lit iiiy bît't- t i s-c t1 e- s- t.: b;r, tlattti r I l,4 t i l C r nlru e ciLL-tr.rit , 1, L, iti k -as-11 .i 1 . git, t-ief', m.t'r, ( -le ,. a P; es%% rt liý kiti - t-I mlau îr.r a a-, le prpier ni acît te teLt E te r e; t i i s-a-utýo 1 DY. :1en . L uc. ! ,a the -ýlaVe rt,,, id t (4 t~lt (ean il tire (m îî hal w Bcroitish i- te tic-t lictt bu ll.lifii lit. araîle ret ueo utr hie psut for elý ty i- te isP, hilt tel )ni ils fiesus u1c %%8î fth e trt it "c ci bex tI ,r, z,-rl t i>t pot. I ci thie-tt ti jlrit andttiO.tîc- lt' tra -cter itgei u tClui u s tIll(el V t tty tu y Dotld 1 a--t l cop le path tartîrit jaodt suipp nî deanm lu ius i t t0 s usite ptth -et . r .s t su-nlier : u il juelai sud rsa. 1 mrr usr vrcer ta a r h 8'-" 000l u o- là aulur cient r', wsupu ruti te l ini iil, Ct , ppm55ta Ibtse golu ,t dumang adjr Is il sidta preveil tue5 mwm i buita it, tc Bmore s1hata ru bau Ii tre 0.3 iO a niei Ia ie jea tisig are bo auI nut'diau! berà niom c gad tbe mlii il sronveent tem d em. hies s u la]aciu~ hnsonle oie .e W. la slumUa g tAnrcOtslcnrt a ii rop ut ts. savres wbo m- Cone- po oit United 5<15t- C SOe forîs ueemteut ieITr ,degssdljei'rt t5nitaBarnedr lotbut thse eet 0 » Untd5 ir, ~wiîî se bue m eventsi, tise United S nu dents1 ike this unlil tiey ou e ip rmte t, bici tisuy appean ta do ai Priet. 10o i r Webster'î leter as auolber Ox beýortb te îLe Souh, anther 09"0ie spîil t liberty ta the spirit et ir 1have ver! littîle eigibt wtt oGreranct-none at ail as la the uit iipnaiom for lhi lavez. If Bit. i tcrdd 010 an Ainenicait pot, simii rty tedesent if they choouse, snd eyrtiink a asking lhe Uni- Wi iýesteeltts rtLpo, l. ler. tlugotIueis!lse,1 lýàn u sbeir id A ndesert i l, if i rlaaJ 1teplevenltiith,blîu wil Wm-4otej aIt for her paius. eleclion Of an Alderman and cr Muifon Ward No. 19 ailI taIse a lu TuesdY Of ths et.Te eismLal and Îlmse Mbave aphîedtirelSm aulMs. lisiae dscied vstaSr ihle&n- à as' ui ta bu ma&LSt codition, ,W lisaifuldbo thetric ncit value et ïWts dedcting tise e xpeuisee Of coiog W"t oedthu ieua oeprofit on the ta os ihil!? The Crpero- me iiliugte tsrr hue rein tritieul U,y îte aicrtudatu tie publie. Ii. yeu tht1' the IBanks wtîlI tunîisb the ,ite!sll do se sucit tîiingbecausu à prefit te le lied froteit-'it r ile ciii alail liu ive uIxts outhîe lintiy aid qualty ut the Britishs opper . De will ftil ~it onu hese terme. Wb,,jtneiitemuild liane protided a supply r cti etre they Slppresred spurieus ~cl the (overtor (icnral sItoulsI have ,e týj piiiraiti ofîthîe Corporation le e ým Wr.cOO-Tlie Si. Calhariaus j-s. la- u 1h00 ntional lalimrers are - ll sath e W~ellanid C.aal'eider, jil 4;. per day- Bo ard cati Le liat for et' tee k, !satuîog men naijel Iibroci:, tram Lougit. Ilcontaii lu gaol an Satnnîlny t.ntaterfe t ilr.Thte coins are htmitrLtl. liaittbeti cat in a leasI die. weri tkenivonue or 1w-i shopkeepers sle ,Iii « titI u.itg. Onu of lte men cil ^.m er n pretîr gond chiase, Ly bM. aà,,t-ed h -eor liio othersa-ha juinet! he Tht attrou:trfeiicr tva. arrertet! tpe r t lush i il in île country. t, inee oiîr Lie, tilat iuiont futra -i' i t-eiii te administration - rîtijcminte -ira Se in AF. Ta- ; -c s31sy Ciitu-ied> cf te t tic eiiiiiîd totîl te IW.rîgrusoluticîî t C ,ê ali-dset ptîiuv îttthe present e--' te dby 1tle inemburs ot re'r-a-t.ty and if adhered iplar- pobaron and! support eli;. >- rettprt pleouf Nova Seuial iâaA e tlec rdave, tiîs reslutien pas. lim.-ue 40 a.nitt8e, gîving te Govcrîî. 11mlor 2. 'l'hsdit-totn s artiter. oi Nevw Brunswvvick have passed do. te uation ut tte lIeuse te tor ha ut1s - anie eone a lawt. Anth. 4tiare ihenit oI lt.ltee ieclt u -t.cwiiii ittroith Ie Execulive .- r treiii" i iconsin 'ferritory St B iaiber saiot anotlrer duat! dur. nýý, he o iici!. -t the apîd improve. ur c- l item tht'1 I trmy. 