Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 4 Jan 1842, p. 1

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leu CANADIAN JOURNAL, OIIA,~GITL11~L&CMECA4 K1I~GiSTON. CANAnA' ldIT*hI~AV 2AWWTAS>W ~ 5855.3 se:. =Jflfl 5 - - -. -env ]PFarai for Sale tir ur.c tirih, ûiti !f 'ho' trrni o-iZ:oi rut, 75 oft a âte r uler liavstg ttrre,n a r-, i "5' Er,î,reoll Barr, f -p lar or. Jr1: Il. F'OR SAI, UT on tire ttn-li rilît tirte Si-orti li ii, a Cellil onr nf il , litovrat, !or wh.ehiai ply tr, tire c aLOi ruer, toma 11lale.u r ira Mide arrar-genr hlIe taon>' te iirouifl aJ h pr.re. la vairal-e y ratel;ea ucy ce rît ithe SpritgFr-,ý i a- n"or rivel tri nia 1 c li Ute variousC('roi ,e r:. o oh tiare, rit unr-oua :ti, co r a t rrurn ,,.loeu-, nYi!!, ru il hrp lirti i lit o ur! rc. lt- le fui, 5'- Lir ~- 1 ivifi bo iur:imýheJ at 6i J. 1v. BR.7] S PATROSU lIERA LD. -r tireb gices net-'ce,t -lins rosarnring nulipa ar r' aati militbe poui ra.uaaleduo tm w-rh 'er ýfitve, or ty ai y (Ai t-9a TIIOS. Il. Bi.NT NENi SPA PER y y' Fou t4AL[:. i l'rrCl'r i-r ttc A4 bineltha, id lirtriI' f the ontire pri<r î ed ire cati oihraii i ! ii a of talevp'5 aliueri eunter .nto anu rri infistoA of- ircoapaiead c per Fi crd OU CoutrY'ffl th.ire.n outhe J3015.f aIds the saie proS?1 free anal unencon'ra irraagemeat te dre5 resetat Editor anod i'1 opa foir sa f1e "i'ns tl laisr ineitb, anti tO ope iunnifatiutrt 1çrrit î il pili UMore tllr !i artnocntt, luertase or9 1 its already aod rai wiih Muest le 'parle 1 e lmnmedoate anal mal b -go v'ariaI>'o! Q sold at a ver>' t~int 1111 'r Rita;1 COLLINS L7. lai1. M d auWm& 011.».tuà 51 11ow. 1 5 M x am unlliéethe %buin 4ms te Ilad sa , â eoso tsa 61 1~d duice.n uae»Oseno. W W",olrldau istas54& value dwpir Ontiscutieset eu pas. n<pfl pleh bon , m ide r- cf ENgluame wtoe ethe ro!..ai i No of - their ordinsq Mit as ~Au MW 'dweove~s dm au'ae twreilicatio t e h.readerise iriilwbih recaler it vilttaàival in c'W oatiy, bave bon made et a FL1 lene dthe pprlwnt OMrcc liai îhfy wilh5Ot a(ou' re- ~by part!paoltm anal is ample pagea br profane andl onalroper o tj, vulgaa' - iorrlîgious sentiments. Thon the ae dean unexceptionablo Faini- ClIÀ1ape O'MALLETt ta the Ncw Worlil. andal al nswt obi naeflce witia the present or. filli rereite the lot volume of thil in-. [oTrDot imAits for one joir, or S vsîable ienvariabiy in advane-c *tbr }ol:o r QUÂSTO ditiatra.h ~ams are authorzed ta remit subscrip- a .4eloprofe. I laiýÀ.didual wh wiI procure fiue new ;j ,o e con enceint of the pro- gmne Iilîroceite tthe sixt h ropy forf>taiei irnito son wi:l te sent a cisc! aithen .dOotlley. The renttance roust ho ïe3rrlor Nev.EtigIînil fians, post paid i ,Wlore.oa 1. Wlvt'CIESTEP.a Poblimnr, W Ao.:ce.Not-York Ii-Norrfteatikt of the People, Mon- Win Q,,ebec Li-, reccieedfront Canada Ctrot. 