Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 8 Mar 1842, p. 2

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ba ne~nd lvan5 safuts . ,.(ê-I ahe, buhàsMtIer mie,.. viii e sck..ITise acceutnens= flen t!L m exi. bg Jeu s c iidyofa" l lUâtt oriseeli a*llnp oo nt." alia nthsente «leoor lbmoa ei ae~ ie 84al catM t. nthe- _-Znd WsI sJee"mp anothesr. ' clip bis earaxter. TleU.OtaIIy5»dIîu on 0f agni 1 -sadatab I I.d I Mercy! anvejltbey a* tetuing hm trel di eWsatepite scondtise Nlg..boeg perse?.. i oemcledrtfatII . nnno t*si Itsatib Hissabf rut i nsa ofpain rntg la.ber est- - ered ins. asdth ie Wilbesfi arc b hietarnnd . o v "bsathauigitIlte thse tante g d p thons in a bilideg -mid met bernsng tbi- """ thise T M a; gesthéTchadda. SM abad -C ais eh 1ris.cannaI lies, t--tisedey"laispractice mfelsedue anteernandoPo. Frosatbi h ;as tise iseel f Ludlow fir, andi lame, sriaeed-thebn tisi tsa-n, k il " igain, place tisa Soudan liiseteameut t ola tise Neqn led massstd, mausliot te a i iebi andthe tise asacraabave metienu tmove. 1Abert, santitender asistance in case e aeetint . -Vraterfeed. These bep soeil sel, but vioer i cd tho treg-bearted si-mste beseif vîis ns speech on er Wisias, adwot n t byfagae soc orth I 1iiiE ng id*and asrter Feler Mlie k* metfoi.w stort being lu groam dessait lafrmers detertîsi- maalu* raipidty $Sise gnaa";ed ber arm ta tise Tory dominatien. Speakiag et ber approscltiag -nei mt t isy atis tac, ut e ty lii trc tblire, bat eltlit neît, furor is are t cetop lWr desoulie nid. e Eislsopmcanle. rea bre wse ~ W atie1er,nand tisa piercing crien cf lier.chilti thifilei Ts rel atarrniig uncree O odem S aturdy; ne, lyaf up hus mmaey a gnssd t rougis lier brase antis a bitter agoay tient ucrack- 1te tise many cuaruisionus iicis rend hiecascander; sued des! of eblih ian lu guineas and ait.er, ila acasi- id ailostierpain. Sctensssaconîtssed. sieknev -mark tise aeetinga e hidi are bel-J foctise roes-Tib veu lie cnoucdnte ilnag sud soade fr L-cg- 1net how long, andti1, with cealule courage, !t itationoettrade; cee bec baniks failing-ae ber 182 hp.A ride f i%bccnisue.beouglt lit-'iI Iîte ]av sîlest asndl otieniesa ai e dead,baiffirng i bours startilig, san urderiîsg each otier-ecet éloLsis Strettota, ruiere lie drew up aette! the bellîis icicmne of 4hse bWady mardececi. ber raarincry growrisg rasty front disuse-ase the 'jack's beati fer an bou, te enjoy a pipa anti tan-j At lcng-ti thvc, ee waie-o' the poor ictant's bac fousdise rptyeeeliec ires bieva eut thse kard ln tise crasedi taproo- Larkung Joe, au.ris.-yen cnrisear ne seanti et the ansi-you can.alait tentat wasmoscf thse parly, andt crugis tise arin- 1a"lStop tiso ce pties sqluassg.Jc," sait ilee, - net catéh tise cracking ionet tistherhuilie er atu et hsnntiing of tise aiai W btween lins and -lu r1ly ;-ilie ucit instant liere vas n dul lc&-', tise iocr-nl la deet-alila detitution-al iî bril le, le bal tlie naturai eantempt fur fintthaIts'ysou' il n cfsnrnelling soft svss n gln5 ic want. Andvist a pallieaient ias alia sciacteti a barsl.working mas sue tatefez] tusarsman i.t alI aindItic cries ieriediatntiy ceasett. Tisesiat tucl n criis! I d octdseeite myseir, wvisoen tie dfmgtsee,nlir c,;odali Jce'n nengs anti jette 1thbc ni ber knc w tht lier liti ie ôjia dd-. 1Iscebler peope tbreng'tng te lier sscialstchp e Vi atetin.But larisett imsessif ra The rirtans sr-iut bayév ee'jnm te ceascis ciel wien doctrines répugnant ta ci.iized bu. pu, notnsintiftent. Tiseo quick.sitted fCllow ad tise htrrtr ac plunler, sirice the nsxb thing the naaflty ae incuicateti, i Cannt Wle lindnau and esuglt tise heaivy gcund ath e mouey.bei* intFc nuleecable isuma*.%remembèred th ie 1ratthing te overioek tise congregations of berchclartiste. 1 vu famines". great-coat as lietires i cf,; an siben eot mot:ey cri- 1er heati. They lied ictually cannrst but tiink cf lber torah anti da.ggec unee. ty %agoeo.euatiealy transfccreti tho treasulce tae hai rioethie bttosa cf tise masis-tu s astise plate juga; 1 cannt butrerdtssthnas ri.- aIt.ktfor grater îeeurity, loes.eye oai n sebril te dustde tisir let,,andt lu cer nic <l(es, hmu.) Wd lg uti or an lutamit u blgingcanvasa. tbielfuture Élan ! Aftercnting pet ta escis i el1as ueo bier populationnrpitily tiîminishag FU mm15(UO. I so.sestsry cane vn'w u ber abs price ofeleegbtisvihes anafte.sll, as.u -imu me tsar poape canvulnsdwiso.