182 Ti#£ ilN8?O k!EIÀLýblm-1UEDAT t>czytm 'l, 1841. tisat a rnaeîf5. fer L lac hldu in ilre tee î.s l'lit %a'e lilî;r (T L' srin ITIO% i r 1 )atsf t iii' , u ,)r ils grsnfirr aild f«,ir A(ITi;;r , %Vi 1 1k sji las m iii Tii fus eiiiil,î-.'i of uud,ci,illgu mai TF go laik. lii"cp-T.î ini l Ti-. I !01 its iC. 1L-tnj 1 s -i e selii\ . Il >,l arn S li 14-. ',r iii l;e1i l«' su,;ia -i t i s m uri s, Finl r . ilt asc ~ til r us u' L. rTi ou. f as un- ' cent. lii ig mas il il I 'rcei for;mcd inî 01(, lier privt-han iT il O or iîom fi fur îl:r came n'uie ns 0tic T0w 110 i store açdvcIuor! [, asing prosperiiv 01 K fbr sici an cus'-aiiifh' iousbV conduirtrd, %%ul ,0 adveantagclTs 11, Pe ,g tir protuoc fis as. 10 then irh lah xvho cars lue c1p lepricca,, insicad llf 10 b UchatecrS. liswà AMS ns Rét imas 1E làcnibuss wg bave te aans ace AEgiii Sur~ - nDlblàMgieteliqar m w a p.; OODt he Of ou b ro 5Usppite v o ae wà ém eadrutem& Ce., in lth e»w *toma wwe met the .--r ifirs r...., cou. à.marsil wilmttet Ir- roeaye.j ...irklDes i* ~legtber cover, i~5.rmalasOsa.JOHN MOWÀT. I vr -90tt,- QÏMrai Clitierow.' IL5 ~ ~ Z 5i.ALEX. ROSE. A ciag bpyttio'h.te, Branai -i op rb'y~ < <l3 Klngîto,0Der- 7i,41.amtnd sebr un ce-an Eboul wori box lu. MS OLLAM S REWAERD. cse, qe*e'srr&ino =ukcovresi viti 7- %a- r- ., DESLRMJD.LE AiM D -TATEINS TA lliba nd neies tin gboe rage. (à@ m Cu eR AILE OR TO LtT seis . ouaseia ~,s he*0y oni afS. aaie or4 s lace ou l f Ottawa adiiRid au es1,asânsa. ~ . as~~ ega te»si uatidabout 8 tmiles tramoc s n, ill 1usd b thse ..,ovry ofet ililha i .ably auaie i aai Dw"ïtl tb.aaauimsirosi. TbeHoue. oeamsu. revsrslsd. M lsticîagoaiui.g . finis, 40 t by MACPâÉRSON & CRANE. r~b.13& w'th anew se00fuM ouganiws, Oti*ek & laise fw "dc il,0eOr~'7 f b uiaAsvJ iiauafse Kingston. Noir. 30 1841. G.-y.r M' Yýovater. TisePain countelas aboutl100acre as t aIl- i tIi. aivàseof excellent land, andi Seing snoear aash smer.- afal ai oeSe j. - l»,.,whienh Iboket n Kingston la ver v luable. A goosiPotuhiQ ITUTATED vithin ans mile of theflouishng .* we k ra Me.187aiid nanufaclory ran ieb haslsitiste Parus, if sat. -k«Yvillage ot Sysienliana,(Y'ar <1s>h ,n~1 % tslîerl 'a Up-e. liselaownsip af Longlibonosigi, b.ing 6mi d us< l Who a in lmlaisesc aroi- Fer turthor particulars, enquire ai tis esuh. trainKingaton. The faim caftaita eabout 100 wý 0 f ibtiCvr 8eig.t'r aarbrahl rmss cies of guondland, 75 of wlich are undel%4'h am~~.pllS i iep EDENEZER ADSIT. utae et ultivation, haîcghhem c coafrt: idKingston, Dec. 7h, 1841. 3m iusaltFraui n o. M orid2. a'y 15l", w We ~i vatered; 5 it s e n e emia~ ___ GREAT ~~~~T. J. RIGNEY'S. heatflintf Vev **w- Keec, e.AI, 81 M. . OI SALE, - . A ROUIE iiidLOT iii Ith aix<~imal 10 ARMERS. - ,iNivVf asu.RAD. L« iinatejka"139 M04tbuushed nesrth ~.lec.çusnlutli t<Sf, NOTICE is hehiby givmn, tiatt ae àueio Well, ani a Garden with sMM ag a ~~~~~~s ~ ~ ~ o ai5 CLlOuF18? U fthsCosniainarse U» ilauai -j .Tes.The Hoas. conte,saiix remoiain êBibi dc are lereby iIîforrned that 29t§uime, oevs aratkus an roflotio e leTernis of loti, liberaL for wandoih. i";Costructei sud pcMOanesu umade, reitVlb. heTqUs kansi Toi] Ca0"i sainoyoioln, apply te Use subecniber, et tlb à. &deuibd, bas issen otiseion dmsite au.namcJ Ioa& 8. B. MeERRIoEeailbKigssaHeali w Gh fr tise purpohi. of Storiog 1sw in ae <Tnvii nm h.