Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 28 Dec 1841, p. 1

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CANADLAN JOURNAL4,'POLITIC A-. P'arai f:- i 4- i the t.i ii 01 i V1 - im ii .e s .1v ,l, t-e . B. o. leN- i imrrc. 1 i ill, 2 F it r (1.1 iii n -i ; l-lm iern tîimr 1 i-oi, , J. %Il. rL-1: ONi.t W-11 eIlz r hie mdue sUn %11.- TIii il . I. -T r-tiirlrit,. ùîli--i-t Air -I li im vl- ie thr rail 5til ( e'eilr it ian i :,.c i spn Ie ar t- Il aitt, pifl.Fe i . "1 'h 0111.! -c d liWe- ir ii the tol ieg t vîiric mus-i Le '"esi i .a im-iid;i-- ant resem YIVNTEA "IAN TIX HTI .Xiccpi s g&d'-alm JAMES POqXEI EVXI&I TVESD Oulu WAW-PY. 1 ir tenets-n'et liediW. ,site ifsa m il- -*b or tu hea ma -J-IIUQsTNCANADA, ___________________ I gÎ1 NWWaR L D., Ocâmr jornls l t555I5yý. 1 M,, W ntnjeresi.fL.mue vslelykiiceL The omtdistie- mends et taga, bath le Aimeriém ~iegdwcuetribiitoE5 tu ils e isDeemd MSCIs.E, resideet ha ,mits .GiliD. i remie, ud rn!.a Lk tb tl ofe Mexico, it he;oicso (lin, lier oue tltu cor~fei~o à, and eqpuaiOfth lin ew orl auùmry irlçipt luý Ibo «.ndA r ed m W IT1 OPIe-t the M55Mbui 5 ibiBtEtYo f the ar. iss q , il o gnUiC5ti v cfthéand o ad Arct ndi ba f ial*Îl &àte coeuiibv n = ma "Y ,*betl oeite srtîecte~ ii, w F Cat i f Ameie gle hctendr it et et maph ;s-trrligiOilaed eutoftA R aefia of tcNew Werid mar a o ha#IrtolDitice ndit 'limpreem udTe andOLLimi.'pran.mr. o uir re lmsferîete remta.sri li~ tiVIdl~ wiiu In teh mapn Sin oe cuNtewW .ic and t89 tSvpe. m5,.alece wthtRi efa nyflt air v dthe livlmeafttaiùpyMa- on DOMLLARS T f r otne uet s ,WF 1 or QAT Ee.ii diti ndspa kim en. uf lim e t foplem, e o î~rBail, receive Ith fm ur Ot*aa. l oec li. esnta"e Calley. &TGazffreig*eam % IN'SEPbih, *~ ~ ~~~h Pvstei'tî~ !î lub- 1 IInuei, e Stick mof DRY G0t)DS. ai a -I -s r ,vo f ' i la;fm ati . al ori-re Fal!nitd WVm:me! cibii imle tel i ivîLgrent rare: bl-pe.ite cf thes Brltjiml, 'ýet!-r wih a tii rnigli knwledge a 111i i ioi'icitfiaital, their 1M I IlIiNS TUiS SEASON tviare ee!i iv hl p.lurt:î.î r.in lie usual value, ivhe "Y nrsbehoklclr. 1: vP-,ru11i y î'taien tu acknewi- t lieri upîport they have mcciv- m geilrily,Ini congeqtiii-ce ut nxe:s miTrAl imvin, bee-i anticipa. a. lirgP id iMu'aiie SupplV i p3ilibut thîe )ew h o:i une ir:iiire.l teîessary, thRI I - : ur i-: lbe Diîpp1otf, as et; i il i a fini-l arrangement fi * uae in ' et er Io wtmch îelî Stîg <>3 mt vucL 'îcu e lJarrlismegth e imetsaving at -i'rmrecii Eerrblisbaunt. buie'tIî,iz îrticularly worthy AID RIIAVErI CLOTHS. . L-'i 5«imiit, & -For it 104-c I l qi, rt-: eliheIfa.1c Great Cetite, -qi-lic for 'atan iialmivînp, v-ieellis, Uimculiy Cbeap; - I t ill,îtC l Cliilis. l -M4, ND FLANNIELS. anii.e-i~, îd Qoîlir, Y E-xiyî~ --i fir niiilren'scime. [lutiSuti Ihs and Ierinaca* l t aS-ile. of Cotor and. Lii \lii Iaîobli~e'ancd Cai-u -- -a îl t.a I:e,1' i aîd rinle . ~-. Svurtî~.i thgreit confi- 'F e ublc iuprniluths e-n, i m ýin iieaîîa arlety ofetiît, -i-c lîg any <rmer Importa-- i i .palt e iothle abject C ie~y ipa-a ithie Sitck, Lu. oaa v Lil itm nlumaking t 't., 1 f p'ssile. mu,*uit ri dcriptimn, i tr.