N 179 A'- Kîuqtou n.ror. . C,&NADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICUJLTTJRAL &. COMMERCIAL-. No. 33. KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1841. ISF W R D ajournal ef Litenatasce, Sc- Iteligence. coninues ta in- s thi. public as itis ments kins. ,,Theatoit dilim- ai the age, bth lu Ameica as contibttors la its ~lMel-'O d. resident lu in ioremi. assitBrantiz of e il bas Carepou- aem-oft i n aatino- ta ld.Wha ,,l *atlId an intereeanuitvlueý 01 amig sCsti. eauepou- ai oies a op ulareke îîIt press nifEaglandt are mm, thc reaters aof1h.New ,i tier o niary rcceipt lu 's dmcoveri usansuit stysur Anst iait an early Place ina glumberil, eanhEishacd by imner, Kngsmim. S TE. M rit mIe Ba.y il tm i F% fi c thie JiUr1 vit Bay5 le lb th ma n i. luKm",t, . Ba5y t. l'ia.muit .. I.ctt...... ...... drainm w c 4h) lv 1:0) 1 «-li le caLti- .ý Ata Sens. 7, 1>341. NOTIC E. LDING LOTS o. LEA âpplic.tiaa la ft StIt1 Bi locki C, thei CIhi 'ORGE ÛKILI. $TUA -A i- * v I mm-m C , . & J- . mI i lut P1m41. I'uI,,ciO h ud. 3-23- d05. 32s.ff io C', il àCtlite, t l't Itet, i -f 1i ie iiiCtIl-e ru, R.t1î ra.r.î.&T. %vu. twil. pfJEYGRî VIVOS ON WOOD iemtttatTierc arraug- of,~mclica tic readere oftce ~ ;cb enir m nîhout s rival in e, ale CU t liane1 v ilmumate lit a i nel I, Il thm, prmpietors liaîetht lbyill idatl e enîIg te5 1 peul imenîca. Ilsn soflit Nes imîtare ulcon- 9 V ,rslitira >its iSample pagea b, 1m. I i nrrtet, vulgar -m aadýe ai iexeptioenble Pimni. WohtXi mîîtil _m'îd al aci *e,1 umimtie.nili t'le prcacit (.i 'se teC lIst <du uiecm. mls n. e it-L" .. firl'l Yt- r liii-'i '- e r ie n mt otm tlie r- -m tlt ac euit ,uîylUrUne im (.mlii' lipra roire/te r ric r-i eitnm i:iit e ii t cf lt lier - liimcc iC tlm i i y fout i, Ur -.<i cia Rta e nn ii ie ieIl tilt mfthe hPeolle, âMon- ui DL.mi', aCCu %cd roni Canait 0w t-m wr'm >, î--aur «hich -iiammii* v to anai 't- i mr pliers aitlet« ti ' tlI!i II-it., arnivem i l l 111: l A. M li 1mt Bu-tom 1ci l7 oailmic,thîs makmîg tn t i dii mianSx uturs. i îe mm. bcii it-a i a change ir e,-,r i là C i ipckets. i oin Liter taie>- 1 l i mOre tiere atili tE c« mtiili, ilsteàd mmi cie as lretu. mmm ~ ~ Mril th ' 'm Iici.o mmgttue l I hl f.întîvmp-I.m"trgrs fron i?!'t >mi~taidtoi o n boar 'ms ie.. it:' fmmtvt lire. ta BIa * i i 'mt, mi li. i i elt. 49,1!, lor timlimiem'clnk ini the aiternimr s:;t'.'"lei <ap ose!ebe the Clui '7"; hP'1'imammri ,t nit tic Calc a v -. ilt etcr,utf ni cli5,0t, t 'Irg mii- , m: ai tiieuu ainuîuu t -, tli Vile î onî-me ci iise & - îml mi *$307.(Of ettspa i i.î mim.' Ilitse ttlic H lîri-mi& C-î.Icae tîcre *L.i'mi iklùs laire of lte evecung ant l:be, i ,i Liio-rpoal nhe 4hli - 1c W'ittiM .uml uquittaI, ai îe:se, Iai remmm lied Lonto mît- hmgheatiat-atien. Ther a al':-îm1A at large in thep ,W . c- mmgem ttnreturu ,tc7tl îay ler conneti a i a'ec daiige n ier mack î ais laIIe-eîuuiback on hoa "'-"f 'eesury have autisoni M i. iliIr >tic U. S. Irlik ne ,t a iths Totter ai Lc amg-'t <li.aOct,3(1, eau.i miofitie randt'store hou - ii ilt itt iniiiicahle quai.t r' l,- iusi lOtuostand )-e Ci' m e r niovicen se ,t llsrail,1ilmckly-intuijates ti uvt i i 1 ii i>'mptmnSpan hitbeen ec c'~~am e Oaanotier of timetath 'ec eneral La t eaniii riîuesn,-anit O'Dom LS i tim i ltaffinîedt tiat negc P'I gi8, NN. iifat rospecteofa 111ulcal aiiuutlIeauatimnabetveen biii! teCal sta h.e cementet I lityen the sai of Don arIS sut lieu - the lon fîînmaîy abandonn rý,!tii5 mîrsi i .tavot af hue afllsp- 'Ymhllu.!beeidelentemi an Brues i y aml-an inuiitimn mi: daîl mt th i ameuaaev _lme...mi 0allgîuug iaoril v -CSstuetui etfthne DutrE "am->erîe dti Mayr ofiDu 1 ~ mma lnbigintested wvit K ce, lie idscl ~hie intention nc tiiadt- diiy suitetndissever1 in jeiu atynliiociai cil "e leru is 85 iitioî laI 80at ar l &e lleiilîmtes attending tise po e in1iistt-, itise nove said lec 1~ ad isiatlikeIy ta proi f'aud in tieisue niof m ii m hen i scoveremlinmu IV 1 i<l sAt, fcon, 150 of Me 1i ti dudoupaiers o Nd 00 efar as <thave hem -. 1ome r case etrely vithaut 511 Rtrumncal ayttera... c tst str rai,, -f' th.nae 4 »b 1 -- aigtfis. expected, and may easily b overlook- oi. The. Herali, for exaill ceomences itsj article as folos':-1 It lias serdlaim fallen to our lut to communi- cate tiding of deeper national intereat than those we baithtei pleasure of communicating, uniler the. head ofour American intelligence, in a very early second editiof Saturday lat. This day ve gve sn another page sore valuable additions totia±intelligence. The. anxiety of the. public ninit as tu the fatl of Mr. MeL.eod i.noni relievei. The. newvao hi acquittaithe. accolifnts of the depofnient of the court,.the ch"rgef the. îndge. and the.cir- 1 cqa5m0u att.diag the. delivey ofthe. vu"i Of the j«ury-a far ls tii.y gn,-mpantIL ehax- acter nf the. igliew. a oist usaisfactoey ger.. est t th papers snd despatches receàved by the. "Acadi." It is pleasing, indeed, ta content- plate, under any circumistiuces, e noble a spec.. tac le as the maesty af las' andt justîc.