~Nov. 2= 1841.-.B MRIL ýoriiion,, ail descriptions cf dyo aury 1842,lbe colces[i the l ~irteded or tle iningouri. Gaies ealablialiedoun tlii.roas, vit:ChW Gr rjSre 0freret fodueChresale ais0i'nti Cragssrai y Lo e p E ubscriber bes leave 5Ment rePectfÙliY 0 rAueare ole liy lmeoîhe r 4inges a lu breo or , îs. h3 hiforlb lseadthsbi et patrng le iarejll be s'oderate; ithe mare ihorse«, vitistire uns., mm tehoe fre ieanilbpublOc batrsa-e WC D le time tot do. 4ti4s treinisire euh, I&id, O'gbmsosied on imsiduring tlb lestt eu yeaus in ia ,,twhvnSy hro 'ICI .rB do. wdo treO dnbs do eàb 6 -1 hi. city. ile i. .ovadvisedlly clouing up hie h0s ha souracC3, tise folOsving sd. do 9 d do iles Dry Goosis departusent, ans ill for lthfuture dpcieprSooliS are a sUfficisiuî Carniages drawu by tismoiorais2. 5vt i.liet b vilS tire 'nadr 4 incises in " GROCERY tf PROVISION llI~ ~ in5oîs, breadili, cwier,, E d. o ]in1 9mubuptia à Business exciuaively, Wliolwacle ansi Retasi. F2 rolo arrangemnt@ rocenflirefl'ected, lb. has .wi.Eq.do. dol ' doô do 2. c" ahuForeign ansi British mnarket@ open laeSi, t,,. ~ ~ ~ ~ do doîo 'ILico o.Cr 0a draiyonediorse i. 1 Iofrons vbiice, direct, ho vil receive, unadulle. dao. tîsu, irse n on one, 6 .~ eeiadci~ akgs ail articles con. Wacets llab<ur.oxreoi, 2. etad i vu l uies.NaBk dy i Sa.ck-ets lga, She.p, dr à nSpirit@ vilui, re tra i bLndaudocka; isa ALIFRED CARTER. S ,ij wisisaselectesi for iamef, vîlI b.eof cisoice 18is 1c Tise preaunt rate otüTollage pln WSenl Cet,- Vinctsges, ad notling viDlib ofiered but sucS am i he Oeego nages going andi rusdtinsg by lb. Bath Esasi & ut xrfoi]a in giving satisfaction- N .u b-îe he ie, on tise ooad uading ta Colina' Bay, 10 continue A large ami generai assortmnenl vilI alvays lb. ,,,yo.. uui.nh. -A. C. tise sane as lanhiî presont exactesi. kept on bsand, andi unroniting attention wvIiib. ~Z.'---~ -- Thse Tuil oun l1lSleghé. wisetier drasin by aiven la Usa business, ami la suasa iY favar Nil 11<1k aie or more isorseo, shall ho ratesi at 44. On iivitisacontinuance of their auppart. Belos ~ rre i Wrr's linmeigs tosls ahRonsi at Gale No. 1, Bd. a liâi of articleson ou d isas giron, of genuine ', J Ii, \eîî'îalIgali .LB Ail .Siun efrouaColinea ,e at o 6f the As iliaDaa aeN.quaiîy, vlich is vie . old at extremeiy lav lie Niestv'k Ju-tucis u tse Bd3s. Persos3adrawung "imb.r on Isia leigSs prices for cash. re Cal a -rrdiri lIe,,iig o h opay 6d., ailistise privilege of reîumning frt 5 oxsYun uonT ut. -r,1e.c thie Towanshiputil tise expuration of thse second day. s 6 oxesutaYoungHysoe, ,,r thr-r rilniseo osi i .eimjTorwn0-nusr Twnk d cînh-n 25 Togidr-dseiglt allow"dMres aloasi, Boag 3 lusi. Muarovado Sugar, :;.e 1 du hereby i;cluuled.10-Cub Sgr For every Isuissresi eigiat over 23 cuit, ansi 10 rahedo do.r -' \'lll NlErING under 30Ocwt. one halt.peiiny addilîonal toulage. 10 bbd. single refinesi Sugar, AIMI -î,ualliku. iii -loacio), on Fo-eer rvi.er 30 cwILone penny adition- 10 doble refimisi de, i.p n ,TIno.niext, ah 12 'ciorlu, ai hui.lage. --- _ 21 .- --i-i. Ilie tluiliî.iiîy of ;il, icn; 'Anrial To;wn- pco it hre in I Tri,,'..O 1 m, ind d<u ", L 1 i zn 1r ile pur_ --. iiv e.e houri alliaises tilu, of.r- r 2 Coi'Tuciinen, h .-- , eril, t Asieocr. 1 ha. .1 -l iW l ijl. -10 Il'dli Mastens, N N ir. araleru uiest cf ie Dc r in.J. il., Wîlliatia e: Fi, j \V lîroîvuG.S. Spar- t~ ~~~~I1it a l I fn lp;,tluî resser, . 