î- ohair, & Cash- Lsbb ~Xel~ Mr-moand ri aA tr wem t vers, sola Pl, lt-OPcImet r Neck Scarta, mas:lar.Cashmere Mufliere, à iç0 AtC tORY COTOo. T<eLie, Brow-n Liîee Table , titf îrîîîurec"' Snglish and French maké. Frlnîl îe t-ii--pei-!, but tRie ' ýa--rill' ,-cî ay lIeuse lenlthe 1,ti oit sou-et Deaigesin mt i4 i-., f 11ile maîcials A - "d- W'-titn ShaviandmetHunE! Lice v eI., ri-s.m ~ uittMupîinq Lmre c~i- mo I.C ~~~lIe'tari, Batingsanici!Wud. viIL abthîe L.wa, ~îîi, lOrly '~îPmmx.la OIF 'leks Imiaeta cherre UW Nsu.G. H.lIAI N &C, 0 LD ROSiiiic' dradm " np the run, standing MofrU- Ilimtàgsan sd l*kingdructly t2w91.3 sw». ",V* oPaei," odhst'h yaercmy rigatem* ie ncmaamÉ. jýWj w r0s . i. * rJoio h Wd uscOto hOMda togbtrein., Le apo bar guatit wl e sImulE! lire. 1 aide, the avijteLmee Imu soi sise oia treé, andtaking delîhérmie The bock teil uonil fore kilees. th"tbI isoh«t l"d ben sacesfuî, khia« hall -E!pîted, t]Bab mh1ré stlamdmmg vhéîe hé had Isft tbemmad ve#. bWs buadkevclef icmmlieoit ta hu., tsn's ÈICl .Traiingbs is tmr a boemE!sd tevands is epecedvmt bud emmienant e. The drr,bae el raceirvcd itxplf, ammm e tre Elump ils mavmp. Ulot stared 0melpuiat ai t *ýotmng£ e ery aete e seho mI 4-utbkse whc vas, *at eci'. lgi&0 iMd mollet stmmeîng thé lemvse,and '!a cul is course. lint"tmwoanmlE! hEsDed on atma gaiheiliggeljdûtstf rIait frein tRieexlmastion er bis vitalpoes î a hcv riilcesemare the trup elg im1 ter, te &sce e i rs me io jsst tamtlhe coulE! bave klbie r<Kî ile , l tnRieW bobck swyuog, in me hé mun flp oas ichs-y inin g £lIicQ vuas llet. pliat ~ee ,él 1ia»W kitIsEbis find oor Fhatp ameiaset ai fth e titgisawh tsI that bis pmedicticusa bot thé 1*bhuki fies-ie! pm-ved by thé evewt. orrinoiuu. »pb ouslm me etrcmg bs tag lears i. Imihet ho left Rs; Md ElwE!isivoa smvss roe ui téreûtetio w t ébeue. r.lm r4s mas-c vis.b dice*-grtoe hi.se gsAip.ug IvrLo a.blm t, ib oatrds a!ed Limomlm tereine et lût brie brohéu m4'1Wappffl rugloi bs jeal.A iniar vomi egekSai t ght«e afiLilaSeicaussE! Lhmito tkami! Ld is iinuiertmsauied himý Tyiug'lagsae-thlebe he,ne as Weil au ë sw a edh valtet -Ugenthé uauJe muand mhe6ar- <lovthe invuma sl et lt n-LThée bms» frequmsilarWemt aiaca î-umC tt.n on aievpyeEe&MvI the fs-equse Olthé »aur bec«»mei euamyhA ergs blet rapidiy for- &MI %V"WLe 'le,*csd the é goe t ai vlivi e m ecettaLd bi'Wr ca", %mie vas Pou! i ~ w~-'~~7 ~ = '4~ flh.IC ~JE ~iiig wr ui a.! Lut a fmi-v moieim.s hétore il;uimie 10couiemmnce, was tiüw exm-Iaigod for mn ex- s.of et ilungleil milnescho>', mortificratiomn imo 4,u1sh. [t vas iiposibel t: bm ocnjcture 1L ,îhA.! e:ome o<ai Rase; but Lo ha i tumci '-Ije,metaLeure Limte te dou ht soI ute aeriuui- ivetit bami trimspiretdii ring the tîinte thait ie W-me ,biseumt. lie stmuLitei iotit. Lut ne neaponse vai. -este tu i calI. 'T'he muire le retlecetueil -e.p.:appearcil the nysery ; admi iras dtuB- -;u1n ta aenermime wvL oriurc e eaît Itcâdp: -le rediaiîed iacis t. dspir ; anma, scarcela swéra mm i oimt ho was ta. ui, gatiopea uno p tLe oriaie pîtîl. wî.b tLe Lape ut teeeincr the tra- tctiwovnýi e es; Lut tLe deisity o! îele teves, ,înicb cuveredthîe grount. eifectuttty detoate. ue QLj-a. wie:i ie hait îeriy aurmicunte. -lie iai, ti.. ammap repo-rt of a ritle alulet tlit> cairs, w;tia t fi e oiâtitciîy board a hulaI wLiz pas aia eadl. 