Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 15 Mar 1842, p. 2

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-v al d ls aisidis et = "h amers, wu" A*- â m 111 nmtywIlsue lOWtmOU, msal .fidtifé011 ri e h.iqe gui. <ar -mos*y^ us emaeud sutyMpmty, <tthoa. la hu g nïweidd m -b w thoeoxCoplo.et Iutin Wb" totut*bbk <h wiu<mg on <ho put uttho Canada Cenftru.eemd. &e. &-)luqutt* t. e l ir b z oIuom h-. oi op< -- or uni MImm part indiviluall ,tei fair <mes. chofhoe u iiiiii pu.nmtiu vu* m wM o n Iog tigatua suad adostmont or Y, muw.màtustmo~stn .nne .~ustu<ioR.i.-md nj ]WtMr ovin opino litie nt b. 1am Cour «A uffmisti e ~odport. wlllau zZ uliftuekiiw the injustice maiw*"no* amw Ilmk uuls W .wmeh à mixture in4e -osan u e la. < susbit à te uËi thna M d issWiyuua s s . ~ dm ithe greali laT~a 5tSi îo.ns a aRsaun, ui e Ruts, prevmilsl e eh in in eseamb ~u, f<sa t ho ilcrme f or Esos " ivo gond uclcriai, iuuo m ela avsaio, 0 doer bt<oRe.lt atl h funds, th iocreaseoqe mbhereoeil, 1 beliove, jami mizealwitk chch il diarriv.sith aaîver. Cathoheclergyman et <at Plceibu aupri. *erccuit; the supapot cf thie Igi@MDfitar._mgo voyage, iM geni erde. Th.e wàai s at.JyamrriD.aimcee " lim. A portion d <iwwo oftenuac o v« .Gaerbmt; ii<o AM <ouaheî godctihé ud0<od i. NpregsticO. it in mm, indignmntet <hi vwe beat.of Il, <hbebfflug e of . Lalitc, with but very fês ezeeptions..laoa.binc<hcan.f hCthecueh.- Your vea truv, ~pirtels. hestev. ,mary of tii.graine bave beaum sOIld <iiuuoamsly irondhie duelling, de. E. REZW. gisgbtly xnjwdb, a premature dispositin to Amnieasoinu t of , b elugi*get te we - germiinate, canmail bharveot raina. but <i. diaty shieh hlidoibeaulcd in i. hado lThe P'.du t l b. . Ca.iu . = gon buit c o seil md hh au th. soat. Wb" eh wle amaunt tas .l.lvereo mma"pliced in AsXOrîaaa " McLE Ao X UaiY-OiWMI.tite eIcrffy otead1a dcid h a for sal keepang. The seriff féui<ul 'nei n LdprtAý oug gntemn o lecf sluon, t. mchmiqht i* l Dotsi iter- of vioence, had plac.d a conadleopmeat bm usine ocf Sheridan Rognan, rniding at Hamnilton. fer. sisb h. omrvbu e oef our, parties- revereai getlemean. W* &baea freinprodia. having occasion1 te illit Rochester, on aatters of' rl~if imanufaatard previons ta sua weather. cngany ftr:th a rticul~ers fthenifar, an Uthe buoineor. hbad, on bis retnrix, put up met outrY A large. 4potionofcaur sgricenr a haveotoey isdoubtlmm m exoaggeme.We sha Inn, a few miles Liin Lewisiatn About 121grwu the uhite-flintwboat lat empo..th letral lisaday or tw. e'cluck iin the niglit, a Constable mnd four men average weigit of wshigb ianmos aheti ia. Pm burse, into <the tona aresteal h,îon a ehargeof per standard Wiaceomr bunhel; - l"ra hst zmus aZozII. bavng partxeîpated in the srurdPr of "AOao» Dur- with reamonable cire. mnh. e m;ew;ed durai t canneot he toc sidely knoosu <btitmon foe," oe a tf h e crew cf theo«Carc4.ne." iauiiunlimited line, s a .nd aner of beituzg r&Cid gain pomeue<ho prqNpty ctdesromth dragged bina back ilte h îigt, and <rew h'.10 fermentat ion .if any ind need b. îppmeohnded ai.e ntpu ee o otaf 0 nsto hat proverblally loathsoomg den, <ho durang a spring or sommer vcyao <PA"nand. eatin of«setpsfiny<fier ang" ny o Lockpor< jail, wl.ere the Delly accommodation a!- mth <ieptecauti of aetii ers har -bin-is mnbdung hoddleu yb acoal etaa puy tri forded him, sas th choiecf being locked np lin in aheaf or traw can lho prseived d i<bg my l- 4 expoe. e -Plmce a=1 unidrdai.< a celi sida four criminals, one a black, and aatoh. leiigh of<time. Fermmr.bolinot-cle thoir inmsilne. & pour onmit unsmsheiw( Vit anI et a bdecus looking crppie, or remaining in the grain outil 9110Y am e Preue oM fat ut lwunhY- il ecer it.;,*espionts dirgs of aeid Ça liall, a narrow.ssae heated ta suffocation, Ly Want tras, tbqo umas bs; bat ifIho grain. so nmauti <ie place, the qoantity cf shicbi a large store ti hocntre. This eccutrrd un h dbrarf iichit vrai, unIon very' dry Myb, o sgnitby, -ms ne ricsmn ~ Monday nightla, <ho2Stultime. On Tues. or efiem nmgailho renderci very liabes setimesqaiyo h la -.i2tg à pet " day lie was taken bofcre a magitrate for *iiin- to germination,.andi phieiliy to inm n om ~ e b mtll.tmgik e. inatimr; but on accooîit of an objection raisi! kind, sncb ou muW., Ilua.wàuk " &4e.di.,accord. TiT Fm Tà-r.-A ;; <afl est ot e < by Lis counaci, es tu the lcgality of the -druu, ing to th weaunr and tun location in Which i« ditillurya short liMe Rime. "Auexcbane 'm ba was agaia cominit<ed tat h j:il, fSroin isolud; the injuries nither thoi milliog nm Qui y, lit<isi-4re0î <i lie aas <the next day lberated by a %rit atoJ hb g proesus uain o <illy im etfie ohma <euh irI1to torpusq, and hrougbt hefure theaJêsdgeof théCouin. 