Tai M~! iR T>V.bCIEL*,41 ___.0 ..f.. .o. . 1 - ine. new- .eaW-nersi.b.k - r: h Méo.--,U, is et b..i -W- m*-. u haiIis* "W a tusumsit.ms.~Ju.wslre alsurBi. ai a e oe am anl th Engmb ! armae e Ralsfz--- E. . 1 - 1 . - M -.tÉ! a! m éUm t.AnUuqO IcU, ,oaparm e-igntIi.9emsoo,.ab-ïjis-111111111s1.l l a. EcA ue. T si i n »thuai umte lter ifictb hPasabe -tee aan ce.ofier l0" , pî'ULt der M Y 111:,, tte bsPim&M e9ý 1oasiet a amihb s te'ara. eeavaee ii fixhns lte ~ttePia~ ere.amr h t - 4 yca4r ouâ* ujt .n r n Cb faittog ila.eh wnW,"apr ea UMcmof Pm» l pm mr"W me 01c4ba peioem i tel siw.. Aug am loue] af risc. dCTB heoes" erea, t iw 'e'- 10 ' * b mkls it s lieras mi - m = . . ab y bsm o tains - 'termu eura, bu t Cha, oce,1a nJ~ ou, . cbfef4-«Do" - m Ocbyth poin sb ar- mm es i atoen iBjisi f The sisan- rcha a. bchiad tevilgedelre 1edii .t iwU iethto&& du pice W" ati'usut.-e lie aeape la ison . emis mfrte rade lonoetla nto a aut a tis e ote nnr e coame .Île ! - j ome in fail gle _ , tma i nA aismalntecmtycfWiafrd Ie. oi.T- s niondoTued-aout. acenof& oe e lofdaied. Ws a en- r is.soe s iefull lr lIe se u ast i q e nitaani a rt ftloalierm.nmat4e0111T md e heaie ltitm eXWW-tAheQ ueen Wo îs eone am fface Oý &in 1,y tm * silh#Q d Ogse a ais eue.. 13'd.losaaita= ersa~ei.* . ~~evrciveMd cmetaasa-mev*» lc rn ronII hndj el negh'wan liewado wters wach spar~s s, ~<A s.C~f< t tSlo1 15a1n t deuilusaMbmarketme Tâteras b.aveesfbeneoutine tiensn therggregte. cn ratmlt ingnte publc, boeber othesC acte- oaUlfillaoL-.t an ht.t ,fi c Um - sia -brho f iaI : UlO&n s to dajPift da. 6the«altdbfra f.in Petà rit s toes aïw s of bis snack Thesales c se er thimaretheatICreaosy* eii.* tc u-ulct INs m f y, t issithat ltie ha b madeoth i lageî cre o o irsali - Yil nn ' Year etataonera * . mti grchi me3âW#a 0<hue P t*Wuall riovm the f osa ient Wbic al- ý L lad lau euldle lad -sacrain enauats. caa ç r mmean e baof p e nt«ofThaer mals f te asthe efr e at t deece I5a!, Tflic. tuc Isain'!1 1 depi egettsensuait hc cnem tle ie 9I Ou the aamillu" wril ti xci n f d. nee e rin b v " as i.Ad ati nd ccartedu esc ovathetbrok r erenoatined n Tesdy. Oct.! 29ongexite'blount eDue sd wihd, cuîî t truc rauiî1 tireen th olrsm, en b frnt M-l éliitno dTheevsOnêteh a l aartisscfte 1ai.revildicuso. byasnthe wndcf evealliemolmmonsla ov th* e rae bU t heiiv ilait eliae theeiai.h -jr abl. ' an,Q tonorg icr exiob-a t 1%ovenabsr, occ ion t Ie a m liii ancr tered t it n of 0the nartioa gi uiisdvtdcuty the h ld gaeul r, ie oI7 ý1 te ae& ato iPrevn tueof lante luias(athe errt cfth ki$o tot. uaghthtg n thsv. lel d adgtem ebt Thetl erioe or i atar;i eoeelDnc n biin.rn are-awc oe n Y..SI local iLet 'hma o -ariTheiptttineaie t t e f an ane orat etut »i Reut C air I lls abalb« litotces> a re p1Afý.Ieierbacent vr o iio cdeiraonsIh e lelao rnthhnd-.%i$ . I fdansesiet 'e ibO s au Iyascia"fis têsats becndtaene, oru l ndqstôlaetfti nepltek ~ e0 nlinrvd ~ ~ î & ~ 8e:e .wr ueb uemh. At ub ii- tr$ncî l, ;s ene-f-ite o cf-X rit > haaIiie ie7eep> t fîîîhp B~the "napo tdCoeras fointcf Dngr. ise frI> arot cftheDy bt ain it an 'e "onrtalin thpri , h discusson. ic.sd1cu .tî 0,î ca % t sac>'f.out iefrnc"Pae~aJ e re ' teassal eU nge ili on l ie o awyi, We M .. inPLeeneTh.cusjf hi ttckTeul« esy. e grerismreni vybro asi ftahpitea ve ail aneofirghaiteer ud th- thelailie por u ti e a hisasa1 ad y pestin hd .eOuril -,imana"titgiu usr eral f aberte hintes deiratîe te w a mou prsoktvem e t nt il IlO 1;idir h1 e.1îr i1a ouae .f 4eb- Briisa Eicri. .. triai -* . or Ii'tbon catii.oToher No