181 n tp.r et ne ab 'CsMSTOCV dti'ser boy h itteC, S b E N lise s lit ne il. ssi n-s u- -1h i lu [)Mool C, olub taits s-u -ý j n - q lu i l - W.. 'ti iuinoztou jcaê CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICLJLTLJRAL& COMMERCIAL:* KIGSON CANADA, T MDA-DECEMBER 7, 184. 34-.S oee WORLD. jounaloLiterature, Bei. *,.ll4aeW , continu" e in l- 5At,eft e ublie su its merluz '0 lid kaees. Theinom sidstin- 1 ma dthe âebtbila Amreas -ut as ootributN'5 ta is il ahdMCLet, isident lu in Esenin, aved Brantiz fleiIxix% it bis correspi- la'Castatino omocw Mtao( tw celi, choa cll Wdau ntelreet »idval.. je 0 d3!rd 'lpies of papular iorks wilItspjes aof gausd are j.5tis tbecsdrethe New tbeir omauia reeipt là inc 0f sicoveri sandi atvant-es ~sinArtslaedan enyplace in 110 r embelle sielished bY M&O îGrixGSUN WOOD !,WWtnlecîtbe art- Tiese arrange- lIainof ithe readersa ofthe j taillrit wtisat a rival in te!, sbier countiy er been moata ',Ïsla expefse; andI the poprietutre nhttp imet a ful e- Mi 1et eopliofAmerica. 15se"ciîgb5îi1 Ptir d are nacon- OiM" ote e psniy pliirs. andils ample pages a ipeu and i jproper jeits, vuigar ll - e i n vile sexccutonalblelFamai- îtd e th eW 'oril, an.! ail ne%% aI n ,slO5rC vit!ie presant or Is Ireeeteietvois 'le ot thiin- isOTLt- Da afr n n auyear, oîr 35s , î~., s' bc i iii u a lvdnîco- Le~ ~ ~~E mi S'~ !tjÀ.oE ct. ar il c rit suherrip- îuiiu lprocure fieeneme Iat[îc..îlslnefloeiiietit af the pre- v .5~iloi recin e tuesxli rîpy for nis 0,ad ns ccii s IlieeluIscanY ai tise 0110,vu. Tii.reînîllteumunîst ho u«. or Ncî.En-Ianud fondel, jpost pai.! ftAiirrNeur-Vot lu. . N ) '.iî iLîftlie People,. Mon- v1Q:ePa, erecied front Canada y c 0 0OD S, il IIAItNflS & to, S:iîre Street, --"-"sil's.1 of a1r.4st'M: *~ ~ ~ ~ o i-ai andîloffl ;)tt [le r t! i c 1l a 'iJIWi n* er 1 'uci--t vuithgreul noe; , ~Iîr--d-a'e ofthue Drilislh i111 a 'iioruii 1k nnwlicdgs oi 1-n 1 id oCi it jutaIluh ei r1!M - nus\ lilS tl.SO)N'have heen bi p-rttsyhave rmenai- T.s-i.iri love iesanticipma- v. v lulr- Is liacile Suîpply of roii14 z but the' iesli notsie 'vs- o.relu-.r -dilt v'-i.searV* muet v, 'oeîk ii.; le Di:ssa.!of, as fr.aoliai a final arriainent nf Lii .' obineuI, i, n arder'ta n-hidli .-ý-1"e Seniino y0Tt surh lricee, "iUir-!hsore-ilut 'î ireat Sàviuug - inonesa' th;s Es'a-bhuis:nrt. 4 anIV,, e-le eeut siill ot aeliov (liiiu.but tt1î- folowing anols lieu-g îartinularly worthy AO ND 1DEAVER ICLOTIMS. *.1lodcol zr-"r: lIe ~ uid ii. fur Great Coatq, -c'c j-ut.rvnvv-for 'at ialoorto, UnJ ! ure susahiy Chaap; Xiean' arIrtisli Fille.! Clttb. ILIVNE D !fl INNELS. 'zil *111!e 'cteselerpe ccc antI Quits, Hle Ciolsli. WesIlens Riig@, £C. 1r s.â0n Fua00 linels for chidren's uee. * lih îîn otu s ad Neripuoc, bsihS.ubcflades ai Color asi é ub amhleteene, and Cens. 1t,, l oue ':.asand! 'iisteti. lJitT~,Sibo-rier t ih prat ceaSi- li u-tct its season, a *ataii eatîih'Vriety ai Sihite, lr-din- .'n frmer Importa- rirseniBonets %sytt i cl- vs naoat iat u wmnovthe abject Mlle-,ve aspasihhe. Il' s of'ue e verv descript ion, iat of ceino, cMair, & Cash- Waol erino andI a ~lnsud raw*m ,teabomidi p îfor PcSt r ieck scarfa, lýife, -insere Mufflers, C"'LCOS & FACTORY COTToN.Ç T'eLien, Brown Linen Table ll'sitbark., Bcd Tjchuunsn, "W% Print.j Furniures' * c"es%, Eagiieh anti Frenchs make. illeir' edtseCeapeet, but th e - bi'5umtuerni fnv lHous.e ni tht l'e rasî nvh lBesignei l le i mot ladiotalemateriahe. A ~' land Wellen Shawl,and uaid- 4D UeFÀ.LO ROBES, Urdw Lest y* ,. L'fs Lire Veil, at ahu N-- lnCiiarnnd aneto r i eTotsi. air l -THE SEEN AND THE UNSEEN." Tun-sacb la thia l vce aiten bear- la a mechisa ge. The- amiou ss eft tic woui. Ticespirit te do sud endure uouly, ho- raie purpese mani aievement, iaith, devotkan. tics. an. gens. Society in bard, gra«pi»g, me. cbaical, commeria%, cihlitteints lssenti. ments or purauiti ta internat mon. genirous na- ures. Tic cal bas becous tamte anti coin- masisae. Bat, 'mit sso!le atue corki 4nn.sa" com- 4U1. la c Siritmor, dseit stty s es, ber-aunie bhamsdeya. 0i hlm vWha iis. compluolas, are §asedup, sud b ie~ntseree whit isarasun s 1 lu ueems ta o uattuera cas neyer a ime, ciao tic igiiest sud nobles! sentiments of linmanity cere mare aile. Doub. les this l-to une tue accreditogi plrasa.-.& la aaniticavag--n agin wbicb oucari -on is ugh wiTi u adi suad erergy, and enter- prise neyer sean before; bah chat moe..thse buoy eheel. ai tus visible mecbanism i It dues net go et lseli. There mosa iebsnime pawer ieaeatb anîd out ai sigbt comptent taep rdice these vaut reecuIts. That p=svtaussuite seul ai sait. If tiere la more vsileStivity sud se- campliment in the carîti arounti us, it la b.