Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 31 May 1842, p. 4

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IiAV£ YOU A COIGfI-De nnl 41e F p M 1 uiEs If rues H t?-Tbmwi5sda ats meap remalure dealis BE Subecriber respectfuiiy informs thse f'or the wat of a uttle att.ýntuon ituea come otsclu. KLadies andI Gentlemen et Kingstion tht Have jeu a ceuig, t-Rea'. Dr. Barttemew , tIhey Lave receiveil per Great Britaili sud Doeg ExpedleS-sol SyiUp, a safe aeiciil prescription, las, onueoethtie largest snd best sssortmets eif cntain'ng na piocuis dieul, sud uiwil in suCe- London Matuactured PURS, ever olrered for tensive practice fr svera Year-, wil mcii IusIi- Sale in tîls Market, consisting iu part as fol- tivey aferd reliefs and tare yen (cros tI 't ewfuil louas: disaue pnlciary Cosomptioni, hsichl snally iLAD111)& UISSES' JVIFS AND> BOIS, wecepe ie atise grave, bsutreds er tise youug, tIes hiancbiIIui, Gentlenmen & Youtbs cli, tle fai, tisa levety and tise gayI'ctaLnx ieSats!e e Hae ,ehacisb?-Be persuadje.1Ira pecha utrse 4FieSot SaSe abotte cf t0- E'1etoatSytup ta ddy !!-Tu- *brau~qi iISbe "a" ou E 'Weedishi Sable, Chinchlula, Horv ate rsts ?Blaie. ms Frl- Fitch, Sapirrel bacir, Hae 5 a og -amrtineme çExet- Britishs Sable, Numnî, tant Symnîm s the onlY rrntedy yen abuli taire te Bri. & Blk. Grunett Astrac,.n, toesyen.. Imitationi Sable, Rossia Lanmb, Fnr tils plain t55iutiu : -Ttîat inint cnecf the lira & Whie Augla, Mtocku Fitch, Ibousanulcaes mItre il lias ictu nîs, blia ilrait' Freacli Martin, ' Imitation Seal, ed t feleve.AND CLOlil CAPS. Fer cale ait leidru ', "'ite of Cinuitocir& A LS'0t, TRIMMINGS & EDGINGS, 71 Maidies Lause Newt Ywk, auud ly every Dmg r, u,&1-u ruet larSa gis lu KiliieSt',) saitin bCalisaua. AiuiMoakrat Fer sale hy N. .he. ALSO. T lE t-Su'iscniier sa-uI ductg th e'e-,- e l Iiiio :1 abe, Senth eSel cniantIy silhe rcre'pt cf 1uý', (Iletiu- Martiî, Sable, rail'eu fumec, &c. &c, the sa-lirli, cemuug Squirnii baek, Nlock FitI, trem thê toast regpei-tabl.aemfriîreti I-ucsi" MnsY Fitc, Mink, loe epeided opon as çgPiniîc. 'hue romîspesi- Ladieis' Fur Mitts, Nutria, d ngiepatient wiiI bo c iilucleul under the lus. Imitation do. Gloves & inedate sîperintenduice ef thc Subecruber, Gauritletts, aio- b'jectt s, liythu te of e gond nate1 i.is, bY Gents. Fur Colar., &c. a caretul manaipulation; ta isduce confidence as ALso :-A large aslOrtmeut Ot Squirril Loch regards tis.most imiportant brach et the basi. Sacks, Siberian Squirri, White Couey, Blackr ne..d. Germen Grucîtt, Aguraean, Lestria, Nutras J. W. BRENT Frenchi Martin, sud Senti so Seual Skin.-Ali Drtisggt If Apoibecary. articles lu tise Fur lino suade te order, and ce- .siret, Kingstn. pai in donc at the siiortest notice. V IllE tolowing articles prepared by the sub is- hAeca tomrabc gay ren Btreales T seriber are recontusended te tise notice ofwthhar larace, lao asyc neTale Familles. ~~and Rocking Chairs. commet) ase udFa Famiies.bottemed, Chairs lu greît variety. Lcoiig Casur rated Tooth Pearder, Glasses et ail descriptions, and a tsar theuna Per <su do. ette bet Principe Cigar,-al of whieh iii ho Blait mie 'intore et Myrrh, sciaI 1w efr Cash. Ira ts' AMixture, Çoncentrated Epeence of Ginger, do do Peppermint, do do Ratafia, bilions Pil, gable Extract fr the Iunir, Pot Pourri l'owder, Cîîrrie Powbers, Harnss arnsh. J. W. BRENT, Driqgist Apo!heeary IÎÙR sleby . É & T. RA, bhds. Martel's best Cognac Brandy, _0 oScheidam, 50 cases do .3 quarter casks sweet Malag, 16 do do Madira, 16 octaves do0 14 quarter casks Port Iine, 3 hhdls. Sherry, superior, 2 do do" do 8 do Ediîîburgh Aie. Oct. 1841 WHOLUSALE COMMISSION WAEEHOUSE5 No. 4, uttto's BuiLDING;S, PnNt rREZT. TIlE? les"ne respectfiîly announce tiat they have entered inte Co-partnersIîip ini the WVhoesale Comiision Busîîîesq, in the naine of CARTER & BENTLEY, on the pre. mises aliere descibed, whiclî, baving been con- tructed for the purpese, arc both fire and fcost proof; s'parions and welI adapted for the safe keeping of cvery description ef Gonds. Froîsî the respectnbliyof the references, and tlie character thcy trust bey have obtaned in Kinston, the subacribers hope they wilI be able te ÏîTe sucli satisfaction as te secire a liheral prertion of tie public patronage. Mlerchats in general will find