î » et senqs a us l in e ievit atWitise astIv tis-c- russîerisle atm, iq spkef ber ,çswsun- oyn f taratlo-vbati1Ime. li'rm e 4na rbhblu acrasne. Un ef.s cam thfais coucintbiie sgim44aiutse danigerreN va graglir tailv' y nivltar~ n eoe-aan,tise frinler nugsww 5santi M'h-etisaïielmi igJt b, able te receusizatises».Ail af fotan cppartaaity tte tir Mtr-v, Ias h pie- reve, both fblenideti, rode iat- arettby pmuastsquit tisai part oattisee Culn. 5csthe Udtt Sac esat-y g er istis 1 -d vyassaane ahiob îhU Ftybtivqtat bdi4 efie [bey very rpi6m e~ye-vh.nî1nmmM'lleds canm 1 lkiditMi sWWcau~onalut break juictise baumntai:E tiqusie ~$pbàe tI cokd'lsi ï*élkes»îg,'anid dn, whiahliebau- inousrbei y P* Judiasaiedfti r adt, anti ber iavla tm'on 'ierpmemd n is h.Imte tgas ba omeor. plunder on se ccun fî usit tpae~Utby internai tiumanro-wlseq 1 ea 'i b, vo ta mwlrid.A Itwurê bllitfa breugt ct a was kuosn te contaîn. Andtetisuaseisbrutal de I deeite esl e n lsa Wfavp6 ane NtI tiesienan, vhssiOk chu -ssliie niMr cuaat riblnsa ierscatiet, ditant dayviseà Icnianti app open ta ere-~ tt 'ka*»npeiutllad e L cimey-cocner, sase eSte sWest -Say. DMut tiressrgtisaiajeat indpenante 1 (Cheera.] uskiigovtrtfê'vet#cftie ayseti bs tie rde e sd patet in the vecy mCent of tieir té 34hb -vUlaJism e. usiat aout aca,.lntiemae.cims svngw te aork out ts dsineit l < M oiSeL ceof SàI BberI, tietion ms ii *à. baeff abut, th. Cries l llirwiteu he ent ofJanuary, very ssstdeuay. Bis founesie net Pol ÎF ;l ; fatgs mmiaua apr rtribution.gIC ritl ô e l eca NrWaus alibe suppo xnty aabtta eu evr dviooitvn i iove ai bye milulimsterling. reercraeou perseil er tbadeaty il bu nhu fewrs hn Itatry. and ti < cet o " thabe friner anti bis umes caite dem'Bisbop of Chicesteraise tue s uddterny. b-uaa.éiseat, ver. juIscis auly srtcs, an tise gleri. drving a large loch aofsiseep belote Fum theIsa ivipnl Turns if las. 2. - the aaut yeomass kzew boy e vlue ; lie fait a tbeas. But istiseU heruis a. greeted JO- TATE eF TUASSE. a respect fec bis helpanate, canon itilier on ail Morgan'@nceluira. He rade a rharitdistance a. MANCIInaSTEs-An improvoti feeling ban bien occasions. andi availei iaueif et ber teng gonosiestieatidn-as surpriseti ta sec tise yardi <te op-. apparent le tise emis market ibis week, andi s e< sestevisout a parttcle of jeaiausy, or the feout en. Tise silence, ton. vas notuosa; anti vien fair busiaess buau e don. in moat descriptions, te treati f bing ien-peeti. Tieremn rasenti- ho feundth ie duoncf bis bense ajar, anti ne lisgit t improvei rates. Yarn la la full eques for dit mset or rifinessent in il Se, but nct id Erg. vitisin. hon diensosnteti batiiy, anti ntered inii iis pechoal cf tise year, anti primes bave improvet iV liais fooing wsnet varting. -- v a misteir sns. apprebesmion. Noe a antisrelie cal its iegslandgo r-5 srty tisse cf rosi arrivei andthie couple standi led eut. "Becky ""Jeue!" but tley caine net.j prtionate te cotton, sa ibat the apinnar l isna- a bts sel Iece tiseir ciilti lsy, eft andivaria, Dreadfully alarmed oti ie aottolite insulder- 1Iltely ie a wvresapomtien sbefore an ysi aeMinarth. fermée. Il Gad h..uasan," andthi tie 1<ire, tiuscintrl ue stcks, astrd 5 '< tiOane i selasjuttea bckplce Ead.J istir a ligie kits an bis cisack, wve rtuer tar, a blaze;.'Tisa quiveriag light 1.11 stcegly oa bssdy, isovthe rsatiteitsicttsuatae- sasi, if rigitly looketi al far more affctiag, tisan viite bundie t lis teet, stueabed with-re-l.Ha du7 b.o iwer again. atidtsat tisera la neoaihance ho if tise expreaesiots et parental lave hati been amUih- lifte] it up--gocti Heaven! i la isibe biotdy corpse o f a permanent advsance for a long lime. Tise e' ela daintier phura"ss;-yet tisearne beart miat f a chiiti!Hisjet of barlrsbroulit egis e s are e e sc arincremsissg Ieir- ravili.ho 'wal feel ltile intereat la tise iomely afrection etf sepierds, anti ail atocti gaziaf indu.%cnte-1ad ftustishe East InduensVweliste increaneti. anti R a rougit yeoman ie bis onca fara-hisne, wiisnef- nation. siben, teatisir aflit. terrer, a utasistob saal have incesing importe, antio er lcbotter tos t oce benotith te graceful craowing adieus wih lay on the hlor leowly cane up, anti tise qoaity tisas fÀraeriy. .p ofide ol-haredMayof Scoilait! torma o a wnoman gcaduliy unoalleti itacîf lto a i LEEsans-Tle w ua more confitience ia l dJ Litflocmredth ie bluff fariner toc sus-h roiectior. kneeling poture, like one tieiig flirs the grave, j on Tueadny as Weail as on Salurdsj. tisat ihea Tise aiguha eanoreti ati lept sitissvic- iefacewvasdeiily pae, andt .epea eyes star- I alpresse i stataetebtradeaisdon otisee pint cOfimi. E au. esnjyment ofItst tisai kneesne lnterrp cd eivacaîtiy pinitle ta. At Iis fearful appar. pcovemea,and ts es tdteadsîuioli msat vies Snturday traiing rce.brigit anti clear, ilion tise men shrnnk iack in siiiaitieus indlt, flrse e neas ef tocks.,"W suce teaiiràpmne. oui tussbtot, <met into bis cetîles, dippati bis liessianti evea the atout