£4 llich te bi- estimaItnrecommuntiti, tefislin hcalculatu te tifilt a complesrevie-1 Louase un that 'ery secresy lay tiese ecurity. tien in the ]as relatissgtte saMMa courts, visicit1 It -ai ckeuhafet Ioterendwer ecurity te the pour v- hais aiaya boss.mpltatically stylai thtia o 1 tac, tu tise tradosmae, thse mechanie, frein the op, msss' court; if taIs avay thse power ef atludi-1 pression et thb.-O wio al ablhe te exerahse a catiti< frOllaitise c aitsner. anti places if je -etrong contrai oser hine. Ie [Mr. Simai11bai tiseband cOee m iuiewclditriat; it change winsessedth ie iiiaffects efthîe open systuma of "e- tise tffesfu o ll4igtiss u r ets, inaking fise tisg as prac*usetior fiis province. Tharer. intarvlb .tvma s us tingu fw@ montisainsteati1 sent sietem anas oeewhiclh *aebeibgved was o fsaitghesfoeUBrlye andi makinthtie disu- loudie eaied for ysa majeity cf tite Wo tseuexut el nit isi e-aip, anilis 'UlbirerC-incita. Ilieditnoeei IuWsVitewill ccepeiouhisiia " eaS taetrsvel tnn- preer -: i ard tihe measute et preseiit until ,as'y fixe miles. Business vii accumulate anitin cee vi._f sort of ciriction an ne î'iall gel, tise tano mentira sufficient te Ieep tise court rit- [ Hear, hear.] But hl iuibedti ~l-De x-ficu. ting for tintsrorfour tsys, and tihter sucistcr- layu rtcitrtiètt stabattaon tise pria. uetsrtance, liovje tire pour mam te o"tin tise c -pk niL out ~lI i leac ofetthe recea4ty cf bis cr511 demande!sie jIe iscopletehy coînratteil on tise prlnepie cfirle bilIlry mnvgdupriveit of justice ! thiaswill Le tise efhect efthtie for thse adoption oftt sl't cfnig cl,- %re.. biiL If jisusirdtat suppose that antan can go COL PgtincrE sad if f liii hiilesure hailI Lucr in- a distance eft taenty miles te attend eue of. troducst b>' an y tier thian a ceinfcyirian iflis tfbsa courts, sud remain three or four tisys, for ossLevulti hve fehI cEsasntouisisment. But thse recevery cf a elnai dernsan& The expense tintanEglisirsuan in e iilitoIrprcrieimeï ouhd Le greater tisan thedélit; haeis, therefore, sisoisl have tise tomiiciry te bring fortr a nies- svirtally depr.sad of justice. The people anhoe sure se coinpleteiy hostile fuiBriishs institutioans, lire ne desire for sucis a change, as tiseir peti- vas a mattur na. orly cf nrrriisns Lit cf fions are ccting It Ira bouse upon thIis subject regret. Tise speech cf tluelhon. and leaie e miiOtousitrltiiig againsi tise passinig cf sa a to gentlemalait lcu lbrie;, ecauselIre finals fiait tis kmot. 'ley as'e pecfectiy atiaifieti with thea hoe bua leaneil ursîn a brcken rtitd. But brief as sysment as if is at pimeet. It may perhaps Le thse speezis of tise bon. gentleman bn éeen, mine capable cf ate shliht im rosameuf, sucin as fis ahail le tîli mare brief. 1 admit thit inte Ieid amendinentwaould rve tree eccf cfgivlug teit- counotry tise vote b>' ballot may in soîunC cases La But 1t tiinkit ile a dangeceus matter for fe le- useful, Lut 1 aie net prepari-,J ta suy tisat if is gisîsture te force a lan upon tIens contrar>' te tisa syste-a Of t ting Ut cirsi-fions-i iichis sould tireir desire, aifiroug i i may le a better law:. it vte for; but t ams prepaned I yte r t-if fiare eray Leperlbctty equitable sud jut in its p osi- je a ceuntry in fthe anoniti ahene tIc loanen ciasa siens ; Lut flic ta net tise question, (Lear, inar) Who posees votes are uidrthfe anU ppanerful in- tIe main 'point in. do tise peuple req ire it 1 finuence of tiseanealtis>, if is in EngIgîi4. But (Hear hua.) The effectcftflua anentimeetwaili dues thua observation app'y te tins cuntry ? Cer. Le t0 xtendth ie jurisditiiion of tIre commnissioners fainly net. Ar-e anc-u deperiîleîi, . ) nrobhu-, as te tîvelve lounda ton sihing e, (anti in cases et ta le centrolîcti in thae enerciso of ci:? frac 1r confession ofjudgment te £25 autfe priviçge 1 trust we are not. Dae f (uthfic broati, bxpea- et elèdandieg s jury cf six frecisotters, anti ivitis sire, fhilaeatiful, ibis fertile country, afford tate tsapoaer 0uf appealing frin fie décision cf tise evcry hum-inu bifZa-Ir e isable te raiqe tiseUItrrch- commisiners ho the Quarter Sessions or Dis. et upen bis sou"iia ufficientIf ndepenîence 1 fnef Cocrt. Wifithèse ameniments tise-pros.. [No 1 g ay-~the oser>' inyu -we c ee oet las' vifliLe quite sufficicnt for ait ucefut pur.. eltnand t aougtis na>, if Ileech P= = ii- poses,féeas expenise, more expeditieus. t1isepe depenrluiif as tise lord oi heficland. i-er, bea.) hon. gentlemen wiii seiousiy refecet Lefone tliey yesu-fie backanoodsrnanofe Canada is fac use attcnîpt ta introduce s nov Ian, ahicis, in if s *jaiependent flan tise office Fliter wIro relies operatueny, %vii bua lt all eventa doaibtfui (Leur, Ïpon tire fleeting fancies efthtie popular wuill fer isear,) in tise place of oe s ahicis le now 1 nîay bis cuntineance lu office, t wali etevaeikuiw. s&', in fuit opération. (Hlear, Lear.) letigetfiat tise Canadian freeisolder Là k14 ne.. Mr. Duaxoit ,saiti hé looked aluponfic measure M. uity for resortiiig te thIs undehnfîid mode cf as cite ot thaf magnitude anhîci s soffli nef Le giving ic vote: ne,lise may go boldly tatheefins- pansei hastil'. lie aras saticiedt Iera hait een fings, anti defy an u>'imn Leing te injure bilia if ntany complainte antis regard te tise Court et Re- le gises an loneat vote. You inny talir of Ex. questa, anal