> ridtug in tranquil triumpt over the vildest tide of popular violence and trnngli the most fririons teînpest of poptlar faction. And this spectacle bua been affurdtd to, the worlit t large br the dignifleit and consciejîtious manner in whicii an American jud'.e and asr American jury bave dischargeit bîgTl andt responsible duties. 'rhe llerald tlien expatiates t some Ionli on the humiliation af Engiand, in lier inabiite prevent the trial, &c. &c ; but tis nis matter.of course, ta point a Riîng at the Melbourne min-. Tes indulges in brutal sarcasme a- gaint the cut, the jury, the American people rand their Govriîueit. Pretendo to ridicule the *iminprtance gven tn thc trial, sneers t the charge nf Judge (Cridley, agira that tire acquit. taI %vsa arranged beorchiacd, for tear of Eng- and's vengeance, anîd concludes witlî a long tirade cf bra,adocia, tre key.note of which is a windy cal! uîîozi Egland ta takre summary yent- rgeaice,1r the iisuvs lie lias lndured, snd am>- * Pcilrty that tf shail neyer lie repeated. A brut.il ar iiiot inaui;-aiit article. Th-iodore hlock, t seeaîî,hlias left lus famîil -a widow and tive childra-utteily dsiue A subscipio: fur tue r relet bas beei got up, *bat the pipers ciuîîplaini that its priceeds are ai. together inadequate. i.;iic mmc must bave been lar ge, but lie appears to have constaîued it -a.! in Il rotous livig. " - Mr. >l'ulhp, the vocalist, înany years ago a legreat favorite i ths City, was klled on the 27th Il f Otouler, by a ra4-road acc*'t-at. lie had a- id i.glted far a îoni, at the Haritford station ou tlhe Birmiinghanm aid Liv erpool ral-way, and lust as lie was at'cnipii.-g to regain li:s Seat the train startci, by vw i Il~ lie <as tliruwn and bis legs were su b.îdly ccshed tliat le died n a few la minutes. île liii retîr -d front t'e stage suaie year., tritli a co:iàtocable initependeiîce, wbich *lie in reasied by givimug lectures on vocal music. 'Tie fullawimig jacagrapli appears in the Lon- do:t llecald of Uctober 30. The IHorald, by the way,, la ,aid to bie the cra'î oa, Lord Aberdeen, the ioreZaSecretary. ,h Ve have reason t) blihera trîat if any seriues hdiffereîice slîould ani.Fc roni Gceat Brîtain and tie United States mof Ainecica relative ta the trial!oftàfcLeod, tie îir:l-castern bounnuary, ci aly aorte question peiding betwveen boil court- tries, our (iovernî:.iei bas agreed ta accept the med.atiit of Frliiice, which ingdiation hall beet e '11, rAd as a guaraiîtee of peace andt goc i vll mebetween tlie Frenîch and Engli.li Cabinets. n CAPTURtEOF A SLAV ER. er Despatclîes are publislîed in the Gazette oi ie Xov. 2, from Caplain Tucher, senior officer oi Qthe Western ronst of Airica, describing the cap- r turc of a Brazilian slaver, called tlie Firme, by fiteen men and oicerti lu a cuter, and gi, fro.m )ni the b igan'n lia.Dilphiu. Sid After a twu-.is-and-a.halis harressing pul: s- lu a squDlly rai-iy m n î g,nunder a vertical suit n. arid wihout brcak-:a.t, la boata soditea front com [, staut blockadiug. they caine up wîth the chase n- wlîîch immediatcly bore down u tpon ftheur, an oponed a brisk ire of înuskctry. This wai A, quickly returneul, and, ater s'.eadily celoadini ) ,5 unler tbe slaver's continuai fire, the men cheer iii ed and attemîptedl ta board un ecd quarter. Mi f r Nlurray, mate, was tile irst to board, but wa a- quickly kuocked witli the btt-eud of a muske ch whicli broke his collar boue, back into the boat a lic imniediately clambered utp again, and in spit cf two ctlass blows. une cf %% lich nearly sever of e.! bis left hand frain blis wrisl, andt by thc assis 1. lance cf Mr. Rep's froîn the other $ide, whn ha nd gaîneit the deck witli i party, eaîd wn i oatne Ion, rut down one oi M. Murray's cppnedts--tLa re- officer was alan enaliled ta &et fairly on dcci. pa- Tlîe parîy thus on deck consistedl of Mesi Murray and Rees, sud four or five men; befo: Sir them lhe crew shewed no continueit reistanc ita but rail blowv, discliarging their musketsa ing tbey scamprad down. Twn aora ofithe Du ci- phin's boats were, however, siiot in the atteml lard ta liord-.both were mut able seamen, and e cellent inen, on supporting by his pay two age it parents, ait the other hie vif.. at The Firme was a newly.built Baltimire clil per, of 170 tons, and hait only maite landt dire, onli- irom Bahla. She hait an boardi the regular o!l îîng cial papers, ad the Brazilian fiag, and non dot :use exss that elle was Brazilian property. 