Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 21 Jun 1842, p. 1

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235 CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICULTIJRAL &. COMMERC.i4lj ui11. Imer, Kitîe on uil hacu cou si rasfcae lie i unsIý e guarb t rit., 1841. IVED I.» ( Ail ait tlir Uccsimissj uiîdinga, Fronît iSï Biscit, lloi& c liarrel. urols Trimit do. Whti Fi"ic a jie barrel. bîar reI. liple SOtiar. Ilielc [ase, 1>,12. .rtsitet cf Pajuer for a le ui 'r1. & J. îtîa; SOR S A 'IEMORI>'LS, [ms 1oCher B LAN K lie Iea'cud Offi'e. îlie usa>' bc furnisis il pris'e. lti valuah 'j extenituve>' teots uit Cie Sprinr. ian le suant gratefal tia riveal (rosi a use of le'. Chicîcon, placeu~ varices ('lrini Dli te of failaru, us ài Iv :t Ii, su, fuir ag W'<ter, taili, Ct i luctioi is price. hrce îloten, '"i; 1f lue 'ix 'sa. lPuar %vilI Le larc ledl J. W. 17 TIIE SUIISCI sie We,-sotis, Fres blac'k sud claret hu lta, brn andl aeics igaelC plain roc, il .1, Bsid )atuasks a'hil 'os, white, resl, bie aes, Tweele, Kerc chai>. Collons. l'ri", iair cord I>iuttic. r acia, pinia. sky nu, Lavua, mail atîdiiY' sious, Veronca fl' de Naples, cohl"s LecadiOan atit la, llrussels adl Barcelouals, asid uS gaz fnI-kel nulkerif, plain. in sud faune Blau illiugs, Puesl anir Lsln Cad ansi mai te)mmsil hsadkOi k and chite essis 9 rtoent of Be.ieri!ý teand Dravem5 &T. RMA or INVGIsTON. D BVJCEY 7e MICf WAKJP3 New Winli TeUniveru ÙaOY! ,GREA4T WO'NDER I9 FOR TH'~ ~ÇCOING! PLBOSiON NOTION, lponofbe beatity of paper. & b,,caneninceof form, value ~ntents, and number 01epen- ~,Wal far surpus that of a yoell ikan any newepaper establishment uncpabisher of the BcsttMj dgcofhest prde ln being îwoce th5Chli8is .w Iiaing th.5mont ïopee o h publcaLion, ut en 04 ea STPEÎNOUS I,'UNTEL le eMy c.nfidence, froià th. eCUn* ,rep,- n asurîng the Puble, wik Ma pnt 0eJ E,BE4TÏ.AND VALUE, ) e>Ue e.fors tnlpwswaperppblish- oeh1!it will <ontai prntcd mat. litoi ear 16, (0square inches e D DforattSqtTÀRE FErT en Irpe nI :tois eevec Iîundred thon. i lii e enibelli>lied -A th ove, E ,ÇLNfDEGAVINGS ! c,,,,c Dtd lu.lwroup characl.er, a mk, tient r'tiyT OnIGI-.AL. The 3,plleu 1ilLe of ha mot Vlua. "d DO article Wll bc all'wed a c,dmIla that lis previotely appeiredl ~A~s ,nhicatw-aat wîllfLe fille] 'cw and FP.ESK iLÂTTEFR. The r' nrg us a large qitalLt'y of unL cr blU8 , expresa5ly for the col- fnlCUlU tupeiildous sheet. io>riattCWil11 ContftitflTWO EN- 5oUe ebciated a-îid piular noveliss of ,aýI,, ,aNJ<iV NtuV£L by AIR& 0Tlel eh, vhea printq1l ly'the j<,wl robly e.s11 f],r frotÏ Tu- te i I1i rze luaîaber of eplendi'; II,, re1Storicq, flingraplîical Sketch_ nd'îundcharacters, Poetrvy *icii'l for a yeiar, & C.;. l we srs %e have tmaile aboya ('l the prupetas 1cmîle. ni. ec in a,sure tCiem in perfect l. e u t olly able te accoa-, i.% .îrr'1, l'ut hat %%-e have in ,a,"' 'urc', i a ovelies. n hich i, % 2uc of ourr hent I a favorable verdict b U,>,but tee hive ruj c thI*'e e ort}coaiing LÀ: prociigr han any of -. 'aeaggedthe aSois1t.. i .,,r Itni uuuished literary ocb.t bvra;kimg nde 'tiens, sud i ,c'. 'Ile.ng £herislllad ad àr,. a J p: u c n th,îu ts couainns. li~. I rLLcttlIANT 1 'MT l' lXbîtR th., charge e il Le Utt 2CENT.S PEU COPF ! 'u"w %ýl:'er arolperiodc >1 0t~uIl>' "u:Iitrv,,deortid of h',v. e i i ahi luus pub!h,é,tion, wiII W.1l iîr .rdei ut lonce, acconipani. :'eQnai i unle éa l ilied bditian cul :-uND v' cIl1b' pruated. Or- Iilt t"> (ut1er in ;hich t het' t"-a .îu mg r xî-onable tiene for 'l'!.'. ir«,, trlu.'.aerce tu Agents >a.n.le 0 j, "r îundredL. FIfty co. .'nl1u ulubrîg ,aiî receive - ri copit cpis esI "l'c. lac!,>cesa ho %vil' n" àr E! 'rý ,, u,',or thenîselve,3tuaa l'ui n! 13-lon Notion. E ra>, n,.J une 1, 1SI'2. -G iis lill Le ûnI1 oe liq 1' iles. :idl 1 cenits over 1001 be proite.] a- a uewspapor, Ex- 01": ii'îprcn'uiocî t at t v.i1 Le c eau ci -J of'Se-nperance in his à-c th u ]n;hbclilrge, to lear et ' lte 'Ttal Ab, tineîce Society in l-g >'untry; and unuer the tond 1 en 'la ;-aitl i eauure te de ý Pa!h%- that apparently exiitsaith f It,>SncetY in tlî,a Metrepolis C>Luitea amaore live]y ceuse of ê,P a case ;I have taken tho ynu a briel elatciîaent of a nteet- &ialîe tvtwhich ucjok place on'b ahle'etelîat C4apel iu wiltoft. 