it aivnutaieeons to consigu te the cire of thje subscriberp, as it is ther intention te act as Agents altogelher, and flot ns principas. This adi ertisemetit deserves the particular attention cf FituREns, Dealers in Provisions an& Grain, asetho etabliahment forins a depot for their produce on n principle decidedly favorable te thir intesests. ALFPED CARTER, THOMAS Il. IENTLEY. Kingston, Dec. 17, IS li. RErEItNCES. Jouvi COr-TEit, Esq. Iin:ton. Ricoito ScoBELL, Esq, . XVii. WitSOex, Esq, d. J. FAîseueg, Esq, Vatertown. Mi. E. IIARNiEy, id. MeR. G. Kr.LLOC., Sackets Harbor, ('hARLES SUTTII, ESQ, Albany, ABsAnFAbi TtRvAx, Esq, Rochester, D)R. AltJSTEZON, d. J. R. Aî.,SsRao'.i& C., Torontoe, Joun DouoÂL, Esq, Mantreîi. Megor3. LàsiisR & STEVrNSÛGN, Blath, BELLA FLial, ESQ., Blelleville, W11î. RonisF, ESQ., Picton, G. l1AM, ESQ, Cobeourg, P'ETER 'EtiiY, EsQ, MWIitby, t.Juso., ESQ., ilamITofi. DR [ED BACON and IiAMS, cured in the E'ng1ieti style. A choice lot just received and for sale by tFulic suiberF, at their Commis. *.in Store, No. 4, Ilardv*s IBuildings, Front t. April 4. CARTER & BEN'rLEY. GAILDEN SEEDS. A GEXERAL 4SSORTMIEI'Tju@ e eve andir bae by J. W. flRENT, Druggise. S4lKE'.-;HYDIIOME'rER:, M ADE. lv Jamces Amaiant, Montreat. Ai-* Scalaroneters. Agent hic Koiton. J. w. BRÉENT. 'IT> LET, YUI1E DWELLING IIOL'SE uext doo' te .N.Me-ira. T. &J, Rigney's Store, ind re- <eptîy occupied by J. Wwakins, Eoq.(A ppy te T. & J. RINEV, Sert Street. 'Lire n oed HAM Sand CHE EKS, a.Ll, e b W.SI'ON Ki ng Street. 'q ALT.-J00 buIs. Onondaga Sat for sale, iow for'.asi, by HCALDER TO CAPITALISTS. VERY PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. FOR, Sale b) ,'rivnte roîtract at theo Subsrri- Fber's, tIc followng valuable property, came- y On lot cf Land 66 feet en thse Front. 91.) tet ludepth withtwtisbtantial BRICK 110t'SF.Sthereot4 Re-gh (rosi Cottage stylek, witb stables, rshedèe, and pýlet" eof tard moonasd drawirg a yeariy rentaI of Loti, ituated iluoeeoetthe central Street#. 'Flicprice f tIcabove property is very tooderate. aud ternis of paymcnt wilIl be madls easy.For furtber rarliculara enquire atour of- COLLINS & HAINES, C. m. ' i. Kingston. Jan. 26, 1842. M. L. GREEN & CO. Oct. 26 th, 1841. N. B. Thei higbest puice paid for al kinds of Shipping Frs nt their Stre in (uarry Street FOR SALE. iIiTE suhecriber, wishing te reture te is n.- mtive sol, IREL.,,ND, te which lie ie invited, ater liaving scri-ed 27) )ear@ of is lite in the Midland District. Province of Canada, WilI dis- pose cf h s place in Adophustwn, where ho bas dout. business te gond acrount. Possessiont will be iven on the Ist cf Jonc uext. The place la noiv occupicd by Mr. John C. Jeffiers, wlîere e libs. dou, and continues te do n gond trade te the extî.t lie uses. Much could lie <onc with a geueraI assortînent of Goode for the country traâ e. ThF lpemises and eut buildings bhave very soitable conveniences, wih tbree acres cf land around the bouse andl buildings; the width of 200l acres frei tihep lace. He offers with the place, 45 acres of G OD LAiND, excellent Barn and sonîî Apple Trees. 'ritle te the place god and free rom incumbranre. For ternis apply t the Hlerald Office, or te the preprieter on theo premise. JOHN W. FERGUSON. Adolplistown, let Oct. 1841. FURS. SKINS. qII1E highest pries will ho paid lu Cash foi JL Mil description cf Skius for Exportatioi t Win. Wiîson'a Wholesale Store in Brock Street. Rjuceton, Nov. 13, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER. D Y E WOODS f tIc lest quslity, Whoiesala sud Retai. J. W. BRENT, Drssggst 4rApthecar. Kiug Street, Dec. 22, 1840. 36 ACHOICE assort.nent cf lPaper Hiangings, .t1and bordéring, for sale t T. & J. RIG NEY'S Kingaton, 15th Nor, 1841. -I_! È SALE THEs-uBCRIB EH. ONan Boit Blankets, S0 l, hte Counterpanes for steam huis,, An aa try extensive .eortneurt cf Fancy and 8tar. Dry Good. WM. WIL ON, Crner Brock & Quarry Ste. Kingston, 29th January, 1842. JUST RECEIVED by CARTER & D ENT LEY et their Commission Store, No. 4, Hardy'a Buildings, Front Street, and uow for sale.1 New York Soda Biscuit, Bostons & common Crackers by the ban-el. _ Superior Lake Ihuron Tromt do. 4t do. do. White FiaIs aud Her. rings by the barrol. Sîleita by the barrel. EIk Horns, Mlafle Sugar, Hickory Nuts, Dried