4- Gaz. Offire, Kiugtooain PKIDED nEAtEIalS nul, O S NE Il IrIUNE"S &Ci, Store Srree', tu Ir, inie re at.,,entiof the Pub,- kib lanoewe .tock niDRY CGOODS, da edi ess crd iet; fla;m anda ociah ttablefor thie ['aIl analWintpwr çtih lots ibeunlecteal with gvai ai trother depowei 515e e 9Mri v# a . woethcr wîta thoro'mgl kilo legeof .s cscnround niCapitl, their 1- AIOlNS TIIIS SPASON havo een livil a reuction ;coin the usual value. ai ISiohrîry beholder. hprnaor rnni taien ta actnwl- ât terf literai support they have receiv- tk Pb!rc generally, in ronsequence of hoin een anticipa- h a rtdl uttlae Death of <tae ?Wrrrihm-renderedit neeessary, thnkt d the Stock aMyst e D.rsed ai, ûas a peibli, that à,1jnatÎvrangement ni ibr uroriel, in order te which tonlrnece Seulng OJatiuc prcep,M noPrcliasrsi athe Great Saving ' Nt a thE r ner ai this Esaabihrnent.A ratolýfan alverlrttepnt ovll Dot aliow 01~ Oiiee, iarlo;rrc, btit te Iiaiowingj e!iqoed oasterrrg parirularly worthy RAI'D DEA VER etus. se, Lun~ Skia, &(.n I IPernde l Iroi Clair, sI retin0 Ilel dot.for freat Cote, ir0<le tOne aînemi forIl'anaaakons, ti rt l nicîo, Lnacualiy Cheap; 'oan f coirag Rt& SInY lloaaelq for ch !aren'a nuse 'lfO5tinOObe Stades oi Cdr sud InrIsi Alsô CîruhiteeneanalCamn. 41",,s de Lane, Pin nal Printel. Lkihe Sabnrrbcrs ;th great ceai- le cr~ Public inswpnion théa .eaqom, a 1t,111 beittul varieiy af Blte,. î"tirrreditae any formner Importa- esse 'Dna'and onnets nolUs Rili' ~Iiid a prefitals neiDowthe phbc lituxtel-o>' e crpon .iie!lri o oamr, & Cash- l.aitsWanl, Merl »' an if'rnIrianal Daiere, te hlis!i 1 f ' octet or Net SSa, Sinmré, Cashmere Muger,, j acLIOLS itF.c oyCoTTONS. 'DeLOca, irown Lanon Tale ukoboks, Bcd Tiokingo 4g r;tdFurnture eti r, Enoirsiranal Prend ,lts nd'Meof Hou»pn the ~i thr ntoi govel Deaugno, in ail la "t fuiionlecmaerials. #A itId Wollea Ihavi, an mid-m! ,î8PF.NLO oPES,. Mollin Cothiri, Lhmae-Caua mo'.ledk Cambtac analLace en um~YarnaBantinga d an!Wd- usîjiapantvleh 'Ikl ill, v uaiýdt1,; 5510t acalu in s- N% ti OfOXLOanpàab Aru At ipresoatu ta le v Bnvy)aD And Itresfusa huh.lai cy chas: A mp st semN a"I uit, Ad r far ara ide bft uZn,. BisMinaie va s!desjoy bar pisassuo ba ÇUsémmo seie us: Alm " 1ne a g V OLEANMZ u. * av-là" Ma rut, thefrprq.n s MWbauas .e = iustiemc mm Me p isef.th boit . amit r l nsenj.crelta eearerJheeJgousM consnteal ta wm1c bere ha bsu . ta with go MR mboaas cea, ad &«aW st Rocheeter, Vbe. throqtegl i.medim cf ab GeneaeePara-,hle «Petisa fnaàmore eor tetasivo fild of usefnlucms fiThe formner oditors and ecotrilautars will con. tnne their asa'etance, *W car. wlll ho tairen te Rateapper antere&amg and »mefusl, ot oni> ta farmnerp, laitu>anl ersa n o gi anrurl os domestic afftjrs. With such a coaabinatioonit talent, the New Genet"e Fariner canent1W11tooli. tain an immeunse c;rculaon...ffuvo àan.,impulse ta the cau»eOf apicnlaure.pmoSe the tient in. teret.faicomMuajy, end tend! ta ancres,.ttng wealair andl Pf-speriryW tii Pation,-it in ho. pelblerefre.atW'mvrY fribis