-217 %iuptoun, cab CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICULTTJRAL& COMMERCIAL& KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1842. 1*o. 1. h r i l M; I - ý FO c, cr c1c cl cl CcA L,'r" cc I i t, c h, - A i' ha: Le tc e i fur. :le q. v0 r viilF' " ' c 1 ' vAv : l.-. " r re ,sle lVit l, r , Fi . i', p;'. ic liii -c' il .n te, 1,2 .1.' il.- i. and 1tl7:11.5.1 ce .1er ICr 1crli' , r ' i n. M ai c cr" l ineci ecrtei ns e i ,la de' 'Cc, h-- ru.c I' "1, r Duc and, i l ,cc .c',cc le ntier t. i&, Ttcn. i.E mai ic ilC OF,' ra'.hb.Slo KINGTON-i'l -ustsOF7ADvERSlTY. 0 itLiADY WIIO BAD V§fC D etg Illi OR WUCATIO2,Ç ;Y T. S.KUt avaisli my heaft ta ose a esible on1 iiew le layour 67C IC<aif, Cecelia" ï0a«, etisaby ber aide, and coe lagtiilw 9i-ibe in ber lap. 0 moalu"sand selfia I1have bose,1 -11 ,IMrs. Merlin. replisîl, î.nderly, f ~beface. Whule ber eye greW .-f .w-- " 0- in, «r itt.al te mos cheedlland i ln *Iah i, rcustamles art. chan-.a efén i thfI 700 have tipen, tesy.Srely we mnay b biji. ta ocr poent atered conditioni1 Our "aIItiti l ft t Us, and we hctve a a eniltbough tnt iurt'iittdeil With8 cag ionabe l And ho ,î. he fbis younog wift. %binf married, Thieodore Merlin .cre boy, with hie ratiainal mndjoit lis derlcpetflCnt.yet. inithe. few âkiiiPas&dainehat evenl, he liedt ct. and.oe eof îdependent thnaght.1 ',bit, Ij lared the fte "4ilial ""n laoua.]ie h ad craed tri eel :, !le hilOW pre'PctOioflO of ftnhiona-f cecI fly Sensibeof île elervlting .t4nacV.T., hii, thonr; the ne-t ',,beicle I tiîcccn tu retira into oOb- vu de'p jîs%ýri iiliYon Caccouflt of 1,ee r~lî exesurpe that g'tve îli c eiac cftî,foln tu econouIit ~ -cccc.w..' refleriph bark troma NI àl.s terl c, tic..]Plie felt lghter & 'ion Ellebill bre t ,cce the day of ber el rt ie br l .c i ,, ÎU i tii !il thUe srvant hctd cMr. and .\ol, drew up Ltathe uccl a~TOflCIi t ti f quiet en- n hctte be ctre beccc strali- Tce ,acno fcccreiras b-fcre. tu fcec ~ ~ an frm*td il.cr!perficle- a- t.fi z o t, b h c app'cýrently h.c onter a,,.] îoctres. Mra. i eý tell. and1 oach notepi and *î.,y the hlte wancs of the nîh. .tc~ -e "y e' ', bre," Mr. MerI.a ,, 't op hjq rifcltenice. ".w riticy', litsw:e rej]..! wi,', 'th ii içto of real plea- c.ýencps. mUIcIl h iprier. But, lbe- ýU . ?:Rfh1 hah fire a great ownae bcner, b c.em oe %oel ryi alec? ber I o -okinra >wàiv- Chi.ed eu:Jeitl. toe!.,"he r'nar et!, in Sane Surprise. il a ccnnge w'ct requcred, you w!il Ktii îerhrcco t. 1 hnd a vist fruntUn- b I ".c','. fcr the first tinte ini my O'c.]i h'c 1 I lai'ctqbeen dis- c c ,c1..coof I hcccgh?!, and ni(. b e eie otIy gonod comarlon 'ct!',te ecalecs eeifed ta feul l"e, d 1 saw cvern'thiccgaro.und me 1',R~eancd avcth item'relation.. c'r " bati b- h'cppy even1 c' x nt.cc . i t unla1 ad-c', cccl rcrneeî cleerfully, the - L'cccccrequre of me. Ta : cxcvc r i' iptby May t c i cc'cc , rv1'citrig ta ficîd ",.cmo er'cvt i.] ycur r,,- c. ie ccr luband replied wc:.h 'ccc, c c. e rj.red awcy, Mr. IlIerIr.csali enrrao'cd far moit <of the np!laant Ccicraccmutually il" 'h ter in gondi reâohutinna. ne%, erm a segin l in t hel t'l,, si,@ hhall desre.] mre toc cfs ftber,.i, cueFedet lcngîh,1 iOe. n'eecftln eeand.] iither, §lie 'tI Ie .h the most car'afcl et- ceiccîc c inbuing ber mimd 'c' eNclier rational mimd, ce', e'c eîcc'reci up nd render- O .rceal L.îte, aiciartificialî 'I n R ctbv ahealthy dpelope. *4tur weak, effeminate n.c~0ccc'Mentol cOfltitutiof h-id %Id 'is ct- 1 ite a clrinvenlioîîal Ëe ccc fclly remoeiel, and tbrew $Me.dancd the artl- tuc.]bi tis h Ie-lthcy actiGn ec.Or hat tbe n ~Pa;lt. 1habiha.]rcndered oh.] ~¶ccci.ocl lci'ltaliuiocst necemcary cce e CI.] icrlat lotlerwiae thau au ( 'cc','cms anad molles of 14, M dcccved onnco*tuena caaincd grade- %%,t i cnaassaeqnc.db7, h i.the pr98 a. m'o lolw, ancd mrl A-tf dcnour ý"- ent: rreluctance, c p tene Inusedo ta Rl7kind w i. t itnhhnom' devolved upon '~ijC Ct icblcicec, and a gemerl ie 0ohcî asR, for a Lime, ~ ifloottamat hr S k uider i. ~ f", 'etm0,asi nImet give t-?.Cienvt]ydii cca J a whorc 0 O, ncre knews bw excei .7e1id~, -:enerY.day. with the ch P il ol whom' meed , Pd grfacigued,- ber kind aid te ath ibis constant attention te S'Ih'd amly oner@ýdo jeu ot a ý 0 et isequally as repu.f 't t ut fiy.]fi d ie r's e~cd bt t t e rmoens. 