Codfi-tlî, Fresîs Cern Broms, Wbite Beans, &c. &c. Kingston, 3d May, 1842. BYPRIVA TE CUTRACT A BEAUTIFIJL spot ot land contann 1Ares, well adapted for n marketa en, or a sumrmer's resideuce, in the imniediate vici. fit7 e.f the land lately purcbaxed by' thee Honora. m.e Mr. Kilaly, Jameés llepkirk, L.q, and the lion. Vice ChancelIor. The above nained pro- perty is dvided froni that ofthe lion. blr. KilS. )y by a proper rnd of fifty feet. Thei terma of payinent are liberal, cxtended eter à epic. oi four years front the ist August next, for further partjculajr@ apy te the Agents. COLLINS & IIAINES, Kingston, April lot 1842. FOR SALE, 7Fbf~ ET square l'ir.e TIMIBER, 50 00 efallIengtbs andsos. The Tîînber is located in dîffièert parts of the Town, for the purpoe of savi ng Cartage te the pur. ehaser. R. M. ROSE. IjNc.TON NOTES-OR DEBENTURES W ILL be taken by the subscriber ini pay- mintcf actouats past dute r unexebange or Csccd. R. M ROSE. Kingston. Mardi 28, 18a2 NOTICE. TUE STEAMER. CA 0 LIXN q IV 10 . Capt.-, IIILL ply on the Bay of Quinte & River St. WVLawrence, the following season, for the parpose of towing Rafts and Vesbele. For for. ther pI"tculars Apply te G O G V S Kingston, Foi. SUh Se4. PORT HOP'E WHISKEY. T lIE Soliscriber isas ceceived Tise H,.i.d' Tf F.py hrreLs Part IRpe Ilala4ikeyand wl kesp coustantly on band dutins' tise eason, a jar"m spnn.for se tof his weill noaru aticle. ItJsai lFa-e limirarae 'Coi.mileny of the J-c' ' - OSEPH B. HALL. -nlidtatml DietieL. Kingston, Iliii April, 1842r 'Ni OTICE is hcreyisyg aen tIt tise Annual. ML~beeingof thc sud Company, for tise pur. ComesuadatBsal, Abd.Dise. Pose et Eiectuug by batlot a Boarui ot Dietoma NOICE i bereîy give tisat tise nu fer tle ensuing yen,wMl hbe helt tihe Cotsft ý Meling o!flise Seccirisders oet is l mat- lIeuse, lu the Towsn et Kingston, on Mondas'. Ition wulie bla the lanIr on Mcndaytise 01itI day of Joune net, lit 12 oclock, ncoc. - ti dY cf Joue wn4aif t 1Iloick A. M. Ls the, .Autiiorities te a-oie ly pmczy umust hoe au acit- puepose o! electing DireeterafSetise ensaling îug. eveme& Dy order o! the Prosidest iad Iiractots, taielse theDoard, W. TWIGG, F. A. HARPER, Kinrtor.fflrr t"il, R 42 "Qki-;lImm ing, Pains initise Side or Breast, Spittiug o! Blond, Catarrhs,1 Palpitationo e Ilîesrt, Oppression sud Serenest et tIc Cliest, WVIeoping Ceugli, Pleorisy, Hectie Fever, Niglit Siseats, Diffieuit or Profuse Expectoration, sud nl otler Affections eftte Clict, Luugs, aud i.iver. TIis Medicine le fer sale liy thc scie Pro p re- toc, at 375 Beaaery, betmeeu Feurtb sud'iftt ste-, Neaw'Yo'rk, Geo. Taylor, M. 1.; sud ily Comstcck & Cc., Wholesale Drnggists 71. Maisien Lane New York, and byevery Dcuggist lu Canada. fl OR sale by the Subecriliers, ~L15 chets Twankay Tes, 10 boxes do 15 Young Ilyson do 25 catty boxes do R. Il. & T. RAE. M 1 S S 1 N G . A N Englisli deal parking BOX, boîud with owiihpoed thv eugiu te Majorntra lse o itpofoethe vebnsiped satMecn- taiig 2 pair of sheets, '2 or 3 pillo -aes rosewood inlaid ;riting Desk witis lenthler rover, sud wrifteu on it ..Mccr. Gencral Clitberoan." An oblong mabognny trînkiet ease, ramahl ckI and lras boonîl corners-au Ehony work box in- laid wil h mother cf pennl-a maliegany inedicine cbest, a resewood ariting Desk covcred witis green baire, and n y-ellnw paited tin glove case. Tlha package le supposeil te have been landed at seine place ou the efthte Ottawa and Rideau Canai. Anv person giving such information ns wiii Iead te the recovery cf iL milIlie îuitahly reWftrd'd. MACPHIERSON & CRANE. Ottawa & Rideau Office, Kingston, -Nor. 30, 1§341. QUEE N'S Co LLEGE KINGSTON. IT is hereby pulblicly intimated that the first Session of Queeu's College, Kig ston, will lie operued on tise first Monday of Mardiksîext, and that thon thse Profeisors wbo bave been appointed ;vill begin te tends clu- ses for thc Iollowing Brancbeq cf Study: SSATHESSATIS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHE. LOGtC, AND MORAL PUILOSOPUiY. TÀeologjv, Chusrck Rislory, and OicrdaJ It ie particniarly rcquested thae those who, for somne time pnst, inay have been expecting accordin& te previous annoncments, an ear- lier opening of the first Session, sud wbich bas been prevcuted by circumstances over which neither tise Trustees ner the Profes- sors have Lad any control, will loose -no time alter thc appearnce cf tiis advertiseuient, in sutimating theirintention te enrol thcmselves as Students. Communications frout Stia- dents orthseir fricude, as te enrohuent, enay bc made eitiser personally or in writang, pro. viosse te the day of commencement, te Aiex- ander Pringle, Esq. Secretnry to thc Trus- tees of Queen's Cellege, Kingston, who will aisoeae information as te the probable dora- tien t<hec first Session cf College. THOMAS LIDDELL, D. D. PrinipalI. Kingston, M sJ»ury, 1842. 