ofagriculture-- every 'oeil.woslaer of jbis neagilohod as li :ountrywZ'11ltend! hi. aid.Ary D ot ani, subsaribe binseli. but indure his .ich"*s ta 1subuérlhê also. Tire piPr wil 1 be caiininued et its pr-aaùi l price, in order tlat itadnh1îéîte ia, beyrMd Wide!y ext3oaded. tu. appm ionce wililite con- sajeriblY imnProveal, andl hasiegew a power Prs naclugaïn,Y for-tne worb, greater promptý. ibesc andl regutansîty vi,vlha «daro.Cauu clerks are engageal to.mail the ¶ipelç s&Ramràtt is believeal tiera reili ha lîiiscause for Coin. a-'iut hereaircr. l'os, Masters anid tiir Assitant., are au- horized andi reopnctfuilyasnl i-j*ltoa set as A. ults a :d reuit aubýýc- P ions for tire Farmer. l'he 'Lw pfi. ort Which iat i uli;publiebed vili lot ailow of uci ecniry comnpensation to 4gena' but it in believe.d tnIl ire ini la rewari in ii a bondîit, whlaireguit irons iLe circulation ui siacl periodicais iu their neîgbnrhao. D»' Poisonsa a eri'g ii4pers are requested ta lr WfY obostmlie Tiias, andl ho'careful tW w-'oe pla "Ycthe ibomes ai suboscribers, their' 'oât (Jhca-toanty, an 1 State -and la ait cases so euil ihel=ooc oitittho er, so ien tWeh, Perp.exii M. cnpng ca is mn-înry b avouas a MB. BATEI!AM, Proprietor. TERX8 -if caorrent monO7js sent (staci l Now Yaor g New baIudhil%) consmnis. 4even copies' or. Payien alay 1. 'weive du ,n. ... 5,0Pyetal'y rwenty.hive do fer.. obo ho neade inadav. No com'oission vii ho allouved, if tureiil Uffle7 ln ment. BATEIIAM & COLMAN. Decenaier 1, 1811. luohester, N. Y. Ik 1n afi Jor ITus c ligh.ho! another Ne;r Year'â day reannnaat 'ty annua% sportive lay; h rihaate pajal ta Fatire Tiane Yi odds ansd e"al frona enery clinse, !Od, brt8, idi&roatflot% flash, fo'W, 'h. royal lin mid inoj4 ow4 Ltriton, mnnow, or a habe, u-prosperoos hoeez,.i biio rfait; 1 mediey lite a Çlaraatnais pie, rlliethne bow tbat span. asky. r ocean'a ambulating vave?, Uearing ln meWaiaus staveg, :eroic verse ar deggerel, hoagi whichias uhich 1 cannit W!b go give YOD hein ta pick a«debout,; ror ail the nouuemblae the Muse; âiace ailtheow nu te , stspe eut ail tinh e tom» uMy ova. Lut tO1M ip -4 y boy, rhY fither's pris!. A"si ineirsjoy. ïet trust notach fallacians hope, eut give tlay geai»a idor ecopo %i thouneathe Meus. ay hb civil, reY'l harly 0avsa Fleer*. devil. %cdbi o a; 'amno grest auni; N'a anciont malals are saur and crous. il pluet ap spirit ; Bumain iaa thm en; ataad.af courieg, à" ti liloa thot. 0ac toff q*aictykleaiod gdâes jai (on pallei analsdpaideaf itonsêr' Odyos, ml li-a; for be wouid mW ouo: ;Uag- '*tuly 5àpige squeak:" kt nsoeuspot, 1, fdsees Lm independint oifathe lasi ,are n uor figvboer refasse )r naihty Inteilesta inspire !itb love's supieme, postit iÉ#4 at conuo n vaiselfelianoe, id Flambuand! tbe Muse iseanoe tais puuoinenia, orl- in Bseu tmd Ialeragoeer. Id Oir#%, bis byhbr a lsanj " rlrsa i~sd 6 rIetsiaad,& 1%0Legwm netmil neU»»& f. LegwiaVau Dboleaud ot