Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 19 Oct 1841, p. 2

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TUS lGT i!4 ',r< émil doe- %%;Old-' m ha.1P o- Par- uGelso in twas -ý Dearma .sgpi M&muiuwd h~ ush t ulilvO<~sg,~gut5t t vl in6eeei 'w laMwiibbes isplamo.tom~~ idn, autho.a e hsih Ni@ eu teslui « the strulwii«» yl, 2+tdeIb, lu 6 dam us bemiBOk eticrW-lS lssrdtbat C'sands i*le temtae toi mlais W U @ uavill domia'fgortunent l a am me importane I sCI o nce os be-bh m DsuI 0hauwt, t groduce tirugout Canadathe qoppSit nhngale 5"~tei lier smou3*6i i.bSU iBL of gratefol joye> aal oIsahol' ga _1winMM Byextreme partisans ofauail shaila rd Sy- Air Wh"t vlaeli«~yff te 4Icol'f*di sede u ub thoom Lbject aof - *hmse b- ICeêTOtr eafliulld colonl caiermumilg bu bM butOY,'Lsd- atol nlesbosem cmiof a session unprebeosuft &W uathe qjisa ecessry 7nredieut i n ecupoition tue *&MLAsh-tbiuho e ehbue on ist- ig d comrprebesiveand i vliulaomtimlory; udt vasno olyinlae rus- the du hrcosSlibe w 0-1 '"oI<i 6ith-getlromst asd .cimlaaiteleia tomiaoftlu Romans. bu t inisin d ttur«» ad Bu ahgM reait the-;, =-- tlj- Ho vasélévation of thePmvurim e, u"vqtathm *0isecastotitution of tliuge, timt calcman d abuseca alneaI o ii.iif - .nde aia*apalag meseae- eua. n.o,-ar sotial paru ts rimpk"1-Lerd Sydea- erg tu ilm poi a m-jwio6eeutl' aieedéige »leuslm&wWh b"0'sGwerouent vas instinct wvh isneq rof iisUedothe2ad.Te1, ernsuaoe mntltuîimdd et ohquvlimtaan u-î' irat qimides oi niiuayua thesTé, oseiea!tnsYmprve slsam yt qil bgtorslu dyb>' imp nt u ~- poli Mointime UoiU 'Mt.ucithe», instit multCtuneWin ite> > hi mg lime juttedth ave, siite bs;laOdingduuirmis lm a elm il gfoi isbsivheum ais5iunMCainpoeuatmlon 'You <rgott lascmlyrauaspsa P f' noychoir- 0 e1sjuC . guuWineiag lug&»'.M aU us, md sr letairou. ayato in anun 10 Cow dayvoalvii mg sd eelii o e au ca i onmui ut mr plUt*ml - OuraCoiceu.luulunty II e mbomees*.avlsodla. . a lidot -*hjyadozeni-Èdote = ané ai fRM in A fr a sa f bs r*amug4butfer .e gIn, lsrae. m ~hi~ou IO'd hey olw héded vut anjd usUs<--meibet.Hluaîh Iipisu ___ boruavemeat. ik muilerems J~.sas e lsTe e~U P ~ ~ . dstblaumsoeth ILa kt wsM ol, : Bis pe t Jeriw >soqem-lut aeio n utdI .r.?erMl ldtlaiemnrae . - .edgte ii hunmanualuatsn oe g Cimlmva#tis PNeoG~ ~'- ~m Utteryicompétent ai vIi amIe eUUnlagIOfa"" ape pt<s4f M shot Iulal v toltheba abitâ of M eutude and lie teomable us tu secutainthé quaity M vt-a ~ gof I.~v ~ dem le de Oution ot airimio auto I1,ette vbudbit w"vouldboa.mi, at thé -saie nn hba~vhluifr t~~ mle fb-~ xp- --iy depensp, alp à daagiration, Younig eouch gite mu-me5O -MWi>' jea tufpro-.-U bue. t U hé~klgveea lsdugllo. npIbs feléosvalue of lieblusurs, sud the gp- dc.uu iepcla imuitab o der ni -<m Doai gu~e~je ~ i~t~uuiyetoa adeur Mf i feoliegi l , . avoitrea nuhieli» v e lin hhm-at ucli* tins.90onu»- i And a'aUi onty expstsdly, vrboiuse audis vasatiliexpocted lia i~u1nmi'rsuiiiWo Whbr, malies Lord dffenhuin bolouige '-canada. foisf utu rt.,aa a nc i t- vo alstsstservice;ltt fet for bis pust efft--ada v olua OMMtC e ibm aie nit fa.'Its i xpra id ru regret, andl make tUndisappintfignat IDiol sa- lits ~saa>' eagitse.-a Le dudthe r é ie itai dei o t it"M iue - lsveaal poignaittoaail tlhisindp Bai M LsmI Mot-be, a4M bons d l ter.1- awnentuee e tm ympthin eae eiie I I o. uR f laot e artb vu ido ragmî," i 37; b.«iloil 6edera4ion of due çaroine ublit iniee tst smaothî is àm lirdWwib bi tin; arpun de <toi iout a th fnmnng l 1e s.-wn-dmtrnodrb.bud oi! ioueteber ded ad nmhiem nnueiiondeli-hiatmp isngot"l lifaier154 se wu.i .