- cause tue visile ile ai h ti inu j more intente. Caulti ce see tUe tieptbs as wcciiai mhe surface, sic shouid see thai passionansd affectation bave net tiecyed-tbat tire central fies emau-and tisat, thaseng ld UIvalcaausa may b. extincu, nec unues ara aven rcatiy te hans! oui. Evea if the. sharp contrsaf etfoasniturb.st posesarc truc, if ."OUi-s are thse day. if fact, ROt fale,"~ though il ho truc thiat Noece an d cîtarsd led, Paitace. and p.gk, e,,d viai b.id, Aretisw.,-iuttîenatses cf Issu Ofiiilsihchid, nor te Dsrnsgç, i uq oeat by av'v means fol la%%, that pce-ry, or antiuniasm, or ;obîhty iii sentiment bave du.- minisised. Sa fer fron it, iheme is probably et tubs manient, in -1 Alahiik," in tise midst oi ils îetty Lafl, m'irs ai living tautis, anti pure afiec. trous anud ithriio's direct..! toward nolhe endit, tisanin tise Lest nîcys ai tise 1'rcies. Tise sentimsent s slnsays ihaunîsis, juat in proportion as an tunprîcvei îvilization, hy turiinsinng a greter veriety ti restonîrce.u, an.! openisg %i-der spisema ai acteion Intahe inuividual enuerprise, enailse mon ta becoinnamare indepenstent anti self-de. penident. '1 hrbsaccsspirituel elensent interfused tirougb the si-ol. mýateriel ivori!, anti cbicbh eaitise seurce ai aIl actions. It s thÀi, chcifIbts the wamldloutI et chaosý, anti cltit sith i lgt end entIer. Tii. tsît ordturary sot epringa ont aifmli. soul and! icerives its cinraeier front tic seul. It sodans tinulnng, amîhy because its spiritual iomgîn le forgotren. Whieami the . criace ni lei.alh tney Uc calte, itis bcutamlung ta thunt vbîat nsns- 'crues aofupassiaon an. ! aectilîrmincy hie bancaLs. Tiiongi heoees ofitI, ire mas-e in a unucarseofa spirit 'il ifoe. It i w ithu nris wiitiîen thiat lie dmeaaning ini iliir leiszt sen, hctweena choun & tise ocearu s but s sunglu pleut. (usinai, crib- bid, cocfinual ins(,ctir narucu, ndisidulaexistenre lucre s4 ail tise mtnus" roiîg Uv us, iv, nîoaîings n aur cars, ts tremihugs eactiincg tueaur isearts, tue usystir titi. ai spiritual li.. -Tise pirit givethli hui." X' nea.! nutgo far, if ive n'uhh but open om eyes, ho cee ision-thue nusst amîiînary acts f ati iare pjieitrated by a spiritual alenieuit.Ai.,] lucre thi s!l, nothinog cen bcr tanne or coin oa-plane. Nothing, et firet sugbit, is more vorudly andI tn5îsrituai taiss commsnercial neasîssîcer. Iutieeale solely uitiî the affdirs ai the ni>, eul wthîmeterial inter- eCa:. 'ju, nlien nse canne ta cansinler tin, its triest detaie are instint witb hisnan butpns, and! fcars, an.! affectiotie ; aisd!theics. iisîate chat ms-es dack-, andtIiiake the dca.! etter brealhe ithi le. Foc axample ; in tIhe peper ai to-day, a raid- dIe-aged uiraiuseceks enpiymeut ina acertain tinti of business. Theo advemisement hag, hn substance, been tisa saine for ce.hss. For a timeli. sauglit sons place whicli pre-suppese.! tie possession ai insiness-h atanti atain. ment,. Tian tier. n'as a change in tise coe ai the ativertussnscisî, iudidcating tiat b.e could do atsytsiuig by abhici hie coul rentier limsecf gensecaliy usclul ta an emnployec. Anti this mone- niag there is aitother change. hIle i iitg ta commnence iiti ion' cages, a. employaient le whitlie eEpeciilty w-anti. Ai hi s la uninteres- ting etiongi. Vet ivat duptis oi lii. May l!e unterneati tiis îcy surface ai business teteil. ut ha eaFy fur lb. fancv ta seek ont anti make the acquauntaîuca oft tus utan. le la a foreigner, la paiverty, citi a iasîly, hraught ta ibis noua- try by the ucpa, wchc bave brougit se me. oy hâtier, anly tha t tey mhgizb.arvenr- ciielmoci witu disappetusment. Eli aa stran- ge atifinisemil places ai business fuIL .AI. rasdy iigimly la parting wîth every superflu- ans article ai dreus sud furniture; thil food gravi tiaily more scauty andi me"gn; lroten doca ii ieart aud hope, ha secte, tirough al tic avenues oi busteess, orie empicymeat, ani canet fin iL he Turiecent prie, rai tueeti- sire ta enter hat business for wisicii bis previ- eu oua bits hati fittet ite, have ISept ibm up tom à, ime-but tbcac ara fait tieparting under the. pressure ai penuy; andtiis moriag'a adne-n -tiseasent mns, that tue day seens. near at baudt nrerbia s cblidreit may cry for -bread anti b. have nons ta giv'e. Not alw-mys, by ahy meansa, but hon' eften migbt sucri avertisemonts tel taies ike tts. Cotilt ce bat lo, uhronigh these lontg haies of aivertisementsi, inoatic b.arts ai thue ho have publisiie t em, chat a mainenllon sli tuer. b.lie fbuman lits.lien. are partnemebipo t omai anti ciaedi; -yousig mes eaternog bta business, aId men goung aut afilit; nec inven- tions anti speulaions; tullurea, aes a home- bolti f.riture suddwtielîngi. Tises. have beeni attenici by tii. most sanguine