ta£ KINGSTON U ÂÂ-U)LA , kGEMbER '1, IJ41. AVEYOUA a«~tqNOTICED ' ~STERIOUS.-A gentleman banging 1ta' LEANLîÇEss Tlt Hl im v O GM -Dnkmâl e ete e eta, ta onse oboii abereby geen tirai;th cnm.0 er-eM n ftire Most afttat anid waltby faal-tend tclytpran JU i -TIusmb bave Mo al 4~3 E in b" fe.1 EWa IuW ler or b.Nos ith- 1 «.d 1icWiztomt ai fnc b f« Ibo wat te kW#ateas ,ta a contencodd JUSTR91 - ,O nad odi eeWltWi;L" = t lu r.G.ILitens ofitds aigrneheyr188opaseil-eciitIs4le lin ~ a eu?-ev.Dr Brtbemw' b.sod in[stmu ituentf bt bbeig Ccd orhusuaaod u otelstnio ai . I. enbty eulsmudob.ml, aducrcu ta -seî rhi h ed~~H H m p r àea t s % *m p a sf s e . D . dîca p e wlj t y bgala m fer et an, t e b u s & cfa ll d c f a c re . P ro o v e w ie H a la .., m e cu a end, ail p ea n ce ite ear 8 1 8 bi t stn iat- he l m -edaed d t,,, an atae. u t t ac. sel aa acet B.a Hainesle M. H H wne e thter y ecctfuibenoeftnailydotleesn f@ seerâ filoiaithe if reator. Ce~ recetiv beMy il 4lep f daiI _f0 -Iý Ciaeahsolepoi4ecaus tar~, tond t in anlusuex- Ctm.ising Englieh, Beedeb s rdssi&P d Threetaian cute bInad eure i.neftl eaas z h 13A.Isly sawn eilbd lge, rannand t Falc nteflwnt ifiliis Itin -ad has q'titted bi carnage, ad î,ovv alks lnefo.tIIa. l oi su s lu li t us t ave ) et, r o t h ýt ou 1be S q ue C o i!p r , r s , Z n , u d L a ; T sra y ,l h d e , li a d E s a e i ro n t t i c o i t d y T.4 endIlersotpFu era!theles tcle orpImn. yown erriptieu as near as Passible, and tUere is Nol if voit batcc rlî,te (dt h oel odt gms' FI hKeldes, Saucepan, Stewpana, Beliled Iue et oIUleacslgauthentctdfrpyet HâvewW m faI rasel and Sroireatb TIMSA.IANS odetai eliprbs un flin I Ahtdc 14mwy enuacoc Be ruaied t loiirctl.e Pta nd HOL A o I as;tG, Suetilat ycancers o o rfognasaeI, TIMA . ANE, uexaggeratinn ain it. W .l ieiqitstt u~efc-.-~~ eTacuse tIe liltttî Cent Se 1batwevtyeanc fieate or, Wilycr At ban -htale ai bMa tti aigs Empectorant Syrop ta da) -o-1e hv4s ei idSpades sud Siiovele iw,!Oitnt rEzetuwe. adca el&atntbsbîaefeig @mwi.cosy b. t-a lae. Comme. Spads; Sces ansd Scythe Senne,GrsilnstnigMAYFSPO LIE, ecsth loiy;sahâayoedu onz rétoftýte, lise yena coing, f-B.irtboleuew's Expettyto Mniaoe uad lisyPoète ; Log, ColisTrace aud VEboeping I h 1FoirabiVounds, nuiesfat-og htqit as 'n le oherCbaia ~Scald Head IChibiMà &c. &c. Kntonlut Ot i 14.may net appesi i'print. Ameung oerstnlari.-tohoeat. k ' : saelSprp s iteeFife mdy yn ceniltic10 ;mîs- @,sialaz s, an i Vces; aLOOK OUT. goFiances, NM. Jas. G. Reynelds, 144 Chirstie street, LOOK our-- Cmui.Istt, . :e cars yUplou. Fs-Ta n e neo ie irttic , Posleu, PleapeandClent NlscfaSeme Sarius hoave counk£rftited lis article F. . C 1< A N E, bas bec reiered, and w ili gise personai assuran - wa ferthe iame 0fcom, êVTO(h l Fer IbIcure ieresact-Tst ua-l cte f tiO îupeililialtj fueer$, 0u Crt lh.saaa caes itr. tbas lbelàuantd, basetI rail-B. Herse Nails , Cross Cut, it n lsu iiiaonpdil Pt op iolricoulis destins. Do net be iut- AUCDIVTECT & HIJILDER, cel cf the fac i bis case. Bath screeum-oîltheWiite~ tvo, eta rellese. Hlarrow Tee h, heorse Shoes, Cast and Waggau iaes it . Onte tholos eily wili protect you-it WOULD snoîunce te te lnbtabtitants ùf lismit, and contracteil cords andi sines. iev lias1laeVt%,t% . 1, lb. natine W OSOC O itIuao Kingoton, that ho is prr'pared t0 execu-e th;.s bren ldgett .? 