î'0 - C P u t int suri report add, Dr* G riîb mocis crnaiutyI 'hange mail. su. tis - o con sitis hRaen issar clice p, itai' rely tiat ir.y u~ p rase 'ri t tuer Bll frauui u;, titis-its un Carsisiu S o Î, lady oif ihe- asisa hop iii ié,ausa e' lls ~ a flesulirluslusI @, u A ibf uij su rî'i-j n'esrd's o)l liesse-p riril l" u i hofie- Dix usill 1-e rut qp a itlficsit Izie-re-,,o 1e securesi for ail, aid id thai s publsic riseting ins Monda> nexr, (thse'V )f noissnsatsug mss itia L Cnsuicsflune, fir Isle T i'o luipe tise P.pt'c'lrsssr ri tua s-cgastes. orne. of 1su Lagis fi i les ssiI Le calleu &si tise Dole. of Keiu. th. li 11-1d. i tiserois the 1< sýlio2 , n. 1.. teol llasi' at th@ nri! on tise evr-uiug"i su--mles- and t4t- cte t whleil anirt'I. Ai fia iigisly re.ses-tsb- n i s-ail torsel Psd s- , s *fr ri, Uîud soii 8u V. ll!ýj lu I ourt oeIl if ils si l Emq., thte c.pa'î.i4 suaI nblli*-v Ai-Su.i, i Ai Il. 1sn.tls, E-s, Ml 1 e-pienull silk fi- issu al lîite to tlil !.!I stes, Ee-q , 'rresuîeî,f e lPresuletil in h1uaiu ns'.en, ani dueeds the --thf s tic gui st ish subin t th li . piaumo se wtIi al liaI tht-i' tise Sslatisi ta ise w at. Irit tosts cere gisesn airnn, siter the. rcruîîu -Vus-i blets iser-Thr se-er noie-ue IIr, ler Mtai-) ' te' DOwM-GR Iii a the ne 'il ntit teire- l'eu iiavy. Sir Rischard Jio ratitn, or bm-tber Fir Weat, -curgesmi teSt- eue aise ilnissiW' ire to "Y> tIsait athlea te leur ofl jpaît 11, reil plcsted wtl 'l t speosi beard ere 190t rovudW e W O5 Of-,l aven> tisint iD dit id ctmsttha5w btan PMl*, e5' Igeneroa tirh'~ .. the C,,it Ti' 9 T Tn M it2 masa vIlO mirTuEKTs - o j. ý e o -ai « NOTICE , usI W.hh la viM ryoc.tT igton1Teunt.eçýMCoupa. oocww abow- eJY o.1- mreusddtmete o*0VIR ce' - <1t 2 o'ebk preely, in plain cloilses -éý ue int the yod, ce ~ IWALTER EALES, Uipireuitiesfcfisées; ce1 qOg hem lectire franchise e«àb t hei"DEM UUI 00I hebgis ouer, butt-ottare t lagiueh of teiel iaail- . 4 »»1 flDNg 0%dT,ýebn a n p adbesr{THE u -in respectfuîly numute. tuai ' ten»Y> W hafooey uh tlo entere nie co-parnensiint iusIid tolentimirbondteu! hoIl. CummisOn Businessin ibm mi w tawofiafiriS* nAywchici 1 nanaof CARTER & BENTLEY, on th&e p,,_ wofill b>' iyhe new contiutioimiseaajmve descriied. ehici, havi baseon- , w-p4t " ise .leve of.proof; spacioe ne ceiladispteltr tise sie ýs# genu-y, ,i umpai&..ansd yulieping off every descitioew-(mçsk bute gbolab national disanew- têtj ie reipectabili>'cf thse tefimenc4 sd s' e t tisainooffsenimentSse -thoe te atIs>tenu bavéy l istlainagI ie Ok a come.imi etmee e ieau oKiuçtdm tsesubiscriberis hope îh.>' *ill hae j" tte cnatint a urlcti fa aeto fsectie àlibers 00* fjllrýTst a ng g0ïne'por-ta.n cf the public patns>ge.. ~~~~~ outtaedte f the Up- Fs-,e-% Dam i J#f-omn u4-ulsud 11# is vrlcaktaed to mt.aiiim Merchaunta eeaivili A44i t Mavstageens ,*,- at Wyare boosdi n duiy Io t. c"nigu tothe ï o 4e lgsubecrihr, i ls> part of tise provunce udee04, usy ely e.Meeryeo-ouhngmi ef .e5s I a sfairer sbre in tie qoedy sales I Wtu Xrnâ e in aln oaf c seasthe sole buisofi rmnentt ALI'ED CARTZl, ci li;Wto e-, "Pren Yut-. - HOMS