. Ct wriht, i I.s. canrrt, Il IL. spooner, Il JTTER ANDi CîIî:î ,- R. 81lperrur il W. fsîIRrr. W. rVccrl, , j W4. alituurv, tii %V. lýasmeîîcr, t) FAC"lTVR tI.t rI? A. MMicr E. Sîsesie, r i: rIR Beatlr, t G. Srturut), A. Cuisaii, i 'RA STOCK. uri, fot- luts Si, -l: n rgk n M uric t.I IIINS; MATCHi. rSE SuXTEEN Yi un.l'r Mii. .tuiiutu, t )R MEN. ItobIt GihEtotil,Jr D. McMujlan,I T. A. c0rDEm- [whig, of Tbh iD CATTLE SHOW- ,,I3tb Octeher, IS11- ne were &aned- J. Barrett, A. S u'cc 1 j.Jlukur, 0> A. caurq» WV. RamuIai IOo de. 1 T. Barroît, B.aker,- 1 A.CamUes' <ib do. 1 do. 1 do. t1 Davia. J.Baker. 1 o. 01 0101 --_ ___ ___ __Tft KINGSTON HIL-USA .NOVE»M 2, 1841. 172 IL010 0 t<tital etmmA BÀYTM's 'P"i n wnnMNYIM NE',og .' EXTENSIVE CRRDIT SALE N W"09,_' EWI' fort oue- in O1Stli rnet, Lngto, ,ultil the % T yAUC EISbrmc -M.ai U.elidaC.trepublic, that ha bu *wi- 1 itnovi. , he , eC. fr<terT 14 ANÛJEBR IR '*-e , 0N TEsDolO titore of Nthe Sbri ot., *Iàsncýs lt iepremis in *l ~oreoa le of t Adail aSUict.â utit weaknun or jwhn~. ~~ber, a very extensive assortissent of ltl oUai yM .AMTOOGl5 Mrs. Ihoe, 0O510 Mat y >, of ise My . o oidu, ordins fîi r. W , or, I1i aadoitea r.Iamoe' -lel, where ho in. balNMglit. florale 010 0endu» le 'li " 'W "" publ'cWa large and weH lls- e berC 1rk O5 &.ma3%4, 5 aal % mr.Wiins ssranersSTORE STREET, KINGSITON. Cruckery, Glassw -arad D-Y Gog&, lce ss to bjCý.,nte 183 er and, rm iorbi radt>,AflOf whicb wililieo dispoeed of e'ose varionsE Io .HitcheiCk, O010 O Kingston, Oct.. 21, 1841..SS .&R UTNrepfg o atelr, e iialii.WEE '~ 7. ~ncm.Cali the attention of thec:ublie ta lm &Te- lbraand ade kno aIo timn Owcthf01P wsan 1) i.T pne, 050tran ebsb use ininese cf itabuldrlies> teBoe ofthe Nado gatied rewIfo We, SmerOal Wearc T hdm al bveLeln zroR't.tudi t 10 0O ritamm airT li i nnsU. he ye r e es lore wie h i ls uf ~ and, Pin E nand , uperBit Bn et Ki, n g ton, o t _ise O atsu L R S D N e re t they sul ly r i athiC rt n d.uî,, îr Ouga c Brand , (s m s b nd ) j, <s 5 O rne c Nob.lagrand4£t i aI,te su ainedase e Mm CW at ner r , oclfPltek i r a, M t r ainkl JadH M: b A At~ r e pU bye t n s io e a ina errg a tuCouuar &lolii amI Subisia usi l dicted itit taeaknes; t;r aanionsof iýigt, or i- Benvr Clued, doube aputtotoethele; Waliachedin scrs al Cl saldhJfore aicfficd of tt aIodea, lit W. was pressit, at 8~3 per pachet, wbicb ton.Prince Albert Corde, Heavy Woeâm nTwed,4Jolint 11 xelec. rc i. a terwra utcoote e -ih iser utiOdlainaetCîanEastdon Prr. tains i TrotatietOn the diseuses of thte eye and Frn ltt, iaig sdL- eburglse car. Mc. Williams,Jui hoper, opstra ie nt To. An immense assortiraent of Trenmd Bal RAMSAY, ARMOUR & CO. thse Men'e Servie", and otiter duc uments depos lslçy Whisky. (vemy supemîom, a Us Mm