221MERVIL U. - <ho imstllery.r ty Court, Who, after a patientiiosringK, mic Toefâct <i, it 1esatim bat the ;,hmeinb AY~ec ieee n ssa lated cnearly the whole day. andl condixctud hy i nsltlAYà& -ataobetmutia tato couniel on boh aide, decidei, <tha mhearrant pprlygouint e q*jr Mit illu-i sbmnewîuyuh kieota oi caft: Rot was illagal, hein: isnui for th apprelacosien of by m1liprepared .aidproperly -bu ne mi.gojila, <o e l a crsilo o<a i ýghed<mý," mstead of "Shoridan" ltgan. g<nCn<i< auind and hoi<eiin the operaiion, -I1aminta ochin' ont k!'ilsqumhloeut <ho simple Thia atteanpt of the -"Patriut" vaabods, by one. lhi bai crieri it sIdnlieho sel emied down.esmtr in roture wvlo infest Leckport, and preri about thLe froaa. heforo bolting, ani <ben plcet! in banao f& ____________________ x~orte xaceas t!a dificltis micbalradylger siz. han umieyDomwlenu; a lsa-lili cxÏ er twire e iculo<re wi h reveiî y t<oa leat ml ie - bgainealhy bavinkui-Im to rab <h. setwen t c hto "a:roie aandir,' L7a formly pressei rom bDtotoon i by <ho mprv 'h etsoto h! aoieafi, y Lord et packing'macines,-the tutamO la v l1 i- xorw 'z~>y AC .te Asmburton, creted, as Wel may ho iagne, a on.. It i. faiiliar toova yhomeeoe, <bat _______ _____________ meut unusuil excitement anaong tLe people-a&or n scentinuaily W ésont on thir bas sao yc lcm tba vr ecab r - if kept during afe n oth; <hi. in asi by W. reailivedtbis mcrniog New York paipers son, a a trongly apparedltate aproceeing. its heing exp dexit he ftmn changef<0.~ 1 ardybt u efrto 0,fenEg Judge Gariner, one cf MLodscenr, id a uei erbut-code ih.bae notber gentleman wbose name me have forgot, p - ature iiicoroif bousea--ecli atThegW. hea<ed o- associa<cd wi<h ina, used every exertien tc de- ýair tin4 ttes brn dy yxeimn u nmc h aslentaMerssae t of- fend <ho prisoer, andi procura i relase bots ýl'e scrt aibt gour properly mamnafacAr. t ho unite tt.bspn oug oCn aras cnly efflcted in the mannet deacriWeL But ed, inay hoe kept perfoctlygooedudripeftIeen gres requesting logishive provision te Ment nlaouh yuc Hoax wa rleaea frm du.~eLsma pmhiayq a c ogr, yunack- I ucb caes as Mclàoda. cillaifei W b<b.herecent rane.'yotLams notfrein danger. The ,]cl.fing it sud plcing <ho contenta of'tte-porclamàd arrof Hogau mdetaliu in eir palper tcday; era" on? aiei in accnmpliabing <bit abject, by .inWau <50ued plui5p iahtfraupOi l0, orf nd tedÀ7calitt fgêle"O e a "maianomr," and il, was enly necesaary for <beung ii pesrepna lceésa areienoc mi hi. jiaciary eara IIefior is purB- te citain aroct4er warrant, cerrectly drawn, teaene t exposed otae ÊD j ýolanga ia tempertre. laaaie ar rpra Elfr<aspr Liave hi B fairly commitetatetake i. triai for Fleur placed in a vtry-'irm situation Witt beep, lpose. -t sali aaité '-he Executive ta remove 1,but <bit teniperataarq Muet ho mgintaine&l lu i nbeae rn tt riuam< h &e thc mutler ef Durfée. But, <o <ha credit of the. ltralsciamfenSaetiui ath b Ung" traies of Lo<kport and ils vieîia, fot ue . ts8covýeovit w t er mill koep àà ery MI .uâdiar.'leeu-asatthromlin uf <em aouli issue a warrant fur ia appreh - conaideral".e cue-li outer portion onlyhtu sien; and before eue could lLe prcured f ha% ible te 'srption of the liqid-butif hutand i.tMW United &atm rym, for wmich Con. Leaisten or Tonasanta, hie was by he geucrous moire *..re ho united, h. vogatative proessi grassbas<o gravidelanmore py. W.eopy <h. ici praisea-enthy oxeons of mre hgbiy res- qni;ekly hmnght lto mtion, and fermentatione- o u.Psidha< Messamgeoauthe un bjeet cf Hagen. petabte and -iaxtuential genîtlemeni, pruvidàj sue, whicb destroy the valu.eofthun article. àer« with a dsguéïa and a gol herse, ani accom~. Fleur, imnediately on hing paced, aboni .Wmaoo lims8 82 nied lin'tnvo uf hemi, maie ia escape in.t he rellaoved frein the partlmlly hua<ed and varimlo at. To <ho Umof Repa.enotaiives: niglt, t<« Canada. moepbere in tlae Mill#, uni placeal in storesshore Rn my message cf 'the 7ifibeDoember R sng- This nocturnal figlt, hosever, pas net mî;h. a uniférna temperatune cia hoe minained. gestei <o Cengreasr<b. propriety, adiniimone eutitsdaner.1< ppera bat<berret c Ho ben cohd, dry day eccur thb, windows 'oli degmo. unheneceesity. ofimakng proer proiionm gu isma nge. tîae a Declor Mthe, oie. hof Ho e pened ; but during marna, moiei soathor tho by lase, sUhînthe pale ci0<bP cunamittiti.for Lad frmerly kohu n inaHamailton, mnd fiuioutor air shauld iehocirefully oxcindoa. I1<in tho riml.-et thoir oeea8aaelepotand et th. '.~lichliemod Li esapea. rrcjd <o iuch t<olb. regretti tbatt he groitot part cf option cf-<ho party fplul cssa lh rebllonf'3. hi arh ypcrie.wih u ring FIent manfacured for ont Farnmra lbont cool, arisa la s1teCo rsaaelviol national questions, reelinef3. hs rb yociew<hmth dprvolslà olig;1 l.nc ler< i r qim"$1ns ucbing <ho fîîthfnl observnce apparent frieridshlip, afier Hogan mas disîcharged unfit for kspiao o r ozot atcaa gr-ijsgaldihaecf<.nertonlbiain from cualody, strougly aivised i mnext taleav n ue frkeigc epraine.n epa- .cagefteitraioa biam e lb-at nigha, aubha would -ertaiuly le "lynched," t ili.tly groùndasi B5nekiOiisWècase.* -b.heUnied littu, rom sarnh stat, tribunal tc if lie atteropted 1. Many cahots did <he s- 1irDWSON, b.aeral-di î rye l» rga .