fariner qusas 'a -Bemky "prs.Ts tifIaVist'rby siy Inosa buckt cf Vnter, asti contti out the abi.ep t lait lie uttereti, it s douisfl ton e. ie o.thougis the demant inlaftrc sort of tisï; niais of -iordes andd ierdien wt u ste te ndiactivity lat dot. IlBecky,"lb. mieli*gain. more conlitetly. ibnir shicbi nparts penty anti cenfari te the i -wonîti have artorsiisadth ie frmens t e ur degen. Sise strebmhed out bar arms, mud Margan ;-recet.o- msnbtbliglabs a bse ilie .naio dha. In lesmtissus an bouc haeanti al is ering lia self-posoniiots.caugisi ber up 1k a improveti s littie.W ,mena ere off arrosathse mssutans ta Bishepa- teaIser, anti vehemetîtly tieraaded ieh chilti. The BRADrabnD-wBince our lut report voecarnaetn ««sIlastineMorgan iltieti dta -drive homne roulgisembirace roaseti er freintise ttasceejute earnibat any matetiai alteration ia vent banp] visatiever .lnp e 'n <hi purcliai abat saime visial ahe bat fafleuifýihisttjeis eatr ines maiel. isoal r0nd1at rprri.Ts day, lho van net likely ta retuna before delîk. As piteousty vrîogîngber bsan-"I. obssy ideadI!' tieplacesi eier iecesantioraicsagTe-l tbey velerving tise tars, oeeof the abepisrds -andt iat vas ai @hoabo uitia er. tine tarequet. ir fes day a ct sconuais libecieti ho mv saa', face looinsg dowe onu C in t gisMr .»tieno us t s. coudaavvibs n siai.atise tisonsiliuoth ie bhl.tap but iluaniabedtentacquici. parcindes a ie exulhve . bedl n rlaa th e.l ly. land us> bunpkia careUt tee ittie *aalthe nARRIVAL 6P TE CLYDE STE4MEI. ure on&W tta ltausq9gen11110 ste"<ousniohairU - muin5te isiis l voaistneltic.I litbis~ Yatedayrarsîgar steamervttrepor, anti aipsa v ool ; the latter article hartag untier- fui. te~~~~ld eensmrg up tise bey, ma at about W sm aiea tvnc assnany ta le epr bayera While tise meui.flk wev iraaa.lgesst abs Britis mail teinip=W mCya rs~ tet rievsaitiets.fcueUttç sudJeue vreisuiiycigagti iselk 1011 ayletoasaiscoreti off * ai.utoe, ocisf-'t te nnt affiect, anti armeeg a lice 'e& t- lubehgacask et hanse made.S-it'ss akport en lber vay te Halifax. abis. 'tuntissebr meosurata. l eIn sre thtW temandtiaeutig lt agsta dlii isecepes ram tise break, latte voyage Iis aftmnosa or toImorrow morcling. ralier limrate, but labe prDies are fllly.'mai out thshotwortandi'net it ta cool in tiese ii1- Th.e Clyde in -cs»raaded - by Lieut. Wood- bainO, ac tuba. Bt al was donc befora tuirs ; tise coolesi raf;R..l ae 82tasiutsn ai eag iIÀX-eht aperabte eat ithuctabrsenbac aginimia tse olIrs ele- ta tise Brtis West Intia lieu cf toas».pakema. toc mnt articles li tiserada ce baaurtiay, antiP r"u eaaMontiay. the mats-tube ail meneetiHer preseet voayâgo consaencid ti th. isand af if prices dit net ativance, laie prics e e.mati nupand turneti amer un tise loor, andti erykiog Greaa atlie bas touchlet St. Thomas, vitisons diffiut .Ts iirlnig er.i -set tardaer, ta tuie blgissatisfaction bth ofmil5 Turks _Ilanda, Nassau, Savannahisanti Charleston. <cet demranti.y.Tefnrlsig r i h tre aed u«It Daci-e Morganu bail joît sang Frein theuarsntsts Courirer Lotassea, Jan. 11-3 per cent. Consola, 89 13; V léir iti«e ta te larg nt envminghluisa Bthtie Clytie mais ver. raceivoilfrotam Eng .Console for accoanit, 89 1-8; 3 par mnt Redue. ts Iut lrta ns ta iseveare r ceusc, ad kear- csf anti tiseneverai West Intia prs u h el. 8%1;;:Bi par cent Roduceti, 99%; I A n. lbeurbadbilez' aol.seuni fc thrien anti pte -brouglt nuEnlib apera. The Liveroot ~nu iloa, 12 9.16 # 1; Exciequer Bis, 2 <, 18 leu, sd ai, eho aie s - t Sr e wacentra tenscareTtaLhevecpenl let- 20 p-rn; Bank Stock, 66J 67j; Inda Steck, air yart anti approach bisebouse. Bs eta er r at2iftsaur.45 47.C: thedee imrnadately, ec oeaof bise aite Capt. Wotiriff inorma us tisat botreat Londen itepet tovad, ntitey cvily ake hea paparatate t tsJanuary, but recolecte ne FIÂsca-Tbe ativicea frttemParisanar te tic iva ibd orars a nbitof reati t il ske ent a elaeaesof any partîcuiar inceet. Mach aexiety Stis et Jaeuary. Loas îisey bal l et tieir uvsayaond tise uI.f appearedtat exit as ta lise <cecal exiting ce. Tise National efthie 7tli centaine an acln iations beiveen Great Britaimi ant Iiscoauntry. f a ilgis btseesn tseo regiteus of bisa garralenaI Suais claines. on ber ispitality bat fcasquently We are indebistat Capt. W. toc flte, ef Britihitif Parus. Tise combatants vace about 2000n ta ocauret inletisai ilti cuntry, andti aise iaano e st 1 bnd ia papers deve te tisenmitle cf Fais- number. anti ore ared s»ativti s abres, butd difiulby about gising the retesisment tbs e- e.ruarybut tîey are ubarrea n o s, eseaie ita blutigee. Betersi veca severl quiriti;'but fnot iking thtthicrenusa$h liaijst .McJobsseapasseisger le tise Clyde, inforeins