Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 4 Jan 1842, p. 2

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athiAu.uu v~fmm osispo Vemsom'slulua,...Om NI.y ithe Pb lige CdamMtl& ~ hvotAr utatheMa l thef ommeu -4 Wt avy-4u Goeadn" ls 10% svsntaM esrthil: =rs ith oo % J.8lads'ey,Pen anls nassé. u M eIn tio .the < lenogr lal Je lsincihe mant ! la-oIn i___ mltane jur;8 eunsb; 1i,ýt*n14au Iit 0f t dosthe Witor cfw 'y,.ba la'*ete il lui ibat ralkl snd 80 dmai htei-1bs ~he aiauty4 milnien iaor aavy. i11%hjpi~ s~f~s~ m lnesThe pomoionibae isi r flcblbe U t he lb. atMi. îsadistrirly > u a: prwnabsc osdr.txcten l.iCt,~o h Sff t ai eimuss su Zuner d:sro,. the jury levied a5hnd ofr4ui» ses id il -la- mý 54Tto ta** onus<thtmsine,, vae btau h » 'irtue céM *i h e. s jiý odeetiept cm nierid5 htitW o W lsfeq, erbvc6 1 w w "ib m 1 % l uI i th n si ' iýOWs r o y d as i pàr.héh a% j dler the acrioegt. 'tht Sty, vu On Tu sday as= #à*Ibmci ant am dsee ÎÏpa"tot.aêo< ealMil tw MW*% i Icio. mat fire i nie; sud smeaililispt oai'-o I iib bmGladiater. c. thrbyp esols am b igbly *port& par IOde.. tb vai r maabn eslt euplts.t atr ese Wid fatlosThe tcyie aemn)fmanta uje 'viero ah.Teum ed mdtil li a Ii h.sbe CitaitîLe mcc.. of i.s giril udstabiag .ailsd fulr AmtoiMs. -[ll-.x Aicmi )oueav-bsLa"mpapiers- men tio ias Mr. Everen,, eovoy extraorimary Young me, lezrna visdant. $pendlisai Im h üW. té arvei od n the tan yeueamaand ymewtllsiery da ritlc siîh of !icvemhsj.,ani bai au itunodite inter. er. INever ruaindeit, ané lwyehsaaW os * Vieu it be Earl«Aberdeen. .-is sonaftor Mes wifi bae t liecs àruv bit LoUdunfor Paris BUTE mOIP lne cseny. A correponant or the Globe isscribes im thettt~iuI «Maesof Nouiiagbama. liudsaare stauvia ne n li eds, wtb.. 1uaay 0,nrscY, mgtar.am but (Mci4,are, o vrim«g r and Ibose aepoe *,Iho ccld worb if tbey conkigel k. Eah dy arties of man, itb saanaticm iothatr loca ajALWLFH8ECLB'C deèsend aisîM»Iuwr i ebe P"CHARLES RAGOT. i. uwu"esiodes (f= a r un. Wlehave Ibpkm fsue 9<anetca kiL #rad,, cbfryig * a ssi, -0 eul ipro.dinoUw-fr 'à çMma*. * i. tla U amaeo yl. la s w ti.ead w" lea Sr . rd*Jahsrte-MaccaîpLa in parsh elif, peafulll0 ar aîrlhalBaoitnintun liaEclity i t ko d an o , n i nowh o urivei ewt Pb' ari thnnaday. 4atdre Tene a ead sitsigisfastr eplyafuith___Rihar _Jakso, _1 banda. Moutngatdevasmsfhrso<uiieai.g~ng W. copy the follcwing appoiaaunetla frenthe U. (XcW fGaele cf Ibe lut ilut. Besides thse Tht BlackbnurnnGazette îthugepeaka cf the and otirà s hicinare nemiot natice,the Hom. condition cf the poor in ltai section aOfithe coun.- K KLllaly-, ClairnmLthe Hon D. Daly, fine The-slmaicaof inepoo i Bicihru nAHon. S. B. Hlarrison, and John 4aîdo,4 q. ràigbbobood ila at prcaentý truly deplorainle. arc ppointed aucuibers cf ltme Board o! Wc'rk#, Eien viocuiin fui] work, ino conditfon cf the and T. A. Beglmy, lisq. Socrotary. The Hou. bhand me.m weaver iesuscb as ta exciteComamise- Il. s. Janionen,*V_» B. J&rvip, Esq, Dr. W. C. ration; but et the premrt moment, thea vas GwynadJh wrEq r pone am. unuesly loy, labor ssiresor onattaioable. ne u onEaî,Eq r pone *w athei sa ou atinclemeai, t1wie uz snni -Cueîammorsioners cf tine Temperary Luaatie Asy- appear ta have recW e e st stage of in ul=mai Toronto. endurance. tLta'Ori, A London patersays limai the debiors' prisons Kingi-toe 27tla Decembsr, 1841. in Newcastle, Iurinan, Lancaster, &,are al liaECLiCYT AîmzSaÀOori crowmlod ta excoessN rom the ecnnmer.ial failures GlsECLEC E ANNSRTRO H which -bave ien plas withmn îLhe lmt ysar. cOVaEINET bas heen pleaued tu appoint theo Aaoier eina" journal tela us that un tu i i8t following persoup, Wardens for tlýe respective I&ttere ver. 714 persans conie o ditnD.istricte, forcaerly constitng lJpper Canada, lave molepolitan prisoat onia d urde ,i a ipursuance of the proviuions of Provincial Siat.. BnCTLan.