audw ta(ml o bê M. T'fasau t-le fM sa pwevL *e IRaOt" Os.W& W)MOwilh*" Mil Asituatisre mm Cty Sm «y atufoanîjaVeiPe j at v e em g d .n tab àem, gLegat. tes,> Aad hon pbwmdiJaja.dirB,.; Ta fars@,aipse ad Windso '.hsmy, lu.nmdajwos or Loaedns pný *lu muddy Tias oasudoriug ., IO Whîch tbs Btd Liwirence pasue far 'eAI Sol outabines jps twiakling aMar. >Nture bus doue ber part: Lit mma i- Doabiie boua tus ifyou capn; b r'o<h 3"' the OGlt of Govermuo4 Sa lot the Irt»bTrs ho content. Yet tnaorning naingles with car gladmees; Kr' lisjsnYonote gives place ta @adasse: % ylnaamlies la! *Brelthe suit theo digeof woo. *At nSn ho nets in gloocu: à is hoo'M grae.the to.nb: eEach vaat . riished plan CoÇntracte0 te a spaný: M4Phe varîia6 gooli- dèsiged Sank wath the ao2ster mmnd 'rTiat spent his Wertisked migli', Tar 1 quiiehed in ensuacglt. its ibluP&jnrY it teaca mt ioral in convincing speech. To joy agilishtuae the lyrje, In notes ascemng higli and bigher. Beitatia's mighty empire Initik 1VICTrRaU'S S lOe, TRE PEzNCc Or WALES! Illustrjous heir of re.Zal state, BI"U'@s bigbest, mi.-litîest Potentat., Whuasweéy extendi froin East to, W0st, In a huadrejl varions tangues cotafest. rBritishi politics have maade a Chio"1 eThe W a are out and Tories i n; A movesnerxat eenml pm85a.istrange. J ohn Ba is la queir,'Sshvbepe Su, or hea&am ta«Ik~ro frc5pMv 1 ýAâd pake nnaahouq ta ithe pipem. Ai hi l.. Btis wa Cm:DJ at As Gôvernot, ta set ail ight la Canada; au take no friglat 1 ow the wuild wa3s at bai, but lok ro hold yaur o>wa by hom or craofag fil laberal thin., as Wall yau mly, If n a.lvntage ba tbrowsa W 17, Bit firza as roaks callate 1I s, 1 . l'O gu2rd the. Chirter of the Ia.l rbe reat 1 pisa aside, and adji No mare palaver, but ame glal fai w icI Yo ail a hippy New Year, 4Vith cals.llel Poat3 ail cllars of hier, Tao richly enjoy thea deliglts of the saison, And spread thira o ta hrî with g-arais rehbor; The liL-rai liberal thinga devise, And mute their brezhroa shtre tiroir prize. 1 now suiracrois e alf itr fervent And thrice deaihusn*3!. servant,y 7larough rain aà£inrm or 8-1rs.!àine bhirigma Yuur punct»aippper, bllthe.y sioging tu smerry ftoe ty cearfial joy. Sa PUsY reward the "IIEiAL» BOY.- January, i1 M'a Fer the 5Usgaffl srdd. Ma. EnrTaa.-Permit re etireugn the mediume Of jour very valuable, ad e'snsively circulat.d Journal te propouad a& fim 1uesdornse andl tu aflr a few remarkseon "bscomnoo Iol Att. lua what liglat ' e &ti eoroft Act te bo consideZ!o4lAad Witsncsdlas±the CoMm-gSech n ieachro*mp or perisb.wtb. the grvund Wher"eý a lsedi4Amtlanl" =ond&gsuad iurmture nhened. MW beok, andl r s wage therun odings1aal bncelir. commaossiousers ofbekho wnshiap or parici, andi tlin succossoé nin F=fwnasr as tUusefo tbe purpinso "A c tM: prasidaialvayv, Ba néh «buci-l.bous eor other tbiaf tho.swtoi apPevtalasg, al l a or dispessd dixabs site ai amy acJ-1 chsge4 d wowqpthaaAytbie to@" of a aajoity cof