Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 19 Apr 1842, p. 4

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'it£ RKINGTON iIELD.-TIJEDAY, APRIL i9, 184t. i[ almiE Vm A COuagl-De VAssii ilm ltl-mmhilRais pemataredu* ftn Il. e pu ia tIl tu Mllm le asa emdd. Eapcctr'uSpu, s a ss l i tanlhl eft -i'btaen sepotesse sdmrçMd am i s me .s t 1 tansive prueice fer serai psu, , 11 Saprpet-1 inel, ard relief, ami mvep.. liuse 1151 fat disete sa pemonaty c*Bnepti, cutI uSusly peopntme lu, pgave, hsdewudfbp s tshegib eld, the faith Itelov admi iloi*sy H *v Ye % mg De_1Z uersu atepnmbie a baile of thi Erpetcean ri7luP te da Y1il-To--1 meuronnapbu 9-0la.. lieoat oeguT a hl.aw5Experte- rani Syrep i the oly ranci>' pon sigl, msttt grFan th% pl4g aiene- -Tliaat ain eloneot!eb ttiaaasd mes vln.it ha beLice i, baaqI ftii- ci tenrelait. jFer sale ai the irug Store of Culock a C, 71 'aiu Lace New York, miii ly everr Ding- Sigg in K<ipi, *adi in Cnia. Fur sale ty . Paîmer-. T HE Bulscriber viii du 'cgthe seaesanb constautly ia théeveaipi- a1Droa, Chernu- cal, perfnmcny, &C. &z. île vbteu, ccaing rom te emostroe;poctaba F.nglieh Il.-%say 'ta le taioupn as genuinu. The composu- din getmant vIE Le cnauted under dis i Modiste @sicttenjnce af ibe Sutiecibor, chose object i, by the î.âe of gnd Btteaaa!, by a carefl nicpuauioai.Co0ince-conadancees. regarda hdisot important brandi of the bu.. 71040. . W. BRZNT Drug gw et4-A "her. Ittliag4reet, Kmgstoi. T E folocýing rticles prapurai b>' iL. ub- T acriber are recamimed to tIe ntice ef Familles. ester >cted ToothPoairder, Pernten do. BlaimiemTnclureo o!mrrhia Ire uts' Mixtune C-.ecetrsteiBuCarnce o! Ginger, do do Peppermitit, do do Rtfi, bilions PL1s, galle Eximfrache i Ilair. pot Pourri Povier. Cordie Powhara, Harneas Varniah. 1- W. JJKF.Ni, DRY GOODS, W*H3]LEALE OR RETAIGL.î GEoR9pE H. HAINES & Ce, Stor Street1 GKinnton. invite thie attention of tlie Pnb-. lic te thir immense Stock cf DRY GOO!ý'. consisting of an endiens variety ai Plain and Fsncy Gôocissuitabie fur te all an Iinter Iraie, vlicb bas been sallteh g1Vat car.; and avn ei.ipres.ei tate of ibis British Mekestoeiervilaattorough knowedge of 1b Bui neun c ndiof Capital, their IM- PORTATIONS THIS SEASON have been laid in ei such a edactian rani the uual value, o t 3 astonisb cvcry beoo5 er. The presunt -ppriun .ity i taken ta acknowi- edge thie very libers support tbey bave receiv- ei . rom the Public geariiy, in consequence of whicb an extensive radu baving been anticipa. ted ibis Besson, a large and suitable Supply o! Gonds bas benm rviisi-; but ihe Dealli of eue of the Partnero bas renieradi il iicssary, that tbc wbole o the Stock muet b Disposed of, as olpeedily as poaible, tltat s final arrangement o! the affaira mnay lie obtaieed, in rier ta vbich ibsy wili commaence SiEig ff.at snch Pins,, as wlcoitvinée Purchasers o! ihe Gyms! Savilg in layigoutbtei mnny eutiisEstablishment. Teeteief an mvetiseunonL vill rot allov Of a lengtined Cal¶Me. ut ihe*folloing Geais are*quote& -as bermg particulauly worihy of attention. ]MULOT ANPDEAVER CLO"18R. Fbnshings, Li"rn Skins, &c. Fineand Superfine Bread Clths, Double and T jable Milled do. for Great Coats, A variely ai Article-s quit. cev for Pantaboons, Molesin, an Beavurteens, Unually Cbeap; A prime Lot of Vestinge, Home Maie andi Sritisli Falled Cloth-,.- BLANrKETS AND FLANNELS Colanual sud White Couaierpames uni Quiliff, Superior Herse Cloila. Woolen Ruga', &c. *sllinry & Saxony Flanuels for chludreni's use. orisais crothlis«Onump Cltl ud bjWè Of the nitsfeainable Shailes o! Colon aaai Style af Patern. Aiea Canileteens, and Cam-c blets, Mouseline de aine, Paie and Priuted ILKS.