Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 2 Nov 1841, p. 1

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171 EÎ0tu#41ab CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITIC~,,- AGRICIJLTIJRAL & COMMERCIAL.' KINqGRTON. CANADA,, lqDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1841. ut) , M1Yc 1 -u', i.ta ira! Stbcies jl G.l,î H. HIN~ES & ah, 1841. ilDu.isubî suea&r o T. &-l. AIGNESi on oni Cd albe l,t 0i, 841. -Ao tae iien', nîlhi. îiings, aug ectelati Dutis itai, èr o do. W .10N11 h lîtis, Ut41 dofYGX1 :etth' tute til mia iisCslsLS. *li, 1' liq, is mus ame, ne 're epp er R. H.ce OF G01 IIUSBAND. nad Of Dr. P. Tercisu, lie aMuitalnIilin cOM corner W.09 . rutV atha oid dominion, 1 a l lie nuibor cf yaur paper eiui erlir"Iprasistetaive bis Qui bnl as a oft f a$ant is 'rf hum r e rmise 5 i -ta uent of exisl=ioni ii,lhiplete rave discussion lise iapies, am evl c s ruerned of a very large d Lw ic~onilan ldfasbioed Vin- aveIlsuamIi el boais It piiti5 i t at in re bopli- uthe SSu a i acee l r efat Ilgrey gouine ,..,ia ls la1,t lieut ofplace 't~ ~îraîunajornal, ta descibe ~. ,isdt isa aulmteromo- âuu 1 ej .tsytisabeaty f lb. bt 1' .uihant benii f tisa to 1 dth ncalla n aîy de- aniwlî bt ieitds andl grooms. Vfwin le idcane tramn fan distant it) Le , ireaaies f thue Mot in il t te Ii s ta f Lir lvi> ymn.l, sc 1maes Bt i.r-gard ta ,Il heitiiappoiittleitt cff bis long Ine de wtill .tuwtt hocpitality cf the unaffected and gracaful al. hoh.aciillsi. stes tise jcyeus Wcmainy ouinta arnicny vils lise ,ad the a r3ilenally requ iresne acjakotsatîvun te rnoireit oneseif ta b.s pIl lur thirslin te dt cf biat hapl- L~ lchi the peiry f aituquity dedicateil St>îtO tht AbysiaiiianIi Pinreas, as alr. JO bsees; for, tisougis one May ni tIen11! ibht t veny hast siales spices is a e, t>m Cit! oitisdraps i'. fruits mi tud yet, Wîuh50su îîîy liveîy mand laildie, itpa nti, ang tisaci ve. cu s ciil variety of pernaiid t i ailit once so luxuiens aithl a ritate pure and delicioca, jaiî ais :[y s neli deineil unilia. D~fean IlCentr), t oui b c arc. 'e.gîn oai, ü% il iifeelings at least - qte, ý t.uî eiip!e ot ltath andl gai- ûîs î.s go asture sece ,ta bc collact- , i, racte.d sud excidei-that Cletnaîi n contribute te lt.)~ fîili us te vacalicie a ýe-e teda ou f time.", ut . y ru.u. iaan tittii,iil moult] ;r â:ai'ou g>tufiuryoiir farmning D ', ut a geud lushaid.ni, but ]et p ItIla r tihutte- sigs " are te b. jI eo aý adietiîs' Dcpartmant," as s si . ut îttlr Olier in a laie nusuber. Be- ýo>J S.lli atlia goil lsush.sis-stmm .àe a dItus ditiction. A Maia y b. Or~ i. t rceit hbffissaS cci, laîr îcr.etI,*aaricos, ignorant I t _ttl llhtlti-utite uiscse grsaient ým. !oIî a clîlirei and board it i,ýt rai b'îc utaonc ad ailher ipsl l ,~,rtt ioantor cruel rcat. i thd -ia tîipît. a a deisireganii of tise i : a 2 :l M oi ,l u imîtcate if" h tu li:iii exetitlonîy toalise e..1sîdb! itîtrrwagaiteen the nlaaudtiunreasonablenesa e:.-, tia a goud hotiaewife, as i ut pa!er of a aie dat, if ber aile lu i oLep ail Iingin u rier are net :ui ei 't u i in theli f *laig taclencî. lcerIl', I hll it le sout oe u fias1 dliui.adi.ti iloulî be a laie C", âr1' anea îtagîlue aîy habit more tu' uy ustt'eaii, iae n stcca Sfull Itutt io,tenirîîîg ia hiebled, "teatinin m.-'î àpr',"lnîg aler tliiu glormons tiY* lie t riiieiît nte Easilt Sncbait * t:.aaataidettce titd lotbin isunssami' a et ilure prnicicus in its oferet ui',t1. A. %viîeu tlim-a ' s'away t0 ernscîttare quick ino]Catrn i titI adianage of thte lotiful maysac natter, ad ab d ttîli lut aig and] laggar '-aN-% ît iite tai louewile, even Mes .t7îe! , have b er hoo,,e maie cleanuamle if kt,! eceit &amdin mu î odrer N l ihu t r'e, lait b.is ui ifter is bnci È: li, adtailanscarcel> oartake il a iP l1 Rcfatd sa vs ; nA u s'il v< lis z '..l t i teé uubanl recocleash Lut' uloitiLeltis or cf aconamy il n aur,, wlicre propery ie s ',ý1 mal here every ma, tisere!ani b tte- ta' tect of hasOafrtune. theri L'Y.p Iitn il a snet alsolutely cul lài- a lei atter enrise. Net onlyi 'ntii( itSgu ut s <oeil husband, in ý1Iii et tani ulevlute aîîd inliepensnisl Xt u cii have fr bhi vugrtifi e bretîakfastii i l udseacs o v i ieLe v a be uerassup aild i Suî.n le tîll iss yàtematiaemta anil aahrmad sial bai u esu p1yof gond m'e. ye u ri - el dote tise ar m 'ii iies ulp alt iatial. e Itttt.erV risîag andl pensit ontîlt alid ciiang th. >sigt 11f'a.Idonul refer tae bis cla b h aiien sud texture f tise nt bc @- le tldwn as mallana I111r11 te Ouiy Icetiieni kcp h , ilis eari close, andl bis person a ain Iired1econtact lierawiti alva nii hh rlmuy eoS '-leatber ' 'em. T0extenltise akaîcis cfli P iiPaticalduties ou tiseobfervan raii ilade lfrtliattgreatblsin ilO t ehy a ba1lmore es la kingouralves vhat jlale I.l 1 t il sCItan b ousefrm aria tionsbm r tl er vils go * b.