1T"î.lTN For saistsetibisdrug store of C.nstecle & C.,' Botte, kW. & fOSO & CO; thaatttIttni ,aryn r bett Daelin fevr dsrito cniettiwfb Asse.thlws fttadioeinrc .! h fd 7R 'lalden Lau Now Ytk, and by sccry Dru,- jJesagos', C&IaENEaRrs' AND Cocxas' T ei in a et Gl"lirs te il. ae t yar clcu sutBdu , &c., fnl fry erirtintll sert wtnd n Y ro.ByJa m'Nerre184n. PlonsiLinimentl.s i r u &Wlainlgston, sud in Caada. Igreat saîieîy. Euglisb andi Amprcan Aucersidt etdrcinwt uldnýPi ie ,1iI, ForsBl".Buts, N..esPoliacier. FtSYcu, sud tet by rta,eor nover boy il; fot itlje thoe w ile in progresa. Proinohi long prac- Soldbhi-CO!tISTOCK & Co. -a 1,ailen Latte, it) tir bigla dar,,,,o et il Versal b~k P ____________ tSutil 'WardingCatbinet lstskei'and Mill Saw, lisibalesfer ythler te ho truc or genuiae. tical experience tii the business, Le feels couti- New Yerk, andi by every Druigs u in' IE111O L.h v C MbT<-K & C09 71 elaiden Lates dont of gvittg very satisfactionl to tlose hsul id in Canada._& usointo, Ti he uBel0 ci Ce'îivîa fESuscbriberta lia el.gréalwd ité,e hir steekIl or "" u mfrudPotebs4tga, pt-NwYî, nib icpDugitbKeianay faveur bien with theirfarders. LIVERCOMP idl ph vse lfîirii it T CmsadFac -d, atePr ises ; Shot 1 lcs al azand Brace sdotRLspe andtinluCanada. Charges modratc. Office os-r Mr. S. Bor-- AN1 ALE R C 0NM PSLA N TSASS cttty . :ne -ttIi.f cî;i , la tu aied i 3. Iaknqg & e, arlie roîiS~ ta-adiHo ifatrniTacel0"e; Bcd Cord For sae by N. Pame. cz', StoreStreet. aco1îsaDustti atiwor TMPR NELFERAI)TTIERS N)> air,1fat alto a 1crrtý ,er àtai lis "ni- (vIam oT m EASE.ueaured on te siortest notice. CHINESE BLOOD l'ILLS Meit .lioiste mE MarsteMSale penis, Bead, Neale laces, Snu« Sormi Tabe u;les' a au er Barcbo orTTiREE good BUILDING LOTS ou Kingston, Oct. 1%, 1841. The gritallest Secretl diacovrd Beau, In le t, lulilioltsloir, >tt Petir,' o ia, Saidtiiss' jack sud Peu Kime; ALBacc STRZE?, lu tbe Town cf Kingston, E R W N RPoenretigbabcuiscr-fetcJN .ILI,31A Bianci, PRatera;nd GrmnilvstaiTe, ra E lo c JHNN UO HA T MA NUFA CTUtR ER, lait (es Yeats. Tihis bas brees effectually tbled, JOHN D. TIN ian gs;sâtsas aud Japsumasi Cins, lUÂaRY TlEs,,and yct suffeteirs bave multplid-intialied ; atile JOHN.. FUle luandeaablerlety, eSionssudPlus, Wscb iCcys, sud s, STREETasJOHNasmanSîlserTealoi"slet Criats'piSd valdeh Crdesew&e. &c.PatJUST RECEINVED & FOR SALE ARE I ECTFULLY tenders tate Le mbpNet tecause purging was net neccasar>-, HUGH McCi, p t xI.: Ra., AIT AO A~TSuVYS. Bytihe Subecriber, a large assortiment dfpublic hie gratefitl scknoawleaigo. but tac umel bas been daue-vititthlIe tatile1i JOHN 'Y'tCUD J 2.3t Esor, czzes Patui oca Kiss BSat White Luad, dry sud lu ai. Beat Rad STOVES, eossting of Caoking, Parler, da mente for pasetsupport whtle in the follew, and anstain the .yseai. Purge yott st? The sgeiî aui! thoscse hots ; 11trspsWailetaa achet Bocks, KiaI andiSille pae- Lsiait.Vnta a.Saii e ,Office andi Gothie Stoves, varos six«.; wiich firm of Tweddol & Wright, anti weuld Tbeickly Itumn o, f theablond muuslbe catrietioff s%,;go,nsay uor t3,~ fes,- entIa, lh chace asaortient'c S B lue e ta fiEdfo aen oita eroawsig. f V Psrfemersof s!ailkMarins, PluandiFine gal it Rtugee lc reYlo sudl i.Ylo reo rt o aes etltIprasw abigmiventtt ocnioe lt uarea tlte hie sth rcanlain th un trrns. hee quii iiet oil mit t Rigsud Boac-heoar rc ings, ilver TliimlleiOchre. Lamb Black. Bmw aud hiiîsd Liesesti t0npPly themielve. will do e