'V, e t- irý;j.per -t rtc Mi ut, thiaIgreat -1 teg- tl:ere.-Ainoig lte 1 1,t a de-n-n Itor - .- i yhî.urielis, andI -ti ýsil the t te ifii oîse kp u.g. 'I. l, bldt J«g .- t111--., hi., Hipfî.1, . N Pct-T~JpA 'INt icilme. ires. -20n' l -aIt-cail iiitlie ensg.d3 Lto ie tIi atm ter-a ,ita,îLdoi sav,'s T à t., iltiansDr.pLyms l( 10 BUILDLjj. W'11i l receuvesi by rue tram sncb tuai le Inhug la ontract fer fIR ESF'ONE BUILDINGS 11,anid Store Struets, accord. Piulctionr tbic nia>' bueenmi 11ENRI' SMTH, h. TIi LF. ireii u$ elln itut n&o hd ligna nii $"on Yccted byiaisu Wesk>ns, r ýl e firetfMay. P.rtcuiac5, Eaqti'refat lir>., 0sJ o 1 I N y 1101R S îr r. 1 INEY il lasa uiler,, Cnut '"e, ~ nive' Tes & Ta. &aPins,ltazicai !rSi tii5t 1 65v aret>' et Comb, ha Igig Trvelling basi, * CARTER & DENTLE, CYnsaùae. fernta ,4e Ageuu, No. 4, Hardy'. Bilding'., FRONT STREET, KtN05TOX, Third da« abs,.Ca5aauia sa.' is ta.. aî.rra«.for G;edZ y,,rniture êc, TlIE stibarber egi leave te annoonýe te J. ls friendâ and lte public, ltat he lbas oh-. tained a license a Deputy Snrveyor, and hopes by psy ing strict attention te i businesu, te mer- it a share of patronage. AYLESWORTH B PERRY. Kingrton, March 6th, 1842. '.S N.II. The jrubscrber's place ot reaidence cau be known by inquiring at Mr. James M. Rer. son'e, Store Strect. NO ý IUE. THE Annual Meeting of the Kingston Ma- Trinle Railivay Company, for the ptirpore of Electing Directoire for the ensuiog year, accord- fice oftte tbe Act of Incorporation, will be huld ini the ofeutleCompa'.y, ou MONDAY îLe fourtli day of April, at 12 u'clo<k noon. By order, S. D. FOWLER, Office of the Kingston MaIrine Railway, 2nd Marcb, 18. COMMIONALTY 0F KINGSTON. An» Acî te aeinîtthe Art rdalingg te. ficntiug o oitners or kt"p so j"Lur Stabes. [Paaaed 7h Fui., 1840.] B E IT ENACTED, by the Mayor, Ader- Mton in Couinio Council assemblsd. 1. That for every Coach, Hack. Cadrioleeî, Minibus, Omnibus, Bleigb or otiier Carniage, wilhin tbe nid Town. lcensed for br., tisane sball be paid thse rates and taes, following. via: For carryiugon papssnger tise distance a. d. of four bok and under, 0 7j De. do. two passengera do. do. 1 O For one passenger more than 4 blocksa, and les ian 8 blocks, 1 O Doe. do. two passeugers do. 1 6 For one paseungur more thas eigbt blocks,,and trîthinte lirit, of thse Town, 1 3 Do. do. two passengurs do. do. 2 0 For evary 15 minutcs detained tison net drtviig, O 6 il. 'ihat il litaîl nt le law(ul for tLe owner or driver ut any coach or ther vebîcle as afone- raid, Ibeli for hie, lu refug. (un auj prcîext whatever,) le go witIs auj Penue or persons de. @irutns of liing is veliiele in any direction or te any dstance within thie limita of the tata of Kingtron, when uî.eniployud, ai the ustablihed tare,. 111. That lie agreement or engagement whatever, at aîty tuîne, or any occasion rnade witis the driver o any coach, or other vehicle as aforesaid for the paytsîeît etftmure tItan is egtab- lished tare, shahL e bindîng on the perron or personaînaking the samne, but an! suris perron rr perrons may flo notwithstandirg suy ruch agree- ment refuse on dscharging ucli vehicle, the payment ot auy suai beyund te establired fare. IV. Tisat it shail net bu lawful for the. dri. ver of an! coach or vehtcle as aforesaid, te leave the raune unatenjed or ie herse or herses un- fa,îenud, in any part cf tbe towin, ihether bu shall bu bired or flt; sud if se lefti k eaîl bu lawtul for auy constable of Police or other peace officer, te drive away sucb veicle te sente place if safty, and the driver or owner tisereot saah bu subject te a fine for lhe raid offunce. V. 