>ttîu oileIvilS oW i rocr a -.hu Watrcnvriant and abuada _" ~ annet t .founni, a gd ré7tper at everyout cefrtaSt , tat, tieat thoeiuer, and mi t ooiiin, mayblaie eftoe Pure e c binseif relaecteil ta brassast sudgea I et ei one t. Lhas-i_. . 7- 1. % barrel, compared te tint between a béactifual ligt epwlgY ril, or ssoW-White biocuit, am tisai * Lr and very dfarent ting, visicis w ton of. tes uee-B roud, dark, oid, heavy substamc or cemrnodity. called a bot roll, vhscb, if givn te a beggar, ho migesi valcomplain, -"1 mosiyeU for breail, and yen gave me a stm! " Busmy gondbuabnd arelish far a nire frsait « or a fat brW kitbeet breakfast, tise. bu muet laiks cmtaatabave a waam, tegl pouluy boua, with a good loch an if, and a Wengen te attend tu thse fowls, with abondance cf food and vasa covenient; andl no vîtisever, aer aomfort or luxury, tise gond hubiani wyul me iatIl r- rangements are maie vhucis dépend on bin- fi@ muat see tiai auample stock ofi - dthingu in laiina,in gond lisse; fer baconbeoms« bave h ie hope of suitable Man ani is, maidell f"t teneil an ceea, a" th rbia eqires Mo»nefcMgeat andl gond -maneent; m iand -kill, tby ubouid b. wael oae nd ena t i u u, no seltail away " under bis management. Yen wil me thse <ccd huabanilolokng ailar hie oii tube before band,,lat they inay b.s thor oughily scanreil and tigit ta hou the brin-4he mot boupe viii lie ait eure andaof theproper construction, and the hickory vocil, if ta beh i, rcady l'or smoking il. Thon hi@ gardien yull be ta hm au abject of particular attention; witbout gclng, sufres h.e au Weli sOb il ite aan traardinary expense for greenu es, mai li b.ds, lhe viii yet mée uiat il je net uaprovidsd with et least haif a doeakinde cf palatable, visolemome and eaaily raised vegetables, as cab- bages, ptatos, bot, pae, bonne and obuos, net forgetting tomaoees and ochra, tise mont use- fui amslcanvenient of ail tise vogetable family- h eidee mrawberries andl raeperries; and ho le Dot ta bu accounted a good husband wbo ives in thse country and yet fale in enabling hie vife ta place on bise table a fev choice fruits--sncb t légal. as apples, anid peaseand <tapes, for tise entertainmeit and gratification of fsmily a friends. And again, viat ta m0o"knawledg je tac often overlooki, a ;'od isband ill hC Iashamed -ta leave -i vifs without a gCool, re- spectable and safe coavoyanco for gong miroad, eitiser for. occasions] ictercisange cf visite, witis genteel, weli-informeil andl beepitable (Dot envi- ous, prying and ecandal.heatiug) nog'ibrs-.al- go for visite cf charity ta tise pour, and fur ging ta bero wnchuri. In toc mnry cases ie the vife left, not anly without a1paià decent carriagp, but even thse neceeeary rdilea and caddies are vaating, ar neyer in repair, for immediate use. Ten tae oe but the saddle vanta a girth, a crupper or a tir- rup leatier; while thse bridle, thoug il itbave nither thruat iatch nar curb, wouid do well tenougi, except tuaI it han rein&-.snd ail b.- 3cause thiasart of late rising hushanil, vithaut ,systetu or frecat, han approprated no particu- lar place or person ta keap or take cara cf sncb thinge. Thus bave 1 pointed eut a few of tise easy, obvions, every day signe and duties cf a t hd usband,.ench as "hfe vha race inay read;" but et tishe etleman net suppose that 1 have doue with I9iîn y et.-Froam thie sketch cf bis coninon-piace oligations, let us turna otise morals of tho pictural U Lt ne man embark aon tise voyage cf matri- mony under th idéeatisat ties eale ta b. farever cafin-the sky aivaye serene. Lt ponts write tor levers avear visat tisey may. w. bave not ,found vomer, more tisan men, in tise shape cf r anges to rule over ne, but if tbe hisband be nlt -a mian of overweenin- ceitisues ud dogged eill-teînper, hacvii laok on thse fenilteand imper- Efectiosacf a good vife, as accidentai blemiahos, e that sonetimos appear on thse surface cf tise mot abeauteuus stately tree, %which titue will obhuter- Sato or ceft appliances rernove, vithout recaurse a ekîife or cautry; aud, air, ta a man cf gener- e us beart snd enlarged views of bumanity,vhere, ,tlat me ask, cao he find a field for tise exeacine cf that moral nowcr, whichini the fruit cf auperior if knoticdge "so grateful te his avu feelings, aud .utatrng te a just and honorable prude, as if whn aho seei the uind andl character flier vise C is the objet f i aworn affection, growir.g -e strouger and more perfctunudar bis own care s-uad watchfuineacs! util frein b.ing always ba. ib ovod ah grave at tat ta b. an idol f is own :9creatien, go perfect