Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 17 Aug 1841, p. 1

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153 r the t4i CANADIAN JOURNAL, POL'ICÀL9 AGRICLJLTIJRAL & COMMERCIAL. KINGSTON, CANADA, eUUBDAY, AUGUST 17, 18-1. N- 18-1 il. - -& .È 4~ NO vez e. ICIBLe h to 'amat, do ngg papr- aaI Toi, kW, de. 9-1 colî'a Sherry, et popers iartb J. LINO 'hair Wame r thé Wellhad His sssertasnt or Cibat apie, Flog ad Cs CUIlS. Coil-lui andi Pin IlMmi ts ae.ttro 1% celtinc e Iu eep en b1 u.t ini the aboe lin@, al a h-avy stock il Ti: id evrry des ri tie si Il attse tcduced 1 ite JOlIS Iv! ý-, q41. luf, Na CIoTllitl.A X, arie t afi.mt MAJ 518kB5, the bas MOI heaMd tése Freac 'amear and GeeîinlihY ........... aBniStreet, «I -R1ev. Mr. IIeetltSî. tut de. ail Sze,4 id&,' Ntamble &W is NTOTICE. LIXPO aiS e LA RgE OkUL IG XSRffay Sn41 SM.I Tjec uU 0i LOOel 1.1 cICILAI. YOM e re ily resete i st thte ibsti- aàhptedt tecouvert litinto Yee- gs W tw~hinb iny contribsftet elui mmt Tele bjcct, preprtryt n l bie Sir, YOi-trty mieitumble servtat, W. N. CRAWFORD. Tsu i~talian fore. in Canada VIR r etf 12,00,000 0d acresr, as Ï111 s,~quare mils wn1sa Ai,' dcii tue 1(68 Lrtimpsor hý iet of the Crées, ta shOw -f ù- -ur-r' " tC wr~ll, bc iepure 1.,ic moitey uhéreof. - ,ottf aatthtarettcrandgnante "' Inoy thi itusparticu- ,irIi~iatcmrteneu'lyeeottledlSeign. sze fi-m'60, 90 to 120 80a ni1ec sgtand coirtei by ut ýo litencant inteperptuity untier. i r' rtain aanuta iet, technicalhy 'r~f rench lw ete rentes,, aut te ~r va r riii,,v ie nelilîlaterîneti, 'ti uri hasetriry r, vsaritt.irzinajeandti ot-i f fars'- ; lie rtght ofi yI Oaide 1,oriae.o i - tr t'dig ttae crr L-'aii t Ie uel rate t! Vcie buiietfori gtlti' rUlt theililt ; l te rîghts cf1 btat~1 Fiirg DritdeChasse, sud deI r-r r it ofvi rue da s m ok froni cachai r.' 'Iri tul l otde Carte.. cens a'et'le,<ci - renutesr,lunterly al e--;" trrt rî'îr e tr- i y ies$cý'igiiito l liu5.'rSta exreouedt alie tac suoit cf â,I" . trclus~itte curi-ctcy lfor eachj lrîrvtrii vîev'viiîtadire Suita t.e t' " ii reinlits Leen itcar edtot tr -di 'i l. r î- rt- te lim u ý R.-'r.l i t !, ,i hertte rl ar te ait cir Itî,'aetherte ,rithbie teSeî,ttiis'r le rocete an 1ci pplicîtt, anid 2ndiy, %%'iciiîer lie le ti15o l],ilOiat tlite sanie i-cnt as rithe id deede <'ùf coicesstion, r -r1, liite ts idsx pence, curreucy. qivd 1rird '1eriCiv the Soiineor to the1 lIi 1! t' r i ti, î jui tti oni>itfine, and 1 ,4 l, , t " " lwt ltho tetnant lstsubject. a.-îitse c'o, î , îititte te rentier thé 4rrr v-i t r ; 'Ciriiprapety ec.- 'Y bu. oi itil Vexations 1 'iNDe-r vît. h ,r.,tlî rat.trve irniiy bh ocserved, isi - t ion ~ iriatin e tt upitthe originall 'i titi lita, lit the tinte of conceesion, but' rU VËts, lit tetitet of i'sstgunuit tt, t 1 ru taortsai iittîraeeiaîls ruade anti1 rw'Èait llr v'vrr. r-i t -le nmutatiron eiaiîrt iiy the pri-icor tilF Uist- e a i v ili e Dèeuilof As-1c l'je iien dt ue, con-j ;; rairrîr r 'I t-e Irolrerty utti I ; ' c, IIy rr -aitie deed cotivey- n,1 Ii" to Ite Seigti-i -r ir 'lie 'iici, pts the1 * r Iii gîr -r'rttiand II S i *~et iia-r t o. lireI l irmiri the prercduîîg setchi b Ir 'lc 1- t rîti uied or adalitet o 'r rr"reVî tate Cf' Society,1 ,l.ei . rr cw inîg to te IO e.1 1o i lcreuitler upaîlthtîe lire- 'r, u av i ljj, t tandi for tic ' igtrle grati conerrion u' t' ' I ctl'- htrmille Tenure, thit t r îî' î, u lr~', îssedi il Arut à"io a f-i 'A ,'te flte f. t,: $r r- tir rorrîtaittýe ferIlite quiet rr rtrl iit ttt I e 1l'au ta of iuder tlv r riie 'r cI'ire Ii l'arte lttuler cver' thev 'Ire bounul te t vri,~ t," , i hoce holding untier I lleh rai,, ti rr rtotn for "'rrlîiîi e .iî't ilic teSeigu- Itri,'rit ev dîfllt-r re pecIL n se- .oaar arltriîîtrrc, erpertsan C tre tt}.arr51r G iSei-'uoire have ava'3ed lv lPerisio~rn teomimute 'vitit l'Ir th ii îviogritell'arts cf titeir trgr r lrititîîlch lartr, theceof îZI l1, el r vi it fimarrîi flicelengtL of itrtt~~~ t1110.il Ltpassitgof this Ir.ia-irrI iiIM uteros coulc more Rlitetc tes 'ited i,, the Fendai l'en-. IC I ' f5ilrtVaail in iaîiîim. iOr, Il rau nakîe a spoltan)eousanti ildirier I i lis rîit teîle qui on idit'te u i git1rs ituldtri ercater lbiîoTraîuif requirai te do MsI, c iît ealiiry on Seigîa. lI- lilt ttiI t Le privuege, froan ir todlartc ,ofcommtation la iv.a ktrty mgt exclu. fri t ' .'