1 have I'l fhm'otrywagtsd -y k. tre Ilt 'r o Idid no ra lesetha atal ea1 0 Wb0 lasLiea l o gsi arrié, sd m eedChir titam.icn idkmm." Iud. Sarehy va aigt fialsous aas of tte Uncle. T tyfud bimmiuch ta their grief. "A eS pctre Ido n now remembor s relief!" 'ceai ha deue.].An.] %vum'sensible of its op. .in l oa ayc.wam in tht ea damucls I have tbougla%.andit iboghtbut 1 kiow .of proaris. He iook Ceiteli'a band sao carneop vit nmemeai melaol, wvfl emetta haveauanlidesnosthing chat woold relueve hlm," vWas tbe de,,. 1totahie bedside, and pressling ai warily, aid bu of urang ta ty ueeftil puupe, the ruadimnts pouding replia. foete lutones, as hoie oket lier tenderh,'in atab of su etaucation wviccis chaas acquiring. 5h. IlPtcbaps lune k araaisof c>tedùgig," aouges.fac- Mapeted ta hoe valuait hecanaseabcha as silura- toi tMr. Merlin. "My dear Cecelia. you kaow net oto uch 1I t; mus that wuashibm pulsm ihai causetl hor " Heew suml Jane know, Theodore1 SU ae laneovet join. Surelv, no motter evar love.]j ta stud Il bas hallD it otptrsisce with children.'ladCili.) Ume <antI>'thi hhave lccvod you. Yen ."A]1iheae. faW active lifa, wben they ener' - But elehm lihyod in many famiias. and bas - er. ny tear little playttîng m'hee 700 vere a io ils valke; are liercly gond for nothing," no douht sai chililcen with the croup. if Chai is chi!d, adit as pu grew -Ider, 1 san'keil pur uan" Unele Joseph a ii with nime warumia. sm'alat ails GeWc iaflding teauties viib pride ad affection. Bait, lAs fur instançail your nlece Cecelia, initia br .'hera go ansd cail ber qnick," the onater 1 sleyeu graw up tea vacnhood, and 1 ieev thet oibe ducatios," Mi.,.Merin rîmark, with j lid, catching aitibmefoetle hop@. as jer innocent minai vas becaaing parveerait, b> a amle.Il unewasaccortougy cslied op aleas lainvienla a( ie, sud files, mac inge,c, euet IW. naif!except ber taaw," Uncle Jueptias @lie aw rthe utile oumu Clie el e acerboy ny aut bas ae.] for jyen. Thea sail mug pil .la ut u "choap lea0 eil oc W a tuail b d ot hecroup.1, yhi ocelev atia tynet bao d ne t hoe Sitira' sal it, poilg lutm. y"Ahhugh ch. as' "O dar, mal trehdobaurgaim, Jcroup'l joi ore.] mifi jo hour ad acle iti C h. on, u. minutes since uf feeling exceediaagly fatignsod. & lira. Merlin, Ioaking up aiagerlj inria the face et Mic plain, aitsaut, anel,' visera oftifé vore de, aluutimcuri~d, ,eaetma."ber serant.opiusuh.sied hm plrceutas,»joe&» " 6 flt êt -tibdl do. Pt i eas au ah i s ac ro ilesofacion fair osto in jour position inu ocîetycl "lA cuare or chaibircuaaà id vii onu ý rui¶gai came vater ready ine e'iili hie, ansd mtai lengha changecame. Od owsaa ta. Crogba s much au mec filli. tajour ip at titre nosauetatmr e stumta , n I eta. ifraifor yena! hitouseansd suflas for tat1 ail the wlhilb Ï" m heWfalsud y amlyiu fa. Mr sud MmscMerlin looWmdet eech ather. caane--fear ant hope. , There cas pure goad1 j tiguedY c ,1 "Are you a mre Jant"Mr Merlin eked. aibd ieved, lat in you-tho fire revesheit it!" "0, Ye. 1have ote ali onm memi.wbo " O yeo air,,l'ilsceeu tho ruple msu>r Hemo Uncle Jupsph'a volce faihod hital addhb ilre really of muais more dlica. frame tibsu1I ijins. But ce mainsie b e qik or¶ uvery idia eyes flîet viciatear.'