--TE il 4WUONHERtAL.--T4;E-iDAY, DELEMIR A MI1. -ii tinl gewu*gli . htie vould 'or four ca aef.inessed i lie rndered still more imperative by the con- Our design by rthe present articl. We shall, A Suppleme hae ee ae feetrd enait=sMndabinee, anmg M is tâd am-- .oany Ià las t qu tiput te Oswiegoad Syracuse RailRS&d.therefore, proceed to stte what we conceive ta zte iesa-ilemn and the mM »> lindte&O dvS i06tes B(r«o"shcompel t t tint out, tit m" -id -.lede ý , - swego Hera-l i e their common.ddute,requesting others toa sold, and of tie m are . sonîa n oaefacturs andpermisten ipaet oodsmhat teill gCmAWs Weusees)tsupply whatever we omit, so that a full under- te several Dsitri, ' 1 arth.ey -fhefr s hatever tas w C ta at standing mayooe obtained as a guide for futurestrnced ur o fe ud at e u emar îý 4 - ilie ;CK metbu tchostha ilà ish slop o ar act ti n k, then that te ittenion of he re- he e a ly upied-pr ifisdme b eef,2½dto a pr-aricltualiâ pst frst allfelowth a treme.Anne - few da ysfre-cadé esathsCr .th..rer oudbedietet hefllwi b-30hJun The 4markets .a r e er, 7 d ;.n u - W Zl bus e- r c n il. e n tö d ta, e a ent e op oit0iec% ,a o ldh v b red i g an h'eit a v nc o t o p , o1by et : fist tit eno c m n f ih r - a e cr s s ld, .,, , haye63to$10 a.ono oas, á t sä e p o- h tao t ha .T L e ts ruins da ,l e t. Cl . K rb , obet m sinto.the- terruëiöry of át eaa for de mand the sp nsiilty oftheExecutieatot pe o plte'sre- ' 0,00-o w ic p ot at e g t ap a nf e a e n s n , t o , t i nj r e d ¥ h a n e rrf r R E sig , J . P ., M . I n p e ct r R u s ell a nd the.a s l b e r a i on-f.th B ri i sh-u bj e t s a r e 'st d t h r e , r e s e t ati e s . h e g v e r n e ntta s dtb e r t e - aid ; l e a v n g d on.had 2id h.p it sed tothe:2assat.4ril. -t-thalT ,ýIp a tif t ryen who ere worin teen aataedmth paegsor tm sncIn lyaopedtisprnipean us sad r.a. 1870,ori on tutl'-W t a at a ethtth ue fthee reian. Pae heat' tR f byit. Warle awrecthalte thee are some re- Te ot ccounillf t r e s h4 y r, & c ., , e , 7 d gu, io m 1 1 * 0 ß t e , h a te in o s u c h a s i i s e n d t i i sit r d - a e i ø e st is f a c t ora" P M W I y a c t k A n e d t o eou t a- l e w s b u . . e d g w th1 ¢.o -o - a , f r e s w o c n e d t a h r n i l a o , t a g s t e b e plentfu _ e--pabu. en t ede why weask shold .he --r antecetainy, sawthat. ae sytrateti thetheVedf, t th oi, 1o afir he mer-ineeahtcbensonceedbutthatthepreende meb. ed tat bou t w , S e $ 0 ai o ' i nt r, d e rm iv e t e a nae s w h» n t ic h , i t a o yer n ate opi d a s t h M . e d ie a l o m a c e . h e h u s e - il a n s j s ,neg e . mDi4' e n t l h m u l t c n o e d n e , h o - a a n h al nogh hverell nea oo..ea dan sour nj Ter ae an rasnsd,a Kimeëno rmaioi n .h.Subject lead ever, onibithat the oernenutid tetexpcil concee A nE xta nari l r t meial liam;a dsaO ,! tel -ý Iýpý: h v d = tu t e g shet d t Eh g' toampoLietive Co elusion.tWe tgettha a G(O e rgi . .the prnciple; so