-Tins iroumomgers of icoland Lave nte, 4 ail 5 1'ict. ch. 10. resolved te low out for six monilia nseu.feurth Eastern, Honuble. Alexander Fraiser, cf Ibeir funnaces. Tinis is a resolution cf dire Ottawa. Char).. Adamaca Loy, 11sessiy cm tins part of tino masters, and tili of Jçhnsk.wn. Honhle., Williama Marrie, course le fet vith groatseveriîy Ly tien mrer- Bathurs', Alexanier MeMgllus. eues bcdy of operalives in connexion witb this Prince Edward Juha P. lioblin. M. P. P. bwmslr e( industry lunfine West of Scotland. îilidland, John I. Markes, Agant, 1h.arl1 aeveriýy of the winter tirows Victoria, William flutton, enmpe;ely ide. conaiderainiy befre thes usual Newcastle Walter Bsweli, period, tinat idutriu body tLe mascur, msd Colbcrce, George A. 11111. o1ber out..daor wankena min con.nexion wih îinem. Hlome, LJward W. Thompooti, Thiny m uissionaries, serre:arie» of te diSirent Niagara, David Thorbrinr M. P. P. chanit7 semetief, an:l clergymen in populoum dis- Gare, Jobhn Weteall, tricLa of tine suburhe, are ait sol:citing aid cf Wellington, Arthnur D. F-orlyce every description, tu reliove til. diitrees.tiney BrOci, lion. P. &. De»laquiere,,. di2i corne in conact titi. Talbot, lais.)l W. Powell. -M. P. P. 1 ho calice prnoing business la in the matit Huron,. William l>un)cp, M. P.> P. hopeim mcate; and ore are -certain vs do nt London, John Wiaen, eaaggerites'thon . "y thm)*tite w.. cf Western, John Dahen. Scallamd ene-tmUo! ilmu rWie iff(le.,aud- tmat the samie nuiber cf iamùe oits roadho iank . Eîctitnay'aOMrci4, rept Lad they rot capital ta fali hrck upon. As, Kingeton, 27th Decemberi 1841. ta the weavmng populatiorn, tinty . Lave sa onguuj s ExcziLLEN-c TuTSIAumin<tTRATOROF IE i been rojuceml toa amtaecf miser24 and tat]lave GovEammai» ui baheeupléeamd ta appoint the sa frequent ly hail occasionm ta atate the leipiers flwing frnes, Treamures o f tLe roeclive state tiàoy are cens to, tiat -e ik ,,Ct fée] mîcli- Dis,.ricts îrrntrly contittîng UplietCani.ada in ned tu say more about tinor. The L srem'11, pursaanre of te provs:cns cf Provincial Statut., nov tading a genervl cmre-t.D, ammgi t!, tl 4 and 5 Vict. ch, 10. flett b-at ame v,~prticua a1lt-tod'rc.î ai:e;ntiomî. The ernali <baIersanmummav'i te amuîatrinoa Eastern, Alexiantfer M5learî, distrie's new find ilieir <apt.-I r.pre eàeaîd 1,; Otawa, T. Il. J bhrpn,, <lot-ta uc ty die eper:-ma-r, n;io are aîtîcrîy Jciina(,-, , Andreav N. mu, t.uab]o tu pay, aam u îl e.e uîrcamoeanrcc tu te- 1rriimceEdvard', Dvid Saiàia, elize imocy aUr <lii p rhm.p i e:ther raée bMidiaré, DFvid John emith, iopelees ; thiwi mmm --lmmm u" ti mcey um ad Victoria, l'hmlip lIam, crodit are goi:, sind mntlimir ccxrt cp l a-ruin. N'ewt<rflei, Zaccinemtt B.rnarm 1mow lang thira tte c" moters wil rcntmiue s Coîborne, Join» Gile-bristi rer the question a@kod Ly v aery oos-[Glaggow Dame, P. T. Biilir.gp, Chrericle] Niagara, Henry Y. Bouse7, Thse only excptn ate find aoticei tri tine gen, Gre. D. ~AtteDougaî,. sral ditre o f tieo nanufaturliàgiictt in L:e Wellington. Will"Iamhetat, mellowiig*om Liniugin -_:.Brock, il. G. Berwick, Tbinas-selccingap am sinsuanme degree, Tlbt. Henry Webster# an.d a mucinboter tinter maa>' e oxpeced fr HLonun. Ja aindr, cor industrious cri etttIans la "oc.Imbave len eoten, J.oh. Baby.s auicipated aulne tinie agm. Our lipesa repeat. etr, 3.B ay eiiy expressed, cf tLe efiect aof Mr. J%'Leed'u oc. quittai, Lai-e fot 1 e.» withuî ibeir rea'iaation.rciLsya cla Bente cl ur trannm:aaturem-s are ,mew rem-:iag Kini5o,27tbh4bebr, 1841.j Jarge ordets frtm" LeUuftîUStmteLwiniclordere litagExcZLaisaiciTUEAI AnuraToaor TUEI vire susp.ided chis the aienderatanifing hW.. Gvzaxuîrbasbean ploaped to appoint thé taveonte two ccutrieu mas peuding, sud issusi Reistrarsa(s Couat ies nospectiveey toalmnte alter