at Iert 11n îrsymig fer aoi OP j 115on, thé ett ulil «,ftiis t Eamt ('w i 1 liîî Il liqli iry 11.IY lie 44 litenhi.lt1 t. f thme Uti' Yiiv iiC fîgîîî tn, îrtu be ien htrîil t1 1t' I f le l i t i h i e l or ' r . î î t tiUité asIrimn., li1e nhUdit îîî. lei ltti.,îîjut ui'for tit uurttv ère rai 4eC di>-ýtràs C, NOhI, titinavfu aull>, tîîîl tit i il in iii thtie i t FeeCi t lttri'lrtttct itt hiere v11i iLuit1. tte tcu:vî- i y lti, i I a l tîtî1îîî. >r - itil C'tt il l It tea t, e tii . I. e f1. s..' Nv rc"rrv t'. .U I rv dig t , Ilm, '-l-ui rire tima 'itl lýr' PAL'MIA MENT. riipied a iii i- lines ti-'l ici é.it' et.éU! 6~Ibtir., mer f tiie fttt'irv ilcgced l*reebL<'tcre4 lié fi' Jet' filte s1'i the thîttn ; Ihiat bitattéc i , la tlîa ii,îllttver, rît y amlsolg nitglîrs. 'l hiâtes ;find itit ftar frît tiie pence liad fiecni r mîîany yearv, aitd bal neiglmeh" ilt t b t Frida the l!I"t c ébillm tui%(,te hv I] 1 hy udr. P'rintce vn a Ni! té b"-é'cn iiil'té lt ailiten tt5t, thait MEt hé illccssary fit tril lins froisi the l'louer, îery powerall t'ne.1 t thel could ust att "le Et onht to bc. autu lie Iluencet bv thé ibhm isec msen go fItr"Id tIl rivé Ilseir VOLMt sudno a rneakiiig wy 1 ifi t tieydifl. iffbth, ;vite a t pmcitti tat alégibn cif Je"!ç ,g therme bolul'f'1 tut credit lu hu' liei issy b, cosTcth ré ,lmbitatn Of éti ual wé »sY né t, the absWeiit -"0 n. elsai i = i x ait dter- -hé.m, 7of thêta, havàg nl Ç »10r" rlt ilf le thé tf deg.» the Houge Méily aulthe Il c the reslutiOné, after an b0- o e The report andt resouinis 0 l9 ,.r.cartwrigl, wbo by hus1 09*hefperhape v Cmet l' uI eof it. lie plsete ii, rtadoceaté ai pauliate abail dIwal~e. pêo cf aithéexcuséeofilreil oobWuotrsewas nothing lésé OL 91sgeul bow they laspered with the OW -ftî..uréthe worlungla- lit < ugd luchdiversion.A ' : er~tîy arewith the hon.i w Ilteo vwif thos were his1 Wfiovornd thir intrnic value. i.bcu Awk uérofits, andl they arc ilien ,bva ré uctoin the value ci itable 0tndrd. t was b U 3ILE hal ifplete iln f lie tw b re ~1inite téof1 aie c rOyact énable 1 The dalance, te enforce at il le thesof tit tu ir I 0. t diveti sne was caus- Th~ie by M. 1Uarwght, thalthéb îII ia lrnmad a léa iiiI v e hmi e cé alled tbeVc te ers of tl'ao« of5 bpto tbéhleéc h no tte lo el~, thlut the W"sItg s> élwUby thé Legislaturé yn t1 h utif r. C. got ne cm- ZJ*tdPhIlul<lwl 'y. J wasquickly Spiedd rd rfor the pourL 4$] flu at woutd have Io lhé sus-c te Iatbd to jet tt'fal upvîn thé jii 1élti t thébantiks hiw]im- ar uatW, ,i, suIl ,ilver coingr, and t;" 1t 1blc t a1lrge profit, andl it ,lte les mildhéreturnéd frontm tht tat t1é1, (if any) toightc a r arCr r. Morris, a bank1 l: set gtma1 lngth, and gave *éeret rp.itiiiofthe state of thé dalu~ I thé ioplistry of Mr. Mýt tfilîe milJ- ad silter coinS I âO '111 -fe\cti,)are 110W.fixedd 'ipriu.'lie tsoveréiggilis r'j cupericitovetépar ; its 221 l td.Eiglish cruwniw . Ir urt. l hotigne per cent roi Il Ilts i,,diicéitat to pay a deht1 Et le tL tIf,it wllbhéreccssarv to t , t £U~"i au of coins Illust MIi'uji the iSipoJitioli ithat tlic cx- ju ' ivs bc fel, or twelve per ce.t ý :vuTrttaa-The Ciiinittée ap- Qjr ie csîttemeul lection for titis1 siedt ittilIiaoiTueulty Isat.Mr.1 waitîtabué tii)rcue thé chargé of rthe î' ivt tint, ig iier, anîd le con- tiic I m i l itsprovifs of ISéi i.r:iI-' lthe Retîrîiiitg (>icr.