'rhat it shailfiel be lawful ton lhe owner or driver ot aîîy licansedl coach or chier vebicle, te let eut for bine ou thse Sabbath day, ae heonie.. mare or gelding, or any Lack, coach, minimei, oniîbus, rleigh, cutter,*or thor vebicie, exospt for works of necessity or clîarily, or for the pur. pose eofgoing te or front a p lace cf public -dor- rlîip, under lhe penalty of forfeiling bis license on conîviction before thie Mayor, or sny Alder- man et the totnof tKingrton. VI. Tiat itliballe îl uty ofthtie Iligb Baîliff la inspeet licensed coacLes or otber vehi- cies, and the bores ; sncb inspection te taIse place four timer aI least in each year, sud aise as often as lte Mayor or auy Alderman niay direct The report cf lte sanie, as le lie state sud con- dition lo be madein writiflg te the Common Coun- cil; andI il shal bu lattul for lie Council te sus- pend lte icense, there tLe coaches andI otherve. bichess rIal found narafe, insufficient, or dirty, or the rses unfil, or unsound VII. Tlîat every licenred coacis or cîhur vu- hici,, shall have a distinct msrk and number thereon on seinie cofispicuous place, te bu regula. ted by the Cenimor. Council ; sudari alunasehave a table ot the rater andI fares establisiud by lhisi act, plainly sud legibly printed, aud couspicueons. y fastened en the iniide af tise vehicie, se. liaI te saine cao Le rend Ly tise pasengers ; snd every oîvner who salli negiect or refuse le cen- PI! wt tis uch egulati ais shaJl bu subjeut le the foret urne fis lîcense, or pay sucb fine au shal onu convictioîn, Le inposed. Viii. That an! persan effendin,' against an! of then provisions u ttIis act saat, on conviction Lefîre the Mayor or ait! Aldermnan, bu ined in such son, itot to excend Fîve Pound., as thse sail MaIyor or Alder ma iesldeent prope:, sud lit default of lîsymeul ot the said fine, titis cetsZ, alter execu ontîî îsued, shall bu imprsoed inîtbu Gîîîl oft he'%lidhnd District for a puniod net le exceed tlitty days. J ONEM o.r r-ý00f BUSHELS of OATS for sale J yCARTER & BENTLEY. No. 4 Hardy's Buildings, Front St. Kingaston, Mach 1. 1842. B UCKWHEAT snd RYEMEAL, of 3superior qualiy for &*le hy CARTER & BENTLEY. No. 4 Hardy's Buildings, FronSt Kingston, March 1, 1842. u t JUST PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE, pnice l..3d, s few ,emarks on WHIST. à ler am ael.s5en,, And thekrof tr h.esu. RtAý%ISAýY. ARMOTJR &,Ce. Kingston, Mardi 5, 1842. S UPRIORLap Oul, Sperin. Olive & pals SSes], fer sale, hy tbe gallon sud Barrel, AUGUSTUS THIBODO. Stoe.Street. Kiegston Msm'c, L 1842 T EDERS yUil bu received hy thizse r e " t bs oicuntl Monday thse Mi day; fvàwVnext, frein sncb persons ase arm wifl iiog tepurcisasethe Building formenly occepied asa liesse at Adolphwsowu, logetber witn lise land on wbich it s sitnae. The. tenders tlestai. lise terme of payaient rpo.. By order ofthle District Council ot xàuaDd District. FIAS, L id., gingeU% ,Fe. ~2S1th, 1842 uj'vow W.AW. wo lanlmOahareof £.2 Io@eacil. Aplictions forSh" arelicuuaDy, or itiy let. ter poutpaid teîabesmade to CARTER & RENTLESY, Ne. 4 HRdIY* s hi l ?Mst um i of K. TÙL ia,~Ù< ~ -U~.~,Mi~1b t~2 PETEk KILDUFE. Kingston, FuI. 14, 1842. 3-d NOTIME T H EO L IT E i T E M . W'IILL pi>'enlihe Bsay of Quine & River t YLarrence, tise fto1eui seotefr tis papas. eft twlng Rate sud yselis. Iua- tiser latlcnlans . Apply te Kingstoi, Fub is. tîolGEORGE îV . DRIED APE for Sse No. 4. Hardy's Builings, Front st Kingston, Stia Fcb. 1842. j TO LEASE. A O nCburb Street, andi two un Water Alan, tise bouse recenlly occupied b5r Mr. 811. dey aWt known asulise Commercial Hatli, on Waer Street ýAise, The. Wbarand 8oebocasjrssrcti Commuercial fHotel.,z: Apply te J. & G. IVES. à Kingston, rFo&isa2,82 TO LET. Tpin F wa w7 miWARE. 4 THUOUDOMalaed. &W ater Lotat the fott rPoint Suhot e peemus of the Jus1. MMo Marine. Rslway Company. 