th. tral cas cicr. Theo claaaîous i. aintins 0"ofêheAllegiance, required by the Proi. Une Tçwei, to, thougin s nations)l est,,awill pruvesialns of the Pra.ncial tanta., 4 sand 5Vici-,a a lomponar>' bonit ie titis tees, aa el) as an ch. 7 entitleil, "An Ac.Irm e'Io admésfirt estill hnefit tte nsnied services ; tme0,M rnareviai,, hmhmitjas ort (h Prw tire, là* r V «» e 2011,M00fliat musketa detroyedi being ai addworkkAstfumwuil oinBriluh e) Jct" aiabout lte replacsd by percumeton 'ues. aunte severai Distrct@ in. vit b Ihemr Cutities 'Jhere ame ccc faur teasu-@s ore0f[sirag. are situa? in tliat pat cf th. Province fur.er)y ntua.) and p3ver fitti'îg oui inii. KEst ledma conamtuting UpperCanat& docki,ad uemrly noadyt1r ses. Tinesvesseli, o! 1.00 tousi bundei, ere huit ai N4!ilalleet.scaa'Oeiu Tie eill abrti>' joua other leutera bulLl Lgt.,l7hDsinlt iI &ARtu nd nLiverpoo f>r thoo!ffd %Vent Iodla n« .2t DeLr18. mail steain paclmet omipany-. Tio choie mê lits Excaat.aar nue Aim atatane TmuvC fwelve linumber, las pecisi Io'amble i tas htCOV»NXETxh uilie. plesei s, '11Wut Bontnniionrivr bie. lia sé Mtii yer. ardeas, Judge cf District CoVrts, si ieàs SNtAmpo rve beorethrenl o te yar.ofthé esce spcively te admiaWser'aff Onthe DuRe m CensJofu - va alnt ccnsî.......tip e à sa-in »- 1a 711k wusBithier emulothe kWv iltesiélvh ra e )-hibalahongî s*Ml osjgbt tu he accOIInSIIfir. w. bat-s Kiili~Tat - otimat.~ fa~ib~ T ,laukm 1~Tat capital vas £7,710. accrdtgaia @tale. p~ ~~~ibtj c e W W IlsO R I L a i - a i e p -- w u )i e d e h )i g & H m e n t a m e n t au b m i t d o t i s L e g i s a t u r e C . a t e 2 4 , b o f P r t f t f l J i 4i~ Tof 0 t n o u ot-- l m uean ti equal: i scm e da ell, but Juse. 1837, v icinlite no v copy Calrai e o'e d t a - Ta iTa. puiiî:aî PCm1 pur, sl =of ftain iii. or oing in practcesal r e ................... 0 .mUm<~ lu -là .à* et- aa i i reaIsa of A frica ee concerne& . T ii. Blla fotier B ank s,...... . .u o s h "c t m 2 10 10 vai'tuam<li. lovune, ltlitpAh vt les Cocgreaa te consid eii lava Balances due by taller Bak&t.... 2aù2 17 I w o lmîtWr p ,t -or.sofglolbeiawetrmo. Weae a.fr;dîh Dunk (crit ue...............60 e 1" Maais e.(iua.~ aviuila c 10* i amiuug 5155l. I Palansd loi..... ..........l7 10 114 a IJIcr!ar 1111ic04 aélIaiEm. ~~. b~aq~~.pedt um nrmll Noies, BiPs cf Exaiap, &c, 1&,»4 O5 c rUa Rel is gani ds- hallaoe Deto uetetP-4--rlî,inlui1 Paer OlV a ja-.:r, i. zýieamep.Tachr Er.q. do vncstaearaneinhe nevrngl.)ý t5ITrs t<II'I-(i. I r ularaio N. Patton, Esq. do «mner. ta prevail ont thei. l'ned Statue alloerunent ta icluno . 5o6o 00 heaiA as.lbn Lanuy, EB4. e Circulation_. 1wm r at-ujyaf l*r0t.0 lunes Brady, E.4. do lierst.1 Emcai ai, r.Esq. & Yrbroae. 1,tbi latitudes frequented by-ala*rrbt Lnds -t'lamatatemaent ls antihling bu atiîsfactoil. l eWsii B k. du <I- b siq un. it hl a t fect, al o g , a ade £ art cifA ber emr 1 bt t ime t it 55 t& ZI w< a iL n îe one a r.l T m e L i a , r, I f do rn~~~- - paablmaed is ont. NN'-e sioald hle bmtu IItraiti i WIla .Chaffera. Eaq v khm e d s uhe t r. Stteremntc, iginta ahicin -.fEh. rîl mi £,70.Etho i ve - I~ Mr- Willianm MeGini, h d mu ave ieen mutual>'oocsdod taeusncother by saoiaicps (em le i.ti hoco , ottrunt ionaifhBroc L he WiCinm I u u.tEsq. do I Eaâ,in * 100reavon ts of Great BEntaai aid Enace., Itrous epoitiomuof tins affr i the ('ormîtira. or ts Juha Molsoit, Eaq. do »tirent eau acaicul>'Le incompatible th e bonteaid sise ne confidenace thaten ris ta e Lpllared in The meatmer for tl.,ep gJohntiEgam, Esq. de Seebrun.i. tlmo.ueS of anyay B ai nthe face of tins the staternenta of isofficeas. Ji i Lbcorrect, varmable as Pcisible,, chi,1 -Cbarles JubaFouit.., Esq. d i o T - er ,,thtenominal sasts oal>réÈ'rffltheI abilitesLy days (roulnI îmd to l 1 -e Z % t£730. asnd the roctnining £7,0 Las u pSOt OrIa %re,. Jf anvier 1D- Lacreiz. Esq. do P=U& cum le ion in til.s abjsct a casebas ea. We truit tiat the . crs aOf the ëuC Ppar. ntiba tase on ç t Jneh aiau, Eq de ete. latl occurred cinicin bas .roused ail tins ire of W"' iasuthe ab@Olmate ctofegivmug ta the Ci - raine m tren,le-- Uotteeai oleis ls.do i4ier. tinsSautillora slavebclale.