a h the gýrýesct Belleville, 20th July, 1841. nous documents did exist, yet thee ebuld lbe 1& seules an entirely new f(nature. In the drait tatives of the #»ple. (Usea, hear Thetime eho e sM but contraitth& prbentt conduct of - - iwihotrci n duti id o h ag as ftecr-place, it is a question of privilege, whether the maly comte whenaV hommetàandhoorable Op- hos aiemtberswi th ht of a few hboursince, II,,. à rnth mssnes:aToteErofheKntoHrM' n tyN ucourse which has boan pursued by the Coun©tl ponent of a Mi=- meaure will bie branded wheM the partition for "h reliaigefatW i» ý:,J ily told, to be quiet, but "IlTic for slaves to lie ; and for freemento aoMpçowsasedwhthritwoldbei sndngdwnths esaeisa roe oe.asareeh'o mk tes osevtinstosqbld eros asbrugtup r4aM .m a . tu o ywhtie q ied. utaig. soi atprrepc osh onrbe - r ea. ehad imself considerable lhowernecesmy it indat wu should have a com-.it io committ--a procedng unprecedien. Ml.'Oýi E I " o e e Mmo n %--rthee lI . Si,-The great palladium of an Englishiman's fromw icha tlus requestt ea thnbed t depa rtao bas& hehr uha es eeth ite f ,g.t n nwte eevtngsoe hi ý dob ato hte ad re" hveony o e- liery asevr ee te ighhoepti o-bt fr ro teobjctofth aplcaionaswoldbe coret ousea eltin o bll ths atue. Coonl ricecocldefboeplinngtht wnre lQý' il e»es e i [,e, n a moderate.e fbehieve yout will think with me, iftlmyuan b tecsei h aedetweeaote ht-(Hear,lhea.) lHe hadlno doubit the Conned theimple question pet by ioa fewr days back té Mr. filia m med th e secd W mte the k-.e:ý nayu ,,el:, undersý,tand, that in- occur such as I have now to record, tathe wsrqie a nomaino h rud nwere deirous of obta ltheievidence ruponuhi Excellency's advisers as to whether any relief affect h" the asombers sho"ldbd h 'Oort 1iu. e& eain to nyinird-sent Executive of Canada cannot lbe said to rdwhich eueadpforatisedothe billadethen .hich this house ; ed . He (r. Doswiell) wasintended to be ofbred te any of the m'Mi.i-ansoat per die* m. arede de wa Moue ur, na nthg f.hegreatly in respect such sacred right. The home te aet h leto htta vdnelumselfhad felt hmSlf im much the samne di- ded men who hal eft thfiscountrhdWbeen(aslhe led up with 15s., and the mune nha eàlesper day I!1ý , e cdul s ht, 1of nthe isoftrictSecretary has emphatically said that the voice Of hw ame Onth question htuhtitat er tooelemmna. - ould not but ~ ne wilfullymisconstrued by in travelling to bee twenty. ",!n0 ii% ulser oantinsult tothartthe majority was to be regarded in theprovee'bdtattenlee nte.te idam- Mr. MrRrr was of opinion that the course the Editor of the 3oted Ot into the notel The committee roma and eported r 'wiý11.%e leeni promptly punished yet has the Township fromt which I write prayednriyshuofetotaehe dsnwicprosdbte learned and hon. Knight was introduction ef a bilfefr the indisriminate pardn .. th Cmmsonr edeensunheeded smnee the commencement of the year, nthey, the odOirithad pt tro deso ght thebonrd course which would reliete- the house of al ; a measre which every Lawyermuet well massa, * . ly %"T,ýry." and hav ýivotý,h(ed forthat an enquiry should be imatituted into the ot1i- they sho u tyea l ete seak forthemsl- from teldaner of collision with tbd Council.lkmow would be unconstitutional and a direct in- Mr., Parica ro'to ralfer the ptiticn Palter i b% o i ino-lriýiusly a Reformer, cial conduct of the magisitratesresidlent. The ves, and not endeavor to put words into tèr lin