Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 30 Nov 1841, p. 4

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TUE INÇTO~IIRaAL> UNI i - H AV£ YOU A CO)UG?-D asamm eleet t NEW i T houneai, etsa aprefflimudeatb 33&aKDw AaU Ua oua , for tlac waft Of a ritti. ttetIlon ta a commutancOla!. TUST RECEIVMbla i e SMburiberoud i al -Have yu ogagi T?-Rev. Dr. Bartolemem'y4a0 be salit 1cm for Cash, a gemul asortment cf EzpecMin"t Syrup, iasf. melicil prescription, tRONVM<NGERY, CUTLEBY, 4c, eastteinitig ne piýOo1eI4 dîur, and! u-a in an ex- Cep.snz Ecgtieh, Saredes, flaisaan, ad Three tensive prtci for sevral y.-ar, till n'est pea- Riv o àsIeès, Rank reifetêlIrant.Rouiaandl tively affor I relief, and sie.-voi fî,s i i t &ai ulSqlàre [0lon rai, iooça andl Banad Ire; Blister di"as -aiep.oiry c nsiîian, tirh no and50 CA-T Sus. Staet liean and Tin Pla.e.: se ait, isee'- grv ian' o-; ,ftie r S19.th .'-Cîper, Bras, Zern, anad Leua; Toa. B ike Oldit ar, te a.!i, g !and F i,h Kettle, Saucepans, Stewipana, Bol led abatîtia a cths aaýclIo Sp ta dlal t !!T0P-- , nd HOi.AW IVAsEof ait a4nrs ; Gravel and n Ietts o ths E i-r, satSylla e da> Iraa.Slîvsri, C0t Seel Sjades and! SIsvele, esorrose lady bait't tlac. Conasen Sjndes; Sc>thea oeil Scythe Stenes, Fla. yo acegb -B ît!olmw' Es.'c'- i',nur e ad liay Frka; L«,oil, nTrac. ai tant Syrup ja lise oly rmecsy yen shootatke teashrCan;esta'.eIBIovsna ie; Forthice iîirea.a -ht iet<eefteFire Irons, Do-, Irons, PicLaita; Cit Nals of e Fttis pld ains mIeafi.T hat i n o re of aitahe isperot qoaltt, loe, Clap and Chiit Na!, B. thouan caes illra l as 'enofid, l fit B. Horie Nails, CruesaCn, Pt and N4111 Sawe. cd te relieve. I-airow Tet-îh, Herse SIsocs, Cast and! Waggonl Fer sale athtIe rog store ef C nstock tir 'Co., Bx.$, &r..&-r. 71 %aiden Latte New YVo k. and by aeey Dru-- oîia',CA&RpEETERr.'AND Cooecasý1 Tooes ai Sgt in Kilaîgsten, an naljeCaaaad. creat vaiiety. EnglisIs ana! Anerican Auzes; F0r sale by N. Palmier. -l____- ~ B~~ et, izs cea Io;Fes, RE~IOVAL.Sitha' Warding, Cabinet Màlkera' anti Mill Saw, THE Suschribeagb8s'in, removed teirtitck of waund andi b.df round ; Pwe, sig n pit- iately eccu1ied iy J. as atiu. & C., sto0w 0a- eoig nesiaiailter and Ttace Bepc; Bed Card pcning ant additienai sopply, aang w hicb Oî.Y andl HatobreLic.p- b. folunt: Sates, Suite pncil, Bade,,Neck laces, Seuil Boxes, nL tanaa, Inalliale mb tieen Peî, <Rosl-er's) Ta'd. Kives and! Forka; Brtchete', Q'IlisWatrsSeaingWa., Fsh ions &Li-ýsSh(an.ak-r., Sa'ller' Jack anal Pen Bives; illge, afevaiat, eleï W., lFash> tlecbK ey%,a-sSc*iAfos, RWzrs; Brtannia ?aiatdl TràPara; lrer' gra v ii N d,ea e ' usicWlot. ry, , Brit.aeai , Plateda ad Germen Silver Tee, Deaaet Violine, ana! viln gaoes ana! String, Accordiin, andl Table Sruoem.; Baanad Jaisanncd CàniOLz Razora, Seizznr, Peu and Pocket Kuives, R.zr $i xs;Climping Ma(ie u, &c. &c. etrap, Walts, Peeket Boks, Kiaid tic 1eî- PAIN"U AND PAINT STUFFU. us,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Sl Si.Aaacec satnstc paisnai Bist Whlite Lad, edry ind!in il. Bet B.d Perfasmery cf ail kinal, Plain ana! Fane gela!Fnger lea«Id 0 io. Venetian Red. Spanish Brown, Rios n! iores, Est rings, clIver Tiibles 1 Blue, Gren, Vellosa greon nal amci. Yllem a-.11 varety of thea- articles simtable for Town~ Ocite. Lambs Back. Haw and IedLicLna.ed and Coontry dealers. Oi. Taia-1entine. Mineai and Vegetlablo Tar. T. & . R IGNEY. PaIrs. Paît. Coppera. Windew Glasacf al Rue. d natand her Brushes. Cainels bair 0been cassa! foi mnsthe, tea aulone mIse miii aae a boula cf Hoaliue.* aifor t.Ir Plies wjth- ont bing curea!. 0 boaasl3l .on stance buha ait ee cf a cure. Propf evernIsel- ming ta bboitad mIero, it la mIa!. Iv ia a cet- tdim cre in searly eu" cme. 