sudc oumuioepm, fi wli* w4oiay ah.Ch*fmaa chan le n. Have the Bcisni coaéwioqea legal vrIt 16 posusethssev.srepr , Baebshousse -wiabioofursitut e .,aa$&*, arat.by oub, sci ietd forthe siaiu< hi n. us AWo in'* u bu1 *e Trse"eaid spaut loreer sol if*~eieoi ae hlding eair l o-m- q eb"I Fond 11 am uSéaS heai buuise d umsty4gi. shoorhçssoos&ou 0oumon BSbuhsineWissa.e ajaé,bv by sbscipsin d.. mdes i lbasg tice rthe ites by at4epropistena &bs AVéry e ouus ide& al» se ouvala 'd4t. Cmilo sc Distitia..abasgdE osti mm of a Iaaw #th. egealseavepc 1 - =, s fa nr M e cu e .rt of i li le , .o6 m i itbs ian mag xtete.en a esng do ntbJ T 4 b ul theI Lt ~ ag flas i qteA.es~:w .é I1Â* bs- St oeq, ineOtac1" 17cIta hou tn.D1s Ue f S Pie ta- Sialy :-T o appoint twa or eUre le*Iib le ns mm dl o *10 bu he omtioano i d m aion e w k 014dia, KM Imm L abs aMMUitta Taft « e nam Sa Smi lae& o rmm tlmlanger, and -nt'ile twlrO'tnli. ~JAw du"o ia(r iue Isate o Topdsdppor perislh, oam-aethat inse m mik j « 1i'are .due o Megrain sud 1.f omi, Aff a "Mt h. etu"- if eh*coc&ul, viloh lem teCana" mman Iecuaidsvcd as aqurou U&y gr ,sZsT on i ROAL rai e' #& if " alusvod w , mi teemasis e t mgt ?I*W b -l IL nan aa ~ it i'as T ~ I C OfM m a d ll ob erve& v s W e è dpg lepu "thenit . 'M buo w m d Y<LA o n ,ilw . eru oIu~ < h e m- mist<bt a saWBhy a m tlu C ua m ut h nm ob tae j au e e pe - da# f e n am h er --o W emits!oupellethit y toa'=l he *m0055ta Tauxer Ri lanase cpurleaet os ui Io s e qma d wd n i f < pasel s di osmq yereb uo s tana dnV it.y q , ~ ~ s sr I s ~ ~ h â Murldao-l at herom 7oneureottram snuse produis ..fer nç% ?hsutter tlir a01111 utalas "0s 10,% dt sit he upsrenna uthe bs *r tic cnimataix>e <rwParliasemnt, Prima i h 84Hm u dniw, o . gin*$* ae i m ai. ofx a . a mi au tebmdw o fini t iav.:tinenl vo frutop m~~euth b te f abs ai apssan deanS e i Ises uqn e . i c b u am e b tter c uem ci of i ml ulzudoàf vut st *% Bd u eeo ad !tI thb ii w m eG "O l * m q ak th yuotigQu u e rin a llors sd - 30110» oinaanggnr s d as a cfbis 911110 thé Voratlnc4*ft Iu ceiihy ufriS&W uld"P d ues Tadsftahei.ColonA« et a in W... bu letr mptaoflue perle _-rute aà,_w*jh no e it bilsr"'debtfai 'ser e*me of thm op hum. bru" Bisobjct m Jae c1,ISti w r l o a b l r a i n a n g . A my p e r u m m y O u e v m . a e o i l p a i s i e n I"a i n ~ ady aes.a ~c oa urory oruaaihoWe baiveepsatly aoaho'Ileca such aeManyt loi Ait, tiat abe dtie. e4aiud by'Iairou Use Carn., acourase vnulie# ,sud lhour aerîall lav ouis ses st u slgsa nslvs milsloevuare ua aly &4"'tu%,but ie !te-rU mp%'bta fI:bue vpsuiay aofbsthe i. e espin.f.maIWi poaible. Alla,,me ta adSir, t uteh"' 0 biaViii cnrn uppse ep naialy ffl ib sto ailties *wi aio U sToE ? paa hn sna g peeS fo fah ago«h . f i. - ye m si k * su otght ta lho elee ed ta i ii ip ot CUIT the itation a aug e t s q<o u ne ftheU ns a i ty e quKin " T e, a aL ar E w q( I . e e uu a A . a1 D trict Ceacillr, but