8h. s] long pears ta bave hlai an unusual number af passe ti y gers, andi several slave agents alto on bann-i i ot of whnm, with the cres', Lieutenant Littleal sae- kept on breaitandl water for iglit di:s.TI tliat crew, were prepared for the resiltance tliy mai by due attention ta their armea, andt haitddrit m. the voyage repeatedly expresseit their detera ftihe nation oint ta bc taken. f DREADFUL FIRE IN THE TOWER E LONDON. sac- TOTAt. DESTRUCTION OF THE GRANID AXI ,bc. xv.-An levent whicii will Ill long remembe by a in the. aunaIs af English history soit viich un i the. h. rogaerJin iaevery respect as a trnly ateo ge ail calamityocurreit an Saturday niglt latinit amg, entedaruction, together with 't contem slof that maguificeut building no promnleut a fi ized.o. turei te farfameit Towr of Londton, deni l va inateit "The. Grand Storehouse suit Smàil. ,as a mory," cantaining, lu addition toi au ahmot Dyn- numerable quantity of trophies sud there deuces af British gicry, no les a number tl ýubin 3M.,000 stand af arm, &c. th thg The. granit torehouse la uortii of the wl a !ct towr, a fine building of brick and hewu tai hon- litextenitsin lengtla 345' Wegnd soit0a 1 aaci- broadit g as camned by lames IL. sni nisetb William III. Ou the first flcirai lge a edafice n trat s14Tificeut l'm oclied ition pmall srmay. At stue et endiofithis build i that ils situatad the churchla aànied by Eitvarit1 ve a and deiicateittta §t. Peter in Cliainàsiluvv b u se or rotary- The engi ues ationedin l the velret cap, face > ida trebW erow a of ermine; as l as lands are quit , itinern ater, sd aveu lu lhe ta atic Tavro(fle'chune are several) ver. issoe-I alo the golden ceie six iuches in diameter, fitn- mont favoreit situations, if wll requin. .ight or rates! 17a1.1y ( a c pt, sud vere quickly followeit by ged rîti niatchlese pearls andt preciouâ tones, ten days ai flne dry weutier belote plit hghmt ville1 tae ticiegl boring paialies, andt almnost (beneath tic cross-ai a rem'trkably largo sme- caua b. recommsenceit. it in to h.e appreh imeitaely ly tisue it' thebrgadle establisul- itbyst, wich me placet n tIhe Sovereigu'd lof tate s'ing yl b. verv laie, sud plie aly s AD ment. lie fam aibIaitby this Itme gamitida liant at the coromiatiomi.) ooad deal cf land lutonI f(ur vivat vilI noit be ig se fonafuaceedancy, andI the fine Iai madIe its Tii. golden baptismal font, a magifcenl n a fit condition ta receive vendtountil after iront, ecres s'y irr i.rud al oe a Iecnr ipineuoai orkmanahip, tapwacd ot four icet iiinuand sy, canaequnty, have ta h. left until fAt tis gr yand horoy, sitbct fortn frons deveral heiglt, useit foc the issue ai tIhe royal famiiy; sp'a.piaus wid w î exrndnary fury, rapidly exten- astaa mi fts u isa utie îeoh r Ts probability bsas already giron ruse touse i ding bathFantot Wet-The greatest diffi- trçetier wita tise eassi!gaîtemi arl, called the féare for th. crop Mo1842, s'hich ve deem soine,- Wr,.: culty s'as oxperie nl bamigap i 1ofQ*een's, the cehebrateit golden wine fauntain, viat preusature, saMtmuci of the ate excite- tuo vater, ass it ît as n until lie boue hait becu shich Mt corassations sudIrother state banquets met may h.e sist.d tbereo. The traite in his at eanveyed tethti. ater'a etge tiat any thing like tj»e four beatitul jets Of wiin l several di- wheat ham autaissei a flrtoute et the lesiing l'sct& a oue1.ntquatity s'as aitaioeit, soiteven tthen rilf'iuui It in nearly tdans. feet un iseiglit, sud s provincial mariieca heldduning t.e week, soit apiano. tihe distance s'wu ap t h ie bunming pile, fout ia dismneter; tlis vas the ]est article tisat fastiser rise ai about la. per quarter hsas taker cm'"4 tat tise labars aolf Lres.u sen. irequently refflineit. The sucient golden sptuent which id place um.tevalue ai lhe article et several o aii e~ retardi for long intervalo. af squat aatiqnity s'ith, ait recoives taec aise proviwcial taos; conaidening, hovever, the en- pleemi lu te grasnd armary, vhich in statei ta1 have thse ampuhla, vian requireit for tise purpose ofi couraging accotats ai Monday last frans Mak. tualie tiene thse largeot rmsin mn arope, s'en. depositei anfointing t.e beoians miour umonarchi; thse gold-. Iaselise repocra irans the country are net quit. limei 280,000 stand ai srnse, basides a vaut qmantity ai en apure, vhich are Ismcleul on the King'@ beela a an iuatei as megit have beon expected-[ Mark suda miltary carniages, bombhe, andoitohr spils of et a coroenation; snd the Çiucen'a enamtrelleit Las.e Express.] beeci var, capînceit by aur troopas in variais. parts of bracelets, name sat celars, eeral golden FrebtS.