'citemtally in thse tolowia R Car.piibbt.4 For tIse Piles, ~Tagiissofe the cheat For ail Droîasy, especa.U1y in chidme, iainder Fett, Foui Ukceneo! thse legs, Sore throat isy cancerç or other fonuns aures, or ulceas, !Iawe ver aissilate or WbVopingrongIs. Fess Woaîns, Scala! Head 1Chilblainb &c. &c. LOOK OUT. Saine SwindiUers àatce emrilefeiled tbis artide amipu Jnlup sellAtc'rmrnus detaà.e. Do not le - jaSdua. Onie tiýt.aag erly wIl protect jeu-4t la the naine of COMSTOCK & CO; tiant noue muast b lohays 2n the wsropper, or çon are ebeat- ed. Do not for-et it. Taie thia direction math ytu, and test by tIsaI, ci atever boy it; fui it ia iesible foa ai other tu be troc or genun. Slibv COMSTOCK & CO, 71 blaiden Lin., New York, and! by overy Druggist in Kingston. and! in Canada. For sale by N. Palmser. VAIIIETY STORE. Yo. 4. Garrrat'a Buddiagir B ROAD CLOTH, Cacimere, Wotd Plaid, Casieoet, Cambileleens, Tweeds, Cintoons, Moleshins, Veatîng. IB tise Piece or Yard, a fine assoaîanent of Ii Lnens. à Enilisanl reSILs Go oN1l.,fgr anli laind rechGbsle tpr.t i.r d pai TaintLDRESSEï. Moustine de Laine Dresse, Cambtirk de. SHAWLS &ND DRESS lltANDKERCIIFS- )--j u E are 1 at Wi Haineé. Estilea dernier. sable, la the saLit autheait wrm Buraii tie va tical tl e: dnty f Chayf DEch Drn.s eNai Kin inforu ame attel their Col comtl 1 NOTiC1'F 'eby gîtes tthlie un&tieaaaid per'sans Il a te td tecslTjnte ffect tise l1as1felaO"L h.lae . G. l %therelüar it erensladebteal to theI i f thse Igte Mr. (u. H. Hlaîstea, vietiser bai Ncée çr nth.rwee,,wili ples puy'the us- tia ipates midi as little ilela>'asu-I keieaIpersîssua aving clamas ng51155î i Estate vail present their acceunts doly ticacal fa-r payaisnt. Excslo-. MIARYFSIOO AN ,ao lY catar ~l 2edJone, 1841. i aacils. Chinz, Printa, ced Mendiin. LIGHT ! LIGHT!! An a5soe:tnnec of Brasasald Wotien CLOCKS, Culture of ait Deccipions. coueir CAa WELL'N CAsSPIIia OLA»PXKT.D'cgalaa a 4i nu,.Tiread, Nerf Cap, nuat Collars, andl Coif.". puticK 5AKT AMa TI STOVES of ail descraption-s. St1e pipai. BONNETS. --t RS SdeAa-ETOa of rcI' nros Alrcedeta. t fPaeJpuad i Dunstable, SIav, asud Tissue, latest fasiions. ER SN astepavtOd ie tigo IeNai lc I AE ele ad r anaoret- Ladie,' and! Cbildren'a Parasols, just rereivea!. pga tin a W uiatupaltheottlsinabofvie Lapa r der t sho!tinotice. Gentlemsen's Hala anal Cap, Boys Caps. T oi, ae rquetea! 10 laove ame a meordsa tr N Keao, JAES 'OELL. GLOVES. fe t e us e ta lffic e cte etieoppsiate Store__i., n41,Jaoase 2ad, 1841. Io Ladies long amul short Kidl Glovse, Midi th ubcibrs fic n rckSret apine -do. d'a, do. Lice Mitîs, J"oe Ma-. Fosyth's esidence. Tîts-Casli. ]uits .9 FUEII 1FUR§ Ido. SuS Glevesoetaleolors. donse E. B. PALM R ESubsca-ter respectfully informa the TwildReatanti gaebleisea Shrting bhoi Kingstosn, IStîs Octoter, 1841. iT ladlics anal Gentlemsens cf Kingston tisat anmUion lîsti egailaititce nth oto N. B. To tisose viso are unactitelS Vitis tIcy hav.e ,-ceivea! per- Great Britaie andl aa!Uinamsleeyotsrsail bts cto ths peculiar arlvantagea of tise Camphisie Oil lasc, onc ofthtie lar-geat ana! test assortanents of CLOTHING. gv aoier rtier Ol, i may ho tatea, flthat i lacot af- London Manufacio'realFRS ve fera fr AtH ie aeo tiic e oa ci FUS, nir oféred or Alargo asaentmnent fteaoeatce etg fecteil by frot, no; vill i sil acy article tisat Sale un this Market' coc'sitittg l' Part au fol- coctantly on band, madle la tisetest manna'r, ana lited mcy hoeiturateai by i; ana! it le aieaper tisan love:ctehfoecsh bn oier artificial light nowv l e 5. lit is pote e- ADESA foSrS MFFcahSJ'STCK.Th a,71 Eeagl sis, Frencis11sasa! AiceticAND StocksTC fKailsuita s7vgtable, paa-ectl sale lna sus e, and! opPO. Chinchilla, Geantemen & Youtha nts.Fec n mrcnSoko i ite in ils nature t Spirit Ga. Lustra Lynx, Fine Santis Ses Seal, , !scriptions ; Satin, ioaic andl figuaca, Frenchît ou NOTICE. Sihoian Squirel back, Sable, l.atir.hsinee, Prutella, Silk and! ValenciLa, sond Il 120 a . CONS vould repectul e ev a Sveaidicîî S.he, Chinochilla, oaust atailiîer kinas. paal N nomthe public generally cilat Ie bas ad-' Fitchs, Squirrel back, aindOLAOâelisss raitted a-ýNrJoH- LoUTIT, Of Glasgow, as a P'ART- Britis Sable, Nul ria, COLLARS. F, roit in tise Dr-y Gondas busisness, andalfa-nustiis date lia-. & Blk. (irunetî, Astraan, LacieJ Caîlars ad Cap%, Threai, Lare, Boiîtett pFu lise business vilI Se rocalurtesl under the usame i limitatioun Sable, Russia Lamnb, n!Mulprt ielaautstl oipeiquîtr ana! fia-m of COONS & LOUTIT; analanui lirl& WIi'of thes, MoL Firiste andS. Auliy et the samne time itate, fint M. I. . I itan Fre-v.ch>lNtirti', litation Seal, A(fwrssso oîgHsnTs yii u Glasgow, anal bas and! aili pecaouslly aelzt tise AND) CLOTE CAPS. .A lechet Yie sn te a!ai -wbll gonids for the Establiolame at, ronsflec diff.reît ALSO, TRIfIMINGS & FDGINGS, te sa!it eyns w fer Cash. markets an Gre-at hiaitain. tIer rry govng evrry' lre, hL, & lou2Gaucoi, flair Seal. o