aat ot Sebou! Coco, et he a t ie q. e sltappiy apvaini eu ilea.n i ,m'yCqedni g u isoer. Uulees euhbpersanshos honmp, wW SOuitraiorna; titisampouat teau i. modngVraiI1.Fusm&. ii!li t@ Sfausema The counsay musta fIlishofmraihsé by aur North Amn cuColonies,. srr. y gerpts q uay sai Vrkw-tlY land., by allowlng their corntai It b m ~Ktnisa<audhoynnwiî<~., Pasgn.portalat a]tiin e plns ofth aft tpd 1 The dNuLatp or ZÎ ' b rientaà due smariso a ai4sor c anehottentots of Kiagalhlis stho rats abi ih inga qaner. M4 b85vvto *_aé,4no rthiia, Southr Atric.Are uoch Persans, Sir, m lq 4 u 'bsn v e h ansuouacry azainat a*s Coran duaid ddet5 ai congvtub u-ai m&ssr, qualIfies! ta discinarge thse weighny, lu. lvsrl b Iait setra pnaraaosupcuâa fhai io èht paint anl espnsbleduies mpratively rtiuoir tioalns fitemthe colonies. The 5P~1 t te Ropal Hxof nW"ai ar hy au a e tth~I e Cca o ~ Cana& al ith*oalercaiOna iea f ansNoirltb BontieCrovn; Mahm ad ar 17 t il var vat ha ontrY fuPuto sEe<rlaaal, Une igb vaçes af lahar, tbe peuss ar t., lbis aiRi u ~~ceAlu tim ftmnnaheun, Mai hou'muclathe rieing qeasatems interanlcai.va,matliae feightas!Miiu aioeion . vz hdisic Ue ot lsf ili u e t ra , toir in f à n and aa . î11 re tilt1do0- ilh m ou n s ~ t ta fil ibat office g gnc 'ucapcaiy utîald4j* iii.Englielo fer- fb'iuo.milt th st a 4li ' Ill e ANXTIOýNY DENEZEl'. isla Ioda fig 58e vna r fnaaremap i a ten* to àtrhe iM4= t lide 1 .rikhnviwleat and. cher grain in the Eng jh ob ia'Ire. Apibe na u oquasiib Dncr. btir 141. "Tein, Wedtfregaria.i ppravismon. of ail scuras, ant4 of 'inesun tak tia faut"s ppntgaity For te §a«- ,.bof, Parki, Marier, &c, wiry pat adtnit tinta sisofai *preuuing ta YoinExarllurmegss Na 1714At0ioe. n i . a ie nIb t a nomisal raie ni duhy irons aur colonies 1 Thae tisay fel i aar lriesryu inia JOf a Wa.teraaaa p taeniond is ricol at i CaPs ot GO i4 Hope catlail one furnash ap aboli. jthe Governmemst ofiléProvialc1, io4-ho Westrn prt i th Malana DitriconiWea. Ideant aasPPîy ofiveilcoreai neat; ths price in thié 'hînal respect alaey entertain for V1&se- tari Canada, uspecialiy in tine Tovnphips of Er. cooy'heingli.l ta2d pet poina. 'ràight,i. fy. ses:owii, Frederickksbturgban md Adlo!phustew-i, starce, &" voulo! 66an ample ptôect:an ta ia The r&bave AodremieeesW &*ou lb tha aire Drstrict Councîllori, are nuthor;zelJ hy home graxier. Wlay abouti! the ÉriUsel"suleiet of a ianiabitautA, by Hisi Worsnopofu. tbe ianic'pl Law, ta pay theunselvea Out i im Canada, Soauth Airica or Indua, iepr8v.naem Et L y. the ntîa'srs oh ricla tley mal, have contrai. disposiât aiaie pvaduce cf hie land nir aiiMr. M-oyor and Gentlemen, Tête.oaiiaiio iti afow interestai rt e, been tes aioftheil.mt .eity.~ aaae is bca!hv mtspe., uf~e proapigoand c al eao ctiae('a"d'jale8 thern- saine sasereignay, governea bv tire saine is'wu- ]es.dresse& ttothe bacreiaiy aifSems t or seive, aid mrable d a ily beieved by witb lttle aaure thal, nominal taxs.levred o dek taitbel MaOTie Prpetd ta Boliesmujy, man.