hope., b7 vuen liapelessfiess, by every farta o fa .,, mzety anti arrac. This youkg Ua, juet enternag lisi- nesu, leoa f orcard, citi anticipatins bright as the. morning taehbisniamiage day. TiIsalamieo inroturs speabe o aetbdiinniehed fortunes, a scsttenei isnsly. Then. la nom asalie of tocka, clieci dues alrt sriten or increase tise narrac misaai chiocs ansi arpiiens. This long cul- tiraof slip uese-a thon"asiharts are tus moment beating cutu joy sud thankfsilneaa, or are ppaC by mnxiehy, an crusiid day. by Sar. )f rowbecueaof tueerecords w chIs t mies ty fahien or made steaifast of moral triale, in chicsnoesnatures haeebeeo brokea tdevra or hut up. Ilati ce the boy sud thii.iterpre- tatian ai ebat tce ber.rmail, i"is aly cismnicla traffic, wouhd b. a sader tragedy tuan an7 clijcb Shakuespeare cro. It in the. sate citi aillhumantlaboer. . The spirit giveth iii.." Wen. 1h oet a», ca-Us could b. sdungeaa.liftail eereanly toiltr if it"ba no objet but vie iupply oi ane'@ oea ll cants, te gnatify buger andI tiist, or ta, minis ter ta iuxumîous appetltait, if tuis cen.altuth labor o an ipuld be as the labor ai bratms But alh tth. producta ai man's labar, are but syai. bals oais spiritual lite beneatI. To the eutaisd apu. chat tellsM. drudgeny la efteutm.athe lite of amomlier ofia family. Site shave li day, *lie wateles by nlght ; h.r yostrearm cors eut ln disconnece.d trifling occupations. Anti yei, cashd s-e itsokbeneatis, chen mthe min tarinlit, tie saulti fiai alh tliasedemails bani toeeb PlevateI, hailawed by the spiritual elemeont bleu- deti witli 5cm. White, wlmh bousewiteiy came, ahge front moom ta roent, entier the labor ci bir ban.da0 gran' np, as usader tise sunabine anti dec, the affection@ and virtues of a hippy boni. That toy wiich she takes eut and pauses aven citb tearful eye, anti isys acay agala, îa cars. fully, inot a toy ; IL speaks, in a living hant- ghiage, ofas a-et- chilsi, the mnie ai choie voice shall neyer charse ber car, chas. emihes @hall never carm ber beart, agaisi, an earth. It la nlot meme toilstnse cars, cien, lietore shie ber- self s'ete.psise visite hem chiltIren's betiside anti umoath. their pilhows. Hem heart ruas avec a-itlo hve; ah. foldlnithens about citi affiections; sie drives away every evil thing with ber pmay. er. It i nueiaaclioly enaougb that thse places ai human labor sisould b.lie acheneti anti tezratiet by no maay unworthy passions, en uch sortit cordlinees, anti tiubmful honesti-, anti unequel gaine. But there inana habor chicii s net mare or les@ bailoveti by aentise-ts cliich give a nec valua ta bts prouhucts anti a Isiglier nation ai the nature an.! cîsaacter ai asen. lere us a wîshiug vessehe in thue larbor, bem anchoma n:p anti ler cails unfurleti. The test boit bas hit iser, and mhisl now dteparting an a voyage ici Ibm.., andI perbaps tour yuars in leaglis. Ahthat tise eye cees, is, that site s e fine sisip, anti tint t lies cost muni lahar ta fit boum ont. 'l'ose on board %v:ll pend ye..ri et toit, andi silh ibea ratîron-bhile tic profits of the soyage vvihh Uce dnstriun'd, as tisa case may be, ta Us squnu- dere.!, or taulie addoti ta almeady sxlsting boards. Sa îuuucb appare. But muer.e icruitunpuissheu hislary, wihiich, coul.! ut ha rasealed and hmoogist vîvidîy bafare th isend, n-ouI.! transfigura becr, anti enualrine huer in ais alunsaiîwful ihut. TIsera h flot a stick af timber un hem whule iramne st a plank or a rap., chics is flot.i anmte mystrmions aa v. nlaped i vtithumnait ititeresis anti syuspatbies. Let us trace tluis part of hem liustory, witshe circles the globe and renomns ta tishe ris iraonvliuch she eau..!. At tise nntiat, tise habor ai thea uerciseut, tUa- csnrpentem, ati ofal] eh mîiluoei ouilier, bhas not Licou more eordid lahîcr. 'lhe tisougiit aiftisir isoules, oftiheir rÉilJren, andI of cUit this habo-r inny sec tirîru to bm, lias been un tlir hunarts. Ais.!tbey w'tuaiauinshem, hoave bhohinti bonies, n'iras, cluildreîn. paenlts ; auud yeers liofore tiuey return, thuuse vsiîusare doamest ta tuent mas lia ini tluoir tomba. Vhat bitter partiirg', as if U tise gravas. bruît, are tîsose n hici take place aiea tise signai ta nimear cails tisenu on boarît. There are amongthiai, y-igmgnuu, îumcîred, parisap.,, but a fevv waeetnu belaro, antd tiss. u matumr yars,svuuoýse yiuuug riildreu cleava ta tluoim Ilucams as tlîcy go. flon- decply, as tic gnaoi sip saits ont inito ltae open son, la eh. fraugluteti %viib îueinîoims and afflections. ilnery .rye us turn- cdl toîvarîl tila reredung cast, as if thue pan,s cf another famaveifl werc ta ha enducal. I-ad. slawly, ehiomes tiat encircehebeime.ISline bruistly, 3'e kies, over tiss.dea n ac.si-hut chuay houve lichai-! They round tise calies ai continîents, illev traverse every zone, tieïr lkeel croses evomysca, huitciii!, bruliter thsustise suthern cro2cs or tiie polir star, shiues on their souls the ligit ai thiser distant home. butise catit, uiouigit ris. isciore tIse mariner the firms ai mince ns luti lue loves ; in the pauses ai tisa galehe hleurs tha voices af bis chuildmen. Beat upon by tise tempuai, a-arn down si-ith habor, ho enîdures ahI. Velcome came antI toi,,if thiesa unay liig peace anti iappicess ta tisase dear ues Wha meet srînund bis distant tireside! Andtie thuglîtaoi those in ibat home, coam. prissing tisa globe, fohlho'iinas-bemes-er liec goos. 