el6 . ue- -s--e.. Pa"othelbptisa0ý g5w , ahwi.bPip ." mDwv"a os~ mam haftintbveat yu"mr psviau.te b04a yiaCla à dé ueffeeo vaa Ivo basadflte pma, Mai b lasI yuu t anotdoil gylu.t m anids!Wtm!£-V yPO" tirs huItgiai-four poe, uaiMd jLtha il nay h lacenas bunud~ for lbe put yer' o..«" et . m. rks, sutamie! 17Mr. TI iuhntneSMdUieoe mbeta&y et blaMuaolhmbe imlt5a.. Wl, s o lb The maW pq9tln as *W- ccraisly. Prmutio.a l ader of lb ay te lb SuinAmiai! Josbephè" ofBrckvdls, Paying eiuahLalaohwuAsmbiy viiicause tobapidtohem Waai*ntO Irt1CleM ma .o.tclcmin*0lbLocW igmi~araions on tise 'ta La,. ceCZ4 aL gant n antsmioner 2:r nmh -b doCatnadi efo Provnm 0fNieepil A Dovsley and! alitis, inhbilante -Mlb Teimt« bip of A!nangta4m" t - (edaYsbut Y. d Kiagl 'o1n%4C-iPlaining Mlet * mmhaleO! lby bsah i- &laitç(ltb cfavons Cro4lo an 'mlap MWaiMsaVt7 M laUsdo pam jb p@afwml aIéL - ' -ft Oftloi m b n liFeiodv Iýý U feb"ieW. ., laoe. of temt ov(YM m nd i*s. nbW bot 'rie poutton cf ioL Rbtoaca a4bet t e Md psliicinumW W auaeiâiantmo o 'diMd bu Nmu d ï oeoi te -" apimdl-aldduthe Nsî ---.4 ai adthmbWosltrtsm aula hmbi aid sibe api laof t.vmpe Wélim Md b, b1mm e ub& N d aid alers, lbolaa4M luesM oth. :: P.o apole, m heofly e ffi PUt méatirem" cfmbla in eouatdm lialdm d furthé e tlun m.0EJh D C' na lb pet tia ihe bWoe, and lles Mhe Au é e M"sAalM ta oqure Justice cf te ale t oia wom frQmberlnsM svpttaa!fue do «M twfn-mudbal tw aILgisiave cb"i a.! da.. nle rnm tria nid tuua and fausbai oeSl.aefgrfI~eoI~iln rugi l1-4 ang Du=sisimapcEDiutUM Druamudu -'u«ýt ebe Th lwgwýM lbat MaoUs Adoetn upadlais!Doithlb tabla: ..,. By M. BaluliR a oiinMsegn r basasoM tineýtovnship MOiy. District i*W- Ioauh Brioe mi Onarlo 1511 Rsa(CM4 -Pon. ByM.nCantnoe, r. p Oftlau £. . K Of Stmnlead, çOfyMSasma An enlomo! alielcuiite liUdipOf. buù mina a bCO etcQueea'pA ofhUppr' Canada vwu rusaI falb liirdIn. RemholvualTnthelb Mldo pa. Isola.! That. Mr. Alias>' eaerll Deapa do carry lb nid bil tlbtLegisativCouncil, and! dem" re Inircocrence. Porsuanto t lb dusof tlb diy, "ii flloing - fNil icDo nd iaiolers, coh trumteau oI thtonsip oM Geuiaspraying fer an aid tovads b supuutàaoi u mi e an!Mdt. IX WiIi.xa Cm,NomAts and etaid aiaM tise tovNaipM Wfil= ypmyng for Ib o nabah hiluonl onOI sbios, a! Iùmithe Bibis.be "M! as a oiaèm book Ilatlb nid cboolm. 1Antorican .fre'seoohalMoitielpralngforea grant onumebnidmaeamdstovarda- tin sup- port of lb sai w . Of Warren NoUels aa oIns itunm O > îs. oeetyof a!dimuniL pryi MI-Eau.. ( sE aliuuaniai lb mâ4aeset lb Mo Camn etab.fag"! it. a nwDiveid1 W.Jolan DoOmuaand album, mi*doa h >county oM Hakbdinsmal, , rct *mi Ntavledverd ethe fdii , M Walp01oI ctaqyM d laamum&pasing tbau »e 0outat>' f Haldimnd bh.oreatie tnt. a. uev f;District. saei nd tovipMWt pol_»4ofýak e attacha! te the nov District. Psarnota xnan :-Tie ti ofic Arcit- titi!!McDaso n! oles, Met of-vvupau SGlooter, Osgei% a!Ral rand loall rh IUmmeom the M o ây hast, -Mr. TlaoelmttMMd ei.,mocidalb'ié<at- nov takigtsoidenaee *edam, tIlols