<oreaît, ai uni aroeng the et e orecoived -apcncil nad Cern P.çier, 4fc. ttaii tie<i e co nito.by, th.eeceipt cf fro ein o toes ioxdaa,"G.eSpO~-Toronto, Mmmcli 1,84 1842a itllec~a bicb ea1el, ljitat b. the blontreal papiue rrprûmtai ec <t6<h.aime tdi -j ýi1 lpp- purpor, slylîuag himselfa'fraemd<o hun, und tea .Luses NATUEai.-LAU ;îmeuh, assirboel .msh. iuomd a c rç of emnexîon Lu avhicb <boy an niehappiiy iruatratod. '-r , the. nmie t h.bcion'pwri. te.aryi ad w -&, U iprehsbili<y, ho pabjoced 'lh.eaaial 9ar.tsswmrnu ot by one paraed intc <mc distinct calie, hving .15e W toltirmulin 41e tate courtscf Nom 'Y It la Mapesachni f tiiti., andl wbo wa ase u orfr esCOMPlte. W. bave ioubtfui Wlmst a :Om is-ente eft <iag4 auli thie party taaa±artotei Hogan, LottmWhe bea h n<ihirof tue formtion cf the visora hoW bis iseb uh aea idb, Im làuGo-i> ne knavicige cf <1. existence- cf sncb an mmli. yoaad that cf ite baing <mo hear<sk-Fro une varneet, <lias Gfferimont i.invou tu.ji ay aiiiual, nîtii it mas cemoanicateid te inaby Dur. point mhere un-spire epenatai into <mc bock. control ovor then mjeci asflthe cie llhave et Makeuzie, or saine of bis associatea i'O crime. vard s, 1< ptesented u ippeatanco eof only*ont oachi dih. co ram ea <tbe i tate cf 1< is more lkely, bowever, t<tLiho ssdepatealbody wiih th. exception cf baving <vo -til.indi. 'esYork. pni b.en ooiied ho thaï Copt.Anal b sane "Hunter'" loilge. taoact the part lho did, ouliytwe uini legs. 1< sas of b.maiesez. -aklùthu sncb i oght noct, iia atico paaticularly sitis raid hre ver plet vet[Bytoso Gazette, poiýnt cf view, t<ogive "am ocf timbrage <o Grat mieeee cay o lver e h ienit f Iîý. -Britamn. ]yet the prompt mand iontant rendiocf witnsse redy a sear a te ient'y f 1justice te fereiga ationits so h o p lie = a. gar, a hing one of <Le party mhe ieetroyed <Le FiDeS B"ZIL Aub x m vaP~e-ymn n ihs lte.Jcno,<eeo Caroline.R Lr-D mno biia uis.1caet lefre We frbea comentas ae uderaanitha he brig laîhohla, Ce~t. DoLer?, se bave Rio in couidoration cfhat properily hoaies tun Wefrea ometa w nertn taaJaneiro pairsta<oJan. 2=b1. -Unitei States,, d i entic4n"fatic n mead full statement of the affair Las been sont to <Le The Englieh ebuocer of mar Viper arrivealtfaina a foreigs Goyernient fo<a, icuoc Gea'eror-Gaeral. <ene a tas doys proinshavm*l" onboirai t.a m ocf ilsa sbwotsl. forage <hoed&MI cf repea<ing '£0]VILER AN PCKE3 C FLUR Leesn Ban, tze nos Br4tMisb iister tee unmy recommandation <c Congremo for -<hoepan.e- tO ltL ta am Pncirn cFrtei. Ar etine Cenfoieration. diate adcption o nie suitable bigidafivo lire- Haaicg publislied n <e at Cdlosisth. sug- The aubes froin Monte Viioo ae tà Dec. vision on <is aubjeci.- gestions of tlac Moiîreal IBoard of Trad,eW <ih 29iia *f... durs,.l .. L...ký--. '..,.....,...rausea 10.JON YL respect <e WLeat anal Ffeurexper. miraI Brome aUretunmid ta BBnos Ayre, anald______ at-cia «cm Canas, se soulil direct attention to Cee arriveal at Monte VhtIso on th U 1. lSd.aneo ieag nth forsta ho filoviug communicaion. rom cao sho ha. A Rie piper of Jan. 27th @*u,«'Thé f rencb .auelabi le g e<.efrs<i Lad much expariocce as a Cern Factor, &c, nt brig Marabout, which salai [rom Biai fur tho e -re makling b, a- portion of <ho tory preaeale borne, anal sho moreuavér ha. for rmne yeans been comt of Africat, anal wa detaineal by -the Br. recouer<hir former naoemaamy anal exîctusive enggei ia the saine purmuits _inmti ihcountry. corvette Rose, on suspicion e ofb5 ag bon ta tale, expesing etthe unametino ont cosviëtion [Colonil.] engage bu tho shâtre rade, mas declai b, <th. bî<a o in ciim albt l.<m -royal tribunal cf Cayenne on <he 28t<b mi.le <o h tteGvmm eti!ntfi neteta 'PravseaVA riez oF rLOmC 431) GRAIN. an unlastul prime, id<he captur er son that wau ipiipitoi fer <leu.The action, of un 't, <b. Edin dmau gesc taueaaunt of 330,000 fransGomenomminnce he u b tthonlait bey ame utia. fima Colshi (nat iO.00 ila.) nt tail imlinoi <ta otor <h'.eàxe îospirit,' S -b obmigl aetre rm<e Aiviceu fron Vahpmram sot u 30h ovom- o rmt EL ýTh follwinitin auecmrapromut.theits silfieàanui aiuit designu. Ho Monticl Commiercial Miruenger, whiebh iifllow. ber stato tiat Ge. Garat, President fit flatt, Zn by er'erul i nces te Mülers, &-c, froin the bai poneinaical into rhe Ropublic of Uclivsin muit be. caele»so.et ncoetry's pume. ho Boird of Traie :- - rier <o supproas a ameutinnti ure ho tarr cfmoulEdo mey <ing <o reviveotun bitter celatre- Il ha. bacc ot inty on severmi oceasions Ex-Presient Sania Cruz.tIen Baflihv.go. theversion oftfoi me dua; -andl ho must h. "elim-1 me calLe attention oftho Cmnadian public ta acting President cf Bolivie- thorofore mbeaiod- aImA" ho tapes <totretra-thuetories t ir. lb. aamage and iui.seumid condition lunavhich ont wmrainaet Para. anda aeordaig tat'h.lmit"., fermer sato mithouttèrcoing i lorsicpdé Fleur axi Wbeat are frequeutly receireal ha counte, Camerra meuh ho