'erisuprayers blend h lts h ie cindescisici swelh bis sauls. Their affections bniver ever his dreamas. Chiitiren cont the montus aduth e ticys ai a father'. absence. Tise liah learus ta love bins andt is p bis name. Net e mitiniiehi stomui amibes their dtIaselhing, but the elfe staris irons ber sleep, as if site hîard, lintise waiin.gs ai tlue cm!, tise se.! forebodunofg ai dnger anud vt reck. N(;t asoft wînd bhows, but coufea ta, bem iseart as s gent laeisi2nger irontise distant ses. Andi sitar years of absence, they approaci their native shores. As the. dey close@, ticy eau ses the. sunsmits ai the tilstant iighland., bang. ing lite statioîssry clautie an tic horizon. Anti long befome tic niglit is avec, tisair sheephes s yc catch the 1hiht ghancing acroseUse n i fthe. shaï,fostelîgit bouse et the outrance af tise by With tise uuorning tisey are moored la the hambor. Thie nenspaperes anonce lier arrivai. But hesagain, bon' littia oilier cargo lu cf tisat matemial kinti nhich can lie reckaned in dollars anti cents. Sic la imeiglited wic uismm iearts, dUsh auxieties, anti bopesand lears. TIsure are aiany tuere, cho have not daroti toasis tue pilai ai home. Ths oulaeaifnsany, chich yeeterday cens taull of joy, are rieac oversiadocsd cats anxiety. Tlsey aimait beuitate ta laso the slip, and pinse ion some ane.rtramthe mshore te saucer tise,questions a oasomeand ti tIsi Usey lave, eblihtii.y dan. sot utter. Tisere are many joyiul meetings, suddsanie that arefull toi sanron'. sn.in lucaa swarid,mu aboshultit b. con. siidemats aithe. hppisisse ano. And becausn s0 much af the iuffering af the corhi muet al. esys romain unkuaca, the lait tuin spoken ai evea ta tise neanelit frisai, ibis tunegltfulSof the isappiassu alotheus.slsould taise tiseforts ofis porpehual biais...oai ptit, tise dlspouWt a U i tise, te promote tihappmiNansd Io b.Isleent to tue isiects ai other& Hle tuebubasiisp rito dues gondi often eben se knaws nataof it la ansang ueonlike tue ubaceve chicis peu«av ei tartu, chics, falliag.verywme sonsetitues may fai on the disert, but uoe.oihun on tue mil dtua asod&insdl prepaulag for tuera. A virtue gais out trans hou, w chibusetisas., -ho unwituea ed,ibutaaoch thehemf hiegarseits Ileclees life of a nan is passedl in the retirement cf h.. ather, are znat tired and torture.! hy the. sharprat 1IV owo bosora. How little ths.t pasles in any soul, anrieties 1Ibin maaY that bear shoot with theni l is or eau lie, known te any other. TLe great. thaugitse that weigb then dovrn ta the earth r. 09t struggles against the potter of habit, or for a IThe y ynever b.ie poie; they May b. h:d 01 bigiier hite, the deepest reinorse or peoitence, the fostii. srn7of Miletu; yet lie bas lad sinal keenettanguish, the muet wearinL, anxieie- epeien. oflieho lbus flt seen i nugl i fi:et tii... are rarelv commnnicated. Often tho.soni tt . o it t es fre #wào passtlhr.uugh the tl dwells in snob retirement. thit thva chixiga are tvorld, witliOut bavinc, in Omre WaY; tg taste of 1n flot knoci, and are flot suspecled by the nearest its bittereet cup. 01 and deirest friends. This invrard lite cannat leb.h étranglât out to the day-it sbrinks from *the pu b. orit lc gaze-lit retreats behind the. commun places oifr socieeyjuta the solitude of the soul. Yet in al Efl3I U OOc~ tuas, mosn crves aympatby and aid. Thiisseems SOCL41AL ISINTEOL ON wis-ly andl kiadly deterrnined ta b. se by Provi- TRY. dae, tuat t might keep alive cîthin hi ces- Tihe ato disclS.d in a remark-.ble case ofi1 0, tares, a sens. ai their dependence on bis cars. liankruptcy, reporW int yesterday's Ilerdeau- c64 Thome feelings wbich cannot b. spoken ta othersnot fail ta b. smggestlve, ta thiaking mnnt..faili are alreasly known te Him, and hlini ready te paintul reflectiasus, tonc caracteriatic, tirefear, afirr belp. By the. very dificulty whicb man finds in the. age ini which wite litre. The. ese ta which Ici ezpressing sucb feelings ta man, Gadl would ti rrter in that af an individual naine. Cave, ti draw hhlm, in