43, Kingston, 2th Nov. 1841. CIRCULATING LIDRA1LY. M ESSRS. Il. & W. RO"aSELL respect- tnlly infecmthOe Gentry anud lulabitauts et Kingston geuerally, tînt tbhey are about usea-- ing luto their uew PIrentises on Kîng Stret, iately oceopted by Mer. Greenehielde & bMii. er, uext donc te Mr. J. WV. Brout, Clomist sud Druggist, and lu coasequcuce, M-lit be ebliged te close Uic circulation eft tieir Lilirary for a tsar days. As tley are about making large additions te tlueir pres-ent Catalogue, Messrs. IL. & W. . reqoest thnt ail Books nowin l circuiation will ho eturned ns early ns pos-sible, tînt the I.ibrary mn y hore.opened vitîse littIe dem7 ne possible. Meesers. l. & W. R. take tIis epportunity t-u returu them s@intrsruthanke f0 their vaieus Subecrihers and thc public generaily, toc tise patrenage tbey bave receîved saucea the opening cfts ibracy, and hope tînt tihe large additions about to e honide te it ailiteccure a conttuuance of past favors. Ail ueav aorks ot aekssoledged menit, added te tic Librnry. as scen a. possible. Drocir Street, Kingston, March 30, 142. IIAT MANUFACTURER, A-lL'CTFITlY tenders te tht ..tpubliechie grateful nrknomledge. J nont for part support xvbile lu the 11cm ot T vedilel & Wright, sud aaould utformntlom that ho continuestIle burinera at the saiie stand, wb-hre ho hopes, by punetonlity and attention to, bualumiees, te tirit a continuance o! tueur (avers. Couhtantuy ui lbanud, hmst Dent er, Neoutra, common Fut, irusu t'uol liais. Aleorsi, eltîer cash or appreved credît, froua country rcctanté2, thainkwtl!y rececil, an puurtmally exocuteul. Kangston, l7thAug., 1841. J UST Pubislied, ad for Sale ai bMr. Rorasons, Mr. Hempisilîs, sud thse Hec- aid Office. A SERMON Addnesscd to thse Congregation of the Wesicyan Metbolist Church, Decetuber 22d 184 1, lseing tise Day appoiuted in tlis City fer tise celebration of thîe evtc-ocf the Dirri er tue Prince sf 1lV'les : OY Tuura-E. IHENRY- WILKIN5SN. Publislsed by reuuuvt of thc Cungre&a- tien. Prie 6d. Kingston, l4th Jany., 1S42. F OR sale b'. thae ubucrbens, 10 dozen roloreil Renne, 60 do Calt-skîus, 10 lihds. Ccockery. 5 crates Crocker>'. November, 1811. R. I. & T.RAE. -JUST publ.sised sud for Sale by tise Subseri. 0bers. Prayers and Devout Meditatione, de. signelh to assiEt the Young Cliristian in the cultia-atien ef n devout temper, by the Us,. ROSEET M.aCGILLt.-Pr"Ce 29G.. RAMSAY ARMOUR. & Ce. FriaJSreei FOR SALE by W. Simupson, 50 barrels Fvery auperior 0ArMEAL; prieptu, etailera unuiually 1ev. King Street, 1Oti April, 1642. JUBT veceived sud for aie b arimlai~miT, LIGUT, luIGHT, 10 hlide.brigitmuaevad =gr, UPERIOR 15 biais dorS Lansp Oit, BSperasOlive & paie 15 bisa swd R.l.& T ' e, s I gallion sud Barrel, 20bxs6P AUGUSTUS THIBODO. gdoe t4.I . .RAB.eS eiiustr Mrb,1182 KINGSTON UFlRALD-TUE.SDAY, MAY 31, I842. 0l NE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWAD lbait Cheap Groefry Store. 'Fbeenfkr6ed tac motia, te any 0eue ubo guii , HE suiserruber bepm leste mon respectfully ose a litile etfK.3ms Liesuset for thse Pila i wili- JL ta effer bis fricuadsansd thse publie ies iin. cnt bing cred.0f thesand sei, la e nueu5~ ee tiuss er <thte liberal share cf patrong athce bas ilt aled ot a cure. Pro m eaf meabel- beatotved on hlm durieg tise lut ten years in nding toe bad wlsre it i sold. ltS isc act- Iis City. Ile is cois advisedly clioing up bis tWu cure in fd<iFy eer cse Dry Goods depirtriept, and ailI for tIc future eiternaliy is the folowinz compl..nts. detc bis tinie tetli- For the Piles, Tigltus of thse chent Fer ail Drnosy, especihllyin cdludrem. GROCERY 4- PROVISION 'l~ederFee, IFou Ulersn5 he eg. Business exclusia el', Wliolesale and Retail. Soe tiroat by cancers r ther tfnuso , Froni arrangements