tiene waisne douit tiret if requircit eLitivc influence, Lut 1 say if an>' one alloans atterationa, Lut ta chang~e fie aniole system lat sueis influence te Le exeneiseit ou-en bu le is oce le thouglti vouini Le extremel>' injudiciotta. ' ignoble. [Ifear, hear.] I amas-are tbat in sale was satislleal hiat if anas nettflic ertf e men- country arlere s man is dependeot upen a nîcis, sure aviicis aoutit give satisfaction teaise colin- pcanerftul, anti sontetmmes tyran*cai laîîtloelî, anal fr>'. in u mnufacturing districts, tliuy are 61atnrretcr 'AMn. MOrrl.T a'sidtio jeisa measuré avhicîî -ostraned te vote aeeordieg te tise aisises et gentlemen fron t tat part efthtie proavince front tIrir umployers. Tisere ma>' ferefore, Letconte ahicis t came, can Lau-e ne particular interest in, reason fer adopting fthe vote b>' alot in tisose beyond s desire ta sec a messure ailoptet i ahicli counfnise, Lut I deny f bat tiis applies Io Cana.-aili meeftishe wisIrcs et bon. members anho rep- da. Tise practice ia not Britisi-it ie ati-Brit- rment fie upper portion et the province, au-bre isil; and 1 lament ceniingly tisat tise moasure tise taw ji îtendcd te Le applieti, sud I have, aboutit bave been intronuced jtet iis lieuce Ly a therefoce, Waited te ce ahat thse feelings avoulti country-m-r ofet y os-n. Viewuîîg if in fiis Le on fie part et Upper Canada members res. ligbf as anfi..British, aîîd as eiug inapplicablhe ta pectiug if. Upon tIre decisicu niichfillec place fLiccont ry, t1ailfefl ho w any part ut tise itlrît tise second reading, oui>'five members isat f0 Le adcpf cd aith is ci>'crurronce. 1 loir up- stooti ep againet if ; le [Mr. Moffattl anas led te ,un if nasau insulft tise freciioldert et Upper conduite tiscrefore, fisat àh aas nef sîhogefler se Canada. I s-ut tiserefore tnae'ctisut tise ccrnit;-. unpopniar a Lreasure as seine hon. gentlemen tee rise. avoulti eudavonr te represent. Mcr. Pric-t rose anal salal it anas nt Iis inten- Mn. BALDIINuavid iale anoubti vote for tise bi; 'tion tf0 detain tise coinnittea avtisairy Iengtisy if for no otiser reasset Icet fer fiis, tisat Lv tiss t-caarIsi Be aas call ufs hacancr-eerLy tise ru- measra fic>'sioulit get id of upavards etfvine mnarks of ia frîi e udl cîuitrytiiiauîischelon. andti iousaurd conamissieners, sa'>' ulier cent un taso learneti genftlman frein Esneea, s-ir stafes fisah firs of anisen are altogetiser unrfit for tlqrnes- tise sysâteni etveting Ly ballot is arai-Britiah. It poeisble situation in whiich they are placeti. ja a matter et litine cornseqinrc te, tii cosaif hether if Le at'ributabla te improper appoint. tee anlîtiser if Le A nfl-BrrtrsWr if it Lc calculated niîcîs or nef, persans hase nocconîfidence in these te accure tise igisf cf Bruis h eijct ani if isa ourte ; tisey iii nef go tuelnu Lecause tIey a singîîbar modsiteof reaernning tu oniiv it jlanatu- cannot expeet ta receise justice. Ha aoultieup. British is-îenr luialrnusît every institution in En-. pontthfic bill because lie believe thfiscprinciple ]atud, if se inunec except iu tis e ltuction cf flîrýi-. upon arhics if aas foundeti auas etter calculateti bers of Partiainerut; anîd aveu li fithent a nocn-rne justice ; Lut ire aid nef enfirel>' ap- et Scotch andtiili I'eers if is prarticed, . ruin ifr n- 1.;neof et s détails, sccIas iholding tise chooping coîntittees in te Britishs Ileumr cf ceun iatiy once in fane menthr. Tisese détails, -Çommunonui ifjiaiepractiscit. Noan tint eing bourýerer, rouit Le amendad it ter nov or bacc. t he case if cermet Le se sony anti-Britisis if mnes-.î-afler-, wh-enaver it migst le fonnit aivisable. bue wet.tu liifrm e ia~~ wua'. lVth 141P. Vtnra sait viseai ameasure cf tiir des- regard to indlividuahi net baving thét nnina cour. eription anas proposedi l Loer Canadalie irait tige te corne up f o the polla antivote open1i, that set is fane against if, Lut le Ladlleîî in a mlir-. jei evidenre of cowardîce onthue part cf voers. crîfy on thatoccasien. Ho Lait ioaever, inset lint Paill ntone. a-.nbens admitf fiftisere are itegree cisauget islm md vifis regard te if Tise Lotis direct anrd indrect cauces whlichfub ltence longer tise systeinvent on fIe more Lfe htd rea.- voterad suict rin Paay cases cour niat tîeneto son te elcre tisat tise people avre sattafled ithii ,v-ea mainst tuit rconscicnce? Iflc Mr. Piscre] if as bein)g as eap suit expeitiius renteti> for auould put lic caclc uf a man of famif perfectîr tise recovcry cf entait deta. It avouiti sece, ntependerrt in b-s or irnnl, Lut someaviat soveri hat tise peope of fLic part ofthtie Prov- embarrass-nasc inai-y people are, andtinlit tise inca are desirous of adopting a neas measure, af ienriffbas an e\eciutui)n hlanging oven icIeati east s aunif>' etoftheir represantatives are se, wsifieuf e'ier-iing ary othen fLan tire legifimate sud tins being tise case, suit as tise iaw ise pi>' te poaNen shics lie passaihoa, yeftue ver>' iîoas Le a fenuporar>' cne, t shah etf course offer no M ig, tisat lie h-s flecpou-cc cf pnfting lînt oppositirn te if. tua grecit iuenvenience anil rpcnaieutniîl>' Mr. MrERRITTèaiti lie aas reali>' supriseil at ip an the rote le gir-cs. Thi:l. of itacif la a suffi- tise apatis>'auiich ceomedtaf prevail regarding rient connideratioirtte mducccti-la Iranete aduîpt thîs suljeci. Ilis aas completel>' astonisiset a sene meule ef relief furntisose viso Lave fis-)nuie- flie reaEons assigneit b>'tise hon, gentleman froint fortune te bc eiu-rvnialv iîusteh, anal the nurbè- us tie city of Montreal, andthfe hon.suit venaraisle fol oinili. At tise elu f tchfe ci,.yo' e an- unumber frein Richelien, for supporti1g tise mea- ta i riisonif'nielim't a ranitidate in opposi- sure, thit ecause a majonufy appears tu Le in fa- tion -nLbistlio. frie'ri aWîno riigîruatcdfIbis me:-. -r ofet iltise>' a-iIIgo %vifisthat majerif>'. Tisese sure, aid at houigi Le [Mn. Plicie) Intl trut eip.Ihan, getlemen sas>, anc have ntot Lvan>' ieana posei thit tise sheintf bat exerciscallui.