tiat it vote scarcely a in ta ,n worGEip it. y lIaving nov, IMr. Editur, adverted ta nmorn f tgthe plan obligations b.euging te, and out ilcer ,y rrang~ement@ nocaaaary ta be made by, tho mas- 1-ter d ic ibunze in every gccd systain of in-doore f eccuomy, aud having recommended in ail ic de- -d prtnent that epirit cf benavuleece and libarality g.which is viiinclinebisen ta boar vith thosa irregu- id larities of lamper soaleienes betrayed by the hast cf %vives, as accasional breazes are seen ta dis- tur hs ueirface af te emoothast late; tise ln. t ~tient gentleman, reader, may think I migist ie are couclude, but oven thase are net ail the le signe cf a gccd isuabanil, on visicis vo bave te m ind£t-aucb aaune viii b. carefui, aler mat- go *isent tu discontinue tioss littie attentiopis e, aadcaurteias vhich, in tise aggregate, coneti. te tate in a great meseure tise business and iappi. l. ceus of tise conjugal state. in Any abtemnent of tise ardor which animales a tise lover tise cosiderata huaband 'Il mnake u da by tender andl reapectfol vatcbfulmess ave :fil fi- the emaller items of conjugal intercaurse viio ,il may contrihuto ta ber persenal cômfrt, or grati. l. fy any innocent peculiarity ofIe vife's dispos"- t- tien. And docmyi n n expect-ilcee&ay la- ve taligent huebonil geis, ta have a wife devoid o od peculiar tante@ mand proponities 1 If se, and hie jg objact is te have ail tise taiking tauiizmel witel 1- aise can harlysay cieck,"-let hlm go fai sucs au autaînatan.vife, to that Printe of Con, ai jrors.-o.d Maelze iimelf! Sonse vretcbed ý11 miserlj, buebands thon are vis>, aeglecting es Lr sentiatiings, go about poking tiscurn sia me prying lu kitaiseus an claseb, viere tb.y hart c f no business, meiliug vitis tiinge vitdavii île tisey hava ne cancern ; but one of gondl tenu Od viii b. t ne lamsta disinuisisbetveen th ,y out-af-place ofiaiueenma" fanîliarity bic or breede dagust hi every valk of liSe, ami tise bis conaîderae and graceful civilitiseani Little com ,ce plaisaces viicis are met fait than @me-eml ~in sanding ber a chairor a glassof water, à VdjiUg ber stirrup vheu aieriesin redi.1 x- toamuine ber et ber kitting i.n aklug ber peu Tet or turaing over ber music-aisoe li, the1 Sd hushanil vil neyer forget, tisa if "limseV amseaisncir years away," teaks avay ail Ibm utcharme visicis h vau vst te admire mnd prais &i tbsve is thse étronger obliga"io f hasar aid bo t f nanty tama"e op toburfer theoikmof tho md, by increaed kindnes mand adity. Whu ut- tisoughim ine may have scattered the rasesth once blositon ber cbeek-vbat tisougi car 1 yandesickneemay bave dimmsd tise lustre of la GgviLaxtmu r OV.-Scexx.-We areMisap- py ta have it la ose paver ta tats, in aiuser I-) tise rumours recently circulateil of a change in this govetuant, that a daspatois vas receiveil by lb.eIlut steamer, ianvisicli lb. nov Cî'lanial Sec- retary, Lord Stanley, assures Lord Falklandl cf bis determinatian te give im the intat cordial suport in te conduot cof bisi adniitratioa- (NavasctiaI-] LATmiz PIROX CHINA. RENEWAL oy HOSTIIJTIES-BOMBARD- MENT 0F CANTON-RIUMORED SUB- MISION 0F THE CHINESE, &c. &C. On gaturîimy lite abip Narragansett arrivod fousIf Macan, ing aiiW on the lot of J une, mai ' dilfrocsCanton to îL '71s mal weVOaisers aaly tatise 26'. WVo ame tirefore ludebti mainly fer thse nana ta thse nsorag pepere, smo f wisicis bave le- ters frein Macao as laotsasutisa moreing cf Juana 1. Tise last advices ve bail, cming deva to the 2t of Juas, vere tisat an imediato reneval of Isstlitien v. e expocte .This expoctat ionk vas roalizoil, itvwill b. mesn, on the vary naxt day, tise attack being comasenceil hy tihe Celas- tials. -Oh! *8 bocilt tbsbu tasybsu~rs~b fw M tow.p levemmsa s00be he; -As tbs sss4svser tomse s en girdvhbu o%« ITheusionu 1"&kvbAebthe tuWd vbm huo Ansd nov, Mr. Editar, lesmrne SJ rendors may lb. of opinion tisaI y rtreLa -gccd buqanil" are tac gavera, amind nUp clude that it in botter to try thse chantes di elba. q Int m tmpita corneup tamy railvb me anismit thse reflectîcas cf a Wise mu 5 condition of iitwio inaken up bis niis& t] breatise, 1 vil not gay ta live. thse lite of a à~ eiev_-'Tey droima avay ther tinSe ftiendmip ite ou mnesa, »am M rid tbesuelvem aitiseday, fur vblch a no use, b l'Iibansusee or vicicus 6 liguse. Te r as beinç ni tise - -,- C snm a( orne kaova lnfWrîrily, tittâgetb mi MWvtsra n, Mi thartngues vie .