- g h't ilt . "mi tli- iecortituitte1 1 ~.iit't IIrttrttiiig Nerms- titi ~ ~ ~ SC. i:itr\iitiit C tt ouimuel .t-l i ,tite h'i'jurl t flieCoîniîttte t iotI Ii' 'etîtr Iliii. litr.e sîîpoiitéd t 't-' I îi'-t fortir lie ('uusty t-i éethe ttîîîîîr tii reIP'rt the foi- s :i é tîn ic~lter ti-llport ot thé t]t- T î ii ti ig, %IliIr'tlc s n tds -r'i itvIti' t', ,,islitive Z.21_1s I <',."i 'tlictltiig tiectute have f,5 PIIi tt i it ti,,n itîear tiithits Coin- Nle' t' ii ib,,r has by hinIul i i 'rit b'îî ntllué of Jibery. ÉTi it tie l'c'ittîîîtîi*tMatlie* MIuldk1 bS.tiît'rîtihy theé couneél toc te'i-ct, 're vtteriî,i mte evidénce1 hrltu u' the vii liitîtît fafrivolous I é'im lec t "ft'î illt litting Ment:- 1,t ii r>r ltitlivc sihi ittet. A. N. MIORIN, t'hairinan. t ' rrrîfthe ltit itîl orltmcsiirs et 5v tiltu ithiailaholding tIsé !t i;u-.tiîtttd 'miéare uOp0iio té ttt. ' d fét liteusulal have boan .t.p.liciver, ne it is mlow '.i... 'c..f.t..(fartirularly Illco 't't'theii~lt b.itles th leir cma 1,1- ii lter sp. I"tt ' teinut thecé are set- litVe vt tîlataré in Pese. tii en~iliîrtîtu, jýthé Amaerila tuii.iCedttheb 1lttaîof thé Luwer ta tItl i4siuid tc %vecy iicont'éeit t.taîItîd East afler a long -ft e, you irjl bvé thé atithtit îe m tsmo - G-vrnieultehave 'roiîicitl l'arliasment to attiiîltle at an, Cro;a Lani s4 éttaada ior tCnada Wést; tIr t humnble Servarg' ; A MiLT.iI MANé raon L C 4li azeaiutte of Tlsursdav, Bays th"i -ýul ser ît5l~statitineit near tl i 05 'léthe dair prévîjou, an capturing - tnvurite 5fth Iisgiinéntai pro- IIIChambly. Thsé deters wms Zbtlor.î1to aboat whitb tt*uludui. Pb 19 tihen théeuolunîéérs Catié'up -'- t'-to(rnithié latter, a ittle t 'ttVt- aild, but un agni, fiig téitni, h rovere gave up, adePi-zo f tlefugitives. 4the iélatter ouap e isilcéaI IL-O théesMorningutfStl, L, aou5t ella~e k a etrct.* kat à i Stre, Montrnt, abicls % e , n g ,at o g a th r a s i e - ýpsu"f wiC i ls e il 1sade ln 21t% thé ther partally se. M laoui bene etdon thé pro. of ét t£3,00(t,M Wo hagto ackaouritgoe ie miptafa "Cir- cnhr," front the pou of W. N. Crawfonit, Esq. coelainiag a eah cf thé FeudliTenaire of Lower Camaait, tsogiraicu ai nd tai sadaptai te couvert kàJuta Fao Sople Tenure. Thé la a subct net genmUly inii1 Ial i Uppar, Cntsbut in thé papw er ainthé ahole syatens is ne sbply, ézlcitly, anid ahi7st lords, that ne onitmnary namni dsimg cm aomIte itiscover thé exact practical wcnking cf thè scheéin; andI wc IliMa u extensive circulation uf thé "'Cimlar," le thé appor part ut thé Pro. rissé, adIltlmrow mulfimét ligksIopen thé subject te eaablé aIl who rmailfully te uniteatndil.