-peaUâ.-s, 4.mini the yacht. Thie flameta having oncre penetrateitspioans, aonlnmese jevals, sud mauy other valUa- STATE OF TItADIL 5i>5« liis hall. noahhote existed that any portion ai it bIcs, Mr. Sviite lad previonsly itepoeted in his Mâ,cur itz, Texsitav-if husiies, sener- vente woulit h. savel, imd tce exertios of the firemsen pociiet for safetv. Ail Utc sceptres wera care- alîy canancth. saieli e bh.h.unntîmîis veethan cedb ver. coofineml ta the preservation of the sur. iully enchoseit lablankets provîdet foc tliat pur. t s'as the lerat StSII rate if le nat vanos.. Ti, a ri' rounding buildings, oapon which daey pîsycit with pose, but the ancient crow ansoi larger articles late neye frons th *Unitedt States appears ta 2an.ci aIl tic yaten they camaIt obtain. At this criais s'ece, ai necsssity, carniet opeuly tiifront ofi the have given cansiderable confidence, soit saine inter% tho greatest apprehiensians wen. entertainet for parade, vhie .the tire was raging, aimd hat s @in- liouses kuovu asnlsmying nhiefly for fliatumarket, aur 'i tIhe sfety ai the cr0,50 jewels depo.itedin 10tic gmlarly iuserestmng.. appearance. causet by tae have heurn doiug a moderato ggaod business, botednawi regalia office, whici closcly adjoins taeEsatern reflectiomn oi tce flames. an Saturiay andt yesterday, andtab day more in-. ocr extremiycfteirnilmr, saitUt yeomeu Duriig the operation ai breakimg itown the quiries for clet sera le have taken 'place than tried, niti gartmadr t.diecio ftiet, c.ptain' bars of Ihe jevel cliammber, sudinm getîng the, wsas expecteit. Prices, howeven, have nect at- anditl wo f t e ttt a n d . rt e t u r a v a. T h is ou it, s t e s l ie y sta t u m n e t a t th e c tra uc e b e c a e v a ce m i fo r e ith r po w e r o r h a n it lo tit g o d s . a o servie fssaeypeiret uhout aCrideut, unalile ta endure thienict cf the flanes, andithetIc nuthe article ai fine Cotton velvets, the actera fectc su i tcwolaitevalisable_,.iu .thn.ti ikecerrcifthe jewels was ciamorîously presset tae1 rin Amerira ver, very large; iieem, it iini- wthî bcautîfuil moiel ni tic white tower. were cou- retl.e andt leste tie Isat reîuaiuing article (tic possible ta execut, theienluamy moiera', timîî, pro1o sigîet ta thse care af tic governor, andt place.! in vite flanittî,) ta ta fate, as the destruction of owing ta the bisk demant km lreum fur a Lîug ave I tic vants bemîcatîs ils resîderîe. 'Tie hat tie entire cf ti:s building teis appearet iuevita. rimne past for tic home market; this article hima frrnthe liurniang pile liad now beconue saeexces- bIs. iadvancei iroinsthe msauatretothi' riercliaut . sive tiat thae ircmnelsrouît no longer art iin tie M. Svilte states tent, laving tÊegn tfi at - pecn. i arue market id wiiiaut changeiMus rentre square, andift tas quite imupossble tu article of hue charge cut cf lithe e el rh.Im>hr, un prineseandithti demanit lardly sa gaoo as ci atied lu Uvic rndporinufsteais,&.co-Aic d udbecomfe i;ecIf 2at ie a furuace, late, but at tîis ailvincet semaot ut id offîy n ,î.t d tattednapth ae aîy portion fcscis,&C c W-lu «ithi dilculty effetet bie scampe, for tic mi lit bc expecteit.pe. About anc 'clock tIse auilarance ai tic buco- f ames irant the crmuary coîmpltely croscit tic LAÂCKtm--îîî seuneoftepeem a ingmas os was s t imctndigato.Tic flaunescurt yard fronsticheEastern gable ta his dveldepresseit state of tnenCettoisce cf tice ai. ai lai t lnfin ie Stc.tîmattancarîy tie<t-hle in>, tic douce of wiicli wenc literiug quite spinucra of Blackburn ieldsiPi Meeting mon F'rmmay, c"'ui legtlm cf tic arîîîary, aiortly after tic rouf, beîngi fat. lIe rmate the bet of lime way tu tic baisse ta tahle int' Z -,asucJ& thie prapruety cf rus- basnd icoupetely burcd tirougi, (linimi ith a tre- (f the govermion, andt lavig agaîn examine.! " las inedaus crsh, tie lianes risimag itîas brit i-egalma, (particulacI' <. -:-nir lser mlîsshot tine ia attey caw, i 'tSEY-Fmr tise Iset six mentis, great dis_ evert glace fa abute ii ncwea cf ticcîtadelAtthéu ninutest particle tas missing.troue lias prevaileit