- sr.The, arepeur.et boise M4d inmc lent siraad; ada« tiseoutlavs ef huma.n -1 .tlrs malte it tbeir busines andl their pleesure ta diaturla that soclety visicis debava tbecs front its prvilegea. Ta live vitisaut feeling or xi Iigsynapatiy, ta b.e fortunate vithout adding ta lficity of atbers, or afficteil vitiseut asting lb. balai cf pity, Lea astala me.1g thoynIb solituda; i lin at retreat, but exclusin frocs mankinil. Matrriage bas n, y pains, but celiba. cyhbas no pleasurea t" J .S PLSTO REXsîEaSTrumrs-The falovingt simple anil efficient planta remove tumpe in cap-8 iad frin tise %estern Fariner andl Gardener for the present mentis, To any frmer vhini an- noyed wils thes. incumbrances (andl mot of biet farmars in tbis region have thein in aisundanca)t biis short paragraphini. vrts a yoar's subocrip- tian la a evsaper, ton tintai oser. Tisene in acarca a eluînp or a bush ta b.e ceenm on my fara, excopt saine very lhandsoine sheds- troes prpoely loft fer .hetering in tise hoat of1 esuor.1 Tise rernoval cf thsm stumpe bas been accans-1 pliaeei by a very simpleosud econemical promus,i visich 1 vil tempt te ilescrabe, lu tise hope tisat it uaay lb.beniefit ai ta thosse isehave tise r lads encunsisred ithil trocs and stumpa. Procure ai dry-alm lever, mabout tvcnty font long, and six te eigt incises in dianieter, a gced @tent log chais,i vith tvo yaks@ of oxen; tiis in m&H thse sahn tisat i. neceaar. 'Tise mode of eperation letius :1 -vrap tise log cisai around tise sturnp a littla a- bave tise grauad, andl make vhat in calladl a lcg- bisihoi; lay tisa lever isorizontally on tise <round, tise largaeaend next ta tise cisain snd againsttthe 1 tump ; make tise oson endl of tise chain fast ta tis endl of tisa lever, 17iawing tise lever tigit1 aginait tise tump ; thse cattle are iîcisai ta the smafl end of tise lever, and diven arauni tise stump Ina circla, af vhien tho lever 1te .radins. One revalution cf tise axe. areunil the stump viii 1enerally tist out thea largest of tiem; but shenid nt tisa puver Ilium applied iol uficient taj inove tise tumap, tise idea mots may b.e uncavercil andl cut partly off; aftor Iis is dane, the stump yull boe asily remavol. Yen vIifind Ibis plan iuuch praferabie ta any Ilpatent elunnp extradeor" that yen may have sean puffisili. tise papers. AnvEiaTsNe.-Here's m gaad idea on tha smb- ject oS adlvertiming -- Ifsa deaer bas an y article cf wbicislie vulias ta make a qnick rotureand' consaquenly in villiug ta sel at a smmml profi, he le ure to advertina t ; but if hae menansho malin a large profit out af is custamers he isn. erally sly aiscu il.Mon ail vomen visa hve thoir eye teth cut,, yul navet ileal at a store vbore tiuey do nat ailvertise." Remembar tisa. Mr. Stulîr, tise celebrateil London tailor. bas contributeil the sutu efLflfl, togefsar vitis a larg'e plot of <round, for lb. erectian f a confor. toile mand permanent building for tiriny-tisree peu- iners (vitis tisir vives) of tise institution "1for tise relief of ageil and dccayed jenrneyrnen tal- ler." RaLIarees Butv-l cnvy no qnality cf bise nini or intellect in other ; lb. it <arnme, paver, citorofanzcy: but if 1 conlil ciscase vhat vaulil brat de igtful, andil1 beliave mont useftl ta me 1 eboulil prafer a firin religious belief tea nl atiser blening ; for it makas lifo a discipline cf goodn-eO a e no pes visen ail earîily ispes tiis mIIrova ovar tihe decay, tise destruction of existence, tisa mont gorgeons Of ail ligits; avmkenm liSe even in deats uid frein destruction and ieemy c"li up beauty and divini- ty; mai"esan instrument cf torture andabutsis the ladiler cf asdent te paradis.; ad, for aisve ail combnatiane cf oarthly isopes, etallaup tise met deligiful visions of palme mand aiarantise, the gardans of tise blet, tise scurity of everist- ia os iere tise sensualiat and tise sceptlo t lvol glacis, dccay, annihilation, ail despa*r (Sir Hiumphrey Davy.] Coloiasl CANADA. DYTOWN.AND THEI OTTAWA. pCircuitances cannacteil vitistislaIe elec- ,I taon fat Byovu have thrn ovme degree of rl- à dicule on Ibis iing tovu, visicis neither tise 4place nor ils iniabitants deserve. Bytovu le net0 a i e a lbisghc ut recot gravIS. L- It ineq klye arkb efor ' cposition and iti )f progre. I mgii e aielsie av. l is ita nd.o,» egmnnce, on tise souti sueoaStise si Ottawa, il commandoa aviev of sm ornf tise r Mut beantîul eceery in nature; the bromil et- b. pa.ouliste Otawa, aisv evatis ou ta tise foot d of thse Clsudlc affSa, tise Salisthernelves, tise s- ilande vhicb ivule lthora, tise distant western i ceurso aofbise river, heon de i. fi. e n- ,e tain chais OteIuiiiEta tise easl tise idaitevel b country at tise conf oce of tise Gatineau, thri- Le viy;seulnsentay sires, ~ aid the broci! h wu &S 4M L awence; mli the»eitrike lis en eye rarn tise heights anil are vovthy of admira- a. lion. !y Themsite ofthetown i onaa imstone rocàk mn ruingbons 100 te 1M0 lest miovethe levai of bg tise Uttavm, th1h getpart, ttise vegt., hem os ing a proctue ttsc