r.IAHRsNsadi ppae t i tfeenewthtePergtveo heConad*lprehoegnsa ee iig th nee !:ý> ch %%II c 1,onfess is rathier meeting at which the petition was doptedwas mouths. They had nothe contended, proceeded ta ogay this mtter iwas one of pure privileetherefore ilegaL (Hiear, r.) Street rioit on the 15th da -of Omctoer "J Tecrutacofhslarge and most respectable, and was presie over on, the petitions which it was na o ed to mnvolved a contradictton, because if it were a Mr. JonssTon said hie cntrred in the greter preflacedl hic Motion with following K a pýlýt- J'ikccplance he bisthby a gent leainoetadng imfluence im the county send up to the Council, but on stateàMemade matlite fpiegne theouldeotb nch tessr opato h eioil omns o hAo H aiW )th adtu a efand i;ýV4i iud >iv,or iein the minds o - epttin pam of heovreainna~in that house by hon. members, and on facto s aintheassnof ot l.Her branch fcmtHe r. hegalatohlone allad oed. ( ) ri onin ti a troios irefre the Aemo iýen1 i h tiit>wouldIbe sumption and abuise of part of the magistrates wh ich appeared in their Journals, and which had eLeiteg ass t the bHepefecmtly o- H iMr n bston) han ev er beenmorhe gasltn- frmbnunilingn e tt idth messab of wi iý-ý11dekthe Ipolitics of the ato mti -ivsn wswredwt srp-been t onsmeextent confirmed bythe acts of the tceurre withtedalat nit fth ommitihediislf haOhnfehad h a theoverme nItd ben sae htd 4Irý ,.,ý ..1i can clirdesýcribe his ].lus; courtesy, and vwas subsecribed to b y say ne- Legislature. To misrepresent t eir proceeding, ewere apomtdLtsh cies of thosevwho Colonel demnid fqgn ministers of the Crown o teHoshdben ed by manm Den, ià ,_! ;ý1i >1l tat, dowint'entwentieths of the Townshi. Such being then would lbe inconsistent with the dignit f w r o at h il ewnd oeewhetherià was the intention of govemmient te thetr crditable to hon. mo nr rbenekid a k ý, ,a;! h ,i lis lp.inited white tefcswehdhpdWhtorexettosthe house, and yet this would lbe the case vote for th mndmient, becaulse lhe thought it _abl o h eifofterbl.(er h cuty oteetr e la W ui 111,. Thlooween» o angume in behiermg that the abuse ptton'ny eeset A te adi eirable that a courteous answer shouid] be re-= .) He wasquite asrmuch astoished as the nous, nd that gentlemen Mn'iis (Je ice's) i. r;his ch re fthe.companed of Woudmèct an early euquiry ; and par pceeded on)other evidenee, they should tre . editor of the Harald had bheenm Odr re. ieo h os a atc rmtdti li. ý , rl. ,ýhu i. 11"(Prfthe ærthat satisfaction wouldbeadane to the petitioners. eterntsedu a-rseduiwalasr- Mr. Hincts aid lhe should suppotthe or He believedlhe was in orde, he muni not kt the delay. gwSuch, - jk"ý te,1ý'ln pwhtw e e alaccusaion was not founded ,- i ,ýIe 'eveO' J o beatr e otdiieethsbentersl-oenquiry so aillythe true sense of the hous. deon e aer-trnebsw. aatter lbe disposed ofso eaily, ft-gen f tacinsopoit"i onha den Ilie t edtobeafar as the petitioners have leart, has as yet been G l DheComacl ha aright to askt fur thug evi 1-The SBr n informedtehmon ember thathegvrenfrmislfrfrndinhi 12,ý . . he possiblyî intituted into the Imatter of complaint, and h ton nr rPIE a o httol eaObec b h osdrto ewsaltogether out of order anis teewsn ose1 l h ýiý,,.à!,, uure tie f eoshpfa enleenar uditube i te -peasre1gprsettiliwsnas- hecomite- otonbeorethbhos.mee sIw, saelda eprssdtoauth ,; ofl .ý',, .