recently effected, lie las or uIrerç, 'hemever cistinate or btliFoneugma and British miarkets open l iciIsn, Groisp, Ilong stending, (resui euce, direct, lie will recrive, unadute- Wtîooping rougis, 1 Fresh Wouuils., rateil, and n erginuil packages, ait articles ccin- Scald Head 1 Cîuîtsîsînb &c. &CI sected w-itliiebuýiiuce. lis Bran.dy, Gin anil LOOK OUT. Spirits W:,11 demie frui the London docks; hiii Some SwissdL-s uhere caunifcfeitedi this article Wines, selected fer 11inîseif, uvlI hcofetclice nndpsatit1 upiih UOIius deriseg. D nethle im- _ tga andi othiirug mull bc offiered but suds psed upon. One thmsg atv will prutect Sou-it as caumit ail un givig satisfaction. is the naine of COM STOCK & CO; that nome~ A large rnd gencrai nsortinent will nimnys lbe inugt be alîcyoth le m.ccpp, orr %on are rîet- kept on hant, anunmrcuttîug attention la,&]]bc cd. Do net tortet it. Take tîîis «directo 11, , thtî inn ' nu e uIas tony (ae ye, and test by that, or ocrer buy il ; foi t la hlm aaitî a coituuu'incecf their support. Delco' impossible fer anv itîier te bie truc or genuine. a lit of articlescn uîmlad s giron, of genuimue Sctd Iv COMSTOCK & CO, 71 Maiden Lane, quailty. avîi;cdis %vil] be Eolul at eatremely loi Nevs York, andu by every Diugglat Su Kingston.~ pricro1r cash. Tn 'A boxe- Youuig Ilv; c e sud lu Canada. 3 ce ,sTaik« i For sale hy N. Palmer. â30 huds Mui-ikaie Sda PEILr luE lay. Ï10I Cruseid Sugar, T lIE Subscribor bas received a snpply et 20 barrels do do, JLChoice English Perfumcry, anong anhicli 10 blidî. siogle reiued Sugar are tse tolloming. 10 IldoUble refiîîed do ESSENCES. 30 kege Piug Toliacco, 16eo, Saveet Drier, 20 " " do 1'- Spring Flowers, 10) i do 24's, Sa-est Pea, 20 boxes Cavendlishi s& 2-s, Hedycemia or Persian Essence, 5 hds.Miiuss Eganutine, 5 do Bordeaux Vinegar, 1 to, 2à, 1iovenia, 10 bag Ecuteul I'cppLr, Citreuclia Rosir, :.0 tioxes lPipes, Geraninn, 5SIlFrîberî, Mareclialir, 20) boxes Grouiîd Coffce, Lavender, 20 Gromînd Ginger, Lily efthtie Valey, '20 Porpper, ifnncy Suckie,* 10 Alîrpicv, Royal (Condensed)l, 20 iars _Maccahoy Snu«r, Royal Extract of! Roses. 10 tiago Itoaýted Coiee, IlFlowers, 20 Il Lmguira do, Circassian Creant, 10 bage St. iloninge do, Qoee's Bouquet, :30 kegsRaiî, Bouquet d' Arabiie, 10t) boxes Moitreal Candies. Eau de Portugal, 50 do W;Lx îick Lonudoni Caîîdies, .. Cologiio Veitalle, 100 do Liverpool Soap, Esprit de Lavende au uillefleurs, 15 lihuls Ottard Dupiiys" Cognac Branudy, Aînbrosia, 1.3 do Bordeaux do Verbena Perfume aud Extract, 10 harcels Ilînllberts" London browu Stout, Persiau Sweet Dagg, 101 do Leîtlî ale, Genuiue, Verbera Perfume and Extract, 10 hulds superior Table Cod ilit, Esprit de Rose, 15 barrels Salmoen, this seoso's tae, Veritable l'onade Divine, 5 Caroteels Zante Cu.raits, Pontatunt, 5 cases IlWicka" licat Mustard, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Inke, 50 jars l'Durhiam" Mustard, Amber Preston Smelling Sata. 20 boxes Figliue, &c. &C. &C. &C. 5 do Vermacilli,_ J. W. BRENT, 5 do Mlacaroni, Drsaggist Ir Apc)thtcary. 10 casks Bîackîug, Kingston, 4tb 2 bIde Smperir 01J Pert ie, C1 ERTAIN CURE FOR' SICK HEADACHE 5 qr. casks very Supesior Sherry, lir t eicb hans lad sîc edi amiesfr iens 2 hbds "Bieckbucuus" Madeira, berJf whic blas isauts edac triitsucy, 0 q-cek lMarseilles" ie, Port & Ma- as a rnnttitutioual family coînplaint, and boi ce- deica, rail efectually lu esery instance yet lenemu- 20 Poncheous -"Boston", Spirite, amountinq ton mauy bundreds. It ta net unples- 5 do old Ration Rom, saut ta the taste, snd does sot prevent tise daily 20 punclicous E. 1. Runi, cocailos oetonue using it ; in ust lie persevered 20 boxes IlLeschîers" Lonîdon Si amcl, lu, aud Ilie cure le graduai, lut certain and tiena. 50 cases Schsiedama Gin, dent. laitances aecocnstartly multiplying ubere 10 bags <'orks, this distressàng cenaplalut la coapleteiy relleved 2 cases Lemon Peel, aud cured, aitbougli nf yeaxa standing, liy the use 2 Citron. 1cf Dr. Srobn'a celebcted reinedy. Ounelecided 2 Stougliton's Bitters, prefersuce is is pleaseantues, listing noue cf thc 2 Pepper Sauce, nassigeffect of commn drngf. 