Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 30 Nov 1841, p. 3

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li nrng duil wti tll W ie lh p , la anal, at a 'uJy. <p e s in. 14 tde-1 ie It:m a tan 1:1, ifq 'a, t( e il r-ý' p cil . i-ty a lha "'a. or by ltans a t l'ad in Se1iiiî il-d , o. stigel),in r au,' tl 20!, anSîcrîe., <-it r t l i.inSliîtr J. 1. 'Vply o .-, r.l 'ARe3wni te0!11 I l at ni!e i'a 'le- Fair p01)ticul-,mfsp IN rol tN, hB.& C m tion, ai h u Ornaa'e ou Tlueodily tise 1 .S O it> 09 oLsetCte Prd Li'4 J. LlNTiON.Il lOti Nov., 14I41. UND- FOR MUL iveru Stand, il' Ihe "ss ri, ou the IaL,îleraia9 Io taw, hissa 13 >0 Taveili. Le propeTty nifli. 1 Bam SLdo,.&.e. o*i -me s %Vge tceil (ins tIi ne-e aliig taie1 ns arts of ts as ' miL i een1 t yarher be , t at l' t S. p. %MeIRILI. dea Porte Wm.. .jt. Ilb aT ~ r s s N G L ~ ~ m t t i e s i a E u g I u d .T u eI I m I o m T I I K A L - E S D Â Y , K O V E M B r . R 3 0 , 1 4 . s G.eisendia- 8 treh uatreil e iaFil- DKNEDBRGIS STôCq A"» NAPA"NEEMAýCA4DA-tu NEWS! NEcWS* Il NE'"! Il' Go@" ue. nppIY of Dil GO0(QDe, IZED ROAD. EHSbriobsueec1fyiIn ori fixe oaIrw Gen.'al c uit-o." Te Det R Yr av en p eG <O. i o L. laese Sok i D YNOD, adtahe làtget bluler xtenun, t ends olring tain he prbic, res ud n eUsem ~ 'o sytriollet case Brajmx aisOraptLCOeoaaitiu ' iss Y :r e t of1PzýI nd The Sale wili taire place at W.elpley's Ta. lected a titillent Of à«oy Ebonytrotâtbox in- L TILIR OIIA O FancY Gçrik, Ciitable fur th. 11!}'! li tc," îter verr, Waterloo, ai 12 o'clock, unauooS Fibocn. - iae hchbslsgetu , ac .iGUOVERES, LxpSIOS. I N *4 ssbropý-4mahngany Meicin.e and lhe a. therefore enabieulta e r te OENET AE rd. býiasee e tjw' ~e£s .TA.fic~4~ LSU.Rfr ~c lotenpen~ b fiendandiluwing to *Le ihe.resedsra'e .f ti,e Irt:sh Gaze No. 1. Kngtw.>Rent fo.r i. .> wt"i dioigcmrie a wodIviin Bs cvee wh GEl> àtoINaVUNtER iOe gald at »Public Auction eathîe Coîn-* lrea oehe lvatî~~ na!dec ear, 970 0 0i~S ~1. a yellcw panted fin gloe case. GTTRUMAtSTA VI. *.'inÂseta.-ia Store, Tete de pop#,ion Wedne- the Businea.. sud com~mand utcf ta, he:r 111- Gaie N. , neûr ale>Pr.Od&YngHo.Gnpwr&Iîcis' -Wý liaitosedt fix e aand daiHprhcluyCSO4ftaîeaufatl y hIt dy of Dereniller next, the glluiý PORTATIONS THIIS -SE-.SON have been; ceda do, mcdn eprs da ie tseOtw o Rda «it Every article Uere nanaeu, lie is cqnlldent articles in aÉiýareht good order, vii, laid ih ai sach a re-luction erDmn2 Theutsual value,! gee, 264 4.5 .3.Ve aaad l1ya, &Pa 5km.g .uy Pet , vrg aof informle uatin ly Le foun yotujIe to b i eat2Odisnt ., Y.1iuaing, 1 414 yds bine grey ClotL as l toi àniz. heverv - -ner. Gate No. 3. (!IE Creak,î Ieit -' oo eo,~1CQ1 oca w, te rec vr fkiilb ual hae hna~ ie os.71 oKre, j do Scarjet. Thse preseniopportunîîy , s tc-1en b aklnot, I-i do. do. 1 21; O0O Cognac lkaiîulv,(4îisbad, MAPIERON& R4N. i vey BIRA» CL>TRS 17191 do Pilot, edge thse very libeal &support us"1 bave receiv- iGâ,te Sa. 4, nerFour Coraieri', Ez. Pute Ilviuid.suad S.he;i!ia. Ù 3'eau' O &CRN o veyqîaliy and color and of supertir ma -, AlI cof which wfll le put np in lots ta suit pur- P rmi. 