- The.bouts ai ail amn atending ta thre<r four childrami. sud ball, and cananatliv touxg noalie ta relief." vaubeio.] listeming b hie latde, waro mette& bearing witt the confinsement of a nursery, as1 Jane hue hurrin.] offintoithe kiicglsu te kiodie and tesrs feaI l le rmin. IR-covering himself ai donetîmes aSm. a flie. wite Mr. Merlin lvent oui ioa sruiggioi's little lie addd- "An.] Why a%4s hi 11, to get the emttic, as lie vas.aboui closing tise IlAnd nowai, cy dear ehild, loint e adit one "Because tisey asere une.]ti te . 1 minetget mreot tant-, Jane cal!..] tu hui ta gai mone Scotch iWord mare. le mare profperaus cirîcimance, uiled ta il. h suppose."tnut; if it wero passible ai haitour ai tise nighi. for sncb 1 ienos waiiyeu, forget cnt thet esions "But tisy e7 -ra dlierful 1" Thse vate.- vasn.arl>c bot sailnera r. Merlin von hava learned in dveraity. As jona have "h do mot boom tisai h coul.] axplaiu taeyMon etirtriillebo"iatbeen detainait gnsmeireunt in Ixrne with patience the dsrker dcia.enmtion oi a thse reassacof that, Boisas it hoe taeas,, that thy riigng up tise treggist, ami. afierwards in rail- km.] Providence, let thse brighier day.shîlane op- ha.] n ideas above eheir condition" ping up a tobaccomisi. ho a short timne thoy bitaios a mach but thakful isart. "lThat wiil not fully explain tise matter, C' tirec utile suibérar immergeai in the balai, and thon Exhaustet tv the effort, h. kita.] ad miai lait cilia. llany of ibame pomons have otteru de- gave the smetic vbicb the driaggisail aaid vu hiialieadtback open hia pillow, etilllookin,' up pensdent lapons them-n-cm aga.] maler soit su in. very proper. Itooonrolucod thedasiredoftbct im thie face af hie niece vush a calin cuile, hai valid @inter. Ail avt, soea nt i visnir. Andt cnd George bibed much irer. Wiibtise w*" ftdi.0 pure afrbctioo for ber. hnasfois'misa- it mn tus thi'e, egrt te attain chie end], thà eh.7 gîve. uand mno me sveem ail Joue preparei s plastr eteu ha close.]bis eyec, sand thon faoffaI ntoaa Lhir services a otharv for wages. Tbe consci. vhich Weas cpread over the breami sud tiromi of gantila sumber. Froula tisa: quiet sloop, he s- ousnen that, iin ibeirtllbor are tiseenuats ta the the chili. ha ffteen minuteus fter tho e rerof0< cke in s boter ari. . an.] 14ey desire, Blates ithetq perforin tisla ue llor -li eareleve.] to intl hia aiokimsg aay iota, Hehait spokio truly-betier jiayl* aus regard. mil oaisan.] cieerfuhness. Aod ta Increuaeasgoute lumiser. mi varely'wealti,diitawaitMis. Merlin. Murs thcc cheerfttlness, ii the affection vhich ai la ihé unirriug a physicien came ver>' marI>, ta ibe surpriue.aof &IL. Coe Joseph left bobisi nurses, tboy féal cfor the childreus colmnitteit teaïoi proooualced chat hait tbeau don. ta hoe rigbat, hm a handsôma property. lio ha.whita e i th tiseir cure, or as servants ta the faniliam in vhicb in the course of ivoa or lhree days lutile Geoigo prime ai lila, heen egageai in tritde; but toer tisey readeY wau playing about thearBoa, as livtly s evS. vere avare, that thée apparenti,' unenterprîiiug "Afod whai an.] ohaul.] 1 have in view. ta Blake But. lie voulit aiment inevitablj have di..], boi ttIrehauavau akieg monne, ansd ho neverseuu. uj cheerful! Souci-Cimes 1 feal as if la thia ri-g',i-But Jane POsmsesuanpeior knOoledgt II iha c. e4dpostit ta lut uy thor impression get a- lar routine of car, Ivsu asiisso if aiy tuer And es. ta Mc.. Merlin- Andt ibis the latter filie, u..But, sllho he tiret froin business, ho ihen h cail age rioeqdci to ite. orastii pluee sud ikeaisofeai and panet ad humble.] te lategia.] in safle securities about fort Tthataeand ibea."hnk Itour ear ber chut hbaait hontuta deatis1 dollars.Hibad hitecaoreasansfor iopinghie 'No ti'ne is araste.. j in hch m'a perfurtu thi'ogt er inorance of her duCj ad a moir. secret. At hie death, tweaty ihousandcaft ii ioame nue ici othoirs," Oncle Joseph. replie.]