in the toten of Paisley andlwt time t <tas fearcul lut tlîe wiiole cf tic South-. Mî.. wifîe states tliat the intrimuic value of neimhborhoot, aînong tie operative muanufactu- hI icrru site aoult (aIl a prel- ta th- n'.znes, but by tic regalma is at least upwvard cf a million ster- rn_ ~ppuair. Wthîn tic last monta flteswhii tic jmmicio:m.m ert;jt3 aiuttic bigade cîtablisli-I1Imng, whirl, cf course, in fac under tie amtount dis_'ras îasr.eatly inrreastet--il iraamtieus- w'e 1ment tiey «-ccc prevenîcil fraisa extesdmug narrosa looking utpon tien as relira cf artiquity. tic returns, the nurnier of unemplayet non~a Ltlie uacrow avenue btwecu theoter «al and F.., mmelodo., ihmýmd N- . .amoîmuts toa 64M. >-~ad 1the rounit ton'ec, au.! lopes wcre entertamncI Tite facts discîmset in a cemarhable rase of IIUDmORR5FIELO,ý TuySDAs.-Tie pacifie as- tintnu tierporion f tc buldig tvuld blankriaptry, repote l insctcritay's lIeraIt, rau- pet oi American neye lias npiret a ltle mare sacriicet. Tic ire n'as saut suliduet, Ioever, ne iai toalie sgetvrotiiiignmdConfidience, luit tie effcct lias nt bcen su powec- until near five o'clotu, ant tic mass cf ruin <vilasbrigfercly dthgmte i oleispanful relectîos toec cîaracteristin, ne [car, oi fuI as s'as antieipated, sa tieat we have natimg grom ycws buity. iercn-as uhope t u anthe hait ofthe age lu which wma lire. The casa ta i irlciparticular toamnotice lu thestalle of tis nmarket. Idr yest.-dy. t ws hpei h tthi caainty iw. eler is abat of ais iîsiviiual naine.! Cavýe, A fair steady itemtndn continues in fancy wod- been unattendet<itis lissa of lue, but wc regret it.fir i loaniigsperulatione has csMu-hemeca tati ntvr nintl o Dta record t theatb of a ireusan name Richard!F ateofwcs iiges;bthemerlrdifntvyaiae, Wivell, cf the brigade estalishelint, a flu involycit several mamiiera ni Plian>enasand is nlt bat. i'nices, tfo, are 6cm; aud ifcetfr 1me 4 i a ile yts ainen oi titi., andt clergymen, lun uinaus loses.- tliey nitit imriadiatelY mprove an au improvet Sund 1o iasor s"roîic.ci-ouitih. t'y . o This snersun iveisu aoriety, imhabiteit a hounes douant. Business ima alitîle impravedin latue tes il e -s odigtinraca. - o~ nccoruthi asuiossatflS qu..-. oL=dsteW. sarehmas,.. Eui'nynuit EuiSSlSly ja more mei iurnised anîd cro<vded «ith vaiîiablepaintings, Ihan uauiaelhy abundant fan the. season. e Mauy ranuré; arc un circulation as tai thaic-sup d sim<thout flamnîg advertiscments or sctmctîvc RacinnaLE MoxnmvA-We have hait a fir ýpie ruseit of-he iicnr e ;btnce cn le placet.prospentisses, lut ou thîc strengtb cf apparent avermarket ta day lu flansaî- .,yed gods _ tehaecardte cprahstesu ntc fe i il rt ihave Een more inquireit after, bu t prices ne- ti aOvsserleat.l fle; h ts are stauteit tu te . atlii aetually thrut an hum, by men of mamo extremely las'. The dccliuing pices of ral dIsofanri sone; '.Aic ir attitautetnicfortune, £360,OOt)ftocinvestmrent in miuing opa. vol have lad soune influence tapon the manufac- h at n anincctiry Aniuqiryyulh. noratonscf vuicl alcy -er u uter gneaxieturers, via purciase vcry sparinghy ion hume- pas' doubt, set ou fot by thse Govennnîcîît. and! wlich never reilize. one iati:ng a'tieughs .dîste use oly. O Il wouît le niterly imapossbe ta cAtimate ttiti lie paîdt t tese cager leudeca nu lessas suiu tisa I FRAiNCE. ied ifanytlaînc appcoachmng te exactiiesa tic extemt ni £Otl,00 ion intercat, lu thince or four ycars, oct Tic invcstigati'au iita tie laa attack on tic nlues the country <n-ll sufer by this disasîtrous cf nicir ownsubscriptioms ! <Wel~l mifrht thelie vea oi the king's sens lias led ta tie disecvry F ettjît t sa iithng mi uesuaîoiaîtrophiaes comniisioier wnuit p thc examinaio ofnie ai evitence tiat hast sitien ofte princes foilic, - hidhi t s mîîpractiable ta eelore ; lut thece anrpb xliig:"ti wutatik nisreconnPrsadthpovcswud 8 r au le ieitouit tua*thtc iamage sustained thtcburpb xcamîg:"tu will in nisureta tlaiEoi hpoicsvl M oy sau maîuy persan. ai clauratmmi anit station in have horst forthonaus extensive scale. Arresta building, tagether vith tie ariaitestroyet, cli- le rpisct imr lse tan mllin stniiu' tscmyrouit Iave bIon se teludet by nicir muvîsare e. ery day taking pl..ce, sutd ocumcstary andt net eue "~~ infatuation,, cf ticeciarmons sun> cf£Si)00" otier testimony le sait ta have faîhen into the nt RENIOVAL 0F THE JEWELS. It le still îmore melancholy, wc naay att, ta know banda of lie police. The garnison of Paris is l- Noatitlstaniing the grothfent vhici perva- tiat an excessive lave of gain <vas