-poau-- afiiPd aurselvet cf fie ezeficiaftesults te Le en urlaaufuhiy te infl-uence i votera, yet tise expecteti front tiis ineasure, but if yen tesire it very daflt!OSIncsv f bat bie posesedt fiat poawer, as-o ili sustain yon. Tisose hon. geirflcmen are wa-r.!irbis opinionn suffilcicof f0 oparate injurions- no aoulif a-m that tisera are upiasate of fLirt>' h- une-neas iftfis vote b>' ballot hld ireen citais- ag,:era inth iis buuse, (a langis,> sodit i afi'ords i.- .1 eer n in iuigt base voteit acconuhlng te aIl exc.lcnf opportunity foc tisentat provitie fiýs nuaDcence. Meana. lections lie [Mcr. Il.rce] Judgéships for membera eoftiscir profession. -fuIv Leieved ad sib een cariait in ilis proa-incee(IlÊar, lelino) 1 amnt eànlitf lesurpnise t tiat cetîtrar>' ote is irles of fie pnepia, [licar, lion. menîbers avisebavaeaiturasedth ie béneficiai boa], trainflue vers cîrr-umsfafcceofthfus dci. effeef et tise present 5>stenta slouit nOir an- rabie metisoul etvotirg ne. haviwu' tc-i adopteal. teavor ta teprisat us et those benufits te gt'afify lja smassurre aniirhlausabsolutel>' teceirsar>'tate ueaishes et s set of prefessionai sman anise ap. tiselinbent>ofethtie snbject. [Hlear, iear.] Tiiere ip-n toise members cf tissiouse. Ha (Mc. Mun- is a feeliog tbrougtteut Canada wiuc is suigus-l rift) wulhi resust the passage efthf eblu, thougis iirgasoi ifanuis, tiiere are penunous pron hnrle sisouiti tanal alene, ecauselire believet if about tirough tise lengtlt an-d breaitti cf thre lar.il avulitlLe unjust ant i iproper in thia hast y denonncîng as rebela thunu'e anise pposa lise go- mansner, te infroduce an eîtirely nov syatenn, vernment. [Hear, Leur.] Ifwue are te Lee cur. aiment giving tise country an opportunit> cf ex. ceadin infla r>'andt iseatener i atI club issu, wc pressing their visises opon fie subjeef. migisf as anel7give îsp tise ides et responswibie - -r. HiNxs saidt fat vifi regard tate scpeeple vernnient altogeniser. [isear, isoar], or su>' chIer not isavîng an oppotunit>' of oxprassing titir eYtrrnnen*. [Iiesr, hear.] wimhes regrrdingfi moaure, le fisougl t fe>' M. Dznt->sauial lie must confeas hi raas sur- Laitliait sufficient epprtunit>'; tise evil efthtie pisei t athfe sunmmiri- anti cavalier tanner in systeni Lad been fouadtulte Les great fiat if aras viicl thse leacrr.ca ana bon. gentleman 4m Es. ~tliougisf atvisable te appeint a commission f0 in- gaz b"red lue m&asse. Tisat geastiaman quiaù"nth fe muter : th"t commission enteret isatlisseuin palament fr a censrietabîe tme ton.an investgtion anti reporteti upon tise suis. anti muet le ca-oidered te bc acqeainheti vitit ject. Tisat report hsal Leen etore the bouse anti parliamenatan>' neiges, Lut wan hg.i' esl a~ the country' for at lsast a yaantiabadB tare hoalion. memiiers in tiis sne, la muet re. (Mr. Bineks) hasll » ranouas an>'bon. nienter fIat those asho luve in glass heue niember te o u viswat tise visites anti teelingu e cissuitinet tisrow otsf en. [ lui f Le mesthpeospe vare upua fia subjeet oft he ecourm [A teuh d tdr . atcffa wm seno THE KIGSTONiIRALD)--ThESDAY, AUGUST 10, '18il. ROUTINE BUSINESS. Moeaaar, l>'2&. oftJatneu Stocksanal others off the vnuisip of tcbcoke, Home district, praig fur an aid te improve th luren nlake Ontari next tote river Bom er Of Loutis Nerseauetfeprasi t.bs' dt Quebo.au.8sf esasgrc le-ellt Coueil of Levai- Caras aysgt asmI. led la bis@ kmerofce-r eseratiIbs )DU o? orw4ce 1 Tise comnittee reporteti a resolution, anti Mr. Holuses rought in a il foundeti upon naid rue- lution. The bouse anu into committee toconsider tire expeiir, ef enquiring juto the several lIrs 1evjing uýt es on tise importaeitetis Province, toconaider tise propriety of sznending andt consolidating fie saine. The constiittee reportei a resolution as fol- bans: Resoved, That tise dutv oft fan anti a hait per cent 110w Lv law leviet itpon aise imporfatioun et copies et tise boly Scriptures mbibi is Plin ec Ly navigation front crea, under and Ly virtue cf tire an t 53 Geo. III, cILi 2, sec, t, onglit fa Le repeal- cd. Mc. liommes tIen rougist in a bill for tisat pur- po.se. tise coots attendbagthe trial of sunaul Cams,am Winl Le exeeadiflgly incevement mn obtrsgin sauter. te tmva maeter distance.