IL BN£Y I W6t4-Tiat on couiifrai <>Of t (ig îei. ..17,,1841. ti iotbeen pras'eted fron Stuf Jumi C v eimase Eut, Wus.1Waouour Emq., - aei rr J.Faiacer, E.0, lèié. FW " tu'.Mc that Our fellc dnJ W 'a voie o th fMs.womG. RKELLOOne, DactuiHarbor Ù4 tie rsutt u aised lit tiiflnéi in de- OsiUL$SiasSaTi. Eai, AN.ilsy. whcin unien wuUs iliose Anaawàmra TuixEs, lRchester, n blairIuaî au c aim noouikir ii Dit. .,do.nre a cny cftbee7esio. J. R. Aasis-aosio & Co., Tuouos. -TataccY fthneeol- JOHaNeDeUGAÀ, Lit, MoitroaL VI ltisiatidte Meurs. Baldinstnd La- Msera. LAsui & S'rxvssome, Bath. e'niir eieter of tise Fooui hRidilog o LLfFINEiQ. DelI.ville, oîteArordcCrn.. G.Hà.&MEn., Cobourg, ý&i LtUNTa, PWeL E. Par, Esq., do. f Signed ý J."Ï'. PETcER PERR'aYs 'cws, Est., Wlithy, a r l 6 14 4sarss%.Hamiltosi. - qi F. lis-soit, sbstiiute m.Se We fir Io .f.unsen dtest.a, sMd gWoi .l055Ii5C'd.. i . e "Ots.- - ---, hi ICIucu, p M£utE& UMESS ORK, for Pale itîhe bar. ~irht ~ Il TAON i Ls 1»cx tel.hy CARTF49& BENTL&Y, A. B LPssE'sF,'.Ne 4. Hardy'@ Buuil&uge-, Front Stgiet. :î~.~sA: î ai le etrs 1- - uthin Kingston, 20t Die. 1841.36 ,upsrInre, tare rcuî e-tfully requsted UPlERIOR A MERICAN CHEE.frsj wi re -g' su)g resoutons. by CARTER & UNTLEY, Copls -J. F.,'1'.SANs-tut. Nor. 4. Hsnrdy's Buildings. Front Street. _____________KiIstot.n Dec. 2Uti, 1841.30 'esîî'*daan,h-rr reluisaisthe Onder COMMONALti Ô F TIIE TOWiq 0F àeDrslite î'nsch -"tde Igalit ,ltertnasn, KINGSTON. bt! il ýn - .A rvsew mol tihatruoupe lMbe cf thse Commun Councl, :i' W.il in frnt ci %fr-. 'slo,'s hiruse. Kingston, SUs Deceu. 1841. suriBand ca tise 4tls Régi. -ill.l ie-n T, ~CEio hereby gves, ilat, purssul un èr-e su Ie Tow-n liai] duirifig ise MDier i.' ieAci of Isscorporatuiçi, ami AlplaboUcal suI;rnt, amsdplay Fe ofsi i! hein favorite- LiOi of lie Inbabiîauî Houselslders ùIthie Toca aTe ceGener of tise Commtes ciii of Rus g sien. etitled tuoet-at Ibm tiectiotste ais I ttie- Tou-n Iallsilitein returnufrom bhe heulotfa an Aidèemman andl limtm council- lie-st as-, and attira aruls be i attendmn for Wari Number ONE in the. eaid To An se- tls phes tun ssssfst n tise itribution' on tli ai Tuesnlsy of hMarch.18e% As put u; aîr r.The lriica uof e'aies stearu' an tic Town Hall; Samimelif tai a Court ofl a..e~îuiedta.-aorr(sw iorencoou t Illtires? Iunie ni of 5h. Ceuncil. ciii oit in the kà eau Hall on 'eednesday cf eacb steek untlttise 23d day of Mach nexi inclusive, SI uiheurtf îire o'rclock in tise aflernoon, for tse purpo. .0! H uN- ddàvn.siaiýst up ta. Wis4lir I.Sday tbaind aidecding usosuaIlobjections eiiieb i~ ~ ~~1 .~î î.is'î C-..lss .-le Istit ie nsmy ho , -.-,,.....ti-of tise Townu'Ite W. Teis'ili areistid lime lusough " the.iiotiçnOrcb f min s tesaid 1 s.l Loti, eud for tIe'fprM eof txpunging, rtai.->1 .ing, or iusertingtuug r in i uUe aaid Iignth 1ýWcý1lr hcae nldint .ido., sanie off mny poson'wISae. igîsu ta rote snanlieho iaW,'u- h-cîn' rîsd in viUy.satsfaccs.y Or aCnrstablished, as se caec ~ ir'tiessiçe' vesterday 13'<idn ftieCommen ceusi IlL~ ii>'mc iOr %vua% u-i utai'îur. 11'T>.uiI. M LI k: * ta'ii uer, iiAtiseice wsill prols. Cle,*, C. C. lai nolI'land in a riglt or tiso. N. --Persossinsereoar f.'t.xre st ntiîl el. b. îîlsc,'d snmtssLui of V.