olte cuit Imm. sanie stad hn otps ypntiiî nivuIstt rslte utandas. tiseIlstballotte, cf tttct'abit',and fri 0it fohrarilssial o on1 . Trpninos. Mintial and i Vgtahie Tar. diately. attention le basinesas, tu inecrit s continuance of Wt do rthe Chine, lise ta sncbiiiranien e tt re ec teé at'c ci sud a vanity cf tera tcc ial e r om tPiti. Puttv. Capperas. Wiudew Glass cf ail JAS. LINTON, A. &B. their favori. agés, aud &tilt reain lite, poseraef youth no t iîl- IIfae ndfl anti ftuutp desera. iea.Paittt and iers:Brushles. Carnet$ hairt igso, c. 4, 1841. Constantly n ondat, boat Beaver, Neutra, due age ?-..Becstse they pîrifs te hîtîcîl Titt>eiaf ttIlteeh,t t T.& .lINE- piltcils. common Fac, and NVool Ilats. Ch'm;u BLOC» Pilis-sa caltiecas by îe CuaMNwîscril et, __________________1841.____ Ana assorîtient er Bran ansd Wccden CLC S P Eit Fu MJ laEfy. AU grate, ithercassh orapOoicredit, franc aupantanti citante ttc Blolire ttc siactard ,'I l% t' eiglt déand 4 hats. rHFSubecrîter ba recoei a StoPPIY et country marchants, thankfsiîly receiveal, an, reotety. Tîmese Pilla a mia oilt; and tite Tesi- 1. ROBERT %toHA.N, M I FOR SALE AT THE SUBSCRIBERS', v 1t1, :1,24liut. ANelegastRose Wood. -round corneceti, STOVLS cf aI desctuptton. Sose ppe. are the fellostng Kingatonl7tA.tpeahe Bittera aent r iete c l, iosîtn citheiil-c'Pt.trlî, tehtt hSECS ase buers t.Ili iInce., thé bolond, st iisstich S. Fo;eliatlHugî ci't '. .grand action PIANO FORTE. Mtalie A tarteesasortietactof Plein, .hpauued and 1ESENCESg-- FR1841. osyIcefc typreol a '.itsae~ittff b ulî tîte Plate, No. 3M9.-Manufactured by NumeIL Blocke TIN AARE kept ou bandst or madie ta fr- SotBir Clark, New Yack-anal as buen pJonnunceOWEbLder atahaît netice. IE sabacriber, wishoitg ta cturn toaitiansl- latkesafter. Boy, titen, these piîis anad bitters.Ieitnifcartr lîpcti comiparent jotige, aionef thte seeteat tourdi anti JAMES POWELr.'Spcung Flots-ors mort lighly finisheti Pianos they es-o r seoi. Store S., Kingston, Jante 22d, 1811. 10 Sat ,T tiVO Soi], IRELAND, 1tawiili ho s nvitet, Take mrckly te pillç, sud daily the Ilitir; oaimailreifitI:ot.lli ît - - edyocmia or Persian Esces afler having séervi 25 yoars of hue life in theO if youe arc or have been invaltis fer tisys, seekls, lit wititlss t5lttrefi 1lavé îIt AneclatBa autDngTbleO, iJuS! F ulES I]puits:IEglantino, Midlant District, Province of Canada, ssilI dis- iatis, tnr > Yea 0ts illI itilt îickly humooa L.S.] banil, iii I cee-rcI t,,- Anexelan Bsce andino af u l uarbrrsotul nom h oeipose of is place n Atiolplustown, teiere bchabladrason cgf, odpreseidfiga a s0.-tuun, antd te atlixt, lis uiO i ï I witit octangular lega-Sbases at 2 enfl. Ladies anti Gentlemen aof Kingston tat Citronella Rensu, donc business te gooti accourirPosoossion siltiI rouosawye!ltm hue of sicknéeq chanire rapidhr10IIiIII tIaT AantDksesandbt a tonr th clus. Ias, one of the largest anti test asiortmnenta 'of Marechalle,'Te place i nw occupioti hy Mr. Jo!in C. an<P- friled theatictle, u if i an rwradtetPtn o .Lýùodn Manoufactureti FIlN, i-ec offereti for La-entier, Jefers, wsoitehIasduonocandicontinue- to de a Titere arecarses se cntactons oftese l.ollil.mt oot'linçi;tIie.î A Ler, LilySofetinteiVaMaeketoctistratide te extont ite usea. Muci, coulai effeOdîstlit tont anal ahane fartisisi a lempite 'Ui tltîsîtf l~vt A eysparier Black Wnlnut Sofa seith ISaei it abt osaigi ata o- Honey Suckio, h tea t.1s1 er1lassortîmOnt of Gouda for pattttmdosn. Boy antI use these oimttlcint . hatPlin oismittilbrc 1lîc'ali : ' raunai arma andi lega.