reatdaaerof <1 a<r>e r* n, II tigmir..refrt eidý rb oq rit eem sf-t~he wU ia,-aýIm g aposceti enn&vrnmoislonehIpercert e o...ut 8l tie as ed;baave bo a te teXt hi a idég fr eaut y ot t'I W t ,hilni. orderl.. deprgr et mn e u c.is ri rien 1okr er onineooipseay -;fhihlid ,ell- 1 nobe r as ne terburh. :iw uade ofis the iý, -'rebrn nilb i roc ia svrmeniee. I d Co1 neso on te partie i eutn in "he e ls of abetpotreO ceti inlet ssr sitd as 't %vtad.e g t i lt:iepotantdç aid tan'tapredubv lsiga eeporiass,< i -ltecaeosr ay ieFectuceas r nene emet ftiec eI ,e redaa axdjtli ry .,,h',pei as sfo uiiuîî.a . tero iaPovpe y ~ ~ euscin thea nu uinsolven a r ksus e utate. aidt i- b actt oet sca athln heeatctyadf O h t od1 tintn arteps - fýcaiigbrnan l r' vesonabilt air tser. te thé l-audiletî, hg'- - bv écdacfa n oegaaiiealii b.shsurbi p ratcci lesup oéyanognzasttn at ie bofsstheny mîrr-, ti aIlea 8hIt, clna ciy-b ld ennota prfteei-au>asc eneo ies - e tama, wearegniiad rimn a st e. daoth svice s ban, cast lonreed Di.' isand e nC r iai arQn i rlo.Caaei.p.laul a-sssallerlit riof î, bave Promica-caaaeverip. spa .ars ai is clie r - Iert opes ui r u gdottn Wc éae t rc o hae orso ktan-cr. rudeete - fonprtdc isco nîyaMo. Iovredi> ptraris cusal ib C ri'aelt,5m;i:,sht'e.s ni a. tentictepc at isufata mthe idca'onsof ci,, cra n>' bep ul t ha gan oy la Vi CffltfT% sa i se ounier pa n all ai pprm3i0s i. i . . . cf ii. .lc. . S. àic pawu d rtt t n d co w ekm orn ed 6 ~pe cent. ted t4 i se <rapl.de- i auJu thelaffaieOa 'ti e f ile â d - e f f1O l e t I G ô ï1% a aa d a fi e o i , a1 * orc f iei ropni> ms kdrie l i ener l coaul Ts p'm.ad cfl. t ung h *lgbuie f osiwel' olte -ieim ia eaofre peultonleth otig fa Dusscea!-oai&ad nertia sejfur their arclas. e alands t a cf -evi i inliedfa s,ei tw Ib;=aill co .i) . lî.le - , i l 1IIge lDorta ,. .8 p%5 ofcm!luII n u' o t Bina'le oaad ,iu ivof aoodI mrssacitoh arketchio>' een inSpandeb e e t iii ateo deru-.lse I i upnthl lom se 'III t u iare1 a'eiu Il,,5 ~ rfsPro I t- a terefemade trs aiI f;. isit alcita lat W wr bSnit h h e itittesclino oe tc oteetat 0 w-0 ting te the supnart of the Av11ch-o nad lidfootyoui 04* eum rge, chi1 is cas00,apne-éJlilenl>'9latda ntcline.aiTeves. lr.>uua.ket-bas- ,la cou Ilendflcusri'nn. ilulind.S" .. I seon r--t.cc'esiome o seizea n -b iI a Noier e tathérsd ofinng senpa tic ne arilateedî ai 8qu ta ueat ey ce . n *ot.eqeiautet ca frncb l lutJiapo irniîelaîlaun 1 îîy la., la]descuyr lioora lionnolie e- Cern Laiv1sI in. ý.ý Cb.fiasl' ut éI frigepead e r T eutnea dttat.naPbr» III b fl . m g., ad e i lsenf remîsbi Tien purbsnss ri dn, and dpmiycsgnenat l é re(i <'fe cei;ahnrea ilae hv eal ae. ritmdelt g auJ er,,t,>d ý ,1- édnlrttsong i ari4 gea clou 'sdo ii.ili eaircas inse t .b a il kaloa. - intins. l, b ot apcfortan fet as acist e ced]l ande ced! 0 -r yrd t I ' 1i tuen yese libeo* ba abwlsforcartrefa 's, n df 1 î~ , qsoduuepsaaiic- _by.OaFy n 8 e)1 n iayas o erblano aaievenusmntt Due in i,;: . - - aeamu. tIi roit-othÀf*» ufait uipe'r- . -uTeM ssioni G zttveso lau,. T éesp <ts eie. JstéEa nlW s nla a ela o dstesatiteii cuaiane o isura ilncamiireo hl,,IlfiIa i . - .lnfiulot'o wln h ave vefihéin. Thé PriirelitofaChmoni e dpotfaut s . cs.Ts Oa hae a, iePtclea mhtrt udeaso isrbe ariisbrî us ofhé saaputr tOf Oututa peu potionof ibute hilamenagcru#,*eatoarsud iy n .. banqtaicnecesud Thes Anundltel a inHep. omen d o çth iraes tu incwrdib he t- ra eal el.'