igr the tovMofNiagu moubp Lfisu'"a. Wbctenaalrean . Nuegam m Oudondepoe1.tin - in kgtos ndr im tai o 1be éuI ugun tin l. mma , u.lve. ur e dia âmel Rmoa.!,Thot *6 a 40 IMMau thIor oonorenc. -Ordue!, Tht MWL AUthaau DÏspu hmk lsaue abiinla a Ita **t"-"ti -b« "UW l!!yPedv"" ellils an là*Welan C" C bal.l purclamer l beiN f tblý Pro- Hsuccerdhngly Ptsmmahelaid be8*sa lbe mam wvasrcesagal anal rua ft us iae a r m t i s e . ' ui -i-b t imet.nyW Où me"let Mr. Mrie, tsomald *bb er Ev. euma Ronm&aTb"e amb no b. pe,nle! . is Eacs hel ~a Geealpup dgmit i EeàlnylIbe Ir plsoed te caet be lbe Ibhlg Copeza Mikaemthonar tmmesb l4oetsin4m Wàhe telbLs -dw 7h lpumb«uMadbf»l vererGeasi mzu hmj* 11 ereaanOUIL au! lb 141h lntai rameemyl anulb t samaladm as8Wm lb Honasae lbW5aen l Of tii.Provine. - rTe fllalig peitlees'uze ve op and a idlon lth l- By Mr. Cw"the b aum t ita a tller aid albums, lariatant MEPplu" By M. Parka, lias Petftion -d J.1 &Bd! oInts, Froboldors aid labéi tawubpmà* eaaiioed aid l icâa11i1 13Y tb lio> mr. moBtti tebpst Board oM Tradu M ofnroaýL By Mr. maa, lhépetibio uMlâ Ilioracal Saciety' cf Quabee, pra bogical suutre>'fMUas province: n the lterary aIautorlatml saeloty, ai ti& ftiseMIncomittseofMMampage NationalScitola t Qebec, By 1Mr. Crans, tlb pslition M IL ai! oUMor, laitant MIn-tavua boouàanad tadiait> . oual>ciMu Mot .n aid hibl Soiutabsrian la lbNevemle i 1>' W Buiunah, <bepelitim d M iIyo UAlemnan! Commogu 'of tvertsaid lo leca - FBy M1r. Dliols; lin petifonof ai the othea.ovotee eau!t oftlb cosmmisocurm MfI&0Midi .etnpikeTru4 auggusing mid m I emudthe!"AaAMtarepenahmlt 8 h Immavonoin faeefSr lb rugail .eeral macaaama.ied tondu vilail 0f Margaret Etisno, aMIn olv UNr, NevcastaDitrict. statiot liait toi taler docowasa! buaalJohn jI ' b .ismèagsahd toawaulinpemw% bunlas! puU a tanboutpat»,%I aiO asma laObrmuaX G, l Mdiol Pàet te eMf ( ad a : fsi Tbpdlou<biMahe bue ab , ovidlfa e t Wbr il a pelltiruloa m adiu d MThoaaaPa"" e et th. MvÀin - Men an! of .eiy Mncg T ' ai thA mnme le. ie Luear fr i à MObno$qpM»N"a, Nqnu.e 9 T-cery. otbl um mw i of t ebiv et s Oua Mo in f m Pl ovi e : , in Tt . bIaad h nmoi adabr Ur. poma s ILa 1541. _i,_184_1 CRU" lecnative CO in asfa firand, ~I~a. Ii ersW. j hrwme.g __ __ __ __ __ __ _ter Tbsu1ywly lns fUltn ILît boam us an sd >m(bat inCeuscin uikoly te re- Judge Campbell ho a reN ~~l2tU . tiv.IBU ~ upt~,qbooevadtienceand candou u i - "I P~ ARUAMENTAIY ID et.emu8.kifhk " âwOE15C~ o ed an ableand leaurnedth, Ï waut wi nd nabu a ~ jusmpums~dswilb. Ou T..mq 1 J*dI81 b ho net 80Cur îha veric "f 1b 1. aqamisiW mi k Tà& b bitawim ilo too esnas th verdict 's as deI!%e wlil m .9.W Ietl swsibs n otnai hurut of e - ~ tn 1k 5I~WflWtaboutut IUI p~ie1a rida l- led for sortie iule,. QIk h~ie àmmam nw tt the Csncil g.cy of dcoutem andid esibiIe *ra-feeling onthis iule rînga' n M ~ ruent." Weqa i*, bt ves t"Iy. Thul4tUic erdict et a beîiomubmtoeshm the aEuoentm cf elsi ndly t an-_______ offar discussion in Car > tisp ~ tiy vrslut Ii l unvoe$TeonBmTeITe ~CeDD115ý5O Iltsn n i î h " ýrsm 1. 