- Whether or n ehre bc asmy polîtical motive la the présent egm*itic we îISow net; but certain it in that thé holding of lande upon thé primsciple of the éoduial teuré uf Lower Canada, la net ap plicable tu thé présent advanceit state et civii_- zation andi progperity of thé country. Wé sIl prtbbly in an etrly nuutmber, publiaist tse Circu. b ulr soNleeling assurai Ih"toui reailérs will ecive correct information, sandituly appreciate thse merils of the trork. CorqcvaRT.-Mr. J. M. Brown, laIe freint New York, andt Mr. H. J. Mumli, froin Londton, will give a Concert titis cérig at thé British Amer. ican Hulel, commenciag ai 8 o'clork. Frinm the favorable notice takén of thése gentlemeni by the New Yock presé, te anticipate for thé lovera ot Music a téet cof much rarity. Tickets, 2s. 6d1. te hié bai ai théeB. A. Iloel, the Lansbtoan Hose, aâd théBok Stores. MiELANCIIoLy OctiEEtce-Ofl Sunitay lamst, Mr. lémry Barkcr, (néyshew te Dr. Barléér, cei- ter of the Whig,) wu drtwe in lsthé Catacaqui River hélow this town. It appearstIhé laitslhé- lotigimg tu tic Whig Office, hait gosse eut sailing in a bam, and t aking it intu théir héast t go ini batimm, tée ddiaset dove into deep water wlth- out Ibeing able tu swimô, andt untortunately sankitu risc n mîo om.-Ile was 22 ycarmet age. IVe 'ioulId draw the attention ut thé pub1ac, anit paticularly et naturaliste, te the exhibition cf the Giraffe, or Cameleopard, tu lic shawss lu Brock stref, aoit tmé gounit turmnerîy occupieil ly Mr. Bamiford's lotel, on Munday ntmé We beg me direct public attention ta thée Sle hy Auction of Dire Goode, Crsmckcry, Glassewam, &c., at the Stores et Mr. Il. Calder, un thé lUth inet., and likewiiie to tIse Sale ut Liquors, Wiuéé, Téas, Fruits, Groccries, Crockery, Glassware, &c., at tié Waréhouse ut Mr. Juisiph B. Hall.- Thèse Gouda, wé are persuadeit. are weîl worth the perticauar attention uf thé traite. John L)asidson, Esq., bas beén appointeit Coi. missierter of Crown Lande. We are uinable to give, tur want or rous, moure tîan the tolloth-ing extract fruina thé Europeem uor tie 111h uIt., ceived by thse Great IVsteris Tisé other newe howeyer, is uniomportant. ARRIV'AL 0F TIIE GREAT WESTERN'- IThe Electiens arce110w nearly over, the e x- ctneît lias hemi treijiendous, tint thé contest as hen a itardy fougt eue.Thé oult, we have érvreattont.e1héliev ill réalize uur pre- dito îth at ubr of te urupean. We thoen intimmatéd that Sic Rohért l'eel's accession of supporters wouhd givé lau an avantage over thse Miiiistry tu the éxtént of btwe 60 eut 801 vote,-.Ili@, gain te thé presentimrnent tuîly snb.. stantiateii that opinion. Tliere are 658 méembers n thoCoiomons. About MO0 scats have beén al- ready fillei. 0f thesé 3P20 are occupiéd by Consecvatives, and 240 by Liberahs. Messrs. Waiuand roga Cenervatives have unseateit O'Cuns a,"i to n forniiCity et Dabirste Mr. 'VasUhu en usvitlsuatopposition lusttk Hum elishen rjectéitftrnm Leeds and Lord Igoaick troamtise County et Norihuns- berland. Thé Qissen ut Hanover tiéd ons thé 201h uit. Te théedîAtor et the Itépton HragLd Sie,-Aa étitorial article ut thé Monmral Ga-- zette of the 27th iust, qustions thé power aftis. Asaesnly tau imprison any onse (mach léssant Ed.