-s. The brig Cruele iPublic a nmach mores lmicii ataitenient of mpm mit"tig betmg 0 bca5,Z'je', a,- Antoine Palette, do Is Rivons s anlifrot casof the samnhr. pontaitin a c mTi bntéon ihta- aieco.Weliuck Pr. e -L% ba- ave neferred tn the liai of Stockholdçr (it.s.- L.- - Aiu HB$- EXeIlLisiTaA ET go o! slaves amur INewi-Oleans', ad on the vyg1o -I Lgmitr n18fadSmd2 a IteI. OF ras;Gcvuep~ ta lumitifta male ninetes. ef th. slaves roseeon the captain and eaiy 2 of whiarliappeler t iestLoée ofBlmîiub I. 'uu' lan. u Ibm allacii<nploanîaisnts, vs: -cnes', 11usd aàpasseqn an agent fur theésave. jeel, aux. Dr. Hamilton sud Dacid Thobn, ig>t a «PrteyIojoe tecatana qs. M. 1P& P. Aomong titlter <aractena nve mb. Ord mr rs afserva i t liuiciel thé notoas o Tels istrct 'ressrera ceoas, espeatel> condod ise aptaî 'liervetha rica> forrr.a-j 3cm. A. Il Mieille D*seau. o! the cet, aid ceaPelled theni ta pilot bhof Congres,,mssaiaenber. I ie. t m-~.~' '.r A. 1 Sueisluttisait, Eaq.beu" District théeinig int Nassu, Nov Providence. Tine dent iht Mesure. -aionadTnnr LmeWlmm.S, 5 " * o! uels. 11uk~i ' Britishn autienuties sent aà<aari abeard Ibne vo. L.eeavielimiFed by teir meiinhurs in the Umnitedi Jamtes Allspp. E . ide Poumon!f. , Edat r eas),mmdmler examitsiag the caseamndtaiinigithe bialsa, arba hsvs eiuP'aIllia.fmnd,.fthe 1) 1S ', ýI.l P G Es;Eeq. donk' av ' )11 P.Buvr Taumhlq, do Il 1 deposi.tane of ilscaptain soi croilthey pu9 kk hy al ia plaicuremi i- - auluv r . ,Esq, duoRioum -h ineensae il u.Tbaliia cf tnheémnkaol bcmiliinvc'etm. ___ >L'uàJV 1, i Eq eKmonss - tsaneensae nobai heen engiagmdin u <imd hy aaiei'ao»liain mm apublic c. mdhdre .~rridadmm si 1 au Ee ul mqdo SI. ho,,aithémmerwndeodoeutntuntiladies ue' coutli ho plassi', aid the 'milvalué te ft-~ maî eux, @Dar .-.....a r.,,.,tj.fart .sof' " 'e I abouture aintso! usotinr B.mmiiîmîmg iti. i- A l'il,.~ mî-- 4IL K e Eq.do Sebol ku1t 'roanin phathq r o! iM sein# (Nu tl 5î,fl ta clntdsi athercrae, l'oucL _timn NsedSoJlod Ra-uel Wool, EàIq do blisaisqai. %ve it li eereiblgggno yt t so fit suh ta mihMrsiandlSAbe6,dObord'Ir I lac s iau oaperotthIebcrduigiY ieft thé at tino sharpriesa cof thtéi'auOs i. Lie(kN'Vel.,lr P. . D Br ere, Eq. do ablS. -- Creole, and teck Passage for lazumica in a ves se)mied up aRl thef(oua i the!btinolak, aud afier as. oferd W.BiJ.lla ni nso. Esq. d I o .hss. Ith5 ,, Wilr VisrEq.d i, aia.Pioideil funriuthe iea tbetinsemployai] as free taiuing the enité circulaimon rsevera year,<mn t hein A irt mI li,,~~ rRobert Cru,,,, Esq.à do Beauharnois. lbres tiie tineAmeniafisare veny théins0aif tihIe lices, tiney baire ècdctriVed beI Pat arlour r.a dfr~top~ O laborers. At ail.dobiotrel.tins failuille ta gem rid oa! tëmbgftiater patrm on of il, - im'andsm ýSt;m"î p~e *-eP Tdm a lor, Eq. do ?alcntnsmL - rots, mthougla dis laves dii neomore ihan auj ssdded if o.the Cauaadimnsm.,i) oreter gai!i m.rsnso-f Pcu-r t g' lm Jams . ayor Eq-o ydahm.thir maitera touli have don. Lad the. case te cligiteat accomnmodaionmn thîe w;ly ùsII rat wd, o ê. John Buvard dkn, eàItaThe Laie! fTtc tm1ldm aiehi, (b j. Rnukiu, Eaq. Leen rcverred. If lino British Goverument ns- couutan the LBanka. We are fanerimi %I I mg Ait 'tîe s,.t~ Docto L. G du -fuse ta give op thé slaves implicatsd lu the mur. tmcmtrflc.n nté rsn 'rai m lI- i C',ml.hrJ ~ d ,-~ O'DhotyEo. TnrblÎmne.Bank,, Oxceptin lu eranas lineir laie s'aa'mmcnt ;s; titair,,I . ~ Li G. Nolie. Esq. dam Leinster. i der, îLey viilouly follet-thé exermîpeset tlasm acorneie. WVe corridor the Canaian<ae Bedacî?e,% ir(, ar ', C. A. Fonnenet, tsq. do Berthier. by theinoited miStatep, ai-nn have refaiseal to sur. blier Ile Le ighlv honrable mand upnight amel ,Cftl.