-. :Fta 1,ae mae insoxn of he fn- ALOR'S eie'erini ise Province, te- RA LSAM 0F 'i VER Z 1'OR T *slM -Ii t f Snrge iusnr rduce n FR5cR suruonioti ANa In EcismpLAINT. 10 *.'îicsciupsuuit ou nîî seinude Coogise, Colde, Astbrnu, Difficult>' nf Breati. !r. Gars sutlas nearly fiiiihd antsilý, Pains ini tlue.iide or Breaet, Spittingof Bloci, 2 nuW iru. sbilis usi vluf 5241 C'nr-îu,,l'aliuatiOn 'of the Heart, Oppressi#n 4ivGCh I~-t uise, anîd t%%'()ssri' aid Screnss of tise Cies,, Whooping ("nirls, hsiLj. o siu' [e-tc-- siea fi leuriiuy, I ectt rNieIt Sweatp, Difficoît 2 èJfýJ1 'r cie aberer deaois dr Profus..xecoato .ýaIl anothon Affections 5 l, tai [llls, ue- 50,000 bai-els of 1 hp Cies, Lo ngs, ansi Lis-e. .. %Ieissrsîl ?IS s ttlisiwil uaccon]- Mt5beduicine is Issu-Paielu>'tisinrole Proprie.. srî'us s-' ts.sli-for, ut 3l75 flowaen>', et-et-n Fouthl ansi Fifti Cite., Ne-w IVs-r, (jet. Tas-oin, M. D.;- ansi iy Counns-uk & COe, W'liofc-are Druggists 71. r c. li '.. . Masdiai L Yse orku-k, and! b>'evar>' Diugg[st 5,.55' W5iudCa- t ~A'Canasda. U $ u bacrrtes- viIi have consianlly ou tALEG 0F J-la nifou- Sale, an elegani Stock cf IN- i VAI UARLE S-rRUENT4, mnufas-îurei by J. & J. Mead, wt 1'IlEIIOLD POEP 7- . nofTos-ente, andi sahicis asil! bisguarateei tu ho iltbsr Inr t" issn tishe public- anoue, andofo!tihost dçe-cntption. *T iii 5 -fs îstruct'so e eilAb>' . JOHiN I.GREER, .cill ~î is' dl.> njanus- Kisugtn, tOct. ib 4l. 5 bff Gr sali 1 -1,!l>rpeÈs,'U OR SALE >' WM. SIMPSON, âthie ces 'at8 l r Jsua- tF c. rI z; F Ste;,, King Street,- Nu .280 bbila. Fine sud Superflue FLOUR, aise,Ds ah~ ~ iearn55w, noe. c' 50 lbila. OAT11EAL~. '~ ad, isifisuas Parle, Ksngiiîor, 1t Ir,14.3 pa. ýer aeom, UTTE1Lt-oegi pucked Butter of a e-et r tu' eclv £100,)- liiratM, B siaperior qualit>, lton sale lu> tntruue 0 rJ co IlBuiden l)ec., 1841. H . CALDER. fis s No2. --NO TIC B. #4 5m5V o( usesr* y the eÏes. qf. e-.'E Bu6scrihors isçp cepocufully if m fn ~~-parlaienutaa a âd - Juhe lnsbuitnteofKinsgtonand ils vicieni- ii Bubeîn t te u'4' iity, tisaI iii.>'have tilien tise Hou.sud Esenifo .tStl <Tpeu-aunssi"(sud-if va- formeri>' occupied by Mr. .J. Shaw, inB'oi ikieIuustg -iniig muid à >e uetisâ for Stroot. v e rthe lisend carr the preà N,. ~~~. Aud trusý liai b>' oslring oteemIucnnety Ï-Itressui> ' cested; utel r h É~AD off suipjrqqi~,t ~ o~ iu~hA q~~-~ - hail ut au 11019 tbiy 40-Adoep U e ec tise b, ouiM it IKI; 'Il t o ilir. td M 94 cf superier mlt ai iin- eis eaa Îlse 'saisi Barrel sud *eail. !'fierpc5 pils-ier pr WmALLEN & SIMPSON. puni Cctulal.,toKingatica ,Deceusier lOtis, 1841. 3 JAS. II-nON,ý 'w ?Bi Rfl(4~11'0q ALb-~M~, i;xéixiit~ 'Si. 1841. EXTENSIVE CREDIT SALÉ j~ne aIiu RY AC770il:DRY 00008 ingp s.,illbe et he tari o &àMariciet iuacuyum w rurms the subsi ,.te ose.mer. rai aesiguiots. Tj pal r m ave lse .pecael et Usk a geueeai1ssorunen of DRY GOODS, co- EUtise listing ef fine ariii superfine Bread Clothu, RALF TWEm ORIGINiL COST, F-aslinhe Tweeds. Beav,,r sud Fervet-Mareew o e 1 fd'r ta bas Cloche, k>ir-u, Greyand steal" ons Skni DAGITS!