1 -and, besresfnî,.îtheund, e etv» or tins.refirnimerr us afflotd teuavutigte tne.jIl'naa ~~ efîdth Ou Wdmuly heCunuy lD1mmwd in eo nMed a~bve T-Port& W* 8 tatre lt portion 0f the k ~~ ekeue mh l the nisboume. ~unalale .publish theReport l in nmber.but thia Povice have beeln guih, IcePa r "om& m mht bliUMUveatrodaced and Opt-we haH ta" »an erly owert-"iy of4tiSng - hi es tioen.clîngid à ~.W.bave beaue OWOt.o curs acopet We isi bvee te cinerte , tb qietin lb I Mtlere, bt in»dou> iefteuex Cimst.nbaO tke a orrctvie Gth e Vo the underaigned, w,,j hfhSS via. aipiail ua EU on o e9exuto ýM.pooeiua lie Compacta maOra8ge Party, Iey'a trial, l19; and atte, W" m.pcg itIn ou S 0,W«M ofProca" 'd w abodsma correct report of the saine. am. MW aday, JIfay, audajrandXanday ve OeBac ofmind.Wbal IKingston, l7th Augus, p d mas. -,COL Gan, lihe qijiomlg camdte S MW; 11U but * Ot n Maify ha dmt L-Ne v aara,d î telb ove »Y mU pm lvunte au violatof te peade. upbtir. I féel a ditildeuce, Ub *W C omsa for atwlaise ora deulietof 0Eduty by connervatoredosyet tu@ee o f duy t rsita ousuaaoulcntsa1 lindelebt 0E . w. cavethe Report humvo atteunhi, as!1 feel I have iu no e. oui*9 bussite tebmm.Etdua y effyatre plnie0 etanmmeaas ju a right as otiiera lu bo' oirmvllondiq tw uaauma.ua001111nM i. 0E lnCepraia Eth etCtyToroatotakren fltn e, or as len 1 .J oua tintlbCharges ote poudms. Ily tiul uhae baau in CuclChtam, ltboçd Pf Ile, 1~~n a- ft rbduin&iaunury debales bave Imien laving followed theleo , 1~~, ~: ~lm- eyOS e r f"rtwo uiî 1 Wethe riein~,ý lile » # u&a éeffi-xu uq mPthe eai& ha ofr.a AldermnsaGur- q Up arund i. e '. nomesofile Excellmsay quite unhsok- 9 lin evidence cf 1fr.ý MU ta havebeeliatetinos Dit1trict.hiocol plWtti aguý Franc.t e ae mmOfItOaPsco baVas.inate Couand bis presumptiota in mn sSch,ils'bas noer 4 irquulg tt aire the govert.unt îeasures rSd e niug tb ho thu tiis mater, is cns- tained wlio acere well qusli ýeý iowme IÀtls ada, aeeise e a *dby thons iUpotelgatOry and " moet un- utainint, goodchlaracterl a~. o- v id t. flfianen 0Eiden. II. w acoutable." «magna est verit&z, et prevalo. Iheir profesion; wmule nail emml, Go lawand*a ftifimentof ad- r- MoràvO e epoorly qualified audw in.esm .oppmas e t lCourt of Requeet bll, am il __,___of_ imMoral iitûieîîîpvr,t Ca oph b LSli ~th msmby; 1r. de Blaquiete acm j mf OFYORK. 'wlio have givonthie litie> '= th$ers wrr a uniber inui au a thmrtteal4zai.,i illandit ya %oI nw wla hsyetbeeisuefr tiseIec- United State uiletel o the #Imm lmDut at o mif lthe District Council otOastioi ate aeMceti that any will h. They received îl4 nio.t e Mb and tseu WUv"ntau opeeces by thatbon.-body. Ur. mimg thim mensî<aia-as everal naeuabets de- they would tube the wh cyteG-Harrison iwold sanctioci no anaondnent. adsudirmomne Utinte pmtintt le7"would oppose shoul recciveothcyeirly a" .4, i e u! bavh tii billtecl bi.bland notig lb bal.