the confidenceaof a child, ta himiself. tii. failure oi chose minirig speculatiune hasin- tu He would thus conneet hiasself,,in the closest volved everai Mendier. of Parliament, and men a manner, ta his cresatures. by being their helper of titie, and! clergymen, in ruinous Liaes. This o and friend in their deepettand nMost tinshared persan lîved in ouciety, inhabited a bouse ini one Ic wansand trials. Aloite in the world, lie wbo of the ftsshionable squares, handsornely furniahed ri bas this feeling of trust shall no langer bcere. and crowde.! witla v..luable paint ing%, andI witb. Ii Ostcast fiche men, lie shal monre earnestly look out flaming advertipemneats or sedjotive pros- h taward heaven. Inta hilm ait lto the sainte of pectuse@, but on the strength of apparent res- ci aid, a spirit oa ie1frians Gati chah enter. The psctability, andI on the offer of a higb rate afin-ai- hardest trials ai the soul, trials into which ti. terest, hll artuahi, thrisft on bite, by mnen af cý shrink tram the sympathy ot men, tisus easily and fortune, £360,000 for inveatînent in m;ning 0 nairlyleadte t a higlier confidence in GotI, andI speculatiois at whichi they cere in itterina ta as ndug pence. rance, and ebînli never realizeil one fartliîng, aI- Let us follow one Of his crew. lHe i. still a thougîslhe aaid ta 1h... cager lenders no lboa a It youttt. Yeats ago, cf a wild and reckless, andIsure than £60,000for înterest, iii three or tour c roving spirithe left hie homne. H1ebail fallen Yeats, Out Of their Own suhecriptions 1 cVllg inta Iemptatioîse which bad beon tao strong for mnight the Comînisaioner wind up tho examina- î bi, leeble virtue. His feet bail been familiar tiensof the. bankrupt, by exclaimnu, It in amf'i a twith tbc paths ni sin antd shame. Bot during ta think liac sa many persans ai eucation an-if the prescrit voyagel, sickness antd refiection have stationin i society could bave beaiu deluded, byp Ibrougtbtel ta himself."' Full of remaurne for their owa infatuation, of tise elsormous eon ofair evil neurse., andI for that parental love which he £360.000!" It i. stili more inelancholy. vie has slighted, lie ha. said, 11 will arise and go ta may adtet knnw that an excessive love ai gain my faîher's houe;-1 they who gave me birth wae tIse cause ofsuch infatuation, and tint Cicr- Shalnolong th cinoer ne aslas. 1 cillsBmooth gynsen af the eiablished Cliarcli se far forgot h the pahaya age for thei, and b. the support tiese acred dîti,, ai thsmr lîaly calling sn to 1liail ofthelr feehle stepe. lie is onhbis wvay ta where lad aiiyby thîs un]awful desire of lucre. h ihey dwell in the country. As thesun is satting, These victime oi tbeir awn cnpidity have, i, lie can see. froin an i'minence aver vwhich tise bowever, heei ii fficienî ly punisbed bytheir otie v road passes, their sol itary homne on a disItant bill foly, ta use tise mildest language ; and tI e v sidae. 0 scene of iieauty, Puris as, ta him. nuoaîvay iroin tihe consideratiiiu of their personal 1, other land can show! Tisera is the church, biers affairs, ta Makte a few remnark@ on twa pramiineitg a school hanse, andthie homnesai tiiose wisom lie vice. ai the tîsues, a. exbited by the higher s knew ini cbhilhod. lie can sce the place. claszes-extravagaifce and! lova af specu1l.tion. whsere lie used ta witich tise golden suriset, neot, lit le, indeed, scarcely possible for even thîe as now, with a hucart fuîll ai penitence, and fear, moSt expurienced eye La disiiih, froi ntu- t and sorrow, for wasted yoaril, but in tise innocent ivard appearancetl, ts ta tise Style afi liing, 1 days cf yontls. There are the pastures and tise househiol.! apploittitmntv, visitiîg, sociuty, equl- i wootiÈ, avhere lie wanilered flsl ai the îreams pages, antI leuialu dresa and dtIcorationia, between t andI hope. ai cildlsad-iond hcpes and dreams the ousýesor ai twj tlhaui5an.! a yenr and thea that have issued in sncit rad realities. The lords of toes cf osande, or, in înany cases, bc-I scene ta athers would lie but an ordînarifilie. twecii the insolvent and thie suivent. Fewi ap. Bit ta biten, tIse spirit gives it lieé. Ilvs covered P ar ta hc content ta romtain Ilin that statuofn ni! over with thre golden haes of nîemory. His tîe ta which iL bath phease.! GotI ta cal tlhem." tieart leaps ta hie lborne, but hie feet linger. The country aquirea, mwiîose forefathers were Mav tiat dea'lih hve beantherel iMav iotttisai. prou.! taie at thse head ai these urrounding yen- lips b h hî'ed in the silenceofaithe grave, frrottamcn, 130w vie witli the lande.! aristocracy, and! ilihich li ssn!tu bhear tbe wQryds e ofva10.and aur iierchaiits autrval thse peur Làthe Ilweât forgvene..1e ue.On the, _aa, andi does t- 4."rfdità. not approachs tililiho bolo¾s ia l:îbt shining (iroat changes are moat undoubteilly takirgp throngh theu ncurtaineil wîndows cof the humble place în society, andi in the state af property Ji dwellin;r. AndI eve:i now huis nd is il'a .1ba r, chiefly a i îîdîeduals r.ot connecte.! with coin-V whiih was raisr.d t10 lft tise 1tch. Hie would j oirce. Nutvithstand;îgti6 te niverAal appeir- a sce if all are litire. 