<vo îrg. Flanrteîs sud Serges, witha agrent v-rit- Hsticlely cells attention ta tiie lmlowing ty of other a.t~In- the Dry GooJ lice. lié Every article tuers naumedlh. ie co.ubint Aisé), wiUk br.soId nt thesane timie, îwo wefoniby j sto-be tlea 2peread cae" assortud 6TATIONERY ibree cases Cber uAihmiuY 0OIIliuse.-. Schtubi SlIei, mand a quantity of Wning P*--ý --b.JDC «a per. ~ ~ ~ ipoi &cat twic il .d e e q qmahty sud coter sud ef aupeuior ameke 'W' . &c, anof wich iliPi am ud ven wb f seSoetd "Was. iuutreserve. For partieulm, e d m Te vo slendid. ..k bills. - ý. J'o de NPleD %±sTahWi, Terras libersil, amind ai" known et ùhe îetbîr SaIs, ineludug bmm îaer s limeofale. &le ascIi day ma 10 oUcdW .1 lientbeogbe.,,jipMgadl, ~recm.ly 'ocit nd .mgb ii lidiist siame sutlio UUGH CALDER., b bal std y o0fqiali4y. T. blebIihho Auctionee. be .npb r eticulir ois tihe atumtio. Kingston, ii Dec. 4. eePuic erino f aitloéaSW& d quam e1plaifi sud fipe «è tOfé, Bit dSaxcuies sIl Onliams Clotho cf spiendid c- tauk- ler te lberl aare f prmao 'etery itlier cailou; an extesive a'd ccll boedo han im d uingtlent absm.off paurmsqe â dm.uian". the gruu. estwednebutduriibmlai en yem m 0uCu.4nowW d direct frointFrinme, therefere bi City. Ne i.n »W sdvisedly -iclut .0 p 4r*,4 tg vuyconfidence in recomi. deireGod bi stfii mte méd clft .fuu.~ i lierabo(<bato ciams ud qualities. oui. bi tUas e the= wu.din t iii nes. of cool, aIOCERY 4- PRoTrISION m evesy asme. Red, White, Green, amid »"Me«s exclusively, Wbuousal nd RdiiÛ.Yow FiUnels ;l@oseSaxony sud Welsab ?SMr anugseu oe e ubcted, 1li jils,4tiulanty lune sudrenaraby4ea>.; bothIFek7 st .& r initpEI, a v out chouce, direct, hl i ii receive, unadolue.c O1D o. MHafiq, mmed, sud -iin al 1packages, ail arilcouo. 46u*ma lacesile- Scotch asud Laucssmho ncted withtlm boinea Hie brandy.Gin and gng, i imlUr"eit a inest cm a orc wjiî ili coins fmmein ibmLeundocks; bies *Ï.CaliJ* mn itheProvince; lubb.d snd Wmes, selected fer huir.seIf, dl bhOcf cbol« s 'Caiere, Tweeds, Bu*ksId Dosakins, mintages, sud uouing Wnciei h. ored hbu su sde cf thons arcfpcul i nemms;-Moleskinet ne cant "ain giving satimilection. - sl dFts= ,um ah)ly oc; Winter Vs- A large sud genersi assostment vinialways ef#p - Udid ma in tuValmais. Gambroon kpt on band, and uniroxiti4 tut'I cAii-Wnb DiS",e. d a choice sourtmnt cf Cg- ven ta tbe business, sud te sucà iib niy far, ,,d sud pluim atiatnsd soin. very splendi iimithtacentinnaneefubein support.BelS' latimee Indieu' Bo ansd Dresses, Jacco-f Llust of articles on baud t. giron, cf gmaôa eflup adADUk«Muim« w hite sud emlourmd îality, which ciiie sold et extroou.ly le, 1 * A4otld lacconetw of<every cetour, Twil. 