î in 0Ea eeom aui tseEIec- ontnîed l ehes of'(, but he li nd i wiv. aall baamsee a1,c w"inimnov liefare a ers: Tiseac1rne job.,if ie tory lords 0 od deninem's ovat èeM 1.Hous Asembly. Tho Bih Educati,,n of ti ititI aeW !creiÎrain e Otor Éamnit MeaUsmois te d y Ur Blw i ~ n, and liait by tlioan, for a nutiber of yearc, andst tV b oi l i relà a '--"- a ortter of course. T in e - ým c . U efe r oa comm i rt ce; ptd, I lku o ntinu«va niche % ivoie bahe ;e rd .dW1 *tIl',rulu vl eean bai matr 6f *lich -ieaLegàlatal'e of thlunsfr; lie.latte, v sdrtaid i n riI dwrwi and Exective Counuil ame COInPOSSiL ke btea utrj'n &ide by the. comnitte, au beurtg two yeare msiie wete ifin k4 t& -Ui oaI .talsiacail.N oâ O m a1tehertoo crede, and! nmnite! ta tise state and could îno longer leL ght p"< zoleny bu ahemdy sIime.latlf a uagi- of lineoeuntry. The Reformaera of the. Foerth Com"niaican uols. Ni) ci. dan vn..r' ama i~laIdi butlii stuluoa Badylaagaiuat thtîn eitlîer ci di B' 1* M ofltoa-Gâa;b the stü- r Ring cf yoeh bave calie! tapon Dr. bl lîn ty, ullfatilfuliîcss ur di8 a C40MY of conmorvatimu onf meer unay 7et prove tuefadm er th e tuember for Haatings, taistand as trary, the bery pct8osulIo î i M" UfOt"iU. jetW a momenI ttPmm55ih a candidate, W. uhajilbe happy ltu hear of thae a uajority ad the &Biaid, WIUM m unfomummum tua Mcboisea, by lias Par- venenable gentlema ntrophant retoria. satiaifactory recoiilieaeiiî "t ftel hà*w a*bmeu aDlid la vaisa; hia Lord- - _________qualilled, faithfui leiclier, 0Euaue 'vrefractere,,and lovalincîciplea of be p'a lIIamnke Wo b dmVaiaY. Afu rer bouct on Ilue niglat of l2th Malnt, der wkielà they eliaie to i long am hi o -M »«4"i a lsbra Coun- in tise stables belogiging ta lise Stucrage Compa- of tUile decisifin hie beeîî,t il~rysu cl a! dulnuraton; and rte-amemable ttePar-ny, t Dickinon's Landlaag, iehich w-eto tblly MerlY seuPplied msi ihgil 1 9 fa a o- liamient.,Sir Roba er tel twil lie lin Power, and cos.&tOgêthe ieth Iurtenu h«., Wti tote, or verse alian det 4ilion Of it ail probabiity his ovan atccuesr appointe; stamnirer carages, ail t.leir visiter carriail, o have e the îiîiîfrinca thelb v he am ooy vill have the beaubiful prospect rnep, wet eof a0Ey., an!upwards of -eeleave them to aeek empluv belo ti Mrenved nitieastd! ieart-burnos, tova î uh of mie. The 'rin s l utimate! where the BMoureOf Èi t. h engendorual bg the -vil paW"iofM-it à -e-t about £2,OOO. Inurmnc, about £M00.Thse ptroii witli Iheir culteu blp mari- tiens.Fat h. il frSni us to sa:, tint althia viii &,oiginale! fronlihe upeetllag f & m Pa in thanotdhem. Trsi îMO-. a plae, -- -]vu ig yee" teM&Wtiewin aual o ieenpTer ILly; but suppose il did, visat vould bo the moral A fine occetre i la uonFidey à 0&11heair coming iszta Ie Pro O t augi isey c0» vbWhliae experaence 1ust, viticla detroyed lin Britisha Cofue Hot1131% bol! or transier lande, a of the l worM sud al histury, hbu teon tk4uaitd,sablesù., &c, togther with a lm larg l&,- ui y thekin thUic tepion timtS taugit beotevit. lteut a crocake4 pokiy mgoccuida t emp "CortHOu Nwi Do adcmnat ei 