41is e t Jus f«te I c 21roe, kWU.U>~te Fron tSt»th eseG'rus et terme andmdhett arlulrbe 75 lnOr». ofth be ngtm nilsrin. FOR SALEBY 'W. simpsS.I Kusng Set*,rlugson, Neru1. DRY.- GOOD8 ESTABLISIMBNT FOR M.LF,.1 AND CMOIV STOUE TO RENTJ, 5h5T U TA N Nfl ITE CITY. T1 IIE undersii-J dbe- ste state tto e .L îaî saeu Id r. ii tù) e<ctablislu tl!m.4msele un tise niesmauuuie Lusit'esse ii 1li .' thatt te d-iate sdate o s hi. le-atie iai t-t er.'- mit Itnîi ltu re'uihii urs-r lt n i 1 - (-oods hu$ljîcta, unt prezieut; tuid i .rvilce - lutur- Poses aelur'g ouf lits stock ut oncie, ît' au op1- portonicv ufurs, ott fat-ou rable ternis; and"~ the stock lias îrciv urtlyenimntmed at Cl dinect, asoi:!l in perfe-î orie-r,' ar opportnitiy is nOW mfiered lu any pu-rgota visiî.g te -es.- tablihi îmself la a gutod and] vefe business, nareiy te Lie fuunni, and] tue statt il as gaod at 1ast as .aîîy inithe City', nenntimes, tue stock titi Ire selhiuîg off'at coat primes, lu lors to -suit parchînsers; and s hiouli] neotpportoni- 131 mffcc, ina the course of'a foi'.' mntîsthte 'vîtnle stock i Il Le closci] bvAucti*m, f iili duo not;ce cr1llie gi-t cm. Tlîc"relut of the premises umtil rcxl Octolier, li mod- IMPORTANT PIUBLIC NOTICE. rlUE valushie snd extensive Stock of qf as a g"re lion in prir..The wtholu mouit bu dispoeuilof, and tiese aop cled by the latter ensd of A prit astheprrmisee % Mibc re-opeaed bv thie cew Frimni May. The Stock consiats tii a lentitul vaniety suit&- ble for any seaioré otf the year. An orp- pertuuity of iuying tint mey le sivin- lage net offers itseif te these who wish te previde thernelves wtiîl goods in the a- bove lhue. An esrly attendauce is reVota- oien]d, as tise primes are such as toeun- sure a speedy dispesl of the stock. MardiS,182 Cheap Groerry Store. THE suitacra ber begs leave mnt respeutfully cure thanks fuor tise lîberal sisare of pat:ronage Lestosi-es on hum dunim'g the lait le" jeans iu tItis m u in1e is noîvadv.isudlj lCIsig hpbi Dr od eparhnient, and tilI f.n tbu future durcIe h-s turue 10 lie GROCERY 4r PROVISION Business exclusively, Wboleaaleandi Retail. Froni arrangements recently effhcted, W basu boti Foreign and Brilta], marksets opun te Sun, froém tiiencu, direct, bu tilI receivu, unadtle. ratud, sud in orignal packages, aIl articles ceis- nected witi tiseThusinn. Hie Brandy, Gin sad Spinits wmîl conte tronitise London docks; hie WVines, selacted tor bîmself, tuli bucetfcimoice Vintages, sud uotising wili bu oflured bul snch as manuelt ail in glving satisfaction. A large and general assonmment wilI slwa bu kepi ou iansI, and unreailting attentionivrb given te tbe business, sud te sncb u as nia iver bu mwiîb a onlinanc cf thuir support 11.1w a liai et articles on bsand is given, cf genuine- qttalîty, atairS ail] be saIsIet extrentel>' lot prumes for cash. 50 boxes Young Hyson Tea, 30 cheu Twaukay -do 30 hida. Muacovado Sogar, 10 Il Crusised Suger, 20 barrels do do, 10 ibdo. single refined Sugan, 10 Il double nefinud do, 30 kaga Plug Tobacco, 16'o, 20 e i do 1la$. 10 e- de 24'@ 20 boxes Cavendiish 18's & S4V&, 5 bhda. Molasses, 5 do Bordeaux Vinegar, 1 te 2J, 10 baga siîted Pupper, 20 boxes Pipes, ,5 Il Fîlient, 20 boxes (Imeund Coffee, 20 Ground Ginger, 20 e-Peppen, 10 e-Alîspice, 20 j ars Maccaioy Snuff 10 baga Reasted Cuffue, 20 Il Lagnîra do, 10 Lagî St. Dominge do, 30 Legs Raisins, 100 boxes Menireal Caudies. 50 do Wax wiclc London Candles, 100 do Liverpool Soap, 15 ibds IlOttard Dupnys" Cognac Brandy. 15 du Bordeaux de 10 banrels uIHulberta" London broten Stouti 10 de Leitb ale, Gennine, 10 bisda siaperior Table Cod fiai. 15 hanrels :nainten, th-s sas', a e, 5 Caroteels Zante Curranîs, 5 cases IIWicks" best Mustard, 50 jars "Durham." Mustard, 20 boxes Fig BIne, 5 do Vermacilli, 5 do Macaroni, 10 masks Blamking, 2 blasis Steperior OU Part Wie, 5 qr. cask, eennj Siqsar;oSherry, 2 Llsds mBlbtnmLssu Madeira' - 100 qr. cmasuIl Marseills" Wine. Pott axs- deira, 20 Puncbeon, I Boston"l Spirits, 5 do old Ration Ruru, 20 pucisen, E. I. Ruru, 2boes 'lLeschers" Londen Siarcis. 