'ir«p for cash. là sud plain 'ilbeias, Régata, De amsudTar- 50 boxes Young Hyso Tes, )y Sitripe. fine Irish là.a ShitsLN Clathl 30 choe a kay do iwhite sud coloied Coma. Shirt, Lamea 30 hidi. Muscovado Sugar, Ood Pansion mu dL-WWUstears Wea'sted 10 Il Cruse* dSiu. mrnensd laces, Item Loomi, 7Pactory, 20 barrel. do d-4 id »Iwnadoyris.ottpas, White sud colvm'ed M. hd. single reflned f9nan, urnrpaute sud (Quille, sud a very largelot or 10 Y. double rflned d oi s&W Wolien Rae; Brussels, Ipe-.. M1 kais lu.Tob 16-0.iis, l, Kkdderinster, andi, 8%telt, Carpeîîng, of e, 20) Ird 18'4, agnificent patuerus "sd @efireibquajity ; aise, N 11) " do 24'%,caevery fi"eDrggets. *-en wortmy of inane. F M0 boxes Cavendisth le'@ & 24%s. tcattention; Frenci sud.Scocb Canubrics, r 5 hhIdu. Molase, tdhe largeet sud hast sasrtaient et Blonds, ci 5 du Bordeaux VinegaiN 1 to an sd Quilliug; »mn very superior French 10 baga sîfted Pepper. & Laces, Cbenml amud Thibet Shmaw]@s 20 boxes Pipes kerchiefs, and ose very âine Bandan.. 5 -~ Fient,iont them il cil ofaraud a few pieces cf 20 boxes Gnound CoChee, ~IsL Wooleu and Bockekin Mhina, Scar. 20 Ground Ginger, mry 10osaco Linon snd Cotton 29 Popper, W. IB. Dra% BI't "Ainen Thresd, 10" Auspice. BalaSPoobs, S18"...thréadBoenet . 20 jars Maccaboy Sauff, 6%, aud au innuanerable àuautity of other 10 baga Roested Coffee, asrm; sud ithe 20 Ilbag u . dnold, IS cf 0F FURS, 10 bgi t. omigo d, p i.S ofMaCh, Capes, Boss, sud Trimumings, 30 kegs Raisins, every descriptimt of Si;a .new,,and. moit 100 boxes Montrual Candles. autiful artigiét à lored Swanadosen Trim. 50« do Wax wack London Caudles, n, pecqltally u'cladapted. for Trimnaing of 10O do Liverpool Snsp, - itWmadEvnngP iean 15 bhds IlOttard Dupitys" Cogna Brandy, , c osi Sel waoosdnuBoui. 15 do Bordeaux do 1È1c1'. 10 barrels IlHulberts" Leudo brown $tut, A veny large Assontuteni of Fine 10 do Leith ale, Géeuine B4 M<Wl-Y0'~ 10 hh de aeunior Table Cod fis14I A ,MkD.CLT I a 1. haircelsa mon, dits..... s tedingCoats, Vntand Pantuloone of every -5 cases IlWicks" haest muet"rd, sd Morille Jackets of superior malie, pe. 50 jars IlDurhans" M ustard, ;ly coWeildspted for Sailors' Wear. 2l0 boxes Fig Blue, jeelsi e~tu RiI~u 5do Vermacilli, .west palems.for Dinner Éf ilea, uneg 5 do MandTail.rics; asud tn fine China,adse 10 dosk Bacaroni, U ansd Tes Service. 2 hhda Superior OU Port TVine. e ibd.ofHlaneGnll 5 qr. caskil very Super or Sherry, 4my wilU haesold chcap te close a Consjul. 2 bbds 'Ba'iuî,i" Madleira, I WM. WILSON. 10 qu-. casks IlMarseilles" Win%, Port & Ma-. ' toi 1th Nov., 1841. Gr dera i .bens Boto"-Sits 20d Pnod RaBtion pirits, GSTON AND NAPANEMACADAM. il. 5D pouche ton .IRualIZED ROAD. 1. , Br 20 bone "ctionE1uier"LndnSarhOTICE is hereby given, Ibat St a Meetimg 20 boxs Le sbers" LoGin, Si J c f the Commiessioners cf ithe Midlhîd 1DI.- Ya 50 bas neiea Gnt Turupike Trust, beldi in Kingston, the 10 cass Leion e, 'ultimoý severat altorations and modificatious 2 cas trLeone, mie, relating to the. Tonls and Toîl Gates 2 " teugitons Bitera 4h.aboe. nameul Roni. and therefo-e thse fol. îhm 2 ::Pepe uon' ir, lingraStes of Toli will, on aud afiler the. flrat by 2 4 yuaAno of Jauussy 1842.lie coîlectedl at all tii. b ? " èrod Ketchu Bout s tablislied on tîs.rosi, viz: 2" à I' earma riscigesdrawn by tbree or ~ 20 crates Crockery &t-onîed, OMr horso, with tire "sdr -2 20 packages Gluseare, muchas iii heaitb, l. . i. Dl Viii S variety cf other