e oepelloi tgrettre.' Bri<ain. 1 .aptrar t"ue-tJournal cf Coimumee in. Eectîo mi.tinblit<ounpmls cnet, eugbt anal muet ho emedilealif me mu.. . - i rOh.roietatîvO. ela c oetanuhl »Dol!o i r not bave eut produce diagracedan md et traie fitz.p tJàMÀIUA-KiDngta pper a <o4<p .lth longer ai-matter te h. dobatod »moe 1<..merits. dettroyeml. TLheom« pon many parcelU hâtef Februr, , .v1141ecui.Te nin ti-eabîhli-trauu.oypoci Itee excessive aluinE <lie.lait easse, anal an accouat 01 eOntiaméaan;vV>eeb, samabt *<arurk ole f admnim'ms<uiq un# eaeîiu-1; p certain tunes purchan.er.meulaI carcel, lochat Spinish Town .elaba P r -it'm m<£hid bo t <isd",meu goviyisqst -Canaian FIen at aIL If <hlm m<n<u oU-tiLle,shce tun midule ef Ociober. - - ' bmWh-t -edywul -rkvM4 mere pormxtteil tc courntine.tLe raie igbt asu .Tbe-o piper. give teunep de r" ta"n-l*- mts teMY, Prevolie a "ula. but wm_.arl,* avell ho ioppati, ami tLe immning praiet mnrecèiion 'atery. Thon ibatuoem Jbig eT 'ç-11, b. l Wh<oom w il bhustsmi <Lhe country tceaugeil gaveo.hle brlle." ,fowlà reià<horhMdi. iv.ot onohyiem princoWk un" ta i seS ba The importance of %bis subject May iduce the-coospe-of sisarnu ptioof" tilun jolil at- onutpncpenume<omk -ycn te mal-e mom for the folies ing observatons: Kimate, cf-sbicb mpabihobat *<omirAdanco ;unthe éle Provincee i. mna Se Dnring rnany yearm, fro ein a v itnon t< o o eehsaiga. clow." PMre .h».bhou. mae, &irai uý the imm;iiue.-husses stistainei by speculamors, h1 'Ibo pipeme omplaagreuly of th tiolence vacco"ilh houmiitatiled. Iareendeacnred te aeertamn by suat menus aniinouboritiem0<bbonireoueu.atsa t ocaloljcroeiuvohem nadote seme FlountandGrain may ho prssorvei <troma injory, -of"mnwwm ag.u i" t el. and,. <teinu xperionco ai-ilvarinseoxpariments, 1I ofaca m-Dar-a or zuz PMMUsma-. < t eas bt ihtaoIa '<cal quiteceufient <th. hefollcing remriks The Journaljof.coee eobu intenlagem dow oMiaaunaion. MaSt ertim wuh. tro niay Loeueful <-thaoengagea inlu <is buiness. Pore, by tun muy of Cilgros, uthe< hé Pomv m »ise m e- complain for %bey mau UNRdllo., When a rty peeanaere eagenl)aempyei, liaiaruywhicli ivdeiobelrs.ior cofim*:o< sléxtbofM IIIappui -a. nthe unProvince: 1 Septomber anal Octôltom, -in the puscLase cf Gamamna io persan, m» 4otmIIyddfeWmiby gl esut ajorit y e npsow~e e-yac m ILm- W et for ahxpmet oEng%'id. 1 <euk ocaion Boliviens, aMi <baiGamiavr m u date. Ir4l a fw te write a few temarks, liirh wmtoPubihdillhoPerankieairops'ssaedat4IJOOitId <c bk *ltmate Mallofetpaille ùfaý .*Wmos tb. JL-rcld, aariaig<houx that--iWhei<,wait tIsa Idedâanalpruieors, ontt.l1 of O bu M<hofts, m s «bu er aemO Mat~ ay et. <hou h i neb a damnatn et.condition, mt. oLe, un. Ijitte ai ont, lWoat e<?<Nb. - empisia, U&-swjns moà---bait fun bem&.» lesa kiln.drisd, unfit fortriantpctatmon......,e.j - soy 4q giombie *biWbShoiineary amouae- tuaig thatithe result solhai ho abeavy lors toaIAcconts tract Cemtatttiaoplo ta I7th Dec, adio( Plane io'stuwm,»,àîw l <Lase eoueerned by it@ arriviiag un sueza aetate I<v. hptie unka tofa got bmatewiass u we abe mpmu-la ui $» mesw» at up la te un t trixe Bgliab ports asi c hounfit oven fer thoe tgât betmmemCulbm m ie ad -OfreissMM [f .umuu Dtrict en eofut et tho amoienâ,A useof cfthune Millet»s rto, alinest oxcluoivey,î about tho middliet a( «ms, siil emmuma nom . I ot, Um. te te tomf le 01a werk <o supply the pomer clases.anditIe manu. ina un pin of Hanistuiboot ar Mile, bO=-w *vaser-tw <bu mri :àpublie mstiag Mas- aturing population cf Enlînd it i t<e ebeap- Cutle oet elleu. Th.euoio- 6eIO ood; r-9 teIme more pmoed; aur iu ta1 eat Flour.Wii b regret 1hbave aacetaicei lIai eoa ieisn peiimm.-" n.m -mih 10MWSir Clairbs-Bagueras ipted, reqamuwshgauj <toeexp.etitiona Juvo heeo.fally lizedt <ator uoftbeï i«awr fr c«.aiom emotigatioN, *I o 'Md* â remetfou heavy lcesq. have boum sns<auI,,-an an batiowsexe les.uhna i -oiner. l'. UIms oMw0Me t.r-u211014a ispetatianW morse, tInt caji mauci impor~~~tntarticle of ex. atca nuu ely a oeou vi leéc<oproet the adiasr , mf dmi change buas bou mireal lmiStu déeamd L b.~ypael<iaIe a ohuou nastre o o m ood nr¶otmt .omruin ait lBom «dOa* rud4v.JFU consoqumuâce mo o total isisset nbie bu amn mselWou mm i, N arw oh eps diitrust.-..thnu.inaiuciag fonreigua <mrpjm teo 1 <MW3000 becg bi n M fe l«. 