'b'grr!!,'ic'~1ec f rest Town,) fironi Ja!uar 1lili e j 014Jainsita and East L..dssi, nm, l'î2jOfiePlot and Beaver Cloîlîs of assortedl colore, sorne chasers. wbelà au exteasi a Trade having been anticipa- time of it. erector, ta -Ist No%.* Beilîaveii Ai', Londoln Porte;, 3014.of tlem ie7', lend.id. Sale et 12 Oc'ock fleur. led ibis Seasc.n, a large and ,itaL1 l - I)jy or inludin" Keepere Wagee. 71 1 ae La v(ery etper-inr,'î Gre de Na ipeu:, ucante, Satin Turk, Plaid, & 3 R. ALLEN. Gonds bias bcec provÀdJ; ,eut Le fleath of one GaieP7Nu. rdea(Napance.) Ro:îî tLsV Failli for Sale, a]] alLer Silks, încludîv, n omec liner ihau ban af the Pannr a~rî~~elj ee.av hi~e.2 0I odaxad~'~i~ieVngr iti n alo h luihpgever been brou"ht beiore inoaCanada. FORSAL DYTHE SUBSCRIBERS, h hl fts tc is i >oc ca cyîarifrî nrLtt otIseren-ICsdeOdLdoaaril TDwhsoeiiefteoir hig French and hglish Riblons, ta are tn H Y - Fe Wa'e BluiafinlAburn's dofte.dri aLeý mmth fTA Sydenbanfl, (Yarker's leluIlld n tye)r Atit. a isRelltt thse affiira nay le ubtaipeJ, inrler to whicb L'y appl.calion tu Horace yccîniai& .'q, W tr- Beku ' u "" aipnit o lot h ubcîe i atcular calis the attention B LE r ,b~ksd ~ spriethey sdilcomnîace Selling 'O' ai 'ucI Price , 0,or at iseOlrîe <f %Le f2umnies.u.ersFour Sndirîan'e L et ,r, ni!, 75 o sisaetre a b i la00 f the Public,, lh, plain bine, brown and iancy and as wîilcîînvince Pucaesu fl ai ng Cdr-5,crs.iesT w*' " fce.tsrtislaAwal wgdMeio,, Ilclesan . * damn BPrissreu Ssig onos Ens T, n sso8inen iac:,,I Shry nh è ose. hi har Àer a bg Mconlfal oor dqaioe Q1 Jtie@ plain and d o eavers. Mencnes, figred Orleans and in lasin out ther ooney .t thîaPiihs trsl e csieaadiorcme io naitr '$aîds-î ftammm, dgt ro aC' raLe fgrdSx isn Oleans aîîîy c f splendid printed Saxo:iies:. plain green, tirait, brown and Tf eAtent o a advertisirn %ý 1tie orSale.lie ac .Alc il u are Framed Bargn:fland be naity; W~1aterd n Damask Morment, in crimson Moreens and Dainaulcs, white and red of By le r.11 viefloillcw 1 .N _. rer, bra s~~.~ nds). a nîandire ee' oftha n everytlier culnur; an extensive aý- d eleî d Salimbury Flatanele, Tweeds,,Kerseys. Swana. f atc tiorn. C an l cI.ie, Giaage-, .4llspîce, Claaes, .b, çaal5r. cheri <tf Setoln de Laine, the greaer downé, gry ald white Cotns, Pnnts.plain ad E VE LO H .j'JnjC' iinio an.lîejà LoaandBlue, dwSGusar, ,0u. FORI SALÉI,. part ane inilanted direct from France, lîîerefore printed ]elicias. fbair cord Dînities, rolled Jaco. SmufCin¶Lxoi,*'rn AFbs Puns 1o~Sal~LOTs îe îwn f Kiigaanlis Suecrberbu, s-ev Cnfienc inrec itees, *white, black, pink, akysadd.aabourd Fushi' Lm Skr,, ., ,C o.