&@ msa iben lit dolly ' 1 T oeactoae neunud~ Teogenius, lord SdaenhaminoeOed no Pm--fle raad 1fhbat :il.Uaern fiaccloIdn en Inhiutntu. - tons ions; but wvilhabauos a"iaCharletmagnse!i .1m 1 ioematmc aw mvbf hieldmetions il au5 6 eli Of Piia"intht vas tuoo,fiL.ndhp. Heamois: geatI."ati .a daor iiii .e>'u lie Cams e t ipata sinlm wei te hboft Hiemini vwu eminenil>' Pnnticalsud amibituât- ut-Il T t= ste ative; lh. vas a sbm*o-b5.v*«fiuiiatd twetF or 16 ô*5tl;'l6e ln. dienu eau tAthenian Gén" u i eb>' su- Ithgsie nwegwuvre IIcL~ii p Mcisoa malvitilb. smil' du tueiar lii» bee anale 1. goui fnon'ai ar - ga; is lnovealgevas irlofi mofoqout mmv hum al - L-il -tu-xt ferle rêrutor Gbenema"É eR a th sav i sied ahraya reai>' fr praticai plcoa t~~-thdivsningIo ofCanada. The -public bolmu" Of Oa u ot alie udmeeajitme ibing uei me b- Abe Wualfataftr tdfibtWt9analb hli hame a, .deed, visill>'andllcbsnnvtastmmuu ndio c Crn oe __ieuitr . - 'tin i va"ari~uoîli -cm .curai>'. -Thé inégrats, cithe. omwtry visil hé -- en"b oi lm - -,y @ intutol> a. vrerasal i iscr. n igmdI jlytartirsàai r1 'lr aairyt>'ea ueoibultacsnre,ë h D aeplans orht ieleaIote iget ;îe-cteit;oite tlheehj;h asplêd a ai>'ai nelement of his dail>'being. 1pas hsI Cbine biftofim l Un elvice ad tUn rala h-aboahls <>1 vore i oimprenesive, and energeti; and, bongm eric aidth mtt Mbialsof atyeflibriiOs bWiug lien deliberatel>' adoptea.lb ieoula lmn ~s Nuvjr Isi te b av e.heosied ii gnioanceO, M na5de 5vOadvreO i à sufferf1rjudice or clament taturahlm asiOfriru dilaissbuavCoLCaut- butor>' ta the pmapronssofhibmvoyagea tle uuauit of thaen. He value prerogative on- -tdam h àmov; wvas&*-he us Iintojn>'ta y detormine vhic in le naio l sthé,' molins ofnsiedpronntctipub- I lkeisi.~htttih.a ,I spedothe 0U4adb- tbf ofadmnratli, u earhnuvas d lilerty saui bappluns. i.dsacemt-u îug oapt hd~ut4dem' uatrpneauet'iisti- randerfMLord Sy'uemhuu'à plans, tUn lili Secrtry ai State for dus Colonies e»plaiag orale sw *~b.leb mii ui l ita at th id hicbh.ieavrsuauethé OWlat cftho-de principlo.s stajctso Imi ismusbra t.. ia~ ~haloti holoft en paoeitl-eir uccompiahmeirt.etrthé quemiclules h e nt w" dand g$WomIlmg àus helaf bamsént~oeblt1h dayps théUnardeur d amiss ndumr vida whîc liehofM thesciil, andl religion. salan gromng g c li~;b e a anm bali la biand, sd uit rsed Uthe- Tala>'Un>>theimd tiotlMPublic inppiaensa Umlprosperil>' ofibthe plMofz vsm~~mbis<ht5ro. 'ývi ite tii'ç ibii$y, mad et theommaI stiolgtii th le Pm -adi. The puhiictiontvMthenm iifîns'h 1"» oyuà.y iè;tiwurpialmulgtie;te premote viat publie mprae nta ib &]Deogum upon i n" arp almne tiuwmuê ,n - * ad net inr"u aUnepublic burdns; t too villeteeplonMiani iîaot i~ E~e~i~sknto1i~ cîa comapréhensive syse .Medcuatie on wl ii le atsan mmmaat'tif u sE Nov Xesa ~i .pud'~ iigt~m~ef Ifs lne dan pinciples vh" Un atrornvibrlisiatltim lum in r0<Wqbîgtn.À4oitàinh. meupuea;taeprompnte tbihfla5nces mI 5ecUflt7 Wiat Mr. Fux reaaned i f is fnuea tibmi Immv b.Prlsnatllualeebpslqinim pei-on- Mle vrnumet .bytoacling tq 9 4reDl a e dformmnal lle sali L40 dn- oe .U tauaieC'lm r-:w etieuasleTutu-,iyism-~ aliè. m lt une iisgl 1LjiL Asmi~#~U1t PtIt I~It~im~akmr erte imasoubis ou caopetE but lhé escapsdim èaàr.ý la, ncuetiassm iâeeieitt ea<e ad f i h sUdaily "aject Mfhbis cars. ta the 291tir4l b t lU'u li r ta futd iy fSydenhna Lie &Uirailnefeeto*t i Caaae. reae v es.vlfare lh. merlu ivery-factaty the district atterny-tag e aCh'ipeea biptae mib ltae i l taief tat1mit5iL uiof il ch . s psisseal; if suri are te hate- sesO cieNaml -Hie= .dutlaci Ban Letordsip icmud sa(Coutyividi, hle 1eRit uni- taetned eut ci=lrnomuMin 1udeer sa More evgr toýWaterlanmid proceeod oil ajov ivier teit; ho faunel il protrate andl pasalytir, hoe left numorous fauuly." .t teaClippéana. On the nxiMl>"blpis tretnlrie1slmfunitmnldbd ave turne toadne mure; net ta correctc in thecampa