-The Subscriber vitb great, couSl- Juece ofrer fur Public Inspertion thle o san, a mni e omplete aoi leautifuI 'ariety of Silk, 1Satin, &c.fac exceedungny former Imeporta- tion maitable fo renisoandmclBonnets iith Rib- bons ta match. and as profit i- net ccw ithe abject ro niucla as a epeedp disposaI of the Stock, La. aI.les aili onip Le suiying Economy in making a1iir purchases as extensive laspassible. Ilaifery an Giore, o! every demcripion, A pecod ussortinent of Merine, Mohair, & Casfi- mare itociegi, (t'erneocy Frocla, lAmbe' Wool, Blerino anal It>yal Ribbod Shirts aiud Drawers, tu b. soli unusually Chem, stock$,- Patent StubTersCashmere Moflero, &c. rtlN f11>CALICOU & FAC OI'OiiT T'OS. Iuamsash Table -Licou, Brown Lineai TabWe Clotho, Tiapers, Hickabacks, Bei Tickirags. l'yP,%Lnt..î, Prinai Furniture t. m.tsf et Corseta, Englili and French'rincl&ca I.t liea vi. nat ocip fini the Cheeçpest, but tIle lmai. Itceptete sesoninent of any ouses i the Pua -rince. tNWBc'- the moet nom! Design-,in ail th-%i .'lie stud -mini fuslionablemrmaeriais. A Prt. & LL'h et ?lai Wollen Shawîs, and [lauui. y'a g uuao essi'lai T ar*j -Pairs. IigN rLace, lace Veil@, adsi lins et c ni mM lact oMulin Culars, J inenCamr. ha-;c 1 ,Lfcildèn'eworked Caunbruo sad Lace Caps. coSa% lWoollon lVire, Battinga. s&MiWad- AacepArticle via. T,.cule4 iebmLovaza Resii Mdoir Pitîcu, oua uusi-0» pilul eq etrictly adLeaai te,ofai Dts- - O(Wu PRIM uaor- d ta opressait aisae, pa..oste ebe thedi G f. HAI NUS& Ce. ILqo, asa.Novcuber, 184L N O TlI C E. THE Suciatem ort ierpetfuilty infanan 'te Iuala5isi oft !Kingston sud ils Viiini- iy, th" wy ae taken Una [ouse aidOaker fouely cempisad by Mn.J. Li aw, uinDruel bica.?, wteie inteuid e"Ming en lb. Lnd trbant ibu by oflbieg ta the conmunity IREAi)U fspoiar qnahite ensure thRi share ,LI Publie Patronage, whicl tbey Shan t aul mu cendavour te menit If B-Flm sui udI o aupriar -qsiaiitp> suby the Berl naId Rat"! ALLEN&ak SMOIt. K'iu--mn, Dee«m l otI 1841. * F OR mie bILlà.& T- MME 10 do semsid&, 3 quarter csh eai NuiaM.4 m do do wA&î*14 le octaves 'j, 14 q-atees luaWeu, 3 laM. BLunny, supenicu, 2 do do do 8 doe dinhaiegti AI.. Ot. 1941 IRONOIOU?, CumTISY, ' Csa'mge d l, Uais, nd e sd h. sdCà-- Sitmie « ;Bletitm adi rinPla*'" msI. Cepper, Bran, Z- zinc, mai te"a T 14h 11ott', snd lIesa.cvWiaââ of al utbGravel and Gra.. Sisorpls, Cms Steel Spade.suad 8h...!, Con.eeoSpades; Sey1h's snd Scythei. t., M anre nmd H.y PForte; Lon,, Coil, Tract and othet Chomsis; 8eittis' Auril, Belcys anal Vitus; Plis [ees, o ns, Pichaxes; Cet Na"tsfnia snr qabl, lise, Cie p andi ClatNuls B. R.H Hos 'Nis Cie. Cnt, Put sud MIdii Ava. flattrur Teelli, Hotte She, Cam snd Weffl Boxes, le. &c. Joits', CtarrscxvxCeorta' Tacts je ngeat voiie-ty. Engtiab sud Amolnes. Asgers;, Locks, Boit., Butta, Hin.e, Serge; Glue; Fdis, emitllas'rdiiug, Cabinet Na4eçs'sui Mi! Sèv, eubdand aitai round; Peuder, Msatlsg and sport- ini; r.'a't eof.l 'ais i ; Braet sud ottievLanpo;' Leîatini Lins, éier ani 'Pise lape; Bei Cond and Hombro Uneos. floiaeet) Tati. e arstau -,iFc,ks 'chems, Sden",lc""', SadIlu' IachadILPetgais; S e c Lc is; D t anela M et..! T z à P mr ; Dratanis, P staima ruan Sllver Tes, Dessert snd TshBou s ; Brs, a Mi apsnsei Casaz suces; Crlmspuog Marhisess le. le. PAISTU AVD VAMW vai'p. B..s Wite Leai, dry aed an cuL Boat lad Leaid dtto. Vemetimu Red. iipaniètb Brewn, Blue, Grren, Yellwiov gren i l t Teiew Ocare. Lamb, Btock. a. mwandi beulLiui 011. Turpentinf. Mineral aud Vegetable 'Tur. Pine. Puttv. Coppet»s. Wueldcw lasset i aises. Pà..i andiii ther Brushes. CameIs liait pentikr An am-sternt cfrin ansd Wooden CLOCKS, eiglat d-, and 24 bouts. STrOV]ES cf ail descriptions. Sm,.e pipes. A iarif assertnnt cf Pistaa, aImsei smd glock TIN WAIX k"pt on bands cr mamde te or- dermaci otice. J AM'aES POWELL. Store Si., kiagsion, Joune 22aii, 1841. 