'Fic ors., sei.:ed vith recewedt aarme, mîumge1 preclpita:ely tiuwia tue hit:-pasamag Lu- -umi.y ue. the burlnmmbmd taîlti tmber, aîmt al- îig imio equisilîo:i ail tRie coolmesà and eques- imamiit ii t Elt, tu ctiaile lim te inaian Le 4tat. - resammiy atioter ebt van tiredt remm a fifferetims quiter, wL <b loîlget tszelfintbewiib. e r uthile nurse, vwîmuae Leadlong ipeet new hé- caine retouhleit. IL vas apparent te the yauth that le vas hé. .et wmh A.,mmas. A meiueimî'n reflection teter- àim:ed htu t repair, wvith ai! pxsaile expedîtiomi Ld tLe fotn d titre a aetacliimet ofmen sent 'Iiipoatutihe ciewy. tic toit convimcet that Xuiee badl eemm captiret b>' theci; acd invmrdî7 rmpraciiing iaisect iast the ceofethr calamnit>', Le u-ered a sotexn1ow Ln rescue ber, ortdie in iii. attemepi. Wilmii tire minutes after the trriva of Elliit, every tlivimg Ling italIce settiement vas cetee,- ted ;vîitîn the moctae fort at Whcelicg. The stor>' ui thme y<ob v.îs toIt in tfevw ord.. 'Lm i. a dtstre.s.qg aîmît,' sait Col. ZUne. tic cummaidercethte gammiie..'Ailsfiurtunte, Lîwver, tit Major bi'iloch a a .îh ms tetnay. ir.v immuntet umen ucna labis commamnd viii capkume thé nopper clred mriais héeore tiiee. aimai >stîre thie dean cl te l us maîharnîe.. Whal ay you, Major M'oIuioch il 1 ammc alirmys ready, ar, fer cny thing lu thé shape o u an In tigh,' replet the ntreplE! bouter. 'rhen select twchve m.r-myseIf anaang the eiibe-,mouctus on the fele.:edt biaes w. tan tint, t'm<-lmt t1teet umut ell 700 more. 'rime la preciois. l'ou pick thîe mcieut tnd goîtuow ta gel the Lorses len readiess?. IL shaîl Le <line,' anwveret M'Co!lecb, -and qaic-kiy ton. Lewis lVezeI!' 1 'liere!' repli Lewis, as hiebowed bis vay tbruugh théegropof persoas thtt bat collecîci! -&roundthîe M .. 1 put jeu ktitLe head te Ltlia nt vili ex. getmach trout yae,' costinocit M'Celloch. 1 Mlaj. Mac,' sait Wettel, * 1 ele't lke coonel@s pan, ny wvyy1iocan siftitthroagi. 1 apee v '%il vaqILtetahave îLe uLulE! letci Lach smle sud soaed, Lut t kmiuv very vveilthtiig can't bu dan, 'cordimig tte.calottel'splan. Doh et!' respectully ieqmmjed M'Celloch *ho reposeS mmos unLeumded confidence le thé jinment and akill of Lewis Wetsel. * ierase thie vcry mitate OIE! Cr.Frs himelt'- o.1 Cran lire! eîclaimed a doe i4 1OIt Cres lire!' repeicd ilWatel, vîîh us- tRer masmeeriug eniplasie, - hé'» at tRia top mand bettan t ilis business. and tRie very minute Le Land- hLimelf Lant..! dovu by bersemua,, Le viii scalp por Rose, anid then take gond! care te pal hinascît and! bis curad ed E!aktisesout of aim'c ().But bey de Yeu knew thé Indian gang te Le OId Crm» Fir emsed M'Callccb. 