-Feaiher P'illoies anti Dam- eloWs agenr Cah -incilGnlemen & YVonîta Royal Exîract of Roses, The promniesanti out buildings have-er~y YOtts. Ste oaliper andi directiotns tîat cud iose u i e it 5n, aitrl ftfil AndrinJit. Un iaithellav01 Maicigmtn tTableti0lFltii iiiSu e Ant l aduio t lte bo-c Mhoen1"a L us îtra Lynix, Fine SoutSea Seal, eea.aîiabl ce rmsuviencos, wit tîmêecarrsofo!land iitt thutn. ilta .-oýitI cir;ovi', i - (Marble Trapait) Maitogsry Amni Chairses' t Sb"can Sqfirrel back, Sable, Circassian Cream, arouist the htousse ant i hldngs; lit,(- îitât of FRAUIDULENT COUNTEI EITS Sallit INi'iCKxt jt rokesMotean Sja, ndFrn~t ie. wSeeis ble îictla ue' oqe,200 acrreifromiboh-place.le offors sits te %Viillte attenîliteti. Buy nilo ivî09uflet lcI Nc5s elk' stemi, leles LokngGla.e nt a -efey Fitch, Squin-ol bacl, Bouquet d'Arabie, place, 45 acres o! GOOD LAND, excellent Barn 111)1eis il tiare nycrime --O. C. Lia NI. .-uto fi ee cf the Funitre y tc t'~ocoml'etodta ua- BriaIs~îto, Nua, Eau de Portugal, anti cone Apple Trecs.ride te toplace te ssrîler, anti aise ttefire ci fltesvs t- Ili i it ai-to be soli loavefr Cash acisc SteresI Bru. I& Bile Grnbtt,Astracin, * Cologne Verilahie, gondod ifree frttm incamhrani'e. mI Enterai accordtot ta Ail o! Cotî:rcs-. % . Iii Kington Nov. 17,1841.- Imitation Sable, Russia Lamb, Esprit de a snde au Millflours, For terns apply at the Ilerald Office, orofi:,te 1841, y Ti s. CoNNi., in rte Clet'u (liiea ' EV IN"!i I-~ Itro & WhIitj Angola, Nlock Fitch., Anibrosia, proprietor on the premisos. thie Distri 't Couit of lte UateitItIes ftor the I ,\ILU 'ý NOTCE.l7rucbNltciut, lîntatOtSSoi1,Verbena Porfame anti Extcaet, ONW GSN-. Sottîhern Dusridt c! Ncss- Yorl.ý" lt&dut . J. COONS would respect flly be" lent o AND C LOT II CAK5S. ][trsion Sweet Bags, AdolptstownuIsf.lt Oct. 18-11. Warranted the otîîy trmuitte. tatndil ori I1tlin I', i ii sinfarci hepubliec 0raarall. tai ie lies ai- -bitorRIMMINGS & EDGINGS. Vertena 1'crfumse andEati -1 Messs-. CotosTocK & Co., New Youk, are flteQreý* Ctlur i iiteM * NICthTO &i sPRT rbk 1btue GrtanottiHair eal, EprirderoseOOKIN'G CLASSES, Ihair an( =Clotiies sole siholesutîe aget.ts Ior the Unitedi Stats.incd MîaG!I 1~ initei r.esoeLOTIo GaWoi, i Pit--ituskra ,Veritablo î'omaaio Diviune, 4L BrusiteF, Fancy GuitCeai antiN'est But- neiglibeting couetica tiralu lta Dy Geda iti nad fronstituis date Agt, thitenbuinlers will bh ornduttemi uteetrite stateALOmasm oms, Grairs lveobe, on Donis-crTstt;- DONTORPO.mC..LIN. i-ei i.ît. adfrno ON ILLOUTIT ; and ws-nttd lmittationtsSable, South Son Seal. Golt, Sus-or, anti Bronze loit,-, aia e, Steel PiugrPlans Sll b . Ple.J - otite Mc. rSabne, Amber Preston Smellung Salto. anti Forluk tailWafe te ot PanN E VND SPLENDIDJId ttsainîe me atie, that L. rerninsin lartint l, &c. &c. &c. &c. andi Rulcîl Lailor Foolscap l'aller, lîr;îting cA IEr U1N UR , uiafir1. ,Glasgow, andi bas ant isll persconally select te id'ui:. ak ir J. W. BRENT, Carde, Vsiting do. Dcalving Paper, anti ris.ol *5CA IE NIîrpa lcCepsatd a gto Sti f,G: t ; l gdafor the Establishmnent, fromIbis dulèrentiFsur FcMta, NaIns, Druggist 4r~ Apofhecary. Boardi, jasi recocisei anti firsale ai sCea steCtepsaoda " maleaslaG tBiat, hrb iige-r Imitation de. MGises & Kingston, 14h Octobr, 141. T. & J. RIGNEYS. a lcbt ltanGre atin mnirit, hrebygicnsstt;utroSasîit Gauîlell &a tagby enaiing tte r tesc i r oeI ta'ic ;oi andN O TIC E tsCo ril andl Fancy Store, tore-street. r l E Solerribc et s iraçe le incferma lie- 1,111 - K inson, A gc f i i , 1I. as rbw, Waolingate or Res em thi, a aîycîi siat te:tlro Gents. Fur Coulacs, &c. NTIEiKngstor,20flm .uly, IS4l. T lic generaly, thdt lue L'uos rmnovei his Fur- ___ his vhment inh etrat i ], atof m Iim e r o l iabotloAlageasortntnof Squirriî Loch TO SH IP BUILDERS. G O N LA T I ulitnitur rRoula ta hb i e,veLuiltiig, rccertly N EMW S! NI;W -t' ha. arireti,andtie balance us every day ex. - Sarbo,, ft.erian Squicil, Whiite Colley, Black 7 IE Kinigston Martne Rtilwayo Cmpany A P reaedi i Miotresi 'tt, ItiOfuerltr.t tl-rtc flueber ril-,rt Gbtcet, AcornerofStore Sireût, saineu' rii. ~ i straraeLusQis, ainsperit t LE- tisa 1taruo! thir Esruit--]lFEsutiscri!Ito lues noie an land,suitI offres for G oySe--hr ioti yslie oi =iagow, an tiier bip rnsL.erpool. re chMa rtian u thîSes Ses1 Sklen.-AlI nient, cuMPtiting tle SIi1îYard sitit TiSe RaIL- T s iteSin llsi a) brh n e tec lil-z - b Maniea ioriTentofa'itMAEiU Sl M u et a i n t l ai O c t Le r , 1 8 4 1 . 12 . a -ti c l a r i n t l e F r l i n o m a d t e t e r , a n d t e - s a - s e e l e t i t h r e n , a i l e o ! s î i c h i s s u t b e a u e a t t s c M t t î > e a gn i - r Ito t t l t ! R A YM D pIr n u e a i e i o t o o i e o r a u ig vto u lan b o a ts , ia n d , ilin g v es e lst , O ! 0 0 to n s or P la s e r a n d T U E , f ite ltes t q u a lit i îa d I i e st p a tt a ns , a n d ut la i ly o r u i d HE following artucles preparoti by t-; sub . s,'loo atoasyFonhBeitads tcltict as ht ss ii-0letIeimt. h 10baoe1 f leîLme ;îcr a ut n.-tîandirtts't. atoadii sdepoiti lr ie; naciter are ecomnmoruluth tuth2 notre o! f hi ciase,!tte entîynre Tablescilitersrsltà! ahasesantI barges.Ttche rle Whc icunfris is tomners a clt ous 0oliucail Trtt cIcta - b ni-uke Icltioe intc aiud Rorl ing Chiar-, commnt, cane, anti Flrig anei-lu.atpertrepair, anti in fulopération. srudso ed fie.Alec, constantly ela rail. As rime Saiciu-cti o e îeacly nostim!tu- Carsian île.Chairscin tee rie fîmrîuieit te lihe aarefolîy 1ancdaaimmg mîletll" invitemfor at4e andrtrueg to fIe' tici'c e - mpboratel Taxîli Posoder, tstmm hisesceivcoy okn-Asth hp at ati aîva IHatle'I Bay- andiTIIRASi1lNG MACHINES of ite mal t Tn o -eat eaîlr hyrm pruylE GOERE LQOII iitrt o.fMinî,Glasseci of all scriptions, andi a fe thousanti Apl t .tIsoffice o! tht King.tIot Marine appTaorci itas. Ho ssill guarttr.leta seI Groonaisupplmed i tflan att riietbry yl-Otq Po sinircf ho h-i Irtnipo igas,-sl o!shit teîl b Ralo-a ~J., i ty ettr pat pai. ucelo e loiirlrta- flîun en t potsttd, blot BaiMUs' Mixture,.nthlcI lo ri'for Cash. Kmngstofen, 16mb Augitît, 1841. lis8 tt aotrfanes ttnca i ur tht U. nz Kiigçlse, Jaun. 1841. lfacentratot Esne to f Gngr, sl o foMah o. L. GREEN IL CO. rt :pitro netnieqar nteU ATDAVrihradPlsr.Od&Vui ; --:ý Conude do Penne-irit, Oict. -2Ith, 1841. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, âc. DAVID M. LAKE. T. 0. 13. letJitll do do Ratafii, N. ~B. 'lho iigitest pire paiti for ail kieds of Fin ill s eray 81 1,Stiipping Pars aîtoi t orein000r Srol-s. Freshi Clairer Sect, FORlSALEbruary 1841 Con-i't&lci "i ilions Pilla, ' FOSStLreAin QuSUBSCIKStreet. ___ 1___1______________!