10 FUIR*: guRSiFvRUig1 TI HE Subecriber respectfülly infoTm thie ILad ied anmd Gentlemen ai King0ton ibat tbey basve receivei per Great britain and Dong- les. one of Iths largfsi and hast sssatmenie of London Manufacturai FILME, ever offerai for SaIs in ibis Market, coniting in part as fol- lows : LADIM IESS '11811 ays Ob UlA, Chinchilla. Gentlemn& a outléo Lutra Lynx, Fine South Sea Ses!, Siburian Squicrel bath, Sable, Sveedieb Sable, Chinchilla, Fitch, Squirrel back, Britisht Sable, Nuria, Bro. & BIh. Grunett AguiraUan Imitation Sable, Russi Uambi Bro & White Angola, Mack Fitc!a, Frenach Matin, Imitation Sua, AND CLOTU CAME ALSO, TRIMMINGS & EDGINGS, Bro, bI, & bloc Grueat, Ihir Suai, Angola Mushuat Imitation Sable, Sontl SeaSeal. Martin Subie, Squicrii back, Mach Fith, Fitch, Mink, Lai" Fur M itt@, Nutri, Imitationi do. Clavces& Gauntiotta, Gents. FarT Colles.s,&c. A Loo :-A lar esonixent af Sqairrii Loch Secte, Siberisunçqirril, White CoaeeyBack Germns Grunett, Astracen, Lusftris, Inhala, Prencla Matn. ,and Southi Ses Suai Bkiau,-t*ll articles ln the Fu lina maie te acier, uni ne- *piring done ei the sborleut notice. AI@%, a fev Mabogumy Fronbm ssess aitb bair Matrasees, Mabogany cadre T=abl and Rocin" Chairs, commn, can, ana leFg bottomndCi ~hairs in great Tsiety. Looin Glases of al descriptions, sud a Mer taà=mn of the bot Principe Cgrs-alI cf vhich vill b. isold low for Cash. M. L. GREEN & CO. Ct. 26ib, 1841. N. B. The bigliesi price poi for al inis ai Shippin; Fur@ ai their Store la Quarry Street. WTOPE 8 !TO FEN!'f - T HE saibecriber wuli respactiially informa the public, ilsi lie bas openeul a Store in Kingston on (Grau. Street, betveoul Brochanadu Claramnce ts. foc dae RAILE 0W STOVES.a Amni the maenujltirng q<Cmpprt, nia Hs Las&nov on bandl tLe Imuest and bea aot. muent of Stoves ever olffed t i u h marol, con- siting of varius.ieisuisimas of COOKING, tagetercwiiha large supplp ofdthemoet deaina- île paternas or PARLOR, HALL & BOX STOVES. Heving talea. MWcbpains linlin selectio or lis assortunont, seul ires luuug .perence in ths business, b. can conftdenlly recoamen ielai a sorinient asubing tihoe mot approveipatern%, and fr b and y uni ibliip of CMUD#0 -*, i styla. lnlLth"p camou e hace Ho in nov manu!aci-uing. andi islands huepiag con- tantl>' on Lana, a 44 sopply of SVEreTeaI ima=. Sxove MI, Carrast, TM & 910= MON 015 vsE CompWiainga mniiclasusaly vansi byliese ko ers.e&au ccuientdy rcuaelà@. var lo be equal te suy nov aw atnd . n maie by long axpouienaeei v erkmsasd mactas but tb. hst o( muierials V«a& 9. B. Al kinis ofReopsing. aud Job Work doua-wci-la neatness MLOY Kingston, Sept. 28,ý1841. 25 FOR SALE. rffIIE alabserier, viebiçrg te returan te Ïires AL liii.mail IaR.aAsN, teavblcl h. lelenvftet ~a " rraipenvoi 25 pears coflbis 11<. i. dm MildiDitrict, Province ailCanada, wfll db- pose of lbis place le Adophustavu, vhbe abas done buanae.. te goci accout Pemeasuiooib be-kîv«enc ihs lai of lune nexi.- Th. plac is ncv ocnupioi hy M. Jels C leurs, vhsre Lhobas doue, sud contioueeia cooi traie toithe extcmith. ure. Ma& eno. b daeeh5jnrbseeieit Cf Geasor ne .premîs.m d osai buildings ha"v viy imitable nesveneces, wyul tht.. acrescf 1aid seeq is.élb oueeasd buildings; the widtlaof me éres hW ue spîsas Ho ose r itIhie place, 45 ares o! 000 LAND, excellent Baun and sous pe- res.Tii!.- te the place goaoadireft incusarac Por terma e a tltHMersIiO&-%e,taothe gmrie- JOHP= W. FER/JsoN,. Adolphemown, l19 Oct S.14. FUR&, SKMJ& T Lh"g wil ho-pie inCas f *KnsaNor. 