2 Bermuda Arr Rosot. bIt is sa perfectly satisfactnry, ibat thse proprietor 2 K etchSa, las given dircetcîon fer bis agents ta retend the 20 Prate rlocaeyastd prics te sny one vIe is net pleased witli, sud even 20Cpackes rGlrassre, cured by 1. He 1opeç also tbat tbisi ay socS e 20Vacag Ca v s wacroler rilscnt its great benefits te tise dstressssd sefferers Wo Nit aieisaohratilsconce sre lsboring nuder Headacle. with a Grocera-insînesq. E. Spdlin, M. D. Inventer sud Prepreter. 'lO r û2 0 " 1*0 COMSTOCK & CO, 71 Maiden Lane N. York, The remîming part efthte Sulsecribers Stock sud by oery Druggst ln Kington »md lu Canada. will be muId at Cost Prices. Sncb as desire 1iargins i ciliser brauch would conanît tliî DR. TAYLOR'S van interet b yernnn and contparîng the BALSAM 0F LIVERWORT extensive Stock et Gonds nom stored lu his pre- FOR eONSsUMPTION AND LIVER 'omXti'L . mises, before purcdasing. t.ogs, celà smiiear tsran St. JE. luImUOSJ. 125espîug 'robacco Ifs. 20 do d) o8s. 20 boxes Cavendiîsh, 8 liait boxes Nailrod %2s. 5i- jars Snuif, 7,000 principe Cigare. 15 boxes London spsrm candies, 10 do Muntreal lNotu1d, 2 do Fig Biue, 20 do Carolirrut Ric~, 25 bage greenî Coftbe, 15 boxes greund do 15 de do Pepper, 10 bage ground do 10 do do Alispice, 10 jirF Mustaril, 75 -Matts Cacria, 60> ream.i wrapping paper, 4 liresNuti-Fa 6 Ibis h-ird dibell Aijonde, 10 bones Starcli, 3t kege Clo%-es 15 bioxes lipee, 8 keg Currants, 10 Szaleratus, Oct. 1841. IL IL1 & T. RAF.. FOR SALE, A TT. &-J. 1G NE Y' S F INE Ct & plain G!aFs Tumibere, Cruct Stands, l'eu & l'ocket RuSves, Tea & 'la.' bles@pons, ScîosNeedîes & Pir.e, Razors & SpectceS.-ALSO, their usual varjets of Cîîmbv, Brochies, P;pjrr langings, 'rrav'ellhuîg baskets, Lookinîg GIzzzýer, &c-, &c. Kingýs'on, 5lai*cb, 7, 1812. JUDSON'S PATENT ]PLATFORM SUA LES. T H ndrige havn,,been appointeilb WEFIGHING 1MACHINES, Are nov preparei te roccive orders fer any de. jKription cf thont. persona utendîng te order MAY SCALAES, or any ot the larger deucriptîons cf nmachines, that require fitimug up, ,.bould oriler thein mîiiuce- diatelv, as Mr. J. or a peroon luin i mciuup. w;l lie minigston oun te opeinZ of navigation fcor the purpoe,. CARTER & 1BENTLEY, -4cs li. No. 4, Ilardy-'o Buildings, Front Stritet. Kingston, 14ttî March, 1842. FO I SAilLE( Bedr W. ESEMPSN, ar. WVAX CAND!LES, equal Iote hetLod )C*'kr gStreet* Kingston. IRIENOVAL. TR1E Susebribers lising- reioved tlieir stock f LCîbs and Fancy gods, te the preinises liely occapied by J. '.ý atkin.t & Ceo, are nis c- pening au additicual mpply, sinong anhidli mqy Sates, SaIe peucalg, Brod-, Neck lires, Snuil Boes, lInk stanîs, Inîlelible lnk, 'teel Pentr, %i,èlls, %Vafers, Sestilur Wax, FisI Hooka &Lines, 'n great viriety, Ili;dles, Pins, Wateh ICcys, Printer's and rstin p Carde, 1New MusSe, Pistes, Violins, and siolisa Bows and Strings AccordSans, Raxous, cia-sou, peu »d PeekMt U;iseRamor "pais, Wallete, Poeket oocks, Kid »dd 51k piss- ee, r,e.AW, a cisoice Asstsem cf SMepmoiud ,ertaueýy ef ail kande, Plin aS. eod iMu lager Rig an sd Bîcachar,,Far elage, iver TIVmbieg, agi à variety of other antidep saitabletee Tes âd mJ ee 11 l iiufor TrIr , ( LP lois' l'or 1. . n i1,1 G 1C El'-îuî:. m1.-Ira amuluries i, -r1-c- T- i li'.. lu - r t r- lu r r . % - il (un sale iiimîullumu rr,. Dec., ]SI L. Il. C'li BLA NKS l-Ott Sil. SEDIS aid Ii I 1. -.t eili ietr ft in ae lut th,1rr ur l ti Itllî~ te 1,r111C- i. c c i r above, at i redsc-e-J1uc r tilsla tuce t-rn ver pls r ý'c-1 - (c aumierolis v i crs ;- r . SIc--i r Iuase ecuIiilî liIr- r -r -i' f k ne î f i --i&Icri c-I 11lu i. Theli a-iitrlais l-i 11. i ir -- r douhtil.a al c-é iic-rîr-t ic-r.u a ery frqu'euil casse ir il t11rc theie oif a rerîrîr iI ,Srcr c auiaed U l ue i cturc-r r,'r 1 rC. seul 1,e tr',lo'" (i brrrlcr ar e ,i~c Qse. 9.1. ; îî-ilaiît 1Il p, c " i thei u o Uc izC, riIlc iuc-ic- r douca. Kircc-uNvi.lui, l>1Il FORSAL YBTT iE ý:stlu r.ClIfl ,41 tbeir jW,tho(alr c ru ru ti-1M 1 L 1 ' l . , b r a i s r , L i a c k a l i. à îc - ' r B Clc'i", pIcilc, btc-sr c-cl diauiiîmd Beca ors, 'lcnuuues,fiirelC pinited Sa'.euuc-, çliugc- crimmson .dc-ureemus sud Diriru c'kb- I,*. i KeFesys alud Scrgc. as', h cc- Salsbury 1I'aiauule, "icc1 rh du-ais, rrcy r d îluC f r' iiîl i c-cI uî - c- rt cord Il netteq. w-hice, tîtrci,1iri' Pafuslir s, li-lca1-mtuci i- lins!, coloned l uu, t i l -, e co-ttn 'elvelsandu clc-cr -- and figuncd Gros de Ntlsci" aCte, ,ilhiBerge, Luccadrai .c l" - ses, figireul Poplip- r' b"s-.lC, ,- itck kerdctaf, curorcd Barce-Truî arrn~d dannas, blonude anud cut-)tru. Voil-, ceie:j! ,c ci îrinted Nrhîc-, 1iî ut agI rT u lÇY w r -; Bath Lac-e-,r, luiiirI. tii tuJ i Frcck BcKulicr, ruL'iir (trish'ned %%ith!ilcr.ir esl with sII, bl.'C-k rîrl i , i tillac., a larg o r-ujc...,iltf rc- libs*' tIociqlirtê ti!d lJI ton?, &c. &c. i TI OF KIN GS TON- PUBL1811FD EVEny TUES At bis officelunStoreSrd.el' lf wilere ail erders ail1l e thius ly tel" pnatuaily attended (0. rsnusr,î0 T.EL.