-lerait eSr îaquoa ineSOa .e- British haine ii.emanuactures on their intrn. anti H. R.-1il Primet Amiràt 0:0 O0f the Act, winh,arntitns opinion af every 'ductaan into the cofaulea; listine fruit.»nifhibig Ibgyouthoamcpt mytahsf ecpr- unbiassêlanti unprejudeed ep rson, ougirttabchoaninduetry, capital and soitare aimaitexcluded Bmous iticli ana are pleaé'dta aie mmi uat deisive antiip int. "Aubehait anicte!, That io.te osaptoae iilem ctzo i cnuidu iguran rlyu"din îsaté no u Councilor ah llin'aany case, rec ee on h a nt hem u mpi. ai ah. Gaveii2 O& ùJ 1p c d r nse040g f tis a vin e 'ouahit anyvie, afo hn e, profit or e- "Waal i. n ecile illustration in asapport aof or.nlse tit onov, forlà seVice as sucir permittimg a - tee ride vwiolaour calcnles. Tira DiTRM bîi - Un au', *acyioeasan ai bis bhefauBah t duay lernegion ohat important article af British tire aininmeaaa Iplçt aoncrhlr." on ish e p, la :r c- ushadleyand Britisha manfaeauraag ostilI ia e adn ,. noludg moktans oigv uUepith agi a etita iepny perthl. The te.ut i a.tht Bi~ ank LAntraklin asbeeaaièg t14 ilobeopfaun OEur~ope.Rc, «r Ili il ...,,. u~ -.#ly* s'a yeurs, ouF C Aaoapafteflg~-1« - nalOuesilaAustrali.a ,ia-naanDiemans lano(f. Juge, .Y cK.,Uq Ua:vaaha:anaing tWotî iwauce'ironstire parent (Ion ofaithse l:. Ct. W. 'Parti,$,Esq. baricmn. -tate, anal thé ibulkiAneu of the oodit>', bave Clerk of abs Pua">c, - Wrgta a ise'a ruan the expaortaion oaii ew hae, aiofll>' Iwslaetnr of Licenses. saiit!ahoeMr. ha - isrtet 'woâlta apuardsoaitriasie ispounols Mllbaavne.....Caotaurg Str. THE AGRICULTURAL PETIf-10N. veigît ni auna of the isst Waal in tire world. NVIthvecoped caewere S -oitiio' as. -"le Capo eiQced ffope le risimg sa ra)iily LNDNarecaaliuavo..nnr«£ iiQUU ,AaI ý4e bÀ;ve opi e,! isrieelt p:aiui"n to tire s tralia lantir. prouluctien i rnaje Waland "lyai idmig. rûl,MM.s.a, 1MI: 11egn aDri nâ tue AViliuhattucnittea ni aie lang oilt colonties yll o nly Boppi> tire ""o0n surprise lias laen CW>ad by tie ladt oaf .thýWra ». Ana ofWhihylsentt al -parts wirole isreinu aletann ofErnil(hetwecri thir. - trai' l;ei, ~ ts rnie efah Weneraaaetiutà i aia lrvint forigua ail aniî:oas a .weit) but will or: a thOe YoopPlue aui r' -WP ohave s.rvadàw ithabn th e d tlesfort' e mble exporttera ta c ir Te fact la, taîf tievre 'ssaed <aii lIai~~ vr'f itial lag5entlaaeu n tirelientai EuroDpe an mel unuia. it s sienaea o gen H j. citf sad uemjjiharhsalbave taka'.aau>' mnerest in bct.a poisosv éuea.Iionlsahneufle na- t ashabeientapHelilta. *tic Drau oenn s isstlyijn istillnaer lau, aur he mrirtets a vaut aud tuera- i, rcoAlbient Wiuiesit te hb omesud anal it. ba,. W doeaoenly op tiat Is ltior- lva trait !c votaFte ans!vehbave un oueat t jae, anter. Hou' Uis ivlen)y iamily iiapa eo r& a i th e C nu n tY i Y o r k v i i ha v e g o nd e n s e t b a l tht e c â a f j e u.oy as:g a n