1 a s rve %Welsten, George il. m" Ii 'îeah'.ve. i1iii'rei-v oivp notice 1l' 1 e hI i îMi 1fh[u2ey'sIun ne!- ls.tdy tIr l5;>u doyofDec'r. M-I1-NI.Tlilue aias e ;mniioiuîd ýNîscinler, bS41. Cft lEILyî~'INSTITUTE. T lIre,T'r Tie presnui n- ed,!rtre!iiite Rear Street m'l s.itIllie sucre Society, ta -'-en.. cu lir ina ted. *Se- *-".u ar 'ei'i rentiiiicuer iheir riWIl t inom w Il cumita TS..i 'iv Es eliung, l10is De- 'i < 'Nviiir."partîcularly a - -i i iliTi lii i inncipleil on - Ilel Q îîî~rTIiiltiaciîîy de.pèuds. J.AS. A. lIENDERSÇQN, niui 'IR ii of the Subacnibera - ev D î e',lcrcnîter 8.,tla lose_ T-iiComen;ce atIil o'cloci, % VINES. Osis ssi Sherry S ., LIQI. 01.e, lion of tis Bord tbea iictoreste Ofl itw -- j. Probe 0'~j -«ltb id se kosn at Ithe titan rOLUINS & HAINES, 1-41, Asmiugsme -124 hundruil weiglîî ailowed for carniages drasin y une horsu. For extra weighî tbe @ame sep above. No extra Tuîl fr asditional wigit ta be chargesi ou Wagon@ with tiret 4 luches or u>. wards in width. Tise Toli Gate No. 4, situatesi near Mr. Lit. -tIe'. Taveru, Ernst Towsî, uill on and affer Us,, abore nwacîowsed daies e opeuesi tu the puise l' , ansi froc of Toîl until further notice. 'fol Gate Nu. 3, situated at prusent at Nlil11 Cree., to se moed s to tho Eant ade of Conces.. *ions ruad, wlîiu' fiestlhe Macadamizesi road near Mr- Leviiton'e Farus, Ernest Towin. Tise remroval of this (jute wyul >.lu place immédiate. ]y. The extra Toîl on over mweigiiîesui sheuce. forth bu rigidîv enforcosi. BY order ofthtie Board, CHARLES CIJMNING, C. M. R. Oucember 3, 1841. NOTICE. OFFÉLE 0F CLIERK OF TU£ PEACe-, Knston. November 29, 1841. OTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN ihat Nthue Court of Geueral Quarter Sessions ofthe Peace, aili se helJ at the Court Houa. in Kingston, on the 20th day of Deceniber next', et 10 o'cbock in the forenoon). pursumni in adjooumcnut for tise purpose ofreceiving appîUcationn finff, and granting certificates ta Inn, Aie and fleurflouse Keepert iu shis District, for *tue ensuing vus,, at which turne a general attençiance of Mlagistrates (at bat: one fromî each Townslsi) it ruquested. Portons recoiving certificates. are required by tise Statute to take OuI their Licenaus on or i)efore thse Sti day of January next, other- wise thse certificates will lue nul and voici. Applicanîs for a renewal of their Lcues aili have wtproduce a certificatu accoruing rta thé. foramN. 1, and those who have net benlib ieuaud thepreunt year. accordingte Fov No. PL Every persoru wiil be reqni.o a4 thse tr. of takiag ouI hiascertificat. ta pro. .gide himéecf with a copy of tie ainded Rules and Regulations for thse governient of Ini eejiers. By aider cf the Court, JAMES NICKALLS; CZerk QoftMe Pieteof te Midloud Diariet CERTIFICATE No. i. We do herby certifytat A. R hacou. aa..a Ii.. b..s fgr wirie.hobtainod a Li- édnae lest year te " .setisifaction of tihé Pup l,Iîý i ut hlm bua mitaitwdbis gond ibar- acter for tyal ad mrety «dw.rbowm- moud tuai hie ho esoud ereneved -for the comihi g eai. A. B.C. T P ID,. E. F. J. P. CERTIFICATENo.2. We do hereby certnfy tisaI A. B. is s9 per- son of sober habita gisusifaitse ad conversa. tion, sud cao a gond and loyal sul'ject of lie, Majesty, andi tlt he is a ps'opem'ysersou tm b. ernruted %sitli ceusse ta keop an Ian,.vhici vu further certify is mucli required la Mi 'nighborbood oftlie bouse for whicli la.o ires to obtain a license, and vo a&W dedlans tha: l tosr knowledgu ho Las accommaodation for tea.Vellers reuired by law. W. there. foi'.recmiacolh to tise Justices as a prome peraou tô keep an isn. 80 ktoe rug Tolsecco, 16'4 20 do 18%. 