1M,1841. F ISIL--4o0bls.hieFib TII.k'Uastci", for ule b D)e- 1841. H. CALDER.L %m SBALE N b- TI!E UaCZJ1E uWatet Pa,«~ 4 mCagso laN--v 1841. O IE HUNMERD DOLLARS EEWAID hw. 0 e m, e s. n «0 ms e. k lMai e& anePuimw ve u el- ig lbe bilvlert la .lain Rduisass- tais s~le the d wrp cy.iat Foc1 Taghtaessdet itée w Ferauder I tespe.ii-'y in ehildme, *l'de ye4 I rni Ulcsibm te o% bn larmst hy camem r aç rs m is ag.se, e. sien, j however obsinau . Whe pIng eesgb, IPFe"taWonnds, cald eJ Cbibiains lkt. kt. LOO0K OUT. Sbft .mSmàst aecestafeatai thîaflé ad pui if tri uvio e.. diè .Do aethbuji.- peai pok.. ,O»ui. ibm.niy cil! proteci yoeF-it i« the cmne cf COM STOCK a CO; Vit MMS muat be cange nsmtAn wrupper ar u are ceain- [cd. De nu efr-et iL.dire titis direction yulh 7o, and tntby tbat, or ever boyit; §Wi il ismom for»ýr thertohbe true o n i até. New Yorkj and by.avery DIlggist ie Kiagatue, anin iCamais. Foraie b7f. palmier. pEBFIJHir.- T HE Subscribet Lue receivai s supply ci Ciete Englieh Peuftmera snmigchl are Uithe lung Sceet Brîeî, SieeriPera, IJadyomia or Parsian Eeecs 5g Isetine. ilvenia, Citôhlla Raoe, Geninca, Mareclle, Lo7 of due Valley, Roy(Coe.deu); Royal Etntrai ose..es Flovurs, CirmasianCrea., Q.ueen'. Bouquet, Bouquiat id Arbie, Eau de Portugal. . Cologne Veuitable, Esprit de lavande au M(illafiewir, Ambrocta, terbena Perfame uni Extraci, Persisu Sceet Baga, Verbens Perftume sud Extracu, Espritde- Roe, , Véritable Pomamie Divine, Pomatume Gok, Silver, anal Braisa.Inhs, Amber PrestmOneulling Salt. &ic. L&c. L"iir. J. W. BRENT, JraaggW i4, Apctleery. Kingston, 14t1 c ERTAIN CURE FOR SICK HEADACRE whiclabu a..u sje uin iimcsvety mars- ber cf whichbau bai sich healche fIm rufaey, ua s onstituliealaifamity compeint, audlas. ce- ted effec:usiiy la ver ptance tet knfelw- ameutin; ta uaajr bindcs. [t lu m onpiea- saut te the geste, ani ides m prset be daily avocatlons of coeeu"eg Ih; It ani bu 'petee la, &Mi tho cnrs i. grains!, but <citaii tpsa- unt. istamsc are cmnuatlby nuliplyiog wlate ibsdistremg couepaiet M ccnpbetel oitc and crei, ithouniofyeauns taning, bthebuse et Dr.Spohn , eelbaierey. Oasdecid prefeenue is Its plmsantneossbsving zone cf th* nsutàmg sfeet ofcomemunu ding.. Il la sa perfeeliy aatisfstory, iabat the rpcdito bas gise. diseuse for lis agents te r"fend lb. pries io.z ne c.c ca l*etopleass itll, msuea seriby it. Re epusaiso tthuutis masysegure its puoai henoibiste tlb.dstremsed aufmsu vI are labaring s.d.i Headucla. E.-;Spehe, M. D. Invter aiPeqrier. CO ITC & CO, 71 Maieci Lamae X.Yes*, and l'y every Drcggws i K*tngîeu snd le Casis. DR. TAYLORS BALSAM OF LIVRR WOR T Cougbs, Colis, Asthia, Detci Dreail- il, ain in isideoar»mersatSpiting f lcai, Catarr, Palpitaion of ils Heart.OpU =s.o sud Sorenezs et il. Cheat, Wbcopiug Congh, l'leuuiay, Iiectie Fever, Niglat Bysi, Diseuts on Psof'uso Expecoration, ani aIl otber Affetions of te Chaeut, uNqs, and Loivea'. TiW IMedicine in for sale by ihssi<e PrOrO tor, ai 3M 5 webv at ilFourtu ai n et.., New York Go!T=ylXr, . U.&i a Comatock & Cc,Wolsi rgst 71 Maiden Xt New ovrak, and byevery Drugglei F Oltsale by thefl.abscribers, 10Oboxe@ do 15 Young Hyso do 25 catty boxe« do IL H. &T. 19AI MISS IN G. lA N g ef dpiatu. 'n pON.cv essai, a A s, gteliogse Ënt cae,16s4«.oc roma brs tsn orau'esnEcebormorn a rusa goci vniii11,onàg flas eorod vila Aru haxie ni ay e c onailin <lIwecae Tbehsksin sup poumi tehave bien anied ai l'lvIa e lon n!d ie. Ottaa a uniRdamu ca-i Any pen givieg sucliafceauatioe as vi le ai t c recover>' cf vil!lu emniallp revuud-& MCPESO CA4 Ottawa & R&eCRAIo&E. NOTICE. QIJEEN'SÇCo LLEGE KàaaaI* IV. IT is hereby pubhtcy iniiuated dan uthe BiSession of, Qmm.'