eliccock-, 0 10 O routo on the ila Nov. for 1 week ;at Hamilton ub hMerises,lain and Printed Orleans, Para- Kngta. tea at Çhelsta Haspital, wit! a view la Oscar iDc<deaux and Whsite ine Viiegar. do, t0 5 O0 ou the 1 2th, 1 ltsand 14h; at Niagara town tmatta, BeYrusst, Palestine and ÇIAp Tartan Kecr«1STON4NDNA-,,PANEE INIC&DA - .identity hoissg eca&ly estaGlishçls %v. lE S. Anu: ameron, Baal-<'On the 1 l 16 mad 17ti; at Lewistorson tise Clohand a aety of New nid Fmebinable ZED ROAD.'his Exainination will ho talien htween the »~odn1atclrMdin ,c'yalilticre 'mcmins ttis, lOtisanal 2tis; e pel ntise 2ln Clotho, for Ladies' aIl, and Winter .LvmTheComis iers o tieMidlnd Dietioft Pensoer ahndo rt apear nithiadth oise O ,hc and 22d;mande n fohe few ay; wicb le ibe A weillselecteal Strck of reaTurs. nord I beheld andeisetric . oncpr h oset *.er w J ftirn 5od "e ilrmi o o, as bc i iia. Ccnisting cf Bordereal, and WrouIst Tbibçt. Trrsin h oise hing exwincdt o.îil] eŽ vîan FLOL 6ll~. MTCH. nunce o bis rrivai Cobongs, Bmgauza Bradeburgisami *ie-n,..eaateîoo onTnesda tIse fliNce23d ir w.> usilie nosueut PesioissyoedoftePention. herry n bottiseaaallaid Shawls. next qnsuing, tuate inbo consideraticas the pro. combher, ]S,,rail tiseir answèrs ave abelicou ent St. Julia Chrst iuWood anà bouties, e,,ýW)t eld 10 ffi Ailpensns afliced i ther nyonBA ell cnid»rttnn f Evo uiPrietY of baviug tise Toîl Gates Nc. t, Candl 4. tu Chelnea, anda anoification roccivcd tisat sudi, Chaligucs, vros>rad) IL D"' .oavis, 0 1 0îIlO muet UApl ohipomos silicteor lis ter otBlDesses, Gros de Na lsSainsîkBtUatea On lise above naîned Read, moved from as>awers provosatisfactoey. GOEIS I. lAjekt, 0 10 1 pai. (for lhe refuiïvs eno>othee t uMm. Balblack and louresisaisfil~~ hia rprsent sites, and pltcoad elsewheme. AlualueýI every case thse Pensiomr ill bu reqluimesi Mavaorofinod lse.f anadCrusbed Sugl A . c A M R N uots piv t kar i g H as,1h ol S e, Handkoft biefs, and S n f, hu k L c ol, toconsider t e nec ssity f modifying andateri te exhilt th c Printoa Instructions. and in addi. offile, P eo rGige, Allope Claire nieaeiteteAt.Scy ar tic Public OEfice, where ha will recelve lon a el, wrougbt Frenchs Capesi, c iepetrtsCf-011-sC olecteal c11 this W. tirat be> e ifbhal, oue>bis 1'archnciît Cil' .atels n amIeP Viiesite» fi=4 c9. to 12 at~ . m, andl 3 to 4pl, an-lmesand Cau&, isite and coloaurl Battin Styl HAS. CUMING, Gietificato front bis Reegimosut. kë a Ibec e.ps, Mar. William. wdl attend t thse Town> Hall Lmnen, Lawe; andl Prench Cnsnrse-k Handker. C. M. , Cosannissaiat, C . $neD. ,CerWbw flor.Raie, Fi'1Prasnes, Eaevery day t noue, fur tho benelit of th pour câialfsls>, Lawls, Irilt inn, 8.4 sud 06-t Kingriuo, Oct. 22, 1841 ________________1__._ _-) SuasAi Petm;Aîur rimstuoSeler@ ni elttersiayour YKingtco5 Oct. 21, 1841. 