'Wby. Ycu se. aMa ac, I lesjt te&the trou- bla bt aittopeck outthe beullet "ha vu lbRe, ibI aatchum&. feeo is.. 1 mev thé cut ofthe ou raucul'.ba"iton ima oi 'ýPerbugs yen are vgI'sdM'cou"lhehuc 'Thor*'s@mary dot alit i,'ropffuWetssL Swetyou thu t idr otps-d«Uulda 0ow ahy«ssf7« illibe alaient if the 'l- sr us a ie.!d s ntng oualmmnffc eaum théo t Ie;e l be males- iMtd. ove b oui the pntir ldë roaa.Fire atv*s:Brmsff ai. It sgit'îing furr juotahiisaftem'.moon, se ve'il bave oa L brc. ElIio5 in isour r.fle and jour flxi's imr gond onlerl' 'AIl rigitb,' responne.l thé youtb. * 'ea conte, let'* Le off' The tira mtdventareras aioulderet théir lire- locs. an tbey passeil thri)ugb the gate of the Srtriomac>' a riet prayer for tbcir suc- *eas iras utiemeat Ly tLe inmiaies o! tLe tort; ail if wbom aitl een inteie-ted uditors ofthtRe nrversatioii above nelazeit. They parsaed a eeIl hé aten ptth tour i-r five miles. up tRie Lmnk )f!thi river, until thcy.zeacheilthe mouti et a con wlicb enipties iteolf into the Ohio, immedi- iety opposite a amalI eis'u i bu Iat:er stream. Jlere nature appetret in, ber wihdet aspect. "l'biis ia. a suspicioas Iuoking place," ohéer. cet Elliot. "Nul a bit," said Wetzel. "'TRer. baiet- iJeen mait 1-dian Lere for a long time. A gued wilbitu:ck it was a taimiaus place for theme le cross nier in their èâos; sut maifs the time Vvre laid for tays Ita<lmigbls aI a streicti, on the. pint ci that liti e islam! yander, watehîng. the mevenents et thé red-skine tu get s chance tu riditle ihcîr ides vitR msoy it voman-ere"-& thé buter pamtie thîe breerh of bis gun vitb miacitet afferiun-'OIt Cr7s-Fire,' lhé cen- tinucil, 1 uard te puddle erer, Leeabouts; bui niean mti.bni hive Lad ce many eracks at aich tker, alang jander, thar le'@ &ga *eardtutavent- are is oIt iîe1 bide ini titis quarter. may mare. lle's gel is ferry ai UPos cress, nov, and tbere's where îva'll have tua nul im." "Do you think thie otit felleir Immmalt carniet cffRas. 3" intemnogmed Elidît. "Jist as saxtimu1Le dit as my ncime is Lewis We!zcl." ",Ttoen, Liris, 1 inarn molved -thal oay rifle shahl kilithîe infernal sentndrel !" --Tu-, tut, Ellit ! do jest as I1iM you ;I dit nît etch Yemu mioimg t atluinthét- va>. B 'y theres oct>' imian in tuat part nt tLe univarWe tuat l"d trust villa Oit Cross-Fire. Bacauo.e it wouldm't hée ni uuqe, ai ailt; far il raissetmong ini my h ad tRat poviter mnd ema ca'îkilt bina. Myil> xvolt 'an e Leebas tried se etten te huas bim aw mw itbout deicmg l, tRiai l'va made ep My caiii! ta try hlm saine othér vay. Je's gat a clatced lite, tlat's a dlemi'csse!1 "Fotge, Lewis! Du 700 balayinjeacch oit vomeim's atom.es1"' "i WVeil, 1toî't knov that 1Idotasna gineral ticg; bat I icusic'tIoyti-t l'veu atfycd mymelf that Vit Crcsi-Fire is pronfa_,ain riftebAlle, a-iy R.'a. But tire mustl meve atoeg qiiker, Buit. -We're oct>' RaIt va>' te Shnt creek, and we Lave't a mmute's tinte tu apare." "[1con keep op witdajua, more aloug," sait tha joath. lit ila igL tinme te quit talkinig, mmcv." ebser. .v@é the. eIder bucter ini a sotenodtetoe, mites thty liai!l.ft the raeinj their ruai. "A bady lia te Le quiet wL.c hé gais about tbe Indiana, os- theylt Le uigty agI te get mameut ê,ml" Ellial pronisse! tu silence. Thé lv. hantea uIckeued ibeir pace, thaugh carsivas tâ. hé obrieg their <seltoILe grouaet!glgliya possible. Wetzel, w L a ket Letoure bayacti- Mfumempien, <îa<tiuiMy glmoed li _ ,eh pare tie y.arounE! bise, pan.stratieg thé maies ai t o rs n evter>' aide!.H. movefi vlauer- peulti@nse sd neyer uttarce! a syl&bll u iei' ih ave beemi te check lais cerane te-mking