10 do 24us, 20 boxes Cavendis 18's & 2410, 5 isussi. Molasses, 6 do Bordeaux Vinegar, 1 ta 21, 10 isaa sittesi Pepper, 20 boxe Pipes, Q..Filluerte, 20 boxes Grounsi Coffiwb 20 'Grounsi Ginger, 20 Pepper, 10 Alîspice, 20 jacs Maccaboy Snnfi; 10 Sage Roastesi Coffue, 90 Il Laguira do, 10 baga St. Domingo do, Wu Ls Ravoa 100 boxes Motreal Causles, 50 dou Wax wick London Cansilea, 100 do Liverpool Sap, 15 ishds - Ottard Dupuys" Cognac Brandy, l do Bordeaux do 10 batrtas l Hibberta" London brosin Stout, 10 dé Leitis aie, Genuine, 10 h ils 'uperiebr Table Cod fiais, 15 Sarrels $alMon, tk #lenaftois, 5 Caroteels Zante Currants, 5 cases IlWicks" best Mustalsi, 50 jars IlDurhamn" Muaard, 20 boxes Fig Bilue, 5 do Vermacilli, 5 do Macaroni, 19 asaka Blacking, 2hhde Sioprior OU Port Wiue, 5qr. caca i."y spe'ot'Sherry, 2 isdeIlss t= rudi" 'Madeoira, iÔO ùr casa IlMarseilles" Wine, Port & M. 20 Punceona IlBoston" Spirita, 5 do olsi Ration Ruin, 20 pcheona E. I. Ruts, 20 box es uciera" Londau Slarcb, 50 cases Sciiedamu Gis, 10Saaars 2 "Citro£, 2 StoughtoulsIttera SPepper$sauce, 2 Berus.pWaAxncv R0c04 2 66Kdlchop. 2 Il Pearl Degol MD craies Crocey andIhei 20 packages Glassvcro; Witis a vaiety of otb.r artilesconiectei 'sitIl a Uroceiy Susinesa. Thé remaining oas he bSubsonubers.Stock vili be sai x at St Prices. S0"ha desie ïMigeis uotier b eh e..lapnu'tbûA extasive ktoa ciof ame saimide rd nebef«Oke urchame, LOOK AT TUIS fb tlbir Warnlomse l.O et4 aiWbiin irom £500 elu 1t0 ev albslsir wili b guven ii eiopa hle0Dvelln u. for a fpslJy(toaidM ifitèquired.) A ons f su0e expemsnce ia theàararriia Uie. e l preferfresi. Immediatejaliclitutge"lser viirere- ue et&d" " ëoiss f aiflîîy aiearaate, May e sé be persoayorl let, puIpe)te PETE ruPEJ Noe arltwi sI Ir «A ÀLE«AàJ rMoit S.AL E. FO " biat. t ..cu ,.,,y WILLh mWkyeaUgruction on Tuabiy te 1dch e iau k»nParisa fsodWa *6SLaiça Parm, bel 00w JOinuate"oas auet aa uueiof ciMr. Fourre in E 1 3 "Z lag l'odesd froul Kingsla, containis200=acu,'gmet prt. 14qnwlemaaPuat il., ai wlichiasiM ow cudet , k Lt.53 kh SSplasorie extensive Ordcbr ignai 'baie 7vig 19doe de da - 13 spsing viti am ahuisist eprly of water. S o Elsirg. As dîbem<1 lu ocunquernac ftbbowm mb m botetors- T "Wle .34eII amlseeb7te uiis, turc te uidl a nsheimm Winbei f onu*7 e bubi gt MuceudoegOU, 'fryaverome. For partien" auepply te 5ib d MnPoUrre on the sess eso 1 0bimu S&ado Kingasan, Nov. 301h, 1841. - 10341 sceuftes .1. .R DRY 0O0DS Wbicli lave been bought in tise Esiglisit c»d Scotch Markets att rpaactxoxrvao .0V flXm The baer part have been purchauesi tonim. IULF TIIIR ORIGINAL Coir andi ho is therefore enabled tu ofier to bis friends, OREATER BARGALÇS rRA.k.EVEI. He pau'ticulenîy canesatUention ta thse foloving buat Every article tiseru nause;oin-Iei confident wiUl b. lounsi by jusigueta tbu c e et 20pr cnt cliopos thmsony. iother, House. ]MOAD CLowmm of e«ery quality andi color and of auperior maie, Pilt an4 