-Fifteen shilingsPl' abB5~>psle in sdvanUi shillings and li, pence hieSlbf«u A&Y tum becemsflg rsapaçUn meg S.n ilks 3ý reaes-scber (« 5Nr05<>u, 1l80 rm e~fr~oPeccetoui5Pu LI VER COMPL AI NTS. S1LEANLl'%E',, 11FTII AND ALL SICKNESS ANI DISEASES IIAI.lR "trîmise ii.-tis 1 &1)j lTEMPERANCE LIFE BITTERS AND » tend strictta, enn lr - t itîa CH-INESE BLOOD PILLS abenid aagtrct t1teHeaulht . irt 77ie greaiest Secrat dsscue ential-tle Au teaaeL .tdil- a ,@r--purge- puig-has been the cm for th, (sitayil i il li lait few veais This5las licen ,ff-ctusllv tried, my t lie 'ep i sulua~ cric sud yet iifiiers bave muliiiîlied-and die'd ; aid IVB l, llCut, it c,t wîy ilNet Ircause purgin?,iras net ueeessry,tietati-i i's;i'ic -' but tee inuck btas been ulhu-%nitiunt Vie toeaic le i felow, ansusstoin ihe tysteni. l'urge ysn mut ? NIf. Cu ci c, The sic kly btira c(f the Wtr lae.i> mt bc cari mcd nilt' 11!d siilu c.- . -et Ite accumnulationft t11m ira-Ciîctc. Pse- e X î.îrlis- e'lu sr vent, thcrt, tire gînasti fsuniîhuimuiý.. mi u ustecic W~liv do tie CLiasýe ie taoeu iqr. a,. i-ch'i -u5 serd-iiireuaile ioîa'ris af yeth or tivi- -i I tiseats. Lu dis age ~ F ?Bn il e y puîitrr thteibloed. The lttkLiCc1-r*.-c -- i tWuyî<c-ru tiC rnanl c I \:l, Ch:uIrsc i.toon Pill-ào caiied bscaue Iiey acik îiluidsci-m,-c,, upounsd r-anse tise Bto.-ae lie tae ndiole, rersedi'. 'Fiese Pulis sil de it ; zam rtte lui r-îi the systens nsd pI e el t t e a rru'rm ilatiom i ot 4 lr , b a- ba se hurois s wbar h infst tiue bleri, snd iii ,. totir 1lý , .irur c-iruli. ' oa!y Scteides tiy pitusc, tcs Ille itt .rs lire JTicIîs!ru.î 'l u. takien Xteur. Blii , tlie a, ti .e pil, aut il T'ers.. i- t'le Ifil a h r I' , ,f Tàle .xce0kv tise ;iI, aundldaly thie I-ittri' ;ad nlu r u il vo.i are anrlhaveiscrpiivaiiils for duer ', l-Cii ýý maantli5, c r i rs, y-emIl tfnitc l k1-brr~ 'aru IL ti- drain i-5. su rpemenited ic-m a tiirn, iau irîe 11 vu 1.itii sailiot e iloi hîue rif*sickhic-cs chlantre tipi, lv m- I o it i u-u1 r s tIse fiU aiiiig glois feiancd yaishfl as îîî L,~ There are cascs sa nunurmues oet tese brlliat JOHN P. T LIs.c3 effectq, tlitt tee ait space feîtiid Oan a'tcmnpt tl I IIr. s l-Iitt î- put tisEnt doîu. Buy and use these metiCies. iluI uI- l- sud caseo ohl', and healîli and strsiîgth sluil li e k,îN~\lL yom5s.Sec a-rpirer aud directions thaï, ccmutC The IZc- i. t cul htbc-iu.Th e FRAUDULENT (C0UNTEIlkEITl lTS i,- 't- v i IVili ie atterimpte.i. Btîy e, remciy ci ritc- i, n i.c-ir uisisil bavc- moy naine-0. C. LIN, NI -D.-,ic-luIt ' - lie %v riier, titI ais te ti e air s fidilihî :_ rieli (f t6 Eatered accerdnatotaAct of Ceires, A. D. y-t f 'ruc 1841, by Tires. CetusuFri., in the Cietkýç <titect f (jc N'1. IxI i ci l , 1 the District Ccuittof rtte U,,ileu States fer the- Suutheru Bistirkt ofe!New Yerk." I. lROBlERT u lti ' W'stramtedie tuu hla' enoîte. City (rf lLi' . -ic Measto. Ceaiterr&Co., Ner York, ire ite, ii'IL i ru rtl',u %II jc- soi le oteie agritts orthe United Stin -d il S. Fuu7erv, 11 ,1 'îIL I -a neighboziiug coutties. .4zr- e lCt. r- , s- l c--e DOCTOR 0. C. LIN. ticies fc-ý r Sold b7 N. Palmer. lîlrie , i r i -EIVAD-SPLEND[6D ln ituue-- I!,c-tr. i nu, CABINET FUIIINITU BE, <L.S.] liar ý .,rr i """! !., .qs Chrap as thse 'heapest, atid as goctîl ci c ~ii*-m - as tise best.111K tl.- c-.- T11IIE ul)îcri'ter bigqlenve e oimforminte lîl~feiki-l I'- -uPl - - .Llic geuerslly, thiat lhe bis removed bils Fur-IlOnlu-m t,.,, niture Vare Roam lu lus atm buiidiag, e rrntiL y5 u-lt i i ter--crt i Ylr erectellu Meatreasi Stret, tiirîl doot fiers lite thui îîaîc a14I iiirlar.-- . corner et Store Street, sud near te bMt. Tbibsdo"'s are ctîpaeieu. Ils mu t c- rct r1t' . - Crnrery Store- -wlers mili aamyts e fôtinî s 9-- litan uitli 53'l, >c-trilst i-J",r.r-ir natal assoittet READY MADE FURNI- it iithaJi - -u rhti TURE, nf thie beat quaitIr aud tîtestliattfins, ant Sa!