tic caisse of 1hbell ready ta set at a mmmet's notice, sîthougi , ted tia jetvei room, Mr. Supermtendasat l'earse surhinuîfatuaion, andi that clergymen cf rte e- i no immediate euthreait is expectet. The day3 td cfthe Il. division, havingîcaken the iron bars in abîlicit churci sue fafrget ftie sacret ituties 1usd net been fixeit ion the trial of Quenisset as as front of tic regaima, succet mu in aniig the cf thcir iaîy caîlîng as ta lic led away 1< tis un- evecy moment appears; ta affurd ireali mateniale ig uetv imperial ruwn andithler prtions ai thre e Iawful tesire of lucre. fer the pnoeecutaun. Iuaditimoîn ta the vide ýr- galîs ne 3Mn. Sweite, the keeper of the regalma, ly Tic visitora cf tic insolvent Court are us@prend cnnspiracy refernei t t, a spirit oi inule-. r. whin tieyweere placet us the custody of the langer nunîposcit of unfortunate Petîy radters or ordination in extentmng itsecf alrongi the Frenchi me a3terai wardeia, as foliows :-Aîtougha tiere tisliomustmnrcanta ; roue sous of pennes, profli- .arnsy, sui thten vola cauntry suera juan usset- at vas murli excitement et tîe turne, Mr.swyifte gare sutditebauciet inheritôns cf large possess- flt]mItate. t:; carefully plaet tiecrrovn n its case in tice sie ions, clergymens in the possesasiomn mmllarge liv- Several regiment hav-e beesa orteneit by thc e mode as «'heu t ud nonvecyc ta thiehuse.ni ings, and riat nost unwctiy mof aIt classes cf'se. French gaverrument ta appnmach the Pyrenean in r- Lords oms tate eccasmens. 'Timscroten <tas Con- rîe-y-fasiiouablc menu«pois toa ivell tic irauiticr, and a sqisadron of eiips f ai vnblas been et d- <'cyci te tie leuse oi Major Elrington, tic hrt ccwda abant pams tIrougs"thnt court, the <eil despatched tai tle Spanishl coast, in order, sceor- ýh ut miajor ; i is termeci the newt inipermal ccen'n, aud frequente.! roads ta whieh'J are vice, dchsncbery, diig ta tic.luresse, that France may lie eaaly tic e made fon tIie roronatian ai ber preseut Majcsty. and disgrace. fur any reprisaIs whieh teSpasisi governomnt r Lat It is ai impeial furia, with ncarly pinteit arcesc By suri massas as ve hava tins .ith pain dsc- may tik praper ta direct, in revenge for thls.e suppoting a gorgeous diamonit o, surmaunteit cibedthti national morale are injured, unit the allegeit support guven ta tiheiinsurection. pal ru. s'itli a cross ai thea sanie precinus maatenlaIs, igher classes arc tegraitet in tie estimaatinai LivERurooL, Navusmama 3, 1841. 'las re atorued itthlree remnarkshty large pearlo. In tic porer. Ta rgmayc tiea vcicue tentenies Tic weather tlroughout the peut menth huasa ne l irsatis lage crualeu cmav, etirly as'is, orative; virtuatas eociety niuet roule been vcry ufavorable for the securiig aifte tz as frasteit vitha linlîiarts. lunte centre a magnii. t i otmr yexpulsion ran> its csl Ue crops in anme aiftaosedistricts vhiche vere mat fp e- cent aapplire ai tic teepeat azur., nearly tva verdict osa tae actons in tiase. sceoca. If la in previously gat in, ad aIea for the taiing up ai ye ipt ircesquarn; l stoodwthin arevling plate vain that we continualy glance across tise At-tise mtatnesa. 'This,. witli the rapit asance in sa e- glass 1.11. lantin, soitose tae beans lu the eyes ofmmnerAn- thse duties, lias cause>! igier pnieus. tw b.e-te. i aT h Tic ele.bratemsi ctffl andI golit valking glo-Amsenicasa bretlsmen, if ve s'il]nt condescend man dmifaor its vr rtcel t os stick v.errnet byMr Doningon. TIse ta observe tise matotenht is lu aur ao.trdhch.igbleany emtettaisia ip- compriedthle King'@ sceptre ait cross, whuci la [Tic popers give a long history ai the fongeit tendei ta1 check tise transactionssoi thtie markiet, 'ms et caverait sith prectousstane, beneada vhichin 5u.timgsta t* Bf- s fine aoethyst, thse pamnimel simiîsrly arriaien. Eîcheqncr Bills. Tic farger i. saui ta b h . ,1mai,. sy, dom nct erhibit machs anima- c lit ted, andthaIe heait format aif triple loave fjev- Smith, c!ief Clerk lu the Comp1troller Gesaral'a F'ee'Western Cansal foeur ie lu limitei ter- 1 ap ery ; thc vel! knctvn King'aseptre soit dore, office.] quest at 38e f6t ta 39e. pet bblI!,soit bontei t ai I e- th cross, centre, andt pommel ichly tecoratei Tiie Colonial Gazette mof the 3à!instant sMatou 318 Partb. Canadien ireineinquatedet ai38&. -al wîtb jewels; the Que.n's sceptre sud cross, es fancimlly orsamentet vitis larvedjiaoit-it that the bille have boeu en clar.di frgeriee hy Tuer iuty li ese ossp ta 24q Id par. quarter on th 'h. vas ait. for the ccantas0 f rytseQeeathse Gweruteut, aso i i!net