1e olsia ryS.. Ln.mdCottesiT Ncontnuation out tieir formenr aditertisement (OENMN OTC.Umde,»ItaMàltmlugo. Fiais, Pickles, j.,,as, signeal Jon Browen, r5tt. Bé__________________________________________ * O.po, Wbit-e 3 i th pr, cotainig a laitToANSPORT icSauces, Nutmegs, ii a rofiler (Of y otatsdV>îI 'f prteriiligtu bc31 Y UF el, Cotantempines, Cotton Shoots, Ctton am dW0o1- Suhmfters, tbuy adal to tiat liat tise olowing O AEOTRIO, RIVER SAINT LA W xW- ic, ail Mace, MoniiVrmcl fiai)-urii virKl u te- ,tOnhhe o albsm iteven th A Ld, « eu orne Rage, Heavy Stch idhnage, "itetroka of Hstory: RENCE TO DICKENSONS LANVING, ,Orne Cto ex i. t le "illWe.ov, Prstir. ofanaleRoctesdalesFla, nnels, a"isitofand arlemylet period tte Nra oqe . 1842. Store St., Kingston, 6tis Oct, 184L 25 msord' C>,* Me>. amsa.5o.,.J a, , .sto Plain and TiealRegatta Shirtings, Turner, 2 Yul,: thé itm t ieTeCh L".SEALED TENDERS will bc roceiveal at tise ~ c.Irrrrs~ Mm De..> t.UuoKi.gese CrssOvers, Tuikey aud Navy stripas, Eue- clatiçus, hy M. A. Thsiers, VOS; A HiotSyut Commissariat Office, Kingstosn,AI. D. until STO ri..S!et.T JO ES !L 1'1 nf rt.iIbher ave %ritten a longer A <lish Prints, Navy Bines, D -,Steanathse Highlandss andaIthse Higianal Clans, btuy Jas.noai, on Thurstay thse 18là day of Nomaisbcrailxt, lIE sunlsciher would respqctfully igfçrma q-rlt tsr r '>of n.wieme, ____________________Moleskine, Beaverteens, anal BnfllaoClgtbî, sud lands, by W. Spaldise, Eaq, 3 vols.; tise Ilisto. irào Contracte for tise balawiug acrrvices, nause-Kingsto,îou Grasas Street, botwee. rock and iiFiii euaineYeYryiletratisaaly kpin a Dry O YofEgihPoltry Thomas Wartcu, 5 Vols; Clarence Sts..ftnmlthse jreI:'rIto>alite To THF- LATE ATRNL FTE SoeDt ufu.a ieM rWseose lstrclSece fStateasen, hy Lord 1For tise Transport of Troop>s, Baggagc anal SA LE O FST0V ES, butirefearIit rUbcritereerutymgier noticeEtIALDSULamsiton Buildings Store Street. Brongisam, 2 vols; An Hlistorical sccounit of qvernisent Stores, froîn andltu tise v arions sta- AssaI A4 mtuîufacursig ofCopper lits, oai m,. iereusieino. accounts due hon remaining uttrpait] after wPM00 . celanda, Greeplanal, anal tise Faro lulanils, 1 VOL.; lions ou jake Ontario, anal River St. Lawrenceche ro ae jii rir rte person pub. the lotday of Janu 7rsail wi bc upit sut A very exenae assorment of Pue, the2 ol.History f Bi thAemica, Gby.Hueg, tuas-iqtion thf ne Il ofiebnot on has e e Lutreand't t.hs aprt r:r' Irrwisrît al wh aefor collection. Acouta duebiais wilI urcev in2atis icivolml oui ua~ ~ Ms-;ay, 2 vo; ex sittise exa s y uFogsliaspotcfdtt1 ditasate m m asi fSthsg cf vra 911 anlsi'sc C I IjG, 111 1 ilodwrO uiîtoan o thrc ats Ieaal fie r Murralsytsr.Nuraasa al u uhBus ar Io~S o~, 2 vol.