50 cases Scisiedani Gin. 10 bage Corks, 2 cases Leruon Peul, 2 Citron, 2 ut ougblen'a Bittens, 2 Pepper Sauce, 2 e-Brmuda Armero t, 2 îuKetchup, 2 Il Pearl Sage, 20 craIes Crocken>' assrted, 20 packagesGlasaaru, Witi a vaieîy oe t 0er article. s fnsot.d tits a Groceny insinua,. The reruaunîng part efthe Suiscribers Stock will Le raid at CosI Pnicea. Suri as deaire bargains in ciliser branci siould cousait tiseir own inturest ij examioing anId ontparing tise extensive Stock et Gooda ncow rtered it he pre- mises, befone purcbasiug. R. M. ROSE. Kingston, 2Oth Nov. 1841. WAN"E 1 IUIEDIA TELEY ASTOUT ACTIVE BOY, ahout 15cr Ux 6ye c f ege, as au spprentice te île J31acksrnîîh business. Enquir'e cf thte Suhacriher at the Shop fort,îenly emcupied hy Mr. Asa Rougît in Barri' Street. Oil Pasto Blacking in Tin Boxes, 3& incLus diameter by 1 luinchdeep, pin OiteBlackiug in Tin Boxes:, a loches dismeter iy 7-8tba deep, pur Oil Puste Biamking in penny cakeg, in Boxes montaining 14 groes usci, at 7s.per grcs-------------------..o le a Water Proof Pasto, per go,....2 O O Li Ud Blacking--qnsrts, pur dam.. ... O 9 0 M do. pinta, do. 06 6 Do. do. j pinte, dia, o 4 0 Sponge Blacking or Luatier Vamniash in ô z. squarsie otlus per dozeuu.... 0 9 Spongu Blacking, pur gallon ........0 12 6 Ivery Black. pucari w . ....... 1o0o Blne andI Black Writing Iuks equ&Uhl>' ci. 9:r Ail theu aiove articles warnantad equal le su>' l thse wuId. 1- i - Merciants puncbasing te tise &amat of £2 dêuapwr"will'lie ntiled te a discount cf. 10 fer cet-i the amunlof £12 PW0te a ds., tmoast5, por iCemis-W 3 menthes credit 'm 4IvigopsuI.udorse Noie.ý lent,., pqtuuy atheuded t. P. E. LAM&, Nem rat, 2brosto SPRING CIRCUITS, 18& $o9ma Cwcam-njsHonor tisa Ciief IJustie. Ester, District, Cornw~alJ, Monday May 16. Otita " L'Original, Tuedy ay s'24 Bathurnst, aPerth,. Tuesdae Ma>' Si.- hiilmd Cb=cat-Hi bon. Mn. Justice Hagermas& Victoria DWetIelevllesMNSda>' May Z2 Prince Edarurd" Pliottm, Maay> 9. Midiand - Kiusta, ens>' May 16. Zeisustoun m's iru v W..Tisent.>'Maj il. Hm. Ccut-Hla Heu. Mr. Justice MacaulaY.ý N--catie District, Cébou amogmdy ApiP52& Collions. - = =t.L~hirdsyNy& Megeru C-ncssiBuHomaiMn. justice, Joncé. Niagar District, Niagars, Tuesdsy May & S Unre « Hamiton, Tesda>' ail.XI- Tacet « Smmcue, Weauasedy Jeur. bock - Woodstoek, ouds>'Jue6., Fuster u aui-His Hom MNyJustIc meLa Wellliutam District, GuelpIm, Tuoàda>' ay 1I& Louo. " ON de., or & Manda>'ymb Msh îs ue. ecai lslI i.e .uti1s 4,m- 22 sIayirb p-I94f. Bn. I utc uo ta Six Buidinc Lots for Sale. At=.tptencd q' Sfops t7tnt, edjoifr<tks Ris. MIr. ler. ,.er ~ r~2feet. I r septl, l u*[rh rs tfrn iL in k.. ChthamS;iec '1Ille fE- . j iSfest '2l!e a. Stret 01 te nLytle 1,the èplýan oI aîeîîg rel nor crie moreo s le"a' pa,ý-l e r-Ln ic lot r L ertey lou suvt: rclîader. Tejr rs f-tr frongetshe n t îe ifte nt.',1 ar4,11Smr1t wil rer, CaotagSecrith tt.tcer' acd antl- plans alîuci will ite nmhcwn on ar.Pi.rùîion te îLe subscriber, whetre any iiifurniatiun reectiog i L abuve cao Le obtained. J. LÏNTrON, A. B. 4 C. M. N. J. COONs. Kingston, Corner l3rock and Quarry Sreut, Jan. 14 1842. TO CAPITÂ LIST S T HE Subwribpr bas one of the mort valus. hIe >MILL SITES in the flourishîng Town of BELLE VILLE, Victoria Dsrict, Province' ot Canada. on wbîeb. he is desirous te erect a lirt raesFLOURINO >MILL-fer îte wanî of whicb, uîany tbeusand bushels of Wheat art -ent away yearly, frci thal town-bg îrould *ither borrow Ont or Two Thonsand Pouiida on1 adrantageens torms ta tihe lender. with 'uodeni- ahi.e ssourîîy. for thie repsymenit tithin the space of savon ypars, or sooner as le might fiud. it codvenient to hinisuif, or h.e woold let the Mil Site, for a nominal vum, on condition of building a III as migbî b.e sreedupoo.