$i, l.IütC rsulïemp inMmfuiS, andd Bm ob.ve ,uh obsce b umttmen tisnanisreimorandl the n, Scr i lfe r ies-rles af sto k na mntace (msIa lNr disucthall pail t o ao s sdtsa ln lc. tocmltitoe xesveiptme» p, un e c aSPtucel an li s a lt-.ai.ci .u ned dcofh I raiminrh e rcatloa h b ln ai> ave 1 .oses - maed.ai. iii druf l ci1 5 morei aie.nat hesi>î'draies do.e .b.qYew'. rclhâ taun lmwilt let-loe b ili- a- l fnaeea me frign(le fnt!II ' seuenc e Cl NRàe, hoe n o a:ag neris pr i nal eSrc, hua-e ý . nu,.îI f'ie, S baeJm d ee, sletlnrt uope *lae c m of Dr.. - iclMng4Wyf slue'e&Co tBrdaxatiaFretnochrop ad : a".W"'un.t. eu,..,llen usr rntii rs noüc« fte-rovpr;)etwarefttbjavy afac t a iLgahisa erale i Wb ïe fkf We sigaa aNc ftbWlleIéthss, B é i nod tu; = 4elabilities h la i a ln T ceedboilen, tsaiseltîiiiIas ra lanihoie andtsfrpncull, Nenlý:. tare vint er.a . ore ae1840. ece th" 1-. li t ota ai &Wr -éng eedo utexpcairse 1 uete.eaevri a'the' &excilern e- ied pevi, i u..Tiir i &ý-fNri ! ,ie à 'Iti is 50 h n l 1thhe m ttli 'u ei l i b ' u .h be ia m l ra id a af is pc ea ai ua:t sa i ll e at i nik ie vr range m nts o S en P ani anal ee o f ille nth e f L esair ed, t h a', h ët ti r a y v sI cfli .ti 1î r," sllfie ut noi Ch i nabt. ibolavnbe Pel a17<eaci a0 inroaotng csie'. hanaîf wuPatet utfdl lame, eïýiy ohÈne n edtejun ffcàuti>' aeac e.,D atiin t a z nr.ette anoncstiska -,thé TIse ca edainm0awia uneiltt is eien dae om- P.ihmn. TJ5E ri0cra i ii,, cooiting-lon d an >ha riiorne'reqisae nume -ucp, ea yni lt n isaboit a rogiezisactsbu ogfie f.cl4als -cilai.a odaiuaie mge héPefltftau ega nisu a rece etille. PrC utame lu ' al'ie î;ratrsie& arcrdaie urtaleprtue.chumW bis tab a angr i*d d ises..abm -ual 0f ie salit>' ce théen gàh ne r aihs-te u nul eea t"Mardilles cureginb e.l asscor.di jee u ase ttesWunap ilof enale She riUIr e s titt il Iral!% ,,fitî r-,. As nine-tenh» of the plpitation f-Ci" van aparent indcations of pfaieilore-onioppo s&t -4 in iss ; audîhéiut ~ .iing of Lisr Ma marketgeneral. laisEdepartueent.lTa baee ctailbKna, a l iluteîr. and garina, et the, .li-.ra au Illtls4r:,,,i.J,- trll le roit-by mpiy t agrtisei te A ni -Cerlnc a s' Arbo ciattnof , i , Muas txltu taligaituS mcu c nlluoa thu'e rodceiy en fanis:hliemetregcdng Frace su clo e, bieanlsoeuliee aut n '.es i nîl s, ur , ae., eaîIî:r Otti ar th ae anal u" o ta'tiop5pameal, -vermn aolf tépl auiisotemsrlunsade'd cta.-lpa8s'an ecn iIa b>' re ta s liadkroiMardletseiniacndus aiarase uJtisa -ut r. u il ri ,1 r::at,. . oreo hi ropnt aui i drve ris i ait! c hat , la bve_ ncnsdeeal 1r. Th acstgveianenofIrlaadeiÙte nal Rusais, asMtise ars ptgpcenst. gantpfspathefr Sais, l aI sac.ac, . %vei ta les.',lîekI let e:I f,, iIe t,' .aon .a Ths e cn&prerd o he - +ean e gaaîng tou IdWcal ofiaure b en 'a clli e,Tetl sbeenisussenlalednculo sn h e e as we?% o reisditený!sluuotamaes, <I c ieur irc s-al)i. sfi eFie(I.rI.I.l« %%,a prised0Warhave rrontmeai adu'ndu" .frenn Daict'a-mna *o' arîs inousereoitl ,vure asîcnilil-d. l.sil pli, ble haa. laten éodonan ayconIsqucontinuannce. s Th meeiser>' ciyandeti otujnnPle- té c cii exp a ofihe i onir leis e!uial elativenan 4c trantains b ve s i o elnélUecIunci elsiscia-bcSpaua (hor alha l Il ..Jaia', cl W osiiete m "o-nhbtel ote o h l'ra gardtnti, ont-ues t-in--va08u% m ea l b icbau g te on us cc. .i slarec itIitateo is itpaabonit met ibtt c re t pe uit l e C usmtaiccnena 3rai.a e d i l ole lI ll-, PrasnI fielracévereal, héieepodnhunier, in the ,abrcevorr bmates.coulahaurge Itonerputereb>'itiseuMuetuwmanh wueinanste.f theecotntaandaita.cf tiserNatirnal annm- se apcitcesessuis t - disaaPilit fIii .fmsrrrtg hias chichi>' te aordas.Bin'.ticete