~c5 in an reiakab cbap; Se., ilkSegeLucadin ud rocde Drs. ie L t et efi e ,dClt e illiral, fSortch ra caîte- ,rî,,nthe laeuof eer stcriptian, sudalitery sels, gure opL n, rusll aod Dcae Hn.HiîeSaeadBisFleilMm-t sûr, Nîpeent Roar e sW eeîestroun ned oe,îîdie orat, a trt l.iDo ble an T eileiilisldo fo Piat C O'oa Tbey es e talic lS W îk ie iî u M e ~ t d e' h%,Ii,taaicer, StîLea nggstck eo Woliedn he, nd HallofHWou, lnlioodLeorVrnaH ndech.i Avrit ûAîils ut le%-fr L*aluscSitvta,*tsC Bûatrne uu direcniroa Ll esarinectch ud ncrsite danas, londeand gaeteHa inercoei, d. olrdadWhî PlenaisaidQit, ane o. t l-Muac reValn u e n .i, Kr~~a lerdMRof'. erg e r esie eWhtVenad cter p aderhes lifny u <peieHre lch, ole ug,&. setaotiiilrles4 eve n ed.5oc tKnsbatti 1r, t4. ni 3 ý -Ve Moleskijl.and Bi',rOiacsgetu'uàllCitron; Plal. -~ . ( 'e d 4 1r H a ieiM dtea d B i tislicl e d Ctat lin ctm é t etPj dgv ionno f;h eRib b e dt o nsu dn & i .r adis ,-. înfo'-patcLe y nand e irkos en tckaip r eo inted erg, L adi d ae nd es, Lile an Salibury Sixoy Flanels fr chîdreîîs use ALS u sli lierleSfor v . plaaOt- intCarueroesoTevedsBcktinand aDo e "kn , Bath Laes, <Plings, rseel ud sulce ap sOle CHi, aoy(i u Irnn c and otbg l a sh de la rd wthe e e sta c, l ey, Muer,'S! .SIOViS!%*racl til- udrbr ttelrso a ibiof Wipeculir flendesa M fole keFrock ie ,, musd Brlu Cfihad uulnC ola. 0 L notlaboabeSaes<iCoo pd aDrBran- nd SADFAN ES LtPtntLok.T lE ul'sriber alsr Citrepe.flyifa :.10, a l av e m l eslctreydndandia Wrhiteaby ow;CVnîm Vs- (tinmedwih aca)ndîinbaskecbeisewSyi d- blets, Moueieesnsr;eSLainesnd Lancashire iateasi Alonde and griar BladkerVhlnui SadsAn ille iuit Black ialnut isn,.' Tarle , bT. kln Brock s. V,. S. b l B .ri Msh R RIL ores theoae Plid as su d c tie ast rttentck of til.aproe Haorerchiof iery p ain ac n ueirH reCohW olnRg,&c ihotnua es 3la n nds.loStore Si. ; c. SILK .-Th Su ecnier, evits giestfoixe r undovincse;leg -Fe therl1iands nd ani. Ci.eiîLaS'. lo ih ili lsite yar ~ sd Csu lme ,r ame' i hirtsnd Da ery Blon esLled a liury fo Pub nlcib rcis seais o se. coxenin" Store.rilan Cred ipas. Tweds, B erk and D ens, Bth CuIS lne,'<)<sdîae ap, Orl e r CltiS infyClsption rnos, A Bac WALA Iedst0 E !S TO V L "nieof hèbàof pectlia finm____-_olekin__rnd Bdins mddin uiu andmuoinlilleaabr th ent ahogaabl yhdTablesloranddndtraeeenindîtentPaiet Lcgs ofléerbpr r,,ldTispef il inorm li e, eaî, and swlanfor ie futur net, M i udl a kiulinss'L inte cor es-(rmmdwt lc. 4 i ankrhef e . Stins,&.,fPatte.Aie dngairs' tcennérsudpCart,- R" 'Tp,> Maoanrase S..îca sbii Shee rrockaac. Lencisand elieacublisc bisensinoba, Twîl.S ~ ii ~ tWoîa e sd etL ly ANnipes, fineublir, iniineie Slînts, Long CIelsii t fi a.saG aiab rue»i eeis ta li in , bl a ckP .a ntdlw hit e an d e isv c o a ts M arr.te id tg f pedi ptenl i h lîetti, Mousseliasete anieasP.siiL'. Kndgoton, Nov. 17,1104r.'PALe OR, Ixe-L& O T V S ýj5 fr theaileaikalles ofjat oe agcu. lad, Santuand C ho sotios, hî eant mc filled , A gond aaaortrnenî of Moy ndloiMohairl& Cash-ul ! lcM-Fo cE Y! JiIOYe a Y! ain- C1asd ru ln xpnece i h hm durails helaat î dock,; lin q 0f and ai n tn, a nd ll n