'duîlie iii the reclloction cf the 'ihe da>' n'a, uahere.lin upder apects, on accuintcf the in atrrceat, (lain, the previous "l.Sa thae lraîng ; which ta the CIY fllyPernlits aacoet precluded the 'ga> - uIence under suri un- '.But. ir, Irejok'e la sa, P1"e , lorlhy .îal cf our Tenaper- 'l e rauriry, i talthey Aere net roui thte i 1. L'cprevetd [romt t"ia ca.n. Le a lttle cold water r'l:n>.endîî,; fara Cthe clouds, & >1 lere, nus edsplay of 'C] th.hconlerre.i an honor u- 'nli;'eIlln" L r e :aaer d y SeJv t eIheac)uantry, and .r CalsL tL herts cf a&lthe Il.,îîC a'ell n h plcasire ai X' gSgO. veiý,respectable iiii %v ltîi nr led assetahled itn ilua a t the grratest Pa- >'"c fîiar frends rom sBath Ta;î ulntavo eautîfal lags """ as~î~ ntheair, saine fifteen ~ til otelarge duble waggania, «, iaur bvrs s, iiied wti ade ls app ce d:e houer te 4Iih heT 1 reen. jed Te KINGSTON, CANfADA, TUESDAY, JUJÇE el, 1842. feeling tisat appeared ta reigu in the huarts cf derabed ofwafl. Everymerlatthat coutles- prccee.ling fram the bodiesa of le poorufortuna- the multitude. cape made for the hippceg wherp upward of oune ate oulz; cru3nhediwithîi. * Janm M. Rorison, Esquire, aras reqsacted ta hassdred wer ro meds i-i four vesale.! GEC>. îOTTS. preside, anod lae called on the Rey. Mr. Joues te The surviserBaeeop in the rountry, inha ie No. 21 Lepîenard etreet, Newrk ul. open ch. meeting with prayer. Hoe eplained fuie14tins dariug Inttrust thenelve.as.yet un- F. CA R LA N A. te abject cf hu meeting ini very appropriatu der auj cecer. Thie steuch fromn corrupted bo- 1anguage. Shewing thsalleTemperisace cause dies was ucà tbatatcnetlimiitwsfearelgoumnagsu- bo:Tu aKA ýusLN; LND £XrLOP.ING 5EX- wsu cf sufiute imupotance CoCthe Haman Faauily pestileucu would break out ; but theo tire and l ri a:. --that it was doing much gocd in t4e earth, and the lime ,stonts (which the heat hait converted The exploring squ2dron sal»d (rsa the Uni- i fîrom wlaat hoe coulil learu. if vas greahY gain n stt quick lme) an dail y purif ' tche air. The ted States on the Ifth.ef August I6Sl, and b;s ground in ail th civilized world. fl. xreseldetr cof life and pcoperty Da»,een terrible, leeu absent nearly four ;'ears ; during tehich rmach pleaure t seeiug eno respectable an audi. and it will lot Le moine tîsuetiru the people co ime, we loarutiat the: dîfereut veomele lHav' ýt once ; especally, where uniaier thae thon ezust'mg suffiiently overcome their tuais ta make- any aied about fot.c hodred thouaùdî miles. The circumeiances on account cf bal veather, it attempt Ce clear ave>' the ruina, of rew te Cthe expediio Las tlaurougly executed oser>' part of Pl cauld h*rdly hoe oxpected that poisons frua a dis-. places where their happy homes ne recently tlaý dulie@ eonfiiled Ce if hy the goverumeut. tance could make it èonveniout ta attend. etood. Tepre sb~s aaîlresaJacl He henocalled tapon tCiao 8v. Mr. Joues te The suljined accoant, prepared for puhlîcaý.- The.dpsutIse hCsarl si liai. eend ae ri a cre athemeowsg. *ho vas folowed Ly Mr. tiean haro, vas brought hy Captain WibU>.of < easain e li survee bv en iie .i a .j~R V. Mr. Aylsworh-Dr. Ayle- chu fciooner H. Lawrence, vrivuil yestory ay . ned o thechars toseve wriin a a,-Lis,5fs c T02 ot t>4*e*jraI r-fi%?mlOU" eand ial" I~have been carefal: de'i5g&- ild uese ite audience et ctaidoiabl On the 7tfi day cf Mal thie fand of Huyts as1le cked for, ruover. and &flpq a have noe x- emnt, wisthe prnt md o~tis tcculd bave visited vîthsan cartlsuake, v ii u %destine- tisence in or cear h. place s sigued tiren. emiate tam h. ursc otiesalguansd thaottivue efcts Las provotu 10 hche moi6s~t vu have Several of tie pritacipal groue aaad islands in oaoet ardent desire tg prome the general gondl ove, laid on record. The wea$erlhad beau for thne PaciFie Ocean have beeu.vimited, exasnised c'f maukind. They earin jether turn,. exPaga- min>' dayseoxcesvely bol- 'd sulCry. The and eurveyed ; a frieuclly interccurse sud pro- ted largel>' upon,h. great calamities aihich, thu emperature varying (romn 92 te 93a degs. in th e eCtivo commercial regulations eetablîshlei itli mnstes Alch"/o bai brought upon tituir felow siatde, aud 110 dege. vien exposesi Cc th. slar th. chiefs and natives ; aggression onu our citt- 0 mon, & cloand b>' exhorting ail tu uniti in dong rayt The winds worm eC,'t parching andntue- zoe and commerce redreseu, andl a justly mer. away witi the driuking usages, cf thu day, antd freebing, aRad. Ciao drou.eht laed Leen for smre iteal punishment nietesi out iu morne 11grant stnive Loch hy precept acd exaraple, tu prome.limo e iîiing. fa Che0 afteruaan of fCht day. cases oC uasprovoked snd coli bloed murder. îîîrality andi religion, and increase the happa. aetf.6rthlf inpat 5 o'clack, 1Ivues standing u The discoverien i te h !starcrîc Ocean [An. noms sud prceperity oftboîr fellow.,Mnn, b>' doug tho square, wiicls i.s stnated lu an elevateul actie continent-oisorvations. f r fixng the raivay aîtb he unil of intemperance. Thej !e- part of his a o-.