articles connect.d , witb tire 4 inches in breadtli, Cd n th a Grocery business. ade 6 do de3d. ~ 7 idu 9 do de fnee e 2bla O (r C iagedrawn by two horsas en he remainrng partcf teSuberîibers 'tCt ith tire vuloir' 4 imcein 0su 0~on Il. i old et CoSI Pnices. Buck as desire geadtb, ad. & roamm ian in eitber branch cmuld eouiul their j ith tire 4 incline in breadith, 4d. -te 6 aiz~restby examniPg a§Wd ccmnriug tIse q do f6 do de 2d. î Îho tnsive Stock of God « eoredin hepire- do 9 do do free. o f, e, hefore purchaeing. 1Cliagedrawn by oere Gd. o f,4 ilngston'. 2OtINov. IIL RrM R SE ome, hre . *: Y; :0 .A T T HISI p, id.t e [11-e WINDSOR ROAD COMPANY w" ii preoeit tâie of.'ollaçe on Wbeel Car- te procure a suitable perse. te lubie charge .to sdreunngb ie B1 ahCOU" i herin War.eanpsgilattlye treqj yt * Bsu et e oUusWDytecoui A il». TMrvobàipof WoIc s ir amis at metexaced. Ili t IeStock slion eundertakiîM 'l làToi e at leighs. chether dracu by. .U 00te £1100, te cho.a luhesal mealay 1= "Il lieated at 4d. Oit Illi gavenand a eognqrtble Dweong Noug ho buoM' 1BathllRaetaGats No. l ad. 1 fanaiy fumishedifrequhre) ALeeme. cf e. sldefirm ees Colline' Bay, St Gate No. e xeience ith ~~e orwadi< Ulne~e t ~. Persmo drscing Timberrn c teiua lad.wit Peroul ss Mabeweysmnewetght oser 25 cwt.,am~~ r1841u, S~. oiny ~t ever;00 cwt om e ny addition..lest WRELI ou Ouebotrod weight mllowed for ia-imJ nes, assoruesjgs rs le y e" reg. PlaitFoextra ceiginbqw rfor u--h TEI, à C LDR , lv Z0 W or cas, or oe. lac.1841. CU I 25do Sains..Teout', s fi.cws mtu or asie lu>-' a 'G et wh socl w i sb c oei L10îrs Teli muSw wu, ceiglu s. cl sue Ii.BMBVMING. IL lme.sr1 . (PJoue M'cxru Umbeuwilhfrein lte parish cf Dyke, NMB ti tai, sud Ofbis ons AlsandeJauus,aisiDavid. The> cann ha Canada about 9 y.arsmga, sud chas lait beau-sifrom cens lvi*n nor D da. , Addreseî onj.Mcuslkcbat tie Of"eOf b N ov. 23,U1ý841. ý ý nt of .ý ml A m I T-OOKING GLA8SS-»Oeking of lare aies &cd pattern& qDV L.. Plaies, Tuinhiens, Oet &anu:ts (la i- Kvron ia u atteras Lmutren,, Cut GloaLaaipShâdes, e, ,islo-rALO -et T. & J. PIGNE Y't, I A groaii*ariety of Fuarg P-1-i a ur taiiz Stor e Street. J ly fin Ihei, ud eau ho hîgh yr e com na.ded. As1o.--A grogt variet'r cf WhipE4 sud Whip JAM1ES POWELL. lAser, lacHide snd 1 eamser's Wlips, l- BS"" LT dia Rublier lihoms plain and soled, Coarze KX'1Istor, ovi P- 18-W3 - k K 9 1i 5(tb, I lX ov., 1841. £ I a , - 6 1L C A L DJhiow ZSR SALZBY THE SUBSCRIBERS, Ue. 1s4 1. - -Ai lkir Who" deWorelseu, Fs'oat re 1 4qSbèBes ULy.brocu, black sud ctsret superflue 15 heti Twaif kay Tei, &-M -èreMerinons, flguied Orléins sud -tY glyr~de Peisic* Saxousse, plain green., drabe broca suld 3 oun ILt ci-9ie Moeu nsud Damait. wite and r Uedt OUOo 1.*,A- ««-vscyand $orges. chite. red, hue &'na pniai- qltlçsel ristrelc.iigh iso uddelisUryJ¶siieoTceedKnseys, Swams- .AOUXÈbqbave fr salae., dmmign sndcliite Coions. Prints, plain andOVLS Seiia ,,bircord DIMMsties, nolled J e. Maet** IVoUs, in ons vol. Lsd. Blessidge &*tes, chia,. black, pluir, sky and laushord tIon'.Wojk,i@ uqa t . Irving.