-Be bop3 hmon. m woeld alow tise matate r o ft until V ext mesin cà Parlissrîent. Mr. Ronzm snid it *»e vits considersbIse di- deace evrs%, autr tise divisions whicit had ta- lais place pofte second reaiug of tis Lill, istleLaiMaI one of tisat miserabkeminotîty wbicis an bon. geutiman ia alludeit te, in op- raittto this niazure. (Ilear, Lear.) But Le ild net yet ICgt vil hopr tisat tise liii migst lie tisrown ouf. This bill was intended te do away wits tise systeer of jurisprudence whiicisha.' been la existence for eigist vears, a 'systeinawbich. Ire wonld neot hesîtafte odeclare had avortedaneil It anas true tisere isad been coniplaints; in a system se extensive it was perfectiy natural. Tisere is netbing of humas institution whicis is perfect; Lut t bis does neot prove tisat tise systean is se very ebjectionable that it is necessary te overfurn it altogetiser. lit is net believeit in tise country tbat ouch abill as tbis will paasothisieouse: ifit. anere believed, we would have petihions almost anîtiont number in opposition te it. It Ibas been said tisat thse opposition te tise messuce arises frein tise selfisisness of.tise cornmissioners, anio anisis te retain tise petty power anisici tisey pose- est ; but hon. inembers sent te forget tisat tise proportion of tise gentlemen ofthtie legal profes- ion in tis -bous is very large, aniule tisoe nisose occupation is te tillthtie ground are fean in nuin- ber. Now, tis measure provides a vcry coin- fortable living for seventeen cf tise lawyers ; and 1 anilI cail upen tisose legal gentlemen who have seat s in tisis bouse te take care tisat iselfisis- nessLe flot impted te tisent in tis matter. (Hear, isear.) T Le court as ut present estais- lisbed may Le truiy said ho Le tise peor mam's court, a meurs common ceuse arbitration of diff- erences Letwenec neiglibors ; Lut when tisis cons- plicated macisinery comes te Le Ésubstituted, a systean of law rules established, if anili embarrars tise operation cf tise systeer, insfusîl cf improving it.-I am sorry te see tise hon, gentlemn frein Oxford semucisin favoroet tissneasure. I Lope he.îs yet open te conviction, and tisat Le anilI net se ecaily be lad ta sacrifice tise interests of tise yeonsanry of finis province : If tisere art coin- plaints against tise preseut systein let tiser Lbe remedied, but do neot destroy tise aniole system. (Ilear, isear.) 1 anilI venture te say there have Leen more verdicts of juries set aside tisan there have been complainte against tise.e courts. Tisun aviy net do away %viti tise trial Ly jury!? (Ilear, lîear.) There are noiv 1060 Commise- ioners, and yen propose te substitute Lut 17 Judges, one fur escis District. Now it is impos- sible tisat orie inan eau perforanitise duty aishicis it Las required tise severai Conimiissioncrs lu tise District te perforui anitisout protracting tise sit- ting of eacis court te an unanarrantable lunglis of tinte. You liold yeur courts but once in fane monthe, snd you Ly tisis means gise tise Judge four fumes tise antount of business anhici tise Coihmisioners bave in a single court, and whien yon taire into censideratien tbat soute Districts have noan tiirty Courts you bring tisose tisirty courts int7o six wisicb ailiL e five inte oue, 80 tisat you moake tIre business te Le transacfed at one of tiree Courts twenty tintes wisat it le in a Court noan. It will doubtless take a week te isold one of tisese Courts, tisus a poor man wiso sues for a days labour, niay Le obliged te loose a week in atrending court, in addition to being unuler tise necersity of waiting tane mentiha befere lie can sue at aIl. Tise jury nîist Le in atteiriance, and dtie anit- nes must lie in attendance. But tise hlien- tlem-an cava tise Jury cases aniliLetried~t WVell, fbis only m-akes tise matter worse, for tise poor mai must irait Lefore lie cao obtaid a Lear- îîrg of Lis small claime until tise larger 6nes are disposed of. Anîd auotiser provision in this biil whiicis is liiglIly objectionabie, and anhicis de- verves particular attention, is, tisat tise evi- dence of tise plaiiitiff or of tise defendent is inad- inissable. Those emall daims, tiserefore, of anhicis ne proof can Le brougist cannot Le recce- ered. Ail turfs bears oppressively ou tise puer man, sud if aise affords an epportuoîty te sucis as are roguiisly inclinsit te practice fraud. 11e [Mr. Roblin] fuit very reluctant te question tise cor- rectnecs of a measure introduçeit Ly an hon. and iearned member, but lie Lelieved lie could atis. factorily show te tisat hon. bouse tisat tiseunea- sure Zaaaoeefecire ini many respects. le Lad alreaiy alhtrded te pome points wbicis he believed would Lie found te Le exceedingly miscisievous in their cfl'ects. Mr. RoBLs.th îen proceedcd tw compare tise ex- penses efthtie prescrnt court nitis tiseofethtie one proposed te Le eetablisised. It Lad Leen shewvn frei returus aviicis aere in tise possession of tise bouse tisat tise expences cf tise Courtsof Requste for tise aviole province, as St present catablished, amout te £10,000, eut of whicn about fane tisirds are bailiflr' fes, sud tise cumainider belongs te tise commissioners and clerirs. Tise honorable and learned gentleman told us that in tise saine yuar tiiere isad Leen forty thou- sand semnmonses issued auddfanent! five tireusard judgments entered; newan t a fir calculation twenty five tisousaud cuits St three shillings a suif, wbicis i.thle fée te cennuissioners and clerirs, would amount te three tbousand sesen isundrud andt fifty potiuds, tisen fiffeen tiosenid summonsus upon aiscisnu judgment wtas entered at six pence each, visich. is the clerks fees anould Le three liundred and aeveoty fise pounds making in aIl for one year te commissioners and clerks four tbousiand one