-The sky vus uncommeialy Scuthern magnetic pole, ic ' recviid d hose cf mniuded Cie public et the many imiprtant dulies @soame, andi thé deicendiug sun promsesInCobu tie French and EnglisL expeditaeîim. avhcaa ccuaal udrtoa reitures, rg't and gloriocas in'its seting; just thon, cant. The report wvicesli bseauet in circuaioCrn, cf awe are <aled upun te discbarge towardè,car (bd îsag my eyen toward Mount Isahells, which oer- Capc os n gruau crer moine porton of Cie or neighboaurs--iiid nain ownsul ; andl very looks tlae tewa, 1 perceived a dark vapor ascen- =au dscaevbtin reiin softnei clal'ponted out the peasing sensation 'e icha ding and cna'elopiug its basmesud aides ; a colline, io anitohe Easlwaard of 160 degreea of E.i riu@C necusuarily ret oIson the saind of every ruinlînýs.eund imsediately stacoeeded, and su- lngtde, a" discoveceu, eti or claineil. by ipersan who assiste lu promoting chia valu2ble »tentsai am sak tchnar>'dehdmio .neicnexpeilition., as aupears b>' Capt. Morl latesîio, ehih fisfia 1m ojet, h.niemta ezround. The level of the square ap- Wilke 'à report te the Nar>' Departmo.at pub. welfare cf mankisad, anad the sqelartive glar>' of pearoal nulating biktecthe wavem ofthtie sea-a lffhedsian 1840, cf hu returu of these quaifrouts t Goal. faisît andl sickly sensation cira over meuu sud Now Zealaud. If Chils stamnt criginted Tho soifle cf approbation aihich reite,I t>po dizz.uess and diflilclty of bmaaciiug. Tho houan- f*ih Capt. Pose. Lased'upon thse particular chart ch. enuenaceacf Ce cugrgatonProvoci tge s rckeal Cu and fro laku voamels lu a sdorai. Tie cf he AutarCieiles, andi discavries cf land, viCIa a demnsttratiou isow deoply they (ot interested ground wam reut lu varions parls. 3Man>' per- th fuIl explanatory lutter which was fnruished in ch. prosperty cf se goosi a cause, anal low de- senso'-r. thrown dowu by the force of th. con- binaby Capt. Wilkes (previeus te Capt. R's an- termined trylaeyWre tu persevere iu il,util its caimion, tiers wero îueliug as la a itate Of tarthc crains.,) hoe Capt. R. muat bave taken Mi Iinflueuce should lLe beneflcially known and fuît drunkenness. portiona cf lansdrepoi ted ta have Leep sen by througfi oiut Cie l1td-ind 1 have much reason ta A secosad sboek followed, yot strongur hais te il5lmy lu 1839, whicIt was reislesented orf it, e boleve IL-t, rom ciao dea s ilence hat lruvail- former, accoinpaiued by thu samne appearancos,. au bing in 163 eegrees tu 15--) degreos Eat 13Cl-frouaCie close attention of the audience Cc effets, aud terris. Tho ciarci, a stcoo azsdý longitude or theretahoat. vhich thse Amorican thCe exorcises cf the dyfnntepeigsn a saton hic da-frin ltelesin so- asive building, s-emd otteriug to iC; falt. ex'pedition haal neyer suon or huard al'. outil Cls uainwhc videntl>' reigueul lu thu hearts cf Cie bricks fleav froua chu sol id masoryasa if froua ceturuto, Sidney, NSW. after their discoverses ech individnial --and (rom tic suile cf approba- projectiles; aide fissareo appearod lu the walls jnuche Antarot ic Ocean. tion hat atas seun in every puat of Che Ci su ad arcîsce, and the viole would have heen le- Ccapt. Rose, accordig Id hîl report, ha.nover aà the dullerent Spcake.rs approached tIse plat- velled but for chu uncommon strength of Cie p-dasi vec r o1u se fact West as 160 East su fi e aI the dl're yothidd els, fid ene anld cutside LutCrosses and the lemmeus cf thCie , autitsue 67 SodtbIi, coueqteetly le could flot 'Ja oifjut ie et.induelswho e t at iog.It was affeetissg In huar the errifie cres have seen Cie land discovereil andlclaimusi ly justi ôt hé ineraan k ou n t aseilamentationsof the voien asd the American expeiticsl, bot suems te haro ru se aI>'assetel o Ci abxe ccaion Let..children, aud instructive In contemPlate evon veor tihe position neheme laaaî}am rcportod Ceo have ou sate, at ited oeqte ao tIe ocain, 1 b etuthen their lowI>' prstration