vwiti UnalisUè1i slt<geil in despartlieltift it bloomingvti icesp. Lord S>- ii lneitn.Wiuomaeclhst quarterasai» l lt i W thtg ntlîma.deham lbu donc mors la tva years te âtrengm.unpremsmitated anal hast>'aletrk-I intenudeal uo- Aflndegiu ls..u neu tel1r himiem en anal constidate British polterinCanadaiaby tNgoebaeiovntdeeigpm quite daWplhqui NRllia iLei, ÏZ elbsmatclleas indasiry andl trul>' libral cansr- hoain a couple of paragraphes. Buthte ubjet iiu ame uroei~a liaswlearhle gel bncI rvatlye polm'iLium bad bleca dnt diring the ton lasgonue erterbsaewile (ron budko l Bu t mrang bueen'O & proenis iYemcab>' théincriéusU M aaigofe aal v nin%, aessiBeeba n Il 'nimho«b w utMeLaea- on tbe rondma mue n>, ami theeoreomn oM miiiarYfoti -tha- vbre thereintiglitlile a vounea.4ut a icly theN ain itevIl l-aid Dr. Foots, duo sdlter Hie Lardaliîp as selveal due eifficut lrobIbiu ny, viore theïe aught In le a mordian uplan- F of tbeBfaCmerciul Adreais evoe'on tuat à péoisé may b.e coloilstu endi et b froc; aou. ILord Sydonbam'a politisai conduit ho- t dtéiwvat. e éi«Isl; MaiLona- psssed thorand ua, in th. solution aitiat [.rôbbi% holieas gain- mngs ta histor ; anal 1 rejaico tulunta t a onioz1= a0111SRlis a>' to*axi -nCamp. a trtiapiIon"tnpoing, but Dot Iossublime mont suitablo uanablle hietanian has Leen selsct- Lb.. a.stmolig Uoris> Ge.-le retiredaiaalscarcely muIde lhotauta tien due vier> OfedlybsLrsipummfhIb ranm ai tut n~laIaut tn e'cci. e viayul at nerloo;hélu essarid million, te Lgn, ChefSorear' lirNali frenu lf pot evon tilil heut haîf mustansd actred h tilliclions ai CamaalÊ. At lie commencement of Hia Lýordmbip'm Mis olpia aa'cokb wlion'ho vent te th ess flroonu la lie au-a>'oaiacromplishuig thonmesplendid aien in Uppor Canada, vbea hilsplans voeelit- valu bnai bkush ase rfb ents. Cal. results, the mosi fbmmid&lle obsale o ppoeoaUntîs owavebis dfficulties fornmidale, ami bis t MeNa i iutradaaied, blete tihe oetcèrs. R4§muin- tienselves. At the feidatian ai theai la>'tde Govrrmeat venk, 1 bail due pleasiag ss9d&à- i id vit im ina <sou tetatoa n Wnnlss5 aud tien hitierto dfectivele thon anal votas than dfoc- lion of gning hinn ou>'liible auffliutifelamp- retis ayimg ho. Ws -baaeiiu savbicb *OUMla tire systema of Colonial Gaverament ;system prt in the promotion cf bis non-paît>' anal pro. ieep li eut a ingbt.W«ta-eebeard of -the detitute of due aavetyrale of respenshbilit>, of incial abjects; anal nov tInt hao i heyandthe r desrucio aIUMraplae lisi qight, b>' a mm the' attributea cf fieado, anal of dué esseaitial rsI oM humasupraime or censre-vhere a vIs> Cami&agi u#M sautO0~*id Sal10materials oM exerttivê paver; n systern vbich catbly ranis anal distinctions amrenain lathe sobi- mm ue ostiât dhoCaraine 'vs an firO He vas siopotie froua ils vonines, anal arbitrary lhuties ni teruity-l haroeitoeniolanebol>' satis- lae tbt oIe boit gene dovm that day Item Item ils preletus ti a regontatioU.- a optera faction of lieiting un>' humble testinony to ilet EfNIleIlacoumpan>' viti Dr. route, h. mimld inefficit in Ibm banals aigbda enuidàviduer- candeur, incei>, fatbfuinms, kindous,anal cmi Col. lNab the uext neaemnbte klov for ing in the bandes oi mistaken oaitdatOlLTIfère ibraiiy. A liv dala before W fhunurreicofi viol purpose mai.bail ha detrm e. er. du e and a, buss, andZub% cbi- tUn accident which tetsuiimated i bi ifliit t h. .eng sled. vbthor hbe oke.te UrLWadrupîcy *iaih rai grovn eut of Il sYetMO; boueur af spendng aueveuingud alpart ofasdeyt vWhon h.a sahui, vtw eimo " ui hie intima- tiser. vte theduopnty interet4Ws, di. Part>' in fre. converstion vii bWilurdhip; .Md on c>' itkihm vasnotsoufficiiaatt-o lîovit. Ha coiubitijons an ,mi ritis4, vhiehl e vathîat, as Wvil as an fermer sinilar occasi4onL nover "ba spécial ntrist i heUn ffaira ailMe. lai Sierod ; dure ver. tdstprmudd i' oeeobeerveal ihé, men u arianevrence fdr fdb. lied Wituesa anal Dr.Foote rnemalthe nadt portion oM tie population mand tie Joussa»I eus- Tru ietCriatiaiy-s amat Oumunti4a ta day te Buffalo,. picicus ofa anthr; thef *éte dosnpremri tve base due civil imeitutioma aofUtheul> .