paaaatiut th> aut h ua pe a th e ad - < 4ir evenp r meulrlnimal es!com l u tfauso!otns erlilealcluei es ti e ostion estroau Eil- s ý e a .relierôtIM r am Go lîzcfthers1cambalN -, ay. gellalthQe iyS -»mis lord d e ore>' aud nsinged ain anforiir objgeeci hé care airy ie',isle feic !alanle nil'aiy aes . *tliernr. m t re'c 2poe :ýstâai.ila... big eerdn a he nect.d!bre iueof mil oni& n repacfausLrdaEires]ce vhllagenes-ebavcf relaol, n agbautvpfrebelionle te Tmkiab prsiaaccs on themain" O of ucla rojecion, as W" cf hqdrempire.wonmentansbotlld ab.maedbcylud. la salad, tisai tumeis litisbasPbleu drendraii on dolerédit tenaitmcelanusinfelleme panad> n f pan hl uiaescenaedaic.upzatie 5hî,lucmetie lre prcr sahOt ofcieedits p is dcuiriss»el is lro ,aîu'oum'a ,scj& ti i pr ve t he pr ilen p ic stfr m . oi g. m a eraly ery oI ait "te e .au si o nîO i r iîoa loîe n eag las ctent r ne rcan isel ait T he hake tise m a e mia l ia on bnd a' aneal proclaaide .obn raedsa of clr tnat nvaib s apiel laca b ho tî <'sr a r, mesîi l r'r. -I t au S b a ui 1 b ae ' acon g tis ire,. 4L , ili a! 1-lreccol; ti e EscofE g;b go tisa.formernc ettecara scluD b isé, btthe bavf. e urus tal'sais ,, erppotoueffringa im a re sm he he itl, unlaiethe w -are osl i n île cn- .drsaa msr iriwa-ruIlle Si r ,ut lt trealalad ansom e uar su tuUca ant >'. hline daaipseis is, bas be« .e uip-lThisarc ti e ink sicpei ntoftiothue; s con l>' ti aiale >' rers r f ouyric g cl ti-il .ia k..ru.ftIIs ag "Bessucef Ba tait iai re. tis eir badstalre al aganttiv sentrodtion fTse bl ead uOec.Tedtaa !téS ltn euotig bs rdr isn Iabttealernacool îrbecc, aal autin autSallea ver'sud¶enly letn tie coeeratcn. us epectal tat hé is m reaonabl, tiaI 'iuqu1r canaitiersudeeaal aibati', tsai al ceontsas uemli ur andr achris are gs-en ucroir s'Qulrtii fl r a Uwbc bi dsrevet in thas* sud sn se .auli hé to£1r.edsiani> tmarugkerc Sc t s ae s ual mtu tner aee al b >'s otos h ti io eru ia ie uý..: tg prmisotiThenresto a emonsi'rareiete againsifastisasslegiheaad (aeteraukhtenPtieofiTnrell ter e ernaedsofrmiérabl sîmiiis cruail.1ncrpro c Theliisrial e ur e ncurOt rea Potion O fceac e e ta. e, aedtarie. fu, n il y is an al Hete>' dthere gdlBn o o-oto hervlae t uiceil - .ingfret v muh w octisr hariait pite a oh n P etons ansd pro.emishave emoned seth e r a i u n. bspolmiodraigls i> assaeo uae c lucese- - un I , atit' rI etbyntheig clPontattie miicf c eau va-face.lme.an al fontacalt la e osuaut ointes Lo ha Ex el teî.y Sic ic liutire eL.i t .t! Ibsc&1 .% -f t uiia d , lAstrobi , i s o ueaalsgaof t iseefra cuio ertl ar>'Be' ! on sa pmnere edn i n t A ud- o! h ve ieaiuss -mssthe ts c eui i a n orv'1"iu cril uîu oi r ieaiegntt " hini, FrencisW capital m y isai: eg aseben om trn irTuesaluotcnoleue I ol ,iiin ceco I s nruiequte ba-uc-%N! l eo'k. a. < a aadmeusitilue o! hôtConsmnsevuenco. T-Pùise. s mssr e>'prva .n a.anu'aIVamug e rtisai ia of Brdeauu , a n wttr seul r oupe ad»aiiI.t' a ti c a Iv.,%-c-,enenal Ci tlîoaoIt Itu ass,-'t g1G40',naliem areîl t. om e. tlthcul 'tmta ca b r o! L o d o . lu t tIhéx e'e a i n s e s t i n e - w r o e e ,f utan , a e e a o c h 1 i , .,l t e b a Bretieh50th ad 08ih *idàr;were t km by be thi the im igrati;n cf he prec.nu-opd fieeteIkIpt-wila ille.aarmaornents fo Sbli--Paîla, andtrem ofclicidnil :mm-asre jd iigfil stirtf-uit asprpaedale b> 'h modaoM. O'Coamtee ll, rnlcsdi 'y frar' bs sennacdlaetie n e lanac u ne ss. . Ts alhshmarsa> 0 rishucenlaierl ta ctin.. V tII ct idu.'aN i,-. i -~~ 2u a .i ârý:s2:Îr:2Gazette aFran s a c siath h ede ma eS i tiobne, WOb auisùrthe comnm a:nd 1 ,- Cameoernn siiscoThe rini te : on etèr .au atý in ay rlqiit umero týôpst a m igSutn na havt iiat bie a ak fntheai- ldisat ucil tis i s istubacerees iat ro - Tsu b e t oft hAisc> nce hany îiieg sioui ie irap, va .als.au rat a ia>' fteatulitue>' y e taris minhértaii h e suuietaor pro. a!