* Tieasdthre Texne s, by nl te tiseTvainsostao tison dto, diB ofroun.t laof r iona aes kn ly eraise of C OsIra- tal eC. u,1 tlrey lotivprocure My izedagents. Gautlets3,M S.Up-r of> arm uHHS. ilont, voltes. oyo ieJt,,b n otevrossain nteBvo 4i-tgte lt ag upyo k fjs la itseic,& , orth epcueki-utnOc. 141SaaloutrisBa, PukdOtter, Mr In H.H, ilais 'ols; h Iistomy of Ancient te, duris>g ditto. hie patterns cf >. ~ îï Kigson Oct. &O a 3 e 1ack.1841. H.andTL. utra, anal Modern Egypt, by thse 5ev. M. Rassol,L 'L -PARLOR, HALL. & BOX STOVEB. «Il ts iiiy _____t_____die__for__the >, ,1 VOLs; tise listory cf PolsialbtJames For tceiiro of Stens Veisselsea heu exclu. liaviasg talte eau i pains in tise seellon of hie >, st1t ~ru tur Ituituedies fo tise -ALsO-,-Fletcher, Elsq.,1 vol.; Palestinb " tus hHoIy sivçiy f 0ie fo iesric tts ovç-aermO>,5iLfaroeurslong experiosuce in Oie h.., a,,rî cation tetise personal ~50 nwM.a L30PiSBFFL OE. Iandl, by Rev. M. Russel1.4 .LJ). 1 vol; tise mentduing diSSe. businEuw, Lwho a* trenfldenl rcommenalbis as L& R. HUTTON beg te soîleit an early in- Sacreal History cftisa eurlal, hj S. Turner, 3 gJnoxeeptime secnrity sub*8t to tise ap- otnn ulen itm us prvdatrs ,~~rr.frrI, (arr A. THIDODO, OPtd-to f thoir ImmenseFl saalWinter vols.i; Ilisterical anal Descriptivp Accotant of prtsval cf the Commissariat wili blieealanaidf» eayaddraiiyc atus ia Dram Srr, Yrrarr,&c. HEAD cF SO S TaxaTr, MGKiN<e~, .l..,.c. s>rthiiry ous is ey av he Britisishlaia, by Hagis Merray ands.otiers, 3 thé anaes of twore, espectableo pertis williqg tu stylaetfOciais~to emth xeld o selecteal bfoyth thera supor li bsee 1 ç n an, ain bngvols.: Histomy cf irelanal. by W. C. TayloEs.ester into a Bond ulti tise Principal for0. Î 0Ws ueifact î g.analintemskeeping cons. JluàyoHN st uleLI AtMa- RTFL o G lbrlsupr ieIsabouglt for Cashs Whou tiseBritishs Mariante were A. B, 2 volt, 1tise Hitlstof etClarklagise, y tait.hfül performnce ofthtie Contract ninet bc et y4 un baal, a ftu supply of tir e Iîýtî, aoi CHARLES 10h receiveal, anal mont anisons ta retamu andl very mucis depressea, it enabies tbem te offbr < .P .hisEtve;Hsor fNbagTsio ie edr Lr. r. in~mecresei, aware tisat it a" only lho done hy Oie inisaitansef Kingaton asd ieuronlG_ and aesa, b Eu,volM.; RuesL t.Nub, gitonyn thTentlhoade heS o ca ter. - *gXMI4S'T VIl VASE, I pvJher luettts 1LUutIttPILLILF5E baingsuppleal with gondl and cheap goods,-begs Country, tiseir Immense Stock o the sal> St tandAvos;itiseitoy R0f A .Rabis, byLADro hIc1a yotnt al ManIee. ceckCnoacharer-ssgal aT c;sUsualjWAatd yboa l, Kinr, of thse Frenrch, auj LEO5'OLD leave to inforsustho public tâtat hbu u nieon f olâl a ».VOLth Hito Pofices. lina. keepernaïsBak.. Ho agarce conll,waredunsena » il. Krrrg rftir e Bgiafle. banal au extensive assortissent cf i .Htrtog ttl siWhlsl ritcfFi, 2 vol, liam n es ripser Ac; e H is. c> aetof Teneir ai otaincr leras' ut- -are te liegnua.tmm ouiie unufretared Il uoct. 29, lIL.i of.uosthe Barbary Statgs. hlm #W. àLitusseltha, ifomain ii- nub "ae ne.jaut i l ft i saellseal.ru4a ~ ~ - & t> FUITS, dot. &. ~c cuisN. Bunglut M. ontrea&i ms eb J tiD., 1 vol.; A Cempendious Histsry of Ita. tuutissar.at, 'lgsta , D.N., kldcfBpiigmsIJoWot a u Gaurur u Irr>u l,(sad otîer U titi.andRetail, co.iiti-gN in sa. o.ass lA-xs iisae y, rasusatedl by N. Greene, 1 vol.; tis lo y14th 0't. 1 N id o ear4La u - L,¶rN~. o îsapu'lssL is n of tissOpportunity ofjntrcalp - t "volfrmre.é84.done w-itis eatmese 100 kes Tübccc, dffèret gtadsrCforecf tise Chinie,5by John F. Davs, £q.2 tat, t 3 o fr l10 ea aco lifeet tis, Customers tise ahove named olnmon.t tiey Usversal Iliitory rom tise Creation outhOe THE LARGEST AND CH&AI>EST IMPORL. F ALR 50 M. Segars,' do. do. aving reuteil tise Store wlîich i e,ýy lately occu. WýrId ta tise aecOes f George 3d, by lion. -TA'NON OF Kinitstian, sept. 28, f4l. 25 'rlri ocrrît, th e ir d tors 100 churts of auperior Terre, pied, anal heg te recommenltirhun tlu the"1r5-e Alexande .Tlr os; History of tise Fine FAL&WNEJMvGOS I~i RECEIVED & FOR SAÂLEÊ tjfldicl .30 Iag rorfcrtjurrr ttitee 0 ,><cial favor, being able conlldently tu ralertant FA. F. Tyler, BÂT vols 12 hhisl. Muscovado Suga. isuistbywse btieraai bsnesei 1yoî.; the History t:.v t 9t rutuc tfroonti:I tdohslds egarlient1jsuiod a1MO, by £VER MADB rB5!Z Dyhe.alrg sotmitc do. loenv, ifnotiouwesnnorîîouse in own, Tistunuas in ~5 vol.; Hi ory ftiseUn. D EYKF.S 4<COMPANIY, Office and Gothie Stoves, vaulous mites;j whicis urrrrrrlig rrruartclIl grup 100 boxes M. R. Raisins, superior alvantages, will liu enableal tu te, bS il,2lvls.AVE arrîveal at tiseirspaciclns Wisolesale are offure.) for sale an low, tisat persa@wilting Q tyr u rv usr o 20 drums Suitana do. chaper-Tor Cash OnI .-No SgoqpPr.ep To sstsel u ontnURRAMSY&Cl.adBti SoeCrnrdiig tr oaue]ytsenmlves will do seelite çal-msc ~.Y[1~ ~ucIt,' lit 20 crates Crockery, aas'd for country trade, Iginntsîn, October, 41., 29 RMUR RtSY SCt, s u. RKingsto, Ccrftem of R ingaitorey i o yl mi',[ore 10 caska Glass-wiarc, do. do. do rate______Y-______49. LINTOZZ, A. &B Andisat is of as muue importance, an exen- EXTENSIVE CREDIT SALE KinpaoSpcbr 81a aamto ato] un nncaell i igton,-Oct. 4, 1841. b r r crt a-,oluif fuot quite PadUESbsdiseinI tie esot h ucanoffince on IND4B8;R DR Y coÏDS, AT ITETION. C ;ATzNTEs, ad'OIL AND'ement. toprdue ny ]ID A liBIIs apresentie. French anal Britlis Mériions,Ve- Tn Oie recipt of Drugs, Chenil. Muti ucdi odu 5a adpan frmn wmnadchlrnAFETY LAMPS. rona Serges