ougi; ryselIpinc lma, o S rt adEruvrTbe ,t- ee oal Rifuli blirts nd Dnasvcnsfin eo ýa .Adi diint ieaue hýn ableAeI S E W R O sE> Anduinleau ma dislslaur, lîsy a eiras., Sud no dii lle t ir li h-ie magtin;fr iat s'aonn u eanîDressaes. Jac-ns, & .I&.h eti xe IL H.c&d d Rsver . Muuusconpal C bea ici Vsortr.v':ofas beî a i art. pîae pters emn, adriii l l r th befut ute t, ulîadio k F e i n sdwhctce Cîn andnns Sag ffc.To olooon KnatnoSok,,PîotStfee Satinsf &-c.L,. RT N L1N.,tls-I:dilaliin, an nlne kepng eu uirciittiîi alla iii nîî k. and îL larieat a. Lest a~ss,îment farladé, evdy Bu aay i 10 o!lerk A.IMmsudteeryÇ&.'a Lés R E ST R E T, dItNe ST rg. sto andnlisnft] su ply o 'S'; te lier aosprt. Bolle2UI il acl, s ud ThibelorT hwils F1841~ . tieni suanTable ur ness, nBna ri lt i - Tabe r,, ,ESSRS gai& R. HUTTOnd renpc fll StET tE N AI PROVISIOt e tN led n lan its r al eatta, e w pandT r outLLA NDy morA etam th ada oi snitîîgie bec at 'ic bna- x lip iYls- eCcniel'rcmmn i RAN EM NT lcate l tis ateiongofltses, andi a 10 t#u e nr îof Stimpiain er ail rilem inuaîiy aketLy oue ale and Rewl. j'aiecenteulisDapeas, Ilac abanusSlied TîL-ong ',omeus So cfutureai F ar sue omVin a t e ' oda-s ti.eej ( aroskndssu - Le fCO K reet) tece ,le b s ad i tnd o oe sd BCkat io n S it, Sa r. k î a aie a h reo o e n i e ai d ieos u i nllens 'niuted F u n y ituces.ta bic ae o s. o ursud hil e onS o tres.to . q al t n n s a aa t Brts' akt p n g ir let a:, ni taSo ctiand g', i e n sud Coütn ne n in nth. îys u d t'rses s etngsiveasupd Feca m k. Ie coe et ti aisio, drc roi tî u ,id y ln e precr w aka u <n foaiigadul >eon TearTapes, W. B., Nv. l'osud8B1.PckLLinenIThreaBOX ChesEt 'x, Twista, do le Comtto Banda, e@ol, Sheinoe bre ad, B ,onntWg E L R aises windl no ofu e pbtts uatonesinEnladcosî-gof-es- nuebtatLest of m-ainenthesele o i P ro prrt c es ) -ineiosd w C it n , h te a d.ooi enA ila o p ent o f m e î i j , a I sir, tbe Wacerh -o f il ,Jli u1M i 0s d D - m o d .Y.!I l in s i ep i iu g su dio b th e asîsasalSu ar, ;i ad uatinesii ai ir.îaumeanedqantity aiaretr Coon, c . 1 84 .0Prvnc.Base0C N, ob E udre NE Mle Wa a s.fon ogC KINGSTON__&_ TORONTO._more_____________AT une sb lie eaoufdnI ecmod-i s der Le -S ni îLefmoottnos-el Deaigus, in ailof Ecglad, Fineasud Superflue Broad Clohlis, : E. I. MALLand 1, edS1iar (mll dVrniie - su d Soc apzigîfLO OU O - O CH S"s le slDo1I I E iSE Mixture.', JSE ;ukk sud Kingta tn t e 213, 1841. saiterum ,t .~iîcS cc -P R ,_ for OR sale etof Suhocnieroyalîe c-et s d Smoat fsliand e ua îenndiorals. A Caîsiniereofsatigpan Cob týrdbtsuh '"nita cf :.liatter, Candpes Basa, anaaiiyin,o. ea aint 2Slbecliverrs.LtofPai ooln usiI, nd1an. Prne lietCoy',lea- Wole Teds pULR C IV D & O S L i:îra: d. nee fyldesrton ai 5km; a el] w sudinoat s- lice CUt NailheG e rci. .natChe aingBnanr e P ce rN c cafs 161E a sudL&ma sts y île Sull b ei erlngeexsesote nu H 0je il X~bi~ eauîfl rtcl n olne Sandow Tima4puas elenf Atagues asi,; tgit i Freuci, and lnit TO E , anintnd iugngco it I ý a m i u g , pate nu i o nly si- nIl a nd Sd o t rh ti in g T ri rafS tgd O fc er , T r n o o i n s o , ok, P a e n Z i ff e s a h m r u f e r ,S< pE T E T I G S O T r T I ? 