>' bu onethe ad vI te np a ailrveasienla ( mph in o i e rona rlee a i- h lf'fl qi, -o L(vv ,i(.I !i(I,' Cos.a.ar rais ( s bavte dathéeminnd nt aall alustin Of Pte chéps o h EgM ossvtie idntrahe asilso te3 bot er ir seinusthep ar.o!'suanesdayofb.engun le-.SoeSret %ih1- 'ii.,sfýi,, ,::!ý th-nstaratio ai eme.. ccaiid tinsg. te suaee n int hé tis a o ha aeana us trinvîhiza poce poerope. diner, alli ars -b pa - nd.frn <i Sruismahd ii isa ismitwunurey Ou iau n tic1 e u a w Weflan.ios, e M i tetno imeiin n.akuisg hrlfacarc2ieieéen(araseT tfar a cf s pali aret, eh a biFaccfd. olp elraie tqnia n a tottening atna tai erba S i Clii Jl. , ; Er usa.i ai Ar r i' fsedurcy fir-nte 7 bvmbr iwie Ii naf esoue t rdansin cf ts hamve ,Cot slîylurmlltlom ranmrh1;5tt 0<Ila, a on, cén 5 vas of on, mre - .jndru ai n eeaJo cnesr eai l otes (canal tom iu o!tii.aI egarsretia, visiciAnsteal uiialcuci !Tcnue u bec" sec. iu'uan i laoit.%r. in ire omai t .C ttý,! m3angand aaataty o!slpoussifCo. , Lascropycftl euso(censlieaet gokeha.bmadepenm liasabaneeaaeiiltTuraeuote rationdtel Csencr>' h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uu tu vabreianwn. asiu i! ilh.ls ni.Th y t hé ndbaesils sbcor. it te .Th . AlserietoD rlnanal au l'e a. ncensan ce vaunra Iastt smeuîran is at ters f our TeSpoainrrtesal] senîo i3'e aikfL t 4., ,. fadscaae hlls asuci aJ issna teoiar cf an lairfere.ni lrg (rgne hv hsedieceral<i Pasgie.adtîgafhi a-i.*ya felng-mealub th ifNeeehé icaiurla tértaiasn! d Coatia cil a umbr o eiatr frnsug teaui beasel hé i. c pc sets f the ws.- inc al a o&l m i n ti'asu l.bTs che eai llbiso ea si tfinat r m e~ sat ifacth w ion thei Platinifère s.oif rsg te F s rench MA lierenrtc.uisc..i T èetrpoaliod uf-ic i e l,riucrua in heaesuu uen e i birg file planto aion thé y a1héed cf inu ihstW more> ionlîente tiseatvit Curiez licahise ty a teOtomn ary, utNta lethéenri cartriy'nage, 1 (rouir poidi bn liei, ý, VIs los asevrci' fit iryMn.Watrsai é e iaeeSochanptos.o tie iisI inabéac anhéepis a trgantrto iniith é forgiit er'ePn-W ciea isicn lpoisa -s n <Ôfbtua dcn-'q en. tisfre'ns t e eet f 14 c hipsla ie u, j..et halcit oec .mak'.ls I lle, ~ i- mafeefc danejnen aaseslcai f a,. a t.... n the amgtuof any ,, uniiss p aa nteaisal g ovsr a ai t .LmeSa ov cin , rfringbytheGre bis h.îs thntat a islch t.ý fteigt receai- clal' , !siutt. 4I afr anc .or.amaeutA gres'.? ~ lie a id nat ai imgd toeftotk.am ,a- Pa ho gs tietdoa g'r atialefre e ae rigate, lgaiat c o<ett a cftie fri . (. arîd inp pe r it pa nch e .il-> mu-baianieri taiatta &mc painc rave ceco! tisensecond, aaltuceute'..ybthe sticorated i.ieisirybtront;-lue ail . liancnvcto tsi is in us mtu ic uaa ia, aa lone bras thé rasa smeshtph< Mssin.Coutm & C. hae Ilati pocaaimigsiii n seton miseasgaLeiltaa tie pru si miratîfad dastiutarn igliifee, in fulu e xailt $hi miir t taeip' aialthétAnmamehotkoeasubreo!f, rhoroisuns, sud itordim Paise l'ol by nltohé s nl.t.e, li, tis dnsgu5e ua sasain biatkeihan-un. rmoraltiaib-sEmya HghnsePrncdAI.r - oal a ecfora elfievergillé cbor aveied on laealleb>'aistise ntinalo.. lse ates-FEt a garraiONeting f tE aiBonîats e fop".Trnt cf ixr, Ithse a . l'e Gtpgc Arus aaie tha t r ni re re teirgd humaer.Ntt ., çc ais luefil oevr, te - stlu - i 1 uauan ca cf t he mmnantem'fe nm îu nauc. ing paalél a i iporeilire i rtie f II bcd f sciise. ol llatv 7ris8l seetssona inonînfile-t eaisa.pa sialfoirveansrnulsd.a Gailltabird t ns(roabtalAixatoni theu'e1'-5- .