unneccssury noie when "idiaters remded e Iamoetia ofShort = kc sonevas nearl>' ready ta disarmem ý obei .i'h:a on the opposite eshore ad tbe Ohie.Thb baksoet tbecvsek. mti .coin. ï[secce wvitheIbriver, vere u aq.tbuugh. net sue ed ocvered avec te tbir extrmna ne- viia uxraua govlicipapmu.Tbe«At- eerg" aicitetastaesvasdry a muE!ss; bjt a veiEsrp of wu i .E!ameun«e s.r aube 11as,eu «% ëba ese«xusgê letieu bbu r.esa tidom et as<ssasi k 11Main .4 oram nf a p " Wetus I ls"Wemoum oTbey 100b âw wâ.eig etiRatae .Waqes 4 Ua iu.i mm -d li srou.sceadbnve4 I~sae 187- tdou by the a bick pawpaw #rote. wàch et tteer oftbereipîs. I ha n la l be d ue ow " saket the y aut flWhaper. - Isee,"'said Wettn1Yéu BlaV,Te y iOBeI branobéé mide. pn4d t uhswitb a quietamas e éskilfal lintian hunie. After anc: eeveral, minutes bu reiniueL and maw sgAS-laEllinttIo fallow Rfa,. fea rd" ai mttUly as héC0cl Lewis a feu' m&* up the. creek k.vnte elder kanter câlied the au- itte th statque f ew 41 lsnerers0!= w as 'cuteby . deynknow that 1" i pIin t jeu - tmt iavs Iofu.amd. In bhwoptin t eai ii Max!te gw.4 stUmt, BaEd ~t$~MSrtàr4l * boyet wu"Ynt ~ ~ reiî~. thq secoud till a be" id *" I_ a 1 one rnatÏM leu t ~Ivhe n Ibte mce*t, Ellit; it shows t1im !M tleur towo Sd oki, er. h é l o . uerighi.b1iw*a." T baft.'hmudd e$msOW !Cross.Pire,, ýr i ~ ~ ~ ~ e" 1eeuE u r Ijmdge i a.1ocf' h t ngîtbetw mat bave beeomwmo*,thai, two, il, " tbèm might. -but *0 can' te11,» nid am.hé *ove& near the banli, -a" east 5ev-'S the 10m o! ofthe 'atir. f- modier dmscavee ?emmd.,"1h. ad- Doy @!usetâ*Bùlittgreen twlg in the aneilhie oye in thé .directiondsnotod ~s-j~meae'.fisger, and! nswemidlunthe if- nuit. thatitîle tw;g id$fM to aOId Ct*isWl e'CUO, wwcih is tRer. sick in the wt7t; and 1 argot tbat Use ebushé a heie were ga'e-iake e tbn fsdeu it ta lheý.buttom." k Vory likeIy," osalE Ima. 'A Dowme arger tliaI there migl have been cvll oobcins an sxpr hnier# onde: your tid motion o b ot~bwvr luhn tu aage. aswy through the wter, seflnmewhat baffle.! thé 'Noý, Ellit," nail the scout, "you go back sarige ; and before hée had timue to draw a satis. teYuor old place andI keep quiet. and have a fectory aigRt upon.the swimrner, a b-il fron brigt lookout, while -1 slip arcunit thé point of Letqis Wetzeî's rifle pierc, d thie Mingo' heart. tRs ia Utmd ses whats going ou. Oaly le At this nunnt, Old Cross Fire vwas. standing quiet and do as 1 tell you. Vil be back liefore near bis companion; bis keen black eyes vere loO pet une&"." directeit towards thie sgdi from which thé two i The tWo bunuters separated ; Elliot ta seek bis first slsot« vere llred. His ample client heaved ériginal caver. and the othér to obtain soine in- front tLe tvorking ofthîe furies within ; hie nos. 1 frnation of thé expecteil onemy. The former trils ver. relaxed and distende.! alteinately, snd e xamined theb priming uf bis gun, and satisfied bis giant frame wss braced up te its fuIRlReigbt. L hmu*elt tt everythiag vas prouer onter lor 5cr- Hie ponderous rifle vas PoId by bis rigbt baud, I:ca;.rlie semced hiieseif epon th. grotind aenI seros the front et bis bod!y, rady ta le placed te sepî rmarkably qmie-bueying bis mind, most b"s eft aeulderî at a mornnt'a notice. of the fitine, ini fancying the situation of Rose. Ausoson as Wetzel fired bis Inst shot; mnd le. Uoumtinses. Le vas ready te conclude that @ie foretRihe Mitige ch:of lhad tine ta siake a motion bat failen a victiin te Pavage cruelty, but le e.