ounded, but nono killei. Saieafour isuadrede dued et psboul t e drt;ed annby tisaeft ..tisainlacoonversation siti tise barba tor a i t tube attemptei a démonstrationi on tU i 11- etraigor. aso mlei Jese, ntibidelie mai7 s leunderstood tbat tise sixteen lmanier. raioneof thebo lbe do Lamionaiu. Tsey marcis.a soemrad ~anti cieese anti ale ;ae a sert cf opei or-, sho sera on board tise isig Cisoe, ver. ad tisce egistureats vithabclietsetf -Dese tasearonsa thc )!,r, virre, le fine steabiser, tbuse piiiinheconinementitatissg-lace, vmiting the de- wiiis Guizt," Il Deva sibli te Peers," «'Long tepherds ccmraoniy traittisir meail. ci. on oftie Britishs anti Anercan govaraimentn, ii-e Lanansonsua, but voc en tu isperseti hy Tihe marnent Jesse @et eues On the nmer, or as I,.ic ultimate disposai. tha municipal guard. La Pressa anys tisai tise a atier oncrieeetf iem, mise startut, anti ectdenetI. l'ho Clyde reraivedthtsamail IroinsEnsiaed, te reninesa vitbailutarisea between France ant i Mnd ant c ufrtive giiaca sai hecrsiniress, tIre inidri'1eofaIJanuacv, t Grenada, te vficis port Russia wvasaubaiding.I ?tibat tise latter guesset îrstat., y tnce of tise' it wsnbcc.'gli by theo steamer Dee.. M. de Boutiniaf bath arrivas! ai Paris front St.c n-tn nvs CWlueGalseit Se fi agena in- lise mcii run br. <cees Halifax, via, New Patecaburgiscireivstseetblirein nchnatiofi te pack tise veiole ao' ihens eair sithout yorlt, its about an fortnigisi Under tise propoe more frientily reaions betweeen the tse Goera. t c eeasno, furraering' lenmiat ade.'br ".-l Wny arranigement oft bits lin, va are, it la iaid, te mente. Gen. te Rernigay,wviusaoassnt ta e ,e where thi Wsero trot steirome, but, cii second bave a boat toucing ai tii port. ecri ay, once place Gen. Bugeadlentise govaromnet et Alge- tirougito, 15îe teterosiati ta wait until ,ýer bus- a forteigit. ris, vas sene te retaru, as the latter reluse ta t lant returnet, anti leave lim ta easiwith egeir W'cleamia bheif. S. govecaiment bave de- raige triose.lh. receiteti a tonnai order ta tisai Jette buathed about tasie ber coftusion, loc.a .'rded tisat there wiii b.e noe bjections tsi h. mailiaffect <larmthe Minister cf Wac. Tise public eut a bunge broya losI anti hait a choc&;£, and, ste ceers taking puseaagecs ra;m anti ta tisa tari, discussion on the reply te tise king's speechs va biding theo men folosi 1be, stirippei udais; ul:A:zuicdu porta as tbey carry ne geedu or nct ta cos»menîce befece tise 22di. acroes tise flimyard. il ercLluui;"c freigit. Faeu Spt,;.-Madcid papars ts tise lut iat Su a S ta ieen gai'- sminute le a a crean Lxvaaroex., Jan. 15. botee receiveti. Noting had beau decide sitam trsund dane Morgan's augar stili rnore sainesb We have ;cat been inftirmeti, by s gentleman tise quare etsemen tise Frencis Minisier anti tise me»viosaie imnagineeit bat heen rude ta frtam Manrisesttec, o! s serions accident sellis tise Spasni Cabinet. M. BSivantiy insiste an ber littie minsis a.ne, brirful of Wratb, aise accored iis mcrrnig ,n tise Leet, anti Manchen- presenting bis credantias taeaise Queen isateati r issrrieti ta tise tirer: tacRailway, anti vtici, ha supposes. vriii Wietoftte Ragent. Ilaisexpecte ie il v noi acc -ati Ils! tisera lu ne reaupisg tee hrei louteanmtserct disaear.X "im sl esuls of ny trns haeultimatum ts tise Governnads tet a inVrldtrrr.th lod uai stomstsa ienliasbtierta been cacsa.'IId eut te Parie, leaÙing s cisarge daaiar et altati- titientise basidthat eledilbu, haprashi4 Joui ....ýcIcl=- -d wuVas iagring eut of tieshsisaL Vistiber ibis nmurn aaggage traie iwa< ge-ar«jw5i< luttera front Constantinople of or-1& "qyt bilckfollvet oneeof tisesmen setisa blody elle. taseard LW.,it wuvas tsiedt blit i POse tbat tise lissa bas eflaitely expreusel'lis tit 4esds Ceaing flereelstanice ho *abl ii tb i ecrsd tenderve reammsvring thisece os tise USe tuiiiui nt t4_M tbf rmIm a - i a 7..n villé 1ahi.i megit.Tise blovu feme!ber li cf r&iWs.Belon eibhergnglui t> Id -on atheipar of tise « m u.frle e .tthesed.a"te cuestmIn( hi id , à f <ert Colisiti, b c p lacebyviic tseestabliasmnenti t laiaateouat Jeruas-à ~I= s.O pri ' gforysr wit u cnatis celuibtop engn«iettve . .. . a= wV hln. 'abrka amgisbrat roele b - nstise séjoining tsa ee ring is ici s- Oi5îMAITan.1. n tns' ho l waIclsisr ioe evnce- ~pîlen imneii' e ndaferii bthecurt, Wsa es il.atpi. r a ut xi aoS y %tuncc aclnr roadrn Mrgn'rlpsao -ine gcol1 ucee -i rosen ,laaio iuy s «uaaee "t2ts c AserSAS flu.l un a eaumevusupar-tso nzi intant ser wus cuse a feaful cntac viiitbo rael i tis Un89s.Focnise"peseamiscnusau e ai pnuise.lnlu e a tri ur iuf eri i ru sadois a 5te.CtsiiU5bots1a W.