1 N S S U PP, i C o k in g , P aU N * ~d1 lm & 2,. '111 co le ace l rge aibst svaud, nt 0 Bo. 120 dz un tu10 iblrs, A .ad vr RNEîy ssALC O nc es ATOYr'O1>TON s t laiead Ca.atniaeofrî a a a 0,ta esn ilw Lae.,tadoda, .eda..ýs r .at,*T N ,,ad is giieti, ai g e n vi n e~~~e v e r dnd lcm ip tio o , M u s line C o hlin e B a n aa r e nteL in enrni gC an a-oclC io t 'aIs e x ,l tsu d slW in te rs l iDre sse s.d e n lydia u e ly . h i 'ix îî,;î-, ~ Aio50 a s s C na a Pat. O t.184 . D giae s, ILuc ac s, L ce le is, simd JLumense0f La, o L ôf a 4 anes' l.D C ap e. y ihfi e a W i l b ï o n a f w pi c s fv re t e re u sl t a y wi do n ufa c ail im sfl a k sld ai xtemry ea Idia ; ouen ndBukskn its4 es _ L'at'èî same s erALD. nth al ad Br w ie gPiidF rntrs cailièy aie B odeedsud il Wlerou ilgb Tîiet, li g sale y , ngOc t. 4 , 1841.er an ~- ~ InludingCeaat.' Testa aud Pataloon ai evey ybsc~ibe, iereby ieasdnCiceEeiat aIl CotionhudandolFnencrh malle. tsudeVclose Brof athe Braeubargi sud Trtanct .front Vfile - t aylet suait ocugat3tkia ivib e oand Cotton w i ut de in rmamenthpidet. Aniceovinee srbduetoWST Athe sledi asotset ofvein: fl ¶11 Sbtrbe lsereeieda nplyc doiisr e ud M al- polJckt s u e ior ae, pBonn u d.y inur et, vllLe pi sitR EÀY cpleeasientfaur s lipanesiIL al rseGou eN e, ai k in he W n N.B.A u ind ofI'eprfune ,an obg Wh -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~mn caialyerelprdate fr aiorilotefo cllcton'Aloitnde.in iil L rces.aindNEPaDi în r.blcklu donusd atn., ian igrelFacyanth iulwîg sugar, WirA ee l n a ie nu r a ble ai CR yoCK R f t e d atobou r O fi ce, or0 r vice B aebClth ,do bl a d rbl*<>f hi, I M LL RY r, S H A WLtorhthcenuettnpatterna for, in aer S ervicesdBrean- inddSagent..ees-eut m iatakeKpnestonlaSobterve tise - strictlysdaerethe Blond OR sal byfl S bctirfien wetad ot fahose m te a Autho. lI id ercief, osud scaMixts, la ck soekSS NC S ~L-ij " F F R t 2 esPin GauzhPi eLtofPad W ole h wr ndIa rn e l ertC rails, wnougist Fecuc w e dsCol. Si t RËlimier, OR ý,AL fansts fdMTe srvCaesud nBne hina , sisa r t N iIO. .BETY. uFeo<lresud Caffue, ivsie ud oie i n SYeyh Spnîia F4qeralagsssr tO - GeIlcH INEe& a 'iadlue bu g e îîgî d.in eBreafstde a tk fSrie.Kigaon Oc. 5,1141ndiigtmuet'covmAni inen, L a u Preci ofnFrench, Iand Br. ST Swoe Puî s u Essef one, Pa beautiful article in chief,', Linen, Lasvn inis4s Liqeuis, 8.4 au Office andynG or l'Sor ioss at t~~~in ,pc lid.a i Howll antd fo G imu, sudd CleoguiAB ND" BUFFA isrisLO I.tîîîe ri.rli s ble id aineySt-eP.