- tcwarts retreating, le dropped bis gun and leas> deatiredtot dispel such gleomy ideas from bis ed ever tLe LanUt, vith the fury of a tiger tipei . il. and conteumpîte omly the brigtest sidcetfbis long soeght ensmy. The force with wbizbh Itpicture. He vas uubappy, howeverin apite lie spanz unOlt Cross Fire laid the savage c f bis effurts te reste.hle spirits te their won- at fi1 lengt iupen tbs LeacRi. with ue arin mnd Wp buoyance. In the mdst ef his meditatiens, a portion of bis Lady Luried lu the mire. Wet- Ub fot sorne~Mng srike hlm epon the shoufftrs- el himself sunk te bis thighs je tRie mut sud foetn Lebimî. He sprang upon hs fte and dis. fouet it imnpossible te extricate himeelt, Me Lad, ý rcvered Lewis Wetzel standing ne-ir hlm. however, thie advantagc of ithe Indiiià; for tbe L'a wellI1 ai n't an 1ladian ?' saidtheu latter. latter vas lyieg prostrate semewhmt stunned- by Elut was much nirtifledtot thiîmk that Le the fa] 1, and depriv >ver, fthe une oone bad allowed imspif to be surprised s0 eisily. of lhii arm. T orwboe aide wvsnow -Lewis, you hiave tearned me mother lemon,' placet aginst thée cthîe nid chief. fading iMdi hé% *and 1I hial profit by i.' tint bis antagonisi vus revivieg, seized bis keife, rtee that you dû, E;lit,* repliel Wetzel. je a met Uns about ta plunge it into bis bemnt, wben low vu.ce. 1You muet hé quiet. now,' Le ddeJ the latter, Lysa sweep of bis lonig am encirclet iu à whisper. Wet*l'o bu y, and namrly crushet Lime te death. 'Did yî e e he aked Elliit Thée mont madIe everat attempta te use hi;- 'V. ROY are cmn. ' knife, Lut îe*xcruieag pain b. experienced, *Who 1 trîinm theeron Licg of icMingo, paralyie d ia *OIE! Crms-Fire, sai t tlmn others.' power of a'rîion. At Ieegth OIE Cross Pire * And Ruse l' mate a tremsandous effotrit t turu hirusef; and 1 She'a s-aleeugýh, ridimi" the itte*e4t,>enludoicg erelaxed bis arm in soims measure, r, and OU Crousa-Fire in s Tadeg il mlamg viich enableit Vetzel ta inflict a deep stab in 1Lews, l'il sho-it the impu lent scoundre!, if i tbe cbiettan*s aide. troun which tRie rot current ef 1de fir it!' muttered the youth ; and Ri cîencb. itfe spouet treely. Wetzel ceetinuedia use Lis ed ism tcetb wmtlm rage. kni-è uctil tha vit-al sparli ne longer animated théi flushiEElit, biîh! Di as Itelyeu-n-mt il Lbr4 of bis victim. The deat bodyof the Min- wifi Le we'l. Uroucb doyn sow as yes goucliei.erved the purpae of the vietioum hu. can. and Le quiet.' ter lu extricating bis legs trou i e, mire. He 'l'h. uit reml4kinneà wretch!' growied lthe secumai thé scaipsetfOI rd c F're mand hi* yoe-nglcter. I44Jnm0e01,4»dies . w r1kil.: EBe easy. boy!' said Wetzel ; Le is net to e h qImsinguni tu thie bettoin et thé river., sbtitel you, lil atete ti im. ,Elt.yen u It vs»v t uttémmc ue* a are gettiag fevarisim; I se. it un you alrrady.