#eh.b.a te CqsiaisMrg= sfor Lai-I npom 10 tWe7ti Jasum57 5eiiim a.Tie oïgwd trmPortsmouth ou lb. lotis, buthie M lam huygfa h. bos eu e wsics btl *~qb ab paprsof tSi prierions&y C e- uMrre n mates Vtisaiesnpffct Pe- ne L7thse..ua d ndstisis ti at holie M teheci 1 Atialtia" sidturing tic visee nie, ns-tir befure experienceti sncb dreadfl atise t ait b«eivantihe Oiaissd 1441a of ebcuary. Among th. murriages lanisigis lite tise London arn mention anc that la Eiortly te tale place vprqen Adoiphus. tise rangniag tala of Nassau, id ise princes» Maria Sophia Leua, et Orange. te formerwuas bore la 1817, anthie latter in hie King of Pcutsia*a Irresse teta is <aon.V iPrince et Waleo, according te tise an dtsuil ie Itrati rccis t Berlin, siili hca splendid ccy- atte, lissed iiti ermsne, decorateil vîtistie av ot the Ortier et the Bhar k Engle, forraed of limnts and tiiler jewels of tise tirest sater. Saine et car reaters may cameinter tisaien i atisancernt et Lord Segrave (Colonel Ber- y) ta an Escîden, n mossi pungeet letter usas abliehet inl the Loden Heraiti, signet Junius. i cbsrgiag oe oetthe six asoblenuen tise ad- cou tb rtinormooa offenres against imoral- y:partiautarly tise focile abiductioandt suis- tuent saduction cf a yonng lady tram, Chriien. Ve pssrceive by due papera baIoeun asta Earl babartinge issn tucoverisd tbe Urisu- of tii Mer w isa hpeu-sofaItic 2ev, Hnsy Clesveland mis praqt tisaILth e cbleman. ixteadtiw»vant- If; anti h. hanaccordingly flot an infbrm. ën fer a libla gafst hlm. If the initier cisc giea ba s legal investigationi, tiare viii per. ap Wse mtariing tusclosure. ruesvy talla of sue'*-ara net nouai in tiso aigiris ootf London ; but iboy.Isati oai tiere &b th 3th of Janaary, sehicis lantuti six or se- ea leurs.Ont cf the matropoia th. anose lay 0 luches s!agp,and viser. tiare mare tdritth ie tiesebg of PrUiaiet u nixet for tise id OIfoiri.Ts usual notice ta the suis- scrters Of the Mustbatl been issueS, reqacat. gtbeu- puDeeud.*ttendeBee. TW Tnsosbaibroken igraunt on tise Creolu se-esrng lais.m for rastituien-tsa nt aadacioasly untesabla" lai. possible te les- gine,. 'The authar oetIlTom Ccingle's Log"ý-ascrib- i ta Captait! Banil Hall and ti ee-rs-necut o'W a Mr. Scot, visa ieti net long age. The fscatery van mate hy the sens et Mc. BIaI. rati, the publmaber n e aeatiso ettsir fatiser t id tley haire recently aimouneca t ia je ae Tise London papeta amcuatis t eail of imes Deacon Hume, Esq.. se long ceanectas lish tisa Board cf Tratie, anti -Aoseanehas been msade a famailiar word in tuis country by bis eitance upon thea suiljeci nI free trate, giver bere a commitae cf the House ef Comment. He vas 68 yeas ofe age. Lord Asislartati bat net saileti, but vas ex. pecteti te leas,.e nthe coursa ofthtie menti oi Jay. iT5T <St SZGr 5rEW, WESTtsrtesTE]AN t-. Erfarte Jaudon. for tise State et llinois, in Re Wr-ightî, Biddlupli ui Ce., sed Ex Parte Wite. alies in tise samie. 1Tises casee ver* baeraotiste Court ln Decaru. oerwviem an application vas rmade aseder the. lirai pétition for leave te prova foc a saes of £19076, cis stelivery aI Illinoi Sste banda artieami. nai value ef £10696. ati mmdcc Une second,,foi irçef te tise axtent of £3300, ud telivary oc tiser bâots for £215,0M0 This pcopecty cas»n ita tise panacaien ofthse bankruptamlonaiu net. ausgement for raisinig fantis fur cornpleaing ais Mlichsigani ema] anti carrying ont otier intera isprovemnts. A difficuity aroa sa to pro]of 0 Wb aatiserity cf thse petitieners te raproesab t JUtitedButes localatlscrillea, andtimse wva given Jestbohetenter o cfhue eee n amgI ppontsXsetory te tise assigrtees. nhs bav IZ iwdeby tise assistAnce of tise Ç~ni e- Statesi consul resideat le Lotien, tise mat te .le cameonefor isaariag, parsuant ta cotiçq etd tise Ceurt, mdmting tise vetlication, isu orsers tiu-acting tise admission cf tise preot. a irayet, seitis telive-y cf the Illinois acurities. Frm thetc enTimcaes »ary 17. Saluay i, Eeeuisg.-It is now stated tisai ais balance et stock wbee h vwas supposeth ieor 'cramant brer souit isning maco the marbe mas boon takea by tisa Bankl, but et course neth ing la leosen cf tise prica ait selinistiseliargai wan madté. Tisa joebus mu-omuaisdispicaseti i ise negetiation, as ib insatateti te bave becoca cludet vitseut tise intorvtaiion oft max acil of tisaibody, vWhe invariabiy aca as théIclmidtti non" batwcee tisa brokers. As business va, slad to-day. thare mas but trifling fluctuation ii prime, Bank Stock cloSodti i166J ta 167j otdia Stock, 246 ta 247; Exabequer-bilis, 1.5m te 17a. pren. ; Coaisels for meney, 89J te j lutte, aceouit, 84 te ; Thmca.par Cents, te lacet, 8Mi; Tbcee andt a isaît par Cents, rctuc sti 991; Naew Three anti a