(ices-and mnost tar do;es it appear from their ed, and therefore hie could n!ig of the evi- The question was tisen taken uponlhe amend- -- erment in fowrd e-very mi 1 ý, *Y1 ',vicin ttig ura ntention to endeavor, by conciliatory marnners dance upon whichi the house hadUpoIInwmnt-yeas 23, nays 37. The Hoe wointe comuntteemon Membef* that ncerity ha "P* al ,,,. %,,i and a different course of conduct than that comn- examnmng the preamble of the bill, however, it On the original mnotion, yeas 36, Rays 24. wages, Part hie (Mr. P) and b'inficell d VI ýý.i1ýýi 1ý l 1lIr Ieoyu de f otaqiietevr jal riaelaae rnt fctgwi u d eauthe r ofn-- Bivoleftote vut en ath1= 1l" tedn...rs, dded. to tean e ated p erthenotcof th bosthse atiMs Jns ovdthtihebl-ber.om,Mi. fomsèthfo h in et tng too r wbuak To outh jucesbunontose t confidence. t ea d iilarofhecoIdeedn npoerac i heo er m sedfr te prpomalengof medig te psam le ayn M Mies. He wished iet attionejunst d (Mr. Prt ie iatethe proeeded Th «t IC'l l aný i d %el)ax enc e s day t eraïc ut r y f th sat body in th Provinc e n the o csrr. f theLgilt re t i nw re i ses iatowas . adtng a claust opohibit thae r eo i - ht waoth - igbuotwsuhe eleihr sect w hich et muu etem erofW , eoI r ey ha t sth tv o isExeleecold -dut _ot ha ouceame to mthcousonwhhe ayaofhae li on t heppieoioftes o te .as -eadsol e pidbthée.In.efoeti 1,0 ssee aetites (1 u olet he a1 lloane rthe ct ocielyrs ho s y eferewnchampls arvda.Tefraite fteeeto a eLSnc h etutostt ta-erlCer i9would pehap h agea wu t= pothe , ,f th lmst Ss mn fap ;,' II.[,ýille aie 1trsdis thedt udee e oitpi leursof a inth artyeentrans hand, an Ie. othsbas wud1 ýd h u t n the proveM it.o sh w se ois »en e o t e th b r i u e o .fr n fl seti he M d of F 41 _ nIdC,(,) le- neversrte nor -uicio in the oleon- u a tothreofth-tënen e ihee astre arfarther]I thad tedh oree pnolaoul oftepadfrtnls a. edobdwymch htbrismtwenhewe :I, hat IJIle th e lk-Cmmision themgsrte ftaoollarwg a th aameey wshakwthegrout ns t h ie b hioother Sàlir Robest Peeteas ell s oady lss oue oul proe a in itho e mter. (r.siritiold •e»Wý; ,sotadcniene macinet rhbt h beero a1ýtâ v oagbtwael hysrvi h ujet*âh1ms a hs aeao rai e . ',ld stopay theer all o e-and torofmuhtboyunce hisPovfaranceadse and he i rm te agcitsons.Thsiste rt hihocurerpaehewae. lloss f Mr Nas ILtepa wtufwge . -1"Mb md, e em Al matwaiht h ohrloa ates r onend.Fvnt t h1thtseea awtanesto etht ta ero wrelcont etpted yteBi npesie u n peetts f h on hti i tom . - -.7 to " ' inu ot n nsane" hevoeÔTwshdslet t o a be d ae the congislaiCounciw" e giae emoa tm ,fMwme hucSire Ann m te, ad he seidbyt m Me & am " opR e et-- ed(money1forlaother "anid ec iof bis who may ut il,1dreit onlclprmiy fkcm ilout. eler I mst o' ansaPeel. inm I i ~th ebo be deeri- orCm",ht fth oo alfodeofth dstic r pre- gesamm n as, rthe - ae of t proprtion of the witnesses more thankfull ame e jéýat o ieknigt Te ot : te cfthen n- e-denetuait lM dmsses nanda tewtru h ant e. mte ite adles h . g ý'telr thle 28 d ow l be(rlc nly yah , yandd re fince egeietsA y nerho ta e to be t a ee pl ion ef oris v s o ld e mt ler-- - . 