- t'hi samsce brightly Wetzel vent Ln sascb Kebp col'-eep c= am -or you can never shoot of Ellot mii Dn.. ond the latter much le i.' revived. and the yont uihvs esdeiy supporting The eye ut Wetzel .vas quick te perceive, ber veak d raehW !mac ugbrsnaeet thât bia ye.mrhful coite was laburîeg ucter té oai Mesenta vwe #,e ltd @h. ex- f aimai cerveus excitemenotmt udio.neJ:Ly the me- pressed- * wish te predIF-home inandiately. ve.ty anit probable diager of tRie iteailon in Lewis, mter a short searcb, found îhm'jpuny sad tvàich lie was placet. bis bridIe. Rase va plsced in the ssddti, &MiE 11 . Le cool preserm-tly,' Re replieil. tbe Pw'tY returîled lunaty ta Uhi <rt. Ouly do as 1 tell yomm. E.lit. Lay ley ur. __________and________ dr*v yuur bmeth easy; sud don't wbisper an. - - alLe r erasyon vaiue jour lite. ad Roe',.z r SemasUnfe elapsil eithér n"d.ts w-win »ôh , si mo. us0-am e b.frneM'Most alightost mtien. At lfliDpWg ho ve"n 10s-mum Wb abc gmimd Wtun paearuacbmg th*e " Eisticcty k 0 MM .ha.a i befi md omtwreraising ho.aîmrr *uue aeauà11 u Lead te obtain a sigla of Iloscbat bis purpea. bses a was p-omptly thwarted b y thebravny acf b;s i empm:nim. uhe hreatRied. adthtas vlisperced I;k"wac vare mtee. by in hie stm,lis Ifavorite iiWctioa, 1Be quiet!' aiéssmduzitage. t aaer b -Vtm' Weî e d aEvas pie!bebizE id a er ofte oautuce- F ~gle.vas. ihreig n 1hmtSrutices of Wb" e MsaiS ,m __ ase T** nabiddteoamna visw et lbe aboe .of témt eha coule. eppoctheRiplace et vbicb theieo500 Thébe tac -fus,.idenS<ogs.h w»s sstm. lia .oe«rv*d -OU-Cross-Tire cn oeeoe-ee sy t&n âU i duel lthe pue.,te the- miagia ci théehmak, eaI- The ehnptmelij f telahicapàoe Vas gr uiii-. An ou..inpusMy*"aU rudipoueme Tr -ji~utBsa u tiO'u sthéefelmg*Usnof fSdE; Ibe is»le-dof rbfr-A. lt eaioa" ttl uponau ia esMr ho 1 ~ <~~sre tume hd mîheutlcu-.ad mghlbave mgi- Br vWl:- e ad WMW* 'e eder. Rimg t Ih »e, auemm tUni smebuugC Wth.éis Et W &1*s-uAl i sct. ach.eMIla "soiýa -i OI!Vusejrs, sttiog uem li5*555UWb" WÎo -,b-s sà o.s-e4 stipud tepuey etiu .baidier w-- ~~ __bus1" h. 1 1d at leî Wdl ve 1 Tbapo*oym*emd ite el o ua iui- tissé t veaU fS M-4 r wgeoM V r ap.red oiibz beaib. Tve uetheek saufaas thé twmjg & by Netzel, vhére Wtafl auta the vater mnd drev ma.Tbf: caneo nInmeliitezy e.Dexterauiytlrowîng out atù»ts hs eeai il th îe d Cros-Fire tidi!ttRie othr va r. MI te sta d uart oerrRose. vms tIpp placet in thé Lowof e 9 043 Iffimm aiiet l iîî-ifit;.a et umer drei# tarth time pid.- c thé, atmvasd posbet off. TRie areltined on th3 Lea. b mtta Le ini readmiimso. t'mi!he, ie a acarcely audibls vbir. pr. ltelw in tho middle af thé canoe, WMT;t 117 ý,ai bis hoy' mand dan't pull tiltI1 diaCteEthe monda(ethi. ge teva thé vat., ji* th"Md a a hutvie* of thé 1649M ey ci ~ s liglatly disodnoer. ted &R;bt amgatbis ae feg. jut sties, b :ekei!iz »à ifl, m- conte"Ie ti i !objamu. Wees, Manwbils. teéiss .lenaily the. gaze lin. e eat M instn e a rechsti aftcru b gav hé word mmm ar w meut, i ie - mEmirably. tho ave alabuE tva sep.a ietlteonei thé conuvo th&, ratd-ugdon us bd:au; but thée üeri Wvln- b! beaunastedgnr pragL le a ttm% dneia tbLe aco li p(Ai my eve. Lrîpku. so~.ew epromept, bcv4 orelimaetu vbaee 4~le ha at on m cud vasoves-tLe ~ lu tboevst.v. .IW pwl tbis-liab ith auperbeemuau M84 Aaot vue o;Is ou ibm *hure, bot hé se*meRjbuta !il, us OiiU* ~ ho ismI upc. sa'vingsemfrein the .'