______ FrsnGadn eeasoalseetaioPsiTO)LE'T. .AUC'flON ROONÎS CeP-- AntibaI;Ie Extrarlîfer the Hai',s.'OJFS rTO ES! 1) lGardenueio ptlrn, A ecr- aros nt dsiast Son CS Crlsî, 00yiea6rnd îretIun 01 It;;tii r Peetu c Poder, 10r{igt-q r-E, ilttrrst cr Treha lreo ît!ts-il w Paot uPowdr, suhariber woultl respecifaîls- informa 60 doz. plisb-d Cuit Steel Hares IBATrcho plaons lad'o BalneFrone S sol ist20ys, 6Blh jitiii i,I s. t nates' vacisi, Iepublic, taI lilis etltMaactuei oiles, Sreet. liosao5teen gis on imtttediately. 1 Case Pins anti Nerlles, J. %V. BRENT, Kingstion, on Grasi Street, bctweefl Brock antid eo~VleG nBue &Rd Palunts, Frfrie atrlr nar tts ale i do. iilowFortmfas, St. oLe Fer fuS OVE partrt!"ars iaqiirelit lte S. Auggs &Ap 4- ay.Clarrne 5W oglts~osallons hest Boilet Oi, Rucins e! COLINS & hlaINES- 1 Bale Priitril WOolîeti F eo Coptta, % IEO-S O E ,50 Sugtîr Keies, Kingston, 19mb Oct., 1841. 60 Pirces %Viite aundaRed a-tiesi, < î(. t An Acr<tifatrngoCoprTtaJ 200 pairs Polisbed Trace Chainq. ___ _______20ul.Bealaianil-fI.,cîriCetS Shel mu Farc -BRIGGS & LASHER. aEVFOU IL.3>do. RuseIia Dock, slainri's lIe bas nolle on itandtthalangeas aid best arsot- SNeSre, 4n~oi EWrihO nR ILgtaL. 3ls ~t I.tO hot-i eît aIsii mont o! Stovesos-r ofthrdér in iis marlecu Ir teet, ton-ol ESbcie i eunnýIIt h Whisky ty lise Barre], bs o: sitns ! ainakid nt izsofCOKN, Fei. 2, 14 1. T Salt t(Io. liel.t er: sisting oEIITAINusCkRndFOsS[C of ADACINGITm bîliefor priat lasors, wsieeta inform 63 Boxes inndos, Glati # '%.teggetherse-iita large eupply of te muest dsira- TI UEFH:C 1AAH hr ktho bais en puttiets-in art additional 63 BC-m ie dmowre Glas-, eltîaSt. Jüha CliOCi litisuîoiland bie paternis o! c hirlt bas beeli uscd in familles, every m- rueCaseFrencit berStones, antiCollpntr boIt, i aie. Nemile ss-omlecd do W crno FrnhB r Stnsan ueiiBot 1li. n lreedlwi Lac sectttr P'ARLORhI ALL I& BOX STOVES. beraof wbiritbas bat i sck c eC frona mfauncys itiollieor intpnos-eesi. comprisieg the best 6 dozen 1useiLc,Muo-aoti.ILitiCîiî Haigtaken nîit hpains in te selectiion o! bie s aronititttiottil fimily complaittanti bas5eu- nia enials. Aisc, an excellent Miller, long - 1 icase oseettei Calices, UCofa Ieper., Gse ALoafic t assorîmnent, andl from long exporienco in tht reti sflectoally in every insansce yet kmlo,n- p8ert nlt usns.îefatr iisl o okCinnae eppr er IIîPi lC'eru' NOTICE IS HEREBY GVE, buiness, lia ran confidetiyreccotendtibis as- utsntinl, tr manstybodmets. ls etnpeai!bi hlil> giosaifrioatiivte ie 0tisCiaht u 'T AT flhe Lords acuti otrs, Comiosiffncra fsmns ofb te iemuei approveai pat ters ant tagbbe tame, anti dees net 1Prent the daiîy public te loy iis 005vimpros-oments. < oerCpra- ei'I T d m Hospitl, Ihave tbcn picuseil ta di- a tifr hcauty anti durabiiy of casting , anti eroraiimint o! o ne uiog ut ; il tinti t ic I casaJO H Niogh'u150anoxesruatisdsNuls, CA l ons , rttii , I rlittai&l Pixsmoa-uns in ribis CCoosce d IaPa tleBitios, SitPer, oui,1îiee' :i are prat by titoComtnissariat, shali oppear lio- nowe manafactriiro, ant intteetis ketepimî con- nnt. Instances aie ronstalaly inultip'ying citent rterow, 2 CtesindoIda 1841-nns Sl llteA foe.an Officer oe!ritatl;')partment, t tite itation sîantly on lband, a fulsupply o! tiis dîstressuig coupîal le cotopieiy reieved Otb5 (h t4.Bohinels*, stigingaanti Laces, Seetis, Mualard, lnritg, Fb wbere thoy uoaally