~, in'rin sd CitnEgaPze 2 l'Brandy sifoil lsoadi eiý tead a MMED s IA L'fc biNvlEt, blish. O k tui le tt s ala, lied . M tic , 1BeRose, Paein andiitnyC lankaan-oai .,d e u -w ha esn ci WM. WILS N. .5encaiesKCnadonPlatemus C OO Oct.184-. tanseoLeiesPoaQitn lainte suDcnuree.d itroela os I l0,ett e M r y gc pt *on,- Mru, in C ol. l as - BL e sn Cam- Aunt 1ea el, tc t ko f heets , an sd S W ls JI S 1IN , A & B X o g îr se B rtri y2lK).gAton, l larg N o 1 3 1.ptuA T Rpid) t a piatone (ctr -cr on'Fne'S O F T H rk. ý chl O e n'î. reiî:Ca mbri tsandL ae on Is e R an g of B o ders as dco ch P dig a ht h b i ngton, e t. 4l , ' 5 . Cottpnaind %loo.lN., Dock YardgsKa dgWtol-,CoîItisîg '-.l-%urtyle, and EL. vols.dieu)swnkll'be eou, nome, I s-..luNicidues Cal ueediPlng sud. eieiydArticle w ill intinga, louethSuokle, -T 'i ~ ~ e iand îae'sî'ie -20buc Caes ofsuerdiah, an- te uti 113Se.odfivii a Syer aîwal u ncesu clrOitveD MNYPECo r ana]planhi be, n saues' (rO.e u av aies n. r oyl o udn a la~~~~B i Dra:aG.1,sein <> o di Su..s horeliions sud m ral harater. Psy pr N ii- e , ul culiarlyornanl, alialfdboxes ailo 32.. Navarcl Yad. ion Aton ubm ilbrc i v- iii. Skdertc4 ofBi, l . ftlîu'lauiE. Incor. ilacS n l'r us, N as- lus, aDruggue, SeacRoyal E SSNCicRaES, 'li ~ Msr~d 7An ex tce gass ra, Nofv.C 1Yofedaith Hr1d ffce1o. b 3f1sRu ie- e ta prby Mtm Tak ll, e sel.a De Cfre o t oheUios 'an m Tîle agig.- " C*U àîvqi:ac , th 1 ht a e Lnd or i eSenvices, grea-ned aginti. r,& 3vL. 'is o.c.stvts s sery Bon aicle il s, rucualykenha Dry oldsQas n' ouqet t'bfstadTsSev;ado hL trrl oi ine thina, iise asiaRtH.n, 2 vil. IL HAYINhEtShako. Sitre, a Le uud a w i te enituie 'Satin SL-ys, ie 'rbe Brakas adTe'îSevie.KigsonE, SII S LORS, 15, 1841. isn t 1 oe rS,ak e1e841. cîh'>îî, aien Biding aâ sfi iire -Street . 4 Enau de otiag eal, ssn Be1.rilabld, 20 do ~rIrs-eRisi C aobaud (a IVîsoan&le) byThe Seret*Foi by Elln PaîkaindC2ttonu. Csr. A s t ipis rk on on Cl'd , 1 o rO~ ~d W 31.WIL O N. AamntalcKngsni. Sevena iîy NO ES2 o. Caess ie - ey leaiîe s iteof nd',compni. An rania, Ç'1 in s on l t N v, 8 1.M A TRga pl t oB aCO S, C ( f y e e ur ti rer, lie i -, fn Pelvl. ai, l sçn- C u t r a e ot Si i el, Cotton Ses W aalM recha l'enfmu E î a Cogna.- c Ba oa .nIînk ncpnL lr e &c %n'i vInoî nge Mne n re , ileav cth ligs ht -i- - I cNi' Wiîictil'art & Ma. 10 ~ b<~agÇÔdi doPlig, avudiisNaino. Hutî5, eah. nal M.riu--s LvhieAr t ande is udS abl:, en Mand ReBa Cap els Paean Se etBa. AUspiotcedj ta Wi e'N 8t a' u ous &.2vl.TsPi lbol.,atles, Uofardhe00VurlCesy, Butin" ritOR0sars M t u bta c rie hPrain, aboei r d, ine, tn, t ti seAuisn lnu inîa,. 2Sl. vr a l niNsy ad Rolcdl e ane, M wht RiîEpideI adEtc à 1-ir ts'. l R n, ti - Stu, F 25 kM at Ps C assis, 9. Sherrytions a ret, dgsa is o. - Luren e itt$ La , nde y J m s G a t e u i le ti .V rt b o P m d i i e 5 5 o ramasi'appug ape TE S, Ie o J. ,t tispe#uîme nIGals-Z, & c ols. 300 Plina Tl'AIRS BU FALO ROBS. Gige old, Sudi-e, sdBoz n -îL-,e 4 legs NuCodeg-, d 1Y.a orgotu ysoand 01m oral Ta ukte. ay Hyso vaCl -n-Cli t,by 1îsa. volO ie r volsoPin-und AnaLePrestosSmelli 20bkiCvedsh rnpcn1i8çal , wunpowde Bcu wcg hes. 1 vo'r.d, Sy tIse ti er ni llh.Ackbear i Aravol,. J. &R.iJUT TNaL