ajtsng eut ite lbe ad areum; the centre rtte praroneuryin cet Ch dova teaiadit othe b. e tclst lle M eataneofte mbudei the na té e, vWh" à vestm el stuls hem a Beins xav i- tot e uth of the tovmaMin uucare y a dês n4 ieut ad emsiakmit am-cau emimanca, iii i et moaches Ithieruaof th .Ridaxp-oS cartel ais Slle, vbic p ourlae0 O wav* hot a -le re b.e, cme a pereudenicalar hais, apparetiy a or bundreil fat in heigit, baving thse pesmis S o ut» White ecrainui et a caelembe mm dovu, lb.evisole vitiscut incoesureail tise <vouai gradually descending tevards tise eoâtb ti it mechs the primeval forent. This groann veulilb. a place of itrenglis. but thon. are amit-' er dortifications cer soliers. Tise population le tateil ah 1500or 2,0004 there are tvo god atteets sons. banilsoma hou- mepa ma lupo or 14"tmtasan~sd a gocil Hotel kept by Mr. Doatat, formirly aS Qneboc. Thse rendl tatise river and ateansioat vbarven is near the ventre of tise ewànuso alang tisa excavatian made in tbe baak for lb. canal locs. Stean. boat@ aid barge re Srequenbly foumd in lise abatisicis, lsogis usail,&aeens tealb.deep gai sale Tise.teambamsgo devs, ieeer, anJdy te thse hisof tise Grenville Canal, distant 0& mile, anal viscatb. vaters ara nt ore, clii- er tamnieta taka up tise passengers et Carilie #W t~ bey bave <on. tvelve mils in stage easez andmi proceed teaLachine, distant about 35 mile, or 12D miles in miU, frein Byao nte igeatreab Otiser steasnhoats aboya tise Cisuiere Salle frcelu eratas the baad ,flc des CtLa distace fâfifty or sixty milesiliesue meula nov axIcail ta about 150 miles aba-ve Be- tavu, andit inl expeeteil a steamer vw b.i oeraticu aboya thse Chats ta the eIst mentionail dstace next Beaun. The setteors on tise Ottawa are rostly old country people. At the Gatineau, opposite By- lova, thbre le a seutlement cf Frenchs Canadiens ail a Catislic Church. Tho Iuber business in tise chieS trada of tha rver, mud thora are largeetablisimeuls for gatiîîg ont snd rafting titubr, mui for anpplyiug tise peuple witis impon- ted goud. Proceading dovu tise river frous Byteo, tise sccnery loges natiig of ils beauty andin i preb- ably Det rcurpasaed by aay îiing in, America. Tise settîctuants cm the hanki of tise river, are, iovaver, tiily icattancil, sviicb in pertly ovinZ te thebo leaas of the1anuear tise river sud tis great tisa cf tise waters oS tise Ottawa, visich. at certain amour, mouunbs ta frein12 tai15 let perpendicular. But frein the river ou the nortis iank tise landin i higis, rising ia seme places to meunitains, visicisare Utchenotis western termi- nation of tha ridgca visicis oxtam'lfroiniQnabcc, at a lesu orgrater distance on tise nortl sisore cf tise St. Lavrence, but go as te b.e visible, ge.. narally frein tis river. At tisa Seigniory of tise Petite Nation. above the Long Sault, tisera in a French CauLýian tel- tiement, visici vas Seundeil by tha lato Mr. Ptxr ,about 30 years atro, sud visera e ee- sidad for one lime on te Ile Rpussùs.Tiserc tise two chirnaies of a bouse creclel bh hm ara stili standing. Tisere is a respectable iaaoking Cisunci and Fresiaytere, back corne distance frein the river, numeraus sud apparently conifortabla dwellings ad extensive cearigs. Tise scig- niry atili blonga ta ties on cf dtufoncIer, tisa laIe Speaker cf tise Hanse of Adsambi y af Low- an Canada, andl caeocf his bratisers resilea an & manages the properîy. 1'urtiser down thora are ne tbick setîlamenta, oxcepting t Carillon, tili yen reacistisa seigniery cf Argenteuil, on vhicis papulous settiementa exteail alcng tisa Rlitire du Nord. Aitegutiser tise hakscf tise Ottawa offer a iseathy muid prmeiiugfiel for iinprovonsent, ail vitis fain play and tise increame cf a moral ad industrious population, caîsuot fait 10 fori, ana of tise mnt valuable and agreeable parts cf Ca- nada. Iarmony among tise mixeil population cf vbicis tise settlemente are composed, freodotu ail justice tea al,visicis incinda a mutuelandui rigid respect for tisa opinions, rigits and inter- es cf tisers, viii greatly aid te lise coifortsa mal velfara cf tise 1wbolc population, andl"cee pence and promperihy te tat art of tihe country. Qlueber, 2iîd October, 1841. Bytovu, Oct. i41s-Amueng aur solections on aour irât page viii lie feuni snme remarks entitleil Bytovu aldtisa Otawa," fratu tise OGMQue- bec Gaete-We beliava the vriter passeil by this route on his rtura frin iis Legioiabive Jus- ties et Kiigcton, ad being is firsI viil, as vs have iseard, va look upoa bis opiniens as velua- bic, frein tise val kuev talents cf Ihoir anIser, andl another arcof, if ny more vas vantail, af lise favourable ipreaion ilytovu andl its noble river maleas upomuth isa iiuo f strangers. Thore are coma trivial errera mb vishichitia vriter bai falicu. 