-, ,.i, <i 1 BalariGreve Es. d TIru Riera irenier murmerers, even ailen a political cicmk ai'o have t-con mmie the dupes cf suie <rativocf aolier rt ljms O [W mi i.DsritClr-] oldtagttn hirciea i ie case o! mnaves un thenoethen aide o! the lue,. -1 mmm<k Tii ho Jualges unoierthé Art intitlea)à, An ActI lmnmes. ta provide for tine mure easy and expeGitinus g- ad ITmmaC n coVftl.'trLa milinarticu of Justice luncivil causea ujmatera TuE TRA&DE ISL-TsLegislature etitils the 'a'i)iisl l iisaatoee imuIJ 'es.i T 1I . N N U A L %l 1involving emal pêciniary value lu liai parla!f lais sesion IevieJ a ax of 2s..(id. par barrel on terday. and ire linve reca.ltoairetumrns clthema I bh-amKu tItim Province ieretofore eton Canas." Anterican Sait, and reducei tino tax on saIini ititCnulosonfrte llai--mm[ele,1 ' -tt. llpit a>.Esquire, Infenior Dîricts cf pnrtel by sata ta ls. per tcn. Thnis la mesiguei Tosthîips. !e~ 'thi-ea.~-* ~ and aisq oiS .ycut ,ItcnloS.b tateprumome thimpfanatiiont c! sait (rom tmmglttmd; Kinmgstoan. ThommasKirkpaîria-k & 1m1nm IThýIm l,-- , aI; 1 .,-. %VilimaDa PI erEsquie, dittloQueber, port. but tae affect ibis, tLe niercLents andi dealern mu e. tih-o et '---..r neuf and Seiueca>'. tn ril uitk pisbbighm bs Piîîburgh. Williuna Fergutson & J e]1 stcao-r" y-'r vIth-;, Auguste Norheti Mernu, Baquire, ditto, Ri. heatile ue bt terleataintita Las hitonte lic Stracimi. ci A c,,la-ctmm ti .,1 ie i mouaki, Kscourask.a and St. Thamma. Enîmestin a Ha.utry Lia-mImerbas& John A Lee chlariots E odlt sure mt<endoue. Great complainte have Leen made te us ribueson Her al & oi A.'* bonne, Leinster ati Berthier. Irespecticg tine short ve:gintaud 51mb stalle of Fednasmug.AnîbldMNi& - William ia ingMcCorJ, Esquire. ditte, Byalon-'moine ocftice Liverpool sait that bis kmen hougin: Aittito Dsnykeg. 'îîC1'r, Paia,îtîî1 inam moi TaeMuuntains. bele by car farmnera. Ocam pclsohi raid tint Le lilina;md. l)svid Raîblin &Amnos Scie-.Saot Te lie Registrara union an Ondinance cf tins Lad hardi>' a Larrel or bîg tilet Leid migini;;amne merhnm.n. AT TIIE STOR ii îtjîmîAîî labo Province of Lover Canada, initlied Au barre) tra48 Ibo deficmsîmt.And mucb cf the. The uaxnaimingTowvnships '.'ili gito i",iab 1 N G ST OY Ondinacnce ta preacnibe and reguiste the Regma. isait wa ni iifor use fotaaloi hicg but cattie, taa ùtiae'n w-e Ieieve.TîeTn-t,11 oao.'. ttingcOftiiles tc lands, tements and henedita- Lavicg tiec utu P in Iithy barrelm. crottler- Iubhaieet'mnied eut Rgtnéraillv. andmieite aassornîmntai Temi.as, ancd Crase, mentor -inmovetiblo estater, andoafchanges ciao cixed csilidint on its passage. Tine sAt izt dsItuit a i lrge majt l 'tir eCou. amflèredion the 11 ioimeiro- mcond imrme of he awindcfrtin ar- iinported loaie in the iolds cf vesselr, sud ih cillera oftiis~,tricîtaIibc Le rmnmers. ul if' p biLe i fl:irna ie -££ 1i ticulars ini relation i tihealmotation aidhypodis. is probable liai oun informants liai (alion on a the ton mntmeasaisve, aeveta on cughtareune n. -Lnee ia ortf,,, £.-3 te ±£11N),loir I cation sf neai esîates ani the iglits snd iitei lot miasmi aiitit aveepings; but te ciii dis at- fouimers, umdfale ur mi.:t.: li dtr,IM-J acquired horein.11The faoii-%ing la a lst or the Schiiocl Côm» thiri at taie, aud ama.timrd o une.il aE.isiTrabeEiren isrc"o a a.tention of thé radte.,especiali>' thé Montncal and .. hmnd ai forsien echom; ai amat,I Il Geor. T ram la n, Esquis rict ,fSuues. Quebe merci.naî, ta thlb uuijoin urier tlitmni nimmoens faim Erestowr. recevais haerequiedsal manmai Osonge lIe man RylandthEsquticle into marketmin a bemoun ent. Pner Ia iviii li htttmlairs Henry' Paul.