OcOi-O toeur iPenions, for SO-sE TSIMIMINGS,as-Os-E rosE, corsas,Tins & anti cureti, altisogi o!fycrs standing~, b ite use T . INYBrasaiClotits, Beaser Clorke, Stripe Cauitueris &it Sauces. Nulmegs, liepapse of acocwering certain ILtfernuguufes SaIIEttezMON aB ciaioe!Dr. Sol acelebratei retnedy. One derideem AVE retcolleetarticleso Cousit sudorFalle storele-oisIe. endenet te b.put ta tem; eirit auasces m-ihilCmil.c all artries uually wnteti cohlnsepfeftreceAtE ls plesaiitnes, itaing toudcf th reinttre Cte.t o!xSore & anteaI treets lIed aI a COLLINS HAINES.e, Baeley, Mare, liaftti efterwaraia b. comparei with te Regiaters o! leepeni. Îe ran comihlanly cecommorenti is nuo.elung effecl of coaitndrong. Hte alth eun C arnt SoeI mica byJ.ai tret, e t Kstû, o COLLNS6 1841.Leron OrngBanTCl ChlmaHopta, ib ice 0Ihi ig udebmangnpei uactorera, atbas g e ietcufrbspgnsbropo. tabe Lenson, Orange audby3 WTix & Knpan ue 6 111 BT 331,,Pe thte M on'e Services, antioliter documents depis- stare ta itc equal te aRy nosmN ufctaed, Ito tl a i perfecily satisfactoy, tirthlbeporielai Ce,2 Store Street, K'ngston. ______________________ identily being clearly estathishei. fnunebut te teste!f materials cosud. puce te any oeeilla is netpleilsei itb, and even FOR SALE BY TUE SUBSCRIBERS, COLLINS AND JIAINES, SoeSKnsot<cî~ Tits xaoiatoncii b tlen otoe tti N. B. Ail lintia o!Repairing ana lJob Wcock cusreaiby it. Be toras aise taI Iis nisysecure i feet 1, 14, I& 2 incht dean e- MIIISSION HRcHa ANqTS, FOR SALE ThisAxDS.atoaur»l on litoStetitathe itere.- baIlc tse lot OctebermatiStrDeoniber notai, andt hos domieiih neutiosi. ilsgreaîtenctala mthe di,sesi coerssWho 5 ,0 soto R H. TARN AC I)HERS, T i s on I C Penaers who deout appear witin titat perioti E. I MALLORY- arc lebuiring fondler Ileatiatie. R.H .RE UTOERT asie Varehelse I 4 for "t Immiurpe of en examined, wil eccois-a Kingstos, ejt. 1 28, 1841. 25 E. Sph, M. D. Inventer an ti Prop ietor. Kingston, 26t J nly, 1841. Com fvs-,n alr S rct, a srm n o ht ln futte-150 o Pnio oeni 3stD.KINGSTrON AND MCAA- ntAy rocDu gOti Knpro ni eCaat AS I RMr.HUS.OpostAM.Arthrur lî' Geer, ni ulie o Mluay hrt, iaiD no urterisse o eso byot hete e fl IÊÊ MCDM'COM STOCK &CO, 71 ilaiden Lau.N. I Y« r"FRTCASM DI HUElae),ndithfoMltxy I A IE OD muittdte sseinity o R- Cabll., ar. couher,1841, uebil Ileain anseshai-obeen sent andED ROAD. ________i_________an________________ada__ y eeti le__________anda_______________________ bock.Ta IcI for oaIlents f ycar.-Poasession atiMess.Mapbi o. anti Sac- Woolene, conasiting O a laCeia, nia otiiaioiroereilta urt - T O LL G ATES. ON SA LE, » I ers.& Mactaeron e g o. ti.e-fal aie shcitwilis ame poosatiacoue vi t eqiea N tisa IStI efDecember nexl emngu, te Ai 9tAc Stbsisber't WAoleaoe 'V<>ar HSEoxenes' tienamodius pcouaisîsEiab& biMortes ________ aioj;l pnic res, or Caail 0, oo teexiitth niteiIntacies,'nt-n <tli iis Rosai wil lSe pot up te AUCTION, anti C Il O1 C E W 1 N E S. Tuear te MansioniBHousHotel, tn Store - jli-[-WINEs. jirel]direct fron h lnt$ tien thaîeto, (if lho have oes) hie Purcituent soîdtatethe bihs-tut itder. 1 cse lalbr MtsrStxet, ci-en the basines..place o!flte Subacri-ir Certiicatefracs bisReginent.ThseS&le wilI tare place aI Wb.ipieys i'a.-0 R ak l NOn aer,( QLCsaaprerOdPrerw Komw io4 sto, èS5bian. bcdin o inaaa; presentsanauexcellent62 Chds Hoard &u! Oti FhtMaloira. slf 2e5lvat.aterfrem is RBgowenSherry, 2" ctur, 1i-.en, Waterloo, et 12 co'clatock,1morte. 