~ death byv1x wasvue brupous. uime n poriod&Aber lmEhu pnte.mit>héae- usE ini tiae ereisac negstimfcc., i vas Decrly oxhsngfauated vt. Ligt cansh roetie!Theie umithbuongu t le un'Ouuqus is- te the @humc, MiE!lace.! hé: in apa*li »mdapïed ta resture scimaai. Before Eliot hRimE aan, m feraei othé ahan, Lewis WVetzel, viii a celesity of nmotien pecuiar ta bumuslt, haut reloiddd bis ridle, acd etewtl' p taced himmsetf ut the edge of the precipi-e.ner. ly7 ove: tke 1lvIn dianas vhejetrmmudc beach. Thé cumixialefcf fldt diîWte ae si- i. -eengoi7t ivaste eofee" lhdbsethalliveruai tagr«-s*il l g" .s zot eZ mr L hPI -m drybq and roe- veuille g~ylessemeti IBIi aymyqfr, Tbeyroneeeu a hIiu. Bei, c Inet tluvasttefdete-hve gea afilelY for ctte i Wmis. W ~ irethe riche«00 Rhs MuarfSm, aef cn atlssftuer L 0&nssfgmryguand qiug"r Yiralioîr gr un Psc, bafure thé ate ot" RL«4 Rmeate and procure nov anes, cfet ' the '. y Lest e~jmoly tj4î,d the lt. g. mmtf'l*~1 daar erer, vusk noxi m M P t int ctîml epewftlnas -rmsea- rm~.Pur.uieg tii-cmure, vil 1. iàa io jaujtmas ut deceuttcu E V pactical farer.IryO P doibt, -uni iyju thave ,mt, tr7. #X Da't torget te sentdjeur b - tfr tIL- nertvolume of thie Fammer d M*md itgharl cs kve.[e e sà. Lu a ecedte W of eccetyeeterdaj, canssd retmtctatiian y th. Bey. Mr. £tw& CherUser, prient, à(,-"iaerra:. o! opinion mcd amda,0 invs-,- gard tetlie pidiical evenla aof1837. Mr. Chartier, ve Lelieve, in a eative cf . PiemRre oh'.dui Sud; tudiedlav le ti. e1% ad afttrards entersE eté lite EcclaImasscàj smats, Lecsn a Prof,et St Amine, frima vbjc hovwasremov.d, in IW9,and!min117 wuCu. rate st St. Rancit, in the County <of Twe on. taies. lkBe dd wth théeile"iet he*im CounI', atd after thé affair of St. BT.= tea- moe e athé Unitet Stateusu d bus miseLeen Franc-. Wecmeoodouhtoftaessieritycf bio reractatien, We Lelieve Leovas thé qmlîRO- man Cathoîjc Cles-gymaui Who, in oposut**e the Mcmsiumnaofethé iate Biahop Lartiguo, dU, cidediyepusei! thécause ef tbemsurgents. Peam .Tunz-'tRe » ions hmun.so- Guem scucms,"mua Hrinb.mhi g. l noble vîttii ae s«mstaeahe,* a martyr tlemy anm&tiauelto te r. oucih,0 the eifmaeèýreob&honcleutamusaotaitgehlà" r Ws Lagoujf.; but sgt les-miebus bmees cmu. au muterai uiies Ly thé itraduexeim temmy ai car chercheà otvulgmi' und l!gbt ps-nmlc e.. vt of theli.emtest pretosuions ta tutand si full O! thé greaasî cifeces agmiut th. lava of musical ciàpoùimt. Bmmhpsslumoastics compose.! by &B.Milgiv-e, Uhuel, adas, Tleo' flahant. -lmçpOu, Lmscb. and sboat of thW. psad-mismcmsnset thé s*mu»tu, fn f !sains, gsly zeod ;anad thée empwaiicoc eWgub muai es crOE4Gree1% Ucyc% Bmrthill, As-maf jeruie çàrKm.U8 &C, msd nua et We ae qmité ïWaru lia a Ventrmnomm. bar dt perucos groles- vulgm ue- uuéh o-~ «amm gosuu oétclmuie, s-r dmr bue,a a, i - illl appeusta plus. tisa,41 meu aemcàori* geE!. ise C3évevor. euma su abtio u f % u 0"tE - tw e b@4sa tt se vu slE.hI« aa sW,-eet1 xlii. RÂL &-COM*M*ERCIAL -T 1 - 1 -ý I,ý Uý %uef . 1 à ; 1 -

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