-e " -J- ise iicfmilaz cenunhu bIpspeay-~Ladndase~u., Th Qaaelte all, aa.leaisieId'- elaetr cisaer aioDubl in h raep l thi ' t eèe Allions baei;an anc ast, Wedna'udeythe 22 inu. ss e ainie 'teS, mime te-%. \i ,: ________________________ hleoem c i t i rnaplncc 1-hclvtll ue- lxcieciinils, mine deofthete hé.. sMailtisof- 'aineai . ael mi."ý fatl b ieon piiz.oftheI hé I jý tiot p aog'u i nito! oud ie leinh.t ad glv ann, oIlon ethe i nesnt ofi potps daîfa .tnfiîe îtsc is hcefsa stun. cr P s10 lws rec, s isis e rin stacs<tto! aes tca us s ad fm eL -eGey butd thé Bd acntr sp anai t>' u oeth e u.Dsla e , i m soé- te af m'iesofasu dee sav e adrài a*ons g A.c's- ar.al tfiher cx tms.l i ier rit IilaiToaTCSDT, i:il. hiS c mil cnnt ai o gvig e-lt a - dEs l i o .t nt te gvbit fIlanhée Cote tfbion in them aioku I i9 hné e@, ltise stciosette I aierr feg ia day. asb re Ngiel ui> til e ,1eron. aim mrled laitsxofeBareeaux le thisueioin peetitinfala 1 _ inesa tiaemaildtle - . hé aligsan, scmie 5aa tyha5 eves vM oun teyaehpcrs!H ai. I i e àmte el i esee is n o f tes, empicre. tl M entbulasii en eyasig tslfu~ vaitnsil upl , sti - realetinlie eiopli aaltelibvoipag Thé taiè t-meu Aita n s e E t a i.bul t i piat r P li, cfth Pore analir i. resae ina' 0 Engial n na e ue uh at, p r le nii . stas tiai tsBi is h cr allle mbnt lspte 0e nbe ami tco a, im bs ..blt= ll e sa ti is i 'jeeta rethcttaOnum th b'uS e ,h te ti 'im MîI u i A le th ais weaofbavayed l a bl y onc o frs p ave btaie imiu. .' i s îrunco ment] flât ivs e the 5~The ovhé ine inerère *Brclon.fwrtu h eiirIle>'; atd a TesPsrotc e n fgaudanti irrr 1.ir Icase>' Lie C anci Engiat, ud netsmail h es teck. - s ipthemtm msqee ly 10 teks cut cte1km band ibaveély, s d tlm etil 'in pallo uanit t élbsaars s j pons -pesai, hicS war listenuesi nt in er- teeresi iueiraaeiampi caintisasCinn Litîcpartio. En lis atlts ius f N v m e.hvtg are an o;th anf l s ofcilin ;e s e e la er form e aicall c t t i b in r av ste p'.oflgjup a Prs po tion ofem cate Thé mallr e apalnn aluiée m eed Ii teaos y lle n- hI1 ss s ee l n l!.tItoa i [iili z irYcuuîîîî<, hadagan aau-uau bck.fli ariva cnnat i meras c famalonbavngfort. ihjettp al ns hé arai éo lm . I a o nd bati dcaltes haree céip er] lte deffr heed i fTorai t ut hoiouti;secoAr tbhrrm ramS lm râc tueuS r laxenttlaksona ; ena5er jaiviCTIusIuf -epcts bfretsetmiiieo ca muli a e cm aagriu t co r e the usacncpo.. lmsalanatiuo vue1 biscarierehonmId lelboerne <neiqueisafcersplaNieePpsle'm cfaprice. J- M lu - -ý I ,5ek n tfr a.l ie eyddel. ej re gis h nrdci n g of thevaraons artsncfekonrcwn.Àiî ilshe4th htef. c!rofaîthenSultanH51 or na. he saonsa beve te l arissba ndr a s. otinte corpgraio un. ta xtnu ha îliaa rasorsable, t at ill atRo ennrsuaeapdtidyta i proaa»e t11,atre f pa c'um.h is hsioatshe asByaniei di e E at emmammalae ni r apIs , rly i n a ice a t e f S Ui t e ase t lfa lie i ne aercenet.e Olal j e mmdtt rngserd étuiosre-, cib a kises asan al eamimat e I tlaed ( esiai > > 1uitiuf ausi 4RIAO?.COUIB~.Sadtia expierîoa inas Oiin I -ï ec1In-the aorp.t forgeoi ceer ills;fais M; ancd e hfo oimagipn iettePorek Onthe aineda Gnerl an aeïr iln-fsoi ior'ul.cnanauîsîa 15 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aam bre AE RO(ERP.pivtc fNv ets ii t bis proclamationt, eec'larihéqthe City ir'i cf thé NoguM.yon;fat inaflers