1 Seeme pues?.epTo-mur onimie<end.C et i nagieci eutmaarkuaceir bc» <bate" 4 mp, - aci t <h.hlps, mbI4 te lutmaber lay sbi JM aty tson mai4.s, eiMn m theveiuIs c l new Wheat arridit n4 cnitio hat wîlar.I #pamllt oft<ho sore; mom ore ise«me lu iase oiif te us ol 1 " ub <h eatyjmc*a 1f certain <th#bott our<lour m&A WbomL dmB <i5 th s<o55i fo til<els mg auuns e . IQW 4i mu - t11W lia'. UM.hI hithoe a ho placodinho un Zuglisia mariols r b u cy ooudowotmi<-slb aIh~r l* tuu~ nfnpimba u lm Lut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j acietiîy po a ~~tm ihmvususm, M "tomssau be bt@SjW«&u'h Tm but biggmafr hpen.4 lnca.sllm pah vou 1.su le luee à n W, ath eeum Cosa smytAlc b pmemacmilqmta nC mip. 1 - b:z = âr p.wciBm utrmee k * o~s g zatteck, &bd wsel owly tn O a <ho gufe bam bn& m aie b~~mibn h e h-awt<dvmeOrc( t<buse> dULFI m buu e a .coireet, aI n suis m Wb" -cbonappieots ar e maie, <bat u toeS ouidoro. aapin<bttIm. pbemmi unirSrupeuotatvms. Appeleaut aM aidein mecoriance sita theoost<u<iona subi, shicb givo.the poser mai Patronage cf deo Govruum o the, un ar<y. Rf that mile wmr strictly omoce i t Omh,é e formaer,5 roumrkei. excîmie every tory fraie office; a t sg certaluint un poevailing carrent of public - . . . j e oumy<bitraie muc atshor <han k embooZa := d y Mr.Harriso. Thorefor une qumrrel lain otw" inhuabut sita tho people of Canada. Tho toriesobave acteisi<th bmc teristie blines« in provoking lnquiry, ma" <arn. iaig publie attention <oo nmnuor in shich oR. eu are fillei; fur it milI mure1y eau.e momme or unna <o quake len<leir places. -The ismsemhieh unh pople cf Canada will joie on une ques<iom, mil mn otb, ws mmreforsuete-ere m *juated tuoeii1 but w a. JO .M u wre appointe .- -Tbi-odwmg-tmt tmo ii rDc& te iiuiia5om h. wfagxod cf <ho chargoomamie agrimmin M- N>.i7 .- I tlale ?cL.ronto Piieof <ho 22a1 Ult. wm r31bueean article ontho saubjeet of the late al:. = ta~<mt <cto eTroary cf <bis District,* if. fec i e ho rit<on la iafaitm dundi ustyle; eot closing wi<b mn extract front thé bleJs Mnla Jleozese, cootainiag mivicu <c <hose wbo sqrt concerned in thenlbat. insurrection. W. moui latiria <ho Patriot <bat, e astras Mr.-eielau ocooceraei, tho quotatien js sholly inapplicable, bubo mu*je eilher cecemnoalin <bit depbprble o Gi,, mot dii h. aitm»y <ins lom. <lthe btrY un< aceount of poîltiemt transactions. Ott Uthe contrai,.h mm0 t thu bai cf bis cepanyl cf muiliim min aili on for service, imnodigte. ]y aieisth. .uteak lan18M. mags in l 'h- fallowing wicter, et th. <me cf <he Hicb"i Islad afiùr.MIlti.rimandmiup <o SePtem. ber, 188,M ctig asTremnreand Secnotary <o th. Jelantosa District Mutuel Fine lOmutance qomp!any. About.-the latter pariod, un <Le exer- i souk, mi ilsfright ami pamouagexa for Part On. tario lu <b.. port the bosy notes et prepiration are hasmr ris Stro <emBoitàandmaircoonsershas<lhg o boginthe"ir bsborat th. firit olening oeth<e 1., ia i.er.' Theoebua.becono rousse,&aa tIs un more - unfertmauituby aewno last meek by brseliag tlwea h u e., cs rein Stuarta Pot. amether !%<«Ming ie Wolf, 1<- ai, ami inother mous the wharf at the fout of Queso Street. F is at » ,.Ii d. Tho fislowing piroraphsiprola frein .Cireuo cf &taiifay let: " Ve are intorned t<bat latter. hae lioun e. eeived in tome sttilng <bat Sir Atla Napier liacnab ailei fet Englansiin <Le packoî abip Oforfero niewsYork. an <he otinsamt. Ha previom.sownt to Bouton to taka is passage, bu ntlking ta p roeod in <Le Uuim contin- uidcen<oeNew York. If any praif efmre avant. ingtf<ho courage cf <ho gihiant Kuigba, <bis singular <cidw împly uSclent." As 1 n m ti y othoro are at a a s teseein what smy 1< Siresanay predef oth<e Knugh< ef Dundnian courage, parbape <he Edite ocf the Cirero %ill enlmgbaen nu n hbas ut upon <Lla important subjeci. l'h. honourable, learnedandi Ç llast naight, in hia route <o enabark for E 'g. uni sent roui <q Qneboc, tu arcial tLe Pat- riota enthisfron<ier. Having after-,mnon'iîg in- cidents <q flouiand field." and cnaetung lenta <bt oonpleteby thr,.w hlm et Le Mancha Inta -<heobsade, arrivai "<o Bating," the redoublable ia g t in oct ike, .Aagt cet iafrai, <tu pr. ceUin un Unicora, alhout slae ih cousdered Lv cosnpe<oa< juigea a ifocdianal tauncla sip; le tissrefore co--s- te eMuet galbanst incision ci puaing on to Nos York. "This aiignuiai <mt," usys <ho Chronicbe. s ample pruof if Sir A*.ma's courage. Nom 1iamia isoue wîîh the gaud natnred, thounçh mnmbat soft saudering .bâtor ut the Cb.-once.,andl so far tram any far gîr set tiait Le lbaaducei hoing proof of ilIa iblant Kniglmt' courage, I think 1< as just <hue reverm e-Wlli may <ho KiigLi excliun. -Sanse ine freinsauy frieni.'" Sir Alha's oppi)nex<ai anal <bey ara tnet a fier, in conéequeniue of his l<aies,gay, wy dbid he no prove Lis ourage hy îtacking andl apturing McKenzie and i ji gang eau Ndvy Ilan? 1< is petfcctcîteninc<r 1,a mne to n ir rAllais inte notice ;tle hie cisc cf freedamnurnithe tndoubtea rigbt cfa Brît- tenuta'ried by the strict rule oaf petitical C.j-i ish subjoctlho enterediiutia a contracnt <or th< <san d <rueptite n uis construction cf <so heeki on th. Black River u atitin, i o e vtî. Af7ý Canal in the Stateocf New York, tome 90 mailesCiPEV'i DtTN' Iti frenu<hiîfrontier. Froenaniaftrbichperiod. [NOTE S THtE EDtrezor OfTHE HFRLDi t-In MjitîI (' i çe1 FI..i< fiuriog the tima e emas engage inhafulfilling Lia relatien le Navy Island, oui cirree-poiliteit ilces h, 1.,E, i ViEGt- contrinet, on thie Canal, lie passai naindepaffi.eulnet scoee <oiemîrare <bat Sir Allaiu lias cxplîîill '. ui-a Ile;- t- * ,! <oun<iisProvince te theilmateoef Nos York. rt!:,l