% IVeN tu io41 budinalBnwmma Lacs, tenit sudjconeue mua-.. ~Cnoet,' e lsor,cornmplote in 20 vols. Mi,ï enose, Vemoa hieries u' tw 111vois, u e! Nvh,,I .sitt" Velvetsand Velve6us, Plain. colored i. ck. et rBoI MNhla 41ud .uro Gessedo Naplesi elared Silk Vel. ol. eL y olI cclichis vute, suterge, Lu6ciau ad Denued Dr.. ikltr, Psqj l OierTlby Bou, 5 ~ ~ ~ B è EPh dPi~ 5 r s a i s m i D m s H a n . Ï ii t p< , I -145 5 , 1 v o l. M i c h e l A r u . .etW fl d id Bu«,tadBau. *t-qx.m y. IMr#. TisiL eI vol. 'De Clioird, or damaieBaua il,.Ce sà ,Ry theAjPibiit odTreinsin, De Vei4 e. ilndi, w% Prock Boe , ulmCf sda!i"olas fe . g4e Cr Ctrimmsed cliii lsce,>uusliu hudkercbiefs sec- a w Ui eI.le-Ijle l3 e d i t u h e u , b a c k as u d c h it e c i r e g r o i s d M I s . C s i a r , 1 > t e £ u f ( ' I h u i b 1v o l .i t t i l l s , se l a r g e e s irt u e n t - f H « "i e" y s u d G l a v e , S c s t a , i h s e a t s I ç * s , b v i i k A t b . 1 l jambes cool Shirts sud Dmwcyrhr s iti w r.2sos,?ii lsvticds b tous, & r. i a.R. H. t >E. . A t s iw e oniis&e . 2 vas. pw tv e y iLdjein Ludén1bhy Jass.sQnsu2vo- N01 PALL AND WIMItRARNCMNBLolin Claskýby eCh. Iloten,2 vols. Priais Hall, à Retard, ib heAuthar of Blackleam --2 vols * w knwe.tii, 0*Bsheto1be Fede -Hook,2vS ~The Pl«i.t.icmise,by K IN G ST O N & t OR O N To . A"Y i 'tHeh fintrbyi 00Gb F UR R iAuCO2UESalet. Thc De -. GOODFOU HOSE O,%H E Iart r, onMoitem bScboàl for Seaudlt , y Mmm. Gnre, JVdstdOy ezperiencrildriev 2 volet. Fnane Cattro, b L. L L.D3 vols. 'U~Eahove lin. of'Sags il leave the Ge. The- Fnit, hv Elle Ickeim4, 2 voit,. Thse Anerl Stage Office. Toronti', 1or Kingston. Flyaaç Du"clsuis, s No,#-I by Cspt. Msmtyai, 2 ever BssudY at 10 o'clock, A. M. sud eve-y vols ilest'ph 'ttauk. or île Poacher, b> Iondsy.Tuesay, Weduesis>* Tisraday, sudCI~ 'liyl os rylasRmnee Friday au- 6 elock, P. M., sud Ki*sben foer,-! theltobawk, hy.C.n,lctEuss, 2 vols. Border rente ev" muorning et 9 u'clock (Bnd..ayt ex. Besies, s Taie f the tMisîi.aiplî,4 hy the Aniser cepted). -,f R ttùbdihîl.2 sols. FlHasol 1ckney Rates sarnea beretofar. in tbe Fali aud F he A4uiier of C9nites, ilrdshau-, 2 vols. Tie W'iuter moutbs. tUdke NOrel, iY Ma-. Or.>, 2 vola. Tte iii.. Wag. WELLER, tory etalttrlte fbetif, 2 vols, The Propruelor. Abbi-y, snd otier 'rast, hy bits. Goe, 2 l. Cobourg, ct . ]i. 1841 30 Jark Shcp»srd, hy Aiiessorh, 2 cols. -Ti. Mi- OR al byR.IL& T RFryiug Ian, iyuhe Anuhor 60Cousin Geo&4y, 2 L'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ORslMyR.H&.Lkcl. i~ft mmd'MOrui>g b> 'Eé.L Dulcer, 2 S200 kmgs Psint 28%h. ach, vols. eieest haltrer,,by .L. Ds!cvî, 2 450 l egsco Nis, vols. Ctharle-s Tytreli, or the Biller Dhaiulby the 4 p otai btes, Auîhorof The Haugeunot. 2 FUls. The ?A', ai 50 docooSl,,Aras or Henery Dé Ce-rau,, b>i ltseAuthor tof Ricit- 120 bu, Sait, beeli-,svit-yakTbt Gr"meaan oft ide 8 So*4 520 cases Tanadb leOt. b1j.J. P R Il-ois2 R ol- s eCourtiernaiithe 60 csesCanda lat. Oc. 141.Ds's itilfles à,l>th,~ 1e Author of lm.Ar- GROCERZES. WINES, LIQUORtS, mytage, 2 Vols.