Ail, h e varis caus te hrallei n a' ontesî. totL advaatagn ariicg roua urh cireunatanve', and ArngolaiMasLt-at, or'learIl, an owases fait yurseasees,-insait an.a!cst-a theaeby eîsabliîag the parties to sel tliisa,-],OsiALSO. Pes al n e o us e, ult n ûs as le, Wholesale or Retail, as aîuy othec Eislatc- 1ImItatîco Sziblai, Seuilh Sos Seal. ,iice,-and much ieand Sasarns'el, ntiIti basase i eva-y cx-S. IV. BRADY. ana! lisisment in tIse Trade; part of the 'iouleni lIoosI Marin, SablIe, Kinigston, 7is May, 1841. Cr asarivehornd ebalai ,iSv dv ex- 1strril barls, MTOFitSE, Boti pecteal eanal aith er hip "Tscuuiseuî, 'irCaii FuitI. liiîk, TC) LOTS te Glasgow, adohrs ia- fom Liverpool. Ld0Fur Mttas uta-a, r 'VO or 'THREE codBUILDIGLT Kingston, Jet Octeiea, 141. limitation do. Llovea & Ir BancK STREIcT, ýin lise Tome cf Kaingtoni l rpI folzwi.. -.-,- - aunleteEssbrol f JO:IANNA BROWN. - re tGents. Furm Coliars, &c. May 1, 1841. il. scrihor a c oomeatdcd tte i*:e Oc 0 %i,,uo-A lýrge assortireant of Squiaril 1Loch _ _ R A DIG18î Faniliee. '; Sas Ir, S:ibeian Squirril, WVhite Coney. Black O WRtN -81 Camplsoratea! Tootb Powtlair, viii'sî Gruisett, Astracan, Lustria,. Nutria, TIIE unaersigni-d, vils ceat anal efficietT Peasiae ia,. ýrcsscb Mati, ana! South SesSeal Skins.A 4î maa aemuepaprleaecrycts BasaaicTiatre of hyrrh, 1atsi n theFu in~ ie aadetIo omlea, adae- FORWARDING BUSINESS betixt lKiusoNa, Infants' Mixtua-e, piigdn tfl hretntc.Pîacora, ictermealitp laces,sad MONITREAL, ty Conceotrateal Essence of Gangar, pariioiaone at Ilue i Foencht notice.c f thse ST. LAWRE1~NCE, ondertlie Firna'f Ii do do Paeppermint. i 'tic, a îaiw Ma oga' Fen Iteales, yFERGUSON St M'GIBBON, MONTREAL. grau do aI0 I. V iii] Rua-inig Chiar-, common, cane, ana l ïag M'GIiIBON & FERGUSON, KiINGSTON. blai Actibîious l'ils, , ],rlvmed Clatra as great oaiety. Lookinie FacigIs of Gornds upivac, cai.ed aitogerbser se. Sp]i Vegelsable Extraut'foc the lHaiI~ fail descraiptione, anda s ew thons.n coidii'taa e veglt, an] eI rates as reassinable as Pt.ý Pot PouarriPiovier, ' ~ ~ ~ ~ o iihvlothese cf acy aotiers in 'lise tIde. tIsa Currie Powalere. E l w 'orCash ALEX. FERGUSON. S&a Ilarnesa Vaiia. iM.L.GREN& O.JOHN M'GIBBION. 3. I-. BRE af Th. piv0_& Monîreal, Açril 26,!841. S____ '>. Ot. 2stb, 18-11. ___ Dugg s 1 N. . '"li bihes prce i.dfora aiLnde of jUST ÈECEIVED AND1)FOR SALE,- Sî 'an! F tra ai ieir Store i n Q ary St -et û300 LBlS. Frasis Clorer Si-rd, Fr-an Garaden Seaiis, vlsolesale andi retal, 1110 Plougîte, superier patteres, m 60 aoz. poisbaid Cast Steel lices, R Y L 1AL TE ER .10.0 ci Minera- FoiS', Ro ROYA MAL SEAM RS.400 Legs WIila,Graien, Bluze & Redl Palota, EA 1,ake Onoarie and Riv-er Si. Lctorence. 500 gallonas test liailea! 0i, s'sPIHE PI'tllic are liiforiesîtisaItIshe folloting 20Sopair KlîlesrceCans NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. . are thes aranmictS l«ibis aScastmn 20 ais 'eIsia! rac CAI. e H T te Lardsanerd oiherr, Ceissio.srO f LAKE ONTARLO. Store iSreet, ingg tal S LAdiR. e Hosplsa ialiaL, bave bec pleael lu di- i Irircn ingttnnd Tiironto FeI. 23, 1841. F rect tîtat ail PINstoNEhO ni tiFORoSICK HEADACHEt tie pa! Lb tIse Coammîissoaratisiaunilappe-am bc- tuthielad,-CITY 0F 'TORION5TO, Capt. ERTAINC URastEFOSti s aaiîEADAer CH- fore an Officca- of shat 1epartmrent, etthuenstatiaan I DaeL. C wihbsfeaue c 4ile.vr en vhere tbey usually recreve tîsoir lensions, fosrI F Rt>M K I NG ST ON ila csf 'ebiri bai ha! sick beaaiacise froa ifancy, .the purpose of ansateaing ceatain Iîteri'ogaalcriesA t 5alf 1 at 7 a'lnck Evenine, Sunlay, ana! as ai ctatil fin eeinstanpeamet md ha r- ip ü rderea ta lie put ta tileran; Iich answaers tail Tlacsidl, tise St. George. ai fntsl eeeyisac e nv-a aftea-vamdeSeccotoparcî w itîsib the i«t r f AI 8 ainiok Éerîiog, Taisday andi iriday, tbe auuaaticg tas many isndreds. Il s col nuplea- cru theMens Srviesandoi terdor ev tte tise tate,, na! ilcesnont lrevenl the daily itIe M esevies anal, uthlier ocumets ep I At - Naagnrnnd, ascy , vcations cf one eîing ; it îmuâtsi e peseverea! ite! i hese lositsi vtî svsw to tflic:A- 8 'clerk Eeia,'Vdisls clStrain, anti tisecure isi gradue, lot certain ana! peros- idcntity Seing cearly esftablished. 