£PmitT GtLmusaeof SNiagara. Kueve Bain- assumeptionsM og is of povrer, -snd the Christian principLos, miha mruploigerte cpcsho b adlet Niagara boR te nditurliane; clamoroima detnauds aI longixcnaeafimpav- tUnriglts of caceacs-atotal absence »fin11 balva ~uglly mlmnessetWinesa àovas 5 et;-n;sd, votioaiallé h a "U c = ofmi dim ManluimS>'against an>' persens or parie.v%,hot nteir o tn .2ti orDecdhPlie ter;h asn iceeinsilcal pretoashans; tIlrevis Un aece posel bit-ami auaintense amuet>' t ene Çbippwa ;,Is hdget St Wtu belonola Sainfana, ai public confidence, amidldm absence'day a dissensions anal diiard, anal render Canada m>ii abot selon miliifrua PIF , !;relurmed thUnmana or body'of min abletûcommnéieza±cuul tentait, happy anal preperous. I am tolal bà~ Met rmn le lcàippeo*iwltwùua niandtotn d6uce. To luy tha foundatian cf a govemumnent the dam>'beorehbia lamonted det, h.o xpfecop p'clclriLoIndCaone'eiut egm adapteal:tete l iül emmtate ami canneer efIL ise ret tisai 10ebail mne gvenmm of ui tfiaé ileman ots ise héd'uê ,aidth population thua aepressei, diidediamiuib te treligiona. Hia nmvia p â l Pavilon lmuethsiudsw tiloýp- doi; 'teprends forthelfieamt sblf hlio hé vashe u i poesioni lag tt gel ta N>' ; dI mie, r a-dl is aepartaents; tornIs it«Ale X»ns sa» be'ut»at aon udf jw ý _ qesud mane uialîrd sciia*aimlaug hoh oasactmd gcia ta hon s U n.TheYre ns m4m0h uh 'a n tUnpart Mm>', vwsauali dl0mti aalb"-t-de" w au » e thé;"lesstbamih asollleol ~lipcheait~ga-ve itio dou e Unuadegree, asa i t-m weti~ eS speiot nendiUpdgtêmtelM - L«Lwhcbas ahm nquetlyM dsent hoinhumble reluesapehu t *gi..alquet êereeu.tiu lpOeu- «q uta t sit h> esnsMIaesm-Snhéyeidoh O t.T nvseao Who 1w* si îawaumeod, r veaî I WWm ýàWbigoW ofM ààspoliticai oppo. 04*emaît ilat hie lu. vas alîke daim- eb rtw =udpoa ba ncs iaam iatàrhng pliei, a(bis cbù=ter, ui as kva&doraiby Icll of m ri but aim n oblvexr s, aei as been the omof s ecummmg hu gtaetand i lort signalhona, %blibce~ baita receue ise WB asanodal remias. 1nb l -thauùrx anuid.celine 4 a lMoý, w saèMed.vier to lier insttutions.,ami or .oeMU asona basnest consltuatd t cure bier rights andl hippiness. Equal lust are a&U vwutheniotto uun wbich hostartea lis WiiatioIlini 1839, and on that prInciplo it Lbe 1nobly'conducted. Wlether we reg1Ar a£ estSaisuresof is policy* the Union oslrovinc s hépnncapleaofi eeponuibility ti * peopie lie reeugnieed, the MunîipatCaunc~ Ù4 or look to the minor "lsiofibis political iree,-we are utrucl itîlithe firmuesoand eIia ýy of purpose, the perééerance, the toil ands amble il cm tm-analahou lisounetimes lis mmzed kl "esary thon eal en& ou hie: Abey Ît ieis iglt the butter mature ils exe. Lioa-yeot hoseendis werogeeray apj*oveol r *ben linotsn, and apole 6e wisdom-am eu- clLy Mof" Stateeamn vlocarriod thin iota potmm o.HinvieoctheGoternm*nt «Ce:ai & veto foumded on slirowd oleervuloui- and. tp reflection, asui wliSver haacea-a e, *e are confident tliey Cannot adopt a. better as»t fer tinguidanethan* be lesned _ý lb. courue lieas talin aito ru ni ho may have ioft. A systemnof Gavera. mm baud ffn kossliberal vioes villne*ea %cud is Cenada. But voeseau" novdigmkip ito political diacuasion-our objoct 'e to paya wiwng tribut. to departod wotb-yot boy cab veianS for sbit senéences »erd our opinions ifa umn tiloe elif een tu an nalnt ta itii uorld-.that; lie