'JU-1 . _ . udeprive! i f he mlai MI 'val! ivil etumultE aa le *0 nd baw inigtu1t Sl- *.I i - fetii theme imnnhave flot only - fie in nt ot ovu f Uie sebellion, turned ou < ~~ M th Gouv «relyléritit au olumue a ______from threaîenod dahgcr. aj~pT-labtai hue of policy, bis course va sbtiag The laarvsting bu beeu going on in Ibis i Sine of the leuclierse forwD.td an! easy. Instea! of attemptisig teciniy for nom days; and w are happy luate, tioned for satiefartiua, 1 Nu..,1 Sct mnciaUe1ba oe iigtgîe*effect. I wuld liere a a 1 BCU àV-tk"tan Of Ovetilig t0eth i- tat tihe vinaIctop as beavier than vas anticipa. lion, th,%tt he wsrlliy ci* OiPM h armeoio maternis an! ianriaig elementsi, h. te&~ Hay hovmeet, la in mnan places. extremle. Wa8iaburD, Esa, h[Ie *,' - vould! bavt surrootle! hnmelfvwit b"teada- ly ligtt. prlng grai nts uch as Peials, dpureued b v the iaujrit té ffn viserai a li bera! Consail.The vety m- and bstley, vil! b. autaverage cp; -ud syu5juiit. eo yl 5tat5,-.-Ult ulgJttasnetibtend Ctttaliers godpie of Iheir sa lui itit "9 ih8h »denO u" x ilare prodtacing quit. sa much in veight s trict and how the gavera O« l, t OS in cutvpatunoeg-hilovW ntroduclng, vould inlazay previoas yeux. ,Th. vestber so fer, bu Ihein thse arrear of ahi *au! aDOU! youi! bave beeu carnie! viliahoaSto a iamX eaif n svety proptius; and voehave Do doubt thsai iaintain a pruaciple cf j' laas MOlte snd avanago te te ccenly. The crudit 10, b .,dgenarafly thronghoul the proinc,1know very many nid I be,«31. v olu tinreby have gâte! tu hlm Party la vau be Moure! la a gui.! carditloas. prlua lit eii t i feetil t b o # M O g la n a ol d a O i m m e , M d l i e i v i g mi m in m re b le ( umo#wafart etm t r.ogt ow.B,» tw fb e a refereuace tuouradvbrtr- brousght this ubject b0o Broâe,- iho muIm q»Louis PblIipsm tFrawNcemaal st- uin homsinmiis justieo Matydq, si n M eli emablleha juif amasatimM cen4 ,o haonuxl% moud" avey ltd ia slet tri kuhanie lu tuYmwrUl ai.emps oeit, g W uorial bd troupe ha 1 am r oedte noms Ae eecvet eU!t cmdWdg & Stedi fem"pmSmbeisgrigo tUa. Gto- ANO momau et s 'vWMd PMOS& af, ONal-l " em Aites-Md maltns- bmaneaenfMrM. P. E. District, WuY 2 romlb goye diaoi io ait nudo__p. IL Nlooi, wvil! abi miiski»and talent,ro,ù si trm .In4 a. mm-d teugu. 5o id Io y ai jale "athia lovanaie vs bva nm dobt. te te arat Mr. ElDITOa.-A gea à~ e ch imosiinn ai adfcion te l b aabtnl".aebout teue iny D be andAPemodem the mMyki. .ng rabZ7 se.under the . lb , 6wthonu tis.te o ~ r~~p~ former, ila ilconscience etrelgba lu 1Q 4eeManalvue!! aalatls p.. Yrk, hgCJ53j*ofr-corruption onder lit mi 1 lin arop 1Dm!iJl he n 11'titu pot . Nv*ae , 8,for tlb fi9; im, am lion._ I imn id] tisaIi IdeM ..d an! Iet tDia, thébeiplytple obY maumw las m binbu onae! in tlb fretgltmng bassi- Engtasd, vilci 1 doe a a nele teosW.___1 ";.