1fîlse Ciyof Trono, nent. Instances anc cocsîartîy motipyingwmiene Tiis Examination val1L e ttiken i ta-ceen tile sol arrive at Toronto early next day. The abatteIbsdsrsnec plîla upetyrlivd- laI Octoisor ana! 3it Decenaber trs ana! tIsase Stescacas awit lhe arival et the Montreal Mail antI crea, altbeugis of yeara atanding, Sy thse use Pensioners vue do fmt appear vithin thiai lniod lia t îoston. fD.Satisclbae!rnel.Oedcdt for thse puapose aI teing examniea!, ailI eceive jFIZ O M TO RON TO oanrecnsc il lebraatesshavingOn;adc tie cetuatier issue ai Pension lîeyond tlic illat De- jiAI 1-2 1 scick Noon, Menulay anti Tlursaly tise iaseaing effect cf commeon drtiag. t tomber, 1841, nrd Ihir ansvers have hi-en sent 1 Niagara, Nie usa mdFiî ie Il i5se petfectîy catisfactory, tisai tise roeîtnr te Chelsea, anal a notificutr receivedIl titat suds At 1-2 o5clock NoTedyadFia h a 1emos pove attfscocv.Caiof ui'eioboagiven dcection for hiu agets ta refond tise ti veyc se h Pleianea- vilI ho equiccil At 12 e'clork Neon, Wedîîssday anti Saturdav puceteayccisusetpea!viSan!tr fI&tas ite ry cas trcirpadi ad. te t re' .corsi!by il. He bepeç alto filst ibis may seciare tio-tabirtotif e P a e o ne)-n ilsPercaiAndadarie tKigeoe lnetmrnn. h tsg«test iecefila ie tedistressea soferteravWho -tin hoeto (f e hveos) ltsPa-cben A!arive als Klet Cborgana! Port Hope,caris làboing traier Headacbe. *Ccm"cate trocs bis Regiment. aInt ot ci 5 iixtr E. Speiso, M. D. Iniventer anti Prefrnifl comssasriat, lngdlenvy. COM STOCK & CO, 71 Maaidlen Lame N. York, F .4itad Octobsa, 1841. 25 And tise i CUityf Tomnte" aili !eave Toronto anal y ea'rv Druggisinb Kingine ani in Canada. ,i%ÂME iîîî the enclosure ofthîe Sutecaihor, fot Niagara ana! Lewistan <very Meculay Mot. UkJ. abaouitise middle o Octetuer, a da-k brownisa ng ail8 o'clock, an d tturn ta Toronto lne isee.ONS LE le icf eqetd apov r- rnone. AiteeZabscriWe's Tf7wktsaie lVncehoes, & oW.TIsh ae arqsac epo- aa RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. FRONT aTREZT, oper!a pay cha-gae, anti taLe Ser awaZ. Belipn CinglUSon&»ûslknSn's Landiaig. C HOICE SINES. 1Jwsi inso,3 oln., sa.-BOKVLE Cp.0autl, l QR. caaBlackturn'a Madeira, IN I avcmpKietonS, aln.,qFinimKingston aI 9 i*cloek Moriing- Buntay, )5isha!a. ?O.IMsCore8 Por, t Octoier 26 1641%5'aadsaay anti Friday, 3 tir. cuireOIt WANTEO, Frons Dickinson'a Landing ai 4 o'mlcck Mariin, 10 ba!la.a JOURNEYMAN TIN 'SMITH. Nouse (or on lise arrivai ofthtie Mail fronMeotreal) 5qr es 1 Jpre Cae, T A necal appîy excepi a goand vorkan of e -Tua.eday, Tsuadâan ad Satirdiy. 25 basksChampegne. " Victaula and,» ai steady habita. H. ILDERSLEE , CapI. Boumons ALEO-FRUSI FRUITS, fi JAMIES POWELL Frein Kingston eit 9 'clock Moriing-Tueidayo Nomus n transita freins New Tort. Ca Kingstor, Nov. 2, 1841. Tlaursday ana! Salmniay, 100) boxes fraiS Orangea, f HORSE'S% HORSE'a. Freins Dickinuess Landing a 4 aciock Mcrnlang, 50 dco tic Leurnsis, F OR Sale by the Subecrihor, thse proipry of (or on tIse arrivai cf thse Mail fism MaMntrea) 10 talae, aie Pie Apples, tbHont. 'r, W. C. Murdloch, a Chaulant -Wedaiesalay, Frler ana! Seuily 100 boxes bmsatel Baisani;,a IIORSE antd MARE, excellent mates aand!fast From aragemets whmlicis have isen matie mils 50 ha' boses dtic i SasIale aui Harassa, pea-ecly sautaia ad have thse Upî.er Canada Stage éica tlean Boat Caope 25 mette pipeir aboli Amndes,a been riieou by ladies. ThSe bernes nsay ho asen ny of Mcuteal, Passegera bolmeen Menuisai aid 50 doiss léige,G i aI, the Stables of tise . A. Ilotel, Kiiaslo, arrive ai th.se piaces e thse alterneeca 50 fesey boxes Pranes, COLLINS & hINES. ofmi t seco eei dy. 10 aga Conrrante. î::n«stOn, 3t Oclober. 184leTise abave Boita naïf at Ganaseeque, BmCchille, Aise, dadiy eapeied direct fronamts MeLosnm Maitiania, Presteo, O.-doeurgi, ?iatila andi Docki, FOR SALE. Witiaan-burgh etch may. le0 Ibtie epesa CseCgaa Brandy, >fBARLS. Lae HarieWhite Fitch, ibis B-ggagc ad Porcelir t theriait cliliasOIautu, m I e d TI.n 30pJale Catch. iiotu lka n eeiud foet reio 10 de apbonaWhisk, i HUGH CALDER, Lake and PRiver Sem u Ofce10 doCasceblttasisk,1 Kmn<tem, .Novomber 91, 1841. Luagt Ma,, 141. ic25esseus blMw Gn, T e? oeataatly la the roeipi et gsChemù_i-, c. c0bde otr cale, Perfurnery, "c &e, themiw ' m odutn FOR SALE. M1 de Al. trm h me ui'etbl M8"Hoe My Subeulber mi a.p eembutm hebaJAMES SROWN,Jessie. I ho ta act aiacaleEnliliHose.