lie paît. Thse fatigu vIssat, andt 14a 10d per bb au fleur, snitat de ai William Hl ; au anciet sceptre, iscoyereil ama30,0Wlare tin«epuitos. £31.00,api itv hiivlboiornx eh in lunt.ejewel office, ln 1814, an s'as .uppoedmita have a elu epontsitwt.cptlat i _____________ mi- have belonged tae Williami 111 ; ig ws adoeneT h v itscaitmf uy u Uo wili several valuable jevola ; the. vory scept e lTi omIaiCoventry, wvisadue a very bnifbon f. . ta t. maen >~î'but very extraoriiary speech, mt long ago. in We fini thte folles'isg farta relative ta te li OF viiich belougetheecnam a.tue Hausse ai Lords, upan tlis ubjectaofthe carnts celnc ieTlrn ~ulotl a amusteit lugolit, surmaounsteit by a dor.cme uos o h hoesYeyadi aet ityniftw isain removei totaan hinsane haspital. Hie lord- h o acnau ricel lelti m e- it aiseuhbuenx;tis enqegau drteion. c The frottieetalucurionsmnaattricleniin htheomuda pape oed Mff of Eitsar thtie Confèssar, féruseil o un.reslps &labarngumillerincipient insanity vianf i0 "eàoetss, bt o teActaofSucas-t iygale, 4foet 8 incise lu lengais. w . ho made theseeuch, hhaegu ne body auspecled i une, the Creai ni ofti... roue MaMhave beenaj m.arlîb. The golden madel tif whiite I or tpressait iy lie HereditaryPrince ai MO'- tie tasser, wich is aima calleilt h. làsenteeat cel- Ftsm the Lais. eeMrantile J su.v3. dena-aai thtifailng tétât Princeaiima. nts, Ia.and wts'su nit st the cortrixatian ai Geore Lamions, NOV. 3--ONE O'CLaCIC-Tia bill i"a11lir-icithe içkit olthave penaudeit M fe- IV. Il i.fancifially sel vida jeelssat domei rokr are prepangiforç-mrras', il being tau 8&Phdippe, K.agoitue Frem aTie sanne amn- vîi tannons assitoher figures t nie base, asaithle 4tl ai tise ments; but t.eamSnt Of bieartiee8alias'., hlat suppasing the idascendtante oi Ar- ils veigit, ve are informuedinl nearly hall' a fialing due, priucipally the refait traite, la net thse Ebaesa nif Haneser tu ho extingusisi- i- huide. expecteit ta h. ieavy.-Mny la ligit ont of vie.hovester as tie revleesae erteMiala- vi- The tva golden tankards, vhicli are richly dtuorsan five soit six par cent, but mt nie stock siUabiB'-ud thtie Oum datefu tan ciuand soiesoy massive, snd front vhich ie sExchange is " twarth more llatiar. ecent. Chuale.L SditJames 1 te romasna cldd e late Maesty William IV drenksât huai corana- on Causals. i e citIDmnq-b emilgser lite tien. The Qtaeede diiadem, entirely coupoedîThe Caus a tint abriek tis mnatrqe a t huasb-- f Rsuit ndTe"itoauml tos. aof peari.ansd iiamanIts.made for the. consot ofau aadvesses rpou the lait qusaations ciyeuterity. 'estii i. wDuke oM Buik qtzs@and ait uâ,; fot William 111I;t.e golden cimice sndithUe golden jthe demusoi for mosey stock catluuig on or- su"d tisaIOfaile bau-e.f Stout buntte Dukoefa fln- sraisnetai diaies, on nue oai tis laengrasen litra ram lihe country. Tii. money prIce.for H5mîks.-; the fin-. liengdescendaitfrocstithe 'tilt lu fins ai erdim - Thse LaitSuppem "st uCenoln 1881 toJesoit fer the accotaittewsem-- auglitenOM K-9 H-"uyvil,-_tie latte tia thseochier lie royal armas aiBaglani. n! Iiciam j80ý; the. Reduceit Stocka are alan botter; Thre. ihuea 4ssgier of Ksutjames iil. MfSeat- dig ouedit athe corunatian. 'Tie golden sait cela, jper Cent@. are 871 tw 1 .o tan treeand a hall' Isai. The maie blond of anl tiiq oIt rayas i ai.. 1. aidthtie tout oM the sacrametl plate, cansint.ng-1 par cents, 971 ta J. Bank Stock la steadyyet lieu in extiuaca. raih f doit platéaeoas, c h.ampulla, or 1164 tal165. da short tinta e ore 1'2 e'Wak.-.-Rrocý eRecorder. Ng traMUSCAL L a'eas-The follow. is extracted from tise Paris Agatemy Mf Sci- s, at itis ittiiig aitii.4tb t>ctà .: - t lin . day'. sitt ing oen iaimnnioftisa am joWhin uitvs troduced tto "ipa.iof n.,lt.ri.soit vas played upan. lu nvesa- M, joure& .vii. cceimies a very bumbM iPoZ anln'ýthe verking classes, iWilong devetesi atentiso s lua id ofcsmabination af the. .1- a which vessld r.sult fiathse hansier oftb& ,b &rt s sit ti.bas'o of the vieleinlapr.de. Wmirply, end usa lunproîogîne, By met. jhy the vibration ai striugs. He bhdaltsm d i if fora lt comm.ission muf the. Acsitemy lnansieit.anitto decide tpnth is. mots iof inventionu;but the &t'mirr it mcc ielayei! alliiosfaeg<aen. At lemsgth justice bas done tauli.inventer. an.! soins cmmis- irie, wliukv.been pepiited vili report i tii.instruiemit Thprinti;e.ort ain. ito in. this. Tiat thse .ouîîd la fiat praiu- by a hsasmner, as lu lie piano forte. WWkuing ring; soit theui thsevibrationd -ofi rie trnig cntiisued witls tMm same intcnsity feor any *val ef tîme. bytii. admission of s curreut cf thinl produo-et#a st~itr qffieet ta viit the. wimmg ut'a viulii bas' sisetlsring wo»R snien. The~ introdtuction ita sbow was firat d, but was founi trit.fhult iofapplication,- tuIle action of air, by su ingentous mochanie- mntrîvance, vas theoubtitutei.Th F.eie- of tise instrument vas quise cansnmnsuate li the skili of the invenlor, thîe sounits being longed adt lsbitase, andt gîvis ta notes al tihe ll andt cunîsms of the or!'