- ieor of course,) for breaeb uf privilège against tisf liody. Noel, Mr. Etitor, nu paper lu thé téloihncb et Lower Canait so violently up- heu tha preregaite as thismare consistent!f Mcéli<a] Gazétté; héil thé Legiélativa Cvý,il of I.ower Canada ordered Mr. Duvernay Edittr of IlLa Minerv," andsi M. Tracéy, Editer ot thse Vinticator, te thé Bar ofthtia Honorable Hous, andi flusely te thé Quélsée Gadlfor ue é usali, that istuosayIo the endof the Seosiém, ter hey- 0ni puisedetcertain litters xigsseil "Penser y' Bien." Thé Gazette migisi sty "non mi recffl do," but such receet tacts cannot hé lest iglimt « eier by thé public or- SFur JusTirrÂ. Kingstoun, 29th July, 1841. WARS.AND RUMOIS 0FWARS. Thé Woodstock, (N. B.) Telegrapis@&ytys i reports are in circulation tisat two euusae Amrcan troups have gene tu thée e' rui of Aroostook, une compaoy te Fort Fal andso thé thér tla 1islsRiver. ThicorctUncfet h repart las nt vouched tor-hut »a Togap sayé if it hé correct, the trufa that 1 aét Maîawaska trould prohaiily rene aàtt h a lys Now that thé M'L.éoi question ie probably pet tu reàt ft ctér; it in ut ai uastraie#tietthé Boundaq Question slolitengo héie umi of thsé Americant. There le vr litho icubt, Ihat théy will, cre long, have und.tlantei pouesé- Ine uf the îerritory liniispute-ijdnaita Tiome] MLNciMoLY AcCcrna'- WOare nforussi that on Sunilay Iast, G. Buchanan, Esq, of thé Chats,, andi Magistrale ofthIis District, net WMt at untinseby itath. It appemr that eus rumang a cribb thaugh »e v i S crneA a p.sIa»d robouisiht wI..p acronétth Miarr- SsIyvCeam4a e lcim e a. utactum e tsw swlb ic ronmmala tu», imi c«i 'méeAi thé Ww. 16 oul~r Il y« TO THE ADIMIRERS 0F NATURE. IVONDERF(TL PRODUCTIONS. 0 N MOXDAY 91À Amiu, will hé exhihitéit lu Kingston, ue uf the most lieaiutiful living spécimens cf thé animal king"os yet known te civiliseit man, liL The (liraffe or Cameieopsru Tahew, tameit,&sai spoteit tronthe désert ef Seti Atrica, in S. lat. 23j, by une of the Propri.. etors. Tisé gigantic proportions ani stupenicus hé.ight, tIse héautitully variegateit skia, adtotw- lez gat tfthilaglat tof tihe desrt; naturaliste . ansi ai cintillé mmen in évcry part of théetrorit whére they have -et beéti seemi, have proncunceit lhemlu he entimely sui generis. 'l'is ismow thé only ue slivingi0u1 thé continent ofNorth Asérlca. Tisé Proprieturs respecttully invite the Citizen@ of Kingston sil the vicinity, tu cl ami née this wandertul animal as their stay ail] heo nly a few itays, as hé must cross thsé Atlantic héore thé wéatlscr becoiies tee colt for tIis ative uf a burnig lime. Thé beautitul AF'RICAN GA- ZEiLE 1ýis and lés héén with thé GimAFi'E since shé left lier native soi!, attcusuhetbý a native who was brougbt citer %viti theam. A splenid pavil- lion large emiugh te contain 1000 spectators. wil be fitted up un Brock Street on the site ufthtie Ilotel forîncrly uccupiéd by Mc. Banuford. Adiiissios l. 3w. Chiltren under l2yeare,71it oeèvu orFREqUJESTS. d ioérebyeertttytl1s±havehai