~ . eru!bh muocf Navlgilc, td, 7tI Jaes,1841. lie dnisi apesu as uisaoetimMie,è cts ' VAN.CsfhmIaie lheec iais, by tie se etcftgnd mtevah, by OsSdeT.3.11,J.S'lb. lmta ILeeffl »mbtpuice. t tuiouceecou mSalan asA i sWw mamet uuult a fCahTa1_hNE 'a or burts. areisp cc . 8L-A NKIS IFO6-R SÂiL J. W. BRNT CmerilWhr. RUGU CADiE. u ». d a EMORALil1r metd >rugw Ar 4pCouimerca lieuf.E.U. = = d otieB L A I, i lseat Kisg.eîreet, "O' - to ltha 1 >rerîety br "uaietthe gi(jI i HJ AVE eired tlisir Comis anal Fanrv fa-enstise Cernet cf Store & Montreal Sti ao Ibe pa-emises iately occopiea! by J. W.s'sKi Co.3 Store Street, Kingstn. slore 'e et, Na & FORS E YTEt 1S1UBS2CRIcEaR sea .F.,FfJ oea1, BOA2ichcla sa 50ý0R.sIl. & T. RAE. Kiagfn, t42ftls July, 1841. FRT Cl ASf S BtrmOyarDINGP O UsS Ei glej r en im f dalel.-Pscso T HOSE extensive and coamoioius premisces asear thse Mansion Iloose RaId, an Store street, oves the business place cf the Subsei- bers, being now fiasea!; peents an excellent opportonity for tIse opening of a merpeclailedpri- rite BoutorItas Hocnag.. Tbcy are situateIna one of tise mogt central anti allgible parts ofthtie T~own; contiguisate tIse Steas Boat Lansaiaiga, su e! 'ala pal Io telp. T h e B uili nag me a us fla- mugV'y fise proof seitla. possible t. nak. if, & ti>rec spacious elegant prit-at. Parieuse, sand twenty Be4i Boms. Tise iascreasiiig business of tise Metrop.olis, anti the great iascoSveniencc isitherto cxperien- cati for mant of socl a.ccommodationa, offer great aglvantàges, te sisls p ereas uare calculatetilte canuslct an Eatalliists. Applicati-.-i-f by ictter poet-paiti.u-y lh. madle te ARMSTRONG & GREE1L Kingston, 28h Anguat, 1841. ors na!tisepubi genos ie isai oma recesiotia prt f h rnpl e t = ou c Glago, ntih.d=lyexca Pme Great E=ai & logla% îargsps~o Goudu, the mhcle of mhtis mil fessaoosto f the haut assmetft in Canada. ýThIsA "ad ani Gentlemuen w * =g e plythessasolros ils Muai lom ei t ai anti examine hie e"tkgbmzeaa, BlIu, »dtiClti, au tlaey iee gto ha sorpesueili chmpmesof mpiciamCsrpo t o peneti, emm very Wu. WILSON. Kingaton, 213ti Sept. 1841. E. GRANE, IRCnNTECT & BUJILDER.K OULD annouico tu the lnlaabitattiof Kingstoni, titat Lie i preparea! te execute cgs of everv description coaanecteal with zi,&c ,a'id if reilui-sa will suPea-intena! )rlii;btein'prçogres. .Froin bislong paac- expea-aence in the business, Fe feeld coni- af gtauing every satisfaction to those wbO atou.r bin with tiseir orders. jar"v mo(3.rcte. office cer '-%r. S. Boy- S, tore Street. .B. Disputei acocunts. adjustea!, ana! work srea! on tis hatest notice. igstea, Oct. 12, IS41. HA T MAINUFA4CTURER, QUARRY STEET, j Apublie bas gratefisl acknowledge- R motfor pit support -ahile in the fia-mof Twedaiel & Wr-ight, anid woula as thena that he continues tise bus ittees at the estand, wisere he isopes, isy punctuality and tion to busities, to e nolt a cOntinuance Of ýfnvors. înstantly cd bo hnd, best Beaver, Neutra, unon For, ana! Wool Ifats. Li orderL, esther cash or appa-ovea! ca-eau, fa-or ntry merchatîts, thankfully receivea!, an tually executed. ýingaton, l7thAug., 1841. FOR SALE. HE subsc-ibe-, w ishiasg te mIna-n to lais na. tiVe soil, 1eELAtND, to wliich lie is invites, having sea-ea 25 veiars of Lis lie in the Band! District, l>rovin;ce of Canada, avilIadis. e t h , la c eo in -A d o l p hU sto * w .h e re e L h s business tu 9good accountPossini h lace l r oLu ocupied byr.Mc.Jo.n C rsv heeie Lasdoe an! cotinues tu doz ) taae to the extent Le uses. Mucîs coul done w ith a gnea-al assoriment of (iood oi countr-y tal. hot prernises ana! out buildings Lav e ter table conveniences, vîtb tha-ce acres of lai ina! the bouse ana! buildings; tise Nwiîtb acres frouithtIe place. lie ofièco iith tt] û, 4F3 acce.,îof GOOD LAND, exceiallenit Bli à omae /Apple Traese. Tubtii totise tlau [il ana! free la-on incuaiîbrani'e. For ternas appîy at the Ilerajld Offien, or te tb 3rieta-oaaonthse pceuaises. *JOHN W. FERGUSON. Adolpliustowiî, lot Oct. lauI. OOKIN GLASES 1al.sucnd (-'!lt -à Ba-usbe', Faîu'y Gilt tiuat'anal Vesat lua o, Rtazuci', Iocket, l'en & 1)ek Kasîves3, Sei is, (icrsoalsaIir (uih' poas.Sgro iFocho, Notarial WaferF, Steel liens, Pli àRuled Lebtter Foolscap la 1wpr, l'aintin ads, Vi-sitiîsg do. Dcawinîg lPaper, atnd Bris-t ira!, jiiot recciaed ma!d frc -I, T. & J. RIGNEY'S. Cutuib ana! Faîscy Store, soeic iK ginntti July, 1s41. GRUDPLASTER AND WATER L1XIE- IHF sutscrihea- has now