isnndred and twenty five pounits. Now to tiseserenteenjuiges at tao hundred pounds eacis, wouid Lie flres tiseusanit four isunared pounds, one hundred andi tae clerirs St fiff y pounds eacb <tise mediumn suin) weuld Le fise tisonsand oee iundred pounda tnaking in ail aine tisousaird twao hundred sud twenty fise peunds, te anhicli add tisree per cent fer tire Trea- surer, twe hundred sud aesenty six pounda; making s round suin of nine tisousand fise isun- dred pounds for tise saine services anhicis under tise presenit systens coes four thousand one bue- dned and tanenty five pounda. You Lave a jury also, and tisat jury is te be paid, anhicis nateniaily swelis tise ameunt. AIl questions submnitted te tire decision of tise jury avilIL e decideti by a nsajouity; tirat majonity con- sista of tbree, oI y qual te tIsa numbèr uic usuaily iit in eacis ourt of Requeste. Anotiser turing anhicis wiil matc!ially sweil tise expense in tisat Laliffs are reuireti te serve ail uispattas bût tise aorat featre of the bllI is tiat if does net cequire an catir fron judges or clerirs, and if refuses t0 receive fthe testmeny of tise parties on oai. A maan wbspaid for apieceof werk anithout taking tire precautien te provide a vit- ss to tise aM-ntmay ILe sued sud ebligei te 1 OfFelie4eorjin, efthfe city of Montreal, pnay. P& th. I zay Le indemuifleit for lume-ns tane y *ecdurite theise ferebellion.1 0fG. P. Wi agr s sd otisera, of tise pariis ef Luhie, pali for eaxcmption front toit on tiset turnpi Lerua een !clu:treal anti Lachine.1 Of A. A. Adamss and eflers, cf tise tu<sisp of Barristovn, iu tise county of Sfaiiufead,-paaylngc tisat a general ass i beral sytitein of education may Le establia-hed, andi that tise acreti Sdip- tures inay Le tauglit in ailtise slccols of tise Province.4 0f George Babcocir and o0f ers, ofthtis ownuofq Brantford and et ber pares, stage propieters sud1 mail contracter, prayiug te Le exempteti frein tise payment of fou iiithee hue of their centract. 9 0f John Burna andi otisers, iniiabistants cf tise townsip of lDurhsam, praa'iiig tisat tise avorir donc ah tise public expun'e Le-donc Ly ceutract. 0f William hiourrc.n, Esqurre, aud ofhers, of Godmanchester sud ethler places in tise county of BeauLanoia, praying that au efficiett ysteor cfI educatien may Le estabL;hiset in tise Eastern parti efttie Province. 0f Arcibsit McDonell sud otisers of tise town-i chips of Gloucester, Osgcore, and Ru 'sellpray- îng for a tax cf cire penny un tIre pound ou aU ildîi landes for tise ini>roveint of tise iigiays.1 Of J. W. WNoolscy, Esqu ire, sud otîters, ef Quebe, praying thse Legieiature te intercede antis ler Majessy for a full atîd genecat pardon te ail persena engageti in tise late troubles in tis i Province. 0f Tisomas Carr, Seuior, and others, inhabi- tants of tise township of Otecabe sud otiser townsis, praling thattlîe line of communication frein Rîce Laire te Cobourg eray Le improvoti. On motion cf Mr. Camerour, seconded Ly Mr. Itolmes. RueivMd That the resolutions oftibis bouse. auf.Lorizing tise clerir oftiis lieuse te procure fise isundreti cope f the Canadian Mirrer of Parlia- me" ur erielue of tise membersStaire shillinga currency per menth, Le rescinde i athfle end ef thse mont ia n i, ou tise ltis day of Anguat neait. WVED,.ESDAY, JUlV 2S,. Thse House rezolved itself into a commnittee of thse wisole, to consider the proprief y of repealing and axnending thse Statutes and ordirances ür Lower Canada relatîng te thse imprornenet of thfe Queený's lliglîwais during ie winter se&- son. Thse B I ta incorporate certain persons under the t.f le of thse "I aedonia Bridge Company," was according te order mail a second time. Thse Hous resolre ' oelf into a Comnsitte of the wisele, te censider the proprietv ofaniend. in- thse act te autisorize the estabtiriment ef Mu- tuai Insurance Companies in the several Dis- tricts of tise Province. KINGSTON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, ISti. ARRIVAL 0F THE AnADI. SIX DAYS LATER FROM EURopE. The Britishs Royal Mail Steamship Acadia ar- rived at Boston M on day inorning at hlaf past 2 o'clock. She left Liverpool on the afternocon of the 2Or0h and made the passage in twelve davs and a half. Her approach up the harbor was an. nounced by rockets froni the rsip. The Columbia arrived out on the l4th. There is no lae? news from China, and ire fi. dirigs of thse steamship President. Thse Englisb funds assumed a murs firîner aspect, on Saturday fLan has occurred for toine timne past, and the glooi which lias béen bang- ing over ail the mnarket lias, in a great measure, disappeared. Consuls for tlhe accouint w h:c closed on Friday at 89îLoyers, advanced ini the course of Satnrday te M0 bîyers, thlie vlîsiing quotation, isowcvcr, was ratiier sellers at tlîat prie. This improvernent may-Le attributed te thse more congeîîial state of tIie weatlîer to-div having iiifluenccd soine of the "II ear" rpecuI._ tors in buying ini tieir accounits. B3ank stock improved j per cent. Laving closeJ at 170 te 171, Excisequer blles %vere 14s. te 16,,. prc:. GREAT BRITAIN. Tise elections are now nearly comîpicic, aadj flae Tory interest is entîrely triumpsatt-"he new Parliament stands sumtigLk hs Tories 3tin 68k lis Liberals 21J5 Tory majerity 83 A Ministerial paper inforîîîs us that an imnper- tant