1He dates tise engin cf Bytovu front tise year 1825; il vas net tliitise heginning cf Oc- toer, 1826, that tii. frit trea vas cultvisere Bytovo nov stands ; proviaus te that date al vas a forant. lia bas aiefer undetralail tise popuilation. Bytowo centaine vithin its limita nearly 4000 oulu, ad in yearly increasingia ratio b.yani any other tavn la Canada. Tse little inmecuraciem are, hevever, cf miner ccn- aaquence vben veigiteilagainst lise testuimou3 in faveur cf the place of onaevisa han hotetcfore iseen incliiýed to vev Byto" ndal li connected vils i, il ather a dicparaging lgit.-[{Gnxetto. yXlII. No. 19. fis.à@beCstuPres f2fth iiy. ne Micâo, Iliisi May', 1841. hi We clateil lait veak tisaI evor>' Ihing aI Can- th tn boreno a aike mn aspect Issu va shonldliN robably bave ta report tise commcencemenst of esotililies in titis ilay's issue. IVe sisal relate vi eniatlin the occurrences at Canton, since Frulay ta tia 21st, pnenicing thac up tu It2 moment cf hi, oun vnilimg thie, no iler acccunts Iluan of lise di 25ti have bhua receivel freinCanston andof lthe c' 2tti frein Wiampoa, but il is probable tisaI wae ahall bave ta add Ister intelligence belore D) ou papen <esta press.o On thbm 21s1 Captain ElliaItt lsuail a circular, am ilvisuug ail foreigners la retira frein Canton ita. ail aadiately. Ai On lise sanie day ail foreignars lait Canton, & ei reat ta Whaunpoa, or retirai an boardl hoats in M lhe river, vils lb. exception cf Mn. CeeIdle fi and Mn. Marges, tva Amenican marchante. lin- seilialoly an tisa factorffi es ig Ius abandanail w tha mois braie in, aai ersvlsaget difficuly ni, driven bactit luy the ,ldir, visa vanteiln a haree inthie pluaner.-Te aboya ammeil gen4 oc flemun vere lasgreat danger of violente fron fa lic mob and selliers, bat Mn. Morais mucceedoilaie Mithse assistance cf a mandarin, lu eccaping ta fi ho river, ad loto a boat, in visich ha reacheil th Wham Ca in emféty, vile Mn. Ccolid." va,, of îrcbably v ils a viev ta bue protection, carricil % uta tise City. A boat froin t he Amanican eisip tia lenis, visics, vitis a cruv of Saur, andtite.e e asenugeue, Mecene. Taylor, Millermail Gulmer- ai rez, ieft Canton fer Wisampca on Fnidmy, vaos, a near lb. Frenchs feu7, fired sipon bJ tisa Ciiaee ail lryiag ta escape, by.soaking ahalter on bsoardl tI i tem boa on tise seutherot baisk of tise river, the ci pnsengerm 4a lcrev vere felloeuilby the mol- v, liens, visa very sveriy mmlteated thsain oun- i ling muet of tens, ail tison caffiasi thora pria-C Mere, ta lise authoritie et catan ; tb. Anueri- m tan vice-consul weat ta Canton ta deumat]tss nIasse cf bis aouutrytue. ad vo supposa tisal pq it as in couseuenceocf bis remonstrice that cÀ thcy wene set aI ibertylyin front aS tise factories tt Uused ta insuit, from tlie mois, altheugs tiey 51 sail repeatefdly but ineffbctually demnuaieil ta b. lu dlivered ta liseir counîrymea aI Wbmmpoa, or C ou boardl mn Buglisis siip of var. Wibluaut bisacc mnuasof getling avay frocs Canton, lb. paon v fesiia d neobisher menus aS maféty but tea eek 21 anr uhalter la the Connoa.isuaa, viene Iisey ti woesahut op ami ramaineti for eevem'al laye, p wibisout fod, aparnly forgatton. unlil, on the i 24th, Captain Iliott, visesnio suppose, muet p have baun inf«edalof thiseiposition. weat vils Il a stroqg ilelaclnt of troupe sand releaseil tisetu s sending them ta Wisanpot, W. are very satry 2 tommay tist Mn. Miller hbea usavery iss.ly E woundedl liat bis lits le deapaireil of; un. cf lse n cmvw in likevîm mi ' ~probe"lykilil, amd imli bise otbera are ta. o0= avonyded, andl enfer- ti iog fieosa the privation. tbey have sinc ecedurel.se Mr. Coolidge isus hua libenate in thlie"mne t: maener as tise cliers. ti Evea vilhoat tisis notice il bai bacome but a toc, paipable tbat the Chines.contemplateicoin- il mencing hstilitmus pepily ons that very day ; in unany cf their pacb.ues ail aveu on their i ros<une bail beau planteil; every street lead-. ingthe riven'a e.1<. biecomea a mamied battery ; anipae s m and ffgs vere %Îng ovan, evary one cf Ibetu; ucliiers ver. gmen evcry e vb.re, aud evin iutise bang mercisanl's aa- bouses.T'b. viole river mide frein Frenchs felly 't ta lise ment nortisenendl Of Cantons. preseataIli an. coeetinueil lineocf fortification, aalarge1 numberoaSgum vere phataoonDulcb and1 Frencs SalIs..A n.v fart bail b... built aItà shaming, aid it vas movnis tisauanimmensei number ofSlire, raits bai bén preparedin l many I creeku in dirent pubtmof tise river.1 Oving te ita bsiag marly cals aid toa etrart ebb t;le, lise uimoner Aurora, ils seTotal Bai. lish marchantse an board, ail H. M. cuIter Lau. t icm, rOens