is- nov no mare-posdli ta ie blies. Lor Sya&nlium'hâa ne-and me- liry viii liv. in gratoful roelection nsalong i tuiere are bourta 10fool and baus ta sppreci st the gooduos amnd greatu -isof bis cliaracter me wiadm of M ispublie, andl thobinaneas, ni. wity and refinemeat cf bis privato lifé. TO THE LIMM1 pNTR0NS 0F THE T HE S ubscruber liereby gives notice, that ai liceces due binl roanaining unpaid aflai te Jet dal oM January next, will le put in sui or collection. Accouats due humul lie receiv ed at the Hersld Office, or by any of bie author imdagns 1 THOS. H. BENTLY. Kingston, Oct. 15. 1841. 'àgiGTOPI. TuEst. OCTOM a1% lmi. In resumingaour connexion with the EKit sem Hcrald, we have no occasion ta ente ipon an1 elabarate exposition of our poiice arinciples. for tuey are slready familiar ta ou roadem .The. rigins and libernies ofitheVee uie, tbe principies of the British Constitu tion, avd 4he permanent contnmuce' of Bri ah connexion and supremsey, bave heret for1eftnimaintaineci by us ta the best of ou aiRt; -sad- we shall still occupy the main 41"»od,â&fend the saune rigis, and assisti dcl'eloping the resou -ilm perfecting tb insttu i~ ca r eotdCo" .ry as an i tegral pel~o it rýqainvs extBdod ý MIny < , ;enasst obstructec l mouu* n4s rogresa have bienauMunthe away; and ifuhe increascd degree, cf po lar contrai in thei govetimnt that bas bee obtaiuued hy the people, be juliciainsly exe ciacd, there can be no doubt tiat Canada iv rapidly risc lad expsnd ta a noble mata rit witl ail the. native cnergy cf intelligent frei dom, and hecome no unwortly oufterpa -of thse "fast ancbniied is1e. Dl!r fortuix are nov, ta a large exicnt, comnsitted ta it pcople's keeaping, -anrd i'tlzey prove truc théir trut, lier praspea ily is secure. Twelu'c manths have clapscd si,,cc vo sigiied our charge of the ln-ald, and durir that period important events and measure bave rcceivcd their nccompiishment. Tk Lwo Provinces have become nec: the fir representatives ofUnited Canada bave hac chascu, have nnsmbled, and have paatndv rioua maasurca, wbîch, though not perlbct LhemeelvcS, am yet tuhe ginrnng oif a bett system t-aleaîh bau rcnavedi rum amougaât& thse distingtishtd Statesman viso redusi aur politiemi luaos ie ornelhing lilac ord ixsd hornenyî uud the Whig Goiternmei tif England bât piasséd. awy, and is Éiuccee ec< byf Congèrvhtive administration. Asg ,ften had occasion ta dcfend the late Gaver ment fromth de attacks af tiseir adversnries Canada, wc think tbis a fiutingoppoitunity f showing that thse mensures of thse iate admi istration wcrc worthy of their station and cha acter, as sucoessors cf thoso %%ho, i, 168 gave constitutional liberty ta Euugliàd, inm nuisci as.Ae Iegislation of thse lasitotn yoa hm~ bien on tiei.vble mort or léa calculs 2 xto»Alâ erties andl priilges- duopaile. W. do Dot mienu ta sBq duesil W4ii Goyernmt have neyer boonm li" Lnni bfs-mhirguiding sursbl been th pb #w due Sa vimeme aanif iarcosthey havem, ., -ed"tot à-:- 0-nd éndéalas théy 1. anal BUl sredaabove 1005-pur Io in the tason; du thue asavealte ftlscountry ne lIna than 109.00. fWi si tcla:j.. The salaries »d aflovnenanm of W sader,. PeicY Oft go9Verumettj &c. endbea reucel t th Brut 4 5ZLplechoose ta mauke 'le. for:îi int ohri, andl 'aroto<er eco.n*uuicalIf th l'. tan Thgme.lm wgrue Wh tha rzl.