t at if t e objetion-mansan in the ya a fllot,%,eiso, Co, . n tà - theI w holeJofPtherboks ppc er uslnd,& .of p ietithi" sbetnzitdhee sntan onlyTh b e ti- t ha h oerment coains a1 Poclan as en 1weH fro. maytg er u,-rote tll ameral tva le r bk EiGsOt, UEDA,-ECMBR , 84. evr ntndd odctenth1pinipebu nmi cao re haesl nbe.1 - ," h d Dlia aviepuy PostWMasterGe Was tae in iqpperal. Inbothe .Cityin-e . -l ny a oed t i r per tod e tan e odrfaite-0tricts9,acordint o the . an crië fl h t tr f é à ùFrsù ' »' ha jn it tmentwfevery$thing wasJusaved,à includingoth e fi Tw&iE R F R M P T Y e o m r n t e s e b y t u p r h d i t rovid e for tý ý- - 'ih easy ae be e it:ieuHhtitteN ta webeàav bfo. ap1tond.As i staton w-heobecorakowthsthy o instatonofJu freh yberI;&c, fGoa neYok, e t h.b :aayexi t a-e ,o - e és gaitildvaIleause e camiisM atag elared aay etan at' ers l y ,not. t eaes, but th mut heeasome cliar -Tes involvng t ceir h hâve ynodiand. hat theff " ths f& o c M i Mioà pligtsety ine trg uar t Iett wuabout.e adres orslve net o PO-afreawoetmi httepicpebsnt htaà ,!a% een., Peu.a roa e t tat s te ndtn i _at _Ag aa, M9q h mlt o 'stalt heoirndftuë md o isveriguhfatfo.otigha.ar O ci c . he a la, - in tuee ere o aw s . h ud h e& i etinlgt ..d-, and th -uta er of n he1th V th' Roa y= he .P o in oc re t o rove the oe rnmenut t iriiee mi n p e i s thebo u nicip ý ' b and tC . we h t -eeiiciency as nece , s teli an'a air c ",' ' hte -- eojet ie n th e o1 Ie ii tt tbiM b W a doom n thwoe ýtegurla- ist o riishmnt. leýsen rtpoerugea pr s othi cniuac i is e sa - s*hatofth D eA- .4'eth e secuy cncehsandand lie ohrat fth ott-E.Il " ; t e n a my t at t o t h e e m b r, t H t ratd á. f d- e b i e i n t i u t o n u t i m o t y ü h es1m b y n dqe s s o e s e ' o w s h i p U l e t'h , t hia ; Z L .a -.s .. u p iedwi t he . ei nr al f lfM. Tt S t a a d s s u i n p ul a e t e i c a r a t e , . h ere u s t o a c o è-.ý ine.doeriv h vna hebri!tiwu "en imte etersse. t mils to e they erfectly ttire ou public caracter,- - . ai'(be hekt a Mr. \Á melanc slaánt-y te le offh lùbe4-imhpEê e r. ò Mr .. Ale, hride1pime mnt le vwdb hm hnteywudtro nWd oe r c i a y . P owà h a e r h e g d . d 4 a n se m p r e p é e f .o f t h e e r g e i g t y e j g t . e M r k nm a g e s , i o w o f t e .l a t R e v . bJ e t a r k , v a n o e p e t-ta t t h e o p o s i e a r twv er t h c h e c a n n t a p p l y , a d e p inc i pl n e i u s t h i p l es T h e: m ofbstoe a r3 1 & Jr weigt. k- Pow to t wrt er by r. T hm as R olph who attended and t e o b oo ksp rs c. hi hcanlieersb n fi ilh ng s; u t ey cn.a y e ex-ou d in an t er c ar elnm ly ha he go - ti n is t us l mi e ., er 9os - ;,k m rms% dat e t.the metin g at te Cout Ho e- y"ad iatdbcasel agratdgre repral - eee t tkete ea.n 1semofrfoms enmenit pcha s lethe supporthof such e mbters themee'ig can ake a Th ec a ed h d e n are i en to r n wol- y t ae s a wa m nt re t n heqlst d o.'