on hand, sol effetsf - sale ai tbe :Stone Milla lne Mat> aburgh, ;00 tons of PlasIer andl 300 barrele of INiter Limit, Whicis te tan furnisi le Lais cîtatoners, rsrefui runda!ndo ra..dy for use. -Aise, costantiy ad> THRAS EING 1111CHINES of the.mn pprarei! kiaids. lie wiil guararite sesil Grou asticat lot% er rates than can te iniporlea!, te ipropri"torcf an exten.sive qatarry in tise DAVID 1U. LAKE. Stne Mili", lot February, 1541. As5 Cleap as lite (heapeal, ad os gioil as te best.. k T ' I I~ E S u l s c ri le r hag q l a v e to ii fo r îi th e " î u l- lic gen'rally, tIsat hobas ruii'ia' a!bis Fîîr- nitare W-.re Roon t 0fbis new iitt', recelisly ci-cta! in Moiitreal Stieet, tlirI dos, it aimtIs corner cf S.oie Street, ana! tesi te Mr. 'rlihMio's Grorrry Store.- -iite isilI lav>sne founitan " neral assortira-ct cf RE.'DY ýl;%DE FUIINI- TUIlE, cf the test qalalit., and l sAst Pattvva-tinsi prices te suit intenin-itîgpsios. Pairsonsadti- tous of purctasing are raspectfully miidteoIý,e a rail. As the Subsctibet i7 coti,itl'y îmanu fi- ou ing fr sale ana to ri r, tht'vccis a 5a L t îopplaed witla any aiice hurtmaoy raijuiri-. T. 0 . BUTLER. W.Na-E'-.A varnisîiendOii l'oluoSlear. T. 0. U. FOR SALE AT TIIE SUBSCRîBERS' AUCTION ROONIS. SNE ,'FCzrlisli-, 200 yi]s. 6 total Ttasýii Spa'ols, i Case P"ins ansi Naelfles. 1 do. ililoW F iataiso, I Bleit inuted 'i'aoclu'îa VF0-e.rtp' . 60 Pinces'Whiaie and! Redis] i -- uI, -250) do. lileachra! ana lil-f Cisle LJCoitv.s, 3f) do. RuatDaiBaik, WSlily1 y te B ,rl, SoIt aa. (an. 63 Box 's 'aindoit Glosa,. i CýsseT.inhsouned Musiin ColI,.uo, i i. Neei-aiîr aikci! ]c. 6 doza-o lîus'els Lace, I case assoti-i Calicos, 1 dao. lls'L,k 10 MISîsCa-usheal Sta5an 150 isaxes Suap, 1 rate Ginglsarn Hocifkeiclaief%, j de Indià SIS Bandonnas, Boliniinela, a.E'gings ana! Lices, liosa! CCllias, Beaver Clotisa, Stîiçae Carana1s, & vatîcua otlart articles athicis il la neellesa b a-slu- nîrale. -rrN..rfNr COLLOLSNSeHAINES, COJMIISSION NERCHANTS, AUCTIONEERS, Cerner of Brode- assai Waaier Mrecie, Oprasite Mr. Arttior Fsster'a Gtocety, ana! in tIhe imsmediate vicinity cf R. Scob-lI , a anîl Mlessir.. 1acpberson St Co. ana! San- derson -& Muraiys Focuuaralsiîg E tatlislsmetat5. 1841. CAT. 5M. N. TUStOOt', WILL PLY, duiag thse seasau of navigatiac, WD AILY ieimeen OsWEGO andl KZNGaToN, ieaving Oawve.o every aorsing et 8 à. M.; aMsd Kingston every eveaiag, on tihe arrivai eOflise Baats item Prescaîl. Foi fliigit or pamae, ppij ta FiTZHuon & Ce., Osego. KiaSTON, ROM6 & Co., Kingston. AilI 27,1841. DENTISTRY. T tndd u he'ncibe, bu inducesl binas to decide ibei ho wili renacw lis fa-ilY te0 thIsa place sen as uho can procurte a rest* <Jnc. Ho will b. lound et the Lambin Bous etaipreent. Preii wmTuasosptible Trr (usasurMpOS cd in beaeî maid cawsal appeatace,) alwi*v B bian»d. Kiagegosa, GdJuIy, 1841. 12 701t, R&LX BY THE SUB8CRJER- King Sbieet, Dec. 2!ý W. RE l'-ai tLae 1" ,) l . a0 t I lu r " a a s K . t, , I t ' t . i , . . . . TfieizeýI i ie i S EVERAL E .UIN, 11s qs H be ohtAii-îý' i ,I i ý Ii't1 ., 105 aidi stiatei or1 ii .îT i C ..iii lieorga's Clasici. RG:îl<E ]. 71 4 . Mat, I ia 10 Ir 'ut T<so 1. 10 ll'i. 10 lài.l'l~r 16 lîoxcs ' vsla , 20 Iog aoisCi- 10ligaS . iiifl Cdii 40 rea-is il-, 20 oria'elt fi 'n'ier 120 il,Tro ,liara.ýI wolesecnsuiti funo, 114 T I Saiot la-ndii on i fmore dIiect a-' thetl, ai]lii2 î ý Fself. oua er <iiYi.1 K-Vascet onSep.stsog ci m e - 0 'Y efOuItade ts cis i ive nd"'e part ni Great Jlnital, on 119JST ET B IOg A NU FOR SALE Il 'ljfl of i oheY et n a d a , n e liud i g aIe i slu "'î <11 ,j A4.-Fre:sttheiret' i cnt'w ment cf CONIBS Of811ai l r O are enablea! la-l tbo bel s T e th is a n dti hbe ar f ir m e, Il, r 1i Goodll , îy as14 - .1o.n anti Cuîtriydealers f 1ir,,, A tmdzalrfSba'5 scelbtd A4XES fer sale st KioplOU, BIb Jone, 1841. PUBLISIED EVER 30 xOD WAC At h W ffice 9in B 5le4~ " wisete anl rdeaimI1 e 1I~1 vmaet-nall tte, . --,te. ta tise Editer. IEV O S4DIGLIE NEWt hie RD IS. LwUNcE. Va the AO rerSiawrence aINRABOCK VLLEKIGMO NiTitI INTRCVILTE, PLCES.T DOSS, MATI HIE & C.,. ut 3Mertreal, îASTON, R{OSS & Co. ni J?