-Wo ave, or-the Feigo. f ONSTANTLY on baud (ai Wholesale) b> S'l", by thin. Km . Phipps, 2 vols. Th'ePaa.,îlst, c te S bsrirm . . s10 fotms ofGoidolpiss, 2 vos. liseC&Nnai ,-'TOBACCOS, Mipisier, by bitâ. Gore, 2 vols. bleicedeu,a le. Plut, Caenài*iý aum. . alliO te isyo ef Colombus, hy E. L Buleef PtugCavenisiNE. tL2 rols- Cecil, ar lie Advectures of&a Ooxcmmb, Port Wine, Madeira Wsue, 2- vols. Hoe. i.oRtimoai, by. tie Aisîhor of Sherry, Çlmt. do.s éloclIWtO,* stsls ielding o oi-~* . T i L t , i l- A ~ u h s V r hr n U h , '5 6 1W l U U t se h Young Ifyiont Oh yson, Twankay,e, - -. Pl e A 1 lt Hy on Pe tsep ssof Dpýna-. 4 -.' Crouvela ble,~ien P"& Diui~-0 bhehr 0;Bratheri2 cois. SUGA& on te dre.Gre), 2vols. -$OH iýubd. uSv sud erMte, YLa irgpn,2 Fir le Ps Muco4 oaTie QlfHuitHshoî.alstY FMien iceries2îlhé 14 Dos. Paent Pais. M ie A maeaRL tiinn.sa T ale hy e à e 8 * L2 d o:u0 18-ut ls T he C cwi l c 1 eo f L sn, y - P a o ALSOduTu>u dentof Te kits iiSmorts e sc t b-I ltu.,~ . - Aso, ,- v: ls. Thse Deeroa> r, or Ib lis h îP.sataryi Pepper, Alspice,' .Starc, Csudge, Suait, iY Mr. Couper, 2 vois. *Ol To' itstýV.t rstî1 zeewCufoe, Date-Cffe,4ipe%. MoLaef, hy 'weïer -L«% coi heega., Pickles, Tuirpeutime, 8 un; Cigare of ro"Ta eth2clsBue,,i .n -e-y grade, Raisins, Holland Gin, Cognac ~G4Çr-Ciim,2vl.Rliiii 5ai4y. -'...ay 2vl. bi1pnCuo"e ýAMs.--A lavgs cossigmureut of Cordage, Spun UT' a qî>.,lsres0'sIe>,-n Thoos'. arn and Oakuio. ~~V.,Li-iilne VOX, 4te. &-Pls C O L L IN S & H A IN E S . 'fb c D i t sW . i e v- e a ix >a 9 ,' rl,~ , Kingston, Nov. 17, 1841. la>1) ris, TcPiç s N . 1 1- C . & H. heg te assure t heir frie n is & . -rn t he,îîî a s u s i i" h i e-, s, b s î , , , he public, that tihaort- articles will ho soli ' Is P10ts5 »'v, .abW.Tii. je en fr Cash or short approvei credit, as Cuoni sî h.py Do. - . ivr, if nt lower tisu any otmer respectable es- Kn Ute,~AMPÀY, ARMtýi7R & Cc-, blishment in h rit>. Knao Notre tnhonl,1841 . 3» O OLILAUS SEW R >..EXTENSIFE )ERARBLE 1AIULNDTAVRNSTAND BADI L E A ND> H&U NEI FUR SALE OR 7TO LET. WARE Holisr. HIE Susicniber, Iereby offers fer sale or Store S&«4st opposie C. HeWais JDragglstames 1 7 L E A S E b is v u r le i al l« -r a s ] p, - ' u nl n nu stand, situateid a 8 mites frisai Kingotou.ii, ITOHPPHARVEY, grtiefl'u foi the. extenoive a te m adamis The Ho inAsa sb. &P-pairo" qoho bu e- iadLn eie sIl i s shed 60 f se d;n 0, aadaw bey.attîscAsu ulsles eu. OUO5 6,citisa new ae' ée og aggnbis fripd Sud theopsube, ~i1i.ew. oet 36 by 28, sud a fie »Il witiah = ncebaud hàdd a el eeced asiort"eut. of cwater. TaTrl cuateabout]100 acres dl m ite 0f f Ud"dry osndt arusea.AI .asu- femeelan d. sud hoing as ea aeu ah sar-perlas- àhtotlneft oflIOrea.Ckstss, 'itp.of ~is~ngto sv.yclubl.AgoodPotas ee, mgypéioraI.1box of niosadirect unefactry en ha ba*ciii the Fanai, if cauit- frin1udfor riding or w1w. a. leaoeNo.10, 1 44 '81M Par fanthor particislars, esaquire cf thé suh- crieraon the.proes. -u- A Çlseurment cf Paper Hngigaw, 4 .ltlNEZER AD¶r. limm llsg, ffer aeSt Kiagsotne De. 7&h. L-TSt.RG&YB mil -PARLOURM4rn l u isi> cf- c e AuhsDu" h Ksi wits - '~.4~~ I alvqJOÉ,4uidcit in. Major.GdeM-lCtitise. -* IN& Oav.eihý, -'