- W e rsuited tofthe.people's character and. circumstanc. ch ea Tred sall o an - ý and h I t lrg e ff l y - -.[ ob uý8ar] tr st t atl t a t h r de e aug o ede t WoTfA D E W S D Y .. T e pr b b li yi.g e te.h t h y wil as a heond n ce s roove i nt f rthi e c ooiomi i n h a v e r a d w i h m u c.ea t i f a c t i n.a n 1rt i c l i n T e S t . A n db l r w ' s S o c pie o n to n e e - t e m p t t o u n d o w t asi b e e n d o n e , at h e h a1u p oe.n d t e e fr1a dn8c r pe4 1r m.- s i p e t t l d t.t o W e yet erday sIa s m e t he new S le h th o m r.l c ial H-od e raîý I ld n te sam su jec .-bated the ann ver ary f t eir T at r S int on oll weu he our e o wh ch t eytadnnte ed ..ng res onsbleaove nme t," or a y t mglse se m S ch ol om mi an arig s ultb r.W llr fthcto n litouh- e o.-tr ntreyuoncr n1 hev.e. eserayby a in er-hih-aspreard or. nyow i tat certhey wold ntrbehe d rt e er W e d which1for c mt a t éatnseexce any. hing of te it, we ae .la t ,ndtht he te epucasio tmteron om.of t sAhnu-h atrlcapoaofrfr r hs wo frac fthi rss fthis charge werelun tn at a 'n,e 1I w haese int s unrand n e - m ,ww Qftnh a > s atre d ipat nto . h M .God ino.t e"F ote a ue."must aT l uH old herMb A RYextendrhe r a n-tri- . asu prtte d in opuro se i o on he ,ý1, witr rvelneqie ofotbl.M .le cranl vrvlerteavatgstnoeda alenoce ser e in w stroèi ng oce ointhe o-ups adpoog e eg. fte e ni-tue twud eacageaantths1e-Logtooph!itw thl s willbe. eatcon enie cean e - ony asuflciet prtecion o th Brtish gnhdonldbndeFanciaA.Harp r, squies,1st nd a aint ii; ad th s't e la or o ye rs m y t TheManein com ergy n. t e iewihhehssonM. 'cluitobti saheveohrethnEr-2dViePeiet . Te tabledwr cnv- trongawac a te mprryngec.ilta upothaibenprchased In oe Baratmet i yr a * pe»' -4 lqie ýe.:mM 4 hý ar ae t o hpe hatallpolticlmiffrncs rae "b w t vriety ofbanneteandflagspartyis ina som what uusualpositon. -a e&ilso inhse r' cir ] - rohaornoEair. .wl e e prrldli sd i h gttino mng wi h atoa ml m f stlnd, eo tere h asd al ways been s e grea tpulic rvdo i odcsown hrb ht a a on th e smo e p of adva npcng th je g ricutur n n Mal IR - . h ue n G d le s er! on b C p e foain i t eeee eso e it r unonde osts s interest- ofth" e r on hinneehlbM 9 r in ws Wehaetoreot ettaestruction, by taff - in rm od hc ocnetaetefread from whiMM_ ý. c o al ts marov h es nmiplen d dsinea, h but U ýe' the adoure:1til Moday wen fe moe freof he ueec ostOdie, n-eentwhih . T Que e oager, and heres .o e'ofrsathem fédorà the fil ; whIoieteewsbcas hytogh h nte whole, it w -areanii t mosttin T echirws nbohoca is t o'c,! PlceC néaleilsçh, wh- wps by fr. ?rlur cDonad.. g e. t o een 1 is no dag h êcùn an, -_1 ti sum.undra , n rlt . consulfation was, thata pntetiti ndo th Q uenis t own 1 - .- îO,os r e m k o in h o g h o FmiisraorofCa a ;Sn - - ...