tote h.i)viity boune eeu la>'hise wn eouut-yanau Bellana> grae.atl> otih eut of theeasia cie cf-implorîng is mure>', aid aud suceur in CLir The expodition, dùriug il@ absence, hbeasIme Cieay; by ec'caping a tefow minu eeins cf mdistresse4. Tise second shcck musC Lave lauttesi exaainud andsu srveycd a large portion cf Cie e n sm.giug niCha munir, soine beautiful Laper- aot6 eod.Oregon Crritor>', a part &f Upper Califorain l. jauce souge weil adapteul for tie occasion, Le- Fortunately for us or ovu is aImost entirel>' cluding CIhe Cellai. aud Sacramento rivec, C weon Clie différent asdresses hat vas delivei ed. railstructed cf tvood, vlaich alone accounts for with Che varions trihutafis. Sevoral mplo'iug lu concusion, I bek co remark hat, notwith. ita erevation. The stôno buildings sufflo p yaries frffl tao aqeadroti have exploree, exam- standing there vere (rom six Cc éiklt bu d ce~materially and imoan f thu fluest vecue etirelly no&dand dxcii hose jaortions of the Oregona er- vruOn»s asemblad tgether, thaC the un'ioi dstce. .rom C th ta thCe proeut date, ritery Ieat kuovu. A usep qfthe erritor>', am-, tea rn ut y'~a a :tht ECy.VI aseo or7àw tO c f alan- br e is rlver, soundi, Isaeb6cda hafrt (au Cie motion of he Clairman, a vote 'af sessiPus 5aaaYocm ar-e couCjt'eeàU Dfoobt relative tea puseessacuis ona the Non-h-ÏÏ- Clanks vas thon passed o the. Speakers f,. l aven, ifl possible, tlh'lt'mné diepleaonre. The>' ceast, andi che whahe of Oregon. csa.tisfactory manner in which Cie>' Lad dicharg- vear serions sud solesasa loos ; thuevasuen, Expenimonts wero made w 1ith Che penduau cI their dat>'on fCit occasion. Ater vhicla an vien flot lu th. pr'omiotns are sitting aetishe on "Mouant Loi," on tise island of llavvaii. oeu. moition of Dr. Ayleworth a rising vote of tlîaukm dooroftheir hocusse, either lu Cara, or wiCIs' of h. Sandwich Islausis, et E hoigiat of 14,000 wat given te che Chairman lu which Overy imdi- 0 s f rayer. BusinessimnnetC'e on lt e> ahovu tise ljet, fCL u. o p vidual in Cie bonneeparticipatei. cf, mach is anc scate of agitation. '- .t..ughc aurvys sud visera vuosmadei.of soinsof iCI ac- Thuiel. th tromph ofthe ey.The fâne tCevuof Santiago, about 00 miles dis, tive sud mont; extensive CraCeca. 1,Vbheu Temas bonrieps cf ch.da. , talfinluthe iulearior, sud Cie centre of our afr Experinwteehave huen ruade îi tIste pondu. Wbs Tsperseebasersver m'tur.d, cCu urai çmmrce lu hie parc, Lau been eatrely lia, magnetic apparatua, andi varions other iu- Toscspu mrsî,ldest'isOtroj. M po u ation consisting of about sruua.nts, ou ail oceesions-Cihe tenaperatureocf Frim misery is asisher WbrI 6,<.i.iO oula, cf whtcb 500 are Isaries in the u nsn;te Ocean at varions depths ascertainesi in thc Whtd Via!seC (mdav haus vousIb .1-fartsor in Cie interior Chetuneusof Yoga sn,4 différent ess traveraesi, and full meterological Wtioçau tasiTeas -ro ah.t-d, - St. Osera have umet witia similar fates. Th andi other obsersvations kept up dning thu Proeect and kberp m e«pý cit>' cf Cape Haytien, Che deposit cf anl theag croise. Fisse aIl the ises of 4)tNi5à?. ricultural predocts cf 1cm fiue plain, h capital Charte cfal cie aurveolslasve hein made, Ic kiadly la1 it hsu ierd tae.. of Cise Notbersa part cf Ciao islaud, chu firet cicy vida views sud sketches cf Leadiand%, tevus or Mhsetail theh oly asgierinuHayti for ch. Leant>'ands ulidity of is buihda villages, Ste., ith descriptioncf a l that apper- And savs tea li the Ramanrace Loe. andih second osly aie aad importance, tintia tohu localities. productionsi, language, No rskmd rs ha eserheh- asmet viCIs utter destruction, and winonutia. utots ana ane.-, NI oistna asen tal il entetermense mousof crnmhing rans. -At soin. of hu isîsuda this dut>' bas Leen et. Tisat teache, bam on hlm teastI.l A gentleman who Icft immedateij afcerthé ejded wiCh mueh labor, expusure sud risk cf 1f. And vers, us al, with oas accord dîater,'sformesi mu hat 10audiden Lad t>.sa -the treaheema character cf the natives ren- ",idthe wvo ac eiots. hucatastropha., hat hardi7 tâme. seconsisr.deriaag t abshelo> ecessar harth cffilers alloeesi Ccescepe froua Cieéibouse&. 