3q.cats Osbeîue's Parts pctniyfrln pnus-of a reapectabîle pr- 1;.Wa.sBov he ,K £ & t Octuben, 1841.ituaed i __________________________10 rbais. è erc CaeQ.uee-l.mo-cetalatie6 i ledm- 7 aasspnoaie itn. yî.bitesar fGroat reitan la s --RN Y-NT N M T--hn- er. »--O~To n cu' t t.o ndt I lie S ite na a saioa t he 4 ----- do. Breen doq . indhtte & -, oiGra t Siain o mkt CANADI. el ]&,,v W0OR LD. «Uk njournal of Là?eralure 4,1 ad ntetlligence, continuest ý0-;é1jOrotb@publie as e isni a gi&llkuown. The mont dia 0« eta l.ag.bot lunAane Itt e g M u th a s« c trtb u to rs ta 0 ,L aieLeoil, ceamuer 4. (;<,&in Breimit, anti Br& 4 O~ f Mi<,Il 15hm5 retr in iar cf tetsin Constant V,«1Ol an iteret ndvi :ldepprOn tsacoatete an d S, a readecsaofti . il grel of tWrerdinary t-cepi ta. aAl11ri0côveie said airai ien e es l a r8s 11ma u an ar y p lac u r tnenla euiboel "Fii ~ U ENUlNSfNWOOD îl boltye ! it al-Titesarra, or lita ~ O grtlet th .e iders a1 0 11j , aitir t" O n te r t s cit e u t a r iv a otraiie coantry, bave b"au mati ~ tc a xp _ _.s an di b." p rff ie , l ictte ta I hey ii te .a fu l the tteeigttenetiroue of oAmariîa nluas of the New Vtrid are tan, ad ty par-y politidas, and ti iiample 1)i I te profane ami iupnper e 4. rvu i;, iîr îreigiul seotimOts. Tittm e1 ongiltasde an anoxceplionable Fi p per. e CttÂBLES t0'MAi-O.Y si Iie New Vril, anti al rsn%,o coflDticO sittte preaeil ,e wlil reteime the lot soluîne O! tii s-tînt graill- s-TiitRteDoLLAtîlfor ose venir, cm veargpivable tos-sriahly lu ads-anm 'r Ille Fidt or Qtlmur'nO Etil:a isrsareathonizedtei cuit euh-tf niItîhi;t;1a1 i l se %ili procure. fimse croui the coubmiiitdtumt of te ers haIt rerete ixt ycirpy fer .:,ii ito esch sifl te sent sarcîmsy c si Mley. 'Te nernlttllte mua l'îrk tir .Neu'.Etglantl f.nd, .I ,-IciEST17pi, Piîuls .,eef mie ltsik ni' tIe lP 0iplc, ' Qurtc Ll:, receivc i foir a Us 1 Nfe DIRIY' 0O0D S, 11,: IL IIAINInS & Co n, rtn: Ktiiuuotiaitrk f V a, tiai, e tmdiec' -auu-rof Plaii W.I-, îiitAetmOfur fluel'al ant ilu hruh.becs solleti sits-eil ci te craesseil strfe of lte Bni r we:i. tît a titorougit lnclm' si-f cnmnsmal of Ca;,t n_1, f!hý: Tl'iSt'Illi S tASON havte b n;i. aredujctliîfrein, the atual sva -I vrincebeholîler. érIl[ u1btili! eîîsoîîtyatabou te arbnv i11-11cea sOPpent te avamet-ei Piiegetusollv, n caneequona-i i-sa. e 1tp sag cRzisllle SIipIîs' "el t pt.uie'îhd -1 )itî te B' i tut . 't-leis reîdered iltmiceirýary, t 'f Itie Stock muaet..ieDisposedi oi, 'P--.ite, ltat a fimaa rrageneuao i-i" lu I) ottina, ta tir e a, 1 lin-e Sedinrg 01 iat ,,hurit ast oj .t~., hi-(Great S.te in,,r,,i 'i aat tiis Es b tlit t ittlC r iem itt i tI fit il i 'tlsr i'ti tte fitlfmîe I-'i îb r ts- iutariy swu, i-t . (el'aqlite cees for Pantalicitr . Ot, tusaliy Cheal \ý!EFF 4VAD FL.I.NELS. t ' i (îu~îî~p~anda Qumla iIiwoolle it, tg,& 1l-tit lsnala fer chi;.s-eîI'a '.ýlh iony (Ialbs end Nori 81iCI "Sti îlea o! Coler à 'iii 0 Xta'o C - - -ulad Ca TtSubaribers at great coi 'e sel Iiaauiful Variai7 o! $il Stex,,tlinga b m r I pe I. ron-m p;e = n~ oiethe obi fey i,_. o! the qtqck, I ciLe dMauesep' sbe M. o script'M rneMoair, & Cal irte Deawers, tli hem Z, fo Sci oor Nee aSm ~ lfflierk, Cashmere Mauffig 41,1C028 & 1AC'Oroay oiN mobloe Li m ea Tai ~r* a.ngis rkug lesc ua UaIW %lueuif la 'a odteCha atr4e M of - t. but Myce nom in 1 of h'u l1tISagW