Besvez'Clothaf a»sarte colore, sme dr ire àPl IlcaWSe ati aT a ri, Pla id&& al ailer Sillks, includîug seine ,finer tisan bsu etar been lsuht butanre l'nto Ciissea. Trenib ansi EnglishI ilkbon, _et are not ta be..o«gaIesa lustyle or quality. Ta bis Riblions the Suhsieriber lu particular cails tise attention et lbe Public- Merinof e ai colora and qualities, plaa Ogured Ssxouien and Orleans Clatisofaieudd qW4iy; Watere d m eask Moreens, in VI e.,Scerlet, Pawa, Biue. Gree, mag emba eselocr; aunextensve a-si .e wAli ede Laiae.uegIrw f~mn4a~ie die«sîfreinsFrance,' - aou lbâtasuto coles affuse r 4lqiisb, unmalinsoUs. fin ci vool04 B44, Whslo , gren, aSi YemBlosainue Sape' an Weleh Flanuels, particnlesly fa».sed.snkaby chep; Wantis'Glov«s aievery descripion, ams a very large stock of Wooieçt Hose, ae4 Hlaitf hoa, direct bons Leicester; Scotch and Lancacinie Serges; tise argest and beet chosen stock of PrntsiCeiicoeffh ut4 Province; Rihiiesiansi plein Calmnros Tweeds; Bnci andi Dooshins, sons ci theus uf pecuiatfinenseI ' llukins andi Puolians, semarhably low; Winter Ves- tingi of splendid pattern*. ils Valentia, Gambroon Plaid, Saxons', andi a choice issorpifent af fig- uredl aud plain Satins, andi «oâe 'ietj splendid Satina for Ladies' Bonnets and si i e , Jacco-. net, Muli ced Book Musiins, visite 'lad colaurei Lene., Roliesi Jacconets of every cabanr, Tyi. led and plain Silecias, Regatta, Derry ai Tr he tiripus, fine Irish LicesShirts, ogClais aniwhite andi colorusi Cotton Shirt,, thab' IVool Pantaloons ansi Waistcoats, Vorsted. Comtorters ansi Braces, Steam Lucus, Factory, and Swansdown Collons, Whsite asd coloresi Countorpanes ansi Quilts, and -a very large lot ut Cotton ansi Woollen Ruge; Drussels, Impe- rial, Kisduerminster, andSc otch C tn, af nuaguillcent patterns and supurior qu àty asu, coru very fine Drugguts, wull wontisy oaimme- simate attention; Frenchs ansi Scotch Cambrica, and tise largeat ansi best assortment ut Blonds, Laces, ansi Quilling; norne vury cuperior Frenchs Edginge & Laces, Chenele and '1bibet Sisawla aud Hansikercsiefs, ansi soins vury fine Bandan- usa, ansongat theus will bc founsi a fuw plucea of ruai ladian; Woolen and Buckskin Mitta, Scar- let andi Grey Snosi Stuckings, Linun ansi Cotton Tapes, W. B, Drais ansi Black Linon Thread, Cotton Balla, Spools, Slso Tlsread, Bonnet Wire, aud an innumerable qnantity of allier SusaI Wares; ansitise STOCK 0F FURS, Consiste of MufEa. Capes, Boas, ansi Trinmsinga, in every description of Skis,; a new ansi most beautiful article in coloresi Swanadown Tris- ming, pecubiarly weIl adaphusi for Trimmi'ng of Dresses for Balle ansi Evening Parties, 2ud a tew vury cisoice real Swauadow Ros. A very largo Assorîment o! Fine lneuadng Coets, Veste, mué.Pasteimsot-,veT style, and tusunget ilium will b. founs soin. Pua ami Monkey Jackets et superior malte, pe- culiarly subI adaptesi for Sailuns' Vear. An excellent sortment uf CROCKERY et lise nuwst patterns for flinner Services, Break- fast andi Tea Service; ans iun fine China, aiso Breakfast ansi Tua Service. A few bluda. of Hollandes Gin, ansi Cogniac Brandy will b ssi dciseap lu close a Consign. ment. WM. WILSON. kingaton, l3th Nov., 1841. TAVERN STAND FOR SALE, gr HAT valaisî Taveru Stasid, in lise tbn- A hp of Kingston, on tise Lougisboraugs Road, 7 miles froi tise