ý- b at rHucahcdhe a n d nt h ir e eg e . to. a account, a n w >ithd r aheir sonfiden e bn in t henah i f eep ), l int o M t ,e land ofap wheI ,lura nd ot er Pot ffce de am enan -but t e.same muh the* * au emnod t eev nig] eiittoc mp ai f heand seekrtheir.re-,t if tee ar eas ioi on tosuppoe tat te..ilthe Ilmnte ava tis Bank li stpepoutstego tnadpoue oft e tie thesntyo dtaWrsct at av .LodHllad h rm . { hí oatwl hr hreaeno lvacs goen en er nineein aown her wturwnatv'm Brtshpsssiosm mria nda tesaeth lamofr. CnsaleWes- imdit ntoucd ythW= tViePrsdet.wthsrg des.B t now, ea r d ,s obsace illbe oferd b H r ajetys ov.whchhe enc unerd r. 4l4,the ho se B itih rm .'Sngby MrfEaie£"he-hg orth patyth t ogaizd nd iede it p w-, oul silrbe thvdty ofehe reorm rstopu aripacd a e mane duce ofl e ie Sne,*n cZar-ih'gon for)wihoiy hiniht e. on9 , 1, 7 Lr 2Hd 2nton and 1he1Nav. Son by rp eWee fusedthecodiioo whchth pbli srvnt dysf Weidedays th ihso h epeo hsPovnea x aigbtte icvee h agréwsn.r akr."W e ucnfre h ot f eto episoInln-s • e orti hi fie.Te dds re o odyadSu a pesedpbytheo r epresntates atalmote«ry Cnable es h roeee u8sarsan .t g."m , wi th itr, or broken by1defav-orthreis r mnnr.i ieaym so e init avr houhotth wo poM eea \ vlmeàf mkeadCasrbotthstieMr Yt by his*M.orshp theMayor and ollowd.up anadawill.eel heir- owerror may a yar. lte tothe trith s e hve te ssema wti t hm u ch reg ri t an increa ing I sp c or R ss i ar i ed nd-avn-a c rt i '7r&A d rm n ila m s on wi h q uleic ty hy t e , s there -no object f co m mo exer- t- oi t f w , h n t i he d t af ere - re enue in th er u rund fo uceebin,) hich avebee'f- tainlen tra , utwascomeple bythesmoe,"Hghlnd onor. Te tastwas epledào by aremor fetilein bjetion anin xpei t he ernent ustbe dmiisteed hatn.ilmet. 1,e per .; o -oth ide.4 Te merý,chants and fr- . a l n M - '. - WdMr. usel fun tatal-ate pt*t sae-ocet. ndbyDrlSmpon te-resdet f he cn aterdo n hewk of ti pol n hspinil;and leisaton us poced im sti maybetakn utof her and,-hieote ar- 6-..- a &he*per part of he buildin . -asainge," The Thre Sisters. . d é tha the are r ro rs ia bu hat ntlgil- prsnatvshv n fetulcec n On- n etary mater s -1.,,are ý er Ymgn 'ha h irhat r tery-vi-e accordingly directed his attention . -t - ,61.Canada, the land of our adopwed y on.rsteaouy ey w h frounedan dprmde gardless f =theneetk rdd they can maot- Ct*otOfc eatet ntegon n hstatbig ieJh .Crwih.tsi em agt'loé s u otat esen.? Ifnt t ovrieruer.t softhisedLoco Footh, 'r erh _yadan e îther on. Hw cn Meab sur- flo r Esq.i- *i ý , ws ul al.fr n htgntea h r ottemaue ha r oenbeW e shall rcùed isum e rithe s ube t n our ne . has had an nfiavorde1)e prsd t;,e Cnda frer .ntran- ythstiete eern.enme fthe in an elo & ýýqetnt s eeh, t equ llfecitou e tersne ovew n etpo iety n tt td ,sm etrong fe*nsod- trustow r ds the me rcan- Sem ina r it the stuents wo o ard in the pýM rk ess i wofse timenlt eturnedt «hank s a in e forward by tthe ogan s i teparty Fori-omeh e h ae received aanumbhe r ofthiipe Ottu a ut of 75 peril cen t i,t k7 ie o dy in LwerkCanda e n th e ms - etlish en, nda u be.o ohe pron, iv brnC naia;0nd sarowiwthlod1 ger La ontinean oter eprsetatvesof he evey'bok;paer and eèttelrinteofc- - à KennD y Dand wDr numo d, fthe company joé inig e n t hrf o, hateora.ec ess ar e W anew ecrds ipratt h stlr nteOt e b r fw ih are;".