ever.t is going te take place, whiclî is hue- ]y te throw the approaclîîng meetîig of I'arlia- ment into thse slîade. A --National Conference of Ministers" of ail " Religions Deiîozninatioiîs" is to e iseld t Manchester, Ilcomniencini' Tuesday, August 15, li441."1 P'rince Albert lias Leen presented with a beautîful black Arabian horse by thse king of Prussia. MIL SWARTWOtYT, ex-Collecter of New York, .and a Most famions financier and absquatulater, came paslsenger in the Acadia. Ile don't lotk quite se hearty as when lie perambulated Wal street. FRANCE. Accounts froin Paris state tbat the Gcwern- ment were of opinion that thse dîsturbances rît Toulon were at an end. Nevertheless i.itense anxiety prevailed respecting thse nature of the ini- structions given te the Comimis;siotier Extraordi- nary despatcised thitiier. A species of trucs lad been coacluded between thse proa i:zonsl aud toi- itary autisorities, wisich would iead to the ap- prehension that the affair avilI net termainate without a furtiser conflict. During this insurrection thse insurges comn pletely triumpbed over the autisorities : and the latter were compelledl by thse former to reinove freim the city the troops fornîing tire garrison, and to deliver over te tise National Guards the van.- eus military poste and stations comprisedl in it. And on thse loudly expressed demand of thse m<ib, thse prisoners made during tihe progress of tie in- surrection were liberated. According te thse Moniteur Parisian, tranqîril- ity badlot been disturbed in Toulouse since the departure of Mabul, although tisere were stil soe symptoms 0of effervescence observable a- mn e ppulationen atise 4th. Th Eacipation f the ihiti briugs thse par- ticulars of thre occurrences ie that cîty on thse 12tL and letis. At noon, on tise 12th, a large body f mn armed *itis sticks, proceeded te tise trnr Sceel tu invite tise students te join tisen, but the latter bil been fertunately confined by their cisief.Tisis multitude tisen repaireti te tise Pal- ace St. Etinue, and after erecting a number or barricades, at 5 o'clock tisey adlvanced agaiust tise Prefecture. M. Mal, at tise earnest requést of tise tem:, porary Mayor, M. Arzac, ordeted tise National Guard te bie called out, but Lefore tiis could le efrecteti a collision toola place betweeu tise rio- ters and a detachinent of Tirailleurs de Vincea- nes, in wisicis a young man waa killed. Tisis ir- ritation was then at ifs iseigt ; in Ies than anl isour 15 or 20 barricades were establisheti, and1 the inibabita'sts Laving carried tise mstea totise tops of their honses, anere prepared te offer an e tic r"itance. On tiseir side thse troope Lad f.ret a etrance ittiseh Hotel de France, and several adjoinîng bouses, wisere they intren- cised tisemasîves anr an engagement waa about te cbrà&lencowis5fitise National G.smdse tiseir appearance. Tiseir presence calmer tise 1ntise coure of thse evefing ail tise poste were evacuated by tise troops and surrendered te tise NationlGuards. At 10 oclock a multitude col- lecteti befose thse bouse of the Attorney General, M-PIlàÛRbultn, and after singing tise -Marseil- las,"itmanded thg liberattion of thse Young men arfîesteton tise preWous day: Tise magie- trate having refused te accede te tisis deniand, tise peopl pruceedcd to thse prison titiste inten- tion of breakin tise doos andl rescuing tiseir frienda, when M. Arma cathe forward anti an- nouncedt iat tise prisonies siould iLe liberated in tise morning. On roceiving tbis assurance tise peopls desisted frein tbiss purpose, aund quietly retnred. Eirly in tise moirning of tise iSti tise telegrpbe were ddétroyed; and thse National Guard baving notilied wo M. Maisul tisat they cônld net ansier for tis, publie tranqufity if lie did neot resîgus ani witidrïw, b. obeyed tiseir in.- junction. LATER FROM CHINA. The slip WaMurivad et1New Yek ais e&laiti. ,*dey@ fbon Camai.. l.uaiaasly &ar the al of th. ft ii le r- ." ia eu. li-E.__ , _ - 6 eiei.r, t, Il, saj iii, S. rama ~ ~ ~ ca alo5uu.Ti a & i1 ai al L Il ". i icih Y av e 4, Lt etea a ullrr e ii, t. ,' te1lIprare. :1, 'bIefnr.Le Selli 0r a i liC ie l %%el -. lu tell the 'îI T liseur, ti,,rc u.,. - foc une Iliinha'rh, ~ to qli e:Ille-. ouan ,o lireir uld fljun - : anîd prttro pie-. I-., îfrarîge and Cit-,I . - -4 flic mocs andIllie 1r'. Ive cOulal haINilti,l- de Lthâ.ufastlI-Vrir:- carry euÀt aîhupr. Kecîafiuîi hat Lv I r r, uinder a turv iiii.r ic'rs, la no lesr,pr. r-.i tLe coutrv. , c, go; *Ci 1<if(ý, >,[Irr ',arrus rioil,. &,_. from ounr short.. lie-n , -i iltle licher flnril' nu AerciIIbl. thi r. a tort;d, o-fri' sud sei>eiiri.e,,,ii'-! . turned as ber-,g: sud the liol ire' vot h0 err Arîliur. Ilo%% l., v. Ilithiurto rvd 1-V !.r,» er cari Ill -g 001<1 f . IV v if, fliceuui à:'r Il a ftc Il vi J.r. fini 5g.iv;l tL-.re [1~,1 %-s uu, ind XI IN. (If thie c-,-nre i- Tis lii s ju.,au me . , SUJIlpu.rt a I fla ie e-il - served Iiy is, fitir: i r ri!'-ri - Refonrmeîr fIr flic eli h- A Portion iii tfihe is abou t il,-. iltrI l'y thlitr-ler - i xîî,.-îvure ohrtn, i lîrolier. à..L - l nhodîrrist argaz.ie 1,r Juie , a portrsît uni tise l,.diL 1 levan li.'o. lrv ifrii cellar.-.-.