~1illiii!suirender; 'vore Ir bu filat Seigniots shoni tisIr e 'ution 1rucivable by them litr a ,i un euivalent tetea e- Il toi hich egeirs *uul 1tpil te @héaèier dispos. r n5-utgg-esethé sequestion OI t %Wiii bd Lettennination Oh utationte ' et n the Tenant anti a[f til "" - twu aternatives prssent -ItII0tilîlI.t lirt e, that the i'aj1 Chf Itue U lit' e le gistature murru eualeît Caamt te e xmrn- lit teCbg lite subect mater cf lIs i Iiayu cefar as roerd of liec eior anti enant, andi $a -tldonter a report cf us 10 in te4L ntter, in orner ]Il y en1 teapply sit" ly ie as :ndyaptfste jute fit 184.l ohr at te Sigialo lit 1oacnrdug tcet a c S5 erP~tVe arbuîratoi-5 &penr, sh Ille TSie tiabîe prctrendterthir a. Qnat uLvett rpln ither of i tilsartdis, Suaelo, it ~ t ate e prty for théesane, lireon n mt Of leg]i.a àleo Ilapp~ eRne 14T hlit, .i fscetus urrxa er., te Un uttm OCi for Il is ant te Ir Promit, y-un ir t sthn tertl'-'- Met, ,cfi. Ce.ilpc riding te the r IIOUSE 0P ASSEBtBY. Tuzssas, Auguat& t Hem r. Da rsa m ami sidasasi thé comm Hse e d Mt ainbia t ecey tir go ce"i IsSu a di.ensseofetthe édones casse unte kL ne vouliCOulas tiu athor te 1 l0 argou na hie bd bua& me ofeto de I ép et t ssq i tI eIbo i es Aït nn . [ -itact yan canemtPm i avqeratie. et am a 1wi soreo mmb au nnuesaessm an timpediment et thése courts. [One D'an is judge of acteraI districts.] Yes ; that in precisely the evil wbich Iw"shtuocure-.1Iwish toe mure te the public thie services of efficient men, andt t do this »e Eut proide that iUmoe services shail kie bta.bly P&W. At Pfsentit in DotM. Tbe judge f a D t r ourt in.flet 5ze pgedi. 1np* 40, bh uaappointinent fur More than 0.% Ltrct If! eau effeet this abject without taxing the coan. tr rdiminiahi@ lsgenel revenue, 1 shall *Oe-qderny=.-The bon, gentleman aMst me wàhe héii4ashd as one Ôf the pe- <curm obejections e tti measure that it is iniro- dncing in Place Of th@ ~an-omjsocsa Ost Of mes ho woeld "mah eir ticcisions a- eerding te law. If the hou. gentleman objeecta to thid bd hlm relâe, tu the act itueif, anti lie 'viii Bi i kin oe of the rt provsiontît téde 4es40Ma0 amo qaceording té equ!îy andi <ccd tfrxat- -fb- i., cf tia Ie*disg aIM. turcs of thébiIm hébi-ningtet'O am iD tic hos.t I«Suan t et ttisif n.I dranSe rJestice to have mien preiiing who fully undess*tan e principic-a both of Iaw andi equity 1 The hon gentleman admite that there are en"paina- a.inthte derisfions in the C ort f Reuesa but he says they are rigt mor numerosi than cesplaintsa sainst the de- emms Os f jane.. If th* hmn, gentlma had ta- ken the Pains tu examine the records of the high. èr CO-IN he WOUidha"efouDd twbre new trial, ne grantet il doms net alway@ arise frori the uiale orniseonduet ofthe jury, in fart sncb du« es "vr rare, it more frequently arises frenthe fault cf the parties not having = !ne4Ote viiene %0 fUlly as thcy oeight. This Mbeti then cnes very little weigbt. An- other éjection suggestcd by the bon, gentleman in thatbailiflbs haÏrhave the service of ail writs andti sdbponaa. The bihlle amerely tieclaratory that hi shall kiecompelledti taserve subpoenas wbere eitber Party- wisb te avail themselves of hi@ seurces : the law remainsapa it was in that respect. Then cornes another fault, andi if I feit diOposai ta shrink front the responsibility of de- fendue1 thus point other hon. gentlemen would coPie ta My assistgnce, as it was iguggested by theri, dat jutigment shoult ne kgîven upSil the catit of either Party.. There is a power gîv- en to thé jutige to examine a party upon oatb, but jWjudgment is to ke giýen upon sncb oath, 111leas supported by othçr evidence; anti it bas tbis ativantage, by thus means ne inducement in belti out to a Party te commit perjury. IaRvi>ig ow gone through thé objectioné cf the boni. gn- tleman, 1 trust, in what 1 have saiti, 1 @ha lie undeTatooti as being desirons merely of ippre.' ving a systen which in tiefective ; anti defective tu oluch a degre that the reiteratedti onflaints Of the county could noontik longer diaregardeti. Th$ Commissioners appointei to invetigate the subeet took ne inconsitierable degruof0 pains. as the bon, gentlemnan muai know, inaarnuch as thelr report forris part cf the appendix te our journal@; andi whoever examinea that report mudt lie at once convinced thiat a nuasure of titis kin4 in absolutely requireti. Téueton %van thon take upon Mr. Mer. ritt'iaentiet, which 'vere negativeti, andi the bill passoti. 1 - ~ - ~..Le.A. Lt~ i... ...tL.. -~ i """5 - - relDp* ne hue aU sué spe.*ileyas I lutlgiixr su' 0w. buseeste. yetleoedese I shat *sWees dcesltt<rsat.1 ~4itei: ut. j ~ île net iuair. seenlemi Sites. jeiges ettie District Courts St. ta butbe jiaigese .