a fair ad ofteut éboght éf.rethé ommissioners cf té Curt t Rquels, m t insTown, who haié pronouncéil a hunsuit, upon thé oatls ofa person of exceptl.onablé ciaraclur now cniol m Kinigston Gaol; andi as said wilnessune= went a private éxarnination without my know- leitge and 1 conceivé thèse gentlemen Coummis- aluners to hé men in evéry partieular as. (alliblé as 1 amn, wbile such canduct is perinitteit I hope lu sec thés inîquitous Court abulislsei, a Court of Justice substitutcd, and thése wooitén Commis- sioners sent about their propér business. JO IN McMANAMAN. Kingston, 3d August, 1841. EXTENSIVE CREDIT SALE, BY AUCTION. 0' N Tuesdtuy thé lti instant andl followin Jdays, will bc olalit thse stores of thée81mb- écriher, a gêneraI assortmnent of Dry G0odii, (,Y&*-. ccp, Glnqaror, 4-c. 4-é.PFr partîculars scechand bills. Ternis oh ;iayisîcnt libéral. Sale ech day at Il o'clock, A. M. IIUGII CALDER. Auici iorucr. Commercial Wharf,') Kingston, 2d Auguet 1841. Er<TENMWn1 #MZ 0FGROCERIES 4-c. 0t N THURSDAY 12th instant, anud tolîowing,4wal héoffèred t atthe warehou* e o Joseph Bl. Hall, Front street, Kingeton, vis; A v'ery général assortiment of LîQuots, Wtrs4s TEAs, FRUITS, GRaCEauîs, CuocsézaY, Gti.a wàit, &c. &c. Terme libéral. For particularsne Catalogues, contents of which will bcuonview the day previous to thesalle. I UGH CALDER. Kingston, 2d August, 1841. ]PA" F»MSAUL. p ART ot Lca 21and t22, in the seventb con- csion et Emust town, contaliiug ahout' M0 acre-being an impruvéit fazm, premantly situatéit, sid unilér a guot sUite ot cultivation, vplodwellWngsIhéreon. é . apply ta .HTI GEËORG;E HARDY, WATCH AND CLOCK M1AKEB, Neér lthe Post Offime édfacmmg CssloIrn Begs lente te intimate that leh an inportéit a 13large supply of golit and ilver Limiton nutié Wachés, plain ansi patent Lever. Alao Enpliih Statioary, Books, ansusper Scotch Qinel &c. &c. Kittgton, flOtiJl;, 1841. lOal I NFORMATION lé wanted of GEORGE kTHIOMSON, ahoni bis sinter Elizabetà TInonmleft ie Montréal aioà ive or six veeks MMsholi umw living et 'Mt. raudéo'shustch. etd. amumxionste hmearfmad&Il.. Kingston, 3d Auguait, 1841. GOVERNhMNT NOTICE. SEALED TENDERS ail h Wreécivesi at the Commîissariat Offissé .ltato, M. D., umitlmnon on Wednesdày limé 2fth day of August xluta, froinavy pers or lier- sons &&eaiosof unterissg imContracta for thse umdermientionesi. UAND TRANSPORT AND) CARTAGE j»or»« isquy'sService fur one y«rim ~*Oeluhe , lte 3Otlm Séptember, 1842. ZamlTianspoit eween Kingoton& Tora"to de. de. ingu= reacotLý dc . do. Kmpo&3.néaPM lu& a inand] about ltse Gsviom ôf rendeè andi Fm9yU eobtainesi onr4 piicat~s~ jeta bond ith for i fahWperfc~acf i é hé Thu ufr e émnarlêl Vaon ù envelome- Ttpf r1tis Tiasporti ý»d Camtgé TueMa 4 on Ber. Maieqty's8î vice w bie iko on u e«the Cam.- M R.-WODsuteurcDm a, mal ressua kre wtvéks at thé Mansion xèém, Suai lia GOVERNMENT NOTICE. S EALED TENDERS wiII Le received ai thé Conmissariat Office, Kingston, M. D, unfil noon on Wednesdajy thse 25tlsdey of August oexl, froin any person or perlons de- ions of enterimmg imb Contracta for sipplying Hec Majesty's Forces et Gananoque, wiîb BREAD, VRESH BEEF, FUEL WOOD, andl STItAW fur B~.t%.