[ Nloitrc-lle-i WVC inrr, 'ay.i , linos-s-i tai- r -i, ' - landtarc about. Ti, iaj 0~s ox and fise fr'g. Since fIle piii. .i'-- occupical disresmir iai1 f ('uineii ll11. OliV.,.,- - s iLuI iirrIclugril II;J. S. Miii l ',. ber for tiuî'rvI rnr.tii relative lu Mil1.11 , 1,;l il:' î41 cases of dariagc - ieil0 .rhuî lands, &c. sl L e uerid ,vlear ' et tise pregent mode if i nfhiii pIC utf die inuearr-e 5 ,v 'rirr posed Ly tfl bide ig rbrr seats in the 1Iue. 1il>s,ý r' anold Le an ex lest ferleIni- r. chararter, interferrin i uruih.!;r r i55 ty, whclchi u.gisfuccer hIl, -r Il i cases if th is to.tirrei l uililH ' Liiilanas finally refuered tulaSe--' ft ot filte ho undecrgo a -iuIîi. ans trust it siI rno-, r- un-. els l!- ri' as in piniciple uit us set obleri ai On Tisurda-y tfelIc Mar-pi f duced by Mn. Sc.ref.ryIrv ii . rin nto -ad an amîrrduil .t l l40- erdinance of tise S1erial (feu;(iii15 stisi sioulul Le r,iiilere'l ali'! g-ve rni-,. la very longài 0î-ri min'isfry vigurouuivrda ,ý .,I avas carrne-f Isu-e e . -'ui - Thie tisree final clauee-s i le< depted, as-len fthe r.= c o'îî insg uesînng(riy)Il li-' erenduient'to then tI1*11 . fisree yesro, fltheuple and Mt sinoulti have Ill:e p Ivel. Tlhie sucre-s oftia sieasuýeil sdîrs et tise mýiin-, depeîide.l it es cSrdingly tise exertcd hlein aiàeS' power t e eit thflicnictioti 1%w leT anti warerest tieba e fiat liasci't tien, tise amnendiîîeîîf anas of blit, i5 tif Mr.llpino, tire Curr.. reforer ineulb of ti h'tpe ' ing tise Govrrnment, frîlr5d~ili carniethe licmeure "C.d..se s gether, as Mn. lia..ei rleîY" Tuesta>', Jul>' 27. Scveral petit ions waere brougîf up sud laid on tise table. Ou motion et Mn. Att orne>' Cueral Draper, no mues cf tise message etfIis Excelieur>' as ce- 1sftes te fie estimates for thc year endiiig 21st December 1841, anitI thdocumient s centursîttet flereanitis, au-re referrei tot a consmittee etfuine membens consisting of AMesrs. Harrison, Day, Moffaff, Neilson, Ilirinks, Hoiînes, Merritt, Camneron, anit Quesnel, f0 report fiereon. Tise Ietution ciiDuncan lPattonasurit e lera, Cutlers of tinuben at Quebe ase referreal f0 a select cemmîhtee. Mr. Gilchrint obtainet leaete absent lmmucîf until tisa first ta>' et Auguat. A message caine duwn fremthtie Legiciative Councul, annonncîng tisat tise Councîl Lad passeti au set nmeniting tho Cisanrer>'act. Tise Billasas tisen reat a first tilne. lIon. Mr. Ilarrison telivered te tise Speaker a message frein lie Exceileur>', ahitb vas rmail as foiloaus. Tise Governor (lenenat recorumede te tise flIouse of Assambi>', tisat provisieii.Le mate for tise salaries cf Judges anti Clecrs cf the District Courts anti Divisiou Courts in tht part of fisc Province iseretefore callet Uppen Canada, te meot tise possible cent ingeur> oft fhe genera téee fumutcafeit nit eiurg in thie fruit instance aile- quafe for fiat purpose. - overninent fleuse, Jul>' 27. Tise comnittee upon fl:e priuting ofthtie jour. irais recommnendedti iat fia e lundreti copies Le printudth the isoappentix te Le duspoacit et as foheas : Tlirec copies te eacisumisber ; eus cep>' te ecish memrber efthtie Legisiative Couurci ; tisree copies in Engli s ane unFinurchte fie Libra. r of thfe Legisiature; oeacep>' (escin) te tire Uevernnrs, Legietativa Ceuncila, anti Assamublies et Nov Brunswvick, Nova Scotij4 Neanfountilsut and Prince Etivard Island, tire Ilandtioe Jansaica andthfe Islaind cf Bermudia; tane copies te fis. Colonial Departineni; tisees copies te tise Libra. r>'ofthfelieuse et Commous; tisree copies te tise Liisrary o e isbIouse cf Lords ; six cepies fteh Clerk's office for fisc use offbis bouse; cure cep>' toenc esl av libran>' in fils Province as tise speak- or ta>' directf A Lilto pi-onde for flic etter imîfrnal goveru. ment of that part of ibis province Lenetetore Up. per Canrada, b>' tisa establishment cf local ant municipal authorifies tlrerein),aras reait a second f une. Pursuant te t he ci-dur cf tise ta>'fie bouse au-nt in' ouniittee on tise bill f0 repeal cer- tain ordinaurces therein mentionet, sald hoestab. lish a Board cf WNorks in fIls Province. Tise conmniffee matie several amenisents vhicis aere agreetoteb>' tise bouse. Tise bouse avent infe commttee upon tiseblI te secure te anti conter upon certain inlabitants et tins Poovinco tise civil suit polit ical rigisaof usturai boru Brit ishssubjects. Adjourneti for vaut of a quorum. WVEDs àyÀa, Jml>' 28. Tise felloaing pefitions avre reait: 0f certain cllers cf timber et Queiser, sug. gecting certain atterations in tise bill for thle in- sport ion of lumber. 0f Auna, vite et Benjamin Lonrg, sud efiars, iseirs ofthtes late Jacob Huscis>, et tIe Stafe of Pcmssylvsuis, pra>ing fiat s a av Le paccet te au- tisorize fie Rer. Ilejannin Ely', of the townasip et Waterloo, District cf W~elington, IProvincae Canada, te maire ahi neccasar>' ticalmiof conva>' suce celating te tise estate efthtie sait Jacobs Hua. 0f H. Robinson ant otisers, oethfe count>' et Sisetilrd, praying te Le uniheti aith tisa ceunties et Stanstead andf Sherbrookre lu fie Mutual Fire tirsurance Compan>' establîisuti in tisa sait coun- fias. 0f A. Murphy surith ers et tise towansipof Franspten, praying foc a pctecting dtf> on A- mnrican prodtc5. 