Pilinand Figure.) Orleans Clothos cals, Perfwnoriy, 4-e&cl, Use v'iels, elang 'lu ttt a l t n on m Li tcd ana p ain ta m o , o m e an l isi dre s * IL L .B E S ol .) a t A c tio n at t ie W a re . E R S O N S lev iroup s o f re ce iv in g fr ent T o . se aC o ai nl ol; C ialli, M o nsile d e L ain e , an al fro nt t ise M on t ré a p c tab le E - g lie H o um. es, = y , rut ftoalbouse cf Messrs. COONS & LOUTIT, PIro t peiootath loig ftis avi.....,. .no Drss.e; black ur .a vQoM îvu a ,tinle e .1 ' a m ,.I .i...5 JThe e r! r 'ru trUrrc IhcrnsejEs fanTHER BOOTS AND SHOES diretly over their Store on TuRIAoY the 9 alinadinerssnp]ctbeauvtapum ucs GosveilîaDuatelStisSa 'r o r ru t.r.turrî OfIr ailses nd siieandas fo rg w ert-Dry Gouds of this Faillesimportation; consisttng Use Subscribur'u Office lu Brode Street, opposite et ricis Damask Satin, Gena1pCsmrh. isqoectbyieus0folmtrasy iii part attiseTe following wit marizth:-.haveMrs Forsyth'a resideuce. TsRMSats-CaSIs. na Crape, Thihèt Enuibroî ur anal Bordereal Ilmn ;mt nlueenldnea -- ju . yu~ri;rr2:- auurr Tseriot ooitWiismay olmrsha'ebeen 1 bale twilled Regatta Siirtings, E BPîALMER. n roi li Rcapn etaa az a _s Uisuatimortntuancisconisencesi irrih ,> rt the coin-. litd t ta tiair intecuat tu caîl aud examine them. 4 cases assortual Dark Prînts, Kangetoan, 105h Octolser, 1841. 27 JaAuniCRF. ANRRCIF: .w IET i.ruura rrycrtcctuiy Kingilivi, November 1, 1841. 29MI 1 hae bleachlidseam los, 1.B Tthseseo renucqai50 PaRF idWolnDns.KeRCue d.o S4ap:Ies J. .WILLl .25 pieces Regstta iirtiugthe upeculiar aivantages of thse Cmnte lWj5Including50PliWoe udMrnd.of» wî "unk I-Il. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AC ARD. 26 doresa bys' anal mens Velet Caps, ovei aotiser 01, lit ayl buestatedalit Rs o t alu atrs nlsPt nCintaeszo, Kingliraset, minaon, 800alzet poo Tredfecteal byfront, lier ayul i Itaiany article Ua reW i aa coc aric o. Ilan aerhes [let, ly rt irenta eoc TUEE 10 ST OMS 5do. aSse inonlIk, y Worked KuelIn Cull r I.-nRlser aLF ~~~T r urrtr' tuc ru drytisnu ~ ISSS TH1,KS 2 do asortal ienTbradmy. lie aturateal bylit; andl it la cheaper tisi nlEug.Ai iashpanaal igr.I ie g I ier hmrcffsg , msagtil 'r * ru r r ttk.d hey setl BEG to intimasteotutise inisabitants cf Kiang.- 0d.LmeWo eosaa n tsratiiiTlgs si u s.I epr.el iieaclnelMalnAvr ag u'i fe>erie u rcie tiP7o t toî utr lc cîr ou ia hyhv retuen1)!o-tisBTo 10,o.e pisamb l Vesteny ndrantalnusis, ]y vegetablu, pertectly suin lun ue, and Aoppo. lrge pCES. li - i-areda % 5 i-- aonsite u il nature t Spirit Gaz. P-assortinent of lIndia Ruliber, eeanlclrda4isfueyu. ru r, ut -lisere as uoa antod haie opeusca a SCHIOOL for th.e tustuon ot 40 do.paiam figuroal Orleans, Sateeis andiJean STAXS, witis elntii4ic 5as, Bweet Brier, nt-r ruiulur cro thcy lacre Chiludren, ima M. flyanu's isonne, near tise Scotch 25 do. fiue Irisu Lien, ]FIR§S! F..,uS 1FUR§S 2 whicla wiiIb.so.)aSuually lam rc~.Smn lsos - , j u r rrrlrt lue raucalCistrci, 5tmu tree. ... HE Subscriber respecttuily inorms tise A variety cf L&oA' anal husas'S BOOTS u1%utt, ù-tavIlut 1 Lad done Kingston, NOv-. 