. IlHow muais h have jet ta lerau" se ra- werÏ left Ia bis Bluter, Min. Howard, aud twen- " Yoalesit waa end you shooaid have in view'2 maretto lier hncbaud an the da7 ihai bier child t>' theuran.]toAfbro. Merlin. 'rhe good of your chihdreis. WisstBoiler or s pronoaud tb, the physicien ta hieonof ,0 Nov Cacelia was preparat truly ta 00307 s Mare inspirîng motive cauld &Zane ouhiave ta se- amger. -. More tlevated condition, sodtelle di.] en'jayitk Cîci (l Aayuntilbs advoeoueej "Like yaurself, tbecelia. 1 perceivo aimnt sairannandt s Christian. Hier hnsband agoi effort for hein 1 Surel>. sncb an ed in a vOrlhy *rcry de> un,'ignorance on aany points of ouenmteruit imua tradte, sut i nov s sonndi marchant, one!' fui knowiedge. 1 a making the dmeoverv tisai Idaing business upan correct princi toit. Mcc " 1ace i, 1 <cl," tirs. Merlin replie.], sitar a voe re ever ta cease learning." =Mri u iepoe fhcrlofrm erthansdi thoyglitful pausa. - But bo. muach Cindi attention wm havre rofinomeut in whicb, esle molles. Oui of the "Trytitane Cecilia. ta leep ourla îhaughts wasteit in earîy life, in acquiring ihat vhich masj thougbtless, frivoalous voiary of fashon, adversity eVer hefare joueumiuBd. %Wheu you <folntispos- nover h. brosght ia euse, white of rui,' posc.- isu made s true vwoman. e.] toeag ini jour exercions, ihinie of jourrdii. tical] inforationalave arm atrangel>' deficient." Iran, am ntheb doeman alureo'cure asdt IlThat is, indese.], easait trotta, Cecelta. Buit Lonua Asn=Tana-A louer freim safriead t 'eotiie1. Tai.. 1 s_!»d y:ais ed4avhoe nsMtliti,'k Pt bm.ar tae sdsimmseuo i ucOuUussm ierer toilng bthfor youand tnan reslve hab alesedae ireisvaiopunaimesor ilho*1iftise Wempite et Annspmde, and of lm to $ar hmwitb, sud if possible, igîten hio lahors. vorship ai ihe abrins af pleaure. itis n et b4bartoui'amcrtsr>r tithe sat ofGOvermnt, ho surt R work of love, bonw t îla i b.iethe re- ton lata te lear u sthea put ,ear'uexpéenuce Whoemtte noble euvoy himaeef vas oxp#cCe yard jour heari cl a."bas fuly pravai teta ]ou. pesteritay. An avant, ne dautit, of biglaiport.. Thun dccl Uncle Josephi endeavor ta imparti- No, it in tait. But ai what point ta begin, I iOO ano the bitory of aur nation., ncv matiea spalnov powcer, and hie effort .. hardi,' know, 1 perceive m,' daficiencies te as sa'seNotvibhtandimig th force sud lutemaprat tnot in vain. Neceeity ib an excellet iescher, mn,'." Then aftsr s pause : "BoyHallrsqwiaelanguae t on freel,' andmui Isetatteret hy l!.. an.]soMma. Merlin fonit. Ersu hen disposed 1 siaotuieso.fmhin Iaoking hock, tim hsn ovp b-tstantathl oo f itisitlan.] ta relax her effots an.] give va,' taeiiaiearten- perfectîr self-satisfimd h1vs ain having milccl tha'o imensu side, sud of defiançe onmithe ing îhicîtghc3, necessity prompte.]tes artian. And imiter t1ie itea hai my oducation vas filiho. I1 terineobvions eneugh titi grlat im"dt- ga, by a powaer that aise cotait niai maint, vas cho reSllY hougisitisai her. vas ootiug loft forme $tics le attachet b,' lie Eogliabh Governun eett kept valking in tise rightb.iti, illber test lbe- Ca lesmn, tisai ans>' ,'ung lady coul.] bavce use for, tIhe mainieunnce af peacefuland friealy rois-. vaine use.] ta tisane% nd .]ileven va,'. Amibe Sinca thon, ini aimant ovory case vireacibon isu eare witis the Unitd Staies. Ver>' egmflat encO c.: the first year that passealstar the change beau requilet or une, h ave heen deicieut. 1 tntiaiona have heen thcovis out taChi eflhct n hec hitisband'a cimeunîtaeces, Mcc. Merlin hia.] ceuhd îlo give a servant the plaineui ddirectionsa W Sir Rabest Peeh andtoller mititérial speak. beocme tolerabîy mail corsa.] in houcahlt af. lu conking. La scknese, boa periectl,' belplous ers, aop tise flaur cf hMouce of Gemmones; inti. fare, and] %%,bat mas still btter, vas abl!e to par. bt1m Do et sovus myssîf Il' mations avieg net oui,' deire but anziety. reva liat lier duty* lcy in an attention tetale. "Bit you have tournaid mach Id the peut Andi inde-e.], wvisamres tubing tirent of ihe Hem contant cheerful performance wus a mincI tivehae matis Cecalia. Imites., h think jou <ft coudleb.given titan h appoiittent.ai Lord hanter lîesnn leirn. IBut in hi, ltoc, vas quit. an apt sctiolar. Ausdjoua,. really happier .Astaburtaun te titis special miîsiou! 