~ ativantages té U~ier Canada I I dé net 'b l coecise fonie prescna'had ix Tewnehip Lttnds !à thé Bchetiulaannexed to thé Regwsry Ordance.- Soh" te Otu suaarrentien of theise a i Mt be Fin by the Crésu, upon a respect.1 tel represuttim Mai ututhét enti, At ni htie hdwiSwe0<purmuset tutheéamode1 = ah lefativelm hetre deacribsti.'1 If ic contcideret preterable tint lic conver- sion'o ut tIt PadaI inté Flee.Simple Tenane hé tIsa *ork t <lte;or cesd gnaduaihy sthér1 thoita "iii a deiaite parii, thon, il uiat bu rnnn5esalntetbenincipieof ypvtdj)ý catione etien lafater-bi Setgnon or oft ite 1 Tennt.. FeulaIsuperstructure 118 N1d axa8"ian eider té ena>e thse Tenant te cemautute sith 1io,1 Seigniors Oct havigcwnati suh s Cresn fur thé coaeilet aithougit Passe"s-i ed of the apportunityoftioing sa, ince 1825,~ un-0 dur the Imperial Act i hle quite clear tiat thec las of éptional commutation as respects conce.i deti parts cf Seignieies le inoperatite set de1 fada, a deeti letter.1 1Witu regard to cemulsory commutation wcre1 tue Seignior matie, ai onc e tpa y the full a-1 mouint of bis commutation 'it tic Crosn, it maght kene or two gunerations, untier the oper.1 aiea cf the graduaialor opticni oytem of aua.1 mutation heisee Tenant ant i Seignier, befora hée souit receivo a ful rature cf commutation1 fi-cm him Tenantry, individuafly anti collectively1 --unies, a like principle cf compulscry commu. tatien sereapplicd 10 them-eo that je order ta renter compnleory commutation as ttti. oseronsi amay Le, andtut presrte some degree et uni- fcrmity le tic mode cf commutation belsee tic Seignior anti the Croso n rîLe one handi, andi the Tenant andthte Seigriion on thé cuber, it meigt le ruquiote onhy tato -poil the'l Sogner te psy, at tue endi cf each yuar, tue Qunat ce tue coi.- mut.tioa effectei wîth ln by bis Tetîantry dur- aig tuat perlitd. 'île Ten-uit ry te enjcy the right of optioeal commiuttioitn rrth tue Seignier, thue suri payable, te Le ixed hy Experts, aeuit principaha differ, the 'renantry possems tuis right untier the Las tf 1825i,, rer te eigniors compohhei ta comn- route concedeti Lands taith the ('rasa. W. N. C. Frmsthi T-SwaCta.t We have peruset ian tue Kingston Clroiicte cf Saturtay, a rambling article, la wiich samte Oft the met intepentent merihers cf thse Heaise oft Assembly are attacked in a mnanecr quite uncal. led for, anti in terme no general as tu contain eathieg specitie, but by shicha it in evident great effect 'ans expetti to le produceti abroa. W. eau assurete Chroticlc, that his net by sncb momis the ebjeci e prefeteet te tiesire in te bc attaineti; ant iebi oughita knewr, that but for thé uctependent support of the members sheni hie Lbs aseaileti, tue Gaveramett oulti bave bren reducedt t a preity paso by tIis tiutue. le ac. citmes, fer instance, Mr. Buchanan, member for Toronto, of 1'having protei a constant supporter I of Si,. Alt. hi- -- . ý& ,L'. ra_ _-;+;-, antd tic laie heai of te Faaîily Compact"!I tutk if oar coteni7)xra-ry tint realiy that regard fort 'rtr'wieh lie professes in the articleieufret us lu, have been gîtîdedr by, hie woulth nover havet risee such an assertion-fer hoe kno'a', or ai lem* lieo îlit te kian-, that Iii-. Buchanan bas iii ne ittancettuatedt 'h Sir Allant McNab, ex- ropt by votiutg for théetieclaratory Act, in relier- esct lite LEor Canada election petiton- andi ta, tue, enly afier having brouglit forwarti a very iportant arnetitient te t, shacit divet- ud t u f ite weret featurea, anti rucuivedth ie sanctjiün cf thc A'raeiubly. Viîe £hroice furt-L- or iusiiiltea taiMr. Buchanan', Parliatntary contact te tisapprovet 0of by tue citizene of To- rautt; but su far in tItis freini héig thé case, that 'at have ne hesitation la sayigtbaî ail parties sec initi a desiro te represeat rtghtly the, senti- mtns cf titis cattstituîcncy, tu the gruatoit ex- tenu consistent wtih hie osa keowe andi ato*eti priaciptes. Iliii most bitter polilical céopeet ru 3tiîtu as mucha reliance as bie polit friande, tint Mr. Buchanan *i11 never Le a party tu any factioue Movenent agaitiet Geverament, 'vêtue aIl knoVe that ie govoannont nor poser e earth %vili clicit front hlm concurrence i any measure ho tacs aot appreve. Andti uI sim men ta Mr. IBuchanan, sho thinit Lfore théy net, atîti ho are an capahi 0jutigiag 0f ue pro. priuty or va-lue cf' geaeral mensures, as sey member cf thte adiministration, se muet hiet ta the Chronkcd, that tue Goermaient 'viiil ied it necessary