1%~~1. 2>9 dhhiLionLa'ns , T La.ies anal Gentlemen of Kingston tiat anal StaasPlan anal Plad Cloakinu & Plise Sweet Pea, t a INet alc1 trunkLinon Cambric pockot Haisakerc HdyaetosPrns»Esene lo xe tbc1tukSil rlndke .rchiefs, a«?Oti, te bvseceiveal pur Great Britain anal Dong- Clotho. HesieryLadies' Lambu oc] Under Hegaycei rPninEsne I'lsai200 dozun Chseck Gîingisai Han<Ikercisiefs, Jass, one cf Oie largest anal bust aussortmnents of Dresses, Glovres, RibliuonVile. Laces, Haber- ganie ,~oarKuugoot. 0 ale 4 pece asotel toiskns Londlon Manutactureil PURS, lever caiferel for dasluery, &c. &c. A superiojr Illeac>u of Iriis HoveUls, L.,-1baie inrvait Cavsale in tisfashet, consaisting un part a§ fcl- Iliues, Ieng Clotho, anal Sch i,,elandir Citroncîla Rosse, 1 bie gcslea cisi D a, LABIES ID ISSES' 1NUFFS AND 10AS, T e A otDe f F nMa e h le -- IVe rir tu alrurti, ACTIN SLE0F ORES. 320.4 ocan.) 12.4 eroleQialîtsCinichilla, - Gelntlemten &'Youtiss serves particniar notice, anal comprises Chas-. Lavender, C' 1ul'l ie 2l : anwerthe25 10-4 Whiite Counaterpaneis, Lustra I.,ynx, Fine houaI, Soa Sesa,]nal, Boa sl,ae, Squirre, eas Moe sue, Lily e tseule, y ur r uc 0ti loit- X ho beSold vwthiot rette, hy tise Sub. 25 10-4 , Toilet do. -Siburian Squirrel back, Sable, inMt ,BaCeSalsandperas, GlevRoyal H ond uche, * ' tru 'scrte an tilrte Il Wscnrs, on SATUI1DAY ,iExT, tise tis20 isaf-pieces Blue blacke Pranellas, - Sweedisis Saisie, Chinchilla, Mts nlGutes .Royal ErCofose, i u:; ià 1etrld i uysc(j Ncrcenibem, in rtueMarket l'lace, preciscly at Il 5 piecets Redl, White aal Ycliow Flannels> ilis -a .quimrel brick, The Catrpet ad Central loue s isanIlg Ryl xÇct4 Rss luurs ars ,raclck . .,-4 pieccu Salisbury Fiannel, jritiish Sable, Nutria, " 1dmnt Flowers, 1,luur-lecurn'ruvfeuiiiiii 1can cntpail £7 strlng aIn ButosM.,aImylCircassian Crent, u relu cen -40 & Fiour vr szpenior art al ue!uble Jjorsej, 6 do. Brown Hullanal, lro. & Bill. Grumtett, Astracan, WiIl bu founal 10 contain an extensive variety of Qlueelles Bouquet, r'lr-- r r0101u1110.1 ai,8 féeose REYtOSV(1 IZ.ni1on caseaurtann 7 trin a at, Imitation ale, Resia Lamnb, Kidulerminstcm, Brussulu, anal Veetian Carpets, Bouquet d'Arabie, ! -l e s otld ave 1 and onn G E Y O R S , by la m lt - " ort dB ro & W s t a> A ngola, M ock F it chs, w it I eartis R u g la im atch, A rentam kably E au de Pcrbnoeal rur nt? tire to arty tisat nian,)rsing 6 3yearl erfectly