îockvelle 4- Kingsoni W ITH ittw and! improveal Barges, vili h i-s Vpared aitie cpeaaaag c f tise Navligation, tsi te Passage tn Eassiscraist;and oi]1transpuort Proi. rty- of ail dtsctiptiens wilh uncrrasei] safcty andi liesatch. Preigias upwacdia charard'o b l jWEIGHT 4' et ateis redaitri below lie 1acaff Pt-k ns exagaIrd for geais pc.st. TIse Subscriiaera, Item le., f4cilita-s whiob tisey poss aena! Ibeir detea-isnatiain te J- tise Isiaaess atoatea! toe ibn satiaacl..tiiy, tîtsst thot tisey wil nazimanal anad menit a sha 'e o!Ptaalic suapport. (Sigaied,) MATTHIE, EASTON, & Co. JAMES ROSS, HENRY EASTON. Jin.iary 1, 1841. 33 Fv alsui. "Yok Hlte, 'NuYSTER1OLS.-A gentlemaaoîn ging te U 11-û'.-Žt ý îs M L o eelflthe m ent ancent ana! we Lt y f si _ tend sticily t i-o' i, lies ni Ibis rlit>', isba mustt e ell knoovasona- aI saouha! Ol,r t ithe 4~14ai5 merrnus friendi,hala-,gslce lise jear 1818 uap le setisl-ibi- recentlv, taienltenit neriy double, anal 1cr sevenal taui of al hilai- asa-ai, yesrs canfanea! le bis be-a, bas been ies-orea! ta ms t tck-1 -b ~ 'iu goci Inlieita-bis regaineil bis nattutai erect J'<i- Iy tbat thL,- la s-1 n, . I . tien-atîsîbas qîlîtteal bis csrraag,andur ae lkçBlno o~ 'a .,~- vus ciàse %V .a belicrc tis is late gont!enlanýs ,oilet tait! out a- ; osas descripationas a near as prissiIsle , sondt4.ie iNU, if ' l bvisana , n a .-iaggeralio îai it. W e aitilI gise ioq aira-r s a is 1 at> iaQ -li a -ie 'I ai addra--s, anal deubt flni fia s bu n e vi a i ilI î A la ,] ] arti.:5 h excuie tire liberty ; suO htisa 5>' oedoutai la, niasrua-t.lit sof tl,î'-'tae sr.' !-.. knousithese tacts-tbcugh ieb.requ s, lis 0% "-us'le utas],. A î.. na'ntappear il, priait. Amson, tsrutlri-~în~ai-'.i- stances, tin. Jas. G. ley'nls 144 Christie steet,1 LOOK 'T C .- bat boa-o resioue, and vilI give persoasl 55Oui - Votai foir tise cia ifîlsitb' cLis cf îthc lactiscf tis rase. B.slh arreuan-ai.eîii roîiî- si T0i ir &K lisant, nicontrdcleil tards an] amneeslia 1ev.aa s ameitl tIis bren d ne iBrai? île îo,.j .4nsiaec -Bar Heres' Net-sueanda!Boue Linaimnts. ROBERIT SI aTN IV. 1. Herl, Jan 26 184 1. Pbiali1',tia as etîtta s ~ l Sclhy OMSOK&Co. 7a, Maisies Leie, tu te e ait-hhratIen 0f I", >tlu-aet Ne wt Yor, anal by every D rggit in King"Ion, T hc Osia!i-taitga-Ido s~ ' lu~ anti in Canadla. uethe , ]balai Qi ras' AND ALL SIC1INESS ANI) DISEASES. hiaia't ,ssoui aon -u le * TEAIPERAXCE LIFE BITTERS AV NI TII 'ilt Im-- CINESE BLOOD IILLS Mt.i- ostiis The greaiest Secret discoeed!JOI .IGI,3I ' P u rg e -~ p urg e - p ug e - hs b te carlb . fr r a t hti e J 0 1N 1. T H o % ~ ' s i lasi f.m yeans. This bas teen efficuaily tries!, JFiHN b- 'as,'1.1 and jet lauffearers bave maluuipliet-an.l dia-a ; aaie IUGH Ma-CU'RtiS JOHN YARD, Jr. tAit but toe miochi bas teen done-wiisoOl lIse toauittau The agnda au-5 toi. p tia efollow, andl sastaîs tise sysîci. Purge Yeu inacuut ?w.,,ia ntl% FITies ikl banlour' ft ite blocauira iit.be car:iti f'i] Il "i -s' c .lt> i.ari -or tise sccumuulatioinniftfi-ura 1i-teted. tise. t lIa Foe ,.IisatI is f 'i, 'a'e d ent, filera, tise gues tbof rauchbarrures. ta han ltIeaisi, -; i A"n: IYSy de thisa-lne lire tu suris anitan e n dtthal'- lleai es itas ages, and asidi rela ais te poavers of youithor ii- 'n...ya1,, S dle age ?-Bec u e they purifi elocal 'Thre'l Caaautit IsisîîTii i'F la asMasrele Ba.aaon Pill-to alîi! et:ecutýe laýeta-cL F)BRTk" anal leanse th lt Io.-are îstaan!'aî remidv. Ttsese Pille aail do il ; aris]tise Tt-iuî- cita' oI l'il j i, . e.' peratîceBitters, taken as directeai, will sittaigili-sitah h aicaaistl.4-'t-lais NI . îj 1, - r tiesrac st stte sr1iuuatai ilte S. Furey, a na! 1lietfî%I tL ' ba.:se moastisivdkci ifest tIse bloamd, tai] as whichi s ign, )aieas tse f t ui, a.orl ni>' Icesi y pusrges, uoleus the bitsîca ie ileanen ast cliaucli 's.., d, takvaa aflor. Biyt>- en, these ille, ansI bitters. fllu crealat csoiM ttI,ýcjt ,e Take aerekly tise ilis, anti dail>' tise iters ; sa1 la Laiseas tiierno, 1 a a. If ju are et bae been anvalials for days, aseesi, L.S]boi sufu.aaei Il-..~~ tas nsntbs, or yiara, jeu %ill final file ickl>' asante alhtaed, tll iqjildi,, 111 .. Il dravu t-ff, atialpreveniea! froura atrln, and! the ROBELRT SSI iTsaî asiloetelae hec akeechseriil LOOK O Ue...- la s1(-,l\. -' tsefll 61lotaemi goof lakess haed giaiI tsaf-ali teri , lîlati 'Ma-fa l C la ilimiçgo elhan onrg.,: bny fils th i aa-su lji1,1i.lia' id Tlîere iare casino su oumros etribse lbrailiant Y u- i ile f - l(ulTi mcr effects>,htisatlme asti spire fartais an atîmptlta alisai riaiie rSiala- i.laus ,i.i. putfl teur, dean. Boy ana! use tlise.ma-iarîiis..are oi-chîe.aIl . Dl Is s il, ry ad use uncoiher, ana! heatis ant i stca-nith saill na tien IufGel',9ai I t'It la thi id Yoîns. Saee vtolper andsi rtctiaiitîat crose it ia s e, ;I u s.