te moulti lis measurus, se as te suit tue viuws cf its frienda andtihde frientis cf tise country, insteati of cxpccting, as se are entitled te inter frouethe article ia the Chrarnicle, tiat every mensure muet le ésallosai " kbduga," as it camus forsarti, recounnendeti oniy by is tite, 'itunut rofereece te its particular provis- ions anti details.Mr. Therbnu member for Lincehi mu, cntesl is for a particular abare of the CbiesdcIV attach ; but the ntegrity of tiat getlemm a i IooU hu kosentMappreciatatihy bis constituonta andi by the coucry;to ki in tise lenut degree affectei by untoundeti attacha of Ibtis description. Mesurs. Roblia, Mrritt. anti keusil, are aise nameu th de article before us, but n terme tee general te nure eyty = r-; ticular noticn eking taken 0<sht s soitet uSent. Were thec LI'osice te direct itself bilte di- 1crs tif govsr.nant sad peint out te theStthe tncceasity of heingrmote enengutic in tem rmoe- nument&, ha ttagbttio scune serie: fer they Muet 1untienstandat at stere they expect support 1hey muet repete cotafidébtcd. TIse memh.,. of the adtministrationia aua yet zpon thoir trlig a" ine are monct desirous cf esing a tain c»pMtini. f =.Brethm»Mbein%teaWetiantijudéed by amour; an w a»ejhcônouidienîhat tlwy have *0 partiy 6 if aï iâk isn tié Asde*hly, ton shoun tiey can rely. ticy st msctM e <et- er noceslty cf acquittiag theutelvas th UtIsét- istction cut thons hose support thoy look fur- serti to.-hbut shiclt support must ticpeneemtlt ly on the merlus eft thé meseureste shh i lMnay ie soogsL. We anay have occasin te ratura te Ibi subi- ject. 1 One cf the arguments matie vii fé galant the bih, anti 'viich estnhes me sitis nocincomuidrabia degreof force ont as an argumnt againe the biIhbt as an admission, which r«Uhy àsuriae me net a ittle, intolving thé principis tist ainme- Lera cf ibis, loiesestntihbeuet m exeeme teîr osa deliberats judgments, but t e ans the mersrecerdars of thé siehms of their cuetitu- excy, as tics. vsitesmay ho expresse t t thém frumn d&ray éday. (Hea, hon.> Whori1I Bah myself ira sit luation I1sha"lcesse te consudar 1 rhyfie~ on ebjectlonateibis WU 1thét uisice'a the courts sOlmm ho le hhoteseh»Jeu.n B t rusitr ,ns. :New liauag1Iadmt th g asfr pomessh* utice"sont w te evury --n'a déor, tut se amret <laebc~.)tin, tbeefore, tItis L in ont eitisd.te es'aet téh.T~n r omgu oweetloàs shicis Iaui iaut hen I broughî t i "meneurs. I ex adt thé ope-ý sition cf the Cemmi""itansf Uiprasmenor; andti neey a( âme Who re Commisiasers, but of thoeWhoopatebesno; an neo ly of thonseWho hope to e nobuofthonls Who hope té have a toice in tissir appointaient. (Heur, heur.) This ijase oposition *muet 1 fujy ex. pectei-an op tlion aring tfe" th dtstrue- tbon cf tiat lhu e local patronage shicha le pas. sesacti by the Commissioeero, (Rer, héar.> I have flot been disappointeti in tise iighteat deý gi-e, asti I tbank those bon. gentlemnet for tite condior sidu -shicla tuey have atimittedtheti <rund upon whicha ticir cpposition resis. (Hear, her.) Another remark cf thse hon, gen- tleman i-mSouth Lincoln shicb le sdI reéorthy of notice as an aruet ginst tic passage of the bill, in,,tuai ahlhoughtroc ueit may Lcae good measure, anti sell caictuateti te promete tue better admninistration cf justice, yot the people do neot aeh for it, anti therefore se ahouldt net paso it. (Ilcm', heur.) W. are herm tee, tat te exorcise our fine anti intiependeet jutigments, but to record the 'isItes cf perhaps ise or turco mctitlieg individtuea auegt ounr coetitu. cncy, who taire upon themmelve. te express touos the sishes cf tint constitueecy. (Hem', héar.) If thése are tuties of hon, gentlemen as legisha tara, such ara net my doties. (Heur, hear.) Tise hon. gentleman proposes by hlm amentiment toeuxtenti the juniadiction in somne cases.ta twety fite pouetis, anti give the poser cf granting uIc. cutions sgainst lands; but ho shonld recolicet tuai unlesa the court ho matie a Court cf Record, tuere can La ne evidence of title te mucha lands aciti by the Shérift exccpt the Lare recollectîo of parties, whicha amounts ton evidenc aat il. Let heu, gentlemen rellet upon the cousequen. ces of sucêtanalteration as ths, and t iW '.st, 1 think, bc difficult ta discover is 'mpropriety When you tareaway pu art ofon bth chuances are têtu shole superstructure 'vil] cone about yonr cars. An bon. gentleman proposet, shen this meneure sas tiscuseti Lfore, tuat it shoututibk tefer-edttathe succeetiing ession ef Paliament. If that hou. gentleman