h as h. bai oaccasioul, anal bis business tequired; ai shy itvmas net capturait. Ho asr, traieii 1 iu iil ' 1 -' , j andl as mon as.tun ork on whhch b aho : ycrea rusittDeiIes a0nî Tc, I l? 1 trd l gagei mas comapétés!,returnet andl reanmrniea his ciptur. But lhe le corrct< lu li.s rotai-, ke 011 r . I.iii 1- former resience in ibis Tomn, shore ho cos aithe Chronidg&a "uhîgider fc,",,fer til sPe 'IiirtDn' vaisuablu rper<y. He. bles v, a Refermer, nolimenbe <ou rapresent Sir AIllii'.; jîjiruen- to T,, i li"tj. and bas one ac<ively coneerued in most cf-<ho erp " t~ pohiicl coïtatsa hiclihave soceurrieain iisNow York au a prieuf cf bha ci.urag. le un-as h e1,;, District formoine yusats pest ; andau assncbbha. in ne mou*<langer aruring tLe pe') ial iltt, 'le materimI;y rontributadIn theun iscoifttureo f Easterna Statea <han iii Caiadi -il elf. i f- ,' thosos ho bave cf lite boau so bnsy in thoi'r Cia. y <ho bac, me undern;aiud <Lit Sir Xlii 3 1<- deavois te Inadue bis cbairacter, This us bis Nmb <ravetlail te New York disguisel like z Ix ;l - - t. : <tue position.French Canadien, reprasentel hmituseit as i<rni'. A Con .vention of Scbool Tombéers Las hem <the Frenceb ariatocracy, andl t-soli pts-Le on iiTl-t .1-n t'-V - - Oxford under a French unimn. W"d 4. R' j ý-ui- med n th. PrunceEdwuri Dirict, and meveral poaXofcorge!Er- un-l Mls I n rcltsn oepassedideclaring the necessityproofcraeEL WLi t rajiu.- ' Xiaîn' for an hiprosoaustent cf oducaion. The Con. dy s'.y mnos!) '111 venloistmoetaai onunflrt a<n-aayTHE TRUE BOUNDARY OF THE TON i, - .'. , n r,.IMay. W. ccpy the rusoluitians <ront <Le SHIP AND TOWN 0F KINGSTON. Elibilgo Fra:iseIl1-s B. Il Prince Edwimi Gotse. Vsabs Fi<wm.uIt.rmld. promts.,, Moveal hy A. H. Blake, secondesi by Chartes. In ycnr paper cf tho 27[h cf April, 1641, <me Eisîgia Robert ifrc., siluil. t Billard, Rcseleei-Thmt k oig' e upseQuestions have been aohaued fer the informaionîetDsit and <bat the future prosperntycf <is rimhng'C'o. f th. Public ; anad nos a Subscrihor proposes a Ensign David l'aniuduer.,v, re ; 1 lony. bighly deponis en <b.ealeveloeaieni af in. <bird for solution, vis: 'What i. îeIrne Linq haie, aesigned, ftellactuel tuleate, andl that on thue elicacy cf eut cf Survey or Boundary cf tLe Toîwnship of King. Toeh te sîgar, primary Bcboale, oaeh devehopemeni principally ton. ,ligiiig <Le Toavia uof Kiugsattei, canicon-. Young@ Cuiselam eTce ui dsttenis. - îituiag tho traue unalterable mmni perimanent ad, pronalel, lea bAbbn William., Secode ho RieL- Boundary <Loreof, establishel b-y <he Stature Hitmain Young, Gent, vl.hIver, p<tain moud Hathim ayaleoWs-Tho< <b.n;me esLas of tLa Land." ted, , OLn.<.,,aj...,. au- .',uq ot ,. Th.ie Mr igneil "Men<or," hariîîg on a bite janites C. Yt.u:g, Geai. v Db-rt. Pm ILe aimeFliantion oeary &hpols bt i acr..oecen, ghanal mn a tjomunlmtion <hrugh <hue noten, tact BYîtem of diocipline. aud a judicieuaseoeo- meium of yeuraiper, anal at the raquest cf .- A Letu a B. Stinar, Ge. r s<l - 1 nB0<booke lbe introduceil ino asebâola, sandia Suhoçriber," sciroa lave Questita onsr>r e plie olIItet, uniformitr-oft-doiàmm e.osra by patrons, Io the <liri, sith a readinwani ud satiefact puîe- Jamxes Dig.il, Genît v V. I i- and <Oerbore. itual te <lae importance cf <lac sutîject, and the r<itîd Maveal <q T..-Donneallysescandeal by F.Dostyvaluable in:erest ina'mlves, St prosecemith<e -Cniulry 'r op chiaIthIl. smo unaimonuly resolirei, thut ibis ronvon. bmtery ofourveyittir by astatemnenst cffact rt 1' Ol' ueuiu tion do eaatsly aid rspecifubly roccialiaenl ta tb. year t797 au 180t.itad frî,mn 1801 te 1804, Cu trT, %V ru. l'ailler fIet, Loi.. v r <ho commismiomers of common sehools, tLe fi).- amaifront 1804te 182, in erder <tumm-ivo nt lit, oie-aî- ut of Utatri',, laming books via., Colbo Spelliaig Bock,: 'Iitro. tente &aunsiary Lino cf the Townsahip ch K.itr. TF.ieho rne?, ductmon te ah. Engliu Ramier, Englieb Rosier, tort. humiting <Le Testanm-f Kingston, said clj.,uti. - Jubin ance, Gea;, v K.i1ir.ii Pinnock'à Historyf Englti<, Kirkham'm Gran.- <atiuz thetirs, unalierahîe anal permlanent nîeo.uite,I mer, Onhey'm Geography. Wilhets anal Wmlkin. ay <lerenf, establielled upen a permanent tarit,' -gnin Frîiî.t bain'$ Aritbmetickii, hohieving <bat their ainiforin <q <ha Statute Les cf the Landl. 'ru lie Leuîe-îat, introduction intomebeos, si.wli boad to improave Freinthe penucryear 1797e the-yetnl801 Knsugn A ex. Cals piel's ,eXN lb,-. tho $tateocf primatyslacools, aidfacilitais tLe the diagonal lice daliioatei on the Guvronaeui Pl reedeIl oprea dc àctioa generally. MIlp, naanating front ihle Surv-y and Reportrai Emusign OlirrM -î"', s I ,I à' ModSb y D. T. Denaoros<, sccodeal by J. W. Demauty Surveor Gemieral Collins. andiîLehe e.- uperr~efel, YonmaansRualvai.Tbat <lai@ eonvention ailes Survolyand Report cf Depuly Burveyitiliuers ExFrîcoSiiI .. e, the éat .ystem cof éducation as bauing lisait le- as <lie Eatere Buaundary Lino of List N, U25i ilpor eri mnificient, <bat melbahtomr arill sciai. dl. the abe -t cocession cf Seigtiory Ne. 1.,el.