a-noilMucsoeil igtopposite tise facto-t ries, ail il vas aiseervol tisai lhe ubarbe ofi Canton preateil au appearance of moe.tliais usuai quiet AI the inaumarabis bontsevisicc ame lu peaceul imes -san olb.heriver, <ail7 lightei np, wvon no ongr tisera, andtihtsfor.1 eg lares etoe, vilsthe exception cf tvo, dmrk mnwileiletît. iBeau fter six, ILM. S. M.o- date aMiAgeain moved i Ue m Iurancisrage lu tise Macacppssa.ge aid achweana close ta tishle toitan tisa galet vonhlpermnis, madid Ibis ueuns for tise bine teatluractantis attention. At a litti. peu Iteous eceer, a blasof i 1<5 in tise direction of Fmtee va. ebserveil, ami va scac fanite procei fron aïveral lire raits or junka Some5Idim f aut vll. tii.en=tie sehnon- bu, hihvas aere mulimble aer,'.ti bcongbatis".m .0er te lb. range of tis e ns by tislnnepen.oet ma ali p a aeart lire, by visai"1hcutter vas ba t ic. & th. schooner *am Tis e v.il vassale vuse Ibusefere bllgei te resisnai mcbhoresu.i te &ringtface 1h. h.itey a aniieg1 das@cutterreravinttbe tire gallatly; &dfonubrb.W aix lage car- n b oe m i b t 4r a n i o9 « b v i te w l S e 19 iasia Pmeda "Muon bme ebpe a"i suv. Ae àiseM et ibsm'e v a paisiezat te "Mae timpa e a Iri.aues ira m Subr 2 tioq-tyre a niiemu4em mmLIL EL MQsp.Lubmlseilis Md s- r - M*tbpvMW$Mest Saf e vethe wu iseptupmiiPOULtlb.â, mill te eettrmmieh IMM - *L, 1<tbu <ule aU~a*I Wou4110 W08. b**t 9001101 :r ai~~~i ab .amet raz~ec i I t e f i p t B e is e e e h O il s, M s il M Il Busixzosa aor Ta AsanulLv-We Lave e- ceivel an officiai statemenl of the business ofi tise Honsa cf Assembly during ite late sesisa,k vbicis han beau made oul andl printed fer the i use oS tise meinhers pursuant to instructions.r Our principal abject in refertiag ta lisdocua. ment aI preset, ltex" aptesOur very gpont surprise ai fading il itatail thorein Ibal an ap. propriation vas made la lb. Public Improva- meteBill cf £1,844.091 fis. 2J4, eury: if this ha really tb. cse a Motailexreniaryi bluader muet bave bae coeimitted. A ate- mnIof th. items oli"a inse lmprovememi BilllWbe fouain aatb.r caluma andi ivilt b. abuejeil tiat tise aums are al set dowa as strig'Nov vo cmn alate iaest posîtively th is mtuatesfrein liseBoard l a'Werk vere ila ifuifax curancy, ail lhe calculationa maie by te lb.FmamotuComumîte ver. basai ce thoir knavledge cf tisaI fmet.It ile ladabsi.. vuril ta suppoe thai any oee making out asti. mas for vorn ta haleperformei leladbisProvince voeucaiculale la Merlng. Tis e ssage hans bls Excehlaacylb. oeraor General la quit. cleon ce lie mbjet. Ilgays:-1 " The total cot aoflisese vorke Ibumename-1 ttei veuiinvolve an .aspendtmrfsou iet £1,47UM 0psovincial sterling, to h. praad ave a per f ia veyearm neceapary for theit coin- Tise vorbs&e anlelta aie edtmuWts aMr. Kilisysreptat ,3Glmail h viiile efoonil tht Iis le jus t about tlb. mîno f £k Ir b." £1,OsO0tsiigwumi, i msy ta > omes1 &2i be ntimezfor= aaste r bh vswud5 vg u Ceuvv e u t sli mi r if it bubon am"d sin IbeUîlt, a <gressa ibus boss esmmitiel 1byiuWb"au espei aI 1484M 2&e 2J4 hmbeu. mi. ie-ulie biBaus oue 5Aameicy. ecm iipsihetis a"m " apeTe Ir b uïbelaoi gw biet.&mAis w.aeul àiâcm llà* ssbehutw tise aietale bu busem t Amamsy. Ie it augat 5.coete le Mr 71 la tise morn;ng early of the 2U hdie work aS stutcicu au Sisang vasracomumeaceilhy IL 9. LModeste, Pylade@anmd Algerime, mal"es- mer'Namesis; lise fort vas aller a beary eau. punait elenceil ald destruyel. ail eight vvy ina nev brasa g<ne tofland inii t.Meuwviilea imber of war-juoks vert men issuing front a sek ppposate Fatea, and the gleamer Nememis vnt le useet betu; tbut tb.y retrea±ed &gain te e crackail tiseamer Aaia gave ber aus ie etKhiaming ,a hich vas no smener percel- -c by the jumka than iscy came eut a sacouil ae. Thsis tims, havever, the steamr vma ot unIent vith merely driving tise. baek, but Sol- vwei tisens imtheb.creek ;visai peamsei there vas fromnthe poiancof our lforiaantisid firent s v;ev, but londilreparteanmailimmense %cansa viswite snd black asineor'siug lotth ie min et et ,iurvaie, but tee pli 10W ldtisla lie ,Vk of destruction vswu taly a&f 0 lu lesas.su twbee ione pwrih Sfenly van ait. vare set llre tla maIl ova up. Ti. n- Inn of the Numeié m rtis s uccesaful cpe- tien, foliovel by tisa Ilurall'ma %ad hW evu mate, is doscribal as ilesring asehiila the iihast degrae choaring ald yet ceaui1aleaIthe me îil e .The steamer vas côvereil aH over wli tise lnmalpendants capînreil frans lie îunks; tisa bouts' crews vere mli mrrayad la àandutome mandarin ilreste ail caps; ail the euvyof ueboat, in order ta be perfect in tber ri coutume, bal emois niai, cf tisons a tail dent- ug frein under liseir cape, visicis ve bc"pe e Ile spoils frain living Ciiese, vise saveil theit lvos tty leaving tiseir tuis ehinil. 