Lad made use ef a umént insteati oftdeclaunation, 1 coulti 9 iel.a iasun1n tiens cf anter. Witi regard te that bon. gen- tiemane I'viilmurely remark that if ho bat ruai the bilIlea woulti have feunt i taiteosas yran" in ttc position te iook. h shal net 'vaste urne la replying to, tuose remarks whieha bon. gentle- rien memetimes induige in, shioh apply te tte ordieary prejudioca against tête lega> profession. I aeI iveti long enough to keow that the credit cf ttc profession cf shich I arn a membur suhî reet net rupou the sircastie raproaches whicli may bu applicdt t it in popular tiacussion, but upon tîte cenduet of ils merihérs. Therufore 1 arn quite careles'it re-gard ta observations of tItis nature. An hon. gentheunlan *hêt bas favoreti us sit a --gi-eat shot," toit us k ishat net het ail hope cf Ling able ta tbros out Ibis bill. 1 tuinit 1 eau holti cui te hin a hope, not tuai it wilî net paso, but that hé 'i bkdisappointet me lis ope- ration, Itwoultihk ridicuhous ta tenture ta hope that in a sinle session a mesure coulti hé so sdIl maturethIat aH itilsprovisicns seulti La per- fect; but that is nota ronlaideration shîch shoulti intince un ta ferego oadeatornug te make it ns perfect as possible. Anti it mnust asmrdly kc atimittei thàt a syslem of unlformity- in Ltter "ia ose shicb baso uniformity etiaIl. A sys- teur shicêt gve.nomae derof ceriminty as tc tic exient fIce junistilctiae of the court, eau.] net d ticchrsise têtan elfeet a beseticial change. I am ont quite contmnccti, ttutt'etaning al tic arguments 1 have heard, as ta the aheoute necessity of freqiient sttings. It in a difficult matter te steer ketweeuî two eviha, that of encout- raging toc trequent litigatién, antiof <ptiitng even the show of depivîng sul.tans oftic oppor. tunity Of obtaning spoeiy justiqi; altId 1vili franhly pet ih ai the hmn gentleman frein Prince Edward, sho piaises nse big ythe oîetion of the prusent courts le his ofen eeighborhood, sheiher t bas lmt hein c'ing ta his ose diae-a tion and jutgment in the dparniut bathofCom. riiesioner anti Clerk et that cÔurt,; (fer hoctas fi h otu ofices,) rathur tisai te any utisur cir. cummence, that tiose evils shich the system is no ssiI calcul"lt te protuce have netarisezn that peuicular District.i ThéeIsm rgetlemanr appert@ that himpa ibe ta make Liue peale kelieve tItat Ibis ='viiPais; ttis shos.veory evidendly ltat teh as u h e alsg ta emanfce thor; ant ini.tht. tory ted of ieisslag r ia alaiagaunst I, ithont jwodueinthéede«c shicis héotiesired ; sWb"* abt% lairaI7tct 11 are ocim tw it on lm, av b Om ne a.tice aeedsesuiits ou- siicei tronighi v uai ais uli Ican usa ommlai e tt softacriemtichiest au aneasymetrte te rcuh etnge w"itWhrcon. bthe eawstan xesecdngthe tenpar gosnd utrheni e ilsne. t te wice ut em puresaon upcts" m.yaemsaày c thary,'hem on kc mttjutePcla yuehestii hé l avstti aloitheaU to maesanogtà care or gemns Mman ny.Uï cructhéd 94 cuountry.eIf-à q. auorp- Pres.sirajPue bu mauyoftbe cuuite sesmt Iisb eq tm u iiorAbsel ma ftt*l - a le* wute " cmmit o rn m FWh boa latte aeowplU wsue1 ne t dea sea mme l .Znoc la pwideJe %à a1iü ý notie bd ...,..Who me lm t Wo n dssire that you shahlik tolti, yon ciihave tite ReÇ,'rrrsf Canada with vhom ho (Mr. fli=chi powcr egul gyour twn ialfa rs; you shah Lhad thea#qfactioeoaLi. He wumlwdinà teectyur conila,but mind yen, 1 shallappint inembers gnt being lait astray by the asser. técersof thoe councilà; Ishell lregulate tions clan Lbon, andi learneti gentleiman who bati their s-aiing; 1 &han sent te or annul such of aIwayatbern oppoveti te the principle cf abhwing their ac» et1 iplase; an"iI shalh displve theinrte people te have thé management ofIteir owe .Wheuj thint proper. Ant i thie giving te the a.Mire Thé peopleocf Western Canada, it people ponter! If itlik pewer, it je a stage'oulte éreolqov&are subject ta taxalit., thc sMt oft)ewer; hi inoerjainly tbo tpolyer ofdongexpendtme of wlichié man'ged byan irraqion. Myq liti. I 'iiirefrain fhum-gong moeset cible ?Mesracy--a Mavgls rc-ont by ihe le nli i this subjeet at present. 1 tbiek 1 Execot4ve aven 'vhor the people ave né con- bave ýakeady siit ennugit te ince this hon. trot. Tplkbot.tIse appointuentcf Clerksba n house lepase bdfore thi eyaept tIis shatiof et raxure"s! Arê4,they fMot .app ted by the a potvoe*hjeb is profeasete toc gtien te thre Exeetive St prettent 1 Yet w. hear te bill, peopleiy the WI now- proposeil for our adoptioîn. iviithail le other excellent provisions, objecteti )Er. Dtiu* ameidhe o se merely for the par- ta beraine thuse appointunentusttinbe la the Pose «fmakiug a feu'reuarks uye-i the ptii e Ibands of tc governSinat. AhIhoogh olie(Mr. ç<b lIt satetprousient anti important I lineits> 'as, tnt in favor ofmnuy eo'tse dtaili saassqp.