a - e t v 1 1' n i a m v m gn i u e e a i m t wMna us ti o.otierrt>'feig îu couarecio wapiti foreorne ai the «aitimportant stapie ni correc, thé yonuugPrince vili ho asui, ih.a uetaeo.I te wl bca,,,voare,,,ell IBritishiraide in bathhomisplaires. "svJ,,~ eill suirej tut irea wi h agorera coaueifa. " The oaject"on lait ngland oasght nat ta rein- ahi ips A- tisa aune - aieal aaaaonaa' he inabtanâts ai ail poi tical parlae.déaf berselfidepandient on foreigu nations, for th. the l e 1. rLieucm àWai bu iiatoex..ao 4 aitiU on the -to up>'a od scupletely set auide, vben it jelu intis reubaat. sà-atj -Uald,1h #&e j r e iuaaae.idâo.ufa.> ari late 1rallecieal1abat the colonies are au intçgral partionu a lu s lappaaseôam Lte stte ai't Edlà:luaur h umil ali of the Britisha empire, âasi alita dur possession aof-Tae fl o(aneaithe 'ug1bcoÀnl nimer ira damar, ce e eexraci theo'th' doannion aifatne maUsrendeis ~ 'interous as . , nlh i5 b we autiîvongpa5s~e~: vii tinant a aila lus sufacile *W' certain a rsioeg lmi va tr.içieIsCa. 'Muaciu.~. ereut by pover&%l ans! bitter 1batu'en oùle Pant'of the Unitedsi=IWIODamddas*hthécf'i eabFrt. pdî.a pres, yet, tu the cnadlI ni Usa peop!e, q» ofTsoajclt msthth elnfr fh icoarY rapucwasthat aue.at tthe couvi. e,-I caiv.~n e gis! a cnge BIiip4 ~ to. incl bvabom eil n bavverai colin. Ifur gans. o yet mille v hon vocon.aits t* npir u thiâtaeur sorspajae i ade t UsE cli.reqIure t'ing bot'iau.ailtoets uah4rsq$b <at 14~ 00e, bas thora been nfuse4 ioa îUicause fcue u htr e b rnaaoo'tei ai 1oaafrý eIt b.whêttaiUu.s tiiliioOmaugrJj,~<patianpoilela Thoe at eaieut, tumnler, and ilver#ifloalcli- .for theoyena 85Ui 'i iyLmsdyua t.é greo abaject ai arn tbvertlei tu'mates ai aur colonies lu every part of the l. mnta aibu la 1 té is e dapr a t ralainons asel" molo.*andiaregard. -alritnier iusatnbable abat a sarciiy camail <'cur ms uan Faa s u ... àeear'hé.~~ stae aota Ieu1w.ch U5emparary fotrls in iecbss u u eyvUasu the e"u'aahinysth 4Mqs "01 scejmI ri =h c r e» o e Y ina-raig tan1ais b i s se 'Tiabeunwmaiaiîiu,.>eaei& Qr. ar t'u) theasermmti ahtidrmat or taruas 4q àai aa ofiiatoi md1oo.alCosutaus vera hId the Çtical look l th i ,alubpyl = cdiuoale a by aiseammpermitfor eto îi attaeftuw Deoyfor ts E the W ain191t1O t.pe , ofcouvs, useOn 5re'I btot The i 2rteadWMjaivasaamidilhio. Tt ass ii!tiat vo are not the adr. ie -b.alue. ul ï eot' T-- scaris as- fasîof *lmeetrade,' hubaumve oljoet anapuîy e o ea e U a- ,7lw bôlw - aiBsle i wll i _ 4 rosiâml ejection ofMr. van oose*Wdaéatne uhal Uni ftbig ru eaun Ott~r yars; anala, sid1fle"iTvn'w C lie* a-'quitter parn, n a hreadit dWm4 igamuW = .ftttils-4euton bu; h 1torcabop LiS iotupta M<anMtda théTe. Wile0'cneataj sa a utheUPWalla-u otha glu'èlamabai=aa emseplakm eas, fr imsoema Te am " thsCoAddâ@.pt lfl - asteuoaniiea ie duayof inià ..~ f fÊî umiuducea ai ah. i _____ <bB an e118r

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