-' II.'1ZlTît it-~ pres le suit nteuding purdliasers. 1'ersnoscsi- Nem 'erli- 3 s'î irr-1) rtîuscf prclasing are respectfuliy inviter] te malle asuin uCanaita. a rail. As the Suliscriber lis cornstaiutly eîsniific- Fer sale [y N. l.~îu .u- turing for sale sud teotutder, tley rau sperîtiy tli supplied with any article they rssy reqîire. ZtaU".J:<. Kigso, an 84. T. 0. BUTLER. friti-11 WANTE-A Vauiislcr c-ad Puuisler. .cIPl it -NI l-u.,-r T. 0. F). i"'rrr.-ucrî ~. Scasyer, pro. q Seat. e. ffoa4~.~ pr-w ~cmss,5. - Unleni Seat5,. PlaID- Ge~t,. Iciuewpr - lie, aun. 5ànisd. Dea~ L'cbat~~, ~ »fggeué~ - ~ 4~a~'5n, ,. ~ r '% Baud., ht~ 'Su s, Fakm1e~4C~ M CANADI psLMICT CATTLE SHOW .,Io oftise Offcers c! the Al ,an »iy w tise Midiammâ Diâtrscî igt n n , n t i e i & i s m a > ', t i W.e api;ti=edfor tise Ssow teaib eidetWterloo t 2L.J<eS Juins28tlu, 1 S4-- 191CLA5s.-HORES. .......... do...........i *1............ do ...di.................i ItCL SHORED CATTLE. ý rl«gW ofl eetwo yeam old. ...2 1 gw,sse è de..........- ý d e do ............1h ý a ut >14 BadectvQ jearO aid.- .2 .-. do do ...........l do la do ...........l i b he iWI*Ccv....84........ SiW do.................ii Thr de............... iNgbt eBiter ................ 1 Il TIti de..................-I hrwss de duo........... 1 âe CLASS-4IIEE.P. iftisetTup,.................. 2 lerssd d .............l1im unir do ....................ti pnthestIl ERars. atisLanilis by S Mr viudés ................... 3fc scusd do - d6 ........---2 10 gr lest six Ysearling Ew'es, lilalt haiee<stlanabedmi------------..2 âcmui de do----------t..t1 lui de do-----------... o 4ra CLASS-SW1INE. WkgBut Beansdear 3 jean oid .2 0 Irmud1 du do ..........itio yws do dà ........ 0 hg bust brOOdis.- ov.......2 0 lutai de dec........... 110 1wsi do de-----------.i1i( isîtisoar Pigo 1842 ........... 1 0 h uSls Pig 'of 184%...... ......I t> 5T« CLASS-WOOL. 'ti butilfis Fleoces, 7ae Wui. 5i ljcS k j aaid. thi. nnaweta FuCapetiter nia y skov moraltitsu one Loi Ctiai,, tut neDo ttaniioltain taie prima. la iiesiisg Gentleamen asese aliposini fiig5'ssaritte toc the District Cattie SI euia (;- SteicalanILR. puuec, and IllIL. ?hm Indg'el fur eacb Ciscs, oeefroni e2 tirailibe chaessai utu I ul lie rvil! dine;&to -aetie tLWateri.a 1t'a iostieday ef thc Show. H-. Ietior, Esq. vas eiecteJ u l htie 1 .(4t%'ire Prosident for the County ci, hreqeîncs of tise cugagorsents <et j Za mueetîeIî (e xecting the e ( 'tecd ig ecretary, t ie Corre p ond s fuDit. Barrer, la requested te 611 thaîs1 tIh tcpresent Preadent iAiRM. D. Sereisw. imutMaY 2Oths, 1812. Kiss t n, 1811elaym 812. 11t (11NsRîtL ()BD££, b EXcLLECca-TnxGus'r(sIMM=sa .ie Pleujeai t nketithfloivugappels mathe Nilitia fore. ixs: Sma.. hiRrgiss.s*Lenn., ~ilsJhn G. Clite, tv. Trumpour e. captiw% 7tb hay, IN. 'ttonV )tior, c. Clute, p..- 41ru muryC . lMcDoml&, 1 4e Scîryvor, t,. !4thbew Ruuta, e. Caraealian, Leants~, 1 RichardHnsDU, 1 . l . '-Sàuis, 1p-tI win e Uamn, V. oiuo et td 'vSitier Geut. e. Bain, promate,j ?Wr Prunu, Juuic, . Love,. . teioiGent. t.Diaiuso& Pmo M VSTE itO NS. - etltah llaii i nonfTe atOUSt hCienle an uetîti>ini - ot e et tih e Mo lst iritet ancIi kaito usa- linsea(s, fiud, %lia10ing s ee le 3ear 18 m1t t mru rnt i , eîsbmm ais' Filc he, anu18ion111vrIol reacoufosi lu en nifl lid, lieandefrsred e yer oo.lieat Lginebd, bis bnît 1 et tre I- tien -mlei-as 1aStted iii caia e u tm oll. Liotîand asil ittSebiiivlae nlew ials wlelai! scriptie s er as psibiu theten s on esgcipiionias it. 'aseosiblge, indiir tatis, noderesa atind ei ct W livin felings Mulu seus ale lihetîyn o t s amyefebings uuay exmiotth isseitysctu-Itouhtlu e c-uîle ils am msy OI thseîpdacs-thugpieat. Ameststletnaineu stance, n.' Jas. G. il; prn. nol 11Cr iielrerin btai ncrescredjas.G.lnd id 41iCgiepestie saran ces beteels cf bn ill ram e. Butl iterîeîna' 1cs ofnuel ctrarbseeBt ed od si i e e la- a tim beca donc ? Anîwer .-By Ieicrs' Nsmand enslie Liniment. N. Y. Herald, Ja 26 1841. Sol.] hy CO>ISTOCK &Ce. 71, Mailesn,e New York, sud by eaery Dru1gist in Kimgt, sud lu Canada. il - P. M. ROM 1 r 1 - Kin.«Uton, fflh Aprif, IM, m 2d Juae, 1811.

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