'houmadaud nima onshouls ieb.armeal, chue on dut>', ansi at Oh eMay be k-a>lbheItems. mied, vere, saaied ailive, ansi ne relief at Lausi. Cr' adxL imes prepareil agaistsi hoir marderoas et- Fiam drsleoss, md btte stifst 0 ago>' od larok~voasi ov ud ho " tCeks. On several occasions boite bave heen bs>' beaves1>' rare and lir,.divine, ceesi (rom hu buildings ansi break the seleruaaattfou Iedf'retvsose Cemlalo E're guarsi as thragh thie path of lire stilînes cof tie nigit. Ma>' dead putrifiesi on surveying dot>', (the grenier portion cf w chs Ad wbec oar warly esnsan ',, bodies were Iyiiagin tie atreets, auni. noody a ni> been perfermes inluboats,) imong iolesdk4 And «masst lus t hu erthtv bali, remove tltei. fTic air,,was tairCed with the roufs, te for a poniosi cf en, Cveaty, sud tdiii O sceuetCpaca reinfection, and a pet seeuaed quiétly seutiiugovec ldy toetm noeo hs c&os trsforsavu f.tiesl he.city. tvoct tse affieers vere killus t Ce Fi igroup,. A4,SPECTATOR. 21sf May.-Since writing thu foiegalq Ikrt, vfile.dofthdngChis. has rw tma Kinon. ,Jue 14, 184- e r intelligence has reariosi us (rom the Capetcli huntvs __________________- ___- ___ 'hici Las suateriali>' added t e orm f teTise sciouiific gentlemenhmbse eon activel>' fermer situation. Hundres f indivadsals,pmw. ugages inus hoir varions departmnents, sand suh.. fbren ing lu (rom tiecocuntr>', commnaguoel uptuntiug jet ta ail Chu expoSurts incident ta remeouches ______thCe crunaling ruins, andi dra%%Ing' train tee " d"aget-.na ans hi li savagea. Mr. ail hu merchanduse and valuablea of wlatever. Hale, la. plilolcgist of the exposition, bra. left Tà'Par TaeQuzr.-Every arrivaI frouathu ksud Ci.>el oisila>' Lols cf, dospatches Cie cte,-i h oubarvrWtePrO fPOet West IndisesnIriagç soutme cv prtieulars cf the Cc heir differesat idiug places, Ooitionwas ling 4hie brisraamang the différent triles cf 'Ieo ravagea anal dis.steie ttteudant on tise great co. for seins ime useless, sud a sommary>' edmC Oregon erritot->, sud me>' ho expuctes bomne, volaiou of tCbutl of Ntay ; and thefirst acccnints, ion vas ssoessaily rosorCesi ta b>' theg atori overlausi, w"in lu nA t. inuteai cf beiig exaggerated, appear te have un- tieta, sUike a .aîutas>' terrot-. Mua>' of the BveraI inslaDe OLIadov, lu th. charte adoîstatesi tie destruction cf lhfe sud p tpety. marauder. vere siet, aud a ci acrovu Chu have huais disgeevroion one utfvlaleh tise e- Theré %s hoever, oeeexcepiflduta. h, riC viole vith the eatrsemiCy of haror, a slowv ire, ivs offéaiês1*csship, evidentl>' holieving fCht mark thc calamitier a t Goms,4asv a.c~rèted b>' chkiedilariso. and Wh.l een gr.adual' t Chir viaitsb ail come froua Ch. Sun.. Captein Vana, cf hu brig Pandoe,.arrive4 tuS - rontramthi Lime of To~a>'h. Sel»osuabuas ecbeu, eoes»oedsu- weekeai"Bos ,,,mhappil>' sotfaesl to the iataa g. ai nat-ed verglilasaifoonnltuahave been euoeily rruin of Louaita ;h. inhabitants had tfime>waru- samîug avat laid escapes chu lot-mer cailaity; _wddown op«. Chcharts, sud ucisrs niai Wd *ing i a groaning oana, ivich Cst-e ilI>'un- sud the macilegio« h ande et pillage.idavuaet ah Pýrotéû cio mamercisal regulatin 3deratocal, an usi rnlag iutthCe treue, aIl ca1Ha sestabbaWhed iCIa ChuSultan of-Soolon,. soi a cor. cd v'th ifehut two. bNoaot tista su'cap h. Les ad takon refuge un boadahechipe reet chatCmade of a futaible sud ehet rail tqfur a h place vere destroj'ed. binis uthon, viCia the. ravitlug offects vhsels an 'poi gtisrugh Chus. seOsavarChina agaeit A louter franm Cape Mllyien, roceiveslil' i5hii. agoiziag.hauta sn*redtem Ctcla>'bell * ta theoJ. E. m - e adelpbia, cataasates h los cf litseat hetweeu gethet-witasmi matif of themaimeda&M voumids T'h. ceumes yingFiai, vhicbhelcW ma eigîst sud ulue thousaus. . A frieo th. vritei au veroCh us (avored b>'Chir gondfortun e. P. ssli thes " u nng ciao viole _ceuswa-,e tsucceedeai lu evicg hi& iwife andlonu childw-hut atai er us ansi villages bassides ont- ovnandi w Zroacsiegpwomeva. 09 mach se up by 1hie Cwaoher chihsiccu perishus ini CJoruins of thoseeumtîeilab ore, vhich Lave S sri _ gservic e sita dteqm&-imprudeut ta rie dwelling. 