0f John Cok, Esq., anti ofiers, Luthierans, of Wiiainsbury sud Osurabrucir praying fiat au set et naturalisation ina>'Le passeit in faver oethféi Rev. William Shorts. Of Icsaisod Wissg, cf Chantauque, in tine Stata et Newn York. 0f JohnirMcDonalti anti ofiers, inisabitanta of the townships of Loeeds andi Lasdowne. - Of divers inisisiante offrhe rouft of Leeds. The HoUM S. B. Harrison pimeonted, pursuant tomanaddress eftire bouse of Assemisi>of thfe t&ti instant; an extract of a despateh front Lord John Russell to bis.Excollancy fie Govecuor Ceuerai, tateti Downing streef, lott ml>'1840, vici vas ruai as folins : " Regartiing tise atidrasa ou fie subjeet et Ciritoper Lggs, 1 hase ta state fatit ap peurstilat fliperson's lose arome, set f= tS; violence ot s foreign anons>, h1,;f bons fiamis-. ceaatuct ofr omatingas volunteers <for fie Prom c( vinc. " 1 have, fiarefore, nef fionght mysaif at lb- art>' te atvise aise Queeu te recommenel te Par. liassent fiat provision sisoult iLe matie at fie ex. pense cf tihe revenues fftia Kiegdom for miner- Un mtio ofMr.ParntOrtiora i T hfe Cheik ot thesfleuse do cause te be inserte inla tise ApPendix to fie Joui-nais of tfieflouse for tise preset Fsession, tise setarnes matie b>' tin PrefionoWaies efthfe courts of King'm Beucis et Lirtis, mariages, andi Luials in fie differeaif Districts@etfmisa lata Province of Louer Canada for fieheus 1838-9-40. Tte in elacoeimittee on 1ID. Barrison'suns. tursinsatin-mli, reporfaied soe amentmeefs. UpSa reeiviasg île report of ale committefin boaae dividetis >eaa e0,05>'4. The comamitte appoatedto f.fi'tise centasti oectân hle c yoti> f Froutause maie tiroir final i ,in aver o te itin g fipmanIer, Tb@ 10» iteoCemmutte te csaîder aise ezpsdieisy cf armding tise ordianca ofit e -Spoclal oCeusil preriting for the~uemai a[" .rais inflte Vicînstyw.imc loa introa te saDia it mav4 h i alone, vil di 0*7 .96,1111.If vaniliL e t i w isa ie u Govefl5ot. aniti à M.O&f10 tiOf fia District- a "t~trouble. The>' can ht . lw dhffl Couciiors, li qe dlepnIteoburdenthesed rOWta' misî. Ilemîde won . 'vt hedobia r pertr rd e rts.xt eeaike? Net Lit. fli, asbtetetskir anisele a eaJir> usd, a. escIf conrcer trates ait leîae itia laneof tise GOV'I, osi 5 nOreci igstiinialiéav-t i l1 neftLelîurvCd muIl te~ Itsri 'èbbii,.t0ti. ill laIl eticMI. -l tat' nt sivoula l L iri'a, bol tiurst legisiafe torn motiig, il ,lit ' t ucrk a tittîshbaruher tfit -t es ut tst 5lovifgrnîair r gie s700 .eJislaforu aima ar&ettO inerea'e as Distrcslua , MU secshava 30 Wardens auit112u nrs. pikitiga- unIthl'-11 Vhat glorîCt fo titmfl-.-ys 10 a eserve iforîfP De e'ra sd isat tne au-îtiuuiui l sag). -viseedollars Mir lU tnhr t a e i uleiiiferl il misl t fa-rt>' disy îsi ifon 5liCOClfofr i- are uilt, ud uvili, liase ut licasul lfcas nmentLr i inutlii î 1siig thistuiben asr Leforc mieut ii diva fiiearis 50r, timen, tu paY is. - l .uciIs anil, lor nnlaîi £ 10. lA1ith ltia ardctii hNOlîumîg mi, uisgfins slares. Tieir eaLmnii lre e Na ges l'et -n,irat I înl. ITis a' Wsnli. .-uîu truLl , ouitstufin e W-vil e '~h oeut L"'i o îm u ,iriiI mclO. -uitluSni0 ,ttu--OV -atig ' pfuilIu, l-rv fe' r th lit il11 iluu s o lluii>cuflia tlie 4]1claiusehea:il ul-h u it ur uhîiiit si ia titti i: n us rhapt thereo I.u xx)Carîausliu- ibunvouil tIlSaIll dt;ursccesrau' ail i! (u , e îîutil th ic 2tf,II au lueil time 1 ii;ili illli e Le rst t-reretftia fenruet', laitde Lsiiiees cfgui oril iu ali ell. $ever.ai biff !eii.1,1te Ae ec-ad s sevnnuinl tiueue lu, ,. ,elai thfehoni aut'of Traite ini erd aimofier tf0 aiselituthe %Vanter le itl .uiascnCa!iiidrr ; ant i lthrnl t af s putîbu ridur icas- iria loit retui .jiri, as Chiaiaru of Oie Select i. relert un tise îeyîîeut vof thI),i 10uurnultiusl thc lIeuse, laif. i.reee - sielr>'; lsnd silor iuld Le filleit up un- fhm li Lx#f. This I.îof gave nue to coulied . l.ubliuu, Tloiuirni, Mcrritt anisIt re!ei ecorncnip', atel sai uit vi 51 £-7ltý aras suijicictit, anti as murs cfif nhe tubs>' ouît afforit. The uuuled bain] hfonsvec, wasscarrieti. te.! n.uri ci' siy, fis Giffe,, is ut -aie sortipouaidealai teîle kt sa, Il a. suit Worththfilatteio,n orthesCI l'm.oui si.-lt viii Le secs liat fMc. Iloseca ax.Claive stoc~k colt 'itn- I IALL.'S, on lTilurtiiY. T-~~~~~~Lz ih iiuuKa.,i Iriim.;Vi us ad r.br i-cfy Mn. Ir'uicfon (. aîti,,20! ti h J cfa, tirfihe-e 'Pt ion . t tIe flan fre g.niug i rtoc Ctruluîltteoi iffilue untabt:slitreit cf Comîîîuîîî Nul as aiurIi..ý aJ tisfact ion fi tise iihial)u ber'tionî ni tile iPrvinic. 1, as a tntln rr fnrmiery cyshled la pa;- C;à;a, ek Yr îlial th cLfMeuo le uLegis! lerenl "'tun tise ui lS il (f t iat s- 'tii iu5drai(iti sail-semccispirit, ri fiOip .Ifun6 hîubdeiea subeirn elliimpo ufurtnce te flhe future Ji Oui ti pilineeýint fis scountry. er, uiljisîl>' nuit ehegantty mv llOtieia Lece Lisnge. ifl ias _ eu 'f t i l p a C i, o r a to r , t a n d p i ilo m u flit (hau trful>'and e'eg cni baila ceebrafet speccis for Lis nh:.,o hu'e pet ef, raks, -Nain c 't'ipum 8rasE, saeqùet minnmomtium, i f-tirastdio desenfiaim aluiti, t - . eru'idj.s r-eu ornent, lerrvai, il. ui.fon liceut, dpa'înt de, - i .i. iSinitn rudacurn, plir fartt tise .,taLLeui>'I bu se, scriptures mrii'lt lie i a teriut bock. l'lie iiii? ri aà, vi iof lîsIustoau.i seul 1 pn o ~ t Lignenal>'oppose.1i t y sript i re,cia «Ut ete ut 55 othel1 lire V ~s.ofnat le. 5iiuuiitins exista. W, àbava F5ieaun Rman Cafiolice, Prosi runi10ne, Canadian Wealeyae à r.,l eleyan MAlt iodiet., Epie ai. (til do uakers sud Hetut l.ietlt,an sut keptice. Cul DLt ttq the->'sas tb:tmrîe