-No*;"daes any mnu i the b o ~ o noaleut- Amsnibly viii toiratle toscndO, troaud4s sc e etdonl>'or\.y i" The whg e 1,MsIiu et A large W6j(Oi-(flt e ute fi aesadciswd iii;afri!ici use o- crs; andtlou&î ere~ hernpe, drug@, currataaaêfrmts; ete lm c fainiot mn !,u tandl sitain nmarine assure&. TheP amiih Heutas îrepeea Mie dui oetanps on fire u- -,*oTsupwud eda sudk lrmig s duayooiiii'rrtisemeuts a meaî ail msýo suIîîýI na bnd been reducea. They ladt aise îtally terar' I pealcal tbm duly on sisaun' swmsh rereipui, ohnntrî,a i~lam-tx, an peraoal etatolS, npamphletstanail Dut it tim av i thâ ti, almanacp, on commercial travellers, an cdents-lic disîîved],anîi d, L nd liook-kcepers, n boumes of cergymenanmd!t bai 1mniers (if tieir slaries voe undtor 12n1. prr rbai ory nitný a saum), n txed carte, oh o ree rsý, ate-, would bc a dn.~t & , hloousemen,.anal aliemen [choira]. la addifian made. There i t, ltitie li t tai ailIis, the Irish cherchboiadhoe nplacet a'l aîau n uA m orfesatiafactoryfoing, b ythi.aboition af e- oe)Yaysc n ri secerai useless bishpi[h. ir bcdf d le iittnsiyo islra:, t te msalaries of ile nferior &ergv. The Srnittf a ht-h-om as vbaliy abolîsîca. Ne- .irt i re lavery vas aise aboisbed [cho].Tegc iprdî~c lti Banki charter vau renewei an a sytitenu more ad- inemi haeturî d votageause te the country, anal a muant bly report reé uthv i orits:acounits ordereal te lie made public. The;icic a"ltw.îv 0 ymatindia monooy vas deatroyeil, andl aila disturb, cxietingartii I l. dia WedChina tbi ov penta British tradlers therna trictlv Obtliîa I ~sphus~. (lent ndsieury langeg bal Y* bOi ee tOlin thee mv, partcularly an th ytVc0 teUanjii r Court of Cianoery, in which alan. the public j ie cars bave but itti , ..~ a woulal mare 9MM05.per amnan. Those vere bouaes bnuemed about Iii euet > nmre of the reformas due goverrameuit hand carred b. intbiflect [cheera, and cries of, «do yesu cal I pportuniy of ltuildîîîg lt li Dr gwr& mathing ". Thero iight lie nome errors ad.Thpraljcv je risâ vhat .tatoal, but the caîcuistion ildiiWuana i ,onld t, burie in l smadae viti the greatest care [lier, boest. Eo us rila1 s, zý os ennui for tindirect taxation. lie wrculd novw ould b LI oceta nruj là comai toilirtrt taxration. On referring t tabis!.Coservative fm4u 1 lie i,, le éèipte 1bItlle gvermut taxes, whicb leha ld Idesîre tam tlrust lit ' 1aî 1 is Ilas during the frst half-year of 18=52, loturd ir. -tiey amoonteal ta £3 4à. O(4d., anal the second unecessnr-ily, ta iea-eni igtbile amaunt; vhile for the tat blf.yer loir vin thicr ifnuîinit a.îi Î. thesaine taxes alsl oniy amounted ta i16s. 6;i]. et[Jointi cheers]. Thene vore facto vhirlm no mani We coaclude, tlierefnîr,ý r. coulal sot anae. Tue goverament lad alsa rom- nteratian will tuke l,!aèr.,.,,.t. Tuieaiod anal ould carry antlstilI furt.lier, a s- vernor, utt iat or atH;rs\% r -tetu*of universal etlncation tndpeent of pr. c: ties..4ffe',woutld -saybducatë, educate, euiucate, asit prescrit. W<ltI amdai fthey diii no t y wu soon see ail aLu- that 'Sir Citarleqfa Bar:%%iouý sniaatedta 1h. veinals [fondl heers]. Thn change; but il is for le îe,îîe i Ri! pincipal of refrn-tho principie of progression rý vas foundeal on nature iteelf [applause]. To ertirat désire lielil t ite, ej* it carry ont "1@4 lho truàsted tirnt each man voulu Their couitry's dest~ ii , ' r-.bring ta loir bis suiprate ingliend tnc ié1m pre. and if they maintain lier rii .î. r-, met momentiaus crisim. Litthiicornme thtema- selves amui bring tbeir frienils ta lte poil, analbc ie specIPîl. hal no doute but tint Mr. Alcockvwoulai ho ie- la couînlairiiigf ti.L turneal by a tirupiant majority,[lonal clienrs.]" lbave liera expraad eep - In tbis enumneratiôtn, the Reflhnan Bil, Mu- remarbu frenmihe Cnoîl~ic niidipali Refotn, -anai tnany cier important wcli informed omilie suiiti. T4 ni4siW&,s epublc imrproverrieuil are onniitted, tead preiiîaaly stedti tit l,, . ,, , thse statemna being chiefly confilned l) it ua- ,ould foilow out Li-rLSI& cie almeasures; bùt enugh iu ahown ta prove sied on Sir Charlcs Bérgý, l e that the laie Governaient pursucd a lihieral marks. t ter