~té à «, lpinniqti n., ., "hm ic iWcytheUijtlifttal he ke~e élas cenvieceiti t il 'voulti for taeor th $eVkhillO5SS. jýPF6vobçpn teothe country. By it we shoalti r. V,,;m @aîilu'b«wieh to,ébuaiti- recoyer thse adiraniagus which bail bru est iby croti averse lp municipal inattiee; but thue the passitg of the Union ll. [Hear, hoa- 'veonu nt municipal institutions 84auri . tiiey langhter.] We-formnt bati-the riplit te orîgi. onght te bc. Tbejpaere aa vet sumt- oati money bill; le place cf liais 've arm now to ted te the considoration of the Lowernfeaias. have local self governiment. [Ilei, thent.] As Ilad it keen sen uîitel il séall net bave Wo f-as ~ rethse principle he fully cuncurred incorne a law, becauere it wuasms an iniltoes t Lu eongt îLe ople wcre Fsrfeeth cnpe- law-it wip one a.togethar itheut example It tent te manaetbefr own affaire. (0. ylcs.)- 'vas an exerrable policy thi4 experimeuts of thiw Nevertbeless, hi eievet tere 'vreuBorme clan- kinti soutidk forcetiupen the peuple. Insteati ses which 'vere objectionable, sadti whiclt lie cf bcing subservient ta the gSct govremment of hopti ould be so modilieti as te iiact the appro- thé country, it was calculatei te tictro thé har- t lthe people. mony anti tranquiiity of the country. Mfr. BÀLDSIN said he coulti net help express- Mr. NVLIAms.-The hon. gentleman froin unie littie surprise at the mariner in whirh Oxford lis statei that lthe entire community are tebon, andi hearniet gentleman Lad brought for- te favor of thmis measare. 1 deny tItis position. 'vard this Ineasure, wahich lie cemeti te copiiEdr (Ileir, lie'rr) 1 Lave as gueti un oppcs'tuelty of orfe of those great measures 'vhich the pc.eple kinAwiing the 'visies of the country as any hon. look for froni thc governt;, but hoe sceins to eenfleman, anti 1 say the lurge body7cf lthe Re- tlaink it eecessary te tuake sarne sort cf ap.ikr' %foriner8 of titis P'rovince are opposetl te the nies-, for use introduction. île fela that it ie net suei aura. (N, ne.) The bon. gentleman bas alec a bill as oughitotu k submnittut t the reprer.en- siateth iat the expenditure cf manies isn under the tativea of the people, (tient, hear); elsewherefire control cf au.irrespensible Maistracy. 1 say it make an apelegy? 1 amn akolitely astotiislted ciijld tiot bc placed ini better ban de. Anti te that an administration scetsrong ini the confidenice coutince the ittuse tît t lectise institutions are of thte people, as we are bonntitet suppose titis ie, mit iii ail cases ce very ticairable, I will nmerely for we have Lae repeatutily informai that this reeur huit. anenibers ta an act which 'vas nme is the case, shoulti have conaidereti thut oe of yearr nec pasme in the Up CaaaLgs- théir great montures requirei anu orogy fer its ture. taking the control of tLe statte labois e ut introduction. It je perfectly 'i-eill own that 1 of the Itantis of tbp 1Magiqtrtes and jlaeing it in amn favor of establishing municipal corpera- the bandis of three CetuinimauemWbat ivas tions; but 1 certainly frlet great objections3 a- the conauquence ! Nothing sas 4one. *Tlàere gainat the tietailseof Ibis bill,* anti I came down waa ne statute labor perfor.mei. (Hem', Lear.> tp thé bouse titis evening uith the expectation TUhe Legisîsînre 'ver.e bligeti te repeal thse law. of hearing theélbon. anti learnei gentlemaun pr. N Viîla regard te the bill there wure many obeex-, pose. te postponc its consiteration, le ortiertat joueclauses te whicbholiecoultil acter give bis ilÏe existing difrerences migit bk reconcileti; anti consent, car 'voulti he pletige hirnacif te support 1 woulti nos snggesÊt that the eommtttee risc, the bihle i any chape. report preoesanti reconaienti the measure-té 1Mr. llHc.-ics hon, gentleman front Dur- li referret ta select cettmittee. biains4ya the reformera cf Ibis province are net Mfr. Solici;or General D.&' rose anti caiti lýe inî favor of a measrre cf Ibis description. 