tosu, kncsn as MerrlU'n Taveru, is ofibresi for Sale. The property consista of a Frame.Hause, trame Barn, Siiesi &c., wîih 100 acres of lansi; Usure la a goosi WelI an the preffises, togetsem illu neyer faulîng Creeka running Ibrougu varmous parts of tise tarin. Po- -1e-1i01,given on tise let of May nex. For par. ticubas, apply to Ruts Merrill, et Yarker's Mille, or tatise aniscriber, at tise office of tise Kingston. Heroli. Novl. U4,1841. S. B. MERRILL. F Rsale by tise Subscrib.ra, 25 lieg plug Toisacco 16s. 20 do0 do 188. 20 boxes Cavendishs, 8 hait boxes Naiirod 32à. 55 jars Snuf, %W,00 principe Clgaa 15 boxes La»ndan aperm casidîca, 10 do Moutreal Mouisi, 20 do Fig Blue, 20 do Carolina lice, 25 Saga green Cofilie, 15 boxes grounsi do 15 do do Pepper, 10 ban ground do 0jars Mustard, 75 Matsa Cassis, 60 ressu wrapping paper, si141.kLNLAt .NU$T PUBLISIIED, mudWfr U.,NOtice FUmthDeaa h e h.lmai id srasexu, b,' Me. Peas e, Berna.Nom Amxxuc.awitls pweftoey rmai riekhc, 2&.. RAMISAY, ARMOUR & Ce., Nov. 20. .Front Stset. TO LET. T BREE Roa in King"Street, au thtie Wn% IMPSIXGrocer. NqW. 23,1841. GOVERNMENT SALIS. rrO e "ýy Acti%ý&ttheOnnance De. ý:b4 nt aqumilty of obsoWoe sud moor. viealile Gasàr Ceair and i Touees, Militia maifl lmhsitPrAeus Bale iilo g c, .M iugulonCanai; 3» 1Ç o., IU #OR SALE AT THE S§UBC3IBERS 5(>( j BOx E8 lm"iosami Liverpool 1-PI "do &datrc.- ÊbA0Cm ipaaaoltiug cf Psieipe, a.gliges lot ca,&e. l ean Cete>eiisbTobuce. K in g a t s , ' l o s . 1 7 . 0 1 GOVEIMENT SALE.. 1 IPublir Asclion et the. Csm- TO.=om T"Iiepa, on Wédne- daý he lt éy of.cSa6oe mxI, Use flowing articles in a4p ffl g.- dmlin. , 771 y& Fl ni 4& Îà bln.rp.y Clutb 791* do KemIy, dorerlt -71do. Pilut, d $ aret AiU of *ich yin h. fut up in lots tolouit pur- 'chesen. -.ý- Salaeta 12 o*clock noon. 31 IL ALLEN. FOR SALE BY TH.ES SCI R, Ai M& frWkioude IarJsoms, Frogt sire t, U~LUE. brova. blackand claret superfine "Cl9dss, plain bIne, brown and fancy and diamoud lkeav.n, Mesremestguisd Orleaisa and praata4 Sbarajeaplaign pendrab. brown aud ce9»o Mores aadDuas.White and rosi Wb taij., Ie sud print- (triailse l..acée) muslisanskerchiiets ses- ed itu si, lak ad swhite vire greunsi Man. liliasý,a large assortmneni iof Hoeiery mand Glose,. lamba' woQl Siirts snd Drawers, Tisuess, But. tous, &c. &r- R. Il. 4,T. RA F. 1841. FALL AND WIN'FER ARRANGEMENTS KINGSTON & TORONTO. GOQD FOUR HOR-E COACHIES W'éih st.ody experiensed driers. t'E'HE above lise of Stars iyl bave tise Ge- AL nouai Stage Office, 1lononto, for Kingstn.n every Suaisay aI 10 o'clock, A. M. ami every Monday. Tueeday, Wednesday, Tisursday. ands Friday aI 5 o'clock, P. Ml., anid-Kcingstoun for 'l'- ronto ea'ery rning aI 9 o'cleck (iS'nsiavs ex. copIes]). . Rates saine asuiseretofore ini lie Fail andi Winter metisa. Cobourg, Oct. 18. 1841. Wui. W'ELLER,1 Proprintor. F OR cale by tise Subreriberis, 200 kugs*Paint 281be each, 50 kegs cut Nails, 4 potaclu ketties, 4 do coolers, -50 bisîs Sai, 1201 dozen Tiumbler-,. 50 cases Canada Plate. Oct. 181 TO THE LATE PATRONS 0F THE HERALD. lê~ i$byeder hersby guves notie, tisat al JL, açp a due i s emaining unpaid after = -h ' ignohunary next; yl lieput in suit for eolectioii. Ateuunts due hiswill bu rucuv- esi at thse Reralsi 011ev, or by auy af his author. aresi agents. THOS. H. BENTLY. Kingstons. Oct. 15, 1841. WANTED. I MMEDIATELY for the Naval Establies.