-y-.4. -jouibeleg wanbeg. Tinsse * ~ ~ o- may bhiata pltMn, btetoiacm" nmin!singaporca e a~ reclel!th iii ha ti.the ** leopvibeq";l eitrpota ulo ni orin vaeak are qnitui a différent deî L~4O5ll~ o.i tuoeu m I - -lsa a . , :: dl it 1114lier absoeeMi(about 21 raontis.ontcmnr aiiae rWVÀ tares;ué-«» miue4ww à o gaIU MÎ om W.for tiacir legal qualiticali ë mbo o miitie aeIetnte_ uas pro:bity and otherii Yamqb lvi m e salb-en! t8e»u o thiattsi thaey are aiuoperseais U*wac amid * la 1, m.-te do o vkbM bou ftC or ~U. Rlauwiwo l --,AaaiméeS aMtlb amaam 8Wveiliudualu, havin ses.laavrd aoui v.iss iabu J Pl 7 illa vbqmekainomm ov lrn Mftheir caiintty Coemmlbave g1rv et5tvin beemi * ia t pas il.bsului, I0m dkuid5 vasu etcatioat, an! beiog in Oea Mr" ea. 7miuat b u!MA bslblelb- bea M -edresud y à à sUd A o ù"e tri tos-,th.y Wha ,a mablam a UIimSSOf M lb.powsmOfM le e lo, off e tin Ms loimS.bonsidoe e m n u teîothintin tise discha P. ]IL t a- Ua in tta ooivig no festhe Cou Imm ait thenpiit oflm&* d. utave&a;eail uiIe1But satf cial justice thm .amu ~ ~ mear 17 o4 m-- am -ilue a L a 111 t ESe,.utuees)au be loir; but bers mue bais I Rhggispai iii-gtl~ mtIjee$dsvn 0l. s olb, an! beiUgP ffé -viê AdINUlad . al edeinm d t er-t d'M. a*A -mal"iolq «'teIlle*bDM lin fonds a- a- waaue-à s--à oMçiloi lie glo aimusalt atte 6at Hês assied. Thsy m MM* euBd,$ lls.'a is cesa W mu èdÀteemsplsbua Prg' - MUR P*ae smdl1' Elnd Jura,4 ure, Zâ un Tc loe nr, 1 eeif Cils lic 0 c d bY a lihii j", 'ý ïa il s fye 11511. (4i 1 -ýail, wQ' le toli i',i i am, , 'tlus,] n le s.-t îiu la aio sie ..1 i ' pin utj. ani reid th of dat' li,. WA lar i.s ouait fui de frur, i ir ual,9 ,fr be l,!, uet buc lct I tudi.-.n.i 't eants' ,rpnISU inte sai 'e bt li hq Z ealttvTr atterais a -aI dcci ;ia e e s tel a]k ter s boridi ran oi e o sîn551 *r t aW d lte llem tuai aidhs ola dol gjvdte *a0b thir -t af sée *0r tiai udc ta la lb ,ntorm ho go aime e nvea ogetde¶ r; ever ~ raid aan l ntil h estassiglaga ta te,7' twpar a«.ibm our int lb adta elle bo rbW tta ad.bo wutre 0& e d b&ni!Oubr miet vole, unoamil elaitai OM ywq' aboie hlu p.ha Woe i voai WssdSlp defrh.pm.té, usle ait i autnetM Wb" aen!obcis~ ,"Uimler aot 40)Ya --1-l v7qu par d mIl MWie a±upaiua r p. rt e «-ie idt. Rot iffetar mnat ayetiema cu, ail amIW Iittenlàom. T if uluov ias eoic o ded o iiddaaaouam 8n04 aem ioam il. ambateies.teidlisu a bela. vettlbIIashowate iniqle .a aiderl h. bis al, ami i et 1cituvnt. hmbele t Isa nsc ul bs es a tnd e rt hla =sensaca a 1= 0 aItte tecru!h. Pouhr e, ot lu c'M7t Waitm A ud mpata asi exa ryiend-cla.iatorryosam n vlear lbe.ou Trempm act, As a X. MILCklan, BINnT Te A04"it 9,1841. sBt,l hav f %éu~ on Ulm 1d da&oaneghiee~for a taten mu"etcb a e»«at«mou $hWi ledotlmm thm a Î mutelbho cdI et hic tbi.wemsse DS87 "voru, jusil nL ,IO uas, cd lily lat, a.artise iatu Amr Inca or ?Tau demmm ms arss"inybkhIcUa amao!, tint belfm e th~ let!obbl ae pessemuOM lm alvqpri iafollomaacuent ofMlwmâf Y isdngly acouotbm rape1al trbouts b-k- pm peew ?M he'euttp1 -I va.ertttt thea J " dtta i 8 i u que ;t, p iu b i or thï àmdà aie ou lit appeaas lIam the*i.a to .J ir. mus! tel autot1 W pD d l5 ' hêwmsud l no n1.w i = -' .1 asamas.augs. xd