1 :cie mnaking came progresa, dhw, ta lie cure, bat tiss u evre, nvitondiusç the great chango W. féeal confident hat s correspotaiig viah steady. in our vorîdI>' circunastance. sn enicriained by tht e rnrent of the Usite.] But it ceadtetalber las If tiser. emm 'talho ne "IlYes. h ceriainl, au. fleel s conidemce in States, as vo kta Jesiiî eh ail rlght tbiuk. endta ircunsancs cusvctig br 0 a aui tyscuafhat 1Ibha.] horm; sud s conccius nce ag and right feeling men an thecontmy. We enft informatancti col uiigh o awa tisatai m discharginç, dail,', m,' ditjte my bon. havaeuse daube hai hemieelqauuts o ander. oubjects. lIer youngrist child ha.]limotaint hliondasaitcbildcren. I'butsleaaaurce afno"oj. standing sud adjustineut existinbu abondance; ceotbirth day, s fine îearty bmitai~d y plesre." snt vhere sucis lu the caue ibera le ail raam ta scameiy known a day'e si boy9 , cptwat Bu t yen are often fatiguel.,ani,1Ieaantese, ai hape for s pi-opitiauas soue. bcda ettecîd'ed finci dentition, ant. this ha.] basintianea, averti dovus aiih car.sud labour. 11ev Aut ana reet roason ah,'ahouhl hopeansi ight, and of but brief durat'iu a aey maclait u tptnk, ihat eu"i save y700 [sioe farttise aintainnenl cf ibis objeci iu the uica occurrence. hil c iaet very ucrtes.llfroun toila Ch"atare fer bejond y our stremsgi." etrong probahility- hat falure of Lord Ashisur. flch.]an ngieassh pt ttabok ee ntI h Thoera vere ini the teonos of ber isuaisan - ion.tou'u miction vilh leave scsmcely an alternative lse etnbigahta ieptbe e M n dernes andutcancerta ihat itucte.]tise feelinags f or rvar. Ihis le t ta h. doubtedt iat hoeha. hhcelo erliecca tmeubedoppresse.]inbreathiiag. Mca Merlin. r eine cbotlied vit ample pavera; buttt huard. ell kssd ais firforoicaie anethnodwthetas Das motfe01 coancecn fIrue, dtait hucbausd,& Ijmure atoise taubted tbat vitisthme ppavera ho eeo.hie fala fuadhs. Absnd tndeaa te elid "HavelI oijumi ait iai ithal ' biog seiahat niay ii os os le regarde.] cisc an.] ber bushant vere avaked hy a tend, techangea' tisaihava coma iipae tniam aa L as an ultiina'uun, h. reject.ion of wch wil suffocatiig respiration of tiseir chi.], vhicb vas do api tian 1 ever sainebefore. )Thore lie, chose the donc, upon diploniacy ; and tiis woulit accomparnieil, accuiouaih,', by a siatle deeprie our affections, springs cf pure, unselfishhlho a lamentable cansequence. resoudiia coub. he apoare 0ta ou rseionojn. that only ibm haut cf cilieticnu N Ve are*inelure an.] carraiet advocats for peace. distrecc, thrawing bis hea.] back . I u.71 uneal W.secite brigisi an.] beautifail stars Neti mainlj blanse svoefear the issue of an,' war ira bie struggtle te gai bi'tath. i ..u IhaîbtetsCnight, hat are aIlititden fruimsout ajes cheu in whiclc the United States migit ee we iib roul.]itat Ili uniena. immadiate relief vere oh. the t u'nleamcs are abroas." an,' nation, looking morel,' ai the question of de.. îanet. -An.] you duoral: regret the reverses ha ievof<mai or triumph; sor, yet ilacainte of aur préset "aWliai tanehtlis e nadti ith fimial "Mis.baye expeiencei 1" snprepared condiionafor var. We hleve tisat Merlin excîsimet, sr'lia p runbr 0.. Oni. Sisoitit 1 netrather bleus ilsm 1itepreparet are sah l avays haountil var us mc.. a.nd lifting htale Gom mfo Li rti ae they oct beau marries in diaguiset 1me.ta1loo ne ; iraev c,'sr ht tt "IVe mut haves d Ltr eitae,'1" o r îcly love.] mj chiidcenu,ountil lise cama cf thèeuof constant preparation la ce extremelj d0515!