'tViiia trcnihliî rhiart bel ance of ais equally distriliated wealth, tuer. l i. l looksita the wicilow-.ind th'ro-lie,.sed Ibreak;u,, down anid @îratterinig ea* propertyp sigtit !-hý? beiîî isi mother. busy n.s as ai er ansongat thea larger pruportion of the ciass ta a %vont, and lus fatiior, only grown mlore rovered wiiiveW.rfer, and a progressive accumsulationr u writb incre-asin- a-e, raa'hing tlat liy bnok of riches iu tise bands af the minarity. WVlen which lie hll tainglt bis eon ta revoro, but wlîicb men suppose.! ta bes coU ta do in the wîirlà irons i Iliat son bad j o frgotteun. But thera içera their manner of living an.! outward show,' dia, ti otisers, and Ini! one by one thry enter, Y-nuîîg Ais tIsay are tua freqnently founti ta have beau pose- p tors, vvhln, wlion ha ast satw tlîemt, era but chul- essed Of lîttie or n proprcýty, ta have lin-e. up taa drei t tat sate an the kîsec, but lhave notv"grow iva Éiir incarnai, antI in toit nsny caues tbey leave fi up alnîcet ta wonnanly years. And now nthor tîseir aClaire ini a state af insolveticy, and their t fe;ir saizes lîir. 11iwsisal! thîey rezeive hima widoivs andI famille, ta tise geaerosity ai their i ltlavfnot lbe hcforgotten ? May îlîeyot reet relative. ar friands. 'iVo requently bear ai thesv the uth ile la' ener Hoasst oenrmaus fortunes let by thse accumulative fewv, 0 ltcb-witb a hc-rt ton fu for utteraîlce, lie but if co tax our kîsowledge or recalloctin. , e stand-, silent an.! tîmîl, in the dorwva. The tin.!ihsat the many of the midJie andtihler d Mter raise. bis îead, the inther paiwees and caesse, are cither possessed at their deatis afitne s turna ta look at the goet vi-ba envers. lit s but poperty, or ai les. tian tbey inberited. We tt a momtent, when horst flreu thrnir lips tho fond alîncet daily read of ultI establisil privai. banik- ( iwords ai recozfit;on-iiiy son! inîv son ! Bles- ers stapping paymient. and on tbeir stoppages it ti sed waurus, v. hidi have t'oI., se fullY tlint navling i. tiscovered tisatfor years they have beeu n1- t] rsminis tus ho ti. , thc ii dving i, ren.11î of Ps- solvent, antI trading on their credit ; we bear ai 0 rentaI love. To a traveller, m'!-i iuiit ltt b ans ta tiie extent Of Inoar)Y a millilon sterlinîg a night have paseil ihiie cottage alîorug ltiise ul, being takieti p by sorte îîobleman on the secu- if lie ha.! abserveil t et al, it7ivould hava spîoiso rity of their lieruditary possessions irroàcorpe- of nOthîîîg but dai!y toi, aidecent comiort, ai ai- rations, and oi tIsa bil antI lorroving at an score. fortunes. Yet at that very hnîîr, it wa. usanice tefraying ai recompense oftotiers oi the. fille.! svith thanbsgivings which rose like incense aristacracy. ipparenthy the preprîetors otparîsbcs ta thie henvens, boraîî.e ubat Illie wlio îas ist, and! alnotit coanties ; we have actually seen a rwas found; ansd be that n'as dca.!, %vas alive peer, tise creition ai chose titi. i. aimait lbat agan." in antiquity, in extrume ol.! age figure in tiseN Thus aven under the visible is tic invisible. Gazette as a bankrupt ; and! ce know tint men b tThrough dead ma'erials forme circlate tise cor- whose incarnes oughctaeb. fixed antI mil7 aile- ii reints ai spiritual ife. Dasert rocks-, an.! sons, qoate ta their aupport-including clergymen ai f andI shores. are uiiunniiied by the preseisce oi reputationi-ciiter ino th ie wildest ipeculationa, i lma, andI becomealaive ivitb memories ansd affec- wbally ignorant oi busineas, antI becaine partocri e tbins. Tisere i. a lite which atppoaru', arr. undar citi Profigate scliemer.s sud needy adventureriî,a it. in every heart ' la a huae which drcc. nut ap. for tIhe purposa ai deriving profité, the largene.. t, kpear, which le, ta the former, a. the deptis. nithe of ciilch ia wboliy incompatible wlti saiety, pru-y tses to the waves, and the hubbherz, ansd tic spray, dence, or banesty. City capitaliste have of late t ons the surface. Tiser. is flot an obscure bause years becoes acquainted wîth the paper, as it in t anng tihe mniuntaire,, whnme tisa wbale romance tecbnicahly termed, ai persanse chaise naines t afi lue, froro it, dawa ta is setting. tisrongb its aught taelbe kaown la that quarter ai Loaon liy 1brigitnes. andtI troghi itîs