. coBege, Ring mzoavill haeja.sied on tW . tiraiMady c Mameh iext, sud tInt ilion the Proosau eni hav ben * nted wM begntoiecclae.tt mi fe thetoitomgBnces .of Study: LATIN AND OREEX, A4ND JVATURAL PHILOSOPHYr. Mme05, A aA»L- imiLOOI. TàWf&gg.CAm 1itry s. ràa ut s p.rtieulary reuted '-thc.. vla, fer mm " uneput, uap have Le.. exaesauug accorduaç te previun noneeuaetIa lier opewitag of tbe-flu e Bouton, ui d" bu em flle tesvetutud pcrtfmm tenr vlii.b'ucer ie Trusteav mrée' Picdea- *mn have lind asrcontaitl, villàe*&*me mter îb.'ayjaease ofthis dvdWtJin initîmahn tbeiminentiont th ecro tlesmese sie omintb. Comnioeions fiô s4u. &,mie.tlr friandsa t t'ouet s le nma ietlion Îencnly or ta i ng, Pria.'ta âddy0 alCseneae lmt nirpitugl.a,£q. scnuai7 to e le rffl d Qum*'*sCu&!, 841. 48b>vr 20 butasSem" , 119 de LI re.'R.l &l'nm P. - M 'IL'q]L - . ý - - Kingston, 2t Nov. 1841. BILAOKW;iNG !I IlBLAECKINîG- WATEIR PROOV PASTE; 1Iy 0R Y RL A CE; BLUE & BLACK WRITING INKS, -&c. T BE Beheeriber begs to return bis incoe JRt aniste the publie for birliubbaoruppt ainte. hio commencement in business, and as procof o!hi gratitude ebu asdeterminei te Liv.r làs prie. for the slae article 20 per cent. Te grestincr.ee Iaily ixperiencei in thedemesr feirgbis busCins, a n em% ismite loving prie.: 01 M.Binume iaaTiBoe,3 -e.................14A ivle ma=ty 7-Z! ds.>p,a OjPaieB!ehnginpenyca", in Boxeco"ning 14 rois uacb, at W. per gr .e..................010f Water Proci Peste, per gras....2 0( Lid ~ lBlacking-quarts, pan dmo.....0 9( _N; do .pa do. 0 ô Dm do. j pint, do. 0 4 Spn.Blwcling or Leather Vsrnisb in Bo. quare fltie per doan .. ..0 9 SPpeblachint, per galnou...... 121 1 ryBlick, par cvi,.... ........ I O0 BIne and Black Wriing mlà*uqnagfleI*. 82» AI] the "me eartieles awasnt u =nyin pu1erlingt h mmto of upwardswllb nttedta disont o t per cu-t,te a.onuof£12 10 0fa adis canni of 5.pur cent-ani 3 uatcrei çit el file îdane vida thee m PILLAMB, Ne. $&«4d, 7ow. lcLAK WEE]GRT, HAT RNNUFCTURER,- Sqiraay e$%u£ET, silstie tehsi, mo te mmvii aact UN&ir avons. Cuamily e. b»4i, IvBeave,, butn comu Fer, MdtlWOol Hai AU! crs, eithn <aa apeuh eiim ýcc.ay mesehams, bsliiyreoel ma pâsuelly eues Kiagaiamu, 7ihAg. le«4. JU tPuhbsi. and 8w Se) n i Addxqwtr dtb d ConuOf th the %i igi edie Primoe fWahs- Mr V a"se uu*,AC U& . Kiuagtom, lui às~. 8i N'wo**er.e141 R lI.dt & peU"< 0 PLIL F ýi 10,le C-m. tnk Géê btue re.sq 4eM a h. ül O"-t toibP 6*OCER Il4rPOISO luthPueia md BUmes t*hinu, ftoiin ekdirect, lie vu receive, unaâaite- ratedi.am inBor lpckaeaul afticle con- sectai tbIe b sesDisBrandy. Gis sud w1it il! corne frein the London docks; bis saete or bimself viiib.e ofchoies Vintagea. and nothing will be o&fred but sncb - as uot fhil ie giving satisfaction. A readgeneral assortaent vill alvs7s b. hmtqa o a&d unrefattung attention vil h. Ceva to the business, and incmacaa may lever b itk a scontirnance of their support Baby a lmet of articles on baud in g w..ofigamine q"aiy, wbicb ill h olsouet extrems!y low prions for c"sh 50> boxes Young Ilyson Tes, 30caste Tvankay do 80 bas. MueSvado Sou, le0I Cmushed Su8 r 20Obarrais do 10 he. single reBunei Sugar 10- double refinsid dg 30 hega Plug Tobacco, 10. 20 do 18%. 10 do 24%'e 20 boxes Cavendish 18'. & 24'., 5 ba. Moiases, 5 io Bordeaux Vinegar. 1 ta 2j, 10 baga siftsd Pepper, w0 boxes Pipez. 5 Il ilberts, 20 boxes Groi Coffee, 20 Ground Ginger, 10 .Aispice, 20 larsMc Songuf, 10 hage oss ols 20 Laguira do. 10 bsos St. Domingo do, 30 liege Raisins, 100 boxes Montres! Cacabeu. 