policy, sud sîudioualy cuosnhed -theererul ..Tic Sppumtmeit nf ,r br, cal welfure. tUnder fllthe nthce Wple have gain- Govcrlorl3cera i f c n- n tt onr md more suabstantiel paver sud geeatcr bene- lent lit variance wicia tirt nne co- it-sbau ri ajir revius amiiipstrt7onds iith Conadn;~ a- it.ilun ude an prnon emhmîsîat7nsent Gaernunent. Lord id:,.. t- for rnp years. ia violiy unkuownain Coatîcîl, aid, i 'ut- 7I~Wh hve ec auntd . adeal, in Home pelâteis. lits Publia cheWhgs aveben tut i limoneaupis a i te diploatie carter a-deficiency in the revenue, but duel bas been evér bis cuinence in limat litre, ahate )Ur caused by tise redisetion of uxes-by tise quaifratioa for represtenting te Brtic me' fdu Uàferei couritiries, be bas di)re po.tba; granut of imeatj iseffomssterlin or th Blu-pareirhal an eptrtunity of dking au re lition of slavery-anvd by thse noccsity wiicli sow nny aptitude fer the rît ne th linsBrisen of late years for ncrasing tise ns- litièrebin. For aimgiut.t 'IW ,PCnt n- val and ïùcmlitary defeuces. Asd it isvort:1uy au e rebenuatived fmi ni ofa retiurk, Int ther oppancafts vers leudestt al i I> b qailla A thein rC nt inrese i erditure, bfh veliir ôneraloi Cap. a fl.i s l nuie dt n i o r * s a .a l o lu te ly to th in g . B u l i p a n n e cdindecal, the amIe af affaira tbroi4bolit uc ntirely iiîout sîgiticamîce; i mariX u- varld fully required,) sud therefare îhey Né,eelG rement is uncoreriecu i Utn onhaenrittenaetcefcnca mnn tance cf ampintimig a succentîilar haveno igb tomoit th deicincýva gotrd hutmfrot tie mi nme abrlerte piyé :er- of repreuach ta the laie govcrrnent. t bas eioie Governmnt tant neds Cnati il ualee ccot b y enndgthse natio'. bora inferred. liti". far se nie , î.f ity r n u e i o a i n gtl b spcnding u g l but nu fi r ier; fuor tîr i . i m% (rju tY.~~~ tr1uei eoaiga r;btIiog re- Pelkep WA If remanirîè,îtet lu e- licvimmg thse pecaple'a bardeau, nsd fuifhhhing wec[, hawve e. ane s611i-.11 irt the obligations rf justice and bumassiey withis pe utlegi" n"a enlightenéd patriotiesa na 1 ob'e the'iors: oia i er mcis inquIry lins beau satemirearMetian,> mt l - C the irlbibie doursof ouir future Gôverulor, c re litpptj) li n - Coaserarive;canfurm tit tve ti f tlae caset. A a Sir Charles Bagot. Ha is a Cne tv;pendent, Wito, tronc theeîpniii.. t-and therefore t la appreliended tint tIere fer acquiriaîg î.curate iii,rîiialna n ig wiUL e n departur fratute epolicy ptiraacd frj ondoa ri nle d ~ale.i à Il 105s b tise nter lamented Lord Sydeihamn; but ber :- Mly epi.1tiaita lis ir 7e we do not panicipatte i these feus. Wc Bats lianle înficatEaiiiiîgs e- ael-.Wa in Englîsli poltiet, i1nt,'i irat have evety reason ta cotmlude tint, sO fan as lieelimt thie Coii p olicv 01i. - no renat laading pincipies aud menslures are vertement vili lie jmst aid wiue. hnýr. *troacerrnei, tisere vili le ne change of policy as tiese intentions go, 1I eledbure 1,: * u~ otuaqucu On ôUoi~abrt Those who 1mev Sir C. BgOt, antd item tr du lulgiU Uio uelt fruit assuronse that le i .tr [te wuld lié a rush mat i debd îmlô diotld al-ter e47ighu . lis mi, vibtliita trieid (f us à auccesoful course of conduct in the. vâin Tarypreaud cked na iestaI ls reme u'ýl 0<1 hope af stiikiang oa botter, with ailtiseé de- doni ickeadmrea eî tpn;tt ahi ti der plorable failures of other days standing asonBrtohArdsra1li beieie (Xteiie letméruyitebha fle ta i-n teint cf surtotndi Bteng mYiMihotrkdl o mg Z ilioan vise întenlti ltk e e'1 danger. -ganiraiea, snre of therreid of elit- mnaaldof île geod meit.i ,e illit we file note, have attanupted te, gavera Canada, slov Governor GenersL. but ave %-Mced teirfumeand he cu- " With sncb an assurance as -~iýe but hve waccke duei fanesud ise dan-re nyiiery