seuna, quiet in 100 dozen round Boblin, Trench Martin, Imitation Seal, c'ieap erticle for Passages anal Crumb Clotei, ~C=.g~Veial el'ton' " s ot anhunes n la alrd y ay 10,rd 15znÇttnBVPmc reseamsIing tise Vcnctiau Carpets; laIin Esprit ade Layeado *au filerf ;ir aie (rraure ouIl igi:, 15 band 3 incies;tise p oOf Cat. "Ired 'digandlInsertions, ALSO, TRIMMINGS & EDGINGS, anal Pnitrd ruggets, Morcelns Ciintz andAulr.sa - ~ ~ ~ ~ Shnwr ofu urrlrt ura o theQueen's rgtGa rèspc . 75. ro bi,&lIn G u t, arSrI tielFuraiturea; Bell Pulls, hinge, &c.; Vembens Perfume anal Extract, 1 ýoijr c y l frullo tesods. 25 pozes Lonise tioe, Angola, PitdOlCohfrForPrne n m on fl, 1GREY COLT4 ycrrsonid, pe etlSound, P.oprecus Lîsiep -trrtruulac tisnor& 15 banlda 3 incises in beiumlt, stroag ana l îî7Opieces Ilohiinet Quiliings, ALSO. busse.) Clatis, Table Covers, Worsted anal Cot. Verbenu Perfune anal Extrunt, --.rlltcrli40t Mui anl Sreent Mulin, Matis. Nakin forr., î hon & sisapeal, Use propsrty of 1jeut. Hawke, of the 0 34an - o intImitation Sable, SothiSes SeuL. ton do. -.Dansait Dap TaEuinn, yUsp d r- r r r rd s e t a our ity ie ut H s-rgeon ccy s onn4,0n.) d oc le;ano i d S riben e s, Fin a i , IN at>k ine t a nal C o n B ea n d a t o. Gtn i e 4 ab Paai.)e D ivid J s , "0t- r rr al dto w oh o h i st aou 5 anls10jsichledS haalS oo, al,'PuM ts, N trP>3 0 a4s f ise lstu y Iais -c >w *vo ro z ejue, .4tl OSecysn, aa tsl 'P'iyar -250;iecsaao Rbiseritc, ?Genks. PursCa Il arad&cotton Fr.auiazu nLsax.- J . ET "'I trimu ero-arcille sugy b y ana liea oaksllpiora;isnporlya c i fi; 2=xeChildiren's Boots and) Bhoths, awFrMts NrievI d9Szlnî rcrVrr-pc;;eî in hste, c mutis 15rso. bçaende. drçns Gre &.3h50 ouen l.so .,.> larissoeyneBathSuirri Loch SP'r liaitW SlrJI1UirL on theacliquet&0 110t3a-annList iuliers, il aucnd olortaibyta f Wmuolnszsat itbe. -CiIEWN roru aW as inu p a t n gP atet le o n., th 1 8 4 1 . o a O E 12Opia c h1 ildre t4oos nd T at lrns, «b e t .FarC leas,& m u f al t Z- articleserunntise Ferislime0 mailrste ordngr GranalWhte-CbavenALor=eul mmd 62 Hh it o..05.H RSC OI S & . 5 pi cesks, t Pnt, aisédoue at isrl t e asBlot nnotice. cAld e per l jme n - fv ~ & Mrh~ la . 5~~~~ piJ'RaeLhSssrhrs iepoet t Slzne Blon.)etietMuige>ao G a 1ev M .acan, y Freni ParsdPemetstobue mrof 0khsi <it ep 4 -CasIe.L'%# K iREa. AE xeln.mthsmdtt3 e>niengstonaru an.) Cu1841.marticsi ha u is, det lripr ad- havle msi-de Wafi" ÏPr- it9o Q'Li,,,u«O l Washcuucî.inbygton pa liSalp aa insu eretysusl m e 4 6jiioceuSiGreand amu otsàrtie,"b.asnd r a ratvrlty .., iEgla! enuetdyd W954'Se* o-d. Ji. uiia ns w~ali ~ b oi ndaai bOl aSES. Th o UhoR e um- ee en 5 lec u iure ! a d t in sst n ; am e t f il.esc r i t i a l a ot ie5M d op £ i , * t e e t t x u H w wh-" m .. m d u r