- Aument et Kingston, a Searnan's SCHOOL MASTER application ta lic made (if by leIter port paisi,> ta the Rev'd. Nathaniel Proctor, Chapiain, . N., Dock Yard, Kingston, ctatiiîg qualifications ani glving satisfactory refurence as ta religions aud moral character. Pay per annuin £48se. 6d, with ailier alowanres. Naval Yard, Kingaton, Nov. 12, 1841. ç a N. B. Applicanta muet b. preparesl ta under- go anuxamination. GROCERIES, WIINES, LIQUORS, C' ONSTANTLY an hansi (at Wisoleaale) isy ~Jtise Subsacribure, TOBACCOS, Plug, Cavendiis, Nailrod. WINES, Port Wiue, Madeira Wine, Sherry, Ciaret, do. TEA19, Young Hyson, Olsi Hyson, Twoaniy, Hyson Skin, Imperia], Gun uaodr,S8o4ce "cha& 20 N7shd Muscoado Sagar, 1 'E Refinsi doi 14 Dms Patent Paibs 2 do. do Tube, Pepper, Alpiee, d oin*ios, Greena ooR.stedCoien, Pipe,, M4b Vinegar, Pickles, Turpentine as, g¶Cigrsof evoe graa, Risin, Bdoladin; Vognac Brandy. .u.so-A larg coueigument et Cordage, Spma Yarn andi Osium. COLLINS & HAINE&. KsngÇ% ffV..17, i18«. &bodn yau Isio a onaha . à or fflri1g m,8e 1h. Publie. u, a lks& ogiw usa swatai>'amijctim mas euat vlsewccul thevth e s c' meqdiag malter, amiqhedsfl<r vewuyeai exo"zlmsby aMy cohletiup in the a ra VerticulraWli h lmu ostymc; msidin th. e atwne, sIap WoUn e - oeiajhity a"iv sebs s a doeo. Tc Iibow l.ike tbat orthee Mia 03,0 pornaunadavauce. (iALZDONIA WA.TCR. tin hmv.Mavecy extmssvely ta t~ien ai&'0 to à e ~tse>mnue t4h9egr ThesalyiâIys. miltlisp eesm . Unir daét. tes miva"nons Cbroaîc Dwisess.À vevy ~ ~ aw- fadso~. iflne we seelun tef iy:tu, sofer au hrd Caedna IUeWatur, yul, tue ibb 66f oun halos, vibe uma ui w. " -- i ice, in & .Wou« i< Winbupuiniu F O ai " W...the tOn, -e October 1841. 11. H r.tA 1_. STOVES. J &T rec,îi:ed and will bessud loy Ee ca l T, rveryiprfe asm>rtmln iu o ECOOKING & Box STOVE& 0 f Varin. csixs andi patlerrââ. A great va *i of XasswyParleur .2loe, admtr4 bly floi&Whesi, ansi eau i hi ~tUcompiPU.d te Ton£ S9=-.. EmliNov.I14. flE Liitar sud Pýrnpriettor ci the Aimmcmv T ufrgq impa e eitl i ledietruscidispot sing m offee h t he.entmre property dciam., tablissbeni, provided he cou obtain tbe co.ope#q ation ofai agentleman of talents aud ee.ngy, whÜ mnay le daepuuied te enter iuto au arrangersfl with hins. The Propeety cou"se . lèt. The. Abhi.. wpapew and tsepsiaala materiais. '; tif. Tt.ies-Enpubised at q tbqh of 1h ad4 oes ci evoej Tbe asvetser bulds the &0~WO'PPtTOfIhS âhon., ail Which ià fiseand qrmple.i ltdr aatlafàtsr IAe5ioloueiltbe M04% ï the deligue f the prrost L .dsnsî *Bd Pvopi' to pP>rover te Europe fra fe, "einafurrlih. perfect recev4rý *(4àwb9*eÏ - 1e eau uetablieh ssuah comssunicatiunc îth p?Î1 mi. ence, ansiaugmentis slrealy ésd exrt e circulastion. Ail applicationq, whielasmuât be monde-te tha F.ditor.will receive unusediate aud respscffal attention. 1 F O sal by he ubscribers, IF15 cliensTwankay Tua., 10,boxes do 15 Young Hyson do 25 natty boxes du R. L.& T. RAE. T Il F Subrter.. her esshoc. otice thé listali BlOOKS tset base fera,,.P. - NOVEI.S. Morr.tN.1' S, kp, in ami.vol. Lady Blmuing- tlu'e. kh.sweiii l lrviî.g's Woras, mn one vol. Coojisr'b 1No1..ls, co. lit.p20 *ol, Scott'à Worko, in 10 vou .Bol cr'. Nuvelalê tIl- vols. Ptçkstîrk P.upefe, by Buox, 1 vul-Nicbola. Nickieby. hi- Wx, 1 1c. Oliver Trist, by Duc, 1 vt 1. Sketchts. by ', 1 vol. Michael Arm stroure, by Mrs. Tuoll-tue, 1 vol. E4 Cli&lrd, of the Constaunt M an, by the-Auhiior ot Tremain, b. Vet.., &c. 3 vols. The Gov nia, ly the Cuite- te." n! Blebsiiugton, 2 v,.io. Tic Yos.h t h àahs.