ý aairTir't NEW-Mr.Levui Biesell, an inge- os niecîan c of Newark, lias inmventes! a nes' wh slsring, whici m highly pîsiseit by aur ju- ina frieud aithe Newark Dail., ýitne.-.m' or case andI m> oraimotion whirh it g ires 1 fr clivers other advantages. 'lh. elsotie ciple of the thing la imot steel, vhalebone,ý îtcliuc, storgean's, nose, or auy tising of the d, but arfnoumphenic air-i comnindity viici' the mnrt of being cieas aud abondant, nt al ente. Thîe spring bas the form of a cyiinder,« ths pistonl and roit--air-ticit of course. Tii. Smiri:y is obtaineit by t'le roiprcssedl air <ch ae containacl vithîn lis.cyliniler; the. ýg'at inipmgning n the piston roc!. Thio ytîat suri a contrivanre ougiit toi vont a1 , d xp.erimnt saya nhat itdoe,.- Vl tb le nIatter, unrle.Jerry,"iui Mr. -as nId .leremiali R- t as psdMing by. owliug most ferocioualy. " Matter,"agel the. 1 mats, stnpping short- wiy liere lve-ae ggilng teater aIl the inoruing, io? Dr. C---'s e tn wash with, andt what d'y. s'pose i gui r il! W hy 1 suppose about a nînepenc,%* ;wered Mc. - ' Ninepence h. -1. i toIt me' the Ductor would pulae bath for esouie-tuine!! Culrepîdsee o . he strea Giaet. Siit.-in cSyslauce with your request, 1- kui erly n t ain front the sec- tary aithellWollaâ =CaalCompany s cuspa- nive statement ai the principal articles. tlat issit throngh the -WeHàdàt tl, ta thse 31et ct. 1840and 1841, which, 1 believe, cao b. se- ed tipan tu h. corret, and in su folIows, vis-- ln 1810. hli I.ý Beef sud l5ork 14,889 do 24,195 sait 153,031 do 149.W3 Boards 1,802,622 feet 8,1181122. Sqr. Timh.r 880,107 do 1,151,436 Pipe Staves 885,704 do 137,3 W. I. Staves 765,912 do ' 1,377,M2 Wheat --1, î20,M59boshels 2l4 Inien Corn 27,088 do - 0M158 Merchandîze 2,7i60 1 qr-tong 3718 Total amou'm receiveit £18,037 3 11-£E18,583 9 7J Schooners 1,863 nrnmber of 1,895 Scows & Bas 709 do 9M2 Tonnage ' > * 2497,911. Owlng ta tis8 onaderable falling oZ lattevly. * tii.up freight sothUt. udtearis, ai treai.- uffu in the Uniteit States in the latter part of Le Besson, mucli of thewhleat & flour traitdpr tcularly, s'as diverteit fraisa t"tistW, Tiie rceipta are conaiderable under wiiat vs. aftie-- palegin te pciug; it lau evertleqsgrauing toee tiat thel's i. an*inctImits."n fat ove at yesr, lu the. number anit tonnage ai vemels, se val as u nthe.receipti4aDsd 1 amninfinsi tat tIi.buiessiuring thei srentmootli vilI, probaisly, far exceoit that oi the. nomanth les cear, tins a#crdisag furtiser evideasce, if neesa- sary, that tht. traiteitapon ti] Canal is tfll on tie lncreall. ' :.ý Althtag>the'iaterrsytions iront csualtie. cr any kuni have bien lmss iany former year lance the. OÏsnânç ni thit communication, tb. ne- eaaity oi immeiatfiy .nlarimg oims mkiug lit apermanent vcsk, msabecanmng no umanihut t@& 1trant, npwhhat àtla.to b. niait. holly s pub- li work. vin not ho mmissels kr dolajusi. From#O ff.lbas Iltuatioe s% mng5eit e1111 the gratqand tinüg lijak of hres nt.ive &»« ssquiikient minansoo.mlseisinga continme. chssm of sm. thtai ma iles ofnavigasen, demi.- oil to b. tisa"Wchiai ntafur tke aimait Unbouen. "s trait. saitcommîSeeMt hsis.. beauitdd mi Mttle yqjlies ianeut Westes wvend. tis e pu.qr ety, *-y, tise éw4M t lndiapeusleocu.,e .i a àip Mal, om ertew t tqitmu nW v ff eieaslly iastentto eveay vsols.. IbisIU* wa..71 . ith thi e à(ii tiss.frquattpa.isps.soe -bnoysqet%, .he au sstb,sa %i0g otraits, waOl 1aa opitclr pontehtaryý oe its enagmnwutôd b the rMost vital "F t.ta Mtii. ftum Reuf tis .part of BerX ject's ps ljss In. u ia..v.nt Mab.ir svie vrft th UntedStatest, the gratitvasstages la vod b. to e m i& wp mymgstion *- Isda ta the.ether, il ur w ovaeueq, ment b. ton apsremtoare sit. fertbw = ~a.n; hics-. everi .m Ipwmdle ringethe bs of 1111M iber o uo;4o4 1 smure,'amply sipply lt, litdauras'. loeet.besae nsbeen te o-p@ra oer ftmsaidthb. onmait upoel Iak.e r.-« coïsinunesu dW»btrooate f 9« 1p"s asd pro.spect& 8 y seasu cia éip c«4aen. tirellj.est of the. ranch ofM u s-eny, seai wudlesncesnblo.i bSM woehitaply...ai- isi, bath lisée, mi passen.t *a poumt