are%%tiregi ensrecdèd, mil ib 'TseBnîih 1.Sara td.h .. ma i S for the SIsi of De.loatSmthicls is i pecteis teutaicae oplae t.e.i a s hat tisrb5rleiftefGeti.oeal>'. Ttecotre]u. haailbihi,<t h poetasiho rcdl, ICI il vC..egshda'i~~ ooothfCs is v tu il islet rci a gainst h r a tor eyo unt- .. (asi Ail4ltsIedf naiscsprviedi heIii:RI el,. buof h attc b a aaa salan a fire to e ou lifCmn,- v esattehd aI e5 bés apoero up en shs e alameg*nbli Pd1ve l i g & f Frpancviii Theisis, i oke aigsrckfrwf n h rA n hsgritneelu t5ge ontai bne o drerthaQ erat t. rdec.analinarune erhriainai anyiaar gais...t -bm:n u en ,,, htgmls. N. ua eeicbàiu sd sahuiuuuayerciis ngir 110(vear .us' i trulatin agesbuells he;t licfhe7 trima; Î e erd Cneviiti avergbutiuclitI,ie Il 87Ibs naI v at UepsiIhe.Mi ~ itLord U, a h DeGry nd std Itl: l t h e cittis a ge s.f5 l prtotfitheèlib aw«jl the J Drainets'ath 4mnit~ts upplies a Ile tue m er ketyîlmihr arainÙI u "-Ile eam e nn ~o ec Iil ow as dtaillîy 4li ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .f .a. e oslet lseean 4ieui mt stn lc a e iili ei I4 p ruca the l mi, thu ba billtae d I ioisthe asilebcm t is bTeoulsihar e a ime s fvrmi a> ienaismee un'S 1 eni<ltýZcnuso ie a" 'reLncssn> aro i e- 8po aoel iasteueda uofvMr. pal.. c apo"edsfi theIBati fFaisgei vais., 7 nbsbnae-a uc nýefiin esi.rrr, u ee atcledit con hr ti atoftedyà rwCP b!netoma litlmmgbu lrdasaoisfa Pou "rio iheFrnccatvenrlsi n ratalttrigth"" beeim ad i ty mom ea l ucinghim ingji ast. pucnit, andapo t li. las stitbaebetla n e, i as on q'(lbid ieTb~ance reos SYiA. bEét -f aerss lein'ase ,,w t aiofiTea.,s svitv riiryadiI Ir- tacs U tilrate alatitthsureuiemo uotiror pe- baHa lie nce mirbubal te unapea inteveatiarhaanôtha vasof .e-.a guisouhscupterdasd lioFiglatekbasbisampleà& Perap eybis fiiay ktepi ack0 esa it taii rtlai iles of uroe, it0 aie iaai rs i W eseu mms elngi e Ton mtJ Cmurl ai 5d for m i tm, as! IOthe igh tet e nmiet taei deapa in. - '-: arpgëv,ýnd O oftb a Ieculg a u aid . tu ssepacuausi tfore oa etinsonveaofuhesosatisg trange 'il Us.e. i flua're u sil %és aTgn tonfraitlirsai:es No stkcosjCah e standaisptil Ir - mgaiit i~ <ube ~ l th gu~~u~ tskud >'vrd~eeeaI~suVIIartheor w riel4crisres th a tint talaile, psnd uê a s bo o d -avrent l e e leh tse ' vevlcs h ai)c r rs eani%at :al ia hebert ebalettes.t- '-finiUd izaint ý t .niniB. S iti aalte. Ra, and(tTret eeraais inove bas astheilsig# hgsel( Be J>ffilet, a ICI ,,D-tileo.teDéie*fW lla= h mein f habr, onssine, me %lasemlrv len 4 - j lfIl A vertcille wbich wu ai tally idolisi sasIFy i eutno Th asi r lu Mj arep, n corpedn>'ila -i -icedE k4aid a onierned. .5 fiouunêigiimt suds- 'obynEroa:Cf'-o he,t Ml adId her an. nofie.. bitetan -frouss nt reiucata.a N vad s lilactv.l tetsieidangailtht ts'a.furpenon, i.lasaary mmhrsofth G sI>mI r-d ctrnd o t%%a) Arù%Isa betwen tcanfo uerfiant limue icof ats r o hnpçBridges, a solcior lvngtliin' m"iai ortw at alsse évnen in a fr - -rominsofthite in o om eeseea*surrecteioil, wlea Mas t<bgd - l in he taw frt cli e e cariv t Lct o ri. onehd en Imie w ulbo of t n ot ta it car.. of otiels atue-ae nconfretls ils0 . ofiuingcuts nt uuba iaag is power.& muca aie fT luse , ebnsn ute *1 saime ysflh cf the corallien '.11 ci'- Mr. W" ae pagnÉema bEes5ilsa uO I M v l o , t i s f l y a i ra e I s b a s, gw » oa s55'O 11k.ilaigutturnsd as- do su«Now Vitipeple njia~ n th te td >'~ hsqualtte cf glass cors bro. tes boM.àt e t milighted, beieg we&a hotte Mm. Coos shop, thé ma hkulridg Ibatitue place robd!. 