-For farthur particulars qpply Lit by ltter, post paid) to ],OUA&s COLEuN, tWq.. thse Proprieto.-, Belle. ville, who has several Town Lots, Housee, 4L suitable situations fur Itydrelic and miiU pur- poses. WANTED IMMEDI4 TEL Y. Two good journeynien %&xe niaIera, acquainî. .4 with ether Blackaitlbe werk, toetrhout liber. aI encuuragmemunt wil l e given. T. C. TRIP HAMMER WORXS. Tiie stone building contoining te TripIlan- muer Works, Lathes, &c, will be LEASED for o,r rmre vear, t'o a respqtable tenant. Th focî rR.public.s wilrpýles ocnpy the abe. ces chw s er ibses menh AUsd serd t b c sce uat to Ibis effie. NOTICE. QUEEN'S COLLEGE KI1NO0sTIO0IV. IT i. hereby publicly intimutet! that the firat Session of Queen's College, K»rtg ston, %vili be opened on the llrst MNday of Marcbr'.ux, ansd that then the Prof'csoers who have hune appointed wilI begiri te leach clas- ses fur tIhe followiug 13ranches of Study:- :.Tr .IfID Glazzx, * 5SATSIKMATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 50411V, ASt> MORtAL PBifLOSOPIT. Tkogy, ChurcA Bittr3l, and Ork%4dp It is particularly requested l tpt those wbol for seme tinte past. may have beun expuctitg accordinq to previous annetîncements, an ear- lier opeoîng of the first Session, and which lias buen prevented by circuniutances over- whch neither the Trustes nor the Profeb- sors bave bad any control, wiIl loose no tirne. alter the appttarance of tItis ad vertigemptit, jie -n*mnating tbeir intention te enrol ehemse1v, as Students. Communications fi'om sttè.- dents ortheir friends, as te enrolînent, ma~y bn madec citer ptrsoniîly or jp wriîîng, pre- viou% te ite day of commencementî, te Alex- ander Pringlç, e!sq. Secretary te the Trns- tees cf Queen'q Coflege, Kingston, wbo will also givo information as te the probable dura- tien cf he firai Session cf College. THOMAS LIDDjELL, D. D. Kingstoni, Sth January, 1842. 43 J)LACKINGH!!JLVI WATEK aP]IOOIF PF 1IVY0R Y BI1.A CE; BLUE & BLACK WRITING INKS, &c. . T BE Subscriber begw te rétur hi, sincere JRthanke te thse public for their lîberal support aine bis commencement in busines, and as a proof cf i, gratitude bu Las detemmined te bitter hiàpries for thse above article 2Oper cent. Tii. great nreassq ately uxperienced in the. deîand for bis BSLCKING havinug eoabled hiru te enlargu bis business, bu uow offers hi, mauufac.. tuxes te Mrhants aud Shopkeepers at tse fol.. AN MION DWR0, (çiaaau' maker ,et Lock,) tt»esldlor alskor Vauit-twhlcls Seramihis pmeof loi. -'. "ubar. 4tb Feirarj, 184-. -tu PUICNOTICE, L , ý -wig droPpoa u in -stneet lise Res. GeorgeOkil&unaruibêuep ot Yifty Pouans, ilcis baing payable4o-t tiseur. sr, ise publie 'le ebycatloaodagait r cevisstiseaid nmue tramstise inde, ur puSesor, of tis aO ewio wiilisbensml>' revsrded b>' restoin tisemmaieetise-Susri ber. GEORG£ (OKLSTUART. KiNsgasJob. lutiau - 2. 44*9 :cQ4INS ANIi HAINES8, Opgestelir. Attisr Fitiiï rter>', sud in tie imod isteaiceit'n St ILs ,IRl rlaq*, Mad Misa. fsPlmemm & Co. sud ZSas- 4CLEEK in a Uamdware store, oe 118beun couuptaste the Ainsi- iotlt w i e puer Noue ag.) sey e gsa. b -l o :olPP4et Wd. 1' Greàt itreis W iI£Wù4 T IHE-Sub.cnîiber btsaii oarcfcgJ tdbis Fal Supplijof D )RY QOODS Wbicbbave bern içgt tutahîe Esiris end Scotch Markets at t~Pnîi.r nLowt icE,. 'rThe grealer pant bave beetîpsirv-iîaFed of lBank- - net Estntes ai I1.LF TREIR ORIGIJNAL CVST, ndlie w .tIr-etenur en3blud te efiPr tu L. Il,î pa Il ,-H ahiwîti.,l]y t1, ollît)v t-il. Ece".- n tic hece i'aied, coîsile' wnul bl liii b ' yi.ieete le aitjeu.t 24)Uer eref (I iIijr iluîîîe-tpolcr flovte. >, - EhOAlI tLObTtis ef et civ'v and!s.arned oftitoperior oiîske. JPillt-it Bc.P.