*le te epauseof hec bushatil, as mion as oho al.devo#ed opan me. Their innocent delighla gr un ceusitenith Our poitical principlesaian. caine ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s hihycnccao iaaamn ado b7naaboteà a. net, and h nom wverie t ier pre. i-ltituti-0t, a 0i oiI aeus beliee. neat oif hie chil.. "Di.] yen evar soe aachildvuni eaer, for 1 vas realljitoa sollaittealho villimgteoniaareadatocates for pence e hc" seve., kio* croup, Cecilia 1" lheaddd..bourt tcir eager quotianings, andt tapp,' rmt- bat va, lu in'avec,' meue, in0 everyrecstaitin "No: but front aiat 1 hava hecard of tbitlessooc.. But nov in Mj purer love fo ttg., ever,' tlilet, dephorable, tfeteasblesand ommm- dréafuldisase 1 earGeore hn i" tillr ptieti,' can 1I lgbeuseCa s hansant qung- ancotrage upon humean natue-tise pregnant tadfiaThndiseas, IMtar orgsoeths ta ogl tiaesud boy mach telighat can h1 led in direct. sarc4 l maginal usra i li"dn T ison d oiaeaiosAre tisientsai aigvthir young an.] curbuue itad!II,'olationacf tise dity ti mac ove-s te bis Mailer. ta h due t'atarca]vas rsare.]ta . gcrlic'u hcart seemod tu grec lapi te a-[N- Y. Coin.Ada. domescic remadies, tii r lasrsre ebis heoom,'sud' te gow vith a wruer lèer, au hj wnj cf alavistioun til aph,'ician can hllie mttaM vfsu aaed pn e tncaouoR= auor Wsuxruawlvsaar-The abtaimed 11 hCisiik 1 hava ean.]C Casa rI e. séndt M -% n ooe v e "Iarmure 1 d o t koo," Rra. Merl n aid caa m1opwW l eabsefm. . Bb PU avt 1 ~ e.aisddvhkue alie suitndbogbtfuli,'. OVdtwtghtsviie eevated, sud hoe oua t a m4 uu llctedaiment camiued &H11ofrsjai the "WZoud'ta t bath lbegoodfoc him il, jw tmIObliting bichosart'auit blessigiho BanitW 8-1111SOutt , embrokenuop vlth fresets w00 quireit the husa.&nd. hlsl chantona leuls. disastroas ou nsu>' stream ihaean Wihtf "hnded 1donet knnw." -We viii lokim open thom, jaour pars balln k-wtwnce he setionerat d coer "SUPPOUou ai -,t." fa.thé iis i ou. ijr..ompud tge.. Tht Wahriver In particular bl a u omvW> "lna ra bti elthvog"the s, jteba b ý Mwm. h intoal igülevernitavsug itc banks. ait wv si d l'in tha it d be rronMirl% frcla ?éqad pSuerissce l ttapur-bond baétoa frsac flue ta.15fn ep. ther r"ed at uxiausî,'. I oultrator fot'do >=irdal h. é&tien ba i. cave " dr.das o ihTmerersmhpelld ta fins ta he auty thlg util thil. doctoir cees bu," ésbotcame i"to à liat a itlih -r meoycm o r ~distilait £bbaufr safiety, whie their cattle Mil Mfnie barrie.] avcj<aer a physicienl, white je«. Ts iatdicon ib hutasitv a borner. villesed céeep v rmllSucwiud fnlarge Mmrs Me<in out holing te ibmuent 8salbcstad pnladed byk,' bellafunisute vuireuirsi a'ér te, Oat bouts, made <cilLe t- -l chikl. hber binoncgpres ii a<car, m-d th e sm gupesisità , a mumfualcs<u à iEu. his nsio" ,for ibm peopile ait t eWme oa ' itrtmnsaesg fto i ber eses. aaitiqg the aru-ival 0of ,>'tiig about ber sputusite wvasn, cosier, et a Choi viisegaibsi ibir liui th.est iidc U Th ea wasri,' an bout, sudber chia a vsl a u cn mvisatcw% ed555'tltt viir. ! 'e"Itthe4rfad hitleoorge groimgvo-eee'moment, at mal ber vu iprse. tii'. 1'rue. uhe haitltH iclv wko, dtbs5fwao*sg0vi ais caai f121'time r habuhtîrnd. e H e I>sp-l u Iié imt ae ber _e1for M1w ut3 wi10 vs d ubSiMeopEbecf mu berg faus ib liil.mufere pat.ung on ibm ap aof M ain n boeutraiit ber diti.. i. udwmiêIsii-TisS danse dm eLitala sbol n bis, vifs, evWWi Mui,'a "rhleudrm lssaa -crsgafanc etaoes b-o- uitine.ain utiseao th Ilmbcm 'ltOi vi'grh baln "Boy mark eituueailg samêtimes da a«." s" tai0of umei su'uabu, a htouimesene. ien ie md aierél,'inslsaibaibre as ua cleai s rswdwlta bar biabaudalah.,'ma msa nais -ié e t"*cellamilt iab ls 50" oclgsaitanzd a»'rt s, 5.uaife iho egigIhps. vin M ,e im ersimg, <mie pmai d Ilpr> ,cair lt& bemee"=odaabe amua. ,gl m u mattigbtlyr eltheacvenuletou cle viWallait. -1 . 