haIlier Ceets, 9%4 Long Annaitios, (expirieg Jan. 5,1860,) 121 ant indla Bonds, 12 te 10 pcemium. raULAsND. .DiSPUTE» LsEGAc-A curiens caee, cenneat ed seith tise seit of a wealtsy Cathoiictlady, mie su Wiseian, is likeiy te b. madie s subject et je diiah inquiry turing the tarin. la apps'acs tisi lhis lady, afttr iaavîng vai-ous samn ta Catboli risacities, direciedti ist, in case et tailurecl lstu an the part cf Sec son, a sans ot £10,0ttO whach ,e vas entitleti, siseait go tsi tise'"lA-cl bit-hop of Dablia," meaning Dr. Murray, th Catisolie Bisisep, viasa name vas meetioset ii atiser part cf the miii, te lie tisposet cf i tisauity as liaensigist tlisb proper. T1be son ha lied, andtihte îtoneY i laiinetiby the comsmis sioennes cf chiaritable bequnts, oni the part efth Protestant ArÊhbisbos, iniasmucis as tiselai doe net recegnuxe any etiec.-[DuiinMenit Register.] FRANCE. Tise attires, ainmasser te tisa King's ape s te"- ntise Cisamber of Depuaies on tise 14ti T'he ËAssspeaha cfrt s e eciaing tise tuila approbaion, visamce seaay inter tisai ilieca o t ~a it veryofilnaïe t a tie M earcis an it IL Miaiters-Tie talate an tic attiresé vi te c - i en theabo17th. »1. Me isliandy, ibe MiniUr te. 0i, vi " n id aecuy on bis tutus fîçp3 tisikiqi l ont. brillpnte cf etiqise th Ebs Eparteroasi baisg bous u4jaateti. STi sitesm amouents froin Madi-id are ai ai nigisi aube Ot s y. At titiseM. Sa irilE trople wiLh 4000 men., Intelligence bord been j We ha% eihall on<ita, received of the arrivai of five French sail of~ observ ation, bt , " Otra tihe lne SI Smyrna frem Toulon- This couve- aîîd the î2lartir ' ,Crt ment was attributed te thse state of relations the latter 111%e P:~ between the Porte & the kingdom ofGreece. WIt1I Ibm are cire,,, i e -Thse Austria Observer publîshes the foi- rebi i,. iowi.sg intelligence, dater Constantinopi.', sell, but l' ta thse 2 dDec. taniilv Hof 'Y'ie '*~ "M. de Bourquenev, the French Mlinister, fariner herr %% i. ir' r1: had lis firat audieice of thse Grand Vizier un tit i11 l';'. thse 219t, and on the saie day uisicd tire he !sý il lie ha%, .. other Miniater-. Tiie S-eraskier, NoT ~ he Ta il., eC ta 1saPasIla accompantied by Muchta 13.et, f<'i , ar t wuo scia joined with him in tire coinmand,I lie i.,it. i,,. sailed from Constatitinoipie tu Syria with tuxo lI inercan Turkiah team boats, thie Tairi-Baliri snd the trale wt, Peiki Scbevket.- These bonis teuk 1,500~ d Turkish tsoops on board for Syria. lii W h1t "Akif Effendi. Mitister of Fin:nte. iras Il> 1.lie un the l9tls mat. appointed ambassador to the a (rrai, t..v m Court ofAustria, and AliiEffeîtdi tethîe ssmne ie i,~' post in London. Ille r'ure thr 1 These changes, it was saiJ, -wouid be fiet st r followed by otliers." or on del 1's nsto Y A"private letter frein Vienna. dated tihe 3d irsrt <r lat ;,' lim i d i tl«er 'r t t ofJan'y, brougist tise followic.g ic.telllgerîce. e1 "On the l5th cf Dec. thse Pinertc rwarded 'lule Timtes fui! lrý, r a note IoItthe r epresentatiwes of the fise great cause the qiîeritu,,, ilr ! cr povers, apprizing tisem that if within 14 residents of Lîîr f..adtý daya the Greek Goaverniment did flot Coml of tise lower ports, r, '£.î. with al their juat demande, the Sul an usas more tbm th,.tr, ~ determined te bave satisfaction by force of Iiot 1 Wby baildil, a r m e.sie w h e n r t il sr ri e ?iî, ertou, Tise fatal period prescribed by the Div an pletlil hs so 1~ ci' tîcisi of ilerciiidrle,,, in siseir communicatinon inthe s~represeria. Chainr, il5pths i. t ;ives of thse five powers. expired. on thee lst nand for ari:,r'II 'l , o4'tlusumenth." . ~~'th"u bo,) Eh bluerie'dr, Tise Augshorg Gazette of thse Sh inyt;, -unilversal liawe. ia e D .~, rconfirme tijis intelligence, snd anticipates thse grain inlay lielie 1) ili conmmenceient of a sar betiv een Turkey & t 'hall be b'; eptit..hats- Greeceebefore theend of thse present mentir. wssuld le repattd «r îî, fi~s Paris leters. isowever, referring ta the de- iîp 9îg i i t',riir ' cisred resoive of tise great posters flot tri thait Whenilslacebs im permit any sutack tapon (ireece. as conveved thîe merchîrît ilijk's bui tel ain thse letter cf Prince Metterniclu te the Ot- But tbis extra p, e s, torrau Gavernment. stste tisat no apprelien- mx, 'asihe 1 s IV siens seere entertainred in thse diplomnatiecrti-- dlu uetfrai x r lies of Paris that any hestîlities would eensuet. dt elt lateits it,.- i ir trnuîianu 'ry , 'îîct FROMj TUE EAST. be pid kvtti. a asî 0 A serios disturbsr.ce tcok place at thse tax pu:(]lîy tlie llr,i ,[,Y.,...,.. -Italian theatre of Alexand rinason the- 23d Dec. Ciîia brii'es rt. during thse reprseseniaticn of Dille L.,'esa di >j, aad a îli' LammernSîtr, in conasqueoce cf a dispute expor, ilieC priei e ~~,* :,,, , Ifbetween Sonne Italiens, uwhece vociîferous- mîkelad l Igo .. i y applauding the primes ,w,(igo o- dii-ivb7ni,., lati,) and some' Englishmen. %%-lic '.