50 do Wax wick London Candi., 100 do Liverpool SoSp, 15 lahdeIl Ottari Dupuya" Cognâc Brandyi 15 do Bordeaux do 10 hunrel. "Huiberta" Lonuloii brown Stout, 10 do Leitb ale, Genuine, 10 lhiaê superion Table Coi fisb. 1.5 barre!, Salmon, lAis sa a.tks, 5 Cazoteels Zante Currants, 5 caseIl Wicka" bost Mutard, 50 jar "Durhia" Mustari, 20 boxe@ Fig Blue, 5 do Veranacilld, 5 do Macaroni, 10 cashs Bbackiug, 2 bda ls periar OU Port Wine, à V.C5&~ior Sherr, 2 ne." Maeia 100 qv. cashs IlMafseill" AVwine, Port & ma. 20 Puncheous " Boton" Spirits, 3 dfo obi Ration Rinu, W pucheone LRu1.. sm 50 casas Schiedam Gin, 10 bags Conha, 2 cases Lemnon Peel, 2 "Citron, 2 " &oughtoc's Bâttersi 2 Pepper Sauce, 2 Bermuda Axrow Rooti 2 "Ketchup, r 2 "Pearl Saga,- 20 crates Crockery assed, 20 packgesGlasavars, Witb a vairiety cf cher articles connscti vith a Grocan bUsiess Ther jetpatoft ¶fflirs toci .111 lard est CM Pricos. Sncb asdein barpaie natIer brmndla ouli consolt theii ove interest b y sxaaning aud comparlng ti extensive Stock af Gocis nov storei in bis pre- mise, before pnrchasing. -- LI VER CO MPL AINTS. C LE. .IN, AÈD ALL SîCKtNES ANlD DISEuSES ~ lI FTllt TEMPEVRANCE LIFE JflTEm A»D tend stiietl i peilsa ai 01 ti IF CIIINESE BLOOD PILLS abouâld eic ita t es iletîcti Tht veoesi&ert dseccra ! eniail.tb Cîe 1 _( ,htH e fd i«gciffrail ai îtit Cpce,îai P ag-pu -perge--as basthe li.erhl, fq un1 il tl-eifiS i, c li liat 1ew peur.This bu boss effertably triai, m lvlielb e1t of a'.- L and pet sue ras have milipliei-nd dicd;d aa ll la:rr ~ tar tr clip? Not iiraase - p.îig u am esuceeauy, îl tcoa,5 :, di 'n bat c u mbbas boe de-vithcet the tenac te No, if vou taei,,r, z; il tcllov, and austain the systi. Purge pou nmut? 1 uîf . ec reî,V, The sichl, lumon of thetblo ies ie pucanici utt yin-, fi. rie'! et he la ccumuatni ftoa! heuptevesMid. Pra- ,,dîi t 'fthiia..îî te, c'a vent, ihe, lb. grwth nofa«Chibemme. ahle ar,î "-aPrý- lVhy do lia.Chines. ire fi «sChimmeneete g,,lIn e t.:t .iUt lge, ad stîl remsathe passera ofyd,41 or raid- LOOK OUT-CO.itCVÎt daie g?-Beçne. ley purify the blocu. l.leht ayu far the cime t! of :nenBicon Pil-ao caUled becaset(Ney u-erh apieaîuî erappers,, a t O,, Blancadi «tais. tbe Ble-aite .sua a merUSbe y. remedp. Thas Fille ciido it; and th. Tein- ni perance illets, sakeli as direceda, cili mrengtheun R ET Rend îl.e th. systenm aid preveut <lie eteisltion ofithe liîîeîphis, ON FTÔ , behmn chiinfeat tîle bleci, amidehiclih ltbLri' t i Suly locreass by petga., unIes lhe bittersaiae TIi. Uid errrtý 1 Ishesu iSer. BnY, ilion, tbe" Pitt% @.!Bd ittera. m±ed the Rah"i, lC&, Taire weekty the pille, unideîaiy ithsbittars ; tiand eai b >e t il, j.1 il pou arcentbave beau iulidi for depa, seeki. 01a1I pe--îî~î. cmei n eryen clii tha sickiy huamas u u:Iiia ti d mace cf,bare! peveni ein saîreta, and the S.TIACE sce elshue cf sicknce chance rapidily a rlld tNtiâ,t, ibu fuelhoocuu ies cf a el dgahbue11 osere aie cases go nusueicas o! ibeu brliaut i ~D.TIM i ellics, lat fiiem sud spsre foibii natmtt ONS Ul- put them dos-n. Boy amd use ibeste medieunps. HUGII ýI, y1 ' ami rauoollar, ami beabg u etrengta sial i JH * a pours. Ses cîsî.per ami directions that camne The Ian"ul is dith en. g, ilt FRAUDULENT CUTRF S qual aaiitix.yi i vL ç. Will lie tteeapted. Bnp no î,m'div cf the iitlth, e-itîaait l îi nleu il have mc ag ane-O0. C. Lit, M1. D.-cm iliai lIre. urt1ii.,-. tiae crsppcr, sud also the iutica as folowsa:- >- ta f ig -, ?il te i~." u' Entri scori'aig te Art cf Cutivai, A. D. F.. ttf 1841, by Tagrs. CossmM, la lb. Ci.