'Ph. honrora et pill age wrudt & ié ml> aufecesi (smne cf wviam reentiauly. de.. azard lte il* of menm do&ceTin ber, for Cc hhneocf CL.eirthquake.'Ph. vriterosage' moished) am oPeets Pa'ix, (lorives, St a psaecea cuCp atsi ess, uts 'lTh. heur hiug ht lun'ehich hu inhabitants MoleSt.hin, Is t.i a du NO<4 Ma>ets eoidu*s l .at for thorough and oxtau- were preparing for their evouang meacs] aDupi, Limitpai- Ar, Borgne, LaGma& t are mtpira-. lho a hrteiipodM lissailu hu roofs adrafters s<tteedh.IRivier#. Lazasce sud A tiuira,-chicla tugetisherr0 ls du«Secl, Ctise 'Anneta OC as ctee i.0 , Plats, Capehe diret"eof Iacciagea vhîcla euupnthons, anal lu an incoediblywse.rt a ta, L ap elon- nntioo.anta, st tt80dereel aarc emnhv short space cf ime Cie avide vuasi cark fté el "mnkma" n Aot 0d'eW Airia m-nbv tcit>'wuvas l ames ; Ly 8o'eleck tise cduntsy 17 ovos aa&u:hlag , iCi lm air livmu e rciro-in bpos tIsu-I iore' people paures i mc Cie city', aoaudwiCb mce.Z yaLI i mseribl ev vhiob"4*-id" a.p' l.te40m tpu xd a ce, kaives and guns, ansi commenced the wrk auo ie a otsmpc u>cc ouve>' .0in 1*wr 6u-lia. equadres a AtofAre t ee sis Isand of pillage ansi murcler, killiug oveycu. e w51r. o> PW' WtuteUnîtedStates iluthe Viwo "ho e r- fée a s>'resitanre Cc thir depreslaios....'Pe &IIch e hir chaunels Md tamlfsOo,- m r are uqýb«rd tise aige, Puapoisama housea aud elorue et af ev vhitea'ad p ftpk cxalp ho rl le quirt-a -055 e heïr w vyheoe,'- a l' mEhoL inchantse eu Chu dt te hoattachaie. Timso flir ormr lleielOily in1% lal>' isu ccvelm e were sasaaaked, a" evCes>t'-*f isig l .cin e tbat la ise sa a f 1eei14is 5 een o a iaa.a go4 i ennesl Cdw 1of movable pcoperc> ht wa ac t cuvereZ u l aàsJie O 1a-iel eUgsuapjeuci tea-&MxcfCh ceccfch -Ll xrWcepi C1 hu ruine vas taklacaèioin cf' Bandaofofor odttnh~COS. na. 'e cmof th Pr i U or,-d f NImita. r eigý! or teof to cilundet" r wsilslmeec lu thefr r odtcnC 14 k t sîrotssaSecacen' Ar. b. pola,~freemn4ya Ts ahuad c i..cea a rW s.à' m - - -- t-~ . c- c. - -- ~* ~=.r No. 10. -1 .teli iu teace,-- a ivunaux- »o. mnmmesrsi nepeUit. itkwlao aecved vitie l sni =e=ssiOu f laaghtcr. 0"mt Wieg~atz ., mBILas wbtter' t a Csuntlit inl, IChonai," dawulite ne. m,rk c fsavr.ilopa s taus. nth e. mat-- Iêt tllsstiig;suad in a4jata1.itae t ic~gasn u aucer. 'eodda affa di&if 1ther.iip u-.unChattîme li a&*etflàxj a fil) cf ae 'asdyiu Weat 'Prc'-sî, lles froa Alisan>'.Bltaci,WC-eare izfrru'e. a. n the, fa. ou(asc, 'ted firasie Colonel £dar;rdi, fbosut chu xq4aahxayeterd4y, vLba stat.d t4it th. y ha laid fin-a,>'tg and feu lu M emwo OOF =M m 10 d= c m on=o PM teàsm 10 mwmuoAm lu A= ARNSJC A W Aw4 a mM 1 il 3 d - 3 1 Pl it -s ica COe W Fi bv the labot- parforned slud Chu resuIts <of the! ers vers Jiqttneet at Ca> aais cf th.el'au cruse. rcap, dsstrtg yveatuier witis wkich ce w2ro nu addition teo Ch. large col:ectiîuns alreaidy ibleases inluFebruiary i batif Chià e wsherconti;t. reeive.l frocs Iaeexpositiun, the Vicenue3 basnoea her. eitIlau sco e;aa-àa's&ai te spaite. As% now n buIoardilRalarge and aalustble collection, lu.-'et Chereahbas bee i nae skating in chie ci>> inle cîasi.ug ceeana boxes cf live p1igit9r1 bulbe. &c. ia sunamercraie in ; but tLe Lovè ay e>'gu oui col1atedl in the l'a"illn, Saclue, l.irpines, Sang. ticit liollands assacc u asthea ploase, spore, Cape cf GooJ Hope andl St. lierlna. Thc Auburn Journal rsneýr;iosus as aetaicur Eau. he MoCt-es Cusrer. ' coincilIdace cf Cie weatiaec, tis6a av six ye.r gra th Metre Curir.a-'enat Manla>', (Jue 6, i8le t1t 5e was t lu h. course of Pt-saa>'nîgLethora vas h fût1 coutissaeil ui] of now, and oun ld alîglat 'i' cfinowaviii thse eigibourhocd, aud the siexti siara ik. ane 6,1842) thor u aa sa>'trust.,' ing thne tgha poinCsan le tic iinita' of theu tc> I iaAuguet 1816, ve sant sh,.erî of st..v, wei'ecuveruai] itha doeoy veil. This fur the j falling in U(pper Canada, eud on Che 44.1à cf Ja'y, eleveutia of Jue is ver>' solerable, andl giarcu iniiihat. feax, Leing on theie mn Moutains. wc scuse weigit ta a theSr>' hitfi le Canada at f.an' ailli oit Confortable place vas a ru beut bogies Cc grov popub ha ithCe North pois'tire.-[NS. 'Y. Ctna. 'Ad. Jlune i1. in poing rountu tohe South, and. hakte bu cor-it rect insorreekuui. w teu sby andslLycha ngIl TPF THIREE ADVICES. Cie 'wicIe cre ofc aur Calenua1, At New - lmt e kiuu by t C. pipers, -hsi son i.3 e':'-t al>' ilcleueuî, mueton 'Pu.eda>'ansi Weues' ~ ~ Iihpo are net very rer.iairiefor tuieietslcationu: aa lentcthe good iuihabitants af hat cdc>' bu ah- ncoaitelssorn, alticagh nuiuerleêaerthu.' muet alaroans thumueinos inte chu ideathat tho>' gends re!atedil iouâansd Ilgoos peoue. «Qre for th ' seauttltitshe tlul5-year about te e- saints andl faire.