îCmcBanDIN, for one year franu the Iat October, 1841, w 3Otl Septenmer, 1842. The Tenders te expres thse rate in Curmency, in %vords et length, for whicli eaeh supply will hé furnisaed, vis: Bread at Curréncy pérIl. Fresh Beef at Fuel Wo od ut . per cord of128 fi. Strow f at !, fiib Beraack BeJdingat f er unueof b Tise B*iAà . bché fl, 1~s~~an1dià È mànutbfli' d ftotu befeUandi baei]in 4 gnd 4 Z I ,rux. fausa Bza, to Le of the bestq liyO or Heifer, and] no otmr; liéti, (cet = aa cacluded, but mia Suet wîitdrawn; las hé çmt L kiMei-. anr requicel in a dlean work- Thé FUELc. Wo wconsiai of équal pro- r aos of sauni], mérchantable liard Maple, 23 landau Yellow Birch, andi Béeh, each ste la h 4 in length, andi none lésa than 3 inches in diaineter aet thé amail end];t*bd évery çord to contain mot lesa ldan 128 cubid fet4 Englias n1tiaslath: Ie Sra.êw fofthé BÏiChaîtB'kDVIiJ wt bc gond. aweei, liâtid Oaten or Whéaten Straw,to bc putup in bumdies of 12 lbs. caci. Thé Bread], Frésh Beef, Fuel Wood, ami Straw for thme Bumck Bedding, ta hé délit. éred bylthe Conuéeret i s own éxpense, et thé respective Eachkanaud Quartera of Unliîmmetionable Security, aubject tw thé wiHig t entr i a ond iththeprincipal for thé faithful performance of thse Contract muat Le given on thé Tender. Payint will bc made Ly chek on a Chu,- teresi Bank. The Tender tw Le maricci]on théeémirel- 7e,«ITmder foar supplies ta lier Msj»M's ore tG-anaque." Fortiesof 1Tender mm beobt.iaed et tiseCon,- Cgîo any furthet. ltsna- "0 NT NOTIEL da£ ÈT T]BÇN«EUS vil ibd m,'eeii 1), uital Doon y of1e2~1 alb wu VUa am FuOR tSi.,AiL 1YvIllaciL quise cmté trmse. * iw Khs md Jl KwOab4 O dlui KlgTOAn, SSi 5.,MM _Sh ýat Gd"- S tteComaimariat Offce, Lngtow &. D. Until Doon cm Wedoosdaj lteElth daY ofAuguat -4 i rm av* per- MM desiWeofe enteasng inte Contracts foir - wying lMer Mié 'àForcés ai Premque laie, widi B MADj PRS B E U- EL WOQD,.*ad STRAW for Baaac Baamxu, lor. anc year frin lot OCltobir, 1841. ta 30à sSeptenuber, J1842..L Thé Tendez, tg express tiér tc. in ei 'cncy, 6u worda ai léngth, for wblch ec iupplj wilhl e furuiabed, ',.z: Biradat . . C r r eny per L. lt'eah Béef at l Fuel Wood ai "Peicord Of MRj flarrack BeJddng at r bunilie ofl2b Thé BREAD to Le fresh, swééî and gnd, nanufacturéd frein fine flour,.and baked in4 andl 2 Ibés. aves. The FRS11 BEEF 'toh4 of hti be.* quabity, Ox or Heifer, andl nu other; iscada, feet amnd offlus excluded, but nso Suet with- Irawm; lu Le cut Up in pimsce in a dleau 1 UE WOD t conistc£equal. p'ro- >rtim of aound, merchantable liard Maple, %1or Yellow Birch andl Beéch, eakch4-ihk io b 4. fet inlength, and none les&in dian. éter dmt 3 inchés at thé imaîllend; and cv- bry otôtolan fot leus thoan 128cubic ee, Eng]4 ~measure. ?heST1&Wfor BARRACe~.»E]P- ~IIG tcbe gu eet, soupel, Oatqn o, ýr bueatenraw, tebh put up in bunies of 2 Ibo. *eacb. Thé Bréte, Fréa!m Beef, Fuel Wood, andi