1 can tluanlîed thte hon anti learneti gentleman for hig iu.y c@,y 1 arn at a loge te untierstarid wbat sort extreme goot nature, anti fer bis vcry hin.] offlr of refermera ihey ean ke. I ar net urpriseti at te relieve himseîf anti calleagues froin trouble. theaoppoFitiono& the hon gentleman; blie ietti Thé disposition manifeatei by the hon, anti lento- lthe tovn*hip elSeers' set; ihat set was passet ed gentleman 'vas bighly creditable to hbu, anti turing the reforni parliament. Thbe net 'vorketi exceetiingly gifing te tbe feelings of biniself 'veill but there wa* a certain tmar parliament anti bis colleagnea: however, continuei Mr. afterwaris, the bread-t.butter parliaient, Day, as thse country expecta front ns these mens- which neyer representeiltIhe people -ttc very uires, 1 beg lente té decline the very liberal andtiretrsi neti'fihat parliamieet sastoe #Pea tie sct, kinti eG'ers of the bon, anti carneti gentleman.- because it gave a little poser tojàq> peûp!e. £Ilear, hear.) I vies ibis mensure as armeasure (la, ér)Antithl~iis ýPt,1 e'oi.gentle. Simportance: perbape h le the wreat- D'an C>'Ie iesense o-- eol ig gi acy ,overnimefifffit?ýM ',~ ,ttkpLt . ,,. bth W ~*a tfil-e one, ousever, shicit ougiat long ago e.ahave been iryv istopenuiity shcli 'vs à~ té carrietijute effert: te people ought to, have cf preventiig lthe people frOrn exercimugngmy beau long cru this perioti, placet i n a situation management wlmatever over their afiir. Ani te manage thucir osa local af&irs. kis j a mca- as ta th. magistrales being such im*lltent guar- sure which 1 have ne husitation jentieelang ii;titans cf the public money he (Mfr. Hindi.) coul calcuhatedtiet confer great benefits upon thte tnt re.gartheoaes heieg.se tory immnaculate as country. It muet be rne in mind that the es- the lion. gentleman seemei te do. sure in one cf a nevel character, anti 1 woultiput it te the gondi sence cf any hon. meîhbkr wheth- ROUTINE BUSIMMS. er tn the creation cf a power ef this kint iut is net Tý1'mu , luli3M a muatter cf cermeon prudence te retain certain The follom-ing petitions sere severalhytriaht7 chéchu, upen its eperatiens, that the meachieery up andi laid on thte table. may be put fairly in motion, anti shen the people By Mfr. Mrleeap, tbe petition cf Win. Miller have become famuliar witi thée peratien cf tic ami others cf the townships ef Rexborough andI systeni, alterationa rnay be maie if fonné necus- Finch, Counîy cf Stormont mary; ant il vii ay wtth regard ta these muni- By Mr.Buchanan, the petilice of Georg Pet- cipal corporations, tbey partake of a political cai Ridenut anti athero, rnwers cf th. Boardi character, distingnishing thcrn frcm muere carpe- cf trateof Toronto. rations of au crtiinary character. Thé hon, anti By Mfr. Morris, thé petition ef HetSt Weeks venterable member fur Richelieu nays this bill is of Yonge, District of Johestowa. unpercne : t i:i unpreceientet iun ibral- A message sas receiveti front thse I.a lativo ity ! (Hehear.) Thé hou. anti learnetinmuni- Council, by John G. SpnuM, Esq. atra ber objecta te thé power of disallowance of the Chancery. b ï-laws cf tic District Couneiha heing vesteti in Mn.Spneaker. TVie Leghslatire Conseil haiii tIeExecutivc,'alid aisé thé peser of dissolving Pused tÏh6eBill intitietil - M st to, Ineérporate tise coîaneils. thes ara net greatcr poserp tise thé Ladies Benevolent Society 0of tteal4" extat *ite regaril te Ibis legashature (hiear, hear-) sithont any ameedmunt ai ast tic apponnt c heWrcnte Mr. Diaggan obtaiet leate te absent hliself appointrientCf rI Lieutenatsof eneiesinfrein hie bouse turing thse space of eîght dayoi, Englantia je insecte degnee a precedeetSu> n-'o urgent busines. pose it shoulti happea, alter these District Cout- Puremant tq tic octier cf the day the Mlhésuat cils ha beeu ehecteioce cf thore change. in petitions sere reand. public opinion, whica ie se fluctuating, shoulti Of Archaibalti McDenel, andi otIte,.of the occur, anti it shouhti isceme nee.aary te dissolve Township cf Gloucester, Osgood & Ru14eIpnay-, the legishatunlesthie p o f disÏolvie ng that a tearnpike rond be made frea Bytown tic <Jouncul lso" bq 1tit ie cCrown, se te tia4k ULwrenee, anWithat it pase Ihratagh thé milthave, anti U, .. ubteihy sould have the eforeiag Tr nhips Conctils aetting hençives ai variance sits thtu 0f NahohasS=ihniand oele.sof té0, iv Exceuti-e and sith onu another. (ILear, hem.) District Cpaying that a -es %Cept lieuse&d. Witi respect te thé Goverer tiividiug thé prot. Jaülmaybeirétbd in a qpicentrai au en-. Wac Jeto districts, aceôrting te his own 'vi],1Ivenient part of tic District I"ea heqithéIPm- am surpriseil tat the bon. gentleman should oh- sont buildingame ~e t ttt: ut inestuietly a constitutional course. 