-r cULetLa et ie-eocîcdcoi,..ef, dme oif lthe n t re :î.i! Grm de 'ýqc,, It ':.Tur, Pi'a,, & aiel e-tl.n i!-,ît,!ie , .e îuen tissa La ccr Lca'I etn io Cojimai. Frencl rà ItiIi - Lu, ai arc flot ta Ln. ertýnailckd 111 rtVe 'r .,iî:.'r4Àlîs RiboLes. thes Siilrriber «i iri.,:ký- lmn t..ii-fle atienticn oftltt. Public.. - - bliertu o f ;t .l co l. , î.J; a u htd s, p lain r. d î;ualitr ý %%alered sud j1aae*k Muoruens, in f'ri;i., rnle-, Fawu, blu, (tsn, Orange îýk1 tifO olLuiç culosîn; au. extoe o d ,jll çjý.opmî 1014f Muslini de linsi-îthe gruter part are iiýMtmprîd sirec-fiwrçat .se, Iherefore buelIecie a ues! m caeii ie in recoi. I weutog nLoit a 'lui mel asslqualitiea. Et u -oùruu, umiequalled i i t &0490ef0(woot su t'cyery si41u. Red..IVite, Gréen, andI Velluw _FlîsmsêaV oute Saxony snd Welsn m n.timularly fiiew Ipog mIahy cheap; W 'uner (floes of uv ry duscrmsip es< sudn a very large stocL pf Woolen fH.... sué Hait Ruse, direat frtà eicsstgn.; $Scotchelàsd.' Lancashire £erges ;'th1 arsr buâ et l"sn stock et PTinleîl Calicues iinthse.Irusiiince j-iubised aud plain Cassionures. Tv-eedi, BucakmdDoknmm guma cf tbqu etpeculiat C9iensai ?Moleskin. and 'Fiiianrs, ren kasly lc. ýWinter Vme- t igs et' spleudd attu.*r~ ~. VlptiGapiroce 1 laid. Saxoiv, and a choir, srsuriest ofaig ured snd plainSatins, sud isoute .'iry eplendi Satius fur Ladies' Bonne;&aD(uubiéîjss, acco- net, M ntLand Book >1 n&lins îrhte,&nd colonred i.. Ioleu Jccî,teofusur <<aour, Twil- led sud plain Silerlas, RegaîlsDer9an id Tur. lue! 'tripes, fine Irish Lines Shirts, -Long-(,Cîpti, sud wi-te and colored Cotton Shirt, Lasmi WVool Pautaloons sud Waisîcoats, Worstud Cunîforters sud Bramee, Stesiu Looe, Factory. and Swansdown Cottons, W~hite -andI colored Cuunterpaîtes sud Quilta, aud 2 vsry large loi of Cotton sud Wooliun Rogs; Brusselg, Impo-' rtal, Kîddermntîer, sud Scotch Gs#'peting, ot mnagnificent patIenta aud ruperier quality ; also, Brne very flne Druggeîr-, Weil worlhy of imrne- diâte attenttionm; French sud Scotch Camrubica, and the largest and Lert asoIrtneto Blonds, LaceF, sud Quilling; saine very. s-upenior Frenchi Edgings &Laces, Chlansd Thubet Shaw]@ andHssmsikercbiefs, and soe vry flnu Baudan- nas, finngst themt ilI bu louttid a fow pistes et ceai Iudian; Woe4en sîud Burkskin Mitte, Scar. let and ',te Suw Stoc kin1s, Liuem end Cottun rae, W., DraI sud Black Lînea Tbresd, Cottn BIl, Spaes, Sho.'rThresI Bonnet AVire, aud au hîmmsenable quantity 0'f oiSon Sntall Wares; sudie STOCK 0F FURS, Ceosists of MlUtfs, Capes, BaSe and-Tnintngs in every desiptinof 8km; a -Sw sudsuwat heaulitul article ina eolored Swanodown Tim. miog, pemmliarly well adapted fer Trhmnming et D. ses for Ballea sid Bveitmg Parties, snd a few very lctime ruai Sw="dan BaU. -À very large Asaastming-of Flue InplingCa, eat, simd Ps Irolger cÏiiarly welj adapted for Sailor' *we An excellent 2srruffla et QAOC&ERY of. the neweet pattens for eitoes'Seqdees, Break- fast anmd Toi Service ; and -in -fue. China, aise Breakfast sud Tua Service; A fut hisds. eofIHllande. -Gin, sud 'Cea Brandy teilî bu solfi cleap te close a Conutgtm- meni. WM. WILSON. Kingrton, iStt No,18'ý41. TO CAPITALISTS, VER Y PR OFI TABLE INVESTMEN[ OR Uae bY pnivate the S nbecr Fb- er'a, Ih ehoWing valuaisie pemtnaine ]y, 'gY One lot cf LandI 60 felt on thse Front. 99 test ln depili. wiis two subutaultia!BRICK BOUSES tisereer ROUsh cai Cottae .stylawiili stables, sisede sud pleni cf yard recru, sud itraing- er renti of h.Gituati. 1 n se l £tbÀbcenlràt Stst.