Strav foi Barrack J3edding, ta hé delivced by the Contracter a& bis own expense, aI thé repéctive Barracks andl Quartera ci l e Troops. Unexceptionable SecuritY subject tw thé appruval of thme Coimmiasarmat wiII hé rcquir. dS, andlie naines of two r;.4Iblé jhraon willing ta enter into a bond with the Priica- pai for thé faithful performance of the tJô4l- act, muai hé bpven on the Tender., Payment wilI bc made by Check on a Cliartcred Bank. Thae Tend'er ta Le markeel on tdie envekoje, Tenders for sup*plies ta lier Maj* t 's Forces at Presqlue îlie." Forma of Tender ma hé obtajned on application ist thé Com- issariat Office, whére any furtmer informa- tn will be alrorded. Commiasariat, Kinigaton,. M. D., 22nd July, 1841. (IOVERNMENT NOTICE. s IEALD TENDERS will bc receiveit a« thé conmmmialsiat Office, Umigitoit, intil moa Monday the. 9h Ausua , frocs amy perses or persans insko.. of enîcrin; osto a coaliaI1for sop- p!yimmg for Hot Msjcsty'i eaîvice, 2, C01BîsAlsMb frails, sweefsnd shaaten FINE F oai. hest quarity, ta hacwrrantai t o kep sweet ad guit C sixmmntii fics lb. date of del Wéy im Ber aestyl etoes.àamh bqmrl te bave the. biai of the mi#iaI wich 1h.efleur is manafscl- roianI~t~cn~19 16 ]bu. aom etthbrwlaci àupgbddbaueor ki. Iii.aMm 1, ~ ~ 5tehp eliveraiten o eloe. tie wu C.go clh b.édo e blo t th Tii.tendetsta arjesin Irons at lcmgtb, thé rate in2~ahM ~pn7 etaiesud ach barrel cf laur > wldpi@WcmimtoIleer hMaJiy'a stores lbre trou M g at. cer I tâetuwie h i coq- tract # 4 . ,- t'. The W a rw.44k wIaet 'xisnortha eontaer, b iiai stu lbes piei by ti~h* Cauqiisiat O r. Tho.teasta l re d a"n tIsecarclaM, Tea.. Iss bus a suadat e"mi"am ofties ontract usy héebu . a*"" i"Pue" u tuMliaCbumssuist Oc vuamble Bu"ISmS IN THE TDWN 0F. KINGSTON r HESubacrihr, héi.n ', bit te- T HE ié i nd another lirtush of blîttipbis, o0cfer forsahis,*aluuble premiss a.h corner of Montréal and Store Streete, Leing part cf Ilot No. 336, meaauring 26 feeit front ou Store Stréét by 132 feet on Montreal git on wi s erecied a timée story brick Baild- ing,,.éaurlnÉ 26 by 36 feet, with perfectly dry c@ý susider thé wholé, and Warchonaie au i hokleorrataub«id e-rpimediateposseasion gilrit.'. spl u él e jcMiba, cmu tnsses ifby loer. po<I SU. Téi * - . ILTIUODO. feton 6MJuy, 1841. là DISSOLUTION 0F ¶ARtTNnSIIp. " IJDLIC NOMIE mu hcreby glus, liai lis E- '.' rtnemihi 'inting uadetic Bas eTw ' by uoulcoeno, the.baisiu aWi héefi., t cariait on thoi ague pramiss bt>, Cp..maa Wfi 4wcju the-asud _jea bs =.ý9-r fi5 w un elàd"eeby thé mmn. - . . 1, n.; 1.I i; n mpau Beo opcsv~ e~tsstheénwMrgtIn cale,ê étaeF1 whl 80ddet eiite-a font 4.:': èî. !-. ..d4 VERY LASGE SPILLZ<G IPORTAVONS, Wai foc as the. Chspoui, suW Dm"ut a VAIEStocks cf the Mmioïd"qc tàqaip Vebe Tb@ Sek cesdia elqpiOodj ieisaao hr iUa îa Y na. 4-.7 lotCM thé peru"viii l am vin tems ffl(hcal m @#«d s.tb iheIhaa, uu~a T 0 LET~.1-0 two no" iuWh sq »maésh iuly, 184L r~,wl i~ THE KINOSTrON HERALD1-TUESDAY, AUGUST3, , 1841. il p »wweBu av I.tbW chairs, &_ ilUnthéPMsU" Of aM. MIL Go"%s FeRmW ire t doe, Nuofst fMue.W. & J. Wdown. 