-,, Fr n h a ad a p p laiig ra ey s et s tha t e "a i eos ol s b ig i estd f h ir onin he ch r s.ro n m stbeo cu ie ,wh t rncpl d s usrtw . hefol wig e crpto o A lm r an a y pa erata .aerp ic oa "W senfr escnr seW etcosadte ntswlipt a esatc n precedented even. m th e l1 e r MajesiTs IMinis t he -o n y r . rnh1poedI llrf fa he e e . pecedr.dtosell or pas t iforde s e l th m W t r o f ia d . p e r 6 0 - b s ., t at e p rt m n t s o a b l p e si e d o v e b M . P . R e e , o r m a u e a o t d r s a w o s h i i i y i f o h d o a e .a4hy t k t un d e r m th e e i s m g c r n l a s fE ng a n a n - a t e w l h 'l o t he e e r e nd' G e n tl e t fie 3 . T e C aa dt i an t F a i . S o ýn -T re i " oA n eo f tht w e ha r e a le n t o b ad a e s e p te r o r•ty ro l , eer i s t u ted o n th e pOtt a w a R i e rt 4 i n - -,\ i tha wea cn e aiedinan prtcfCaad e fr hein efatgabeié ee ruatrtin hc y ^ esr. Dck h mo, A. oMa c nad, nd i tch gind frme'prtofth DitrctnfMotrelinLo er sa e Com isstion Store I re;1. and sol d at»21 a(W p refit mat w 2 s.6d .p er b ush l, eo - W m a e n sa ing hi l uable p rop erty , w hicht ¡h e can g s -lie-- c a d tfi s d liht f n I ully itua e i tant bcou n s i u lmt *1 1 . , ,.e ri ously absrd; and the writerinà e ethe tem es s w conveyD rTd h Smin'ry, iean tedier ét a erthe "reulap rs " .,were du4l dieos- ed of, eh teswith e arti a w it diida l f hey .u an ot e f ro eytonaboelythe Cthaudiere Carter.rThe growingp mu dc mstd a l en i sppres eta tfarmers of inesafetyn tilithe d-byr thc>uen•OFlers of t e eve a tiouneer To ratswegree prpeA mo ontavacte ecd.T e na o iI poiete ieo h vleo v. t n meetng-tcall foras slu, WetrMC nd - lmclngaa ey hb i ostall e . wrI n thrin e t asti a'W ...sae thsubeuien e atcual rmr e t e p ple o c rcytersan i shbt thecrmerthe river widenspfortming a b meautiul ltt e nd i reuiciouly condul to an arrangement b y hi c heir in ter s ar e s p d tobeareiltin o o effrteanThdmmor ofLod S de ham " rop se bynprit wh ch or th mrtit ereaþ ratv he Saec;ab utlhr e m les ac oss o th oher h a é n d a htbe adv nt rn euEeven. t hoeO r-gn- by tw usch g a g, and wIh, ag e ag: sp ect eT as presid - s. Tentan oafuliŠdt b ra "ertht e n llach 11h2,nai o arh;ter r oiÕrn ter a -reiu-s el uttoBitshImirat t ifred by Alenconstisaio nos a re nd rn ytecmanontemssoem a-- h ecleinthfa r ehabe ngo somupe iezpre ."iTeS.Ade' oito ' ,tmtt nowa a endnrte hn P*"-sp i Wsit ce, as ave l s to a e eterdfuture home otf nC nd uti h t jvla fets.On .irst th ug ts r ner. the a st wras prfac y te enle a a te rt bst. Ift dgeert itot 'abeetles T e outy ac o ac dd d nrll w a Untd- ae, n ne hc tsad. Ruh e lldterinerd onee'the safeubuet ws wh av t, n o e r hyr éakst re.