1tei i fr heC ", tge ea l a nd te1. of* haul f. i n eage omSideahul bA eglradru rn7.ssgstadip e.pae" he -e. g et ks ah s but the system never ican:nYouret edthabremtm ro ofstatae ,waanseui n ththl•a on hm mBadwe adhe mst cetainl.coi cie za ania6thytheaïtiame 1es_- - il y -UrIiCakuhted to ae rog h Tuenoi "FhATuUm TA1las- grlyietr adcrisnocne ihemtheraesearkso he hdm. teen he meE- s ri ues- btd ti great m gie PetrII pao oetmn n o SemuNrhm unewiae n fr frt%-s'am .wege sex wiait h agn I=t de Sir o 1 -We.t nom» > e J& ,, onl1Il1 % , .stile oa erjry ban d 22 Julyeni '91erm, 1 41nw eforeiah the bil of t ri 1 nhe am s af- esh We te r m e otn si ta t should "I d or how o dvem thmes Mr.ipsalle a riend thpatypcm--aciet ofitf. hrfreei iit at wasatecpin.Tee vdene. hemame ip he'tatth ý . n llls e a e et&I oe nthe Frone enerin tbtel lin ti prita hemsaewa - t o hs -a owrat W ncoigt eea ttd ii ythe 1, ! t q. eu e ks ghco rse., eh eee n to ndh ofe, but reallyfto acquire a t thechasion.1 Other hem. -rqie s.em mma-aers, andes , l nw.ter eer rleha t asbentouh sg1 at sonu an. athere is- on e ng whihrI -act wjain o atilar eSetand * apal࣠lé Ipe tmie ed lid s - W. •••be J»M th-e0 Ob e 1 n ae de d airs to nr- o hnethepr e eCutofi Szd dtaeithe cseof ge ihalirthsraaIs e Of t irRabt pr e tAil te w eitnt the"ll e sk ti dprcat m etilan in . 6ae han s i balle l at te ater feem inrteiaisrtaigo o lup a mmarwtor ;W ta M 4»wkm thhirgrise hm Wbtehe is er imm ' flie n4ncsr o thknwlll f .seerBitshM (har aa1hÿa J 1 n i s ruhat favithfmp nd eewpalles A l e r ARX"M *0 p- mBeu of wagon- na Conrt of objet-the loamced--aterh eald huedanerlyis g .feras sd$s c eidehe;otmm e àw * A»m Theiws in.te fuet I0tee eanb••om*••m e.en si..he ,-øil Mlght be fu WehrCm h iw hs s eie oepnetŠ- h aeaauratrt ft estio risd te, oners et thé Bt o r , de11Î, .=endu - - Pale " than ", o a Mhan g ftheleseti - e d th"els 1ýere lawed Mu Mn* *abye 'onO , utec es cun-e_ - -&t- er of 1' ilittv ile epreentone"isofthe rldatns eare cen e eeniset-LaIfease lwto a t he oerpsobaus toyei yiigm andithe ,à& assabI a Me: Tbepq et 'Mt "old. " huieqes n d iftall e- t i opthimat ther My in t edstntd e»es wi& th à de anRad e s at Asme =y maci"-.- -- ( kl, ni f ,Ca foreaof "li-.1," Tia h n-mien fiees w r.loar t t in bik' thatl oto stiin 1hon t r .S coraL adh nh oýeae eso i- gyQi i.e@m S Oruien t y Bt o IhaIdmadd , re MLed ad'heres ndMrpass massuweld ide e d the ropiety ofth e n.gmis T hnnsenat M.pM& n heeyo à s¥qlse i per Canadvua %»l*s thwt n ,l th:e " R ,,rtheSecrem"tarkly o tt a ele hthe lawemit ftrii ith he. s.'nlte amegr und Te rorietrsof te"teme, irRoerZPe'«n=a obue» taughti tha w. -M ýt eiubl-tr, - €@ , 1#9 no.IC Oncm R SALE ;nuff iffer, per, rire, fe e, ýo coffer, wili., R Il. & T kA ýthcribe r, cheap for a ai Tar X 9is M, randy. 1 coir'd Sheny , Spaper rch, J. LENTON' 8. A. B. & C he Welland HOMw. Drtmvent of CAnuet gi le, Fang land Cae i H A1RS. urle.1 and pin Mlapid peromytiy attendde, Uinues to keep on bun in the abuse lins, au wa vy stoc k of Taned i mvry description of Ci bt the reduced 1 rimi a JOHN IVEs k ; Indigo Blues, Olk Mixtures tre. wvith BI SAt E H. HA AL ES & Ce 8111. t OU NG LADIl rrived Item London, 1 leave go annoate lui >f Kingston and its %i Mlother eh@ has olo * )rthe instruction Of yll aenebes of Endluh fù ýc and the French L mar and Geograiphi j irsn t4ben aparts in Brock Street, «enl Iler. cv. Migr. Ilerthmier. Sizes, Dunstable and DI"'* Subscribers, Sten' 54 R IGNEY ir Caomb and FWer i, l fd W MqemorilaÏ14tiim ,d to ail bumss js ette s s28, ýTICE. ING LOTS se dlicatis te 94s Block C, *ahe 1 .GE OKILL nA 1801. y E RY T sest, mesiy C besd lavF iria. *r8& CA-NADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL & COMMERCIAL. KINGSTON, CA NADA, TE ESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1841.