'a, vi e héhall m en saih toe, Au *"of liwrs bét rnaaunus@Wu .IM fud = mSSj tpaa-dcAgsI GOVE1UMENT NOTICE..l. ÉLCunthl*sti& ~ B achB"Came E fNIMRS bcq Wo ascéaie t Use1I.2. eZ mtU.14 34 l&i crullTapi Cana Sea" hrmeny persan or et ii .~aîTwd 1wmitr»Ats lm ierM EP, ~h,< ~ FOMGE* atdse thuet KiqdouFortBéé7 < an Pen 1néno fg m yar froit Oct_ . kPi3RblÏ7NO JEAD AND BI&CUIIHI. Ca sTall ib4Oaantei, 0The read and is cuit to ise f- __- asit e il-i, t tlmsi~i>yteC<um"asrat, a'ni a oihoe-~ air mecs3l ~ei ae . ne W treFt hecm-aýi hemer Prices, aldag taumeitsI. Stores,anth tand scia e ie.ekrieA. S. TRUMEULI., by the Contractoe ai is lown oqénasat the re,. pectve Bsrrac pmas ml Q6ait% of thé.True 81s' a sandat e et tô"iuuat LV 4rc. Mtes, ahén;eerrSired. A ARGE u"atté~o4~e'N.I Thé Teisiégte atatoe tahdiér of pound'; of LtEwrcsh Cuus,.smgu gon tréllbalai Bread amd Biscuit ta hae deliver.. Cape,t. Jli cntlale1#,uj e evsjtov100 l11&..Fleur roceved » a ah>, byé~rê u 5NCQ IU Tb mu e ekila drteà .Thée pty Bar- .OIerB7k& o 1 roIs tu be retumueittthé oemaant Inigton,21W* MA I* Te ofithés et qsalsty, ozxor Bie, amnie E. MsPé%~ cthar, talae daovétt ed thé "!=,eailir ré- AjusY.C=& t fera.sMM t" ,lss apeclfreBnr"eIyti ihUrl.uteCW. quaVrs,*thuesu., it~Ithoaéside, fSct, Kigst a î*N.~ - ami 1.. Ui Ton" aà. kei h peua -ousinHalifax cunpun i* n eà t nt.' ~ FORAGE. 'r i chan er" Tobeftelseàstquaityhatcanbé sacet amnIdr.and ut the mibfyas Cossmissaariat PFageYar".. Thé Tender taestate thé pricé paer Ration in LADIM fe 8 &W -oiTwist Totile She Halifax curmuicy, in words aidembéis. Cobe fe sill t For Cavâky and ArtiIlerý touies, thé ration *N J. COOlI. te consist f- 1 t july 26t)4 1841 .. 10 " .of Oats,<or when i4~ré 14Ibo. Bran as 1~PER UQ1JS in lie%1) 1. 1 ifulmeésc ie swa sio-aq 12 lb. of lfai or iuring thé season 36 Ibo. Gréen =UJ~h aga. ujust roceiveil sstfoSa ram in eu,) ory lea, by M& .. 1- . . t:i N.J. COON. Toet8!aud Regiocsstal Hore- I Corner. Brock & Masr 9 Ibo. Ottmigiu 7.iJ i4 . 16 Ibo. Ila' -~' 6 W. tr . l 1~AND )PARK Loi8 POU SALE' Panen ilI ha madeé by c&à bu a Chabteraitd HE Bibscriber las for salé e a 4ses1 Da1nk. -ý. ..,tvillage and Park ,LOTS, near tisa Posa, Unexcepliona* e Sciuitjr sum4ecite thé tpe whiciihé wilifsosê onscslcita~e proval of thé Ccnmnissnat *i11 bu réquiresi, anid %MWH' BBA Tar thé amsof two pérsma wiiUfltqr inlo:a Kingstoni, july i(k1 1tWLS' suce of tise Contract, mueut lhé given o YllEhseaiparoag aieiT.D.Ieom der. H 1ea Ipa rnage witas.b" Forinm cf Tender ait every infotiomali . sny exa lie ehlainei.on a1pl-Dg aet tIse Coénuuum imtdioemauwilain"hsfis 011e.. TheaTera telimarkmi on theenil. iMhis place' sa saoon aihécami procuéasi epa, "Tender for Govemanoseaisupplies.1 fi." r tle illhbmod atthéon=has Thé1aané entickestspias tor Her Mallew lie lit presént.-*..tmr ForPces, aillbleoexemMpi reésToit over thée.~;.s,,. TI Ctaraqai Bridgmi. 4 Commissaiat, Kin-ts, . Qcdkbe$utr ... sua2m jwraaiays lm1hJuly, 1841. _ on hanl. le, :. 4,,,,,. 1 Ise - 1 -v" -IV ý 1 -