îk's Office et Couxeawa~aa î lbe District -Court cfthue Uiitei States for thtet~~ P,~' ieeliesaDistrict of 1New York." 1. ROIIRTW A'TN Wartai dthio eulygecuies. Cityc Piae1,or ~ hr,. Meurs, CoastccklitC., NeYork, e(ar vemiacUase aaedt4i, soie choesule agets for the Unied Saiessnd li S. Fore>', togit taI eghbubng coucntirs. signe,, mnthe abri-e Cit r,f0' . a. DOCTOR 0. C. LIN. daeuan tif chaaer 2.111! ' Sli by N. Palmer. full Ciedil ihauti bel c., t* '1 NEW AND SPLENDID I S 1watîe' , and e 2 CABINET FURNITURE lLS. ha/.al Arid C, s el ixed, th- 'ixj iIIV '*t r .4. Ctaap as tMe Caep.tad as 'ood ioFT~î en thee lest. LOOK!OT- ç, VitI-E Subictiber litgs lbaveIotafluteabspub- feitei the acuidje. uni 1 -I Ltic gnerally, thut lie la-s remavad is ,Fur- Do 131 noia'1ttt. . * niture Were Rmcm tle sButebuilding, îeceaaly Y'ai ~tct. ecectedinlaMontres!tSret, ulirid dciratent il damet<iti tt't - ' crner of Biore Striet, sudneai to Mr. Thili'do's ore Cheaieul. li,. T Gtncenp store- -cliene cilii iays fie founi s Ire- t ineu. au natal anonimeni cf READY MADE FULNI- i S fp 'ai.,'il., TUR, cf Ilie Lest qesliiy uni lteit pattts, and Salfit ha- %. l 1.% * K1& prices teosuit inteniing pucîbas»es. l'erautias lai- Neti oit an-' t> ý) finaoncf purasing ste tespeclfullp iuieted gote dnih te uCinala. serail. A.sIthe Sutiscrlier is eoîiatclym~auf4c- o'r -le hi'N I d-:KI, turing for sale sud to aider, they tan eperdilp lie ~ >~ ..l~ suppliai! cill asliparile tliey caypl reoi ~t- Kiagstn, Jan,. 1841. T 0z- R hai'1fi r S ,-- Waarnrn-A Vannialier ud Polisher. * SR'ETit, T. O. Il. of Tomait, ,11(1 tti t i'ue ire ~. YIrek Hradger'aine, aid uit ila v O s - M 1Y"TERIOUS.-A gentleman bleongiaig lu .liN duoche mi anrient sud veallby f&mi- ilot. l< -F. lies o culiSty, dia cansl lie ccii known la nu- GRIND STONES, 'ri usions fiienis, haviuig ines the year 1818 up t10 Griad Stunei,, aaur ed i, rmentip, bees haut Ut5tiy ic'ahue, aci for seveial low for casha, av yaans diluaiedta bis bei, lies been cecred la Dec. H. CIII gooi beslt-hes negaitaci bis natural ereet pos' C ld! tloani bas qItitîci bis earriageand î,oc vaih GROCERIES, ~ utt wuL aet" Il W.. Lelimve this ula thegenteman's G ment of -ttiL-- evn u siputai et er as possible, ad Ibere it Wuc.-, (inm voitd l'Ili 'l s f ees*aggralion in it.W. cili give inaieit s a ll u irc'î ri,~jtoi id adireés, and ioulai mot bis hame a elliiugs vii excierthiberhut; 0îbi snpy one dosltrat, may or11, 1841. .CI hiues îLes. tacta-haughi lie requ 11110as as»MOG LASS-WA 1W-io rkt T_ km'y sot apanitnuitl. a butti-eStreetn la- and Winesasirn eai w re stances,hr. Jas. C. Rynolds, 14Cliifi tites. a0 boxesanad haf boxeasIui es anfn the facicf bis case. Bath vere ibeams. foai sle unusually low for ea'h. lins,mii!contracter! carissudan.! scoc.Heur bas ec., 1841. Il. CALD t* i bieus dose l? TE -30'ùc., T zt lamser -Br Baes,5»M OW BareLiBnsieimenat. Ê JTTer-30 t ali. parl. N. Y. II.uald, fes 26 1841. -La iioqiau l.tr aît 8- S el!i COMSTOCK ltC . 71, M i.lenLant, Dec., 1S4 . - _ îL New Yenh, an.! by cvery Diaggist int Kingoten, B L A N K< S F 0>11 S <I sunian Canadas. UEEDS andi MEMORIAi.S,ILe. I~Rsale by dia Subecnibers, D> Reqiieit,aîul ata V P I N h 5,' - ..25 he spug Tobacco 168. variai> fair sale iltI th.erit-t,? <ïP~t. te 26 gd: o d . CALEDO<NIA bAEi t 2ffltoes Cavendish, FIIE Sulzbaihi., lue i r-ntt .t a 8 bal! bores Nailrod Me.. j c he1tbi iiyb ur;5I- or 55jaze aur, bove, ai a redure] prie. l1', aLi .h 'a 7.0100 peinuaCq- .t. ies laie beeu cary XettÇ ed ,l 15 nnoas .n s"errecuiîs. numorous viso i t Ir jh il.. ! n ce 10 do Montreal asouils, bai-m lestifuculinthae îut 'i tu r'" e- 1)>doIefg Blue, aense of ieuefi dert ed fittinuaLie'14 il 0 do XWroina Ricei The analysis la> Dr. Chu,!! .lIn, 25 lbaga greec Cogbe, doubti havalue ia varions C! ru,1j d 15 labn jouId va-r, trnquent carie of fàa1ureihl oti » do r eppar. the use of a remedythim n ah et rà@ M~ 10 lr 0aan do Culedouia ipnag 'uater, %% 111, i 19 Io0 d jspC*a abslmi by the redîuca i nlr,'. 