- Eisiigt M ati i5irîge, a. cmro cfdeince te thu syrietans ow heiia- inteu laothoe esir oraLuuiary cf sieigîery Nil. dnecoea, dopteaf, andl trust <bat by sâoeýqnnt Lqgw. 1. l afterwArde union different imite knewiu al;ime To he Euîsib-u5, ie ianprotvenet, anal the naiteal lfobe of- un Townsbip of Kington ; lavîng <ho Comumu- James Wat*, Gent. . Calderr, u.P!tti JMnicipal Counecilai, ami Common s4bei Coin. Cateroqui or Réservo lyring beel ei 1ami ai 1cr, nuissioera, mn improvai staie cf primai, lu- Frontenac% aaid shieb tr4ct cf banal, ander dilll- bLattes Jeakins, Cent. st. Cith.Pg;! stienctien Maieho nu«icpotei. .., rtot limiteandi a subsequent penleal, foesi prunitoa,a Zroisi lv yT. Doarelly,. econded hy Wieg>< Or c(sttueithe.Town of Kingston. ThisBeuns- ThomasA. hlauîer, Gent.st lira'. Clerow, Reseleed-Tut mn <the opinion cf ibis amy c"smencea i a Pott or Stene oument prou -d conVentoU stOC potua IP ho hrOteOrE allowed to pli, otied et the Sonda Eastern cienr of Lut No. Win. Ferguson, Gent. 9s. Snuîh, Pmt Teachora et ommou memoois in ibis District te5 in th. flrmt concession or <roat cf " gary MOW.l bua. ot goneruliy beet aimIfcient rmuneratîb; Na. 1 ;aftetwràià ueimrd*~rent limitaeausi<t James Brigga, Gent a- StnxW, Put. for comapétet 4unikirbftl instruistor, ad -<ba<Tosnsbgip cf Kingaton, and it exteailod t haeanetel, ihisceonvcm<hon dveus Ibis circantanceI, ncu. rear of tun fret concssion. noctions mifl h.heemploying of incompétent'laitun year 1801, a portioni or tract ot banal PIEFARLE FRotà FLoue L-Ni Ge'te S <ebwe ie h.eh.principal cause of ta ,r. wu makean f<mmthae Communa or Resserre Cati. late Lieutenant in the Cilitei sd tt me * e d ~oooa<euomrn<< ch< raqul. lying beîen he EatenBou amy Lireo a native of <hie court'im5%,srit.me ý es ci hy - .Déry.oceea y .W. Ycu- cf seigneoy 'No. 1. afiormaria unier illlent cemitrie feiamvain <Le aicrîl. I hiela O!"i mine, Elm-That thetteri éduction, pu. linmite the Towniship cf Kings<cuauniFort Frln-in.cure ah. duapteasire I5fLW§ failtkr'I' parts preperlly tunfilm alevelopenment anmm i te nme, and lheb. miitract cf lhWaIvs sconvsyai S aflai bien Io ac-cort, analdirCci cionu iu' l'nme ofai <h. pos ioa sudfacubliusif çi<a in a Deuilor Paiet<[fom Lieutenani sta<h u to :re ,h.. l zou <le infv VL eomateal, physlcil, mental ani qoreorHumîce, issueto Sit John Johnsoin, rerîovef onu pplyiag the roi, na neI moral, moi tatia-ivse*i.thé proseut mîsteni amdilsoinon ne. theohlbowimig description. ety cillai 'Aar*mJ - Lili -of rouemna sboo triing, in behini <iehé s "eins Park lntifNe. 1. smjiuing t<h owea ne t bave <hiemore.a'0"' l I'0" et<ose Kiaagstc n the T'om.hipofet «I t st, in- M'ej'<-j± elict of thun mc ing thainseolie ogave tLe tuliit' Msied b hy A. H. Blakesectsonimi iby-. .z>i>' "<ainmng eightama acres Of 1maaald ,,,.uni n ,.felesmmndchoir the biter end neiy Bnam s-Tba <bis conventicode"na k " tâterear by tun omitere Lxenndmry hlitof (W.i - riUe mrsbit li Ie <pdy alTeach.rs, et comson s @Mo 'ta1i*n ichaelGrimas liai." <lq. -la»t t foi or.e ber 55systiut cte<huetiq4Abbe.a' 1n<hmuojar 1801, m paotonor tract ocf - oLaSha sg o fo lioeprs.ent,. M iemçntoeIaerasio , naly te mmprovesa*vae lm s asgie takea <fr nm te comumun FI*taraqol or ethry te.aomtm wMinng. for ti lt uMatîylutarposerteoUme tmIly qaitoy Resserve iyimg botmeren the"aiercs honnai 'a i fiiggngyu c i . <lSMgs t<"' Im tttdate . cono cul ith <hou stations, las. e o meip cf Kingston, i Fort Fr onen , fir e is fathor 1 o aetO I It ~ by <oirTatne oerg mi litlitlnee, o p omdlthe seid tract wmm moed andl granteil M a ounnoincé. * '1 alie off ur .it <t <lii noste <heo hibst omiaatice a si moralimpue. Demi or Patent ùs<tmLieutenant GoeoroB on u,,th Pseicocinanl f. 5,1 ' i. Mont etth u ~pls un u ni cre tIm i <r.lmund te Am ar].ilandl in bussios mxW hs<e fAher stand uWittahIbo trepti B" - t fprimary mcboob in cmun.follming imeripation: Being Park Lot N.. à: anosrra latLm~Ib.Lh liesusumaraibe."i.u em taT u ttiait. ,contasiig etesn o<ouhrapas ~il u<leum sers dsf~ "ton mcmcinof landMai.a itua< te nTosoiwip AbeeteWhmi have iiU uit m~ j d Kiucm4and btaaimin tbe rar by theaes@-sai-lie. t oan Iary lia, 4ct Ceg&a in iebolGrans.', :'m iJ.ke*.' repl.ed tho boy. A.umihag o.a ou omb la inAdelphusioma liai." Mt e, aYDgai ader ît?' des wmpectisg un peoPoood "ocf thoCourt Hou» e The. obvionseccoia ihch m u edtheais<hLer. fu ol, qy un DWAtrct Camneil, s e kit Wrmevea iin mchieposer'ai nfer ù<s ean 1. roieg a.<s18, 'A "emsr mpcon. <suau tbat the Court n.Um- in assi él»istrict ti m etof ctmeambraca.lin un.hW" idyur- ise,. bai. perty.