'éu 1nin cceid a Ioth,as ig'ht exceptionr, tihe e.ith l.gratasentirer sad han- 0004 hat thé naturel expression 01 letie« ofexultation ai thé inspl.. tdat .811W foitis lie colebration of Ib a ttosexciaileil lIs vec fr i lut of thé Contatitel appitalte the ai lb. 'rovnaitl1a.1 y lut sbrtion 0 tise birtb cf .itmi.issve une iseurs, tg n- te kadasstaneo slforaleal hein -s tai sll'.anal fornhlise bral t.ds.etinnmet-; and alte mLa, lu tec tbeir aitenmdauco ud Rv al u- fis elead i ict eaY, na iob.oduet uttbWr use . . V4. tapon whcnsla vote of u 5a55<d13 f5*eed for bis ungeai- Wlamamog Iuaguis.gata s5v5- onnu«sats hMlepeiintmang lic datten .tu diis c.mutee hé gim'sn tas W thibsanisame donations ef an dsj't saal fWr heir uneaetiilxer- atasefstivitis. o! thé day. aui.s of ctiisCumnitîe kogiren v the ligi UsliliffaI5<Ithe police tres ceatism, uer tir efflicient aervace ln W, shnrîiugboci thé day. ruof the Canaîiltet. W. ROwszLL,, S.cnmary. r« hitimpaasa11a1a-u R,.-,% naesing cas crtnti>'caligi 1,,b' ïis.. MeDoaaad, Tlravellinmg ah i. llaaleal Tanspettnce Sucet>y. fur dt eabitababng eue tauO & Praucaie - astuce, on wishboccasion ilactor su cuhea ta tise Chair. 'J'lae lias. a upeuae- tise business o! the avaat- e ,- ais't,, aieauaarks.andi uhen a tsluc t.he 4alaence, tise . geirianIn 1r. NnI)eahid) c S,à raulerailajsî¶ iUPOQ -tise enia <a sac, andt s l hty siseuindg iue rei 0! the jedlag aad luistnnitraag an war.by ui5eai t f eaectllagtlaeuataauamcs leso ut llaar 1.10w anea i nns apaidi.rag via thon (sillocaiby uLber spelakers, lmitueihe aauaiaibuotui! tue lraeaaaîa c,) rasine £euvrs8":li uf.p<rsitiUjflta, mil w.uthelecl-se of tiae meeaue, cc- hiveth e ereli c!f Pcavrug >' 7 rptte ii-atheigeairal use at ai,-> (;,J. rht con aqancc wu@, ihaut a uit u-, ile-I o île aceadhat, rat, and shestinucLi pon chat groumis ii. ws ialaaatJ Duelor leumana n-a.m ru utuaar, andal Iter explajunirg lia etie imieat t1c,;r a.cb tse>' woe lieii sse>'ail mmierasa pro- ile.iî, tplaiîiea tiseipiatsouça0e.- iau-a lliaiisuinas m;y@siransd tir he asaudiec, thai ai aiinoil y us i5qualataJ samaa a aefilaîilprodura lioltiîîuU rutu .u.ima tbuiiy>, u-ie.a uuiu dàtrîCtio. 'lsT he e. ir. V u usairithe r fer a shacri tale; anal ltenia.. êlosulion hLiisad ialuaaai liae g;,uiiiiiiglbus' an Liemuisidecezi .ISPrunu.Lîqiaurs hlaine n.rtay liai Pria irtrsuo, aad istri c me air- uler iluwneî liaen-as .sm tie ttev. Pr. Vatia4uets, chuu nnhîd.. <ta l~ en guc.t un hat igreus C. htTesnperataîe bsc..- ""r'ug ah guad ile io rad.'l'hast uar ua-t wiitiste usorale! Guai lu -rdliu-c ;aceties tiur tise aalvarwaeeii ithPlr uerl gondal o! niankiral, sua u î.a ppsa-ao! tisa ',eni- tiil elesLoe, anal closeal bis ru- '-liliLYrouccence te a pua-tint ut th ni, il, lise juditnant tfa great uf tint au dîiace, wan ofaf lhet niticeuni>' poen of, discernaieant tanre lacre o!ftuqImni uaugni"e tfrrilpt Luie a5public 51 large an kLss les.tu 8mv, thein s'eac.aain. re.t,ur ir.tite miser>' te wiich t Mein téCtîl aliecmue e f ansien' whstbe clde y te jpomite par. la "ah tnions o cf eipinr% i a -ci creusa cf tier truensanaug a aell li tise Ires aaad tliined JSrltiag taoni,,tu ail cacha andlcon. ýr. lduten fait bimasif cahisa u.. rder Lta mies'the emacnania> of f itlLe conceiied thée *ueeo! i aluit garhse oj - lsthie stand t4y t titairi mu ~ud orle,; sal p Lta l l e n e oel b , a i s -r t - tuais a lb urrluioataà ap S5tj>'salletreal greai - ~ ~ ~ y ..cagambreegkit- fol' i tatW somlit haI irktlatplossura "'! 'hod vanCus gond ofme.a r is,-Olesml cdut msu. - n~igthe Caot pip, la isjm «eq-o oet.gl mues l1. at ts clarabesal ral-