1 The *My d Carcia ait is t saien W her*isCh.d.- vt"aibd C. -or __ ,.AL- - a- ýe4'i*~OlibmOo u Mampiruiho lt béit esrebamiier boat., rand the oppar etory of thsu etables-BuSàao Commaercial 1 MmeLEMac'cla S-4osanTaatc*gDr-Mur.1 d O f et gm.-A mutorriil and àfa tratasdtI ua mneted ut the Tboatre luat ciglti.he Mis cain ebd drapped et the cSeclusi'a h fami sctof the msemobqaquarraielgud inse- kWi the ciohwegW.Ewing ad im u Ilembihi, bath atuachleibe Theare, cin waich ibm latter plungo&r. 't the haut of Mr, Evuag, vhieh ' asé =' ' timniodiate itestL LAit bperpetrgm aai be avful dseid, Mita Rahma e ber oIaPZ20047wn4a" out ai the vtmov. sai et12a'l0% mahW lied ot been swu& S b* MhRhft . ber ibua m attire. itree. »sa pge. fasv flq.-,A. baoe. b isa graud-fatbarla hedoâdche.vgmui tels. iC..b lhàd he foie e b" ad e pet in cealt ce berie t tv orta outl lie h o aitoharz iniobautmria.g.nimdNOM Ieculvstreuandousths'ig imad lady o herback- ,be prmtly struged orgaqher font. bun:tb ' rm ot n ul u, ihere are Ovei6s ,mure to ge of jet A sceptiesiul M814aique.day conmrhg with the. cslebra±eiDr. Parr, obaerveod that lho wauMl ae. uoihing vltieh ho aaaald ce oadmr. stand.-" Tho n ag nousmyomi' creed wviii 6a the shariesio aOimmy a nkow." « Dit you tver pioet your arcat ta the, defendant 1" *enq*iaid às hvyer of s client. "I1 did, jour hoinot." "«Andt hai did lho oay "' "BHotald tt!go tCaChe devil. -'4d. wvat dit jon do ibea 1, ".Wb hy îbo@âme toyosc" SUtr-Yon cili confer a favour on the publie 'ailythe rizantpub bieb. issmaed fraie tht Ezocutive Couneil Cheraher et Kingstaon thbeth utima. It la rather au a. Iarnanng tuile. s. demande the imuWeiate and naria itntiou ols tieoted inthtpros' 1 i perity of the couantry, whethe- in a Woicme1p ar AgraicItorul pointaif view. h uhouId aionce 1 recisive rbe notice of the Board of Trade. or bu brongtt befara a Meeting of tingmfua'aîial nid intelligent Marchante of Montreal. It see 1e nettoop leoaidtoholie atse an ineubus ont ttrade of Che counatry, Witb ammein- crease o<f acilitiesiiin the Cazrywg TraIe, sud 1wiîth teprospect af utili greater and nat fer dis- tant iomemsntthe raeu for thteaevfeyance of Merthandis auandofPoduce frinsnepoint or uplaceti anaison'haro boeausmid.r*bly va. ducet, cnd ChUs n nnduemm oitcid--o en npragtment girove thbme «pamnlof oir ,own trtredd ie te tisa- fro. the mgboru Sfos, b'heuI<b euvsae, d btIê1 w *aholm?"eIalam'eoi our. Cale ' nl inter«u%,ta arrivemKtmnu Coomequmuwtb. It animblethai snati s meof0< bid0 eau acotient suder the bmra, by the aider in Ceuie >ci, waught tbe bimusit camutlho borne 1eohorwise tissuIy -au imevease in, tihe tie- Fiedgbt*s, ucb au coulé mlioeihossdeed mati.- itony or piopèera n e oaeai t Lau omma NvI rivalry viiith teca"sis u eunicatiaas ' afour n.bgbbos. Bai boy u i t ocoberviuti A~ eztac,glr.g ate ai bIcanna lioendormi ex. tcepi under the protection of a bigh rats or l'ho preiuus rate d tmil an thé idemau Camai" wu ce ocar go pouiilaèd. par Con par mils. Nov 1it ilappmarto ho2jeton par muie, litià deaomthifatihes avb serage cUrxa af a largeoaftba largmsi c"us ,nmioasd ibu ims onga, amurodly buaueutgrea tian 24 Coma- Nerchandize 12touset a 6d £4 10 0 > ron, 6 do et 3@7d 1 2 6 saia"dCod 0 do leslod 0 I0 £a3 6 in peut gemmais. Berge IOu.-mahing £0 136 ea 126 snilmm i wuneao aible e pair tupar miWo.Nov it =t b.MiPeriton par mile uculnr, the sema verage vhicb tin ot ikmly in h.ie rmmud-P" a sndr.d per ceun. add.d I Ilhe other clamsa. average hia corm degree more eufavourbly. The raCe cf tol an Nobadim u the Erie Canal iush&out 2 cut ontl opupr mile, sud on the came avurae u*qted befrei 1vomît scarclý' cnciamnttahtIf the p o n-i pous - tho~e 4aii Whuipaafl. (tChr tbis additionai burdec 1l h<a ânc4 Cen ai 0lj tal te or Cà% watescofte Lawrne bapering isim4. thore ?