ronfidienti>' brî5li altay's pence in theenp; ad aheir expeu-i- Govoracor Generai the symipallii- and for enSein surly sufficient to caution due ev of ait classes af thc Britsh Cili i in Gavernot againet folkwing dueir cxmple.vt w isicto i tiin or or;& bakwUle an ariuononer, and i - ast- Moreover a novu pritaciple has been forranlly it lu a right epirit. h ougit te le ce ;n adopted uy tise Govei:nmenl, andl that p biei ÀdmO ie- the ntelrur> »wý pie willlie rospectrd eavenhuya Tory e 'eM'- c onfidence sud bapoful expti 9uôf à)toéýb aine of thon have canftndealtient urspagsiOut psper " te-i> ,tW se teq ls Inapplicable te a coloteyi it bzd béneon Mr lt cLend'odefiencei a l"' àk- ihown ta he essentiel tadtee tuccessful wonk- peutarofa stating tint l n' i' ' ig of re#imseniaive governuent; analdue Tuéomefy hmrothdecharg&e l 3M Mie oniylimiuttion tisat a enhieal estrt npos Th jr ttumjiue C0rt af t à te tUni liaeosj 16- lao ta vh&blrW fici p w»le tàd b&1sitaerel an]aati "0 ~ lusa coq"dated an m -,:ýtitue ano the«Kineston j.ie d & Mviner al!erfet vete çrm l1 orthointe - Usaton lieuse. A Quatef Sssions hela ntu-o wffljmêi"y le tdW ~te orgi i wM 5ete oOs5s t s. lesalul om ~ etviÇ" ivg,. e feundi ai, tbarp rpohefor viM a P .Te éîe de #«to Le sai rhe taime ea .asitting mm9l01 51<1tht M*m-of M d. ugeatcci tbij m "ti 'ti.meaitate çwuhd be taPspulti- anal pelice b»m Woatie ro amI yt suffi*Rot te a ira .is baal0ti a hia ade bilsindras immsy othffl .vie bars ta perfortait, aoars sbulle Ploviditito relient-i1 a brdon lIai liabecome oi 00 % t, Loir. Tit bustIer %rill ,iiobibtI t'p t tispst session ai due Legialn wrlting lithe s vs w.uniloratana ment ha.m o tedlto ~ us Mcf the bMagstrato by wici -end ever>' lawful aiey fromaleeven o*a 'or DMeofr tilp.preffet4 beariel tuiii llpolieec e;i ethiat o£»Y le lire ,hlun l ioar e;tistafortix un iili eclait sI>' OutuM e tt ise t- IlAi. B5N4% oi# mmx ws sauoarnmest and 4@aýI pialare mg os the etailoma d ttasu& lmrtSydenhsta'@prouatun»ostb. ( haveaemcrted Ha Lardslillapuli i unti mpresiomaQf b>ii2* g recordit bd hie Ubaplun .ii n Mi5 nass. The o leeerse i.found 9 voe. ii-Ébr tiyliirsiats ' 0 j isefîtaYoung andvealelmyand i Laglsl Nablenan l u e« t i favresalof biws Sorefte a acif sajopumea, ana lîtio iit ai the. nervi ecoamate>, reqiairéses cm, mian àdit te iitereo every man fut bisvet(& tic bau.cf timusanals %re luit te isait of osa téati., that t.eicrts of 1 Der iruist t idel>' frounthie; polir>1hu y 'Wilti-ialifor us safot)% tîlat the h Pe o of p"-e fZ, Ilisîrasî Pravian la its, tht Eltt, sud Euagiem and Ulook an rxiaiýtul habt ie i su arugi ltein acn ai perils by w iarrnuied, anmal suel>' oun knousw ntlIY Simd omaerl>' bout M Sugtamicattoî naitotn of iii lite. hpruyers doamidoos bhave laon pLm a lmitut the paradie ai affecteifCu lin devott,tî...ey bave bomi snswt impalpi-tts oxprcteal. liei clis lan lrer d iM ouhuno. ni tgi sile!t_.-ýthn aa'r-miad lw.rid hoart lias casoalte boit. 5lisent it in th îi haccumulatez se iltf r atst Lor.-r tind ng il i la t a s 1f t s P r v i n c p , mn e r cie liKttheanCe lins ell ils avfamitracli i e f'tgis Iistor>'. But- frutn bistory tii-iwie.( vt*i dsgu»t: at stcail 'liii, we oek, labe o oeph, a plaue v TIssp, anal go le Our chembers and a Tlteran pwisc awhirlievon ma w. ieC.i we hie loirs; aud tiie P' tiere is Do tplacéfront wbletg nai of tu's Ovent 5botild i iaai ti1noe orce and weiittianu thpt1 ld rea y u . O u r m m m ... b an % mbal,"ur an>' hild cfimus s MIDt ..teitst thdoh elu i ' 11 er- "; n t totell yo f tin»i. Ip. 'et, as St nil>, Iis UTil easiemi_, aioubow lbat, ttItl-deen., lady. e«#«reu CIblailu à otfODi tb e ,-- Mn__ Lrn à 7.1 bad hedu À gui b

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