osaîîta eByin Zlt urns .a, nsUG RCuinGaufey ie0(1tlîo, lDrrdc pela ften nmaeFi ud Witen]. e c. dt - ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 j.1 b x s3tn1,20 I ogâdtMrceda S ga ,i- o A, i s. T i Renu 1c vl.n- D e t foanc , o Stock f BU in r y P lain and t w le a - ng h i ' J . B E -utad la jarepsls 05i, 1foleindo IM~Bus-y2l.n, dy ejuthrofTeâiD M lssud Lereci, n ufaoCIBging. - *)t'Uian«st 4- 15 boe s os P eripes, 14 Do0 n . Pxaten 'i î. ]yaRein eeetd byIkrHo s n eugl iau D ry- Gentils -1 dolac u lîegs C r as, 2 do. 9 TaLa. y fM i le ssint2 n 2v o ls. .TIi5l hîîuih c ir, hy . t rti eag i for Cs a i he tis el t ah ark eta w e* A n Bao n,1uque t o b e r, 1 8 4 1 Roat O ct. ) 1 011 FR. H. BT.RuE, Ape.Aut sre f S t e Wii7e H or , 2 volsp a . 'Fi l :0is a. , s -eary m uc dcpf Sed t re nab es- e mtof eF e u o rtug al, do ' -ln Iie RO E IS WINEScc., Stac ade er o d Te PScklic it, yB.z ) os'Clgn eitbé 6 ___-__________ibnd(_________by Te ecetFisbyElefo kri ng, ls- C.Goe lie* cabtat 2a Kna ud tise sdeurnotiauxidiugutr à , r'epptee C te sr ibeI -e,.FauenaCa ',byL.kLA3s-l. vConry ili nsi Imenasotooaiortc omds St on sapno.ap s', 5 bolxsers,,Cnfec, oa te Cai'ePiies doa se , Piso n aîa le en i ckciiSix , o 2 ' Cavo The Mise ln c d n Ft Lode ricca.t e ,; a e be aP rf m n E t 15 do d Poear Vînega venPics, N rp d ourt FI gier cl tAinn, Nîof by tiani &1to. Maîryat, 2aux]&S beiuON , i sI WCapes, lomiî. r a lnu S erry5e, Latrn, ut Gas L m Ssae, cfr al vey rde Ri in ol i, u s vls. J oi Rusht 10, o r Ite larcle, Lv iau auafcire ryanod livr La he ra c. Pae , ricnscae-netedlt . &J.RIG EYo rtsdy adir. Ce téAut. arcy sei is Gr'-osleSaouthc i eaoSt aP M kdOnî eal. rti, Ftchja e o44se, ~ i bfl 10-sopa reat vtarie ,,fWis udî'sp VS-hesdry, îu. 'clairetido.y tie Asr ataand fariner 10 do Jo le 5 a deCsDione, James ,Graut 1vh esth hv nm etimnltiyeui~' l Stok 7ia MaltrSe si, paiTsd old,,i Lir1.ed sudonbbgiaof¶iyi t m 7 Boot madrreo,. ' pn pýt o n yox l os-. 17, 1841. fni ndu& (l iWs yte Aur f C riofBnaiava, .2 vols. ise PvIRg BeFFALOtisEStor whic t e a ancuBronzLeluira, 4 esNuum - oln h ix, y ts oln 2 s-aIs PiTzaie , .1,; >1laîîd rouui h. î igSkn Si Ns. 51tepic, iai aia s-npweartiScls ngil ali sa. a teycord, buth eistlIh enof nîtka, 2 VOL . e J.alfa&-'R. bIUg a be g tentl t au assem in- teta95êlî Sla 6 bll-hil hel Ami'oSUG RS Cusi G;the), telosiacüloil3 Ttiolu tion ofhe, heutise rmei»ilLFasindps, sald;as -ca 1 bo e ar 2 lyll e id Ca s o aan pprs-eg crdlStockAb cycafî Britaish Dry Garder,, 2 - t vlu aîeeh 'r ae l5 I 'Il 151h5 Nox s pe , 1 - lMNts iai c a u s y n xi a h h p e os. Ern eatn vl. Ladta er, y a E . L. B, a Rem ecttr e s pc e ten-F r Ca s n E.i. N aSec n ggre . t7su rcsl IVna i, il R R O SE. KingetonMvo l e. Chr i's a . T i lt, o ue ,aBi ater l o , sy the b Kgingafor , Cs ober, the B ri41. 29 Oc gtober 23,1 4 1. j - z 841 e e n t s e r e a l r a i v s e r e e r t i a s t le50 .n S e c i e lHu g n t . , 2 v o l . T i s e D w -te M a n a I t E ?t i i ijo f N T h I C E . n e i Ro O R c1al .