- p thmsofourseformer s eh e nterabe e.i Ieve, ui petty ell settled althie lsy upC)O, iú lal prcs anlou rgs ad utgeusMra. .h s.frasreto died le -e t l o.Irëeäl etn muhh nrup nhststinielig i t ss oreig ih th bet o og Kigtt oo fe anigo.heoh rs .hcse and eope. t wold ertinlye vry asy to nntgaenibten, 'eled uuin -advieo s yhè -which c alldnuterworhy a sPre d or of -tat .- -h Ifthe ill o ullnthb e lope fthe e phchr o th t nd the esing cor nyercingn o á n the t ierel ti tds inthaefbthe ueu sceyworeund hns nhs u-Thecattrlanmpbiong&within or.areac t o i tEq. ad owpsssedby Te clder late rmený ý le ati o ns te e na su gn t r ma d u c e mro letr i n w h al n t t akte upnb i ms e lt o ad ieT h e = b r eak o mca ryi o od t ye le ,o n dg pr opu los ed i n r eu p r s bj c s, l u gh t - b y ti e -r ef or e rs ee w oi r tht h e h n a n c o f iy se d e c a e d g e t le mha n w s a ' st ri - w a s s e ed ed ie xt ,.d ay by wimm tw ettl in e ofrthe. Mrester at rnroun, te -ur. r. usldlthbfo aef peitatotheSains Bnk" he eath o trugl tat he cotit s qualywoth hie kn a nteofwha:my b acomlihedbytiueddeingth reame p incpil ii of u pt 6 ar erthatn ly vr te d w thgeoli e diet le .Sithe C una r ed iak ntro,"foce(the n o-lhn t ,ondavrotongrre the fuidathgles odf wht.t rris. T enm e fbidn w ih e wt ev an nF iay harl emuchcheprn the i oterat otes-anla fnt the eani a arm de s t eb fr a siton, Pretde nt,) woa uon Ioith g r e rethavtersiga éine 1 nd t do tif ut e- 1 eofte-tþevambl h proen th ae byhioern t w eather i u'l,* cold tr.,; ý* Cotandathfporstny etweef in-@ongarda-ing htly boe mn mtn on tde 4zc- asi- pl«aaue Th r i 2 perei d enloted h u efore serv isite onl .tJ ne count, am une are n f. eoa d gia nsme m ithout top ay t it n he ele, ilea il etliuwae f a.e o ot en, nemetle eeld e in hena nd ou- n the ealit f d*peJaete dbya lyharaiewesoud egldto. ofexr8o6s h cndteuetÍbrasa ,ni thenrycpaiymrateipls. uns0RDO TR dusit u oof urg. e ar el,,-gM . e1otoe ine 11, th - . In cosequece of heact.tifßeaor -eb elet Šnrt-githrdeneihat halHlllto:Ayher,-aoud see, ul hdes'oft go l e as--head atae-ot e..isaw nd- s Y, theR H ùdliliHabalt h pem siddu.Mcgigfo eori thiri llpxt y on a t hié nethrsd oo agh ofteCaaamakt. y eeistedn a 24. trl in eq15dé we st mçnti for anyt ,,The,., fEM stelbJonA aig sppay eg t mente e rd u a t a n ic n rte n soKi bandà Mitbci aemEsuin , loiund stry,-pt aacefulstheco Boofme Hal -4.1 , e std s.ifalnad hle y.s e'bkb h i fna f l by thr h vi ae extrior, of good on ! wee ntegie ien h eele of Cao nad-hr. veat uwhie 60bg itis beai cargheh th re A.eA m risii 1 1f rth ititt wn n a e an epese f 4000004of elby tsae Aana onthetinr- f2ef e Vicei edailhei e as. go t ablen a eritablee"" owaut. . : conpaisi about fifty.huligwt ter nte.i h o ino hsf by whgig Ar.etrs ican ruce a rytu ge -eau aLbperae sbjctd a tiuy wth te b r. havheeisan- .r Bd pnn oaslfemtonadpmbr butfv an k og ec,- *ti irest of t peiin ihtei wsujc y gs mon1 T-hueone t ll the ran cedings of deth e n umpa s d am von , he thparty