- Esquire, dittol, Pou nsa L> u'bigtéatil noinn eahuer Týomas Dl>, r, eettnmly. bMench its frlthe le Charles N. Mantixanthor-, Esquiro, ditto Thwe Biais. Amonican sait is ail inspecîed ai if 14. Assehinim, ra-spectfuily reqoostemdIoî attelAý Rivets. nehingble l miido, the Liverpool and & Uhia. FneJerick Kellor, T 'IEM. IHector Simnon Huni, ltsquii-e. ditte.,Berjsier. sai iit lto a "anb& pl ..m~.,- al,. îinmncnn 5aet oi.iyYmrglte J. Ni .y...., iI m. 98,.1tmau depnbich, 5 lelaîont!YI D. Buchnan. Bsauiro, dito, Torroiotnse. the puncaîser cmtan idon baving a gondart. Sidal ev rnerPIW t.xea. Cartu a James lHolMes, E!quire, di'tesýT H Iyacuoine.relleand full tuig. - - Johna Miller. -.50 cite,', 'It, Melahior Alphoanse De Salaberny, Esquire, lRohent Aylesworth, Esq., Aisaen anal2 bls du uaao ditti', Ru-helen. Tati NiÂc.iRA Svsrvrsi t amaz i B ,î Jleco.WN T. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W Autn sundto t ob'. - W.rote a short notice o! tine (allure aof ib:s'50 qr. raclus lai-ce. le, smer 1). K. L-ighthali, Esquire, dtto, Beaniamcois. institution forc ur liai number, but sometcai il h is tated itmde Niagara Cleroîrek that the 50i do do ' ai E- Doving, Esquire, dite, Montrent. cas veloiidadcte. nth he -follwsn cl f .isbsWnaetdfr e dJd J. F.ial.,Esquire, <Lus', Sydeuitana.cOo' c mîe.Scetnnîenwc elec -lre a enaotifm . i l Daniel ùe Ilertol, Esquire, date, Two àUcun. Niaegara Chronmcleofo Dec. 23, bnas ranie ta haci. the Juigos and Clêrket of the District caut&t, 5 du ..vtt C 1- tainse. aiai<incen*,ansa siatement of îlie affalira of theti "FamilLe Jueigest flme -m nd (le'm eDie. Ci) Larrels CrsIciV. t- nft, Ricinard Diakiosan, Esquire, ditt, Mlaïquoi. Banki. signei Ly Joseph Ilamiltor, Presilleiti, rida, Four Ilundreil Pnna earh; and ea te t 50Pi)du îLi . eb'l a yildme William Ritehie, Emsqure. aitto, iheibroke. and G. MeMlicken, Camiernmd ti-iichinlsauasfolie- rive ClerisF, Oie Hunirci moidbot-cnly- il,0 midu lrdmmm.y do %Wilimm R<bino, Et4qure, eitt, Nicalet. los:- ni e leei ah. 1il ims. msasred cao. R.A.Fmnie, sqieaiitm Cmadero. Fmr tino Jndgea cffle Emarer,, Jintcwr', 15 taeraes Locdio-iio'-ml mlvd. Edwand IHemnry'Bute,,Esquire, ditaD an 5ES s.s .au.Midand. ,Notreastîn, Niagzrir, and Loidota Di. L.Qt. cieler. Foeigna DeLta. consistirg of Bli t), r;etat Thti-ocIlundreel and 'iruî'a.li,6e loctal, 10 1lai. Cîrra ric riy.v A. G. Coailarel, Esquirie, tIIa.,StTLiVîmes. bMrtgagog 1Juigments, PÉunaiasory ecrIanmd bta hin reapeccive Clci-ke, One I 27). Z>qi. <ci.. L' Lricar mia lion.Jean B'e. lTache, ditts', Kaciotmsa. Notes1 Lae. 870,000 di-si and TwertyUlaePooujiai cni. 10fCoaI I(Jlîmîlm il, A. G. Ruei, Esquire, dt'o, Rim.mcshi. Stock ansal & Rail Rond C.'r, and . For the Ji)'tgm'e(if thte Bathnurst; rriccè Id- 21,11rt-cea 0itmt ' Balances cf Acci. 13,MO0 ard, tictOniz:,, Weiiingtcu, Be-clî.-ardtl.'eaiýeri Ioqv. rck, mmw [îit Among o* 'ner difliculties bts-cen the Gavera. Distnitcm, l'ai lunired moi Fif>y I'rtureis aci.; 203barrots Lia erAl e 'iti<ilc uiettscf rea Bntai mid u. Uiie Site.513,ooo janai ta bieir respective Ciorlis, NIIIctPumiad d o 5aeu (! i 5ret dû ijle efrorts ùf the former for the smppresscu Di t.he slave tiade have given umbrage ta the le ter, in minat bus een termed -,the rigint,>f onerh" exermtise& tiy British cruirers on die coat of Afries, in cxamining vessels under tde American flag sagpecttd of beng engaged iotis slave trado. The UJntiStates papots aina pub] usbcd a long corrospondenc Sb"sastinae hetween Lard Pahuerston, the Esti eM Aberdeeî and Mr. Stevenmon,lie American Ambasmadt the Britishn (Omrt. It appears fron this cotre~ spondeace that wbat bus been ternsd the rigit of search ia meWtqhe right cfequiry a.