- peau.., by the Author of Si.akspeare and bis mreim, 3 voes. Thé- Pick Nic Papers, by Boz, 2 vois. The Secret Foe, by Elici Pickering, 2vols..- Car- i-Ioil, a tle o f Sreuty Six,Q2vois. Celllevon the Couitier,-by lthe Aullu or fPu.llssm, &c. I vol. ilirtis, Deaths and MrriOg'., b.v tie Author of Sa>inge and.J3oings. &c.2 vols. The Porriciîle,by the. Autsor ut Mce.errniis, &c. 2 vois. Ever Dayý Life ini Londsonu, by Jânmes Gremul, ï vols.'ne et Colin Climl, by Chai. lHooton,t2 vols. Ptintz'Hali, a Recurd, l t he Autîsor ut Biackbeard 2 voia Cousn Ou~ry. iseOIdBachelor, by ý'heodoiq [look,2? s.is. TeR'srai a theiîce, 6y 4Ga .inter, bythe tAtithurotmm Wî i.cuotsf rel o. fbe Diva- »ger, or Mudein Seoiolfr Scandais bV Mis. amo, 2 vois. Francreca Cprrava, lmy L. E * L3 sue The Fright, by £lien Pickering~, 2 vole. Tbe;~ FI) inç Dmîtchr-naib, a Novel by Capt. Marvymt, Z' vols. Joseph Roabbiook, or thie Poacheri by' Capt. Marryat, 2 vols Greyalear, a Romance ;f the Mlobawk, hy C. F. Heofun, 2 vois. Berder [leazlea, s Taie of the Mississippsi, by lits. Alhoi, of Rirh.ird Hmiruis. 2 vola. Howard Hiackacy. hy tieAuthoroutClinton Bradsbaw, 2vola. Týe, rDure, a Norel, by Mrs. Grey, 2 vols. The. 1W,- tory'of a Firt, relalesi hy bruaft 2 vois. Tht. Abby,- and other Taies, by Mis. Gare, 2 vol: Jackt Sheppard, by Ainsworib, 2 vois. The.Mai- rying Man, by the. Austhor of Cousin Gleflry, 2 vols.- Nlght and lWorning, b,]E. L. Balwer, 2.l vola. must bftlitrovers«, isy EILL. Dolger, 2 vols. Chattes Tyrrsl, -or tbr-Bitter Biood, iiy th,. Authar ofThe HaguMet 2 vole. Tire Maè-,I Armaom ry cvui)e Csrouby uhoAptbv et 11dm eilei, 2 vois; Tht Gentleman ot %ise bld Milioo hy J.-P. R..James. 2 vois. -Tne, Courtier or fil*- SDays et Charks L, «bi the. M.ther et zsA!. my tage, 2 vois. Womnuen' Love, or tb. Vergu- sono, by the lion. E. Phipps, 2 vola. TiisFateiia, or the Fottunes eftodolpbin,2volse .The . Coud.t ]Vinister, bj rse. Goto, 2 voi. Mree, u marerof tihedayç of Cotnmbnoeb, E. L. Bel ..;. 2 vols- Cecii, or tieAdventuuts ea Coxcoml. 2 voi. , Hors. Stice Robinson, by thse Auther ci' rSsvaliowv Barn, 2 vols. Fielding ce. Societî,ble the Asitiior cf Tremain, .3 vol. Ranuble là e Footatepi cf bon- Qoixatte, 2 vois. CromuwnIIyo bistorical ISovel, b l heAmnisofer . DsbW:t lvolb. Womao a làbr Masfter, dg, o yMr , '2volé. Tihé Quiet Shalansi, by Elles ichkeriag, 2 cel The. Ancieat iegime. a Talebyr à. P. IL.ises, 2 voisThe- Ceavicta of Lisnmon, bv a - otbmuif-Toaits'sad 1Stories ot the. Itisb K.t f2 vois. The Deerieler, or the. ViaW a ?u, by Mi. C y.e 2 vole. Tiie Teeer et Luaui, iI vol., The Sb*tch, Ivois. flrac.ii#M OIks 4 Go CitysW, 2sevls. *ou"asia M. v lCiaules OMlevt,?ei. taud a Tean yalai flesVo, 4te. i- .P The p)ms"aei4Devto, VrI VOçse, Dae P il>oIo ml. rn RAU8AY. -AE*OiR C1î. Kington, Noveniiv l51R41. 10 ana clw abIssu. 00 do C904h.éi 10 hbdan Ciooknry, 5 crstu CrSoeea à e 24 ams IY d" cosmec n n aete' 1eo Id aWdg i X I thi hW.. W m lm of ga dd m ènes Ai*ase - o Penra.utDO ileeCuhWig( K9 gsu, . 9& ' Oje gliditb- Il- .1. r. RA& .1 ýq , ' neý li, Idýti.