s e l, na h e itsopr th .red iieit atrkns.oItes ne sï tha dofthed itsl the roi nce , a t tc r t e t o a t h . r e d t ,y o f G r e n c i n d s , a r e e t o p a y a dt h e t ya s o t t a te w o C C hi au M a c k tliaçfý , l , , ý - ,, >,ý vatae aeanoedpinipU, ye h:al- a, tes tre e tive serpolic akig nefdee rat bea, e -isait, tar y oftender nc m n path inae man ewstill s a pthe direce f pi-Coralean(,dTlee , en d uityof ofil r;ýthe Bank toJ a most sy excuivlyby oeigners,. the enie t heoriy placesded to the rai amrs.a ndth in ndacio wiheersi,-ndthiprt.nay mleD,.oBbe hepoesof birecdct hsa n g e, usebyof hch a ,; , ;generallS. C 111-i t riCipLes AsaQyUofTInpONen t his iaweloanedthqes s etrou c t o.t n aio fte S.Ade'.o èGrti IIgewvr h h hse ewadpriulra ey sa e tne totheMrhatlli,> i.!,, v "ý'I l -iv .u wut tw . aeot hveycleotad a oodol Frne. Thpfequestiornnoe o prposes. sur eoete ,w hhdt hl hn fte cn re f b a vrellose ep r ny ada sserp T h a engofthi e agrlt. at oith e ofarifgtihnspcoplbe ent aed sadestrucntio hnetel oto iyhv4e c m omd- ~ "onBa, adasoe and tht th 11ard Il-aher' -rdeb, hoe fereineicn omtttin-e ad'hairt, annalir.d rath rat l e eir ddemandedco d ugwith ,the i en-ow, as o of Ruh h care i ss i- m, Byimun-es, maiv to thesa,è a ..r . w ell a s th e w eatri t r uei / Lw s d e t ii a n sh F ip s r p r ir r =e e f o a h o u e s i a d p e e t å u b o e f o t f r g.,a e m re s a s o il s p a B e n e ,.n or h e;er i l c s s alloed t ëary or poduca-th- 1.a.o.hereddemy.we sige . q.hs is yaid Con Esqhøs itrhiers put'p anunense ub. E a t rn 'da a u we h ud-B Ye-e t e EPIgti t R E l ". i* g p p . S on arn.R a ag . wiutheya pe p alo , a fnd - M 'l'e -Tht t be P ?,res fIrteigt s oe fr-Girvd cinlsthil glieurtia en the t! worTlelas-dia rase ----. ervcativeG o;ile rr t f o fte reota rund ede g4 ove rn - adinendduortil.nE. . 1?r,eý i er peo -he rvic. 'fiHee ting : w incehavelaterepoft the toalidt ruci .ltiny elmmo n egn rIlh gwteurat th o c taerwise would c il , a nd rein t iehid - of l i g e asuein eincpe and e,a uotinsto t'ets ke qhnaua n.1tii Moa y, ang e mreilisofth Q ebc es Ofte neei wio3 heQ enDwa ,adthes t f I1 t m- a thengornmhentld;whiteit htoe . as b ut sail £minéat, n y theduros and asM cr a es t th-.ýIle Bar,ý,." 3nosntlem ii acb i a andda e- uie e oiirt oc urr diest re ald's, dFr in nfo ma ion Roil amethern gMr.ood sill .1 *r a i easien ag s . ie to ',-a ta st u ic sb tn tt ik n pu led - w a eothe d:i a a ll.t al itils linaise i oe t b fr hs tyo f as-.ig hr Ed ebe c t.1, y c ,ul ,go -ster l e it ist an s ew 1vosv d r e g l a t o n s w a s n e r i n4 o r e a . P i c gA b r t o i Q u a e .o n tte t w poCionns o rt ht .it t y w higa n m arB . i' i l .b s é ( w hi w e p r e y g, l ' t hic m a r k e t a s U a s s ai ý , .oslttonw rtat.l eito I -iQee a o nosevd s ase s o f a t re gtht ocar in isî s r o theada. rSongb a strIlt - togeihther n andtof h unietoth aair e . . ansa ecouri, n ds t ) w that tonfbenceuiof e ceiv. t e rs r f e ,: to øL, : tel P o ' p imieitl rv ogtefre ami-oft theui d re, in utaor Sthee tr, uld have ars age.