êe whetingr a VOaMI undier tins Aunrîcau ilale providdwitbAWmries a pes-mn ether wor4, ýwhlho*Ie-b> American easel at all. ]C- ryuauls.useror pirate cau balistthe Au._ iant Lut it ià aCotso sasy tob"in A.'L. c.p sathongh titre did «Jet aI Havikdm a toïi,64to7 for fcrpg nt let. it U. - tir Dg mnI b iolo&li th prip iefa. qraIing rietImisthe fq b. usedfor ap aad a leornfot. lieassgumes hathe i s. in Conclusive prî i rcatiocaliWlre l »Omoies that inius lautite is ag pwo#u nu*ing. 1k in mot s«enpumgbpu» - Wi na)iIyp fer oefflyslaoevow Piset bpv. w'thk aul à" of eîtbuiisciepa ItaMo hiseriol P-ishesî.Grant Britai. àos clal. the igt to aeafth a vsew avug Asw caa paperer. noret lo stog beu if fourniteb engaged in the slave tInde Wler*lythe r4gb te b aid a .visue te exasifinb ler papota,. aud Osvebl, acertain ber natioselby, a"tidoteci làe *&b " res ovew ibjtjhp4sgi 04 àreikv et G e k<mcses n cm bw l Teast ce ui&wâtha etbmAmosifca lvehbme* bbat liUm isse ie isdesUfpen. toueetltheslave ftia"i esahan by the kg is &bussi b l icestious aNd abâ&Oa W Miter codatru.: tlda *by tlm uO*lEwh Eag. Ort à* aiis i ton obm#iblam' fanybiagmotn f arIlma heMo4 sthýe bédé4 mon dati7 i me te41 if LtAULiTIs.car."l0u se Vl:e V.e;:at, Circulation, M65000 TIes. Salaries are fresummod to te il, (nIl for 4-10 du Mo-Ueo-s. Deui,.5000 ail soi-vices, except travlling expensea. But 2 do P'e me i-cl Bil e- 88al%> aD n nany, en perinap s ini m atit ce r,, lIe .lote ll 3 r. e l0 i iî- .aU r l rr N. B. The Bills payable are aireai>' cuîered **itetCorpaeaé uge fteiw 1LA trjalv! by a de foeaumie part cf lie Assets undaet. tine Division court,,mati thé Salariés cf mine latter are 5 cases ýi. Julien Clae, Hread " Foreign bebte." huimile, Ly ihe Act toe-. "l ae s iore iban 2 Imdà. lilartl'm L'gnr. Queeseti, 2Iit Dmc, 1841. than tva handW ipMB&is6fleftisha oe u h-u & uaCatLianm i :ly 25 do Aliame Aie, iiafaigt, "Noe xertion,"itio si b>'thosn océms f itai pouadai'" tht ali>'fMa Clak dinig iliinà îedo de inlbille, the Baunk, -Mailîl a parei toa osithebmalmte, eemore thnnone bur n omm& ornalaes thont 1 cate Prni, aim gIses and tht>' pcige Ihoaeliesale vitl inlno da- tcenty pocnda."' B>' Sadiiuge IU iges Ico 2 do Shé libc imcl grsé auy proporty Ibm>' poumn rom b.ig il . lalaris togelier,îhey ciilaumato ironm £M 1 do Tmmaio Stu e, immithîlS Plito Psy ths dehia f e! isinaiutanc. te £1100per &ar%au sver>' ample alîcatc, cou. 5 - TOBALLO-16, If uhe altd0o(1Bk am ari in (ssiiit ssiin th e dtes to te peufarmed. 50 caSss ajiaudmtb, 16 ci.r iAt lbrcu le no km; butîlis comun- The repdiato of sate et meete ihi la-': l Ldas'WI, genry la ver>' dmkbful, sud thée taiesient give ceaing aver in tUitedsUu Nwitds ot»d- 5 ~*do -l-i)kd ne clle ta reai value. Without dorelfing on iag the Preaident, an bie amesageo teCongrumae, 1 - lý&cbt'y ER lias ~ ~ Ca (stia i I aicsaama>'privai. debt- »Memanasiii(aud. Tht Govenuor o! ià- 50 bouts Gro ai e., Mr fl bi i ichmrging thtir obligations, pantof sippi pnbâlcimowed thm a i.rp majorer ofM 20 0.0 do lepier' the«Dso nin a al&,,andl Aaericau aiuc&Wuam sthepeWe osWistSwewligo o* arîs,îà gi o do .pimente -aLg <omut discuat now. 19it e lhe stock-. pay.tloeiusî«Modobte. :The jec 29,ie lmai houeraOf the Bak are hLâle e (a i mdeiep. lurp*o111Obis" qneutint, aali t aieshal 25 lins Nubmog, m'iT myb. fun"W ai a WoCy(sole a aajoffiiy cf 6M00,Ta os allas noionre t 'tCsaa, 1ave~ ~ ~ M luCnis,(opi ag a> 1krmu) it 'il "adqaéminm Mishfge llinoisl, Arkatrandmm 6lipsbà iset P#"W- lie *OIut lecodieernucume ibtis source, ani aa. It remaimi toi Ilmoea ciethen hl" khe hsOn ircli, mals à avallaWe. for Camadhsa boliers of ibeir glgmntlic rysi - Sdviih mlape e 25o i Wondon StCssi trbie bh an to om beu sao n t he bssu <e ia. is < o a mouhle lm Sal eaiar e - ior 25a do - d o W .. * So5P Siapoxiw nt I à -olau h" he bbre e»4« f 5 doOrdinary bMcuiia iui i, fC itm i. W e t. T h o l vas a lem s>'. pnoved a ppicab l e t 1m a a rtico dl bu y p ... 