î. nli witîs thî'în. sl]' i, (("aM.l11K , se ]FRAUDULENT (OU-NTER! IIlTS 11jo' . ~'u ' ie unla-s labase ai'tctae- 0. . 3. LN, fa. D. -%as r-F t - a-,î j i: lite %tt a p ptI5 C , a n d a is e fl -i a c ic e a a i l fi ti oJE lae ,5Etr!aon]n ta At cf Cmu D. . B 1 8 1 1 , 'y T a i s . C O SSi l i s i n th e (,'le i k " . fO ff c e o f fiue Distrit Court cIflaheUilcii Stîs lotaiîîs Sutete Disrict of Neur York." Le - aratist i-ltse ciii' - taile. tis- I"Illl, ' \ 1 aiER Ir I S e . C O NSs T O ra S& C O , $ a -v V oîl , o ,a Illeî'" 'O - v 'î it sle aboli-sale agents for lie Unted] 51.- dadili '~ ~ ' ' ~ 0.neigibsesiog counia-isi. ga DOCTOR ..C I. II.l s.qT-- ai Sîlal y N. Paler. 141 ;îls- in _____________________ ai, -i la, ,À -s5UiS 5.'LEN I'a ' 1 1 - 1 Ire 1 - 1 1 "t. for lly o11 Most wni] e ii U. GANADI. Oto AR-K BENJAMN. mm ofLiferature, 1 0 OZ M d M l l i m e . c o ni t i nu e s t c * publie a- itealm a wd*kWM Ths e t dii 00 m he n ath mr bon a coathtors ta ÎW.&we MacLeoL a-eidet 0. Gïeo lu reMin, and! Bra 4 amn.*dillexion, it ban cerroel 1 wtmez t tal ntsluconstant ma. nd tw P oftise cidi, mise est tua iternat id V rese , q»ofutP l and 1 nthse readOrs of the 1 acad fl bW vorditTr.ccmeP sa ad0 U iiceveareoand amIta ~?ea UA Artasadau sainT plat a'e Si NUVDNGq UN IOOL I,,,,,etbt7elart. Thon erra fen, biC tdr it mthout a iv catbaeboensmade tjen e t they milt mccl a full stafae e tndpoçlof Amiericî esnnaetisenew Woald am ra ,Wmmn oa pal aitice. andmits ample P l rniq s anrty P91 iptopea- ysu, %a sc r irreli un îsentim ents. Th ats n i . ti ua nexceptionable lliewin tIse New IVorlai, anda!l irawliecmes5ncsiC! ith(lie pr is use iirerOive tise Livolumae of tl, le worl griatai- ,STrlte rDOLLAr. for ntp year, t n v5ar-I,,y.b~le iiivariaiil-Y 1asaiv ai are autloriz nll t a o m it s s sa!I Inividuel vu l i1procure.fils, 0 nltie rommiencemlentt of the a:if bill reeire ths ixtis rpy fts ,aaOtoeachwin -nbasentcopy a f 0'alley. Tseaeinittiace aa frymr or New-Eeglan! :d t , 1est J. WINCHlESTER, l'uiiaslla"m 10Ain.etreet, New.Yu,( o-tc f the Batik of thae Pe p it~ ta! Qllefer. Batik, receiveil frons Ca lierat ai par. DECIDED RRAN Dii, GOOI)S, RU'E Il. HANINES & Co. Store li jsiu.invite aIe.attention nithtla loiilO'is Stock of DRY (;()( r a ifat~ livarie of 1.aî i bsiitatise far-the !Fal ua! W I&nas bec electeti with greut .te ta te depresseal claie ofstIhe Il iogrîelir witla a thoiroaigla keevletl .îes nl comnianal of Capital, theii A'l'llNt TIIIS SEASON have ai sr! a realuctios faoic the nas!V oMsait cacay behloder. preeat epportooity ae talon te arlia 11. ti-r. literaI support tlsey have re le P'sulic gcne'aally, an cosequco an etenie Tlrde isaving been anti Secasosi, a large ana! Ititabsle Stspp beê. lcsprovalea! hbut the fleatla aj lirinprs thi* renderedl t necessamy, e« ifhea Stock must be Dispuasedt y a possible, tlint a final arraIsogome r, niay te obttinel, an order tase iirissmnc Sellarg Of f urisP re 'nire Porrlaiers ol'then Great S se: ha-inney at this Eqtasilishî cenot n anaadrertisensent vili net 10-14es Cataiozue, but tIhe folle arr quoteila hein& partirolarly w liii. Tr AND DEAVEIR CLOTI 1, i-in luikna,&r. d bSperfine Breoa! Clotho,. aid rreitîe Milletda,. foc Ga-cat Cot 'ofti. 5 ed quite new for IPsntalt îl.,t P-veteens, Unusually Cha Madsae tsnd Brittsh Fuli!d Cl(othu. Lt NKETS AND FL.INNELS. and Whiite Coonterptiem cand Qui Hlome ClOajie. Woollen Reag@.. & iy L' 8atny Flanstelu for chilalnen' Cths, Saxomy Cuth ud EN Wt fashbinauble iShates of Colo, i'itteTn. Algo Cambieteens, ana! Ouselu'iede Laines, PR.ie ana! 1-r %-~Thte Subsca-ilny witb grest t fer Public Inspectiona this esas lete anti becolt iul Vcrlaty of &eC, a-r eed'afrmner Tril tabi. for Dressaria!Bonuets mIi sse.au a rft las mt no ise i es yd al o theSteck, rr e ' 40possible. and oaae, f eVeydesipt, t5'O t oî f Merinc Mx Ir Precke, Lasha, Wu$W Ieal fo.r'wPochai or NScIa Pae t U6r64 CashmereMu PeC I A C T R T C M .1 sbloakN eM. eeoie -tu.Je.Bà am hns, m sc hd ille a, flM is, '-meu of»YCaM eoai an~d Me tarlel lie L Of MOUL <oubeaI 'J Vlleiid A-C« W &d

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