105aiMia lis, will le, Bore, cf thre brrr, 85; e 75 Mite asai, 89. od. ; without it e Btox su- paro W mouass wnapptng pager, theur co Bott1e, V. i le funî uný- 4 k Bdozen. 6 ào boxe.St tarcl, Wb 0 a hine Cloves, Kingston, Nov. Ilt, 1841. 0 15 boxes Pipes,_ _ _- Il 3 kegeCam-ails FOR SALE 13V THE SUBSCRI 0 105 kftus, Oct. 1841. R. H. & T. RAZ AI liîkw Whcteacle iahutr A0CA D. "LUE, bravai, black andi rtanaî a A CARJ..MiCltIs,,plainblite, lrami tii4 0 M 1SR. COLINB & HANES, Mer- diauioni Beivero,, &ericeeu, iized Or S ichaluts sud tOD«,1411"pPm u-acici SmraonieupangteeA lj* Ii.sflport iurieg tga pat yesr aud beg 1tu 3tSasbury Flantili, 'I'.itdlKeit id~~~~~~~~~~ acuiila btlaigCSpsled 5 151 dous, grm sud wlit Catato, P: a. er ~ ei altersitmonu ln ibeir ninig, l y c- riae i u m. bain CariVila' Do W [1t'al5'i te nSe lwt « N e=te, Whaite, bltck. gai!. .kya g mai h5pu hy S 5 t afcs s eMons m, BiEbsho LSIR,niull ia vuortllseavho aimaitmient ida nlme~ s, ncolori Lenceil Vtffti te méeut à saiuaeo gîttron-a"i --Cotton Vebvets and Velvleenat" port th"y have bith«ento aoyeand figonei Gras de Napice' il KWsÈueui. 7thlanusry, 1842vet, euiihSenge. LucniadiO 'Iad .5-iPisasTuaers- Crne StlsGlobe hciescolorai Ba kccisudai(W à, lamas, Cnt 05e 1il4â44io"slediuoasblonde sud gpuze îand eta T.a, lGMuÉY', 0"Veile, tnapeIlbankhitlît', b ètauit. m.ined Nette. tain aMiifane"Bole b Laisse, 1mw auso' lgii Frock hues. niaislu' Cuo I id "" ai di Rubhi Bl s-lI mýai sold, Crai (Irnmai it l ae,) mulelinlien .4- a4îf 1. tI.nlie e ile* IUgratO a-e flý4ýl 1q. 54 erua sAe 1TualuE thti 3 arrt ait Ofa~;; l aLet Vo'. r àocii ra I vry . jW.iilsi, a teî tigto i s. 0,AiiaMi, rnl l siai nItiant bi s b~si5tlcfoni ; &d, 8L'rc>' keal itg pu ur notyen-clinjp. a lQi ai ri hory ta: 1 ie o toiss. àss5l5lisîiuaâ sr. Di" Iaii$itwl m ' ow f< c.ý ti linoa lle.I iait aea' ssn ,ii u*&al i iherae Iiig'uraaii blp&a dyei ora aneut i, tti li lsa th @PN 1 h uatI.rat, aa ili a! a p builaea .aad ieiur.l auri i tlto ,y.)u'u p. uut e' Don! sa lb-il!ave ltaa uia i-ai t. hNua,---- r tn , ,l.i Phae ce t taîu a - L l ue lieutenatjrendlft i (util, Ihe rel ri.r)a rn.tlcai-il a-, Amer day bs puces11iat timi, fu'ji 't bctc ;eise luîtg ~ 1111 ILt andoit eervi,ituietya Y, tii l'ail, ai '!' vl. f c I lca,I 01retige ffi i ont O lu ance 1 A oie d' la I ik - h iti. îa î'itul; aliaedas> .a'Ôtn d tutarct t.: et,,iiu ht taag dot a . i-. l - Thr u e log /as qI uite Up Ai it clW.eIe pante. Mp in, an.dra ~I.~eaial raUid suit roafe oe tly aIfu 'ut e el!ialigeuoa 014Saou> lrad the oea bsl. itt iih ia' bsr lau tan cratoýpe da asle, iear swaisiut! itca. inboîe a u li.- 4--%frsbed leoawüqajte-u n ah lu., i oau l ra-iiavIe nt.apeu «0"lte iiang g un us utuar.> hîeai aab he arpan lin, n t le l i eratlui.' he I S ticegadycla angr at; a ma liaaîcat'beIdih ic susek .theie"r t ome - f te.-iaaue w beîti ure ata'>' îL s-ba!ner j asrIand èn-i,;'lhe. lame.fe a e lir tigat.ind'0, br steartuge, auuoa!'f, t -cp r an W andc i, the. Ou-bd aalle l ail lie b:iaat c: noua, bi,-lr ii 1! o ilu is. ngif ,. 1i van! 1h'aîtil ahe atuemait. ut a-i iti -MOir Isii, alttu ' . a ih tîi [ote îa'--eh th r--- pu 1'..-oy 0ia luuîuiptuai itif aUI.- îe laa ti t'aiNu vp 'lt liicr iceaiab', *' L ills ili Y t Olf. ui 1'- Lt,' B iu 4b s n h i e a . ili aresitih eaj aittCI itOf ne,, ataadiings îu Ve*ltu nare;sb cui.te uelaru.asa olinsl~~ Oi bs4 alunat~ni!leisaa in ias, au bîar& vr ian;'u7'

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