'The loue cf lite in Ibis exploit is saidnat ta ho rry graI,the> Chines. having fui ample timos ia iave thonsalves by fligbt before tise vessel 1ev np. We ara scrry te have te record one imoualîy on -t.'uard the steamer; hon <allant maneCaptàin Hall, vas mavereiy vound. bd in the bsande b> tise bureting cf a rocket.- ing tisaaction aI Slaamiag, tiseW ilngsali sari ofbise Moeaste vure ageoil d 7t lpé enl tires men wandee'. W. e Dat bard cf îy casualtiee. an boardl the ohsr tva sisipe- fier tise destruction of the Shaming furt tise Bips of var 'retirail ta tisair ancharage in the Macao passage, vaiting fun tis quadrn aid inrcas ou tiseir way up lthe 'iver, On lise 2aird tise viola of tisa fonces, naval ra welas rnilitary, hll by tise Maca passage ar- yovd ta vitsin four or Oive miles cf Cats, ai cyan H. MI. sisip Blenimshiall been able, la spite of hon gra draugut cf vater, ta pnoceed tau ur. A <ra many Ciase ehopiscats yene seizel et %Wbampaa by tise Britishs, andI they at. furdeil excellent eonvcyaisca for tise troueqs. Cn th 2"ti IL M. 2fts ragiment, under eammmand of Lieutenant Colonel Mountain, took possession agali of lb. fereigu factorise, sudndeeejust la nie te cave the graIer part cf tises frocs de- structian, driving trmm Ibeoe a hodly of soliers anil tiuievea that bal bean carryiag avay visaI. ver they could. TFb. vere tac laIe, hovever, ta Bave lb. <reek, IDutcisandilBritishs hone; thase have beau complately sackeulta every tig, e'en ta tise indav-framee, isas helon earried aq. vay, and a large quatity ef valomiste mercda. dise, cbiefly veollesis, visicl vere utoreil in lise Coeapay's godovns, have baecns.a pte ta tho acta On, lb.23t ltislie Cameronimns ivre sil lan possession of the factoriels, ail tise ther trops onasiig cf tise Ois Royalimsh, H. X. 49tis the Madras. l7ts N. 1., mitagetiser 170men ail 5W marinas, bal, alter seme sharp fightiag, ta. aen possession cf tlb. iagiss1tite Norts of Cantoni, andl driven ail tise Tat trooee c lb. city, viirisas being bombardel frcn tis e hi wils round @but, sheilland lrackets. OniI 2lii. a &sacral att4ck, it i. mail, vas coutmpilà. cd, andl parties arniveil yestedy hem us.. pou, vhich thoy left late on tisai day, repurt bav. ug seard a boavy cannonada durissg the greliter part of the day. It in tiserefore vey probable bhat visile avestre vitzog, Canto s n laeb.pe. session efthe Euglisb. W. heur tisaI on ths !Suis, early in tise morniug, Havqua ad tise Kvankehsfoo alaiuaninterview vithans et tise naval commandons,4 offlbneg ta negotiate for thw uaving of lb. dity; tisai liscy cibred ir e millguma oa b. paid vilisin Ibreae onti, ail ail dansagm doue ta or suiffea by the Britishs iuring theset. ,ack on lise cil7 ta bu maie <oeil; tisaItisey fat. bonr aller ta vihdrav ail troopu frein C&nn ail r.k fer 40 ilmys taefct dil i. Tiseges. %ss if made, have it appeans beau relusei. Tisa numbor of lire tafta prepareil by tise Chsi, nese mts have been cuarasous; th.y have hue ieen an ai parts cf tise river betv9ea Cansu. di the Bcgtae ; selvan eseat devis 94 Wellasley, ancharel o« ltee, ». iloes. snpee; otisers et Second Bar open the Fuutay Salamu, ashona tisera, and tise Scaiiy Cmstle, w4 he naval senior comamander bas, we bear, Ioue, ail a notice ta the Cisinese It amjey village Item wbicisa lire raft sisalbe sme. 1- p th ae vilageu.rest ta tb. spot vbw etlie iraft sisall have bhua sent, tmata b. estresM a mue ta Icave on ne 0upantis ie. la pros. cution of titis lisreat ls Sulpisu Md Alligato have copay idesttceil a i Dm lurHi Wal Pagodyeace fire raft@ h eMM srnoagSa-Britishs ebipping, UsilI lute lekao that u"i «se ,Taemple vil bhave lb.he ahe effeet. H. M. plenipctestimry hm "aiseiia proclamation ta lb. peeple of Canton, -Y..* tisat having on s.ee occaius hemn bisehso, oaly ilealt uit by tise Eanpfe e' omnihaba- ers, b. nov latenile te drive tisas ail 4pl truelle out of Canton, mi ard u e. sepueeîlI. habitants ta leave tise toe" wllsost deeil eriler not la h. madie tammuffr tise fa01 c the muandarine. Wve conitteilta 5=b. t h.e~peugce of thiostilitiem I ant, n~t lL A.v ina, aller tseforces Wbaim a t Ceqt W plaSed e te Çis 1i 3ie et4bcim lui retunxd =inteseat; lb. Cisines e vvr it wa * ia carie re.get isoveverq isavutisai the bu.la killZlP( wtn4p1t Algeriâo bu be. vesy au ee uslulvy àk. Mm 1h. boat partiesthut vas. asMM te çu tisa fout ami m"otiser *pfl* IeutenanfthéS b.miip, ims aaae~ lubahRi I l Mporte4 bisWlkgcarred r y camion 5bOt, FThe<gula M tiese* *v .ry banisoni. brues peaue, quite neyandiof sperîor veksmsisip. Pft X Iâ .-.-A vmy mouiau ceilect 0Sew,

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