glooni, ilefot li-e.! repart anly ; man o. aalrnat.ilbv 1uhrongh. Trhe cammonest avents ai liseday are lent tbeir names8ta bulible touqrànied antI products ai tihe samne passions an.! affections, scheuenil for tise sake afimnie eaâuly and profita- ehiclu, in ather ephere, derida mthe fate cifbng lly dealing in sharei andi arrqa anti for the faste tdouas. Outwartily. tie ongaingu aI rdinarv ie ofitirectorial attendances ; andt tel'a 0 naec. sare like tic mavtrienta ai machiaery, iféless, lotion, however ahseerd, that bui not fou su mecisanical, eamaaon-place repetutionai of lb. part frafin thaieebo cita make unre lite 1mm triflin- evients. But tbey are neither ieé- profit of tlseir reusaining capitali, or taespor tlesi, nDm aIt, nom trifling. Tba pasionîs and ai- tisi appearances whici thiirînenaie lon rfections atke thensciter nec andI original,. aud ceasetu taWarrant. atihelutait unîmportant acte af the day rach for- Povevty îa a disetse mit auversially pre. award la theirresuits iota the. ihador.u ai eterniîty. valeat aveu n jeti.e pper clauses, yet familes1 01 Our abhet bu been ta illustrate, front, com- imnireet inlu oCiety cotiîne ta caste tâtait sub- a moasouti familiar icentes andi evento4 -the truuli, stances in is tallts sud exco.tts;andàomm of 1 athse Uings,,in themeselven deati andt rifling, iftbutthie could eil sacrifice tueir bonety saener tha uos;asIlie present beneatis thora, pradncing tbcm, iay dccii their carrnages, or ceas, m gte ae- ora bce y tisea, becasîe rais..!, linminateil, tasss trans.tat ale is e anti recive semetbing af tisat ihprtance, wbieh linn(ish thsel ,,eùo"entlimnportance twll reirt obeioagitttei.seul ehich i connected witi thons. taeliorrowing util tbey are compellei te expa- 0abut thie eye, anti ce liv. in the muidet ai triste thomeives, sud uicleeuly or wickeilly fret j ors. Tice enthusiagtic anti ardent pin. for tihe reniaaider of tier ives lu second-rate con- rf sanes of excitemnt. They Ily ta seek teinlatîsemtal -palaI or gazsbling snd dsreputable iforeigua lande ; tiey bury tiiemeelve in lte cateriug Plaes.Land. or, chat amou"te t a page. af poetry anti rôasce; tiie every day nearly the. snsmethin% as possession. paor aveu e' oldsituend! tirettesecons ta tiem stille, flat m and 11&us -aPidlY Passusg juta the. bond faisio. ti ouprofitable. But il laonly in seeming. At out, a11res., siat influience farsaery posseoseti b7 au tvery doam transpire realitie.by wcm aide, Iieredtary arlstocraey full of kindiy feelings for w er. tise veil taken aeay wbicbh des uhei tiie tiie P--ri sntBi susinet ttus0 mes nnes r fictions af romane. couldJrcal.A 1 of ai ne<y. ~ lm e le uta,al hietime, in light a la"n dX .e. ig G ." oc ginthos o a . .ba a on tise mighty nsystery of ife, snd ps7beforgvnt U dve PV5 ae tdsscaabed by us in ciiadow s thi. dreati mysteuy testhtie abuas. oFthe hiincple ai joit stock asca iMý Wan nipr zeiy 1xela hescs c inb h a igdvideuus ô( piaile coups. tii.lisat a yoeh, assins iiusnb ink itt the iii. 5y the Ixt fteuurlcs a ail1. -1nd;us. h i ad g fl. the ioneo th. _..I s11-u hy eallicg forth too great competitbon lof Ilaae hile oppresuas-liaborsra; altemaptei by hgh rates ofi loerut, or under tLu pressure ai exaus s f> expeniure oser ineome. rush maj utanomlsotf -.ud .pcl inanti co o fLcn suppartRDj.lass. se. therfao u y a d.eKot inga crimeNaP& l ths tectdeaey confine! tu thorns; cien tise fii . cny mania cas at its beliglit a Iamdgm qrii ofim ecri as b.l. by clerka in Matniheltef ar.. 15:5955, and b5lifg ,ià&qnýO ru i jetidt tocu siabsn uautu* u asîa t tu ansd cagiLn .n evoplasmeuat an tiîrsT argsnela tsto.k Ehange art Londom . jýin t«#t ~sbsv. h la cehi knowN o eut rot nP We a g is.t a ilityoa i seustéte Usair iriginîavors sud pv.osfnters elsleb hasbout rein.a se elseeboe; anti caps, have bcen isclas in wl ih qb ieoar mchue ineolvsncy ceu noWo i,,us, i'tve ieen sçcotnàdatei with thmi.ooey oth usisheiodse tan extent tht bas involvout tho crcdît ai an cstablimbsment wclîla irge paiti up-capital in iheir ultinsat, stoppage. Patolies nre na loinger erectei, andI large concerna baseil os capiial, a tenipur-ry inciîîiy ofi tiamente or oans in nov quit. sufficient ta unsiertake or car-ý r' on %vorke gv=aemnployaent ta hundreds of I;dsd:, anti ab.nlig afe-irful incee ofaipapu. latiou, andi ai tetnarahzation ; an-J ehen tus fa- ;iiitj i h ecked by the operation oftan irregular and emmeancrrçaacy, Use blan*e West ounilat commeercial systisisn hicii. unt-er tic prevaozacd of gceatr o inesty andi iodtieron, piacadti mii country in tise postioun h, aoc ouples. . TIhe visitcrs aetute Irasolvent Cnurt are ne ant'ges conspwof tunfurtunate petty tradeors or lishonest tuercisanta, roue sons