[h s ee, bad eociusn yothe mete- . .go-a e t exe m a nt havefaitfhir pnyg; he d66. Sale A sse mbly ~ ur mg las reFElon th ere w gl¾ e«. gaggvionuswh enha interse nf so m ekiof -reieaancese or of fr - al evena ,i êa ec eiaryftO ascthem aE . . C na so m e t!ers>a sen nogat olieferanding. othingfi eth n t , arndiereb efeuth reane tenthi s end it o.thevinecsiy wl te r rpae t epeae n o eh oie aeb 1..Grumss 04lt. a 8at fl" bdeb. yengstse r w g3d 0:Ü., Mrj..eny sch. ed 36 este.aee,mruay, frMa.) lia 0111 17911%inst , at the ad &na f a9log lness was f'rtitade, NMr. Andrew D, c11 u @dýbY bi merous framaily and fi as" (fthe few dIrat settlere I va j"te e o nthe la wi la, f thir svereiga, fetir i ~ ~ ~ 1111 J. :.1.1pte llat e its a apt ensr r aa-alAs > me-t adar.e o p liso t haerg.hue RtVinfre nd the nrc t analbi-m draps beczly ibrfrt he.purpose o t an tatIthey nay bave rne iely on' hisasurances, the follo« orespeéctable pert*s are a suffi cormer, Esq- -Ein$'to"' factbllEs. esr.ClinsEHinles. r. Brney, e Watertown r. reen Kellegg,. Sackets lHa ALFRED CARTE prtonDec., 1841. U ve. een.ian and the , i] Herald wiill rP aihe above three 1 thei r,-u irnnts o te ub-erib-r -A jRE:js, by virtue, of a Warrant i Lrected, byli. lYeomna and 1E..4d ,% two offlier MlajestJustices 0 1 an auýthorized to e 1a Meting i mer and Householders of the Tow Itrn, fr the prpse of appoint:ng' er for the efisuing year d Il c, that the Annual e h a te Schoollouse in %Wa'e.rl ch 3ril day of January next, at 12 o'i J11NDUNLAP t ows3 pl 'THE TOWNSlHP CLERK. M*.dersip e-1. inhaitbitanitleof 1 iel Ri ýomn, commidering thre multiplie d i- te Cotent the next Annual '1 , and the shoIrt space of tir] mm àe doin, thinik it necessary, ni rpu you0oCali a Meeting for tht on:,ng proper per.ons to Illi t., fý di thkat day. - There are only three hours a] $ttute for the eilecting4 of 2 CouInci alCommissionersi, 1 Clerk, 1 Asse., or, 3 own Wardens, 40 Path Mia aKýpers, biesitisOther businjess Ad) limrace Yeomnans, Y. P., W, li, Neil FerriJ. W. Brown,G.. cajahG;uess, ohnOvensPhiliplr McEMchael, George Webster, Genr .,Mahlon Knight and others. wer to the above, I hereby •ve1 ?lin will be heldi at Mr. - If rhr on Wedn'sday the 1.51,Wày o'(. 30'c!m k P. MI. for the above ment JOHN DUNLAP, Township Cle 10% 2 Novernber, 1841. TONY MECHANICS' INS TITE 1 o Lctures fur the preaent to be delivered in the Rear 4 pn connection with the above Soci e pubie are reapectfully invited. Utlemen have consented to render ,and the Rev. W. H. Coombe will the Series on Friday Evening, l10th 941, at à70o'Clack. abret w il, be"Eon, particul "m-t"of the funid.amental principh he unprovement of that facukty e JAS. A. HEND)ERS( GR00ERIES, &,. Auction Romsof"heSubmer Wednesadaytrnexr, Decernber 8, to nite. Sale tocoin e a 1o ARS, 1w Ir.eskie rtiai 7th, lag4184.