&T R LleorMd NShOTo Sdil. 1yMe Gr i-to n h a ir INC B ~+lîî?.22If 'î!.N hce l 2hd. ialeEarpubiato, sAlii ,StaQ arto oatsn. l tna rs OeusDi ma, snieAsbr i Rci- H Rvm al ilal s cae aE .supçiP'UVIL. E.. L b o f é , i e s as so ls ,î fTisee S e c e , ti e a v i a t o n l e v e lle, o r f o D c i s K s p c e a uve a i m e ; C e a s - * i c n u c a , 1 0 k i . C . . - o l l b a s F -_i l._T e o ns o n ' , L d n e L T s i E i s î l h i L-1t s T m l r aue ta d ; G ob i e .r icl r h tu d n Ie projef, cilp on fhs Dyin D cf Ch ar I, a N vby Ls A it . r a t 2l.. An - 9 asis TTsi O N , iioe lent,4 2r.c ma s isg lisrow n âhglrs wo y,- faim a volumeG or La pqSuples c.,luuresalf reau o is. eprtun s i odcl,m, ofl.ie aeb iet K i atu s as . 8 4.ry:- alts#ete ad aaie vasis -.iticýes cc" TA & J R N EI Bany.lleMirat,2,ouintbeworlrallmâ. Pariicliebc atriwitrlLe meNlI>d Àk i-Ao.RAElarge coE.sigmartf oragy Ceelthw , on tlC.A. 1rir nn,s2cvaue$. eeBard t ree sud ibtLiIL ml liEsetaich, a es. tdo. f MLtJs in do,., ti. ',Grcen Sti' ~StoreOppsit r r . y tc n becutysudwm01 HOTu1SIîOCROtu*,,,S former 4adl'Howard Isud rohl..y i.414ea a k î; g ir v' u a r i- Au - isre t v a i q f W h p ,an dil; s u d i n t h e m e S &u in I taI ge s t n e t s a s f C i u ibo , , b y t h e A uSole - rs s v~~i e s u u a h î e a r ' n ~ % J e e a h a r a a n d 0 a u m .B e l M a rT ai e ol.t h e ld1 0 d oo n S o c is '8yX I ' Kuaglcer.35)0 en unu luand auce. ice AmIn-U e e T 2nan,v a. Ruubi i tse o COOKIfi a bov x me m enu, ily 5 Cet 7lteletPSd '~l RN AR OL' ST V di a JOHN HR EY, plainllfe an etns tooaep t Nov.mt 2vl. rmieI s17vo 1i84sd1.teus __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ patrasiage Le isas abrea ~~l socei lsiCo e i A E ) O I A E .hyatelal Y, o f l, Ly tse Asalsr au Bm îh a2 I vols. T OcT -- tanehyai OkIN o uts Td whic.H .ti ebicta s re h. fs-n i ens & Dliea 2aud -is.T.Ii-ped n e ereomn hmtete M ,ca b1%otdcnui h is reus sd ie ulc5tsi .Iiansao Euxfois h o s or t .maeaprvàceuait, lisey Gry, tvl, oAgeathvret>'0 ein the rIe t bsiess, sadia.s -- Mcn..A byadoh rTlzh lr. G aur, -2vA..Ly Y.il u an ieiill eeenedi.H T v r canm.u4,,.,he - esiftmn.I x Iraebs dret t i lodt ise igrthe manery.a i ng MriTana sud teatscf CtiseIinisce B theu S u -CG 8 &I*ANE ir n ngsu , o ing anrisal i.c o e 0 ssel erv dfo ia u e a h at er. 2 volf.ic e )eeriayer er lise Fuit War l'ai-la, - -r T.&J.RCNE '. TR POT È ON T A . osINgtan lann, yE L uw,'i suefr dataewiTCIie uabledtô -sl] st l O tis 0<4 ISP. ~ l'edos RBERS' Kiu sto;N t.X~ 841.31g T eanalsieiyDr. hilto, plces Lyoud hyN'Ceopa,2 vb. Tie Tmwernf ilo K ST EBI', KIm.G TCaqr W W*1 W,* >aLL. îl tR. hMN ROSE. <squmni cuse 0<151]hNv.,discn41.u g e. Erist atres , vl. cBsigsll, S!ema I 8f .j,-2 rat 0fl rîpe , R gRl a, 5 >h ( ) N ti e he f st o asd y: i b iss o W C - ha i l tire- v o i y -< ~ e , 2 v l . o s n s s l l s ç 8 l f a t i

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