0Soh areo f thé Tevr. f et h ir.to ite"-"edM m, ndleaniel Col. camy ef lasmsa1praing &W, adteqe a 1 any apolop for tise intredudt of 0<tItonnmantre;- 0f the Rmevena *u&ihiseAudmnspa i WI t eurine ioaap g;.anti if Âthe cois -, 1 isrsjigfi -adeeè uds ai necessary t siat e ats ff M oeste tss eai atstIs te eîpetof 01:11001. of thé law e? léser Canada, M' e.ons o et t. 0f I8"4&Mnesansa eracfthe rioruat sqnalities or, depracits- ltunierats. eofSIs5ffld, Couatref dr& for agian S'S A&roNaIgcl gaid hé idîseijm *M< m-1itepaou@&n"av ank au ta théenierits aftise blI, bat e t thim Ierond indtuéviiuty of. Wabnl tW M n Wb" istathhm hWbaibsnM ,g.4.dtic 'The hfa#M sud ernedeliochtér setihssa fJps.ot ami etinimts 0<çs,'t i t phg eol é ae x s*r~Act dinecsp e s.unierthéajle of' thé~e' h<~smL The Syeulou f_ t i t i l a s e 'ip ilo n la s d p tn a m m u é& J r i u a " « m a i y e Theanlbstraie. nos .rt hsp i t p o u te, riU À t5sm I .Mîest ef.WutemCu" into th e ma boat, auniCkf0 aemC1, pqub MOUi Cfeinee- -NYe hir «yâ m bte alter ins pcua tiiw0q< J3«"k 1sssupu*4 a so las o may &m ftçLiame, Canadàanste. nurhésylea et-dte CiIyci rTose OGs ahhy disaproo cfdht àemauw loetIsenâ stand Lat<c a.ç toisa" Mi SW M rvewwgià trainaheegait B dI thrttt u~ns. tenuiras tita 1 t bqse te asimnitratiou tu ton#* lthe te 0 thfi aM.sQela thé~~~~~~~~~S mnrhhShsiht 1 ayap-. 0 -ae t m uta Me11h and eiv Wtl g ae<ahaat 0 puit upCS Tutsi, Ag-mat 3. Il ite ouse reeciveti itsehi itaa Comamitnes cf thé wholo upon the IilIi te previde for the intter- nul goverinent ef tiat part ef Le lPrevince which formerly conctitutoti the Provainuce of tpper Cana- da, h*y the establishment of local or muunicipal antharities theruin. lion. 1Mr. IlÂstRaox sait, previn.stunovg for the adoption of tue e veraI chu-ses of thiie b111 it would perbaps bu proper fur hbu te maku a tes observations upon- the eature of thiteaesure. The object of the bill is ta put into lthé hante of thc people thenselves the management of their own internai afiirs. To ar-coniphish this object ta fer as the eaetere part cf thé Province ta con- cerneti, an ordinance sas passai s"me time eg, anti ' js io on nto operatien. The pres- entbiI inteedeti eplace lthe western part of tise Province upon thé saine footing. There bas been n diffbrencè ttideexcupt sucli as tue roc- poctive situations 6f the diffeërent patte of the province rentéea> necusssr. The wsteîrn part having héretofore, ken provitieti itit-township cificers, it was enhy ecesary te superatit thé plan which 1 bave tics thé bottor te submit te titis committue. ln the eastern part, on the cou. trary; tuere havirtg been ne sncb thieg -in exis- tence, it sase eccssary ta give an individus] ebaracter to the machineryof ibis easure. I bocanne eecessary, théefore, ttstme shiglt dlifférence shoulti Le made ie non-esseetiais ;ltbe main featurua of hotu arethe sanie, h may Le couac a very materisi question whethér thé bill ait nos le silh hé satisfactory, te tuis bouse it rail ils tietails. That, hasever, is a malter for furtier oensitieraticn ; at preseet, hi. isfor thc bouse ta tiecide shetsor a meSure of this kint shoulti k atoçiteti antis trial given te ht. fMr. Vienta sait hoisati been at consideraule pains in examaining the ordinance of Léser Cana- da upon tuas subjeet, anti he sas sorty te aay ut sas cf ac a character au no man ceuL appreve 5t oLIt W beenpassebhla sof men wo, id net repre-ent, thé people. By it a ses machine- rW et goverament bat heenestablisact, for shich th ru as no example in théessw" civilireti Heu. Mr. Ilaaîsex saiti it ses truelisera r wre ne preednt for tise institutions pre. eu csel iatheifortsadopteihgU*W ="di am at tielIy anelgômé. One é dWoud ss the et7sMn éÎgW,ý cd; sW as thé Sco w« sil toe ma&e »Ms orporateio a stistegir. then an exist.- àb."Unm-jýlr»e -tryeystemnethé PariéWt s"ganmi the t el khawu la Enan, lSind relantin us rance, antiin Léser catn- ada, but 1 soli like e heor thé bon. gentleman - n ia taybetween thasteiai thé.wlnaeecf ésr Cousis. Wht ,d provulsime of ibid ordinance! 1hhlxb tlé th tW evéral clausep, hpt 'wMsaieerl t 01Saterial <fes. J ir, ' thé emnrdisi thé province accoeiln te bis oa 'viii; hé par- <psitostgin distrts;learppcnta Certain of enlf eR t <the connais; hé bd lnaisthé umting Of *e0cuncisant hé btas héposer 0 td-itecit Itm at Iessremam Mtbama- thpe Iplesto rerama' ! I U Me sa~~paiskn-Otw epa sel cadi tie1C 'mma a. sts. té sas fet; Ihtùelbpsg «aduebv ~iIe l~ iu IL 1 9-offlos e ýfflnwm-%bý on Cfflew ZýWý km&.1 q ai y %

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