-Init deefrit tae s thetm&ra efbmeootb rsvp.St. Lawrence cepe r laand takScthe w" lof the * aaay 1XIt 1u b u c Il ýu W uia eworb . deigm P..Ti 1 thedeïkeïe of ihm tcocai,=nortliete$ fêebrw&Mor proincto ic Agriclu S t - Iimprovement ou im- po riant remueui«sToe for fraie Chis Canal. cs .uiMg O4.goerasity, i velbv béen bat suwed[co tg bave mamde ptbiep U eicC ofstentit iquret. T IinpàtUi. 3 pewateroiàÎisly,. Eaiusy it ay hluuljy - sid: dfor t 0ees <tract bas boau enibea tiotô ta Carry a. edustity of iro-pgsor bu the sapole of gasjape% atthe rate of 25@ psur ton fraie Mautreal tu 'Ki*tOanagreatetrig thàa St %om s bforq,4g*W.,dcanna rpol ho assuesot.TUeoulé h.:- 1T2loge931 m 0 ToIL £81160 nez k~214 -Ml 14 a W exé sby t4 00!ob.s ite B"mae EleeaPemd I ;rta m*p 5au d =~io ILFéaou*ObM um su5n~ý""0moi, mouai cm cdv iii.. 'à Me" 600d" s1eet lé, 1 0 s.e lm iuitm 'et oadsr reuheg ebove £W0 par annin" This o sqnemp ints the mure co'aaucasensitaapo et an absotramut- Barbaloua. .13 ........ ..£8060 Actigea ....... i ........... 2 lt Christapher'&. -7 ..........00 = -4vs..........2. - Mo00 Memerat . '... ) t orenats,-...... --... ---...-..040 St. Vastent . . .id. . . .. . istna hw17..... Jaunaca: imigmai.2...........80 POt uce .. ..7 . ....... 17 S Mniéga fs.... -....9 lm rsit Bs>'- .. r, ............ M am ais. S------------....... a Ilatg o W> ... ..........-SIl Marmot Bay. 4,...........îibo Pot arie.. .2. .........00M Ne 'Atit.]lsud .. . 11à.. ... ..- Noa Scatas .......48........... 7842 CaeStn -6-----------....... ~qBru-ssau. -19..----------.42M Canssa,~ (ueli .... ........80- Nov Seuis ......38 ........ 7 Nlac runwick... &Jeia4...70 Cçyl s1~ . . . . . . . .... .. . . . . -9M . lheetmeaon... . . .... lm paNtwtSopsu tisWe spos a ............. 0" liopan. Livauli a vïi..ta..ava.s 70 pligo t *t iecqii.v 'i «= of- i-us cIQOM i "briese Iat ait li its lie opinion]. eald bu for te hoUm a-Jra p ro fum cnote; btpus>haps. 1tbey i D.t mpcpemt'*'cihomo>., otslglhsbiae. tarcimamenser ont scrud hers t e tao the COLOEALCOR2-LAW'. Tht Coo-ts sare sctuall eniderreéhIa. se .eusî vblcb a fa.' >are ssnzwId kbabsa a,' ma", praususieitimpossible; asddohtomm., suie le ot sa certain Ca neoccr éol, am ta maie it advicable ta nieoithi.enrehit, for seffl. sraeticffle imipeov-suta. làh.M1t tIedu. pe1'esesta e ue hW o- vwr le.thot prin&pthemd nu a bave ceusiesudthe .qmsuit 41Kwtkmve, labaveaMr int,'aai aul ce Calaull s gt Ibe hgaa W ibIod me &"MU W trouoa a. ta.. Iel imebeavepa Ch.Parent maîn1udie Colonis.. -rycre maIls'?"J« I~l.about Cou«c re travailer iblancus éclWy fy reigsrTb Cableof ulamaient worM ver. nod fer- eignbatt; farfih$ïps veut forth te. louai distimet umes, freeauspm Che par-eut lnetcas. os! maflgi.one. tg vis o aegvees #aiser, = eti t isdel sueetao $glumcd P.» am tnbpeit rseuts .4 ber mieine, ulesumng bob 1s9latbvov oai his stagqisecote cast bind h.mJLA os tl t. thte tale, andi boom a fecoï et v1;>de. ffloes Wite e. Poultls ,7bep bregsvla , iv it 1*11-d the amre st imseisg. issus .51-f tint'biui.ofdo"a es a vec im e theis là" of the ea4m 0",a. g oo eWchetube. uit 0 hie egiee htieuIdc' 0< I,npi. en am mcsaou b bs ll 0in ~âtu.Bot W0 bWe isa.Chhe cdvamatagset Z =rim.C tus.' Nastlimg le., qpa*aie ". Idae"met Uri. tSb etumpeoe s tishesraMe o it muaithirig *lehtht,' talb of s mcidgl empira." Their avesusl at dWscrdant nelcttb bbof0 en eoiulo vbacb reg"tde dia Çol usneo..isa eruieon aai te.empm - Th feur'm4~ ge-b ftmie Buglani ta Ccssmuho%4 mm er thi. ineem oa freigue'm " e ceugs frn e a Susssv. lt my h.ssimm& . t e auhour thi muea f«# but thouhe oreloumpuibaaui émusi h babas in Ms e enat land, & 1=--e s jwvw ~M d a n : i . m La e p s i " WC»eq % un se f4st-p sasai. l h a ~~~lodeIeiubbr us y p .,~u.umsw4 de *Mae 1th Ie am. tue, s I thot Morwt le kmebpothaï. se. ~au a im ~j;hI. iiîa-- - ii .