oi peers, profi. gate anti tiebaucheti inieriturs ot large çose- sýons, ejergymen in the potefissîcaalarge livings. anti tfit muet avortileus otahl ctaasues ofsaciey- 'ashienablemeuceipous fone, seithe crocis that paon througs tbat Court, the 'veli frequenteti nsîds.ta ici are vice, ichsaucbory anti dis. By mcli mmuantauas n'ahave tin ciiipain du. crribeth ie national moaleî are injurei, sandUseo sîgiser classes are degradeti in the estimation af lic porer. Tu retorm the.. vicioue tendonciés slai aperative ; vii.Lnous aociety autat rause lu- self, and. mark by expulsion front ils ciraI. the verdict an thse actera in tise scene. It la io vein thuat ce centbnually glane sfeishe At- lantie, and. sec tise beatt in thc eyra ai aur An. glo American bretsman, if ce ciii nom condie. scendtu taobserve tise mate tuat la la aur ao. WC extraet ifront PliRuepha NateiWGazette thue tolowiîsg resuits af the recent ceonssai the Ufnitedl Siates, anti slowiung is comparative papý ulatian et dilTerent pariade, the rate afi ucreas., the bîscrease ai population lu Enghanst, anti the carins portions inta sviicb tua population af the U'nited States in tivideti - WVhite. Slave. r. Black. ,Toali. 1700 3,172,464 0117.787 .519,467)3,2,52 1800 4,304,480 8W3,041- 108,395 5»35,M2i 1810 5,862,004 1,191,364 183,446 7.239,814 1820 7,86L,710 1,530,038 23,&34 9AI'227 IS.30 10,528,24 2,009,043 319,5%. 1%9866,020 1")41>4,M90,Ul%487,213 8t962451 17.062,56 . .i-d iaclMsi.ni 1hiýwnle00;chseh wus la ti previces. detarosl paroti 34 paen st., la in the last 85 per cent, chle lithai ftheuves, ebich ws'a aboaut 30 par cent.,* appetrstau have fallen ta aut 24 par cent. That of the free biseki, a-bicha was about 38 per cent, is Doc aniy 22 per cent. from wbich IL coniti appear that the agitation of the question af abol btionî lai bai an uniavomashe sifect. Tise increare aithe total population iran I 82 ao 180 wa. about 321 pem cent.. chereas that af the lest ten years la but 32. During tue latter pcniodth ue einigration ta Texas bas heen great. astI more tissu sufficient tu accotant for the. dii- fereîice wbich i. baccobservei. Ihat at coun. ;my been incorporate! into the Unian, it in pro. bable tisat thse increase ai tise recent perli icoulti b. tound greaher thaa tisat ai any proviause Tice teaiy maintentance oi ane tIsird for mach leconuîiah peri as tlie ratio af increa er 'enenkaibhe. The populatibon ot 1683 je etma e.! by Mr. Bancroft ta have been 200.000. Mr. bac5las -ssunnd that Use fie population af batdaymayb.tasen at 185,000, anti bas shoco it.t commncig with that q nantity, the addition aieone tbird, as ahave state!, gives aImos! ex. actly tue present anseunt, as iolhows. 1690 185.000 1750 1,05,000 1700 240,09 1760 1,380,000 1710 328,000 1770 1,84»,000 1720» 437,000 1780 29453,000 1730 562,M0 1700 >3,270,00 1740 77(43(0result ai ceneus, 3,172,454 Tise growtu ot population la Enghaoi su" tVslis nas, in lthe early part af the las! century but about 2 per cent, iron wicic bas gruduaily iscreaseti Witb the improvensent in coudition of the pélehe until imbin nom about 161 per cent, or absant bh ai our rýtfo. Tise enaus aitue pres. et ycer wiul probably guve for Grecat Britaisi aut nineteen millioiie, and that of 1851 taveoty Lea millions. That ai tise(Unsited State s in1800 wiuh fot, in ail probabihity, b. sanrt af tcenty tbree milions. In France tise mime requirei Jot tise iuplication ai tihe populatiôn la aboyea *ces-' tary. *r'iscipt,.or Poli"iat ony, vle . M U Iuroa-ira,îsMIDteau DsUoovisy-:4 Juté numiser oithe Londoan Lancet centaine su laoer. praiseshos. A man cas aat armeloto ti Swil tai about six boums eitîr baving talon auouse ar laudaumti(eoutaBtg 28 grain. iofp linm.) At the tinse af admission lie cwuaZ lifet lme; tii. surface of thse bodycacot, ft. nauce pale ant iil, lipe purphe. pupils céastraet. ed te a mure point,.rspiation .carcehy percepti- le, pulse bardi7 tabetltl. The lauaihiht tras remoi by tue etouacs.pumnp, but, lanusit# oafV eeetlion. tue pulse became more nure que asu asat tion tsnrtptibie, wciao recourue cas badi ta..tomaralem. ebwics arts lie bymean ofa aalibatteryov wit ioiz côtactbreker.One*rireveusapplb.d ta time atela, andthe aiierttlê. segbosef tisme beau! or opigastritm sudmo f tise 8 suEceasio ai sery pocerfua al c as gmvua. T" eoi eaes ere very apparesa.. Tii f .cl C] f' respiration cens set in aton, adgmde d4ahrat eniuily;- thi" bats au»mers rimu*as i.!ft Piitdclî eut- riWt as, soi a esondaiag inpravemet cas obseervable in thse cacuediscf. The Pulbu- pro"& aid becana e = *eatiulr ieomfirv îtesdy whe8 ltethe d fr MW~ uhsutes. Thii apIiiiu" u Wes es ed ton mealbeers, and w"ue hélly u.ecessil-s tuttilearvotiluugmuwus.fIcn