-',PTie fulloweing tbaie ter iitcasta*cof wiiiter. Witcha gerisss, boy- Tire. Aulvicas, in tee oy ane cf a rd]r ever, hat itiEsore scionCifi i tais su>' COpou- açter iich 1 remenaber Cu have hoard. It ' se. the jounalists the:eo enieavour tCaaceia'nit' xl b>' a profeutaicinal star>' teller,.'eiose diitut. for tic circumsCance on relieraipriii"ipil,. ..it i0-esevrdtpeev.alhaii: s CIte optincf man>," saye> I .urasstl o Coin. ster1 a c 'iienturete l" 'r PJa> ti "TinttheCimsmeuse flI d u rautirl If vagabnd, trasi lis cansdeciihg li', valOct a lue c anduuarthe Bnkehaveparticularl>' appt-opriabtiCie fua. ioràlimit. "iTiW giving te theau aoanplsere 1Cm pecaluar àIiie@F taite aycrtili'u r>' and ricîs sa las prob& " Capt. Ilosiaun, cf the Great Western, tstatecic nt t aon rlni r, aea si P' ilsarrva heia Cht he asslame îp eara ele an plification ofa Iardic Il"Traid hiearrvaibee, ha iepased mog argt> m'es. f Wica.", ses cf ice for tiree huadroil milos. Tra'.ellers 0 TIser. once catatO, vioc cf aie Iappenudse m sa-b have Lben lutise vieiulcy cf ice-e.args. tate eften in Irlanad, a liard year-When h. cropu that fur au imoitease distsuan-causi, a celai chil.luaCeowa ugay n it0tu rn likç chat of vintor, le dîffuseul. Tisa itobserva- onu end tCa thueowher. At tinttie mata'puor il. even ilia Sistua. Philosopheras acceaut for pol ait utCa aur ci taa fes tii"n i iscpoChtielumlitgf~ pînvant, ansi tiroagi tieLigIs price.of pravis. eut Ciohelainsucomni parbance.) Suchioinsu. Amns oîathers, blaaoh n-scu a ug ps« kngt t' O the Came lu anu ouamona degreo mc he uoceesic> of gong over ce EMîIn ta' ili titis scasan, lu consequence cf Cta. great rapudit> ucetdgt nk;-:àtd ut lemvinsç lis vile anal vici whicla tise body'musC useîlt. . fan'l IIeIIOIIbina, hegging furt aite andi a suis - - I and dowu, anad trastiug te thu clanrit>' cf gond B>' private lette.s or a rocent date, vu 'learnuCliristians. that Mr. laaec BucLanan, Mn. Merritt, andl otior Joie vas a Smart Youn- felîo'e, baud>' et an>' gentleman ot bigIs standing in theo Provice, ara ork, front the hayfilis-1th Ie stahle, aund vil- uuceaeîug lu tbuir exerions tu lasve Canada ru- ling Cg ewa CuC breaulholate ; Rii Irh'e 5 sots$c gan'ded as a portion of thte United c sa snt- rgei >'agn men n ell.c f gaes bu t>'strict upou Irish servants; leu isaCchavc mupeaia.--bat aua a st cf justice ie arc tavolve guineras a year 'eages, but thueuaouoj' entilesi c'a it, eas sloyal subjet ar e 'Odoser- anttebpiduilhendoteynr e ving of it.Withreupectto the Seat of' toverne. vas nete fLre itathe atirflteni of Cuearamdth meut, at Cuh.heprefèence isgivenins Ln-lump ifhecaiscotîducted iiseil aCml iviCiia thd don te Toronto sud Moutreal, tic soiectice val wleofls oiC-ow tbam le loft itua gret menure te ChuProvincil Par- onhie e mut bisuaCand vastcehioelnou- liameut. Lord SeaCcu sensieciedi>'oppSes Ccou Isis Letbeavio efur thîle alei Lnelf lu Kingto.Tie anrancu cf Lordl Stanley>' la w- r3Ipausa evi oceail is ir Con, yesib>'cencomrepedeta-ihat a 430.Z .. i iCiTtg bttalaCe o eeuly, ansi t wagon cul bu cac rieiC ougla tie Imperial P ýààmaenC vnufait-)>'i. thse next Sessio, te admit car r'jeij tet it The tornicf hid agreela-ent haa'iug <Ipires], ho free,-if Cie colonial LeF,;&iature cul consent te~, eccms.bo cnighte ovtaad impose a dut>'cf lis. sterling per qua er Ï A usi mastoc via Lad a groat regardl for hlm prear meican vhoat ee cý f Che iIt>' telaid r~i oi 'a te rèr' uit a1seoi:n if le * W anf b>' Mr. Glaahtoe'eBiiH, uenv l rogreis. It ce- ruason te bho sllsanisilud ith is ruatient.1 marthorefore, foreur "ebr fPrimn lNotausona in lifea ir," mai John, CIl'y>. hav4 mass, mmbes ofPariamistbeen a good smasala aud a k ies masttr te me!I temshowthelinegui for th. gonofotche countr>' theLord ÈM!ÇçY0ooreî>'ur lamil>'; but 1 loft orr# a hor w e alsCa vfs usi twd d tnni! ýclildri or fMy>'ovuet ~ oaneje.- litak4alr me in Irefland isd'uiiaalnorwlouId tii a.taix ouie FL- e a tb Choeeairely tise mtiiseof CL. Motiset-Cotaatt>c, thae sinig the v saa ts> isUtW r whol pew tht i IMBeef anappedag tu Weil; 1h'Joi," dt eatlenau>. "1 ihe ow o r ec is asS uat tppý[ooudage ce avsarned yourn- cve cguiuela,and Yailaave the~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~" l Cre CGeC~;uEooit oti vet>' respecttuse graci aserrant, ChaC if A >1151IcxE, SOUUWHAT LaUInCIMSe-.4, Man7e are agreeable, 1 intend giving y'en cha inl narluud Loy'as anrussi mc PiCCsLstg cihe otlaer vo* iCCI, welo gaineas tat ime. orur, isu place day ou suspicion ot picking a gentleman's oe.. wages B ut yen shahl have yonr choice; kat. le accnsedoné tire.,.au ana oml ewi*U >u 4e whait 1offir, oury o>' se-srV lu hu transaction, ashoreupsaa nsanswerirg l- 55ev wne rnetu hikttbs ai hat coguoren, va. aireste& aàLt thc individuzai'asa jeciig i.RtCh hirn, or vas ssistere lu making concernai. 