10 de C* stals do = àin A e- B Saw m came. <5flp'w Io do Pas:. Bcksgm dot. e ci 0 N ewa'Yrk? ia c e. 16 do 1nty C mi de "1ri'ào 1.11w mw aeo*m tiqA ismptant tluelaanimode le ns thm ur p. Sinile Làqui du <-.nts 'I 55 sc ridtii Smise S . 1 5 lsamRiee/ clien thy »maeeipteW ri ie hoi po PMfr-Semour Béa&&na t mwa m 1kw iss.. 0Lp 11. al docA th*t n »a»k j ate sSII nndejié <1ger&dai. Thtfautmm 16 lde> D ia.. I0spr cred hg re lm ak a e m r tI , bl * ff m . of l v lulem edaw p aît o sa, # fe r 10 d o F nSi (é urrn mt haut e o their isEmsi' cf thiho 1buIt., ani '-r ""fUortaie Ss niosgsogi mc arorive iii.10d aetu. - xtram frt t.the uêlîoelmnt Mauin OR& iePsuo uus liblie5iioi byhe Lsmail 26 do (kap»wuadmrHF 1W& duapmaia tlig Ruh. nesCoo, of auM intd3Y (n- BoI«lii, ameb s. i>'W10dma Patent PaiN. -cs c , u . la e s i n s r w* u c i a l s . 4o4 .i , a a y u g k o Wn y d o B e i C e i , L'os t n . a i i d s lh a i~~a m b o y M . - w ill ias P gg tA siérait à d o M ai tism* A LL ou i lud a in ke to m é iya i u u» O erwu -~ ell a milea te 1 25 30 &dca. m i u l ot E T 1 »" le ls sus y ahl. Tb iinsdsétils.tls p lbe100 do do Ws Es 1 noms. S Proieoi nuant iaBeehisdm hale oelit'ceTmeoce Il T' 111im slre Atsuiothe Kagao doy. ZLI~~ te sga. t yiélvlsls a eit ansis 0*h eu#W t ai 1o a"Goktmzetq u mwitrny sl of: ~4h~Ilidysusbo viie. - um lien,4's -~ L- - -a -mIt-R -of- A 1 4 4 à a7 0 10 il 12 13 141I N17 18 19-210 21 ~24 2526 27 28 a àIo il h1 Î13114 13 Io 17 Im I W gi Z- 23 21 23 8 9 1011l I 27 28 330 31 ' 17181 *» il'212 2 24 2526 27 2903 S 10 Il 12 13 U- 1117 18l19*'212 'ý-S2 26627 2î 16 7 8)0 11 Il19 14 153115 17 jf 19 20 21 *j w I24 2: le 27 2a293au 3 îo ,j 1 _"- 1 à 11820 2122 w Sé$26 27u 39t ai e1.9 o4il1 14 13 16 17 18 89 l2C si.14 R 2 2 .7 4 à 6 7 8aI91M Il-11013 14 1.5 18 17 lis 19 20 2!2 23 U1 g5 2837 28 29 bO gtlf. 2 3 4 5 6 78 91lu Il il13 14 15 1a617 In 1j w0il272 23 24 25 ual 27 :M 12 31oeei 1 23 6 6 7 8 90t10 Il 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 W0 21 2-2 2. 24 25>26 27 08 2930 4 56 -o8 9110 il 12 13 il 13 31 0 1 18 19 20 21 m- 2:1 21 Z5 26 27 28 29) 'J 31 AN D DASAt'U ,mmm ir te a lerion of tiat itrcujat mimi in ; t ll ier laaving bi.smîetic rdesti. lisreimialàai a à laSa ot e liv itin i At 1111l of Brua, Wiih le lati t ' *reti 8M1-lse ppoaurs itruads tb l edat, Immvwiîci il ins ippoedlih for *ac.rc pari abrm'. .if ti ýau aa.(pfa'penly lientitomi) *aitifil âiaJases liahAdvenais, 1:§7. e1t AlmedeenNirai Brita iLe tii fm INPEGVANgIA'iT ND EL,& N8BIT 0F THC AMIOK. hSm wukim la l10iée emiaing 111 edmmpaa he fine osai 0. tiiipera, but olr'.il tolbteex .am, qu.On us Wh,cml a", ltbOuce rd n i s m m ta tubsa r.mmge in iitsubjearîs an ach ebVo 011, ,4iii imsoe:l*b!e va tu marc ertima Iitnpr..iettzta. WO brasa cew eLni b. nre-maer t1iijAlbion, vaîrl, Il ttcsitets su extouasvely. wsali bc eri-iel,'Illetadjaîlamai qoamîit>' cf e f.irpo.ai, togethér vth minesnaargem htme amicaic-siesikqnplace haret iaka tte Albion n4Otary dmmmjbI tife s rrrLmttorm. Analibais du aiî - t r â e i o fc l u b s m ip t i m î m . la e,,,atàfnbeltI 11. tuinter cf di e sthiew serie, as w maê île qmanbatmem intte oilmli 'afi:isîIllseniarge théesiai'ilt to el tare. ex«em.d or ota iisonEv in "go mrele ress e îLe doaiL cf lu àà'e , si d o u : s le c t i su @ o f o ! e a i a s amdrieresiliat, a sMali give recelai utfi-ipublic lectures, <maicmue - ienses, aidlimepoci-anra m usafmt , t i mm a o n u s i t . m i D a n , , f i e p i le sf n a m ay h, a ci r, cami t0enei> ui sute rins L il fth tùineuwic lie. Il:i mliv ta keeP aceili htue 5<5,mi ii <yo l rosi luitationst aa bii-f*size gsvry ofifmti IPiOrmlo eîvatqoke Peraittanua il'ceimeile tpY ma sli at nîi - (b f type, .mathîe a'crk eh listitsanaeR.Ueme %*'11lt dub'mt ou-o ui ~~ aie . lus lass en a:ait &Ch-"go iilb.isoehs -qamà-.Îd 1 le&

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