îiàslo'd to protectiiir, t t.d th. , , a hear tise performance. l'lieItaliens uscre o [lii ii: it c<t ,i rseverely punished hy 'the Eîîglislînîieii's it, , dftC. .ti.V anmd fsrcedi te fly. Ladies Einîcîl, iadItle performance usas conchîîded %%iiltî ie flrst net, 'Wie '11tp. )f every une listing, left tise icatre. Vie Ma- genie (lrîî1! " e . M bometatîs %% ieo uere jresent vere trusalî sen - We'uctad ,:rs.. dslized, and exciainied. Il Tlose are tire Eu- a letver ilrai isi, ,,, 'arepeaos who have corne berce tu civilize the ttî. r"trYr, Thiis affair produced au n upieasant resitj y tu, on the mortiiig of tise 26h uit. Dc. Grssii. -: are îtp. ,.r, ,t acccenpanied by M. Ceruti, the Sardiîîîao prîîerr c s ,,, r consul general, ana M. Clere, Wures%-.,i i- ,ed k i- ingon the square, wlîen they Nverc met bv ota hîes r, n.': , ber a, . - )_ r mke-cemskd hy somne oher ÉEn- ved, aid i y ssîre ;c'r'tsr.. Pfglishmen. Mr. Brooke seidressing thse Don- ing r.?uSer $ ' înbt- 'tarin Itatian, aslued hlm" ifble bnd called him Street, t(lirItr a nus1,'er t.: 'rua 'w. s ani-btahie b' ard uile wahl.; ., i c% , II rua repiie, cd persnl- tu whjch thse Doctor 1he ruere î Pî, -trt i elrpleI t is tnse. bieau.te you disturhed y "fitl'er îewe y:'t V . ti of public order in the theatre." Mr. BroClke t i~. e ea then utruck thse loctor stitis bis fist in thse ig ic'I s Mf. s- ' sface. M. Grossi placed bis lband on hbis a iliit toi iii P, î ,,'i.r t bre, but M. Clere prevcnied hlm from ussing articisa ci i ,,t ê u lie ,t it. Mr. Brîtoke then stiatched thet swci rd elt:irds5ifliiry iit rt V fretinM. Clere, and broke k t rI 1iects. M.- g'to fsMr. bt, i..K,'v. SCeruti then declaced that lie co,:sidered tbis d-i a personal insult, ithen another Englishilman u in-. a s replied that ho vias ready taeîte him satis.Wbirti d.E faction on thse spot. The Itali ans then 'sxith- onthe case if rît' 1I rieo.f J: r drew, and it was feared that they mightiîn bered tit tis îc-;.e -r.'a te their anger use their daggers againat tise Orlean ite li f- tri, l tiii 0' Engliasmen. andlon thse voyage is Sýave is- s-r ' "t t b-____________ _ters, kilîrd one ufthrta--t , ' inThe Metreal Courier of thse 28tb ult. Maies-orne of tirent, besaies îeryi t an extract froin our article on agriculturai pro- Captaîn sard part il the 'a' 1 at! n-tection a fortiglit ago, and opposes it on tire remainîler lii take tihe ceitel w, b'- rt ground tirat as tise Canadian farmer pays nobl- thse Bahasmas, aiieretili"sme rwla il i>u' asing cf the taxes paiti by the Engliab farmer, hoe rn the mur!r c e uIr i' in la net entitled te the protection affisrsed to the couid L'e lail lrî ii Uititre nL:.-'1; i latter. if this means tht lie is net ent itled to the re'iîait 'ýroi tl lis -'n - l St as a right, we know nt that any one would walktrîg us;y i lire tiirt s- .' «' cotest the point ; focrbthe protectionisoglt c.~'b:r -astr.E as a faver wbich can bce granteri by England redressa <ram tu ire r' ih -hi l ; virthout injury ta her frmiers. Tht it cao hc reasoniug Coi wbch h uiî'd t.. S;titras granted isl proved isy the fact, that the centt ie fllmsest ciiitratrria of transopocting wheat [rom Canada ta England gter's mind lusut fiasEed by itse.on thse average, equal te a duty or 29. Gd. per hite t seerre bhat i i s 6 s- bushel ; and eurely tis in ample protection fer tliinb's rt tice-u tIy :o ttd r t u- thée English fermer. Inasmucli then as Cînasdi. or lac % uud scier Lie p r" ý atan bwenti stuflb icari be sdmitted ie oEnglaîîd at îîueîîî reariî'sîug ris Le i,!,iý " a Inamical duty 'without injury titihe Ei-gliish specirîîe,,, lie s'y,.ijii' e furmer, t ina esked tisraith;$ May lbe done. and ercbani;si,'l'pi 'Iri fi rr h- expected tînt lb wililie doet; for hc muet be a clared tuy theian s I ILl , bi a ý6churliali soul, wisba ising t is tris poer to con- acce. a poison, %a111:1tg 1m in ~couid liawfoiy exist ,ir;e;, r', infer a laver wibisout any detriment taeiitnself. re- lîrat an Etgili sb ip il 'h 33fuses te de sa. Sucl churlialines se do net boîîira or.