'PLisMn. G. pnsttedhus innocence, Chu offer,; snd therefore, after a sligiat cousislera- ani desirodes c ethie prîsoner. vien chu folloas- tien Cld ini t hat lho agreesi Ca ake fùi a#u t îug dialogue eouees , vtatevar ltý *ould adaiue, chuther Irtre athe Grene. Are jeu chuemen chiC'.arresteà I tavive gainons cr net. Lewin. Weil, 1 ratlscr guos am natrangor 1 "Thun listun atosCivel>' ta ua werd4," sai i. Anapotrf youra? t VninnnoliCec oaîhsnvrC L., Wei nota. I kinw of, strangerr' ae y-co ud thou you hav i sgIr tu G. Thon viat sud yea Cell the Mayor 1 was t'eco îy-ake Ieinbae te , hlghl su ch. L. Weil I didn't, stranger! h talil hum a man houms chere au aIS male marriesi tua e oung! nased Greene came Ct ocu vn iti me. but ho corn,,. vas a chunderlug siglat botteur feller cimu yen, eutAnsi. CLidl>-remember Chat hfteesty il; Cho strauger be -le:y thu hieea. ivie.I vouliUpa G. Ahu ver>' vol', ir, I'm perfecti>'saisies.hoea Wieruupon Mn. Greene smihesi, inkusi philo. >'au i ith; and Cho>"atlu nvailue fer ioyesd s sephicail>', ansi vaîkesieol "perfeeti>' aaisfiud" gVOluf; weyec hure le a gaines for your trzî#e. cîththe Ce , nalo! à&tvacakes, aise pf hlch #ou eîplanatîtatamt gîTe Cycur vIli,sdtise Sr van 'uia Katrà x îcAm ia r r l,Jrli alvifs an fl o et le cr f fulo Lae dte o as ipotatpoisnt.cf nuit a Veousl teuhreep ~cii.yubh aou iu. gonook bonet.1. - --It vaot'w1tLéet nmre reloctance on clad The Nov' trleansaPicsyuuc givsne i.excel. prt bu JhnCarson, Chat hoie.umadn teaSgaept lent adacie ou vigilance' and a sharplook o Ct, a C fu>'fo-e me r - l lepemae sud ~ ~ ~ . vo-hae aS ed aevuivoire mPicore procicas Chais golien gula. you hai vLeu yoacr me Lhoai elt1stolon, von eue. Hie faitiitlie ierur casbagoir mc shoulsi bech your stabledSlocwi, and-look out. i5tmitg. Chat ho Et leugthba eestsatiaflit. I Wlaen yenu uai chheolle ring for drue nthes Jolannstout feror iph@nch.ntmoning eur-% nigkt, andI th.amlho g lus tefuel botycun- 1%Lut led sac Pftceeded fat, hofr10hoieovetk-' heas, get up, mnd-ieek eut. -ture pedîam., ho re r tvelliug the " ehaut ;>' Co n W ya>n fins! tIsai Yeux pocktiet oo,'chicis Ho entoned ipao eooversMfueý mb Itis-Cem, ams ctaineà alange sens cf matit.>, (nover oui (loud CL... a ir oeMt .sg'à*lo ia hoprose&i case,) ha. Lecome an .0ufreciOe n4zci lt-ook osit -lt S6O't in e.0e»L rNovit happe. ontk e, Cacarde tihe «W W choe '»"ejournn., caj When yen seheabntitullady paseluf b>'your C.>' velr. I *e ilalefrag hs ieeu windows ho-bloit out. ceSCttahcbihiervsa- Ch' Whou a prou>' lady la iaaking out for you, s9n-teneSCh distance Catthe tdwn Chu>'wvose' Chen--look otc ggoi tacr&by tino jileil. TIhe poileraad. WL.. h. POPuoleOrIvnatolaym a cischevs.dJohn te g0 vicia Chu thm-uishith e veS! _. boot@aime ratten sud mn ci reak, aïe, t je, tmbte uSsso l v C.hJovays &Mt déposite lotir doulatfu bmku anotes, andi thnUtL sstCu*h oea'met hem's . laie a§ a efWoi ome. ta the tocs viei'oCavel. eam put >'.ee, 4cmsss üMoýtil tîî<ho lssf STIITA-Ata -ey - eddis oAe adn. i hhi. omasterbéé pit, sud St-Ara-A aves'liueidsussion, co iean-ve n-lséluaufe>'a1titfbko'Iiqates Statàs, te ther day, a>tisheume cf a gfeet p Nlce iae i ' as em eti pWoes.or, Mr. . Imited if thone ver. an>' intra sheppn oi m pues sasse #àttinW ut.Chlithe- M t esecaeee,~ a h. repi>'. en, anm rmodie'«bmuc ifierootattis chut-a " 've iasd cf ne," saisi Mr. B. ad thon veuteut119184 bLe d15bave tl. I"spa le,'5. eeatmed ail tlha.scieutilic e p.- SiIat teU 55mwwàtOtt tel>' Imm wan h san hseudaleeemilo. . , a* 00<*ttt,7,<uogL0Lets 0yéeebac.Z hy0, saau itU. K "f ohw. e trutse dasîhtes, "ù t4&> m man àSer eé1afo tt-sage" eat> h outr . ad girpuctlh9g bïptto he Oumtirs, aielanamosi Rolu ax, aisCow.--Oas off uo etoa 14&»as o 4 $uêad b il ti nas4 »daoi eilu er ab> uesous mIcekleg welbsce rectal> Wbe sin an o hn aslqwm e ciw th.- a pua.4desoiptt of *eoaus1y cala,'nlu A*hli> limue ».s sH- l, th , d "solitis, a ~ ~ ~ gleô*tpée he dn-rà.. hi CeApe.d 1hiet m- 55keSÎ1 -m n hu.lnd EdscteÇsu . apcn chiot a vag u. tui"Gai ff ai iCh"ahofftieCstb. ,Mus bwatnmto, Lha "ulue >' .arei " ho t ars il ett 0Se ti ti 1

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