- ad qMl 11u0<oromaincellboaivelly fur pÙ sm-y , w n à s n a" m m u e uadry 'A lamher apter#un i <idsis îiç PuWO -Nü.uttevs Iso1.4hoj m a Sttoti u s nige éSisntabatà 0 idroasemoiauaae Wrdn mi Cnn li <ua'h Tnunbp < tispe i Co Wily. P*,' cmii the yuuugoter raf" addm ansorWotbW«d an COOCI tht wkh n laloiassused oce<theGoem»«t .uaoince, ->ou il W prwPP -n une uMject MONSand in kmoswitby <ho4ul.gaal"j l <j . Vi an d 1tlita. mail prPUW mla is iteunhe oteru banio ln o i -t e o a thuet nomw<urow s'y mie Newcm Vom i 4us % twunNew York Tri. tWn lut eas W- ea 0< igrnryi.-.,L alter. bnbaul a.be aspdaIi" bee, a"isvenùih eor paporsin <the ï on w'mais md5Itdi~ctbli" 4h.le Tow of ing-M Wouliproparinem or t~irii i M-M e M Wob es laie, i bigkitt on*g «4f- Or lm or lm,7.te Ibo year ppaoé tlk ubo<r'.liiia im ltire. leu me ILÂ AM tun »W ci.e adplain ~r~ crsclet laui. yadmit t<bathunechuaise, le ni& ne. frIm<h fe a n tauneat CIfl<sts 0. ssmsriyEM. Jos aw.steou m aloi goatGreat sUritain Wiin à «-or411111Pi liat fremnm .hpnm1801 sied 1804, ijmgb ni o t obmlier -Wlii - î -tma ulimtn e mmunoii .msa.usr-, g 'umoiusun ipIbmrevit.<et eO sîadita itur îs< id"orbom à@ abier aae__ uiiale m m t heNissurri o t1b ssa n s, ho pjoe , .Wl-ààt"'bà Vu op f b here ok, osse4bn*g~lh ~ m ~ ~ ecmaste..sdle - . -- - - --.- o..pi .1 El felbcwitirOm e in That ate cem .îî< ne a li. Ornen Pli'tedit lier e o N in,~'-ta., th. y o. 1hý <ho Tona o niry ,, n. ardf Laujett ha -andintaerao<i e îîoa i -. - 'henne ua, "~ t.i te <Le front ofs "'n cf <ho Teava cf Kîa , eap, r aid Park Lot No0,it a - i rt agPark 1Lt<-N.- 2f orc belmna, un <Le noir oft ie T e1- a potor aîona..rjeat pn rhe front Of Park L, j\N 't )roar cf thme Town t r i ,i iaient tlantri .; t, or Monuinent ini a 1, î. tLe saad Park Lot Neli . - rearlieiand o th<L Of Lot No. 2.. rl C!îî. TheLe u Unnýale,,- sa.t -i rear Oeth<eir oîe 'Il. The abere and frri de.--. course andl dista,,ce J;"the,u cf tLe Tot%-nlIp of E,~Z of Kîng t di, 1.1î In a .44 cf .ASuheriert"-.W> »Surnea or Scaitdîr- iit .. ton, liîîîug Illue 'ix,, o I R- utinig the rue andlUlieal eîabe,l b-n tLe tS;reae < Inl closiighac-.il trora and iiterests et 1b. v flt ani;r <hîîîl a-t O nb<r:'i tIc- i ., y 'cn'or;fruti alutid a ,Ilt : inor friaIl f 1Srn tr., e- <et aveulîtr lit a:r ir ii - mtrongh <ho îrdii '-t l¾0 f elion ei thý î e k-îîcAedge of thi' b-. sLip am' thîe re.t- ei ghip, cad iromiIu .< of the ijnd tii n", IC tr - ether riglrtn ,"' Il ' u Pie ,, o paucty 4 - ~Rn OW.- DE Ise nAE 1' ~?7b h.iiobou amppri - iou WJP UWMCOMS, p 4 e~tescowv co for i dlO - 1111,1e rlp toit ,c 111111g1, P, es"il cadrir leus J. orsa pednnlias enapi aue q <iiig of navigmi e ' CARTER & flENTI~ 140, a" .ZiildingFront Si T 01 lPem oir ant;amty of il Tké~oo1'à foundry., 1av bou ht em noveda aya tbar orhvilibesIdî aipublic 1,o fwhom 1< May conlet 0. lith marcbe, 1842. FOR SALE. lads' laid Tarrd Big HAjiticàBLES, ANCHIORS, oakan, DMts. andl Dock liîgh< bùiaoj Latmae & Sh.p Lunehan b h i.=mnso OU, Pairle, Tt lim. p, tire & PirelI, <lu rang a pptoadp&uemosi, anel Shovels.wrougb< Iiran and k.,up1erief JIc<Skiais for Suddle, joIvz> 5lEtti MYDROMETi a La Ding & Fuage Lindomj i,> i ktra. etmplete. tandiguag romd: s upeiot Fowling Pieces, d à litiglr barraIs. peekut andi herse Pi pinît %%adting. e.P'dr&,mi 4 &lt: & oclsPov.tr&di FI.,k4, &c' k. pt iLote amidehas aie e part of las< tains, cai re nom, etTereti ,ii farotral e tres. MORLEY' & J ENKIN lingaxon, March 15,1842.____ OF Dit YGOODS4, ,. r ine Wmtanof tthe Sabcribers onii liqd ie 1hinsti mPusitively mithuiu tWC"es ean.g<init-, via: ?,te« Paetory Cotionit, frein j tc 8. du Apron Cheik, 18 pioem s ht eaid l'-îer Lenni, Mleinei.i, l mi-, and Otimabrcos, Irish Laneu', U :4 i-b llollîumi, W'hite Damnait, LUsiLl mîL lited Table Clotha, Fiannis, B3ei haes, Jceonet. Ahall, anal Dgarei Moi in and Figured Billesasud Pereman,. bi Bilmdaras Silà llamîikerchiefs, a îi iniIs mlasaicorners, 'I iianl Tartan Wmrted Plaid, ia-t '-we!himag, 'h'cking sud âheeting, lsielY. itibtons asid Waddhuag, ,iîiî)(e aid Pearl Buttons, 'n100 Bills, Liffl ani Spreol Tbreaul, ce, l'tp, Neeoilep, &c. &e. &ce. CliciîYle Valret Shaw il, 6-4 7.4 8.4, PrIiltei CotiLOn uihiwls nvitai d rimgeo, iiui,î Satieî ana Lertlxor Shce, Innr mer's Caa eSki, lioa «tt Bork and l Sido Comibf,. PiCOS Ru=ai iper,- 8E.IDY MDlE CLOTHINO. doubli Barm4*lil <u', P'îwIiiig Perra, ite, suucca-ea ille pistolet, lelt cii mauc.je latj1 o'clock, A. hi. atai ndekuw,aet <MOI ut ile. COLLfNib 'AIs< f) B A fi , fil ,'t t lie 1*1 'ý i. T~l u, t L-1n7812. i, ù u:nII l'a ab .îîXl'ON utehel - -iîuuai î:y n.t te, l u e arti, uies , l.e, rush tgerw ira Pa i r"w itient. bi<u iibngleDoîuble, o'anud 'ý"SerY saPeritar ilElu]S v ,,o'api; & Siennan d usaSilo o epirl.ir andl IC'ebenChars, Tub]u - i~ utthn ani, -8eerstanuee, h p k. IWP.OGntsPi«eteiait riil soi f <L e itarticles te ho Mi à,s, adai ikowisehte .n viesr l isdîys prevoc c <ho ;$5.M0. COLWUNS ilHAINES I A Pactam atniim aW W The lormwil lieam espectfl P. M.P " le, CHZZX - i k Aile B W . -SO K reeu Ab6l detsatù te M il Wlli s oL 1 lai M' s- nboeby Çaa<aoll W5 i et, aPymeat bas lbe, tl ti lm 01 bi ti c ta lmth 170

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