îon Kugleli r",- s sn. expect te flnd in the Motiser Country. be drivent by r-i ci lAct ;t" ha And then, as te tise reaonsabknm ofetthis ce- tise crew, 1110Ille pt Oit '01 i r LW would it lie hlraijit i]r' quest, (for we waive tise question of rigkit,) ive cargo shouhd reesits chr.r-"1 ngcontend that it la reuanae ; treceuse, aithougis casi an'.and le thîr' iP.e s ',îlt ,: .tise Canadian farmer does net psy Eng!isis taxes. by the .itnecan autljii<is-is h lei lafar mare iseavily tsxed, in proportion te bia Mr. Webster'oisp.Ot lh, meahne, by climate and circusîîstances. Tisein- giving fa'se evîdence bv nloit ."l j et gin but essential article of lbor conta bisa twice trîsti. Let us conpete eaP~ in or sirice as much asait elostise Bnglhn fermser; ]ts fallacy consis eti rls" d -"wbile tise latter cela ab:sbas-m4sid " ea.ly ' Paiia act, that tise lit "91taS' ,as the wbaie year icun nR« esmont of bis property are enstewed rwîtboht, piongbring l intertiseCanadima farmief ca action. andthetsadeinand ii5bal 'M do fothing in Iotisefldifor fie menthe la tise tisaity isu i e useti te PreerstIhe yr pear, atinl pt to a vent amacnt cf extra labqr ,pe 11,1110sn etWrISaiih~ bt se pîni Metianti helter for bis cattie dsas- I4M = 6",t«s t ;, Bitsio sbiII in 1 tisanery anqtiaa. The taues paid by Itise Unitedi States! and sleCif ee Casausa far ira eis bmb .q<.bWaiy<is dear sorti 1tIsIsin'D as isS- holaboir ogl"er a dàb er.aits cIiii a pdatioa stearepte kt a-. ad'If ice forlis f tili . is addW isei .qerg y Enlnti sliteersutb e iii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1 1 piMenttseCss(îsbs oetdw nt etn aiprsi !< t1 w L:,thse alitesWho wnr 00 it tien Unite $t*@ ae Ws adente urmesIedr ~a.~gll5kouvereint. The 001ce .,their taris t a mc ,etjet» tlleU Sttea; but mise ci Vide y dwetOt, sud toiii I Ataul ,esstM4tise U 4saidike tis a astil taseciprocate twbisctisey aj g. Webster 'cilatter sanan *0N te these outisa utts a.rt f0< liberty ta tise spi ue ii t-tnoie at all as lts ~5~ià....~usm fofr tise slaves. If inoan Amnericasi am tIib~ erty te il et if tisey choute, Id D:~efflîiinkofiskin thse te veuttt in, knecisîg Iat pntsla il&If aise sd. Ansd eeî ,ae eflrceti intus a BritiFls on e iberty te go wisere tisey and ' - a t mir a te s se rvicîe , i bi@Cnln]ta pcsnî'ot tle, "11( lonmghiW t fur her pains. C sowi2or eloction Of mn Aldermar ormeisanfor Ward No, 1, twil a TuesY Of thia uati. rot Joseph Tiirklal and! M.John s 6av andi ulsepiiObave appiieti te Sit Cii ielbzytu sse R a faper cursur] tIselaii4 gUsti5 h batmO '* l<t ta li mde* cea adla! dstict theexpeuini' c f Ce ad tîere vo* dtisaona 'profit ai ,à~ismtlntduwîthil? Tise Car seleswuling to farnlmb tie ceoi W9 *eal tse1! am acceusdate the public- ecy tinsiatise Banks wili furiilif but tlsey will de no us tlîiog. beci iisuo profit ta Wuisad frtramas t. '17 h Mu tisat tise coin alcali1b liese ixîlbc, c t , parity sand quasity cf tise Britilsh-s MWn usi ne vîlI furnimis it on tiseou L,îslaturfe soulil bave pros'ided aasi CoPper Cois befocO they suppresmeti spuc r; tnul thseGoverfier (enera i sould i.,sd te application of the Corporar,.; pl., the publict wstt. I.Ioatutl5WàÂ,iED.-The Si. Clh(I ,W o'ates chat ltiOOatiditional labsîrer ,,i wt ors itise Welland Canal lPsu Ic,44. per dey. Buoard carstieolis Der week. Tac Young amen nanrced Babcock, frotte L, gh. were coînniited te <sol on Sat pssîsg couterfett silver. The toint 1Y sîscutes, haeing lisen cait in a leai nbsy serte takeri hy une or tw'u seopkeq thte lusfth ie evenirg. One cf tisa apureti aIrer a pretty goond clisse, b3 il, ssisted by uns0 or biso others ws-o J( dase- Tht stise couterfeiter w-as arn Ua police ait is damicil in the counry. We r astuonei n or lari, tht a mstinn e 4rwant ofcfonifidence in the adunistr bi. tv iitbcrawu frosma the Nova &$eu: lar Usy Tb'îd dot satisfy the frlensie -'"a i'.dtlscy de;ectuieslteuetl ' wV il-e1g le flow;n,ng eoolut, f14ei, pruxÀpies and pssicsy of tise lirs â0ititi, ast explained by tlie menthe 4aerriniet, are satisfaetory, andi if adhl slieIJ at rtth be approbation nd aui the l.gslature and people of Noa sec, & debsîs af tisce a dyi, this resolution lcY a s'ai.of 40 again t 8, giviag bise Go% aiorlaitycf 32. T1is.division ila aciel Th Asscmbly cf New Brunswick bava pi Iaaiting tise ducathon cf tise liuse te 'twillI daubtîcas become a iaw. Ar II sa efsre tiserata lîusît tise etecti., Itier w-s cnrantted in tise Exert tý1 h Uimbec ut te Wssconsin Terri eeti,; une nember bot another dead 5.ttt' uof tise Conici tnil.9.Qb belli naticiisg bisa rapîid impr, * tit.i'g pare a ons-cc tise tCountry. """Ubec Paper thrie 23J uit.that g riieiuta are gsijnug on tlîecn.Ancssu r . niaeetîsmenit fisc sdessîgr 1 ti ac;atsugis Ihey hsave e, 00, eSt, Qili sppl .6'si6I 5 505V il Pruta, that tQuellecwii<p Ot ',L~ tsr plaies in teire arch af ...... tls44ai. . - iasi u..i, sfa -1 atteqd 36 Y.-anc and 10 sca.. il aa t- dye 5neJasn ~"Il, d a T , t nîtg r- ur Ç-tieaptoc ent aimt, irnaendMatasy, te da alWbY C HUOAN CoaLdE L 9m thela '~j* " grp Pq"'ýo m um o

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