-ieprime Oethie abev pe nry la ver- moderat.., sud ternis ot payznest.wili nmd. easy. Fer turtiser particulax1 nuieaou 1 tire- nur a u f - COLLINS & HAINES, 'Ç- il 4'.A ,ingston, JIan. 26, 1842. - ON SALE BY TUE SUBSCRYIBER. pis$tuant Boat,,B>aeetjý iOO 100O White Counlerpaneafer stai And sayul-j extensivu e Brnt 0 aran Staple Dry Gouda ., . mntsfFacys % ~WM. W.VILSON. SCorner Bromk & Qusrry Sts. Kingston, 29th jauuary, 1842 1JUTTON HAMS "el mled)>ler m !.Sale by CARTERkU&TLEY, K Nn o 4, lFýsrdj'>BuulinsFront es.: inmtal euh. 1842. T IGENERAL Monthij btsedngoette - ;v~~m- COulitpîw:Wi *à,.T. Wibsba., Gresus, Melntosjs, UetaMW, Pr sB*aFoe,-'e1 C'à, 1 -ge, fitie, kWas 3m% oslkC , a Resl.ed, That a abletîmsmp*- , t WHOLELEE £-tOKJSilON WA39MOUSE. ire. 4, HARDT'S SiMLDieteS, FROeNT 6T5IKTr. 'FHunderzi= desetfully anoue th.t osme ef CARTER & BENTLEY, on the pm-. mises abctve decibed, wbicb, haviny Loun con- srnmed ton tise purpose, are Loth iraned froat- proof; spaciohîs sud.tuilladapt-e!for lhe ,afe keeping oftver>' description ut Geoutis. . Fro, tise tqspuctabýIity oet tiseuferences, sud lthe clipracter thtaj mai Iejiicre obtained in Kiugstos. the.quhqlpribem. hope Ilie> tilI bu able tu gure u scbsalislltioîn as u ucuce a libers] portion efthe public pÀtronýg. blunciant, in genural trili find il advsultiÉputua t0 con@igu te earenet hie .îtbucnibersMsili tieïr intention tu act as Agents altoeurn, alid flot as principals.- Tim adtertiaemtent deurves tise partiruîlan [attention cf FAsSrEas, Dealers in Pr ivisions and Grain, as tise establishsment torme a depot fin lisuir produce on a principlu decidedly favorable te iumjttureate. ALFRED CARTER, THOMAS Hl. BENTLEY. Kinstron, Duc. 17, 1841. - RrEiIENcE. JOHN eCOUXTEtR, EaQ., Kingston, RIRuçta SCOE,<, ESQ., do. Wce., ESQ., do. J. FAît;BANsx, Euq., Watertown. Mit. e. BihtEx?, do. Ma.ý G. KELLOGG, Sankets Hlarbor, CH.ALEaS XVTg Esuj, Albany, 4AS Au TacAx, Esq, RocLester, Ps, AsmiPg'updo. J. R. Aius'raaec & Ce., Toonto, bo" DonuàaEsq., Mentreal. Mde$rs. LsAMER & S'ravaso-e, Bats, ~ LLA FLM?, Esq., Belleville, Mi. Ruol, ESQ., Picton, G. HAMs, ESQ., Cobourg, E. Paaa'n, Esq, do. PaTRraaPsssY, ESQ, Wiby, IL Joueu, ýEsQ., Iamilton. -Tbs Jetsreme'anad Cemusercigi Ilemi. il. Utpies sabititttOs1 dm.cher t4, é tlisr dveetiae1s, snd continus il thm svocs. 2 GRAiNITE Edge Rtum» 1 Bd Stoite _weigltiug 2 tons.- I camtiran top BattIs, fixed iln tiselied Sabute. 1 Gun mutel step for do., fitted. I casl iru-Cover fer lise Slep Blocks. 2 do. Boxes, fixed lu tb. runuers. 4 dm Waser Plate, bolted logethun wtb 8 ene inchs douisle unded boîta and 16 uts. 1 wrougsî iron taggotted Spindle, tnrnud aud fit- led teulise Stone, 4 round andI 2 square gun mutai busises for do. 1 ca i la Pamkiug Ring, for do. 1 do.' dtaft;Z Boss, for do. 1 do. 5 inch Plummer BlocIs andI Brace, and cep botte and tnute. 4 cast trou Armes, for bolting te lie uprigst shafi fer thse Hwe.per, geariug, sud 1(4 incis Boit, and rivet*. for xiug do. - . 2 wroum ires Sieepuro, sud 4 do. square up- right ~iudles*,>tor lifting tise Sweupers in aud I t roug it ice H n l , lever and pin, d oeub le joint sa ,dard pin snd outI 2 coupling'plates, 1 c atcsd 2inch Scrue, tforlise Strepen geai. .- 1 casttiron Ceg. 1 wrougistieon Swivel HouIs, Eju aud Scmow for- xigd;Chain sud HeoIs for the Sweepen. î2at o Segment Grstings, sud 4 do. Plates fîmjr lie CunL. 1 wrougbtiren Gale Plate, wilis iaudle; 1.(4 lnch Belto sud Note, fer bolting tise Segment togetiser. 18# inchs Scietru sud 8 T. ieAed Bell, sud Nuts - fer Beop, I wrongst mon Hsaepfor lise Cnrs, 2cast mron Carniages. aud Screts for fixing do_, fotaiMaryng lie Scrapers. 2 trongil iron Spindles, boite sud nuis le fix 2Scrapers titi steel facea. 2 Levers for do.; 2 cm iron Wuights and uItt Scruta; 4 couutur-enk beadud'DoîtasuMd Note; 2 Coitais sud 2 Kes. 1.- The Subsmniier ollers tise aise. MILL AT A REDUCED PRICE, warrantedte bu in Ms, RATE COtnDiTiex. ADAM SCHLUEP, - NO. i1 Lavis ta-oet,